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Fabulous explanation of the change of day and night drawing. An abstract of drawing classes in the preparatory group "Day and night. Change of day and night: fabulous explanation

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Type of lesson: Lesson to study new and primary consolidation of new knowledge

Objectives lesson:

1st Development Line - familiarity with the holistic picture of the world.

  • To explain to the guys the connection of the change of day and night with the rotation of the earth around its axis, and also help them understand the sequence of events during the day.

The 2nd line of development is the formation of an appraisal attitude to the world.

  • Teach your time to evaluate your time (the ability to make up the mode and follow it).

Tasks lesson:


  • To acquaint with the rotation of the earth around its axis, as the cause of the change of day and night. Actualize knowledge of the phenomena of nature.


  • Promote the development of basic thinking operations (comparison, generalization, ability to draw conclusions based on the information received).
  • Develop the ability to analyze and find ways to solve the problem.
  • To form the main components of the Wood (the ability to put a learning task, to generalize, draw conclusions)


  • Promote the knowledge of the world.
  • To shape the skills of self-analysis.

At least: by the end of the second grade, students should know that the change of day and night is associated with the rotation of the earth around its axis, distinguish between the morning, day, evening and night.

Minimax: By the end of the lesson, schoolboy can learn about changes in nature at different times of the day, learn to demonstrate the rotation of the Earth around its axis.

Maximum: Pupils can get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat will happen on Earth, if it does not rotate around the Axis Council, an idea of \u200b\u200btime zones and the duration of the day in different latitudes.

Technologies: Information, developing, problematic (selection of an optimal learning model for specific conditions).

Methods: verbal, visual, activity, practical (execution of practical action)


  • tutorial 2 class /a.A.Vakhrushev, O.V.BURSKY, A.S.Rautin / + Notebook
  • the globe,
  • 4 flag on bilateral scotch.

During the classes

Teacher's activities Activities of students
Org. moment

I want to start our lesson in the words of the French philosopher Jean-Jacques Russo:

"You are talented children! Someday you yourself are pleasantly married, how much and know how to work well, if you constantly work on yourself, put new goals and strive for their achievement. "

I wish you today at our lesson make sure that this statement is correct.

Actualization of knowledge and formulation of the problem (work in groups)

Guys, remember what we spoke at last lessons.

Okay. Now we will work in groups. Remind the rules of work in the group (work together, listen to the opinion of all the guys.

Connect the arrow of observing the inhabitants of the Earth and explaining these observations through the rules and laws of nature.

And now 1 representative of each group will announce the results of the work (each group voice one of the laws of nature). The results are highlighted on the slide (next to the latest phenomenon, children at the board are subject to a question and a question appears on the slide).

The moon rotates around the Earth, the Earth rotates around the Sun, the Earth rotates around his own axis.
- Think why the last question caused you difficulties. What knowledge do we miss? (arrange on the board).

(Unless connected - explain, prove)

- We do not know why there is a change of day and night.
- What will we do in the lesson? - We will try to find out what the movement of the Earth causes the occurrence of a day and night on earth.
- What is the topic of our lesson? - Change of the day and night on Earth.
Joint "Opening" Knowledge

And what can we help in the opening of new knowledge?

Today in the lesson you will act as researchers. We will conduct experiments, watch, analyze and make conclusions on the subject of the lesson.

- textbook, teacher, etc.
- Pay attention to the slide. What traffic does earth?

We watch our planet using models. (On the demonstration table there are lamp and globe)

- The Earth revolves around his axis and around the sun.
- Look carefully, is the surface of the earth is equally covered?

What time of day in the part of the earth, where is the little man? What needs to be done to come on the same territory?

What conclusion can you come? Why is there a change of day and night?

Such phenomena as day and night arise as a result of the movement of the earth around their axis.


Barbarika "Ball".

5. Practical work (in groups).

Remind once again, why is there a change of day and night?

Earth rotation occurs counterclockwise. Show first how the clock arrows are moving on the model. And now show the movement counterclockwise. Now this knowledge will be required to perform practical work.

Thanks to the rotation of the Earth around its axis.

On your globes marked 4 points with color men.

Turn the globe counterclockwise so that in the place where the red man is located day. Then what time of the day will be in the place where the blue man is worth? (night) And what time of day will be at those points where there are green and yellow men? As we researchers with you, check our assumptions by experienced.

- And what would happen if the earth did not rotate? If the land did not rotate, then one side would always be addressed to the sun. And the other was constantly in the shade.
- What would have happened on the side facing the sun at this point? She would receive a lot of light and warmth. It would be a long day.
- What would happen on the other side? Here everything would be in the shade, it means that the long night would continue.
- What conclusion confirmed our practical work? Compare it with information in the textbook on page 52. Read the text carefully, and tell me what we have not spoken. - Change of the day and night is associated with the rotation of the Earth around its axis.

Full turnover Earth commits in 24 hours.

6. Independent application of knowledge.

And now open the workbook on page 16 and perform the task number 1. Each independently (1 student calls the phenomena that occur during the day, another student calls the phenomena that occur at night) checking the results of work on the slide.

Let's go back to our tasks that caused our difficulties in the beginning of the lesson.

Once again, make a conclusion from which the day and night change occurs.

7. Homework.

Open the diaries, write your homework.

R.T. Task number 5 - for all. For those who feel the strength and has a desire to task number 4 of an elevated level.

8. Reflection.

Who was interested in the lesson?

What knowledge were new?

Who helped us open new knowledge?

Who wants to say "Thank you"?

The lesson is over. Thanks to all.

Summary of the lesson on the world around the world in accordance with the requirements of GEF 2 class

Subject: "The change of night and day."
- Explain the change of day and night with the rotation of the Earth around its axis, the sequence of events during the day.
Equipment: Table "Solar System", 2 drawings
depicting day and night, tellurium, globe, dunning, sign
Yesterday, today, tomorrow, day 24 hours.

1. Organization of children to work:
We continue to study the world around us.
Today we will talk about an amazing phenomenon on our planet, which you are watching every day. Even at the beginning of the day and at its end.
This phenomena we will observe on all the planets of the solar system and even on the moon.
Our friend Dunnoes inscribed this phenomenon in two drawings:

Who guessed that he painted?
Today we have to find out what is happening in our life and nature during the day, and what at night?
We have to find out why there is a change of day and night?

Since in the lesson we will talk about many objects of nature and subjects around us, then we can remember with you! Very important rules and laws of their lives.
!Check of knowledge. Table "Solar System"

What kind of celestial bodies are depicted on it? (Sun, planets)
Who knows what is the name of the science of heaven or cosmic bodies? (Astronomy)
And what are the scientists studying the heavenly bodies? (Astronomers)

Now I recognize whether you know all these bodies and items.

Task from Lena and Misha:
Lena and Misha who are fond of astronomy, sent me an envelope with the task:
- With what device Lena studies the body of the solar system? (Telescope)

-What bodies enter the solar system? (Sun, planets, these include stars and moon)

Guess the heavenly body by his description!
I will read the description of the celestial body, and you guys answer, raising her hand.
1. Glow themselves and illuminate planets. They are very big celestial bodies, planets are moving around them. They have a shape of a ball. (Stars)

2. This is a star. It is shining and illuminated by the planet. (Sun)

3. They themselves will not shine, but are illuminated by the sun and another star. They are big and moving
Around the stars and the sun. Share the ball. (Planets)

4. The planet is lit by the sun. When on one side of the day, on the other night. (Earth)

5. Earth satellite moving around it. (Moon)


Now imagine the train. We boarded the train and looked out the window.
What did we see?
That all items around are moving. In fact, the train is moving. This seems to us, then they move at home, trees, fields, meadows, etc. This is an illicit.

He developed his system of the world, in the center of which placed the Earth.
Around the stationary shag-like land according to Ptolemy move: the moon, the sun and 5 planets, as well as the sphere of stationary stars.
He, like we are sitting on the train, saw the sun moving (in the morning it gets up, in the evening it comes) Moon and stars are moving.
In fact, the Earth itself moves, along with the moon, around the sun.
Similarly, objects around our train are moving.

Nikolay Copernicus created the right picture of the world around us the existing world. He placed in the center of the sun, around which the Earth and other planet moves.
Let's remember two celestial bodies:
Sun-illuminating our planet during the day
Moon-illuminating our planet at night

What are they like? (Light land)
- What light shines the moon? (Reflected sunlight)
- What is the sun? (A star that glows and illuminates the planets)
- What is the moon? (This is a natural satellite of the Earth)
- Guys, tell me that I will list you now: big bear, small bear, cancer, swan ??? (this is the constellation)


- What form does our planet earth have?
- How does she rotate? (around the sun)
- And how else? (around its axis)
We go to the earth's surface, why do not we fall into outer space?
What power keeps us on the surface?
This is the power of earthly attraction.
Isaac Newton opened the law of world community.

The Earth attracts us, so we go, we move, make a certain job.
If you break away from the ground and fly to Kosmas. The power of earthly attraction shall act and arise the state of weightlessness.
Cosmonauts experience weightlessness within a few hours of flight.

They use special adaptations while in weightlessness. Lightweight clothes, food in special tubes, all small objects on laces.
Table of the Solar System

Guys, what big body keeps close to our planet? (Sun)
- What power does not give our planet to fly into the outer space? (Solar attraction)
The rotation of our planet around the Sun leads to a change of day and night.

Studying a new material:
-What do you know about these periods of the day?
-The d'Danctitude again confused in words - today, tomorrow, yesterday.
-What are they denoted?
- Why does the day differ from the night? - What paints can you portray them?
Teluria story

Our land, like all the planets rotate in outer space.
The Earth rotates not only around the Sun, but also around the imaginary axis.
The sun rays carry it warm and light.
When the Earth turns to the Sun to the Side, where we live, it seems to us that
The sun rises in the sky, boils. The sun's rays light our planet on the one hand and at this time it costs. The Earth continues to rotate further and we see that the sun passes through the sky and starts to decline and then hidden behind the horizon. This land turns away with its rotation from sunlight. The sun hides, it becomes dark, night comes. And on the other side of the globe day.
It takes 24 hours, that is, day. So that the Earth makes a complete turn around its axis.
And from one dawn to another passes 24 hours.
- Show on the table, how does the earth rotate around the sun?
- What is the movement of it?
(around its axis)
- What is the name of the full rotation time around the axis?
- What are the day?
(24 hours)
- What does the proverb mean? "Day and night, day away."
(The day includes in yourself and day, and night.)
- What kind of axis is rotating around? Real or imaginary?
- How many revs do the earth per day?
"So why do we have a change of day and night on the planet?"
- Guys, what's new and interesting did you find out today from our conversation?
- What is the globe? And what is it during the time and day ???

Change of the day and night is something that once and forever managed not only in ordinary life, but also in fabulous. Although, in fairy tales, it happens and this - something breaks in the heavenly mechanism and everything goes to the knuckle. How long? As long as a certain magician appears, Magic Affairs Master who will fully repack.

The fairy tale "How night the day replaced"

In the heavenly wonderful country everything went to her! The sun sent golden rays to the ground. Before seemingly in the sky, it looked at his sunny o'clock and knew exactly when he began to shine, and when to finish. As soon as the sun goes to bed, illuminated the land of the moon. Helped the moon of the stars. They tried their best to shine so that there were no complete darkness. The time when the sun was shone, called "Day", and when the moon and stars - "At night".

But one day the sundial broke. The day and night were confused, and such confusion began! Nobody knew exactly when there would be a dawn, and when the sunset. Many restfully began to sleep at night, because no one really knew when to get up. Animals wandered like lost. And the flowers forgot to reveal their buds.

It was urgent to do something. Consider the sundial caused old master month. He knew exactly that there should be a regular change of day and night. And the clock needs to be configured so that at a certain point the sun impacted its place to the moon.

Calling for the help of magic forces, Master Month repaired the sundial. They began to walk like new ones. The sun was very happy, seeing his dear watch.

Now the day will never lose, and the night will follow immediately around the day. Joy returned to people. They liked the sun and the moon. Animals began to live their former life. And the flowers in the afternoon opened their magnificent buds, and they closed them tightly on the night. Let the buds rest in order to spread again again.

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale "How night the day replaced"

Imagine that you hit a miracle rocket in a miracle country. What would you be surprised in the first place?

Who would you make friends with a miracle country?

Invent a fairy tale about what will happen if the sun and the stars are emerging.

Summary of the lesson on the world around the world in accordance with the requirements of GEF 2 class

Subject: "The change of night and day."
- Explain the change of day and night with the rotation of the Earth around its axis, the sequence of events during the day.
Equipment: Table "Solar System", 2 drawing
depicting day and night, tellurium, globe, dunning, sign
Yesterday, today, tomorrow, day 24 hours.

1. Organization of children to work:
We continue to study the world around us.
Today we will talk about an amazing phenomenon on our planet, which you are watching every day. Even at the beginning of the day and at its end.
This phenomena we will observe on all the planets of the solar system and even on the moon.
Our friend Dunnoes inscribed this phenomenon in two drawings:

Who guessed that he painted?
Today we have to find out what is happening in our life and nature during the day, and what at night?
We have to find out why there is a change of day and night?

Since in the lesson we will talk about many objects of nature and subjects around us, then we can remember with you! Very important rules and laws of their lives.
!Check of knowledge. Table "Solar System"

What kind of celestial bodies are depicted on it? (Sun, planets)
Who knows what is the name of the science of heaven or cosmic bodies? (Astronomy)
And what are the scientists studying the heavenly bodies? (Astronomers)

Now I recognize whether you know all these bodies and items.

Task from Lena and Misha:
Lena and Misha who are fond of astronomy, sent me an envelope with the task:
- With what device Lena studies the body of the solar system? (Telescope)

-What bodies enter the solar system? (Sun, planets, these include stars and moon)

Guess the heavenly body by his description!
I will read the description of the celestial body, and you guys answer, raising her hand.
1. Glow themselves and illuminate planets. They are very big celestial bodies, planets are moving around them. They have a shape of a ball. (Stars)

2. This is a star. It is shining and illuminated by the planet. (Sun)

3. They themselves will not shine, but are illuminated by the sun and another star. They are big and moving
Around the stars and the sun. Share the ball. (Planets)

4. The planet is lit by the sun. When on one side of the day, on the other night. (Earth)

5. Earth satellite moving around it. (Moon)

Now imagine the train. We boarded the train and looked out the window.
What did we see?
That all items around are moving. In fact, the train is moving. This seems to us, then they move at home, trees, fields, meadows, etc. This is an illicit.

He developed his system of the world, in the center of which placed the Earth.
Around the stationary shag-like land according to Ptolemy move: the moon, the sun and 5 planets, as well as the sphere of stationary stars.
He, like we are sitting on the train, saw the sun moving (in the morning it gets up, in the evening it comes) Moon and stars are moving.
In fact, the Earth itself moves, along with the moon, around the sun.
Similarly, objects around our train are moving.

Nikolay Copernicus created the right picture of the world around us the existing world. He placed in the center of the sun, around which the Earth and other planet moves.
Let's remember two celestial bodies:
Sun-illuminating our planet during the day
Moon-illuminating our planet at night

What are they like? (Light land)
- What light shines the moon? (Reflected sunlight)
- What is the sun? (A star that glows and illuminates the planets)
- What is the moon? (This is a natural satellite of the Earth)
- Guys, tell me that I will list you now: big bear, small bear, cancer, swan ??? (this is the constellation)


- What form does our planet earth have?
- How does she rotate? (around the sun)
- And how else? (around its axis)
We go to the earth's surface, why do not we fall into outer space?
What power keeps us on the surface?
This is the power of earthly attraction.
Isaac Newton opened the law of world community.

The Earth attracts us, so we go, we move, make a certain job.
If you break away from the ground and fly to Kosmas. The power of earthly attraction shall act and arise the state of weightlessness.
Cosmonauts experience weightlessness within a few hours of flight.

They use special adaptations while in weightlessness. Lightweight clothes, food in special tubes, all small objects on laces.
Table of the Solar System

Guys, what big body keeps close to our planet? (Sun)
- What power does not give our planet to fly into the outer space? (Solar attraction)
The rotation of our planet around the Sun leads to a change of day and night.

Studying a new material:
-What do you know about these periods of the day?
-The d'Danctitude again confused in words - today, tomorrow, yesterday.
-What are they denoted?
- Why does the day differ from the night? - What paints can you portray them?
Teluria story

Our land, like all the planets rotate in outer space.
The Earth rotates not only around the Sun, but also around the imaginary axis.
The sun rays carry it warm and light.
When the Earth turns to the Sun to the Side, where we live, it seems to us that
The sun rises in the sky, boils. The sun's rays light our planet on the one hand and at this time it costs. The Earth continues to rotate further and we see that the sun passes through the sky and starts to decline and then hidden behind the horizon. This land turns away with its rotation from sunlight. The sun hides, it becomes dark, night comes. And on the other side of the globe day.
It takes 24 hours, that is, day. So that the Earth makes a complete turn around its axis.
And from one dawn to another passes 24 hours.
- Show on the table, how does the earth rotate around the sun?
- What is the movement of it?
(around its axis)
- What is the name of the full rotation time around the axis?
- What are the day?
(24 hours)
- What does the proverb mean? "Day and night, day away."
(The day includes in yourself and day, and night.)
- What kind of axis is rotating around? Real or imaginary?
- How many revs do the earth per day?
"So why do we have a change of day and night on the planet?"
- Guys, what's new and interesting did you find out today from our conversation?
- What is the globe? And what is it during the time and day ???

Picture 1 from the presentation "Change of Day and Night" To the lessons of astronomy on the topic "Earth"

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"Form and dimensions of the Earth" - a degree network and its elements. A natural time measurement unit is associated with the rotation of the Earth. Change of the day and night creates a daily rhythm of living and inanimate nature. Select four types of distortion on maps. The axis of the rotation of the Earth is inclined to the plane of the orbit at an angle of 66.5 °. Parallel 66.5 ° C. sh. He is the border.

"Earth is our cosmic house" - mantle. Montgolfier brothers aircraft. Meeting point. Earth air sheath. Planet Earth. Human habitat. Earth is a human habitat. Cruiser "Varyag". Mechanism of life. Part of the population of the Earth. Saratov industrial technical school. ANT - 25. The person complements nature. Land.

"Earth, Sun, Moon" - Earth and Moon. Plan. The movement of the earth around the sun. Moon's appeal periods. The coating of the moon of the earth. Coatings shining moon. Due to the remoteness of the Sun, his rays are almost parallel. Visible movement and phases of the moon. The orbit of the moon and its indignation. The conditions for the occurrence of eclipses.

"Hypotheses about the emergence of the Earth" is a burnt jet. Buffon Hypothesis. Infinite creative mind. Divine emergence of the earth. Modern ideas. Journey. Nebula. Calculations. Ancient times. The theory of Immanuel Kant. Theory of George Buffon. The science. Space and matter. Successful discoveries to you. Otto theory of Julia Schmidt.

"Earth - Planet of the Solar System" - Catastrophic Buffon Hypothesis. Kepler laws. Information about the laws of the structure. The sun. Planet Earth. Star analogs. Polar Lights. Hypothesis of jeans. Sun structure. Prominence. The solar system consists of a central star. Newton's law. Hypothesis of origin of the universe. Nebular Laplace hypothesis.

In the morning the plants are blown up, the buds close in the evening. Evening - sunset in the west of the sky and gradually dying sunset colors. Different time of day and looks and perceived in different ways. The Earth revolves around his axis in 24 hours. Each minute of 60 seconds. A day lasts exactly 24 hours. Conditionally, the time of day is divided into several parts:

Total in the subject of 22 presentations

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Attention! Preview slides is used exclusively for informational purposes and may not provide ideas about all presentation capabilities. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Type of lesson: Lesson to study new and primary consolidation of new knowledge

Objectives lesson:

1st Development Line - familiarity with the holistic picture of the world.

  • To explain to the guys the connection of the change of day and night with the rotation of the earth around its axis, and also help them understand the sequence of events during the day.

The 2nd line of development is the formation of an appraisal attitude to the world.

  • Teach your time to evaluate your time (the ability to make up the mode and follow it).

Tasks lesson:


  • To acquaint with the rotation of the earth around its axis, as the cause of the change of day and night. Actualize knowledge of the phenomena of nature.


  • Promote the development of basic thinking operations (comparison, generalization, ability to draw conclusions based on the information received).
  • Develop the ability to analyze and find ways to solve the problem.
  • To form the main components of the Wood (the ability to put a learning task, to generalize, draw conclusions)


  • Promote the knowledge of the world.
  • To shape the skills of self-analysis.

At least: by the end of the second grade, students should know that the change of day and night is associated with the rotation of the earth around its axis, distinguish between the morning, day, evening and night.

Minimax: By the end of the lesson, schoolboy can learn about changes in nature at different times of the day, learn to demonstrate the rotation of the Earth around its axis.

Maximum: Pupils can get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat will happen on Earth, if it does not rotate around the Axis Council, an idea of \u200b\u200btime zones and the duration of the day in different latitudes.

Technologies: Information, developing, problematic (selection of an optimal learning model for specific conditions).

Methods: verbal, visual, activity, practical (execution of practical action)


  • tutorial 2 class /a.A.Vakhrushev, O.V.BURSKY, A.S.Rautin / + Notebook
  • the globe,
  • 4 flag on bilateral scotch.

During the classes

Teacher's activities Activities of students
Org. moment

I want to start our lesson in the words of the French philosopher Jean-Jacques Russo:

"You are talented children! Someday you yourself are pleasantly married, how much and know how to work well, if you constantly work on yourself, put new goals and strive for their achievement. "

I wish you today at our lesson make sure that this statement is correct.

Actualization of knowledge and formulation of the problem (work in groups)

Guys, remember what we spoke at last lessons.

Okay. Now we will work in groups. Remind the rules of work in the group (work together, listen to the opinion of all the guys.

Connect the arrow of observing the inhabitants of the Earth and explaining these observations through the rules and laws of nature.

And now 1 representative of each group will announce the results of the work (each group voice one of the laws of nature). The results are highlighted on the slide (next to the latest phenomenon, children at the board are subject to a question and a question appears on the slide).

The moon rotates around the Earth, the Earth rotates around the Sun, the Earth rotates around his own axis.
- Think why the last question caused you difficulties. What knowledge do we miss? (arrange on the board).

(Unless connected - explain, prove)

- We do not know why there is a change of day and night.
- What will we do in the lesson? - We will try to find out what the movement of the Earth causes the occurrence of a day and night on earth.
- What is the topic of our lesson? - Change of the day and night on Earth.
Joint "Opening" Knowledge

And what can we help in the opening of new knowledge?

Today in the lesson you will act as researchers. We will conduct experiments, watch, analyze and make conclusions on the subject of the lesson.

- textbook, teacher, etc.
- Pay attention to the slide. What traffic does earth?

We watch our planet using models. (On the demonstration table there are lamp and globe)

- The Earth revolves around his axis and around the sun.
- Look carefully, is the surface of the earth is equally covered?

What time of day in the part of the earth, where is the little man? What needs to be done to come on the same territory?

What conclusion can you come? Why is there a change of day and night?

Such phenomena as day and night arise as a result of the movement of the earth around their axis.


Barbarika "Ball".

5. Practical work (in groups).

Remind once again, why is there a change of day and night?

Earth rotation occurs counterclockwise. Show first how the clock arrows are moving on the model. And now show the movement counterclockwise. Now this knowledge will be required to perform practical work.

Thanks to the rotation of the Earth around its axis.

On your globes marked 4 points with color men.

Turn the globe counterclockwise so that in the place where the red man is located day. Then what time of the day will be in the place where the blue man is worth? (night) And what time of day will be at those points where there are green and yellow men? As we researchers with you, check our assumptions by experienced.

- And what would happen if the earth did not rotate? If the land did not rotate, then one side would always be addressed to the sun. And the other was constantly in the shade.
- What would have happened on the side facing the sun at this point? She would receive a lot of light and warmth. It would be a long day.
- What would happen on the other side? Here everything would be in the shade, it means that the long night would continue.
- What conclusion confirmed our practical work? Compare it with information in the textbook on page 52. Read the text carefully, and tell me what we have not spoken. - Change of the day and night is associated with the rotation of the Earth around its axis.

Full turnover Earth commits in 24 hours.

6. Independent application of knowledge.

And now open the workbook on page 16 and perform the task number 1. Each independently (1 student calls the phenomena that occur during the day, another student calls the phenomena that occur at night) checking the results of work on the slide.

Let's go back to our tasks that caused our difficulties in the beginning of the lesson.

Once again, make a conclusion from which the day and night change occurs.

7. Homework.

Open the diaries, write your homework.

R.T. Task number 5 - for all. For those who feel the strength and has a desire to task number 4 of an elevated level.

8. Reflection.

Who was interested in the lesson?

What knowledge were new?

Who helped us open new knowledge?

Who wants to say "Thank you"?

The lesson is over. Thanks to all.

Various ancient peoples, whether the Egyptians, Greeks or Romans, tried to explain all the phenomena around them, so before our time a fabulous explanation of the change of the day and night was reached. The legends of different nationalities are generally similar.

Change of day and night: fabulous explanation

With the words "the sun rose" or the "Sun of the village" we begin or end the day in life. Our ancestors endowedry and sunsets with great strength. These phenomena had a sacred value for our progenitors.

And indeed during sunsets and dawns, various rituals and rites of both church and magical were performed. From here "grown" a fabulous explanation of the change of day and night. Photo of a sunset or dawn has every user of social networks. Today, the modern person in these phenomena does not understand and does not know the sacred value.

Ancient Greek myth

In the ancient Greeks, the challenge of the day and night has a fabulous explanation. Titanium Hyperion has three children: Selena, Eos and Helios. The selenium shining with cold light was the goddess of the moon. On her head was the serp-month. On the night road, she rides the chariot, which is harnessed by bulls. Selena moves from this road when her kids stars and marble columns are stained in pink light.

Eos - Goddess Morning Dawn, announces the occurrence of a new day. Following the EOS rushes from the east, their brother Helios on a shining golden chariot. Greeks revered him no less than a powerful and supreme zeus. The rays of Helios penetrated the farthest and dark corners through black clouds. Their warm light awakened all the living. Thanks to the rays, trees and fruits grew. Helios - a thunderstorm of all criminals. The rays of this God blind them. From such rays not to hide and gods.

Everything knows Helios about Divine "Delicheh". It was he who suggested Demeter that her daughter Persefon kidnapped Aid into his gloomy kingdom of shadows. But noon comes when Helios reaches the West. In the evening, Helios horses and he himself are tired and red. God goes to his palace for recreation, where the Divine Sweet rests, and the chariot of Selena goes on the road ... Such is the Greek day and night. The fabulous explanation of them is similar to the Slavic myth.

Slavic vision of the day and night

The ideas about the world in the ancient Slavic-pagans was very complex and confusing. The sun and sunlight were for them various concepts. For each season, the Slavs had a separate "sun" - Yarilo, Kupalo, Svetovit and Kolyada. The sun itself they called Khost. By the way, this word meant "Circle". Hence the word dance.

Like the Greeks, the Slavic fabulous explanation of the change of the day and night is simply - Dazhibog (the sun - giving God) drove on the Golden Chariot in the daytime, blinded by fiery covered horses. Morning and evening dawns were considered sisters. And the morning dawn was the wife of the Sun. In celebrated the Slavs their wedding. Like the Greeks, the Sun is an all-seeing eye that has followed everything and everyone. Therefore, criminals act at night and to this day.

Ancient Indian view of the appearance of a new day

Distinctive Indian legend about the change of day and night. The fabulous explanation states that there were no nights. She appeared thanks to one tragic occasion. Lit's brother Yama and sister sister. Brother died, and a lonely sister had nothing to do, how endlessly mourning unhappy brother. For all requests and exhortations to calm down and stop pouring tears, I only exclaimed: "But he died today!" The gods of said the truth: to calm down the girl, the night is needed, only this will come a new day. They created the night. It was morning, I forgot about the grief. And the Hindus began to say "a series of the day and night".


For many years, our ancestors believed in these myths and legends about the creation of the day and night, right up to the Middle Ages. Religion and mystical ideas changed science. Nikolai Copernicus 500 years ago wrote a book that our planet revolves around his axis, passing the path in orbit around the star sun. So, according to Copernicus, there was a change of day and night.

The fabulous explanation was destroyed. And the book of the scientist was banned by Pope Roman, since contradicted the Christian religion. Copernicus became famous as the creator of the name of this system occurred on behalf of the God of the Sun Helios, so, according to the theory of Copernicus, the sun is located in the center of the universe. Polish astronomer died from a stroke on May 24, 1543, he was 73 years old.

Oksana So

Purpose: Continue to acquaint with the phenomenon of contrast in art, reveal the specifics and show the means of artistic and figurative expressiveness. Learning to create two-chapted contrast compositions.


1. To form in children an idea of \u200b\u200bcyclical nature of natural phenomena, about the reasons for the change of day and night;

2. Develop the ability to artistic creativity, compositions, creative imagination.

3. Improve the unconventional watercolor drawing technique and wax chalk.

4. Fasten knowledge about warm and cold colors and shades.

5. Relieve curiosity, artistic taste.

Materials and equipment: Label sheet paper, brush, watercolor, wax chalk, water, circle pattern, napkins.

Set of illustrations, photos, reproductions with expressly pronounced contrast, audio recording "Seasons"

Preliminary work: Conversation about parts of the day, dating phenomena of contrast in art, didactic games with color on the color model "Rainbow"

Structure occupation

1. The introductory part

The teacher makes the riddles about the heavenly luminaires about the sun and the moon. The sun shines during the day, and the moon at night. The moon and the sun, day and night, these are opposite by the meaning of the word.

I suggest play the game "Say the opposite"

Black- (kids) white,

Long short,

big small,

kind angry,

cold - warm.

Well done! Such opposite couples can be found not only in the world of words, but also in the world of art. They are called contrast. Display of reproductions built on the principle of contrast. In the paintings of artists, you can find such pairs: the river is wide and narrow, the mountain is high and low, etc.

2. Productive activity

I explain how you can depict the sun and a month.

Children dreamed the pattern of a circle and wax crayons draw the sun and a month, yellow, orange, red - warm colors draw the sun and rays, and a month - cold colors - blue, purple, green. Then everyone is painted with watercolor paints in colors.

Children under peaceful music draw a picture of "day and night", on which the sun and a month are presented at one moment. Personal care teacher

Fizkultminutka "Day and Night"

Poem to the lesson. Day and night

Why do we need night?

To sleep help

To the eyes do not hurt,

To dreams they watched.

To the ball of the moon caught,

To shine with the star

So that the wings grow

So that we can fly.

Why do we need a day?

So we drove too lazy

To run, played,

Good books read.

To the light smiled,

To have fun laughing.

So that we love learned

And how sunshine turned around.

(Lopatina, a., Skrebtsova, M.)

3. Outcome.

Exhibition of drawings and analysis of children's work.

Publications on the topic:

Abstract Node in the older group "Day-night" Purpose: show the dependence of the onset of the day, evening, night and morning on the position of the Earth in relation to the Sun; Secure the presentation of children about.

An abstract of open drawing on drawing in the preparatory group Topic: "Construction" Purpose: Develop the ability to draw your home, allocate in your figure the main thing, transfer floral combinations in it. Software.

A summary of the formation of a holistic picture of the world in the second youngest group. "Day and night" Objectives: to acquaint with the temporary concepts "Day - Night"; Learning to distinguish parts of the day by signs and actions of time; Shape skills.

An abstract classes on unconventional drawing in the second younger group "Flowers for the birthday of a doll Kate" Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 57" of the Engels municipal district of the Saratov region.

An abstract of drawing classes in the preparatory group "Paints of Autumn" "Autumn paints" Tasks: 1. Teach children to transmit coloring the golden autumn, learn to combine warm colors and shades. Continue to teach children freely.

Abstract drawing classes in the preparatory speech therapy group The abstract of drawing classes in the preparatory speech therapy group "Fireflies" Theme "Swans on the Lake" (theme of the week "Freight birds").