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What is a stationary source of environmental pollution. Unorganized source of emissions

A person leaves traces of life on Earth, in heaven and at sea: suits landfills, pours unnecessary liquids into the reservoirs, smokes and dust. Each direction of the contaminants produced is our own name: waste, discharges and emissions.

Stationary sources Emissions - this emerged in the process of industrial and household activity seedlings of pollution of airspace, rigidly attached to the territory.

The term is important for companies, because for the negative impact on the world Firms contribute to the budget of payments. Next in the article will be implied that we are talking On real estate company.


All that moves and emits gases is mobile emissions:

  • representative of the Chef and the bus for staff delivery;
  • truck for the carriage of goods;
  • boats and yachts, ships (except sailing);
  • aircraft;
  • installation of water or petroleum well drilling;
  • construction machinery.

Stationary emission sources are not to move things: pipes of boiler rooms and ventilation mines, open-air garages, padded pads with bulk substances, careers, sumps for storage of substances.

Listed objects are classified as organized and unorganized.

Organized have a mouth through which the air is removed by foreign inclusions, the outside is removed in a certain space, for example:

  • chimneys boiler rooms;
  • ventilation from mechanical and carpentry workshops;
  • "Breathable" window on the roof.

In addition, organized sources can be equipped with settings of dust and gas purification of the type of cyclone or ZIL. These designs will allow, for example, to catch solid emissions from an abrasive and metal cutting machine and assemble them in a special chamber.

Inorganized sources are, firstly, industrial areas as a whole. Secondly, further, these are bulk sites, places for loading and unloading bulk ingredients, landfills, careers with explosive work and without these.

For example, the company has placed equipment for 26 hectares of land. Environmentalists recalculated all pipes and aero-lanterns, embankment on the territory. Determined dispersion zones for recorded points and sites. But, in general, the playground of the company is considered an unorganized source.

Examples of unorganized sources:

  • dumps of the Karabash copper smelter;
  • careers of the former Uphale Nickel Combine;
  • talc Plant in Miass, where the powder on the nearby private houses and gardens are powdered from all the cracks;
  • planned to the launch of the GOK Chelyabinsk;
  • any dump of household waste near any settlement.

Counting and supervision

Help to make a map of the point of exhaust of harm on the territory under control of the territory, inventory is called. The statement is made up once a year. At each problem point, the height and sizes of the mouth are fixed, configuration exhaust design, operating parameters of ventilation units, dimensions open areasProduced at the points of technological work, the composition of the treated raw materials and the resulting selection.

Accounting for stationary emission sources allows you to calculate payments.

In environmental science on nature pollution by production, there are three source definitions:

  • pollution - Technoprocession;
  • highlighting hazardous components - machine, electroplating bath, boiler boiler;
  • emissions - a pipe or ventilation shaft, breathable window on the roof of the building, a dump of a bulk material, a quarry.

For example, wood processing workshop is a source of pollution.

Grinding I. abrasive machines, spray boothPlaced on the area of \u200b\u200bthe workshop, and the boiler room, heating industrial premises and cabins, are sources of selection.

Cyclone and boiler room pipes, container with accumulated wood dust and chips; Painting camera is sources of emissions. It is for them that a permissible amount of invirtable pollution is planned.


Stationary sources of emissions into atmospheric air together with the other sequences are reflected in the draft PDV - maximum permissible emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. The project contains inventory results, the calculations of the mass of the emissions of the instantaneous components, measured in grams per second, and accumulative - tons per year. In addition, the dispersion zone is calculated for high emission sources. It is important that the spraying components do not go beyond the estimated perimeter and did not affect residential arrays.

In front of the enterprises there is a task to maintain the performance of production facilities and at the same time reduce the dirty exhaust.

Volume of emissions

Stationary emission sources are a permanent object of control by environmentalists. Forces of industrial sources, air samples are selected, measuring technical parameters dust settings - Airflow speed, pollutant trapping efficiency. The results of measurements and the conclusion of employees of the promsanolation allow us to assess the degree of purification and, accordingly, the degree of negative impact of each working area.

The volume of emissions by stationary sources are calculated on the basis of information on the performance of the fans and the results of the measurements of two points - at the beginning of the ventilation box and at the height of two meters from the accumulative bunker. The calculated calculation is compared with legislative standards and issued emission permit. If the ingredients flew into the atmosphere more permitted quantity, then the company makes elevated payments to the budget.

What harm may be?

To determine what exactly flies into the atmosphere, it is necessary to carefully examine the technological process, the composition of the resulting substances.

For example, gas boiler room. From the pipe goes barely visible smacks. Not so scary as when working as a coal or fuel oil system.

When combustion natural Gas Carbon oxide and nitrogen dioxide are formed, the substance of the second hazard class.

Another example of a stationary source of emissions of harmful substances is a galvanic bath. Here are splashes, and pairs of chemical components. Such substances are distinguished: nitrogen oxide and hydrogen fluorine, chromium oxide, sulfuric acid, a lot of other depending on the material being processed. For breathing, these substances are dangerous. Therefore, electroplating workshops are equipped with PVW-exhaust ventilation systems. Air is driven through the box at such a speed to remove the harm.

How to prevent?

Based on the results of the inventory of emission sources, the volumes of pollutants admitted to the atmosphere are determined. These volumes do not always coincide with the volume of allocation in the technological operation. The fact is that inpatient sources of emissions of harmful pollutants are equipped with trap.

Consider the abrasive-sharpening machine. In the process of operation, abrasive crumb and the oxides of the metal processed are formed. If you do not accept protective measures, then the worker will hardly breathe, dust will split on the production premises. Therefore, the machine is equipped ventilation boxwhich goes to the cyclone of the TN-15 type. Before sharpening, you need to turn on the fan above the machine. Gas with impurities will be sucked from working area. Passing through the cyclone, the solid ingredients will fall in a special bunker with the filter, and the purified air will fly into the pipe.

The cleaning level in the dustwater equipment reaches 96%. This is a permissible value for appointing the maximum mass of emissions. If the percentage is lower, the equipment requires preventive repair. The technological regulations necessarily provides for regular emptying of the camera and the delivery of the formed waste to the landfill.

Another example: Woodworking production, where pailorama is present, flights and grinding machines. Here are formed not only large - lump waste natural wood, but also chips with wood dust. To preserve air quality in the workspace, the machine park is equipped with ventilation pipes running for suction. The chips and fine particles pass through the cyclone and are deposited in the bunker - the accumulator. As the chips are exported and applied using the method allowed for these waste: use in construction work, implement gardeners or simply exported to the landfill.

Regarding the transfer in the gardens: Wooden raw materials should be so organized by the ventilation system so that natural tree And the waste of chipboard saturated with adhesives was not stirred. Machines for operations with various types of raw materials should have access to different cyclones.

Bad weather

When developing the draft PDV, they evaluate how a stationary source of emissions into the atmosphere will behave when changing the weather.

If the wind and precipitate do not allow scattering exhaust without harm to humans, such weather is called "adverse meteorological conditions" or NMU.

In the calm smoke and other exhausts are poorly scattered.

Plant designers take into account the wind rose to protect the living area. But sometimes the wind can take an undesirable direction, and exhausts will be in a residential array.

Here are such weather whims - Chang, a change of direction of movement, a hurricane is all unfavorable conditions.

To minimize the negative impact, the owners of the company are obliged to plan, finance and implement technical work: install filters and traps. In order not to lie in the eyes in the eyes, so that the sand from the accumulative sites does not creak on the teeth so that smoke and exhausts to poison citizens.

Results of the discussion

Stationary emission sources are:

  • pipes of smelting furnaces and heat boiler houses;
  • ventilation mines from equipment;
  • aero lanterns on the roofs;
  • bulk grounds;
  • career.

Emissions from the listed real Estate subject to accounting and rationing. Sources of allocation is required to equip working cleaning systems. Each manufacturing area is assigned a sanitary protection zone (SZZ) in which the company has the right to distribute exhausts within allowable concentrations.

In the perimeter of the SZZ in four points, employees of specialized laboratories take air samples in test tubes to measure parameters - which and how many ingredients are contained in the extent. Companies operating equipment with excretion of harmful substances are required to control the correspondence of the actual quality of the air mixture by planned indicators.

Are the flue pipes of factories and boiler rooms, and technological Installations Both deflectors, diesel locomotives and aircraft, and even the streets for which the transport flow is moving.

INcE air pollutants sources are initially divided into two groups: emission sources (such as: tank valves, ventilation mines, various pipes) and sources of allocation hazardous substances. To the latter can be attributed claiming facilities, technological installations, cooling towers and the like.

Emissions of objects that are sources of environmental pollution are divided into organized and unorganized. The first group includes emissions carried out through constructed gas and pipes. And industrial waste is considered inorganized emissions entering the atmosphere in the form of directional gas flows due to breakage or depressurization of equipment or insufficient gas suction.

In itself, the division of emissions into organized and unorganized was created to determine the approach to the source of emissions and the establishment of control over them. For example, regular control of emissions of the first type contributes to the level of maximum permissible emission of a substance.

The emissions of the second type are more difficult to recognize - and they can only be monitored when one or another ingredient reaches a maximum permissible concentration in the air. It is especially dangerous to the fact that unorganized emissions, as a rule, accumulate on the lower layers of the atmosphere, which creates a powerful threat to a person's life.

What emissions relate to stationary, and what kind of nonstationary?

Each enterprise has various sources of emissions, which in the legislation of our country have several gradations and divisions. First of all, all emissions are divided into stationary and nonstationary (mobile). What does it mean? The first group includes various organized sources of emissions.such as boiler houses and
exhaust pipes of machines, ventilation systems and the like. Unorganized stationary emission sources represent all kinds of parking for temporary and constantly present in the territory of the organization road transport, territory allocated for storage of bulk cargo. In a different way, such emissions are called linear or square.

Second group having a name nonstationary or mobile sources of pollution, consists of emissions that allocate different kinds technical equipment, as well as machines having an electric motor And on the balance of this enterprise or temporarily working on its territory.

It is worth noting that emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere occur not only in the direct moment of operation of this or that equipment, but also, for example, after a varnish coating (which has a certain degree of toxicity) of any site.

In a separate group, it is customary to allocate so-called mobile sources of emissions. Namely, various vehicles whose work is accompanied by a large number of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere and negatively affects ecology. In this regard, in accordance with the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection", any organization that has sources of emissions to the atmosphere must have a corresponding emission permit from stationary sources. This document is issued to the company after coordinating the project, indicating the permissible emission standards.

Nonstationary sources of emissions

According to existing on this moment Classification of emission sources, sources are divided into stationary and non-stationary. In stationary sources, there are sources of emissions that are located within the territory belonging to the physical or legal entity, occupy a fixed immovable position.

Stationary sources can be organized, that is, have technical device Or the mouth, regulating emissions, and unorganized, that is, to have a certain area, unlimited devices. Examples of the first are factory pipes or deflectors, a repository of dusting materials can be brought as an example of the second. Stationary sources owners are responsible for each source, are obliged to compile and coordinate the project of maximum permissible emissions for these sources, to obtain emission permit, strictly monitor compliance with the established standards.

Non-stationary, that is, mobile sources are other sources of polluting emissions, the main example is the transport that the enterprise owns, it does not matter - edging, vehicles or other technical meansThat, by virtue of their specifics, moves and use any kind of fuel for it.

Main types:

  • motor vehicles (except for those moving through electric motors);
  • air and sea ships;
  • railway formulations (with the exception of those moving through electric motors);
  • self-propelled machines.

For non-stationary sources of emissions, the project is not limited to permissible emissions
, and standards are calculated based on technical Equipment Funds, factory characteristics, type of fuel and its consumption. The fee for negative impact on the environment for non-stationary sources is not made from January 2016. At the moment there are disagreements and clear list of nonstationary sources does not exist. According to some specialists, vehicles belong to a separate type of emission sources - mobile \\ mobile. However, the definition is not formulated, and the list of non-stationary emission sources is not yet presented.

Do I need a PDA project if there are only mobile emissions?

IN In accordance with the Federal Law "On the Protection of Atmospheric Air", managers of enterprises on the balance sheet Stationary sources of emissionsare required to carry out their inventory and develop the project PDV.

Mobile sources of pollutant emissions include vehicles, air, sea and river vessels, which are equipped with engines working on gasoline, diesel population, kerosene or gas fuel. In the event of the operation of cars and other mobile vehicles that have a negative impact on the environment, their owners are required:

  1. Ensure compliance with permissible emission standards.
  2. Conduct activities aimed at neutralizing pollutants.
  3. Operate them only in the presence of certificates (declarations) of compliance, which confirm compliance with the technical standards of emissions.
  4. Ensure regular testing of mobile pollutants to comply with their emissions to technical standards.
Of the obligations of the owners of the enterprises listed above, the question causes the following: Is it possible to ensure compliance with the standards of permissible emissions without developing the project PDV? In the legislative framework, it is designated that during the operation of mobile sources of emissions, the requirement to comply with the technological standards established at the rate per unit of production, power, the mileage of transport or other mobile means. This means that for organizations, on the balance of which only mobile sources are available, the PDV project is not developed.

Stationary and non-stationary sources of emissions in the enterprise

Legislation Russian Federation It has been established that the owners of sources of emissions of pollutants should make a fee for negative environmental impact and monitor compliance with
pDV standards. Sources for which legal liability is responsible individualare divided into stationary sources of emissions and non-stationary emissions.

If briefly, then stationary source of emissions It is not possible to firmly with the surface without stopping or disassembly. Such a source is located on the territory of the enterprise, its location is considered a municipality in which it is located. Examples can serve boiler houses, furniture, metallurgical production and so on.

At the same time, the owner of a stationary emission source is obliged to ensure the inventory of emissions of pollutants, as well as counting the values \u200b\u200bof maximum permissible emissions and the establishment of extremely permissible standards. For non-compliance with the current legislation, administrative and other liability is provided.

Stationary sources are also divided into geometrical characteristics. In its geometry, they can be point (the release comes from the fixed hole), linear (emissions on the installed line, for example, window passability), area (emissions from certain Square, for example, a tank). Nonstationary source of emissions or mobile, as it is often called, is a vehicle in one form or another. This, for example, cars, air and sea vessels, in-house vessels - any means equipped with an engine running on gasoline, gas, kerosene, other fuel.

The location and registration of such a transport is the place of registration of its owner, who since 2016 is not obliged to make a fee for non-stationary emission sources belonging to it. By the way, according to existing statistics, the main share of the total number of pollutant emissions is the contribution of mobile sources of pollution.

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Stationary sources are usually carried out by focused, but with a reflex system that ensures good uniformity of illumination of the controlled area of \u200b\u200bthe object. Constructive execution of stationary sources, as a rule, allows you to combine them in the ruler to organize control lines-or to control long objects.

Detectoscopic UV lamps in black flasks. | Spectral distribution (in UV radiation of a flaw detection UV lamp (b in a black flask with a power of 125 watts.

Stationary sources are usually carried out by focused, but with a reflex system that ensures good uniformity of illumination of the controlled area of \u200b\u200bthe object. Constructive execution of stationary sources, as a rule, allows you to combine them in the ruler to organize the control lines or to control long objects.

Inpatient sources of environmental pollution on Mni, refinery stations and tanks 1 Shrinki, as well as underwater pipelines transitions are considered. Of the facilities belonging to the MNP, there are ecologically dangerous are the chamondacopy teli, emergency barns, ponds-sumps, boiler rooms.

The definition of a stationary source is based on the definition of a stationary random process. Any source, generating a stationary process, by definition is stationary. It should be borne in mind that with such an entry, the pressure index indicates the moment of time to which this variable belongs.

In addition to stationary emission sources, a significant impact is provided by mobile, primarily vehicles. The exhaust (exhaust) gases of cars contain more than 200 harmful components, among which there are carcinogenic and mutagenic.

In addition to stationary emission sources, a significant impact is provided by mobile, primarily vehicles.

Placing stationary emission sources (boiler room, DNS, flare block, etc.), taking into account the wind roses to provide sanitary norms of the working and residential zones.

To stationary sources welding current These include generators direct current, installed motionless on special foundations or supporting frames, as well as heavy welding transformers, the movement of which is difficult without special transport devices.

Definition 1.6. A discrete stationary source without memory is called a discrete constant source.

PDV for a specific stationary source of emissions of harmful (polluting) substances into atmospheric air and a legal entity as a whole or its individual production areas, taking into account all sources of emissions of harmful (polluting) substances into the atmospheric air of this legal entity or its individual industrial areas, background pollution of atmospheric air and technical standards Emissions are established by the territorial bodies of the MPR of the Russian Federation in the presence of a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of these maximum permissible emissions by the sanitary regulations.

Let's start with a continuously active stationary source of acceptance and use the fact that the impurity flow through any plane x const should be permanent. In the case of a turbulent trace, the impurity transfer rate in the direction of Oh away from the streamlined body is almost equal to the speed of the streamlined stream.

Theorem 8.5.2. Let the discrete stationary source with the alphabet of the volume M have the entropy H U) and produces one letter every TS seconds. Let the sequence of the source of an arbitrary length L linked to the destination by means of a continuous channel time used by T LTS seconds. Let st - multiplied by the top line of the middle mutual information between the input and the channel output at this interval, taken on all probability distributions at the input.

Atmospheric pollution is a change in the composition of the atmosphere as a result of impurities into it.

An impurity in the atmosphere is a substance that is scattered in the atmosphere, not contained in its constant composition.

Air pollutant substance is an impurity in an atmosphere that has adverse environmental impact and population health.

Since impurities in the atmosphere can undergo various transformations, they can be divided into primary and secondary.

Primary impurity in the atmosphere - an impurity, which preserved its physical and chemical properties for the time interval.

The conversion of impurities in the atmosphere is a process in which impurities in the atmosphere are subject to physical and chemical changes under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors, as well as as a result of interaction among themselves.

Secondary impurity in the atmosphere is an impurity in the atmosphere formed as a result of the transformation of primary impurities.

By influence on the human body, the pollution of the atmosphere is divided into physical and chemical. Physical: radioactive radiation, thermal impact, noise, low-frequency vibrations, electromagnetic fields. To the chemical - the presence of chemicals and their compounds.

Emissions into the atmosphere of pollutants are characterized by 4 signs: by aggregate state, chemical composition, particle size and mass consumption of an outdated substance.

Pollutants are thrown into the atmosphere in the form of a mixture of dust, smoke, fog, steam and gaseous substances.

Sources of emissions into the atmosphere are divided into natural, due to natural processes, and anthropogenic (technogenic), which are the result of human activity.

The natural sources of air pollution include dust storms, arrays of green plantings during flowering, steppe and forest fires, volcanic eruptions.

Impurities allocated by natural sources:

  1. dust of vegetable, volcanic, cosmic origin, soil erosion products, sea salt particles; fogs, smoke and gases from forest and steppe fires; gases of volcanic origin; Products of vegetable, animal, bacterial origin.
  2. Natural sources are usually square (distributed) and act relatively briefly. The level of contamination of the atmosphere natural sources is background and changes little over time.

Anthropogenic (technogenic) sources of air pollution, presented mainly by emissions industrial enterprises and vehicles are distinguished by numerous and variety of species (Fig. 4.3).

Fig. 4.3. Sources of pollution of the atmosphere:

1 - high chimney; 2 - low chimney; 3 - aeration workshop lamp; 4 - evaporation from the surface of the pool; 5 - leakage through equipment looser; 6 - Dusting when unloading bulk materials; 7 - car exhaust pipe; 8 - direction of air flow movement

Sources of emissions of industrial enterprises are stationary (sources 1-6), when the coordinate of the source of the emission does not change over time, and mobile (non-stationary) (source 7 - vehicles).

Sources of emissions into the atmosphere are divided into: point, linear and square.

Each of them can be shaded and outstanding *

Spot sources (in Fig. 4.3 - 1, 2, 5, 7) are pollution focused in one place. These include chimneys, ventilation mines, roof fans.

Linear sources (3) have a significant extent. These are aerial lights, rows of open windows, closely arranged roof fans. These may also include highways.

Source Sources (4, 6). Here, removed pollution is dispersed on the plane of the industrial site of the enterprise. Spring sources include places of warehousing of industrial and household waste, parking, warehouses of fuel and lubricants.

Eased (1), or high, sources are located in the undefined wind stream. These are flue pipes and other sources, throwing pollution to height, exceeding 2.5 heights located nearby buildings and other obstacles.

Shaded sources (2-7) are located in the zone of the backpage or the aerodynamic shadow of the building or another obstacle.

Sources of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere are divided into organized and unorganized.

From an organized source. (1, 2, 7) Pollutants enter the atmosphere through specially built gas ducts, air ducts and pipes.

A unorganized source of separation of pollutants (5, 6) is formed as a result of the disruption of the tightness of the equipment, the absence or unsatisfactory operation of the equipment for dust and gases, in the fields of loading, unloading or storing the product. Inorganized sources include parking, warehouses of fuel and lubricating or bulk materials and other square sources.

The most common polluting substances entering the atmospheric air from man-made sources are: carbon oxide CO; sulfur dioxide S02; Nitrogen oxides NOX; hydrocarbons with n; dust.

Carbon oxide (CO) is the most common and most significant admixture of the atmosphere, called in the dumping gas. CO content in vivo from 0.01 to 0.2 mg / m3. The bulk of emissions of CO is formed in the process of burning organic fuel, primarily in engines internal combustion. The content of CO in the air of large cities varies within 1-250 mg / m3, with an average value of 20 mg / m3. The highest concentration of CO is observed on the streets and squares of cities with intensive movement, especially at the intersection. The high concentration of CO in the air leads to physiological changes in the human body, and the concentration of more than 750 mg / m3 - to death. Co - exclusively aggressive gas, easily connecting with hemoglobin blood, forming carboxygemoglobin. The condition of the body with breathing air containing carbon monoxide is characterized by the data given in Table. 4.2. ?

Table 4.2. Act carbon monoxide on the human body

The degree of effect of the human body depends on the duration of exposure (exposure) and the type of human activity. For example, when the content of CO in the air is 10-50 mg / m3, which is observed at the intersections of the streets big citiesWhen exposed ~ 60 min, the disorders given in claim 1 are noted, and when exposed from 12 hours to 6 weeks - in paragraph 2. With severe physical work Poisoning occurs 2-3 times faster. The formation of carboxygemoglobin is a reversible process, after 3-4 h, its content in the blood decreases by 2 times. The time of stay with the atmosphere is 2-4 months.

Sulfur dioxide (S02) is a colorless gas with a sharp smell. It accounts for up to 95% of the total volume of sulfur compounds entering the atmosphere from anthropogenic sources. Up to 70% of S02 emissions are formed when coal burning, fuel oil is about 15%.

At the concentration of sulfur dioxide 20-30 mg / m3, the mucous membrane of the mouth and eye is irritated, an unpleasant flavor occurs in the mouth. Very sensitive to S02 coniferous forests. At the concentration of S02 in air, 0.23-0.32 mg / m3, as a result of the violation of photosynthesis, dry drying occurs for 2-3 years. Similar changes deciduous trees It occur at concentrations S02 0.5-1 mg / m3.

The main technogenic source of hydrocarbon emissions (CMHN - Pair of gasoline, methane, pentane, hexane) - motor vehicles. Its specific gravity is more than 50% of the total emissions. In case of incomplete combustion of fuel, the release of cyclic hydrocarbons with carcinogenic properties occurs. Especially many carcinogenic substances are contained in soot emitted by diesel engines. From hydrocarbons in atmospheric air, methane is most often found, which is a consequence of its low reactivity. Hydrocarbons have a narcotic action, cause headache, dizziness. When inhaled for 8 hours of gasoline vapor with a concentration of more than 600 m * / m3, headaches arise, cough, unpleasant feelings in the throat.

Nitrogen oxides (NOX) are formed during the combustion process at high temperatures by oxidizing a portion of the nitrogen in atmospheric air. Under the general formula, NOx usually implies the sum NO and N02. Main sources of emissions NOX: Internal combustion engines, industrial boilers, furnaces.

N02 - yellow gas, giving air in cities brownish tint. The poisoning effect NOX begins with a light cough. With an increase in the concentration, the cough is enhanced, headache begins, vomiting occurs. When the NOX with water vapor, the surface of the mucous membrane is formed with HN03 and HN02 acids, which can lead to edema. The duration of finding N02 in the atmosphere is about 3 days.

The size of the dusty ranges from hundredths to several tens of MKM.

The average size of dust particles in atmospheric air is 7-8 microns. Dust has a harmful effect on a person, a vegetable and animal world, absorbs solar radiation and thereby affect the thermal mode of the atmosphere and the earth's surface. Dust particles serve as condensation cores in the formation of clouds and fogs. Main sources of dust formation: production building materials, black I. non-ferrous metallurgy (iron oxides, Al, Si, Zn particles), vehicles, dusting and smoldering places of warehouse of household and industrial waste. The bulk of dust is washed out of the atmosphere with precipitation.

All sources of emissions are divided into 2 types: organized and unorganized. The organized sources of emissions include:

- smoke I. ventilation pipes (pipe from the boiler, pipe from the metalworking workshop, pipe from the welding post, pipe from DES);

- ventilation mines (air duct in coal mining mines);

- Aerial lantern is an air duct system designed to exhaust contaminated air. It is a group of exhaust umbrellas, which on the roof of the building forming the dome. Aeration lights apply to large enterprises;

- Deflectors are a device that is installed on the pipe to increase the hood speed.

Unorganized emission sources include:

- looseness technological equipment (Shut-off-regulating fittings, joints pumping equipment);

- torch installations (discharge candle, sour torch);

- open storage of fuels, materials (oil furniture, warehouse gas lubricants);

- imploding works;

- overload of dusting materials (Kamaz rubble unloading, excavation);

- technological processes performed on open air (coloring works, welding work, vehicle work, road vehicles, waterproofing work).

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Life safety in a technosphere / Habitat environmental pollution sources / 6. Investigation of the sources of pollution of the atmosphere

Sources of air pollution are classified as follows:

- stationary (industrial enterprises and utility boiler rooms);

- Non-stationary or mobile (transport).

in the study of stationary sources of pollution, the atmosphere distinguishes two groups of sources: sources of selection and sources of emissions of harmful substances.

Source - This is a technological unit (installation, device, apparatus, stream line, etc.) or another object (burning rock dump), emitting harmful substances during operation (Fig. 6.1).

Source of emissions - this is technical system or the device (tube, various ventilation devices), by which the emission of harmful substances is organized into the space surrounding enterprise (Fig. 6.1). The emission organized in this way is called gas-air mixture - DHW.

With the help of such devices, changing their parameters (height, diameter, speed of the DHS) or establishing treatment with them, it is possible to influence the emission value, which means to the degree of pollution of the environment.

From the point of view of the organization of emissions, all sources of emissions of harmful substances are taken to:

- organized - pipe, deflector or any other output device ventilation system;

- unorganized - dusty territory; Any installation located on the street.

Organized sources of emissions of harmful substances have special systems for removing emission emissions. Unorganized - such systems do not eject harmful substances directly into atmospheric air.

There are the main characteristics of organized emission sources:

1. The height of the source H, M;

2. The diameter of the hole d, m;

3. Consumption of GVS W, M3 / C;

4. DHW T, OS.

method of calculations on special procedures, emission parameters are determined:

1. Power emission M, g / s;

2. Gross emission m, t / g.

The main characteristics of unorganized emission sources:

1. linear dimensions - coordinates along the x, y and z, m axis (Fig. 6.2);

2. Surface area S, m2.

Also calculated by special methods of emissions and gross output.

Analysis of air pollution sources by settlement methods is carried out in two stages.

I. The first stage is called inventory sources of pollution. Objects of research are legal entities - enterprises, organizations. The output characteristics of this stage of research for organizational sources are:

1) Emission Parameters: Emission power G (g / s) and gross emission M (T / g). Calculations of the power and gross emission power are based on the use of MIJ specific emission values \u200b\u200bper unit of run (g / km), per unit of time this process (g / min), per unit of consumed raw materials (g / kg). Such a method for determining gross emission and emission power is called balance calculations.

Emission parameters can be determined and metrological method (methods of instrumental measurements). The measured values \u200b\u200bare:

- concentration of the i-th substance at the mouth of the emission source C (mg / m3);

- Volume flow rate of DHW (volume) V (m3 / s).

2) output characteristics for unorganized sources are: gross emission, emission power, the size of the platform from which the coordinates are made.

The combination of the output characteristics of the object of the study obtained during the inventory is called settlement model.

The process of transition from a real object of study to its description by means of a set of parameters is called modeling.

The main purpose of the inventory of emissions of pollutants Is obtaining source data to solve the following tasks:

estimates of the degree of influence of pollutant emissions on the environment (atmospheric air);

2. Development of projects of standards for maximum permissible emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere as generally from enterprises and for individual sources of air pollution;

3. Organization of control over compliance with the established norms of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere;

4. Estimates of the environmental characteristics of the technologies used in the enterprise;

5. Planning of air conditioning at the enterprise.

During the inventory of emissions of pollutants, inventory forms are filled. Appendix 2 shows the inventory forms for one of the divisions. railway - Distance of civilian buildings of the Russian Federation. As an example, two sites are considered: the station is new Urgal and Urgan-1. Sources of environmental pollution are: boiler room, coal warehouse, welding, slag, garage, woodworking shop, Warehouse FGM. The tables show what harmful substances and their gross emissions are allocated to the atmosphere.

II. Second level - development of draft standards for extremely permissible emissions (PDV). Here, the output characteristics are fields of concentrations C (mg / m3 or in MPC shares) in the zone of active contamination (ZAZ) on the territory around the source under study. The value of C concentration is determined on the basis of the mathematical model of Professor Berlindt, implemented in the form regulatory documents (OND-86 and OND-90) and packages of applied programs "Ecologist", "Prism" and other programs permitted.

The main objective of this study phase:

1. Establishing standards for maximum permissible and temporarily agreed emissions;

2. Determination of special modes of operation with adverse meteors (NMU);

3. Determination of the size and boundaries of the sanitary protection zone (SZZ);

4. Consideration of the prospects for the development of the enterprise;

5. Analysis of all possible emergency and emergency situations to the existing situation and development perspective.

The calculation of gross and maximum difference emissions of pollutants is carried out using specific indicators, i.e. The number of selected pollutants given to the time and equipment unit, the mass of consumable materials.

The specific indicators of the separation of pollutants from technological sources are given on the basis of the results of studies and observations given by various research and design institutions.

Work on the calculation of emissions of pollutants enterprise conducts either own forcesOr attracts a specialized organization licensed for such work. If the calculations of emissions of pollutants conducts specialized organization, It should require from the enterprise the initial data on the actual number and type of equipment, the number and marks of the consumed materials, the number of work days in each unit of equipment and its clean time of work per day. The responsibility for the completeness and accuracy of the inventory data is carried by the enterprise.



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Still life and its visual capabilities

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Obesity Classification for BMI (WHO)

Chapter 3. Covenant Men with Woman

The axis and plane of the human body - the human body consists of certain topographic parts and plots, in which organs, muscles, vessels, nerves, etc. are located.

The walls of the walls and the country of the jambs - when the house does not reach the windows and doors, a beautiful high porch is only in the imagination, you have to rise from the street to the house along the ladder.

Differential equations of the second order (market model with predicted prices) - simple models The market demand and proposal are usually referred to only on the current price of goods.

Classification of emission sources of pollutants.

Air pollution - change in the composition of the atmosphere as a result of impurities into it.

Sources of emissions The atmosphere is divided into natural,conditioned by natural processes , and anthropogenic (technogenic),resulting .

The natural sources of air pollution include dust storms, arrays of green plantings during flowering, steppe and forest fires, volcanic eruptions. Impurities highlighted by natural sources:

1. Dust of vegetable, volcanic, cosmic origin, soil erosion products, sea salt particles; fogs, smoke and gases from forest and steppe fires; gases of volcanic origin; Products of vegetable, animal, bacterial origin.

2. Natural sources are usually square (distributed) and operate relatively briefly. The level of contamination of the atmosphere natural sources is background and changes little over time.

Anthropogenic (technogenic) sources of air pollution, represented mainly by emissions of industrial enterprises and vehicles, are distinguished by numerous and variety of species (Fig. 4.3).

Fig. 4.3. Sources of pollution of the atmosphere:

1 - high chimney; 2 - low chimney; 3 - aeration workshop lamp; 4 - evaporation from the surface of the pool; 5 - leakage through equipment looser; 6 - dusting when unloading bulk materials; 7 - car exhaust pipe; 8 - direction of movement of air flows.

Sources of emissions of industrial enterprises are stationary (sources 1-6), when the coordinate of the emission source does not change in time, and mobile (nonstationary)(Source 7 - vehicles).

Sources of emissions into the atmosphere are divided into: point, linear and square.

Each of them can be shaded and uncountable*

Spot sources (In fig. 4.3 - 1, 2, 5, 7) are pollution focused in one place. These include chimneys, ventilation mines, roof fans.

Linear sources (3) have a significant extent. These are aerial lights, rows of open windows, closely arranged roof fans. These may also include highways.

Spring sources (4, 6). Here, removed pollution is dispersed on the plane of the industrial site of the enterprise. Spring sources include places of warehousing of industrial and household waste, parking, warehouses of fuel and lubricants.

Eased (1), or high, sources are located in the undefined wind stream. These are flue pipes and other sources, throwing pollution to height, exceeding 2.5 heights located nearby buildings and other obstacles.

Shaded sources
(2-7) located in the zone of the backpage or the aerodynamic shadow of the building or another obstacle.

Sources of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere are divided into organized and inorganized.

From an organized source (1, 2, 7) Pollutants enter the atmosphere through specially built gas ducts, air ducts and pipes.

Unorganized source
The discharge of pollutants (5, 6) is formed as a result of the disruption of the tightness of the equipment, the absence or unsatisfactory operation of the equipment for dust and gases, in the fields of loading, unloading or storing the product. Inorganized sources include parking, warehouses of fuel and lubricating or bulk materials and other square sources.

Article 13. Classification of emission sources

Sources of emissions are classified on stationary, mobile and nonstationary.

TO organizedstationary sources Emissions include emission sources equipped with devices by means of which the flow of pollutants into atmospheric air from the sources of pollutant is produced.

TO unorganizedstationary sources Emissions include emission sources that are not equipped with devices through which the flow of pollutants into atmospheric air from the sources of pollutants is produced.

5. Mobile sources Emissions are divided into:

5.1. Mechanical vehicles (with the exception of electric motors driven);

5.2. railway vehicles (with the exception of electric motors driven);

5.3. aircraft;

5.4. sea \u200b\u200bships, in-house ships, ships of mixed (river - sea) swimming, small vessels;

5.5. Self-propelled machines.

To non-stationary emissions These are sources of emissions that are not stationary or mobile sources of emissions and the included in the affirmed Ministry natural resources and environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus List of non-stationary emission sources.

Chapter 5.
Requirements for the protection of atmospheric air

Article 21. Responsibilities of legal entities, citizens, including individual entrepreneurs carrying out economic and other activities associated with emissions of pollutants into atmospheric air

1. Legal entities, individual entrepreneurs carrying out economic and other activities associated with emissions of pollutants into atmospheric air are required:

1.1. fulfill the requirements established by this Law and other acts of legislation on the protection of atmospheric air, on environmental protection, including mandatory compliance with technical regulatory legal acts;

1.2. Develop and perform activities aimed at preventing air pollution, including when accidents;

1.3. Premiss the established standards for the protection of atmospheric air, and in case of exceeding such standards, take measures to eliminate the causes and consequences of excessive emissions of pollutants into atmospheric air and immediately inform the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus on such facts from of their detection, and in the event of a threat of emergency situations - the bodies and divisions of the Ministry emergency situations The Republic of Belarus;

1.4. suspend before eliminating the identified violations or completely discontinue exploitation of emission sources with the impossibility of compliance with the regulations in the field of protection of atmospheric air;

1.5. develop measures to reduce pollutant emissions into atmospheric air for the period of adverse meteorological conditions and ensure their implementation;

1.6. provide in accordance with environmental protection legislation environmental information;

1.7. carry out production control in the field of precursor air;

1.8. Provide training (training), instruction, knowledge check, improving the qualifications of workers engaged in atmospheric air protection.

2. Legal entities, individual entrepreneurs who carry out economic and other activities related to emissions of pollutants into atmospheric air from stationary emission sources, in addition to the duties specified in Hyperlink paragraph " \u003d H10800002 "1 of this article are required:

2.1. Develop projects of standards for permissible emissions of pollutants into atmospheric air;

2.2. Receive permission for emissions of pollutants into atmospheric air and comply with its conditions;

2.3. equip organized stationary emissions of emissions with gasics in cases provided paragraph 1 Article 27 of this Law;

2.4. exploit gas-friendly installations in a technically good condition in accordance with the rules of exploitation of gas target attitudes approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus;

keep records in the field of atmospheric air;

2.6. carry out an inventory of emissions of pollutants into atmospheric air;

2.7. carry out analytical (laboratory) control of the quantitative and qualitative composition of pollutant emissions into atmospheric air and the quality of atmospheric air in the influence zone in cases provided by the Environmental Protection Legislation, including compliant with the requirements of technical regulatory legal acts;

2.8. equip organized stationary emission sources automated systems controlling emissions of pollutants into atmospheric air in cases provided for by compliance with the requirements of technical regulatory legal acts;

2.9. To conduct independently or with the involvement of accredited laboratories with a relevant area of \u200b\u200baccreditation, local environmental monitoring, which is the object of observation of which are emissions of pollutants into atmospheric air, in cases provided by the Environmental Protection Legislation, including compliant with the requirements of technical regulatory legal acts.

3. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out engines that are equipped with mobile emission sources, as well as mobile sources of emissions, are required to establish technological standards for emissions of pollutants into atmospheric air according to compliance with technical regulatory legal acts, obligations under international treaties of the Republic of Belarus .

4. Legal entities, individual entrepreneurs who operate mobile sources of emissions, in addition to the duties specified in Hyperlink paragraph "\u003dh10800002"1 of this article, are required:

4.1. comply with the rules of exploitation of contaminants of pollutants contained in the exhaust gases of mobile emissions established by the manufacturer of these systems;

4.2. To ensure compliance with the regulations of the content of pollutants in the exhaust gases of mobile emissions established in accordance with the Hyperlink clause "\u003dh10800002"6 of Article 18 of this Law.

5. Citizens operating mechanical vehicles are obliged to ensure compliance with the regulations of the content of pollutants in the exhaust gases of mobile emissions established in accordance with Hyperlink clause "\u003dh10800002"6 Article 18 of this Law.

Article 33. Permission for emissions of pollutants into atmospheric air

1. Operation of stationary emission sources by legal entities, individual entrepreneurs carrying out economic and other activities related to emissions of pollutants into atmospheric air, allowed only if there are permits for emissions of pollutants into atmospheric air issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus or its territorial bodies.

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