Repairs Design Furniture

Boat do it yourself: how to make wooden and PVC plywood. Wooden boat, how do wooden boats

Buying a boat - the case is quite cost. That is why many are asked about how to make their own small and reliable vessel. The process of creating a boat is not so complicated as it may seem at first glance. Nevertheless, it is quite painstaking and requires much attention to detail.

The first and most important stage is the definition, from which the ship will be done. There are not much options, let's look at:

  • Rubber-based fabric. The final result is an inflatable boat.
  • Plastic.
  • Steel.
  • Wood.
  • Plywood.

Each of the options has its advantages and disadvantages that are immediately striking. But now it will be about a boat made of wood.

Deciding with the material you can move to the following stages of planning and training.

Production features

There are really many features, so let's consider them in detail:

  1. Working with a tree. The first and main feature - the ability to work with wooden structures And with a tree in particular. It is necessary to understand which boards are best to choose how to correct them correctly, what loads can withstand one or another material. Before starting work, it is best to prepare and read books on working with a tree. It is very easy to find them, they are available on the Internet.
  2. Choosing materials for assembly. In addition to wood, it is necessary to immediately decide on other materials that will help to make a boat and protect it from the flow. They must fit for the material that was selected and well interact with it.
  3. Place assembly. For the manufacture, there will be quite a lot of space, as well as time. Professionals for manufacture and assembly can leave 4 to 10 days, depending on the complexity. The newcomer will be needed several times more time. That is why it is important to choose a dry and comfortable place.
  4. Instruments. To facilitate and accelerate the process, you will need a number of tools (which will look later). In addition, it is desirable to have an additional pair of arms at some assembly stages.

These are the main features that need to know, but in the course of work, it is likely to have to face others.

Drawing of boats from boards for self-making

Determine with dimensions

One of the most important steps at the planning stage. The capacity depends on the size, load capacity and weight. It is very important to comply with the right dimensions so that the boat is resistant to water.

They can be changed at their discretion, but within reason:

  • Length of the whole design. Length can vary from two to four meters. If the vessel is calculated on one, then the length should be 1.8 - 2.5 meters. Two people are about 3 meters. Three people - 3.5 - 4 meters. A boat 3 - 4 meters long can fully withstand up to 5-6 people, the question here is more in comfort.
  • Width. Also one of the main criteria. Average width of 1 - 1.5 meters. The greater the width, the more stable wonderful. On the other hand, the more width, the less maneuverability. Need to find golden middle. It is different for everyone depending on the human body, the cargo that will be transported, as well as the length of the whole design.
  • Board height. The average and recommended side height is 50 centimeters. Again, it can be done both above and below, depending on the desire.

It is repulsted from these dimensions, it will be necessary to do all the details in the future. It is difficult to determine these dimensions to the eye, so it is best to make a drawing for clarity.

Moving to the drawings immediately need to say that it is not necessary to have a talent for drawing. IN this moment The drawing can be done without having similar online skills on the Internet. You can make a three-dimensional model that will meet all the requirements and desires.

In addition to basic sizes, it is necessary to immediately determine the size of other, smaller, but not less important details. It is best to make drawings and for them separately so that in the future they did not have to customize them.

Basic planes required to build a theoretical drawing of the boat housing

Necessary materials and tools

Having understood with all theoretical issues, go to practice. Collection of all tools and materials and preparations of their work in the final part of the preparation, therefore it is necessary to take special care to this process.

Consider a list of tools and tools that will be needed when assembling:

This is the main list of what is useful when assembling. In addition, other instruments can be useful in the process. For example, hacksaw, hammer, clips, and so on.

Selection of boat plating boats boats

Manufacturing process

Go to the most interesting, manufacturing process. Imagine it in the form of a step-by-step instruction.

There is no place for a hurry and shortcomings, so we do everything extremely carefully and clearly:

Testing boat

After creating and collecting the vessel, go to its testing.

You can test the boat in different ways, but best of all how many steps:

  • The first test for testing waterproof can be made in the yard. To do this, turn the boat and install it on some kind of support (chairs, benches, table). Next pour it on it a large number of water. To do this, it is best to use the hose and "watery" minutes 5 -10. After that, the boat can be turned over and check if water fell inside.
  • Now, knowing that schooner does not let water, you can go to the exit to the larger water. More precisely, trying to try it in business. It is strongly recommended the first half an hour not to float on great depth, because if something is done not so and the boat will start quickly to gain water, get it much easier to take it.

It is strongly recommended for the first half an hour not to float into a large depth.

Let's look at a few tips that can come in handy a newcomer in the difficult construct and assembly.

  • When assembling, do not regret the materials. For example, when fastening the boards with a bottom boat, it is worth spending up too much, but tightly go through all the joints with glue or resin. In the future, such errors will be fixed very difficult.
  • To do with a reserve. Excess parts of the whole can be removed, for example, sawing the lump in the nose of the boat. This also applies to all other details.
  • Before using big nails or screwsIt is advisable to make holes for them with a drill. This will prevent cracks.
  • Do not slip on materials. What high-quality wood, the longer and better it will last in the future.

The acquisition of a new boat requires large financial spending. For those who do not want to invest a large amount of money in the purchase of this unit, there is another option - make a boat yourself. The swimming agent, made with your own hands, is well complement the fishing process.

Varieties of boats

The following types of swimming facilities are existing:

  • rubber;
  • plastic;
  • steel;
  • wooden;
  • from plywood.

Inflatable boat.In order to make such a boat need rubber or polymer. The minus of these devices is that they are:

  1. Not balanced on the water surface.
  2. Do not frost-resistant.
  3. It is easy to damage, so the cracks will have to constantly patch.


  • convenient transfer;
  • compactness;
  • convenient storage.

Plastic boats. With the correct operation, this type of swimming agents will serve for more than ten years. Boats are there different colors, with an attractive appearance.

Wooden boats. The boats data are less durable, if you compare them with plastic devices. Wooden material requires:

  • constantly monitor;
  • coating with moisture-repellent solutions.

Many fishermen before using such a boat wrap it in water for a better balance.

Boats from plywood.
This species refers to wooden boats and at the moment is the most popular among the population.


  1. Plywood pushes moisture well.
  2. Can withstand heavy loads.
  3. Very strong manufacturing material.

The minus plywood is dishevelation in bending.

Metal boats. In order to make this boat you need to use duralumin. This material is very durable and resistant to mechanical damage. Using of stainless steel The boat will be very difficult and transported it almost impossible.

We make a wooden boat

With the help of wooden materials and knowledge of the nuances of the smelting device, you can get a good result. Consider the entire process of producing such a device in order.

Required tools and materials

To make a boat with your own hands, you need to purchase:

  • boards;
  • polyurethane glue;
  • nails;
  • latex-based paints;
  • silicone sealant;
  • syringe for sealing seams;
  • sandpaper;
  • lobzik;
  • parakord;
  • clamp;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • drill;
  • paint brushes.

After all the tools are purchased, some materials should be prepared. The board is divided into parts, as a result, for the future bottom and bases of the body will fit:

How to catch more fish?

I have already spent active fishing for a long time and found many ways to improve Klevel. And here are the most effective:

  1. Activator Kleva. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones, which are part of the composition and stimulates its appetite. It is a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to introduce a ban on its sale.
  2. More sensitive tackle. Reviews and instructions for other types of tabs you can find on the pages of my site.
  3. Baits using Pheromones.

You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing free by reading the other our articles on the site.

  1. One plot of 460x610 mm;
  2. Second plot - 310x610 mm;
  3. Third plot 610x1680 mm.

The side parts are made of parts 310x2440 mm. For the backups, it is necessary to take small-size bars 25x50x2400 mm, all will need three backups. To create a nasal part, it is advised to apply a bar, whose size is 25x76x2400 mm.

For the manufacture of the boat body, you need to take two vehicles with a size of 25x50x2400 mm. You can fasten them with the help of Paracona, having previously cut into several sections.

Production of details

In order to make items, you should follow certain rules:

  1. To freeze the boards on the part, use the disk slab.
  2. With a thickness of the tree, less than 1 cm cut it with a stationery knife.
  3. If the thickness of the board is from 2-6 cm, then the easiest solution will be the use of an electric bike.
  4. To avoid the appearance of cracks on the material, it needs to be cut across and carry out weakening stripes on the top layer of veneer.

Fasten wooden details You can use:

  • wires;
  • self-timers.

If the board is fixed with self-drawers, it is impossible to score them into the material, this can entail damage to the design.

It is necessary to start to make a hole with a drill desired size And then install the self-tapping screw. When gluing parts, pay attention to the description of the use of the adhesive basis, what is the duration of drying and the rules of work:

  • stripping;
  • degreasing;
  • surface treatment.

We should not forget about the location of the fibers on two parts of the tree. If they are placed in parallel, the strength of the product will increase several times. You should not use damaged parts, they are marked and do not suit the boat facilities.

Build boat

After preparing the required parts, you can start assembling a wooden boat with your own hands. For this action will require:

  • nails;
  • pins.

To collect a wooden boat it is necessary:

  1. Install the bottom and fasten the left side.
  2. Fix the stern from the left side to the bottom.
  3. Set the right side of the bottom and stern.
  4. Fix the nasal area.

To fix the boat with nails, it is necessary to assemble it using an adhesive basis. When satisfying the appearance, you should fix the joints with nails.

After the frame of the boat is made, you should paint it and polish. The finished product should be launched with smaller roughness and uneven areas. For this process you need:

  • sandpaper;
  • sander.

With the help of silicone sealant, it is necessary to close all the gaps that appear when assembling. In order to provide a boat uniform and complete drying should be left to open air. After 24 hours you need to start coloring the tool:

  1. The first layer should be applied outside.
  2. The second is inside.

After the paint is driving, you should paint the inner side of the boat again.

Checking boat

Before swimming on a boat for a long distance, you need to check the quality of its assembly. To do this, you need to test the boat at a low depth for the presence of small shortcomings. When they are detected, it is recommended to work on errors immediately so that they are not afraid of further damage.

The manufacture of a wooden boat is an uncomplicated process. A device made by your own hands will be no less attractive and will cost much cheaper than the purchase.

Buying a wooden boat is a fairly costly cost process that requires considerable investments. But its manufacturer opens up before the creator a variety of options, shapes and style solutions, in which the boat will be performed, besides this, it will be possible to save a little. Wooden boat made with their own hands will become an excellent addition to fishing, hunting and just resting on the water. How to build a wooden boat Consider further.

Basic varieties of boats

Several types of materials that are suitable for the construction of a boat are distinguished. Among them:

  • rubber-based fabric;
  • plastic components;

  • steel;
  • wood;
  • plywood.

Inflatable boats are also called woven. For their manufacture, rubber or polymer compositions are used. They are unstable and badly held on the water. It is easy to crack, unstable in front of the cold and frost. They require constant marks and are very dangerous by what they are damaged at the most inopportune moment. The advantages of this kind of boats are the ease of transportation, compactness and convenience in storage.

Plastic boats first differ attractive appearance, they are released in the most diverse color gamma. In addition, if you correctly use plastic boats, they will serve their owner more than a dozen years.

Wooden boats from boards are distinguished by less durability, compared to plastic. In addition, they require constant care in the form of applying moisture-repellent solutions. Some owners of wooden boats Before starting them to use the device in water so that it holds the form.

Wooden boats Photo:

Plywood-based boats optimal option Among wooden boats. Plywood has moisture resistance, sustainability to large loads, fortress and durability. The only drawback of plywood is the difficulty in its bending, so such boats do not have smooth lines, but are characterized by the presence of sharp corners.

For the manufacture of metal boats, duralumin is used, which has the properties of strength and stability before wear. A variant of using stainless steel for the manufacture of a boat is possible, but in this case, its transportation becomes impossible due to the huge weight of the weight.

Homemade Wooden Boats: Production Features

For drawing drawings of wooden boats exist special online programshelping to calculate the dimensions of a separate part. With the help of a 3D designer, each detail of the boat is visible from all angles.

We offer to familiarize yourself with the option of boat equipment of the following sizes:

  • the lower length of the nose and the stern is 200 and 850 cm, the top length is 500 and 1120 mm, height - 150, 185 mm;
  • the dimensions of reinforcing ribs: the 1st - the height of the Niza, the top and length - 830 mm, 510 mm, 295 mm;
  • the board must be cut at an angle, it is better to use the calculator for its calculation.

Tip: Before starting the boat, examine additional literature associated with the number of major parts of the boat and their names.

This boat is made of plywood, when buying which, be sure to pay attention to moisture resistance. Such plywood will serve several times longer and will not require additional costs for its repair and maintenance.

For the manufacture of the bottom, use the phaneer with a thickness of 1.2 cm, and for sides and other parts - 0.8 or 1 cm.

After buying plywood, let's start making parts of the boat. To do this, prepare special patterns. They do on large sheets Paper, for example, on the wallpaper. Pattern shape exactly repeats the detail form.

To dry out parts, use electric pubsomy. Since plywood dimensions do not allow the bottom of the boat completely, it is necessary to resort to its gluing from several parts. To do this, use EDP adhesive or any other glue solutionwhich is resistant to moisture. The gluing procedure is carried out with the help of lining, in the form of plywood strips, length from 10 cm.

Birch bare bars are used to glue the internal ribs of stiffness. They are located inside the boat and have a certain angle of inclination. In some embodiments of the wooden boat, solid saddle beams are used, for whose gluing two lateral parts with a flat bench. This design can significantly reduce interior filling Boats, and also increases the property of buoyancy, even if the boat becins back.

For beginners in building boats, the main problem is a compound of several parts between themselves, especially if it occurs under different angular slopes. Most. simple way It is the so-called "stitching and gluing" method. In this case, the parts are connected with a wire made of steel or durable caprony thread. Before that, special holes are drilled in the edges of the parts, their diameter should not exceed four millimeters, and the location from the edge of the boat is not more than five millimeters. When the housing is connected using the threads, the queue of the next process comes, which includes sizing all joints using fiberglass. It is fixed on the surface due to impregnation with moisture-resistant glue or epoxy resin. It is recommended to skill both within the boat and in its outdoor part.

Start collecting the housing of the boat with side sections, which include the side, nose and stern. First, the holes are drilled, in the ratio with the specified values, follow the evenness of the drilling step. Spend tightening these parts using a thread or wire. Keep track of the mutual location of parts and even corner connections. Self-tapping screws will help fix rigidity ribs, and fiberglass provides their extra mount. Make sure that air bubbles have not been formed under the glazing, if available, take care of the removal.

In the same way, the bottom is joined. At the top of the sides, it is necessary to glue a vesible beam. Its main function is to protect the boat from mechanical damage in the process of its mooring at the pier or shore.

Kiel acts as a mandatory element of the boat. It is responsible for the safe entry of the vessel in turns and for the stability of its side parts. Its fixation occurs through the central part of the bottom, and is installed on its central line.

For the manufacture of the central keel, use not alone, but a set of multiple rails. In addition, its strength and stability increases in the nose or rear part of the boat.

We recommend taking care of the enhancement of the transom - the back of the stern. After fixing the main parts of the boat, it is recommended to make its autopsy with special impregnations. After their drying, proceed to the test of the vessel. Transport the boat to the river or water and lower it on the water, if there are no leaks, it is ready for operation. It is also recommended to monitor the amount of cargo that it can be transported. When all problems are fixed in coloring boat using oil colors. Cutting is needed by several layers.

Wooden boat with your own hands: Manufacturing instructions

Using ordinary plywood and skillful hands, it will work out to build a good boat. The average cost of such a boat is about $ 20-30, which is significantly lower than the purchase of alternative rubber or wood boats.

To make a boat of this type need:

  • several sheets of plywood;
  • polyurethane glue;
  • nails;
  • latex-based paints;
  • silicone sealant;
  • syringe helping seams;
  • emery paper;
  • lobzik;
  • paracona;
  • clamp;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulettes;
  • drill;
  • paint brushes.

After preparation of all required tools It follows the process of preparing individual details. For this, the plywood sheet must be divided into three sections that will perform in the form of the bottom and the main parts. The first plot is 460x610 mm, the second - 310x610 mm, the third 610x1680 mm.

Two sidewalls are performed in the amount of 310x2440 mm. As a backup, use small bars 25x50x2400 mm. Required amount Supplies - 3 pcs. To make a nasal part recommended the use of a bar of 25x76x2400 mm. To build the case requires the use of two bars 25x50x2400 mm. They are cut into several parts and fasten with Paraconed.

When all the details are revealed self-assembly Wooden boat. To implement this process It is necessary for nails and pins. Instructions for assembling a wooden boat with their own hands:

  • setting the bottom and attaching to it left side;
  • fixation of the stern on the left side and the connection to the bottom;
  • attaching the right side to the bottom and stern;
  • fixation of the nasal area.

Before fixing the boat with nails, first assemble it with glue. Code The appearance of the boat will satisfy her manufacturer. Lock the joints with nails.

Next follows Painting and Polishing Stage finished product. After collecting the boat, start it with polishing from small roughness and irregularities. This requires emery paper or availability. grinding machine. With the help of silicone sealant, it is necessary to close all the cracks formed during the assembly process. Leave the boat in the open space before it is complete drying. After a day, start staining the boat. Apply the first layer on the outer surface, and the second to the internal one. After drying, the paint should be applied another layer inside the boat.

Now you should check the device on the swim. If you have small flaws, you need to eliminate them.

Wooden boat Plotch: Main stages of manufacturing

Before studying the instructions for the manufacture of wooden boats, familiarize themselves with their advantages:

  • minimum construction costs;
  • light weight, which greatly simplifies its transportation;
  • compactness - lightness placed in the garage for the winter, and even in the car trunk during transportation;
  • does not require special decoration and care;
  • easily manufactured with your own hands.

When choosing a boat length, you should consider the number of people and cargo, which will be located on it, the interval between the optimal values \u200b\u200bof the flat length range is from 1.8 to 3.8 m. In this case, the width of such a boat is from 1 to 1.5 m. The average value The height of the sides is half the meter. The weight of the boat depends on its size and is about 70 kg. The boat freely places from one to four people.

Possible option additional installation Motor or sails that can simplify boat management. About how to make a wooden boat Consider further.

1. The first stage of the boat is the choice of material for its construction.

For the construction of the plows, there is a plywood of two types:

  • plywood with elevated characteristics of moisture resistance, the thickness of such a material reaches a mark of two centimeters, such a type of plywood is based on the use of the adhesive basis, note that it has harmful substances in its composition, therefore it is not recommended to apply it in residential premises, we recommend that it is recommended to purchase a multi-layer phaneer as an alternative laminated type, it is more safe for health;
  • plywood aviation five-layer type - has a small weight, but it is distinguished by high strength, seats and trauma is made of it.

There are certain rules for working with the material that underlies the construction of the patch, namely:

  • to cut the material to the details, use the disk slab;
  • if the thickness of plywood does not exceed one centimeter for cutting it out enough stationery knife;

  • with a thickness of two to six centimeters, the most optimal option is the use of an electric bike;
  • it is not recommended to cut the fiber across the fibers, since there is a risk of cracking, if necessary, in such a type of cutting, carry out weakening bands with the top layer of the veneer;
  • during the arrangement of popular types of wooden boats, parts are connected with a wire, screws or epoxy resin, when fixing, it is impossible to drive them to the surface of the plywood, since due to this, it occurs, it is recommended to first drill the opening of the corresponding diameter, and then install self-tapping
  • if necessary, in the arrangement of the boat with the presence of curved forms, you need to wet the Fana, to bring it into right position and fix the waiting for its complete drying, the duration of the procedure is about 15 hours;
  • in the process of gluing parts, pay attention to the packaging from glue, it contains general recommendations for drying it and the rules of work that include sweeping, degreasing and surface treatment with glue;
  • pay attention to the location of the fibers on the surface of two parts of plywood, with their parallel arrangement, the reliability of the attachment increases several times;
  • when the plywood bundle, in the process of performing work, it is recommended to produce its gluing, for this, there is a paper sheet between the stratum layers, such a plywood is not suitable for the construction of the boat, as it is defective.

2. The next stage involves the choice of the optimal tool for work. Electric saw or jigsaw will help to cut the material. With the help of the electrolake, it turns out to make the necessary corner of the driving. It is allowed to use any of both electrical and mechanical tools For grinding. With the help of a screwdriver, screws are installed and holes are made.

3. The most optimal place of work on the floor of the floor, as the large parts will not fit on the table. Install the plywood sheet to the floor surface and transfer the parts to its surface using the kitchen.

Tip: In order to significantly save the material, a preliminary sketch of the boat on paper should be made. Experts recommend, if possible, build an exact copy of the boat from cardboard to have an idea of \u200b\u200bits original form.

Options for the boat will be two. The first assumes the installation of vertical sides that have straight lines. Second - classic option - This is the installation of sides, a bit of narrowed character. For their manufacture, it will take a piece of snakes. To make it recommended to apply an electric shutter. Go with him on the surface of the details once. Next, repeat the procedure using any grinding tool. In the presence of knights or other jumpers increasing the rigidity, in this stage, their cut is made.

Tip: To facilitate the assembly procedure, use plastic clamps applied with cables. They become almost imperceptible after the final finish of the boat epoxy resin.

When the frame is assembled, proceed to connecting the bottom. Its fixation is carried out by clamps or the same metal wire. Note that the bottom need to be highly sealing, it is poured by a resin. If you use a glass kill, the leaks cannot be avoided.

When all the joints dry begin to the next processing. It includes sowing seams. Next occurs when the joints of the fiberglass, a missing epoxy resin occur. The outer part is cleaned twice, and internal - once.

4. Installation of additional components.

If necessary, installing the sail, the vessel must additionally strengthen, thereby increase its stability. Make it better with the help of Swute. For its manufacture, you will need a plywood with a thickness of 0.6 cm. In addition, the steering wheel is cut out of this plywood. The number of switches depends on the size of the boat. The most optimal option is the installation of two wovers on the extreme parts of the vessel. The steering wheel is attached to a boat with several hinges, preferably a fixed nature.

I have long wanted to create a record with a mark of the main moments in the manufacture of a boat, but still did not work out! Daja every year is all older, and the cribs are not all, although the boats we made more than one pair with him ... And this year there was a need for expanding our fleet, because the kids will grow and boats require more stable and lifting, for reliability displacement. I myself, I both had fallen out, and with my sons it would be necessary to warn! The time has come to get stored earlier boards, got off, rushed, was preparing nails, and, one of the weekends began to be done! (Boards use better firing, without bitch, but not always there is something that needs)

The first thing of the Bachelor sketched the Malomal Drawer with dimensions based on the requirements and previous buildings

Then laid out the boards for the bottom, the contour was drawn on them according to the size, the bulk cut out the main, left only around the edges, it can be seen in the photos.

When fitting the boards, one to the other leave the slot in the stern and in the nose, in the midst of the same you caress more or less tight

When all the details are prepared begin to assemble the bottom, first tightly assemble the boards, we cross the nails in the middle of the crossbar, then with the help of ropes and two lamps, we are tightened to feed, stitch nails, the same makes the best with the bow

Due to the fact that the coarseners are rounded, and between the boards in the nasal and the stern parts, the crops were left, during the screed and assembly, the bottom was obtained by a bit of the sphere as across and rose. In the future, it gives the stability of the boat on the water. It is not necessary to customize and pull the bottom boards to Micron, small clicks are quite valid, it will facilitate the pantry of the bottom.

When the bottom is assembled, we build the edges according to the planned sizes and markup, so that the edges of smooth were, otherwise it will not work out clearly onboard boards

The most interesting thing in front, you need to bend on the side at the same time from both sides, if you bend in turn can squeeze and the boat will turn out to be seeded. We apply the onboard board to the nose from one side-sew, then from the second side the same, then one presses the bending boards, the second pumped nails towards the stern.

Started the boards as well as the bottom - rope. As a result, some kind of form was drawn further. In the same Makar bend the second row of onboard boards. Many nails when stitching do not beat because it will be necessary to be cold! Next, we spill the extra ends of the boards, both onboard and nasal with the feed. Then you caress the facial nose.

After graduating from the assembly, you work the plane, where you need to curl, align, passing the entire barcas, drink a beautifully sparkmost. After the beauty is cavating, we add nails, we screw the bottom, clean the bottom, nap nicknames, resin them, then painting. We also make siduhi to someone as comfortable and their. We have passed ones, the boats are changed, and the poles are old. Enclosed on all our boats are the same, so that without problems.

In principle, all the stages and subtleties were trying to consider in the photo, so that it was clearly. The boats now focused two, one to the discovery, the second most recently. The boats did the same, one experienced, the second at the end stage of the work.

If anyone who questions arise ask, I will definitely clarify! Questions True usually arise when independent manufacture, Suddenly, who will take and make a tree. For those who live near the lake, the area is indispensable!

Thanks for attention!

Drawings and photos

  1. Organizing
  2. What yes and what is not?
  3. What to do?
  4. Azbutny truths
  5. Materials
  6. How to make a boat?
  7. Supply
  8. Examples of projects
  9. Finally

Boat on the farm can be needed not only for fishing, hunting or resting on the water. In the affected regions with a developed network of waterways of PVC boats - the subject of essentials, and in oblivioned places, production and rental of plaels profitable business. How the boatmans earn money in the resorts, this is known to everyone. However, in trade classifiers, small vessels do not relate to goods, the pricing to which is subject to regulation. Therefore, a request: is it possible at all, and how the boat is made with their own hands quite popular. The answer to the first question is unambiguous: yes, and it is much easier than it is considered. A good, spacious, reliable and seaworthy boat can be made away from the water without Helling and Stapel, in any suitable room. And how - this is this article.

In the preparation of materials for this publication, the books "300 Soviets for Boats, Boats and Motors" compiler and scientific editor G. M. Novak L. Shipbuilding 1974, "Boats, Boats and Motors in Issues and Answers" Directory Ed. G. M. Novaka. L. Shipbuilding 1977 and "Kurbatov D. A. 15 projects of ships for amateur buildings" L. Shipbuilding 1986. The author expresses deep appreciation to the authors of these meaningful guidelines. Further in the hints to the illustrations, they are indicated respectively "H74", "H77" and "K.". What is up to the years of the publication, then the water and wind have changed since then? The current vessels are built and swim according to the same laws. modern materials And the computer technique allows you to use them fully.


The reader probably has already called questions: what is really so simple? Built - and cry? With my wife, kids, passengers, in the sea in the storm? Depending on the circumstances, you may need a track for a boat with a rigid hull. Documents and Supplies:

  • The boat is only for yourself, a small disadvantaged reservoir - commodity checks on the materials used in case it will be needed to prove that they are not stolen. Small is considered a reservoir, in which the removal from the coast is possible not more than 500 m, and the boat is only single;
  • Boat for itself, reservoir shipping any size - additionally certificate for the right to manage a small vessel (analogue of rights to vehicles) and certificate of registration. It is issued by local transport (water) inspections by local authorities. On board the boat should be marked its registration number on the prescribed form;
  • Then, as well as PP. 1 and 2, the boat may be free passengers - except for PP documents. 1 and 2 Even the rescue vest for each person on board and the mandatory minimum set of supplies, see below;
  • All the same, but passengers or cargo paid - additionally a license for passenger or cargo transportation on water;
  • All according to PP. 1-4, boat sailing or sailing and motor, incl. With a complete emergency sail - in addition, the certificate of the yacht steering or other certificates for the right to control the sailing vessel;
  • The boat is made for sale, not serial - license for the right to produce small floats.

It must be said that on non-good reservoirs of violations of PP. 1-3 are massive, and in few rolled places - patients. The water inspection does not have legal entities or organizational and technical opportunities to get there. Therefore, the claims to the owner of the vessel arise or his criminal prosecution begins only on the consequences of the accident.

What yes and what is not?

Designs of small vessels do not count, but a newcomer with a fan when choosing a prototype it is necessary to follow the trail. The considerations that the homemade boat must satisfy:

  1. The boat should be built under a proven project and / or with full taking into account the vital provisions of the ship's theory, rules of shipbuilding and shipping, see further;
  2. The boat must be reliable, i.e. durable, durable, radiant, spacious weight and volume, seaworthy enough for conditions swimming and at the same time controlled on the excitement, the flow in the river and in the finely overgrown reservoir;
  3. The boat must be easy enough for the owner to alone pull it on the shore or pull it into water, and with an adult physically medium-wide assistant - immerse for transportation;
  4. The technology of building a boat should not include operations requiring special qualifications or production equipment, but must forgive newcomers and replacement of standard materials and methods of manufacturing available in these circumstances;
  5. It is desirable that the boat can walk well and hold onto the wave on the messengers, under the engine and sail - to save fuel and a full beneficial holiday;
  6. The cost of building a boat must be minimal;
  7. If the boat is stored away from the reservoir, it is very desirable that it meets the requirements for the courts of cardboard, i.e. allowed transportation on the top trunk a passenger car.

Throughout the totality of qualities, except for the price of materials, the optimal choice For his first vessel there will be a boat from plywood. Board will cost approx. twice as cheaper, but it turns out to be at the same time heavier and will last a lot less than the option with a steel thin-walled bottom, see below. Homemade fiberglass boats roads and are complex in construction, although reliable and durable. Given all these conditions, it is not further considered:

  • All-metal welded and riveted boats.
  • Glissing ships.
  • Small walking catamarans.
  • Polyfoam boats, plastic bottles, Pontoon boats and militants rectangular in terms of form, etc. Exotic.
  • Inflatable boat.

The grounds for such "care" are as follows. All-metal home-made vessels by the transport inspection authorities are not examined and are not registered due to the fact that they are technically impossible in extensive conditions.

The construction of Glisser is not the case for a beginner. Full-time dynamic loads on the gliding body are high, and you can take it, making sure that your first boat is still well swimming. Although, I must say, having some experience, at home it is possible to build a boat-cardboard that goes on gliding on a small wave under the engine only 3.5-6 hp, see for example. track. video.

Video: Example of a homemade boat-gliser and its testing

A small catamaran, and it will be known to the reader, it is easier to build than a boat of equal capacity, and restrictions on the choice of materials for it are softer; For example, you can widely use foam. On the bridge of the catamaran (a platform connecting the float housings), you can, stand, walk, tumble as you like, there you can put a tent and even prepare a kebab. However, catamaran is not a boat and the question of homemade catamarans requires separate consideration.

Boat exotic from the primary materials is simply dangerous. For example, a monocupus boat from the foam will be or something extremely fragile, suitable for swimming is except in the fence "frog", or almost uncontrolled raft, strongly susceptible to the flow or wind.

As for inflatable boats, the enthusiasm for their occasion is explained, besides the possibility of carrying on themselves, the fact that it is enough to present a certificate of the manufacturer on the shipping reservoir, and then the water inspection looks at him through the fingers to the side. However, homemade inflatable boats does not in any way concern.

However, it is enough to look at the patterns of the simplest inflatable boat (see Fig.) To make sure: it is more complicated to cry as it follows the seams in handicrafts, than to build a more spacious and reliable boat with a rigid body, and qualitative materials For a soft plastic boat will cost much more than best plywood and epoxy glue.

But the most important thing is: without special equipment reliably (without the possibility of inspection), incur into the balloon of security bulkheads is generally impossible. The homemade "rubber band" will be one-bladed: suddenly a sideline, and you are not sagging, to the shore away, or the reservoir strongly zaros - you will only have to mentally sum up your life. For the end of it is close.

Note: If you certainly want to do not build your boat, but glue, it is better to make it from ... trimming water pipes. You do not blow such a boat and do not hide in the backpack, but it will be unspecified. How is the boat from pVC pipes, See the video below.

Video: Example of a homemade boat from PVC pipes

What to do?

The designs of plywood and boardwalks that do not require the construction of production conditions, too many; Sailing people from the time of the century. Let's try to decide how the novice shipbuilder is navigating in this manifold. For example, boats such as canoeing (pos. 1 in Fig.), Kayak, Bajdara or Domestic Omomoxy are very wrecks, very nautical and at the same time are not afraid of overgrown shamers. However, it is not necessary for the management of them that experience is great art. By the number of drowned recesses among beginners, the canoe boats firmly hold in the top of the rating among small vessels. In addition, such boats with hard trim are technologically complex, because Their dual curvature circuit.

Russian boat-Fofan (pos. 2) is no less legendary than the American Dori (see below), but very incomparable, spacious, and the green samp can control it. Swirling in the nose make Fofan well to the faces in full freight, and together with the "puzzled" body, gentle downlinks in the stern and a swallowed transom capable pretty quickly, up to 20 km / h or more, go under a fairly powerful motor in the transition (semi-massive ) mode. But, as we see, Fofan's droopers are also curved in two ways, and it is hard: to paint Fofan, you need at least 2-3 strong peasants.

Fishing boat Russian Tuzik (pos. 3; Russian Because there is still an American boat-tuzyk ding, see below) is easy, but again with dual curvature kids. The same applies to the sea sailing boat, pos. 5, although it is steadily resting under the sail on the course on a 4-point wave, and it is possible to pull it on the shore alone.

Become once!

So, we have decided yet with one requirement in a homemade boat from plywood: its overs can be single curvature, i.e. The forming surface body must be curved planes. For small quiet inland waters, the optimal choice will be a boat-flat house type Scythian, pos. 5. Scythians in such conditions have proven themselves to be reliable courts. In addition, boats-Scythians are cheap, easy to build, easy: 4 meter Scyth with a bottom of galvanized can raise and immerse one person. Additional advantage for these swimming conditions - Scythians are perfectly controlled during and in overgrown water bodies. Water or algae simply not for having to grasp them.

Note: Contrary to common belief, the Scyth boat can be perfectly walking under the sail, see below. But - only on calm water! On the excitement of Scyth, like any small-sidden flat-bottom, becomes dangerous - the wave beats in the bottom, knocking up the vessel from the course and trying to overturn.

In some more difficult conditions of swimming, on an excitement to 2-3 points, the best boat will be the boat. At the species of ding, it is easy to recognize on the nasal transhpigel and a keeper (as they say having a transverse V) bottom, pos. 6. The latter allows dinks easier to bring to the wave, and the thought pile makes the capacity to overall dimensions And Dinggi's own weight is almost a record. Thanks to this, Dinggi is the most popular weekend boat among residents remote from water: 2-3 local dings on the upper trunk fits into the dimensions of the passenger car, and less than 50 kg can weigh. Technologically, Dinggi is even easier than the Skif - it can be collected by the sewing plywood (see below) simply on the floor in the apartment.

Dinggi under the sail (pos. 7) is quite safe, but very twice, and therefore is an excellent ship for initial swimming in sails. He learned how to manage such - it is possible to move to a tile / helm and a large yacht shutter. In the USSR to train adolescent cadets in Yachtclubs, Schutbot-dings "Golden Fish" was widely used.

Note: In seaside areas, it is often possible to meet seaworthy dingies. Externally, they are similar to sick along Fofan (pos. 8), but actually the hydrodynamics and mechanics of their housing are almost the same as Dinggi with the formspigel.

Finally, if you live by the sea or a large inner lake, you know the big water and finally built a boat for her with your own hands, the choice should be stopped on Dori. Boats Dori - True Ocean. Newfoundland fishermen caught and catch fish at 280 and even 400 km from the coast. The seaworthiness and reliability of Dory are phenomenal: there are quite a few cases when the cruel storm was crashed by large reliable ships, and Dori then in the same waters were safely returned home.

Dori boats are known in 2 modifications: pure row of cannon and sailing (pos. 9). To manage the bank dori, you need to be a consoluted savage from childhood, because Their static stability is low. Sailing Dori is not so capricious, learning how to manage it is capable of newcomer, basics The movement of the vessel under the sail. In addition, the sailing dori can be installed the motor in the well. Equip the boat with a motor well, of course, more complicated than to strengthen the turder motor (see below), but the motor and the screw will be better protected from damage, and repairing the motor on the water can be driving the part or tool without fears.

Azbutny truths

To make a boat correctly, you need to choose technically competent, suitable for these floating conditions and cash of its project. To choose a project, you need to know at least the basics of the theory of the ship, small shipbuilding, shipping and maritime practice on small courts. Therefore, let's start with the theory.


The weight of the displacement vessel is determined by the FRADE number Fr. Physically, it means that with an increase in FR, the length of the nasal wave of the vessel is growing rapidly, see Fig.:

At the same time, most of the engine power or rod of sails is spent on maintaining it. The motor goes to the "zhora fuel" mode, at the same time burning its resource, and the sail is usually not able to pull the vessel on FR\u003e 0.3. From here an important conclusion: do not attempt to increase the speed of the boat, putting too powerful motor on it. Only make swimming more dangerous and money will burn in vain. If the recommended motor power is not specified in the boat project, it can be determined by table. on the trail. Fig.

Movement on too large for this case The FR value is also dangerous: the boat may turn out to be hung on the ridges of neighboring waves or will strive to move back from the nasal wave and break the feed into the water. If, frightening the waves in front of the nose, sharply reset the gas, the boat will be filled with the feed with the next wave: resulting from the waves, move in their laws.

Already a look at the theoretical drawing can be estimated at what numbers the Frouda can walk this vessel. For example, a boat for pos. 5 - half-catching. Next, you need to verify the coincidence of the drawing lines:

  • Distance from DP to Waterlinnia Vl on the projection of the semidery should coincide with the distances from the DP to the lines of the spangling on the projection of the case on the acc. levels from OP. Taking into account scale, because Projection The body, which is necessary for the construction of globes and patterns of the splits, is most often given on an enlarged scale (see pos. 4).
  • The distances from the OP to the Batoks should be equal to the distances from the OD to the lines of the splits and waterline on the same sectional plane parallel to the DP, also taking into account the scale.

Next, it is necessary to evaluate the challenges of the vessel: the method of trapezium is determined by the area of \u200b\u200bthe cross sections of the submarine part along the splits and the segments of the acc. Lengths are delayed along the vertical axis, see fig. The distance between the segments (on the same scale) is one sandpaper, i.e. The distance between the sections by the splits. Enveling segments, t. The stripping of the spangling should form a certain streamlined body semi-flowside.

Building a stronger in the splits similar to the application of the rule of space in aviation. But, firstly, in incompressible water, its action affects at any speeds, and not on the arrogant. Secondly, the vessel body is only partially immersed in water and therefore excites gravitational waves in motion, and not pressure. Therefore, the stripping of the spangling should be similar to half a drop, but the bodies of a revival form, like an artillery projectile. The stronger the struts will be built by the spangles, the more walking the ship, and the broad construction says about its good handling. The "tail" rear tests about the ability to walk on significant Frouda numbers, and the "key" in front - about a good germination on the wave, but at the same time about the tendency to grow off.

Note: In addition to the splint assets, the theoretical drawing build a true obstruction of the inclined transaction, see Fig.:


Tree and plywood

The main structural materials for the boat require some pretreatment. So that the wooden boat served as long as possible, wood materials First, it is necessary to be absolutely impregnated with a water-soluble antiseptic (biocide) for wood. Not oil, not in the air it will be!

Phaneru, incl. Waterproof, impregnate in several techniques with intermediate dryers to avoid bundle. In the last, only waterproof glue, and the veneer is wooden as it is. Further, in order to fix the biocide and reduce the swelling of the wood, the material in the same way 2-3 times impregnate the water-polymer emulsion. If the project is not specified other, the thickness of plywood for boat sides of a boat up to 4 m should be taken from 4 mm, for the bottom of 6 mm and for the transom from 12 mm; Boards, depending on the breed and quality of the tree, three times quadruple more. The method of proper gluing of wooden parts and allowable bending radii of boards are given in Fig. above. They differ from the construction!

Plywood sheets are difficult to find more than 1550 mm in size, so they are glued in advance in the strip of the desired length with the connection on the Us, see fig. It is impossible to learn how to learn about the descriptions of the plywood and accurate and neatly driving the plywood, so training on trimming. It is only possible to advise the fuse of the mustache on the plane, but to bring the grinding or smooth bars wrapped by sandpaper. Glue the sheets with epoxy glue. The quality of the buris is checked. way:

  • Cut off the strip of the width of OK. 10 cm. It is almost always possible, because Cropped with curvilinear details.
  • The band drives into the ring and tighten it until the plywood burst.
  • If the joint is a quality, plywood should crack anywhere, except for him.

The set of boats are harvested on red nails (for them you need to drill holes), galvanized or conical screws. Red-walled nails are bitten and sprinkled in the washers; Galvanized bends. Under the screws are drilled by holes; Their sizes, tricks of working with nails and fasteners, see fig.

Note: in lately Pretty many amateurs collect boats on furniture screws-confirm, using the same technological techniques as when assembling cabinet furniture - cabinets, kitchen corners etc. Showing these boats float, but not long to judge their reliability for a long time.


Fiberglass punched with epoxy glue is widely used in a small shipbuilding. But a lot on it and complaints: they say, until the autumn did not surcharge - flowed. The reason is a paraffin, which covers fiberglass, before spinning it and weave. Paraffin from fiberglass is removed by boiling in water. It is impossible to burn out, the fabric will become fragile! We boil fiberglass in a clean dishes at least half an hour, then give the dishes with the contents completely cool, remove paraffin crust from the surface of the water and only then the fiberglass is removed.

Takes to work with fiberglass on fiberglass and wood are shown in Fig. Supporting details of the set of extruded expanded polystyrene EPPS - effective method Increase the rigidity of the wooden housing, slightly increasing its weight, and the assembly plywood boat. We sew on epoxy glue technologically simple and gives a completely reliable ship. Brackets make from copper wire with a diameter of 2-3 mm; Steam step holes under them - 40-60 mm. Running forward, the sewing technology of boats from plywood on epoxy is as follows:

  1. Cut out parts without allowance;
  2. The edges are fused so that a wedge shake is the width of 1.5-2 mm wide;
  3. If the bottom is keen, stitched with its parts, put the blank on the killeklocks (see below) and sew on board. Flat bottom immediately put on the gadgets, sew board;
  4. Exhibit the body housing (also see below) and poured the seam glue from the inside;
  5. To frozen the adhesive, the seams are also jammed with 3 layers of fiberglass (see fig. Above). It is not necessary to remove the staples: first, the seam with them will be stronger, secondly, covered holes from the bracket potential source of waters;
  6. When the last sizing is hardened, the transoms (traum) are pasted in the same way;
  7. Remove the housing from the killeklov (kozelkov), bite the brackets outside the flush and are covered with 3 layers of fiberglass seams outside;
  8. Glue into the camps, a whisper, cans, banks (seats), Breschatuk (see below), plank, private bar, etc., which is needed by the project;
  9. Machine a reservoir and finishing.

How to make a boat?


In the projects of boats, cardage dings and Scythians are often given patterns of their details. In this case, the boat is collected by sewing (stitching) on \u200b\u200bkilleblocks or kids, see fig. Sheltered on the dry case is set on the intensities using templates-patterns and temporary mounting spacers. Suts of the sheets of sheets, as the most durable, have closer to the nose, as the most loaded and damaged.


Building a look of a boat greater than stitched, capacity with election of single curvature begins with the manufacturer of the Forest (see below) and the assembly of the sampling frames. Spanmost shovels often simply cut out of plywood (there are 2-3 them there), but in this case it is so uneconomically - too much quite expensive material will go away. Spanmost plazids are collected, i.e. On a flat plane on which projections of the theoretical drawing on 1: 1 were transferred. If the boats are simple, and there are few places, only the projection of the body can be transferred to the plas. Methods for assembling the spline frames, as the strength, complexity and weight increases, are given in Fig. The grooves near Kiel and Stringors are chosen in advance.

Further, the spline frames put on the frame (pos. And on the next. Fig.), Put up vertical, circuit, fasten a killema bar, stem (see below), private bar and stringers. After that, the set of the housing is small as a flat bar (pos. B). The appointment of the makovki, first, to create a guide in a killear, by which it will be corrupt to a given cylinder; Secondly, to check if a dual curvature and acc. Substrict the bottom edges of the flortimbers. Then the sheath is superimposed, ranging from keel (below in Fig.). After that, the hull is removed from the frame, completing and equipped.

Note: Some lovers after the male are chelluritted against the rules of shipbuilding, removing the cutting of the skin with an excavated set on the sheets of packing cardboard. No need to suffer with geometry on theoretical drawing, and nothing boats float.


The Foreveland is the most loaded and responsible part of the case set. One of the immutable refuge security rules is reading: if the dangers cannot be avoided, it must be taken on the nose. Therefore, the manufacturer of the striker boats should be considered with full responsibility.

The structures of the belts are given in Fig. Tubes-Waterstops made of solid non-rotting wood prevent water leakage into the case. In terms of reliability, all these designs are approximately the same. The fake nose belt is applied in boat-cards with a narrow trigger.

On the excitement and when hitting the obstacle, the stem is experiencing large dynamic loads, seeking to spread the housing, so it is supported by the Breshtuk. Favoric shipbuilders often neglect them or do not know what it is; This is one of the significant reasons that improvised boats serve a lot less than the deadlines stated in projects.


Another sufficiently responsible part of the set, especially for the boat, calculated and for the motor - a tramer. The design of the transmission under the motor up to 10-12 hp Dana in fig. on right. General, with reinforcement, the thickness of the transom is from 40 mm. Perhaps more: installation clamps of some suspended motors do not converge in less than 50-60 mm.


A radical means to avoid severe consequences of incidents on water - non-optimated boat. A disassembled vessel to 0.5 tons to be made unsinkable enough: under the banks and on sides from the inside, foam blocks are pasted; Then, in the nose and in the stern, you can exhaust acc. Nice and ah terrapic and fill them with foam. The volume of unprofitability blocks in the cube. M is calculated by the formula V \u003d 1.2W (1+?), where W is the displacement in T, 1 - the density of fresh water ,? - Mass density of foam. For example, if? \u003d 0.08 Tc / cubic meter. m, then for the boat with displacement of 0.25 T 0.324 cubic meters. M or 324 cubic meters. dm foamflast. It seems to be a lot, but in boat-dings 3 m long one is placed without a noticeable worsening of the inhabitancy.


The minimum set of compulsory supplies of the pleasure and fishing boat consists of cheerful, rescue vests in person capacity, anchors on a chain or cable, moist end and, in case of swimming in the dark, white nose or top (on the mast) of the navigation fire of circular visibility. The latter is often neglected that in our time it is uncomprising: now there are autonomous lED lights size with a children's cam with built-in solar battery and battery. Special attention from this set deserves anchor.


Joseph Conrad called the anchors with "honest slices of iron", and not wonder: anchor may turn out to be the last chance of saving the vessel and people on it. Mulberry ships are most often supplied with cats, but this is not the best option. First, cats are often stuck on the stones. There is an anchor-cats on sale with folding back with a sharp jerk paws, but they are unreliable: the vessel can spontaneously play with anchor just when they need to keep it tightly. Secondly, the cat, like the classic Admiralty anchor, becomes dangerous in shallow water: the ship can sit down on a lapse of anchor sticking up.

For small vessels, the Hall, Matrosov and lightweight "Trident" anchors are also produced. They are fairly expensive, and they can not do themselves, you need cast details. It is possible to make a welded anchor of Kurbatov (see Fig.), It is suitable for boats up to 5 m long. If you don't care about the anchor with a chain or undesirable, on the stony soils, it is lowered onto the cable on the stitch (thin cable or a thick fishing line) Funny in 2-3 kg.

Suddenly, the anchor of Kurbatov will be stuck in the stones, the khushka, before you release it, you need to raise. Anchor, stuck completely, is released by a strong sharp jerk for the cable. In this case, it may be damaged by the details 4 and 8, but in most cases they can be adjusted immediately with the help of hammer and passage.

On the attachment of the anchor

In the eye of anchor needed in the manufacture of rhyled - the steel ring freely speaking in it. Rhythm is supplied and the rhumage-galks - an anchor cable mounting unit / chain to the vessel body. Fish repeatedly reduce the wear of the cable / chain and the likelihood of their sudden cliff.

Zhwwak-tall is fixed outside to the southwear. Mounting a boat-halks need low, above the Waterlinia itself. In this case, the boat on an anchor will be better to play on the wave, do not go out on an excitement to the nose into the water, and the probability of jams the anchors is much reduced.

Examples of projects

Good projects of boat cardboard, dingies and Scythians, in RuNet and in general there are enough on the Internet. Therefore, we will stop at the projects of boats more suitable.


Appearance, data and design boats Scythia design D. A. Kurbatova, suitable for transportation on the upper trunk of a passenger car, are given in Fig. Her distinctive feature Extreme low cost: the main material - the boards, and the lowerness is going on the bottom, i.e. Deck. If you correctly pick up the boards for the bottom (highlighted red on the next. Fig.), Then the boarding bottom will be quite reliable. Moreover, in our days, the seams between the boards can be corpped by a construction deformation cord (used for sealing cracks in concrete) and silicone sealant. Of course, the bottom of this boat can be performed and plywood, then its weight will decrease to 70-80 kg.

On the trail. Fig. The drawings of the details of this boat are given and the method of its assembly is shown, it is also very economical: on a simplified stapel in templates. Under the motor, the trauma is enhanced as described above.

Next in fig. The sailing armament of this boat and the drawings of cheerful for her are shown. Sail - Reiki (emphasis on "O"), learn how to manage him in half an hour - hour, without knowing the theory. But - do not put this sail in the wind fresh and stronger! The CPU of the Rake Sails is significantly higher, the boat is stronger, and it is a flat-bottomed!

As for the fun, it is better to make them precisely according to the drawing. Scythian boats are not very easy, so the configuration of the merry and profile of their blades acquire to save the musculous efforts of the rower.

About the Iron Dn

Skif boats are sometimes made with a bottom of galvanized iron. Such a boat, firstly, with plywood sides weigh everything ok. 50 kg or less than that, i.e. It can be swore as you like alone. Secondly, the boat with a steel bottom turns out to be much more durable in water bodies with an acidic reaction of water, which in the Russian Federation at least debugs: ions even very weak acids spoil glue and protective coatings. Minus at homemade boats with a steel bottom one: to represent them to examine for the purpose of registration it is useless, and not to look.


The same author developed a Dori sailing boat project from plywood, see Fig; According to the table of plating, the ordinate is made by cutting the skin, but see above. On sea shallow water with a short cool "evil" wave (Azov, North of the Caspian Sea, Markovy Puddle in the Baltic) This boat showed itself better than a sea boat or Azov Barcas.

Below in fig. The constructive drawing of the boat is given, showing the way it is built on the stapel, the design of the stentevine and the method of the rush of the longitudinal set details. Wood need to use high-quality, without bitch and defects, because Wooden set details when assembling are prestressed.

On the trail. Rice is given Dory sailing armaments. Because Dori under the sail can go to a rather strong wind, one reef is taken on the sail. Meet the specified dimensions: Dori boats are very critical to the mutual location of the CPU and the CBS!


After swimming, especially in cool weather, I want, you need and useful, eat and bump something hot. Not a hot, on the water it is necessary to observe a dry law. Therefore, in conclusion, we give the drawings of the stove - boat and yacht camelka, which can also come in handy in the country, picnic and in general on the farm.