Repairs Design Furniture

Hydrogen generator for the car do it yourself drawings. Hydrogen generator with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions. What water to use - distilled or from under the tap

Depending on what kind of goals he needed, hydrogen generator, big accountNow you can purchase in the store. But often industrial options are such that it is not necessary to adapt them to their needs with a high probability. The model choice is very limited, and the characteristics, especially the efficiency, do not allow to talk about efficient use. In addition to this, the price of these products, especially if we are talking About intended for use in the home heating system, a tendency to reduce at least to the average level is not different.

Why and appeared in the network expanses the abundance of proposals and practical recommendations By how to make such a device with your own hands, moreover at home . Each author is often trying to add something to him, place the Council on a particular nuance. Many describe their own way to build a home-grown device, introducing it into a car fuel system, a home heating scheme, etc. Anyway, the significance of any recommendations really confirm only on your experience. Most tips can be grouped into several major topics:

  • search scheme that allows the least costs and with the greatest efficiency to produce gas;
  • selection of materials from which components of the device should be made;
  • selection of reagents used for hydrolysis;
  • geometric, electrical and other parameters of components (requirements for the size of elements, power source, etc.).

Simple homemade schemas

If you do not take into account the aggregates sophisticated and labor-reproduced at home, but will be limited to the withdrawal means and materials that can be found without leaving the house, it turns out that it is a compact one with your own hands, but an effective hydrogen generator is not an intractable task. One of the most simple schemes Includes almost every component available. Here are these things that can easily be lit up at home:

  • power supply (12 V, 1-2 A);
  • glass jar with a screw metal cover (~ 0.5 l);
  • plastic bottle (~ 1.0 l);
  • rectangular plastic line (10-15 cm);
  • shaving blades (lamellar, these are in rectangular cassettes of 10 pcs.);
  • a pair of medical-drip systems;
  • connecting wires (from copper, small cross section);
  • water and cook salt.

To make your own hands from this set of hydrogen generator, you will need a simple tool, somehow a stationery knife, sandpaper, soldering iron with appropriate soldering materials, filled adhesive Pistol. It should be started with the preparation of the blades, which consists in one-sided sweep of them for non-footing edges (2-3 mm) and a mezzani. Then it is evenly necessary (after 3-4 mm) to apply serifs to the groove. They will be placed blades.

It should be borne in mind that an increase in the distance between the grooves will entail a larger consumption current and, accordingly, it will be possible to be more powerful and the power source.

Each blade should be perpendicular to the main plane of the line. They are fixed on it with glue so that electric contact is excluded. Visually it turns out a peculiar ribbed heating battery in miniature. After the glue gets free, it is necessary to supplement the resulting design with wired connections. Simply put, it is required to connect all odd blades to one wire, and to the other - all even (just as it is made with plates inside the batteries).

Further, in the metal cover, you should perform holes for this pair of feed wires, and one more, more - under the outlet of the hydrogen (the diameter is specified in the size of the dropper filter, which will be mounted in the lid). A ruler with blades can be fixed here on the free inside plane of the lid. All the holes made after passing through them the wires and droppers must be pulled by glue by fixing these items. So that the lid after screwing the volume of the bank is completely tight.

A plastic bottle must be equipped so that it performs the function of the bubbler-hydraulic assembly (there may be more than one). The hose from the glass cans passed through the lid should almost reach the bottom of the bottle. Accordingly, the second hose for hydrogen lead is located in the upper part. The location of the connectors in the lid should also be sealed.

Now you need to pour water into a bottle (not up to the top) and the jar, pour into the last few spoons of salt and stir. After that, it remains tightly to close the lids and proceed to testing this mini generator created by its own hands. Soon after switching on the power supply to the network, you can observe the hydrolysis process and hydrogen release. It should be enough so that when bringing a lit lighter to the tip of the needle, located on the weekend hose, the flame picked up with this little burner. Of course, it is just a layout that demonstrates the principled opportunity to create such a device at home.

For serious purposes of type of heating at home or gas cutters, you, of course, will need to scale it. Instead of blades, take larger full-fledged plates, instead of a can with a bottle with a bottle corresponding capacity, etc. Other popular schemes, which can also be made with your own hands at home (as a last resort in garage), in a fundamental device all are similar to those described. Capacities may be taken of different shapes and out different materialsThe reagents may be compounds of metals, alkali and acid, etc., in words, space for experiments abound.

Where to send

Depending on what goals, you put yourself, how fine and deeply master the schemes offered by the crafts with the crafts, how much they go far, however, it depends on how and where it is possible to apply the results of your work. In general, the main directions are several:

  • metal gas cutter;
  • enrichment of fuel in the car;
  • heating in the house.

The practice of desperate motorists shows that these devices, including those made by their own hands, can be very effective both in terms of fuel economy and in terms of reducing the level of harmful substances in the exhaust. A B. lately On the expanses of blogs and forums, it is warmly discussed and quite new use in such products - in heating systems. This is an embodiment, mainly, as an addition to the main instruments.

For example, a warm floor or wall. By creating your own hands at home, such a device as a hydrogen generator, bother to take care of the elementary safety rules. If it is intended for the heating system, it should be calculated for round-the-clock operation. In particular, this is relevant if you decide to use unsurvicious chemical compounds as reagents.

Interest in hydrogen generators, HHO and Gas Brown, continues to grow as on yeast, but the most joyful fact is a huge number of people who start or plan to collect hydrogen generators with their own hands. Moreover, it does not matter which generator a man is needed, a hydrogen generator for a car or a hydrogen generator for a boiler or welding, the principle of its action will still be the same. To help practitioners mastering this hard industry, we begin to prepare answers to frequently asked questions on the assembly of hydrogen generators with their own hands.

We offer you the first part of the answers to frequently asked questions on the assembly of hydrogen generator with their own hands. All the answers are given "as is", that is, without any veil, understone and hidden goals, we are pursued.

Part 1. Common Questions

In this issue:

1. Why do you need it? You can go and buy a hydrogen generator in the store, as you need?

2. Does there be ways to build a hydrogen generator that will work with the efficiency above the unit?

5. You publish super-nuclear hydrogen generators from Alexander ( ). He will never share his schemes and developments too?.

7. What need to use water?

8. What is the necessary metal? In various manuals, it is said about the need to use only very rare stamps ....

9. How long does the plates of the electrodes?

10. How to properly prepare plates for electrodes?

11. What are the temperature modes of the electrolyzer and water?

12. Is it possible to complete the car on Gas Brown?

13. What proportions of Brown gas in the fuel are harmless to the OI?

14. How many liters of Brown gas per minute need to work in DVS?

1. Why do you need it? You can go and buy a hydrogen generator in the store, as you need.

While the selection of hydrogen generators in stores is very zudd. The price of them is unreasonably high, the efficiency of their work rarely exceeds 50% and never exceeds even 90%. In order to obtain an effective hydrogen generator working with the efficiency of more than one, on this moment There is only one way: make it yourself.

2. Does there be ways to build a hydrogen generator that will work with the efficiency above the unit?

Of course exist! And built on completely different principles The work and efficiency of which exceeds the unit not on the share of interest, which can be written off on measurement errors, but exceeds one by times!

3. I studied well at school and university, and therefore I do not believe that there are generators of hydrogen working with the efficiency more units, how can I be convinced of this?

For a start, we offer to look at the universal ferris of hydrogen generators with spent. You can also use our, for calculating the efficiency of hydrogen generators and the high-speed thermal power.

4. Are there currently well-described and repeated schemes for assembling superior hydrogen generators?

No, there is no! The absolute majority laid on the Internet schemes for the assembly of super-efficient hydrogen generators are non-working. Therefore, it will not be possible to find a scheme, collect the generator on it and rejoice. Before you have to experiment much.

5. You are publishing super-sided hydrogen generators from Alexander (). He will never share his schemes and developments too?

Alexander very actively helps on the forum practices, answering their questions. It just has concrete and clear goals for bringing its developments to a logical completion, and it needs funds. Because Alexander does not plan to respond to a certain range of issues to a certain range of issues, mainly electronic circuit Electriculizer control.

6. Where and what can I read or see, and also where to ask questions?

7. What kind of water should be used?

Almost any, from plumbing to distilled. The best efficiency is achieved with the use of sodium hydroxide solution in distilled water in proportions one tablespoon for ten liters of water.

8. What is the necessary metal? In various manuals, it is said about the need to use only very rare stamps ...

This is one of the delusions! Suitable any stainless steel! The best results are achieved with steel, which is not attracted permanent magnet (It is not a ferromagnet), since it does not stick anything at the process of work, but this moment is not appropriate. The main thing is that the steel is stainless and, accordingly, so that it does not oxidize in water.

9. How long does the plates of the electrodes?

During the operation, the plate is not destroyed, so you do not need to change them.

10. How to properly prepare plates for electrodes?

All plates must be thoroughly rinsed before assembly, first in the soap solution, then alcohol or vodka. Then it is necessary to "drive" the electrolyzer a certain time, periodically replacing the water to clean, and so for several days until it is distinguished by all dirt and iron.
Subsequently, water will remain clean. The cleaner water, the smaller the heating of the installation.

11. What are the temperature modes of the electrolyzer and water?

With a propheted electrolyzer, the plates and water should not be heated.
It is also extremely desirable electrolyzer and plates do not overheat above 80 degrees.
If the temperature on unclean water raises higher than 65 degrees, then dirt and metal with minerals are climbing to the plates and you will not delete them already and you cannot clear the plates from them! They will have to be deleted only with abrasive processing, via emery paper etc.

12. Is it possible to complete the car on Gas Brown?

Yes, theoretically possible. Almost any DVC works on Gaza Brown completely calmly and steadily without any alterations. However, it is necessary to remember that the product of the combustion of Gaza Brown is water, which, without adopting appropriate measures, will accumulate in the engine crankcase, turning the oil into the emulsion, which will result in rapid wear of parts that will contact it during operation. Therefore, for the long-term work of DVS on Gaza Brown, it is necessary to choose special additives and solve the problem with the removal of water from the oil.

13. What proportions of Brown gas in the fuel are harmless to the OI?

In the case of gasoline engines, up to 90% of fuel can be replaced with Brown gas, leaving only 10 percent of gasoline. In the case of diesel fuel, the amount of brown gas in the fuel should not exceed 75-80%. In compliance with the above proportions, the use of Gaza Brown will not apply in the economy of no visible damage, and its power apparently increases.

14. How many liters of Brown gas per minute need to work in DVS?

First of all, it all depends on the volume of the engine, the injection engine or carburetor, what year of the service of the car ... if you simply take as the basis for the example of the Zhiguli "Kopeika", then it is enough 17-18 liters per minute idling and 20-24 liters on the work move. This is the calculation of the fact that 90% of fuel is replaced with Brown gas. The weight of such an installation will be about 55-60 kilograms, taking into account the flooded water.

As we have already written above, it is only the first part of the questions. As they arrive, we will publish new articles with answers to the questions received.

And now a gift for students of universities, who were too fascinated by the search free energy And completely forgot about learning. There is a place where you will be helped, and if desired, even do

Hydrogen generator (electrolyzer) is a device working for the light of two processes: physical and chemical.

In the process of operation, under the influence of electric flow, water decomposes on oxygen and hydrogen. This process Wears the name electrolysis. The electrolyzer is quite popular among the most famous species hydrogen generators.

How the device is arranged

The electrolyzer consists of several metal plates immersed in hermetic container with distilled water.

The housing itself has terminals to connect the power supply and there is a sleeve, through which gas is derived.

The operation of the device can be described as follows: the electrotocks are passed through distilled water between the plates with different fields (in one - anode, in the other - the cathode), breaks it on oxygen and hydrogen.

Depending on the area of \u200b\u200bplates, the electrotocks has its own power, if the area is large, then the current on the water passes a lot and the gas is released more. Connection diagram of plates alternate, first plus, then minus and so on.

The electrodes are recommended to do from stainless steel, which in the process of electrolysis does not react with water. The main thing is to find stainless steel high Quality. Between the electrodes it is better to make the distance small, but so that gas bubbles are easily between them moved. Fasteners are best made from the corresponding metal as the electrodes.

Take into account: Due to the fact that manufacturing technology is associated with gas, then in order to avoid the formation of sparks, it is necessary to make a dense adjacent to all parts.

In the case under consideration, the device includes 16 plates, they are located apart from each other within 1 mm.

Due to the fact that the plates have a sufficiently significant surface area and thickness, it can be skipped through such a device high currents, but the metal heating will not occur. If the electrode capacity is measured in air, it will be 1NF, this set uses up to 25a in simple water from the water supply.

To collect a hydrogen generator, you can apply a food container with your own hands, since its plastic is heat-resistant. Then you need to lower the electrodes to collect the gas with the connectors with isolated hermetic, lid and other connections.

If using a metal container, then in order to avoid short circuit, the electrodes are attached on plastic. From two sides of copper and brass fittings Two connectors are installed (fitting - mount, assemble) to extract the gas. Connectors Contact and fittings need to firmly firmly, applying silicone sealant.

Compliance with security measures

The electrolyzer is an enhanced risk device.

Therefore, during its manufacture, mount and work, it is necessary to comply with both general and special security measures.

Special measures include the following items:

  • the concentration of a mixture of hydrogen with oxygen should be monitored, in order to prevent the explosion;
  • if the fluid level is not viewed in the viewing window of the hydrogen generator, it is impossible to use it;
  • during repair, it is necessary to make sure that at the end point of the system there is no hydrogen;
  • contraindicated use open fire, electrical heating devices and portable lamps with voltage of more than 12 volts near the electrolyzer;
  • while working with the electrolyte it follows itself to protect themselves, using the means of protection (overalls, gloves and glasses).

Qualified masters believe that home-made hydrogen generators for cars at home is a risky lesson.

They explain this by the fact that the electrolyzer for the car has a complex and unsafe system of devices.

It is necessary to engage in the manufacture of such aggregates using special materials and reagents.

Note: In the case of self-establishment of an electrolyzer, which was made with your own hands, it is recommended to strictly eliminate the possibility when gas enters the combustion chamber with a plugged engine. During the engine shutdown, the hydrogen generator from the network must automatically turn off electric power car.

If nevertheless decided to independently make a car hydrolyzer, then it must be equipped with a bubbler - this is a special water valve. When it is used, safety during driving a car will significantly increase.

Gas Heating Gas Brown

Hydrogen is the most common chemical element, therefore it is economically profitable to use it.

For many owners of houses and cottages, the question often arises how to get "clean" and cheap energy for everyday life. The answer can be found in such innovation as a water generator for housing heating.

Scientists, thanks to their developments, allowed many to use such a device to produce gas. The installation is capable of generating hydrogen (Brown gas) and this gas will be used to produce energy.

You can submit this connection chemical formulalike hho. This gas can be obtained from water using the electrolysis method. There are many examples in life when people want their home to catch an oxide. But that this type of fuel is popular, you must first learn to get it (Brown gas) in domestic conditions.

There is no technology yet. hydrogen heating Private house, which would be quite reliable.

Watch a video in which an experienced user explains how to make a hydrogen generator with your own hands:

Hydrogen is almost the perfect type of fuel, but the problem is that it is found on our planet only in the form of connections with others chemical elements. The share of "pure" substance in the atmosphere is no more than 0.00005%. Considering such realities becomes actual question About the hydrogen generator. Consider the principle of operation of such a device, its design features, scope and the possibility of self-making.

Description and principle of the hydrogen generator

There are several methods for washing hydrogen and from other substances, we will list the most common:

  1. Electrolysis, this technique is most simple and can be implemented at home. Through aqueous solution containing salt, permanent electricityA reaction occurs under its effect, which can be described by the following equation: 2NACL + 2H 2 O → 2NAOH + CL 2 + H 2. In this case, the example is given for a solution of ordinary kitchen salt, which is not the best waySince the release chlorine is a poisonous substance. Note that the hydrogen obtained by this method is the most pure (about 99.9%).
  2. By passing water vapor over a coal coke, heated to a temperature of 1000 ° C, under such conditions the following reaction flows: H 2 O + C ⇔ CO + H 2.
  3. Mining from methane by conversion with water vapor ( prerequisite For reaction - temperature 1000 ° C): CH 4 + H 2 O ⇔ CO + 3H 2. The second option is the oxidation of methane: 2CH 4 + O 2 ⇔ 2SO + 4N 2.
  4. In the process of cracking (oil refining), hydrogen is highlighted as a by-product. Note that in our country, the burning of this substance is still practiced in some oil refineries due to the lack of necessary equipment or sufficient demand.

Of the above options, the last least costly, and the first most accessible, it is that most of the hydrogen generators, including households. Their principle of operation lies in the fact that in the process of passing the current through the solution, the positive electrode attracts negative ions, and the electrode with the opposite charge is positive, as a result, the substance splitting occurs.

Design features and a hydrogen generator device

If there are practically no problems with obtaining hydrogen, then its transportation and storage still remains an urgent task. The molecules of this substance are so small that even through the metal can penetrate, which carries a certain safety threat. Storage in absorbed form is not yet distinguished by high profitability. Therefore, the most optimal option - Generation of hydrogen immediately before its use in the production cycle.

For this purpose, industrial installations for hydrogen generation are manufactured. As a rule, these are membrane type electrolyzers. The simplified design of such a device and the principle of operation is shown below.


  • A - Handset for chlorine (CL 2).
  • B - hydrogen removal (H 2).
  • C - anode, where the following reaction occurs: 2CL - → CL 2 + 2E -.
  • D is a cathode, the reaction on it can be described by the following equation: 2N 2 O + 2E - → H 2 + it is.
  • E is a solution of water and sodium chloride (H 2 O & NACL).
  • F - membrane;
  • G is a saturated solution of sodium chloride and the formation of caustic soda (NAON).
  • H is the removal of brine and diluted caustic soda.
  • I - Enter a saturated brine.
  • J - Cover.

The design of household generators is much easier, since for the most part they do not produce pure hydrogen, and produce Brown gas. So it is customary to call a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen. This option is most practical, it is not necessary to separate hydrogen and oxygen, you can significantly simplify the design, and therefore make it cheaper. In addition to this, the resulting gas is burned as it is developed. Store and accumulate it at home not only problematic, but also unsafe.


  • a - Brown Gaza Tube;
  • b - intake manifold of water supply;
  • c is a hermetic case;
  • d - block of plates of electrodes (anodes and cathodes), with the insulators installed between them;
  • e - water;
  • f - water level sensor (connected to the control unit);
  • g - water separation filter;
  • h - supply of food supplied to the electrodes;
  • i - pressure sensor (supplies a control unit when the threshold level is reached);
  • j - Safety valve;
  • k is a gas removal from the safety valve.

A characteristic feature of such devices is the use of electrodes blocks, since no separation of hydrogen and oxygen is required. This allows you to make generators quite compact.

Scope of the hydrogen generator

Due to the problems associated with the transportation and storage of hydrogen, such devices are in demand in production, where the presence of this gas requires a technological cycle. We list the main directions:

  1. Production related to synthesis of chloroodor.
  2. Production of fuel for rocket engines.
  3. Creating fertilizers.
  4. Production of hydrogen nitride (ammonia).
  5. Synthesis of nitric acid.
  6. IN food Industry (To obtain solid fats from vegetable oils).
  7. Metal processing (welding and cutting).
  8. Restoration of metals.
  9. Synthesis of methyl alcohol
  10. Production of hydrochloric acid.

Despite the fact that the production of hydrogen in the process of oil refining is cheaper than its production by electrolysis, as mentioned above, arise difficulties with gas transportation. Building hazardous chemical production, directly, near processing oil factories does not always allow the environmental situation. In addition, hydrogen, obtained by electrolysis, is significantly cleaner than during oil cracking. In this regard, industrial hydrogen generators are always high demand.

Household application

There is also use of hydrogen. First of all, these are autonomous heating systems. But here are some features. Installations for the production of pure hydrogen are much more expensive than Brown Gas generators, the latter can even be assembled independently. But when organizing home heating, it is necessary to take into account that the combustion temperature of Brown gas is significantly higher than that of methane, so a special boiler will be required, which is somewhat more expensive.

On the Internet you can find a lot of articles in which it is written that ordinary boilers can be used for the rattling gas, it is not categorically impossible. At best, they will quickly fail, and at worst can cause sad or even tragic consequences. For a mixture of Brown, special structures with a more heat-resistant nozzle are provided.

It should be noted that the profitability of heating systems based on hydrogen generators is of great doubt due to the low efficiency. In such systems there are double losses, firstly, in the process of gas generation, secondly, when water is heated in the boiler. Cheaper for heating to immediately heat the water in an electric boiler.

No less controversial implementation for household usewherein Brown gas enrich gasoline in the fuel system of the car engine for the purpose of saving.


  • a - generator NGO (accepted designation for the Gas Brown);
  • b - gas removal to drying chamber;
  • c - compartment for removing water vapor;
  • d - return of condensate to the generator;
  • e - the supply of dried gas in air filter fuel system;
  • f - automotive engine;
  • g - connecting to the battery and an electric generator.

It should be noted that in some cases such a system even works (if you collect it correctly). But the exact parameters, the power growth rate, the percentage of savings you will not find. This data is very blurred, and their accuracy is questionable. Again, the question is not clear how much the resource of the engine will decrease.

But the demand generates offers, in the Internet you can find detailed drawings of such devices and instructions for their connection. There are ready-made models made in the country of the rising sun.

Making the simplest hydrogen generator with your own hands step by step

Tell how to do homemade generator To obtain a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen (NGO). Its power at home heating is not enough, but for gas burner For metal cutting, the amount of gas obtained will be sufficient.

Fig. 8. Gas burner scheme


  • a - nozzle burner;
  • b - tubes;
  • c - water shutters;
  • d - water;
  • e - electrodes;
  • f - Sealed case.

First of all, we do the electrolyzer, for this we will need a hermetic container and electrodes. As the latter, we use steel plates (their size is chosen arbitrarily, depending on the desired performance) attached to the dielectric base. We connect all the plates of each of the electrodes.

When the electrodes are ready to strengthen them in the tank in such a way that the power places of the power supply were higher than the estimated water level. Wires from the electrodes go to the power supply by 12 volts or a car battery.

In the capacitance cover we make a hole under the gas output tube. As water shutters, you can use ordinary glass cans Capacity 1 liter. Fill them on 2/3 with water and connect to the electrolyzer and burner, as shown in Figure 8.

The burner is better to take ready, because not every material can withstand the combustion temperature of Brown gas. We connect it to the exit of the last water shutter.

Fill the electrolyzer with water into which the usual kitchen salt is added.

Apply the voltage to the electrodes and check the operation of the device.

Only one absolutely clean fuel is known to science - it is hydrogen, which is used in the space industry. In the process of hydrogen combustion, compounds with oxygen are formed, that is, water. The reserves of this fuel are inexhaustible, since it is on a par with helium, is the main "building material" in the universe.

Today we will tell about hydrogen generators, which have recently gaining increasingly popular due to the available cost and environmental friendliness.

Distinctive features of hydrogen heating

This type of heating is based on the development of a huge amount of thermal energy as a result of contact of oxygen and hydrogen molecules. What is characteristic, the only by-product in this case is distilled water. And in order to implement this principle in practice, a variety of developments were made to create a hydrogen heating boiler (we are talking about industrial models).

Such devices differed in overallity and, therefore, a lot of space was required to install. And the efficiency of such boilers was not the highest - about 80 percent. But since then, the device has been improved many times and as a result we got a home heating boiler, working on this principle. For its normal operation, only a few important conditions must be observed.

  • The presence of constant power supply. The basis of the generators is the reaction of electrolysis, which is known without electricity is impossible.
  • Continuous connection to the water source. Often it uses a water supply for this, although the specific consumption of the device depends, of course, from its power.
  • The catalyst needs a regular replacement. The frequency of this replacement depends, as well as the previous indicator, from the power, as well as on the characteristics of a particular model.

And if you compare hydrogen equipment, for example, with gas, it is less demanding in terms of safety. But the thing is that the reactions are formed and solely solely inside the generator. From person, as from the user, only visual control over the main indicators is needed.

Device of a hydrogen generator

And now you will get acquainted in more detail with a hydrogen heating of the house. And the essence of it, as already noted, is to produce H2O, this option is quite deserving to be considered an alternative natural gas. Which is characteristic, the average combustion temperature in this case can reach 3 thousand degrees, so it will be necessary to use a special hydrogen burner in the heating system. This is explained by the fact that only such a burner can withstand so significant heating.

There are several components from which heating is hydrogen type, get acquainted with them.

  • The burner mentioned above. It is necessary for one simple goal - to create an open flame.
  • Hydrogen generator - it will handle the mixture by decomposing water to molecular components. And in order to optimize the chemical reaction, catalysts can be used in its process.
  • Actually, the boiler. Here he serves as a kind of heat exchanger. The burner itself is installed in the fiber chamber, so the heat carrier in the system and warms up to the desired temperature.

Note! Those who planned to make hydrogen generators, we remind you that for this they will have to improve the present equipment according to the scheme indicated earlier. But this homemade equipment More economically than its "store analogs", bought for big money.

Strong sides of hydrogen heating

Positive qualities that have heating with hydrogen, numerous. This is exactly what explains so significant popularity of the system.

  • Excellent efficiency, which it is characterized, can reach 96 percent.
  • Ecology. This is explained by the fact that the only by-product, waste, if you can put it, is pure waterproduced in gaseous condition. And water vapor, as is known, does not negative influence on the environment.
  • For functioning in the hydrogen system, no flame is required. Thermal energy appears due to catalytic chemical reactions. Connecting with air, hydrogen is formed water, which is accompanied by the appearance large number Energy. The flow of heat (and its temperature reaches 40 degrees) is supplied to the heat exchanger. It is quite obvious that this is the most optimal option for the "warm floor" system.

Weak sides

After reading the advantages, proceed to the shortcomings of hydrogen heating.

  • Despite the fact that in more advanced countries, such a method of heating is extremely popular, in our country it is still not paying for the necessary attention. That is why the acquisition and installation of this equipment is so problematic and associated with a number of difficulties.
  • Average room temperature leads to the fact that hydrogen acquires a gaseous state. Moreover, this substance is explosive, in connection with which it is very difficult to transport it, especially over long distances.
  • Cylinders containing hydrogen must be certified by the relevant experts, which require a lot of time.

How to install a hydrogen boiler?

At the moment, many prefer to independently produce hydrogen generators for their heating systems. And there is nothing surprising, because the "store" analogues are not only very expensive, but also have not too high efficiency. But if this device is made with your own hands, then its effectiveness will be an order of magnitude higher.

There are several options for how to assemble a hydrogen generator. But in any case, for its manufacture at home, the following will be required. consumables.

  • 12-volt energy source.
  • Several tubes made of stainless steel and having a different diameter.
  • The reservoir in which the design will be located.
  • Shim regulator. It is important that its capacity makes at least 30 amps.

These are the basic components, of which homemade hydrogen generators are usually consisting. In addition, do not forget about the distilled water reservoir - its presence is also required. Water must be supplied to hermetic design with inside the dialectic. In the same design, the kit made from the plates "stainless steel", adjacent one to the other by means of insulating material. It is important that the 12-volt tension is supplied to these plates. If everything is done correctly, then when the water is supplied, the water will split into 2 gaseous elements.

Note! More efficient in this regard is to use direct current (It must have a specific frequency) produced by the PWM type generator. In this case, the pulse current (or variable) will be replaced by constant. As a result, the efficiency of the equipment will increase significantly.

What water to use is distilled or from under the tap?

There is nothing complicated here. Watering fluid can be used, but only if there are no impurities of heavy metals. But that the equipment worked more efficiently, it is better to use distilled water, adding a small amount of sodium hydroxide into it. The ratio in this case should be as follows: on a tablespoon of hydroxide for every ten liters of water.

What kind of metal should be used?

This question is controversial. So, in many - including very reputable - sources it is said that for hydrogen heating it is necessary to use only rare metals. In fact, it is not entirely true, as it can be used and stainless steelWhat we have already spoken above. Although ideally, it should be ferrimagnetic steel. It is distinguished by the fact that he does not attract particles of not the right garbage. We also note that when the metal is selected, it is better to navigate on the "stainless steel", which is not subject to oxidation.

As you can see, building a hydrogen boiler is not so difficult, as it seems. It is only necessary to choose the right consumables and carefully examine the scheme heating system of this type. By installing everything necessary equipment, Check, in order to make sure that it is really high-quality and fairly effective.

Video - Production of a hydrogen generator

About the Law of Energy Conservation

This law states that everything in the world is interrelated: if somewhere loss, then somewhere will definitely arrive. And so that the electrolysis can be obtained by means of a certain amount electrical Energy You still have to spend. And the energy, as is well known, it turns out mainly as a result of the creation of heat when combustion of other types of fuel. And even we will take the clean energy necessary to generate electricity, and the one that gives hydrogen after combustion, then the losses will be double (at least!) Even on the very modern equipment. It turns out 1/2 funds just thrown into the wind. Moreover, these are only the costs associated with exploitation, and the cost of equipment, which, as noted, is not cheap, is not taken into account. Recall at least hydrogen generators.

If you believe the studies carried out in America, the price of one kilogram of hydrogen (or rather, the cost of its creation) is equal to:

  • 6.5 dollars using an industrial electrical network;
  • 9 dollars during the operation of wind generators;
  • 20 dollars in the case of applying solar devices;
  • 2.2 dollars when using solid fuel;
  • 5.5 dollars, if the substance is made from biomass;
  • 2.3 dollars, if we are talking about electrolysis at high temperature, carried out at the nuclear power plant (the cheapest method, but the most distant from ordinary domestic use).

Note! Even the most advanced household type generator will significantly give way to all parameters similar to the industrial device. Therefore, in view of the prices described, it is impossible to say that hydrogen can be a serious competition. The same applies to electricity, diesel and even thermal pumps.

Perspectives of energy using hydrogen

And now we will try to find out if there really have chances to reduce the cost of pure hydrogen. Immediately make a reservation that there are all chances for this. First of all, there is a technology for obtaining not expensive electricity using renewable sources. In addition, in the process of catalysis, cheaper chemical catalysts can be used. By the way, such a long time ago exist and used in fuel hydrogen cells (we are talking about cars). Although here, again, we came across their too high cost.

But technology is all the time improved, science does not stand still. At one fine moment, the oil will still end, and people will have to go to some other, an alternative energy source. But at the moment, and, perhaps, for the coming decades it is possible to speak with confidence: energy using hydrogen by itself is still unprofitable. Exceptions include only those cases when hydrogen is a by-product of any other technical plan processes. Of course, various programs for the support and development of hydrogen energy are possible, but this requires the help of large corporations and, of course, the state.

As a conclusion

It is difficult to say which energy will be the main - hydrogen, nuclear synthesis, the use of gravity, and so on. But experts assure that the first electrolysis reactors capable of competing with modern atomic will appear at least twenty-thirty years. Some are generally skeptical about this. But real professionals believe that hydrogen generators will soon be the subject of high technologies, and not a homemade from the remedies that we described above. On this, all warm winters!