Repairs Design Furniture

How to ride a new chainsaw. How to use chainsaw: Step-by-step instruction Instructions for use of a petrol firm firm

Proper operation of any tool should ensure the efficiency of its work, the safety of the working and the safety of the tool itself. The features of chainsaw include their high potential trauma. Therefore, safety requirements for chainsaw are one of the main components in the rules of their operation.

Such a chainsaw is considered to be ready for operation:

  • all nodes and mechanisms are good;
  • installed sharp, properly stretched chain;
  • fuel and oil tanks are filled;
  • the carburetor is adjusted.

Proper maintenance of chainsaws involves timely execution of all operations that ensure the maintenance of the instrument in good condition. The main one includes: cleaning air filters, carburetor adjustment, cleaning the spark plug and adjustment of the gap between its electrodes, sharpening the chain and replacing the wireless parts.

The new chainsaw requires running in 40-50 minutes on small revolutions, after which the chain tension is tensioning and additionally is checked. Then you need to make several propilov, applying a weak force, and only then you can work in normal mode.

Installation of the chain and adjusting it

The preparation of the saw to work is usually beginning to install on it a new or already used sharpened chain, which in its parameters (step and the thickness of the shank) corresponds to the installed bus. The chain tension mechanism on chainsaws is usually implemented in two types - standard linear or high-speed. Depending on the type of mechanism, the installation and tension of the chain differ significantly.

When using the traditional linear mechanism, it should be removed the lid of the chain sprocket (1), unscrewing the nuts (2).

It is important to remember that before each installation or dismantling of the protective cover of the chain stars, it is necessary to weaken the chain brake, for which it is necessary to pull the brake stop (1) (see photo below) in the direction of the handle (2).

The pin (1), which is included in the bina hole, should be shifted into the groove to the leftmost position. This is done using tension screw (2).

The chain is starting for the clutch (1), puts on a leading asterisk and put on the bus. At the same time drawn attention to the location of the cutting edge of the tooth - on the upper branch of the chain, it should be directed forward. The chain should be easy to stretch, the clutch drum must be rotated when the chain is promoting.

Then rotating the tension screw (1) the tire shifts forward until the lower branch of the chain includes shanks in the groove of the tire and does not learn to its lower except. The final adjustment of the tension of the chain and tightening the bus is made after installing the cover in place and preliminary (not completely) tightening the screw screws.

For greater convenience, the chain tension screw can be spaced.

A properly stretched chain should not be reduced and have too strong tension. The first is monitored visually, the second is stretching the chain over the tire hand. The last operation to avoid cuts should be carried out in mittens. If the lower branch is adjacent to the lower edge of the tire, and the circuit is freely stretched by hand, it means that its tension corresponds to the norm.

When checking the chain tension, the chain brake, if it accidentally fixed the chain, must be released. Chain tension should be checked often - new chains tend to elongate during use.

During the sawing, the chain is heated and lengthened. The chain tension is weakened and the chain on the bottom of the bus saves. If the work is performed at very low outdoor temperatures, the circuit is warm up to the operating temperature sags so much that it should be touched. If the work of the chainsaw is interrupted, then the chain should be immediately loosen, otherwise when cooled to ambient temperature, the chain will stretch too much. As a result, a chain rupture can occur, as well as damage to the crankshaft and bearings.

Each movable item at the first commissionation requires some time to wipe. Despite the careful treatment, each surface has microscopic roughness, which are smoothed when ticking. For new chains, the run time is approximately three minutes. The engine must work without load (do not cut) with half the fuel supply of the fuel mixture. During this time, the surface of the parts of the chain is smoothed and the material is settled, the chain saves, and must be pulled. When the friction force is accurately large, therefore it is important to ensure sufficient lubrication of the chain.

Filling chainsaws

Two-stroke engines chainsaws operate on a fuel mixture prepared from engine oil for two-stroke engines and gasoline. That is, the grease of the engine chainsaws is carried out in the oil supply to the cylinder together with the fuel. In operation manuals, manufacturers of chainsaw indicate oil brands and an octane number of gasoline, which should be used during the operation of their tool. Often they are released on sale oil under their own brand, which are recommended as the most suitable. The exact ratio of oil and gasoline is indicated, which, depending on the type of oil, can range from 1:25 to 1: 100. The most common is the ratio of 1:50. Engine Chainsaw has the maximum turnover of about 13,500 rpm. This imposes strict requirements for oil added to the fuel mixture.

Oils for the engine and chains are sold there where both chainsaws, such as engine oil, and - for the chain (just buy better through the online store, because In the usual store of this network, the price may be higher).

Blooding oil in gasoline is performed in a specific sequence. At first, the oil is poured into the tank (canister), then suitable gasoline for chainsaw is added to it - in the amount of approximately half of all the necessary quantity. After careful stirring, the second part is added. Before the fill of the mixture into the fuel tank, it shamples again pretty. The bay must be taken carefully, without straits. It should not be fuel under the top of the tank, it is necessary to leave a small free space at the top. The volume of fuel tanks chainsaw is usually about 0.5 liters, and with 2 kW chainsaw (2.7 hp) and at a fuel consumption of about 1.2 l / h, this volume is enough for about 30-40 minutes. Work in the maximum load mode. In less powerful chainsaw, the volume of the fuel tank is usually less.

For lubricating chains, the manufacturers of chainsaw recommend using special oils sold, containing adhesive additives that ensure the hold of oil on the chain. Operations are often replaced by them by other - transmission or motor. The oil is poured into the tank at the same time with fuel refueling.

The ratio of tanks of tanks for fuel and oil is selected in such a way that with complete fuel generation, a little oil remains in the oil tank. In this case, it should be aware that the fuel consumption of chainsaws (see above) depends on the correct adjustment of the carburetor. If the latter is incorrectly adjusted, the fuel can end much faster than the oil for the chain.

If during operation the amount of oil does not decrease or decreases too slowly, this indicates that the lubricant chain chainsaw is impaired - due to the decrease in the conductivity of the channels by which the oil is summed up to the bus, or the pump malfunction. It is necessary to determine and eliminate the fault. Performance of some pumps can be changed manually using an adjusting screw.

To check the operation of the circuit lubrication system, the tire with a rotating chain is made to some light surface (fresh slice, for example). If a trace of oil splashes appears on the cutting surface, it means that the system works fine.

The need for chain in oil differs, depending on the situation. The big length of the saw, solid, dry wood and the thick corte need a heightened amount of oil. Cuts of small length, soft and wet wood require a smaller amount of oil.

If the cutting headset in the cut begins to smoke (do not confuse with a light water vapor) and / or the chain is thrown into the tire sinus, then this is due to excessive heating. One of the reasons is a lack of oil. Other reasons should be accepted into account: the inserted or incorrectly sharpened chain or too much tension of the chain.

If at the end of the tire is not maintenanceable asterisk (there are holes for its lubrication), then it is lubricated separately - the oil on its bearing does not fall.

Well-tuned and adjusted chainsaw should be easily launched in any conditions. Before running it must be installed on a flat place - so that the tire does not touch the Earth. The chain brake must be activated, i.e. Its handle must be moved towards the end of the tire. The launch of the chainsaw is made in a position in which the left hand holds the front handle of the saw, the right leg rests on the back handle, pressing it to the ground.

The peculiarity of the startup process is that at the initial moment in the combustion chamber, it is necessary to submit an enriched fuel mixture to facilitate its ignition. As soon as the engine starts, the mixture must be detected, otherwise the engine "chooses". Various models of saws have different elements of controlling this process. In some, there is a lever of the air damper, whose switching is enriched with a mixture. In other - a multistage switch, which, switching from one stage to another as it starts, controls the position of the air damper and the degree of enrichment of the mixture. In addition, during the launch, a certain position should occupy an accelerator (fuel lever), which is also associated with air damper.

On the example of the STIHL chainsaws, the engine start process is as follows:

Running chainsaws: 1 - chain brake, 2 - Fuel control lever, 3 - fuel control lever fixator.

  • Activate the chain brake (1) (see Figure above).
  • If the saw is equipped with a decompression valve to reduce the pressure in the cylinder, before starting it must be opened (click on the button). This will allow you to run the engine with a smaller force. With increasing pressure in the combustion chamber, at the first ignitions, the valve is automatically closed (the button pops up).
  • If there is a pump for pre-pumping fuel (primer), then press it 5-7 times.
  • Fix the fuel control lever (2) is pressed. To do this, click the fuel control lever (3) fixer and at the same time the fuel control lever (2).
  • Combined lever (4) Set to the Cold Start (A) position. When starting a heated engine, the lever is set to (B).

A - Cold Start. B is a position to start a heated engine (position of the half).

  • The starter handle is drawn up to the appearance of resistance and with power is pulling up (with a non-snorkeeper there is a risk of pouring a candle). At the same time, it does not pull up to the very end to avoid the cord break and returns back gradually, under tension, so that the cord is correctly lay down on the drum. If necessary, several jerks are produced. If possible, pull up so that the cable does not swing about the case. The engine starts only for a short time and immediately stalls, that is, the engine has ignition of fuel and air mixtures.
  • Open the throttle by moving the combined lever up to one fixation position (to the position of the half), (b) in the figure above. If the lever remains in the start of the cold engine start, then the combustion chamber is overflowing and the engine is chopped up, you have to unscrew and dry the candle, ventilate the combustion chamber. If there is a decompression valve, then it must be opened again.
  • Pull the starting cable again, so that the engine is started again.
  • After the engine starts and starts working, immediatelyBriefly press the index finger on the fuel control lever (2). In this case, the combined lever moves to idle position I.. The combined lever can be rearranged in the position of the normal mode only by the lever of the fuel control lever - do not apply force. The engine must switch to idle immediately - otherwise when blocking the grip drum by the brake, damage to the chain of chainsaws and brakes may occur.
  • Slowly raise chainsaw from the ground, while trying not to touch the fuel feed lever.
  • After that, release the chain brake, with your left hand pulling the stop of the chain brake on itself. At the same time, the left hand should remain on the handle.
  • Before starting work, be sure to check the chain lubrication system. To do this, place the saw on a light background (for example, a stump or paper sheet, laid out on the ground) and give full gas. If spots from the oil appear on a light background, it means that the lubrication system of the chains is functioning normally.

Stand the chainsaw switching the switch to the "Stop" position (0), in which the ignition circuit rupture occurs.

Chain Brake Performance Check

Before starting work, it is necessary to check the performance of the chain brake. This can be done in two ways:
  • With a disconnected brake (its handle is reserved to the chainsaw handle) increase the number of engine speeds to medium values \u200b\u200b(the chain moves with an average speed) and click on the brake lever, shifting it forward. If the movement of the chain is stopped, it means that everything is in order with the brake (see photo below).
  • With idle and activated brake chains (the handle is shifted forward), increase the engine speed (not more than 3 seconds) of the engine turnover to maximum. If the chain remains fixed, then the brake works correctly.

The operation of chainsaw with a non-combustion chain brake is categorically prohibited.

Methods of work and security measures

Working with chainsaw can only be started if all its nodes and mechanisms are working. When working, it is necessary to have a steady position, there should be nothing under the legs, which could lead to a violation of equilibrium or fall. The saw should be kept tightly with two hands for the front and rear handles. When working, you must adhere to the following basic rules.

Sawing should be started by a moving chain. You can cut both the bottom and the upper branch of the chain, but the first way (a) is the main one. When using it, the saw is fond of forward, so the toothed stop must rest in the tree. When cutting up the top branch (c) you need to be prepared for the fact that the saw is repelled towards the operator.

It is impossible to cut a few trunks or branches at the same time, you need to monitor that when the sawing of one barrel or branch saws does not touch the neighboring.

The trunks with the inner bending voltage should be filtered first from the squeezed fibers (side A in the figure below) and it is finally cut from the side of the stretched (side B). If you do the opposite, the tire and chain will be lit in the propylene.

It is necessary to be careful when sawing the split trees, the chain can capture and throw away with a large siping force. In addition, the split trees can clamp the tire.

When the trees lying on the ground, they must be fixed on the possible rolling under the influence of the saw. It is best to put them on goats.

Tree rolls are carried out by two propyls: cut (a) and cutting off (B).

The first sets the direction of falling the tree (indicated by the arrow). It is done at a right angle to the desired direction of falling the trunk, its depth is from 1/5 to 1/3 of the thickness of the tree. First, the inclined part is cut, then horizontal. The cutting out inscriptions are above the base of the wedge of the cutting and make horizontal. Between the cutting and cutting propuls, it was left for approximately 1/10 diameter of the barrel.

Long exploitation of chainsaws at the maximum load leads to a strong heating of its parts, so under intensive work it is recommended to make short breaks, leaving the engine to work at idle.

If the chain was stretched during the work of the chainsaw (being heated), after the end of its work, it should be loosen in so that cooled and shortening, it did not cause damage to the crankshaft and bearings. When working with a new chain, it must be tightened during operation, because when you arrive, it will weaken its tension.

Special attention should be paid to the danger of the reverse strike, in which the tire with a large force is discarded upwards.

This happens if:

  • the end of the tire accidentally stupns on a tree or another item;
  • the chain located at the top of the tire is plugged into the cut;
  • when cutting the tire accidentally comes into contact with another bitch.

How to work chainsaw so that the risk of reverse impact has was minimal? The rules are as follows:

  • do not cut the tire top;
  • firmly, reliable grip to keep the saw with both hands;
  • saw at full fuel supply;
  • control the position of the tire vertex;
  • do not cut at one time more than one barrel or bitch;
  • do not keep chainsaws at a height above the shoulder level.
However, even observing all these measures, it is impossible to exclude what the opposite strike will not happen. To prevent its unwanted consequences, the chains are equipped with a chain brake, which almost instantly stops the chain during the reverse strike.

Air filter cleaning

With severe air filters, air flow into the carburetor is reduced, which leads to the re-enhancing the fuel mixture and drop the power of the engine. To avoid this, it is necessary to regularly clean air filters - in the conditions of special dusting and pollution several times a day.

Air purification filters: 1 - cover closing fine filter, 2 - Fine cleaning filter, 3 - cover closing filter coarse cleaning, 4 - coarse filter (rough cleaning filter may not be).

It is advisable to close the air damper of the carburetor before cleaning the filters - how it is done during cold start. After that, it is necessary to remove the preliminary (if there is) and the main air filters, close the suction hole of the carburetor with a clean rag, in order to avoid getting the dirt there, and proceed to clean. First, the filters are blurred with clean air, then cleaned with a soft brush. With severe pollution, washed with water with some domestic detergent, then dry well. It is impossible to use chemically active fluids as detergents.

Adjusting the carburetor chainsaw

Proper adjustment of the carburetor chainsaw ensures efficient operation of the tool at full power during economical fuel consumption. It should be done at a clean air filter and a properly stretched chain.

About how to adjust the chainsaw of a particular model is described in detail in the instructions for its operation. For most applied carburetors, adjustment is carried out by three screws: for maximum and minimum revolutions and idle adjustments. The photo below shows the DOLMAR chainsaw with three holes to access the adjusting screws.

The designation H belongs to the screw of the maximum revolutions controlling the main jet, L is to the screws of the minimum revolutions controlling the idle jush. Using the screw S, accurate adjustment of the idle speed is carried out. Sometimes, to simplify the setting, the number of available adjusting screws of the carburetor is reduced.

Adjusting the carbusopile carburetor is divided into two stages - the basic, carried out when the engine is turned off and the final, produced on the engine running engine. The exact value of the rotation angles should be taken from the instructions for use for a particular chainsaw. No compliance with the manufacturer's instructions may damage the engine.

Basic carburetor adjustment. The adjusting screws of the maximum H and the minimum L revolutions slowly rotate clockwise until it stops, then turned back to 1.5 turns.

Adjusting idling. Before adjusting the idling, the engine must be warm up for 3-5 minutes, avoiding large revolutions.

When the idle stroke adjustment screw rotates clockwise, the turnover increases, when rotating counterclockwise, decreases. The rotation of the screw must be achieved by minimal revolutions while simultaneously providing sustainable engine operation. In this case, the chain should not move. Thus, if the engine stops at idle, the screw s must be triggering clockwise if the circuit is moving, the screw should be turned counterclockwise.

Check acceleration. When you smoothly pressing the accelerator, the engine must confidently and quickly gain momentum from idling to maximum. If the speed is gained slowly, with delay, the screw L needs to slowly twist counterclockwise, but not more than 1/8 turns.

Check and adjust the maximum number of revolutions. Changing the maximum number of revolutions is carried out by screw H. When turning it (rotation clockwise), turns increase, when turned out - decrease. Engines chainsaws have the highest rotation speed of about 13,500 rpm. Higher speed does not provide ignition, in addition, it becomes dangerous for the engine. Limit turnover can be determined by ignition interruptions. If they occur, the screw H is slightly turned against a clockwise arrow.

After adjusting the acceleration and maximum revolutions, it is necessary to check the operation of the saw at idle again - the engine must work steadily, the chain should not move. If this condition is not satisfied, the chainsaw setting should be repeated - with the exception of the base adjustment step.

Service Candle Ignition

Ignition Candles are recommended to change approximately 100 hours of operation chainsaws. The sign of their malfunction is the insufficient engine power, poor launch, idle interruptions. If this is observed, the engine stops and turned the candle, after removing the cap (1) from it.

To avoid burning from a hot engine, this work is performed in mittens. If you have a nagar on the candle, it is cleaned and check the gap between the electrodes. Normally, it should be 0.5 mm. After cleaning the nagar and adjust the gap check the operation of the candle. To do this, they include ignition, a cap is put on the candle, closing it in pliers with insulated handles, pressed the thread to the cylinder and pull the starter cord. The presence of a bright spark signals the correctness of the candle, its absence is a malfunction. A good candle is installed in place, faulty - change to a new one.

Replacement of high details

Some details of chainsaws subject to natural wear are subject to replacement after a certain period of operation. Their failure is not considered a malfunction. The chain, the tire, the leading asterisk, the elements of the anti-vibration system and some others include freebies.

If you do not carry out the replacement of the wireless parts on time, their excessive wear will adversely affect the rest of the nodes of chainsaws. In particular, if you do not change the bus and the leading asterisk in time, the increased vibration will adversely affect the crankshaft bearings. The limit depth of the development of the stars should be 0.5 mm. In practice, the asterisks are often exploited to 1 mm wear depths and more, non-suspecting that it leads to an increased load on the crankshaft bearings and their accelerated way out. With the wear of the 3-4-chains, it is necessary to change the tire itself, by this time its wear reaches the limit values.

The tire chainsaw wear out especially in the zone, the cutting of which is most often done, usually, is the bottom side of the tire guide. For uniform wear, the bus with each chain replacement must be flipped over 180 ° relative to the horizontal axis.

When installing a new chain, you should put a new leading star. Since under normal load, the service life of the leading sprocket is twice as the service life of the chain, it is advisable, use one sprocket for alternate operation of two chains. Thanks to this, the asterisk and chains wear out almost simultaneously. If the new chain is placed on a worn asterisk, then the leading links of the chain are wearing much faster. For cost-effective operation, chainsaws, we always consume together: one guide bus, two leading sprockets, four saws chains.

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Chainsaw is an excellent wood cutting tool, characterized by high performance and reliability. But before proceeding to work with it, it is necessary to carefully read the attached instructions and perform a number of preparatory operations. They will help avoid damage to the aggregate and provide its safe operation. The helpful tips given here when working with chainsaws are based on the recommendations of equipment manufacturers and experience of professional masters.

If the instruction manual is a chainsaws are studied by you, and you have dealt with the location and principle of action of all its nodes, you can proceed to the preparation of the first launch of the instrument. First, the outdoor inspection is convinced in full equipment chainsaws and in the absence of visible damage. The guide bus must be fixed on a regular place, and the cutting chain is inserted into its grooves and engaged with an asterisk.

It is important that the chain has an optimal tension. With too dense landing increases the load on the engine, and the weakening of the engagement can lead to the scope and enchant details. To check, pull the chain in the middle of the tire up. At the same time, its shanks should come out of the groove to several millimeters. If this does not occur or is a strong sagging, it is necessary to adjust the tire position.

Filling the fuel mixture and oil for lubrication chain

In accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer, a fuel mixture of gasoline of said brand and oil for two-stroke carburetor engines is prepared. The ratio for the majority of foreign models is 1:40 or 1:50. The fuel is poured with a removed tank cover, indicated benzocolone icon. Separate chain lubrication system marked image of dropsFilled with machine oil type W30-W40.

Often manufacturers advise using the brands of their own brand.

First launch chainsaw

New chainsaw can not be operated immediately under the maximum load. All rotating parts of the tool must first take place to each other. It is recommended when you first start to work a full gas tank, without applying to the saw of high effort. If such a test has passed successfully, you can subsequently cut by chainsaw without additional restrictions.

Running chainsaws produced on smooth horizontal platform. The order of startup on the example of the SPIHL saw should be as follows.

  1. It is manually to extend the chain along the tire, making sure the smoothness of the stroke and the absence of excess resistance.
  2. Turn on the chain brake by typing his handle from yourself.
  3. Open the decompression valve of the cylinder.

  4. Several presses on the primer to apply the fuel mixture into the carburetor.

  5. To properly start the saw, you need to press the rear handle with the right foot to the ground. Holding the front handle with your left hand, right to fix the fuel supply lever in the operating position.
  6. Combined switch to put in the cold start position.
  7. Starter handle jerk run the ignition of the engine, which should almost immediately stumble.
  8. Open the throttle to the position of the half.

  9. Run the starter cable reset again start the engine, immediately switched the fuel lever to the idle position.
  10. Pull the chain brake handle by moving it into the working position.
  11. Running the long end of the guide tire to a clean and light surface, make sure the chain lubrication system on the spraying of small droplets of the oil.

Making sure that all the knots and mechanisms of saws are no longer energetized at idle, you can proceed to work under load.

Safety measures when working with chainsaw

By purchasing a similar tool, you need to know how to use the chainsaw. Labor protection requires an employee to use only good equipment. Therefore, the operation of chainsaws requires:

  • compulsory inspection before each launch;
  • regular validation of the state and settings of the main nodes;
  • timely addition of oil and regulation of the chain tension;
  • termination of work when a chain brake malfunction and other essential details and devices are detected.

You can not make homemade changes in the design of the tool or use the spare parts unsuitable for the model used. Some craftsmen tell about how to make a chainsaw without starter. But they forget that his impeller is necessary for cooling the motor, which will begin to overheat with the threat of failure.

Can only work with chainsaw in overalls With special gloves, shoes with metal inserts, helmets and eye protection products. At the same time, the tool holds with two hands with a straight back, without leaning far ahead and not lifting the saw above the shoulders. It is not recommended to have a part of the body in the plane of the saw. Safety prohibits moving with a chainsaw, which rotates the cutting chain.

Practical work with a chainsaw with a roll of trees and cutting dryers requires compliance with special rules for preventing the injury to the employee by falling trunks. Especially dangerous inverse punch saw stumbled upon an obstacle. The logger is impossible:

  • throw trees for one propyl;
  • at the same time cut some boughs;
  • perform the end of the tire;
  • to be in the fall zone of the tree.

Maintenance chainsaws

Chainsaw care includes:

  • content in pure and dry state;
  • timely adjustment of all nodes and aggregates;
  • replace the worn items to new ones.

It is necessary to regularly maintain chainsaw, performing the following operations:

  • adding fuel mixture and oil for lubrication of rubbing surfaces;
  • regulation of the tension of the chain, which over time is extended;
  • lubrication of the led sprocket of the tire;
  • purge or flushing air filter;
  • cleaning the cylinder combustion chamber;
  • replacing the circuit, the tire guide and the leading sprocket on the fact of abrasion more than 0.5 mm from the nominal sizes.

All maintenance work chainsaws are performed only when the engine is turned off.

If you need to stop working for a long time, all aggregates of chainsaws are carefully cleaned. In this case, metal parts are covered with lubricant, and the chain is removed and immersed in the oil. Fuel necessarily merges. Store such a tool is recommended in a warm and dry room.

The execution of the rules listed in this article will help you effectively and safely work with chainsaw during the service life provided by manufacturers.

Thanks to the chainsaws, the process of forest rolls, wood harvesting, garden care became much easier. Large fuel tank or electric battery, compact equipment size, as well as high mobility guarantee you several hours of comfortable and productive work. Some types of chainsaw can be used not only for sawing wood, but also for working with concrete or stone. For these purposes are used, as a rule, circular or saber saws.

After buying a new chainsaw, each owner is more likely to start using it. However, it is worth noting that special attention should be paid to the study of safety and use rules, refueling and lubrication of the saw, servicing. After all, this is directly affecting the quality and duration of the chainsaw, its service life and the effectiveness of the result.

Preparation and start of chainsaw

Perhaps the most important stage in the use of new chainsaws is the correct preparation for work, since it depends on how your equipment will cut. For a user, it is necessary to properly assemble the saw, comply with the ratio of components when cooking fuel, fill with oil, rip out, etc. All these steps are affected at work and the result of cutting, and also affect the service life of chainsaws.

Complete set of chainsaws

Often, each manufacturer supplies its chainsaws practically assembled. You can only install the tire, adjust the chain tension and fill the equipment with oil and fuel. However, some manufacturers reserve the right to change the bundle of the box complementing it with accessories and details that facilitate the maintenance of chainsaws.

Oil, fuel mixture and motor running

Each chainsaw requires a special fuel mixture in which gasoline is diluted with a small share of oil. So the engine gets fuel to work and the necessary lubricant for its smoothness and ease. As a rule, it is better to choose high-quality, fresh gasoline, the octane number of which is not lower than 92. However, there are models of imported, expensive chainsaws that work on gasoline A95 and not lower.

It is also important to observe proportions and 1 liter of gasoline to use 20 ml of engine oil. On the packages themselves with oil you will find a proportion of 1:50.

Grease chains during operation - the key to good and high-quality saw. To chainsaws correctly saw logs without harm to spare parts and components, it is recommended to use high-quality corporate oil. If the manufacturer saws does not produce oils, the engine oil can be used, the viscosity of which is W30-W40.

The correct start of the work with a new tool is another fundamental stage, on which the longevity depends, the serviceability and quality of the work of chainsaws. In order to make the "run-in", you need to make a chainsaw in a few minutes at different speed modes. The saw is installed on a flat surface, a motor starts and works 2-3 minutes on small and medium turns.

After this procedure, the degree of tension of the circuit is checked, it is tensioning if it is necessary and you can make a couple of test propuls.

How to cut chainsaw?

The work of a chainsaw is a dangerous occupation, in which you need to think not only about your security, but also about people around people, objects, structures. In the instructions, the manufacturer always indicates several rules and tips telling how to work by a chainsaw novice operator. Before starting work, it is necessary to make sure in the serviceability of equipment, sufficient fuel and oil. It is necessary to inspect the object of the spike, calculate the roller areas, clean the land near the treated tree at an angle of 45 degrees from all sides around the tree and on the sides of the fall direction.

Safe is considered a distance equal to two wall lengths in any of the directions. There should be no extra objects on this territory.

To properly cut a chainsaw. You need to say a stable position, spreading my legs wide. The shoulder rests on the trunk of a tree, and the guide subscribe to try to do as low as possible to facilitate the task of the roll and leave the little stump after work. It is also important that the tree is not rotten, because it may fall as a given trajectory.

What can be cut by chainsaw?

The advantage of chainsaw is that they are very useful and universal. For example, a rich assortment on the market offers a large selection of household, semi-professional and professional chainsaws, which differ in power, dimensions, weight, long tires and some less significant indicators and technical characteristics.

Depending on the type of saw, its area also changes. You can be a chainsaw and firewood prepare, and a dry cut is unnecessary. Using saws more professionally, they spill trees, harvesting boards and is full. In construction, petrolons can be used to cut foam concrete, plastic pipes, stone, etc. Experienced specialists even such fragile material on chipboard can cut by chainsaw. For these purposes, they use either low power saws, or circular disk saws.

A frequent question on the forums is it possible to cut a chainsaw ice? You can, but adhering to some rules. Lubrication oil can not be used, and propyl must be performed only by tire tire. After cutting, the chain needs to be highly wiped out of the water to eliminate the appearance of rust.

How to cut logs of different sizes?

For comfortable operation, saw on wood of different breeds and thickness, it is necessary to properly pick up the canvas. It is logical after all that with a roll of thin and small trees, it makes no sense to use large and heavy machines. Therefore, it is recommended to repel from the diameter of the barrel:

  • up to 300 mm. Use the cloth to 35 cm;
  • stems 300-600 mm. Require middle canvas, 35-65 cm. Length;
  • for trunk 600 mm. And use the heavy cloths more, the length of which is 65 cm. And more.

Right rollery rollers of large and small trees

Thin (up to 15 cm.) And low plants can be cut by one approach. However, if the tree has a significant height and large volume of the trunk, such a roll method is not suitable. To properly cut large trees, you need to follow the following steps and rules:

  • the first propyl is done by the part where the tree should fall, at an angle of 45 ° and a quarter of the diameter of the trunk;
  • the second propyl is horizontal, below the first to their pillars;
  • the third - roller propyl - is carried out on the opposite side, parallel to the second inspiration and above approximately 5 cm.

The following picture shows the propilization scheme:

After the third propyl, it is necessary to remove the saw blade and move themselves at a safe distance.

How to properly cut a lying log in half and on the boards?

When creating boards and full, a good helper will be Big Mill - a special device for longitudinal sawing logs. How to cut a chainsaw log along? In order to properly cut a chainsaw board, you need to make a markup on the log, repeat the axis, and only then begin to the sawing.

Proper marking is the key to high-quality and neat cutting. To do this correctly, follow the following advice:

  • the center of the log is determined by the construction level: the diameter of the tree is divided in half and the middle is marked with a pencil directly on the bar;
  • next, the level is horizontally on the marked point and the vertical line of the pencil is carried out along the whole wood;
  • we repeat the actions on the front part;
  • the upholstery cord is located along the tree on one side of the log, stretch and bring up a bright chalk to outline a flat line in the middle of the entire bar;
  • gently following the drawn line, the log is cut into two parts.

Features of sawing logs on boards

In the workshop to cut the logs on the boards of different sizes will not be difficult. However, if you are in the conditions of the forest, it will not be easy to do with handicraft materials. But then we describe the available instructions, how to properly cut the chains of chainsaw, having a sawn unit itself, a homemade machine and several self-tapping screws.

  1. A corner will be built from the board, which will play the role of the guide. To strengthen the design inside, you can put wooden bars.
  2. Self-pressing lock this corner on the processed log.
  3. Cress the fastening cover to one of the boards and make the first propyl.
  4. The corner is rearranged by the vertical side and is still fixed in the same way with self-draws.
  5. After the sides of the sides with the bark, you can proceed to sawing boards. An important point is that it is properly sawing them, pushing a chainsaw with a knee or thigh, but not hands.

Work chainsaw on stone, aerated concrete and other materials

Chainsaws also allow them to work on concrete. Usually, diamond circles on electrical disk saws are used for these purposes, but in some conditions there is no possibility. How to properly cut reinforced concrete, stone and other materials by the usual chainsaw?

The most suitable option for sawing bricks and other stone material is suitable so-called saber saws. The average cut depth for them is 30-40 cm. Special advantage can be noted the possibility of the input of the saw and the heating itself with a rotation of 90 degrees. Such movements are made in the construction of window or door openings, as well as arches and niches.

Saw element in saber type chainsaws - diamond chain. Its distinctive feature are segment attacks that make a chain more durable and reliable. The tire is also different from tire chainsaws adapted to saw wood.

The saber circuit bus is equipped with some channels through which water is supplied to cool the tape and cleaning the working area. Basically, such saws have a two-stroke engine of low power, which makes them comfortable for domestic use.

Fixtures facilitating chainsaw

In order to make the workflow, the most comfortable and easy, there are a number of devices and taps for chainsaws.

These nozzles are used to remove the crust, extra and unnecessary growths and bombs, cutting bowls, deepening and grooves, making a plane by rounded surfaces, etc. Disclaimed drum and disk debarkers.

Vertical cutting device

Properly and smoothly saw the boards will help you such a device that guarantees straight movement with a sawing unit. It allows not only to cut wood in half or on 4 parts, but also cut the bars, boards.

Horizontal sawing device

This device, on the contrary, allows you to perform correct cuts in the horizontal plane, that is, sawing the logs (cylinders). For example, they can come in handy for wood harvesting.

Possible chainsaw problems and their solution

Each manufacturer in the instruction manual indicates a number of the most common breakdowns or problems with which the operator can meet before, during and after operation, equipment. Such a user problem, as a rule, can correctly solve independently, having a small maintenance. If the problem failed to solve himself, it is recommended to contact the service center for the help of a specialist.

During the saws themselves, the saw can be stuck in the tree trunk. In this case, it is categorically impossible to drag it sharply, especially if the engine is still equipped. For such cases, most of the chainsaw is equipped with a system of emergency stop at which the chain stops dramatically to ensure the safety of the operator.

It will be right to stop the motor and tilt the trunk until the saw slippers.

It is also possible that when sawing, the chainsaw begins to cut into the side. The reasons for which the chainsaw saw crookedly, not a lot:

  • incorrect chain sharpening;
  • inappropriate chain by parameters;
  • the headset of the saw was already worn out.

To resolve this problem, try replacing the chain to a new one, correctly pick it up for your tire.

The reasons why poor sawn saws also have the basis for incorrect maintenance. For example, poor-quality fuel or lubricating oil was used. Perhaps the chain tension settings were faced or there is a need to set the carburetor. To certainly identify the problem, why the saws are poorly saw, it is necessary to carry out maintenance.

Correctly keep chainsaw with two hands, and not one, and during sawing it should be on the side of the operator. In this position, the saw in emergency situations will not be able to injure the user. Of course, moving through the territory you need to do exclusively when the motor is turned off.

In addition to general safety, do not forget about personal protection. Use special clothing and gloves. Special glasses, headphones and mask will protect the senses from loud noise, dust and chips. Shoes should be closed and comfortable.

Video reviews how to cut chainsaw

After buying chainsaws, the owner will not wait to seek her in work as soon as possible.

Well, if it already has service skills and safe operation of this tool. If there is no such experience, then you should not hurry with the first start.

Having spent some time to study the methods of preparation chainsaws to work, understanding the techniques of safe handling her, you will save yourself from injuries and extend the life of your mechanical assistant.

Tips on how to enjoy the chainsaw are divided into four groups:

  1. Preparation.
  2. Run.
  3. Accessories and safety techniques.
  4. Service.

In this order, we will consider them in our article.

Tool preparation

Chainsaw - a motorized tool, the basis of which is a two-stroke engine of internal combustion. It cannot work on pure gasoline, so it is necessary to prepare a benzo oil mixture.

Its proportion is simple: On 1 liter of gasoline of the brand is not lower than A92 (for expensive imported chainsaws, the brand is not lower than A95) take 20 grams of special engine oil for chainsaw. In the instructions, this proportion is denoted by 1:50. Having stirred in a plastic container fuel and oil, we open the bayful neck and fill the tank of the combustible mixture.

The beginners we advise to be attentive to not confuse the neck for fuel with the neck for the fill of the oil lubricating chain. On some models, the chainsaws are both placed on one side of the case. You can distinguish them on a special marking applied next to the hole. On the fuel neck you will see a gas station icon. A drop symbol is applied next to the oil-caluba neck.

Good chain lubricant is an important condition for high-quality chainsaws and a long life of the saw tire. Instructions for use Chainsaw recommends using only the manufacturer's corporate oil. In addition to him, the fill of high-quality automotive engine oil is allowed by the viscosity of W30-W40. Use for lubricating chain dirty work and other oil surrogates we do not recommend.

The mark, to which the chain oil is poured into the tank, is always close to the filling neck. Working a chainsaw, do not forget to periodically look at it, so as not to sleep the moment of replenishing the tank. In addition to the saw chain, occasionally (1 time per month) should be lubricated the tire bearing located on its outer end part. Some tires have a special hole, into which a few drops of oil are splating with a syringe. The fuel supply fuel should be made only on the horizontal solid surface.

Running chainsaw

Bay fuel mixture and lubrication of the chain, you can start the second stage - the launch of the chainsaws. Here you also use the manufacturer's instruction.

It briefly describes the main stages of this operation:

  1. Checking the chain tension (pull for the upper middle links) . If they succumb to some effort, it means that the chain is stretched quite well. If the saw chain saves, then you need to use the tensioning mechanism and pull it up.
  2. Pull the chain along the tire . With normal tension, it rotates easily. If you have dragged the chain, then it needs to weaken a little. Along the way, we look at the position of the chain brake (a wide plastic flap next to the front handle). It must be enabled (pressed forward from the front handle, for which they hold the saw). With idling, when the engine warms up, we do not need to rotate the chain. Therefore, we put it on the brake.
  3. Install chainsaws on a flat pad . Front handle holding your left hand. We put the right leg on the back handle, turn the ignition button, put forward the throttle and pull the starter handle several times. As soon as the engine gives the first "flash", we switch the throttle and dramatically pull the starter handle again until the engine is started.
  4. Turn off the chain brake, making sure that there are no foreign objects under the saw chain which she can pick up and press gas a couple of times to warm up the tool.
  5. Check the supply of lubrication per chain. To do this, bring a saw to any bright object (sheet of paper, board, stump cut). If a trace from the oil appears on it, it means that the lubricant in sufficient quantities goes to the chain.

The launch procedure described above is performed on a cold motor. If the saw has already worked for some time and was muffled, then its start-up is made by the starter handle without using throttle valve.

Rules of work and safety

Chain chainsaw is a traumatic tool. This fact should not cause panic fear. He is designed to encourage the owner to constantly monitor his actions during work.

So, what does safety require a chainsaw?

First, do not regret money to buy a set of workwear (gloves, protective helmet, costume and special shoes). It will be a reliable damage protection.

In particular, gloves for such saws well protect the fingers from injury. Their cloth with contact with the chain is wound on it and blocks, saving fingers from sharp teeth. A protective helmet will not give chips to damage the eyes and protect his head from falling branches.

The logger shoes are equipped with steel plates. With an unexpected rebound saw, they take on the cutting strike.

Secondly, do not hold the saw right in front of yourself. Hold it so that your legs are on the side of the cut line.

Thirdly, keep the saw firmly, clasping the handles with all your fingers. At the same time, the right hand must be kept on the back handle, and the left is on the front.

To add these three basic rules to other equally important points:

  • Carefully insert the working saw in the made propyl.
  • Beware of sawing the tire with the tire (high probability of reverse impact).
  • Remove all foreign objects from the work area, which can be stumbled and falling.
  • Performing cutting, do not lean very low, so as not to lose the balance.
  • Do not work, holding chainsaw above shoulders.
  • Do not hold the tool too far from yourself so that with the long work the back and hands did not strain and not tired.
  • The back should always be kept straight, and the legs are widely placed.
  • Cut can be held both sides of the tire. It should be borne in mind that when cutting with the bottom edge, the chain takes the saw forward, and when the upper part, it pulls the saw back.
  • Before transferring the saw to a new job, muffle the engine or set the chain on the brake (idle).

A good rule is not to work alone, but with a partner who can provide first help.

Before spilling a tree, you need to get up to the right and drove (at an angle of 45 degrees to the depth of no more than ¼ of the barrel diameter). Subscribe made from the fall of the tree (the direction of the natural tilt of the trunk). After that, on the other hand, a horizontal subsidement is made - the main roller propyl. Its for several centimeters do not bring to the inclined dowNing so that the tree does not collapse ahead of time (Figures 1 and 2).

To eliminate the clamp of the tire of saws in the main propylene, the wooden wedge is inserted into it.

Fig. №1 Cutting Scheme Chainsaw
Fig. №2 (1, 2 - upper and lower dot, 3 - the main roller feed)

When working, you need to monitor where the barrel is moving. This rule will help to avoid serious injuries if the trunk falls in the direction unplanned.

When a tree begins to fall, you need to quickly remove the saw from the cut, turn it off its engine and leave the area of \u200b\u200bwork.

Cooking the tree should not be relaxed, since the main number of injuries statistics fixes precisely at the stage of trimming branches.

To safely perform this work, follow these rules:

  • fix the trunk with lining so that it does not move and not rolled;
  • stand on the left of the dyed tree, and start cutting - from the lower branches;
  • thick branches spill, starting from their end and gradually moving towards the trunk.

If, when sawing the fallen tree, the chainsaw jammed, do not pull it, trying to extract. First, disconnect the motor and with the help of thick levers try to lift or tilt the trunk to expand the cut.

Tool service

This is an indicator of the professionalism of the owner. If the chainsaw is organized timely and high-quality care, then it will work reliably and for a long time.

Having finished work, the tool must be cleaned from sawdust and garbage. Do not forget to check the degree of tension of the chain and the lubrication level. Proper maintenance of chainsaws involves a regular check of the state of the air filter. If you do not follow it clean, then you are guaranteed to break problems.

The chain, tire and her leading asterisk are faster on this instrument. Therefore, their condition should also be constantly monitored.

If fuel remains in the tank, then it needs to be merged into a separate container. The manufacturer's instruction recommends producing a prepared mixture for 2-3 weeks.

Almost every person living in a private house or having a country site, from time to time enjoys a chainsaw operating on a gasoline internal combustion engine. Newbies often raises the question of how to properly start chainsaw. It is worth noting that professional, semi-professional and household instruments are approximately the same. How to do it - will be told in the material.

Features of launching tool

To start the tool, you need multiple processes at the same time:

  • under the piston of the engine should be fuel mixture;
  • it must maximize;
  • at this point, the spark should be filed for ignition and launch.

Each of the listed processes occurs at the moment when you pull the starter handle. When using a new chainsaws, you need to not forget about running.

However, in fact, everything is not so simple. Fuel to launch a tool in a hot and cold engine mode should be different in the quality of the air mixture. So, a hot engine can earn with a normal level of air, which will ensure its stable operation and will normally keep idle speed. However, a similar amount of air will be much to drive a cold engine. Before running chainsaw starter, you will need to pull about 10 times And perhaps more.

To reduce the amount of air and increase the fuel supply in the carburetor chainsaws, a special damper is set to adjust the amount of air during the engine start. The engine will turn out to turn out faster, so the duration of the starter work and the saw as a whole will be increased.

It is very dangerous to start the saw in the place of refueling.

Run according to the instructions

Different models of chainsaws have their own launch features and their mechanisms. We will look at the device launch algorithm on the example of the popular model Chainsaws Stihl M. S. 180.

Before starting the start process, it should be noted that the instructions for some models chainsaw writes that before you start the tool, you should turn on the emergency stop brake To ensure additional security. But at a fixed brake, the start to produce will be more difficult.

Accordingly, it will be better released.

If you do everything right, then nothing complicated will not. If you are worried that without fixing the chainsaw at the time of the launch, it hurts, it is better not to risk and not at all. So, the launch algorithm of the "CHTIL" tool is as follows:

  • Before starting the instrument, the flap adjustment lever should be translated to the lower position. Remember that it moves on a saw to Niza only if the gas button is pressed. Gas button Press and move down the lever. So you will close the carburetor damper and lock the gas pressed;
  • Next, pull the starter handle with energetic movements until you hear the characteristic sound of the tool establishment. He immediately must stall. Then the lever adjustment of the flap position is translated upward;
  • In this position, pull the starter knob again until the saw becomes. And if it becomes necessary, then due to the fact that the gas handle is fixed pressed, the work will be held at high speed;
  • Then press and release the gas button once so that the flap adjustment lever automatically accepted the working position, and the revolutions decreased;
  • If you need to drive a warm chain-based chainsaws to put the lever in the working position, and then start it;
  • To stop the engine engine, the flap adjustment lever must be brought to the up position.

Hold tool

To correctly run chainsaw to work, you should hold it in a true way at the time of starting it. It is very important for the location of the saw. Hold at the time of starting can be carried out in two ways.

In the first case, the saw is installed on a flat surface, while the left hand should be kept directly and hold the tool for the upper handle, put the right leg to protect for the second hand, and the tool itself press to the ground. In a similar position, perform the start of the tool will be convenient because your right hand is free, and the tool is completely secured.

Regardless of which position it is planned to start the saw, be sure to turn on the brake of the saw value.

In the second option, it is necessary to take the position standing and hold the top handle tool with your left hand, and the rear handle hold down between the legs. Thanks to such a position, you can easily head a low-power tool, and it will be securely fixed, thereby you protect yourself from an accident.

Running without starter

Often, many home masters are interested in whether a chainsaw can be powered without the help of the starter. The answer is very simple: it is impossible to do this in principle.

None of the manufacturers have provided other alternative launch methods. Therefore, even if you remove the starter and try to run the car somehow differently, it will not work anyway, because there will be disorders in the cooling system. In this system, there is a snail for transmitting the flow of cold air from the lion of the flywheel in the direction of the cylinder. If it is not, then the engine will overheat and eventually rolling.

The reasons why the chainsaw will not start

You need to start the tool strictly according to the instructions. But if you fulfilled all the listed items, and I didn't start it, it means that something is wrong with it. The reasons for which it may not start, have several:

  • there is no spark;
  • fuel is not served;
  • air filter block.

So, what do you need to do to identify the true reason for which the tool does not work?

First, you need to say, if the tool is not started, the screws on the carburetor can not be twisted. And if you are not a professional in this area, then even do not try your hands to customize anything or try to start the tool.

The actions listed below necessary so that the tool starts to work must be performed in a strictly specified sequence. You need to start performing the next item only when the previous one did not work. Actions are:

In the above material, it was considered how to make a chainsaw on the example of one of the "County" models, as well as how to behave if the tool could not start. If you are a novice in this matter or faced a problem, then such information may be useful to you in the future.