Repair Design Furniture

What flowers and ornamental plants to plant in the country: we design flower beds. Schemes for planting flowers in a flower bed for beginners: from simple to complex What flowers can be planted in the garden

A summer cottage is a cozy corner not only for growing vegetables and fruits. The townspeople come here to rest. Even in a small area, there is always a place for beautiful flower arrangements... They are made up of perennial and annual plants.

How to choose flowers for a summer residence?

A wide variety of plants are grown by gardeners on their plots. In early spring bulbous primroses are pleasing to the eye. Bushes are not rare perennial plants... However, the main plants for amazing compositions will be a variety of annuals. Unpretentious flowers are an excellent solution for giving. When choosing them, you should take into account the height and characteristics.

Correctly selected plants will provide continuous flowering from spring to the first frost.

Annual flower beds

Square suburban area small. Where to plant flowers for a splendid landscape? The most popular for suburban areas are mixborders, flower beds and modular flower beds. At the same time, unpretentious plants are selected that will not deliver special trouble... Flowers that have a growing season for the entire season are called annuals or flower beds. Most of them are light-loving plants. Therefore, annual flowers for flower beds are planted in open areas.

What flowers are planted in the spring directly into the ground?

The most popular flowers: calendula, cosmos, cornflowers, marigolds and zinnia, mattiola and sweet pea, escholzia, asters and others. There are a lot of such plants. However, when sown directly into the ground, they begin to bloom in the second half of summer. Therefore, some of the plants are grown seedling method. This method will allow you to postpone flowering at the beginning of the summer season.

Growing seedlings

The timing of sowing seeds to obtain seedlings is determined by the characteristics of each plant. When planning a flower garden, you should determine which flowers to plant as seedlings and which to sow directly into the ground. Flowers by sowing dates can be combined into several groups. It is not difficult to grow seedlings of species such as zinnias and asters, marigolds, celosia and annual chrysanthemums. They are sown in seedling boxes in mid-April.

It is more difficult to grow quality planting material plants, the features of which require sowing seeds in March. During this period, additional lighting and the creation of the necessary temperature regime... This group can include such species as snapdragons, kochia, sweet peas, petunia, levkoi, salvia and others. Annual flowers for a flower bed, grown in seedlings, are planted when stable warm weather sets in.


Where to plant flowers and how to grow them, each grower decides individually. To decorate a summer cottage, a mixborder is perfect - stripes that combine decorative and flower crops... They frame garden paths, as well as formed flower beds, flower beds, lawns, trunk circles fruit trees and even garden beds. For a mixborder, species such as salvia, calendula, tall asters and marigolds are perfect.

When planning, plants are chosen that have different flowering periods. They are sorted by height. Even a novice summer resident can handle such a technique. Seasonal mixborders can be harvested from a variety of plants. Annual flowers are surprisingly combined with vegetable crops. The garden mixborder can be composed of beets, carrots, legumes, dill and fennel. Collard greens and parsley look especially good. Vegetable crops combined with poppies, nasturtium, calendula and marigolds. They will be not only a decorative component, but also an excellent prophylactic agent against pests of vegetable crops.

Flower beds

When determining the site where to plant flowers, it is necessary to take into account the size of the plant, their color, as well as the flowering period. The flower beds can be one color or bright multicolor. The plot will be transformed by unpretentious flowers for summer cottages. They are preferred for several reasons. First of all, you can create different compositions from annuals. Moreover, every year they can be changed both geographically and in shape. A florist, like an artist, creates, not with paints on the canvas, but from representatives of the flora in the garden. allows you to match them by color and aroma, as well as height. They grow quickly and at the beginning of summer they will decorate the dacha with bright colors. We plant annual flowers in flower beds according to a certain pattern.

This calculates the number of plants that will make up the selected composition. Marigolds are great for a flower bed. They are presented in various varieties, which differ in flower color and plant height. Orange, brown, lemon, dark red inflorescences appear in June and adorn flower beds until September. Calendula is no less attractive. Terry views are especially effective. The height of these flowers reaches 50 cm. Bright inflorescences are orange, yellow or lemon colored. The flowering period is June-September. Petunia is especially popular. Plant height - 25 cm. Flowers have a variety of colors. Bloom will last from June to October.

Vertical gardening

At decorative design suburban area will require a creative approach. On the small areas perfectly combine various Fantastically beautiful vertical flower beds... For them, climbing annual petunia, begonia and other ampelous plants are used.

Vertical flower beds are compact enough. Garden gazebos, specially made supports or vertical structures... Popular where plants are used that are capable of forming long curly shoots.

Flower garden in the shade

The country garden is a shady area. Quite often it is empty. At best, the space under the trees is filled with lawns. Unfortunately, it is difficult to pick up annual plants in the shady areas. In partial shade for a flower bed, you can plant a few summer people. These are such flowers as balsam, and ever-flowering begonia, nemophila.

Modular flower beds

In summer cottages, it can be difficult to find an open, sunny place to plant flowers. In this case, modular flower beds help out. This method is convenient and simple. And simple annual flowers that are planted in containers or decorative pots are perfect for him. This method will allow you to place plants in any corner of the country.

They are used to decorate gazebos, terraces, recreation areas. Containers can be placed on either side of the tracks. If the site near the building is lined with slabs, some of them are taken out. A flower module is placed in their place. It will have a geometric shape. The composition of a modular flower garden can be composed of ampel plants: petunias, nasturtium and ipomoea. It can be planar and volumetric, but the chosen form of the module remains unchanged.

Only 2-4 weeks per season lasts lush bloom in a typical country flower bed. The rest of the time the flower garden is either growing up or has already faded. Even beginner gardeners can learn how to create flower beds that bloom all summer long, pick flowers for them and take care of plants without spending a lot of time.

How to avoid failures in the flower decoration of a summer cottage

It is not an easy task to get the flower bed to bloom throughout summer season... Taking on this exciting creative work, it is important to know a few rules that will save you from common mistakes:

  1. Planning plantings in a flower garden should begin with drawing up a flowering schedule for the plants planned for planting. In each period of time, at least three names of flowers should bloom on the flower bed.
  2. It is necessary to draw a plan and allocate a place for plants on it, which will serve as a constructive basis for a flower bed and an effective frame for flowering neighbors: coniferous and deciduous shrubs, perennials with beautiful foliage. In the intervals between the spring-flowering plants, place the summer-blooming ones, and determine the place of the autumn soloists.
  3. It is necessary to group the plants on the plan by size and color. Large to take the background, small to place in front. If the flowerbed is viewed from all sides, tall plants are grouped in the center. Broad-leaved plants alternate with narrow-leaved and cereals. Different shades of green are selected and distributed over the area of ​​the flower garden.
  4. Everyone has their own color preferences, but the rules for combining colors are common - either addition or contrast. For example, yellow contrasts with purple, but complemented by red, orange. Blue is combined with cold pink, lilac, blue. White color used to dilute too bright color spots, blur borders, soften contrasts.
  5. An approximate calculation of the number of each plant species should be made. Flowers should not be planted in separate copies; uniform "spots" are required for the decorative effect. Coniferous and large decorative deciduous plants (hosta, rogersia, etc.) can be isolated.

1 - sunflower; 2 - Grenoble carnation; 3 - ordinary lumbago; 4 - subulate phlox; 5 - Sulia edelweiss; 6 - large-flowered coreopsis; 7 - Gaillardia; eight - meadowsweet yarrow; 9 - oriental poppy; 10 - paniculate phlox; 11 - chrysanthemum; 12 - larkspur; 13 - delphinium blue

Plants for continuous flowering flower beds

Changeable compositions of annuals

Less difficult, but no less great option flower beds continuous flowering is a flower garden of annuals. If you plan to grow seedlings with your own hands, work on its creation begins in winter. Most annuals come from the tropics and subtropics and take time to develop before flowering. For example, petunias are sown for seedlings in February. Since March, asters, viola, annual chrysanthemums and dahlias, levkoy, verbena, cornflowers, alissum, lobelia, snapdragons and others have been sown. In April there is a queue of seeds of marigolds, cosmos, nasturtium.

The main secret of a flower bed of annuals is not that they select special flowers that are typical for autumn, summer or spring. Having created a conveyor from constantly growing seedlings, you can supply the flower bed with any flowers, regardless of the season. For example, viola or petunia from seedlings can bloom in late May and late September.

There are, of course, seasonal annuals. Autumn flower beds are decorated with ornamental cabbage fireworks and elegant multi-colored asters.

Vases with planted annuals make continuous flowering also mobile. If desired, they can be moved around the site - in the recreation area, near the gazebo, porch, reservoir, entrance, creating different images and moods. An important rule for decorating flowerpots: planting seedlings is made denser than in a flower garden to quickly acquire a decorative look.

Particular attention should be paid to tuberous begonias... Their long flowering incredibly decorates flower beds. Luxurious inflorescences of modern varieties compete with roses, resemble azaleas and camellias. Tubers overwintered at home are divided and cuttings in the spring. For reliable flowering, it is better to purchase new plants annually.

Perennial flower beds blooming from snow to snow

The choice of perennial plants that make up the compositions that give the first flowers in snowy thawed patches, delight with colors all summer long and leave flowering under the snow, is almost inexhaustible. Here are just a few of the most common and proven perennials that even a novice gardener can handle.

Spring: primroses, crocuses, blueberries, anemones, muscari, daffodils, tulips, oriental poppy, dicentra, doronicum, lilies of the valley.

Summer: irises, daylilies, lilies, bells, delphiniums, phloxes, astilbe.

Autumn: perennial asters (New England and New Belgian varieties and hybrids), helenium, stonecrop, rudbeckia, chrysanthemum, colchicum, sedges, miscanthus, rod-shaped millet.

Selection of plants, layout and other secrets of constant flowering

Coniferous and decorative deciduous plants are the skeleton of a flower bed, on which flowering elements are then built up. Needles, patterned, carved, smooth, pubescent leaves of different shades of green create a picturesque background. Having laid such a foundation for the composition, it remains only to fill it with flowering perennials and annuals.

Spherical, cushion:

  • mountain pine Pug, Gnome;
  • thuja western Danica, Golden Globe;
  • spruce cushion Nidiformis, Ehiniformis.


  • juniper Repanda, Green Carpet, Blue Carpet.


  • juniper Tamaristsifolia, Mint julep;
  • mountain pine Pumilio;
  • dwarf cedar.

No need to fill the flower bed large quantity conifers... 3-4 copies are enough different shapes and shade. They can add 2-3 to support ornamental shrub- dwarf forms of barberry, medium-sized spireas.

Of the decorative deciduous perennials with spectacular foliage, first of all, hosts should be named - dozens of varieties are now offered. Buzulnik, rogersia, bergenia, saber-shaped iris leaves are no less beautiful. Daylilies are versatile - a luxurious fountain of linear green leaves combined with elegant inflorescences of different shades.

A daunting challenge - monochrome composition blooming all summer long

Every gardener wants to learn how to manage the rainbow of colors that flowers create in their summer cottage. As in the choice of clothing, interior design, anyone has color preferences. Someone is closer to a cold palette, someone loves warm glowing tones. Based on color preferences, you can also choose plants for a flower bed that blooms all summer.

The yellow-orange flower bed creates the feeling of a sunny day even in cloudy weather:

  • Spring: yellow varieties crocuses, daffodils, yellow and orange tulips;
  • summer: evening primrose (primrose), calendula (marigold), yellow and orange lilies;
  • autumn: helenium, marigolds, nasturtiums, rudbeckia, ocher-red sedges.

Pink-lilac-blue flower bed - brings freshness, romance into the mood of the garden:

  • spring: muscari, brunner, pink and purple tulips, liverwort, kandyk, crocuses, juno;
  • summer: lilies (pink tones, such as Triumphant, Enestacy), delphinium, blue cyanosis, monarda, cornflower, lavatera, ageratum, lobelia;
  • autumn: Echinacea purpurea, stonecrop, autumn asters, paniculata phlox.

White flower bed - tenderness and brevity:

  • spring: blueberry, daffodils, poultry, lilies of the valley, arabis (rezuha);
  • summer: white lilies, cornflower, pupavka, anafalis (pearl mussel), white varieties of delphinium, bellflower, mallow, lobelia, lavater;
  • autumn: autumn aster, white echinacea, phlox.

White flowers will effectively complement silvery wormwood, seaside cineraria, white-bordered hosts, sedges, periwinkles.

Flowering plant care

Timely weeding, watering, feeding and loosening are the elementary truths of country floriculture. A flowerbed of continuous flowering, in addition to well-known care operations, requires the use of some additional techniques:

  • removal of faded inflorescences to prolong flowering;
  • pinching the top for regrowth of lateral shoots with flowers;
  • replanting annuals in the bald spots formed after the leaves die off, decorating voids with portable flowerpots;
  • timely thinning, dividing and pruning so that strong competitors do not crowd out weak ones.

Only 2-4 weeks per season lasts a lush flowering in a typical summer cottage flower bed. The rest of the time the flower garden is either growing up or has already faded. Even beginner gardeners can learn how to create flower beds that bloom all summer long, pick flowers for them and take care of plants without spending a lot of time.

How to avoid failures in the flower decoration of a summer cottage

It is not an easy task to get the flower bed to bloom throughout the entire summer season. When embarking on this exciting creative work, it is important to know a few rules that will save you from common mistakes:

  1. Planning plantings in a flower garden should begin with drawing up a flowering schedule for the plants planned for planting. In each period of time, at least three names of flowers should bloom on the flower bed.
  2. It is necessary to draw a plan and allocate a place for plants on it, which will serve as a constructive basis for a flower bed and an effective frame for flowering neighbors: coniferous and deciduous shrubs, perennials with beautiful foliage. In the intervals between the spring-flowering plants, place the summer-blooming ones, and determine the place of the autumn soloists.
  3. It is necessary to group the plants on the plan by size and color. Large to take the background, small to place in front. If the flowerbed is viewed from all sides, tall plants are grouped in the center. Broad-leaved plants alternate with narrow-leaved and cereals. Different shades of green are selected and distributed over the area of ​​the flower garden.
  4. Everyone has their own color preferences, but the rules for combining colors are common - either addition or contrast. For example, yellow contrasts with purple, but is complemented by red, orange. Blue is combined with cold pink, lilac, blue. White is used to dilute too bright color spots, blur borders, soften contrasts.
  5. An approximate calculation of the number of each plant species should be made. Flowers should not be planted in separate copies; uniform "spots" are required for the decorative effect. Coniferous and large decorative deciduous plants (hosta, rogersia, etc.) can be isolated.

1 - sunflower; 2 - Grenoble carnation; 3 - ordinary lumbago; 4 - subulate phlox; 5 - Sulia edelweiss; 6 - large-flowered coreopsis; 7 - Gaillardia; eight - meadowsweet yarrow; 9 - oriental poppy; 10 - paniculate phlox; 11 - chrysanthemum; 12 - larkspur; 13 - delphinium blue

Plants for continuous flowering flower beds

Changeable compositions of annuals

A less complicated, but no less excellent option for a flower bed of continuous flowering is a flower garden of annuals. If you plan to grow seedlings with your own hands, work on its creation begins in winter. Most annuals come from the tropics and subtropics and take time to develop before flowering. For example, petunias are sown for seedlings in February. Since March, asters, viola, annual chrysanthemums and dahlias, levkoy, verbena, cornflowers, alissum, lobelia, snapdragons and others have been sown. In April there is a queue of seeds of marigolds, cosmos, nasturtium.

The main secret of a flower bed of annuals is not that they select special flowers that are typical for autumn, summer or spring. Having created a conveyor from constantly growing seedlings, you can supply the flower bed with any flowers, regardless of the season. For example, viola or petunia from seedlings can bloom in late May and late September.

There are, of course, seasonal annuals. Autumn flower beds are decorated with ornamental cabbage fireworks and elegant multi-colored asters.

Vases with planted annuals make continuous flowering also mobile. If desired, they can be moved around the site - in the recreation area, near the gazebo, porch, reservoir, entrance, creating different images and moods. An important rule for decorating flowerpots: planting seedlings is made denser than in a flower garden to quickly acquire a decorative look.

Particular attention should be paid to tuberous begonias. Their long-lasting bloom is an incredible decoration for flower gardens. Luxurious inflorescences of modern varieties compete with roses, resemble azaleas and camellias. Tubers overwintered at home are divided and cuttings in the spring. For reliable flowering, it is better to purchase new plants annually.

Perennial flower beds blooming from snow to snow

The choice of perennial plants that make up the compositions that give the first flowers in snowy thawed patches, delight with colors all summer long and leave flowering under the snow, is almost inexhaustible. Here are just a few of the most common and proven perennials that even a novice gardener can handle.

Spring: primroses, crocuses, blueberries, anemones, muscari, daffodils, tulips, oriental poppy, dicentra, doronicum, lilies of the valley.

Summer: irises, daylilies, lilies, bells, delphiniums, phloxes, astilbe.

Autumn: perennial asters (New England and New Belgian varieties and hybrids), helenium, stonecrop, rudbeckia, chrysanthemum, colchicum, sedges, miscanthus, rod-shaped millet.

Selection of plants, layout and other secrets of constant flowering

Coniferous and decorative deciduous plants are the skeleton of a flower bed, on which flowering elements are then built up. Needles, patterned, carved, smooth, pubescent leaves of different shades of green create a picturesque background. Having laid such a foundation for the composition, it remains only to fill it with flowering perennials and annuals.

Spherical, cushion:

  • mountain pine Pug, Gnome;
  • thuja western Danica, Golden Globe;
  • spruce cushion Nidiformis, Ehiniformis.


  • juniper Repanda, Green Carpet, Blue Carpet.


  • juniper Tamaristsifolia, Mint julep;
  • mountain pine Pumilio;
  • dwarf cedar.

You do not need to fill the flower bed with a lot of conifers. 3-4 copies of different shapes and shades are enough. In support of them, you can add 2-3 ornamental shrubs - dwarf forms of barberry, medium-sized spireas.

Of the decorative deciduous perennials with spectacular foliage, first of all, hosts should be named - dozens of varieties are now offered. Buzulnik, rogersia, bergenia, saber-shaped iris leaves are no less beautiful. Daylilies are versatile - a luxurious fountain of linear green leaves combined with elegant inflorescences of different shades.

A daunting challenge - monochrome composition blooming all summer long

Every gardener wants to learn how to manage the rainbow of colors that flowers create in their summer cottage. As in the choice of clothing, interior design, anyone has color preferences. Someone is closer to a cold palette, someone loves warm glowing tones. Based on color preferences, you can also choose plants for a flower bed that blooms all summer.

The yellow-orange flower bed creates the feeling of a sunny day even in cloudy weather:

  • spring: yellow crocuses, daffodils, yellow and orange tulips;
  • summer: evening primrose (primrose), calendula (marigold), yellow and orange lilies;
  • autumn: helenium, marigolds, nasturtiums, rudbeckia, ocher-red sedges.

Pink-lilac-blue flower bed - brings freshness, romance into the mood of the garden:

  • spring: muscari, brunner, pink and purple tulips, liverwort, kandyk, crocuses, juno;
  • summer: lilies (pink tones, such as Triumphant, Enestacy), delphinium, blue cyanosis, monarda, cornflower, lavatera, ageratum, lobelia;
  • autumn: Echinacea purpurea, stonecrop, autumn asters, paniculata phlox.

White flower bed - tenderness and brevity:

  • spring: blueberry, daffodils, poultry, lilies of the valley, arabis (rezuha);
  • summer: white lilies, cornflower, pupavka, anafalis (pearl mussel), white varieties of delphinium, bellflower, mallow, lobelia, lavater;
  • autumn: autumn aster, white echinacea, phlox.

White flowers will effectively complement silvery wormwood, seaside cineraria, white-bordered hosts, sedges, periwinkles.

Flowering plant care

Timely weeding, watering, feeding and loosening are the elementary truths of country floriculture. A flowerbed of continuous flowering, in addition to well-known care operations, requires the use of some additional techniques:

  • removal of faded inflorescences to prolong flowering;
  • pinching the top for regrowth of lateral shoots with flowers;
  • replanting annuals in the bald spots formed after the leaves die off, decorating voids with portable flowerpots;
  • timely thinning, dividing and pruning so that strong competitors do not crowd out weak ones.

Decorating a summer cottage is not an easy task that requires not only aesthetic taste, but also certain knowledge in the field of floristry and gardening. When choosing plants for a flower garden, you need to make sure that they will be in harmony with each other in shape, size and color, as well as converge in care requirements. If landscape design is a topic that you have not yet fully studied, we suggest finding out what flowers to plant in the country to bloom all summer - photos and details.

Flowers in the country create coziness

Why do many gardeners prefer to arrange a variety of flower beds from plants that do not lose their decorative effect during all three hot months? The answer is simple - it makes care easier. When the flowering period of plants in one flower bed is long and completely the same, there is no need to fill empty spaces or completely replace the plantings.

Summer bed plants - annuals or perennials?

An assortment of blooming all summer long decorative crops represented by annual and perennial varieties. Gardeners are actively using both those and others. The advantage of annuals is the ability to decorate the dacha in a new way every season. Even using the seeds of last year's flowers, you can create different shapes and combinations.

Perennials are easy to care for. They winter well, so they don't need to be grown from scratch every year. In addition, perennial flowers can be divided during transplantation, thereby increasing the number of shrubs.

Photos of flowers blooming all summer with a description - annuals


In the photo dimorfoteka

Dimorphoteka thrives on fertile and well-drained soil under high light conditions. The flowering period is quite long - from early summer to October. Appreciate the splendor of the dimorphoteka in the photo.

Dimorphoteka - a flower that blooms all summer until the very frost


Unpretentious, light-loving and cold-resistant plant. It does not require special fertilization of the soil, but it should be light and loose.

In the photo - terry kosmeya
Kosmeya is a popular flower for a summer residence

Eschsholzia california

Although it is a perennial, we use it as an annual. Beautiful flowers often used for cutting. The photo shows that all parts of the bush have a high decorative effect: flowers and openwork leaves.

In the photo, Californian escholzia

Eshsholzia california begins to bloom from the very beginning of summer and withers in October, gives self-seeding. It is especially decorative when planted in a well-lit area with caved soil. Additional soil fertilization is not required.

Californian Eschsholzia blooms all summer until October

Mattiola two-horned

The garden flower, popularly nicknamed the night violet, won the hearts of many gardeners not so much with its appearance as with its most delicate aroma. Being at the dacha in the evening, you will plunge into the world of a fabulous fragrance spreading everywhere. As seen in the photo, the night violet can have various variations color and structure of flowers.

In the photo, Mattiola is two-horned


The second name of the flower is snapdragon. The popularity of the plant is increasing every year. The variety of varieties is striking: bushes can have different heights, color and structure of flowers.
In the photo antirrinum

The wide variety allows each year to experiment with new varieties of the plant. Antirrinum will bloom magnificently all summer if planted in a sunny area.

Antirrinum - magnificent dacha dyeing for the whole summer

Photos of ornamental crops blooming all summer - perennials

Large astration

There are about 10 varieties and is an extremely popular ornamental plant on modern dachas... Colorful umbrellas will delight the eye all summer if you follow the basic rules of care.

In the photo, astration is large Astrania's umbrellas are pleasing to the eye all summer long

Salvia Dubravnaya

This is a well-known sage. Salvia Dubravnaya is the easiest-to-care variety of culture that perfectly tolerates frost.

In the photo, salvia oak, or sage
Sage blooms all summer

Armeria seaside

Neat bushes with delicate flowers require the most simple care and do not need shelter for the winter. Armeria seaside loves the sun and sandy well-drained soil.

In the photo armeria seaside

Endure the drought calmly. Armeria feels great among stones, therefore it is often used to create rocky flower beds.

Armeria Primorskaya is a wonderful decoration of a summer cottage


As you can see in the photo, this is a plant with unusually delicate pink or white flowers. Quite tall bushes are most often used in flower beds as rear-view plants.

In the photo gypsophila

Gypsophila varieties that bloom in early summer, bloom and lose flowers in early or late August. The soil in which gypsophila prefers to live can be understood from the translation of the name from Latin - a lover of lime.

Delicate gypsophila flowers delight the eye all summer

Soft and regular cuff

The cuff is an elegant plant that attracts summer residents with the beauty of its leaves and small flowers. When creating flower beds, it is important to take into account that the cuff is a short plant (20 - 40 cm). The love of gardeners is explained by the long-term decorativeness of culture - all summer until the very cold weather.

In the photo, the cuff is soft
Ordinary cuff in the country


In the photo, willow bush

The main feature of the loosestrife is its unpretentiousness. It can be safely planted in a flooded and shady area.

The willow tree is very unpretentious flower for giving

Large-flowered flax

Often used in the country to create a rock garden. Flowers are very bright in color (red, pink, blue, etc.). Linen is a great decoration for any flower garden, while being quite easy to care for.

In the photo large-flowered flax

You have a great opportunity to appreciate the decorative qualities of a culture from a photo. An important feature in the cultivation of large-flowered flax is a complete solar lighting.

Large-flowered flax is perfect for a rock garden in the country

Now, we hope, you will not have any problems with what flowers to plant in the country so that they bloom all summer. Photos showing plants in all their glory will help you create great compositions that will truly delight the eye.


  • Catalog of perennial flowers for a summer residence: photo with names

Landscape designers count flowers ideal tool, with which you can transform the garden. Flowers create a unique charm when combined into flower beds. The choice of flowers from which you want to create a flower garden depends on many factors.

If you are a busy person and do not belong to the fans of the kingdom of flowers, you should hardly choose complex compositions. No less important is the question: what flowers to plant in the country, so that caring for them is minimized, and the effect is maximized?

What flowers to plant in the garden and near the house

Decorate a small cottage beautiful flower bed, a mixborder or a rabatka is not difficult at all. You just need to remember that a flower garden in its style should be associated with landscape style plot and architecture of the house.

It is very important that the flowers are not randomly scattered throughout the garden, but create bright accents in the right places. It is enough to emphasize the main elements of the site with flower beds: the entrance to the house, the turns of the path, the corner for rest, and you will see how they combine all the elements landscape design into a complete picture.

How to properly arrange and arrange a flower garden

The ability to correctly create a flower garden, beautifully arrange flowers in a single composition comes with time.

  • Choosing soloists

Planning a flower garden begins with choosing the most beautiful plants who will become soloists. There should be no more than three of them. We designate the place of their planting - each separately or in groups. If the role of the soloist is assigned to the delphinium, then the rest of the perennials can be high enough, the main thing is that they do not close it.

  • Plants with decorative leaves

It is good to supplement the flower garden with peonies, hosts, saxifrages, bells, tulips, daffodils. The attractiveness of a flower bed is created not only by flowering plants, but also by plants with decorative leaves, especially in the intervals between flowering.


  • Flower "castes"

Plants in a flower garden always compete for light, moisture and nutrients in the ground. Therefore, when planning a flower garden, we place nearby plants with the same needs, otherwise the stronger plants will "crush" the weaker ones.

  • Continuous bloom effect

Quite often, you can find lily, feverfew, erythematosus, astilba, sedum in our flower beds. In the flowerbed, they are placed so that the blooming plants cover the wilting ones. If part of the flower bed is in the shade, astilba and hosts will come to the rescue. This arrangement of plants will give the impression of continuous flowering.

  • Play of shades and nuances of one color

Bright, colorful flower beds are very beautiful, but the play of shades and nuances of the same color is no less charming. The softer the color transitions, the more attention is drawn to the shape of the flower. A combination of pink and lilac shades is considered very popular: phlox, rudbeckia, multi-grate.



  • Flower beds chameleons

Chameleon beds look interesting. Having planted a mixture of creopsis and agrostemma, agrostemma will bloom first, painting the entire flower bed in pink color, and in August within a week your flowerbed will become "golden" - the creopsis will bloom.

When breaking a flower garden, you should not get carried away with a large number of plant varieties. Skillfully choosing plants according to color and flowering time, you can achieve the best effect even at low cost.

Mixborder: what flowers to plant in a mixed flower bed

The main requirement for a mixborder, however, as for any flower garden, is continuous flowering. Naturally, without bulbous plants and annuals it is impossible to achieve such a result. Snowdrops and crocuses are the first to wake up in the mixborder.


They are followed by mouse hyacinth, scrub, tulips and daffodils. Primroses and anemones will find their place in the mixborder. Then the relay passes to subulate phlox, stonecrops and tenacious. In July, annuals gain strength: marigolds, salvia, balsams.

phlox subulate

If necessary, you can supplement the mixborder with container plants: begonia, verbena, petunia.

In the mixborder, it is allowed to plant, in addition to flowers, low shrubs: roses, weigella, mock-orange. The larger ones - conifers and boxwood - will create a decorative background for flowering and variegated plants.

Choosing flowers and ornamental plants for planting in a rabatka

A rabatka is a flower strip that is usually placed along the edges of a lawn, along a path, a house or a fence. It can be compared to a wreath of flowers or a rainbow. Rabatka adds bright colors the entire landscape of the site, enlivening it, makes it more festive and cheerful.

When creating a rabatka, it is worth remembering the proportions: the ratio of the width of the rabatka length must correspond to 1: 3. The length of the discount can be quite long. But for a summer residence longer than 3 - 5 meters, you should not do it.

The rabatka can be made one-sided and two-sided. One-sided ridges adjoin a fence or walkway. Double-sided, you can decorate the lawn, divide the site into separate zones.

Rabatki are created from annual and perennial plants.

When choosing annual plants, it is better to stop your choice on marigolds, asters, ageratum, creopsis, godetia.


Perennials are chosen with beautiful foliage. High - I plant in the background, if they create a one-sided bed, or in the middle, if a double-sided one is planned. As a rule, perennials form the basis of the composition, which is then supplemented by annuals. These perennials include irises, rudbeckia, lilies, chrysanthemums, saintbrinks, lupins, delphiniums, ferns, hosts.

Low and carpet perennials can be planted near outside parties discounts: tenacious, subulate phlox, stonecrops, primroses, pansies and rejuvenated.


In early spring crocuses, hyacinths, undersized tulips, daffodils will decorate the rabatka. After they have faded, annuals will take their place.

When creating a rabatka, it is necessary to take into account not only the timing of flowering and the location of the rabatka (sunny place, shade, partial shade), but color range plants. Therefore, before buying and planting plants, in order to avoid mistakes, it is better to first make a project of the bed on paper, taking into account all the rules of color and plant sizes.

If the composition is dominated by a hot color - yellow, orange, red, the rabatka will look too bright and defiant. Cool tones - blue and purple - will make it look rather gloomy and dull.

Therefore, you should not get carried away with extremes, it is better to use either a contrasting color palette or matching shades. In any case, all the plants in the bed should create a sense of harmony.