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New year horoscope for fish. Horoscope for Pisces women

The beautiful representatives of the sign are by their nature full of ambitions that lead them to achievements, they are artistic and demanding both to themselves and to those around them. Horoscope for Pisces for 2017, the woman understands and agrees with the changes, she was waiting for such a development of events. The most basic thing is that you will find a zero point of reference for yourself, where you will gain a foothold and go in a new direction.

Love and relationships with the opposite sex will become an oasis where you will gain new strength and sensations. A new romantic adventure awaits you, akin to a book novel - with bouquets of flowers and unexpected offers. They want to pamper and protect you, so do not stumble, but accept courting favorably, the more you are so tired of being strong and independent. Such dependence and weakness, even if fake, will make you happy and feminine. Family signs may become interested in a relationship on the side, and even make a serious decision to change a partner, spouse or lover. Determination you will not take away, but weigh this decision and put it off until the summer. Summer will allow you to make a decision correctly and deliberately, avoiding grief and disappointment.

Children, and even more so adolescents, do not want to please you, and they do it as if out of spite. You get upset and declare war on them. The reason for their revolution is your lack of attention. You spend a lot of time on new projects and your sensual relationships. Do not forget about your growing children - they will become the most important support for you in the very near future. They will support and help you if you turn your attention to them now.

Recreation and sports are very difficult for you, and everything is complicated by the fact that you are trying to combine these two activities. Horoscope for 2017 Pisces women try not to take it to heart, and are guided by superficial knowledge. Such an attitude to your body will not bring you pleasure, and most importantly - the result. Exhausting workouts are not considered relaxation, since quality rest is a fusion of physical relaxation and emotional escape from worries.

Your health is with you and only needs a sparing regime from the side of brain attacks. It is enough to invent problems - thanks to this, your mood spoils and your head hurts. Look around - everyone is healthy, happy and next to you. Walk in the forest, park, in the country, it will return you peace and save your nerves. Read positive books and watch comedies.

You initially count and plan finances and purchases, and in the year of the Rooster, do it carefully, because it is better that the money stays with you or turns into large purchases and health. Don't waste on uncomfortable shoes - they can be dangerous too!

Specialization: Astrology, Parapsychology
Education: Professional

Articles written

In 2017, the sign of Pisces is waiting for an unprecedented rise in energy and vitality... This push is necessary for the representatives of the zodiac sign to start changing their lives for the better. In the new year, Pisces will have enough strength to get additional education, and master new job or a hobby, and to make many new acquaintances. However, be careful: your strength can be wasted and you will have to carefully return yourself to the channel of self-development over and over again. In the year of the Fiery Rooster, Pisces will have to pay attention to those aspects of their lives that draw energy from them, otherwise they risk simply "burning out". Patron of the Year provides you with the opportunity to get away from a painful relationship, start without any problems new business and improve your health by getting rid of unnecessary stress.

It is better to devote the first decades of the year to healthy rest. Sleep well, walk a lot, cut out excess food and alcohol, think about giving up bad habits... In a word, try not to overload your beginning of the year with anything superfluous, gain strength for positive changes. Already in the first half of spring, you will feel in yourself an urgent need to find new contacts with people. Look for good dating in good places: visit museums, exhibitions, theaters. So you can attract people not only with the ease of your communication, but also with extensive knowledge in various fields.

The Oracle says that summer is good time for changes in its appearance. Dare to change your hairstyle and wardrobe, visit beauty salons and beauticians - your new and old acquaintances will certainly appreciate your work and shower with numerous compliments. The main thing is not to succumb to sweet flattery and remember why you keep yourself in shape. The main thing for you should be your own health and self-confidence.

In the fall, try to realize your personal potential in business success. Keep old promises, hand out debts. Maintain interest in different areas with the help of reading literature and communicating with people - do not bury yourself in work with your head. It is best to plan a vacation in the last decades of autumn or the beginning of winter. The Oracle recommends going to warm countries and gaining pleasant impressions. However, be careful with exotic cuisine: there is a high probability of getting food poisoning.

Finance and profession

Horoscope for 2017 Pisces can read without fear. Everything about a career is stable and safe. Work and business do not promise to find any sudden complications. That is why the sign of Pisces can safely take everything into their own hands: you can increase labor efficiency, try the implementation of new methods of work, and, in general, increase the return on the workplace. The efforts of this zodiac sign will not go unnoticed for leadership, but for those who have own business, the effort will bring enough money to justify itself.

Perhaps the second half of 2017 will force you to bring a little time from your personal life to the business altar. Do not take this as a tragedy and a collapse of the relationship: most likely, you will need to devote a few days off in the fall to improve your affairs. Soon everything will go according to plan without your additional intervention, and the Pisces sign will again shine surrounded by interesting acquaintances and closest friends, without being distracted by sudden force majeure circumstances.

In general, the work will bring you stable income during the whole year. All the Pisces sign can do to improve its position is to build relationships with colleagues and carefully analyze your work schedule. Creating your own schedule will help you spend much less time on daily thoughts and stabilize the workload during the working day. At the same time, pay attention to your current responsibilities: you may not have noticed how you took on the work of your colleague. Politely refuse to overfulfill your immediate tasks: conserve your energy.

Personal life

On the personal front, Pisces is calm in 2017. Do not expect serious scandals and quarrels with your other half. Small conflicts for this zodiac sign are possible in winter, but the natural ability of Pisces to settle conflicts peacefully will reduce all differences to nothing.

Make pleasant surprises for your life partner more often: both Pisces men and Pisces women will be able to surprise a partner with their updated appearance... Arrange for the household in general leisure so that the whole family is together.

Lonely Pisces in 2017 will be able to attract potential partners with their irresistible image and wide erudition. Pisces men are more likely to achieve success in love during the third decade of autumn. They are required to show a lot of attention to a new acquaintance, to be honest and open in their intentions. Do not create a deceptive image if you cannot maintain it throughout the relationship, otherwise you will inflict a deep heart wound on your loved one.

Pisces women also run the risk of playing a socialite, creating a false image of themselves in the eyes of men. Be careful - lying has never led to a healthy relationship or a happy personal life. Show sincere participation and attention to your partner, try not to spray your attention on those men who do not seriously interest you.

Family Pisces should pay attention to raising children - in 2017, conflicts may arise with them. The situation may look as if the child is deliberately provoking you to aggression, but do not rush to express emotions and punish the child. Think about what you missed in communicating with the younger generation, talk to children more often, try to restrain yourself from rude remarks and gestures. Plan a time together - a hobby or family trip can strengthen your bond.


As already noted, in 2017 it is recommended to postpone vacation until winter. By this time, Pisces will put all their affairs in order and will be able to dispose of a sufficient amount in order to secure a trip to warm countries. By the way, it is warm countries with an exotic culture that are highly recommended to visit. The climate, atypical for the Russian winter, will make you quickly forget about the worries that have accumulated over the year, and the unusual lifestyle and aesthetics of the indigenous population will inspire Pisces to study various cultures and expand their own knowledge of the world.

During your trip, spend more time hiking and visiting local attractions. Pisces is a zodiac sign that is distinguished by its ability to plan flexibly, so it will not be difficult for them to create their own itinerary. However, do not get carried away with the local cuisine and traditional medicine: what is a medicine for an Asian, for a European it can turn out to be a deadly poison. You might want to learn new language or study the history of the country you have visited: do not stop yourself in the pursuit of self-development.

Let's summarize

The Year of the Fire Rooster, paradoxically, has prepared extremely pleasant surprises for the sign of Pisces. The situation at work and in personal life does not presuppose any serious upheavals, and this opens up wide opportunities for improving one's own life. For Pisces, the most valuable advice would be the banal “start with yourself” - and indeed, going to a beautician, changing haircuts and wardrobe, expanding your own erudition will have the most favorable effect on the life situation of the representatives of the sign. Acquired this year, acquaintances will bring interesting experience or beneficial cooperation, getting rid of old poisonous ties - reducing stress.

With a new look and a renewed inner world, Pisces will probably want to use their potential even more effectively, or even change the field of professional activity. There is also no need to be afraid of these impulses - the Fire Rooster patronizes all changes.

The main thing is after the decision no need to be afraid and step back, and then the new workplace or a new relationship will only bring good luck.

Moving will also be a good idea in 2017. A change of scenery, the new kind from the window and worries about arranging a new place of residence will seem pleasant entertainment for Pisces. Their strength will be enough to solve all moving issues without much hassle, and a stable financial situation will allow family budget don't get too badly hurt by a significant purchase. Besides, new environment and worries about repairs will bring the Pisces family together and allow some disagreements to be resolved. Give your household and yourself the freedom to experiment with the furnishings of your new home, and then it will truly become your home.

Women always trust horoscopes ... Well, or they always use information from them to plan their personal lives. That is why it is also worth doing next year. Read the horoscope for 2017 Pisces woman and accept correct decisions for the future development of oneself as a person.

What's next?

Already in the spring of next year, all representatives of the fish sign should forget about their beloved loneliness and reclusive lifestyle. Believe me, just going outside and walking with your friends in the park, you can notice how representatives of the opposite sex treat you. With all this, try to find time for your relatives who miss past conversations. You don't want to swim callous and inattentive, do you?
In the summer, you will want to radically change your usual image, so you should not deny yourself the pleasure of changing your hairstyle or significantly transforming your wardrobe. Also this year it is worth taking up the development of yourself as a person and, if you wish, to get another education.

Any positive changes will allow lonely fish to change their lives beyond recognition. The chance to meet your soul mate is highest in the summer.

Love horoscope

The Fire Rooster, like an incorrigible romantic, is already preparing for everyone
for women, fish, a rather intriguing, but still interesting meeting, which at least will turn out to be fateful. At the same time, all that is required of you is not to spur these relationships, and they will independently develop in their own way.

To all family fish it's time to change something in the usual way of life. This desire will be positively received by the household.

Money horoscope

In 2017, fish women will have to forget about the soul of a real spender and stop squandering the entire budget on all sorts of necessary little things - it's better to buy with them household appliances... Already in the second half of 2017, many financial issues will fall on the shoulders of your beloved man - he will gladly give you very pleasant gifts and at the same time will not forget to provide his help in the most insignificant problems.

Career horoscope

It is very unexpected to dump a mountain on the fragile shoulders of fish small tasks that will have to rake even more than one month. That is why you should not show your modesty - correctly distribute responsibilities among all colleagues and then the work process will go more measuredly. At the same time, during conversations with the authorities, you should never underestimate your fate in the performance of any business, because we are the creators of our own happiness, and if we do not take care of ourselves, then no one will.

But in order to reach some of the previously set heights in your career, this year you will have to sacrifice your personal time and by the New Year, "the ice will break." By the way, in autumn period it will be possible to practically not strain - the established formula of work will work successfully without your participation.

Health horoscope

It's time to take a hard breath and take a break, but also seriously take care of your own health. It is especially worth taking a closer look at the genitourinary system, and at even the slightest hint of any disease, immediately go to the doctor. That being said, it's not always worth trusting folk medicine and unconventional methods of treatment - in some cases, timely qualified help from a doctor can very quickly correct the situation.

According to the stars, this year you should devote more time to your inner peace, so visit more fresh air, get some rest, read books and be sure to get enough sleep.

2017 will burst rapidly into the life of Pisces. Starting in January, representatives of this sign will find themselves in the center of a whirlpool of events, which will change at a kaleidoscopic speed. Information that seems new to you will become outdated in just a few days. But surprisingly, you will cope with the whole situation easily and even with some pleasure. You will derive maximum benefit from such a rhythm, and life will sparkle with new colors.

You should not close yourself off from others with the onset of the new year. Try to spend all your free time with friends who will always be near you. In addition, all of them will begin to show extreme activity, and Pisces can only calmly swim with the flow, wedging into all the adventures that accompany him.

Incredible sociability, as he assures 2017 horoscope for Pisces, in this period will help to make new acquaintances, as well as strengthen long-established ties. However, you should not devote all your time to just new friends, because with such success there is a risk that you will lose old acquaintances.

Fever will not only you, but also your chosen one / darling. This is a potentially dangerous moment that can turn into a breakdown for Pisces, if only they do not begin to listen to the words of the soul mate.

The ability to cope with your feelings and emotions will help not only you, but also your loved one. He will look at your equanimity, and the degree of misunderstanding will gradually decrease.

In the second half of 2017, Pisces will feel an incredible surge of love forces, which will help them establish new relationships, as well as strengthen long-standing ties. At the end of the year, you will probably meet an interesting person with whom it will be pleasant to communicate and even “twist” an affair.


Try to pay more attention to your health. Spend every free penny to strengthen the immune system, and also engage in prevention chronic diseases, If there are any.

With the advent of 2017, it is reasonable to do some kind of sports - the result will not be long in coming. Astrologers warn that the genitourinary system this year may "junk" a little, so watch your health and see a doctor on time.

Video horoscope

In many images, the zodiac sign is represented by two fish looking in different directions. This is how the conflict manifests itself in a person: between soul and body. Horoscope for 2017 Fishes will tell you a lot of interesting things about their representatives. Now we will talk about the nature of the representatives of the sign.

Supersensitive Pisces are sensitive to the thoughts and emotional experiences of the people around them. They absorb other people's ideas and ideas at an unconscious level.

These are not strong-willed people, circumstances can make drastic changes in their lives. They must learn to stand confidently on their feet.

Pisces is a sign of duality and indecision. They get tired quickly, which prevents them from performing strenuous work, playing sports or socially useful work.

If the sign's patience is exhausted, he will get angry, crushing everything in his path. Calm down and come to peace of mind after such conditions is problematic.

Despite the complex controversial nature, Pisces is charming and adorable, they attract people to themselves.

They can be precise, responsible and diligent. The spectrum of mood can in a matter of minutes change from indestructible optimism to black melancholy.

Pisces is not particularly concerned about material well-being. They firmly believe that the search for their own I will be successful only if physical needs cease to concern them.

Representatives of the sign value their individuality, listen to the inner voice and often live in dreams. If you channel these abilities into the right channel, you can develop decent acting skills. No wonder there are many musicians, poets and cultural figures among Pisces.

If Pisces have found their calling in life, they will be disinterested, kind, devoted and selfless, their feelings will be tender and sincere, the shortcomings of loved ones will not be noticed.

A significant drawback of representatives of the sign is fatalism. They must learn to understand that they can independently change their destiny, use opportunities.

2017 horoscope for Pisces

The Fire Rooster promises great changes for Pisces. You will be full of new ideas and plans, pleasant acquaintances will bring unexpected surprises into your life. There will be a real chance to rise one step higher, not only spiritually, but also within the framework of self-realization.

Throughout the year, your thoughts will be busy with fun and interesting things.

In the summer, be wary of your business start-ups, do not take unnecessary risks. You will find the solution to your problems in prophetic dreams... Rely on your intuition in any situation.

By the fall, there will be several opportunities to change the type of activity. You will be overcome by doubts. Take your time to make a decision.

Start planning your summer vacation in May. It will be a time of inspiration, generation of new ideas and rethinking everything that happens to you.

Pay more attention to gains rather than losses, do not fall into the blues. Remember: the one who does nothing is not mistaken.

Horoscope for 2017 for Pisces man

If you dream of reaching your goal in 2017, show your masculine traits, be sharper and more confident. For Pisces men who manage to cast modesty and self-doubt aside, the stars guarantee both promotion, and an improvement in their financial condition, and harmony in their personal life.

By the end of the year, representatives of the strong half of the sign will be given the opportunity to make interesting acquaintances with ladies and choose a life partner for themselves. The year promises to be very rich in exciting acquaintances and vivid dates. You can use this chance to choose a life partner.

Horoscope for 2017 for Pisces woman

Celebrate the year of the Fire Rooster in a new way. Do not be shy about radical changes, it's time for blondes to become brunettes and vice versa, long hair can be shortened to a square, jeans and sweatpants can be replaced with romantic dresses and floor-length skirts.

Such changes will help single representatives of the sign to avoid despondency and depression. Love yourself - and soon you will find real female happiness.

In 2017, Pisces women will be able to show their qualities, making life better and more prosperous at the expense of others. Know when to stop and do not engage in fraud, because the deceived person will soon "see through" your intentions.

Love horoscope for the zodiac sign Pisces in 2017

In love, the stars do not bode well for Pisces. There will be persistent instability and nervousness throughout the year. Feverish moods will be noted not only in you, but also in your partner. it dangerous situation, the exit from which should be approached with all responsibility. If the halves don't start listening to each other, the relationship may simply end.

Even from such a situation it will be possible to find a way out. Learn to control your emotions and actions. The development of these qualities of character will help to solve not only the current problem, but will also help in various everyday situations.

The second half of the year will give a surge of vitality, make Pisces open, relaxed, ready for new relationships. At the end of the year, a pleasant meeting will take place, which can develop into a long romance.

Financial horoscope for the zodiac sign Pisces for 2017

The financial aspect of Pisces' life in 2017 will exude stability. Large spending is not expected, but no significant profits are foreseen either. In financial matters, do not show excessive carelessness, otherwise you may be left "without pants."

Smart purchases and financial investments will strengthen the position by the end of the year.

If possible, keep a journal of expenses, keep receipts from grocery stores. Analysis of expenses of several last weeks will allow you to identify costs that can be eliminated or at least reduced. You will be pleasantly surprised at how quickly you can save money to make your dream come true.

Profitable area for investment - home appliances. It could be useful gift for parents, functional kitchen appliances and so on. Take exactly desired product, and not some kind of juicer, which will gather dust in the pantry.

Professional horoscope for the zodiac sign Pisces for 2017

The year of the Fire Rooster will begin not very well. Relationships with work colleagues will deteriorate. You will not be able to endure the string of gossip behind your back and will defend your honest name with all your might. Get the leadership backed up first by building a relationship with them through fruitful work.

The rest of the career horoscope will be favorable. New profitable projects will appear. The charm and natural magnetism of Pisces will allow them to get acquainted with people in power and even find a patron. Such a relationship will bring you freedom, independence, and raise your self-esteem.

Be realistic about your capabilities. The only obstacle to the career of Pisces will be the bureaucratic obstacles of the current legislative system. Use your diplomatic skills and charm - any obstacles will fly away like smoke.

For Pisces engaged in creativity, the Rooster will fully patronize. You will be able to implement the most incredible projects, recognition and widespread popularity will be the reward.

Health horoscope for the zodiac sign Pisces for 2017

Health problems cannot be avoided. However, strategically minded and accustomed to planning, Pisces will meet with disruptions in the body's work with readiness. Plunging headlong into the solution of the problem, the sign will not only be able to solve it, but also find effective methods prevention and health promotion.

Particularly dangerous for Pisces in the year of the Rooster will be a sedentary lifestyle and systematic overeating. The first problem will be solved by purchasing a gym membership, the second - by switching to a proper balanced diet.

To stay in harmony with your mind and body, stop using alcohol and psychotropic drugs. The clarity of reason is above all.

By the fall, problems with the musculoskeletal system may worsen. More precisely, past traumas will remind of themselves. It will not be superfluous to visit a neurologist or chiropractor, a therapeutic massage is indicated.

Celebrities born under the sign of Pisces

Kurt Cobain, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Nikolay Rastorguev, Drew Barrymore, George Washington, Victor Yushchenko, Steve Jobs, Victor Hugo, Elizabeth Taylor, Justin Bieber, Mikhail Gorbachev, Daniel Craig, Mikhail Porechenkov, Vyacheslav Zaitsev, Antonio Vivaldi, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Shaquille O'Neill, Valentina Tereshkova.