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Work with trading objections. The most universal and simple algorithm of work with objections

Objections are found everywhere.

The client is always rightSo you have to look for an approach.

Working with objections is the skill without which it is not for any sales.

What it is?

Objection- this is pronounced words (or even without them) the client's doubts about the need, quality or fair price of the product proposed.

For example, buyer in the store household appliances He experiences that the TV is actually a Chinese assembly.

The bank's client may not be sure that he is offered quite favorable conditions for a new contribution.

What are views and types?

Main types of objections:

  1. Agmented, with a clear justification. The client feels his right. Most likely, has a negative experience associated with the use or purchase of the proposed product or service.
  2. Agmented, without a clear justification. The buyer has no personal experience In the use of the product. But it has information that make him doubt the purchase.
  3. Unreasonable. A potential client does not call good reasons why he is not interested in buying. His goal is to politely refuse.

Types of objections:

  1. Unconscious. A person simply does not want a disturbance of a personal space.
  2. Conscious. The client is inclined to make a purchase, but wants to get additional benefits (discount, gift).

How to work?

Technique of responses to objections depends on the type of products offered and on What form passes communication - Personally or by phone.

Development in sales of banking products

An example of working with the objection "High Credit Bet".

First of all, it is necessary to give the client to speak out. The goal is to establish contact and understand what it is not suitable.

If appropriate, you can use methods:

  1. Clearing- clarifying and leading questions.
  2. Perephrasing. The repetition of the buyer's words in a slightly different formulation will cause its location. For example, the client says: "I already took a loan in another bank, I did not bring me anything other than trouble!". Seller's response: "Do I realize that the experience of cooperation with other banks disappointed you?".

The next step is the focus on the details.

purpose- Clear the situation not to understand the buyer is becoming. Questions may be such:

  1. "What conditions on the loan would you consider profitable?"
  2. "Why would you use a loan?"

When a client cannot give a specific answer, the seller appears the opportunity to nominate its suggestions.

After clarifying parts, it should be found out how the objections are argued. It happens that the buyer does not voicate real reasons for their personal motives. Examples of clarifications:

  1. "If this condition was not, would you make a loan?".
  2. "Is this the only moment that does not suit? Perhaps there are others? ".

The technique of accession to objection is well. His goal is to create a sense of understanding between the seller and the client.

You can start the responses to objections so:

  1. "I understand your fears."
  2. "It's good that you touched on this topic, and that is why ...".
  3. More detailed wording: "Anna Ivanovna, I understand your concerns, but, you know, a credit rate is a relative thing. Please note that we work without commissions. In addition, you can close the loan ahead of schedule, and the percentages will decrease. Agree, it's convenient? ".

After clarifying controversial moments specific customer response. If this did not happen - you will have to return to clarify the argument of objections.

How to deal with objections to the sales representative?

For a sales representative of objections in sales and answers to them, they are mainly in order to properly submit the benefits of their products.

Equal reception- Create a feeling of the client (the same seller, commodity) that you are "in one boat".

The sales representative wants to sell, the owner of the store is the same desire.

First, the potential buyer must be heard. It is important to avoid the occurrence of his awkwardness for what you have to object. Interrupt - unacceptable.

The next point - Partially agree and put forward their arguments. For example: "Your products are more expensive than from other suppliers." Answer: "You are right, but note that the product is stored longer, and in a nearby store sells better than the goods of competitors."

Next objections, if they remained, are discussed and closed. Sometimes buyer puts a rather strange claim. For example: "I don't like product packaging." Answer: "Our product has several packaging options, we will find the one that you like."

Work with buyers

If the buyer objects, but does not go, he is most likely interested in buying. It remains competently dispel its doubts.

Common objections:

Working with patient objections

Assign the patient's objection is included in the task of the clinic administrator. Customer doubts are most often as follows:

  • high price;
  • doubts about the experience of doctors;
  • unwillingness to undergo unpleasant procedures.

For example, the client agreed that treatment is necessary, but indicates its high cost. Technique Answer:

  1. Join objection and destroy it: "Yes, for the treatment will have to pay a rather big amount. But it can be divided for several months, and all the necessary surveys will be held for free. "
  2. Think over the patient an action plan: Assign procedures at a convenient time for it, transfer and divide payment if necessary.
  3. Make sure that the client understood everything true and the conditions arrange it: "You have no questions left?".

Scripts by phone

Work method cold calls Few who like it, but it is necessary. In this way, the client base is expanding the most efficient.

The script is the scenario of the upcoming conversation. A successful script provides all possible turns of the development of the conversation, and is completed by purchase.

Cold phone calls - Work with objections, ready-made scripts.

Good day, dear my readers! Most recently, I wrote about work in the network marketing and mentioned that the only minus is that you will often be faced with the refusal. Today I will tell you how to work with the client's objections. Basic principles and technologies, which phrases talk and how to respond to a wide variety of negative responses that often put the manager in a dead end. The main techniques and principles will be considered on simple life examples.

From this article you will learn:

First of all: what do not do!

I have been negotiating with customers every day, it happens that with your own, but more often with the clients of our customers to understand what techniques work to lend something new and eventually check for the strength of the old one. During the negotiations, I often hear the objections from customers. A lot of objections! And somewhere six or seven years ago, when I just started working in active sales, this reluctance even to listen to me in a dead end, I did not know what to do. So I refuse, and I was lost, I did not know what to say, it happens, just silent into the phone, but, it happens, some absurdity said. For example, they say to me:

- We are not interested in us, we don't need anything!

I say:

"Nothing is interesting ... Maybe you will still be interested?"


- Yes, the girl, we are not interested! Thank you! Bye!

I tried to somehow continue the conversation:

- Wait, wait! Maybe ... let's send you to you email catalog? Look…

They speak:

- Yes, send, we will see. Bye! - And put the tube.

I didn't hear more from them from them, I was afraid afraid, because I didn't know what to say, I was already refused. Or, when I heard an objection: "I'll think about it," I also lost it, I didn't know what to say:

- Of course, you think, thanks for the time to give me time! Or maybe something is not satisfied with you? What are you going to think about? - and said such absurdities that did not lead to anything, but more often simply spoiled relationships with customers.

Imagine the level of human excitement, as a scale from 0 to 10. Sales manager, newcomer, just came to work in the company. He takes the phone, calls and hears a negative reaction from customers, his excitement raises 9-10 points. He does not know what to answer, and even if he had prepared phrases before, he was explained how to work with objections, he would still forget everything, or he would not answer, because he was afraid, he did not expect refusal, he thought What will call, and without any problems will buy something, and nothing bad will happen. And he at the other end of the telephone wire they say:

- We do not need anything, we are already working with someone, thanks, goodbye!

Everything, he was put in a dead end. But if you are ready for objections if you perceive negotiations with customers, including new customers, as a field where failures will be present, your level of excitement is reduced to the norm, 1-2 maybe 5. And you are ready for These objections, see what they will sound, and you have clearly harvested phrases, which say that this negative response to process.


These words were tested in different areas And work without misses. Before I write to you specific phrases, I will explain in general principlesHow to react to refusal so that you know why these words are better pronounced. What you probably read in books and watched in video courses, it is probably on this moment It does not work. This concerns the "struggle" with failures. Why not work?

Imagine that there is some huge enterprise, with whom everyone wants to work, and it's hourly a bunch of sellers tries to get through to this firm. And, as you think, managers who call, they were on some sales training or read articles, books or studied any video courses? More like that, one of them studied these questions and understands how to deal with the client's reluctance to cooperate or even just listen to the offer. And when the employees of this enterprise refuse, they also understand how sellers are trying to bypass their objections, and, therefore, employees of the company: both in secretaries and leadership - all who make decisions already appeared immunity, how to respond to Failure processing. Thus, those methods that have already affected them dozens and hundreds of times, do not work in any way. In view of this, it is necessary to break the template, to do something that does not expect an opponent. It is most important.

Processing the objection "We are not interested in us, we don't need anything"

Take to begin with the most common refusal that appears at the very beginning of the conversation: "We are not interested in us, we don't need anything." You are starting to offer, and then this objection arises as a barrier to further communication. Your goal is to establish contact to go to identifying needs, and, pushing out of their needs, go to the presentation of your service or your product. But before identifying the need, you need to make a preliminary presentation, hook a client. The most important thing is when you hear this refusal - to make the transition to questions.

We will analyze 4 techniques of processing objections "We are not interested."

Exit to dialogue

- How do you not be interested? A minute, minute, you probably didn't understand! Now I will explain the essence again, and you after accepting the decision how interesting you are. Okay?

The client did not assume that you are so painful react.

- How so, not interesting? Do not put the tube, you did not understand me, you may have been thought of it?

In this key, your main goal is to pick it up on a dialogue, so that he comes with you and then slowly the word for the word you go to the next stages.

If this technique you do not work, you can try another.

"It is you"

- We are not interested.

- Yes, yes, but I called it in your company, because you make computers. It is so?

- Yes, we produce.

- Our service is focused on enterprises that produce computers, and with a very high probability of probability, our service will be interesting for you. Let's, I will describe what yes, and you already decide whether you don't need it. Okay?

This client may agree. I call this method "It is to you", that is, you show that the service is sent to this client, and that it is most likely to be interesting.

"Others agreed"

- We are not interested!

- Of course, not interesting! In the past month, I was completely the same in the good top of the company, and three of them have already concluded a supply treaty with us. I don't want to waste anything or your time. Now I will quickly tell you the essence of the proposal, and you will think how much you need is necessary.

- Come on.

The potential client hears that someone already did not want to receive a service or product, but then agreed, then it may be worth really listening and pay a little attention.

"I understand you"

"Yes, I perfectly guess that I'm not the first one who suggested anything to you for these days, I understand that you do not want to listen to, how do you like someone like something. Therefore, now I will tell you for one minute, what kind of benefit this product can ask, ask more clarifying questions, and there already, we can decide whether we can be useful, and you will define whether it is really not interesting for you. Okay?

I experienced hundreds of technician work with this refusal and these four have proven themselves much better than others. It is important to sell anything immediately, not to hate.

There is a chance that you can invite a potential client to a meeting after processing this failure, but I do not advise this, because it tested and the possibility of this very low. Probably in the future I will write an article where I will explain in detail how to properly invite the client to the meeting, but now it's not about that. Failure "We are interested in, we don't need it" We have been processed, and so to speak, we went to questions, sold time. Now we have an additional chance and time to hook a client and invite it to meet, interest in our products.

Methods of access to the decision-making

It often happens that the objection, especially "we are not interested," does not say a person who makes a decision, not the person who is really responsible for the supply of products or the purchase of your service, but the secretary, as if a gatekeeper, a girl who sits in order to Send such sellers, raises the tube and says:

- We do not need anything! Bye! Send everything to email! Bye! Bye! - And the girl puts the phone.

You need somehow this gatekeeper to go. That is, previous techniques, they are intended primarily for processing the objection of the decision maker. With the secretarity it does not roll. You do not need to do this, because you will fall into a dead end. You just cut to the root.

  • Now I will tell you one method, how to get around the "gatekeeper", which works with a very high probability. You call the company:

- Good day! Anatoly Antonovich in place? Didn't he go?

The secretary replies:

- in place ...

- Switch, please!

And you switch.

  • Or, for example, if you do not know the name of the director:

- Good day! Director in place? Didn't he have gone there yet?

On the other end of the wire:

- I have not left ...

You immediately:

- The phone does not raise the mobile, I do not know how to get through, switch, please!

Once, and you switch. I will not explain why this technique acts, but it works very well.

Principles of preventing refusal

I believe that it is better to prevent an objection than to work with him then. At that moment, a negative response arises, you already need to prevent it before the start of manifestation.

Here I will describe a pair of methods how to do it.

  1. A company that sells antifreeze (this is a fluid in ventilation, which participates in a variety of processes) for the ventilation system of business centers was required to sell the chief engineer.

When the head of the chief engineer arrives, they said approximately the following:

- Good day! I call about your building, business center, on Moscow Street. Do you have 2008 construction?

- Yes, 2008, and what?

- It is simply located in the risk area on damage to the ventilation system, and we need to take a liquid sample to set it for sure. Tomorrow we will be in your area Day. We can drive Will you be in place?

And the chief engineer, said:

- Yes, I will be in place. What?

And he was still asked something, they clarified the nuances and, accordingly, the chief engineer agreed to the meeting.

Objections "We are not interested in us, nothing needed" We did not receive, we, in principle, did not offer anything. We immediately went to the meeting.

  1. Another option was tried with the Internet providers who are in the apartment, at home, individuals Sell \u200b\u200bInternet.

- Good day! Tomorrow we will test the speed of the Internet and the possibility of failures in your home. Will you be at home from 6 to 8 pm?

The client said:

- Yes, I will, and what?

- Good Excellent! Our master will come, look. This will literally take two minutes.

And that's it. The client agreed, came the master, looked the speed of the Internet, such as, and said:

- See, you have such a tariff, worth certain money, for example, 100 units. There is another, at the same speed, costs 95. We can consider such an option. If that, connect you literally in a couple of hours.

And many customers agreed, that is, the sale happened in place. Managers, accordingly, first called all apartments according to the directories, then the Master came and 20 visits did the evening.

Use such a technique, and the objection "we are not interested" will not arise.

As many say:

- Hello! We have excellent Internet at good speed, and we can connect to you on favorable terms. Want to?

- Oh, No! What is the Internet? We have everything. We do not need anything! It takes a lot of time! Bye!

And all, and sent. It is already difficult to work with the objection. In an option with checking the speed of the Internet, it is easy to work with failure, because it is in principle there is no.

Technique of work with the objection "We are already working with someone"

Objection: "We are already working with someone." This refusal occurs in B2B sales, where you are trying to sell something. How does it react correct?

"That's why I call you"

- We are already working with someone!

- Well! We are just first of all begin to cooperate with those companies that already have the experience of such cooperation. And how long do you work with them?

And the client on the machine answers the question. Accordingly, the conversation went and already objections "We are already working with someone" no.

"For the future"

- Well! That is why we called you. We are now working in priority with these companies.

And he says:

- Oh, you know, we do not need anything, we work with someone. Sorry, everything is fine with us ...

Then you say:

- Good, but perhaps in the future you will have the need to find a new supplier. Maybe it can be?

- Yes maybe.

- Let's communicate? Let's see what we can be useful for each other? For the future you will have us in mind. We will be like spare providers.


- Well! We are just working with such companies that are already cooperating with someone, and you never know what will happen, the delivery time is broken, or something else. We can be your additional suppliers, and if that you can contact yourself. Okay?

- Well, you can be optional, replacement.

- Well! But I need to clarify a couple of nuances, just in case, about deliveries, if now there is time.

- Let's clarify.

And now you are talking to him, and the word for the word you occupy your position, you are already spare suppliers.

"You need to discuss the nuances" and then you already go to find out the needs that we need to do.

Again, this refusal arises at the very beginning. This, as it were, is not an objection, but more resistance. You do not want to just communicate with you, and you need this cocoon to break through, destroy this wall to go to questions, to a presentation and good contact. These ways you do it. You are spare.

"Do not waste time"

- You know, we are already working with others.

- Well! And how long have you been cooperating with them?

- 2.5 years, approximately.

- Well! Why chose them as partners? What are you interested in them anymore?

He can, of course, do not say, but there is a chance, percent of thirty-forty-fifty, that he will start responding and, accordingly, you, no matter how noting the objection "We are already working with someone," that is, you continue to ask enthusiasm Questions. The main thing is to do it confident. If we urgently apply, most likely, you will not work this technique, and, accordingly, you immediately: "It does not work, not suitable."

- We are already working with someone.

- Wonderful! I understand that you regularly explore the market to work with companies on the most favorable terms. So?

If the client says:

You answer:

- Wonderful! Let's then compare our suggestions, and you already decide.

If he says:

- No, we do not consider.

- Yes, what do you think there are now in the market of the company that can offer the same services as your current suppliers, but on more favorable terms?

- Well, yes, of course, there may be ...

- Well! Then let's not spend my or your time, we are comparable now suggestions on key parametersAnd we define whether we should continue the dialogue on. Okay?

And most likely the client will say:

- Okay.

And, notice, in some methods in the fight against objections, "we don't need anything" or "We are already working with someone" I used this technique: " I understand that you do not want to spend time " - It works very powerfully.

"Weak place of competitors"

Even here there are situations where you know weakness competitors. Suppose they have shipment by customers. That is, a competitor supplies products to who you would like to cooperate. The client arrives on his cars and takes, but it may be easier for him to bring it the goods to the warehouse, and you have such a function included in the contract, and, at about the same price. Maybe a little more expensive, but not essential. So when a potential client says:

- We are already working with someone.

Immediately hook him for this nuance:

- Well! And they yourself deliver products to the warehouse or do you have to go every day?


- We go for yourself.

- Well! Perhaps we will have points of contact. Let's discuss options for cooperation within 5 minutes, and then you decide that you are interested in it or not. Okay?

- Okay.

You give a decision on another time. That is, the client says:

- Not interested.

And you say:

- Okay! Excellent! Wonderful! Let's discuss and this "uninteresting" you will have a chance to say later, later, when you, so to speak, learn additional facts.

Imagine that he buys accessories from a low-quality tree. You speak:

- Do you already work with someone? Excellent! And what material buy accessories from them?

And the client says:

- From the usual, it also happens from plastics.

- Plastic? Just a lot of customers on the market are now interested in natural tree defined breeds. We just have such options, we can show you. You will then decide, interesting or not. Okay?

- Okay.

You sell again a conversation by phone, where you cling to certain techniques.


- Do you work in a fundamentally precisely with one company or are you considering other options? Perhaps there are more profitable for you?

The client says:

- Maybe we consider.

- Okay! Let's discuss!

Principles of determining that you have a decision

If suddenly you understand that they do not communicate with those who decide, but are taking a conversation with the secretary, which masks themselves under the decision maker (such often happens). Do you need to reveal, and is it?

For this, the following technologies are used.

"Did you make the final decision?"

- Tell me, please, I understand it, it is you make a final decision on this issue?

The interlocutor says:

- And who does this in your company?

He, maybe, the name and will not say right away, but you already understand that this is not a decision of the decision (abbreviated by the LPR).

"What's next?"

Before discussing your cooperation with the client, you need to know if this person decides. It was just a situation where one of the managers went to the meeting, and two hours did a presentation there, and then it turned out that he makes a presentation not to a decision making decisions. As a result, two hours were lost in vain, another hour there is there, an hour is back. In general, a lot of time, half a day can be said. To do not get into this situation, do not lose time, funds, ask:

- If we now discuss all the details of the proposals, and it will seem to you that it is interesting how we do next? What are the following steps?

And the interlocutor can say:

- I will then take the director, he will consider, you will then talk to him, and so on ...

And you understand that this is not a decision maker.

During the conversation, you say:

- Tell me, please, and you will advise with someone before deciding on the delivery, about buying?

If they answer:

- Yes, of course, I will refer to the director, he will look or a different leader, he decides.

So it is not a LPR, and if the client says:

- consult? Not. I myself will accept the decision.


But, I want to warn you, it often happens that the most important director, the head you do not need. Perhaps the middle manager, with whom you communicate now, and takes the final decision, and then just comes to the director, say:

- Stepanovich, look: a class offer. Let's take it!

- Let's, since you decided, let's! - The director trust him very much.

Therefore, in some situations, it is not necessary to explicitly undergo this person. Most are trying to reach the most important thing through many-many-many managers. Some need to pass, some are not needed. How to determine? This is the topic of a separate article. Try to decide on yourself.

Work with the objection "I'll think about"

This refusal will sound 99 percent of cases if a negative response does not occur at all. How to work with him? "I'll think about it". The worst thing you can do is say:

- Let's think together.

- What are you going to think about?

This is not necessary to do, because it is very aggravated by the relationship with the client. You strain him, but buy someone who does not bother. If there is an option to process objections "I'll think about", does not strain the client, why not use it? Why strain him? Are you nice when you strain? I'll tell you now:

- Buy a cap or a shirt for $ 100!

You do not like Mike, and the price is unacceptable for you. You do not say:

- No no! I do not like!

Because I will work this objection:

- Why don't you like? She is great!

And you do not want me to work with him. You understand that I will process it, and you, to get out, but so, painlessly, say:

- I need to think if that, I will come back to you.

And I tell you:

- And let's think together? What are you going to think about?

What do you feel now? Probably not very. Yes? Accordingly, do not put your customers in such situations.

How to treat this objection?

"Other Solution"

First, we support the client, say:

- Well! Of course, think! Indeed, you need to accept a competent solution! But I would like to check again: at this stage, all the conditions are applied to you or a different solution just in case?

I used to go on the training technique simply:

- Well, how do you like the terms of delivery already acceptable?

And the client, respectively, said:

- Yes, acceptable, acceptable ...

That is, this method worked quite well. It works much cooler:

- Well, the delivery conditions for you acceptable or try to find other options, just in case?

And the client:

- Let's just in case are looking for.

It turns out that he really did not suit him, because how I already said the objection "I will think" arises when the client does not suit something. He simply won't tell the true refusal, and to take away, so as not to exacerbate the situation, say: "I'll think about it." Accordingly, you "I'll think about it" just remove from the road and pass it. For the refusal "I'll think about" another objection, which is perfectly calculated by the following technique.

"Price acceptable?"

If you understand that the client does not suit the price, say:

- Well, of course, think. Indeed, you need to accept a competent decision, but I would like to check: you, in general, the cost of this product is acceptable? Or try to choose another option, at a more affordable price?

"And, by the way, forgot ..."

The client chooses the mattress and says:

- I need to think.

You speak:

- Well! Wonderful! And, by the way, I completely forgot to ask: you are considering from spring filler? We have other options, without a spring filler. Special orthopedic flavoring mattress, let's see?

The client responds:

- Let's.

And you leave the objection "I'll think about." It is no longer.

You translate the topic of conversation, buy an extra time from the client. You have an additional chance to identify needs, determine why he wants to think, and so on. But when he says: "I'll think about it," this is such a glow point. But if you try to sell now, nothing will work, you need to first reduce it:

- Let's see another option? I completely forgot to offer ...

Here you can already communicate with the client, there is no such heat of emotions.

And, by the way, about the objection "I will think." When you processed the refusal "I'll think about" once, the client is already more difficult to say so again.

Imagine he said:

- I'll think about it.

- still completely forgotten, show this option ...

- Let's!

You show. If he says again: "I'll think about it," he will simply feel fool. And you are not to blame for this. The probability of sale increases here, or the likelihood that he will tell really true objection.

Care from objection "on the little things"

It happens that the client objects to trifles. Something does not suit him, the color does not suit, or the equipment does not suit, or the delivery time, or the range of a little bit there, or there is someone somewhere there. Consequently, you say:

- Okay! I understand you, in principle, everything suits you, you are ready to purchase. It remains only to solve the issue with ... - Say what is not satisfied with the client. - ... with button, with color, with a complete set. So? That is, I solve here ...

And if the client says that yes, then, indeed, this is a true objection. But, if he says, not quite, that is, if he has another objection inside, he understands that you are now ready to solve the issue with this button. You told it very confidently. Accordingly, he most likely will say a true objection or other false. Or say:

"Actually, I just didn't take money with you, you know."

- You know, I just at prices focused on 20 percent on 20 down, and here it was more expensive ...

So the objection is "expensive", which you already process differently, that is, you again, this refusal "on the trifles" removed from the way. He was, it was removed to the next objection: "expensive."

What to do when refusing "expensive"?

The objection "expensive" is one of the most popular objections. But you need in most cases to achieve it to be said. Customers some simply do not say "expensive," because they do not want, so to speak, seem in your face the poor. That I have no money and it is expensive, and many want to seem richer, but it does not concern professional purchases who only know what to say:

- Expensive, oh, expensive, expensive, expensive!

They just would bring down the price, they are specially trained, so that they have shot down.

  • Therefore, to begin with, it is necessary to identify whether this objection is true.

You're asking:

"Well, I understand that if the price arranged, then you are ready to purchase." So?

If the client says:

So you need to somehow imagine with it now. But if he says:

- Not quite ... You know, we just have no money with you, we have not paid accounts now ... that's if they paid ... then maybe we would buy ...

It turns out that this is the case in the departure of unpaid, and not that expensive. Checked the objection "expensive" for truth.

  • If truth, process on, well, if you have other options. Here is an expensive option and there are still less cheap configuration. Then you say:

- Yes, indeed this product is not cheap, but let's explain to you why it costs such money, and why many of our clients choose this, and are ready to pay for him.

And, accordingly, then you need to build a chain of customer benefit argument. Reveal before this needs, so that he felt that he was paying for business. He has money, most likely. Just your product has no money. It does not feel value.

  • And the easiest option in the processing of the objection "expensive" - \u200b\u200byou say:

- Well, let's pick up the option of cheaper!

And select the option less valuable, it can take such a thing, but there will be no it, that's it, that's what it is.

- It can be useful for you, and it can be useful for you in such a situation.

Can be compared to simple example: Computers. There is a computer budget. If you open 20 tabs in the browser at the same time, then you will slow down and work slowly. And another computer, more expensive, will work wonderful.

  • It happens that the client tells you:

- Expensive.

And you understand that he saw somewhere cheaper. You're asking:

"Well, I understand that you already compared with something somewhere?" Yes?

Confidently ask. No need to ask compared to what. It now causes rejection, and customers are perceived as rudeness.

- I understand that you have already compared somewhere with something? Yes or no?

That is, the client gives the choice. If he immediately says:

- Yes, compared. There is cheaper there.

Here important momentif he knew your approximate order prices, but came to you, then, most likely, he is something interesting for your offer.

- Well, you knew the price order, knew that we had a little more expensive. Why nevertheless decided to come to us, our option to see? What exactly in our products seems to you the most interesting?

You calculate key benefits and, accordingly, hyperboles it.

Technique work with refusal "We have no money"

I am often asked:

- And how to respond to the objection "we have no money"?

Surely, you also happened.

Immediately cut to the root:

- Oh, we have no money, we do not want to buy anything.

You, firstly, you need to find out, and true or this objection:

"Good, but I understand that if there were money, then we would discuss it with you." Yes?

- Yes, then maybe it would be interesting.

- Well, excellent, but the money may appear in the future. Now the crisis, tomorrow there will be no crisis. You know, here we have one client yesterday said that there is no money. And there was no money on the score, in general, at zeros. We discussed the options for the future with him, and two days later the debtors moved the debate. Accordingly, I immediately called us, and now we conclude an agreement with them. Perhaps you will also have money, and let's discuss the future to know who offers. Moreover, 5 minutes on the conversation, I think, we will not take it anymore.

- OK good!

And you discuss. Now your main task is to interest the buyer. Most likely there is, and this is a false objection. But, you know what is the nuance? If he said, "No money," then after this failure, even if your offer is very interesting, the client will not buy you. Imagine he says:

- No money.

- It's not scary, let's, I will offer - you look, and there already will understand.

- Yes, let's do it.

Offer, he thinks: "And a really cool sentence, it is worth buying, really worth it! Oh, I said that there is no money, and what to do? The deceiver will seem! No! ", And says:

- Let's then! Okay?

And that's it, and you lose customers. But! You speak:

- Perhaps the money will appear. I had a client who had money to appear in a matter of hours because you paid receivables. Probably, you will also pay something today, and money will appear. Can it be?

They speak:

- Yes, there is such a chance.

Now, if the client is interested, he will be able to agree. To say, for example, that the receipt was sent. That is, you suggest a version of exit from this deadlock, how to get out of it, so as not to seem like a deceiver.

Work with objections in sales: 6 tips, how to react to refusal + 7 examples of answers to objections + 5 rough errors when working with client objections.

One of the most complex stages Sales work is a refusal.

Many successful sellers and entrepreneurs know how to convince the client to make a purchase or at least understand why he refuses her.

Understanding the cause, you can analyze and correct them.

It consists of simple questions and convincing phrases that we will tell below.

1. How to react to negative: basic rules

Many sellers and managers do not know how to behave with the buyer or the future partner to arrange it to themselves. the main task - It is to sell, remember this.

Exists simple instructionHow to behave when working with objections:

    Always keep your interlocutor to the end, do not interrupt it.

    Only after he exposes everything, you can help him pick him up on the basis of heard information. necessary product Or to understand the reason for refusal, therefore, eliminate the shortcomings in the work.

    Never justify.

    As you know, the customer is a priori rights.

    If you did not figure out what exactly does not suit the buyer, then ask him a few questions for understanding the essence of the problem..

    Do not try to solve all the nativ!

    Agree at least with one reproach from the client.

    Thus, a person will feel support and sees the associate in your face.

  1. After the opponent exposes everything, admit that his claims have a place to be And apologize from the company's face.
  2. When the interlocutor completes his speech about why he refuses the services provided / products, you can on the basis of the voiced deficiencies shape whole line Positive product quality.

    It will be an argument that can attract the buyer and convince him.

Schematically, it looks like this:

If briefly, work with objections in sales is that you first need to agree with your opponent.
After it is necessary to convince it that the products are excellent, arguing their words advantage of the goods.

It sounds very simple, but in reality the diagram is extremely rarely works exactly as it is voiced above.

With the algorithm it is worth working and working so that the buyer, in the end, agreed and made a choice in favor of your product.

2. Direct work with objections in sales: Examples of answers

There are a number of typical negatives, but also there are answers to them.

We made a sign that would teach the right answers during the dialogue, in which objections sound:

ObjectionsService response

Email Offer

Well, but best, so that I personally spoke about our offer by phone or when meeting.

After all, our company works only individually with each client, selecting favorable offers on your requests.

I need to ask you a couple more questions to clarify all the nuances of the deal.

I have no time

I understand your employment.

When can I call to agree on a deal?

Let me gain you closer to the evening or tomorrow, because I have a very tempting offer for you ...

The directors are not on the spot

I wanted to personally talk with the leadership and set a couple of questions regarding our cooperation, because I have a profitable offer for your company.

Maybe you can help me clarify some nuances?

We do not need anything

  1. Answer, please, what exactly do you refuse?

  2. Why don't the goods interest you? After all, he has a number of positive characteristicswhich can not leave indifferent anyone.

  3. And if you had a financial opportunity to purchase products? After all, after a while everything will work out, and we can immediately make a deal.

We have already concluded a contract with the company

Do you really limit yourself to just one supplier (person, partner)?

We have the most favorable terms of cooperation, now I will tell you more and more detail.

I will think and give the answer later

Everything suits you in our conditions?

Perhaps you have some complaints or additional questions, ask, I will gladly answer.

Very expensive

  1. Compared to which company we have an overestimated cost?

  2. We have now discussed the goods (service, suggestion), which has 3 years of free service + Delivery due to company and quality assurance, yes? Do you consider such a set of expensive?

3. The main causes of customer objections

It is impossible to discuss the consequence of the current situation without understanding the reason for its occurrence.

This principle costs and work with sales failures. There are concrete reasons why people do not want to make a purchase or make a deal.

Typical causes of objections in sales

    Brain teaser:

    • the client has already concluded a contract (bought products);
    • the interlocutor wants to know more about the proposal;
    • opponent believes that he will only lose if it acquires you products;
    • you explain poorly or why your company's goods really need to buy.
  1. Emotional:

    • the interlocutor subconsciously resists the impact on it;
    • a person is afraid of changes that can follow after the conclusion of a deal or purchase of goods;
    • opponent, without hiding, shows that he is the main thing here, and it needs to be for a long time;
    • client by nature aggressive or hostile to all people as a whole;
    • the buyer must first make sure for themselves for himself that he really needs this product or deal.

Depending on which reason causes the client's objection, the conversation algorithm is adjusted to it.

Part of the denials was considered in the section above.

To fight S. emotional reasons, Must have high level Mastery in sales and even desirable to be a specialist in psychology.

4. Work tactics with trade objections

Working with objections in sales is full of nuances and pitfalls. The algorithm of actions exists, but for each case it is worth choosing an individual solution to the problem.

Work in one scheme with all the answers and cases is a mistake, because in one situation it can work, and to play against your benefit.

I would like to separately talk about the most common refusal - "very expensive."

Many want to bring down this answer. If you can not do this, then you should convince the buyer to make a purchase.

There are 3 options for working with price objections:

Tactic nameReply of the manager of the client

Justify pricing policy

In just 2-3 months you can save up with the help of our product about 300,000 rubles!

Just imagine, in just a month this acquisition will pay off, and also will help you get additional profits in the amount of 50-100 thousand rubles.

Think if your family can give up such money?

Approach to higher benefit

Vacation is only once a year.

You worked 365 days, and now you just have no right to deny yourself the pleasure.
You and your family deserve it, you can not save on yourself and loved ones.

In the case when they ask for cheaper

We can drop the price, but then you will have to abandon additional advantageswhich has a product (service) with full cost.

Do you really want to risk it?

We remind you that each tactic is individual, and is not suitable for each case.
Before calling a client and offer a product (service), do not forget to think about everything possible options objections and answers to them.

5. Working with objections in sales: Typical managers errors

Some sellers focus on customer failures, and not on what or make a deal.

Eliminate such errors when working with objections in sales:

  1. Working for the manager becomes a whole fight against regular customer failures.

    It is necessary not to fight, but to work and look for ways to solve the problem.

    The seller quickly speaks and sets too many questions in a row.

    It confuses the interlocutor and scares it.

  2. The manager or says a lot, or, on the contrary, issues information too dosed.
  3. The main focus is on the cost, which is rough mistake Many sellers.

    First you need to prove to the buyer, what are the benefits and benefits of this product or service.

    Only when you understand that it is ready to purchase products for any money, you can specify the cost.

    The seller does not own information completely, therefore feels insecurity when talking with the buyer.

    It immediately notices the client, even if you speak the phone.

    Failure in this case can not be avoided.

The objection "it is expensive" is one of the most popular sales.

How to work with him correctly tells the business coach Oleg Shevelev:

Working with objections in sales - Very complicated and responsible task. Always feel confidence that you are doing.

You need to be open with the client, it has people. If the interlocutor is rude to you, do not take it close to your heart, because we are talking Yet only about work.

"Expensive, no time, I'll think about it," the objections in sales are different, and each time they mean that the deal is about to come up. But the situation can be saved if you competently process the doubts of the client. We disassembled typical examples of objections in sales and prepared for effective answers to them.

Example of competent work with objection

If you are just learning to work with customers and their doubts, pass through the usual market. This is where real battles are deployed!

Morning, milk row and four women with identical bottles with farm milk.

- How much is a liter of milk?

- 100 rubles.

- What is so expensive? In the store and then cheaper!

- In the store pasteurized, and I have a fresh, in the morning I drove. There is now all the evening. Save a couple of rubles, and it will contact in the evening. Do you need it?

- um, no. Okay, let's 2.

Now imagine that the thrush began to resent: "Yes, it is expensive! You have not seen any expensive milk! ". The buyer would turn around and went to another seller. But the farmers are familiar with the methods of working with objections in sales, so she has more revenues and there are regular customers.

This simple example shows that work with objections is needed in any fields. Now let's go to the complex world of offices, phone calls and online stores, we will analyze the basic objections in sales and the options for answers to them.

Fighting of objections in sales: 15 examples

Objections for price

The most common, especially in retail sales. The client says: "It is too expensive" and goes to look cheaper. Manager's task - show to buyer Value for goods to see that the purchase is worth his money.

How to answer

Council Example
1. Find out what the client compares. Prove that your product is better and tell about the advantages.If you think this product is expensive, then you found more cheap analog. Is he really the same quality as this?
2. Agree. And then tell us that the client has a solution to his problems.You are right, it is expensive. Many customers are unhappy with the price, but in return they get (...).
3. Break spending a week, month, year. it good technique Working with objections in sales: the client immediately sees, on which it saves, and the amount no longer seems so frightening.I agree, 24 thousand are expensive, but if you split this amount for a year, you will get only 2 thousand rubles per month.
4. Make sure the price is the only thing that confuses the client. It may not be arranged the characteristics of the goods or the warranty period, but it closed for the price and does not want to deal with anything.Price - all that prevents you from shopping right now?

Does not suit product / service

Another common approach of customers in sales: the client may not like the product, the terms of delivery, the design is anything. Manager need find out what is the problem, and focus on the main advantage.

How to answer

Council Example
1. If there were problems with delivery, apologize and tell me about what difficulties arose and how you decided them.Yes, we had problems with delivery, but we changed transport company And improved the service. Now we personally control all the stages of transportation of orders.
2. If I did not like the design, tell us about its advantages and how customers react to it.Yes, the design is non-standard, but we ordered it in the Lebedev Studio. Now it is one of the best-selling products.
3. The client doubts the product and the reliability of cooperation. Need evidence.We have all certificates, reviews of our customers, thanksgiving letters and list of guarantees that we provide
4. Buyer categorically not like the product itself. Technique objections in sales in this case is based on indirect conviction. You are no longer convinced, but at the same time they just report that the client loses.It is a pity that you will not be able to appreciate (...), which has become the hit of this autumn.

Excuses: "No money", "no time", "I'll buy"

If the client took advantage of one or all excuses immediately - consider the wall between you now. And how to work out objections in sales, if the client is just waiting for, when can I leave? To get through to him specify on the strong advantages of the product, make a favorable offer, use the hardware of triple "yes".


How to answer

Council Example
1. Offer a discount.It is a pity, but now we have a 60% discount on this product.
2. Porp the client. Tell me that the price of the goods increases, it is better not to postpone the order.Think of course. But I want to remind you that tomorrow we raise the price by 20%.
3. Specify what exactly does not suit the client. Maybe he misunderstood something.What exactly did you not like? Maybe you are confused by the price or quality of the goods?
4. Specify the questions to which the client will answer "Yes." The technique of working with clients' objections in sales, based on triple "Yes" positively setting up the buyer and brings it to purchase.
  1. Can I ask you another question?
  2. Would you like to increase the incoming traffic of customers twice?
  3. A similar solution can cope with this task, do you agree?

Immediately says "no"

How to deal with objections in sales, if the client does not say "no" or disgusting the standard "I just look"? You can leave it alone, but you can establish contact.

In the old good-time people, before getting a coin, tested her teeth. This is true or fake. The same thing happens in sales, people, before making a final decision, check your proposal for compliance with objections. Therefore, work with objections is very important. And this great tool Not only sales, but also marketing.

Cheat you

They say that if you correctly find out the need and well to hold a presentation, then the client will not be objections. He will immediately say "where to pay?". But is it?! In our experience, writing and testing hundreds, we are confidently talking that work with the objections of the client will always be, even if before that you have surpassed yourself and have done all the steps right.

Next, we will consider the rules for working with objections, the most popular. But now let's decide for what reasons we can face doubts and objections. It is very important. After that, you will relate to them a little different. So. The client may say objections because:

  1. I do not agree with your arguments;
  2. Do not suit the conditions;
  3. Does not suit the price;
  4. No need;
  5. Bad mood;
  6. Wants to assert;
  7. Traded;
  8. Wants to leave a "trump card in a sleeve."

This list is not all, but quite frequently used causes by which the client objects. And looking at them you can see that some of them can be worked out, and there is no part. Namely, the first four reasons we can eliminate the right arguments, new conditions, justification / lower prices, creating a need.

BUT! In cases of the last four reasons, we can no longer fight. Since if the client has a bad mood, you will still stand on your head, even invite the circus, nothing will change. The same if the buyer wants to assert or deliberately trading to get more good price. Or he specifically creates the illusion that he doubts that at the right moment to get better conditions.

You need to understand that in B2B and B2C sales of objection will be different.

Not from the point of view of the structure. And from the point of view of words and arguments. I will give examples from two spheres. But if you have difficulty, write in the comments, I will help you to adapt the objection to you for free.

Types of objections

Thanks to the information above, we can identify views that will help us qualify every objection and understand how to work as efficiently as possible with it. This is one of the most important steps. Otherwise, you are trying to play soccer basketball ball and surprise that it turns out badly.


Most often, such a type of objection in sales we meet when working on. With cold calls, we hear these objections at the very beginning of the conversation when the client such excuses wants to finish the conversation as soon as possible, to make you take away from him.

Among the excuses can be like short and uncertain phrases by type "We don't need nothing / I don't need anything", "uninteresting", "I'm busy", "no time", and quite familiar objections for you. To understand the excuse or not, it is enough to understand the moment and intonation when the client speaks about it. He will show all the kind that he wants to get rid of you.

Your task in this case does not try to argue and argue why you are the best in the world, because it doesn't matter to the client, he wants to "run away" from you. To effectively work out excuses, you need a client to hook, catch on the hook.

Ideally do it taped one of the emotions: greed, fear or vanity. It is these emotions to touch the client best and attract to continue the conversation, even if he wanted to finish him before. Consider on the example "we do not need anything."

Greed: And if you lower your expenses by 20%?
Fear: You miss the unique opportunity to become the first in the city.
Vanity: Our product is created specifically for people like you.

Try to hook a client, throw the intrigue, in this case you will have effective work With objections. The client should have a thought in the head, and then in the language "Tell me more details." It can continue to object, but will begin to do it already consciously, and therefore we will turn to the next level and work with the objection will continue.

We are already more than 45,000 people.

True objection

In the habit, we all objections are written in this species. True objections are when the client says the truth. In the literal sense of the word. If he says "expensive," he really is expensive. If he says, "I need to consult," he also wants to ask the Council from another person. If he says that "no money", then they are not now or not enough in this situation. Everything is logical and understandable.

Technique of work with objections There is not one, their dozens. They all have a place to be. I will tell you about the three most universal and existing (in my opinion). On their basis, we write everything.

Consent ... Call

My favorite technique of working with the client's objection. This technique of working on right is called the most universal. It consists of 4 stages. The sequence is obligatory. Move from above-down. It is important. You can watch the video below or read how convenient 😉

The algorithm of work with objections in this case will be like this:

  1. Consent - yes / you are right / such may well be / there is such an opinion
  2. Transition - that is why / and / also / for this
  3. Argument - We give a guarantee of 15 years / cleans using an ordinary rag and water
  4. Call / Question - Take in your hands and no longer want to let go / How much do you like better?

Of these four steps We create a universal sequence of working out any objection. For example, an objection "I don't like the appearance of this ax", we can say " Appearance And really scares first. True, when you take into my hands, you understand that everything is done for people. This rubberized handle saves from rubbing corns and random slipping. And this chisel, made of titanium, will even metal pipe. How much is it important to you? "

That's why

Laconic version of working out objections. Any phrase of the client to translate to his argument with the words "that is why". This technique is a shortened version of "Consent ... Call" and relevant in the case of a "weak" objection or a small amount of time.

Work on the objection goes in two stages: transition -\u003e argument.

To the objection "We have a supplier", we say "that is why our conversation will be a good reason to reduce the price of him." Or the objection is "not available", we say "that is why this product Consider Must Have In the arsenal of any housewife. "


In addition to the fact that this technique gives an excellent opportunity to work out the objection, it still helps to find out more information. Therefore, we can divide questions into two types: claiming and clarifying. Consider the options for the objection "expensive".

Approving: Is it good enough to cost cheap? / If we reduce the price, how do customers find out that we have an excellent product?
Clarifying: who do you compare with? / Why did you decide so? / What is expensive for you?

With the help of the correct asserting issues, you can force the client to come to the correct conclusion, without imposing his opinion to him. And with the help of finding out, you will understand that in fact it has a client under the objection. For example, the objection "suspension of this car is too hard" is not clear. Does it mean a very soft suspension or average? Therefore, I specify clarifying questions.

Objective condition

This can not be called objections, but with objective reasons why a person cannot make a decision right now. Let's come back to "I need to consult." There is an option when a person wants to consult, because he himself doubts, and there is an option when a person objectively cannot make a decision independently. For example, he has a partner, without the consent of which nothing is done.

How to find out the objective condition or not, I will tell below. At this step you need to realize that it makes no sense to fall into the closed gate. Because you do not open them on an objective reason. And to solve this task you need to be able to wait and "not to produce a blue of hand", that is, to take the initiative to control the deal, but at the same time, without raving a person to make a decision right now.

Hidden objection

The case when the client says "I'll think about the week," but actually the reason in the other. It can be like "I am not suitable", "I have seen others cheaper" or even "you-ham". The most difficult thing in this form is to understand - a hidden objection or true.

The recipe definition is quite simple. You need to start processing this objection as true. And if the client constantly changes objections, then you are moving correct way. We need to go in the same bed and work out objections as true.

But if he repeats the same objection constantly so that you say, then we are most likely either hidden or an objective objection. To find out, we need to ask a clarifying question. For example, the objection is "expensive", we ask the clarifying question "If we settle the issue with the cost, then the rest suits you everything? Would you buy? ".

Note! A clarifying question may begin otherwise, for example: "We will assume that we will resolve the issue with ____" or "what if the question is not worth it". The main thing to save the idea and concept.

After the clarifying issue, all the hidden becomes apparent. The client says in the first case. "Yes, I will buy. But I'm not satisfied with the price, "or in the second case he says" No, I will not buy. Because I still do not like ______. "

In the first case, this is an objective condition that we need to solve from a rational point of view. In the second case, he will tell you the following true objection, which we begin to work out as usual. If he says just "do not buy", then it is enough to know the reason for the words "Tell me, please, for feedback, why? We are very important for us. "

Ready solutions

We all love ready solutions (I'm not an exception). Therefore, you prepared answers to the most popular phrases of customers when they doubt the purchase. Methods of working with objections are written by different equipment. Without going into details, take and use.

Very expensive

1. It is very good that you are so serious about your budget. Tell me, please, the price is the only thing that confuses you, or is it that I would like to improve in the product / service?

2. That is why we acquire those people who do not want to pay twice.

3. When buying people want to get high quality, excellent service and minimal price. And you know, it is impossible to maintain quality and service at the level at a low price. And what is important to you from this?

I'll think about it

1. Customers often say "I'll think about," when they want to politely refuse. Tell me, please, what exactly do you dislike?

2. Yes, please. As convenient. Just specify which for more information Are you missing to voice your decision?

3. Tell me, please, in general, our offer do you like or confuse something?


1. I will definitely send. Then literally a couple of questions answer to understand what kind of offer you send. Okay?

2. I will be happy to do this after our meeting, on which we will discuss all the subtleties and specials. The conditions you can get. Does the office be on _____?

3. You probably send a lot of sentences every day. I really appreciate your time, so tell me, please, what is now relevant for you so as not to send everything?

1. I fully admit. That is why I do not insist on momentary cooperation! For a start, I just suggest to meet and meet that in the future you knew where to turn if it would be necessary.

2. And on what conditions would you be interested in working with us?

Discount if you give 30% +, then buy

1. I will gladly give you such a discount if our markup will be 2-3 times more. We are specifically priced, do not keep up for you to receive an offer at the most favorable price.

2. There were cases when the client received such a discount. In the first case, this is when ____, and in the second case, when _____. If you get under these conditions, then I will definitely agree to you a lower cost.

Others are cheaper

1. There is always the one who will offer cheaper. The question is one, on quality or service they save, once give such a price?!

2. If the price for you is the only criteria for the selection, and to other indicators you do not care. That is better to go to them, or let me tell you more than we differ and why our cooperation will be more profitable for you.

We work with others

1. And I do not call you right now to refuse their services right now. I suggest to consider the option as our capabilities can add those that you already have.

2. The established links is good. Just our offer will be a reason to reduce the price from the current supplier.

Briefly about the main thing

Work with the objections of buyers is an integral part of any business. Both in retail sales and in wholesale, and in services. The ability to work with them is an important skill that will help increase sales. And in order to work out this skill as soon as possible, you need to collect the team and write out all possible objections that arise during the work.

For each of them you need to register at least three workouts (use three techniques from this article). After that, necessarily the entire selling composition should learn them. Since knowledge without action is a prize for fools. And you are smart people, solid, rich. Therefore, act ...

P.S. Treat the testing of objections is positive. Understand the client. Believe in what you want him to receive your product, because he really needs him. Then the whole process is not in the format "Buy! Buy! Buy! ", And in the format" I want to help you, "which has a positive effect on the conversation.