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Socio-economic direction at school. What is the socio-economic profile

Academic subjects
I. Federal component
Basic subjects
Russian language
Foreign language
Informatics and ICT
Natural science
Physical education
Profile educational subjects
Social Studies
II. Regional (national-regional) component
At the discretion of the subject Russian Federation
III. Educational Institution Component
Elective academic subjects, educational practices, projects, research activities


Academic subjects Number of weekly teaching hours in two years of study
1. Federal component
Basic subjects
Russian language
Foreign language
Social Studies (including Economics and Law)
Natural science
Physical education
Profile educational subjects
Informatics and ICT
P. Regional (national-regional) component
At the discretion of the subject of the Russian Federation
111. Component of an educational institution
Elective academic subjects, educational practices, projects, research activities


Secondary (complete) general education program in natural science 1

A basic level of


According to Concepts of national education in the new curricula for the humanities and technology profiles of high school, the school science course is given a place basic academic discipline, designed to replace traditional natural science school subjects. Such a replacement allows synthesizing qualitatively new ones on the basis of modern natural science knowledge. system approaches to the knowledge of Nature, so necessary for the modern scientific vision of the world.

Knowledge of the world in its unity will require students systems thinking. In addition, the integrative course of school science should be filled with humanistic content, leading to correspondence of humanitarian and natural science values modern civilization, and thereby form harmoniously developed personality.

The program is designed to study the subject Natural science in educational institutions. The program provides for the study of the theoretical and applied foundations of physics, chemistry and general biology. It reflects the tasks currently facing humanity, the solution of which is aimed at developing a harmoniously developed, competent personality, preserving the surrounding nature and human health.

Study course Natural science is based on the knowledge gained by students in the study of natural sciences in elementary grades, as well as acquired in the lessons of history, physical and economic geography. The subject itself is basic for a number of special disciplines.

To improve the level and use of the knowledge gained, as well as to acquire practical skills, the program provides for the implementation of a number of laboratory works that are carried out after detailed briefing and familiarization of students with the established safety rules; some laboratory work is proposed to be carried out in the format of a computer workshop.

As a result of studying science, students should

Know / understand

features of the physical, chemical and biological forms of the existence of matter;

the role of physical and chemical processes in living systems of various hierarchical levels of organization; fundamental concepts in the field of natural sciences; the essence of the processes taking place in inanimate and living nature;

the main theories that determine the development of natural sciences at the present time;

Be able to

Use the knowledge of general scientific laws to explain from a materialistic point of view the issues of the origin and development of life on Earth, as well as various groups of plants, animals, including humans;

Give a reasoned assessment of new information in the field of natural sciences;

Work with educational and popular science literature, draw up a plan, synopsis, abstract;

Master the language of the subject.

X class

(3 hours a week, 1 hour - reserve, 105 hours)


Topic name Number of hours
Earth and Universe
Symmetry and understanding of nature
Matter, its structure and properties
Structure and properties of matter
Organization levels and properties of living systems
Self-organization of natural systems
Order and disorder in nature
Ways of cognition
Total: 104 hours

Introduction (2 hours)

Natural science as a complex of natural sciences. Relationships of natural sciences. Nature laws. Cognitive and practical value of science.

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All rights belong to their authors. This site does not claim authorship, but provides free use.
Date the page was created: 2016-04-15

  • The risk profile and the procedure for the development of draft risk profiles by customs officials.
  • Let us consider the structure of the school textbook "Law" by L.N. Bogolyubov for 10-11 grades (Profile level of training).
  • Modern natural science (profile course) Test-training 0004.02.06; T-T.01; 2
  • Socio-economic and political system of Hittite society
  • Training courses for two years of study
    Russian language and literature
    Foreign language
    Natural science
    Physical education
    Economic and social geography
    Total 12

    Humanities profile

    Training courses Number of weekly teaching hours for two years of study
    I. Basic general education subjects
    Natural science
    Physical education
    II. Profile general education subjects
    Russian language and literature (basic general education and specialized courses)
    History (basic general education and specialized courses)
    Social studies (basic general education and specialized courses)
    III. Elective courses (3 courses to choose from)
    5-6 courses offered by the school Total 12
    Educational practices, projects, research activities At least 70 teaching hours in 2 years of study

    Technological profile(specialization - information Technology)

    Training courses Number of weekly teaching hours for two years of study
    I. Basic general education subjects
    Russian language and literature
    History and social studies
    Natural science
    Physical education
    II. Profile general education subjects
    Informatics and ICT
    Mathematics (basic general education and specialized courses)
    Foreign language (basic general education and specialized courses)
    III. Elective courses (3 courses to choose from)
    5-6 courses offered by the school 24 total
    Educational practices, projects, research activities At least 140 academic hours in 2 years of study

    Sample curriculum for universal learning (non-core schools and classes)

    No. 13. Elective courses in advanced learning.

    The implementation of the idea of ​​a senior level profile puts the graduate of the main level before the need to make a responsible choice - preliminary self-determination in relation to profiling direction own activities.

    A prerequisite for creating an educational space that contributes to the self-determination of a student of the main stage is the introduction of pre-profile training through the organization of elective courses.

    For these purposes, it is necessary:

    To increase the hours of the variable (school) component of the Basic Curriculum in the final grade of the main stage of general education;

    When organizing compulsory optional classes, enter class divisions into the required number of groups;

    Educational institutions to use the hours of the variable component, first of all, for the organization of pre-profile training.

    Already in elementary school, some children are happy to write and read, others can pore over tasks for a long time. The inclination to one direction or another comes when it is too early to think about the real choice of profession. He, according to psychologists, is formed in high school. According to the theories of personality psychology, this choice is very important, and must be made consciously and independently - this is protection from possible professional burnout and general dissatisfaction with life in adulthood. WITH...

    School before the choice: "base" or "profile" (video).

    Video: [link-1] According to the new programs, all school disciplines can be taught at two levels. Basic programs are many times simpler than specialized ones. For this reason, the mass school will inevitably gravitate towards the "base", which will predetermine its further degradation. As we already wrote [link-1], at present the Ministry of Education is actively developing a complex of programs for high school (VETSOO), which, most likely, will be introduced in the very near future. We received it ...


    There has never been any “basic training” (for “stupid ones”) at the state level in Russia. We had and should have uniform basic educational programs. But in-depth training does not need to be regulated. This issue can be easily dealt with by the "advanced" schools themselves, which have a recognized long-term experience, which the Ministry of Education is simply not able to grasp and comprehend.

    26.08.2016 14:20:19, Spherical horse in vacuum 05.01.2019 17:15:47, Valery Starikov

    Useless information, lots of water, thanks for your time

    21.11.2017 18:08:06, [email protected]

    Only the winners of the Olympics can receive benefits, but it is not necessary to be a pupil of a private school to participate in them. If a school is a basic one at a university (it does not matter if it is public or private), its students can take exams before the main course, and in some cases even be enrolled immediately in the second year. Since there are no specialized classes in private schools, students are divided into groups focused on a specific university, or in a specific direction: humanitarian, economic, natural science, etc. For example, the Venda school has five profiles, each of which has a set of subjects that are studied in depth. In this case, the child can take an object from another profile (for example, linguistics). Classes are held both in a group and individually. The school invites institute teachers, and also sends its own students to universities for re ...


    Great article, nothing to add.
    I want to speak out in defense of private schools. Nonsense that money is being pulled out of parents. Maybe you went to the wrong schools? Those days of "wild capitalism", when money was pulled out, are long gone :) nowadays stability, respectability, and an impeccable reputation are in vogue. And if this is not observed, hardly anyone will go to one or another private. school. My own child finishes one of the above-mentioned high school, and I must tell you, he is much ahead of his peers from the state in terms of knowledge. schools.

    04/26/2006 04:46:22 PM, klow

    Informative, but based on my experience and on the experience of my friends, I will draw another conclusion:
    1. Classes with a teacher from the selected institute.
    2. lyceums, schools. profile classes
    3. Training courses(you can first courses, and then a teacher from the institute)
    I don’t consider the agreement of institutes with schools and private schools, especially the latter - it makes sense to pay for comfort, living conditions, etc., but the level of education there is questionable, only pumping money out of parents)

    The new school year will be new in many ways. Parents will have to pay more for formally free education in public schools, but the level of education, according to the assurances of officials, will be higher. What else to expect for Moscow schoolchildren and their parents, the correspondent of "IP" Vladislav Kiselev figured out.

    They can work according to the "school - university" system, be an "urban experimental site" (GEP), be part of the educational complex (UEC), or have a specific profile - humanitarian, environmental, aesthetic, chemical, mathematical, economic. Secondary schools with in-depth study individual subjects usually have a humanitarian orientation, where the study of the declared disciplines begins after grades 5-7. In schools with in-depth study of a foreign language, language instruction begins from the 1st grade. Admission to these schools can be on a competitive basis, in the 5th grade another one is added foreign language... These schools have numbers starting with 13, for example ...
    ...V. Tarasova is also built on the basis of developmental education. Its specificity is that a foreign language is taught from the 1st grade, physics, chemistry, biology, geography synchronously from the 7th to the 9th grade. Mathematics - up to grade 9 inclusive. It turns out that the student completes basic education in the 9th grade. Grades 10-11 are assigned to specialized lyceum education. Schools for gifted children also adjoin the system of developmental education. School-laboratory number 1624 "Constellation", working on the developmental system "Gifted Child", has unusual item- MDO (interdisciplinary education), which is aimed at identifying and developing the creative abilities of the child, his own research work ...

    It was used to describe any classes and schools that were somehow different from the traditional ones. As time went. By 2000, experts figured out and clearly formulated what it is. The gymnasium and lyceums were separated into separate structures. Children study there strictly according to certain norms. Specialized classes included: Profile classes, opened in secondary schools, which prepare for admission to any university; Classes with in-depth study of individual subjects; Gymnasium and lyceum classes in ordinary schools; Classes where teaching is carried out according to the author's methods; Classes of correctional and developmental education. School of Ostap Bender Surprisingly, now it is difficult to find an ordinary general education first grade. Most schools try ...

    School choice: biological school and biological classes

    In public schools with a biology, chemistry or science bias, advanced studies in biology usually begin no earlier than eighth grade. However, the emphasis on specialized subjects is made from the very beginning: due to the so-called school component, the number of biology lessons increases already in the fifth or sixth grades, and they are often conducted outside the box. Often, each section (botany, zoology, cytology, etc.) is taught by a separate teacher - a specialist in this field of science ...

    Elkonin Davydov's educational system: differences from other systems
    ... but valuation activities on initial stage education should be linked primarily in the direction of the formation of control and evaluation independence junior schoolchildren how necessary condition for the formation of educational independence of a teenager (basic school) and the organization of their own teaching of senior students (high school) on individual educational programs as a kind of profile education in grades 10-11. In this regard, and the content, organization educational process in primary school, it is necessary to turn in this direction, therefore, the refusal of the mark on is needed primarily not in order to preserve the health of children, and not in order to switch to another multi-point assessment scale, but in order to gradually transfer control and assessment ...


    My son studied this method for a year in the first grade. it is very difficult for a child to help, it is completely incomprehensible how. If the child did not have time in class, then it is very difficult to explain the material at home. This technique is not suitable for children with undeveloped abstract thinking. It's very difficult for them. Although my son at the age of 7 learned to solve examples with simple fractions, he copes with multiplication and division problems without knowing the multiplication table. I learned to express my thoughts quite clearly. But he reads very badly, does not even fulfill the standards of the first class. The result could have been much better, but unfortunately my child did not make it into the top five students with whom the teacher works. Advice to parents - don't choose a method, choose a teacher.
    Ukraine. Kherson.

    08/26/2008 05:06:55 PM, Tatiana

    Yes, characteristic feature followers of the ED school - the inability to express thoughts clearly and in simple words :)).
    My children have been studying with Vorontsov for three years now. I like it, children too.
    When sending children to this school, you need to clearly understand why you need it :) - actually, this is the first question at the interview :). There are many pluses, minuses are also enough, and they are significant.

    A school can have a specific profile - environmental, aesthetic, economic or something else. This means that relevant subjects are studied in depth here, optional work is carried out, students take part in various projects. The name "school with in-depth study of individual subjects" speaks for itself. Be prepared for the fact that starting from the 8-9th grade (and sometimes from the 5th grade), in-depth study of certain subjects begins. Secondary comprehensive schools with in-depth study of a foreign language are distinguished by the fact that the language begins to be studied from the 1st grade, and admission to the school can take place on a competitive basis. Such schools have numbers starting with 13 ...
    ... At some gymnasiums, pro-gymnasiums (primary schools) are organized, the recruitment of which takes place on a competitive basis. Lyceums are similar to gymnasiums in that they are focused on teaching children with formed interests and inclinations. But the lyceum consists only of the senior classes. They work according to an individual curriculum and programs. A lyceum and a specialized university may have an agreement on the admission of graduates without entrance exams. Grammar schools and lyceums were created on the basis of secondary general education schools, which are distinguished by high results, and today they are considered elite educational institutions. Look for gymnasiums under numbers starting with 15 .... Some general education schools have gymnasium and lyceum classes. On its own ...


    About painful.
    More than once I was convinced that in primary schools In Moscow and the Moscow Region, no one even mentions Vinogradova's program. Meanwhile, in some regions of Russia this program is considered the main one and is imposed on almost all teachers. primary grades. Weak points in Vinogradov's program - a lot, starting with the proclamation of the actual goals of the education and development of the child, which does not correspond to the proposed content of education. In addition, the teacher is not even given the necessary tools for their implementation. Teachers are forced to work on their knees with textbooks by other authors. Not a single child has yet been properly prepared according to Vinogradova's program for the transition to the next stage of education. I really don't want my child to study in this program. Who should I shout to ???

    01/27/2006 12:39:16 PM, Anonymous

    And not a word about journalism! In the annotation to the test, however, there is a caveat that it does not give a complete picture. But, in any case, the test makes you think about the question "Who am I?" - and this in itself is not bad. Actually, the psychologists of Moscow State University have long developed a special diagram of specialized classes, which is recommended for implementation in the senior grades of all Russian schools. According to experts, from 13-14 years old children can be thoroughly prepared for future profession, testing after the 8th grade and dividing the senior classes in the following areas: Information technology. Physics and mathematics. Linguistic (language ...
    ... These are interests supported by certain abilities. The main mistakes that are advised to avoid when choosing a profession: The identification of a school subject with a profession or a poor distinction between these concepts is common mistake schoolchildren. For example, there is such a subject as a foreign language, and there are many professions that require the ability to speak - and this is far from only a translator. When choosing a profession, it is worth considering what real occupations and professions are behind this subject. There are many more professions than school subjects. Also among adolescents, it is not uncommon to be fascinated by a professional, and as a result - by a profession. Psychologists call ... "In my opinion, three conditions are necessary for successful study in the physics and mathematics class. First, the child must have good health, secondly, a great desire to learn and comprehend new things and, thirdly, hard work and diligence, "says Inna Kryuchkova, director of school 444. Profile subjects are taught according to original methods, which are aimed primarily at developing creative, individual High school students are usually divided into small groups, each of which has its own teacher.The way of life in physics and mathematics lyceums at universities is completely reminiscent of the institute: classes are built according to the lecture and seminar system, the guys regularly take tests, and after the 8th and 10th grade - transfer exams The main principle ...


    I completely agree - the lyceums at MEPhI, Baumank are mentioned many times, and practically nothing has been said about the strong mat-schools 57, 179 and 2007. For those interested: a more recent (2017) and objective (there are links to sources) rating of the best schools in mathematics

    What is the socio-economic profile, what professions belong to it? In order to do the right thing and conscious choice, you need to have an idea of ​​what areas of the economy exist, their distinctive features.

    The importance of the economy

    In a broad sense, economics can be seen as the foundation of modern public life... Without a material foundation, the world will cease to exist. Therefore, professions of a socio-economic profile will always be relevant and in demand. What areas in this area are of interest to modern graduates? There are a lot of such areas, because specialists with an economic education can work in specialized industries.

    Varieties of professions

    Let's consider some specialties by profile. The social and economic direction corresponds to the profession of a cashier. This concept implies a large-scale circle of specialists, including cashiers of supermarkets and banks. Many of them do not have higher education fulfilling their job duties... In banks, such a position is called a cashier-operator and foreign exchange teller. The task of the first is to carry out a variety of banking operations, and the second makes the sale and purchase of foreign currency.

    A bank employee is a specialist with an economic education who is an employee of this institution. Basically, everyone has their own job responsibilities, specialization is determined during employment.

    The socio-economic profile implies and He records all business operations of the company, the timely payment of taxes, the implementation of contacts with government agencies and bodies.

    Any organization, regardless of its size, has its own accountant. The term "professional accountant" implies several types of economic professions at once.

    The socio-economic profile includes such specialties as economist and auditor.

    Modern auditors

    The activities of auditors are aimed at checking the reliability of reporting documents at enterprises, conducting specialized consultations on accounting. In addition to higher education, an auditor also requires a great deal of professional experience, therefore, immediately after graduating from a financial institution, this specialty is not available. After receiving a special certificate, the auditor continues to improve his professional qualifications.

    Socio-economic profile is directly related to obtaining Economists work in the field of study, planning, preparation, implementation of financial and economic activity... The finance profession is also included in the list of such professions.

    His professional field of activity is precisely material resources. These include traders, investors. For example, it is possible to combine the duties of an accountant, financier, economist. There are also such economic professions that are closely related to the market. valuable papers... Brokers are intermediaries between buyers and sellers. Dealers carry out various transactions with funds and securities on their behalf.

    Among the new professions associated with this area, we note "economic security". Despite her “young age,” she is considered one of the most demanded in the economic profile.

    In addition, it is necessary to name such options for specialization related to the economic profile as marketers, commercial directors, credit consultants, estimators, collectors, logisticians, stock brokers.


    How to apply for a socio-economic profile? The subjects for which the exams are held, regardless of the type of economic educational institution, practically do not differ from each other. It is necessary to pass the exam on profile mathematics, Russian language, social studies. In addition to the above specialties, with an economic education, you can work as an insurance agent, freight forwarder, merchandise expert. Having an economic diploma, you will always find a job.