Repairs Design Furniture

Causes and descriptions of breakdowns Stihl chainsaws. Why bad or does not start chainsaw: the causes and solutions from the masters will not be started by chainsaw Calm MS 180

Amateur and professional chainsaws belong to complex devices. The motor resources of their two-stroke engines, nodes and aggregates has its limitations. For this reason, quite reliable and expensive tools on a par with cheap Chinese aggregates periodically fail and refuse to start. The situation when it does not start or stalls chainsaw, is not very pleasant and sometimes puts the user to a dead end. How to determine and eliminate a malfunction by returning the work tool.

Detection and elimination of obvious chainsaw faults.

To determine the reason why, when the chainsaw is started, it does not start or stall, it is necessary to determine the tool. The essence of the procedure consists in a consistent inspection of the state and work of the main working elements of the saw engine. At this stage, check:

  • The presence of a spark on the ignition candle;
  • Fuel supply;
  • Filter status;
  • The operation of a sapunted fuel cover of a grinding unit;
  • Functioning of the final channel.

Check sparks on the ignition candle and eliminate causes.

The first stage of finding the causes of why the gasoline saw will not start, is to check the spark on the spark plug. There are many factors affecting the work of this element. However, the main at the initial stage of the tool defects are:

  • Incorrect adjustment of the carburetor;
  • The presence of more than the amount of oil in gasoline;
  • Air filter clogging.

All of them contribute to the formation of a car on the candle electrodes. In 50 cases out of 100, the saws do not become cold due to the absence of a spark due to nagar sediments on electrodes and their corrosion. As a result, there is either a reduction in the gap, or its increase.

Check spark plug in non-working chainsaws

Check for spark quite simple. This will require:

  • Remove the title of high-voltage wire;
  • Unscrew the candle;
  • Put the tip back;
  • Lean the candle to the skirt to the cylinder;
  • Start starter.

If at the time of starting the engine chainsaws between the electrodes there is a good spark, then everything is in order with the ignition node. If it is not, then it is worth cleaning the element itself and check the clearance of the electrodes. If necessary, using a special probe, adjust the distance between the contacts.

In the candles of different manufacturers, the distance between the electrodes can fluctuate. In some it can be 0.5 mm. Others - 0.2 mm. Therefore, carefully examine the manufacturer's recommendations.

Sparks on the spark plug may not be for other reasons. Of the main faults affecting the bad launch of chainsaws and the unstable operation of the engine idlingFrom which the tool can stumble, as follows:

  • Overflow of the candle canal fuel;
  • No contact between high-voltage cradle and candle tip;
  • The failure of the ignition block.

How to start cold chainsaw if the candle canal constantly floats with gasoline? To eliminate the problem at the time of starting the instrument, you can use the following algorithm:

  • Unscrew the candle with a special key;
  • Wipe it with clean and dry rag;
  • Dry for 20 ... 30 minutes;
  • Remove the nappille and adjust the gap between the electrodes;
  • Drain the remains of fuel from the candle canal and dry it;
  • Collect all and try to start the mechanism.

As a rule, these measures are quite enough to run chainsaw and perform work. However, this extreme measure does not eliminate main reasonAccording to which the engine does not work or stalls - the incorrect operation of the carburetor, which needs fine adjustment.

In the case of a lack of spark, with a bad contact of high-voltage cradle with a candle tip, you must check the connection. Check can be carried out using a conventional tester. When the defect is detected and the elimination of the chainsaw should be launched without any problems.

If the verification showed that the contact is reliable, and the saw and then it does not start, look for the reason in the ignition block. As a rule, a faulty repair and restoration unit is not subject. Here it will be necessary to complete the replacement.

We determine the presence of fuel and its feed.

To begin, it is necessary to make sure that the tagged benzopil, which undesiating to start, is there a fuel mixture, and it is properly entered into the carburetor. With full tank, check how the mixture is supplied on the benzing. Disconnect the tube of the fuel system from the carburetor and try to produce a swap. In the case of a complete order, when podaching, gasoline will be fed by jerks in accordance with the standards specified by the manufacturer. Weak fuel supply or its absence can be a consequence:

  • Clogged the fuel supply channel;
  • Garbage of the fuel filter.

Often the reason for the bad launch of the chainsaw may become too complete tank. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the presence of sublishes under the cover of the crankcase saw. If they are present, then see the connection of the gasoline supply tube with a carburetor. Most often it is extruded by pressure when twisting the cover of the tank, refilled for the sickness, which does not allow the engine to start.

The quality of the fuel mixture can also become one of the reasons why the chainsaw is not started. If, after performing the work, do not merge the remains of gasoline, and leave a tool for long-term storage (more than 2 weeks), then inside the tank, the processes of mixing and polymerization of components will begin. What can cause nagar on piston, rings and cylinder sleeve. Therefore, always before work, prepare the mixture only in the required quantity.

Check the state of fuel and air filters.

If everything is in order with the quality of fuel, the engine chainsaws may not start, due to clogging fuel and air filters. To diagnose these elements, you will need to make a number of manipulations associated with their dismantling.

For fuel filter:

  1. Disconnect the gasoline feed channel from the carburetor;
  2. Make a fuel swap.

At low pressure or its absence in the nozzle, disconnect the filter. Before this, release the tank from the mixture and remove the filter element itself. Disassembly is made via a wire hook. The scored replaceable cartridge, which caused the bad engine factory chainsaws, can be cleaned, but better change it to a new one. When working in a tool in dusty conditions, cleaning should be performed on a regular basis.

The air filter clogging can cause the unstable operation of the engine chainsaws, because of which it will stroke or hard to start. Dust and dirt that settled on the adsorbing material make it difficult to enter the system, make the fuel mixture so enriched that it is sometimes difficult to start the tool.

Checking the air filter One of the first steps in the search for the reasons for bad launch

Extraction of the air filter should be made with caution, since the dust that has accumulated during operation of the saw on its surface can be inserted into the carburetor. And this is fraught with more expensive repairs. After disconnecting the cartridge, thoroughly clean it from the accumulated dirt and rinse with the addition detergent. Dry the item and also gently put it in place.

Checking the Sapunka and its cleaning.

Sapun is another element, from the wrong operation of which the chainsaw may not start or stalled during the sawing process. This element is on the fuel tank cover in the air hole area. This is a kind of valve that does not allow gasoline to flow and the leveling air pressure required for the free flow of fuel in the carburetor.

In the case of contamination of the Sapuna, the working chainsaw stalls, and at startup it refuses to start. The thing is that the air stops moving through the hole. As a consequence, inside the fuel tank, a negative pressure (vacuum) is created, which prevents the flow of gasoline to the carburetor.

Determine the problem is quite simple. Disconnect the fuel supply hose from the carburetor and see what happens with gasoline. If it is freely flowing with a good trickle, then everything is in order with Sapunu. In the case of its absence or it flows weakly and intermittently, the reason is identified - Sapun is scored by mud. It is possible to solve the problem with a cleaning air hole with a conventional needle or a powerful jet of compressed air.

Checking the graduation channel chainsaws.

One of the reasons for the fact that he is poorly started by chainsaw, it may be clogging the graduation channel or its muffler. At the same time there is a drop in power in the process of sawing sawn timber and logs. Most often, this is due to resinous sediments on the spark-teller or the silencer channel, which are formed during the combustion process of a poor-quality mixture of gasoline and oil that impede the tap for exhaust gases.

Known by Naigar Resonator can cause bad launch of gasoline saw

Eliminate the cause of the bad launch of chainsaws, in this case, you can remove the accumulated combustion products. To do this, produce a number of manipulations:

  • Remove the muffler by unscrewing the screws;
  • Remove the cooling panel and sealing the gasket;
  • Remove the flasher;
  • Disassemble the chassis of the resonator;
  • Flash all the elements from Nagar using detergent;
  • Let them dry completely;
  • Collect everything in reverse order;

To prevent falling into the cylinder dust and sand at the time of cleaning the muffler, close the outlet of the engine chainsaws with a clean rag.

What if the chainsaw does not start and then?

If the primary inspection gave anything or defects in the search process were eliminated, and the chainsaw does not turn further, then it is necessary to look for more serious reasons. To identify and eliminate such breakdowns is best in the service center. However, in the presence of experience, it is possible to find and eliminate them yourself. What to diagnose and check?

  1. Compression in the cylinder;
  2. Compression in the crankcase;
  3. The work of the carburetor.

In the first case, the compression check in the cylinder will determine the state of the cylindrophneum group (CPG) chainsaws of not wanting to start on the cold. To do this, need a compressometer. The device is screwed into the place of the spark plug and is performed by a single engine launch. Measurement of testimony allows you to judge the state of the CPG. In the absence of a compressometer, determine the compression in the cylinder can be caught as follows:

  • Apply your finger to the candle hole;
  • Try to start the engine chainsaws.

Applying a finger to the candle hole and pulling the starter, you can check the compression in the cylinder

If you feel that the finger pulls greatly into the candle canal, then with compression everything is in order. No discharge in the chamber, indicates the presence of a malfunction. The cylindrophone group needs more detailed inspection, which will give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe state of the piston and cylinder, piston rings and bearings.

Do not start a chainsaw on the cold maybe because of the lack of compression in the engine crankcase. The main reason for damage to the gasket placed between the cylinder and the crankcase. To identify no compression fairly easy:

  • Disconnect the upper tube from the carburetor;
  • Pour in the usual gasoline tube;
  • Immerse in the fuel removed the tube;
  • Rug several times the starter.

If the fuel from the lid is absorbed when the starter is started, the chainsaws, then everything is in order with the compression. If not - see the gasket.

If the fuel is drawn, then everything in the strand is a gasket of the mustache. Otherwise, you will have to purchase Repair Kit and replace. How to do it look at the video, why the Chinese chainsaw does not start:

The launch of the tool can be complicated by the incorrect operation of the carburetor or its breakdown. It often happens that in the process of sawing, the fastening screws are weakened and the air sucks into the cylinder. Check the fastening of the carburetor fastening. Inspect it for fuel leaks. The causes of the malfunction can be weight. To accurately determine the malfunction, eliminate it and produce a thin adjustment of the carburetor only in the service center.

After passing a step-by-step chainsaw engine, you can find a malfunction, eliminate it yourself and successfully start your working tool. Do not care for those types of works in which you are not sure. Trust the search and troubleshoot to specialists from the service center.

Question: During the work of the chainsaw, Stihl MS 180 C ceased to keep idle and stalled. With difficulty started, but again stalled at idle.

After that, it does not want to start. The next day, after unsuccessful attempts to start, removed and washed air filter. It did not help, I had to take off the candle - it turned out to be dry, although attempts to start would be plentifully.

I cleaned the needle of Sapun (I was not clogged). Changed the fuel filter (although the old visually not dirty). I cleaned the carburetor and just in case put a new candle. Saw does not start! Unscrew the candle again - dry. What to do?

Answer: Remove the muffler. Look at the piston if there is a longitudinal strip on it, then the replacement is required.

Question: What is the difference between the leading and chain stars Chainsaws Stihl 180?

Answer: There is no difference between the "leading starry" and "chain wheel", these are different names of the same detail.

Question: I bought a motorcrew Calm MS 180, I really liked it, but I want to ask you if you can drink a thick tree?

Answer: Standard bus length MS 180 - 35 cm, it is possible to cut the log - 70 cm in diameter, if the logs of this diameter prevail, then you need a chainsaw of greater power.

MS 180 will cope, of course, with the task, all the login will be slow and correctly big diameter, but you need to remember that giving heavy loads with the device not created for this, you (at best) reduce the resource of chainsaws, that is
Closure to its overhaul.

Question: Tell me, please, is it possible to use a 45 cm tire on the chain saw STIHL 180?

Answer: MS 180 can be put on a bus maximum length 40 cm.

Question: Where is Sapun in a chainsaw 6 ms 180?

Answer: Valve. ventilation system ("Sapun") is "top" the gas tank and the oil clock, not visually see, because Everything is closed by the starter body.

Question: On the MS 180 in a horizontal position, the gas button is seized. What to do?

Answer: Most likely, the lever-traction mechanism is faulty, when the unit is turned over, one of the levers or thrust.

Question: Why is the cylinder heats up and when heated stalls a motor saw Count 180?

Answer: The problem in the ignition module may have no compression (necessary).

Question: We use chainsaw Stihl 180 with a standard tire, recently learned that people put the carving tire on this model. By the catalog you can put 30 cm bus of this type, and is it possible to install 25 cm or this model is impossible?

Answer: Carving has a very small spout radius. It is better to use a circuit with this tire with a 1/4 increment. And there will begin problems. There are such chains very rarely in retail, yes plus to the 180th stars on 1/4 find.

Maybe it makes sense to search for 3/8 1.1 Rollomatic mini bus for 30 cm. Its article 3005,000 3905, if not mistaken. She has a small nose with a 7-tooth stars. Some more bigger than the carving, but the lubricant is not so picky.

Question: Where should I watch the arrow on the piston to the silencer or the opposite of the chain saw STIHL 180 C?

Answer: The arrow should look in the direction of the muffler (the rule for all chainsaw stihl).

Question: Tell me what clutch carving (left or right) on the MS 180 motorcase?

Answer: On all stihl chainsaws on the clutch, the left thread.

Question: Starter on a chainsaw 6 ms 180 is pulling out jerks, what is the reason?

Answer: Causes may be somewhat - from a faulty starter (starter spring, etc.), to a faulty cylinder-piston group.

Chainsaw 6 180 Do not start: reasons and repair

Question: Why is there a chain sprocket on a chainsaw Stihl 180?

Answer: Wear a needle clutch cup bearings, but even on a new saw, the chain stars has a minimal backlash!

QUESTION: Chain motorcrew calm 180. The second fill of gasoline, full tank. Bottom to peel gasoline. Why?

Answer: There could be a gum of benzososeland, it can be blown through a gas tank sapun. The first must be fixed, the second is permissible!

Question: Penasopils Country 180 during operation, the chain does not move while the brake lever is in the middle position, and starts to rotate only when it moves to itself.

What can be wrong?

Answer: Chain brake in chainsaw has two positions: extreme, "from ourselves" - this is a brake in the operating position "on", the chain does not move; Extremely "to yourself", moving to click, is a brake in the corded position, the chain rotates.

You, most likely, the brake is on, you need to translate the handle to the position of the extreme "to yourself", i.e. I pull the handle to click and, if it does not help, then the brake is defective and you must contact the service center!

Question: How to properly adjust the carburetor chainsaws 6 ms 180?

Answer: The chain saw SPIHL 180 is adjusted only idling, as the carburetor is sprung and configured at the manufacturer. The idling is regulated so that the chain is not rotating at minimum revolutions, or by tachometer.

Question: Tell me what to do. It does not start chainsaw 6 180. The spark is, but pours the candle, and getting up, does not want. How to start repairing or disassemble?

Answer: All repairs need to start with the fact that removing the muffler and see what the piston looks like.

Question: Stihl MS 180 does not stall, when translating the lever up, the lighter by the air damper, what to do?

Answer: Move the lever upwards you interrupt contact, in your case the contact is not interrupted, "departed" (rented) Contact Spring, it is possible to break the contact spring wire, wear a control shaft (lever that you raise up).

Question: Tell me how on a chainsaw 6 180 to replace the grip springs?

Answer: Coupling springs can be replaced even without removing the coupling. We need only small, but durable hooks made of durable wire and regular "candle" key. We remove the cup, wear the key on the hexagon of the coupling and hook with a stretched spring.

Immediately in her place we put a new one - there is simply. To the fingers engage in one hook of the spring, and the crochet stretch the second into the hole. He hooked, then pereparnot to press it to jumped into the hole as it should.

Turn the crankshaft on 1/3 turns, we put the key again on the hexagon,
Hold from turning and also change the spring to the new one. Further - third. We put a cup into place, work. And you can also check the status of the springs.

A stretched spring allows loads to move on a crossliner and removed very easily. When we replace the springs to new, the clutch should become like a monolith and delay the weights with your fingers, it is not possible only if you monitor the scuffer.

Question: Is the installation on the STIHL MS 180 chainsaw possible instead of a standard tire 30 cm, 1.3 tires from the 170th to 30 cm, but with a groove 1.1? What is generally threatened with such a replacement?

Answer: In my opinion, only overweight chains. Still, 1.1 tooth is shorter (and on some models and very shorter), sharpening less.

Help please | Topic Author: Fatima

Yesterday I bought a calm ms180. The tank was sleeping at idle. Today I started to cut a little and it stalls and not to start Drinking her for a long time she started working a few seconds and stalls. What should I do Pamagita to do what to do. And is it possible to give it back and returned money

Dmitry (LEYLA) You have violated the rules of operation !!! It is strictly forbidden to run on idling, in general, something to run down. Now change the candle, and finally saw the saw, do not run around there, the manufacturer has already done everything, the full gas, emphasizes full and sawing!) First, smoke will throw and black alone will fly from the silencer. In your case it is normal)) And no idle, I do not need a saw - muffle.

When all the unlawful oil burns out of the piston everything is stabilized.

Maxim (SHEMAR) Thank you

Alexey (Jemmy) StiHL saws manufacturer does not run and how I wrote earlier

Sergej (Porcius) Alexey Rights, thank you for the advice.

Evgeny (Flutura) I don `t know how immediately I was brought to dilute gasoline and to work 7 cubes of the forest jerked only to refuel and fire

Dmitry (LEYLA) Evgeny, did everything right.

Aleksei (Sharun) guys tell me such a problem. I bought a German 180 at the grandfather of one. Pill well, then began to disappear idle. When you work, it was necessary to do perigas. Then he flooded gasoline into the canister poorly washed out of diesel oil. Gasoline mixed as expected 1:20. Filled in the brainchild of Germany Stihl MS180. The saw was buggy. He became a high idle. But when pressed on the gas tper, she began to choke and blah. Maybe this is because of the poorly washed canister.

Dmitry (Leyla) Aleksei, oil poured in 2 more times more than it is necessary, it is necessary not to 1:20, and 1:50 is the first, second gasoline for high-breasted benzoinstrument itself should be flawless, with a proven brand refueling and even more Not indignited with whatever nibid)) A ready mix for more than 3 - 4 weeks not to store, not use plastic for storage.

Aleksei (Sharun) Dmitry, thank you very much for the answer now I will know. I just have a Chinese-like Huskvarna type so even 80 plates no revs fall and idle normally. After 6 years of work, it will start with 4 zamka. The carburetor itself regulated. But with this German, I was upset the little. Tomorrow I will torment him again. It may truth all the sore of all Liha in gasoline. Thanks for the hint. Good luck

Evgeny (Flutura) How to split crankshaft and collect ..? Write in hp

Dmitry (LEYLA) Evgeny, no way ..

Pavel (Lovett) Tell me friends what to do, oil flows from under the silencer, but the tire is lubricated, here you can see where ...
Quickly leaves the oil from the tank

Alexey (Jemmy) Paul, or Carter Change, or take the drill thin and insert into a few channels and in this holes to cut the thread by the M6 \u200b\u200bsweaters thoroughly and screw the screw until you finish the drill in the main thing so that the chips do not get into the drill

Pavel (Lovett) Alexey, OK) Thank you, in short, I understood that you need to shut up this thing)

Alexey (Jemmy) Paul, everything is true. The main thing is not to overlap the canal oil

Pavel (Lovett) Alexey, Spassios)

Alexander (Jewel) Can I leave for long-term storage oil in the tank? Ms180. And yet, it is possible to wash the kerosene with oil system (let's say when the oil is over and leaves the saw) by pouring large number kerosene in the tank - breeding and a minute of the progask? All successful workpiece firewood and heat in your home !!!

Dmitry (LEYLA) Alexander, some special manipulations with an oil clock is not required in most cases, merge oil and that's it.

Viktor (Latifa) 180 Starts and works well, but one problem is not silent as it should be. what is the reason?

Tags: How to adjust the carburetor on a chainsaw Calm 180 video

Similar video about adjustment on my channel: -gwu ...

Who will tell how to regulate the carburetor on the calf benzopile? | Topic author: Olesya

Cold works fine, and after loads there is a feeling that lacks fuel, it stalls on idle. It was manifested in snowflow, maybe airfilter? And can there be a winter-summer mode on MS 180?

Inna Which shelves Which carburetor on any lover there are 3 regulators one for idling, it is not necessary to touch it. And two together, so they need to be adjusted. Under them there are the letters H and L.h-ETO rough adjustment A L accurate. Turn the fine tuning while working on the floor of the turnover for or counterclockwise. In the course of the case, everyone will understand if the turns falling means twist the other way. And clean the air filter on time.

Artem is not climbing there.

Will not start a chainsaw 6 180: the main causes

mix mix on the freshest and everything will work!
I supplement, with symptoms / difficult to start on the hot / -Sman of the seals on the shaft.
And add, add, it is not hard. I don't know what kind of model is most likely a hobby, there are only two bolts, one pushes the rebag.

Cherniy bolt

Raisa Isper personal experience - Buy a new carburetor.

Gregory If on the XX normally, only in the stump and stalls-changing the seals

Cannot start chainsaw 6 180? Causes and decision!

Chainsaw 6 180.

To date, the manufacturer of County occupies a leading place among other companies that produce the production of equipment intended for agricultural and construction work. Products of this manufacturer are famous not only to their high level Quality, but, as well as the optimal pricing policy and power of its models. This is one of the most famous global companies.

Probably it is quite difficult to meet a person who would have no chainsaws of this brand. But the fact that from ten possible six people exactly are. And this is not surprising, since the chainsaws are the power on a par with the grace of design. But unfortunately, such giants of technology sometimes fail and require a certain kind of repair. Today we will pay attention to one of the moles of this manufacturer, namely a benzopile calm 180. About the chainsaw Stihl MS 660 read here. So, proceed.

Briefly about the main thing

This model is pride german manufacturer and is a direct tool intended for a minor level of work. It can be used no more than twenty hours every month. This excellent device can easily help you cope with your garden, prepare firewood on winter time (see

The main reasons for which the chainsaw of the calm and the ways to eliminate them will not be started.

how to cut a tree), produce cleared sites, and will also an indispensable assistant In other areas, let's say simple manipulations.

We can say that these mini-model chainsaw. Since it has a minor weight, which is 3.9 kg. She does not have a large mass of the tank as oil and fuel. Manufacturer equipil this device A two-stroke engine is quite sufficient power for easy work.

Moreover, it is rather quiet since during operation noise level does not exceed 98 dB. So that you better understood the degree of volume, simply compare its noise with spoken speechwhich has an indicator of 76 dB.

The power of this model is equal to 2.6 W. It is worth noting that this is a significant level of force, given that it is not a professional chainsaw. Oil tank has a volume of 0.145 liters, and fuel - 0.25 liters. The tire has a size of 350 mm, and a step is 0.325 inches.


The basis of the plant of this kind of model as however, and all the other chainsaw is a carburetor. But since we are talking today, it is about a chainsaw of County 180, it will not move away from the topic. So. The carburetor in this model has a single screwing screw. That is, this is a peculiar screw setting the stroke. While the jagher has a complete load is in a stationary state.

Similar words, we can say that it is simply not adjustable (see here), while the full load setting simply cannot change. It is important that the carburetor itself has been configured at the factory in such a way that independently of which in what conditions the air-fuel mixture is direct operation of the air-fuel mixture.

Do not start saw: the causes and ways to solve them

First of all, it is worth noting the fact that chainsaw 180 of this manufacturer is one of its best "creations", but she has its drawbacks. Actually, we will talk about.

    • A sufficiently frequent problem is that it does not start chainsaw 6 180 and pours the candle. The reason for this is that the oil that is poured for lubricating the chain. Begins to leak. Since time is merciless and simply, it is a disruption of tightness in the place where the hose from the oil pump and the oil tank is actually connected.

    It is natural to solve this problem, but, given the design of this chainsaw, it will not be so easy to do, as it will be possible to fully disassemble the device to, as they say, get to the right place. It is clear more clear:

  • Many worries such a question: why not start by chainsaw 6 180? If you believe specialists, then in such a situation you need to open open, and then the closing of the lid, which is on the gas tank. Either get and produce a drying of the candle. Or try to ventilation of the combustion chamber. In most cases, this kind of manipulations is enough to make the device earn. But there are cases when a chainsaw will be raised, but there is a spark ....
  • In the above case, you need to directly check the supply of gasoline. Air filter and direct performance of the candle. Since the basis of this kind of breakdown is Sapun, namely his pollution. Because when it is completely clogged, then in the fuel tube itself there is a kind of vacuum, which simply prevents the fuel supply process. It is not difficult for this question, since all you need to do is clean it through the use of the needle.
  • There are also situations when the device was in principle started, but immediately stood.
    The main reasons for this kind of fault are the carburetor and the filter, which simply could clog.

    In order to eliminate the saloon from objects damaged, it is necessary first of all to disconnect the fuel hose from the carburetor itself and actually check whether the fuel flows out of it.

  • You must remember that in the process of proper operation, gasoline chainsaw should flow with a dense and stable jet. There is also no rare cases when the chainsaw 6 180 will not start on the hot and actually stalls after switching on or sufficiently short time holds power.

    In this case, the problem of breakage lies in the silencer, which may be simply scored by any deposits that arise through the operation of the device, and which are settled in the exhaust process.

  • Also enough frequent cause Tool malfunctions is the lack of lubricant of the device chain itself. The reason for this can be channels that are simply clogged or the reason in the oil pipe that flows.

Lubrication chain chainsaw

  • Also connecting tubes or connections themselves in the field of oil pump fittings may also occur.
  • It happens that it is badly started by chainsaw 6 180 due to a cylinder, which can be polnean. But to determine its state, there is enough inspection of the visual. But if there you will find the formation of irregularities and chip then you can be confident that you found the cause of the breakdown.
  • If by checking you found that a malfunction is in the candle. then you simply need to turn it out, after which it is possible to produce a direct drying. But it is worth noting that it is impossible to pump it in any case, since you simply spoil the item, and it will be unsuitable for operation.

    You also need to drain extra fuel from it through a special hole.

    In addition, you should remember that the immediate drying should be made at least thirty minutes and only after such manipulations you can install it back and actually try to directly start the tool.

    Moreover, there may be such that simply passed the shelf life of your candle, in this case it is necessary to replace it. Therefore, the excellent advice will serve what is best to have a new candle or the best set. Then you can replace it at any time and actually understand whether it was the direct cause of the device breakdown. Moreover, the cause of the breakdown may be a weak contact that actually connects the wire high-voltage and end of the candle. Also, the cause of the ignition block may be. It is worth noting the fact that in order to eliminate this kind of problem, it is necessary to replace the block itself as it is not subject to repair.

  • An important is also the excitement of owners of this model relative to the systematic stroke after the actual gasoline first tanks are empty. But if you believe the specialists in this area, they argue that this kind of situation does not constitute any problem. But still, if this kind of process is repeated quite often, then you are necessary by using the carburetor screw simply to reduce the motor turns.
  • In addition, you can imagine the silencer itself. Since the cause of a malfunction can be in it. The manipulation is not difficult.

    A fairly frequent phenomenon of poor-quality tool is a carburetor.
    But it is worth noting that experts will be played if it is possible, since if you have the necessary knowledge and skills, then you can simply share it and you have to buy a new one.

It is important that if you even found the reason for the fault of the instrument, then it does not mean that you can eliminate it. Since there is this kind of breakage that can be fixed exclusively by a specialist. If you have conducted a direct manipulation regarding the inspection and replacement of oil quality (see the oil for chainsaws, the calm), but nevertheless, the chainsaw still refuses to start in this case, it is necessary to continue searching.

But if you fully produced all the prescribed manipulations and missed a single nuance, but still the tool has not yet been corrected, then in this case the problem lies in the group that is called cylinder. But if you still could not "return to life" of your iron friend, then we simply take a chainsaw to a service center where your device will repaired.

Summing up ...

In fact, as you see the reasons for the breakdown of chainsaws, the calm 180 is quite a lot and at the same time decisions of this problem are also not enough. If you are faced with this situation, then simply follow the above-mentioned recommendations and then, undoubtedly, you can repair your device, and it will delight you with your work for many more years.

What could be the reason that the calm MS 180 saw not start?

Chainsaw Til MS 180 does not start. Washed the candle with acetone, stuck in shallow sandpaper. Several months It was not broadcast, benz with oil remained in the tank, but also earlier started from the 50th time. Tell me where to watch and what to do. And also please send the repair instructions if available.

Because You have a gasoline in the tank, then percent for 80 you need to clean the carburetor - this is the first. The second - saw starts if fuel in the cylinder is served, there is a spark and compression. The lack of fuel supply can be seen on a dry candle (we disassemble and clean the carburetor, change the fuel filter, clean the pulse channel). If there is no spark, then change the candle, if the replacement did not help, then you need to change the magneto. If there is no compression, then it is necessary to change the position, cylinder and seals. I advise you to start removing the muffler and look at the state of the piston (there are pistons on the piston or not).

I have exactly the same saw for three years now it serves and normally starts. If she used to wind up, change the spark plug, you came across a poor-quality candle.

If there is no chainsaw 6 180: instruction

Do not save on the candlelight, take on the catalog branded. Good luck.

This is at your request instruction on the launch of saws, but about what you can sin to sin if I saw it badly, and now it's not to start at all - most likely came the end of the ringlets and there is no compression, which is why if she becomes a miracle, After working heats up the piston reducing the gap and then it works fine. Need to repair! Changing rings, no piston.

The second option - if the chainsaw no longer should still be so worked, that there is no compression, then the case in the settings of the carburetor, you need to clean and customize the carburetor, what you are there emery paper Cutting the vulley will not bring a special benefit!

  • almost forgotten chainsaw it is badly started if there is a lot of oil in gasoline, or low-quality oil the oil is mixed with gasoline special, and not an ordinary motor!

Therefore, the advice - if you yourself are not afraid to climb on the Internet and find information on the repair of piston and setting up the carburetor, if it really means to carry in service, I will say that there is nothing terrible to disassemble and repair a chainsaw, and there are no spare parts in the special stores in bulk on all models, and Online stores full!

If Pila for a long time It was with a gasoline, but did not start, then pour old gasoline from the tank and pour a new one, the first time I saw not very quickly, and then start working fine. If the candle is normal, do not forget to check the spark, and then it is clean, but the pisch is a sense. Further clean the air filter or replace it with a new one and special attention should be paid to the inconspicuous such slit, which should always be clean, otherwise the saw will start with great difficulty, I designated this place
Well, at all, it will not be superfluous to check the gasoline filter, which is in the tank, pull it out from there and clean it, if he contaminated. If these measures do not help, then you will have to carry the calm Spets, it means that something serious happened.

If she has earlier than the fifty-time, then you should give it to the service, as you need to maintain all systems. But the firm and the model is not bad. That is, cleaning and carburetor itself, and checking the status of pistons and rings. If, for example, the oil throws into the combustion chamber, then as you understand, there is nothing good in this. The fact is that the petrol engine chainsaws is not much different from the automotive engine, and if it does not start, then it is required to be a bulkhead, in the worst case.

There is no such master who would refuse his own chainsaws. Extremely useful tool - in skillful hands It performs many tasks. Did you know that carving, or a wood-carving chainsaw - a popular type of art? But in everyday life of the motor saw very much. Therefore, do not save, but choose a reliable manufacturer.

For example, german Mark Stil (Stihl) For more than 90 years, enjoys well-deserved trust and demand. Under this brand produced motorized equipment and gasoline for Stihl chainsaws.

First in the world hand saw With the engine appeared in 1926, and created her German mechanic Andreas Calle. Since then, the technique has not leaves the list of the most reliable equipment in the world. Therefore, if the STIHL chainsaw is not started, the reason should be serious. But this does not mean that it is unresolved.

Chainsaw 6, description and features

Chainsaw, or motorcase, drives the engine internal combustion. At the same time, it is necessary to know that the chainsaw is not filled with pure gasoline. As a fuel, a mixture of oil with gasoline in different proportions is used (depends on the brand).

This information is contained in factory which is desirable in advance, and not only after a chainsaw shtil was broken. And I drank this brand, believe me, it will not break because of the trifle. This applies to any models that are classified as follows:

Among the haw8 stihl brand The most common household model is "County 180". It is equipped with a small gasoline and oil tank (volume 0.25 l and 0.145 l, respectively) and weighs less than 4 kg. Compact and relatively lightweight, STIHL 180 chainsaw produces a nozzle of only 98 dB, so your neighbors on cottage plot Will not be outraged.

Two-stroke engine Completely copes with household loads. This is an excellent "workhorse" for your farm. True, sometimes she can "Handing."

Typical breakdowns chainsaws calm

Stihl chainsaw holders 180 unanimously recognize its good and reliable technique. But they also call several problems that most often occur with this chainsaw:

  • Being oilintended for lubrication chain. Because of what: In place of the hose joint from the oil tank and the oil pump, tightness is broken. As a result, the pump pulls air instead of oil. How to eliminate: Disassemble chainsaw for details. The hose can be replaced or simply restore tightness with the help of silicone glue.
  • Chainsaw will not start. Because of what: the valve designed to equalize the pressure in the gas tank when producing fuel, drove and does not perform its function. Inside the gas tank is formed by a vacuum, which prevents the supply of fuel. How to eliminate: open and close the gas tank cover, rumbles the combustion chamber. Candle to extract and dry. Sapun himself carefully cleaned the thin needle.
  • Candle needs to restore. If she has not yet worked out, you can fix it on your own. First, be sure to remove all the fuel remnants from the tank. Remove the candle and leave it on open air, in a dry place, but without access direct sun ray. Candle will dry about a day, or at least 12-16 hours. After that, you can return it to the place. Important: Do not attempt to hide the candle. Such a board can be found in some outdated reference books, but for modern models Blazing will simply spoil the item.
  • First emergency help If Chainsaw Stihl failed. Try to apply these tips - in most cases they turn out to be effective. And if not - read on. We'll consider possible problems in details.

Why not start chainsaw?

The greatest trouble that can happen is when chainsaw does not start at all. In this case, it is not clear what cause is a breakdown. There are several typical situations, and most likely one of them is your case:

As you can see, in most cases, if Stihl chainsaw was broken, you can eliminate the problem yourself. But do not be too sophisticated! If you did not find suitable description In this article, it is better to contact the service center.

Professional masters probably diagnose why the Stihl chainsaw is not started, and it will be corrected. Let your technique work without any problems!

By the way, if you need (Partner 350), which is as popular as Stihl, then you can read about it in the next article.

And for lovers know more, we suggest familiarizing with the video about the repair of chainsaws Stihl

1. "Officon" Stihl Chainsaws

It is categorically impossible to run the new benzoinstrument of the County: after the so-called "run-in" chainsaw, the calm is usually carried to the service. For Motors, the calm is not desirable at idle at all. The fact is that 2-stroke engines at idle occurs not complete combustion of the fuel mixture and the engine will be locked. The advice is simple - all the time let's gasopile gas, t engineel Stihl loves to work! The only restriction for new chainsaws is the first 2-3 tanks do not let full gas, let all the parts of the saws pronounce on medium turns. However, if the saw "stuck" in a log - gas on full, this is normal.

2. Air and fuel filter

Just some kind of mystic, but very often even experienced motorists, for some reason they forget that the chainsaws have a standard 2-stroke internal combustion engine that needs fresh air and fuel. Surprisingly, the air and fuel filter Many users do not change over the years! And only thanks to the unique design of STIHL motors, they work long enough on a dirty fuel mixture (which is very important in the forest conditions and the lack of service nearby). However, miracles do not have a dirty fuel mixture with time kills even super pads of the calm. And the engine replacement is, as a rule, half the cost of the saw. At the same time, the engine "pull" also other parts, which makes the repair is not profitable. Therefore, after each work, open the filter cover (the calm is very simple) and check the filter. Most filters are calm and need to be washed. Pay special attention to the inside of the filter, which goes into the bypass air collector: it should definitely be clean. If a it is not possible to clean - change! To do this, always have a stock. The fuel filter works like a great-old, much longer. But also do not forget to check it. If the saw does not start - perhaps the fuel filter is clogged with mud from poor quality fuel.

3. Spilled candle.

This is a "disease", as a rule, novice users of the benzoinstrument. As you know, for the cold chainsaw plant, it is necessary to download fuel into the system. For this, the user must when the throttle is closed (so that the mixture does not ignore and do not burn) several times energetically pull the starter cord until the first "burgany". After that, you can start a saw on high turns on an open damper. So, many beginners either skip the moment when the first time was "burned" or sharply twitch sharply (then sawing and not "bobnet" at all) and continue to twist the starter, simultaneously feeding fuel no longer into the combustion chamber. At the same time, the fuel mixture fills the candle and the saw no longer becomes. Therefore, the Council is so. First, on a closed flap, it takes about five to seven, a maximum of ten and even if you didn't hear the first "Burk" - lean the damper and try to start the saw (the position of the switch "half-open damper is high speed"). Secondly, the sharper you will pull - the faster the engine will be head.

If you poured a candle, then you can start the saw as follows. Unscrew the candle, wipe it with a dry clean cloth. Turn the saw with a hole from under the candle down and turn the starter several times until all fuel squeeze out of the combustion chamber. Screw the dry candle back and try to start at high speeds in the switch position - "half-open damper".

4. Stihl fuel oil

The fourth in frequency is the reason for entering the saw into the repair - improper handling of fuel oil. 2-stroke engine, as you know, requires adding to gasoline motor oilwhich serves to lubricate the rubbing parts, first of all the piston in the cylinder. Remember, only at the calf, the proportion of engine oil is 20 g per 1 liter. All Chinese chainsaw proportions 40-50g per 1 liter (here, by the way, is a simple way to determine the original from the fake: just ask the seller about the proportion of oil in the fuel from the mixture). When overflow oil occurs its abdroning, which is postponed on the walls of the piston, and the friction between the piston and the cylinder increases. Those. In both cases, premature cylinder wear and piston occurs. Of course, you need to strive for the ideal proportion, but the para-triple of interest in any direction will not lead to a sad result. For the preparation of the fuel mixture, quite special liter canister the proposed company Shtil. Look, cook the mixture with its help is really very convenient.

In Chainsaw Stihl, the custom, there is no concept of repairing the cylinder, the entire engine changes. Therefore, if the cylinder has already been developed - the replacement of the piston with the rings does not give effect: literally for several hours of operation, ideally round rings and piston are produced under the cylinder worn. And all, goodbye compression. We are not talking about using non-corporate oil at all, although there are still some desperate, which for the sake of a spear savings on cheap oil do not spare several thousand spent on branded chainsaw. Some of them are even lucky - they fall on the oil with similar properties, like Stihl. But rare luck only confirm the rule - you need to use only by corporate oil.

5. Leading star

Also a mystical spare part, which most users for some reason forget to change. And although when changing the chain is very clearly seen that the stars' teeth are produced in the form of a furrow, very often the asterisk is used "to the last": while the teeth are not produced so that the chain is not clinging. It is not difficult to remember that the wear rate is not more than 0.5 mm of the depth of the furrow. Otherwise, a strongly worn asterisk will stretch the chain until the impossibility of its stretch. As a result, you will all the time buy new chains and throw them away after 2-3 sharpeners, i.e. Almost new. Remember, with the correct operation of the cutting headset chainsaw Stihl with full wear of two chains, one asterisk is wearing, .

Gasoline chain saws calm - a real standard of quality garden equipment. The tools of this brand were tremendous thanks to the simplicity of operation, excellent technical characteristics and versatility. We offer to consider the features of working with these chainsaws, as well as the most popular models from this manufacturer.

Faults Chainsaw StiHL and ways to eliminate them

Like any other quality garden tools, Stihl chainsaw is able to serve enough for a long time. However, for this you should adhere to the rules of operation and make timely service. Below we will give answers to the most frequently asked questions arising from both newcomers and experienced gardeners.

How to make a chainsaw Calm - the right instrument launch order

The rollane can be rolled down strictly according to the instruction manual. Thus, you will extend the life of the main spare parts of the unit and save its main knots from breakdowns.

Each chainsaw stihl for the first time after purchase starts in this order:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to remove the protective case and activate the saw brake of the saw, squeezing it towards itself;
  2. Next, you need to click on the decompression valve to facilitate the launch of the motor;
  3. After that, press the fuel pump several times;
  4. Translate the combined lever to the cold start position;
  5. Put a drink on smooth surface, Put left on the handle of the saw, and the right sharply pull the starter cable;
  6. As soon as the motor starts and stalls, transfer the combined lever to the middle position;
  7. Remove the starter cable again;
  8. As soon as the motor starts again, click on the gas lever to the position of the fully open throttle;
  9. Release the brake by pulling the lever on itself;
  10. Start spilling branches.

Each time, starting to work, start the saw only in this order. It will save the tool from the appearance of faults and increase its motor test.

What gasoline to fill in the chainsaw of the calm - follow the instructions

This question often concerns people who do not have experience in working with chainsaws. According to the operating manual, the optimal filling of the saw of this brand is gasoline, the octane number of which is not lower than 90. It is very important to buy really high-quality fuel, otherwise you will often encounter gearboxes and clutch.

Another question is how to dilute gasoline for chainsaws Calle on 1 liter. According to the instructions, the oil ratio and gasoline should be 1; 50, that is, 20 ml. Oils per 1 liter. Fuel.

Without adhering to the proportions specified by the manufacturer, the owner of the saw with time will notice that the tool is bad on the cold. This is associated with sedimentation on the walls of the cylinder of oil residues, which block the formation of the spark.

Each chainsaw stihl has a weight gain. Nevertheless, even such an equipment may fail and simply will not start. Below we give examples of breakdowns that impede the launch of the tools of this brand:

  • The oil floods the candle - the incorrect proportion of oil and gasoline for chainsaws The calm or the use of a poor-quality means for lubricating the chain becomes causes of oil to enter a candle that forms a spark. The place from which the lubricant follows, the oil tank and pump hose docking. In this case, the scene should be shred out with a sealant and give it to dry;
  • The engine is not fuel mixture. This breakdown is associated with a sapune fault. If a plug was formed in it, it will be necessary to remove it and clean the walls of the sapoon from clusters;
  • Stihl chainsaw may not start if it does not smear the chain. In this case, you will need to examine the tank to refuel the lubricant material for the presence of holes. If a crack formed in the tank, it should be replaced immediately to avoid problems with the carburetor. The lack of oil supply also causes why the chain chain is rocking. The fact is that in the absence of oil, the chain begins to braid, and ultimately breaks down.

Very often, the owners of PIL face a problem at which the tool starts up and stalls - the reason for this lies in clogging the carburetor. Repair is performed with the obligatory dismantling of the element and its complete cleaning from the garbage;

If the tool does not start, then this can serve as a consequence of the fact that there is no spark on a chainsaw Calm. In this case, experts advise immediately replace the ignition candle;

If Stihl chainsaw stifles when pressed for gas, this is the cause of the cylinder fault. Elimination of the problem with their own hands includes the inspection of the cylinder and its replacement, if chips and scratches were formed on it.

Adjustment of the carburetor of the chainsaw Calle - a detailed algorithm of action

If your chainsaw stalls when pressed for gas, the instrument carburetor should be adjusted. Before it, it must be cleaned of pollution, change the candle, clean the air filter and adjust the idling.

The order of adjustment is as follows:

  • Mock the saw and wrap up the screws L and H;
  • Next, remove both screws to 1 full turn;
  • Get the saw and warm it;
  • Press and hold the gas lever during this, turn the screw H until the motor turns are stable;
  • After that, turn the LA screw until the chain starts the move, and then immediately turn the screw to a quarter turn counterclockwise.

After completing these uncomplicated manipulations, you can continue to work with the chainsaw. If immediately after adjustment, you noticed that the tool is not afraid, it means that it will take some more scrolling the LA screw counterclockwise.

The model range of the chainsaw is a large enough, moreover, Chinese copies of the tools of this famous brand are often found on the market. In order not to get caught on a non-original saw, you should adhere to several rules:

  • Carefully examine the instrument documentation. The country-producer of most StiHL models is Germany, and it is this country that must be specified in the assembly passport;
  • Inspect the chainsaw housing - a high-quality original tool should not be scratched, and paintwork must be distributed exactly and without spots;
  • Make sure the leading asterisk is installed smoothly and without distortion. Manufacturers from China often "sin", by mounting this part with small deviations from the vertical axis;
  • Examine fasteners on a chainsaw - they must be screwed exactly and have intact "hats";
  • The original chainsaw of Stihl at the first launch should not make an incomprehensible knock from the motor side, and on the contrary, work smoothly and stable.

Just making sure that the model you chose fully meets all the requirements described, you can buy it.

Homemade from Chainsaws County - We learn from folk craftsmen

High power and simple device Chainsaws Caltail allows its owners to use a tool for the manufacture of various useful homemakes. Among the most popular products from chainsaws must be allocated:

  • Bulgarian - the basis of this design is embedded shaft with a bearing assembly. One of the ends of the shaft is supplied with a slave pulley, which is activated by a wedge belt. The other end of the shaft is equipped with a mandrel that is attached cut circles. Such an unit can be used to cut the stones, brick and metal;
  • Drovokol - for its manufacture, it will be necessary to weld the solid metal frame, which will hold the saw saw. The saw element will be supplied to wood with a guide located in a vertical position. This tool will allow to cut a large amount of firewood without holding chainsaw in his hands;
  • Icessur - you will need to provide a small speed of auger. To do this, apply a worm or clinorem reducer. This motobur will help to make holes in the ground during construction pile Fundamentand can also be used to do well on winter fishing;
  • Piloram is another unit that requires the manufacture of frame and fixing the guides. But unlike wood cutter, firewood will be supplied to the pylon element in a horizontal position.

Each of the described devices has found widespread applications in the farm. If necessary, these aggregates can always disassemble and install the engine and other spare parts back to chainsaw.

Saw Stihl MS 180 - Optimal Gardening Option

The saw design includes such useful elements as an automatic feed system. lubricant, inertial brake and vibration damping system.

Among the characteristics of the unit allocated:

  • Power - 1.5 kW or 2.1 liters. from.;
  • The volume of the cylinder is 32 cm 3;
  • Oil tank capacity - 140 ml;
  • Tank volume for fuel - 250 ml;
  • Working weight - 5.1 kg.

This saw is distinguished by its high reliability and durability. The package of the tool includes a chain for 50 units, tire, cover and documentation.

StiHL MS 210 and MS 310 models - Features and equipment

These tools have almost identical characteristics, and is used to prepare a large amount of firewood for further storage or construction.

Technical indicators of models include:

  • Cylinder volume - 35.5 cm 3;
  • Power - 1.7 W or 2.4l. from.;
  • Tank tank for fuel - 470 and 500 ml, respectively;
  • The volume of the tank for oil is 250 and 300 ml, respectively;
  • Weight - 6.3 and 7 kg, respectively.

The structure of the chainsaw includes a system of automatic fuel supply and an improved inertia brake. The configuration of the models consists of a chain, tires, covers, operating manual and warranty coupon.

Saw stihl MS 360 and MS 231 16 - Technical characteristics of the model

Each professional chainsaw of these two models gained popularity in experienced gardeners with large garden sites.

Specifications of models include:

  • Cylinder volume - 59.5 and 45 cm 3, respectively;
  • Power saw - 4.6 and 3 liters. c. respectively;
  • In each of the models, the unique sharpening level of chainsaws;
  • The volume of the tank for the fuel mixture is 565 B 400 ml, respectively;
  • Weight in the assembled form - 7 and 5 kg, respectively.

Stihl MS 150 TC E and MS 170 14 - Applications and Complete Areas

The design of the models includes an efficient inertial brake, which quickly stops the bus during the reverse strike.

Among the technical characteristics of the units are allocated:

  • The volume of the cylinder is 23.5 and 30 cm 3, respectively;
  • The power of the model is 1.35 and 1.8 liters. from. respectively;
  • Tank capacity for fuel mixture - 210 ml in MS 150 and 250 ml in MS 170:
  • The volume of the tank for oil is 150 ml;
  • Working weight - 4 kg and 4 kg, respectively.

Equipment saw consists of tires, chains, instructions and warranty coupons.

StiHL MS 181 and MS 192 T Models - Features and Applications

These aggregates have a simple design and a set of all the functions necessary for the operation - automatic lubricant chain, inertial brake, lightweight launch system.

Among the characteristics of the chainsaw should be allocated:

  • The volume of the cylinder is 32 cm 3;
  • Power models - 2 and 2.5 liters. from. respectively;
  • The volume of the fuel tank is 280 and 350 ml, respectively;
  • Oil tank capacity - 180 and 230 ml, respectively;
  • Working weight - 5.5 and 6.2 kg, respectively.

If desired, these models can also be used in other areas. Using the nozzles on the chainsaw 6, each of these models can be used in order to cut stone and bricks, as well as for cleaning wood.

Stihl MS 261 and MS 270 - Areas of use Chainsaw

Both of these models will become an excellent choice for those who want to get high-quality equipment for small money.

Specifications of models include:

  • The volume of the cylinder is 50.2 and 51 cm 3, respectively;
  • Power - 3.7 and 4 liters. from. respectively;
  • The volume of the fuel tank - 500 ml:
  • Tank capacity for lubrication chain - 275 ml;
  • Weight in working form - 5.5 and 7 kg, respectively.

Both models successfully cope with regular sawing large logs, wood harvesting and forest clarification.

Models stihl MS 271 and MS 280 - Characteristics and equipment

These models refer to universal units. They have sufficient power to operate in difficult conditions when spilling trees in the forest and garden.

The main characteristics of the saw include:

  • The volume of the cylinder is 51 and 53 cm 3, respectively;
  • Power - 3.9 and 4.1 liters. from. respectively;
  • Capacity of the fuel tank - 500 ml;
  • Oil tank volume - 250 ml;

Both models are equipped with durable tires, covers, chains and operating instructions.

Stihl MS 290 and MS 341 - Design and Application Areas

These powerful models can be operated in a wide variety of areas. They are used for domestic needs, in construction with a short-lived and other devices. The design of the models includes a vibration damping system, an inertia brake and a lightweight launch system.

Among the characteristics of the saw must be allocated:

  • The cylinder volume is 57 and 59 cm 3, respectively;
  • The power of the models is 4.1 b 4.5 liters. from. respectively;
  • The volume of the fuel tank is 560 and 600 ml, respectively;
  • Capacity of the tank for oil - 250 and 300 ml, respectively;
  • Weight - 7 and 7.8 kg, respectively.

These models are quite popular, so for their safe storage you can always buy a high-quality branded bag. If you wish to save, the owners of the models can purchase the machine for sharpening chains.

Stihl MS 362 and MS 440 - Features and equipment

These models refer to the class of professional chainsaw for working in the forest. In addition, the MS 440 model is also widely used in construction for a large amount of wood.

Characteristics of aggregates include:

  • The volume of the cylinder is 59 and 61 cm 3, respectively;
  • The power of the models is 4.6 and 5 liters. from. respectively;
  • The volume of the fuel tank is 600 ml;
  • Tank capacity for oil - 325 ml;
  • Working weight - 7 and 7.5 kg, respectively.

The package of each model includes a tire, cover, chain and documentation.

Stihl MS 441 and MS 461 Chainsaws - Operating Areas

These models are regularly used with forest rolls and sawing thick logs for construction. They withstand significant loads, and can be operated, both in the heat and at extremely low temperatures.

Features Pyl include:

  • The volume of the cylinder is 72 and 75 cm 3, respectively;
  • The power of the models is 5.5 and 6 liters. from. respectively;
  • The fuel tank capacity is 725 and 800 ml;
  • Capacity of the oil tank - 360 and 400 ml, respectively;
  • Weight in working form - 7.5 and 8 kg, respectively.

Both models are equipped with a refined inertial brake, effective system Vibration devices and a lightweight motor launch device.

StiHL MS 650 and MS 880 models - features and equipment

These models are popular due to their absolute versatility. They are among the most powerful in class professional instruments. These aggregates are used mainly for the rolls of forest and construction, since their high cost does not allow these models into everyday life.

Among the technical characteristics of the saw should be highlighted:

  • The volume of the cylinder is 85 and 90 cm 3, respectively;
  • Power - 6.4 and 7 liters. from. respectively;
  • The volume of the fuel tank is 820 ml;
  • Oil tank capacity - 500 ml;
  • Working weight - 8 and 8.5 kg, respectively.

Pyl equipment consists of a durable chain, tires, cover, instruction and warranty coupon.

Saw Stiga SP 405 Q - Description and Application Areas

This model refers to the semi-professional aggregate class. With good indicators, it can be applied not only in the garden, but also for the purpose of irregular forest rolls.

The characteristics of the model include:

  • The volume of the cylinder is 40 cm 3;
  • Power saw - 2 liters. from. or 1500 watts;
  • The volume of the fuel tank is 410 ml;
  • Oil tank capacity - 200 ml;
  • Operation weight - 6 kg.

Saw perfectly copes with sawing logs, both in winter and summer. The adjustment of the unit includes instructions, chain, tire, container for the preparation of fuel and warranty card.