Repair Design Furniture

Do-it-yourself construction of a Russian bath from a log. Do-it-yourself sauna blockhouse: step-by-step instructions on how to make a bathhouse from a blockhouse yourself Crafts from round logs musicians

Wood, being an environmentally friendly material, not only effectively retains heat, but also gives the air in the room a special aroma.

To build a wooden one, you first need to prepare a bar.

Stage 1. Preparation of round timber

Attention! To determine the quality of the logs (you can at any time abandon the low-grade sawlogs), you need to know about the ideal harvesting conditions, which we will consider below.

Round timber must be harvested at sub-zero temperatures, that is, in winter. It is at this time that the amount of moisture in the wood is minimized, therefore, during drying, the material will deform and crack less.

For the purpose of the durability of the log house, certain sections of the logs (the so-called butt logs) are used during construction. These areas start from the rhizome and end at the crown. Such butt logs are denser (which compares favorably with the tops) and there are practically no knots in them. Also, the selection criteria include the round shape and the degree of curvature of the barrel. In both cases, a defect is an error exceeding 1 cm per linear meter.

Attention! If the length is, for example, 5 m, and the error exceeds 5 cm, then the log can be safely rejected.

The same applies to the diameter. For example, the base of a log is 35 cm in diameter, while the tops are 25 cm or less. Such round timber is categorically not recommended for use in construction.

Finally, pay attention to the type of wood. Ideally, coniferous trees (spruce, larch, etc.) should be used for the bath. Larch is characterized by resistance to moisture, although in extreme cases, you can resort to the combination "pine-spruce", in which the first few crowns are erected from pine. And if only spruce is used during construction, then the material must be treated with an antiseptic several times.

Perform further actions in accordance with the previously drawn up project. You can create one yourself, find it on the Internet, or order it from specialists. It is with the help of this document that you can calculate the required amount of consumables, determine the area and shape of the base.

Stage 2. Processing of timber

Step 1. After the consumables have been brought to you (or you have cut down and delivered it yourself), it needs 25-30 days in order to lie down.

Step 3. Then proceed to processing. First, clean the bark from the logs (do this carefully so that they don't crack), leaving it a little on the sides - about a 15-centimeter strip on each side.

Step 4. After processing, store the logs approximately 25 cm above the ground. You can stack it as you like - in stacks, packs, etc., the main thing is that the distance between the logs is 7-10 cm.

Video - Preparation of logs

Stage 3. Construction of the foundation

Let's make a reservation right away that massive monolithic ones can be abandoned due to the insignificant weight of the future structure. For the sake of economy, you can resort to one of two possible lightweight designs, namely:

  • strip foundation;
  • columnar.

Let's consider each of the options.

To build such a foundation around the entire perimeter, as well as under the future walls, dig a trench 40 cm wide and 50 cm deep, lay a "pillow" of sand and gravel on the bottom. Next, lay the reinforcement, build a formwork 50 cm high and pour concrete mortar. As a result, the height will be approximately 1 m.

Attention! A more specific height depends on the depth of soil freezing in a particular region.

Video - Pouring the foundation

Place sand and gravel strips within the perimeter. In the future, the strips can be filled with concrete or a wooden floor can be built on them. The choice of this or that option depends on personal preferences and financial capabilities.

Columnar foundation

In case, it will be necessary to erect supports. Two options are possible here:

  • brick;
  • from asbestos pipes.

Place the supports at the corners of the perimeter, as well as under all walls in 1.5 m increments. Place a concrete "cushion" under each support. In each support, fix several rods of reinforcement so that the latter protrude at least 30 cm above the surface.

Build a formwork 40 cm high, lay the reinforcement in it and tie it to the rods protruding from the supports. Fill with concrete. After four to five weeks, when the concrete is completely dry, you can start further work.

Stage 4. Waterproofing the base

Treat the surface of the foundation with molten and lay a layer of roofing material on top. After the bitumen has completely dried, repeat the procedure. As a result, you will have a reliable two-layer.

Stage 5. Preparation of tools

To work, you will need the following equipment:

Let's pay special attention to the last tool - "dash". For manufacturing, you will need steel wire with sharply sharpened ends. Bend the wire in half so that it takes the form of a compass, you can additionally secure the handle. This tool is required when marking logs.

Stage 6. Construction of the bathhouse

There are several assembly technologies:

The first option - Russian felling - is the easiest to perform, even an inexperienced carpenter can handle it. Therefore, we will consider this particular technology.

Step 1. The construction of a log house should be carried out in stages and begin with a casing (in other words, from the first). Cut the logs that will serve as a casing to the edging for the most snug fit to the foundation.

Step 2. Lay the first pair of logs on top of the waterproofing layer. Lay the next pair at an angle of 90ᵒ relative to the first and connect everything into a "cup".

Attention! "Cup" is the simplest connection option in the construction of a frame of buildings. It is carried out quite simply: at the bottom of the log, the boundaries of the future "cup" are measured, then a depression is marked with the help of the "line". After re-checking the dimensions, the groove is carefully cut with an ax.

You can use a chainsaw - it will save a lot of time. Although the final finishing of the "cups" will still have to be done with an ax.

Attention! In the starting crown, the "cups" will not be deep, as a result of which the logs will not come into contact with the base. Therefore, in the gap that appears, lay a lining - a small piece of board of the required thickness, treated with an antiseptic and covered with insulation.

Step 3. Next, lay the second crown using the thickest logs possible. This is due to the fact that in the future you will cut genital lags into them. For a snug fit, make a longitudinal groove in the upper log, which would be equal to a third of the diameter of the previous log. To draw the borders of the groove, lay the upper log on the lower one and mark it out using the "line".

Attention! The longitudinal groove can be semicircular and triangular. If you have a chainsaw, then you will cope with the triangular groove in two to three minutes. But remember: logs with such a groove will not join tightly, which will negatively affect the thermal insulation properties of the walls.

Obviously, the best option is a semicircular groove. Do it with a chainsaw, use a chisel to remove the residue.

Step 4. Insulate the joints of the logs, preferably with linen-jute linen. Lay one piece of cloth on the lower crown, with the second seal the longitudinal groove (especially if the latter has a triangular shape).

Step 5. Connect the crowns together. Here you can use:

  • square dowels;
  • round pins made of wood.

The second method is preferable, since the pins can be purchased ready-made and holes can be made using an electric drill.

Make holes in increments of 1-1.5 m, sewing in parallel a pair of upper rims completely and not completely - the third one (from the bottom). To avoid skewing at the end of shrinkage, sink the pins into the upper rim by at least 6-7 cm.

Step 6. Having raised the walls to the desired height, lay the ceiling beams and rafters on top of them. If wet wood was used, then lay slate sheets instead of rafters and wait for the structure to shrink. Usually, it is enough to overwinter once for this, but ideally, shrinkage should last a year and a half.

In the spring, when the shrinkage is over, start caulking.

Video - Aspen shingle roof

Stage 7. Door, window openings

We specifically started talking about openings after the end of construction, since there are two options for their arrangement.

Step 8. Caulking logs

At the end of the shrinkage, the logging is performed. To do this, prepare the following equipment:

  • hammer;
  • caulking (wood or metal).

Attention! If you have compacted the inter-crown space with tow or moss, then you can skip this step, since you most likely will not need caulk. But if you find even the slightest cracks, then the procedure is still better to follow.

Get to work only after the insulation is completely dry. First, twist the material (tow or moss) into a tourniquet, then hammer between the crowns with a hammer and caulk.

You can use tape jute - in this case, the material is simply fixed with nails or an assembly stapler.

Video - Log caulking

Stage 9. Roof

As soon as the tree shrinks, you can start building. If you do this earlier, then the roof will simply lead.

Step 1. Lay wooden beams on the wall trim (we have already talked about this).

Step 2. Fix the beams and attach the rafter legs to them in increments of 1 m. In the ridge section, cut the rafters at the appropriate angle to connect.

Step 3. Nail a solid boardwalk to the rafter legs (if you plan to use roll roofing material) or make a crate (if you use slate, tiles, etc.).

Step 4. Install the roof covering according to the instructions for the specific material.

Step 5. Cover the ridge with galvanized sheet steel to protect it from aggressive environmental influences.

Step 6. Sew up the gables of the roof with siding or clapboard.

After that, proceed to further planned work - pouring a concrete screed or building a wooden one (in the second case, the logs cut into the logs of the second crown and are fixed), install, carry out the internal and arrangement of the steam room according to your project.

  1. Sometimes, when assembling, it becomes necessary to join the logs. In this case, do not allow the joints to be located on top of each other. Moreover, in the lower rim, docking is unacceptable.
  2. When laying a log house on a finished foundation, you can collect the logs even before drying, placing a sealant between them.
  3. It is advisable to equip the windows after shrinkage, since otherwise they may be skewed.

Now you know how to builddo-it-yourself log house.

    Using a log in the country or the best do-it-yourself log crafts
    Cutting trees and removing tree stumps can become more enjoyable if you know exactly what to do next with the logs and roots. We have already talked about rutarii earlier, but we will tell you about the use of logs in the country now. Believe me, this information is worthy of your attention.


    Old trees get in the way in the garden, occupy a certain area, do not bring the scent of flowers and green foliage, do not give shade, and therefore we do not hesitate to get rid of them. Most often, cutting down a dry tree at the root, we send it for firewood in a stove or brazier. But you should not rush with this decision, because there will always be material for ignition and fuel, but for decorating a summer cottage it is quite expensive. We suggest that you use the logs obtained from the sawing of trees for decorative purposes, because if the log is of more or less quality and looks normal externally, there are a lot of ways to use it.

    You can do anything from a log, you only need free time, skill and desire to work

    Today we have collected a little information and thematic photos, and identified all this in an article that will tell you how to use logs in the country with certain benefits, for decoration, practicality, and even saving money.

    The use of logs in the country

    A log is, in fact, the trunk of a tree that you remove from your summer cottage for any reason. You should not immediately pick up a chainsaw and work on the saw all day long, take a little time for the following original ideas for giving, and you will not regret it.

    Flower bed made of logs

    We are accustomed to building flower beds of stone, plaster, even car tires or plastic bottles, who we think is more acceptable and practical for a summer cottage. But today we want to add large logs from old trees to the arsenal of materials that are suitable for arranging flower beds.

    Make the most of the logs in your summer cottage

    Let's say you cut down an old tree that has dried up long ago. It is his trunk that will perfectly serve as the main shape of the flower bed, which can be done in just a couple of hours. It is enough to use a chisel and a hammer, a chainsaw and your own imagination, as an original creation appears on the site, for which you did not pay a dime. It remains only to choose the color scheme of plants, and the varieties of flowers themselves, which will be placed in such a flower bed.

    How to make a flower bed from a log with your own hands?

    Simple country furniture made of logs

    The photo below shows the simplest furniture from a log of wood, but it is not easy to make it. As you can see, a rather large log is used for production, with a serious cross-sectional diameter. Firstly, it is difficult to find such a tree in the country, and secondly, if you decide to make country furniture with your own hands, then this will require a lot of free time and a professional tool.

    Partially, the log is processed with an ax, then a chainsaw or an electric saw is used, which creates the basic shape. After, careful and neat chisel work and sanding. Naturally, it will take a lot of effort, but as a result, you have every chance of getting furniture that will easily serve for decades.

    Country furniture made of logs - convenience, reliability and practicality for all occasions

    Log outbuildings

    You can build anything from a log, and now we offer you an unusual decor for a country well. Naturally, you will need a special rounded log for this, and not made from old wood. But you can also use the material available in the country for such a decor. It seems to us that if you take the trunks and thick branches of trees in the bark, the picture will turn out to be much more natural and harmonious.

    Household buildings and small architectural forms from a log in the country

    Country paths from log cuts

    We devoted enough time to the paths at the dacha, paid attention to similar masterpieces, but in this article we decided to remind about their existence, because the dacha paths from the saw cut are very interesting.

    For the device of such paths, it will be necessary to use a high-quality log, free from defects and damage by insects, since it is strength and reliability that are the main factors in choosing materials for flooring.

    Having arranged a high-quality base of the sand path, you can lay cuts of different diameters and shapes, and decorate the finished project with stones and plants. Do not forget only that paving with this material will require special protection, for example, even impregnation with linseed oil or other wood preservatives.

    Logs can also be used to make wonderful garden paths, durable and safe

    Crafts from a log for a playground

    In the recent past, we talked about crafts such as wooden horses for a summer residence, which can become not only an object for children to play, but also an original decor for the landscape. Today we present another version of a wooden horse, which, by the way, is already made entirely of logs.

    You can choose a trunk of any tree for such a product, correctly mark and cut it, peel it of bark and install it on the site, creating the necessary shape. After, painting the sculpture in a bright color and light decor.

    DIY crafts from a log are also possible for organizing a playground

    Stylish furniture for a summer residence

    Furniture for a summer residence can be very diverse, which is why we mention it so often. These are original and exclusive furniture for summer cottages, standard rattan furniture, plastic and metal. But it is the owner of the dacha who should choose, since we present only the most interesting options.

    Today in front of you is one of these - a bench made of thick logs, which is made taking into account the style and wishes of the customer. Of course, doing this with your own hands is quite difficult, if only because you need to use a special tool, and the weight of each element of the shop is quite large. But if you decide on such a piece and perform it on your own site, we will only have to applaud and envy!

    Using a log to create original and stylish furniture for a summer cottage

    Use of logs in the children's sports field

    Our children are constantly frolicking in the country, do not find a place for themselves, which sometimes seriously interfere with adults. That is why a special area for their games should be prepared in advance at the dacha. This can be a sandpit, a grassy picnic lawn, a tree house or a special sports field.

    We offer you a fairly inexpensive and quick option in terms of construction. You can make small ladders, swings and even mazes from a log. All that remains is to securely fasten each element, and add some ropes, ropes, and other materials necessary in this complex.

    The use of high-quality logs for arranging a children's playground in the country

    Log doghouse

    For the construction of the booth, you will need a high-quality processed log, and boards for the roof. As fasteners, you can choose nails, for covering the roof - wood and roofing material, tiles, bituminous materials.

    We build a wooden doghouse with our own hands using a log

    Cars and trains made of logs

    What do boys need to be happy? Good toys that will allow you to go headlong into your own fantasies. This will also help them distract themselves and not disturb the adults while they are doing the garden or landscaping in the country.

    Alternatively, there is a proposal to build a typewriter or a locomotive from old logs. Below we have a photo of such a product, and it clearly shows that you will have to spend only an hour or two on production, and a little money for paint and accessories.

    The simplest playground for children, made of logs and additional materials

    Nice, exciting, convenient and inexpensive - exactly what we always want to get!

    Log fence

    Fences and fences, serious forged and unpretentious wicker - they are still protection or a simple restriction for entering the territory of the cottage ... so why not use a log for their construction.

    You can make an order for expensive material, install it in a few days, spend money not only on elements, but also on installation and finishing. And you can make a fence with your own hands. Of course, an ordinary log is not particularly suitable for construction, especially if we consider the front part of the dacha, but you can always make fences from logs in the utility yard, or decorate a lawn, garden and other territories with a similar product.

    How to build a high-quality and reliable fence from a log in the country

    Support walls made of logs

    Support walls in the country are needed not only for the organization of flower beds and vertical plantings, but also for the visual transformation of the site, especially in the vicinity of the main buildings. Due to such structures, it is possible to transform the entrance to the house, paths and even the overall picture of the exterior, thereby creating a stylish design for the courtyard, garden, and some other territories.

    We learned how to build support walls a little earlier, to perform supports, drainage and spillage, but today we propose not only using a log for the production of this landscape element, but also slightly transforming it with changes. We want to combine in the same style the paths from the saw cut of the log and the supporting walls made of this material. This is not difficult to do, especially if you carefully study the topics separately. And how exactly such a creation looks like, you can see right now.

    Decorative supporting walls in the country with the use of logs in construction

    Log bridges in the country

    Small decorative bridges over dry streams or artificial reservoirs are a common thing for lovers of landscape design in the country. We have already repeatedly drawn attention to such small architectural forms and elements. But in view of our today's topic, we suggest choosing logs of old trees for organizing small bridges and even medium bridges across the river at the dacha. In such an amount that is required to create a bridge, there may not be trees for a saw cut in the country house, but there is always a small forest nearby or at least a forest belt.

    A bridge made of a log in a summer cottage: for crossing a ravine, a river, a dry stream

    However, the bridge can be built from any other materials, and it is present in our topic only for the reason to point you to another type of use of logs.

    If you decide to build a small or medium bridge in the country, to cross a ravine or even an ordinary dry stream, try to make it as reliable and safe as possible, be patient and maximize the stability and strength of the building.

    Wooden house made of logs

    Country houses made of wood not only fascinate, but become long-term dreams of almost every one of us. A house made of a log or a bar, a small suburban building made of a log, a gazebo or a bathhouse - all this is doable, but it's worth starting small. Who knows, after all, it is likely that by gaining experience on the simple country crafts that we so often present to you, you will become imbued with the matter and acquire professional knowledge that will help you build a wooden house in the future.

    The ultimate goal of every summer resident is a stylish and reliable house that can now be built from a log

    Decorative crafts from logs in the country (video)

    We thank each reader of our site for the increased attention to new materials, and also remind that the opinion of each of you is very important to us. Leave comments on the article or just wishes for the next publications, and we will definitely listen to them!

So that your summer cottage does not seem boring and colorless, it does not hurt to add beautiful decorative elements to its decoration. Externally, the backyard will look really great if you take care of the decoration of the garden itself and supplement it with homemade crafts. Of course, it is much easier to go to the store and purchase ready-made figurines and other decorations there, but they will not be able to give that uniqueness to the site, as crafts for giving from logs made by hand. There is nothing complicated in their design. A little time and imagination, and your site will sing with new notes.

original crafts for giving from logs

You can make crafts for a summer residence from any available means, but the most interesting and natural will look exactly original crafts for giving from logs. Everyone has old logs lying around in the country or you can find them just walking in the forest, so why not use the materials that we have at hand? Logs are an excellent material for manifesting imagination. Anything can be made of them.

As an option, crafts for giving from logs (photo) can be beautiful and unique garden furniture. Agree, not one summer cottage will do without a nice gazebo with wooden furniture, where you can sit on warm evenings and enjoy the sunset or get together with friends at a festive table.

By creating, we will be able to make furniture of exactly those shapes and sizes that will most successfully fit into your garden and your landscape design. Homemade furniture always looks interesting and original.

In addition to furniture made of logs, you can also arrange a beautiful flower bed. Our crafts for giving from logs (master classes) will help you in this simple process. First, we need to select a log that is suitable in size and cut it into two parts. We remove the core in one of the parts; this can be done using a conventional ax. We will get a horizontal flowerpot. We pour soil into the resulting container, add a little fertilizer and plant beautiful flowers. Petunias and other similar creepers with bright flowers will look very interesting in this design. If you have an artificial pond, such flowerpots can be placed near it by adding massive stones, possibly coniferous plantings.

- the task is not tricky, but you still need to try to give your yard a special look, with beautiful flower beds, decorations and other elements.

If you want, then it will not hurt to make a swing, arrange a sports field from tires, add crafts from scrap materials.

Children will be happy to take part in the creation of crafts for their secluded corner. Together with the child crafts for giving from logs can be made in the form of unusual men. Your task is to make the little man himself, taking an ordinary log as a basis and screwing his arms and legs from sticks to it. And offer your baby to decorate it, paint it with bright colors, paint eyes, mouth and so on. This exciting activity will delight and delight your child with the process.

Crafts for giving from logs. Photo

After the construction of a log house, the remains of logs, chocks, boards are often left. Moreover, there are enough substandard building materials after cleaning the site - sawn trees, stumps, driftwood, etc. All this can be effectively used to make pretty and even designer garden furniture - from a simple bench to complete sets of tables, benches and chairs.

In this article, you will learn how to make from, literally, sawn timber:

  • several options for the simplest but stylish shops;
  • two options for benches;
  • stool;
  • table.

In addition, you will receive abundant food for the development of your own design fantasies, the implementation of which depends only on your skills in handling tools and the availability of free time.

All garden furniture products, which will be discussed, are made in “wild” or rustic style, or in country style. They are perfect for setting up a recreation area outside the home. And if you have "", then even more so, nothing better to tastefully "furnish" the area around the house for summer outdoor recreation or get-togethers with a barbecue.

To immediately understand what will be discussed, here is about this:

... and about that:

Such a product will require more time due to the larger number of parts and the need to fasten them together.

If you do not mind, then you can leave the bench made of logs without protective treatment. But if durability is important to you, then the products should be protected with antiseptic compounds, treated with stain, or varnished.

Garden Furniture Tools

The set is, in general, standard. If you have a workshop, then most likely everything you need is there. You may need a hammer, mallet, screwdriver (drill), grinder or grinder, ax, plane, saw ...

In order to build a bench or other furniture in a "wild style" quickly and effortlessly, it is advisable to have at your disposal a chainsaw or an electric saw. This will greatly simplify your work! Because the main idea in the projects of "wild" furniture is the use of half-beams as structural elements.

Of course, whole logs and logs are more convenient to saw with a chainsaw. But if you do not have one, this does not mean that you do not have the technical ability to build a bench or table yourself. You just have to split the logs with a cleaver and wedges.

In fact, it is possible and not as difficult as it seems. Here is a video on this topic:

In this video, a cleaver is used - an ax for chopping wood. Its difference from a carpenter's ax is that the working, piercing part has a noticeable expansion, and the angle of sharpening of the blade is wider. You can also use an ax, you just have to drive in the wedges earlier.

With this method of halving a log, it is important that the log splits along the plane of impact, and the crack does not go sideways. Much depends on the quality of the log. First, it must be dry. It is, in principle, desirable to work with dried lumber when building garden furniture, because raw beams can deform during the shrinkage process, crack, and your bench, bench or table will become uncomfortable, unstable, or simply lose its aesthetic appearance.

Secondly, if you split the log with a cleaver to obtain even materials suitable for building a bench, then it should not be very twisted. That is, the fibers should go more or less evenly, because the crack will go along them. Minor irregularities and deformations along the split surface can be removed with a plane and grinding. Besides, "wild" furniture does not have to be perfectly flat!

The nuances of working with a chainsaw when building garden furniture with your own hands

Here's a great example of a garden bench that's as designer and unique as it is simple:

But the simplicity is only apparent. Indeed, its construction is elementary - just one log, no other parts and fasteners. The entire structure - seat, backrest - is carved with a chainsaw. However, in order to cut out such a curly product, you need to be fluent in a chainsaw, to feel the tool and material. Therefore, this bench is not so simple.

You also need to have some skill to evenly halve a log. A couple of tips to make your job easier:

  • make markings not only at the end, but also along the log;
  • if the log is debarked, draw two lines - a strip along which the saw will go, 1 cm thick - this is the approximate thickness that the saw will "eat";
  • if you want to leave the bark, and it is inconvenient to draw on the log, then you can stretch the lace from end to end and carefully cut along it;
  • secure the log so that it does not "walk" from the vibration of the saw, support it with wedges, blocks, etc.

To decorate a bench or bench, you can lightly walk with a saw chain along the flat part of the half-timbers - the seat and back, - make several transverse scratches, chipping, to age the tree, give the shape a natural look. When grinding, the chipped ones will be smoothed out and will not interfere with operation, but the view from the bench or bench will become more interesting.

To age the wood, firing is also used and - scratching with a hard steel brush.

Do-it-yourself shop in a wild style

The simplest piece of garden furniture that you can make with your own hands is a bench. If you have a sufficiently thick log, you can cut it out from a solid block, and you get something like this:

We cut it out with a chainsaw and grind it. We fire, cover with varnish, stain - details to taste. Such a shop looks quite original, despite the simplicity of the design.

If there is no such thick log, then here is the second option:

It's intuitive how it's done, right? In general, all furniture of this type is folded, like a log house - the upper elements fit into the cut grooves. In this case, the connection goes "", but it is not necessary to cut out an even "lunar" groove, it is enough to cut out a triangular segment so that the main half-log sits firmly in the block-legs. It is easy to cut out such grooves with an ax - no fine work is required.

The log for the seat does not have to be straight and without knots, it can be crooked. The same is true in the case of making a bench. The natural curvature of the material, on the contrary, will add effect to the product - brutality and stylish "wildness".

Simple "wild" bench without a single nail

How to make a shop is already clear. To get a bench, you just need to attach the back. It can be attached without a single nail, self-tapping screw, etc.

To do this, take a triangular or trapezoidal section two bars. We get it from one by sawing in the middle. The triangular section is needed to make the connection "" of the bars with the seat and back.

In the half-rails for the seat and backrest, triangular (trapezoidal) grooves are cut for the supports so that the wide part is inside the half-beams. Then all the elements are connected in these grooves. In the video, you will see that it is easier than it sounds in words:

But it's harder than it looks. The main difficulty is to cut the grooves of the desired shape at the desired angle in the rounded surface of the half-beams. Without a certain skill and experience with a chainsaw, it is not easy.

There is an easier option - to do without the "dovetail", use self-tapping screws, or nails to attach the backrest supports to the bench. The supports are attached to the chocks, which function as legs, and can also be attached in addition to the seat array. The back can be secured in the same way by cutting out the lunar grooves in the supports themselves, if they are thick enough. We get, approximately, the following:

For the manufacture of the above-described benches and benches, you need original logs from about 35 cm in diameter (if we take the same ones). This is dictated by the comfortable parameters of the bench or bench itself. Its height is 40-50 cm. The height of the seat plane is about 1.5 diameters of the billet log. The final calculation depends on the depth of the groove, but it is not necessary to cut it deeply.

Another important note:

For two benches, it is advisable to cut the log in half, but for the bench it is better to move the cutting plane away from the diameter plane, so that the beam for the back is smaller than for the seat. First, your bench will be 5-10 cm taller, which is important if the log is not thick enough. Secondly, do not forget about the center of gravity of the bench.

If the half-log for the backrest is as massive as the seat, and the backrest is inclined, then the structure may be unstable. This problem can be solved by rigidly attaching the seat to the lower supports, but you will also be sitting on this bench! And want to sit back!

To prevent the center of gravity from shifting so that the bench overturns or staggers, the top of the back should not go beyond the vertical axis passing through the extreme points of the lower supports, legs. It is better if the legs protrude further than the back of the bench.

Another significant parameter. There are various original design benches, chairs, etc., but for a standard bench or chair, the backrest slope is within 30 ° from the vertical axis.

Another log bench that is easy to make with your own hands

This option is suitable if you have small diameter logs at your disposal. Immediately, to make it clear, it is better to see once:

Here everything is also clear from the picture. Logs are connected - they are articulated into longitudinal grooves. Half-ravine - for back and seat. For the backrest supports, grooves are cut out in the "legs" logs, but, in principle, it can be fixed with screws or nails. The lower bar is necessary for the rigidity of the supports.

What is the main thing here? The main thing is to fasten the supporting logs, "legs". They can be fastened together:

  • - metal or wooden; fittings can be used as such;
  • nails;
  • screws, self-tapping screws.

The fastening elements should be staggered between different logs. When attaching the backrest supports, it is necessary to ensure that the fastening elements do not intersect inside the solid wood to the body of the main lower supports.

Important: Do not screw in a self-tapping screw or hammer in a nail from scratch! This can split the log, especially if it is small in diameter. Pre-drill holes with a drill equipped with a long drill!

Diy log table

For example, in this video you will see in two minutes how a master will make a simple set of a bench and a table in a "wild" style without a single nail:

By the way, to strengthen the structure, no one bothers to use glue, nails, etc.

Also, the tabletop can be installed on a wide stump, which is left from a cut down tree. In general, if there are stumps left in your area, take a closer look at them before uprooting them. Perhaps, if they are well located, it will be possible to install a bench, but for sure - you can put a table! In this case, it is better to knock the countertop out of rough boards, or use a homogeneous array.

If you make a table from logs entirely, then the principle is the same as in the construction of benches. The structure is assembled in the same way as a log house - the elements fit into the grooves. If it is necessary to strengthen the rigidity, fasteners and glue are used.

In the following image, a one-piece structure that combines both a table and benches. To do this is technically no more difficult than a separate bench. The only difference is that you need to tinker with calculations and drawings, you can't do it by eye.

A simple way to make a "wild" stool from thick wood

... which will not be ashamed to put in the house. See how easy it is:

Please note that it is not at all necessary to masterfully own a chainsaw, since the scale of the working space allows you to correct the unevenness of the first cut.

Such a stool will fit into the interior, as well as a table made of logs, especially in a "wild style" log house.

Another method of making a stool, where you don't even need to cut anything hard:

A log that is thick enough to make a great chair. If you burn it, grind it and varnish it, you get an exclusive product, which is a pity to take out into the street:

For inspiration

For the manufacture of garden furniture, any material will work if you are creative. Any driftwood, branch, or stump. Below are photos confirming this.

By freeing your site from excess trees or stumps, you can find a worthy use for the resulting material. The resulting logs and roots will become the basis for making various wood crafts: fairytale characters and animals, which will become a worthy decoration for any playground or simply decorate the facades of the house.

First, decide on the size of the craft, measure the required part of the log, clean it from bark and knots, clean it to make the workpiece smooth. You can fasten the parts using:

  • special glue
  • small carnations
  • drills for wood (a part is hammered into the formed recess, designed to be, for example, the neck or legs of the craft)

Next, the finished figurine is processed with a special protective solution, varnished and allowed to dry. Decorating a craft for a playground made of logs can be entrusted to children or, together with the kids, decorate the fairytale hero in bright colors, come up with additional details for the decor, turning the process into an exciting game.

In addition, logs can become the basis for creating children's swings, sandboxes, various labyrinths, paths, ladders, etc. The stumps and logs remaining after the felling can serve as material for the construction of a real small children's playground: a little imagination, skill, additional materials in the form of ropes, ropes, reliable fasteners and children will have a place to play in the country without distracting adults from important matters.

Crafts from a log for a playground. Photo

Stylish furniture for a summer residence

If financial possibilities do not allow you to order a stylish set of garden furniture for your dacha according to an individual project, and you have no desire to buy simple plastic furniture, you can try to create a stylish set for your favorite dacha furniture set with your own hands.

Logs and stumps remaining after the felling can again serve as irreplaceable details. The main task is to move these heavy structures to the desired location on the site. Further processing depends on the skills and tools at your disposal.

A simple, but this does not at all lose its originality and style, option:

  • table and chairs made from tree stumps
  • solid log bench

First option allows the use of minimal processing of parts: it is enough to finish the tabletop for the table and the tops of the stumps, which will serve as seats. A more complex option involves cleaning the stumps from bark and knots, creating backs and additional decorative elements at the discretion of the owner of the dacha.

Second option t will allow you to create two benches, if there is a tool and the ability to divide the log lengthwise into two equal parts. By making small notches in the rounded part of the log, you can securely place the main bench on two small logs that provide a reliable support for such a simple, stylish and reliable bench that will serve you for many years and require minimal investment.

Do-it-yourself furniture from logs in the country. Photo

Flower bed made of logs

Another option to successfully decorate your site is to create original flower bed for flowers from a log. The use of plastic bottles, tires and even stone will take more time, and the result will lose in advance to a flower bed made of wood.

With the help of a chisel and a hammer, in a couple of hours, you can make a deepening of the required width and depth in a finished piece of wood or a stump located in a suitable place on your site, fill it with soil and plant flowers that will feel comfortable in such conditions and look spectacular inside wooden construction.

Do-it-yourself flower bed from a log. Photo

Log doghouse

Creation log booths for a beloved pet will be a small rehearsal for the construction of more serious structures. After all, a kennel for a dog made of logs is a mini-house with a roof and a manhole-door, designed for a comfortable stay of a dog in any weather. This is a complete housing for an animal, reliable and durable. Roofing material and shingles can be used for the roof, which will give the booth even more resemblance to a real house.

In addition, such a structure will not only carry a functional load, but will also serve as a real decoration of the suburban area.

Do-it-yourself log booth for a dog. Photo

Log fence

Logs will be an excellent material for construction. fences and various kinds barriers on the territory of the suburban area. To install such a fence from the front of the house, additional processing of the material will be required and not every piece of wood will be suitable for the external structure due to the increased requirements for quality indicators.

On the very territory of the summer cottage, it is quite possible to build fences from logs of various heights and thicknesses, using the non-standard details to make the building more spectacular and originality.

Do-it-yourself fence from a log. Photo

Log bridges in the country

Another classic building for a summer residence - log bridges... In this structure, the logs look the most organic. The main task is to achieve the stability and reliability of the structure: whether it will be a decorative bridge over a dry reservoir or a flower bed, or a full-fledged structure used to go to the other side.

If the bridge is not decorative and its length is more than 2.5 meters, it is recommended to use additional intermediate piles for reliability, and a special foundation is laid at the base of such a structure.

The basis for such a heavy structure may well be metal carcass, which will ensure the reliability of the structure.

Log bridges for summer cottages. Photo

Wooden house made of logs

Making small wooden crafts with children, building simple structures and structures from logs in your own summer cottage, it is quite possible to gain knowledge and experience to start building a full-fledged wooden house from logs.

To begin with, it can be a gazebo or a small outbuilding, a bathhouse or a barn. Gradually, accumulating the necessary knowledge and skills, you can move on to the construction of a wooden house from logs - the dream of many summer residents.

A house made of logs does not require finishing; it perfectly retains heat in winter and cool in summer. It is always dry and cozy in such a house. To build a small wooden house from logs is quite a feasible task for many summer residents.

Photos of log houses

You can use a log to build a house:

  • rounded
  • planed

The latter makes the construction process more complicated and time-consuming, but in terms of quality characteristics it significantly surpasses the first option. Planed log retains all the protective layers of wood, which allows it to be used in its original form, without subjecting it to additional processing with various chemical compounds for wood protection. Houses built from such material are environmentally friendly and durable, although they require much more time and scrupulousness in the selection of logs of a similar diameter when erecting a structure. A blockhouse made of such logs must go through a process shrinkage which takes 1-1.5 years. Only then can you install doors and windows, lay the roof.

Forest dwellers from logs

Figures depicting forest gnomes and fairies will be a wonderful decoration for a playground or a summer cottage decorated in a forest style. Knots located in the right places will become spouts, horns and handles. Bright flower pots and other utensils will serve as hats and caps. With the help of paints, you can draw funny faces, straw and tow can be used for lush hairstyles of forest dwellers.

The use of metal reinforcement for such structures will securely fix them in the right place and make them more durable.

Making a bunny from a log

To make a figurine you need:

  • suitable log, diameter 16-23cm, length 35-55cm
  • plywood sheet 4-6mm thick
  • facade paint
  • carnation

Stage 1

The lower part of the log should be cut evenly for the stability of the figure, the upper part should be cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

Stage 2

Stage 3

Processing the workpiece with a special solution and varnishing.

Stage 4

At this step, you need to use a jigsaw to cut out additional details for the bunny figurine from plywood. This is a pretty face (the diameter of which should be equal to the diameter of the upper part of the log) and ears. To do this, you can use special templates and stencils or make a sketch yourself.

Stage 5

Paint over the face and ears with paint of the desired color, let dry. Then draw the eyes, mouth, mustache.

Stage 6

Make small holes for the ears, muzzle and legs, if any, using a special drill, fix the elements using nails and glue.

DIY wooden man made of logs

We need:

  • two small logs of different diameters
  • branches
  • special drills - perks
  • saw or hacksaw
  • carnation

Stage 1

Determine the workpiece for the head and body (large diameter). An approximate ratio of 2: 1, but this is conditional.

Stage 2

To fasten these parts, we use a branch, the length of which is about 25 cm: with a drill we make indentations for the diameter of the branch from the ends of the two parts, so that the parts sit tightly on the branch.

Stage 3

Then we make out the face of the little man: with the help of a drill we make recesses for the eyes and nose, then we drive in small chocks there. You can paint them in advance.

An important point is to use only dry branches for the neck, eyes and nose, otherwise there is every chance that the workpieces will soon fall out of the prepared grooves.

Stage 4

We create a small bench using a log and a plank: we drive the log into the ground, leaving the upper part 20-45 cm long, nail the plank with a carnation. We sit on the bench the finished figurine of the forest man and fix it with studs.

Stage 5

Hands and feet are made with the help of branches, cutting off their parts at the desired angle and fastening with self-tapping screws, which will then allow you to tighten the details of the limbs.

Bench made of logs

Such a wooden bench will require a lot of effort to manufacture, but it will become not only a real decoration of your summer cottage, but also a reliable and useful structure that will last for many years and will delight more than one generation. The back of the bench is made in the shape of a butterfly, which makes it possible to use all your imagination and decorate the bench in bright colors.

Well made of logs

A complex product made of logs, which will become a decoration for the whole country street. Additional details and decor will give the building an individual design and a spectacular look.

Garden swing

Such a garden swing will be not only a great place to entertain children, but also for adults to relax. This design may well serve as a bench, it is reliable and safe to use. Additional processing of parts, reliable fasteners and ropes will allow using this structure for sports activities with children. And the device next to several ladders and labyrinths will help create a real sports ground.


Do-it-yourself garden swing from logs. Photo