Repairs Design Furniture

Candles with your own hands at home. Decorative candles with their own hands New Year, christmas for beginners: master class. How to make and decorate wax, paraffin, aromatic, colored, carved candles? Colored candles at home

Candles - attribute of any holiday. In stores you can find candles different colors, shapes and sizes. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to pick up the "candle of your dreams." In addition, I want festive decoration It was special. You can embody your original design ideas by making candles with your own hands.

Candles of Ogrkov

The accumulated candlestrokes and paraffin slices can be overpowered into a new candle. To do this, you will need a thread of Moulin, a beer bank, a package of juice or any other form, sunflower oil And, of course, the candle flames themselves. They can even be different colors. In this case, you will get the original "rainbow" candle.

Remove candles from the remnants of the candles, fold all pieces of paraffin into a metal container and put on a water bath.

If you use white paraffin, but you want to make a color candle, cover baby wax chalk into the container. So that the candle turns out with a pearl tide, add an eye shadow to the original material. By adding several drops of essential oil to the melted paraffin, you can make an aromatic candle.

While the paraffin melts, prepare the shape for the fill. Lubricate its walls with sunflower oil so that the frozen candle is easier to remove.

Make wick. To do this, tightly twist a few threads of Moulin. The thicker the candle, the more threads need for a wick. Pour the wick of molten paraffin. One finish end to the pencil put it on top of the form. The end of the wick should touch the bottom of the form. You can additionally fix the wick below. To do this, pinched in the center of the bottom of the shape of the hole, stretch the end of the wick and fasten through it and fasten, knotting outside the nodule.

Pour in the form about two thirds of the molten paraffin and leave overnight. In the morning, when the paraffin freezes, in the middle of the candle, a deepening is formed. Mount the remaining part of the paraffin on the water bath and fill it with this "crater".

Then leave the candle for another day. When the paraffin finally freezes, remove the candle from the form. If the sunflower oil did not help and paraffin still dialed to the walls of the form, put it on 10 minutes into the freezer or hold it in hot water.

Coffee candle with your own hands

For the manufacture of coffee candles, you will need 5 white paraffin candles or several candle flamers, 4-5 tbsp. l. Coffee grains, beer bank, box from under juice or other shape, pencil, knife, sunflower oil, threads Moulin, small pan or bowl.

First, grind the candles with a knife, remove the filtic from them.

Melt the slices of paraffin in the water bath.

While the paraffin melts, prepare the shape and wick in the same way as described above.

When the paraffin melts, without removing the saucepan with a water bath, add coffee beans there, and after 10 minutes, remove them and put them on the bottom, filling it in almost half.

Fill coffee grains with a small amount of paraffin so that they do not pop up, and cool a little.

When this layer of paraffin freeze, melt the remaining portion of the paraffin and pour the shape to the top. When the candle hardens, remove it from the form.

For a few seconds, hold the layer with grains over fire so that paraffin is slightly melted and the grains have become more noticeable.

Fruit candle with your own hands

For the manufacture of fruit candle, you will need lemon, orange, grapefruit or any other citrus with dense skin, several white or yellow candles, thread Moulin, a small pan or a bowl, pencil.

Cut the fruit in half and carefully remove the pulp, trying not to damage the peel. Half peel will serve as candlesticks for candles. Cock the harness to several threads of Moulin and feed them with paraffin or remove the wick from the candle. Tie one end of the wick to the pencil and put it on top of the peel. Do the hole in the snug of the peel, drag through it the bottom end of the wick and make it a nodule from the outside.

Grind the candles with a knife, remove it from them, and the pieces of paraffin melts on the water bath. Fill the molten paraffin halves of the peel and leave up to frozen.

Pictures for candles

Even the simplest candle can be turned into a festive one in 5 minutes. To do this, you will need a thick candle, paper napkins with a pattern, scissors and a tea or a tablespoon.

Carefully cut the picture from the napkin, which you would like to decorate the candle. Please note that such napkins are usually multi-layered, you will also need one, upper layer with drawing. You can cut one drawing or several by sticking them throughout the circumference of the candle.

Slightly split the spoon over open fire.

Attach the drawing to the candle and gently arrange it with a warm spoon, moving from the center to the edges of the picture.

And if as a plot you select a picture of Santa Claus, then it turns out so beautiful New Year candlewhich I. new Year's interior decorate and will be good new Year's gift .

Gel candle do it yourself

Transparent gel candles look very unusual. In addition to external beauty, they have another advantage: the gel burns slower the paraffin. In general, the principle of manufacturing the gel candle is the same as paraffin. However, there are a number of features.

For the manufacture of gel candle, fill the 5 parts of colorless gelatin 20 parts of water. After 30-40 minutes, add 25 parts of glycerol to the swollen gelatin. Put the mixture on a weak fire and heat up to obtain a transparent solution. Separately, take 10 parts of the glycerol, warm it and dissolve 2 parts of the tannin in it. Mix both solutions. You will have a muddy solution. Preheat it for some time until it becomes transparent. Please note that the gel can not be heated to a temperature above 120 ° C, since in this case the oil portion will begin to decompose, the gel will be muddy and it will smell unpleasantly. Try as much as possible to interfere with the gel, otherwise bubbles will be formed in it. If the bubbles still appear, put a candle on the windowsor lit by the sun. The gel will warm up and bubbles will disappear.

Finished gel fill in a glass form with a wick.

As a form, you can use any beautiful glass vessel With not too thin walls. Wash it thoroughly, wipe and warm in the oven. This is done to reduce the temperature difference of the gel temperature and vessel walls. If this difference is too big, bubbles are formed near the wall walls. In addition, the glass drops can burst.

Fitil is made and attached the same as for paraffin candles. Of course, it is impossible to pierce a glass vessel, so the lower end of the wick is glued to the bottom of the glue.

The gel is poured through the walls of the form. In no case do not pour it with a jet.

You can make the original candle, putting in low part Forms non-combustible materials: pebbles, shells, beads. The decorations fall asleep in an empty shape without a wick, poured with gel and leave. When the gel is freezing, the needle is pierced and the lower part of the wick is inserted there. Upper, as usual attached to a pencil. Then the form is poured by the remaining gel to the edges.

I want to tell you how to make candles with your own hands at home. As sources of light they are already not relevant, but excellent in the role decorative jewelry and original gifts. You will learn the most popular recipes that can be implemented even without artistic skills.

Create masterpieces on your own

Recipes for the manufacture of candles that are easy to implement without leaving home:

Recipe # 1: "Wax"

Wax candles possess very simple structure:

They are created from the following materials:

Name Purpose Picture
Wax or paraffin Creating directly the body of the product is made. For such materials, ordinary household candles can be used.
Thread of cotton or moulin Creating a wick, which actually will emit warmly with light, slowly burning
Pan Organization of water bath for melting wax or paraffin
Pure metal capacity, in the role of which the bucket is perfect The content of wax or paraffin during their melting on the water bath
Molds from tin, glass or plastics Giving shape to frozen wax or paraffin
Wood chopstick or ordinary pencil Fixing Fitil

For the first time I recommend to take someone to my assistants, since the melted wax will begin to grab after fifteen minutes after removing it from the mosflower. In fairness alone, you may not have time to fulfill all the necessary actions.

Now consider step by step performed tasks:

Step number 1:
  • By the middle of a stick or pencil, we bind one edge of cotton thread or moulin;
  • Self chopstick or pencil put on top of the form, putting on her edges so that the second edge of the wick is descended to the bottom of the tank;
  • So we do with each of the harvested forms

Step number 2:
  • To melt wax or paraffin, their mode to start small pieces. This will significantly speed up the process;
  • Then we recruit, approximately, polished water and put on a slow fire;
  • In the bucket referred to the prepared material, after which they immerse the capacity in the heating water;
  • We interfere with the melting content before it is to complete the transition to a liquid homogeneous state without lumps

Step number 3:
  • Melted wax or paraffin in a small amount pour into the form exactly so so that the lower edge of the wick is plunged into it;
  • If necessary, correct the thread or moulin so that the fixation takes place efficiently;
  • About a minute we are waiting for setting the material.

Step number 4:
  • Carefully pour the remaining melted paraffin or wax;
  • We leave the shape to full grasp.

Step number 5:
  • After about 24 hours, we check how well the material used for the creation of the body of the candle;
  • Then, I dwell the length of the wick so that it is convenient to light;
  • Cut off excessive;
  • After a day, the product can be used by destination.

It is better to use forms with smooth edges or disposable, which can be simply destroyed. Then you do not have to leave ready-made candles in them.

Recipe number 2: "Colored"

Color candle with their own hands at home is created almost also exactly, as well as the usual wax, with the exception of one additional ingredient: wax pencils.

They are very a large assortment Possible colors, which opens the enormous possibilities for the transformation of the appearance of the candle of self-containing manufacture:

  1. So you can simply make a monophonic article by adding paraffin or wax a piece of a pencil that you like. It will also dissolve, paint yellowness in a more fun and interesting shade;

  1. If you throw several multi-colored pieces in a melting mass, then you will have a rainbow candle;
  2. Striped instances are most popular. In their manufacture, each portion of wax with a new color is filled after the complete sinking of the previous one. The process, of course, is delayed, but the result looks amazing.

If the form after the fill of each new layer is not directly putting on the table, but to install at an angle, then you can get more complex ornaments than Zebra.

Recipe number 3: "Aromatized"

It is not necessary to limit itself to the addition of non-ferrous wax pencils alone. At home you can also add a few drops of essential oil in front of it before pouring it. In this case, your candle will still be bolshing and even positively act on the body.

Here are examples of the effects of some essentials:

  1. Lavender and Bergamot helps to relax as much as possible, which is indispensable after a heavy working day;

  1. Lemon and Rosemary contribute to raising good mood and removing negative thoughts;

  1. Geranium, rose and lavender remove stress;

Recipe number 4: "Transparent gel"

Here in order to make a candle at home, a special candle gel is used instead of wax or paraffin.

This gives a very important visual effect - transparency, due to which adjustments to the manufacturer itself are also entered:

  1. If the form is used with concave edges, it must be transparent. Otherwise, the whole meaning of helium candle will be lost;

  1. The selected shape in front of the direct fill of the melted gel should be heated to eliminate the formation of bubbles in the structure of the product being manufactured;
  2. In the process of forming the body of the candle in its material immersed decorative elementswhich due to the transparency of the helium composition is frozen inside. And as decoration, everything will be prompted by your imagination. It looks amazing.

Recipe number 5: "Fruit"

Human ingenuity on the above does not stop that I wish you to prove with the demonstration of candle formulations using natural fruit fragments. To work, you will need the following materials:

Having collected everything you need, proceed to fulfillment tasks:

Step number 1:
  • Gently cut the lemon with a sharp knife;
  • Take out all the inner pulp;
  • We carry out a similar operation with the second fruit

Step number 2:
  • Turn the wax or paraffin on the water bath, as it was described in the instructions for creating wax candles;
  • Add to the resulting substance dried lavender flowers, a few drops of essential oil and food dye;
  • Thoroughly mix all

Step number 3:
  • In the center of each of the resulting lemon halves, fix the phytile;
  • Then pour them with a prepared mixture

Step number 4:
  • Put filled fruit duly in a cool place;
  • We are waiting for their complete hardening

Only in no case put lemon forms in the refrigerator, since there the filling their wax can be frozen unevenly.

Recipe number 6: "Coffee"

In this case, the set of materials and the process itself is similar to the same manufacturer of a classic wax candle. But coffee is also added to the coffee grain to give a special entourage.

And you can perform four methods:

  1. It is enough just to add grain coffee into the melted wax or paraffin, and you will already get the original drawing on the finished product;

  1. You can also bind the grain-ready candle by gluing them with the help of glue either by pressing not yet frozen fully material;

  1. The most simple version is the already frozen sample from the form, put in a large transparent container and fill the gap between the walls of coffee grains;

  1. If you want to bet on the fragrance, and not on the appearance, then add ground coffee to molten wax or paraffin. And then in the process of burning candles around the room there will be a pleasant coffee smell.

Recipe number 7: "With photos"

This is not a completely recipe for the manufacturer of the candle, since the entire initial process completely repeats the creation of a wax instance. But then, when he is completely freezing, you can proceed to apply photography on its walls. For this need:

Picture Name

Hardened candle from paraffin or wax


Paper sheet for printer

Wax paper





Procedure looks like that:

Step number 1:
  • We select a suitable photo;
  • Cushion fix on a paper sheet with a scotch

Step number 2:
  • Refuel the combined sheets into the printer so that the copying image is imprinted on the tracing;
  • Print photo;
  • Separate a tracker and cut out the main image from it, leaving a thin white frame

Step number 3:
  • Wrap the printed photo of the candle;
  • Top covering it with rolling paper;
  • Warming the hairdryer until the appealing image becomes clear

Step number 4:
  • Gently remove the rolling paper;
  • We get the original product

Application of homemade candles

Summing up, I want to describe the applications of candles made a little more detail:

  1. Creating a romantic setting. Full electric lighting, of course, candles handmade at home will not be replaced, but here it is possible to bring romance to be excellent;
  2. Decoration of others. Several decorative candles of bizarre forms can be the most important attraction of your home;

  1. Interesting hobby. Manufacturing such ancient lighting devices Very fascinating. And if a commercial vein is present in you, it can become more profitable;

  1. Aromatization of the room. If you make an aromatic candle, it will fill in a pleasant, and in some cases even a useful smell of any room in which you install it;

  1. Gift friends. Homemade candles can also be used as gift souvenirs. So enough to break his head over what to give, it's time to take care!


You have familiarized yourself with several interesting candle manufacturing recipes at home. These are not only beautiful souvenirs and original giftsBut also an interesting pastime.

Video in this article contains additional materialsconcerning the topic considered. In the comments, you can ask any questions you are interested in.

Candles have become popular in the middle mannevia. They were only people with prosperbecause their price was very high. They were made out miscellaneous materialThis could be paper or papyrus, different plants and fat. Then the North American colonists invented how to get wax. After that, a lot of different experiments and experiments were carried out, but there was no expected result. It lasted until paraffin was invented. Since then, it began to make candles from it.

Molds for candles do it yourself

Candle forms can be the most different, it will only depend on your imagination and mood. For this, different glass transparent jars are suitable, cups that you have in the kitchen, containers from under baby food and yogurts, small boxes that are made of dense cardboard. And you can also use orange and lemon peel. And you can do gypsum Candle shapeFor this, you need to pour the animal statuette or flower with plaster and wait until it freezes.


Fitil can be purchased in a special store, take from the candle that you have or make it yourself. There are two options.

Materials that will be needed for work:

  • bamboo sticks or punches made of cork tree;
  • sunflower oil, you can use olive;
  • napkins;
  • scissors.

First you need to cut off the wand, the length that you need. Then place the wand obtained in sunflower or olive oil for twenty minutes. It is necessary so that the wick burns longer. After that, remove the wand and lightly blocked the napkin. Your wick is ready.

Second option. Here, the phytyl will be made from cotton thread. Necessary materials for work:

  • thread moulin or cotton thread;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • bura.

You need to cut off a couple of strips of cotton thread. Then take a glass and mix in it three tablespoons of boraxes and one tablespoon of salt. After that, lower the strips from the thread into the glass and leave them there for twelve hours. After passing this time, threads will need to be good.

When the threads are dry, twist them between themselves and plunge into wax or paraffin. After drying, the phytyl will be ready.


For this you can use essential oils. When the candle burns they will evaporate and soak air pleasant flavorswhich, in most cases, well affect the body. You can mix oils and get candles for different purposes, some can be for relaxation and excitement, while others to raise mood. The more the oil is added to the candle, the brighter will be its smell. But if you make a candle with your own hands from natural wax, the flavors do not use flavors.


This component is not necessary, as you can make a candle without it. But if you decide to make your candles bright, you can use wax chalks, which are drawn by children on asphalt. Before use, it must be chopped into a little crumb, and then add to the molten candle mass. Still exist liquid food dyesBut for our candles they will not fit, because water includes water. You can replace them oil colors or special paintswhich are sold in stores where everything is for the sparkling.

How to make a candle at home

Wax candles with their own hands

Necessary materials:

  • wax or paraffin, at your discretion;
  • the form;
  • flavors and dyes if you decide to use them;
  • capacity for water bath and saucepan with water;
  • wick;
  • wands that will be supported by wick;
  • adhesive pistol.

Making candles.

First of all, you need to decide on the form in which wax will be filled. Then this form to install wick. Fitil must be glued to the bottom of the form, via adhesive pistol And fix its wand, and if there is no stick, you can use the usual drawing pencil.

After you fixed the wick, you need to make a lot of candle. To do this, wax or paraffin melts on the water bath. As soon as the mass acquires a liquid species, you can add flavors and dyes to it.

The last step in the work will distinguish between the forms. So that she acquires the form, such as you want, she needs to be frozen, it will take several hours for this. After the frozen, yours original candle will be ready.

Gel candles with their own hands at home

They can become a wonderful gift or souvenir. They smell very beautifully and burn much longer paraffin or wax. Moreover, the capacitance in which the candle will be made, after its cutting, can be used for other purposes. How to make candles with your own hands tell on.

Materials for work:

  • gelatin, it should be colorless;
  • glycerin and Tanin;
  • ink, which have different colors;
  • essential oil that you like more;
  • glass capacity;
  • wick;
  • different subjects

Making candles.

The first thing to do is add five parts gelatin in twenty parts of water. Then this mass is placed twenty-five parts of glycerin and it all heats up on low heat before transparency.

Until gelatin and glycerol Heats need to dissolve the tannin. To do this, take two parts of the tannine and ten parts of glycerol, after mixing will add to the total mass. The mixture should be boiled until it becomes transparent.

If you want the candle to be bright and beautiful add ink, the color of the candle will depend on its color. After that, essential oils are added.

To decorate the candle, on the bottom of the form you need to put decorations, it can be beads, different beads, shells and even pieces of fruit.

After that, the wick is fixed in the form, you need it to be in the middle. Then the mass is poured and left to frozen. Beautiful candle, after frozen will be ready for use.

To do this, you can use everything you like. If you do the Aromasvechka, you can use pieces of fruit, oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits are suitable. But before that, the fruits must be dried, it can be done in the oven for seventy degrees.

As a decoration, you can use different tapes, threads for decor and lace. But with this material for the decor you need to be careful because it easy lights up. Best to put it on the candlestick.

Handmade candles can be decorated with cones, grain coffee, cinnamon sticks, different beads, printed photos. How your candle will be decorated, depends only on your fantasy and desire.

Surveillance at home is becoming more and more popular hobbies. This is a very interesting and easy-to-see, having mastered the foundations of which you can always surprise friends or colleagues, but a pleasant gift. You can also decorate the interior of your home with interesting handmade candles. In this article, the author invites you to try your hand in the aircraft with a minimum set of materials and tools, you will not have to buy some special devices or components. And if you hung this occupation, then you will already experiment with dyes, flavors and forms.

To begin with, prepare everything you need:
1. Paraffin ordinary candle.
2. A small knife.
3. Empty package from under juice or milk.
4. Pencil.
5. Dishes for water bath. Since the dishes are very difficult then to put in order it is recommended to use inexpensive dishes, which will be used for such purposes.
6. Little sieve.
7. Coffee grain.
8. Small decorative elements for decorating the candle (optional).

Before starting work, carefully read the precautionary Paraffin Precautions !!!
1. Paraffin is a flammable substance, so it is not worth melting it directly on fire or in the microwave oven. We need to melt paraffin only in a water bath, while the fire should not be too strong. In the process of smelting, paraffin can be stirred wooden stick either a spatula and in no case cannot leave paraffin on fire unattended.
2. When overflowing the paraffin in shape, be careful if you use to melting paraffin on a water bath with an iron handle, do not forget to take advantage.
3. Also when overflowing paraffin in the form, be extremely neat and make sure that the melted paraffin does not hit the skin.
4. In case of emergency situations, keep the open bundle food Soda. When fire, paraffin is not worth extinguishing with water, only soda.
So, proceed.

1 step.
Knife gently make shallow cuts along the entire length of the candle, without cutting wick. The candle is fling into pieces, wick carefully remove. We will need it in the future. Paraffin from the candle grinding with a knife and fold into the previously prepared container for smelting. Now we take a saucepan of a larger diameter, pour water into it and put on gas. From above, in water, we raise a vessel with finely chopped paraffin. When water in a saucepan boils, the paraffin will begin to melting in a water bath.

2 step.
While the water did not boil, prepare a form for a future candle. To do this, take a package from the juice and with the help of a knife from it to cut the top. Now we take the wick removed from the candle and wrap it around a pencil. Then place a pencil with phytile strictly centered forms.

3 step.
Now we will return to the paraffin. The fact that boiled, and the paraffin begins to slowly melted in a water bath. After the paraffin fully melted, we pour into it a handful of coffee beam.

4 step.
Now all this mixture is poured into a previously prepared form. It will be the first, decorative candle layer. Now we need to give a paraffin mixture in the form of a little time, whatever she froze.

5 step.
Then the paraffin on the water bath and the second layer in the shape of it. Since this layer is already doing without a grain, it is undesirable any impurities. Therefore, you can use the pitch and pour the paraffin into shape through it, sifting unnecessary impurities.

6 step.
Now waiting patiently when the paraffin finally freezes. Then you cut a bag of a package from under the juice, which served as a candle form, and carefully remove it. A candle can be decorated with special stickers for candles or simply rewind the ribbon that will need to be removed when it comes to light the candle. This is a great result with a minimum cost.

And if you pick up a wider form and make several wicks on the pencil, you will get this miracle candle with several wicks. And in order for it to be a pleasant coffee color enough in the process of paraffin smelting Add ordinary wax chalk brown color. I hope you liked your new experience And you will enjoy mastering a new useful hobby. Successful creativity!

You are standing on the threshold of an amazing opening of the world of candles.

In order not to throw away the bunch of materials for the manufacture of candles in the trash can, you, first of all, you need to study their properties.

  • How to save your time?
  • How to protect yourself from start-up errors?
  • How to save on materials and not throw money spent on materials and delivery?
  • Want to learn how to make candles yourself?
  • Want a new hobby where you can earn.
  • Then read the article to the end!

From a variety of materials to create candles, it is not easy to choose the necessary you. On the Internet a huge number of articles on the manufacture of candles, and, to put it mildly, not all of them are true. Often online stores selling materials for candles (or for soap and candles), sell them and give incorrect advice or simply try to sell you more (Simply put, make money on you).

It is necessary to take into account the properties of each material and separate the necessary from the secondary one.

The desktop candlestone

Your desktop where you will make candles should be protected from paraffin, dyes and everything you will create with.

The table must be displayed.

It may be an old newspaper and divided into sheets magazine, polyethylene, old cutting packets.

It is very convenient to use silicone baking mats (blue and red - mine).

Of course, before starting work, put on the apron or clothes, which is not sorry. If the paraffin is droplets on clothes, then it will be almost impossible to return it to the initial look.

What is so good silicone mat?

From it, the drops of paraffins falling past the form.

It is easy to wash.

Easy to fold, roll and remove.

He is soft and pleasant to the touch.

Water bath fixture

The very first, without which it is not necessary - this water bath.

All candles are made from candlestone melted on water bathotherwise it is impossible to melt it. In no way! In no case can you melt the candlestone in the microwave, a double boiler, a slow cooker ...

Otherwise, paraffin instantly overheats and flammifies!

If you do not want a fire, then strictly follow these tips.

Only water sauna!

What is a water sauna?

You will need an old metal saucepan (you will not use it anywhere else) and smaller the bucket, preferably with a long handle.

In the saucepan, water is heated and boils, heating the candlestone in the bucket. Gradually, the mass is melted. Before the boiling point, the paraffin will never reach. So, harmful pairs will not stand out in the air, which breathe.

Make sure that the melted candlestone does not pin down on the stove.

Paraffin in contact with a hot subject (or boiling) evaporates, highlighting harmful pairs. Do not confuse! When melting on a water bath, paraffin does not allocate anything!

My saucepans look like that of these two photos. I acquired one bucket in a specialized online store in the US, the second bought from the hands. More convenient with a plastic handle, because Does not heated.

Paraffin Food (P-2)

Why are paraffin called food? It is used by B. food Industry, for example, in the coating of cheeses to slow down product damage.

Paraffin is in the chips (loose, photo on the left), and it happens lump (below in the photo). Buy paraffin in briquette (reservoir) cheaper.

  • Paraffin is a product of oil distillation.
  • Substance white color The crystalline structure, in the molten state has low viscosity.
  • Melting point T pl \u003d 40-65 ° C.
  • Density of 0.880-0.915 g / cm³ (15 ° C).

Note when buying paraffin on his marking. There is also technical paraffin (with marking T), which contains large% of technical oils, from which food paraffin is maximally cleaned!

Cheaper to acquire paraffin in briquettes, but in this case they will have to buy 5 briquettes in the bag, and each at the factories make about 5 kg. I'm already accustomed to and buy paraffin wholesale, 25-45 kg.

In retail, most often sell paraffin in chips (flakes), as the seller is easier to pour and weigh it.

What else do you need, except paraffin, for candles?

You can make candles only from paraffin. Then it turns out this effect as in the photo. After the candle is freezing, the surface is obtained with bubbles, streaks, or "snowy" - who says - that is, heterogeneous.

  • This comes from the fact that the paraffin requires the so-called "plasticizer", because paraffin is freezing unevenly.

Snowy effect perfectly suitable for festive candles!

What to do if we want to avoid this effect, will look further.

In the meantime, see how the effect can be used!

An important property of paraffin is a shrinkage

Due to the fact that the paraffin molecules are a weak bond, then the surface tension, such as in water, or, for example, melted soap base, not. It is weak. Thus, when paraffin freezes, firstly, he settles, secondly, a funnel is formed as in the photo.

  • How to remove this funnel? - most frequent question. Do not be scared at the sight of a funnel and do not think that this is your error. This funnel always appears. It is just important to hide it. But how?

It is necessary in the process of pouring the paraffin to pierce the surface with a long needle or a wand to remove excess air and open emptiness.

And then make dirty.

Thus, the funnel can be hidden.


Remember, we talked about the effect of "snowfall"? It can be removed. Plasticizer, a bundle for paraffin molecules can serve as steam.

That is, if there is paraffin and a bit of stearin on a water bath, the effect of snowflakes will disappear, the color will be smooth.

Stearin is used in the production of candles as an additive to paraffin (10-20%) or in its pure form.

    Solid, translucent mass, fat to the touch.

  • Melting point T pl 53-65 ° C.
  • Density of 0.92 g / cm 3 (20 ° C).

Stearin candles are smoothly lit and do not float, they do not change their form with thermal effects.

But the manufacture of candles from pure stearin is quite expensive. Therefore, it is better to have stearin and add it to the paraffin so that the candlestone is less than the shrinkage and so that the candle is less "flowed."

The formula for the production of candles from paraffin and stearin:

  • 80% of paraffin + 20% stearin. Try!

Natural beeswax*

* For adherents of all natural, there is an opportunity to make candles from bee, soy (, etc.) wax.

When I acquired a natural big briquette of natural bees wax, then fell in love with this material at first sight! Why do you need all these artificial flavors when there is the fragrant honey beeswax? Ehhhh ...

Beeswax - the product of the life of bees. Registered as a food additive E-901.

It is highlighted by special glands of honey bees, from it the bees build honeycombs.

The solid substance from the white (with a light yellow tint) to yellow-brown color with a characteristic honey smell.

It has strong bactericidal properties.

At a temperature of 35 ° C, the wax becomes plastic.

Melts at a temperature of 62-68 ° C.

I am such a wax in small silicone shapes (I will show these forms further). Candles are small in weight, fragrant and beautiful.

By the way, I use a separate dishes for overpowering bee wax, because the wax is cluttered.

  • Bee wax is aromatherapy
  • Through times faster than paraffin
  • Natural product

But, of course, beeswax - expensive product. It costs 4 times more expensive than paraffin.

Forms for candles

When you start to engage in candles, life turns into a constant search for molds for candles. As long as you do not get professional forms.

My secret weapons were jars from under cotton wand.

They are not only round shape, but also in the form of a heart, a flower.

Who said that unprofessional forms are bad candles?

The main thing is that the candlestones, dyes and flavors were at the height. Execution, of course, too :-)

Molds from polycarbonate

I purchased these forms in the USA. Forms are convenient because transparent.

However, polycarbonate is not eternal and with time cracks.

I recently threw out one form (crackled and began to leak) after 4 years of operation.

Plastic molds for candles

These forms are stronger and cheaper than polycarbonate.

However, minus is that they are opaque.

The difference is that in them the plug (cover) at the base form. It is quite comfortable when you need to remove the finished candle.

Soft plastic for mini candles

These are the forms (used in the manufacture of soap).

The spinning needles are made for wicks, and the form is ready for the manufacture of mini-candles.

Plastic Molds Milkyway Molds

There are still such very interesting plastic forms.

In Russia, I haven't seen such as long.

MILKY WAY MOLDS, consisting of two parts manufactured by Milky Way Molds. This is a durable plastic, withstanding the temperature of 200º C.

I have such forms, but I don't make candles from them ... they hurt them cumbersome ... about 2 kg!

Metal forms (aluminum, steel, etc.)

Metal forms are "on the century". Durable, stable, super, in one word. Forms are made of aluminum, made of steel, other metals.

Need to be neat, because Metal is quickly heated from the flooded candlestone, you can burn.

Form thickness 1-3 mm. I really liked pouring candles into metal forms. Candles are obtained smooth.

Silicone baking molds

You can use silicone baking or ice molds: high shapes in the form of hearts, cupcakes, roses, as well as small molds in the form of fish, asterisks, etc. as decoration for candles.

Silicone baking molds are flexible, inexpensive, but when piercing the bottom is not so durable (when removing a candle, a hole is gradually breaking down, and it entails paraffin leakage when pouring, although it can be solved using paper tape or other secretsI tell about in my master classes).

Silicone handmade

Silicone forms can be bought in the store. But there are such unique silicone forms that do not do so simple, so I'll tell you about them. I order my silicone forms at the master. It is not all forms that I have.

To make a candle, you need experience.

Make a silicone

According to the cooking technology, silicone are two-component (the so-called "compounds"): consisting of the base and catalyst (hardener), which, before use, need to be mixed in a certain proportion, and one-component - already ready-to-use.

For the manufacture of form, we will need a two-component compound. When both composite parts are mixed, then begin to gradually stick.

Blind your own shape of plasticine or take the finished (ball, toy, etc.), place it in a disposable bucket (a jar or any other container, firmly fasten with glue or tape. Mix the components in the ratio of 100 grams of the base and 3.5 - 5 Gramm hardener and fill. After 8-10 hours, the form is ready.

It is better if you simply leave the place when the silicone is pouring you, wherever you will pour wax. Otherwise you have to cut the shape and when casting wax to strengthen it with the help of a rope or rubber band. The trouble is that hot wax deforms the form.

But the next experiments have shown that the silicone form in any case is cut along (or across, which is unavailable for us), because the plasticine master model is otherwise removed.

Get ready for a sharp and unpleasant both liquid silicone and frozen shapes. Be sure to add the flavor to the future candle, otherwise the candlestone will absorb the sharp smell of silicone.

And also do not regret the catalyst (it is better to put more per 1 g, the less). Otherwise, nothing will freeze, the mixture will not be grabbed, and you will have to get a master model from a liquid very sticky and unpleasant silicone and pour everything again (first thoroughly tapped with soap and brush).

Such a candle turned out from my homemade silicone form, the result and the process did not really delight me, so I decided to order forms at the master. What I do to this day.

We make the shape of the gypsum

In this case, we will produce the shape of the gypsum. To begin with, it is necessary to cut a conceived future form.

Where the mold connector is assumed, in the plasticine it is necessary to stick the blades of a secure razor, not very deeply. All this construction is covered with plaster. The blades will help to quickly disconnect the form (the frozen plaster does not cut and crumble into small pieces).

Here such mini-candles turned out.


You can buy philitis for your future ingenious creations in the candle plants or in specialized stores.

But you need to knowthat there is a huge number of types and sizes of wicks.

It is very important to choose the fit For candles.

If the wick will be too thick, then the flame of the candle will be large and the candle burns too quickly, if the wick is too thin, it will burn faster than the paraffin, and the candle will "chop out" and go out.

For the manufacture of phytyl, natural cotton thread is used, which does not smoke with burning and not crack.

Fitili is usually marked with numbers.

№1 - for candles up to 3 cm in diameter,

№2 - for candles 3-5 cm in diameter,

№3 - for 5-6 cm candles in diameter,

№4 - for candles from 6 cm in diameter.

When you get the forms, just ask the manufacturer, which is in stock. Fitoli and buy at least 2-3 different thicknesses, so you will test your candles and understand what better.

Where else can I get the wick?

If you decide not to buy paraffin and stearin and make candles from old candles or from purchased business, then the wick can be removed from the candles.

The only minus is not to pick up the thickness of the wick.

Alternatives to purchased phytyl

  • Jute Shpagat
  • Twisted several times x / b thread
  • Hooked x / b "pigtail"


Candle mass and wick prepared. Excellent! Now the question arises: how to paint a candle mass? This is done very simple. When the candlestone is already melted on a water bath, add a piece of dye. I mean the dye destined for the candles. I have a huge amount.

Color intensity depends on the amount of dye.

Keep in mind that the brightness of the color of the molten candlestone always morethan cooled wax. Therefore, if it seems that the colors are enough, still put a little more.

And then it will be really enough! :)

Sometimes there is no possibility or time to get a special dye. Read the following paragraph to understand what effect one or another method of staining will give.

How not to paint candles

There are many options to make your candle unique. One of them - giving a color candle.

When I just started to make candles, little was at hand as a dye of the candle mass.

And most importantly, little good and "competent" was at hand.

Still, the mixing of paraffin and dyes is all sorts of chemical reactions, and with it you need to be careful.

Still, I wanted color. I started with Guashi.

Gouache... Bad very bad.

Fortunately, I have no candle stained in this way.

The fact is that the gouache is almost impossible to paint the candlestone: small particles of Guosses are settled on the bottom of the extracts, and even if with the pouring form wax a little shake the paint, it still cares.It turns out a very pale shade, and from this turbid and untidy.

Once, I just visited nostalgia (I wanted pouring something, although without normal dyes). And I am on "Avos" poured into the molten wax of the Earth from the Pack of Flowers !!! It looked, of course, it was funny, a white candle, at the bottom of which he drives something dark. It seems at first glance there are no shortcomings.