Repairs Design Furniture

Called calm 180 reasons. Search for reason why the chainsaw is not started. At idle

Chainsaw Til MS 180 does not start. Washed the candle with acetone, stuck in shallow sandpaper. Several months It was not broadcast, benz with oil remained in the tank, but also earlier started from the 50th time. Tell me where to watch and what to do. And also please send the repair instructions if available.

Because You have a gasoline in the tank, then percent for 80 you need to clean the carburetor - this is the first. The second - saw starts if fuel in the cylinder is served, there is a spark and compression. The lack of fuel supply can be seen on a dry candle (we disassemble and clean the carburetor, change the fuel filter, clean the pulse channel). If there is no spark, then change the candle, if the replacement did not help, then you need to change the magneto. If there is no compression, then it is necessary to change the position, cylinder and seals. I advise you to start removing the muffler and look at the state of the piston (there are pistons on the piston or not).

I have exactly the same saw for three years now it serves and normally starts. If she used to wind up, change the spark plug, you came across a poor-quality candle. Do not save on the candlelight, take on the catalog branded. Good luck.

This is at your request instruction on the launch of saws, but about what you can sin to sin if I saw it badly, and now it's not to start at all - most likely came the end of the ringlets and there is no compression, which is why if she becomes a miracle, After working heats up the piston reducing the gap and then it works fine. Need to repair! Changing rings, no piston.

The second option - if the chainsaw no longer should still be so worked, that there is no compression, then the case in the settings of the carburetor, you need to clean and customize the carburetor, what you are there emery paper Cutting the vulley will not bring a special benefit!

  • almost forgotten chainsaw it is badly started if there is a lot of oil in gasoline, or low-quality oil the oil is mixed with gasoline special, and not an ordinary motor!

Therefore, the advice - if you yourself are not afraid to climb on the Internet and find information on the repair of piston and setting up the carburetor, if it really means to carry in service, I will say that there is nothing terrible to disassemble and repair a chainsaw, and there are no spare parts in the special stores in bulk on all models, and Online stores full!

If Pila for a long time It was with a gasoline, but did not start, then pour old gasoline from the tank and pour a new one, the first time I saw not very quickly, and then start working fine. If the candle is normal, do not forget to check the spark, and then it is clean, but the pisch is a sense. Further clean the air filter or replace it with a new one and special attention should be paid to the inconspicuous such slit, which should always be clean, otherwise the saw will start with great difficulty, I designated this place

Well, at all, it will not be superfluous to check the gasoline filter, which is in the tank, pull it out from there and clean it, if he contaminated. If these measures do not help, then you will have to carry the calm Spets, it means that something serious happened.

If she has earlier than the fifty-time, then you should give it to the service, as you need to maintain all systems. But the firm and the model is not bad. That is, cleaning and carburetor itself, and checking the status of pistons and rings. If, for example, the oil throws into the combustion chamber, then as you understand, there is nothing good in this. The fact is that the petrol engine chainsaws is not much different from the automotive engine, and if it does not start, then it is required to be a bulkhead, in the worst case.

Chainsaw - worthy replacement manual Pilam and axes. Today, this tool is available in almost every household - He is indispensable for arrangement pricework, construction I. repair work. Intensive operation and improper care tool can lead to premature failure. However, the owner of the chainsaws at all optionally immediately contact the workshop - many of the faults that can happen to it during operation, it is quite realistic to eliminate themselves.

Chainsaw design and general malfunction classification

The main condition for successful repair is correct. Therefore, to determine why Chainsaw was out of order and, most importantly, how to make it work again, first of all it is necessary to know the features of its design.

It should be noted, it does not differ in particular complex, as it includes:

In order to simplify malfunction diagnostics, they are common to distinguish between two main categories:

  • engine malfunction;
  • faults of other nodes chainsaws.

Most often, failures arise in, however, the rest of the tool due to intensive exploitation or improper care can at any time fail. How to determine where the breakdown happened exactly? This will help us a simple logic.

If the problem is in the engine, it will be:

  • do not start;
  • chloride
  • work unstable;
  • overheat;
  • smoke;
  • develop insufficient power.

That up to all other faults, as a rule, they show themselves with a normally working motor.

Engine launch: Checking Candles

If the chainsaw does not start, the first thing to do is check for the presence in the tank. By the way, it must be prepared in the proportions specified by the engine manufacturer, otherwise the tool simply does not start.

Making sure that the fuel mixture is correct and is available, you should check the ignition system. To do this, see the ignition candle.

Her condition can say about many:

  • dry candle

it indicates that the fuel mixture does not fall into the carburetor, which means the problem is not in the ignition;

  • squaled candle fuel

it is the result of an oversupply of the fuel mixture, which lies either in the violation of the engine start algorithm, or in improper adjustment of the carburetor;

  • copper-covered candle

this is a signal about the presence of low-quality oil in the engine lubrication system, the incorrect settings of the carburetor or about the incorrectly cooked fuel mixture.

If it is spattered with fuel, after removing it must be thoroughly wipe. You should also clean the fuel supply system. To do this, it overlaps, after which the starter is turned on. Covered in Naigar candle must be carefully cleaned with the help of sewed and emery.

When checking the candles, you should pay attention to the distance between the electrodes (the normal clearance is 0.5-0.65 mm), as well as the state of the gasket and the presence of spark. The damaged or worn gasket will have to be replaced, and the spark can be checked, putting the ignition cable, connecting the cylinder and the candle nut and starting the starter.

If the discharge does not occur, the candle must be replaced. In the event that new candle The spark does not appear, then the problem is in connection with the high-voltage wire or in it itself.

Repair chainsaw do it yourself: fuel supply system

If the fuel mixture does not enter the cylinder, but the candle works fine, it may mean that:

  1. The fuel filter clogged.

To clean this node, you should remove the fuel hose and check the jet. If it is weak, the filter must be obtained through the fuel tank bay hole and clean it or replace in case of complete wear.

  1. Sapun clogged.

It is nothing but a hole in the lid of the fuel tank, which is cleaned with the help of sewing.

  1. The fuel mixture is not fed or fed in insufficient quantity.

There may be several reasons for this:

Elimination with silencer

If it works normally on small speed, but it starts to stroke and smoke at high, the problem may be hidden in the silencer.

To check the quality of its work, follow:

Dry cleaning without respiratory protection tools is not recommended. Carcinogens present in Nagar will stand out in the surrounding atmosphere in the form of dust, inhaling which is extremely dangerous to health.

In order to prevent the silencer in the process of operation of chainsaws, it is necessary to closely monitor the composition of the fuel mixture and the quality of its components.

Repair of a cylinder-piston group (CPG)

If the chainsaw engine does not start either can develop normal power, it is likely that in the engine cylinder does not occur sufficient pressure to combust the fuel mixture. The reason for this can be the wear of elements - piston, rings, bearings, etc. In order to estimate the state of this node, it should be obtained by a visual inspection, after removing the silencer.

For a more complete diagnosis in the candle opening of the two-stroke engine, the chainsaw is placed compressometer. With it, the compression is performed in the engine. According to the results of the verification, you can judge the state of the CPG, however, the exact facts can be obtained only with a complete disassembly of the node.

If chipsets or scratches are present on the piston, it is obvious that it will have to be replaced. The same applies to the deformed or broken piston rings - for normal engine operation, they must be fully working and clean from Nagara.

Checking the carburetor and signs of the need to adjust

Correctly working guarantees the maximum efficiency of chainsaw, that is, possible development full power With the most economical flow rate of the fuel mixture. Adjusting this node is usually carried out by the manufacturer, however, its design provides for the ability to set up during operation.

The fact that such a setting will have to perform the owner of the chainsaws indicate:

  1. Strong vibrations or presence of damage to the protective cap.
  2. Wear CPG.
  3. Cutting carburetor.
  4. The inability to start the engine or its spontaneous stops after launch.
  5. Increase the fuel consumption and exhaust volume while the engine power drops simultaneously.

Adjustment of the carburetor chainsaws is carried out in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instruction using three special screws that are responsible for the maximum ("M") and minimal ("L") turnover, as well as the idling of the engine ("T"). In order to exclude the undesirable intervention of an inexperienced user to the work of the carburetor, some manufacturers are installed only one idle screw.

Algorithm Calibration and Safety Safety while troubleshooting Chainsaw Carburetor

The adjustment of the carburetor is performed in two stages:

  1. Basic (carried out when the engine is turned off).
  2. Finish (carried out when working, pre-dried by engine).

For basic adjustment, it is necessary to wrap the screws H and L until it stops and turn back to 1.5 turns. The finishing adjustment requires the engine to warm for 5-10 minutes on small revolutions.

The finish is performed by turning the idling screw until the minimum engine speed is reached (its operation should be stable, and the chain is fixed). If the engine is on idling stops, the screw must be returned back, and in the event that silent chain It is still driven, it should be continued to turn off counterclockwise.

Calibration check is performed by test:

  1. Acceleration (with a smooth press on the accelerator, the engine must quickly gain momentum to the maximum indicator).
  2. The maximum number of revolutions (if there is interruptions in the ignition, the screw should weaken a little).
  3. Work at idle (the chain should not move, and the engine must gain momentum as fast as possible).

If the chainsaw owner is not familiar with the carburetor device and does not have the tool you need to be calibrated, you should contact a specialist. The carburetor is a very complex node, so any incorrect action can lead to irreversible consequences, for example, the complete failure of the engine.

Other faults chainsaw

If the diagnosis showed that everything is in order with the engine and its systems, it means that the cause of the fault should be sought in others. The most common problems such as:

If the reason for the output of the instrument is not visible to the naked eye, as in the case of the engine, it is necessary to perform a thorough diagnosis of faults and eliminate them in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and safety regulations.

Repair chainsaws do it yourself, video

Chainsaw Stihl MS 180 is considered one of the most reliable tools used to work on garden sites. But any technique happens when it does not start for some reason. Let's look at the main faults, because of which the calm 180 will not start or starts badly and how these faults are eliminated.

The main fault, due to which the STIHL MS 180 chainsaw is not started, may be the absence of a spark between the electrodes on the ignition candle. Signs of this malfunction can be detected if you unscrew the candle and inspect. Finding when inspected that the candle was wet, it is necessary to start searching for the cause of the absence of a spark on the ignition candle.

Ignition Candle faulty

The first thing to do is to check the performance of the candle.

Make it pretty easy. The candle is inserted into the cap of the high-voltage wire and presses to the engine cylinder, after which the starter movement is made several times if the spark is not observed between the candles' electrodes, it means it is faulty or defective the ignition module.

Checking the candle on sparking is carried out with the ignition on.

In order to find out for sure that the problem in the ignition candle must be checked obviously good in the same way. If, as a result of the spark check, it appears, then the problem is found and replacing the candle to the new one to eliminate the fault.

Ignition Coil Problems

The ignition coil, it is also called the module has an insecious design, so it is very difficult to determine its performance without a special tool. If the spark on the working candle did not appear, suspicions arise that the coil is to blame. But you should not immediately remove the old coil and run to the store, problems may have a slightly different character.

There is no gap between the flywheel and the ignition module

In some cases, the absence of sparks on the ignition candle is explained by the wrong gap between the contacts of the ignition module or flywheel. It may be more, and it may not be at all, and then scratches formed as a result of contact with contacts of the coil will be observed on the surface of the flywheel.

Check and put a gap without having a special tool - you can. To do this, you will need to remove the starter, weaken the two coil fastening screws and maintaining the flywheel contacts and the ignition module, cut from plastic bottle, Tighten the mounting screws of the module.

If after such adjustment of the gaps of the spark appeared, everything is in order, you can continue to work with chainsaw 60, if not, you need to repeatedly examine and check whether the flywheel does not hurt for contacts the coil again. Suppose as a result of the inspection, it was found that after adjusting the gap, it was not again. So the reason is most likely in the bearings of the crankshaft.

Defective crankshaft bearings

When the crankshaft bearings defect, there is a small backlash. Check the availability of a backlash can be stated by the flywheel chainsaws Country 180 from side to side. If there is a backlash, it means under the action of its magnets, the flywheel is attracted to the contacts of the ignition coil, since the backlash on the bearings allows him to do it and as a result of the spark disappears.

Crankshaft Bearing Replacement

Replace the crankshaft bearings are better in a specialized service, because when replaced, it will be necessary to fully disassemble the chainsaw 6 180 and remove all its main nodes.

Without a certain experience or at least the repair skills of similar chainsaws to replace the crankshaft bearings efficiently, it will not work.

So, with the absence of sparks, we figured out, but what to do if there is a spark, and the answer to the question, why the chainsaw is 60, no. The reason may hide in the fuel system.

Fuel system malfunctions stihl 180

In some cases, as a rule, in the presence of a spark on the ignition candle, it can be seen that it has a wet flare, it indicates an excessive fuel supply to the combustion chamber and as a result, the impossibility of ignition of the fuel mixture.

Candle pours

In the people, the phenomenon in which the spark cannot ignite a large number of Fuel - It is customary to call the candle pouring. The cause of the malfunction lies in the carburetor, or in improper starting of the cold engine. When a malfunction is detected, first needed a "purge" of the engine.

Algorithm "Purge" engine

IMPORTANT: Never spend the "blowing" of the engine with the inclusion of ignition and near open fire.

  • Remove the candle;
  • Flip chainsaw stihl 180 bottom up and merge extra fuel;
  • In the inverted state, the starter chainsaws pull out several times (thus, under the influence of compression from the cylinder, unnecessary fuel will be removed);
  • Install the candle and cap of the high-voltage wire into place;
  • Engine control lever Set the position of the hot start;
  • Several times pull the starter and start the engine.

If with chainsaw Stihl. Everything is in order and simply was disturbed by the launch algorithm on the cold, then after the "purge" it should start. Otherwise, the fault must be sought in the carburetor.

Does not fuel

This type of malfunction, like the rest, has its own characteristic feature. It consists in the fact that the working candle of the ignition, on which there is a spark, will be absolutely dry. Check suspicion of fuel supply, you can use the following algorithm.

Algorithm for checking for fuel supply

  • Unscrew the candle;
  • With the help of a syringe, pour into the candle hole 1-2 cube of the fuel mixture;
  • Install the candle and put the cap of the high-voltage wire;
  • Install the engine control lever to the hot start position;
  • Several times pull over the starter.

If after several movements of the starter chainsaw 6 180 started up and immediately stalled, then suspicions in the absence of fuel supply were confirmed and you can proceed to the further diagnosis of the fuel line.

Diagnosis of fuel line

As a rule, the diagnosis of fuel supply system starts from checking the fuel filter state. To do this, unscrew the tank lid and with the help of an aluminum wire, lowered at the end, remove the fuel hose from the tank, with the filter at the end.

Taking and dismantling the filter, you can try to blow into it if the air does not go, it means that the problem is found. If everything is in order, then you need to check the system for blockage.

To check the fuel supply hose, you must disconnect it in the place where it connects to the carburetor, then blow into it. The clogged hose can be cleared mechanically if it is impossible to do it, replace the new one.

In the case when the feed hose and fuel filter is normal, and the fuel supply is not observed, the reason may be hidden in the fault of the air pulse supply to the fuel pump.

Checking the pulse from the engine crankcase

The fuel pump on the chainsaw Calm MS 180 is installed directly in the carburetor and operates under the influence of pulses from the engine crankcase chainsaws 6 180. The impulse transmission is carried out through the pulse channel in the rubber nozzle connecting the cylinder with the carburetor.

Channel clogging, is fraught with the appearance of fuel supply problems or its complete absence. To check the nozzle, you must remove the case air filter And the carburetor, after which a thin metal wire check the channel for a blockage.

Everything rubber details Chainsaws 6 180 should periodically examine on the appearance of cracks. When defects are detected, faulty items must be replaced with new ones.

Another reason associated with the absence of a pulse in the channel of the nozzle is depressurizing the engine crankcase, which is due to the leak of air and a decrease or complete cessation of its supply to the fuel pump. The result of depressurization becomes partial or complete loss of the fuel pump performance. To check the tightness of the crankshaft seals, and indeed the crankcase chainsaws 60, the special device is applied by a vacuum meter, and since it is a tool special purpose, It is mostly only in service centers. The question arises, what to do?

Check the pulse feed, you can using a syringe on the engine with a removed carburetor. It will be necessary to dial some oil in the syringe to lubricate the engine and squeeze it into the pulse channel of the nozzle, then pull over the starter. If the pulse does not pass, the oil will remain in the channel and should look deeper, disassemble the engine and check the glands. If the canal oil squeezed, then the problem may be hidden in the fuel pump itself.

Fuel pump

The main element of the fuel pump is a special membrane that moves in the pump housing. When it is breaking, the fuel supply to the carburetor and the engine chainsaw 6 180 stops. Check the integrity of the membrane can be visually visually with the lid of the fuel pump, if there are defects (ruptures, cracks), it can be replaced by using repair kit For carburetor.

If you do not start chainsaw 6 180, and reading the material hard to understand what and how to do to find and eliminate the malfunction, you should not immediately throw everything and write in the search engine: it does not start a chainsaw 6 180 reasons for the video. Just below, you will find a video structure where the service center wizard talks in detail about the faults that do not allow to launch a chainsaw of County 180, and also explains why the saw does not start on hot.

Each person who is familiar with the benzooinstrument knows that sometimes the technique works with interruptions, and may in one moment stall and no longer start. There are a lot of reasons for which there is no chainsaw, we will try to consider the most frequent of them.

Main reasons:

  • fuel and air filters;
  • reduced compression;
  • spark plug;
  • ignition coil;
  • gap between the ignition coil and flywheel;

Consider every reason in more detail.

Fuel and air filter

Pollution of the main filter elements of chainsaws, adversely affect its operation.

For example, a dirty air filter will provide air supply to the carburetor not in full, which will affect the quality of the fuel and air mixture and the normal start of the engine. Pollution of the fuel filter, it makes it difficult, either in general blocks the supply of gasoline into the carburetor and make it impossible to work the engine.

Reduced compression

One of the frequent cases of a difficult launch of chainsaws, this is the wear of the CPG (cylindrophone group).

As you know, a compression must be present in its engine to normal launch. It is necessary for a normal compression of the fuel mixture in the engine cylinder, it also affects the operation of the fuel pump.

During the operation of the tool, the value of the compression indicator is falling, and the chainsaw begins to start badly.

The reasons for the lack of compression, or its reduction, may be natural, because Engine in the process of work is wears. Also, problems can be caused by a serious breakdown, for example, a CPG bulk, or a breakdown of a piston ring.

A sign of reduced compression is the weak resistance of the starter when starting. With reduced compression, there is a decrease in the power of chainsaws, which adversely affects its performance. The problem of the replacement of piston rings is eliminated, or fully CPG.

Carburetor adjustment

Not correct adjustment of the carburetor, will cause chainsaw not to develop complete power. It will be bad, or not to start at all. The carburetor setting directly affects the quality of the fuel and air mixture, which is necessary for normal startup and further engine operation.

With incorrect adjustment of the carburetor, in a mixture of fuel with air will be present more or fewer gasoline than is required, and the mixture will not be ignited even with normal sparking.

Excess gasoline in the mixture is called overflow. Characteristic signs Pereliva, it is a wet spark plug, after several unsuccessful attempts to make a launch chainsaw.

Spark plug

Ignition Candle is one of the main elements of the ignition system. At its electrodes, the formation of sparks occurs, and when it fails this item, it will be difficult to produce a start, or it is not possible at all.

Candle can completely refuse, or work with interruptions or issue a weak spark. Check the candle is simple enough for this, it will be necessary to unscrew it from the engine, attach to the cap of the high-voltage wire and, putting on the cylinder, pull the starter. If the candle is in order, the spark will be powerful with a bluish tinge. Weak spark with a reddish tint, a sign of the problem. The defective candle must be replaced.

Ignition coil

The reason for not starting new benzawor start bad, the ignition coil can become. Modern chainsaws are equipped with electronic ignition coils. Repair This detail is not subject to repair, and, as a rule, if there is a defect changing completely.

Clearance between the ignition coil and flywheel

The wrong gap between the flywheel and contacts of the ignition coil affects the quality of sparking, which in turn is responsible for the normal start and stable operation of the engine.

Chainsaw does not start on hot

In cases where the chainsaw is not at the hot, you need to have a visual inspection of all the main nodes of chainsaws. Inspection is worth starting from the spark plug. Check the spark, inspect the surface of the candle electrode, these actions will help to set the direction in which the problem should be signed.

Faults in the ignition system

If, when examining the candle, it was found that it is wet and sparking on contacts does not occur, it means that the problem should be sought in the ignition system, inspect the coil, check the gap between the flywheel and contacts of the coil. You can also check how a tight cap of the high-voltage wire sits on the candle, and the candle itself. Try to replace it with a new one.

Fuel system problems

If during the inspection it was found that the spark is, and the candle is dry, then problems in the fuel system. Its verification should be started with the fuel filter. Next, you need to explore the fuel hose and its mounting to the carburetor, pay attention to the flow of fuel from the carburetor and the presence of gasoline in the air filter housing. It is advisable to start removing the carburetor only if the visual inspection did not allow me to determine the cause of the breakage.

A characteristic feature of the problem in the fuel system is an excessive amount of fuel in the engine cylinder. As a rule, the signs of this is an overly wet spark plug and the presence of sparks on the contacts of the candle. In this situation, it is necessary to turn the chainsaw so that the candle hole is directed to the bottom. If gasoline flows out of the cylinder, then the reason for the chainsaw is not started, it overflows the fuel into the engine.

"Fills" fuel, sometimes due to improper adjustment of the carburetor, or its malfunction.

With the process of adjusting the carburetor, you can find on the example of saw champion 254, looking at the video instruction.

Chainsaw is badly started on the cold

Violation of the sequence of action when starting to cold

If a new chainsaw is started on a cold, then the reason may be in the wrong sequence of engine start. As a rule, each manufacturer in the guinnance instructions indicates the procedure for starting the benzopil to the cold. Basically it is similar for all two-stroke engines internal combustionwhich are installed on chainsaws and is next order actions.

Problems with fuel

As with the embodiment of the launch of hot, the problems in the fuel system can affect both the launch or it is not possible to produce it and cold. Adjusting the carburetor, pollution of the fuel filter and highway, all these are causes that cause difficulties when starting.

To diagnose the fuel system, this is the first thing you need with a difficult start to cold.

It is worth paying attention to the quality of fuel, because When using a mixture of gasoline with an oil, in which there is a small amount of water, it may be significantly difficult to launch or cannot be done.

The mixture must be used quite fresh, because When the gasoline diluted oil is stored for more than a month, its properties are lost and complicates the launch, both on cold and hot engine. Gasoline for this reason can burn badly.

Malfunctions in the engine

Zadira CPG, sticking rings, wear CPG, air seats through glands and gaskets, decrease in compression, all these problems can make the launch of chainsaws impossible or difficult to make it difficult. For example, with not significant wear of the CPG, the engine compression is reduced. In this case, the launch on the "cold" will be significantly difficult, or a saw can stop starting, but to the "hot", the tool will start well.

To accurately diagnose the problems in the engine associated with problems in its launch is quite difficult, and it will be better for this to contact a specialist in this area.

Chainsaw stalled and not start

If the tool is stalled and not start to begin with, it is worth checking the availability of fuel in the tank. Oddly enough, it sounds, but many forget about it and in case of such a situation, they immediately try to repair the tool, which can lead to serious breakdowns.

In a situation where the saw was stalled, and there are still gasoline in the tank, you need to evaluate how it worked to drink until this point. Maybe when working at the last moment, an extraneous sound appeared, crushing, ringing, the power loss occurred or the tool stopped sharply. All this is allowed to pre-assess the situation.

Engine jamble

It often occurs quite often when the saw worked and sharply stalled, the reason for which the engine was jamming, which in turn occurred as a result of the piston skirt break, the destruction of the bearing of the crankshaft, departure of the rings of the piston finger or the span piston ring.

Engine jamming is easy to determine if the starter cord is pulled. In the case when the starter does not turn, it is most likely sworn, and further repairs are possible only in the service center.

Open fuel wire

When working, the chainsaws occurs vibration, which can cause damage or breakage of the fuel lines of chainsaws. In this case, the chainsaw stalls and start it will be impossible. To diagnose a malfunction, it is necessary to inspect and determine the presence of fuel swaps.


Overheating of the engine during operation may cause the saw stall and not start. Overheating is sufficiently dangerous, as it can cause a piston melting in the cylinder and jamming the engine. In the first cases of overheating, it is necessary to diagnose the tool for existence of extraneous air to the engine, and the adjustment of the carburetor.

Air seats, as not correct adjustment of the carburetor affect the maximum number of engine speeds and its lubricant, which in turn causes overheating and subdining the tool.


The main reasons why there is no chainsaw on video. The video will be useful for those who quickly want to start a drink, the author gives delight advice.


If the situation occurs when the chainsaw does not start, it is important to properly diagnose, determine the direction in which the fault should be sought. You should not use a tool that does not work at idle, as this indicates the presence of air supply to the engine and can lead to serious problems. If the experience in repairing chainsaw is not enough, it is better to contact a specialist who will save your time and nerves.

In the review, we consider what a unit can be detected in such a chainsaw "Country 180", malfunction, and repairs that can be implemented independently. She perfectly proven itself in the market of the relevant goods. This tool is popular among consumers. It is a portable device with a power of 1400 W. The chain length is 350 mm, the engine volume is 31 cm 3. At idle the equipment makes 2000 revolutions per minute and more.

The popularity of this unit is also due to acceptable price. But when using this tool, some problems may occur from time to time. After the warranty period, you can repair independently, because the services of the service center specialists are quite expensive.

Major faults Chainsaws brand "CHTIL 180"

Chainsaw "Country 180", the fault and the repair of which you can identify and make yourself, should be operated according to the manufacturer's instructions. The launcher, for example, should be included only after the master checks the tension of the chain, and also make sure that the corresponding tanks are filled with oil and fuel mixture. Chainsaw should be securely fixed in hand, only after you can start work.

Violation of tightness

But if you have noticed that the oil for the chain occurs, the cause of the malfunction can be a disruption of the tightness of the oil tank hose connections and the oil pump. In order to eliminate the problem, you have to disassemble the tool. When damaged the hose, it is recommended to replace it. Sometimes it is sealed special composition. The surface should be preventing and rinsed. Sometimes oil filter Completely fails, in some cases it clogs. At the same time, oil can also leak. In this case, the filter is checked, cleaned or replaced with a new one.

Failure to work

Chainsaw "CHTIL 180", the fault and the repair of which you can identify and carry out your own hands, sometimes simply will not start. Such a problem may occur completely randomly. First of all, the consumer needs to open and turn the gas tank cover again. Ventilation of the combustion chamber must be implemented at the next stage.

Candles are recommended to remove and dry well. This in some cases it turns out enough to make the tool and began to work properly. If the problem remains, then the reason is different. Sapun affects fuel supply. If he has been hammered, a vacuum occurs in the fuel tank, which entails the refusal of work. Sapun can be repaired very simple. For this, it is cleaned with the needle.

If you were purchased by chainsaw "Country 180", malfunction and repair of this tool you can find and implement yourself. Sometimes the equipment refuses to work for the reason that the cylinder fails. If there are irregularities and chips on this node, then the reason is exactly in it. If you encountered a problem when the tool does not start, withstands the power for a short time or stalls after switching on, the silencer can cause damage. It is sometimes clogged in the process of exploration, which occurs during exhaust.

Saws sometimes badly start, which leads the starter faults. In order to identify the problem, you need to remove the lid and a special screen from the carburetor, which is located behind the tool drum. If the contact wire has disconnected from the starter, it is fixed by a soldering lamp. Sometimes the problem is the oil leakage. In this case, the starter must wipe with a rag.

Engine works with interruptions

Faults Chainsaw "Country 180" You can begin to detect yourself if the warranty period has expired. Sometimes the engine works with interruptions, which can be caused by the failure of the cylinder piston group. You can repair it yourself. To remove the cylinder from the tank on its head, you must unscrew the bolts. The master should be checked the piston, it should not be chips, scratches and scratches. If such managed to find, then the piston must be replaced.

Piston rings and piston provide optimal pressure in the combustion chamber. Rings must be tightly on the piston body. If the piston inserted into the cylinder has a free stroke when swinging, this indicates its wear. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to distort the cylinder and install the repair items. But the easiest way will be replaced by the CPG set.

Fault carburetor

If you have been purchased by chainsaw "Country 180", malfunction and repair of the carburetor you can detect and implement. If the tool has stopped starting, it began to stroke and unable to maintain power, and also does not keep idle, then the cause of the breakdown can perform a carburetor. During operation, it is quite often clogged by mud, dust or sawdust. You can fix the problem by the method of cleaning.

Malfunctions of the carburetor chainsaw "CHTIL 180" are solved after the preparation of some tools, among them:

  • brush;
  • head for 8;
  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • petrol.

Brush can be cleaned dust and dirt. Then you should remove the lid and filter. Two air filter nuts are unscrewed, which will allow you to remove the body of the air collector. Now you can see the carburetor. Having lowered the flap down, it is necessary to remove the accelerator lever.

In order to move the carburetor from the place, you must remove the suction lever and close it. Now you should remove the engine stopping and pull it on. The plastic lever is removed, the wire is fixed on it. The carburetor at this stage can be released and remove for cleaning. It is best to use a compressor for this, but if it is not available, the flushing can be carried out with pure gasoline.

Considering the main faults chainsaw "Country 180", you should know that you should not forget about the fuel filter. It is removed and blown up the fuel hose. Now you can collect everything in reverse order. If, after assembling the carburetor, the tool is still badly started, and the muffler produces smoke, then the spring was lost under the needle lever. Because of her absence, the needle does not lock the fuel supply. As a result, the candle turns out to be filled with gasoline. To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to find the spring and install it in place.

By repairing the carburetor, you must remember that it is a complex node consisting of a rings and a variety of details. This indicates that cleaning and repair must be carried out with special accuracy. If the tool stalls or not start, then, in addition to the carburetor, you need to check the spark plugs. If they are faulty, they are twisted and dried.

Excess fuel can be drained through a special hole. Faults Chainsaw "Country 180" and their elimination are described in part in the instructions. After reading the article, you can understand that the candles should be dried at least half an hour, after this time the candle can be installed in place by running the unit.


Sometimes the cause of the malfunction becomes bad contact between the high-voltage wire and the end of the candle. If the work of the candle does not like the master, it is changed to a new one. Before repair, it is necessary to remember that the tire, chain, as well as anti-vibration elements wears much faster than the remaining parts. Therefore, for uninterrupted work, you must keep the listed spare parts in the arsenal.