Repair Design Furniture

How to lay a rolled lawn on your own. Rolled lawn: types and arrangement with your own hands. How to choose a rolled lawn: video

Our life is becoming more dynamic and eventful, and modern technologies allow you to quickly achieve the desired results and simplify a number of everyday situations. If earlier the owners of land plots could not even dream that the lawn in front of the house would change in an instant and turn from a unkempt gray piece of land into a green lawn, today it is an everyday reality and helps in this rolled lawn from the manufacturer.

What is lawn rolls?

It became possible to create a miracle thanks to the use of the technology of laying a rolled lawn, a natural covering consisting of cereal grasses that formed a solid turf on a cut soil substrate. Such an unusual living surface got its name due to the form in which the rolled lawn is placed on the site where it will grow further.

Specially grown grass cover before sending it to the customer:

  • cut in the form of rectangular plates or long strips;
  • rolls up into tight rolls;
  • sent for further processing.

If the lawn is created according to the usual technology, using a seeder and a bag of seeds, then for preparing the site, sowing, waiting for seedlings and further care it takes many months for them. In some cases, natural lawn acquires density and saturation only a year after creation, and sometimes requires restoration if the grass is damaged by frost, rain or heat.

Advantages of a rolled lawn over a conventional one

Since the root system is completely preserved in the plant, and the layer of earth in which the roots are located is not disturbed, the rolled lawn, in the photo, easily tolerates transportation. If necessary, fragments of such a coating can be trimmed, for example, to accurately frame a flower bed or garden path. The grass in this case does not suffer and, with due care, acclimatizes within 2-3 weeks. This is the most important advantage of rolled grass cover over the traditional one.

To completely transform the landscape, to make the site green and well-groomed with the help of a rolled lawn, it will take many times less time than with the usual sowing of a grass mixture.

The best time for the acquisition and subsequent laying of a rolled lawn - this is spring, when the snow cover has completely disappeared on the site, and the earth and air have warmed up to stable positive temperatures.

When thinking about purchasing a man-made lawn, it is worth remembering that there are many varieties of such coatings. And the prices for a lawn in rolls, its durability and properties directly depend on the composition of the grass mixture used to create it.

The basis of most common species is meadow bluegrass - an unpretentious perennial grass that feels great in the conditions of the Russian middle lane. Sometimes fescue, ryegrass, or other herbs are mixed with bluegrass seeds to give the cover softness, decorativeness, or other qualities.

To obtain a lawn cloth, only high-quality seeds of plants adapted to life in a particular area are used. But no less important for the success of cultivation is the observance of technology and the competent selection of soil.

So that the efforts invested by the manufacturer are not wasted, and the coating quickly takes root after the transfer, certain rules must be followed when laying the turf.

How to lay turf?

Work begins with the mandatory preparation of the site, which is best done in advance.

Since the turf does not like long storage and cannot wait until:

  • the site will be cleared of old grass cover, roots, stones and other large inclusions;
  • the area will be leveled;
  • if necessary, humus, sand or black earth is added to the soil, depending on its type.

The coating in convenient rolls will not be difficult even for an ordinary summer resident, it is unpretentious and easy to use. Therefore, you can transform it yourself, without the involvement of third-party specialists. With some skill and careful preparation, do-it-yourself turf laying on an area of ​​​​50 square meters It will take only a couple of hours, but the effect of the work will remain for many years.

When ordering a rolled lawn from a manufacturer, it is important to indicate a slightly larger area than the calculations showed. Living material in dry weather has the ability to shrink, and one cannot exclude any unforeseen circumstances.

The maximum shelf life of rolls does not exceed a day. Therefore, immediately after arriving at the site, the laying material is unloaded. Lay out on flat surface, in a place protected from the sun so that the grass in the rolls is not deformed.

When laying, the sides of the panels should tightly close together, leaving no gaps. When laying out on the ground, one roll should go a couple of centimeters onto another. When the grass layer is well pressed, the edges are joined end-to-end and rammed. In large areas, special rollers are used for such work. The gaps that appear during the laying of the rolled lawn or a little later are immediately filled with sand. Soon, when the vegetation gets used to the new conditions, the narrow ones will be covered with fresh shoots.

If you want to cut the grass cover along with the turf, it is convenient to use a sharp garden knife. Moreover, such work must be carried out with gloves and in compliance with safety measures.

After completion of all work according to the technology of laying a rolled lawn, the coating is abundantly watered with the help of sprinklers. In the next two weeks, during the acclimatization period, the grass root system should not be allowed to dry out. With constant humidity, plants quickly come to their senses and begin to grow.

Features of turf care

According to reviews about the rolled lawn of summer residents, who have already managed to appreciate its merits, such a grass cover is not only easier to create, but also saves energy when leaving.

Professional selection of seeds and their germination in specialized conditions provide:

  • excellent winter hardiness of the lawn;
  • its evenness;
  • stable density.

The formed root system of grass does not allow shoots of weeds to break through. This also contributes to the preparation of the soil before laying the turf.

And yet care for the rolled lawn is necessary. Mandatory measures to maintain the health and decorativeness of the grass cover include:

  • top dressing;
  • cleaning and combing the lawn;
  • soil aeration works;
  • mowing.

The first thing every green plant needs is moisture. Irrigation systems with sprinklers should be used for rolled lawn. This will allow not to damage the surface root system of the grass and not to erode the layer of fertile soil. The grass cover and the soil under it are soaked to a depth of at least 15 cm. Otherwise, a change in the color of the vegetation and its wilting cannot be avoided.

Top dressing of a rolled lawn is carried out similarly to those used for traditional grass surfaces. In spring and summer, plants receive complex fertilizers based on potassium, phosphorus and, it is useful to include microelements in the mixture. Closer to autumn, the lawn is fertilized again, but with a different composition with a low nitrogen content.

Combing the lawn with a rake regular cleaning leaves and other debris from it - a necessary preventive measure:

  • to improve the growth of herbal rosettes;
  • protection of the rolled lawn from the resettlement of weeds, infection of the site with insect pests and plant pathogens.

That is, piercing the grass cover and the top standing soil helps to saturate the soil with oxygen under densely woven roots. A simple but highly effective measure to quickly improve uptake by plants nutrients and constantly support high quality substrate.

Grass mowing as part of turf care is carried out from May to August. If the lawn covering is only taking root on the site, it can be pruned only after a week after laying. And you can not try to make a low cut. This will damage the future quality of the lawn.

Regular mowing is carried out as needed. Most often, the frequency is 7-10 days. For processing the site, dry, but not hot weather is chosen, and after mowing, the lawn is watered.

Before wintering, grass pruning is possible until mid-October, until there are persistent frosts that can damage damaged leaf blades and shoots. The optimal height of the grass cover at the time of the arrival of winter is 4-6 cm. In this case, the plants will be securely covered with snow and healthy will begin new season vegetation.

Features of a rolled lawn and its laying - video

You can get a flat amazing area literally in a matter of days with the help of a rolled lawn. The finished lawn is grown in the fields for two years. For sowing, the composition of herbs that is optimal for our climatic conditions is selected - narrow-leaved varieties of bluegrass meadow (about 30%) and red fescue (70%). High-quality seeds of the latest selection are used, winter-hardy, resistant to diseases and drought. The resulting sod looks like a dense “pillow” - thick emerald green on top and a dense thickness of the root layer (at least 1.5 cm below). The cut, rolled-up lawn is completely ready for laying - it remains only to properly lay the lawn on the site.

How to properly lay turf lawns

Preparing the ground for the lawn - on what soil to lay the rolled lawn. First you need to prepare for the upcoming laying, clear of weeds, old grass, stones and construction debris. Then fill all the depressions and recesses with a fertile layer of soil. To prevent water from stagnating on the surface of the lawn, the site is given a slight slope from the center to the edges for surface runoff water and drainage. The soil needs to be dug up to a depth of 5 - 10 cm. If necessary, pour a fertile layer of earth. Level the ground under the lawn with a roller or tamp down with your feet.

Rules for laying turf. Warehouse and store rolls of finished lawn in the shade, spraying them with water in dry hot weather. They begin to lay the lawn immediately after its delivery - laying it out in straight rows along pedestrian or carriageways. If it is not possible to use the entire lawn in one day, then the remaining unused rolls are rolled out and moistened. Immediately after laying the rolled lawn with their own hands, it is watered. Be sure to check the degree of moisture in the lawn by lifting the corner of the laid lawn (in 10 - 12 places throughout the site). Water should soak the lawn right up to the surface of the soil.

  1. Prepare the ground for laying the turf - remove weeds and debris. To avoid weed growth, work the soil with Tornado or Roundup. Level the soil, roll and water. The technology of laying a rolled lawn requires watering the area a day before laying.
  2. Roll out the rolls. This should be done as soon as possible to fertile soil did not have time to be populated with weed seeds, and the rolls did not dry out. It is necessary to lay the turf only in a straight line and “butt to joint” as tightly as possible. If necessary, the layers are cut with a knife.
  3. It is more correct to lay the rolls in a checkerboard pattern so that the seams of one row do not coincide with the seams of the next row. Gently tap the stacked plates with a mallet to achieve a snug fit to the ground. Small gaps between joints can be mulched.
  4. Roll up the laid lawn carefully. This should be done carefully, using a manual garden roller. It is better not to use heavy construction rollers for this purpose, it is better to walk with your feet. If the laid turf is dry, in order to properly lay the turf, moisten it before rolling.
  5. The laying of a rolled lawn ends with plentiful do-it-yourself. Water the lawn with the rooting agent to a depth of at least 10 cm. After lifting the sod in several places, make sure that the water has soaked the lawn to the very surface of the soil. Freshly laid rolls are watered every day for the first week, then every other day or two, depending on the weather.

It is useful to know not only how to properly lay the turf, but also how to care for it. The correct one is regular watering. The first 7 days every day, then after 1 - 2 days. Make sure that the irrigation covers the entire area with a new lawn. The best time to water is early morning and late evening when the sun is at its lowest.

The first mowing of a new lawn is carried out 1 to 2 weeks after laying. The recommended cutting height is 4 - 6 cm. When mowing a lawn, it is undesirable to shorten the overgrown grass by more than 30% of its length. A month after the creation of a new lawn, it is necessary to introduce the type of azofoska in the amount of 20 g per 1 sq.m. or urea in the amount of 10 g per 1 sq. m.

Self-cultivation of a lawn is a laborious and lengthy process. But to become the owners of a small green island with soft grass, for relaxation, sports games, or landscape decorations are desired by many. There is an alternative to troublesome lawn planting - already grown grass in rolls, almost ready for use. The manufacturer takes over hard work for sowing plants, and the buyer only needs to prepare the site, lay the rolls and regularly care for the coating.

This material is called roll material solely in connection with the method of transportation, otherwise it is no different from ordinary grass cover.

Plants for a rolled lawn are grown on flat, well-lit areas, watered, fed and treated from pests and weeds. When the grass grows, it is sheared and cut root system along with a few centimeters of soil.

The coating is divided into identical fragments, rolled up and sent to the customer. So that they do not fall apart, at the stage of planting in the ground, a mesh is laid, which then serves as a frame.

Benefits of landscaping areas with a rolled lawn:

  • Perfect green coverage in a short time;
  • Guaranteed uniform planting;
  • No weeds for several years;
  • The possibility of landscaping at any time from early spring to late autumn;
  • Lawn resistance to atmospheric phenomena and, depending on the type, to abrasion;
  • Ease of installation due to the low weight and strength of the rolls.

The dimensions of the rolled lawn are standard: about 2 meters long, 40 cm wide. The soil layer should be at least 2 cm, and the height of the grass should not exceed 6 cm. Average weight- 15-30 kg, it can vary significantly, depending on the level of soil moisture.

When choosing rolls, it is recommended to inspect them for weeds and uneven emergence. If possible, you need to check the strength of the canvas: it needs to be shaken slightly - the soil should remain in place. An important indicator that will determine the quality of the coating and its ability to take root in a new place is the development of the root system. The denser the roots are intertwined with reverse side roll, the better.

Disadvantages of rolled lawn:

  • The high cost of the material, which is several times higher than the cost of self-planting;
  • There is a risk that the grass will not take root - this may be due to the poor quality of the soil on the site, an undeveloped root system, insufficient care and exceeding the shelf life after cutting.
  • After separating the grass from the ground, it must be transplanted to a new place within 3 days.

In order for the coating to serve for a long time and perform all its functions, it must be selected in accordance with the purpose.


Lawns in rolls differ only in the type of vegetation, it also determines how durable and beautiful the coating will be. All types are conditionally divided into decorative, sports and special. It is necessary to choose a lawn taking into account its functional purpose. If it will be used for outdoor activities or physical activities, then you need a sports one. The purpose of the decorative is mainly aesthetic, it is not able to withstand friction and quickly recover from damage.


Lawns for sports must be resistant to trampling and abrasion. The vegetation is especially dense for them. Preference is given to herbs that grow quickly in all weather conditions.

For football fields, a mixture of red fescue, bent grass, and bluegrass is planted. For the arrangement of tennis courts, an even surface with short-cut vegetation is necessary, therefore, lawns from one type of cereal grass are most often used for them. Golf courses are sown with a mixture of fescue.


For the manufacture of rolled lawns of this type, more than tender plants. Most often, these are mixtures of herbs that provide a velvety green coating throughout the season. Some ornamental lawns are moderately resistant to trampling, while others are purely ornamental.

Types of decorative rolled lawns:

When choosing an ornamental lawn, you need to take into account whether it will be used for recreation or just to decorate the landscape, as well as evaluate the possibilities for regular maintenance of vegetation, the characteristics of climatic conditions and the cost of the material.


There are special types of rolled lawns, they are used to solve narrow problems. For example, strengthening slopes, absorbing harmful substances from the air, reducing noise levels. For home garden or a park, such coatings are not needed, they are used on roadsides, near industrial enterprises and airfields.

Lawn laying

Self-laying a rolled lawn requires advance preparation of the site. It is best to start in the fall and roll out the rolls in the spring. Landscaping with this material can be done from mid-May to mid-June. During this period, it is more likely that the plants will take root well.

Site preparation

First you need to mark the area where the lawn will grow. Further action should be taken into account the type of soil.

On fertile land, where there is no risk of flooding and stagnant water, you can simply dig upper layer to a depth of 15-30 centimeters and moisten well. Level the surface with a rake, remove stones, glass and other debris, break up clods of earth.

If the site is prone to swamping, is located in a lowland or has a high content of clay in the soil, then it will be necessary to equip a drainage cushion. To do this, remove the soil layer to a depth of 40 cm, lay expanded clay (10 cm) and sand (10 cm) on the bottom and tamp. Then fill up the soil, it should not reach the height garden paths by 2-2.5 cm, so that after laying the lawn comes out on the same level with them.

If the site is replete with weeds, you need to treat the land with special chemicals. It is best to do this work in autumn period. After that, the land will be unsuitable for any planting for a month.

If the soil is infertile, you can remove it and fill it with fertile soil or fertilize it. Apply in the spring nitrogen fertilizers, for wintering - phosphorus or potash.

It is desirable to compact the earth on the site and level it with a skating rink or feet.

The surface must be perfectly flat so that the grass cover is in contact with the soil over the entire area.

Roll stacking

To work, you will need a minimum set of tools: a knife or a sharp shovel for cutting canvases, a board, a light garden roller. The soil should be well moistened, it is also recommended to lightly water the lawn itself.

The work must be done by following simple rules:

Roll lawn laying technology, as well as useful tricks presented in the video.

The green lawn will take root within 1-2 weeks. And after a month it will be possible to walk on the lawn. The only thing left to do is to keep the coating in good condition.

Lawn Care

You need to follow the coating created from rolls in the same way as you would for a regular lawn. The main care is watering, cutting and top dressing.

After rooting of plants, watering is carried out in accordance with weather conditions. If the coverage area is large, then it will be difficult to manually apply water, it is best to equip an irrigation system that will carefully and evenly moisten the soil.

In order for the vegetation to be abundant and grow quickly, it is necessary to feed the lawn throughout the season. In the summer, apply nitrogen fertilizers monthly, in the fall - phosphorus and potassium.

Mowing the lawn is carried out as the grass grows. It is recommended to cut no more than 30% of the plant. Optimal size shoots for an ordinary lawn - 40-60 mm. For flowering, the height is practically unlimited, they need to be cut no more than 2 times per season.

It is advisable to destroy all weeds before planting the lawn. If some of them managed to survive, then you need to try to tear them out completely with the root system.

Another action that will improve plant growth is aeration. If you pierce the soil over the entire area to a depth of 10 cm, then the roots will receive more air. The procedure should be carried out twice a year - in spring and autumn.

Laying a rolled lawn allows you to significantly save time on landscaping areas of any size and purpose. You can do the work yourself - rolling rolls is not at all difficult. It is important to remember that the cut lawn should not be stored for a long time, and after laying, take care of the surface so that it remains attractive for several years.

Rolled lawn is relatively new technology, with the help of which grass is germinated on the prepared turf. As a result, the buyer receives a finished grass cover, all that remains is to spread it. The technology for laying such rolls with your own hands is quite simple, and today we will talk about installation methods. Read our instruction with photo and video tutorial.

How to calculate the required number of lawn rolls?

Important! If a flat lawn is planned, then 5% is added to the resulting quadrature, but if the lawn is thinking about paths, playgrounds, then it is worth adding to total area 10 %.

The area of ​​a standard roll is 0.8 square meters. m, and per 1 sq. m. area of ​​the site you need 1.25 rolls. It turns out that 96 sq. m. plot requires 132 rolls, and the average cost of one starts from 160-200 rubles.

The pleasure is not cheap, but you can save a lot by laying a rolled lawn on your own.

Preparation of the site and materials before laying

Before laying the lawn, you need to prepare the site:

  1. Cleaning of weeds, debris. During the cleanup, full digging of the site is often used, during which weeds, old roots and insects are removed from the soil.
  2. Sprinkling sand on swampy areas in which a fungus can grow.

Important! If you need to create an ideal site, like a golf course, then you should order automatic system glaze.

After cleaning, the turf is laid out along the perimeter of the future lawn. Sod is layers that are laid out in the order of cells on a chessboard. Each layer is pressed against the adjacent one, but they are not overlapped. The end of the lawn should be covered with long sod layers.

Lawn preparation and trimming

Very often, the rolled lawn is slightly longer than the plot, so it is cut. Pruning is done sharp knife or bayonet spade. It is recommended to cut on a wooden floor, strictly adhering to the edge. Otherwise, you will get a curved cut on the lawn strip.

Important! The preparation of the site is carried out in advance, and the cutting and laying of the lawn is carried out immediately after it is unpacked. Laying after unpacking ensures maximum root contact lawn grass and soil.

When is a drainage system needed?

In muddy areas with acidic soil, a drainage system is indispensable, and you can do it like this:

  • At 30-40 cm, the top layer of soil is cut off, but not thrown away, but folded nearby.
  • After that, drainage is done, pouring 10 cm of gravel and sand into the level of the site.
  • The previously removed earth is carefully distributed on the drainage; you can use twine stretched over pegs for a perfectly flat area.

Advice! After construction drainage system with a soil cushion, the site must be tamped. A homemade skating rink is used for ramming, and after that you still need to walk on the ground. If it fails, then the ramming is done poorly and should be repeated.

Direct turf laying in rolls

  • The first strip of lawn is neatly untwisted exactly from the corner of the site. He's like the front row tiles, will set the direction for the next layers of the lawn.
  • The remaining rows of the lawn are similar in laying to brick: the joints of the seams should not coincide.

Advice! The joints of each row should fall in the middle of the previous row. So the lawn will be laid evenly.

  • Experts recommend that after laying individual fragments of the lawn, sprinkle the joints with either sand or fertile soil. After powdering, a fresh lawn is watered abundantly, which will help it quickly take root and grapple with the base.

Important! During the laying of each strip, the lawn can be carefully flattened with a board, leveling the canvas with your hands. If there are voids under the strip, then they are covered with sand, and all the mounds are dug up, the flower beds are removed.

How is aftercare done?

In dry weather, the laid turf is watered every 5 days. If it rains, such grass does not need artificial irrigation. Already after 14 days, the lawn can be mowed for the first time, working with the mower across the direction of the laid turf. You can walk on the rolled lawn 2-3 weeks after laying. Closer to winter, the grass is again mowed, but in such a way that growth up to 5 cm high remains, which will go under the snow.

Summing up, it is worth saying that the rolled lawn is a great alternative to the usual seeded lawn. Lawn rolls are relatively inexpensive, require less maintenance, and are easy to do by hand.

How to choose a rolled lawn: video

Rolled lawn to give: photo

from 270 rub. per sq.m.

Today, the dacha is associated not only with a garden and digging beds in any weather, but also a place of pleasant relaxation, which can be arranged to your liking. To do this, you need to sow grass, monitor growth, periodically water, weed weeds. However, a picnic on a green lawn will have to wait a little longer than when laying a rolled lawn, which can be walked on in a couple of weeks.

To green the site, turning it into a territory for family vacation, it is necessary to order turnkey laying of a rolled lawn from the UDachnikov company, which has already helped dozens of summer residents from Moscow and the Moscow region to make a comfortable exterior.

Roll lawn device

  • First layer: strong and flexible base made of mesh agrofibre. Depending on the technology of growing grass mixtures, this is not always the case. Connoisseurs of everything natural, most often choose rolls without an artificial mesh base, but in this case, to form a dense turf, a longer period of growing lawn grass is required, respectively, and the price of such a lawn is somewhat higher;
  • Second layer: dense sod, or topsoil, densely overgrown with grass, from an interweaving of roots and a small amount of soil. Its thickness is about 2 cm.
  • Third layer: sprouted soft grass. The thickness of a roll of lawn grass is about 4 cm and the weight is 17-25 kg.

The main cereals that make up the grass mixture in a rolled lawn:

  • bluegrass meadow - the most delicate and beautiful component of any lawn. It gives the lawn an exquisite appearance and emerald shade;
  • fescue - compensates for the slow growth and development of bluegrass, is resistant to trampling, easily tolerates shearing and short-term droughts;
  • perennial ryegrass is a grass that forms a powerful, dense cover in the first year. Its life expectancy is about three years. Dying away, it frees up areas for stronger, by that time, bluegrass and fescue.

Stages of laying a rolled lawn:

  • The territory is cleared of debris, fallen leaves, stones - everything that can interfere with the future survival of grass and turf
  • If necessary, enter dolomite flour and mineral fertilizers
  • If light drainage of the lawn is required, sand or fine gravel is brought in and distributed over the site
  • The soil is cultivated to a depth of 15-20 cm
  • Weed rhizomes are manually removed with a rake and removed from the site
  • The surface is carefully leveled with water-filled rollers, otherwise the laid lawn will repeat all the unevenness of the soil
  • Imported, distributed and rolled fertile soil layer 4-5 cm.
  • Rolls of lawn grass are unfolded and stacked in a checkerboard pattern, and they are trimmed.
  • The laid lawn is rolled and spilled with water at the rate of 25-30 liters per 1 sq. m. This will ensure maximum adhesion of the grass roots to the soil. From laying the turf to the first watering, no more than two hours should pass in cloudy and one hour in sunny weather.

For best survival, the lawn should be watered daily for the first week. Starting from the second week - every other day or two, depending on weather conditions.

How much does turf laying cost?

The company "Udachnikov" has one of the lowest prices for laying turf - only 70 rubles per square meter. m. The price for a standard roll is 140 rubles per sq. m. m, preparing the ground for it - 50 rubles per sq. m.

Name of worksPrice rub./m. sq.

The cost of works on the device of a rolled lawn

Produced works

soil cultivation30 rubles/m. sq.
Weed root removal15 rubles/m. sq.
Surface leveling15 rubles/m. sq.
Distribution of fertile soil