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Colored metallurgy of Russia - leading enterprises and development centers. Non-ferrous metallurgy

Such a branch of economic and economic activity, as metallurgy, includes two directions :. Therefore, our overview of the largest Russian metallurgical enterprises will be divided into two parts: Russian enterprises of ferrous metallurgy and Russian non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises.

Russian enterprises of ferrous metallurgy

Black metallurgy includes the following sub-sectors:

1. Details of nonmetric raw materials (refractory clays, flux raw materials, etc.) for ferrous metallurgy.
2. Production of ferrous metals (to ferrous metals: steel, cast iron, rolling, metal powders of ferrous metals, domain ferroalloys).
3. pipe production (manufacture of steel and cast iron pipes).
4.Koxochemical production (manufacture of coke, coke gas, etc.).
5. The standard treatment of ferrous metals (secondary processing includes a cutting of scrap and waste of ferrous metals).

Products manufactured by Russian, is implemented by machine-building and construction organizations, and also exported abroad.

There are several varieties of ferrous metallurgy enterprises:

1. Metalurgical enterprises of the full cycle (engaged in the production of cast iron, steel and rolled products).
2. Depositivity of the administrative metallurgy (enterprises without smearing cast iron).
3. Minor metallurgy enterprises (Machine-building plants engaged in the production of steel and rolled products).

The most small metallurgical enterprises are factories; Larger - combine. And the factory, and plants can be united in holdings.

The location of Russian enterprises of ferrous metallurgy depends, above all, from the proximity to the deposits of iron ore and other minerals. So, for example, the metallurgical plants engaged in the production of cast iron and steel are in those areas where, first of all, there are no iron ore deposits, and, secondly, a lot of forests (as charcoal is needed to restore iron). During the construction of metallurgical enterprises, the availability of electricity, natural gas and water is also taken into account.

To date, 3 metallurgical bases exist in Russia:

1. Ural metallurgical base.
2. Central metallurgical base.
3.Sibirsk metallurgical base.

The Ural Metallurgical Base is engaged in producing iron ore, mined in the following fields:

1. Kakanar deposits (Russia).
2. Current magnetic anomaly (Russia).
3. Kustanai deposits (Kazakhstan).

The largest enterprises of the administrating metallurgy of the Ural metallurgical base are: (city of Yekaterinburg; what remained from the Top Iseti Metallurgical Plant), "Izhstal" (the city of Izhevsk; is included in Sotav Mechel OJSC), (enters the Holding "ChTPZ"), Chelyabinsk Ferroalloy Factory (the largest ferrosplavs in Russia), Serovsky Ferroalllavov plant (enters Holding), Ural Pipe Plant (city of Pervouralsk) ,.

The central metallurgical base is engaged in producing iron ore produced in the following fields:

1. Current magnetic anomaly (Russia).
2. Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Kola Peninsula (Russia).

The largest metallurgical enterprises of the total cycle of the central metallurgical base are: (included in the group of companies), Novolipetsky Metallurgical Combine, Soborian Metallurgical Plant (Tula city), (city Stary Oskol).

The largest ventricular metallurgy enterprises of the central metallurgical base are: Cherepovets Steel Rolling Plant (included in the group of companies "Severstal"), an Orlovskaya Steel Road Plant, Metallurgical Plant "Elektrostal" (city Elektrostal), Metallurgical plant "Sickle and hammer" (city Moscow), Izhora Pipe plant (city; belongs to Severstal), (city of Vyksa,).

The Siberian Metallurgical Base is engaged in producing iron ore produced in the following fields:

1. Mountains of Mountain Shorei (Russia).
2.Abakan deposits (Russia).
3. Yangaro-orim fields (Russia).

The largest metallurgical enterprises of the full cycle of the Siberian metallurgical base are:, (Novokuznetsk), Novokuznetsky ferroalloy plant.

The largest enterprises of the transmary metallurgy of the Siberian metallurgical base are:, Siblectrostal Metallurgical Plant (Krasnoyarsk), (enters the ITF Group holding), Petrovsk-Transbaikal metallurgical plant.

Russian non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises

Colored metallurgy includes the following production processes:

1. Double and enriching non-ferrous metal ores.
2. Holding non-ferrous metals and their alloys (there are two types of non-ferrous metals: heavy (copper, zinc, lead, nickel, tin) and light (aluminum, magnesium, titanium)).

The location depends on factors such as a raw material source (proximity to raw materials sources; this is the most important factor), natural factor, fuel and energy factor and economic factor. Empodes for the production of heavy non-ferrous metals are placed in close proximity to the areas of raw materials production (as it does not require a large amount of energy for this production). Enterprises for the production of light non-ferrous metals need large amounts of electricity, therefore are placed in sources of cheap energy.

The following types of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises are located in Russia:

1. Copper subproduction enterprises.
2. Personalities of lead-zinc subproduces.
3. Individuals of nickel-cobalt subproduces.
4. Power Supplies.
5. Aluminum sub-separals.
6. Wolfram-Molybdenum Exchange Polls.
7.Inproving titanium magnesium subproduces.
8. Departures of the rare-metal subproduction.

The largest Russian enterprises of the copper subproves are: Buribaevsky GOK, the Gajai GOK (included in the Holding "UMMC"), Karabashmed, Krasnoural Medade Combine, Kirovgrad Copper Mathematical Plant, Mednogorsk Copper-Sulfur Combine (enters the Holding "UMMC"), Ormet (owned by RAO " Gazprom "), the production of polymetals (included in the Holding" UMMC "), Safyanovskaya copper (enters the" UMMC "holding), (enters the Holding" UMMC "), (enters the Holding" UMMC "), (enters Holding" UMMC " ").

The largest Russian lead-zinc sub-sectoral enterprises are: BSHIR Copper-Sung Plant, Belovsky Zinc Plant, Gorzhevsky GOK, Dalpolimetal, Ryazzvetmet, Sadonsky lead-zinc plant, Fishering GOK, Chelyabinsk electrolyte-zinc plant ,.

The largest Russian nickel-cobalt department enterprises are: MMC Norilsk Nickel (belongs to Interros company), according to Rao Gazprom), Ufalenikel, Yuzhuralnikel.

The largest Russian enterprises of the tin subways are: Far Eastern Mountain Company, Dalolid (belongs to the company "NOC"), deputy column, Novosibirsk Tin Combine, Hingansk Tin (belongs to the company "NOK").

The largest Russian enterprises of the aluminum sub-separals are: Achinsky alumina plant (enters Holding), Boguslavsky Aluminum Plant (enters the "SUAL" holding), Belokaltvinskoye Metallurgical software (enters the "RUSAL" HOLDING) ,,Sayansky aluminum plant (enters the Rusal Holding), the Stupinskaya Metallurgical Company (owned by RAO Gazprom), the Ural Aluminum Plant (enters the Holding "SUAL"), a folg rolling plant.

The largest Russian enterprises of Wolfram-Molybdenum subways are: Hydrometellurg, Zejekhensky GOK, Kirovgrad Solid Alloy Plant, Lermontovskaya Mining and Ore Company, Primorsky GOK, Survy Gok.

The largest Russian enterprises titanium magnesium subways are: Avisma, VSMPO, Solikamsky magnesium factory.

The largest Russian enterprises of the rareetal subways are: Transbaikalsky GOK, Oryolsky GOK, Sevrmet (belongs to CJSC FTK).

Russia produces 40% of world nickel, 20% - aluminum. 70% of metals are exported. Due to this, this industry is an important sector of the state economy and.

Colored metallurgy includes mining ores, their enrichment, production of rentals and alloys. Basic metals: aluminum, gold, copper, silver, tungsten, platinum, titanium, mercury, cobalt, nickel, etc.

Main areas of production: Ural, North, West Siberian, East Siberian areas.

The raw material base of production has the following features:

  • low metal content in ore. For example, to obtain 1 tons of copper it is necessary to recycle 100 tons of copper ore;
  • the big energy intensity and fuel capacity of the processing of the raw material resource. So for the production of 1 ta of products, you need to spend from 10% to 65% of the total energy and fuel costs. Therefore, the plants are trying to place where a large amount of electricity;
  • the multicomponance of raw materials. For example, only in some Ural cchedans contain 30 different elements: gold, silver, iron, copper, etc.

Centers and sectors of non-ferrous metallurgy of Russia

Let us dwell on the most important branches of Russian non-ferrous metallurgy:

1) aluminum. The qualities of this metal are widely known. It is used in airplanes, mechanical engineering, construction. Simulin, duralumin (aluminum alloys) are compared with high-grade steel by mechanical properties.

The main production centers are concentrated in Krasnoyarsk, Novokuznetsk, Irkutsk, Achinsk, Kamensk-Uralsky. They are located mainly near hydroelectric power plants.

The main production facilities of this industry belong to the "United Company of Russian Aluminum" (OK RUSAL) - the world's largest aluminum corporation.

2) Nickel. Almost everything is monopolized by the Mining and Metallurgical Company Norilsk Nickel. It produces 85% nickel in Russia and 20% in the world. His domestic closest competitor Yuzhuralnikel creates 20 times less products.

3) Copper. It is used in the electrical industry, mechanical engineering and for the manufacture of alloys. For the production of copper used mainly Ural sqschedans.

His largest deposits: Revdinskoye, Krasnoural, Sibaye, and others. In the Urals focused on the production of copper. Part of the raw material from here is covered from Kazakhstan.

Enterprises for the production of black copper: Kirovograd, Krasnouralsky, Karabash. Medeelectric plants for its refining: Verkhnepymensky, Kyshtymsky.

4) Lead and zinc. Focused in the areas of Kuzbass - Salair, the Far East - Dalnegorsk, Transbaikalia - Nerchinsk.

5) diamonds. Basically, they are mined in Yakutia (the mines "Successful" and "Jubilee"). Controls their production by the company AK "Al Rosa" (25% of the global mining of diamonds).

Russian non-ferrous metallurgy, despite the problems (energy consumption and fuel) and good perspectives. So, every year the demand for products of this reflection is growing in Russia and the world grows by 3-4%.

The possibility of entering the sales markets of high-quality products will strengthen their position in this industry.

Non-ferrous metallurgy

Color metallurgy produces diverse design materials in physical and chemical properties. The heavy industry includes copper, lead-zinc, nickel-cobalt, aluminum, titanium magnesium, tungsten-molybdenum, and production of noble and rare metals.

The dynamics of basic types of non-ferrous metallurgy products are presented in Table 4.2.

In the stages of the technological process, non-ferrous metallurgy is divided into mining and enrichment of raw materials, metallurgical redistribution and processing of non-ferrous metals. The low metal content in the ores of heavy non-ferrous metals requires compulsory enrichment (usually with a flotation method). Since non-ferrous metal ores contain many different components, each component is sequentially isolated (this is a multistage process). Enriched ore melts in special furnaces and turns into the so-called black metal, which is then purified from harmful impurities (refining). The resulting refined metal is used in the form of rolled different profile in different industries.

Non-ferrous metals are divided into heavy (copper, tin, pigs, zinc, etc.), light (aluminum, titanium, magnesium); Precious (gold, silver, platinum) and rare (tungsten, molybdenum, germanium, etc.).

Scope of use of non-ferrous metals:

Copper is widely used in mechanical engineering, electric power industry and other industries in both pure form and in alloys with tin (bronze), aluminum (duralumin), zinc (brass), nickel (Melchior);

Pork and the production of batteries, cable, used in the nuclear industry;

Tin is used for the manufacture of white tin, bearings, etc.;

Nickel refers to the number of refractory metals - get a lot of most valuable alloys. Its value is great in the production of alloyed steels, as well as when applying protective coatings of metal products;

Aluminum is used in various industries, incl. aircraft manufacturing, electrical engineering, as well as in construction and production of consumer goods;

Magnet - in radio engineering, aviation, chemical, printing and other industries;

Titan - in shipbuilding, as well as in the manufacture of jet engines, nuclear reactors, etc.

According to gold reserves, Russia ranks third in the world, the extraction has passed from the second to the sixth place. South Africa miners about 583 tons of gold and Russia a little more than 100 tons. The deposit of this metal is concentrated in Siberia and in the Far East. Silver is obtained by refining heavy metals. It is used in the manufacture of jewelry and in industry (in the manufacture of film and photography).

The placement of heavy non-ferrous metals smelting enterprises occurs under the influence of many natural and economic factors, among which the raw material factor plays a special role.
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The ores of heavy non-ferrous metals differ from the ore of the lungs low metal content. So, the industrials are ores containing copper, nickel, pigs - about 1%, tin is less than 1%. For the production of 1 tons of copper, 100 tons of ore, 1 t of tin - 300 tons of ores. Another feature of the ore of heavy non-ferrous metals is their completeness, in connection with this, enterprise calibration is of particular interest.

Even more complex territorial combinations of different industries occur in the production of light non-ferrous metals. Thus, with the complex processing of nebelins from this type of raw materials, aluminum is obtained (and afterwards aluminum), soda, potash and cement (ᴛ.ᴇ. Combining with enterprises of the chemical industry and production of building materials).

The most important role in placing enterprises for smelting of light non-ferrous metals is plays not raw material, but the fuel and energy factor.
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The ores of light metals are much richer in the content of metal than the ores of heavy metals, but their smelting requires a huge amount of electricity.

ᴀᴋᴎᴍᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϭᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, the raw material and energy factor affects the placement of enterprises of individual sectors of non-ferrous metallurgy. Even in one industry, their role is different, based on the process of the process.

Table - territorial-raw material characteristics of heavy non-ferrous metals

Type of industry Economic district Industrial Center Type of enterprises Raw base
Copper Uralsky Revda, Kirovograd, Kras-Noralsk, Karabash, Mednogorsk Production of black medium
Copper Uralsky Top Pyshma Raphaniy Copper Copper ores of the Urals (deposits: Revdinskoye, Sibi-Skoe, Guayskoye, etc.) and concentrates from Kazakhstan
Northern Monchegorsk Copper-nickel ore ore Kola Peninsula
East Siberian Norilsk Full metallurgical cycle Local copper-nickel ores (Talnakh deposit)
Lead-zinc North Caucasian Vladikavkaz Winch and zinc gas Local polymetallic (Sadon) and bridal ores
Uralsky Chelyabinsk Zinc smelting Copper-Nickel Ore Urals and Brought Concentrates
West Siberian Belovo Winch and zinc gas Local polymetallic ores (Salair) and Eastern Kazakhstan ores
Far-East Fallen Gork WINDS FREE Polymetallic ores of the Far East
Nickel-cobalt Eastosibirsky Norilsk Full metallurgical cycle
Uralsky Orsk, Upper Ufale Full metallurgical cycle Local and imported raw materials (ore of the Southern Urals and Kazakhstan)
Northern Rezh Semproduct Local and imported raw materials (ore of the Southern Urals and Kazakhstan)
Nickel Semproduct
Monchegorsk Full metallurgical cycle Local ores of the Kola Peninsula and copper-nickel concentrates from Norilsk
Tin West Siberian Novosibirsk Tin and alloys Concentrates of state processing plants (GOK) of Yakutia and the Far East

Table - geographically raw characteristics of light non-ferrous metals

Type of industry Economic district Industrial Center Type of enterprises Raw base
Aluminum Northwestern Volkhov Full cycle (gli-aluminum Tikhvin Boxitite deposit of the Leningrad region.
Northwestern Boksito Gorsk Pr-in alumina Severgezhsk Boksiti Arkhangelsk region; Nefelina Murmansk region
Pikalevo Pr-in alumina
Northern Nadvvytsy Aluminum smelting
Kandalaksha Aluminum smelting
Uralsky Kamensk-Uralsk Full cycle Local copper-nickel ores (Talnakh deposit)
Red Toursk Full cycle North-Ural Bauxites (Sverdlovsk region), Yuzhnoural Boksites (Chelyabinsk Region)
Volzhsky Volgograd Aluminum smelting Bridal raw materials
West Siberian Novokuznetsk Aluminum smelting Nefelina Kemerovo region and Krasnoyarsk region
East Siberian Bratsk, She-Lechov, Saya Nickor, Krasnoyarsk Aluminum smelting Local nepheline Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Continued Table 4.4.

Aluminum industry of the Russian Federationuses its own and imported raw materials. Russia's raw material resources are represented by bauxites, which are mined in the Urals (near the city of Severouralsk, Sulia) and in the North-West Economic Area (Tikhvinskoye deposit in the Leningrad Region), as well as the Nethelinskiy Kola Peninsula (at the city of Kirovsk) and Siberia (Kiya Shahalty field) . Also, the raw materials for the aluminum industry of Russia are imported (and bauxites, and alumina).

The geography of the location of aluminum plants is diverse, but almost in all of them (with the exception of the Urals) to any extent removed from raw materials, but are near sources of cheap electricity - hydroelectric power plants (Volgograd, Volkhov, Kandalaksha, Nadvoitsa, Bratsk, Schuzhekhov, Krasnoyarsk , Soyankorsk) or major energy plants acting on cheap felting (Novokuznetsk, Achinsk).

Before the merger of the Irkutsk and Ural aluminum plants (in 1996), the release of primary aluminum in Russia produced 11 plants, the total capacity of which more than 3 million tons of metal per year. Currently, more than 75% of the production of the industry has four large aluminum plants: fraternal, Krasnoyarsk, Sayansky and Novokuznetsky. Moreover, fraternal and Krasnoyarsk aluminum plants in terms of production are among the largest in the world.

Compared with other sectors of non-ferrous metallurgy in the aluminum industry, the smallest drop in production occurred. During the period of the 90s, the volume of the production of primary aluminum fell slightly.

Our country is still in a group of world leaders in both the production of primary aluminum (second place after the United States) and on the smelting of aluminum from secondary raw materials (along with the USA, Japan, Germany, Italy, France and the United Kingdom) and is included in the first six War exports of primary aluminum in the world.

Copper industry.The main fields of copper ores in Russia (Copper Coledans) are located in the Urals: Kras-Noralskoe, Revdinskoye, Sibaye, as well as the best Guai field in the country, whose ores on average contain 4% copper. In the future, it is planned to develop a unique Udokansky deposit of copper ores to Siberia.

Refining, as the final stage of copper production, little associated with raw materials bases. Enterprises specializing in this stage of production are either where there is a metallurgical redistribution (plants of the Ural Economic District), or in the areas of mass consumption of finished products (Moscow, St. Petersburg).

Lead-zinc industryit is characterized by a more complex placement of production, but overall is timed to the areas of distribution and production of polymetallic ores. This is the North Caucasus (Sadonskoye deposit) Western Siberia - Kuzbass (Salair deposit), Transbaikalia (Ner-Chita region, Chita region) and the Far East - Sprimor (Dalnegorsk, Crystal). Rud enrichment and metallurgical limit are often separated from each other, since lead-zinc concentrates contain many useful components and quite transportable.

The production of lead-zinc concentrates without metallurgical redistribution is allocated to Trans-Baikal; for the production of metal lead and zinc concentrates - Kuzbass (Belovo); on the smelting of lead and zinc - the North Caucasus (sa-don); For the production of metallic zinc from import concentrates - Ural (Chelyabinsk).

Nickel industryreceived a development: in the Northern Economic Area (Monchegorsk) on the basis of proclaimed nickel deposits of the Kola Peninsula and copper-nickel concentrates from Norilsk; In the Urals (Upper Ufale, Orsk, dir) - on the local and imported raw materials; In Eastern Siberia (Norilsk) - on the copper-nickel ore of the Talnakh deposit of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Taimyr Autonomous Okrug).

In the 90s, the production of basic types of non-ferrous metallurgy products except for the smelting of the lead heavily decreased: for the smelting of lead compared from1990. More than 50%, tin, zinc, nickel - by 35-40%, etc.

Colored metallurgy - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Colored metallurgy" 2017, 2018.

The largest centers of non-ferrous metallurgy in Russia are mainly located in the Urals and in Siberia. First of all, this is due to the place of mining of raw materials and with difficulties in their processing. After all, it is necessary to recycle 100 tons of ore to extract 1 ton of copper. On average, the content of valuable non-ferrous metals in the breed is contained from hundredths and up to 12%. This makes the metals "color" and expensive.

Some deposits are equipped with enterprises that allow us to conduct a full cycle of work, from mining, to finished material and metal products. But all this requires certain conditions. Water, electricity, raw materials and transport accessibility are necessary.

Combined enterprises somewhat reduce non-ferrous metals. After all, often during lead and zinc mining, the breed contains silver, nickel, or tungsten.

Large centers of non-ferrous metallurgy in Russia, city:

Ural is the center of non-ferrous metallurgy. Although its own copper deposits are practically exhausted, and raw materials are covered from Kazakhstan, but recycling enterprises are still leading. In the Urals, the main and largest deposits are considered:

Sverdlovsk region

  • Krasnouralskaya
  • Kirovograd
  • Revdinsky
  • Orsky
  • Dizhma
Chelyabinsk region
  • Karabash
  • Kyshtym
  • Upper Ufaley
Orenburg Oblast, Siberia
  • Bratsk
  • Norilsk
  • Monchegorsk
  • Shelekhov
  • Sayansk
  • Krasnoyarsk
A total of 14 industries are allocated that are associated with the extraction and processing of more than 70 types of non-ferrous metals, but they are all tied to energy sources. Despite the fact that Russia occupies a leading position on the explored reserves of non-ferrous metals, we only in the 12th place.

The policy of the state (not only in Russia) in order to save its own reserves of non-ferrous metals, procurement of raw materials from other countries, as well as the secondary processing of non-ferrous metal scrap. Thus, processing enterprises are not always tied to the fields itself and are located in more convenient locations. Even in the suburbs (G. Podolsk) there are several chemical and metallurgical plants and laboratories.

Combining non-ferrous metallurgy with the chemical industry gives its results. For the extraction of some rare-earth metals, it is not advantageous to develop separate deposits, but most of them are also contained in copper-nickel, or zinc-lead rocks. And only you need to extract these grains, with more thorough cleaning.

Rare-earth metals, and this is niobium, tantalum, Europe, neodymium and others are mined in the Murmansk region and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

For gold mining lead:

  • Sakha (Yakutia),
  • Khabarovsk region
  • Magadan region
  • Amur region
  • Kamchatka region
  • Koryak AO
  • Chukotky AO
Plants and factories provide the work of the population, but the Industrial cities of Siberia themselves look sadly. There are going on earnings, since at metallurgical combines Salary at the level of the oil and gas complex. But it seems to me that it is very difficult to live there. The ecological situation in the cities is quite complicated, and enterprises need to be upgraded. And these are the costs and stop of the enterprise, during the update time.

No one is serious about this, and will not do. After all, it is important only that we are almost ahead of the planet all. We are rich and generous, our land is inexhaustible, and people are hardy and strong.


Color metallurgy, one of the component parts of the heavy industry, specializes in the extraction, enrichment, metallurgical and ore of non-ferrous, noble and rare metals, as well as on diamond mining. It consists of branches of copper, lead-zinc, nickel-cobalt, aluminum, titanium, tungstenolibdane, noble metals, solid alloys, rare metals, etc.

The Russian Federation has powerful non-ferrous metallurgy, the main distinguishing feature of which is a development based on the use of its own large and variety of resources. Security of non-ferrous metallurgy subproduces Raw materials: Boxits - more than 100 years, copper - 85, lead and zinc - about 100, Tin - 55, nickel -70, tungsten - 58, Molybdenum - about 130 years (Table 3.2).

The share of the industry in the total volume of Russia in 1995 was 7.9%, and in the world production of non-ferrous metals - 9%, including aluminum - 14% (USA - 17%), nickel - 23% (Japan - 14 %, Canada - 13%). The fall in industrial production in non-ferrous metallurgy worldwide from 1990 to 1996. reached 19%, while in Russia as a whole - 54%; 34% of the manufacturing industry provides the aluminum industry and 25% - nickel-cobalt.

In Russia, over 70 diverse metals and elements are produced. Number of non-ferrous metallurgy is 47 mining enterprises, of which 22 refer to the aluminum industry.

Table 3.2.

Share of economic regions of the Russian Federation in the production of products of black and non-ferrous metallurgy, 1995 (in%)

Economic areas and territories Ferrous metallurgy Non-ferrous metallurgy
Iron Ore cast iron become Rental Steel pipes
Northern 19,5 15,5 12,7 16,9 - 7,1
Republic of Karelia 0,4
Murmansk region 6,7
Northwestern - - 1,4 1,3 3,2 2,0
Saint Petersburg 0,7
Leningrad region 1,2
Central - 3,8 1,5 1,0 1,2 4,5
Vladimir region 0,7
Moscow 1,3
Moscow region 1,6
Oryol Region 0,3
Ryazan Oblast 0,4
Smolensk region 0,1
Tula region 0,1
Volgo-Vyatsky - - 2,1 1,9 13,8 0,3
Kirov region 0,3
Central Black Earth Volga 43,0 17,3 12,5 11,6 - 0,0
- - 3,5 2,1 14,8 3,3
Volgograd region 1,2
Samara Region 2,1
North Caucasian - - 1,5 0,8 12,7 1,8
Kabardino Balkar Republic 0,2
Karachay-Circassian 0,1
North Republic 0,4
Ossetia - Alanya
Rostov region 1,1
Uralsky 20,5 46,0 47,6 46,8 50,0 19,1
Republic of Bashkortostan 0,9
Orenburg region 1,9
Perm region 1,8
Sverdlovsk region 12,3
Chelyabinsk region 2,2
West Siberian 4,2 17,4 14,4 14,8 4,4 3,3
Kemerovo Region 2,6
Novosibirsk region 0,6
East Siberian 12,6 - 0,8 0,8 - 37,7
The Republic of Buryatia 0,5
Republic of Tuva 0,1
The Republic of Khakassia 3,5
Krasnoyarsk region 24,7
Irkutsk region 7,1
Chita region 1,8
Far Eastern - - 1,8 2,2 - 20,7
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 13,7
Chukotky AO 0,7
Primorsky Krai 0,7
Khabarovsk region 1,4
Amur region 1,1
Magadan Region 2,9

Colored metallurgy due to its export orientation in recent years has experienced a smaller drop in production than industries working on the domestic market. Here is higher compared to other sectors of the heavy industry wages. But the cost of products largely depends on the change in electricity tariffs, since production is characterized by high energy intensity.

Colored metallurgy has its own specifics.

1. The industry is characterized by a very high concentration of production. Monopolist enterprises account for 12% of the total number of enterprises. In 1994, the three largest plants were given 1/3 of the total product of the industry, and the eight largest - 50%. He heads this list of Norilsk Nickel JSC, which produces over 40% of the platinum group metals, processes over 70% of Russian copper and controls about 35% of world reserves of nickel.

2. This is environmentally harmful production. According to the degree of pollution of the atmosphere, water sources and soil, non-ferrous metallurgy exceeds all other industries that have a mining industry. A very difficult ecological situation has developed in Norilsk, on the Kola Peninsula, on the territory of the Karabasi copper smelting plant in the Southern Urals.

3. At non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises the greatest costs associated with fuel consumption and transportation. Moreover, in recent years, due to the increase in prices for resources and transport, the rigid currency policy of the state, huge taxes, the share of fuel and energy costs increased from 16 to 40%, and the share of transportation costs increased from 6 to 20%.

In connection with the variety of raw materials used and the wide use of non-ferrous metals in the modern industry, non-ferrous metallurgy is characterized by a complex structure. The technological process of obtaining metal from ore is divided into mining and enrichment of the feedstock, metallurgical redistribution and processing of non-ferrous metals. The originality of the resource base is the extremely low content of the extracted metal in the source ore. For example, copper in ores is 1 - 5%, lead-zinc ores contain lead 1.6 - 5.5%, zinc - 4 - 6%, copper - up to 1%. Therefore, the industry reacts very sensitively to achieving scientific and technological progress, allowing to produce highly transportable enriched concentrates with a metal content of 35 - 70%. And only in this form of the ore of non-ferrous metals enter the metallurgical conversion.

Due to the fact that non-ferrous metallurgy has to be extracted much more than in ferrous metallurgy, rocks per unit of finished products, and due to the significant collection of the production process and enrichment carried out in the production areas, essential importance is attached to the open method of developing ore deposits. non-ferrous metals (more than 2/3 of all deposits). Obtaining expensive concentrates of non-ferrous metal ores makes it possible to transport them over long distances and thus geographically divide the production processes, enrichment and directly metallurgical redistribution.

The peculiarity of the technological process of obtaining non-ferrous metals is that the metallurgical redistribution - an energy-intensive process, which sometimes requires to ten thousand kilowatt-hours per 1 tons of finished products, so it is placed in areas of cheap raw materials and fuel, which also becomes one of the reasons for the territorial break of the stages production.

Ore non-ferrous metals have multicomponent composition. For example, polymetallic ores besides lead and zinc contain copper, cadmium, selenium, bismuth, gold, silver, etc. And many "satellites" are significantly superior to the main components and sometimes do not form independent deposits. Therefore, in non-ferrous metallurgy, the importance of the complex use of raw materials and industrial intra-separable combination is great.

Most of the ores of non-ferrous metals are characterized by complex mining and geological conditions of development, the harsh natural and geographical conditions of the location areas. The quality of ores (except copper and nickel) is characterized by lower indicators compared to foreign counterparts. According to Mingetology and Roskomder, in Russia it is economically inappropriate to develop from 30 to 70% of explored reserves.

In the 90s. The state of the raw material base of non-ferrous metallurgy has deteriorated sharply for the following reasons:

1) the disposal power for the extraction of ore are not compensated by the introduction of new;

2) the duration of operation of many large deposits led to the depletion of ore reserves;

3) the volumes of geological exploration decreased 6 times;

4) The production of non-ferrous metal ores has decreased from 80 to 50 million tons. Complex use of raw materials and utilization of industrial

the waste leads to the emergence of whole complexes around the enterprises of non-ferrous metallurgy: the production of lead and zinc highlights the sulfuric gas used to produce mineral fertilizers (non-ferrous metallurgy and main chemistry), during the processing of nebelins, they receive soda, sweat, cement as finished products (non-ferrous metallurgy, Basic Chemistry and Industry of Building Materials).

A distinctive feature of the processes of mining and enrichment of ores, as well as the smelting of some metals is their water content (15-20 cubic meters per 1t copper-nickel ore, etc.). Therefore, non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises should be provided with sufficiently reliable sources of water supply. The main factors for the placement of non-ferrous metallurgy (fuel, material - and water-intensity) affect the territorial organization of industries and even stages within one technological process.

Aluminum industryreleases light colored metal. As a raw material, she uses bauxites, whose deposits are located in the North-West (Boksitogorsk), the North (still weakly developed the largest fields of Middle Timan in the Komi Republic), the Urals (North Ural, Kamensk-Uralskoe), in Eastern Siberia (Nizhne- Angarskoye), as well as nepheline, whose deposits are located in the north (chiborous), in Western Siberia (Kiya Shaltyrskoe). Every year, 3 million tons of aluminum industry from bauxites are supplied for the aluminum industry, which indicates a shortage of high-quality aluminum raw materials. At the same time, there are huge inventories in Russia, but the production of alumina is associated with high energy resources.

The technological process of obtaining aluminum consists of the following basic stages: mining and enrichment of raw materials, alumina intermediate production, metal aluminum production. Various placement factors affect each of the stages of the technological process. Mining and enrichment of raw materials, as well as the production of alumina as materials intensive processes to sources of raw materials. In the manufacture of metallic aluminum, a large amount of electricity is consumed, so its production is to sources of mass and cheap energy, among which powerful hydropower plants play a paramount role.

The production of alumina and the production of metal aluminum can geographically coincide (Volkhov, Krasnoturinsk). Most of the alumina is produced in the European part of the country: in Boksitogorsk - on the basis of Tikhvin Boxitors, in Volkhov and Pikalevoy - on the Kitiban nephelines, in Krasnoturinsk and Kamensk-Uralsky use the North-Ural Boxites. In 1995, new bouxite production facilities were introduced in the Svuravboxitrud JSC in the Sverdlovsk region. In the eastern regions, alumina production is presented in Achinsk on the basis of Kiya-Shaldykh Nekeline.

Metal aluminum production is concentrated near the powerful hydroelectric hydroelectric power plants or large energy plants on cheap fuel (Volgograd, Volkhov, Kandalaksha, Nadders, Bratsk, giving 6% of global aluminum production, Irkutsk, Shelekhov, Krasnoyarsk), since it is much cheaper to transport alumina than to transmit electricity or Fuel to the production areas of cheap alumina. Siberia forms new centers of the aluminum industry in the Achinsky-Krasnoyarsk region.

Copper industry - One of the oldest sectors of non-ferrous metallurgy in our country. Its development began in the XVIII century. in the Urals. Copper for a long time remained one of the most consumed non-ferrous metals. Modern technology of the copper industry is based on three stages: mining and enrichment of ores, carpent copper smelting, refined copper smelting. The copper industry due to low metal content in ore has been preserved mainly in the prey areas, i.e. in the Ural Economic Area. The ores of the Guy and Blyavinsky (Orenburg region), Krasnoural and Revdinsky (Sverdlovsk Region), Sibij, Podolsky and the Jubilee (Republic of Bashkortostan) are developed here. Copper-nickel and polymetallic ores can also serve as raw materials for the copper industry. In the Urals, the metallurgical redistribution significantly exceeds mining and enrichment. Since there are not enough resources, import concentrates (from Kazakhstan, from the Kola Peninsula) with a metal content of 30 - 40% are used here. There are about 10 copper-smelting and refining plants. Draft copper is produced at Krasnoural, Kirovograd, Central Ural, Mednogorsk and other enterprises. Copper refining occurs on specialized Upper Nysmminsky and Kyshtym factories.

In other areas of the country, there are also copper production enterprises: in the Northern District (Monchegorsk), in Eastern Siberia (Norilsk Combine - Copper-Nickel ores of Norilsk, Talnakh, October deposits, polymetallic - Nerchinsky, etc.). In the north of the Chita region, intelligence completed and prepare for the beginning of the industrial development of the third in the world in the explored reserves of the Udokan field of copper ores (over 1.2 billion tons). A number of refining and hire enterprises emerged outside the areas of obtaining Chern Copper (Moscow), the secondary use of copper (copper scrap) has gained great importance.

Lead-zinc industry Based on the use of different polymetallic ores. The peculiarity of their processing is to mining, enrichment, isolating ore minerals, obtaining various methods of metals, refining. Lead and Zinc are widely used in various spheres of human activity. Zinc, having anticorrosive properties, is used to galvanizing the iron sheet, telegraph wires, pipes for various purposes, is part of some pharmaceutical preparations. Lead is needed for the manufacture of acid-resistant equipment, various pipes and vessels for the chemical industry, etc., in addition, lead absorbs X-ray and nuclear radiation.

The territorial organization of the lead-zinc industry differs from copper in that it is not always and not everywhere lead and zinc in pure form are obtained at the same time, that is, for the industry is characterized by a territorial gap of individual stages of the technological process. This becomes possible in the preparation of ore concentrates with a metal content of 60 - 70%, which makes it advantageous to transport over long distances. To obtain metal lead, a relatively small amount of fuel is required compared to zinc. However, in general, the lead-zinc industry is in the fields of polymetallic ores, which are located in the North Caucasus (Sadon), in Western Siberia (Salair), Eastern Siberia (Nerchinsky Plant, Hapcheranga, Gorezskoe), in the Far East (Dalnegorsk). In the Urals, Zinc is contained in copper ores. Full metallurgical redistribution is presented in Vladikavkaz (North Caucasus), in Chelyabinsk the production of metallic zinc from import concentrates is carried out, and zinc concentrates are produced in Centralouralsk; In Belovo (Western Siberia), lead concentrate is obtained and zinc is paid, in Nerchinsk (Eastern Siberia), lead and zinc concentrates produce. The shortage of lead consumed in Russia is covered by supplies from Kazakhstan.

Nickel Cobalt Industry It is closely related to sources of raw materials due to low metal content in ores (0.3% nickel and 0.2% cobalt in sulfide ores), the difficulties of their processing, a large fuel consumption, multi-stage ™ process and the need for complex use of raw materials. On the territory of the Russian Federation ores of two types are being developed: sulphide copper-nickel - Monchegorsk, Pechenga-Nickel (Kola Peninsula), Talnakh deposit (Norilsk); Oxidized nickel ores - Rezhskoye, Ufalese, Orsh (Ural).

The largest enterprises of this industry are Norilsk Combine of the full cycle, producing nickel, cobalt, copper, rare metals, plants in Nickel and Polar, mining and enriching ore, the plant "Severonikel" (Monchegorsk), which produces nickel, cobalt, platinum, copper.

Titano magnet industry - relatively new branch of non-ferrous metallurgy. Magnesium raw materials are widespread in the Urals, Kola Peninsula, in Western Siberia. The preparation of titanium and magnesium is characterized by a large electrical capacity. If magnesium production factories originally arose in sources of raw materials (Berezniki and Solikamsky factories in the Urals), then enterprises for the production of titanium were built in places of cheap energy, they operate on imported raw materials and concentrates. In the future, as part of the Timan-Pechora TPK, it is planned to create the titanagnetic industry.

Tin industrial It is distinguished by the territorial disunity of the stages of the technological process. The metallurgical redistribution is not associated with ore deposits, and focuses on the areas of consumption or placed along the path of concentrates (Novosibirsk, Ural). RUD deposits are represented in the Chita region (Sherry Mountain), but they are especially common in the Far East (Es-Heya, Pevek, Kavalerovo, Sunny, Cudrodur, Deputy, Berry, especially large - right-handy and sable in Khabarovsk Territory, Lonely - Yakutia, etc.). It produces highly transportable concentrates and send them to the places of production of metallic tin. However, in the first half of the 90s. Seven of the eleven mining enterprises of tin concentrates closed or stopped, and the rest (except for sunshine in the Khabarovsk Territory, in which new capacities were introduced in 1995) sharply reduced production. The release of tin in 1994 was halved compared with 1990.

Non-ferrous metals and their alloys are processed in consumption areas. Recycling of secondary raw materials occurs here.

The region with the most prosperous position of non-ferrous metallurgy includes the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Chelyabinsk region, where the volume of non-ferrous metals (especially copper, zinc and nickel) increased by 13%, and the Murmansk region (7% growth), where there are about non-ferrous metallurgy 2/5 industrial products.