Repairs Design Furniture

How to independently make the New Year candlesticks. Gingerbread houses, asterisks, Christmas trees. Paraffin melting dishes

Candles accompany a person for many centuries. It is known that the very first of them, about which there is a mention in historical documentsused in China for about 200 to our era.

And in Europe they appeared after 400 of our era. The first, so to speak, the models were made of natural fats and wax, and later oil began to apply for the production of candles.

Paraffin became a real revolution in their manufacture, but it began to use it only in 1830.

Initially, the candles were needed only for lighting. However, now when we have electricity, we still keep them in the house: mainly like decorative element, and it happens - and for light, depending on the circumstances and mood.

Today we will tell the readers of the museum of design, how to make the original candlesticks with their own hands.

Candles in a widespread jar

Canning jars are a delightful option for this project. You can make from them a lot of interesting candlesticks.

For example, these floating candles are sustained in wonderful rustic style. They will look great on any table. You can also use them as central element For wedding setting.

You can make a more interesting design by giving such a color product with paint, as well as personalize it, as shown in this example.

Cut the heart out of the tape or something else, attach to the bank and color it, not hurt this form. Then remove your stencil, and you will get a wonderful candlestick. (Look at heartloveweddding.)

This project is similar to the very first shown here, but ordinary small candles were used instead of floating. Banks put upside down, and the candles are attached to the lid. (Look at SimplyKierSte.)

The reuse of old cans and fabric will allow you to do something elegant and beautiful. First measure this container and decide how many lace for the wrapper you will need. Then apply glue to the edges of the matter and wrap the jar. Put candles inside. (Look at Flickr.)

You can still make lanterns using oil. Drill the hole in the center of the cover for the wick, pour some oil into the jar, and you will become a wonderful lantern for your yard. Just put it on the terrace, and you will get really wonderful look!

This material may seem difficult to work, but you still try to use it if you want to implement your own design project.

For example, try to make stylish candlesticks. It is much easier than it may seem at first glance. You will need: cement powder, paper glasses, coins, vaseline, adhesive tape and disposable containers. (Look at Sayyes.)

There is an even easiest way to create a unique candlestick made of concrete. For example, such a product can be intended immediately for four candles. This is a simple block with holes.

To make it, you need a form, concrete mix and candles. Fill the concrete into the shape and put the candles to the right places. Wait until the solution hardens. And when the candles are burned, you can delete them and replace them with new ones. (Look at SIGNEPLING).

There are many others interesting structureswhich you can try to make. In principle, the form depends only on your desire. Just find out how to do it, or find ready-made molds (for example, for baking) with a suitable size for you. (Look at Nimidesign.)

The fact that concrete is not too delicate material, gives you the opportunity to make candlesticks with a smaller design, if necessary. At the same time, they may look very organic.

Lines do not need to be impeccable! On the contrary: any irregularities and imperfections will make your product unique. (See the details on this site.)

You can use a bottle of soda as a casting form. For starters, cut the top. Add to the bottom not a large number of Water, then a glass of concrete and mix.

Continue adding both first and second. Carefully shake the shape to make sure it is leveled. Put the candle on the top of the mixture and give it down.

Distribute concrete evenly around the candle. Give her night to dry everything around, and then get out of the form. (Look at oncewed.)

For such a project, it will take boxes from the milk, adhesive tape and concrete. Remove the top part of the cardboard base, and then reap it around one of the sides to form a lid.

Make four holes for candles. Fill the shape of concrete and use the greasy tape to secure the cut part. Insert the candles into the holes and give the concrete to dry. (Look at Chezlarsson.)

You may like the bottom of the lower part of the plastic bottle, which can also be used for the form. To start cut it. The cut does not necessarily have perfect. Then fillate concrete solution, Shake and insert a candle from above. Let me dry and can use.

In painting the lamp, you will give her an interesting look. Products presented in the photo are made using the technique described above. Wherein bottom part Painted in various metal colors. You can simply dip the bottom in the tank with the paint, then wait until it gets up. (Look at Monsterscircus.)

These unusually looking candlesticks have covers. That is, two forms will be required for one product. In one there will be a candle, and the other can be covered after use.

The form can be selected as such as you like: Just find it and do the same as we have previously described. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of having a concrete candlestick! (See the details on this site.)

Wooden lamps

If you prefer warm material With a variety of texture, try the tree. And although wood can easily burn and from the point of view of security, it is not entirely correct to position it next to the open fire, but it will be elegant to look and become a favorite decoration in your home. The main thing is not to leave such a product unattended during use.

This option demonstrates us a compact and concise design. This is a big timber bar with three holes. And since the candles are standing inside the glass candlestick, there is no danger that the product will turn around. (See the details on this site.)

This candlestick is essentially a simple piece of wood with five small holes for thin candles. (Look at the houzz.)

If you like natural view Breed, then why not use big hemp to create unusual candlesticks in country style? These mini sculptures will make a grand impression on your guests.

Have you learned these tiny candles that please us in the birthday cake? But they can also look wonderful on the table, and on the fireplace, and in other places. Make cute little cubes, drill holes in them - and ready! (Look at Handkandhunt.)

Take advantage of the fact that we give nature and find a piece of wood that has an interesting shape. Clean it and make it in it for attaching candles. You will have a stunning decor element, which will give your home an unusual atmosphere. (Look at ETSY.)

Here, everything is similar to the previous description, the only difference is that this piece of wood is thinner. This candlestick is also very simple in execution. Take a wooden blank and make a candle hole in it so that it is adapted for a wide form. Also, this product can serve as a table for romantic dinners. (Look at Brit.)

When it comes to a tree, the finish should not necessarily be flawless. Every piece of wood is unique in itself, so that you would do with him, he will remain so. To give your rivals of a rustic look, try using wood waste. (Look at AAMODESTUFFBLOG.)

We showed you many options for how to make candlesticks from wood. They are similar to each other, but at the same time completely different. In this case, the log was cut in half by vertical. So it confidently keeps on the table, while maintaining a natural look at the same time. (See the details on this site.)

Candlesticks made of pipes

Try the design in an industrial style if you think it is good for your home. For example, use such a pleasant accent - a candlestick made of copper pipes. Try combining parts in such a way as to create a solid construction with a good base and an interesting form. (Look at Anmagritt.)

You can combine various materials And finish. This candlestick, for example, is made of copper tubes, but has a base made of a piece of wood. Reliable bases with perfect diameter tightly hold candles. (Look at AdailySomething.)

This candle stand is made of black metal parts. It demonstrates a symmetrical design with a solid base and a simple form. Stunningly will look at this product in the fireplace region or in the center of the dining table. (Look at ETSY.)

If you need something easier, try this project - he will take at least a time at your time. This is a minimalist copper candlestick. All you need is thin copper wirewhich you can bend the way you want. Experiment with multiple samples until you find what you really enjoy. (Look at the amerrymishapblog.)

Glasses and bottles

A glass - provided that it has a suitable size - can be a beautiful lamp. But you may want it to personalize it a bit. You can, for example, to use twisted sisal, wrapped around the base of the candlestick, and in the end you will get a stylish rustic look. (See the details on this site.)

That's what you probably never thought. You can make a candlestick made of beer bottle! Cut the upper part and carefully attach it to the bottom. So you will have a wonderful base for the candle, which you just need to put inside. (Look at ETSY.)

If you want to try something more catchy, you can use shine. Take an empty glass that you like, apply some glue to the inner surface and sprinkle it with glitter. Wait until everything is dry - and ready! (Look at the houseofearnest.)

This wine bottle turned into a candlestick lamp. To make something similar, you will need to cut down the bottom. Then find the appropriate stand, for example, a wooden disk. Do not close the neck so that the vent hole remains. (Look at ETSY.)

Use the reflection force to get an intriguing item. Apply silver paint for this. In addition, if the glass has a defined design, it will be even more beautiful. Choose a glass decorated with monograms or other patterns. (Look at RuffledBlog.)

Look, what an interesting idea for the center of the table. Take empty glass bottles (they can be of different sizes and shapes), as well as some paint and brush to write numbers. Then insert the candles in the neck. Pick them with S. suitable diameter. You can also assign such a candlestick with twine or cord.

Design wrapper

Want to do something beautiful for Christmas, what will create a magic atmosphere around you when you watch TV in the evening? Why not make a "sweater" for a candlestick? You need yarn and knitting hooks. Select the template that you like, and proceed. (See the details on this site.)

The touch of rustic chic will bring these unique lamps made in your home made by their own hands. You will need twigs, a spray can with paint and a glue gun. First, color the sticks, and then glue them to the cup on one. (Look at FRUTCAKE.)

As you probably know, ribbon paper ribbons are an incredibly universal subject, with which it is very interesting to work. You can decorate a lot of things, including candlesticks.

Select the prints that you like, and begin to create. Be creative and come up with your own design. (See the details on this site.)

The author of this project used a very simple, but chic way to decorate. This is a simple rope wrapped around the base of the candle. If you decide on the same step, take the twine, paper ribbons and adhesive gun. (Look at the mintedstrawberry.)

The candlestick in the form of a glass cylinder, wrapped in a crust, will look truly charming. The idea is not only interesting, but also simple. Only glass vase, threads, glue and bark bark are needed. (Look at ETSY.)

If there is a desire, you can try to do something more fresher. For example, like this wonderful thing in the photo above. Candle in a glass candlestick with small fresh flowers, rided twine.

it original product It fascinates and gives the modern room with a notch of tenderness. And besides, the flowers will be pleasant to smell!

And the last project in this chapter, which has absorbed all your wishes. Glass cans And paper snowflakes around them. You can pick up the subject directly for yourself and replace the snowflakes on what you like more. (Look at Michelemademe.)

Other design options

There are still many wonderful ideas that you can use, but they did not fit into any of the above categories. How do you candlestick from a deer horns?

Highly unusual option. Do something similar yourself. To do this, you need: copper sleeves and caps, horns and candles. (Look at AdailySomething.)

This stand for the candles has a sculptural design and differs from others not only forms, but also in color. The product has bright violet accents and looks very elegant.

To create such an item, take the scotch and deliminate the zones that must be painted, and then just lower the candlestick in the paint. (Look at Kristimurphy.)

Try to simulate your own candlestick using clay. To do this, you need a rod, a candle cone, a pizza knife, a wine cork or something similar and clay for modeling. A very tempting project to go to the weekend. (Look at oncewed.)

Burlap with a screen image reveals its true beauty when it becomes dark. If you want to make the same interesting piece of decor, prepare consumables: cardboard or stencils, burlap, glass candlesticks, ribbons, acrylic paints, blasting and threads in tone burlap. (Look at Justcraftyenough.)

Need to come up with something cheerful for child holiday? Here is an example: stands for candles in the form of dinosaurs. You can use other toys for these purposes that like your child.

Just take something capable of holding the candles, and take it to the toy. (Look at ETSY.)

In principle, you can reuse any item in which you can place a candle. Even fuses or something similar as on this photo. Rate this unique and inspirational project! (Look at Pikkuvarpunen.)

And such candlesticks are even more unusual. These are old midnisters, so it is best to look at the best in the kitchen, bringing a few rustic charm to it.

If Halloween is approaching, pay attention to this option. decorative decoration. Take a small pumpkin, make a hole in it and remove everything inside.

Lubricate the surface with glue and sprinkle with glitter. Wait until everything is driving, and put the candles inside. To simplify your work, take the drill. The hole should be a little more candle. (Look at twigandthistle.)

Containers for pepper and salts can become wonderful candlesticks, because they have small holes on top. All that is required from you is to put a candle inside and make a handle from the wire. You can then decorate the product and hang on a twig in the garden, for example. (Look at thehomelessfinch.)

Also very easy to build original candlestick From a tin jar. Besides her, prepare the canister with paint, nail and hammer. First fill in the capacity with water and put in the freezer.

Then, using a template, a hole hole at the base of the can. Remove the ice and paint the product with a canister. (Look at the Celebrations.)

Want to spend a romantic dinner, but do not know how to give the right atmosphere? Do you like to take a bath when a relaxing light? Are you trying to hint at your husband for the desired massage? Well, you got to the address! Why break your head when you can fill it with a useful workshop for the manufacture of candlesticks with your own hands for long candles.

In this article you will find 5 master classes how to make such a candlestick. Wooden, clay, from strokes and even from cement!

Everything that is on your hand can turn into an excellent home decoration! Do not believe? See our photos of the candlesticks with your own hands for long candles and make sure that the home decor on its own is bright, fascinating and not quite expensive.

For the manufacture of such a candlestick for long candles you will need:

Step 1

Emery paper Prettyly cast a board, not leaving the jar and irregularities.

Step 2.

Any tint aerosol paint Pain the board I. wooden stands. Note that iron stands should be less in volume and enter wooden.

Step 3.

We are waiting for the paint dry, and insert iron coasters into wooden. Joiner glue glue on an equal distance of double coasters and leave to dry.

Ready! You can insert candles and admire the creation of your hands!

You can experiment and do at your discretion different in size and color of the stand, picking up suitable candles for them.

Simple Candlestick from Brossing

To make this candlestick take:

  • Round pavers of different sizes;
  • Saw;
  • Carpentry glue;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Candle holder - 3 pieces;
  • Drill with a thin drill;
  • Cardboard sheet;
  • Pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Plate.

Step 1

If long and non-saws, use the saw and write a bit different in height pieces. Collect the lumps so that the jar and irregularities are left. After attaching a plate to a sheet of cardboard and circle, cut the resulting circle.

Tip: Instead of wooden throws, you can take the cortical wine plugsStay out of the circle and glue together!

Step 2.

Strip glue, start gluing a paler in any order on a cardboard circle - this is our template for a candlestick. Wait until the glue is dry, and drill three holes in which insert the candle holders.

You can give the will of fantasy and cut the template of another form, paint in any shade of paint.

Want to do something different from the tree? Look at this article!

Festive candlesticks do it yourself

Prepare the following tools:

  • 3 (or more) different in height of wooden bar;
  • Drill with a drill crown;
  • Acrylic paint (color at your discretion);
  • Bucket / pelvis / other paint dishes;
  • Sandpaper.

Step 1

In each wooden bar drills holes for the candles. Measure the candle diameter in advance to pick up an accurate drilling crown. Eat paper passes around the bars, removing all the irregularities.

Step 2.

We dilute the paint with water in the existing containers. If you want a rich color in a short time - divide a large amount of paint in a smaller volume of water. Put bars in the paint; If it is very saturated, then:

  • Keep not for a short time - 7 minutes,
  • if weakly - 15-20 minutes.

We are waiting for the paint dry, insert the candles and enjoy the work done!

Beautiful candlestick in the style of ombre from clay

For the manufacture of candlesticks you need:

  • Multilayer mold for mini ice cream;
  • Cement or mlinna for crafts;
  • White and turquoise aerosol paints;
  • Copper Candle Stands;
  • Glue moment;
  • Newspaper / Unnecessary fabric.

Step 1

We divorce cement (or clay) a little large quantity Waters than specified on the package - so it will fill the mold more evenly. Spill cement in the form and wait for frozen. On an unbalanced newspaper or fabric, we paint the resulting figures in white; To uniformly apply the paint, the canopy is kept at a distance from the figures. Pray in 3 thin layers.

Step 2.

After the paint is driving, we begin to glue future candlesticks. Two figures glue among themselves wide parties to each other, two others - narrow sides. The remaining 4 glue up narrow sides, and then with a wide face. We get from the 8 cement figures of 3 candlesticks.

Step 3.

Take turquoise paint and start to apply to the lower layers of the candlesticks. Try to give the effect of ombre, unevenly painting the bottom of the candlesticks. We are waiting for the paint dry.

Step 4.

Absor the candlesticks on top of the candlesticks. Copper stands, insert candles and put on the dining table.

Very beautiful and simple candlesticks can be made of glasses or bottles. See master classes!

For the manufacture of these candlesticks for long candles, prepare:

  • Cardboard small kules (in shape as for seeds);
  • Copper pipe;
  • Truboresis;
  • Insulating tape;
  • Decorative concrete;
  • Multicolored thick threads.

Step 1

Take our cardboard bags and cut the corner. Copper pipe We cut into unequal parts (of course, you can make both smooth parts), and the resulting tubes insert into the holes in the bags. Colelet firmly fasten the scene of the tube and package.

Step 2.

Will the concrete in cardboard packages, leave to stick. After appropriate concrete, we neatly remove the insulating tape and cardboard, we get concrete cones with inserted copper tubes.

Tip: Instead of concrete, you can take absolutely any construction mixture Which after frozen keeps the form, such as any finish or alabaster.

Step 3.

Wind up the jacks of the tube with concrete; You can wrap one layer as an option - make several colors on one candlestick. Also, if you want, concrete bases You can paint in any shade or decorate beads - your taste.

Good afternoon, today we will do the original New Year candlesticks with your own hands. In this article I collected a lot of photos and spelled detailed instructions and step-by-step MK To each version of the decorative candlestick for the new year. All crafts-candlesticks I divided into groups based on materials from which they are made. Here you will find the master classes for each group.

What do we do…

  • Decorative Candlesticks-Crafts in the form of angels.
  • New Year's MK candlestick from the sleeves-rolls from toilet paper.
  • Candlestones with perforation and thread on paper and cardboard.
  • Lace Candlers for New Year in technique quilling.
  • Knitted crochet Candlesticks.
  • New Year's candlesticks from plastic bottle
  • Candlestones from high fuys and glasses.
  • Candlestick banks With decorative painting and applique.
  • Candlestones with floating New Year candles.
  • Composition With candles for the new year.

As you can see, I decided to tightly staffing this article by crafts with candlesticks for every taste - a children's and adult. So you can find here crafts options for children And ideas for serious adult candle holder gifts for the new year. Let's start doing beautiful new Year's candles do it yourself.

Candlestick from sleeves

from toilet paper.

Here is our first chic christmas candlestick made in the form of a star. It seems that this is something factory purchased in the store. And in fact it can make at home with children. Such a candlestick-star is made from cardboard, rolled into rolls. That is, we need to roll rolls from cardboard (or take ready Rolls Sleeves from toilet paper). We will need 7 rolls and one paper clearing (The paper disposable plate is suitable).

And now I will tell How to make such a New Year's candlestick itself.

How to make such a candlestick-star with your own hands.

STEP 1 - The essence is that every ray of the star is a roll, which from one end flattened from above-down, and from the other end flattened to the left. Place flattening by fixing the stapler or glue. As a result, we get a bulk beam of the future star. We make such rays of 6 pieces. D.

Step 2. - Next, take a circle of paper (or a paper plate), the diameter of the rugby must be so that all the rays of the stars are fitted in a circle. They put them with a flat flattened side to the edge of a rag (plates). We stick all the rays to the edge of the plates.

Step 3. - Now we take 7th cardboard roll And it should be pasted on the center of the plate. So that he glued the need to cut the end of the roll to short and wide bachrom - Spread the rays of the fringe atom (in the crop-sun) - and this rafting on the glue glued to the center of paper gear.

Step 4. - Further Take a canister with gold paint (or gold acrylic paint In a jar) and cover the entire surface of the crafts of gold. The paint can be bought in the auto shop, or in the construction department of the market (costs 3-5 dollars). Acrylic golden paint The jar is 3-4 dollars.

And if you want to get vague on the surface of the crafts, lower and frozen drops, the same, As in the photo - then before painting you need to apply on the craft hot glue is adhesive pistol and allow it chaotic to cover with zigzags and blots surface of the cardboard elements of the candlestick. And after the frozen already painting. Behind the absence of hot glue, a usual equal Stationery glue-snot from our Soviet childhood - he is also thick and also freezes brilliant bulk droplets (only drying will have to wait a little longer).

Step 5. - Next - inside the central roll stuff newspaper - So that it is not empty - but not to the edges stuff, but leave the recess in which the candle-tablet will become. And then on this rammed newspaper inside the roll put a candle-tablet.

Step 6. - And only remains reduce the rest of the surface of the gear (plates) cones, balls, beads, brilliant garland and other new year tinsel.

As you can see a simple photo - if you carefully look at it, I will tell you how to do the same with your own hands.

New Year's candlesticks


We make such angels from ordinary white paper. And then the golden paint from the canopy is covering the entire craft. Cracks with paint are sold in any construction store or in a car assortment store - it's not very expensive (about $ 3-5).

You can make such an angel's such an angel. From paper cone. So that the aircraft does not catch fire from the flame of the candle - we will make this lamp without a living fire, and put the usual New Year's glowing garland inside the cone. It will turn out a children's gift candlestick for grandfather or grandmother - they will gladly light it in the evenings on New Year's days not one year.

Candlesticks made of paper with slots.

From a conventional paper sheet twisted into the tube, you can make an elegant Christmas candlestick. Paper will not light up because the hot air from the candle loose freely into the socket of such a paper abjurate-candlestick.

And if you fear for fire safety - you can put a high glass glass inside such a paper roll and smooth the candle in it.

By the way, to light a low candle-tablet at the bottom of a high glass You can use the usual macaronami-Spaghetti. They are long and are well burning - we set on to such a spaghetti-rachin and calmly lower it to the wick of the candles at the bottom of the candlestick. Very comfortably.

Here is the master class, where the master class is shown on the manufacture of such candlesticks with slots - just in New Year's topics: with Christmas trees and stars.

First cut off a sheet of paper with a height under the height of the glass, and with widthSufficient to grab the circumference of the glass and make the lapse of the edges for gluing.

On a sheet of paper, draw lines of the boundaries of the axial rod of the drawing. At the same distance from each other.

On both sides of drawn borders draw the outlines of the Christmas trees and stars.

We make cuts over the drawn chips, but do not reach scissors to the axial lines of borders.

Candlesticks from paper

With perforation.

You can do not cut off on the same roll of paper, but punctures. This perforation can be fascinated by the usual nail - if the sheet of paper is put on a semi-solid surface (for example, a sheet of foam) and simply to drive the nail with the hammer in advance. So do it yourself the candlestick with a snowflake in the photo below.

You can wrap a glass so that the traces of punctures have not been visible outside. And make the perforation to be with holes of different sizes. For this we take nails different diameter in cross section. Thumb nails we get large holes, thin smaller.

The main thing is to consider in advance and draw a pencil to our pattern from large and small points on the future New Year lamp.

And it is not necessary to make only a pattern of snowflakes. It is possible for the same principle of smash silhouette of a Christmas tree, a deer, a snowman, Santa Claus and other New Year characters.

It is possible to add a paper sheet with a non-round roll, but a four-shred fool. And each of the four faces to decorate the same white New Year applique.

The opposite side of each hole should be stuck with pipirosny paper (translucent cottage, or washed white paper) - that is, the material that will skip the light. Very beautiful and delicate lamps for the new year.

So that such a handicraft does not flame from the candle flame - the top must be left without a roof. Or, instead of the candle inside, put the LED chill garland. It turns out a beautiful candlestick-gift - and garland and lampshade with tender carvings on paper.

You can cut paper blanks in the form of a house. Similarly, the hooks or wrapped paper, cover the openings of the cut windows and doors of the houses.

New Year's candlesticks

In the technique of quilling.

You can make candlesticks from paper spins made in a quilling technique. Consider how to make such a candlestick with your own hands - on the example with a blue New Year's candlestick with a photo below.

Step 1 - For this, color bilateral paper is cut into narrow strips. Each strip is screwed around the rod (or toothpick).

Then this twist is removed from the toothpick and stacked inside the round stencil on the geometric line - and inside the boundaries of this stencil, the twist allows you to spin to the size of the screening hole.

Step 2 - Next, we remove the promotion from the stencil and we admire its tail to the spin barrel. We make a lot of such modules - two sizes more and smaller (that is, one we caught under the small hole of the stencil, while others under a large opening of the stencil on a conventional geometric line).

Step 4 - And now we make up and glue the candlestick - we take a round candle with a tablet and glut small round twists on it. Next, around this first round dance round modules are placed by drowned large spins - so that they are easy in pairwise, forming the shape of the heart.

You can give such a New Year quilling candlestick shape with sides. If you put modules on a small paper plate with raised edges, or a lid from the can.

From the queening modules, you can come up with any designs of New Year's candlesticks. In the form of snowflakes, New Year's Christmas wreath.

And as a simple candlestick, you can use the usual bulk snowflake from paper. Cut and put under the candle-tablet.

Candlesticks for the new year,


But the way to create a candlestick for those who can knit crochet. To do this, you can take any scheme of knitted snowflake or knitted star.

Many schemes of knitted snowflakes you will find in my article


from a plastic bottle.

And the best free material for the New Year candlestick is the usual plastic bottle. We still throw them out, so why not turn them into the Christmas lamp.

Cut from the bottle direct central part. On one side of the pipe cut the pointed petals. And bend them to the sides. Color the lamp in a golden flame color. Stick stars stickers. The edges of the petals smear with glue and sprinkle with silver sprinkling - it can be done by himself, if you finely nasty a brilliant pile from fluffy christmas tree garland, or cut the christmas rain.

You can come up with your candlesticks from the bottle - any shape and supplement them with any decor of cuts from bright ribbons, snowflakes, glass colored pebbles, etc.

New Year's candlestick

from glass jars.

The easiest candlestick from the bank is done quickly and just do it yourself. From the painting tape (which we salave the windows for the winter) cut the silhouette for example the stars. Stick it on the side of the can, and the rest of the surface of the cans to paint the gouache (white is best). So that the gouache after drying did not stick to the hands and did not paint the clothes, a painted jar on top of a pshikham with a lacquer for hair. Next, we remove our sticker star from the painting tape and get a ready-made Christmas candlestick made by your own hands.

Sticker Silhouette can be perfect any - snowman, penguin, snowflake, or such a deer with branched horns.

Also, the cutting of our drawing can be decorated with a sprinkling, for this, along the edge of the silhouette, we applied the crime and on top of it is not a rapid spution (what to do it, I described it in the previous candlestick).

You can buy in stationery acrylic gold color paint and a short taste to circle a cut of silhouette-hole on a candlestick. And even at the very silhouette, make some festive inscription. It turns out a bright candlestick bank - and by the way on its bottom you can pour on white beans and drown a candle into it.

It is possible that the principle of the silo hole on the bank-candlestick is not carried out with the help of paint - and from paper. That is, in advance on a paper strip Cut the right picture and wrap such a paper candlestick bank. As in the photo with the New Year's craft below.

You can make the entire surface of the can be sealed with green slices of napkins (buy green paper napkins, or green fasteners) It is thin and fitting smooth bends of banks.
The climate is simply - on PVA glue - and it is better to smoke not a small tube in stationery, but to go to the construction store and buy immediately half a liter PVA - you will succeed 4 times cheaper. I am all crafts with children with such glue and do. It is enough for a long time and it is always fresh, and in the jars it constantly dries off.

So ... the bank is covered with PVA glue and put on top of it on top of the chopped pieces of green paper - due to the fact that pieces will be enjoyed on each other. We will get such a crushed polygonal green pattern. And then to give it all this green chaos of New Year's awareness, we just there with Dorisui paint (or doct of red paper) of the berries of the ostolist.

The same red berries berries will decorate our next New Year candlestick. Here, all the walls of the cans we cover the snowflower. Do it from ordinary salt or sugar (or out of fine-grated foam plastic)

Walls can be covered with glue and crawl into white sprinkling on the table. We decorate the rope under which a green twig is surrounded (for example a fir leg) or a green leakage of textile tape. And the survey is Freaky Gozg berries. It can be wires strung beads and painted in the Red Gouache (or nail polish). Can be beads to make plasticineand and cover them from top of nail polish for shine and color. Or you can take large foam balls.

If you draw well, you can simply draw a New Year's drawing on the side of the glass can and get an elegant candlestick. Inside the banks can not be put in a candle, but put a New Year's LED garland - and then the bank will be sprinkled at once with several lights.

Ideas for New Year's drawings on the bank you can find in my article

And the silhouette in the New Year's topics can be simply imposed on the surface of the cans - as a decorative applique decoration. Such applications can be simply and quickly done at home - find suitable pictures on the Internet and cut the necessary silhouettes from colored paper.

you also can copy right from this screen Deer silhouette. Just put a sheet of paper and a pencil with a pencil to cover a picture translucent on the sheet. To reduce or enlarge the picture on the screen simply twist the wheel of the mouse forward or Naz, holding kroptoCtrl On your keyboard.

Beautifully look at multi-layered appliques on glass candlestick.

You can come up with a silhouette applique that will catch the entire jar at its circumference.

Small appliqué details can not be cut out of paper, but draw a black marker. The candlestick bank itself in front of such an applique can be painted in blue colour (foam sponia and blue gouache, mixed with white).

Silhouettes can be cut out of white paper. It turns out a light and gentle decorative candlestick made of high glasses.

New Year's candlesticks

From glasses.

Also, excellent candlesticks for the new year are obtained from glass glasses on the legs.

The sprocket itself can be decorated with sprigs of evergreen shrubs (such as fir). Instead of candles inside high large glasses-VAZ, you can put a New Year's garland with lanterns-LEDs and mix the garland with christmas toys, cones, beads from a glassweller.

Ideal candlesticks for low candles and Tablets and Tolstick Barrels - These are inverted glasses. From a flat standing of the leg serves a comfortable stand for stable candles.

Under the dome of an inverted gland Place new Year decoration - It can be sprigs of ostolist, silver cones, cloth caps or multi-colored beads from a glass.

Small decor at all no need to hardly slip under the glass - Just pour the bowl into the bowl, cover the glass down the glass down the cupboard and drop out of the cardboard.

The leg of the glade as the metal walls of the candle-tablets can be skilled or don the sprinkle. It's easy to do at home - smear glue and sprinkle with sparkles (if you use PVA glue, then it's easy to wash it hot water). Or use hair spray - sprinkle quickly and quickly sprinkle with sparkles, sprinkle on top again.

You can buy ready-made sparkles for putting out nails or chop the fringed fluffy fluffy garland on a small naughty.

Side parts of candles You can also decorate such glittering . To do this, put a sprinkle on paper. Sidewalls candles heat over the gas burner And the candle-spinning candle quickly rolling on a glittering embankment - a soft sticky wax absorbs sequins, and the candle becomes an elegant and New Year.

The color of the candle brilliance is better to choose in the color of decorations under the blast dome (as in the photo below).

Under the bokal dome, you can arrange a real piece of the New Year's fairy tale (as in the photo with candlesticks below). It's just do it yourself - on round piece of white cardboard (or foam) stick armchair-Christmas tree (bought or made of paper or plasticine) - next to set a snowman or figure of another new year character. We water glue, and sprinkle a white salt imitating snow. This round craft Cover the inverted glass. It turns out the magical New Year candlestick.

Can new Year's glass candlesticks Paint in winter shades of paint and decorated with cones and snowflakes (paper or purchased).

In order to paint the glass at home so evenly as in the photo with candlesticks below - you need to use not a tassel, but a foam sponge with small pores (it is better than a sponit for applying a tone cream). Such a sponge can be transferred uniform overflowing color from light to dark.
Detailed master class of this process I described when in the same technique painted the nails in the article "Gradient manicure."

On a glass, paints can draw any New Year's character - and we will get bright candlesticks in the form of snowmen, or sheds of frost or deer.

Or glasses can not be turned over. And omit in them candles-tablets on special brackets.

Such brackets can be twisted independently at home from a flexible copper or aluminum wire. Here is such a job with your own hands is presented in the photo below.

You can hang a candle tablet on brackets inside a very high vessel - and then the bottom of the vessel can become a place for decorative composition (As in the photo of the New Year's candlestick below).

New Year's candlesticks

With floating candles.

Also, the candles can not hang inside the tank, but omit into water. For this, the shape of the candles should be a cone-shaped or rounded near the bottom. So they will calmly stay on the water.

Such floating candles can be found on sale and buy. Or do it yourself - break the candle, remove the fiftiel thread from it. Slices of wax put in a saucepan on a slow fire (or on a water bath) to melt wax to a liquid state. In the mold with a round or cone-shaped bottom, to lower the wick - pour the wick with liquid wax - to cool until the extension of wax in the form. Remove the candle from the mold, slightly heating the wall shape.

Or you can not mess with liquid wax. And immediately from a solid thick candle cut a conical bottom with a typical knife (work the sculptor).

New Year's compositions with candles.

It is possible to use a wide stand as a candlestick - a dish or a vase and on such a candlestick to put several candles at once, interchanting them with New Year's decorations.

You can pour into the stand artificial snow or a simple white salt, sugar, powder.

As a Christmas stand-candlestick, you can use the usual low wooden drawer For seedlings. And decorate it natural material (moss, bumps, fir legs).

The body of the candlestick can be the usual wooden log. In it, drill large holes where you insert candles-tablets (or thick candles).

And the candlestick can be baked from edible gingerbread honey test. That is, bake a round gingerbread with holes for candle-tablets. And to him bake gingerbread sizes smaller with shape of houses, christmas trees, trees. Gingerbread houses decorate the pattern of sugar glaze, dry. Large gingerbread and candlestick, too, water sweet icing and sticky glaze on sticky glaze.

The gingerbread dough is distinguished by the fact that it does not worry for a long time, and such a sweet candlestick gift can be squeezed by the whole family after the rejected New Year holidays.

The correct recipe for a gingerbread dough can be found in the article about gingerbread houses.

Here are such ideas with New Year's candlesticks you can now make it yourself. It's nice when you can create a piece of New Year's holiday around yourself.

Connect children "They will be very nice to help you in such a serious matter as a new year." Children must create crafts with their own hands - this is a mandatory condition for the development of the person, confident in their forces and abilities. Children should have an evidence base of their omniplication and success. Let the children in practice be killed that they can make such beautiful and complex crafts themselves. Let them grow, realizing themselves creators of this world. And then one day you can be proud of their adult achievements.

Happy New Year to you. Let happiers go to your family. Magic of happiness made by hand. And let the light of the candle give its shine to your eyes.
Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to the author of this article Olga Klishevskaya.

The harmony of this world largely depends on all known elements: water, flame, air and land. Each element has its own strength and energy and each of them is vital to a person. The author of this idea tells how to combine seemingly two incompatible elements - ice and flames. As a result, you will have an unusually beautiful openwork candle that can be pretty original gift or an excellent decoration of anyone festive table..

To begin with, prepare everything required tools And materials:
1. Paraffin shopping white candles - 4 pieces.
2. Colored wax crayons.
3. Ice cubes.
4. Small knife.
5. Wooden skeletal or wand for overweight paraffin.
6. Tableware for water bath. You will need two saucepans or bowls of different diameters. Use the dishes that then you will not use for cooking.
7. Candle form. In this case, the author uses the most common plastic cupchick.
8. Package.
9. A small terry towel.
10. Old tile (if available).

1 step.
To begin with, we drag the working surface of the table with an old glue, as in the process of paraffin can drop on the surface of the table. Then take the usual economic paraffin candle and cut off a piece of it, which is equal to the height of previously prepared form. Candle for this cut from top edgewhere the phytille is sticking out. While postponing a sliced \u200b\u200bpiece of candle to the side.

2 step.
Now neatly apply the remaining candles into pieces, while removing the wick.

3 step.
Now the pan is large in diameter pour water and put on fire. When water boils, reduce the fire to a minimum. To another saucepan referring paraffin pieces and put this saucepan in hot waterLast saucepan. Paraffin begins to slowly melting on a water bath. Do not forget that paraffin is a flammable substance and when working with it, certain security measures must be observed. Never melts paraffin on open fire or in a microwave oven. Do not leave paraffin on fire without attention and keep the open bundle food Soda. In the event of a paraffin ignition, it is necessary to stew it soda, and not water.

4 step.
Now with the help of a small knife with a chicken wax chalk. The more chalk you add, the richer to the color of your icy openwork candle.

5 step.
Now we pour the chopped wax chalk into the melted paraffin, while constantly stirring the mixture with a wooden skewer.

6 step.
Now we get ice cubes from the freezer. Pour the ice to half a towel, cover with another half and crushing. The size of the sleeves depends on which holes will be in your candle. The larger the ice, the correspondingly is larger than the opening. In order to get a gentle openwork pattern of thin lines, ice needs to be thickened.

7 step.
Then we pour the chopped ice shape and strictly in the middle Insert a piece sliced \u200b\u200bat the very beginning of a piece of candle with a wick.

8 step.
Gently, with the help of tape, we take a container with molten paraffin and wax fine and cautiously pour into a shape filled with ice fragments. Form filled with paraffin to the edge.

9 step.
After the paraffin finally freezes the candle from the form. In this case, the author just cut a plastic glass and gently took out a candle. This procedure must be done above the sink, as water will remain in the candle from the monstering ice. If the wick turned out to be poured with paraffin, take the knitting needles, heat it over the fire and slightly melts the paraffin in the place where the wick is located.

If the candle turned out to be unstable, then you can heat the old, unnecessary to you in culinary affairs, frying pan and on it to focus the bottom of the candle. Now leave the candle to dry well.

After all the water finally dried, the candle is ready. It is recommended to heal her author recommends in a wide candlestick, as hot paraffin will be cooked from the holes. You can experiment with flowers, forms, as well as with the size of the ice crumb.

You were able to combine two elements and at the same time it turned out an extraordinary beauty openwork candle. The candle is a symbol of a family hearth and will surely bring warmth, comfort and love to your house. Thanks to the author for the idea and tips.

I do not know who, how, and I have a new year, will certainly be associated with candles. Not counting the Christmas tree and oranges, of course. Well, where the candles are there and the candlesticks must be certainly. Unusual, fabulous, like a holiday itself.

New Year is certainly lit candles

I suggest today to talk about how and from what you can build unusual and elegant. I present my selection of ideas and hope that you will complement it.

1. Glass - simple but elegant

Simple glass candlestick - concise and elegant

2. Glass, but more comprehensive - with trim

Candlesticks can be made of glass jars, decoring them with lace

Beautiful glassware at hand did not turn out, but there are many small jars? Excellent! We decorate the container outside, turning banal cans into unusual candlesticks. The braid is suitable, lace, paper - any material that transmits light. If we use paper, you can cut any. Wrap banks with selected material and fix it (for example, scotch, ribbons or ropes).

Attention! It is desirable that your decorations do not reach the upper edge of the tank and, more and more so, did not oppose them: Remember that inside the can there will be a candle fire, and any contact with paper or cloth faces fire.

3. Gingerbread houses, asterisks, Christmas trees ...

Christmas gingerbread or cookies can also be a candlestick

Hosts who love the oven, there is where to turn around! How do you like the idea? Or homekeeper? Or maybe your talents will make a real gingerbread house, in the windows of which the light beats from the candle standing inside? Inticiously decorated with icing, such candlesticks will definitely turn out to be the focus of your guests! True, I would not give a candle for a long time to burn here - not to dig a tasty stand wax. What do you think?

If you like the idea, but you do not know how to implement it, History our publications:

4. Twigs, sticks, lamps ...

Candlestick- "Khpanka". Take care that it is stable!

If you meet the new year in the country, you will probably have a brushwood or maybe the branches remaining from trimming shrubs and trees. Collect a small knitting ( important: certainly achieve sustainable shape so that in a responsible moment all this building along with burning candles does not turn over!), decorate it to your liking: fruit, ribbons,. And then install the candles - it is advisable to use additional metal stands (for example, from the old candlestick or, in the extreme case carved from the canning can. Candles I would use low and sustainable in such composition.

And I like the candlesticks. A rather wide is covered horizontally, and on top of it hollow out the deepening to install the candles. Better (safer!) - Tea in metal sleeves. Registration - to taste.

5. Coniferous, New Year

Classic: Christmas wreath with candles

Very smart and newly new year looks and compositions as candlesticks. True, from the point of view of fire safety, this idea, like the previous, criticism does not withstand ... But beautiful! I think here you can make a compromise: lit candles to keep not long, so that they do not have to melt, but the composition itself to use more like decoration, scenery. And, of course, in no case leave the last minute candles in such candlesticks unattended!

Publication will help to implement the idea.

Orange peel is easy to cut fragrant candlesticks

The candlestick from the zest of orange, in my opinion, is still safer. And his fragrance creates a New Year's mood at all worse than the smell of needles. Moreover, options are possible. You can do as in the photo: Gently remove the flesh of an orange from its peel, cut in it patterns and insert a candle inside the received candlestick. And also ...

  • you can use the halves of the fruit (I also feeding slices from the peel) as the basis for;
  • can be wrapped with a strip of orange (or lemon) the base of the thick candle installed on a small stand;
  • you can fix the candles on the dried slices of orange ...
Of course, there is also. And how do you "fruit" idea for a candlestick?

Floating candles create a romantic mood

This option is good not only for the new year. Including with its fireproof. We take any wide flat container, fill with water, we lower floating candles into it, put on the table. Homemade floating candles (if not found ready) can be made it possible using shells from walnuts. And the capacity is outside decorated christmas decorations and Mishur.

How to make an idea, will tell publishing:

8. Closer to nature

Eco-decor: coasters for candles made of natural materials

I liked this idea with my simplicity and idleness. It does not have a pathos and, perhaps, it will seem to someone boring, not too festive ... Well, the problem is solved simply: add bright bunches of berries or slightly sprinkle with golden paint from the spray - here you are and festive strokes. But in general, the whole thing is for which interior we choose the decorations: in a simple country or village house