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Highly effective love spell in bed. Love spell on bed linen

In love, as in war, all means are good. What lovers do not go to in order to tie the object of sighing to themselves. Most of the victims are men. Attraction is one of the most powerful emotions that can be used to manipulate a person. A conspiracy to bed will help you bring your other half closer to you, bring back the extinct passion that the husband and wife lost in marriage.

Carrying out the ceremony at home is quite feasible, you just need to observe the necessary conditions. So, a plot to bind occurs with a full moon, at night, without the presence of strangers. If a girl wants to talk to a guy, the day of the week is chosen "male". Accordingly, the guy conjures a lady on "women's" days. Don't get busy magic love spells in church holidays.

Rite for the purpose of reconciliation and inciting desire

Depending on the nature of the relationship between the couple, the technique of performing rituals and their complexity will vary. So, if in your marital union a period of cooling has dragged on, quarrels have become more frequent, or life is simply stuck, you need to refresh the relationship. Use your charm and sexuality, find weakness, which the husband / wife probably has. And the following ritual will help in kindling the fire.

  • get a new candle in the church and place it at the head of the marital bed on bed linen;
  • while waiting for the husband / wife to enter the bedroom, close the curtains and turn off the light: you must have time to complete all magical actions before he / she appears;
  • before going to bed, light a candle and read the plot seven times;
  • leave the flame to burn out by the bed.

The text of the prayer is:

“As the flame of a candle by the bed flares up, so let our insane fervor begin. Men's rear is a wife, let her be always faithful. The servant of God (name) desires the servant (name), and he wishes to drink the cup of passion with her. The moon will shed its light over them - long-awaited happiness will come to them forever. Amen".

Salt Ritual

If you want to make the night of love as passionate as possible, use the scheme of the following conspiracy. Effectively increases the sensuality of a man and enhances the mutual desire between partners in bed, and the husband and wife will feel like on a second honeymoon.

  1. Put a plate on the table in front of you, set a photo of your lover on it.
  2. Put 10 drops of water from a spring on the photo, sprinkle with salt.
  3. Rub salt over the image of a loved one and read the words of the conspiracy. Read three times.
  4. At the end, hide the container with salt in dark place inaccessible to prying eyes. Keep it until you reach your goal. Usually the effect is noticeable within three days after the love spells.

Prayer text:

“Water feeds salt with interest, so the servant of God (name) will be imbued with me. He will not see peace until he can possess mine. Let him see me in dreams, forget shame and all fear. Amen".

The advantage of the conspiracy: it is relevant even for those couples who have not yet had intimacy. And the husband separated from the family will again kindle with desire in relation to his wife.

open flame

Awakening interest and attraction to your person through this conspiracy is quite real. The main condition is the presence open fire, be it a fire, a fireplace or a burning candle. Stand facing the flame and slowly, muffledly read the spell.

“The fire is raging between us, the passion is strong, just a tsunami. And the head, and thoughts, the region of the heart - all I am in you, there is nowhere to go. And the name of this feeling is love. You want me only, again and again. I will accept you in return, I will immediately open my arms. Both on earth and in heaven, our union of two hearts will be kindled. Let the wife protect the rest of the man during the day, and at night she will come in as a woman-lover. Amen".

passion ribbon

When your goal is to bind a partner for as long as possible, the following method of love spells will come to the rescue. You will need a red satin ribbon and a box. Tying small knots on the ribbon, read:

“I knit a slave (name) tightly to me, no one could unhook it. Passion closes, as if in a cage. Me alone so that he could want, love. Let (name) not see others point-blank. Men's passion will save any discord. Linen satin silk flows with a soft droplet ... It will be difficult for us to stop with it. We both want that connection. Passion forever, love to the grave. Amen".

As a result, seven knots should be tied on the ribbon - for seven readings of the prayer. Put it in a box and hide it in a secluded place. In the near future it is forbidden to carry out other love spells.

Conspiracy for a personal thing

Any object that a person does not part with during the day keeps the imprints of his energy. Therefore, a rite involving a personal item is considered a very strong way of binding. Try to get your lover's favorite thing. It's not that hard if you really want to achieve reciprocity. Suitable as a totem mobile phone partner, his watch, jewelry, keychain. After the ritual is completed, the item can be quietly returned to the owner.

Iron the sheet with an iron and cover the bed on which your loved one sleeps. The effect of the rite will manifest itself after a couple of days.

sip of love

Brew a decoction of St. John's wort and hop cones, add cinnamon. Before serving it to your partner, read the words over the full cup:

“The ardor will be born, the craving will be born. I was lonely, now I'm there. Want me like air, and quench my thirst for the first-born. Amen".

Treat your loved one with this infusion for six days. You will see how with each reception the fire of love will kindle in him. Remember that speaking is an additional help, the so-called "instigator". But no magic, no love spells can create passion and love where it does not exist.

A conspiracy to have sex has nothing to do with a classic love spell. It allows you to achieve only the physical aspect of love, without affecting the feelings and mind. You will be able to have sex with the person you like and nothing else. Most likely, you will not be able to create a family with the person you cast a sex spell on. But this is a good option, allowing you to have a good time with someone you are interested in.

In the article:

How sex conspiracies work

A sex spell awakens in the object of your interest passion and sexual attraction to you. The ritual affects his attitude, desires associated with you and the sexual activity of the one you like in general.

As mentioned above, even a strong conspiracy for sex cannot be compared with a love spell. The action of these conspiracies lies only in the physical side of the relationship; they will not affect feelings and other aspects of human life.

Who needs conspiracies for sex? Those who want to have sexual intercourse with a specific person. Thanks to magic, you can start a short-term relationship based solely on physical attraction. Such spells also help those who have been married for a long time, in case the couple's sex life has become insipid, and the desire has dried up. A sex spell will not return your husband from a homeowner and will not help you recapture your wife from your lover. But the most common cause cheating is a lack of sex in a marriage. So sometimes they can help. In addition, they help to get rid of the problems of the physiological and psychological nature related to sex.

Conspiracies of this kind act very quickly. Literally a few hours after performing the rite, his object may be sexually attracted to you. They don't last long - maximum term is about a year, and the minimum is several days or even hours. At the same time, the quality of intimacy, as a rule, turns out to be on top, regardless of your experience or the experience of your partner.

There are practically no side effects from such conspiracies. It does not suppress the will of a person, which distinguishes them from love spells. But this does not exempt you from the consequences that can be without conspiracies. If you're going to seduce a single person, and you're not married yourself, of course you won't be.

These magical methods also have disadvantages. If a person feels strong antipathy or hatred towards you, sexual desire on his part may not be achieved. A conspiracy to have sex with a girl can have a much weaker effect than the one that will be applied to a man. Women are more connected moral principles and personal considerations than men. In addition, magic only makes you feel attracted, but does not always free a woman from unwillingness to take the first step towards rapprochement.

Spell for sex for spouses

This spell is only suitable if you are in a civil or official marriage with your loved one.

We need a common bed - it is on it that you need to pronounce conspiracy words. If you have different beds, choose a different rite.

Helps to rekindle the flame of passion again, a few years after marriage or living together. To read it, you need to buy a wax candle in the church.

It is better to engage in the magic of sex shortly before the arrival of your husband or wife from work. The closer to the night the ceremony is held, the better. Place a candle near the head of the bed you share with your partner. You can put it on a bedside table or on the floor - it doesn't matter. The spell is cast three, seven or twenty-one times:

As I light a candle, so I free the passion in the servants of God (names)! Feelings are strong and unrestrained awaken. Let passion overshadow their minds, let them intoxicate, and intoxicate! So that the legs of the servant of God (name) tremble, the lips dry up, and the hands themselves are attracted to the servant of God (name). So that I become the greatest passion for him, the desire that for me, as for a dream, be the strongest! Amen.

The candle must burn out completely. The spell works very quickly, so you can tune in to proximity already on the same night.

This plot helps well even if you see it for the first time.

You can read it to yourself while meeting, talking with a woman whom you see very rarely and do not even have a friendly relationship with her. It is also allowed to move away to read the plot, briefly leaving your companion. Please note that the use of these conspiracy words does not necessarily free you from having to take the first step. They only light the flame of passion, and everything else depends on you.

But sometimes with the help of these words it turns out to achieve initiative when meeting a woman. Conspiracy text:

I am dreaming of you. I want to own you and hug you, (name). We met not by chance, but to give each other passion. You will not refuse my eyes, you will not run away from my call. Be mine, random beauty, but do not refuse when I demand your body from you.

Spell to increase your libido

What if there are no problems in your marriage other than those related to not wanting sex? If the wife does not want her husband, and there are no objective reasons for this: he is attractive and well-groomed, then you can try to turn to magic.

If you have lost interest in your spouse and want to fix it, try reading this conspiracy:

The servant of God (name) stands on a raw thread, Looks under her hem, So that, like a red poppy in the field, blooms, So the lust of a woman ignites herself. So that, like food for the hungry, Like a bull for a heifer, like a man for a widow, My husband was desirable to my bosom. So that it would smolder, smolder, and burn with a flame, It would not give me peace, it would seek closeness with my betrothed. Who wants to break my female lust, To bark like a dog and howl at the moon like a wolf! Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

After reading this conspiracy, you can get rid of psychological problems in your sex life. This does not mean that you will rush at every man, as happens with some types of damage. With the help of this conspiracy, you can establish sex life in the family, refresh your feelings for your husband and get full pleasure from sexual relations with him. None negative consequences from it will not, you act only on yourself.

The plot is well suited to women who love their husband, but do not want sex with him. It often happens that the first to lose sexual desire in marriage is the wives, and magic copes well with such problems. This conspiracy is read from time to time, determine the time to read it and the number of times you need to pronounce it intuitively. It is very easy to understand when he began to act.

When performing such a conspiracy on the water, it does not matter who you are going to seduce - a guy or a girl. The text contains the words of a slander against a man, but if you desire a woman, change the slave to a slave when pronouncing. Its action is based on the transfer of your energy of desire through water, which, as you know, absorbs any energy well.

To perform the rite, you need to pour clean water into a glass. The glass can be anything, and water can be taken from the tap. If you have a well, take well water for this purpose. Mineral is also suitable, but non-carbonated is best.

It is necessary to engage in this witchcraft before going to bed. Take a glass of water in your hands and try to surrender to visualization. Imagine what you want to achieve. Feel what, in your opinion, the one on whom the sex spell is being cast should feel. Imagine how your sexual energy saturates the water. Then say the conspiracy words to the water:

Animal passion of a slave (name), wake up, gain a foothold on me

A glass of water should be left by your bed all night, at the head of the bed. You can put it on the floor, under the bed, on the nightstand - it doesn't matter. In the morning, use some of the water to wash your face or just apply on your face. The rest should be poured into any container convenient for you and contrived to spill on the one you are interested in. The person on whom you performed the ritual for sex must come into contact with this water. You should not mix it into food or drink, but imperceptibly moisten clothes or simply “accidentally” spill water from a bottle from mineral water can.

A strong spell for intimacy with a girl

The following is not the easiest, but quite reliable way drag almost any girl into bed. It awakens passion, but does not suppress the will of man. As a result, you will get a relationship based only on mutual sexual attraction. How long they will be - it's up to you.

The ritual can be repeated from time to time, when there is a need for it. The time of the ritual is Friday, before midnight, but after sunset. A good time is from 20 to 23 pm.

Electric lighting is not allowed, any candles should be lit. They are not needed for the ritual itself, but will be useful so that you can navigate in a dark room.

You will need soap that no one has used, except for the woman you desire. You can invite her to visit and send her to wash her hands, putting a new bar of soap in the bathroom in advance. If that's not possible, get whatever item she used. The closer to the body was the thing, the better.

You also need red pepper, which is sold in any grocery store. This refers to packaged ground seasoning, and you only need one pinch.

Prepare a plate in advance with a very cold water. You can put it in the freezer for a while, because you need water colder than the one that usually flows from the tap.

Another ingredient is a drop of your sweat. How to get it doesn't matter. You can do some physical exercises right before the ritual, then it will not be difficult. Objects like a ruler or a dull knife are good at scraping sweat from the body. It is sweat that is needed, neither saliva nor blood are suitable here.

So, prepare a plate of water, pepper and soap, which was used by the one you like. Get a drop of your sweat and add it to a bowl of water. Do the same with pepper, and carefully place the soap on the bottom of the plate. Stroke it with your fingertips and read:

I will burn, I will cool, I will please. So in my hands you will melt, that you will forget your father, and mother, and God. Key, lock, damn quitrent.

When casting a spell and stroking a soap or an object that belongs to the girl you desire, imagine as vividly as possible what you want to achieve with this ritual.

In the relationship of any couple, especially family relationships, sooner or later there comes a period when physical attraction in bed weakens. Everything is in order with feelings, the couple rarely quarrels, but the intimate life has cooled down, because both partners (husband and wife) have studied each other completely. If you want novelty, it is not at all necessary to run “to the left”. It is enough to refresh your life with your loved one, and you can do this with the help of simple magical rites. This article describes several ways of how to carry out a conspiracy to bed at home.

Preparation for the ritual

A magical ritual is a pagan action aimed at achieving the desired by turning to otherworldly forces. The combination consists of certain actions and the recitation of the words of the spell, usually in verse form. There are such varieties love plots, as love spells, bindings, attraction, witchcraft to enhance feelings.

Below are a number of recommendations for conducting the sacrament, however, the main guarantor of success is the energy and strength of faith invested in the process. Otherwise, your actions will turn out to be just simple vanity, and prayer - a set of words. So let's get ready for the ceremony. What conditions must be met?

  1. Choose the day of the week depending on the gender of the partner. The days for attracting a man are Tuesday, Thursday, Monday, and for women - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.
  2. Do not conjure on church holidays and on Sundays.
  3. The rite to increase passion is performed on the growing moon.
  4. Before starting the process, cleanse yourself mentally and physically: drive extraneous thoughts out of your head, take a shower.
  5. The room in which the action will take place also needs preparation. Spend wet cleaning, ventilate the room. Pay special attention to the cleanliness of the bed, because it is the key image of the conspiracy.
  6. Act alone and do not let anyone in on your plans.
  7. It is desirable to choose the late evening as the time of the ritual.

The rite to attract a partner is not the same as love spells. It is used in relationships where there is already passion.

burning candle

The most effective conspiracy, which is aimed at inciting passion between a man and a woman after a period of cooling. You will need a church candle. Light it up and place it at the head of the bed you share with the friend of your heart.

As the flame burns, recite the following words:

“Let the fire of the candle burn, our feelings kindle. I will add fire to them - for you and for me. We, my love, are forever: a person longs for happiness. I conjure passion to burn, not to know indifference! Want love to always, never move away. Love spells and lapels are somewhere out there and with someone: I have a flame that burns - this is your earthly passion. My husband (my wife) will rush to me, the fairy tale will come true. Amen".

Wait for the candle to go out. After that, cover her with a scarlet blanket and go to sleep. The coals on the fire of your love are lit.

Salt Conspiracy

To perform, you will need a plate, a handful of table salt, water and a photograph of a loved one. Sit down at the table and put the picture in front of you. Gently pour water over it and sprinkle with salt so that it sticks to the photo. Driving along it with your hand and smearing the slurry, read the necessary words, trusting in the providence of God.

“Like a spice, I rub passion so that our feelings do not disappear. Love spells, blood boils hot. Bonfire, desire, fire - everything will be lit, you just touch it. Husband (wife), you are my passionate love, love me, want me! I conjure!

fire ardor

At the heart of this ritual is contact with fire - whether it be a fire, a fireplace or a candlelight. Stand as close to the heat as possible, but in a way that does not expose you to danger. Read the words in a whisper. It will be better if you memorize them.

“Hot air, heat-fire so that it burns in you in the same way. My Slave (name) wanted me alone, but did not look at others! You will always want me, and when you are hungry and when you are full. Amen".

Extinguish the source of the fire and go to sleep. Before going to bed, think about the second half, remembering the most passionate moments of your relationship.

Red ribbon

If you want to arouse desire in a heart friend for as long as possible, this method is the best way. All you need is a red satin ribbon and a box, preferably an antique one. Take a strip of fabric in your hands and slowly tie a knot on it, while reading the plot:

All of the above methods of conspiracy are suitable not only for women to sexually attract a man, but vice versa. The rituals are not related to black magic and are not occult, since the process does not use human hair / nails / blood, it is possible to use a man's underwear. Do not confuse love spells and bindings with prayers for the return of intimate relationships. The presented methods are focused on already existing relationships and do not work with the aim of creating new ones. Ideal for couples, husband and wife. Do not forget that magic is only an auxiliary tool that gives self-confidence. Listen to your heart!

Most Full description in all details - a love spell of a man on a bed with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

How to bewitch a husband at home (make a strong love spell for an ex to his wife on a ring or bed)

To be happy, says ancient wisdom, you need to go to work with pleasure in the morning, and return home with joy in the evening. You will be happy to return home if love and understanding, respect and friendship await you at home.

It is difficult to overestimate the role love relationships in the life of every person. Who does not dream of finding their soul mate, living their whole lives in harmony and happiness and dying on the same day, so as not to know the grief of losing a loved one.

But not always and not everyone is so lucky that he meets a reciprocal feeling. And sometimes the feeling goes out when faced with the difficulties of everyday life. Sometimes people face betrayal and betrayal.

What to do in this case? How to survive the betrayal of a loved one? How to try to return the love of a husband with whom you have children and long years life in respect and compassion. Is it possible to leave immediately and forget everything that happened? Is it really possible to give your beloved to a rival without a fight and orphan your children?

All people in such a situation will act differently: someone will prefer a divorce, not wanting to forgive betrayal. Someone will cry and beg to return, someone will even close their eyes to the obvious, if only to save their family and father at all costs to the children.

Sometimes women try to resort to witchcraft, conspiracies and magical influences in order to regain their former feelings and return their husband to the family.

There are a huge number of rituals that can bewitch a man or woman, return love or make them fall out of love. At the same time, healers recommend that love spells be handled very carefully, they carry a great danger, both for the one who is bewitched and for the one who bewitches.

How does a man change after a love spell?

Light love spells on a loved one will have a short-term effect and will not have a significant impact on the psyche and behavior of a person. But love spells performed by a strong sorcerer or magician, or black rituals performed in a cemetery or on blood, will completely subjugate the bewitched and change his psyche.

Any love spell violates the natural course of a person's fate, rapes his psyche, changes his likes and dislikes, subjugates his behavior, etc. Therefore, a person radically changes after the ritual. It is especially dangerous to carry out such a ritual if the young man is already in love and is building a relationship with another girl, and even more so, in no case should you perform magical actions in relation to a married man and try to destroy his family.

In this case, the old commandment works absolutely: “You can’t build your happiness on the misfortune of your neighbor.” A man will be torn between two women, not understanding what is happening to him, most often in his soul he will hate the one that tied him tightly to herself, but he will not be able to live without her. Such a person may commit suicide or end up in a psychiatric hospital.

Only a legal wife can tell fortunes, wanting to return her husband to the family with children. Only a woman who is confident in her right will fate give a second chance to revive love. But after the ceremony, she must also order a prayer service for her and her husband's health, confess her sin and be punished.

An easy way to cast a spell on a lover

If it seems to you that the husband is weaning from his home, he is drawn to the side, he begins to cool towards you, take a pinch of earth at the very threshold of your house, you can replace the earth thursday salt, which has been in your house for at least three months, or a pinch of poppy seeds, and pour into the man's shoes under the insole. You need to perform the action on the new moon and pronounce the slander:

“Land, land, land, sister to all the stars, I ask you, I turn to you. Everyone walks after you, everyone sins and prays for forgiveness. How will my slave (name) pass over you to my rival, give him a hard road, bitter tears, burning longing in the heart. The farther he goes from me, the more his heart will hurt. He will pull him to his own home, let him pull him to me, his lawful wife. Amen".

Love spells on the bed

The strongest white rituals are done on the matrimonial bed. Only in marriage does religion allow intimate relationships, they bind husband and wife forever, they make their bond indestructible and sacred. Therefore, the rituals performed in the matrimonial bed very strongly bind a man to a woman (they are possible only with legal relations, consecrated by both the state and the church).

This ritual is quite simple and even an inexperienced woman in magic can perform it. It is recommended to perform on Wednesday and always on the new moon.

IMPORTANT: all days of the week are divided into men's (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) and women's (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday). On Sunday, no rituals can be performed; this day is intended for rest and prayers.

Late in the evening, all alone, you need to stand in front of the head of the matrimonial bed and read the words of the conspiracy three times:

“My mother is a matrimonial bed, my dear friend is a feather bed,

Remove, I ask you, from my husband (name) a walking spirit!

Remove from me tears, sorrows and melancholy-sadness,

Bind my beloved (name) all days and all nights,

To spend all his nights on this bed.

Hold tight, don't let go of the bed,

Don't let other women in! Amen".

Any magical rituals require absolute secrecy, not only during their performance, but also after. In no case should anyone be told about the conspiracies carried out, otherwise they will not work, but will bring the exact opposite effect.

On a charmed bed, a man must definitely spend the night for three nights, it would be better if the sacrament of love between spouses takes place on these nights. In this case, the result will be guaranteed.

Awakening passion in bed

It happens that over the years the passion between spouses fades away, the former passion does not flare up and it seems that love has come to naught. In this case, you can conduct a completely uncomplicated ritual for the revival of sexual passion.

At the head of the matrimonial bed, a wax candle is placed, bought in the temple during the Sunday service. The candle must burn to the end. Lying down in bed, you need to read the words of the conspiracy seven times:

“With a church candle I awaken feelings, I revive the passion between the slave (name) and the slave (name) from now and forever, forever. Will they burn and glow in the matrimonial bed, will they be sexy and desirable in family life. Routine and everyday life will never touch them, they will not be dragged into the abyss of dreary, unrequited love. The matrimonial bed will be for them like a dope, like opium, like a bottomless well of their passion. They will love each other, intertwining their bodies with passion, not opening their arms, not taking their mouths off each other, not taking their eyes off, praying for each other's love and happiness. The legs of the servant of God (name) will shake and tremble, the mouth will dry up, the heart will tremble, and the hands of the servant of God (name) will reach out. A legal wife will become a dream for her husband and happiness, the greatest joy in life. Days and nights will be filled with desire. Amen".

This love spell works immediately, waiting for you fabulous night full of passion. The stub of the candle should be wrapped in red cloth and stored in a secret place, without telling anyone about the performed ritual.

Love spell on the marriage ring

Wedding ring - a symbol marital fidelity and love. It is endowed with a special power that can save the family. This love spell will bring back past feelings, and even if they were not there, then the ritual is able to create them.

The action of the ritual begins quickly enough from three days to three months. The main subject for the love spell will be wedding ring, it is best if it is gold or silver. It is not for nothing that gold is considered a noble metal, it has a special ability to establish and ennoble relationships, gold wedding rings are able to keep marital love imperishable and passionate.

The ritual is performed on the growing moon on the women's day of the week.

Around midnight, a woman should take a glass filled with water to a third, and pour water into it through her husband's wedding ring. Hex slowly repeat until the glass is filled to the brim. After slander, drink water in forty-seven sips.

“Through a golden, engagement ring, water-water of one enters, from the other end of the other it comes out, I pray only one thing: return my husband (name) to me. Amen".

Another option for a love spell on a wedding ring

The wedding ring of the husband must be wrapped in a white handkerchief or a piece of white cloth and go to church for Sunday service. During the service, keep the ring firmly in right hand, then buy three wax candles and draw consecrated water into a vessel.

Before going to bed, on the growing moon, placing candles on a white tablecloth in a triangle (between the candles there should be a distance of a woman’s elbow), put the ring in the middle of the table and read the words of the slander three times:

"In the name Holy Trinity candle fire burns

It burns in the dark, fills hearts with the fire of love,

May our souls be God's servants (names of husband and wife)

Forever fastened with bonds of love indestructible, inseparable, unchangeable, eternal. Amen".

This love spell can be performed on a completely new ring bought for the husband, and the next day, give the ring to the husband or place it so that the man himself discovers it.

How to perform a very strong love spell on sex

Sexual attachments and love spells such as very strong love spell on panties or a very strong love spell on the matrimonial bed should be carried out if your relationship with a partner suits you in everything except their intimate sphere. Such love spells are best used by those who are already in some kind of relationship, and just want to correct their intimate part - to make the partner show more attention, increase his sexual activity, and prohibit him from cheating with the help of magic.

“How water irrigates dry land!

Like a stream watering a withered tree!

How a spring quenches thirst!

I will irrigate you, I will give you a drink, I will quench you,

I'll bewitch you forever!

From now on and forever for you there is only me!

You will only want me, ache with me for love!

You will not go to another, you will only be with me!

And you will always be, because I want to!”

“I’ll sew up a shameful tear, I’ll save you from everyone!

If you stop cheating on me, there will be no other women to know!

Be faithful to me alone! You will only do this with me!”

Sewn underpants should be hidden in a secluded place. The needle must be wrapped in paper and hidden on the cabinet. As long as you keep a needle and panties, your husband will be faithful to you.

“The sun has risen, the grain has sprouted, and you will sprout with desire for me!

The crane has risen above the well, and you will rise!

The branch will turn into a thick bough! The old horse will become a young stallion!

The snow will melt and spring will begin! You will love me as before!

You will be rejuvenated, strengthened, you will love me! Exterminate with your strength!”

- your favorite perfume

- husband's favorite cologne;

- a little of any alcohol that does not leave traces in the form of stains.

“Go to sleep, dream me!

I'll go to sleep, I'll dream about you!

Sleep will unite, love will return!

Love will be strong, like a sister-spring!

Love will be pure, like spring water!

Love will be clear, like a star in the night sky!

You will love me, you will stop offending and beating me!

I will love you, I will stop angering and reproaching!

Let's become one - beloved wife and beloved husband!

How to bewitch a husband at home (make a strong love spell for an ex to his wife on the bed)

It is very hard and painful to see how a loved one gradually cools off, is not interested in your worries, and then begins to change. No woman's heart can bear it. Therefore, many decide to turn to magic. So they did in the distant past, so they do now. Few can judge married woman who decided to take such a step in order to save the family.

But it must be remembered that love spells are a violent effect on a person, carried out with the help of magic. They subjugate their mind and feelings to their will. It is impossible to think that love can be bought with a magical rite.

dangerous as black magic, and white. The difference is that the consequences of white magic are more benign and not as fatal. Dark witchcraft is capable of bringing a person to suicide.

The consequences of love spells

The consequences for women and men are different, but necessarily negative.

Here is what can await a person whom they tried to bewitch:

  • mental disorders (rapid mood swings, the appearance of irritability, a tendency to tyranny);
  • the appearance of excessive jealousy;
  • violations of the reproductive system, impotence and infertility;
  • failures;
  • alcoholism.

What will the women who perform the ritual get?

They have the following problems:

  • violations of the reproductive system, infertility;
  • failures;
  • loss of attractiveness;
  • mental disorders (apathy, depression or irritability);
  • there is a false feeling of love (a bewitched person cannot sincerely love).

To mitigate the consequences, you can seek the help of professionals: they will be able to remove the love spell.

There is only one option when higher power they will not punish the participants of the ritual so cruelly: in case there is or was already a love attachment between two people. That is why a love spell on a husband (a person with whom a strong emotional connection has already been established) is considered not as dangerous as on another, unfamiliar man.

In this case, the couple will be sent tests like quarrels and discord, which can lead to separation. But if the performer and the bewitched endure these trials, they will be forgiven, and their closeness will be strengthened.

In what cases is it applied?

Because of the high danger of getting a "return" to use love spells, even on your husband, you need to be careful.

A love spell is acceptable in the presence of the following situations:

  • constant quarrels, conflicts;
  • lack of sexual intimacy;
  • cheating husband (spiritual or sexual attachment to another woman);
  • the husband's indifference to his wife and to the family as a whole;
  • suspicion that a loved one is bewitched by someone.

But not always in such cases, the use of magic is really necessary. Often it is enough just to talk heart to heart with your husband, open up and listen to him, his words, desires and feelings. This without magic will help you get closer. But even if this does not work, do not rush to resort to witchcraft. First answer the question: Are you ready to continue being associated with this person? Only with a deliberate positive answer is magic capable of producing the desired result.

In doing so, the following points must be taken into account:

  1. A love spell after a husband's betrayal can only be used when you have forgiven the betrayal. Otherwise, the rite will only bring grief.
  2. The one targeted by the love spell should be seen as often as possible.
  3. The mood during the ceremony should be good, concentration is important.
  4. Be sure to believe in magic and in the successful outcome of the ceremony. Doubts during the ritual can lead to its ineffectiveness.
  5. Rites cannot be used too often.

Rituals and ceremonies

Magic services have always been popular. And it cannot be said that all witches and sorcerers were honest: many offered supposedly effective spells to those who applied, solely for the purpose of making a profit. Naturally, the spells sucked from the finger did not help.

Therefore, you should not immediately believe every instruction found: not all of them work. But even if they work, then big question, how exactly. Information is important to be able to analyze. Especially for a solution like this.

Ritual of loyalty

This rite is used in cases of suspicion of a loved one in treason. A love spell is carried out in the matrimonial bedroom. The conspiracy is pronounced over the sheet. It is desirable that she recently had sexual intimacy. The ritual reaches its greatest strength during the period of the growing moon.

To perform the ceremony, it is necessary to arrange seven church candles(for ordinary love spells, red candles are used - a shade of trust - but we do not need suppression of the will, but the return of love) in a semicircle near the bed. While they are burning, you need to imagine yourself next to the chosen one and tell the spell learned by heart three times:

"The Lord God, my protector and intercessor,

Go, find my dear and beloved servant of God (name)

Let him forget all other women,

Let him know only my body and my caresses.

So that his flesh only wants me, the servant of God (name),

After that, the spouse must sleep in this bed. This rite will help how to fall in love with a husband again with his wife, and protect him from betrayal.

Ritual for water

Water is an important source of magical energy, one of the symbols female power. There are a lot of spells on it. This is one of them.

This ceremony is performed only on the night of the full moon. To carry it out, you need to remove all jewelry, pour clean water into a glass goblet (other material is not allowed, you need magical properties glass). The spell is cast close over the water so that circles diverge from the breath.

« Like a bear in a hurry to a bear in a den,

Can't live without me, everything yearns for me, misses me,

And other women do not see, do not notice.

Then you need to sprinkle your loved one with enchanted water, his personal belongings, clothes and your bed. The main thing is that it does not wake him up.

love potions

But not only spells help in reviving a husband's love. No less often, love potions based on magic and magic are used for this. chemical properties herbs. Moreover, not potions are often prepared as such, but simple decoctions or products with the required plants. They also work, although they do not have concentrated power like spells. But after their application there are no negative magical consequences.

Herbs used in love magic:

  • lavender (aromatic oil, sachets and decoctions);
  • cinnamon (sachets, pastries);
  • coriander (drinks, dishes);
  • mint (decoctions and teas, sachets, pastries, aromatic oil);
  • rose (flowers, aromatic oil, teas);
  • tricolor violet (flowers);
  • wild rose (decoction of flowers and berries);
  • chicory (decoction).

You need to feed your loved one with decoctions, teas and pastries, decorate rooms with flowers, soak the house with sachet aroma, and heat aromatic oil over candles at moments intimacy. These actions will attract a man and make him return home sooner every evening.

  1. There is an opinion that love potions must be stored in red glass bottles. This is not entirely true: protective tinctures and aphrodisiacs are usually stored in red glass.
  2. Potions are prepared during the waxing moon. If you do them at a different time, then the result will be the opposite.
  3. If you do not understand witchcraft, it is strictly forbidden to change the composition and recipe.
  4. Prevent individual intolerance to components and allergies.

Lemon Potion Recipe

Cooking is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Find purple flowers with five petals. They need to be dried and crushed.
  2. Prepare vanilla sugar or extract (preferred).
  3. Squeeze the juice of three lemons and three oranges.
  4. Mix lilacs, juices, sugar or extract (a teaspoon is enough) and ground ginger (at the tip of a knife) in a glass goblet.

love wine recipe

The elixir is used as an additive to alcoholic drinks or food during cooking.

Cooking is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Warm up two glasses of red wine.
  2. Add a small piece of vanilla or homemade vanilla extract to the wine.
  3. Add twenty pinches of ginger and the same amount of cinnamon. A little insist.
  4. Add two teaspoons of rhubarb juice.
  5. Infuse for three days

Passion Enhancement Potion Recipe

The infusion is drunk either in pure form or added to tea.

The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  1. Mix five parts of rose petals and one part of dried lavender and cloves, ginger root, ground nutmeg.
  2. Pour the mixture with two cups of water and bring to a boil.
  3. Cool the drink and strain into a glass bottle.

In conclusion, I would like to say that none of the rituals described above will help if you do not try to attract a man in other ways. If you do not care about his thoughts and feelings, then he will not reach out to you even under a love spell. You must be ready to accept your man in any form.

And remember, there is nothing more beautiful and attractive than sincere love.

A spell that works immediately


A safe and proven love spell that works instantly and immediately the next day or on the date specified during the love spell love spell begins to act on a man or a guy, forcing him to show strong love and strong love feelings with all the consequences and actions that follow from them (courtship, adoration and deification). This simplest and fastest love spell can be done at home without special training and skills of white or black magic.

If you are looking for easy way how to bewitch to a guy or a man, this love spell is what you need and any person can quickly and easily bewitch a loved one and immediately the next day understand that the love spell that was made begins to act. In the evening, before going to bed, lie down in bed and, stroking an empty spot on the bed next to you, read the love spell 3 times:

Mother gave birth to me, the Mother of God blessed me.

Cherished me, swaddled me, fed me and clothed me,

They were afraid to part with me, they could not stop looking at me.

So the dear servant of God (name) would love me.

Forget all women for me.

How people marvel at the church, they are afraid to lose the mercy of God.

So my dear loved me, from a spoon, from a cup he fed and fed,

he would turn away from everyone, he would not touch a single woman.

I give him the last food in his life and the last water when thirsty.

Let my beloved from this day (indicate the date - the day from which the love spell is valid)

loves me very much and loves me.

He shows care and love for me, only pleases me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Amen. Amen. Amen

People who made a love spell are interested in how much instantaneous love spell which they have already done. This love spell is valid for a year and its effect begins immediately after reading the love spell, and after a year the effect of the love spell will gradually weaken without leaving any consequences.

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I know how to make a love spell for a guy to love myself and I will teach you: “How to independently bewitch a guy who you like without a photo at a distance, and even at home”! Interested in such a ceremony that you can easily do yourself right at home? Immediately after you finish reading the love spell for a guy - your favorite guy the next day

Complete and detailed instructions: "how to bewitch a man who likes but does not pay attention with the help of a love spell for love without consequences and his photograph", this easy love spell can be done at home being at any distance from the bewitched man, even if he is very far away and lives in another city ​​or country.

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It was customary to read love spells in Russia on the growing moon, it was in this lunar phase along with her growth, you can quickly and forever bewitch any person, and no matter the man or woman will be bewitched by the growing moon, no one will ever be able to remove this strong love spell that you need and can do on your own during the growth of the moon right at home

If you want to cast a love spell on the full moon for the love of the person you love, be prepared for the fact that no one can remove this strong love spell. Having bewitched a person to you, you forever bind your life and his life together with a love spell. The most powerful full moon love spell given in this article is black magic that will not tolerate disrespect and

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On the night of the full moon, you can read the most powerful conspiracies and love spells. Exactly this right time to carry out on your own magical rite at full moon. In this article we will tell you what conspiracies they read on their own. full moon. The most popular full moon conspiracies can be read for money and wealth - the best rite to attract money to your

Women's conspiracies for love, health and happiness. 147 most powerful female conspiracies Maria Bazhenova

A conspiracy on the bed so as not to jinx it

When Orthodox holiday according to the calendar, then on this day it is unsuitable to change bed linen. But if, nevertheless, you had to change your underwear that day, you need to do so so that no troubles happen. You need to read such words on fresh linen. You need to read three times:

I sanctify the bed with cleanliness, I call for protection. Amen.

Then you need to sprinkle the linen with holy water and say:

I sprinkle with holy water, I protect from enemy slander. In the name of the Father and the Son of the Holy. Amen.

From the book Women's Conspiracies for Love, Health and Happiness. 147 most powerful female conspiracies author Bazhenova Maria

A conspiracy so that the neighbors do not jinx your food. You need to do this. Early in the morning you need to go around the kitchen with an empty pot, and you need to say such words:

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 02 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

So that a person is not jinxed, not spoiled To evil people could not harm you, you need to, when you put the ring on your hand, say: When a heretic crawls into the ring, Then he will only spoil everything. When a heretic crawls through the eye of a needle, Then he will spoil me.

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 01 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

In order not to jinx the child If someone strongly praises your son or daughter, lick the child's right hand, then spit three times on the ground. Your child will not be jinxed. Or you can do the following. Light a torch and put it in the water

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 18 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

So that the bed with a rival fails During intimacy with your husband, read the following conspiracy to yourself: Prote without the ears of the servant of God (name), Prote without mudey. On me, the wife of the wedding, the end, And on other people's women is always a wheel. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen.

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 15 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

So that thriftiness is not jinxed in a woman From

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 17 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

So that the bride and groom are not jinxed Read a special conspiracy over the water and let the bride and groom drink a sip of the charmed water. This will protect them from troubles, which are often caused by envious people sending wedding damage to the young. The conspiracy is this: In the name of

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 09 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A charm conspiracy so that your income does not jinx Turn your face to the east and read first “Our Father”, and then a special conspiracy. Father

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

So that the bride and groom are not jinxed They read on the water and give the bride and groom a sip to drink. This will protect them from the trouble that envious people often bring through wedding damage, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Come down, water, from the clouds, go around the seven church domes,

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Another conspiracy so that your income is not jinxed They read, turning their faces to the east. First they read "Our Father". Our Father, Who is ecu in heaven! Yes, shine your name may your kingdom come, may your will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today;

From the book of 1777 new conspiracies of the Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A conspiracy if you deliberately jinxed A conspiracy is used if you know that someone has said an unkind word against you, a curse, etc. You will need: spring water, a glass or a cup Place of the ritual: any Time: evening before midnight Moon phase: third

From book white magic. Rituals for money and luck from Elder Zacharias! the author Zachary

A conspiracy, if you unexpectedly jinxed It will take: spring water, a glass, a church cross Place of the ritual: any Time: evening until midnight Moon phase: third, fourth Suitable days of the week: Wednesday, Friday Special condition: you can’t make a conspiracy on critical days,

From the book Practical Book of White Magic. How to manage people and money the author Zachary

From the author's book

From the author's book

From the author's book

From the author's book

A conspiracy so that they do not jinx it in a dream This is the only conspiracy that can be read at night, before going to bed. You can read it every day - it protects against exposure dark forces who love to feed on the energy of a sleeping person. I lie down, servant of God