Repairs Design Furniture

Slinge system: species and installation for different shapes of pitched roofs. Installation of the rafted two-tie roof with her own hands: Step-by-step installation process Rainfall on Maularlate Construction of a rafter roof

The frame format is distinguished among a row of roof species. It can be made quite different ways, but in any case it will be necessary to calculate rafters and establish them in all the rules. With proper knowledge, the problem can be solved by its own forces without contacting the specialists.

Features and roofing

The frame roof can be installed only with spans no longer than 1220 cm, while the gap from one farm to the other is a maximum of 0.6 m. The sizes of fragments of the frame are determined by the distances of the spans and the calculated snow load. The rafters can be both freely installed and taking the load from the attic elements. In the case of the roof of the broken shape, it is possible to provide a ceiling height sufficient for residential attachment, and it will be best on the square structure.

Multi-line roof is considered the most difficult and hardly affordable variation for amateur builders. The balanced rafter system effectively withstands even very high loads, while having excellent "appearance". Since the skate is steep, the risk of snow delay will be minimal. But at the same time will have to very carefully count all the elements of the structure, and there will be quite a few waste during the work. In addition, Endova will have to experience the impact of a significant amount of snow.

Appointment and types of systems

Mauelalat can be used in a variety of solutions. The mass of the roof of the house varies depending on the area occupied by skates, and from the materials used. But in any case, the load created is very solid. When there are a lip on the structures, it is necessary to provide a rafter frame, the legs beyond the walls. The force is attached immediately in several vectors, and in the cold season, the accumulation of snow only aggravates the problem.

Mauerlat is designed to eliminate this deficiency and prevent the destruction of the walls.Under this word, the ram of a significant cross section is meant, which is both wooden and steel. In most cases, they take the same material that was used to form a rafter, but necessarily achieve continuity of the strapping or create durable and particularly stable joints. From the use of Maurolalat refuses only in the houses from the cut or in buildings built on the framework technology - and there are its details that perform a similar task. When it fails to make an inextant unit, all fragments should be strictly the same length.

For T-shaped roof, the insertion of two wings at a certain angle is characterized. Because of this, you have to form Undov. Outdoor rafters will rest in the supporting boards. In addition to them, there will also be the main parts directly fixed on the wall. So that in the end of it all corresponds to the solved problem, we use wooden elements with a thickness of 3.8 cm. The crate is assumed to do a monolithic, the coating attach to it by the clemmers every 50 cm. Typical Mauerlat is three times less than the bearing wall, and if it is made Of the steel, you can slightly reduce this indicator.

Under Mauerlat is often equipped with a strengthening belt. This is especially important if you plan to warm the roof and ensure reliable waterproofing. Such a belt is formed from the same mixture, which is used for the construction of the Foundaode of Men. Fully all formwork is poured with concrete from one reception, the slightest individual layers are unacceptable. In the aerated concrete wall, intermediate jumpers at the top line of blocks are cut down - and a practical chute appears immediately. The attachment of Maurolalat is made either with the help of knitting wire or reinforcing bolts (but they will not help without a hardening belt) or by building studs.

Having understood with the support for the rafters, you need to find out what they can be, and more correctly use the roof for the roof. Hanging rafters are applied if there is no capital wall inside the building, their points of the supports are located exclusively on external circuits.

Such backups turned out to be in demand during the construction:

  • residential buildings with one span;
  • production facilities;
  • various pavilions;
  • mansard.

It should not be underestimated by such an option, thanks to engineering developments, suspended rafters are capable of not flexing, overlapping the spans at 15-17 m. But it is important to understand that they only gain their capabilities in close cooperation with other details. We will have to use tightening, and grandmother, and riglels. The simplest farm is performed from two beams connected in the top position, the configuration is close to the triangle. The horizontal connection of the framework parts is provided with a tightening (beam of wood or metal profile).

Due to the tightening, the transfer of returders on the walls is excluded, the force applied in the horizontal plane is simultaneously suppressed. External walls are experiencing only those forces whose vector is vertically oriented. Not always builders put the tightening at the very bottom, often it is set at the skate itself. Preparing for the construction of the attic, this element is most often higher than the base of the rafting legs. Then it will be possible to make a floor, the ceiling of which does not have to beat your head in any careless movement.

Hanging rafters for spans longer than 6 m should be strengthened using suspensions and collections.In this case, the monolithic tightening is replaced by the bound beams collected from the pair. In the classic scheme (triangular hinged), the lower bases be rest in horizontal parts. For the normal functioning of the system, the height of the skate is at least 15% of the Ferm span. The rafters act on the bending, but the tightening does not allow them to move away to the sides. So that the beams bent less, the skate nodes are driving with the calculation of the eccentricity (the emergence of the opposite vectum of the bending force).

Dersighted attics build mostly with the help of triangular arches on three hinges, and the tightening feature of the ceiling beams is assigned. Composite parts of the tightening are associated with bolts by oblique or direct adhesive. The raised tightening can also be applied in the construction of rafters under the attic. The higher it rises, the more the ceiling can be raised. But it is important to remember that at the same time the loads on all elements grow. The transfer of effort is made on Mauerlat using a moving fastening that quenched changes from the sizes from the drops of moisture and temperature.

The rafters can be subject to uneven load, since on the one hand it is higher.This leads to a shift in the same side of the entire system. It is possible to exclude such an unpleasant effect if you make rafters behind the wall contour. The tightening with a similar solution ceases to be support, it transfers either stretching effects (if the attic is satisfied), or stretched bending (when the attic is built). The hinged arches with the turn on the riglel differ from the previous version of the replacement of the sliding support to identical according to the functions - rigid. Thanks to the change in the type of supports, the type of stress generated, the rafter system turns into a spacer.

The tightening is formed in the upper fraction of the arch. Its purpose is to transfer no longer a stretching, but a compressive effect. Additional tightening, reinforcing the beegel, is needed with a significant load. Arches with suspensions and pins complement the arches of the arches with "grandmas". Such a system is needed with significant spans (from 6 to 14 m). Slopes that correct the occurrence of the bend, you need to lean into a grandmother. Regardless of the specific type of the rafter system, all parts and their bundles are used to fully perform.

Not always hinged rafters can perform the task. Then the hosted elements come to the rescue. This type of rafter is used under the hip roofs and under roofing, equipped with end. Their length is more than in the usual case. In addition, they become supports under the shortened rafters of the skates. Because of the accident rafters accounts for a load of about 50% more than in other structures.

Due to the larger length, it is possible:

  • resist significant effects;
  • shape beams without cuts;
  • certain parts to single size by pairing boards.

To build a hollow roof with many spans, diagonal legs are supplied with supports. Such supports are made in the form of standard subposses or racks from the bar or couples of the connected boards. The support through the wood lining and the waterproofing layer is made directly to the reinforced concrete overlap. The pumps put at an angle of at least 45 and not more than 53 degrees, downstairs such a detail rests on the church. The installation angle is less important than the possibility of fixing parts of the rafted at a point experiencing the strongest load.

Available rafters, placed in openings up to 750 cm, should be held only in the upper share.With a length of from 750 to 900 cm, the current farm or rack is additionally mounted at the bottom. And if the total span length exceeds 9 m, then for maximum reliability in the middle you need to put a rack, no other support is suitable. If the selected overlap is unable to withstand the load, it will have to be enhanced by its beam. The type of support in the skate is determined by how much intermediate supports are used, what are they, as key rows of rafters are made.

Besides the type of rafters, you need to clearly understand their material. Both wooden and metal structures can be good, but only every in its place. Even the high strength of the metal does not allow to push the familiar wood. The tree for millennia confidently proved its advantages, and now it even increases popularity due to excellent environmental characteristics. Boards and timber can be bought at an affordable price, and if something has not been taken into account, always easily directly on the construction site to spill the desired fragment or increase the item.

Sometimes there are problems related to the operation of the created structures. Wooden rafters will have to carefully process with antiseptics, as well as means blocking the development of mold colonies, eating insects. The flammability of wood is suppressed due to regular processing, and in addition, under the skates longer than 7 m too difficult to search for the necessary components. Before mounting the walls are made by Mauerlat made from a log frame or based on a block of timber. The thickness of the structures is at least 180 mm, this is the only condition for the homogeneous distribution of loads.

Metallic rafters are inevitably heavier than wooden with an identical section. Therefore, the walls need to be strengthened, work on their construction becomes more expensive and longer. It will not be possible to mount the metal blocks manually, the lifting cranes will necessarily need. It is impossible or very difficult to adjust the dimensions, a geometry of rafters, so immediately as much as possible will have to construct the walls and exclude errors during their construction. The slightest slip can make an expensive block almost useless in practice.

Metallic rafters are associated with welding, and welded joints are inevitably weakened, because corrosion develops there. The cost of work is very high, and when they are fulfilled, it is necessary to fulfill the requirements of fire and electrical safety. But there is such an indisputable advantage, as an opportunity to rest the roofing rod from 700 cm and longer. If you use a special anti-corrosion paint, the durability of metal structures is fully provided. All these advantages make it possible to quickly and comfortably build industrial buildings with a significant height and length of spans.

How to choose: What to take into account?

The rafter system must be chosen as correct and clearly as possible.

When searching for a suitable solution, you must pay attention to the following points:

  • strength;
  • the ability to restore the rods and the roof as a whole in a certain size and geometry;
  • creating a positive aesthetic image of a building as a whole.

Technical parameters are priority. Even the most beautiful designs corresponding to the design principles do not show their positive qualities if they serve too little. Experienced builders always analyze the average annual and seasonal temperatures, the financial capabilities of developers, the maximum possible pace of the wind and the severity of the overlying roof. It also takes the future use of the undercase, the scale needed for it. It is impossible to underestimate the wind, snow and rain, since these factors can have a very strong effect on the roof, and through it on rafters.

If it is reliably known that the specific area is distinguished by powerful snowfall, the minimum angle of the skate is impracticious. Even more relevant this moment when using flat roofs. Under the pressure of accumulating precipitation, the frame may be rapidly deformed or water is poured into the same inside. Another thing is when a certain region is often subjected to the arrival of cyclones and the strong winds that are brought by them. There is already a slope to be made smaller, then the situation with the breakdown of single structural elements will be almost excluded.

You can avoid mistakes, if you look at the already built nearby and for a long time exploited at home. Accurately reproducing the design of their roofing and interrelated with a solry system, you can best take into account local specifics. But not everyone goes along this path, sometimes the task is to develop an exclusively original project. Then you have to carefully collect the source data, conduct scrupulous calculations. In the absence of special knowledge to help better attract qualified performers.

After analyzing the total load created by the wind and the snow, it can sometimes be found that certain parts of the rafter complex needed selective strengthening. When evaluating the necessary angle of inclination of the roof draws attention also to the type of coating used. Heavy metal tile or professional flooring with a very large bias can spontaneously slide down, it is necessary to additionally fix them, complicating their work and express installation. In addition, individual materials have a tendency to delay water or soak it, it is possible to struggle with it only making a slope is cooler. Creating a good roof and a rafter system that satisfies so controversial requirements is not always available for non-specialists.

What makes it?

The device of the rafter system, as it is easy to see, rather complicated and even controversial. Each part of this design has a strictly defined role. So, Mauerlat is long bars of coniferous wood, and a strictly resinous tree is used to work. Such elements are unfolded along the outer bearing walls, connecting to the base with anchors or rods of a special design (with thread). This item transmits the load from the roof on the wall.

Following such a device, like a rafter foot. Under this title appears the wooden bar used to build the circuit of the skates. The design form is always triangular, because it best helps the roof tolerate the destructive impact of winds, snow and other atmospheric processes. Stropile legs put on uniform distances along the entire roof, a step cannot exceed 120 cm.

A pretty value for the roof support has a litter - this is a wooden bar, replacing Maurylalat in some cases. Lecks are put on the inner supporting walls. They turn into a roofing triangle. Thanks to them, the skates do not sprawl under their own weight. And also it is worth saying about the racks - it is the vertical brus with a square cross section. They perceive the pressure that is down by the ski knot, and translate it mechanically to the inner bearing plane. Sometimes racks are under rare legs.

Slopes are called upon to strengthen the entire design of the roof, they are associated with one whole legs and liters. This detail on the form resembles a rhombus. The community formed by tightening and sink received the name of the farm. In addition to them, it is also needed a doom, which is a thin boards, pushed at right angles to the legs of the rafter. It helps to keep the rafting legs as a single system. Absolutely any roof coating is attached to the crate.

Under the soft materials, the lamp should be made in the inseparable, and the best tool is plywood. At the very top there is a horse, which logically and physically completes the roofing triangle. The compound of a pair of opposing legs rafters is provided by a square wooden bar, which prevents the roof destruction as a whole. And at the very bottom of the pitched roof there is a sv, which is derived approximately 0.5 m from the perimeter. Thanks to him, rain flows from the roof do not pour out the outer bearing planes and do not harm them.

Filmings are used only in the situation when the rafter legs cannot be performed along the length that would allow to organize Sve. The connection with the reduced cross secting boards effectively solves this problem. For attaching wooden elements, rafters are most often recommended to use clamps, brackets. It is undesirable to apply nails, because the tree punctured them in a few years becomes weak and fragile. Therefore, professionals if connections are made directly at the construction site, they are allowed to move the bolts.

But even the bolted bunch weakens building structures, albeit relatively a bit. Connections are fastented with the help of a clamp or metal brackets. The maximum improvement of the quality of products can only with their industrial receipt, since only in strictly standardized and fully controlled conditions, deviations from the norms are excluded, deterioration of quality. You can collect a rafter design from fully finished farms very quickly, there is no risk in its use. Another thing is that it is required to rather collect information about the necessary characteristics and without distortion to transfer it to the manufacturer.

In addition to these items, the rafter system borders with the end. So called a special compound of the geometrically complex roof at points where its trajectory changes. The difference from the skate is that in such places, roofing parts form a negative angle. The technical essence of the product is that the chute helps to fall aside the liquid. The more difficult configuration, the greater the number of such chutes should be.

The carnome bar serves to restore the struts in it, the other end of which rests on the frontal board, while the droplet is not deformed and its configuration is not distorted. Wind bonds are those elements of a rafter system that translate the load generated by the wind, with a roof for the foundation. They not only increase the total stability of the structure, but also help to avoid overturning when the unstable of single parts. The roof will retain spatial stiffness even with very strong winds.

Horizontal wind ties are elements such as:

  • discolutions;
  • parabolic tightening;
  • complex tightening complexes;
  • farms supplemented by a cross-hand grid.

Vertical Saving characteristics under strong air pressure is provided by wind supports and beams. Sometimes a monolithic hardening kernel is used. Engineers have come up with a lot and other windows typography options. It is provided by frames and semiradias, pinched backpoints. In small buildings, rigid (resisting compression) or stretched diagonals are used, some cover two spans at once. The location of each element is accurately reflected in the project documentation.

The qualitative characteristics of the rafter systems and their composition are not so difficult, if you take care and diligence. But it is equally important to calculate the quantitative parameters of these systems. If you don't do this or carry out the calculations incorrectly, you can either spend too many tools, or encounter leaks even with the destruction of individual items.

  • roof bends;
  • average annual snow mass;
  • non-uniformity in its distribution on the skates depending on the slope of the slope and the wind roses;
  • wind transfer already fallen snow;

  • the gathering of snow and ice masses, the flow of liquid water down;
  • aerodynamic characteristics and sail construction;
  • differences in exposure to individual points.

To calculate everything you need, moreover, simulating realistic situations and having laid a reasonable margin of safety into the project - not so simple. Especially since you need to pay attention to the addition of various loads, on their cumulative action. But still any customer is quite bye forces to evaluate the quality of the work of designers. The loads attached to the rafter systems are divided into three key groups: the main, additional and extreme.

The main discharge falls:

  • stable factors - the severity of the roof and rafter structures, additional elements installed on top;
  • long term exposure - snow, temperature;
  • periodically changing factors - complete calculations of snow and temperature effects, taking into account all subtleties.

An additional group is a pressure rendered by wind, builders and repairmen, ice and rain. The extreme category includes all natural and technogenic emergencies that may arise in a particular place. Their level is projected to ensure the exclusion of unpleasant consequences. When calculating the frame roof and under it, it takes into account the limit load, in the case of an application of which the entire structure is crumbling. Additionally, an indicator or a group of indicators is given, with which various deformations inevitably appear.

The demolition coefficient reflects how much more it will be made on the leeward side and in front of the objects (parts) that delay the flow of air. In problem places, it will be possible to maximize the rainbill and thoroughly calculate the necessary thickness of the facial material. The maximum accurate assessment to all parameters can be given only when multiplying any numbers obtained on reliability coefficients. As for the wind, the effort developed by them is directed to the dropping of steep roofs and on the rise from the leeward section of a flat roof. We must not forget that the air flow acts simultaneously on the facades and on the rods.

When you hit the facade, the air breaks down into two waves: one goes down and more interest does not represent, and the other by tangent presses the roofing sink, trying to raise it. The action on the skate occurs at right angles, this area is depressed deep into. At the same time, a twist is formed, which by the tangent affects the winding sector. This whirlwind is bypassed and begins to create lifting force already in the appendix to the subvener segment. To note: when calculating the mass of the roof, it is necessary to take into account the severity of rafters, insulation, waterproofing and steam barrier.

Standard load per 1 square meter of the roof is up to 50 kg regardless of its size and other significant circumstances. By changing the distance from some rafter feet to others, you can specify the actual distribution of loads on them. According to the majority of specialists, acceptable values \u200b\u200bwill be from 60 to 120 cm. But on a warmed roof it is worth choosing such distances that are equal to one sheet or roll of insulating materials. At the same time, it is worth considering that among several suitable options for the arrangement of rafters are preferable to the one that gives the optimal effect with minimal consumption of materials used.

When loading loads that portened with rafters always look at that they do not exceed the limit endurance of the roofing material. After all, there is no point in such an exceeding. If, with the planned effect of the roof, it will still be to fake, it is impossible to talk about a solid result. When calculating the payload from the structures connected to the rafted farms is calculated according to the same touch area, which is applied to the drawing. Such designs include ventilation chambers, attic ceilings and first floors placed on the roofs of water tanks. In addition to the pressure on the rapid system, the sharpness of the roof slope is calculated.

Tilt angle: value

In the forums, with consultations of specialists and in professional literature, you can meet the mention of three units of inclination at once. In addition to the usual and expected degrees, there will be interest, and the relationship between the parties. Often they get together even within one publication or instructions from the manufacturer of roofing materials. But in fact, nothing mysterious about it, any consumer can understand the essence. At an angle of inclination of the roof, experts understand the angle that occurs at the intersection of the horizontal with a row of roof.

Stupid angles in this case can not be in principle. Moreover, to meet the skate with a cooler 50 degrees only in decorative elements, all kinds of turrets. The exception of the general rule is only rocks on the lower rows of the rafted mansard roof. In all other cases, the angles range from 0 to 45 degrees. The relative proportions of the parties are calculated as the ratio between the height of the skate and its projection on the horizontal. This indicator is equal to a uniformly designed roof with a pair of rods half of the span.

On a single roof, the proportion is equal to one, and in more complex configurations still have to carry out all the calculations and the axes on their own, without repulse from the finished values. The angle of the slope is usually expressed in the form of a fraction, the numerator and the denominator are separated by a colon. But when the figures received cannot be rounded up to integers, it is recommended to use percentages: just divide one to another and increase a hundred times. Flat roofs are those who have a slope of no more than 5 degrees; The slope of 6-30 degrees is small recognized, and all other roofs are considered steep. The flat design radically increases the useful area and is quite resistant to the wind, but it will be necessary to clean it from the snow manually and enhance the waterproofing to the limit. The slope is necessarily construed with a specific material, and the necessary values \u200b\u200bcan be found in the instructions from the manufacturer. To calculate even the most complex and bizarre configurations of the roofs, they are broken mentally on triangles and the angle is specifically calculated in each.

Step, Length and section Scroll

When it became clear which length of the skate, which angles formed by these slopes with a horizontal plane, it is time to do the actual rafters. If the roof frame is made from a 5x15 cm timber under metal tile, the mounting step is cut from 0.6 to 0.8 m. As the steepness increases, the gap is also increasing. If the roof is tilted under 45 degrees, it is required to put rafters every 800 mm, and for 75 degrees can be added to 75 degrees.

The next important parameter is the length of the rafted.It is closely related in increments: if the blocks are made long, they are most close as possible, and when a single part is shortened - push. When counting the shade, the crates comes from the type of tiles, and from the fact that each row should be folded on each slope. If it turns out a fraction, it is better to round, reduce or increase a little indicator. The rafter legs under metal tile, the cross section of which is 15x5 cm, fluctuate from 65 to 95 cm. It is not possible to increase the step when the crate of 3x5 cm.

So that the insulation is better ventilated, the rows of holes with a diameter of 1-1.2 cm are prepared in the area of \u200b\u200bthe upper edge of the rafter. Private rafters under the professional flooring go every 0.6-0.9 m. When the distance exceeds this indicator, you will have to put a crossing of the crate with a significant cross section. The neckenet under the professional flooring is assembled from the boards with dimensions of 3x10 cm, which are set with an interval from 0.5 m. Calculate the interval is needed in accordance with the height and thickness of the materials.

With all the revealed flaws of slate, it remains widely demanded. Under the slate roofing, raftered with a cross section of 5x10-15 cm, distant from each other by 60-80 cm. Most often, the average distance is recommended, which is 0.7 m. Pauses between parts of the crates are calculated according to the steepness of the material. On comparatively gentle plots of support on 4 pieces of wood justifies yourself. If the roof is done cooler, put 3 BROs, separated by 63-65 cm.

We must not forget that due to the liability of the rafter system, it is better to leave the reserve of strength, rather than make an unnecessarily weak type of rafters. For their manufacture, a timber dried up to 15% is used. The replacement of the bruce can serve as not a cutting board of the same dryness. The ceramic tile uses a 5x5 verticle lamp. In the calculated distance, the places apply nails for slate or simple self-tapping screws.

Installation: technology

Roof construction involves the use of a standard circle of carpentry tools and electric drills. If metal structures are used, the Bulgarian will be required for precise cutting. Remember that the metal tile or professional flooring cannot be treated with it, it may damage the material. The tent roof without racks is done using tighters that enhance the structure.

In the Valm version you have to strengthen runs that are diagonally.Paired boards and a particularly strong bar are dismisted. Points of compounds always have a backup (rack), and the main support is placed at about a quarter of length separating large rafters from the skate. Under the fronts on the bartal roof, there are always rafters of a smaller length. But under the main part of the four-piece design, extremely long details may be made, even more than 7 m. So that they keep securely, apply either a rack that translates the voltage to overlap or Shprengel.

The first step in creating a rafter under the broken roof is the formation of a support complex in the form of the letter P. It relies on the beams of the ceilings and is held with rapid legs. Next, three or more runs are put, two of them are removed on the corners of the frame, and the rest are positioned in the middle of the overlap. The completion of the feet in the rafter, the legs are fastened. The rafting systems are desirable to do according to the template - to connect two boards, which in length coincide with the rafters, and pinch each other with a nail. The template put the edges into the point of attaching the rafting legs and fix it with the help of cross.

An additional template (this time plywood) will help make an assembly saw. Farm attach to Mauerlat, starting with extreme. In order not to intimidate with the point of attachment of the skate, the tops of these farms are associated with a straight rope. The massiveness of the fumes as approached the skate increases. If the rafting elements are mounted with bolts, it is worth using washers or plates. It will not give nuts to delve into the tree.

How to install rafters with your own hands, look in the video below.

Designing any residential structure, architects special attention is paid to the roof, as it does not perform one, but at once there are several functions, depending on its design features. It must be said that far from all future homeowners satisfies the usual two-tie roof, although it can be called the most reliable, as it has only two pitched planes and one bog between them. Many attract more complex structures that add a special attraction and originality. Other, more practical homeowners, prefer mansard structures that are simultaneously able to perform the role of roofing and the second floor.

The basis of any roof is an individual rafting system that has its own design features. Make the choice of the desired roof frame will be much easier if you understand what types and schemes of rafter systems Used in construction practice. After receiving such information, it will become more clear how complex such structures are in the installation. This is especially important to know if the roof frame is supposed to be erected independently.

The main functional tasks of the rafter systems

When arranging the ribbon structures of the roofs, the rafter system is a coating frame and to hold the materials of the "Roofing Pie". In the competent installation of the frame design, the necessary conditions will be created for the correct and dismaded types of roofs, protecting the walls and the inner space of the house from various atmospheric influences.

Roofing design is also always the final architectural element of the exterior design of the structure, its kind maintaining its stylistic direction. Nevertheless, the design features of the rafter systems must first comply with the requirements of the strength and reliability that the roof must correspond, and only then - aesthetic criteria.

The framework of the rafter system forms the configuration and angle of inclination of the roof. These parameters are largely dependent on natural factors characteristic of a particular region, as well as on the desire and opportunities of the homeowner:

  • The amount of precipitation in different periods of the year.
  • The direction and average wind speed in the area where the construction will be erected.
  • Plans for the use of space under the roof - arrangement of residential or non-residential premises in it, or its use only as an air layer for thermal insulation located below the premises.
  • The species of the planned roofing material.
  • Financial opportunities of the homeowner.

Atmospheric precipitation and wind streams give a very sensitive burden on the structure of the roof. For example, in the regions with abundant snowfalls, it is not necessary to choose a rafter system with a small angle of inclination of the rod, since snow masses will be delayed on their surface, which can lead to deformation of the frame or roofing or to leakage.

If the locality where the construction will be made, is famous for its winds, it is better to choose a design with a small slope of the skate, so that there are no sharp gusts to break the inclusive elements of the roof and roof.

Basic roof design elements

Details and assemblies of rafter systems

Depending on the selected type of the rafter system, the structural elements used can be significantly varied, however, there are parts that are present in simple, and in complex roof systems.

The main elements of the rafting system of the pitched roof include:

  • Stropile legs forming roofing rods.
  • - Wooden timber, fixed on the walls of the house and employee for fixing on it of the lower part of the rafter.
  • Konk is the joint of the frames of two rocks. It is usually the highest horizontal linus of the roof and serves as a support on which rafters are fixed. The horse can be formed with rafters, bonded between themselves at a certain angle or recorded at the skating board (run).
  • The lamp is racks or a bar mounted on rafters with a certain step and serve as the basis for the flooring of the selected roofing material.
  • The retaining elements where you can take a bitter, runs, racks, scrollings, ties, and other parts, serve to increase the hardness of the rafter legs, supporting the skate, binding individual parts into the overall design.

In addition to the design details mentioned, other elements whose functions are aimed at hardening the system and the optimal distribution of the roof load on the wall walls.

The rafter system is divided into several categories, depending on the different features of its design.

Attic space

Before proceeding to the consideration of different types of roofs, it is worth dealing with what an attic space may be, as many owners successfully use it as economic and full-fledged residential premises.

The design of the pitched roofs can be divided into unbred and attic. The first option is called precisely so because the space under the roof has a small height and is used only as the insulation from above the room of the air layer building. Such systems usually refers or having several slopes, but located under a very small angle.

An attic design that has a sufficiently large height of the skate, can be used in different ways, to be insulated and displeasted. Such options can be attributed to the attic or two-tissue option. If the roof is chosen with a high skate, then it is necessary to take into account wind loads in the region where the house is built.

Slope slope

To determine the optimal slope of the roof of the future residential structure, first of all, you need to look at the already built low-rise neighbor houses. If they have been standing for more than one year and stepping steadfasts, then their design can be safely taken as the basis. In the same case, when the owners are set to create an exclusive original project, unlikely on the construction of the construction, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the constructive and operational features of various rafting systems and make appropriate calculations.

It should be borne in mind that on how large the slope of the roof rods, the change in the tangent and normal values \u200b\u200bof the wind power depends - the steeper the angle of inclination, the greater the normal forces and less tangent. If the roof is common, then the construct is more affected by the tangent load of the wind, since the lifting force increases from the leeward side and decreases with the windward.

Winter snow load should also be taken into account when designing a roof. Usually, this factor is considered in the complex with wind load, since from the windward side, the snow load will be much lower than from the leeward skate. In addition, there are places on the rods where snow will definitely be gathering, giving a greater load on this area, so it should be strengthened with additional rafters.

The slope of the roofs can vary from 10 to 60 degrees, and it must be selected not only taking into account the consolidated external load, but also depending on the roofing coating, which is planned to be used. This factor is taken into account because the roofing materials differ by their mass, for their fix it requires a different number of elements of the rafter system, which means that the load on the walls of the house will be varied, and how much it is large, it also depends on the corner of the roof of the roof. Incidentally important, the peculiarities of each coating on the resistance of moisture penetration - many roofing materials are needed in any case, one or another bias is needed to ensure the free gathering of storm water or melting snow. In addition, choosing the bias of the roof, you need to think about how the process of cleaning and repair work on the roof will be carried out.

When planning one or another corner of the roofing rods, you need to know the smaller the joints between the sheets of the coating, and what they are tightly, the less you can make a slope of the skate, of course, if it is not expected to arrange a residential or economic room in the attic space.

If it uses a material consisting of small elements to cover the roof, for example, a ceramic tile, then the slope slope should be made quite steep so that water is never delayed on the surface.

Given the weight of the roofing material, you need to know - the heavier coating, the angle of the skates must be greater, since in this case the load will be properly distributed on the rafter system and bearing walls.

To coating the roof, the following materials can be used: or profile sheet, galvanized steel, wavy asbestos and bitumen fibers, cement and ceramic tiles, rubberoid, soft roofing and other roofing materials. Below, the illustrations are shown by the allowable angles of rolling rods for different types of roofing coatings.

Basic structures of rafter systems

First of all, it is worth considering the basic types of rafting systems regarding the location of the walls of the house, which are used in all the designs of the roofs. The basic options are divided into a weak, hanging, as well as combined, that is, it includes elements and the first, and second type of systems in its design.

fastening for timing


In buildings, where the internal bearing walls are provided, the ultimate rafter system is installed. It is much easier to mount than hanging, since the internal bearing walls provide reliable support for its elements, and in addition, a smaller amount of materials will be required for this design.

For rafters in this system, the defining reference point is the skiing board on which they are fixed. The faded view of the sleeve system can be equipped in three versions:

  • In the first embodiment, the upper side of the rafter is fixed on the skate support called sliding, and the lower side of their side is fixed by writing to the Mauerlat. Additionally, the rafters at the bottom is fixed to the wall with a wire or bracket.

  • In the second case, the rafters in the upper part are curbed under a certain angle and are connected with each other with special metal plates.

The lower edge of the rafter feet is attached to Mauerlat moving fasteners.

  • In the third embodiment, the rafter is rigidly sealed at the top of the bars or treated boards, located horizontally, parallel to each other on both sides of the linen near the corner, and the skunk run is thrown between them.

At the bottom of the rafters, the sliding mounts are used to secure the rafter, as in the previous case.

It is necessary to explain why for fixing the rafted on Mauerlat is often used exactly the sliding fasteners. The fact is that they are able to save the bearing walls from excessive voltage, as the rafters are not fixed rigidly, and during the shrinkage of the structure they have the ability to move, without deforming the overall design of the roofing system.

This type of fastening applies only in the sleeve systems, which also distinguishes them from a hanging option.

However, in some cases, the spacer system is used for the sprinkled rafters, in which the lower end of the rafter is rigidly fixed to the Mauerlat, and to remove the load from the walls into the design, tightening and saws are embedded. This option is called complex, as it includes elements of the change and hanging system.

Specify the requested values \u200b\u200band click the "Calculate Excess LBC" button.

Basic Length (Horizontal Skate Projection)

Planned angle of the edge of the roof α (degrees)

Calculator calculating the length of the rafter

The calculation is carried out on the basis of the values \u200b\u200bof the horizontal projection (LSD) and the height of the rafter triangle defined earlier (LBC).

If desired, you can include in the calculation and width of the eaves, if it is created at the expense of protruding rafters.

Enter the requested values \u200b\u200band click the "Calculate Length" button "

The magnitude of the excess LBC (meters)

The length of the horizontal projection of the rafted LSD (meters)

Calculation conditions:

Required width of the cornese swell (meters)


Double rafter system

Duscal rafting systems are the most popular for single-storey private houses. They carefully look, fit well into any style of construction, reliable and can be used, depending on the angle of their slope, to improve the attic under residential rooms, utility rooms or just to create an air layer holding heat in the building.

self-tapping screws

The rafters serve as the basis of the entire roofing structure, and their installation is one of the most responsible tasks in the construction of the house. Future roof frame can be made and installed independently, observing the technological features of the roofs of different configurations. We give the basic rules for the development, calculation and selection of the rafter system, as well as we describe the stages of installation of the roof "skeleton".

Sling System: Rules for calculating and developing

The rafting system is a supporting structure that can resist the impacts of wind, to take on all external loads and evenly distribute them to the internal supports of the house.

When calculating the harrowing design, the following factors take into account:

  1. Roof inclination angle:
    • 2.5-10% - flat roof;
    • more than 10% - scope roof.
  2. Roof load:
    • permanent - the total weight of all elements of the "Roofing Cake";
    • temporary - wind pressure, burden of snow, weight of people who spend repair work on the roof;
    • force majeure, for example, seismic.

The magnitude of snow loads is calculated on the basis of the climate features of the region by the formula: S \u003d SG * Mwhere SG. - weight of snow per 1 m2, m. -Creative coefficient (depends on the inclination of the roof). The definition of wind load is based on such indicators: the type of terrain, the region's wind load standards, the height of the building.

The coefficients needed standards and settlement formulas are contained in engineering and construction reference books.

When developing a rafter system, it is necessary to calculate the parameters of all components of the structure.

Elements of the rafter design

The rafter system includes a plurality of components that perform a specific function:

Materials for the manufacture of rafters

The rafters most often made from the trees of coniferous rocks (spruce, larch or pine). For the roof improvement, well-leaked wood with humidity level up to 25% is used.

Wooden design has one significant disadvantage - with the time of the rafters may be deformed, therefore elements from metal are added to the carrier system.

On the one hand, the metal adds stiffness with a rapid structure, but on the other, it reduces the life of the wooden parts. On metal platforms and supports, condensate is settled, which leads to the winding and damage to the wood.

Council. When installing the rafter system from metal and wood, you must take care of the fact that the materials do not come into contact with each other. You can use moisture protection or apply film insulation

In industrial construction, metal rafters are used, made of steel rolled (hedavibra, brand, corners, schwellor, etc.). Such a design is more compact than a wooden, but worse holds heat, and therefore requires additional thermal insulation.

Choice of the rafter system: hanging and attachments

There are two types of rafting structures: hanging (spacer) and urban. The selection of the system is determined by the type of roof, overlap material and natural conditions of the region.

Hanging rafal Rely exclusively on the outer walls of the house, intermediate supports are not activated. Slinged legs of a hanging type perform work on compression and bending. The design creates a horizontal sawing force transmitted to the walls. With the help of wooden and metal fumes, you can reduce this load. The tightening is mounted at the base of the rafted.

Hanging rafter system is often used to create an attic or in those situations where the roof spans are 8-12 m, and additional supports are not provided.

Slopils Mounted in houses with intermediate columnar support or an additional bearing wall. The lower edges of the rafters are fixed on the outer walls, and their average parts are on the inner seal or carrier post.

The installation of a single roofing system over several spans should include spacer and rumor rafting farms. In places with intermediate supports, the sleeve rafters are mounted, and where they are not - hanging.

Features of the arrangement of rafters on different roofs

Gable roof

The bartal roof, according to the construction standards, has an angle of inclination to 90 °. The choice of tilt is largely determined by weather conditions. In areas where abundant sediments prevail, it is better to install steep slides, and where strong winds are dominated - gentle roofs, so as to reduce the pressure on the structure.

A common option of a duplex roof is a design with an angle of inclination of 35-45 °. Such parameters specialists call the "golden mean" of the consumption of building materials and the distribution of the load around the perimeter of the building. However, in this case, the attic room will be cold and here it will not be possible to equip the living room.

For a duplex roof, a weed and hanging rafter system is applied.

Tent roof

All roof raids have the same area and the same angle of inclination. The skate run is not here, and the rafters are connected at one point, so the installation of such a structure is quite complicated.

The tent roof is advisable to install when performing two conditions:

  • the basis of the construction of a square shape;
  • in the center of the structure there is a supporting support or a wall that can be fixed with a rack that supports the stroke legs.

You can create a tent roof without a rack, but the design must be strengthened with additional modules - racks.

Walm roof

The traditional design of the holmic roof assumes the presence of an emergency rafted (diagonal) aimed at the corners of the building. The angle of inclination of such a roof does not exceed 40 °. Diagonal runs are usually done with amplification, since it is precisely on them there is a significant part of the load. Made such elements from a dual board and a solid timber.

The locations of the elements are necessarily supported by a rack that increases the reliability of the structure. The support is located at a distance of the length of the large rafters from the skate. At the site of the frontones of the bartal roof, shortened rafters are installed.

The rafter design of the four-sheet roof may include very long diagonal elements (more than 7 m). In this case, under the rafter, it is necessary to mount a vertical rack, which will rely on the beam of overlapping. As a support, you can use Shprengel - the beam is located in the corner of the roof and fixed on adjacent walls. The shpregel farm is reinforced by pink.

Loaven roof

The broken roofs are usually created for the arrangement of greater attic. Setting the rafted with this version of the roof can be divided into three stages:

  1. Installation of the P-shaped structure - supports for runs that hold the rafter legs. Stage base - overlap beams.
  2. Sets at least 3-runs: two elements pass along the corners of the P-shaped frame, and one (skate run) is mounted in the center of the attic floor.
  3. Installation of trim legs.

Double roof: setting rafters with your own hands

Calculation of the angle of inclination and loads

The calculation of the double roof of course can be made independently, but still it is better to trust the professionals to exclude errors and be confident in the reliability of the design.

When choosing an angle of inclination, it is necessary to consider that:

  • the angle of 5-15 ° is not suitable for all roofing materials, so first choose the type of coating, and then make the calculation of the rafter system;
  • at the angle of inclination above 45 ° - the material costs for the purchase of components of the "Roofing Pie" are increasing.

The load limits from the exposure to snow fluctuate from 80 to 320 kg / m2. The calculated coefficient for roofs with an inclination angle is less than 25 ° is 1, for a roof with a slope of 25 ° to 60 ° - 0.7. This means that if 1 m2 accounts for 140 kg of snow cover, the load on the roof with a row at an angle of 40 ° will be: 140 * 0.7 \u003d 98 kg / m2.

To calculate the wind load, the coefficient of aerodynamic influence and vibrations of wind pressure is taken. The value of the constant load is determined by the summation of the weight of all components of the "roofing pie" on the m2 (on average 40-50 kg / m2).

Based on the results obtained, we learn the general load on the roof and determine the amount of rafter legs, their size and section.

Montage Maurolat and rafters

The installation of rafters with their own hands begin with Maurelata mounting, which is fixed with anchor bolts to the longitudinal walls.

Further construction is performed in such a sequence:

Setting rafters: video

Methods for connecting elements of a rafter design: video

Perhaps the main decoration of any home is the roof without which it is difficult to imagine any structure. The roof gives the private house a holistic appearance and determines its style. However, first of all, it acts as an engineering structure, intended to protect people from the devastating effects of the external environment.

To date, the use of various elements of architecture in the construction of homes of various elements of architecture is returned to the fashion. For example, mezzanins, erkers, attic, attaching a stylish and interesting exterior are found increasingly. At the same time, it is possible to achieve a noticeable increase in the internal space at relatively low cash costs.

The rafting roof system is considered the most durable, durable building. It is characterized by simplicity of installation, ease of fitting and ability to withstand heavy loads, with relatively light weight. The rafting system is a special design, with a triangle lying at the base. Its rigging is achieved by fastening the rafter and the roof frame. The most common options made from wooden logs or bars, however, there are also systems made of galvanized steel.

Types of rafter systems

Experts distinguish several species of rafting systems. They are accepted classify in shape and type of roof:

  • four-tight;
  • triple;
  • double;
  • walm;
  • half-haired;
  • broken.

Double rafter system The roofs are the cheapest and simple option. The main advantages of this design include simplicity, reliability and ability to withstand significant loads. It should be described by some drawbacks. Namely, the impossibility of incarnation into the life of any special design solutions due to the simplicity of the form of such a roof. However, this minus can easily compensate for the decoration of the house with various decorative elements. The second drawback can be called more significant - the inner space of a small size, differing significantly in a smaller direction from the parameters of the broken roof.

The most common and recognized among lovers of interesting architectural solutions is slim roofing system. In this case, it is possible for the manifestation of fantasy, of course, when complying with the established construction standards and strength characteristics. This design is the correct or asymmetric form and is determined on the basis of the structure of the house itself, as well as the design and layout of the inside of the room.

Sometimes it is possible to obtain an extremely interesting room under the roof, correctly installing the rafting system and organically applying the second light either the mezzanine. In order to increase the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house with relatively small financial costs, and make it cozy, it is very important to be able to effectively and fully use the available space.

Features and requirements for the rafter system

The magnitude of the rafter, which are elements that determine the strength and tilt of the roofIt is necessary to calculate individually for each private house, taking into account the total area and the geometric shape of the roof, as well as the distance between the walls. Depending on the results obtained, it will be possible to determine the suitable section of the BRUSEV. As a rule, this indicator is about 1 meter.

In practice, apply two types of device rafters:

  1. The inclined design, which all over the perimeter relies on the walls of the house, and in the center it supports additional or intermediate support. It is advisable to apply if the distance between several supports is not more than 6.5 m.
  2. Hanging rafters fixed at the top of the skate and resting in each other. This system is distinguished by a special reliability of the wall connection.

In general, the device of the rafter system directly depends on the type of material from which the house was completed. For example, a rafter system is recommended for a building built out of the brick, which rests on a separately constructed support from the beams of a small section or Mauerlat. As a support for a rafted wooden structure, the upper crown is best suited, and an upper strapping is used for carcass houses.

The main parts of the rafting roof system

The roof is based on installation of roofing cake And the inner covering of the premises is precisely the rafter system. Often, it is also used as a basis for communications and engineering systems. The combination of various nodes and elements that make up the device of the rafting roof system performs the function of transmission of power loads directly from the roof on the supporting walls of the structure. The main parts include:

  • Hanging and inclined rafters.
  • Maurylalat.
  • Skate and sidebars.
  • All sorts of binding elements, such as the soot, diagonal connections, struts.

As a rule, the load percentage of the roof is very large. It is determined individually, given the structural features of the roof and characteristic of this locality, wind and snow loads. The installed rafters must guarantee the holding of such loads, as well as have the necessary safety margin in order to withstand possible wind gusts or snow falling.

In order to define the basic parameters of the device of the roof of the roof system, it is necessary perform special calculations. They will help to accurately determine profile, length and section of each of the structural elements, as well as the features of the interaction between the details. The strength of the entire structure largely depends on how firmly connected the nodes of the rafting roof system. Recommended to apply the following types of compounds:

What type of connection is applicable to a specific system, it can be determined based on the calculated load, design features and materials used.

Principles of installation

Installation work held in three main stages. In particular, the markup, which takes into account the location of window openings, exhaust, chimney, Mounting Mauerlat and reliable mounting to the carrier support. Next, the construction of rafting farms is made and finally installing the skate.

Installation should be started from above the walls of Mauerlat and attachment to it directly rafters. They must be installed in the desired position and fasten from one end to the support, and from the other to the skate bruus. For reliability, the compound can be fixed with each other with an additional stud with a diameter of 8 -12 mm.

When building a rafter design, the most common the error is wrong Sizes rafters, which can lead to a savory of the roof.

Provide each element and node, deal with technology, it is necessary at the preliminary step. At the same time, it is also recommended to run the planning of the cornese swell with a length of 60 cm, which will reduce the effect on the walls of the weather.

For wooden structures, which in time can dry, the most correct fastener will be bolt connectionscapable of adding rigidity to everything.

If all the basic rules are met, the installation of the rafting roof system can be performed relatively easily. However, it is important to accurately adhere to the selected technology to avoid the risk of different problems.

Roof design

Any low-rise residential building is built so that with the minimum cost of materials to get a long life of its service and maximum useful space. From this point of view, particular interest are attic rooms that allow you to double the useful area without any additional changes. On the other hand, the design of the roofs, the rafting systems of which are designed to create a residential attic, will be more complex.

Today, during the construction of country houses, several types of roofs are used:

  • Single one. This is the easiest option, since here it is often possible to do without a skate bar and even without a number of other elements, mandatory in other cases. Usually, such solutions are used in the construction of utility rooms, attacks and garages, but they are also suitable for residential buildings with a small area.

The roofs of this type are among the most economical. They require the minimum amount of roofing material and wood, which is used for rafal structures.

  • Double. This is the second difficulty of creating the roof type, since only two slides are required here, and the rafter system is usually no different. The roofs of this type are one of the most popular in modern country construction, because, despite their simplicity, they perfectly cope with wind and snow load, and are also suitable for creating attic.
  • Four-page. This category includes hip, tent and broken roofs. In the latter case, it is necessary to specify that we are talking about a variety of a duplex roof, which by the breakdown received four skates. Such structures are more difficult than two previous options, however, the aesthetics of the construction together with them above.
  • Tweed and multicate. Complex mounting assemblies rafters, special device technology and the need for a thorough calculation - the reasons why only professionals take such roofs. Alone to try to build something this is certainly possible, but only if you are a specialist in this area.

The choice of the type of roof depends on the characteristics of the climate in this region and wind load. The second point is the angle of inclination of the rod, which depends on the location of the construction, the presence of a number of arrays of buildings or trees and climate.

The angle of slope

The ideal option for any roof is such a design that will require the minimum attention of the owner. As a rule, self-cleaning roofs are attractive, as they allow not to worry about what a large amount of snow accumulates.

The accumulation of snow can not be neglected because its mass after intensive snowfall can be up to 200 kg per m2, which means that only very durable rafters will withstand such weight.

An alternative is the device of the original roof by type of alpine houses that have a very large slope slope, descending often almost to the ground. It should be noted that to obtain the effect of snow removal, an angle of 45 degrees will be required. In this case, the precipitation will roll down the coating under their own weight.
On the other hand, the increase in slope inclination leads to increased flow of roofing and building materials. Moreover, if the attic is planned to build, then the insulation will cost expensive, because the greater the height of the skate, the higher the consumption of this material. In addition to the cost of the pitched roof, it affects its appearance. For non-exploitable roofs, it is not necessary to use a large amount of insulation, however, the increase in the angle of inclination does not always justify itself.

The main feature of the non-exploitable roof is another scheme of the rafter system and the absence of a gap between the overlap and the outer protective design. These are usually flat roofs or those that have a very small slope. Their main drawback is that with intensive snowfalls, drifts can be formed, which not only create a load on the overlap, but also will arrange a "flood" during thaw.

The type of roofing material will be required to be determined in advance, since it should be taken into account when calculating the angle of inclination of the rafted. Usually, flexible materials and bitumen coatings are selected for multi-track designs. For example, metal tile, professional flooring or galvanized iron. Other options, such as slate or tile, are better suited for roofs that have a simple configuration.

The classic tile today is rarely used, since it requires a sufficiently large angle of inclination of the rods, located within 30 to 60 degrees.

Bituminous materials can be used even at small inclination angles (from 8 degrees), and the maximum value for them is 18 degrees. Metal tile and asbetic sheets are used at corners from 14 to 60 degrees. We will not stop in detail on the consideration of roofing materials, since this issue is already highlighted on our website.

Specific and faded sleeve rafters

These are two types of rafters, one of which is chosen with the form of the house, roofs and the size of the future design. Slot rafters are an option suitable for single-table or double roofs. Their main feature is that two points of the support are used. On the one hand, the rafter foot relies on the lip of the roof, and on the other - on the wall of the house.
Furgered sprinkled rafters are mounted in such a way as to avoid the driving pressure on the wall of the house. Typically, the rafting roof structures are created using one of the following options:

  • The rafter foot resumes in Mauerlat. It is laid by Bru and fixed at the expense of writhing tooth. In addition, additional insurance is performed. The upper part of the bar is mounted on the ski run. The mount is made using the principle of the sliding support.
  • The bottom of the rafter is attached due to the use of a moving connection. As a point of installation, not only Maurylalat can be used, but also piece bars. The upper part is fixed by a bolt, nails or in another way after it is laid on the ski run.
  • The third option assumes the installation of sprinkling rafters with a rigid fastening to run. Here can be used nails, studs or other fasteners.

If the thickness of the rafter, which was selected initially, will be insufficient, then in the process of work, you can use backups that are mounted under too long elements in those places where the maximum deflection is expected.

Specific rafyl

Sweat rafters are spacer. In this case, it is assumed to create such a design, where the operating force will be transmitted on the walls of the house. Method of installation in this case is the same as in the previous one, however, the attachment of the rafter legs is fixed, therefore the entire system will receive internal voltage. It is worth saying that a similar option is a transitional scheme that divides the faded sprinkled rafters and hanging.

Hanging rafal

This design of the rafter system will be ideal in the case when it is necessary to overlap large spans, the length of which exceeds 7 m. In such a situation, there is only one point of support for a rafter foot - wall. The upper part of the bar is connected to the counter element located on the other scap. Somples are used somewhat: hardwood, rubber spike, metal plates.
So that the rafting legs are securely fixed, it is necessary to connect them using the tightening. Usually, it is a robust beam that is attached to the bottom of these items. Of course, it can be placed above, but in this case the load will grow, and therefore it will be necessary to increase the weight of the beam. In such a situation, one of the following options for mounting the rafter feet can be used:

  • The rafter foot is connected to Mauerlat with an additional drilled and reliably held with nails. The second option involves the use of metal corners. Then the upper parts of the rafter are joined, and the lower holders are delayed. In this case, the top of the rafter feet can be pressed to the skate run, which will rely on the grandmother.
  • Tightening are installed in such a way that the heels of the rafter feet rests on the cutting tooth in the edges of the tightness, which, in turn, are attached to Mauerlat. The tops of the rafter are held with wooden lining.
  • Overlapping beams can be selected on the role of tightness. In this case, their ends should be carried out beyond the walls of at least 55 cm. The cutting of the slot for the tooth is not closer to 25-40 cm from the edge of the wall.
  • In the houses from the logs, the mounting of the rafter foot is made on the upper crown through the connection of the spike-nest. Special metal fasteners can also be used, for example, sliders, salads, etc. The last option will allow elements of the design to move and avoid the emergence of additional stresses.

The tightening themselves can be one-piece beams or composite elements. The splicing of bars is made in any convenient way, such as oblique tooth, brass, etc. Installation of fumes can be performed not only at the level of the heels of rafters, but also in any other place.

If the roof rafters are used, the dimensions of which are more than eight meters, then we recommend creating a structure from grandmother and dies, as well as apply racks and riglels that contribute to improving the reliability of the rafter system.

Rafters for different types of roofs

The simplest option is the design of a single-porous roof, which rafters are resting on the walls of the building. The length of the elements cannot exceed 4.5 meters, but there is a solution for overlapping large areas. In this case, it is recommended to use backups or racks that will hold the extended construction.
Most of the row roofs are similar to each other as twins, but their inner structure can be very different. Today use four options:

  1. Apply the skoth run, on which the feet of rafters are based on. Skates are enhanced by the use of ending legs, and the run is held with racks. The racks themselves are mounted on a litter. The width of the roof of this type can reach 10 m.
  2. The second option involves the use of subcording legs, the lower parts of which are resting in the rack of the skate run, and the upper in the fight (tightening) connecting the rafter legs closer to the skate. In this case, the width of the roof increases to 14 m.
  3. The skunk run is absent. It replaces the bar, located under one of the skates. In addition, the tightening is used, trimmed legs and a rack based on a litter. The angles of inclination of the substropic legs range from 45 to 53 degrees. This option does not give a special gain in the width in the width of the roof, but it is suitable when the supporting wall is not located in the center of the construction, but shifted to the side.
  4. In the case when it takes a wide construction, symmetric structures that use two runs located in parallel under the rapid legs can be applied. Such duplex roofs suggest the use of two fumes, the top of which connects the rafyled, and the lower - racks and subcording legs. The width of the design in this case can reach 16 m.

The distance between the rafters is selected taking into account their length and sections. For example, for a section of 40x150 mm, step 60 cm is required, for 50x150 - 90 cm, and for 100x150 - 215 cm.

A hip roof is another common option that has proven itself for country houses. It is characterized by the fact that it does not have frontones whose place is occupied by additional skates - Valves. In general, the design assumes the presence of a run, and ordinary rafters on the main rods and hollow rafters on the side. Walm rafters are based on long diagonal elements, where they are joined with the upper parts of the usual rafting legs. For such roofs, it is recommended to use enhanced strapping.
The broken roof completes the list because it has a rather complicated design. It uses a method involving the creation of a frame for a rafter feet consisting of a horizontal bar and vertical racks, after which the remaining elements are installed. The upper colabal of the P-shaped frame acts as the overlap of the attic, but the end of the skate is resting on it.

In this case, the distance between the rafters of the rafter system in this case should be selected taking into account the load of the wheel acting on the roof, the thickness of the bar used and the angle of slope.

Above the main issues related to the device of the rafter system for various types of roofs, therefore, this material can be used as a brief manual that allows you to quickly understand the construction of the roof.