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What is a sewer installation. Sewer installation. What to pay attention to the selection

To be clean

The company "Pump-boiler" is not willed by cargo in Moscow and in the Odintsovo district for 500 rubles (in all the others - with a surcharge of 30 rubles / kilometer after the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road). Our customers highly appreciate the quality of purchased technical SystemsAnd therefore try to buy in the future new technique from us. We present the attention of consumers high-class equipment of the last generation, and now in line - sewer installation for 172.8 thousand rubles.

More about sewer installation

In many places, the direct-flow sewage without special pumps and auxiliary systems does not work at all. Even with a normal location, the locality is worth removing the collector from the connected object, as the principle of samotek ceases to work at all. Often the obstacle creates a complex relief, which extremely hampered the passage of the waste masses along the most convenient trajectory.

If you need a sewer installation, you can buy devices of a variety of categories in Moscow, and the differences between them are manifested in:

  • unequal power;
  • stability or instability to hot water;
  • the volume of the noise generated;
  • complexity of service work;
  • presence in the scheme of one or two pumps;
  • the presence of a crusher of waste or its exception.

The price of the sewer unit includes the payment of the cutting part of it, the design of the technique allows you to develop the necessary power to maintain kitchens, laundries, bathrooms and toilets. To eliminate errors and get a high-quality, well-minded system, the installation should be commissioned only by professionals. There is in the range of company offers from Linek Sanikondens, Sanbiik, Sanispid, Triamatic and others. The Sanivort 400 A complex is equipped with three injectors - toilet, shell and shower. The check valve restrains the waste of the pumped fluid inside the station, and the motor is equipped with an excessive heating protection device. An hour will pass 6 tons of uncleanness.

Where to order a sewage pump in a private house?

When the question is whether it is necessary to prefer whether to determine the parameters of its use, as it can serve a whole building or only one point. In addition, it is necessary to consider that:

  • sewer sets have different power;
  • not everyone is designed to work with hot water;
  • some of them have a high noise threshold;
  • not all of them are equally simple in service;

installation of installations is different: it may include one or two pumps or waste chopper.

Cellular pumping pump in a private house

Effectively copes with the work on pumping sewage drain, single-engine sewer pumping station (KNS) with cutting mechanism. It is installed in private households of small floors or at small business facilities. CNS power is enough to provide pumping wastewater and feces in the functioning of the kitchen, laundry (washing machine), bathroom and toilet. It is the installation of a new generation and requires the installation and launch to conduct a professional.

Depending on the model and productivity of the installations, they can pump the drains of different compositions and in various quantities, therefore, before deciding the question of laying the sewage, especially in private households, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Sewerage with pump

Comfortable living conditions are currently not a luxury, but a well-established life standard. If in a country house or in the country complex conditions Standard samotane sewage, can help such a device as a household sewer unit. This device allows the removal of household waste, including water with faeces from toilet bowl, and pumping them on a specially mounted System to the provided place - a cesspool, central sewage, etc.

What is a sewer installation

The sewer unit is a compact household pump, which consists of a rectangular plastic tank with a built-in pump. To the reservoir through the provided holes is connected to the toilet, and 1.2 or 3 additional flow from the shower, kitchen sink or dishwasher / washing machine. There are many embodiments that are somewhat different by dimensions, the location of the inlet nozzles and pressure exit. In case of wastewater supply to the reservoir, the built-in pump pumbles polluted water into the pressure pipe, from where the drains can be displayed on the mounted pipeline into a specially equipped cesspool pit either in the central sewer collector. As a rule, the sewer installation is mounted directly by the toilet, and the additional inputs are located on the either on the rear wall of the installation in the form of G-shaped knees.

Some models of sewer installations are not intended to connect to the toilet and reject water with feces, have only 1 or several inputs for the removal of dirty water from the shell, bathroom, domestic washing or dishwashers.

Those settings that are connected to the toilet and serve to remove polluted water with feces, are usually equipped with a grinding knife to eliminate the possibility of breaking with toilet paper and small personal hygiene toilets.

Domestic sewer installation

Consider a typical home sewer unit.


1 - cord with evrovilk
2 - side entrance nozzle
3 - Formation for the floor
4 - upper entrance nozzle
5 - Air Valve
6 - Output connection
7 - top cover
8 - Reservoir

The pumping sewer unit comes "assembled", completely ready for operation, it is enough to simply connect it using self-regulating compounds with seals that are included in the kit. The air valve serves to remove the air, it has a built-in replaceable carbon filter to eliminate unpleasant odor.
The outlet nozzle has a built-in check valve to prevent the inverse movement of wastewater. The pump and the automation unit of the sewer installation are completely reliably isolated from water from entering, those m at least, according to the safety regulations you need to connect to the outlet with grounding.

Features of modern sewer installations

Sewage installation - This is a modern high-tech product with high quality and combining innovative developments and unique design solutions. Their features:

  • ease of installation. The pumping unit is easily connected and runs to work.
  • automatic work. The control of the pump is carried out by the automation unit that does not require constant human intervention
  • good pressure capacities allow for wastewater pumping to the required distance, given the height difference between the floors of the house
  • the presence of a chopper knife, which prevents clogging by toilet paper, small food waste and other inclusions
  • design - the appearance does not spoil the interior, and optimally fits into the situation
  • high quality execution and long service life

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of the sewer household installation quite simple.
Wastewater falls into the tank. When the level is raised to a certain mark, an electric pump is turned on, which produces polluted water to pump through the pressure pipe. If the drains stopped, the pump, by pumping until the specified level turns off. Turning on and off the pump is automatically due to the built-in automation system (example - pressure switch, level sensor).

Overview of household sewer installation models

Models of sewer installations presented in our online store are selected on the basis of the optimal value ratio and quality. In addition, they are quite popular and proven models having many positive feedback His owners.

Sewage installations Unipump


Power, W

Pressure, m (max.)

Unipump Sanivort 400 A 400 7 100
Unipump Sanivort 250. 250 5 8

Sewage installations Grundfos.


Power, W

Pressure, m (max.)

Performance, l / min (max.)

Grundfos Sololift2 WC-1 620 8,5 149
Grundfos Sololift2 WC-3 620 8,5 149
Grundfos Sololift2 CWC-3 640 8,5 204
Grundfos Sololift2 C-3 640 8,5 204
GRUNDFOS SOLOLIFT2 D-2 280 5,5 119

Wilo sewer installations


Power, W

Pressure, m (max.)

Performance, M.Kub. / Hour (max.)

WILO DRAINLIFT KH 32-0.4 400 5,7 4
Wilo TMP 32-0.5 1 ~ 400 5,7 4
Wilo Drainlift XS-F 400 6 9,2
WILO TMP 40/8 1 ~ 370 8 7,2

How to install

When installing this pumping equipment It should be considered as several key characteristics of the sewer installation and external factors. Here are some of them:

  1. An indicator of pressure
  2. Power
  3. Maximum length Reset
  4. Diameter sewer pipethrough which wastewater is carried out
  5. The nature of the pipe laying is the presence of curved knees, turns, lifts, etc. All this has an impact on the efficiency of wastewatering. Curved turns of the removal pipe, reduce its diameter - all this leads to a loss of pressure and low efficiency of pumping

It should be taken into account that when pumping up the effluent on a certain height for further lead (for example, if the bathroom is located in a semi-oiled room), a possible lead distance is reduced, as the pressure is lost.

In order to properly install the sewer installation and mount the discharge highway - we recommend contacting the specialists who will make preliminary calculations And competently implement installation.

Below is the option of installing the sewer installation with the connection of the toilet, the washing machine and the sink.

1- head nozzle, 2-pipe for air removal.

What to pay attention to the selection

Correctly select the sewer installation for home or cottage - the task is not very difficult if you consider the following information:

  • The number and nature of the inlet nozzles, the ability to lead the flow from the toilet bowl.
  • Volume of tank
  • Installation Power, Head and Performance Indicator
  • Availability of reliable automation controlling the work of the station
  • Ability to use for short-term pumping hot water
  • Availability of supply of all necessary adapters, nozzles and installation seals

This scheme displays the dependence of the drainage distance from the height to be rented dirty water. The pressure indicator is one of the important criteria for selecting the sewer installation.

Diagram of expendable characteristics - as an example of the dependence of the pressure and performance.

How to buy

Before you buy a pumping sewer installation - read it in detail technical characteristics and features of operation. If you are not enough information to make a decision - contact our specialists. We will consult you on all the questions you are interested in, we will give maximum information and help choose the right pumping equipment.

The layout of the location of the bathrooms and plumbing devices in country houses and dachas is always associated with the difficulty that they need to be located near the sewer riser. Also, bringing the pipes to rising pipes should have a bias in his direction so that wastewater can move in gravity. Such conventions impose certain restrictions - the entire plumbing should be located close to each other. This problem becomes irrelevant if you install sewer pumps. The use of these pumps allows you to install the toilet, washing machine, shower and other devices where you are comfortable, in the basement or social floor - Below is the location of the main sewer pipe. This is especially true for cafes, restaurants and sports clubs located in the basements of high-rise buildings. Sometimes in country houses put fecal submersible pumps, processing drains from around the house and pumping into septic. Such pumps differ from those described above and not to be mistaken, it is necessary to understand what the pump is intended for.

Types of sewer pumps

Sewer pumps can be divided into two categories: domestic and industrial. Household pumps are designed to pump wastewater from one or more consumers and can be used in country houses, private small hotels, cafes, restaurants, bars, clubs and shops. Industrial sewer pumps are installed in multi-storey houses Or even at substations leading to the sewer collector.

Household sewer pumps

Sewer pumps for household needs differ in purpose and the place where they are applied, and also have constructive differences. For example, there are pumps that are installed directly under the consumer of water, and there are pumps for forced sewage, which are installed in the well of the septica or sewer pumping station.

Household sewage pumps are available in this version:

  • (Equipped with a shredder).

The pump of this type is set directly behind the toilet. Not more than 40 cm and is a box, about as a drain blade of the toilet. The color of the pump housing can be chosen such that it corresponds to the color of the toilet and not rushed into the eyes. The unit is connected to the tube removing from the toilet bowl. When water drain in the toilet, it fills the pump, where metal blades-shredders are grinding fecal masses and toilet paper. With a more serious garbage, such as a towel and a means of personal hygiene, such a pump will not cope.

After grinding garbage, wastewater is served on the pipeline into the sewer riser. Typically, similar pumps for toilet bowls are capable of pumping liquids to 10 m in height and up to 100 m in the horizontal plane. After the wastewater is sent to the sewer, the toilet bowl is filled with water again.

Distributing pipes can have a diameter from 18 mm to 40 mm. This allows you to lay them without harm to the overall design of the room, for example, behind plasterboard or under the ceiling. Grinding pumps allow you to install toilet bowls in any room, regardless of the location of the sewage riser, as well as the location of the main sewer. For example, it can be a basement, the basement, redevelopment in a typical apartment and transfer the bathroom to another place.

On similar sewer pumps, the price depends on the manufacturer. For example, popular French company pumps Grundfos Sololift2 WC-1 and SOLOLIFT2 WC-3 Stand 350 cu and 450 cu respectively. These are reliable aggregates to which the warranty is issued. In addition, in the CIS countries, a network of service centers are quite developed, which are engaged in the installation and repair of sewage pumps of this brand. The pumps of another French SFA company (direct competitor) are approximately in the same price range. Model SFA Sanibroyeeur Silence For example, 350 cu Although they and a bit cheaper, but they have less power and swing at a smaller height. But the pump of the Russian company Sablin service called Unipump Sanivort will cost only 200 cu.

The maximum sewage temperature that can pump the sewer pump for toilet, is in the range of +35 ° C - +50 ° C. In more detail, this is indicated in the instructions for a specific model. Also, many pumps have an additional inlet for draining from a washbasin, shower or bidet, urinal. Therefore, the water temperature is of great importance. If the water temperature is much larger, the pump may fail, although in some models the protection is installed, allowing to pump hot water for a short time (30 minutes), but not constantly.

In addition to pumps for the toilet bowl, representing a box with dimensions of approximately 30x45x16 cm, there are still embedded pumps-shredders for suspended toilets. They have a compact size, the thickness does not exceed 12 cm, so they are comfortable to hide behind the plasterboard partition.

There are also models that combine the toilet and pump without drain tank. Such a device is expensive ( SFA Sanicompact 43. It costs 900 - 1000 cu), but it is convenient and takes up little space. The toilet is connected to the plumbing network directly and has an additional exit for drain from the washbasin.

  • (without chopper).

Such pumps are also called sanitary, as they pump dirty water, but are not equipped with a shredder, which means that the water drained should not contain foreign objects. The sewer pumps for the kitchen have several inlet nozzles, so they can be connected to the sink plums in the kitchen, bath, shower and washbasin. They are installed in the closet under the sink or any in a convenient place. Pay attention to the maximum sewage temperature that can pump such a pump. For example, the model SOLOLIFT2 D-2 For the shower, the bidet and sinks are designed for water at the temperature not higher than +50 ° C. This means that the dishwasher and the washing machine cannot be connected to it. It is also important that the kitchen pumps are quickly covered with a bold field from the inside and require timely purification.

This category of sewage pumps must be allocated separately. Similar aggregates can get hot wastewater from washing and dishwashers, as well as a bathroom and soul. For example, to the pump Grundfos Sololift2 C-3 You can connect the sink, dishwasher, bathroom and shower. The water temperature should not be higher than +75 ° C, briefly the pump withstands the temperature of +90 ° C. It is worth this French unit about 400 - 420 cu Sewage pumps WILO DRAINLIFT TMP 32-0.5 EM and SFA Sanivite Silence Also designed for water with a temperature of +75 ° C and cost 350 - 400 cu

  • Submersible sewer pump.

Such pumps are also called fecal submersible pumps, and they are fundamentally different from all described above. Submersible pumps are installed in the well or tank in which wastewater flocks from all over country house. In principle, it may be not only vacation homeThis can be a cafe, a restaurant, a club or another object that has autonomous sewage. Submersible fecal pump equipped powerful engine and cutting mechanismwhich is capable of grinding not only feces and toilet paper, but also fabric towels, rubber gloves, female hygiene products, terry towels and other large objects. The only thing he will not cope is with stones and metal objectswhose fall into stocks should be avoided.

After grinding foreign inclusions, wastewater is pumped into a septic tank where they are cleaned. Submersible sewer pumps manufactures company such as Grundfos, Wilo, KSB, Flygt, Homa and Gorman-Rupp. The housing of such a pump and the chopper is usually made of cast iron or stainless steel. The pump itself can be equipped with a float that signals that the sewage level has reached a mark after which the pump should turn on the pumping. Similarly, the float controls and disabling the unit.

The fecal sewer pumps price depends on the power of the unit. For example, a powerful pump Pedrollo MC 30/50 + Remote QES300 With a capacity of 2200 W costs almost 1000 cu, its analog is simpler with only 750 W Pedrollo Mcm 10/50 It costs 350 cu The price is also affected by the reputation and requests of the manufacturer. For example, a faecal pump of Ukrainian production will cost only 60 - 70 cu, although it has a capacity of 2750 W.

In addition to the underlying domestic sewer pumps, it can be attributed semi-grade pumps and pumps that are attached "to dry". Also popular use KNS. (Sewer pumping stations), which are a ready-made sewage tank, in which a fecal pump is already installed. When choosing a pump for your home, be sure to read the characteristics of the unit and the recommendations for its use, and better consult with a specialist.

Industrial sewer pumps

Industrial sewer pumps are used in multi-storey houses, remote objects, cottage settlements And in enterprises for pumping wastewater into urban or autonomous sewers. The same pumps are installed at pumping stations and sewage treatment stations. Conditionally industrial pumps can be divided into such groups:

Submersible pumps are operated all the time in the condition submerged. Since the unit is in the conditions of an aggressive environment, its body and parts are fully implemented in accordance with the requirements for sustainability. The popularity of such types of pumps is due to the fact that they are used directly inside the sewage pumping station and do not require a special place to accommodate, as well as an additional pipeline.

It is also worth clarifying that the submersible pumps are suitable for "dry" installation, only in this case it is necessary to properly organize the supply of pipes and the sub-inlet on the inlet nozzle.

Such pumps are installed open in the basements of high-rise buildings, as well as in the sewer pumping stations of the industrial level. Their main difference is that the pump and the engine are located separately and connected by the coupling. With proper use console pumps Capable to serve for a long time without repair and breakdowns. In the event of the need to repair, it is easy to spend, as the pump is in sight.

  • Self-priming drying sewage pump.

Such pumps are installed in separate room At a specially equipped location inside the KNS (sewer pumping station). They have excellent characteristics, convenient to maintain, but quite expensive, so they are rarely used at present.

When choosing an industrial sewer pump, it is imperative to select a model of such a manufacturer who is able to provide specialists for installation, and then engage in accompanying diagnostics, maintenance and repair.

Installation of the sewer pump

So, if there is a problem of the impossibility of moving sewage by gravity, it means there is nothing else to remain, how to install sewer pumps. We have already considered that the scope of their application is diverse and it is necessary to choose a specific model for specific tasks.

To be able to establish a toilet in a convenient place for you, without tosing to the location of the sewering riser, it is necessary to equip it with a sewer pump for toilet. This applies not only country houses, but also apartments in which redevelopment is made, as well as premises in the basement.

What pumps can be used to connect to the toilet? Grundfos model pumps SOLOLIFT2 WC-1, SOLOLIFT2 WC-3, Sololift2 CWC-3 (Installation in the wall), company pump WILO DRAINLIFT KH 32-0.4 EM, SFA model pumps SFA Sanitop Silence, SFA Sanibroyeeur Silence, SFA Sanipro XR Silence other. Data Sewer pumps Reviews received the most flattering. They are characterized as reliable and high-quality units.

Most toilet pumps have additional entrance nozzlesin which you can connect drain from washbasin, soul, bidet and pissar. Therefore, with the help of one pump, it is possible to secure wastewater from a whole bathroom.

The easiest way to connect the sewer pump to the toilet is to install the toilet bowl with the integrated pump. As it is running, you can see in the video example.

The usual sewer pump is set for a toilet no further 40 cm from it.

Tips for connecting the sewer pump to the toilet:

  • Pay attention to the diameter of the inlet pipe on the pump. It must correspond to the outlet of the drain sewer tube from the toilet (toilet bowl). If the diameter of these holes is different, the installation will be incorrect.
  • Before installing the sewer pump, carefully read the instructions. Most often it is equipped with all necessary schemes and recommendations, and the pump itself includes everything you need, right up to fastening screws.

  • First of all, you must insert the connecting knees into the inlet nozzles or supply pipes.
  • Then install the pump for the toilet and fasten it to the floor with the help of screws. On the pump housing there are special cast ears with holes for such an attachment.
  • All pipe pumps should be located with a slope of 3 cm per 1 m, providing wastewater promotion.

  • Then in the outlet connects the discharge sewer tube. What are the recommendations for its location, indicated on the photo example (the dependence of the pressure on the height and length of the pipeline).

  • If the model of the sewer pump assumes the diversion of ventilation, then it is necessary to output ventilation channel Above the skate of the roof of the house. Although there are models with a coal filter providing the absence unpleasant odors in the House.
  • Connecting the pump to the power grid is carried out through the RCD automaton by 30 mA. If the pump model comes with a finished fork, then it can be connected to a personal outlet, the cable to which must be carried directly from the shield and the RCD.
  • All bends of removal and supply pipes must be smooth.
  • All pipeline connections must be soldered, welding or adhesive connections.
  • If there is a need to remove wastewater in a vertical plane, then the vertical section of the discharge pipe must be made not further 30 cm from the outlet of the pump. This will provide normal pressure in the pipeline.

Please note that a sewer pump for toilet cannot be installed below the floor level and in the pit. Only next to the toilet, providing free access to the pump for maintenance and repair. So that the water that the pump takes cannot be returned back, it is necessary to install the check valve on the outlet nozzle.

If the kitchen is planned install a dishwasher or washing machine The sewage pump must be selected to a high temperature resistant - up to +90 ° C. Such models are suitable: Grundfos Sololift2 C-3, WILO DRAINLIFT TMP 32-0.5 EM and SFA Sanivite Silence. There are also more powerful models with cumulative Bakwhich can pump large sewage volumes from all devices in the kitchen.

You can install the sewer pump in the kitchen anywhere - in the closet under the sink, near the wall, in the chamic or another in a convenient place. The main thing is to calculate everything so that all the supply pipes are located with a sufficient bias (3 cm per 1 m) and did not have too much longer. Otherwise you have to use several pumps.

Tips for connecting the sewer pump for the kitchen:

  • If several pressure sewage pumps are used, they must have individual inputs into a common riser or highway. The connection of the pipes removing from pumps into one is prohibited.
  • If the pipe removes from the pump has an extended horizontal portion, which is located below the pump level, then at the top point it is necessary to install the valve (0.7 bar), which provides access to air after the pump is disconnected.
  • If the pump model requires cooling arrangement electrical circuit Air, then complete with the pump will be a special plastic tube, which must be taken into a special hole in the case and output vertically by 50 - 80 cm above the pump. This will ensure the flow of air to cool the electricity.

The tube discharge from the pump should be of solid plastic, for example, polypropylene or polyethylene. It is impossible to use the flexible corrugation in the pressure sewage.

For processing and pumping wastewater to septic, a fecal pump is used. In cases where the flow of wastewater from the house is not straightforward into a septicchka, for example, if it is far from the house, a collection well is placed next to the house, which is installed in the sewer pump. In the national team, the drains run away from around the house, here the pump grinds and pumps further - into septic tank on cleansing.

Also, the installation of the collectible well is possible if the central sewage is on the removal and it is necessary to create a pressure capable of sending wastewater straight into it.

Most convenient option - Purchase and installation KNS. (Sewer pumping station). It is a plastic container of various volumes and shapes, the manufacturing material of which is resistant to aggressive media. The capacity is completely sealed and the danger of leaks is practically no. Inside the tank is installed a fecal pump that processes garbage and wastewater and pumps them further. Most often such pumps are submersible.

Under the capacity it is necessary to dig the recovery of the required depth. From above, there should be only a hatch. The bottom of the pit should be tamped, and then on top to equip a concrete pillow. To do this, there is a rapidage of rubble, sand, and then poured a concrete layer 10 - 15 cm. After the concrete is frozen - about a week - you can install the sewer station. It is necessary to lower it carefully. The CNS should stand strictly in terms of level - vertically.

Pump connection is carried out strictly according to the instructions. This contains cable and chain to lower and raising the pump. The discharge pipe must be performed qualitatively using soldering or welding.

Then the CNS container must be filled with water, it will make it possible to perform a sprinkle around the tank. As the capacity is filling out with water, outside the WPS wall can be added sand to the top. The last 15 - 20 cm can be put on the turf. After fixing the KNS in the pit, water can be descended.

Installing the sewer pump with your own hands - the task is not difficult, but only if there is strictly follow the instructions and do not compromise. For example, you can not install a sewer pump for toilet bowl in the collector or a pump with a temperature limit in +35 ° C. Connect to a washing machine. Directly for connecting the pump is provided detailed instructions. If suddenly you can not understand it yourself, do not risk, contact your professionals for help.

How to be if the sewage output is located higher than the outlet of the plumbing? How then to organize drain drains? In private homes, they made a pit, in which the stocks were going, from there swing submersible pump In the sewer or septic tank. Today there is another solution - the sewer pump. In many cases, its installation costs cheaper, and it's easier - so it's for sure.

Device and purpose

The pump with chopper is a surface sewer pumping unit, which allows you to organize a removal of wastewater where to do this with the help of a samotane system is not possible. This is a small plastic container with a powerful integrated pump, which pumps the drains into the sewer. The movement of the drains can be both vertically and horizontally. There are installations with a shredder that can be connected to the toilet bowls, there is no shredder - for "gray" of drains from shells, soul, bidet, etc.

Application area

A sewage pump is used in cases where it is impossible to make a samotane sewer system. In most cases, when the plumbing device, washing or dishwasher is installed below the input into the sewer. For this purpose and forced sewage pumps are invented. This solution allows you to carry the bathrooms and technical premises in the basements or semi-breeding rooms.

Another pump with the shredder is set if the bathroom is decided to make after the repair and sewage to the place of the alleged installation of the plumbing is not supplied. In this case, the installable technique is connected to a compact sewer pump, and it connects to the sewage. What is the difference? In the following:

  • the diameter of the tap pipes for the sewer pump is much less than for the samotane system (28-40 mm);
  • stocks can rise up to a height of up to 9 meters;
  • horizontal wastewater discharge is possible up to 100 meters (requires the presence of a minimum slope of 1-4%).

All this allows with minimal costs to organize an connection to existing sewage to almost anywhere.

Device and principle of operation

The sewer pump from the accumulative plastic container and pump is consisting. Some models that can connect to the toilet have a chopper. The fill level is controlled by the sensor. When it triggers, the shredder and pump are turned on, the drains are reset into the sewer system. Disconnection controls the second sensor - it turns off the power, when the flow level falls below a certain mark. This is a simplified pressure sewage algorithm.

There are sewer pumping stations designed to connect devices of different types and quantity. The easiest is intended for connecting one or two devices, the most productive - has three additional nozzles (and one main). Accordingly, there are one or more inlets in the container (depends on the model) and one outlet. Pipes from plumbing are connected to the inlets, and the output is connected to sewage.

For pumping high-temperature drains from washing and dishwashers, bathrooms have special models made of heat-resistant materials. The usual sewer pump does not cope with such a load. Therefore, to connect such equipment, you need to look for certain models.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of compact individual sewer installations is that they allow you to equip the sewer without carrying out large-scale construction or repair work. With their help, complex tasks are solved:

  • The design device at the location of the plumbing devices is below the entry point in the sewer system.
  • Bathroom equipment without large-scale general construction work.

Other positive moment - Use of small diameter pipes. Most of the toilet pumps are connected to the sewage with plastic pipes with a diameter of 28 mm - 32 mm - 40 mm. Only installations with a lot of performance require installation of 50 mm pipes. Such plumbing networks are easier to hide. Even if they failed to hide them, they attract not so much attention as standard one hundred millimeters.

Nevertheless, there are disadvantages:

Well, the main drawback - the pumps burn out. If the power and performance is chosen correctly, in the sewer does not fall inappropriate items, they can work for years. But when the selection error, when the equipment is operated on the limit of possibilities, the pumps are often not maintained. Therefore, when choosing a sewer pump for a toilet, it is better to take with a reserve by productivity. It will cost more, but will work this installation longer.

Classification and species

There is no single classification of forced sewage settings, but you can separate them by several parameters:

When choosing a pump for forced sewage, it is worth remembering that they are not calculated on the bath connection. Bathrooms contain too much water volume, pumping which pump will overheat and blocked. As a result, it will have to drop water from the bathroom for a long time. There are only several models of forced sewage that will cope with this task - SFA Saniplus Silence and Sololift C3. These sewer pumps are perfectly coping with large quantity descended warm water.

Other firms offer for forced drainage from the bathroom to make an intermediate pit in which to merge water. From it already pump in the sewer with any suitable device. Taking into account the fact that the veil should be below the flow level, this method is not always acceptable. And, despite the high cost of SFA Saniplus Silence and Sololift C3, it is more profitable to establish it than to carry out a huge amount of earthworks.

To prevent the reservoir overflow there additional device Alarm. In some firms, it simply gives a beep about the overflow of the container, in others it also disconnects the device connected through it (washing or dishwasher).

Installation and Connection Rules

Installation and connection of pumps for toilet bowls and forced pumping of stocks of different manufacturers occurs according to very similar rules. But before installation it is worth reading the instructions for a specific product - there may be features.

Sewage pump can stand in the kitchen - for removal of drains from the sink and / or dishwasher


The installation site should be chosen with such a condition so that the pump can be reached. It does not require special maintenance, but periodically the need for cleaning. If a dishwasher is connected to the pump and washer, It is better to regularly check whether the sewage installation with fat, mud, sediments of salts is not clogged. If necessary, cleaning with soft means is possible. Aggressive chemical compounds It is better not to apply, as they can damage the plastic and rubber parts of the installation.

So, here are the general rules:

Generally, installing and connecting the sewer pump for a kitchen or toilet is not very difficult to event. But provided that you already have some idea of \u200b\u200bworking with plumbing. In this case, you can do everything yourself.

Features of the discharge pipeline

Compact plumbing pumps for the toilet can pump up the drains not only vertically, but they can raise them up. In the presence of a vertical area in the lower part it is desirable to provide the ability to drain - if you have to clean the pipeline from the zero, it is better if the drains are merged in a certain place, and will not begin to pour out during the work.

The height of the vertical section of the discharge pipeline is determined taking into account the minimum slope of the horizontal section. Each manufacturer (sometimes every model) minimal Its, but in most cases it is 1-4% (1-4 cm per meter).

Be careful. In the description of the sewer pumps, the maximum height of the amplification of the effluent and the maximum transportation range horizontally is indicated. For example: 8 m up, and 80 meters horizontally. But this does not mean that lifting the pipe 4 meters up, it will be possible to transport 80 meters horizontally horizontally. In this case, after four-meter lifting - the length of the horizontal site will be no more than 40 meters. Just the rise of 1 meter up "selects" about 10 meters of transportation horizontally. It is important and it is worth remembering.

Manufacturers and models

Individual sewer installations produces not so many firms. However, the price range is quite wide. Traditionally, European manufacturers are characterized by good quality, but high prices. No one will be surprised if you say that Chinese sewer pumps are less, but they have worse quality. In general, the choice, as usual - expensive and efficient, or cheaper and ...

Installations of Forced Sewer Grundfos (Grundfos) - Sololift (Sololoft)

The well-known manufacturer of Plumbing Grundfos (Grundfos) produces pumps for the forced sewage Sololift (Sololoft). On the this moment The modified Sololift2 line is running. It does not have mobile parts that have contact with drains. The exception is the chopper, but its drive is also "dry". This makes the repair not so unpleasant. There are several models Sololift for different cases:

Sololoft sewage pumps are not the cheapest equipment, but they work reliably correspond to the declared characteristics. The company also supports warranty repairs.

Pumps for toilets, bathrooms, kitchens and technical premises SFA

This firm specializes in the production of sanitary pumps. There are several lines to solve various tasks, connecting various devices:

SFA products work reliably, it costs a little less than Grunefus. You can choose a model for any combination of plumbing. In general, the SFA sewer pump - a good option. Installing the hardware is standard - put in any convenient location. There is only one limit - it is better that the vertical pipe begins from the vertical site, if any on your track. If this is not possible, the length of the horizontal section should be no more than 30 cm.

The height of the vertical site is calculated based on the fact that the horizontal should have a bias toward the inlet of at least 1% (1 cm per 1 meter of the pipe).

CompactLift fecal pumps firms Aquatik

Pumps for the toilet Compact elevator produces Chinese firm Aquatik. This is more a budget option Individual sewer installations. Different with low noise levels.

At the moment there are only three modifications:

Aquatik provides a guarantee for its bathroom pumps and toilets - 1 year from the date of sale. Violation of operation (the presence of fibrous inclusions in the drains) may cause a warranty refusal.

Sewage pumps WILLO.

The German firm Villa (Willo) is known for producing reliable devices. No exception and pumps for toilet bowls. Good quality Plastic, thick walls of the reservoir, reliable pump. There are the following models:

Assortment of sewer pumping installations Willo allows you to solve any tasks if necessary for bathrooms and toilet rooms in private homes. For commercial or more intensive use, the villa has other solutions.

Pressure sewer pumps STP (JEMIX)

These individual sewer installations are made in China. The price category is average. Reviews, as usual, are different - someone completely suits, someone categorically dislike.

So, this is what the pumps for the sewage will find JEMIX:

From the above-described high power, some models raise the estates of 9 meters. Most of the sewer pressure pumps described above can raise up the estimates of 4-5 meters. So in this djemixes won. According to this parameter, they have only one competitor - Sololift Grundfos with its lifting height of 8 meters. But the price category is completely different (as well as quality, however).

As you know, in many houses, sewage drain flows gravity (non-free). When building cottages and country houses, many people face a problem when it is impossible to install non-free sewers. In such situations, a sewage unit comes to the rescue, which forcibly removes the drains.

The sewer unit is forcibly removing the drains by means of pressure sewage.

It is very convenient if plumbing, appliances And the souls are below or at the level with risers, as well as at a considerable distance from them.

The principle of operation of such installations is simple: by pipes that connect the installation with sinks, bathrooms, toileties, etc. water flows into a special tank when it is filled, pump pumps the drains in central System, septic tank or drive.

Someone may have a question, and how much the distance is capable of pumping the installations.

It all depends on the set of factors:

  • From the height between the release internal sewage and pump;
  • Pipe positions (vertical or horizontal);
  • Character character.

Conventional pumps are designed to transport the effluent vertically up to 7 meters, and horizontally up to 100 meters. But, as you know, not all pipes go strictly horizontally and vertically.

For clarity, it can be said that the pump can raise the stocks on the height (vertically) of 5 meters, and then drive them in a straight line (horizontal) for another 15 meters.

At the same time, the smaller the height difference between the pump and the inner, the greater the length of the pathway.

Depending on the nature of the drain, sewage settings are selected.

For example, the usual pump is suitable for shells and shower, for toilet bowls - with waste chipper, for pools and baths - high performance.

In general, all installations are divided into two categories:

  1. General - one to the entire building;
  2. Special - for each sewer point.

From this depend on their parameters and power. It is also worth paying attention to that not all pumps are calculated for pumping hot water.

Therefore, when buying, be sure to specify at what temperatures this unit can work.

Tip! Think in advance which category setting you need. Check out the information on manufacturers. And also read the consumer reviews on the forums. This information will be useful when buying.

The pressure of the pressure sewage is such that it uses the greatest demand from the owners country cottages.

For example, if a sauna or pool is located in the basement, it is hardly possible to do without it.

In addition, installation is mounted in offices and rooms, where it is necessary to install plumbing, but the distance to the central riser is significant.

The advantages of this unit include:

  • Silent in work;
  • Ease when installing;
  • The maintenance does not require special skills;
  • Compact and have modern design;
  • The diameter of sewer pipes can be from 23 to 32 mm, which makes it easy to hide them into the walls.

By the way, the latter is possible thanks to the choppers installed in the building, which cut the waste into the tank.

The installation housing is absolutely sealed, the filter system and the self-cleaning function facilitate the care of it and prevent odor appearance.

The pump is running from the 220V network, the power consumption depends on the category and type of device.

At the moment, the highest popularity has won the sewer installation grundfos production Denmark.

The Sololift + collection includes 6 models with built-in cutting mechanisms that allow the use of pipes of smaller diameter.

Thanks to these installations, you should no longer think about how to equip the kitchen or a bathroom closer to the sewer.

Now you choose a place, and the installation removes the drains. The models of this collection are small and fully prepared for work.

You only need to install them, bring the pipes, and the rest of the installation will make it myself.

In appearance and sizes, the devices are certainly different, but the device is the same: a plastic tank of a rigid design, it has a built-in pump, which has a thermal protection system.

Over the pump there are filter for solid waste and cutting mechanism.

Hydrodynamic relay is installed to control the level of water. Head nozzle Equipious check valve.

Ventilation system Equipped with a gate device that protects against transfusion.

There are models that serve one unit, and there is for the bathroom in general.

But there are bans. Such an installation of the sewer is not able to work where a constant pumping of water is required ( public Toilet.) Or need to pump large volumes.

Also in places where used installations Grundfos. Sololift + It is worth hanging warning signs.

They should write to them that throw in the toilet or other devices that serves this installationForeign items (except toilet paper) is prohibited! It is also not worth pouring solvents in them and other aggressive chemicals.

SPA sewer installations from France, also deserve confidence.

Each installation provides wastewater removal from all types of sanitary devices.

For example, SFASANI is able to transport drape vertically to a distance of up to 10 meters, and horizontally up to 100 meters. These are economical, silent, having a modern design design.

Installation of these systems does not require additional cash costs.

We mount it onto the wall or install on the floor, connect to the plumbing, we make a tap to the sewage, insert into the socket and everything, the installation works.

Additional holes that are equipped with the installation can simultaneously connect several items at once.

That is, using one installation, you can organize a bathroom or kitchen anywhere in the house.

But it is worth knowing some rules on the installation, more precisely recommendation:

  1. In the pressure plumbing, it is necessary to provide a place for a plum.
  2. If the pipeline passes on the not heated room, it is necessary to take care of the insulation of pipes.
  3. When installing, stretching and stirring pipes, steep bends and bending are not allowed.
  4. It is connected to the original sewage to the tube from the pressure so that the drains from the installation are under an acute angle to the main stream.
  5. Combining two pressure pipelines from different installations not allowed.

Tip! When buying installation, be sure to take into account the place of its installation and the conditions under which will be operated. Choose a model with the desired output output and their location, as well as for a particular room.

And so what conclusion can be done? Sewage installation This is an excellent solution to the sewage problem where it is impossible to use a non-free system. It also gives a flight for fantasy when in the apartment. Now you can make a toilet or bathroom where we want, and not where the original sewer tube is running.