Repairs Design Furniture

How to remove dranco with the roof in which way. Wooden roof designs - a brief overview of various options and label technology. Step-by-step roof coating instructions

More relatively recently, duranka was used almost everywhere, when performing construction and repair in the house. For today, it is successfully replaced by many modern building materials.

But, nevertheless, still you may need to know how duch is done with your own hands, from which material it is preferable to do and where to use.

Dranca do it yourself

For the manufacture of duncas, they are mainly used coniferous breeds Woods like: spruce and pine. Much less often draw ducts from Cedar and Osin.

Depending on the manufacturer, duch can be:

  • Kolota;
  • Sawn;
  • Mosaic.

Dranca is made manually or by means of a special machine, which greatly facilitates the entire process of its manufacture. It is necessary to protect the duranka from damage during operation and to increase its fire safety, when it is manufactured.

Dranca do it yourself from pine or ate, is manufactured as follows:

- It is originally produced wood blank, it is desirable that it was without bitch. For this log, the logs without bark are cut into a scrabble, 40 centimeters long.

- Next, it is necessary to lay the chumbas in a large metal boiler and reveal them for half an hour. At home, it allows you to give the material of greater strength and resistance to the development of fungi and mold.

- Then, for the manufacture of duncas, you will need such a tool as a column, which the duch is thick with a thickness of no more than 1 centimeter.

- Slipped duch, since it is still wet, it is necessary to dry before use. For this, duranka is placed in small stacks and dry in this position a few days, or even more with a not too high temperature.

It should be known that in the manufacture of duncas, you can do without cooking wood. But it is recommended before making drank in this way, paint the ends of the prepared paint material and put it on drying in a closed room.

When the duch is ready for their own hands, it can be used for roof. Previously before installation, the duranka is assembled by a solid drying coating from the frontieroid or other waterproofing material.

Further, a duch of the joint is laid out on the roof thus prepared in the junction or the same in each other. You need to nail the dranco to the roof with special dranched nails, and the duch installation with your own hands is made from below.

learning craft

L. Zubarev

Dranca is planed and kolotany. Strike dranco from aspen or lime square chocks with a length of 25 ... 30 cm and a cross section of 10 × 15 ... 20 cm. Chocks are fixed on a raised one from the ground of the floor, there they also set the long lever from the rod, at the end of which a special knife is fixed . With this device, a 0.5 cm string is made. Of course, one shoulder at the lever, where the knife is shorter than the other.

Crook the roof with a duncan on a solid crate of several layers, overlapping the duncan of each layer of the Vangest (according to the principle of fish scales).

Calca duch is made exclusively out of pine, and the wood of the workpieces should

log is the main part of the wood of the trunk. If there is no condic pine, and it is rare even in the taiga, the duke is made from ordinary pine, with a diameter of 40. ..50 cm and more. It is not scary if the core pine has fallen slightly, as only the outline part of the log is in the case.

The logs are cut on a chocks with a length of 1.2 m (length of slate), it is coleged by an ax and wedges along the radius, then the blast from the edges to the center (the magnitude of the chopped chocks along the wide edge of 15 ... 20 cm).

For receiving the duncot, a special knife is required, which is usually made of springs. The length of such a knife is 45 cm, width 6 ... 8 cm, thickness 3 ... 4 mm. At one end, the knife is provided (welded or bends from the same band) sleeve (fig. For a wooden handle (the diameter of the handle 4 ... 5 media length 50 ... 60 cm).

Cut the duranka like this: chocks put on the ass and, from

PUC. 1. Knife for receiving a duncot

Fig. 2. Fastening duncar with nails (1) with wire (2)

to be straight and without bans (a closed part of the tree is best).

From pine basket in everyday life is indispensable.

Note that the highest quality dunca comes out of the Kondov pine. This pine in the forest differs from the other smooth bark of light yellow color. Condo pine shallow wood, resinous. Sochalo - an external less dense layer of wood, lying directly under the bark, is quite narrow, the thickness of it is 1.5 ... 2 cm. In the usual pine

Dranco or shingle - one of original species Roof. This is a rare, elite and expensive material. The roofer-duchier, as it turned out, is difficult to find. Therefore, I will share personal experience Duch mining with their own hands.


To make durank, you will need good tool. At one time, I did not find a fit tool in the store.

Find with Nature Common Language

I had to make it myself.

Main fixture

By sampled and error, having studied a bunch of special forums and revising a ton of video, I made three different knives in size.

Small, long 20 cm, I made a piece of metal and sharpened on turning machine. It will be needed to remove small bitch, bark.

Middle Size Knife I made from automotive springs. Its long 35 cm. This is the main tool in the manufacture of the shingle. I used them most often. However, he could not stand the load. Since the design of the spring implies holes, plus the cutter length played a negative role.

For large knife I used a piece of tempered metal with a thickness of 12mm, length 50cm, width 10cm.

Sharpening angle - the secret of the great-grandfather

The most convenient sharpening angle is 30 °. Such edges are easy to scan aspen, oak, spruce, pine and poplar. I would advise you sharpening on the one hand. The word drank itself comes from to tear, handy. And the sharp, sharpened on the two sides of the tools you will prick or cut it.

Percussion instrument

As a percussion, I do not use a metal sledgehammer or hammer. Because with constant blows, the surface is broken, the knife will lose the plane. And this is not convenient when making drank. I recommend using a tree from a tree.

We choose the material

For the manufacture of a good duch, the right approach to the choice of wood is necessary. Pay attention to Colley and tree trunk. On the surface there should be no large bitch, depression or damage. The trunk must be smooth, not drowned, the structure is close to ideal.

The end or interior of the trunk should also be without defects.

The process of manufacturing a shingle

It is worth saying that I mined the duch of the following dimensions: Length 35 cm, width 5 cm, thickness 1 cm. And now I will write in detail the process.

Step 1 - Preparation

The first thing to do is to split round. It is easier to do it from the end, and on the side. I take the ax and begins to gradually clog it with a wooden Cyana.

I spied this method from Siberian hunters who go to the taiga for the winter and make skis from pine or tree.

The splits of the chumbach into two parts I inspect it inside. It should not be defects, large resin ducts, koroedov. The structure must be smooth.

Then, one of the halves of Brevna I split another two equal parts.

Step 2 - Production

Go to the manufacture of the plates themselves. I take a big cutter and wooden Cyanka.. Smoothly tapping on the knife then with one, then on the other hand, we grind the plate. Thickness no more than 8 - 12 mm. You need to beat not just vertically down, but a little on yourself. In order not to cut and hand out. When granting the shingle, the chub is important to put a holiday down. So the blade will move along the growth line of the fibers. Dranca get smooth and not rams.

Step 3 - Grinding

When making duranka, do not achieve smooth and smooth surface Plates. For a better fit, I use a two-handed knife, it is called structure. I put a plate of a holiday down and starting to upload everything too much. They remove the bark.

And for best Stream Water remove the chamfer at an angle of 45 ° C top of the plate.

Laying dranki.

When laying a shingle there is a rule - Komel must look down. As they have been made, so stack. If the plates of the return country water and the snow will be delayed, and the roof flows.

Methods of laying dranco

The first way is to lay a mustache. The plates are put on each other, about one third. This method is the easiest and easy.

The second method is multi-layered laying. The first layer is stacked exactly. The distance between the ds in one row is 3-5 mm.

The next layer overlaps the joints of the first row. Etc. In this way, four or five layers are stacked. This method can be used to make the roof of the house, terrace, veranda.

With the first manufacturer, drank need to be patient. However, by taking experience, you will be able to make an unusual and eco-friendly roof option.

Scientists believe that the weaving man learned much earlier than the pottery. From the long flexible branches of various thicknesses, it was housing and household buildings, hedge, furniture, body sled and wagon, as well as baskets that have the most diverse purpose.

The basket is the community name of the container, which in every edge had its own characteristics in manufacturing and appearance.

Without baskets, these universal wicker vessels, it is difficult to imagine the life of the Russian peasant. In the second half of the XIX - early XX century. Wicker products had widespread. These are diverse in the form and purpose of the basket, which are containers with one or two handles for collecting berries, mushrooms, vegetables, nuts, carrying and storing various reserves, as well as household items.

Plow baskets made of pine chips

They were indispensable when harvesting and storing products. In the baskets wearing women on a river rinse underwear. There were such baskets with which they were sent to the long road.

Baskets made from bark, roots, branches, straws, stems. They could be rectangular, square, oval, hemispherical, open top and closed, with covers different designs Or without covers. Almost every rural resident could absorb the basket desired in the farm, using the simplest weaving techniques. Separate masters of spill basket for every taste and not only for themselves, but also for sale. Depending on the appointment, they were given a wide variety of forms, decorated with woven patterns of painted rods. Various weaving techniques transmitted from generation to generation were gradually improved, becoming more rational.

Hoody basket fishery was distributed in different localities in Russia. Weaving baskets made of pine rays (dranco) in the Olonets province - a very common occupation in all the districts of the province. Weaving baskets from Lucin were engaged in the peasants of Kargopol and the surrounding villages.

The basket craft attracted the peasants more than any other fisheries with its publicity. Worked almost exclusively men, women were engaged in baskets only in isolated cases. In the peasant family, weaving baskets were mainly a subsidiary. Even mentioned previously not a large number of Hoodies in the entire Olonets province (55 people), who specialized in weaving baskets, could not develop their work due to low prices for products and in the lack of time: only weaving baskets for sale, they could not feed their family.

Weaving baskets peasants usually engaged in winter. There were no special workshops, usually worked in the house.

A brief description of the technology of manufacturing wicker baskets is provided in the statistical collection "Handicrafts and craft earnings of the peasants by Olonetskaya province": "... For a product from DRANY, you need a great skill to choose a tree, and then cut it so that the cores do not remain anything. For a successful case, the fragments of the seeded pieces of wood are put in the oven, "so that there is a taste", after a day, they are already perfectly split off with a knife, and the material is in a hurry to use, because From the "pair" material make it easier to make baskets. "

Thus, in the economic life of the peasants by Olonetskaya province, the manufacture of braided baskets made of pine rays (dranco) as the type of traditional economic activity played an important role. Baskets were used everywhere in everywhere peasants, no peasant family could do without them. For many families, possession of this craft brought an additional income.

Word of chip

The word chips in English letters (translite) - Shchepa

The word chip consists of 4 letters: A E is

Values \u200b\u200bof the word chips. What is chips?

Chip. Ground wood set sizesReceived as a result of grinding wood raws with rubble machines and special devices used as technological raw materials or fuel to watch all terms GOST 17462-84.

Vocabulary Vocabulary

SSHAM - Wood particles obtained in the process of grinding short-dear raw materials or trimming sawn timber. Distinguish the technological and fuel chip.

The chips are crushed wood of the established size, obtained by treating wood raw materials with rubble machines and special devices used as technological raw materials or fuel.

Dictionary of main refinery and economic terms

Chip for smoked

Chips for smoking - these are wood particles rectangular shapeobtained in the process of grinding wood raw material with a ruby \u200b\u200bmachine and representing the smoke material used in smoke generators of the tension ...

Ships, technological

Ships, technological. Grinding chips for the production of pulp, wood slabs and products of forestry and hydrolysis industries See all terms GOST 17462-84.

Vocabulary Vocabulary

SCHAP, Alexander Fedorovich

SCHA, Alexander Fedorovich - Specific Prince Rostovsky, the prince of Schepino-Rostov's princes, on one instructions - the son of Prince Fedor Aleksandrovich, according to another - Prince Fedor Andreevich ...

Alexander Fedorovich Szecha

Alexander Fedorovich Szyma (mind 1442) - Pskov vs. (1410-1412, 1421-1424, 1429-1434), by origin, the Rostov Prince, the prince of the princes of Schepino-Rostov.

Church of Nicholas Wonderworker in chips

Church of Nicholas Wonderworker at the seasons, Nikoloshchepovskaya Church - the Orthodox Church in the center of Moscow, in the Arbat area, at the corner of the first Smolensk and Second Nikoloshpovsky Lanes ...

Pozharsky, Prince Peter Timofeevich Chip

Pozharsky, Prince Peter Timofeevich Sepa - Son KN. Timothy Feodorovich; In 1597-1599.

Make yourself (light) 1994-06, page 80

there was a passing head in Moscow, consistently: in China-city, in the new Tsarev city, from the rough to Moscow rivers, and in the Kremlin; In 1600 - the governor in the Urzhum.

Big biographical encyclopedia. — 2009

Russian language

Morphemno-spelling dictionary. - 2002.

Ships, -y, mn. chips, chips, chips.

Orthographic dictionary. - 2004.

Examples of chip word

Today, popularity is gaining such types of products such as bioplastism, chips, granules and other biofuels.

Production and installation of the roof of drank

Dranco is called thin wooden plates, which are used for the roofing device, as well as for facing the facade. The raw material for the manufacture of duch is the wood of coniferous rocks:

  • pine
  • cedar
  • wood aspen.

The type of roof made of duranka may be called differently:

  • shingle,
  • shingles,
  • schindel,
  • shingalas.

They differ only in manufacturing technology, as well as styling. To this day, duch is made practically manually.

Depending on the method of manufacturing and the resulting form, drank is distinguished:

  • chuck
  • peeled
  • mosaic.

Thanks to the use of special impregnations for Dranke wood, it is possible to give almost any shade (or, using a colorless composition, maintain its original appearance). In addition, such impregnations significantly prolong the life of these wooden products.

Dranco installation

When arranging the roof, the duch is mounted with a slope, not less than 12%. As a result, a multilayer design should be obtained, in which there are from four to eight layers of wooden tiles.

Let's tell about the process of manufacturing and installing drank from ate.

To make a spruce dranco, you will need rounded from ate. When calculating the number of rounds it is necessary to consider the quality of the material, the roof dimensions and the number of roofing layers.

Initially, the chumbas are prepared. For this, rounding, on which there are no bitch, cut into pieces with a length of 40cm. Drinking chumbas lay on the boiler (metal barrel) and boil about half an hour - it allows you to break the wood a little. After that, the chorbak put vertically and with the help of a string begins to be brought shorts.

The thickness of the raised duch should be not more than 1 cm. Then the wet duncar is laid in the stack. Between the layers it is necessary to provide for the presence of gasket. After the dunca is dry, it can be flattened to the roof. Previously with duch's sides, it is advisable to remove the Cora (Okrew).

Actually, the chumbas can not cook. Then all the chopped chumbas immediately need to paint with a thick oil paint from the ends - it will warn wood cracking.

How and how to make durank himself?

After that, the chumbas are put on drying (also with gaskets) in a closed room or under a canopy.


So, when the duch was cut, you can proceed to roofing works. First you need to perform a solid crate. The made crate is desirable to cover the Tole, and only then take for duch. Put out the layer of penetration or the mix of jack, fixed with dranched nails (60 mm x 1 mm). It should be started to start the roof from the bottom edge, while the upper drank must cover the end and side joints by 5 cm.

By performing the fastening of the two or three lower layers, one nail is scored into each dunca, and in the drank of the highest layer it is necessary to score two nails. The optimal duch dimensions are as follows: 40 x 8 x 0.7 cm. The lip of the roofs are offended by the board.

Wood has a number of features, thanks to which the roof from duranka is in its properties unique. Let's list these features:

  • Osinsky dunca with long stay in conditions open air "Canning". Thanks to this, Osin is recommended for the arrangement of the bath and other rooms subject to high humidity.
  • When the pine duncar is used, then the microscopic roofing gaps seals from its pores.
  • Dranco roofing does not need additional waterproofing.

Articles about roofs in country houses

Baskets wicker from pine drank (DRANI)

Wooden tile



Set another question:

1st letter D; 2nd letter P; 3rd letter A; 4th letter H; 5th letter K; 6th letter A;

  • planks for shabby walls in front of plaster
  • wooden tile
  • wooden tile
  • reiki for the walls of the walls under the plaster
  • thin wooden plates
  • thin wooden plates
  • roofing plate
  • roofing plate
  • planck under the plaster
  • planck under the plaster
  • Building Material, Wooden Planks (Platforms) for the upholstery of the walls and the ceiling
  • trying rail
  • trying rail
  • thinly thicker plates of aspen, pines
  • reiki for walls under the plaster
  • reiki for walls under the plaster
  • thin wooden chips
  • thin wooden chips
  • Thin wooden plates for the upholstery of the walls and the ceiling under the plaster and for the roofing device
  • reiki under the plaster
  • reiki under the plaster
  • thin (3-5 mm) Wooden planks (planks) for upholstery of walls and ceiling
  • thin plates of wood
  • thin plates of wood
  • thinned shingle
  • thinned shingle
  • And for the walls of the walls under the plaster
  • roofing Plank
  • roofing Plank
  • thin wooden Planck For coating roofs
  • thin Wooden Planking For Roof Coating
  • digging for roofing
  • digging for roofing
  • thin plate
  • thin plate
  • "Skeleton" for plaster
  • "Skeleton" for plaster
  • plaster
  • plaster
  • thin Wooden Plank for Creek under the Stucco
  • thin wooden rails
  • thin wooden rails
  • wooden Planck
  • wooden Planck
  • chip for roof
  • chip for roof
  • thin wooden plank
  • thin wooden plank
  • river on Kamchatka
  • river on Kamchatka
  • true for crate
  • true for crate
  • dice under the plaster
  • dice under the plaster

Dranca or shingle - one of the original types of roof. This is a rare, elite and expensive material. The roofer-duchier, as it turned out, is difficult to find. Therefore, I will share the personal experience of drank production with your own hands.


To make durank, you will need a good tool. At one time, I did not find a fit tool in the store. I had to make it myself.

Main fixture

By sampled and error, having studied a bunch of special forums and revising a ton of video, I made three different knives in size.

Little, long 20 cm, I made a piece of metal and sharpened on a lathe. It will be needed to remove small bitch, bark.

Middle Size Knife I made from automotive springs. Its long 35 cm. This is the main tool in the manufacture of the shingle. I used them most often. However, he could not stand the load. Since the design of the spring implies holes, plus the cutter length played a negative role.

For a large knife, I used a piece of tempered metal with a thickness of 12mm, length 50cm, width 10cm.

Sharpening angle - the secret of the great-grandfather

The most convenient sharpening angle is 30 °. Such edges are easy to scan aspen, oak, spruce, pine and poplar. I would advise you sharpening on the one hand. The word drank itself comes from to tear, handy. And the sharp, sharpened on the two sides of the tools you will prick or cut it.

Percussion instrument

As a percussion, I do not use a metal sledgehammer or hammer. Because with constant blows, the surface is broken, the knife will lose the plane. And this is not convenient when making drank. I recommend using a tree from a tree.

We choose the material

For the manufacture of a good duch, the right approach to the choice of wood is necessary. Pay attention to Colley and tree trunk. On the surface there should be no large bitch, depression or damage. The trunk must be smooth, not drowned, the structure is close to ideal.

The end or interior of the trunk should also be without defects.

The process of manufacturing a shingle

It is worth saying that I mined the duch of the following dimensions: Length 35 cm, width 5 cm, thickness 1 cm. And now I will write in detail the process.

Step 1 - Preparation

The first thing to do is to split round. It is easier to do it from the end, and on the side. I take the ax and begins to gradually clog it with a wooden Cyana.

I spied this method from Siberian hunters who go to the taiga for the winter and make skis from pine or tree.

The splits of the chumbach into two parts I inspect it inside. It should not be defects, large resin ducts, koroedov. The structure must be smooth.

Then, one of the halves of Brevna I split another two equal parts.

Step 2 - Production

Go to the manufacture of the plates themselves. I take a big cutter and a wooden queen. Smoothly tapping on the knife then with one, then on the other hand, we grind the plate. Thickness no more than 8 - 12 mm. You need to beat not just vertically down, but a little on yourself. In order not to cut and hand out. When granting the shingle, the chub is important to put a holiday down. So the blade will move along the growth line of the fibers. Dranca get smooth and not rams.

Step 3 - Grinding

When making drank, do not achieve a smooth and smooth surface of the plate. For a better fit, I use a two-handed knife, it is called structure. I put a plate of a holiday down and starting to upload everything too much. They remove the bark.

And for better water drain, I remove the chamfer at an angle of 45 ° C top of the plate.

Laying dranki.

When laying a shingle there is a rule - Komel must look down. As they have been made, so stack. If the plates of the return country water and the snow will be delayed, and the roof flows.

Methods of laying dranco

The first way is to lay a mustache. The plates are put on each other, about one third. This method is the easiest and easy.

The second method is multi-layered laying. The first layer is stacked exactly. The distance between the ds in one row is 3-5 mm.

The next layer overlaps the joints of the first row. Etc. In this way, four or five layers are stacked. This method can be used to make the roof of the house, terrace, veranda.

With the first manufacturer, drank need to be patient. However, by taking experience, you will be able to make an unusual and eco-friendly roof option.

Return to natural building materials is due not only to fashionable environmental arguments, although there is no doubt about their persuasive. Created by the nature of the Organic on a peculiar intellectual level spontaneously adjusts to the conditions of the living of the owners. It is completely utilized after wear, without disturbing the natural balance in the course of operation, nor after it. In a number of "pop-ups" from the depth of the time of materials, the duch and other types of wooden roofing coverage are firmly forgotten due to a considerable cost and labor-intensive installation. However, it is a drank roof that can be covered very economically. Technology is not difficult, but zeal and baggage simple rules Future roofer is needed.

Pluses of a roof with wooden coating

It is easy to guess that the installation of a wooden tile will be in the scrupulous attachment of each separate element. If you are interested in the budget wooden roof, you will need to independently do the material itself. But thanks to the excellent insulating properties of wood, the owners will not be disturbed by the noise of rain and the roof of the cat. And the structure will become unique due to the inimitable effect of wooden plates.

All kinds of roofing coatings, combined under the technological name "Rone Roofing", work on the principle of a fir bump. When wetting their elements swell, as if, closed with each other, turning into a barrier for atmospheric moisture. In dry weather, wood is sneezing, providing the possibility of air to circulate freely in roofing gaps and in the underpants space. That is, both waterproofing and ventilation is carried out by natural organic themselves. Because the wooden structures of the roof most of them do not require pair styling and waterproof becks if the angle of inclination of the slopes is not lower than the limits specified in DIN 68119.

Types of wooden roofing

To buy a bath roof to buy a material made in the factory conditions or make it yourself. Factory options will not please cheaper, but the impressive will be able to complete the installation or article carving bottom edge. The elements of the gear coatings differ from the manufacturing, configuration technology and in the laying method. Based on the differences listed, they are divided into the following types:

  • Handling - coverage, handed over to all types of this category. It is separate sawn or brushed plates, which can be strictly rectangular, trapezoidal or can resemble dovetail. In the case of a tailing tail, spinged in this way, not only attached to the crate, but also interconnected according to the Schip-V-PAZ scheme. In the case of the use of a unpleasant material, i.e. Trapezoidal and rectangular elements in the section, fastening to the crate and the connection between itself is performed only with the help of nails or screws. Fasteners passes through two plates without a tongue through and enters into a reshet 2 cm.

Note! Sawn material tangible loses on operational and technical characteristics Kolotoma analogue. In the process of sawing, the natural structure of wood fibers is disturbed, which is why it can also be resistant to resist external negative factors.

  • Dranco and chips are simplified variations on the topic of the shingle, differing only by the dimensions of T thickness. The length of the roofing drane is usually from 40 cm to 1 m, chip smaller. Like chips, so duch, with their own hands, is made by ringing chocks on unqualted plank. A log for chocks should be thick and well dried, otherwise a lot of skimps will go into consumption. If a blank sawn timber with a humidity indicator is less than 18%, the elements crack when dried. If you use a soft log cabin - Obolon, the plank will not stand for a long service. In addition, it should not be on the elements of the roofing drain "Neither the bitch nor zadorinok", as well as through slots and prone to rotting areas. Optimally use aspen or alder, coniferous soft rocks are applicable. The duranka on the roof is stacked according to the principle of chess order in two, three, four or five layers with allen, both horizontally and vertically.

Note. For proper adjunctions on the side cuts, skidding is removed. At an angle of 45º, it should be done in one direction on both sides. The masters perfectly knowing how to make durank, recommend the chamfer to remove for beauty from the outer transverse edge and with the inner for the best fit.

  • Schindel - made of wood tile, mounted braziness, but not in a clear checker, but with some displacement of elements. This prototype is modern flexible tile Do not fasten hard to the crate. There must be some screw. The elements of the wooden tile are not installed tightly to each other to ensure the ability to increase in size from moisture without "swelling" resistant to each other. In the manufacture of shindel, the location of the structural rings of wood is important, otherwise, with multiple drying and moisturizing, the material will be sworn in the unnecessary owner of the direction.
  • Lemeh is a legendary coating that decorated with carved splendor Wooden churches and boyars choirs in Russia. Each lemet is an artistic product that is fully created by the masters skillful hands. For manufacture used exclusively aspen and hand tool. Wood is harvested during the period of active circulation of the greatest amount of fiber juice - in the end of spring. On the creation of elements of the lemis, resembling a blade with a carved edging, a lot of thoroughly selected lumber is leaving. Expensive pleasure is extremely rarely ordered in specialized artels for the decor of small-sized architectural forms.

  • TUR - coniferous boards stacked on the roof along the cornice line or across. The second option is most practical, as it serves much longer. In the center of the boards mounted across the cornice, the grooves for water flow are torn. Mounted the roof from Tesa in two layers in the disintegration, with a gap between or without boards. The mount produce one nail. The boards of the top layer are good and placed so that the core look "watched". The boards of the lower layer do not need to be sharp, set their core down. If the direction of laying along the cornice line is selected, the installation starts from the attachment of the cruise board, into which the first row will rest. Installation is made with an overlap in 5 cm of each subsequent row on the previous board.

Inexperienced homemade Master on the shoulder independent manufacture Dranco or chips that do not require special skills and qualifications of a wood cutter. Despite the ease of timber treatment with natural humidity, It is impossible to use it, you need to fold the logs into the stack and dry. "Mature" to the readiness of the log will be 3 years old, the process can be accelerated, sawing it on chocks with a minimum 40 cm long. Then gaming will be ready in six months, but it is better to wait for 9 months. Prick the dried solid breed is very difficult, but in order to get wear-resistant shingle It is worth hardening.

Calculation of the number of sawn timber on the roof

Naturally, there are few people who want to detect a shortage of so long prepared to laying the coating. because required amount The logs are best calculated in advance. For calculations of the number of factory material there are special tables. On them the number of powder, which is required to lay in two or three rows on a skat with a specific slope, can be calculated without difficulty. The material usually buy with a 5% reserve in case of an unsuccessful attempt to score a nail. The home roofer is also needed to focus on the roof area, the size of which depends on the steepness of the upper enclosing structure. However, to begin with, it should be calculated how many plates need to cover one meter.

Note. Optimal circular roofing with wooden tiles 55º-71º. Roofers The linker is considered an indicator equivalent to the coating service life. 14º-18º are considered a critical irrigation angle of the angle of slopes. The higher the scat, the more the material is for its device.

The four-meter log, from which wooden drank will be produced, can be divided by a maximum of 10 chocks. From one chock there will be 3 or 4 boards with a width of about 15 cm. Exact calibration of items is not required. By the longitudinal line on the meter of the roof you can lay 7 plates. Further calculations depend on the number of coating layers. With a three-layer laying applied to the arrangement of housing, only a third of the element comes to the day surface.

Above the baths, arbors, the verandas, the wooden tile is usually laid in two layers. So, the number of manufactured plates should be doubled, we obtain 14. With two-layer laying with the overlapping of the previous row of 10 cm from under the next row, the "look out" will be 30 cm. That is, approximately 3 rows leave the vertical. Move and rounded, we obtain 42 elements, but it is better to count on 50. The residue will not disappear at any scenario. The truncation can be separated by a fronton, facade or lining the walls inside.

Note. To perform the first from the cornice of the row and for the restarting analogue of the plate make in short.

Dranco Styling Technology

The roof of the wood is related to the category of medium gravity designs, the dranke for the roof will not weigh more than 17 kg. Powerful rafter system It is not necessary for it. But the crate must be built in a step, depending on the step of fastening the elements. Experienced masters They advise you to build a trint with a solid flooring without gaps from the board. In the case of the montage of the shingle in the two layers of the reshetin, we need to be installed after 30 cm.

Note. The shaft step for the device of a three-layer finished roof is calculated by dividing the length of the element on 3. The rounding is performed in a smaller side.

The fastening of the plates is made by galvanized self-drawn, designed to work with wood, special screw-like or groove nails. Fasteners are placed in the two top of the dranco corners, not closer to 2 cm to the edge.

Attention! In the case of a device wooden roof With insulation, direct contact of the shingle and waterproofing material is unacceptable. Between them you need to form a ventilation gap through the installation of the counterbalax. Ventilation will not be required if the superdiffusion membrane will be used as an insulating layer.

The main nodes of the wooden roof are built according to the united roof technological principle. Around the chimney and along the lines of the adjoints need a hermetically fixed tin apron. Endovians, convex corners are stacked by a fan scheme. Kind can be placed by laying two docked long boards, installation of short skids with the overlay like a skate device for ceramic tile. It is possible to put the хлюпенен - \u200b\u200blog in full length with a longitudinal groove, formed under the establishment of the upper edges of the drank.

The first roofing material of the roofs of the housing of people was a reed and a flat stone, as soon as technology and tools appeared, allowing wood to be treated, as roofing materials began to use chip, and then dranco. Later with the development of technologies, more modern materials began to be used. The older generation people still remember how residents of the Russian exhibition were delighted by the appearance of an ordinary rubberoid, they began to change drank everywhere to this modern roofing material at that time. Shefer made a real coup in construction, this coating made it possible to significantly increase the comfort of living in buildings. Today, this material is hopelessly outdated, it is replaced by new more practical covers.

Before viewing the actual operating covers of drank, it is necessary to find out what it is. Among the inexperienced developers still have a misunderstanding of the differences between drank and the shingle.

Table. What drank differs from the shingle.

Name of wooden coatingPerformance features

The thickness of the wooden plate does not exceed 8 mm, but most often is manufactured by a standard 5 mm. The coating is quite flexible, requires the arrangement of a solid crate and high care during styling.

The thickness of the boards is 1-2 cm, can have special spike / groove compounds, which improves the tightness and reliability of the roof. Rectangular or wedge-shaped profile is manufactured, can be done manually.

Neon understanding in differences leads to the fact that inexperienced developers are confused in the materials.

Dranco actual performance characteristics

It is impossible to get objective information from manufacturers, they all indicate only strengths its products. But is it really? Let us analyze their advertising booklets, taking into account the many years of experience in the operation of such coatings by our ancestors. What are the drank manufacturers try to attract buyers?


Almost all manufacturers talk about the ecology of their products. If we consider from the point of view of a person, it is really that the tree does not bring him any harm. But this is called security or harmlessness. Ecology is associated with ecology ambientAnd for the production of duncas need lumber. Accordingly, the forest falls than the environmental harm is applied.

Resistance to drops of temperature and high humidity

The tree has a resin, which significantly slows down the processes of rotting, it is true. Coniferous woods are almost not used for dunca, and the resin is only in them. The fact is that these breeds have a large number of bitch, such material is unsuitable for duncas. It is made of hardwood, which do not have resins. To increase the resistance to the processes of rotting, the dranco is impregnated with antiseptics, these chemicals cannot be considered safe for the human body.

Like all lumber, the tree extremely negatively responds to an increase in humidity, due to which the service life is not only reduced, but also problems with the need for periodic repairs.

Roof cover with duch allows her to breathe

It is so, duranka is a leakage coating, the wind constantly walks in attic rooms. Why breathe the roof is unknown. Another lack of such a "breathable" roof - it is very difficult to do with duch mansard premises, And this is a popular type of structures today.


Direct deception. Like all lumber, dranke is afraid of moisture. Accordingly, it rotes faster on the roof than indoors. Another problem - the coating is constantly wetting / dries, exposed to direct sun ray. As a result, sheets are deformed, bend and crack. Elderly people know that the coating must be inspected by each summer, change damaged or too deformed elements with new ones. It does not bring joy to users. Moreover, after about 10-15 years, it must be fully changed. - The amount of damage becomes critical. Replacement is a very expensive and long process.


The price of one square meter of dranco is at least three times higher than the cost of metal tile or flexible coatings made on the basis of a modified bitumen. But this is not all, the estimated cost of the coating is increasing several times due to very high cost. roofing work. They can only do professional roofers, labor productivity is low, and wage very high.

Design qualities

There is no taste and color of comrades - this proverb very accurately characterizes the designer quality drank. Someone like vintage roof with an expedited blackened drank, someone gives preference modern coatings. Giving advice makes no sense, each developer has the right to choose your home style. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account all the actual properties of the drank described above.

Conclusion - to compare dranco with modern roofing coatings performance characteristics All the same, that a cart with a car according to technical parameters. This material is most often used during the restoration of antique structures to restore their authentic species. The ordinary developers at home drank do not cover, too expensive and troublesome. Sometimes it is possible to meet the duching extensions under duncan, but such a roof does not affect the average consumer.

Features of making dranco

For making drank, it is necessary to make the simplest planing machine. It is impossible to do it with her hands, the tree does not olive with such thin plates. All manual manufacturing methods encountered on the Internet, describe the manufacture of not duncas, and trunks or wooden tiles thick more centimeter.

Wood requirements

It was already mentioned that only deciduous woods are suitable for the manufacture of duch, conifers have many bitch. Quality, the quantity and cost of duranki depends largely on the correctness of the selection of wood. There are some general requirements To raw materials.

Important. It should be remembered that the output of ordinary sawn timber from one round log not less than 80%, and the drank outlet from the same rounder - no more than 40%. This significantly increases the cost of roofing material.

How to make the simplest machine for duch

A special machine can be made independently. This will require metal rental (channel, corners, fittings), the role sorting does not play, you can use everything that is at hand. If a channel or a small amount of small sizes, then it is enhanced by corners, rods, etc. It is much cheaper to make a machine from the scrap of ferrous metals, you can visit the reception points of the secondary raw materials and there at random prices to find excellent rental.

Important. The knife for the machine is better to buy, make it on its own very difficult, and in quality it will always be much worse than the factory. And the quality of the knife is crucial during the labeling.

Step 1. Make a bird. The height is approximately 1.0-1.3 m, the main condition is to allow it to work comfortably. The bed is welded from rectangular profile pipes 20 × 40 mm, if not, you can use any durable rental. It should be borne in mind that it will be influenced by quite large loads during the planing of drank, all welded connections must be reliable. The length of the bed is about 2 m, it is quite enough to ensure the maximum stroke of the knife and the guaranteed stability of the machine during operation.

Step 2. From the corners of 50 × 50 mm Make a mobile table. It must be smooth, tough and stable. A knife, drive lever and bearings are fixed to the table.

Step 3. In the middle of the table, breed at the angle of the strip, the knife is fixed to them.

Practical advice. In order to reduce the amount of marriage, we strongly recommend the knife to install not at a right angle to wooden billets, but under sharp. Due to this position of the cutting element, cutting processes are significantly improved, and this is very important for a thin dunca.

Step 4. Install the table on the bed. Table moves on ball bearings closed type. Do not put simple bearings, chips quickly falls between the balls and clips, the bearings clig. Check the smoothness of the stroke of the table, there should be no chants and rods. When detecting problems, remove them. Fasten on the surface of the table wooden boards Appropriate length, thickness of about 20 mm.

Possible problem - this part should be sprinkled, but with the help of the grinder you will not do

Step 5. Round round machine remove all burstles and scale, paint metal surfaces.

Step 6. Put on the axis of the table with ball bearings and accurately adjust their positions, taking into account the width of the bed.

Step 7. Start assembling the elements of the machine into a single design. Check the progress of the table, if necessary, install the limiters. Secure the knife, adjust its position in relation to the surface of the table. It is necessary to do this carefully, the thickness of the dunca depends on the height of the knife. Make sure that the cutting edge of the knife is strictly parallel to the plane of the table. If this condition does not perform, then the drank thickness in different places will be unequal. Deviations to a millimeter are considered non-critical, but can not be allowed.

Step 8. Check out the performance of the machine inhabited. If vibrations or oscillations are detected, then the face should be strengthened. Use for these purposes any firm metal.

Practical advice. In order to reduce the noise of the machine, it is recommended to mount the rod to the table through the rubber sleeve.

The machine is ready, you can proceed to the manufacture of drank.

Video - homemade roofing material. Shingles

Video - homemade roofing material. Shingles. Machine design

How to do duch

Requirements for raw materials have already been described, do not neglect them. Otherwise, you will lose time, and the whole chock is rebuilt into marriage. Before starting work, check the knife, it should be perfectly sharp and occupy proper position.

Important. Machine homemade, it is necessary to work on it very carefully and not forget about safety regulations.

How to make duranku

It is necessary to harvest duranka from the selected material, for which criteria to choose to choose - we have already mentioned.

Practical advice. It is necessary to approach the selection process creatively, drank dimensions depend on the size of the blanks. It is not necessary to try to do everything completely the same, but it is not necessary to allow a big scatter in width. The length should be as the same as possible within 35-45 cm.

Step 1. Coline the big chub in half, and then into several cylinder sectors. It should be achieved that the length of the arc sector of the cylinder was 5-10 cm more desired drank width. It should be remembered what the cylinder sector is. This is part of the cylinder (in our case log), bounded by two radii and part of the circle between them.

Step 2. Check the length of the sector, if necessary, cut a little. The billet should freely enter the supports of the working rolling table.

Step 3. Remove workplace. Under the legs should not be labeled production, pieces of wood, segments, etc. Always remember the safety technique.

Step 4. Turn on the machine and put the workpiece on the desktop one of the sector corners. Remove the part of the tree until the smooth area does not have a length of about 10 cm.

Step 5. Turn over the workpiece with the other side and remove the same section of the workpiece. Turn it another to the knife and remove the entire sector arc, and the tree bark is also removed. After that, the billet in the context should have the type of sector with parallel lateral edges, the distance between them is equal to the drank width. Unfortunately, it is impossible to describe all practical situations. The more experience you will have, the faster work will go, the less waste will be. Theoretical knowledge without practicing nothing, everything must be trying to make it yourself. No need to believe those who claim to make duranka easily and simple, it is not. It is necessary to have sufficient experience with the tree to make the right solutions in each particular case. During the preparation of the segment, it must be kept in one position.

Important. Safety regulations are advised to work with a tree in mittens, they are protected from the field. This is true, the mittens protect their hands from the zoom. But the safety technique is designed for industrial equipmentnot written separately for each homemade machine. Industrial woodworking machines have a protected area cutting tools, there hands in gloves cannot fall. There are no such protection on the homemade machine. If it works in mittens, then there are large risks that they can capture the knife. It moves relatively slowly and will not cut a piece of tight mittens, but drag out the entire hand under the blank. The consequences will be very unpleasant. It is better to work without a mittens and risk to have the off-in-bloods than in them and get a serious injury to the whole hand.

Step 6. Remove waste from under the machine, start to strive dranco.

Practical advice. During the alignment of the arc, pay attention to how the knife cuts the wood - along or across the fibers. It is necessary to cut only along, in the opposite direction they are lifted, the surface of the rough, the undermines are possible. If the direction is incorrect, then during the lading, turn the workpiece with the other side.

The sector is kept behind the top corner, it is the core of the tree, the duch is not done from it. There are recommendations to prick a chock at an angle of 30 ° or 40 °. It's all nonsense. It is necessary to prick with such a calculation to increase the amount of high-quality dranco and reduce waste. The decision is made by the master depending on the log diameter, its condition and the desired drank width. General universal recommendations do not exist, which is why important practical experience, not just theoretical knowledge. The theory can be explained in a few minutes, and the experience is purchased for years of work.

Step 7. Collect the planed dranco in the stack, sort the width. The fact is that the workpiece has been placed on the eye, the less experience, the greater the scatter in size, it is desirable to align it a bit. Choose 8-10 duncons of approximately the same width, align the bends, put on a flat table and set all the lower side faces in the same plane. The upper will be at different heights.

Step 8. Turn on the machine and align drank in width. So should be done several times for each duncar party. You need to select them with such a calculation to reduce the amount of waste, you should not put dranco with a large difference in height in one pile.

This operation can not be done, the width of the duncar can fluctuate in large limits. But some developers want to have more or less symmetrical roof, and for this you need duch of one size.

Step-by-step roof coating instructions

For example, consider the roof coating with a duch with a length of 45 cm, the fixation is made by carnations from stainless alloys. The lamp is made of 20 × 30 mm racks with a step of 20 cm along the symmetry lines. The shadow step is selected taking into account the length of the drank. It should be borne in mind that it is fixed in about the midst, the lower Sve is not nailed. This method of attachment not only increases the tightness of the roof, but also warns the cracking of the material. Dranca is very thin, if you enter the nails at the edge, cracks can appear.

Step 1. Temporarily adjusted to the roof board at a distance of 15-50 mm to monitor the magnitude of the sink. At the same time, this bar will align the ends of the coating, they will be located on the same line.

Step 2. Spread the first row of drank, align the ends. You can use a 5-10 cm length of a 5-10 cm long to be used to regulate the samples on the edges, it is necessary to apply it to the wind board and thus control the position of the extreme elements. Speak the first row.

Step 3. The first row is done double, which increases the operation time of the roofing coating. It is at the bottom of the bottom of the whole water, it must be additionally strengthened. And, of course, it is needed for overlapping the gaps of the first. The second drank series must perform for the first to 1-2 cm, taking into account this requirement decompose the material on the roof. Secure it with nails.

Practical advice. To accelerate and facilitate roofing work, it is recommended to make the simplest pattern. It is made of rails and is necessary to monitor the position of the lower end of each row. The template is a long rail with two nailed vertical stops. The stops are temporarily fixed to the crate, and dranke rests into the rail. If there is no desire to make a pattern, then for each row you have to pull the rope, which takes a lot more time. In addition, Dranca cannot lean the rope, you have to lose time on the leveling of the position of each element of the roof manually.

Step 4. Spread the following row, however, pay attention to the shakes of the bottom row overlapped with a top-up drank on a width of at least three centimeters. Drank rows should be parallel to the ridge of the roof. Between the elements, be sure to leave the gap of 5-6 mm, it is necessary to compensate for linear extensions arising from the wetting of the tree. If the gap is not, the coating can be undermined. As a result, you will have to eliminate leaks. Select the correct position of the joints should be due to the different drank width.

If you have little practical construction experience And there are doubts about the eyelash, it is recommended to pre-releasing the nail clogging line with a marking cord. Pay attention to in order to be located approximately in the midst of the crates of the crate and necessarily closed next.

Step 5. The last row The skate will have to lay without a template for a tightened rope. A trimming of the protruding duncar above the skate is better to do after its installation. To do this, use the manual electrical circular saw. In the same method, you can align the protruding parts of the drank near the wind boards. Stop duranka need carefully if it is very thin and long, that is, the probability of mechanical damage under the weight of the roofers. Use on the roof special devices for movement.

And one more important moment. Constantly pay attention to the location of the fibers, water should flush along them, and not against wool. Directions of fibers are visible with insignificant bending, and experienced builders determine this parameter and without bending.

Video - how to make duch

Video - Wooden tile in Switzerland. Production and laying.