Repair Design Furniture

When inserting windows in a house under construction. At what stage of construction to install pvc windows. Performing work in the winter: the main subtleties

When glazing is required, the owners immediately have a question: what plastic windows better to put in an apartment in Moscow? Plastic windows are quite capable of competing with products made from natural materials - they have high quality, easy to use, do not harm the environment and have affordable price. Therefore, choosing such a service allows you to save a lot.

What are the advantages of pvc structures?
As you know, the installation of pvc plastic windows helps to provide sound insulation. This is especially important for those apartments that are located in houses near busy streets and highways. In this case ideal option will be the choice of double-glazed windows.
The environmental friendliness and complete safety of such structures has been proven by numerous studies and confirmed by certificates. They are installed in preschool and educational institutions, hospitals and so on.
They also have a special tightness, which helps to keep warm. This is ensured by the tight fit of the frames, but if necessary, they can be easily opened to ventilate the room in several variations.
Special attention deserves the resistance of the material to high temperatures, fire and the complexity of ignition.

How to put plastic windows in Moscow - the price of the service

Sooner or later, outdated frames need to be replaced. In this case, it is best to choose plastic structures which are available to many customers. They are manufactured according to special technology giving additional benefits. Thanks to this, heat is retained, and the appearance of the apartment becomes even more neat and aesthetic.

Put plastic windows in the apartment, price

A few years ago, it was not at all easy to install plastic windows inexpensively in Moscow. They belonged to the obligatory attributes of a European-style renovation and were ordered only by people with high incomes. But now everything has changed, and every owner of an apartment or house can order them - they are available to everyone!

In the process of building a house, many owners have a question when windows are installed. It is important to know that designs from natural wood installed after completion of interior finishing work such as ceiling screed and plastering.

Before starting installation, the building should dry out a little, as high humidity can lead to swelling natural material and its cracking, as well as damage to the paintwork.

To reduce air humidity, you can use drywall instead of plastering for wall decoration. In this case, the installation of the window structure can be carried out after performing the screed on the walls and before finishing with drywall.

If you prefer plastic windows for your home, they can be installed both after and before finishing, since the PVC structure is not susceptible to moisture. However, it is important to remember that if the walls are finished with plasterboard, the windows must be installed before using it, since the material is not moisture resistant.

Performing work in the winter: the main subtleties

The main construction processes: laying the foundation, erecting walls, organizing the roof, fall on the warm season. In autumn and winter, it's time for interior finishing work. After installation plastic windows in the house you need to run heating system. In winter, it is recommended to use drywall sheets for wall decoration. The choice of this material does not greatly affect the level of humidity in the room, but will significantly speed up the repair work.

If the owners plan to install windows made of natural wood, dry plaster is used for finishing work to avoid swelling of the frames.

The key to success: the right microclimate in the repaired premises

The speed and quality of work is largely dependent on humidity and temperature. In houses where plastic windows are installed, it is necessary to improve the system natural ventilation. For this, the windows are left ajar, and in ventilation ducts install fans.

You also need to control the temperature. Until the screed and plaster are completely dry, the value on the thermometer should not fall below + 5 ° C. As an alternative to traditional concrete screed you can partially use the dry team. This choice will speed up the finishing work by reducing the amount of building moisture.

We carry out finishing work in the summer

Interior decoration is an important and time-consuming process. Before starting the repair, it is desirable to complete the installation of plastic windows. Especially if the work is scheduled for the spring.

Installing windows involves several steps. Upon completion of installation, repairs and alignment of slopes are carried out. Then proceed to the processing of the walls with cement mortar.

Installation of wooden windows should be postponed until the completion of interior work.

It is important to remember that a draft provokes peeling of the wallpaper and causes the paint to “swell”. You can protect the room from air penetration with the help of a film. It is enough to fix it on the window opening.

The slopes must dry after finishing work. Therefore, on initial stage, the solution should be applied only to the walls. Wooden windows are installed last.

At the final stage, it is necessary to plaster window slopes. Craftsmen also use an alternative cladding method - their plasterboard finish.

On walls that are not insulated with anything, it is possible to perform facade plastering both before and after installing windows. However, it is still recommended to carry out work after the installation of windows. This will allow faster and more efficient execution of all subsequent Finishing work. After the installation of windows, the arrangement of slopes and external ebbs can be immediately carried out. These works allow to avoid further alteration of the facade. If the plaster was applied before the windows were installed, then the subsequent plastering of the facade will be very different.

If the plans include the organization of two-layer walls, then initially perform
installation of windows, and then the insulation is laid and the facade is plastered. In addition, such a sequence of installation allows you to better perform finishing work.
external slopes.

In order that after the insulation of the facade it was possible to apply plaster, slabs
impose 2-3 cm on the window opening. We must not allow in the corners
windows formed joints of insulation boards. Therefore, the plates are cut, giving them
the shape of the letter "G". And then they fix it with a cutout in the corner of the window.

For the period of facade plastering, specialists cover the windows with a film, which is fixed with adhesive tape. Upon completion of the work, it is removed. It is not recommended to fix the film with molar tape, because after its removal, traces remain on the window.

Construction installation rules

When ordering windows, it is necessary to invite a company specialist who will accurately measure the dimensions of the future structure.

Installation of the product is carried out at an outdoor air temperature of at least -5 ° C. Lower rates can lead to the appearance of microcracks and chips on the plastic elements of the window. In addition, negative temperatures lead to poor adhesion. polyurethane foam with a wall.

Fixing the window structure to the wall

The window is mounted in the opening with the help of special bars, leveling in the vertical and horizontal direction. It is fixed to the wall by one of two methods - frame dowels and steel anchors.

In the case of using an anchor, one end is fixed on the window, and the other on the wall. Such fasteners can be used to fix window blocks made of various materials.

The frame dowel is not so one-stop solution, because it forces changes to the design. To fix the frame with it, a hole is drilled in the window profile and the wall. A dowel is installed in the formed channel and twisted. All work is carried out by installers carefully, since twisting the dowel too tightly can lead to window deformation.

Upon completion of the installation of the window structure, the joints along its perimeter are foamed, and the material is protected from the outside vapor barrier tape or liquid special sealant. It allows you to prevent the impact on the foam of negative external factors.

Placing a window in a wall

It is required to correctly position the structure in the outer wall, as this will prevent the appearance of "cold bridges".

When installing the structure in a single-layer wall, it is placed closer to the middle, which reduces heat loss. In double wall window block mounted flush with the outer part of the masonry. At the same time, it is important that the insulation enters the profile at a distance of about 3 cm, blocking the joint between the wall and the frame.

In the case of building a house with three-layer walls, the window structure is mounted in an insulating layer, in the immediate vicinity of the masonry of the bearing part of the wall. The resulting gap is filled with a special tape that prevents the negative effects on the structure of moisture and temperature changes.

People have been building wooden houses since ancient times. But not everyone knows how difficult it is to build a wooden house. There are many subtleties here. And one of the most important issues is the installation in wooden house doors and windows.

First of all, you need to know: if the house is not built from glued laminated timber or from dried wood, you cannot immediately put doors and windows in it.

Windows in a log house can be installed about six months after the walls of the house are built. The reason here is, first of all, in the shrinkage of the log house. The thing is that when it dries, the shape and size of the wood changes. If you put windows and doors in just assembled frame, everything can end up with the fact that after a while the house will literally crush the windows and squeeze out the doors.

Shrinkage of a house made of undried wood as a whole can last up to 7 - 8 years. Experts believe that it is possible to install windows and doors in the house in about six months, since the main shrinkage occurs during this period.

True, you need to remember: six months is average term. At different houses there may be different shrinkage. It largely depends on what time of the year the trees were cut down, on the conditions and quality of drying, etc.

Everything wooden houses can be divided into several categories. It will take 10 to 12 months to settle a box of a house built from freshly cut logs. If the house is being built from processed profiled timber, the period is reduced to 3-4 months. A house built from dried timber practically does not need sludge. It is enough to wait 2 - 3 weeks. During this time, under their own weight, the logs will press closer to each other. After that, you can put windows and doors in the house, carry out a fine finish of the premises and move into new house. In order for the house to shrink faster, it is necessary to provide good ventilation in the house.

Many people believe that when a house shrinks, its frame can collapse. In order to prevent this from happening, special cuts are made at the junctions of the logs. In the presence of such joints, the joints do not lose their density during shrinkage of the house.

From everything that has been said, one conclusion can be drawn: the time for installing doors and windows in a log house depends on the type of house itself. If you follow all the simple rules listed above when building a house, you will not have any problems, and your house will serve you. long years delighting you and your loved ones.

The order of work during the construction of the house is clearly defined, and it is better to strictly adhere to it. And this applies to eurowindows, both plastic and wooden. At what stage of construction is it better to install windows, and what will be the consequences of installing translucent structures at another time, the WINDOWS MEDIA portal will tell.

A common practice in domestic private construction is to install windows just before winter into bare walls to close the inner shell and be able to carry out finishing work, usually wet and dirty. This is a common mistake in the art of building.

Irreversible consequences of "amateur" in the installation of windows

Ideally, if the installation of windows and doors will be carried out after the screed has been completed and dried and internal plaster but before laying the insulation outer wall. Such a sequence of work will ensure that the insulation layer around the windows does not accumulate excess moisture (which in winter will lead to condensation in the insulation layer, then freezing it in the foam layer, and, consequently, degradation of the cellular structure of the mounting foam).

When wooden windows excess moisture can cause window frames to swell, paint surface cracks, and even frame joints, as well as corrosion of hardware components. Recall that windows are designed for "normal" operating conditions, which fluctuate around an internal temperature of 20 degrees Celsius and a relative humidity in the range of 50 -60%. Very often, the provision of just such conditions of use is the starting point of the guarantee documents of eurowindow manufacturers.

At what stage of construction should eurowindows be installed?

Wooden windows. It is better to install them upon completion of "wet" work inside the house. If you install them first, then high level humidity in the room (about 90%) can cause irreparable damage wooden frames. Although manufacturers claim that modern wooden windows are resistant to moisture from atmospheric precipitation and do not deform, they do not recommend their installation before plastering and screeding. Some of them even warn that the guarantee offered for euro-windows made of wood loses its relevance if, after the installation of joinery, "wet" work was carried out in damp, inefficiently ventilated and poorly heated rooms.

PVC windows. It does not matter whether they are planned to be installed before or after wet work. Should always provide effective ventilation rooms (if necessary, and heating), so that moisture does not condense on the surface of the double-glazed window, because it can then go to the slope and subsequently provoke the appearance of mold.

Wet work in winter. Often construction works are completed at the end of autumn and the installation of windows and finishing work falls on winter period. In this situation, it would be better to choose plastic windows, which in principle can be installed at any time of the year (although days when the temperature drops below -5 ° C should be avoided, even if winter polyurethane foam is used for sealing, which can work at temperatures up to - 10°C). If the winter is cold, it is best to postpone the installation of plastic windows for the spring. Very low temperatures will cause the PVC to become brittle, which can lead to cracking of the profile during transport, unloading and installation.

With the installation of wooden eurowindows, it is also better to wait until spring. However, if euro windows are already installed and there is a desire to finish the house in winter time, it is worth considering whether wet work should be replaced with dry work. Laying drywall and gypsum boards does not have much effect on indoor humidity, nor does it delay further finishing work. When work is interrupted for the winter, and the windows have already been installed, it is important to ensure ventilation in the premises, otherwise the accumulated moisture will condense inside the house - most likely on the windows.

The most useful sequence of work when installing eurowindows

Thanks to this sequence, it will be possible to avoid contamination or damage to the window, high humidity in the house, and unnecessary duplication of work (correction of previously completed slopes damaged during the installation of windows).

Installation of windows before or after plastering

Before plastering. If finishing work will be carried out in spring and summer, windows can be installed before "wet" work. They must be shielded with a protective film or the sash can be removed during plastering and the frames carefully protected. You can also install windows, plaster slopes and corners, and then, after protecting the windows with a special film, plaster the rest of the wall surfaces. The application of plaster requires temperatures above 5 °C, so when planning this work for the winter (especially gypsum plaster), eurowindows should be installed earlier. This sequence of work is acceptable if it is decided to install plastic windows.

With the installation of wooden windows, it is better to wait until the plaster has completely dried. If windows are inserted in autumn before plastering, they should be carefully shielded with foil and left open to allow moisture to escape.

After plastering. It is best to plaster the walls inside, leaving slopes and corners unplastered. After they dry, windows are installed, and after the foam has dried and cured, the slopes are plastered. This approach is especially appropriate in the case of wooden windows. Then it is possible to avoid their possible contact with excess moisture from the drying of the plaster.

It happens, however, that plasterers do not want to agree to complete the slopes. If it is planned to install drywall, then with finishing window opening a team of plasterboard fitters can help. After installing the window, cut drywall slabs are glued to the opening in a certain way. You can, of course, completely plaster the walls and slopes, but after that it will be difficult to install windows without damaging the plaster.

Installation of a window after performing “wet” work in interiors has another advantage: the surface of the frame and glass units are not exposed to dirt, scratches and irreversible damage by other workers. construction team. Unfortunately, there is a risk of not avoiding this when installing thermal insulation around window frame or window sill. Therefore, before starting work on insulation, it is necessary to protect the window together with the frames with a layer of a special film.

If you are building Vacation home, then sooner or later you will face the question of the appropriateness of installing plastic windows at one stage or another construction process. Moreover, people, for the most part, try to install PVC windows as early as possible, explaining this by the fact that the erected "box" needs protection from low temperatures. outdoor temperatures, winds, precipitation and penetration from the outside. Well, it does have its own logic. But to give in to panic and put windows even before the construction of the roof (and in cases with winter construction this happens all the time) is still not worth it. Believe me, this will bring you much more trouble than positive moments.

Why does the question posed in the title of this article even arise? After all, plastic windows are operated without problems even in 40-degree frosts, so why not really install them as soon as the window openings in the house under construction are completed? Well, we do not argue, polyvinyl chloride can really cope with low temperatures, and with winds, and with precipitation. But the installed plastic window is not only plastic, metal and glass, but also such important element like mounting foam. And if the foam encounters conditions of excessive moisture, seen both outside and inside, it can accumulate moisture inside itself. As a result, with the advent of frost, this very moisture will freeze, the cellular structure of the foam will begin to degrade, insulation will be broken, etc.

By the way, in the case of wooden windows, everything is much worse. After all, if PVC cannot be saturated with moisture, then wood is completely. The swelling of the frame of wooden windows can lead to the most serious consequences, up to the need to install new window structures. Plus, do not forget that the tree is painted and varnished, and when deformed paints and varnishes will start to crack and flake off. PVC, which has a color in its structure, will not face such a problem.

There is such an important concept as the warranty conditions for the operation of a plastic window. This concept is directly related to the subject of our article, because if the operating conditions of the PVC window structure are found to be inadequate, then the window will simply be removed from the guarantee. So, the normal warranty conditions for the operation of plastic windows are temperatures within +20 degrees Celsius, as well as humidity in the room at the level of 50-60 percent. In principle, this corresponds to the average living conditions in our country, so it is rather problematic to go beyond the warranty on this item. Unless it comes to the installation of plastic windows in the process of building a building. Here the humidity can be higher and the temperature lower. Please note that the warranty conditions of use are not a ploy to allow the manufacturer to avoid a warranty exchange or repair. These are the conditions under which the declared durability and performance of the plastic window is guaranteed. And if you break them, it will be purely your fault.

Further, there is a division of repair work into wet (wet) and dry. Wet are those repair work, which are associated with the use of compounds on water based requiring gradual drying. For example, it can be a hardening of a screed on the floor or a plaster layer on the wall / ceiling. During wet work, the overall level of humidity inside the room rises, up to going beyond the warranty conditions of operation. Given the fact that the repair compounds dry for more than one day, this can be a problem for installed plastic windows. What are the ways to solve this situation?

1. Replacing wet repair procedures with dry ones. For example, instead of using plaster mortars, you can level the wall with drywall, and instead of pouring the screed on the floor, use mortar-free leveling using lags.

2. Carry out work in spring or summer. As we have already determined, the main danger is the freezing of moisture inside the foam, and in spring and summer this problem is irrelevant.

3. Creation of guarantee conditions artificially. Using heating equipment and by establishing proper ventilation in the room, you can achieve a normal level of humidity and temperature even during wet work. In general, you will need ventilation not only to protect the foam from moisture, but to generally protect the window from condensation. Therefore, it must be done as early as possible.

Another problem that you may encounter is the appearance of mold, which is the result of moistening the mounting foam, as well as slopes. Therefore, if you install plastic windows at the stage of building a house, it is strongly recommended to immediately restore the slopes and treat them with an antibacterial compound. When restoring slopes, you will close mounting seam(foam), which will provide him with serious, though not total protection.

Should windows be installed before “dirty” work is carried out, which can greatly pollute the surface of a plastic window? In principle, if you securely close the window opening with a combination of building cellophane and adhesive tape, then pollution problems should not arise. Another thing is that when carrying out construction and repair procedures, you will use tools that can tear cellophane or even cause physical damage to a double-glazed window or plastic frame. Therefore, proceed with extreme caution.

Special attention deserves the issue of house shrinkage, which is especially relevant for all types of wooden buildings. As a rule, in log houses, plastic windows are installed only after shrinkage of the house, which occurs under the own weight of building materials, as well as under wind and precipitation loads. And even after the first shrinkage, it is strongly recommended to install PVC windows using a casing, which will prevent the deformation of the window unit during subsequent shrinkage processes. With houses made of other materials, it is also necessary to take into account the moment of shrinkage, albeit to a lesser extent.