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Gas Synthesis Generator for Heating. How to assemble a hydrogen generator with your own hands. Electrolyzer do it yourself for home heating

In connection with the constant rise in price of utilities, people are beginning to be interested in alternative heat sources. A modern way of heating housing is hydrogen heating with a special generator. Experts often offer to establish such a heating system, and some craftsmen even tell how to assemble it on their own.

Hydrogen characteristics

Hydrogen is a substance with unique properties. Colorless and invisible gas is completely not masses in solid and liquid state. Hydrogen is the most common substance on the planet, moreover, it does not contain toxins. If you mix it with the surrounding air, the properties of the mixture of the mixture will be maintained for a very long time, and there will be inflammation from contact with fire.

Scientists and engineers include hydrogen to grow gases due to its flammability. That is why it is stored in special hermetic cylinders from alloy steel. Despite increased explosion hazard hydrogen is actively used in different spheres of human life:

The use of hydrogen instead of natural gas, coal and oil is becoming increasingly popular lately. This is due to the fact that the extraction of such fuels is much cheaper, because to obtain it only water and electricity are needed.

Principle of operation of the generator

The hydrogen generator for the heating of a private house is a great way to save, but there will be quite a few in the installation. Of course, you can purchase a finished design. The average price has cost about 50 thousand rubles. But often the owners simply adapt the old equipment for treating hydrogen fuel.

To create an effective hydrogen installation for home heating with your own hands, you need to understand what the fuel is created and the device works according to which principle. There are several hydrogen release techniques:

  • using oil refining (cracking);
  • by passing steam over coal coke;
  • isolation from methane.

All these technologies are most often used on an industrial scale, and to ensure dwelling, the easiest and affordable method is chosen - electrolysis.

Hydrogen in home heating

Electrolysis is a technique at which the constant electric current passes through an aqueous solution saturated with salt. As a result, a chemical reaction occurs in the splitting of the substance. You can more accurately describe this reaction using an equation 2NACL + 2H 2 O → 2NAOH + CL 2 + H 2.

The heat released during the burning of hydrogen is the so-called electrolyzer, that is, hydrogen fuel for heating.

Construction of the machine NNU

If the equipment is collected with their own hands, in addition to the heat exchange device, catalysts will need to optimize the chemical reaction, the burner for burning hydrogen, as well as the pipeline.

The burner is placed in the firebox and is responsible for heating in the system. With the help of pipes, the recommended diameter of which ranges from 25 to 32 mm, the boiler connects to the water supply. It is also necessary to connect the boiler to the power grid to work, because it will only be possible to carry out electrolysis. Of course, the design of the boiler for heating with hydrogen will be much more pleasant in the financial plan, but it is necessary to consider that the homemade generator is less compact than the factory.

Household generators have a simpler design, rather than industrial. That is why they do not produce pure hydrogen, and the so-called Brown gas is a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen. This is more practical, moreover, the gas obtained is burned immediately. So even better, because it is quite problematic to keep it somewhere.

Hydrogen generator (without electricity) how to make it yourself


Before you do the alteration of the existing heating system to the boiler on the water with your own hands, you should create a test sample. This model will give an understanding of the system of the system as a whole, and will also help you understand whether a hydrogen generator should do for the heating of a residential building independently. To create an experimental electrolyzer model, such components are needed:

  • reactor - glass tank or plastic with thick walls;
  • metal electrodes that will fall into the water and connect to the power supply;
  • tank for an aqueous solution;
  • gas removal tube.

To the electrodes that are immersed in water, voltage from the adjustable source is supplied. At home, a slight salt is added to improve the reaction to water.

As a result of the reaction from the head of the cathode, hydrogen will be released, and the anode is oxygen. Gases are then enrolled in the watercolor, in which the water vapor is separated. Hardening gas is supplied from the second container, where it is burned, forming water.

At home, the design of the hydrogen stove can be recreated with the help of sweater materials. For this, only two plastic containers, a dozen screws and a medical dropper will be needed. To make such a design will not be difficult, moreover, this process is described in detail on any profile site dedicated to hydrogen heating. This is the most primitive model, so it will be extremely low.

But the generator has significant disadvantages. It will be necessary to significantly remake the existing heating system or dismail the furnace. In addition, factory apparatus have a very high cost, which makes the owners of houses create a hydrogen generator with their own hands. There are other independent details, namely:

  • gas intended for heating refers to the category of rats, it is easily flammable, and the leakage cannot be determined;
  • the combustion temperature is very high, so all the equipment must be carefully checked;
  • an annual catalyst replacement is required to improve the performance of the HHO generator.

Hydrogen heating! Small stand.

Before installing, it is necessary to weigh everything in and against and only to dismantle the existing equipment. It is best to ask for help from specialists, because the installation of hydrogen generators for heating residential buildings is not easy, and it is necessary to make the device qualitatively and technically correct.

Oil reserves approach to an end that forces humanity to seek alternative energy sources that can replace "black gold". One solution is the use of a hydrogen engine, characterized by less toxicity and large efficiency. The main thing is that the stock of raw materials for the production of fuel is almost unlimited.

When did the hydrogen engine appear for the car? What is the features of his device, and what is the principle of action? Where does such a technology applied? Is it possible to make such a motor with your own hands? These and other questions will consider below.

When the hydrogen engine appeared, the main companies leading to the development

Interest in the use of hydrogen appeared in the 70s during the period of acute fuel deficit. The first modern developer who introduced the engine for the car operating on hydrogen, was the Toyota concern. It was he who in 1997 put on the universal review of the FCHV SUV, which never went into mass production.

Despite the first failure, many companies continue to research and even the production of such cars. Toyota, Hyundai and Honda concerns achieved the greatest success. Developments are also conducted by other companies - Volkswagen, General Motors, BMW, Nissan, Ford.

In 2016, the first train on hydrogen fuel appeared, which is the brainchild of the German company Alstom. It is planned that the new composition of Coranda Ilint will begin traffic at the end of 2017 on the route from Buxthech to Kuxhaven (Lower Saxony).

In the future, it is planned to be replaced by such trains of 4000 diesel compositions of Germany moving along the road areas without electrification.

Interest in the purchase of Coranda Ilint has already shown Norway, Denmark and other countries.

Hydrogen features like engine fuel

In engine, gasoline is mixed with air, after which it is fed to the cylinders and burns, as a result of which the pistons and the movement of the vehicle occurs.

The use of hydrogen in the form of fuel has a number of nuances:

  • After burning the fuel mixture at the output, only steam is formed.
  • The ignition response occurs faster than in the case of diesel fuel or gasoline.
  • Thanks to detonation stability, it is possible to raise.
  • Hydrogen heat transfer is 250% higher than that of the fuel and air mixture.
  • Hydrogen is flying gas, so it enters the smallest gaps and cavities. For this reason, few metals are able to transfer its destructive influence.
  • Storage of such fuel occurs in a liquid or compressed form. In the case of a breakdown of a tank, hydrogen evaporates.
  • The lower level of gas proportion for entry into the reaction with oxygen is 4%. Thanks to this feature, it is possible to configure the modes of the motor operation by dosing the consistency.

Taking into account the listed nuances, it is impossible to apply H 2 in its pure form for an internal combustion engine. Requires constructive changes in ICA and installing additional equipment.

Hydrogen engine device

Cars with a hydrogen operating engine are divided into several groups:

  • Machines with 2 energy carriers. They have an economical motor capable of working on pure hydrogen or gasoline mixture. The efficiency of the engine of this type reaches 90-95 percent. For comparison, the diesel engine has a utility coefficient at the level of 50%, and the usual engine is 35%. Such vehicles comply with EURO-4 standard.
  • A car with an integrated electric motor that feeds the hydrogen element on board the vehicle. Today we managed to create motors with efficiency from 75% or more.
  • Conventional vehicles operating on pure hydrogen or fuel mixture. The peculiarity of such engines is pure exhaust and an increase in the efficiency by another 20%.

As noted above, the design of the motor operating on H 2 is almost no different from the engine except for some aspects.

The main feature is the method of filing a fuel to the combustion chamber and its ignition. As for the transformation of the resulting energy in the Motion of KSM, the process is similar.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of hydrogen engines should be considered in relation to two types of such installations:

  1. Motors of internal combustion;
  2. Engines on hydrogen elements.

Hydrogen internal combustion motors

In the OI, due to the fact that the combustion of the gasoline mixture is slower, the fuel falls into the combustion chamber before reaching the piston of its upper point.

In a hydrogen engine, thanks to instantaneous gas ignition, the injection time can be shifted until the piston starts returning. At the same time, for normal operation of the motor, a small pressure in the fuel system (up to 4 atmospheres) is sufficiently small.

Under the optimal conditions, the hydrogen engine is able to work with the supply system of the closed form. This means that during the formation of the mixture, the atmospheric air does not apply.

After completing the compression tact in the cylinder there remains pairs, which is sent to the radiator, condensed and becomes water.

The embodiment is possible if the electrolyzer is mounted on the machine - a device that provides a hydrogen separation from H 2 O for a subsequent reaction with O 2.

The described system is not possible to realize the system yet, because for normal operation of the engine and the reduction of friction force oil is used.

The latter evaporates and is part of the exhaust gases. So the use of atmospheric air during the operation of the hydrogen engine is still necessary.

Engines on hydrogen elements

The principle of operation of such devices is built on the flow of chemical reactions. The element casing has a membrane (only protons) and the electrode chamber (it contains a cathode and anode in it).

H 2 is supplied to the anode section, and in the cathode chamber - O 2. A special spraying is applied to the electrodes, which performs the function of the catalyst (usually platinum).

Under the action of the catalytic substance, the electron hydrogen loses weight. Next, the protons are summarized through the membrane to the cathode, and water is formed under the influence of the catalyst.

From the anode chamber electrons extend to the electrical circuit connected to the motor. This is formed current to power the engine.

Where were hydrogen fuel cells used?

Feature of the fuel cells of the hydrogen-type equipment is possible to produce energy for an electric motor. As a result, the system replaces the engine or becomes the source of on-board nutrition on the vehicle.

For the first time, fuel cells were used in 1959 by the company from the United States.

If we speak in general, fuel elements are used:

Also, hydrogen fuel cells have found applied on forklifts, bikes, scooters, motorcycles, tractors, golf cars and other techniques.

Advantages and disadvantages

To understand the features and perspectives of the hydrogen engine in the car, it is worth knowing its pros and cons. Consider them in more detail.

  • Ecology. The introduction of a hydrogen engine is the ability to forget about the problem of environmental pollution. With a global transition to this type of fuel, it will be possible to reduce the greenhouse effect and may save the planet. The ecology of new developments is confirmed by Toyota. Concern workers proved that the exhaust of the car is safe for health. Moreover, the outgoing water can be drunk, because it is distilled and cleaned from impurities.
  • Experience. It is known that the hydrogen engine has been created for a long time, therefore, with its use on cars there should be no problem. If they deepen in history, the first semblance of a hydrogen engine at the beginning of the XIX century was able to create Francois Isaac de Rivaza - a designer from France. In addition, during the blockade of Leningrad, almost 500 cars were translated into a new type of fuel.
  • AVAILABILITY . No less important factor in favor of H 2 is the absence of a deficit. If desired, this type of fuel can be obtained even from wastewater.
  • Ability to use in different power plants. It is believed that hydrogen is used only in ICA. This is not true. The new technology is involved when creating a fuel cell, with which it is possible to obtain an electric current and power the vehicle electromotor. Advantages are safe and the absence of fossil elements, which eliminates environmental pollution. At the present stage, such a scheme is considered the most secure and enjoys the greatest demand for developers.

Also, the advantages should be attributed:

  • Minimum noise;
  • Improving power, pickup and other engine parameters;
  • Large stroke;
  • Low fuel consumption;
  • Simplicity;
  • High potential of application in the form of alternative fuel.

Disadvantages of the hydrogen engine:

In addition to those already discussed above, it is worth identifying a number of shortcomings:

  • Danger of fire or explosion.
  • Risks for the planet, because the increase in hydrogen can lead to irreparable consequences for the ozone layer.
  • Increase the weight of the machine due to the use of powerful batteries and converters.
  • The presence of problems with the storage of hydrogen fuel - under high pressure or liquefied. Researchers have not yet come to a single output, which of the options is better.

Danger of hydrogen fuel

The disadvantages considered above mentioned the danger of the use of hydrogen fuel for the engine. This is the main minus of the new technology.

In combination with the oxidizing agent (oxygen), the risk of ignition of hydrogen or even an explosion increases. Studies have shown that for ignition of H 2, a 1/10 part of the energy required for the ignition of the gasoline mixture is sufficient. In other words, there is enough static sparks for flashabling hydrogen.

Another danger lies in the invisibility of the hydrogen flame. With burning substance, the fire is almost impaired, which complicates the process of combating it. In addition, an excessive amount of H 2 leads to the appearance of suffocation.

The danger is that it is extremely difficult to recognize this gas, because he has no smell and it is completely invisible for the human eye.

In addition, liquefied H 2 has a low temperature, so in the event of a leak with open parts of the body, high risk of severe frostbite is high. This gas should be in special storage facilities.

From the above, the conclusion is suggested, the hydrogen engine is dangerous, and it is extremely risky to use it.

In fact, hydrogen gas has a small weight and in case of leakage, it dissipates in the air. This means that the risk of its ignition is minimal.

In the case of choking, this situation is possible, but only when it is in a closed room. Otherwise, the leakage of hydrogen fuel is hazardous for life. In an excuse, it is worth noting that the exhaust gases of the DVS (namely carbon monoxide) also carry a fatal risk.

Modern cars with hydrogen engines

The possibility of using hydrogen fuel engines is interested in many manufacturers. As a result, more and more machines operating on this gas appear in the automotive industry.

The most popular models should include:

  • Toyota company released the Fuel Cell Sedan car. To eliminate problems with the deficiency of space in the cabin and the luggage compartment of the tank with hydrogen fuel are placed on the vehicle floor. Fuel Cell Sedan is designed to transport people, and its cost is 67.5 thousand dollars.
  • Concern BMW presented his version of the car Hydrogen The new model is tested by famous cultural figures, businessmen, politicians and other popular personalities. Tests showed that the transition to new fuel does not affect the comfort, safety and dynamics of the vehicle. If necessary, the seventies can be switched from one to another. Hydrogen7 speed - up to 229 km / h.
  • Honda Clarity is a car from Honda's Concern, which is striking the stroke. It is 589 km than no low emission vehicle boasts. The refueling is from three to five minutes.

  • Monster from General Motors is shown in October 2016. The feature of the car is incredible reliability, which is confirmed by the studies of the US Army. During testing, the vehicle has passed more than 3 million kilometers.

  • Concern Toyota released the Mirai hydrogen model on the market. Sales began back in 2014 in Japan, and in the USA - from October 2015. The time for the gas station Mirai is five minutes, and the stroke reserve at one refueling is 502 km. Photo 21 22 Recently, representatives of the concern said they plan to introduce this technology not only in passenger transport, but also in forklifts and even trucks. 18 Wheel truck is already tested in Los Angeles.
  • The Lexus manufacturer plans its version of the car with a hydrogen engine in 2020, so few details are known about the vehicle.

  • The company Audi introduced the concept of H-Tron Quattro in Detroit. At the request of the manufacturer, the car can drive about 600 km on one tank, and to dial up to 100 km / hour speed for up to 100 km / hour. The machine has a "virtual" cab by replacing the standard dashboard.

  • BMW in collaboration with Toyota plans to release its hydrogen vehicle by 2020. The manufacturer assures that the reserve of the new model is more than 480 km, and refueling will take up to 5 minutes.

  • In 2013, the Ford stated that the active production of hydrogen engines will begin by the end of 2017, with cooperation with Nissan and Mercedes-Benz. But it is not possible to realize conceived in practice yet - the employees of the concern are at the stage of development.
  • Mercedes-Benz on the Frankfurt Motor Show presented the GLC SUV, which will appear on the market at the end of 2019. The car is completed with a 9.3 kW battery, and the stroke reserve is 436 km. The maximum speed is limited to electronics at 159 km / h.
  • Nikola Motor introduced a cargo car with a hydrogen engine that has a stroke reserve from 1287 to 1931 km. The cost of the new car will be 5-7 thousand dollars for rent per month. The release is scheduled to start from 2020.

  • Hyundai manufacturer created a new Tucson line. To date, 140 cars are manufactured and implemented. Brand Hyundai Genesis introduced his car with a hydrogen engine GV for the first time the vehicle was presented in New York, but its production is not planned.

  • The United Kingdom is also not lagging behind new technologies. The country can already rent a Riversimple Rasa hydrogen car for three or six months. The machine weighs a little more than 500 kg and is able to drive at one refueling of about 500 km.

  • PinInfarina's designer house created a car on H2 Speed \u200b\u200bhydrogen fuel. The feature of the car lies in the ability to accelerate to one hundred only 3.4 seconds, and the maximum speed is 300 km / h. The time for refueling is only three minutes. The cost of the new model reaches 2.5 million dollars.

Difficulties in the operation of hydrogen engine

The main obstacle to the introduction of a new technology is excessive costs of obtaining hydrogen fuel, as well as for the purchase of component materials.

Problems arise and with storage H 2. So, to hold the gas in the required state, the temperature at the level of -253 degrees Celsius is required.

The simplest way to obtain hydrogen is the electrolysis of water. If the production of H 2 is required on an industrial scale, do not do without high energy costs.

To increase the profitability of production, the use of the possibilities of nuclear energy is required. To avoid risks, scientists are trying to find alternatives to such an option.

Move and storage requires the use of expensive materials and high-quality mechanisms.

We must not forget about other difficulties that you have to face during operation:

  • Explosion hazard. When leakage of gas in a closed room and the presence of a small energy for the flow of reaction is an explosion. If the air is overly heated, it only aggravates the situation. High penetrability H 2 leads to the fact that gas enters the exhaust manifold. That is why the use of a rotary motor is considered more preferable.
  • When storing hydrogen, containers are used having a large volume, as well as systems that exclude gas volatilization. In addition, devices excluding mechanical damage to containers are used. If for trucks, water or passenger transport this feature does not matter much, the car loses valuable cubic meters.
  • At high loads and high temperatures, H 2, it provokes the destruction of the elements of the CPG (cylindrophone group) and lubricants in the engine. The use of special alloys and lubricants leads to an increase in the cost of production of hydrogen engines.

Future of hydrogen engines

Application H 2 opens up great perspectives and not only in the automotive sphere. Hydrogen engines are actively used on railway transport, airplanes and helicopters. They are also installed on auxiliary machinery.

Many concerns about which have already been mentioned above - Toyota, BMW, Volkswagen, General Motors and others are mentioned in interest in the development of such motors.

Already today on the roads there are real cars that work on hydrogen. Many of them are discussed above - BMW 750i Hydrogen, Honda FSX, Toyota Mirai and others.

Almost all major concerns were connected to work, which are trying to find their niche in the market.

The main drawback remains the high price of H 2, the lack of gas stations, as well as a shortage of qualified workers who can serve such a technique. If the existing problems succeed in deciding, machines with hydrogen engines will necessarily appear on our roads.

Competitive technologies

Attention to hydrogen motors is dispelled for the reason that technology has competitors.

Here are just some of them:

Is it possible to make with your own hands?

The engine technology for gas is known for a long time, and many concerns have achieved success in the introduction of hydrogen engines. Folk craftsmen thought about the improvement of classical engine.

The essence is to be supplied to the combustion chamber of special gas. Such a device is called Brown System. In this case, gasoline is also fed into the engine, but mixed with gas, which provides better burning.

As a result, water vapor appears, cleansing the valve and the engines of the engine from a car, which improves the characteristics of the motor and the resource boost.

In order to launch water on gas with your own hands, a catalyst is required, distillate, electrodes and electricity.

The design is assembled from girlfriend. It is allowed to use one bank, but it is better to use six.

After the plates are cut and combined on the principle of crosswise. Next, they are wrapped with wire and attached on the lid. It is important that the electrodes do not close each other.

At the last stage, the banks are filled with an electrolyte and catalyst. This scheme can work on any car.

If we talk about a full-fledged hydrogen engine, then in the garage conditions, it will not be possible to make it due to the complexity of the technology.

It is difficult to find such a person who would not seek to reduce the spending on the operation of modern heating systems. For this purpose, various kinds of economical devices are widely used, with high heat transfer, as well as reliable pipeline systems. As an alternative energy category, many consider efficient hydrogen heating at home with their own hands. More and more consumers are considering the option of installing a hydrogen generator for the heating of a private house.

What is a hydrogen generator?

This is an ideal alternative to heating by conventional natural gas, since the average temperature regime can reach 3000 degrees. To do this, it is necessary to install a special burner-working burner working on hydrogen, which will uncomply withstand a rather high temperature.

Standard hydrogen generator consists of certain elements. First of all, this is the maximum efficient hydrogen-operating generator. It processes the mixture with the decomposition of ordinary water to certain components. To optimize this process, catalysts are often used. The burner is also present, which leads from the generator - they are required to create open fire. It is important to have a boiler that plays the role of heat exchanger role in the design. The burner is located in the furnace and through it is heating the main coolant in the system.

When is it worth installing a hydrogen generator?

For each consumer, special performance and properties of a modern heating device have great importance. Factory installations, as well as all types of hydrogen heating boilers with their own hands, differ among themselves in terms of efficiency indicators.

There are several other reliable schemes that help effectively collect and install the equipment with their own hands. So that the total estimated capacity is not much different from the actual, so that the efficiency of the efficiency is not reduced, the organization of hydrogen-quality heating should be done by using reliable boilers, as well as generators of strictly factory execution.

The installation of the generator is in case the objectives associated with significant savings are achieved. Modern heating devices of such a plan are able to provide the following advantages:

Professionals understand that in the process of the hydrogen generator, intended for heating, the gas obtained in the equipment of such a plan can be attributed to the category of rats. It is distinguished by the complete absence of unpleasant odor and color. Gas is completely harmless, its presence is impossible to determine even special devices.

Important! Gas has a flammable property at a temperature of 540 degrees, which characterizes it like an explosive. It is for this reason that all such installations must be carefully tested to the degree of correctness of the work performed.

If the generator is purchased at the finished form, it is worth asking for the presence of a boiler or a special heat exchange device. It must be calculated on the effect of high temperature regime.

A large number of advantages inherent in hydrogen heating boilers and generators will contribute to the growth of competition to all traditional heating systems. Many owners of private houses attract low cost of equipment, as well as high performance.

Hydrogen generator - Step-by-step installation instructions

For the main basis of the work of modern heating on hydrogen, the method of isolating a sufficiently large volume of high-quality thermal energy is taken. This is achieved by the interaction of oxygen and hydrogen molecules. For the most practical use of the device, special industrial options for high-quality and reliable heating boilers were originally developed. When installing a hydrogen generator, it will be necessary to fulfill such conditions:

  1. Security connections to the main source of fluid. Often it happens standard water supply. The water consumption is directly dependent on the total power of the device.
  2. It is important to provide quality power supply. To maintain the effective electrolysis response, you will need to connect the device to the standard electrical network.
  3. From time to time is carried out replacing the installed catalyst. The use of each directly depends on the model used, as well as from the boiler power.

Heating the burner is able to reach 3000 degrees, therefore it is worth taking care that materials can be used to withstand such loads. Sequence of actions with equipment arrangement Next:

  • To the lid taken by the base of the tank, it is necessary to connect a special fitting, which then will take gas - a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen;
  • The fitting joins the heat exchanger and burner;
  • It will be necessary to create a spare storage for the finished gas, as the boiler is not able to work equally. In addition, it will ensure optimal safety during operation.

Despite the fairly large number of options for home development and hydrogen generators, finding a standing sample is quite difficult. Regardless of the type and category of such an installation, the operation of such a heat exchanger requires constant maintenance of the required level of temperature regime, as well as pressure in the system. If you follow all the instructions and advice, you can install the equipment that will be characterized by high stability indicators. This will allow you to use them in a constant mode, providing a house with warmth.

Many car owners are looking for ways to save fuel. To radically solve this issue will allow the hydrogen generator for the car. Reviews of those who have installed this device make it possible to talk about a significant cost reduction in the operation of transport. So the topic is quite interesting. Below will be discussed how to make a hydrogen generator with its own forces.

DVS on hydrogen fuel

For several decades, there is a search for the possibility of adapting internal combustion engines for full or hybrid work on hydrogen fuel. In the UK, in 1841, an engine operating on an air-hydrogen mixture was patented. Concern "Zeppelin" at the beginning of the twentieth century as a driving installation of its famous airships used internal combustion engines operating on hydrogen.

The development of hydrogen energy contributed to the world energy crisis, which broke out in the 70 years of the last century. However, with its end, hydrogen generators were quickly forgotten. And this is despite a lot of advantages compared to the usual fuel:

  • the ideal flammability of the fuel mixture based on air and hydrogen, which makes it possible to lightly launch the engine at any ambient temperature;
  • large heat release during gas combustion;
  • absolute environmental safety - spent gases turn into water;
  • above 4 times the combustion rate compared to gasoline mixture;
  • the ability of the mixture to work without detonation at a high compression.

The main technical cause that is an insurmountable obstacle to the use of hydrogen as a fuel of cars was the inability to fit enough gas on the vehicle. The size of the fuel tank for hydrogen will be comparable to the parameters of the car itself. Great explosion hazardous gas should exclude the possibility of the slightest leakage. In liquid form you need a cryogenic installation. This method is also a little realized by car.


Today, hydrogen generators from motorists acquire popularity. However, this is not exactly what was discussed above. By electrolysis, the water turns into the so-called Brown gas, which is added to the fuel mixture. The main task that this gas solves is complete fuel combustion. This serves as an increase in power and reduced fuel consumption to a decent percentage. Some mechanics managed to achieve savings by 40%.

The surface of the electrodes is crucial in the quantitative output of the gas. Under the action of the electric current of the water molecule, it begins to decompose into two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen. Such a gas mixture during combustion highlights almost 4 times more energy than when combustion of molecular hydrogen. Therefore, the use of this gas in internal combustion engines leads to a more efficient combustion of the fuel mixture, reduces the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, increases the power and reduces the amount of fuel spent.

Universal Scheme of Hydrogen Generator

Those who have no ability to design, a hydrogen generator for a car can be bought from the people's craftsmen who put the assembly and installation of such systems. Today there are many such offers. The cost of the unit and installation is about 40 thousand rubles.

But you can collect such a system and independently - there is nothing difficult in it. It consists of several simple items connected to one:

  1. Installations for water electrolysis.
  2. Cumulative tank.
  3. Moisture catcher from gas.
  4. Electronic control unit (current modulator).

Below is a diagram in which you can easily collect a hydrogen generator with your own hands. The drawings of the main installation producing Brown gas are quite simple and understandable.

The scheme does not represent any engineering difficulty, everyone can repeat it, who can work with a tool. For vehicles with an injector fuel supply system, you must still install the controller that regulates the gas supply level to the fuel mixture and the car associated with the onboard computer.


The amount of the resulting volume of Gas Brown is depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe electrodes and their material. If you take copper or iron plates as electrodes, the reactor will not work for a long time due to the rapid destruction of the plates.

The use of titanium sheets looks perfect. However, their use increases the cost of assembling the unit several times. The use of high-alloy stainless steel plates is optimal. This metal is available, it will not be difficult to acquire. You can also use your battle from the washing machine. The complexity will be only cutting the plates of the desired size.

Types of installations

To date, the hydrogen generator for the vehicle can be equipped with three different types of type, character and performance by electrolysis:

The first type of design is quite sufficient for a variety of carburetor engines. There is no need to install a complex electronic gas performance regulator, and the assembly of such an electrolyzer does not represent complexity itself.

For more powerful cars, the assembly of the second type of reactor is preferred. And for engines operating on diesel fuel, and heavy vehicles use the third type of reactor.

Required performance

In order to be able to really save fuel, the hydrogen generator for the car should every minute produce gas from the calculation of 1 liter per 1000 engine operating volume. Based on these requirements, the number of plates for the reactor is selected.

To increase the surface of the electrodes, it is necessary to carry out the surface treatment of sandpaper in the perpendicular direction. Such processing is extremely important - it will increase the work area and will avoid the "sticking" of gas bubbles to the surface.

The latter leads to the insulation of the electrode from the liquid and prevents the normal electrolysis. It should not also forget that for normal operation of the electrolyzer water should be alkaline. A regular soda can serve as a catalyst.

Tok regulator

The hydrogen generator on the car during operation increases its performance. This is due to heat release in the electrolysis reaction. The working fluid of the reactor is experiencing heating, and the process proceeds much more intense. To control the reaction, the current regulator is used.

If not to lower it, it can happen simply boiling water, and the reactor will cease to produce Brown gas. A special controller regulating the operation of the reactor allows you to change productivity with increasing revolutions.

Carburetor models are equipped with a controller with a conventional switch of two modes of operation: "Route" and "City".

Installation safety

Many craftsmen placed plates in plastic containers. Do not save on it. Need a tank made of stainless metal. If it is not, you can use the design with open-type plates. In the latter case, it is necessary to use a high-quality current insulator and water for reliable operation of the reactor.

It is known that the combustion temperature of hydrogen is 2800. This is the most explosive gas in nature. Gas Brown - nothing but a "rattling" mixture of hydrogen. Therefore, hydrogen generators in road transport require high-quality assembly of all system nodes and the presence of sensors for tracking the course of the process.

The temperature sensor of the working fluid, pressure and ammeter will not be superfluous in the installation design. Special attention should be paid to the hydraulic assembly at the outlet of the reactor. It is vital. If the mixture is ignited, such a valve will prevent the spread of the flame to the reactor.

The hydrogen generator for heating residential and industrial premises operating on the same principles is different several times greater reactivity. In such installations, the absence of a hydraulic assembly is a deadly danger. Hydrogen generators on cars in order to ensure safe and reliable operation of the system are also recommended to equip such check valve.

So far without ordinary fuel can not do

There are several experimental models in the world that fully work on Gaza Brown. However, technical solutions have not yet reached its perfection. Simple residents of the planet, such systems are not available. Therefore, while car enthusiasts can be content with "handicraft" developments that make it possible to reduce fuel costs.

A little about gullibility and naivety

Some enterprising delints offer a hydrogen generator for sale on a car. They tell about the processing of the surface of the electrodes or about unique secret alloys, from which they are made, special water catalysts developed in the scientific laboratories of the world.

It all depends on the ability of the thought of such entrepreneurs to the flight of scientific fantasy. The credibility can make you for your funds (sometimes not even small) the owner of the installation, which in two months of operation destroys contact plates.

If you decide to save this way, it is better to collect the installation yourself. At least, not to whom will then be punished.

We used to consider the most affordable fuel type of natural gas. But it turns out, he has a decent alternative - hydrogen, obtained by splitting water. The starting material for the production of this fuel we get for free. And if you also make a hydrogen generator with your own hands, savings will be just awesome. So?

Wishing to mainly build a cheap generator, but very productive fuel we offer in detail the instructions. Create recommendations for competent operation. As an informative add-on, clearly explaining the principle of operation, used photo applications and video.

At the lessons of high school chemistry, there was once an explanation on that expense, how to get hydrogen from ordinary water flowing from under the tap. There is a concept in the chemical sphere - electrolysis. It is due to the electrolysis it is possible to obtain hydrogen.

The simplest hydrogen installation is a certain container filled with water. Under the water layer are placed two lamellar electrodes. Electric current is supplied to them. Since water is an excellent electric current conductor, contact with low resistance is installed between the plates.

Current passing through small water resistance contributes to the formation of a chemical reaction, which results in hydrogen.

The scheme of the experimental hydrogen installation, which in former times was studied in the secondary school program in chemistry lessons. As it turns out, for the practice of modern everyday needs lessons were not unnecessary

It would seem that everything is simple and remains quite a bit - to collect the resulting hydrogen to apply it as an energy. But in chemistry never costs without thin details.

So here: if hydrogen is connected to oxygen, at a certain concentration, an explosive mixture is formed. This moment is one of the critical phenomena that limit the ability to build enough powerful home stations.

The design of the hydrogen generator

For the construction of hydrogen generators, with their own hands, they usually take as the basis a classic brown installation scheme. Such an average power meter consists of a group of cells, each of which contains a group of plate electrodes. The power of the installation is determined by the total area of \u200b\u200bthe plate electrodes.

Cells are placed inside the tank, well isolated from the external environment. On the tank body, nozzles are displayed to connect the water highway, the output of hydrogen, as well as the contact panel of the electricity connection.

The installations under operation in the composition of the condominiums are also being developed and manufactured. These are already more powerful designs (5-7 kW), the appointment of which is not only energy of heating systems, but also generating electricity. Such a combined option is rapidly gaining popularity in Western countries and in Japan.

Combined hydrogen generators are characterized as systems with high efficiency and low carbon dioxide emissions.

An example of a really active industrialized station with a capacity of up to 5 kW. Similar installations in the future are planned to be done for the equipment of cottages and condominiums

The Russian industry also began to engage in this promising type of fuel mining. In particular, Norilsk Nickel masters the production of hydrogen plants, including household.

It is planned to use a variety of types of fuel cells in the process of design and production:

  • proton exchange membrane;
  • orthophosphoric acid;
  • proton-exchange methanol;
  • alkaline;
  • solid-state oxide.

Meanwhile, the electrolysis process is reversible. This fact suggests that it is possible to obtain already heated water without burning hydrogen.

It seems that this is another idea, clutching for which you can run a new round of passions associated with free fuel extraction for a home boiler.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Experimenting at home with homemade models, you need to prepare for the most unexpected results, but negative experience is also experience:

Hydrogen generators for home made by their own hands - it is so far a project that exists at the level of one idea. There are no practically realized projects of hydrogen generators with their own hands, and those that are positioned in the network - the imagination of their authors or pure theoretical options.

So it remains to count only on an industrial expensive product, which promises to appear in the near future.