Repair Design Furniture

Shefler's home breeding care. Schefflera (umbrella tree): home care, growing, reproduction, planting, transplanting, pruning, types, photos of the plant. Alternative breeding methods

09.01.2018 20 323

Sheflera is a flower that can be easily taken care of at home.

Sheflera is a flower that even novice growers can take care of at home, known for its unpretentiousness to conditions environment, however, for its proper growth and development, you should know how the crown is formed, pinching and transplanting, what will happen if the crown is cut off, how to save it, if the leaves darken, turn yellow and fall off, black dots and red spots appear, or the greens are covered with a sticky bloom ...

Shefler's flower - home care that a plant needs

Sheflera is a southern plant native to Australia, which is valued not only for its interesting appearance, but also for unpretentiousness to external conditions, however, it is still necessary to know the basic requirements for the harmonious development of a plant. Sheflera is a flower, caring for which at home will not seem difficult even for beginners in the cultivation of indoor greenery.

Sheflera prefers bright rooms, both in summer and in winter period, - if there is not enough light for her, the leaves of the plant will turn pale, but you should not expose the pot with this southern beauty to direct rays in order to avoid burns on the leaves. Varieties with green foliage are recommended to be placed on windowsills on the east or west side, variegated varieties, on the contrary, will feel better on southern windows, but in this case, you should take care of shading.

Although the chefler belongs to tropical plants, she does not tolerate high temperatures, therefore it is optimal to maintain +16 C ... + 25 C in the warm season, and in winter reduce the temperature to +14 C. atmosphere - not lower than +18 C.

The chef should be watered abundantly so that the water accumulates in the sump, but after a few hours this water must be drained from the sump, otherwise root system will start to rot. Watering is done twice a week with water. room temperature before checking the moisture level in the pot - if upper layer the soil has dried up, you can safely water it. Spraying and wiping greens with a damp cloth is also recommended in the care of the sheflera.

How to properly prune a chefler, her transplant and breeding methods

Shefler, the formation of the crown of which is a mandatory stage of care, should be regularly pruned - as a rule, the tops are cut off, thus stopping excessive growth. It is recommended to do this in the spring.

Schefflera - flower, photo at home

Sheflera is a flower, home care for which should be stopped during the dormant period, that is, from November until the end of winter, - at this time, the plant can be fed no more than 1 time in 60 days, using fertilizer of weak concentration.

Watering should also be reduced - a week the chef will only need 100 ml of water per liter pot.

If the soil is prepared correctly, the first time feeding the chef is not needed at all, - the optimal composition of the soil for growing the chef includes:

  • Clean sand;
  • Compost;
  • Leaf humus;
  • Sod soil.

The components are mixed in a ratio of 1: 2: 3: 4, but you can prepare a different soil composition by taking the same ingredients in equal amounts and adding a portion of peat there. When buying a ready-made substrate, choose land for palm trees, and during planting, do not forget about organizing proper drainage.

Sheflera after transplant transplant

Suitable pot for Scheffler

A young chefler, which is transplanted annually, is placed in a larger pot, as its root system grows and requires more space. Transplanting the plant is optimal in the spring. Older individuals are transplanted by the chefs no more often than once every few years, and often flower growers generally limit themselves to replacing the top layer of soil in the flower garden.

Shefler reproduces in three main ways, however, many owners of this ornamental plant argue that this procedure is quite difficult:

  • Seeds- the method is problematic, since the shefler rarely blooms, which makes it impossible to collect seed;
  • Cuttings- use only healthy shoots, soak in stimulants such as Heterouaxin for 5-7 hours and plant under plastic bottle not forgetting to air regularly;
  • Air layering, which can be obtained by making a small incision on the stem of the cheflers and sealing it with sphagnum soaked in phytohormone - with regular moistening of the moss, young roots will appear in the place of the incision, and after 60 days, the branch with roots can be carefully cut and rooted into the soil.

How to save a chef from diseases and pests at home

It often happens that the cheflera gets sick - she loses her physical attractiveness and healthy appearance, and there can be several reasons for feeling unwell:

  • Brown and red spots on the chef indicate that the plant has too much moisture, - in this case, watering should be stopped and, if necessary, even transplanted into a healthy, not sour soil, after removing rotten roots, and treating healthy ones with Fitosporin or ash;
  • If a plant such as a shefler has dry leaves, this is the result insufficient watering, since the flower is moisture-loving;
  • Leaves from the cheflers can fall off if the plant does not have enough lighting, or a suitable one is not observed in the room temperature regime, - move the pot to the windowsill with better lighting and check the reading of the thermometer;
  • White spots on the chefler are a sign of plant damage spider mite, which appears in case of poor air humidity, and a soap solution will help get rid of it if the problem is detected at an early stage, or a professional insecticide - Fitoverm or Actellik.

Sheflera is a flower, home care for which is subject to simple rules, but as a result of their observance, the plant will delight its owner with a beautiful bright bush of greenery.

She is called a ballerina among flowers. Scientific name - cheflera... Sometimes, they write with two "f", because it is named after a German botanist. Jacob Scheffler devoted not one year to the study of the southern plant. The homeland of chefs is Hawaii and southeast Asia.

Ballet is a hobby of Europeans. Therefore, the ballerina was called in the West. The graceful crown of leaves cut in a circle reminds its inhabitants of a dancer's skirt. Thin trunk - ballerinas gathered in the legs. Despite the poetic associations, Scheffler's house is not always a welcome guest. Let's find out why.

Features chefs

Out of favor with flower growers shefflera fell because of superstitions and arguments of bioenergetics. The latter claim that the plant is a vampire. This scares people, and they no longer pay attention to the esoteric disclaimer.

"Feeds" only on negative energy. So, sheffler at home- not an enemy, but a friend. The tension will go away, peace will reign in the home.

Some esotericists also note the influence of the flower on mental activity. Knowledge is better assimilated next to the "ballerina". Therefore, on the desktops and next to them it appears exactly sheffler.

Signs associated with shrubs, partly have a scientific background. The plant is poisonous. It cannot be purchased by families with children and owners of pets, for example, dogs and cats.

The fear of poisoning could cause a negative attitude towards chefler. Flower grows straight. Some species reach 1.5-2 meters in height. Therefore, the options for the arrangement of the tree in the flowerpot on the wall, out of reach, disappear. The ideal position of the plant is in a floor pot or on a windowsill.

The beauty of chefs lies in its foliage. From one point, like the spokes of an umbrella, from 4 to 12 lobes come out. Thus, leaves cheflera resemble not so much an umbrella as a palm with outstretched fingers. The analogy with the ballerina's skirt is also appropriate.

The leaves are attached to the trunk. In his youth, he is flexible. Therefore, several trees are often planted in a pot, weaving together, creating ornate compositions. However, with age, the trunk of the chefs becomes coarser. The stiff stems are no longer amenable to constructive changes.

Scheffler on Photo can be blooming and even fruiting. This means the picture was taken in a natural habitat or an equipped greenhouse. In apartments, the plant does not bud.

The decorativeness of the bush is solely in the foliage. As the trunk grows, it rises upward. As a result, a lush "head" of leaves is high above the pot. Although, there are also dwarf species of shefler, only 30-50 centimeters tall.

Types of chefs

Sheflera belongs to the Araliev family. About 200 species can be found in nature. Among them are not only trees and shrubs, but also vines. At home, only 4 species have taken root chefs. Care behind all is pretty simple.

But, more on that later, and now - the Eight-leaf grade. It features creamy petioles. There can be not only 8, but also 12 leaf lobes. It is important that the ends of the elongated-lanceolate leaves are pointed. Texture matters too. She is leathery.

The leaf cover is glossy. In their youth they olive tone, turn gray-green in old age. But, the veins on the sheets always remain a couple of tones lighter than the general background.

The second most popular type is cheflera Radiant... Sometimes, she is called Star-shaped. Plates on the leaves of the plant 7. They are ovoid, with wavy edges. The foliage, like the Eight-Leaf Flower, is shiny but bright green.

It does not change throughout the life of the plant. The petioles of the leaves are cast in red, attached to a powerful and straight trunk. Caudex is located at its base. This is thickening.

Only the original form of the Radiant Sheffler has a bright green tone of the leaves. There are artificially bred varieties of golden yellow color, for example, Green Gold. The Nova tree has olive yellow leaves.

There are a couple of subspecies and Arboreal shefflers. Leaves fall from an upright trunk. It branches strongly. The young trunk is green. It coarsens and turns brown with age. The leaves of the species are unpaired, that is, the number of shares in them is odd.

In the photo is a tree-like sheffler

There is an end leaf, like a mountain ash. The Gold Capella variety looks like a palm tree. The leaves of the plant are strewn with yellow spots. In the Amata subspecies, the crown is uniformly green, highly shiny. is in demand due to its pest resistance and ability to grow in the shade. The miniature size of the Tree Sheffler is also attractive.

Finger Sheffler on the contrary, it is large. In nature, the tree reaches 8 meters in height. V indoor conditions grows up to 2 meters.

The leaves are palm-cut. Shares from 7 to 10. As a rule, young shoots are unevenly lobed. The leaf shoots are lanceolate, that is, they taper and taper upward.

Shefflera care at home

Except for Amata, all chefs need bright light. He must be absent-minded. Direct rays burn the plant. Eventually, sheflera sheds leaves... Ideally located by the windows facing the West and East.

In winter, they are rearranged to southern ones and illuminated with fluorescent lamps. But there is no place near heating appliances. The air is dry there, and the temperature is higher than required. In winter, the chef needs only 14 degrees. 12. In summer, the plant is content with 20-25 degrees Celsius.

In the photo variegated shefflera

As for the humidity of the air, it must be saturated with vapors. If this is not the case, constant spraying with soft, settled water is needed. Outside of the procedures, the pot is placed in a tray with damp pebbles or peat.

Watering itself is moderate. After the top layer of the earth dries out, it takes a couple of days. Overfilling is dangerous for the plant. The root system will rot. Shefler drops foliage and perishes. It is also important to maintain the temperature of the water for irrigation. Cold streams negatively affect the health of the flower.

From spring to autumn, the cheflera is actively growing. During this period, additional feeding is required. Fertilizers are taken universal, applied twice a month. In the warm season, a transplant is also carried out. The new pot is twice the size of the previous one. The bottom is covered with drainage.

A mixture of humus and turf is poured on top. You can also use artificial substrates, that is, grow up using hydroponics. On sale there are multi-colored, jelly-like soils. In order not to hide them, the chefs choose transparent flowerpots.

Breeding cheflers is problematic. The survival rate is low. Therefore, many people prefer to buy a bush. Although, there are three ways of it self-cultivation- from seeds, air layering and cuttings.

Price chefs

Small plants are also offered for 400-500 rubles. But, these are single bushes. Fear should not be that they fall off. Sheflera does not tolerate pruning. Instead of forming a beautiful crown, an unsightly plant is obtained.

Therefore, if you want a bushy specimen, several cheflers are purchased in one pot. There are already ready-made compositions, the trunks of which are woven into braids and volumetric "lattices". You will have to pay 8,000-9,000 rubles for a meter-long flower.

But, there are pots with, so to speak, a blank for the composition. Several chiefs grow apart. In this case, growers pay only for the number of plants. A pot with three sprouts is available to buy for 1,300-3,000 rubles.

The cheflera flower is considered tropical, so it grows well on a light windowsill and indoors. It is not recommended to put it in the sun so that the leaves do not lose their decorative view from sunburn... In summer, the chefler can be taken outside or placed on the balcony. In winter, you should leave it alone, so it is better to rearrange the pot with it in a cool room and reduce watering.

Like all tropical plants, the cheflera prefers humid air. In this regard, it becomes necessary to spray it more often in the summer. In winter, radiators dry the air very much, so you need to put wet pebbles near the plant.

Caring for a chef is not particularly difficult, as it looks at first glance. Such a flower will be an excellent decoration for a room if you follow simple rules:

  • do not pour water while watering;

  • do not allow the earth to dry out completely;

  • don't keep it in a dark corner;

  • create space for growth around.

Breeding methods for cheflers: cuttings and seeds

There are several ways to propagate a plant. The most common is with cuttings. It is not easy to achieve the appearance of roots, therefore the cutting is in the root growth stimulator for about 6 hours. At this time, it is necessary to prepare a pot, on the bottom of which it is desirable to put a thin layer of drainage and soil consisting of a mixture of peat and river sand... After the expiration of time, the cutting is planted in a pot and covered with a glass.

The container with the plant must be placed on a warm and light windowsill, where the air temperature should not drop below 22-25 degrees Celsius. Sometimes it is advisable to open the jar to air the chefler's flower, the photo of which is located below. And you can also spray it with a spray bottle. The water must be warm.

It is considered in another way. To do this, they are purchased at a flower shop, treated with epin or potassium permanganate. They are planted in soil consisting of peat and sand, to a depth of about 15 centimeters in damp ground, covered with glass on top. After the emergence of shoots, they are looked after, as well as the cuttings. Wherein:

  • ventilate;

  • watered;

  • loosen the earth;

  • sprayed.

As soon as the sprouts grow about 10 centimeters, they are transplanted into separate containers.


As the flower grows, it is necessary to transplant into a larger pot. How to take care of the boss during the transplant? To do this, it is necessary to take it out together with a lump of earth and transplant it into a container that is 3 cm larger in diameter. Such reloading should be done every 2 or 3 years. After transplanting, it is advisable to water the plant well.

Pests and diseases chiefs

Florists often have a question, why does the chef shed the leaves? Like most plants, this flower is susceptible to various diseases. When the shefler drops the leaves, the cause of such troubles is in a room with high humidity and excessive watering, which leads to rotting of the roots. The indicator will be the formed dark spots on the leaves. With a decrease in watering, the plant becomes rich green again. But just in case, you need to check the condition of the roots.

In addition, harmful insects attack the plant: thrips, spider mites, scale insects. What if the cheflera sheds leaves due to a pest attack? To combat them, it is necessary to apply various chemicals: karbofos, fitoverm and others.

If the cheflera sheds the leaves and they begin to turn yellow, there may be several reasons. One of them is poor lighting. Therefore, it is advisable to rearrange the plant to another place where there is more light. Another reason why chefflers have mites, which usually hide under the leaves.

Sheflera in the house: signs

  1. This flower is considered a symbol of well-being and wealth. It is often bought to attract the energy of money into the house.

  2. Charges with positive energy the room in which it is located.

  3. The plant brings good luck in business to the fire signs of the Zodiac: Sagittarius, Leo and Aries. It becomes their kind of amulet.

The chefler's flower is often found in the collections of indoor plant lovers, named after the German botanist Jacob Christiane Schaeffer (not everyone knows how his surname is spelled correctly, and they add "l", as in the name of the flower, but in German his name is spelled Jacob Christian Gottlieb Schäffer)... This original tree with spectacular foliage is perfect for decorating living quarters, halls, offices. Sheflera care does not deliver special trouble, but you still need to know some of the nuances. This article is all about growing an amazing flower: reproduction room chefs, treatment for diseases and care at home.

The variety with white spots on the leaves looks very elegant.

Sheflera belongs to the Araliev family, representatives of the genus are found in the countries of Oceania, in Australia, in the regions of Southeast Asia. In nature, cheflers grow to a considerable size, usually the height of trees and shrubs can reach over 2.5 meters.

Among the shefler, there are not only trees and shrubs, which eventually lose leaves in the lower part of the trunk, carrying a thick cap of umbrella leaves on the top of the head, some representatives of the genus have a liana-like shape.

The leaves of the plant can have a dense green color, there are varieties with variegated leaves (white, cream or yellow edging of the leaves along the edge).

In room culture, chefs have long been used to decorate premises, while it is worth remembering that all parts of the plant are poisonous, you should be careful when growing them.

Growing and caring

Sheflera is an unpretentious flower, but it grows best if the agrotechnical rules for growing a crop are observed. Knowing the basic requirements for flower care will help you avoid mistakes when growing an umbrella tree. Caring for the sheflera can be organized taking into account the following rules for keeping an ornamental plant in indoor conditions.


At home, it is very important to choose the right place; southern and western window sills are not suitable for this, because the plant requires protection from direct sun rays... Bushes can be grown on eastern and northeastern windowsills, in winter gardens with bright lighting, the pots should be placed in the shade of large trees - the plants perfectly tolerate partial shade.

The greatest shading is well tolerated by varieties with green leaves, variegated specimens require brighter lighting.

If the plant is in full sun, burns may appear on the leaves that cannot be cured.


A mature plant should not be exposed to the sun.

Sheflera does not like heat, so it should be cool in the room where the pot with the plant stands in summer. If climatic technology is working in the room, it is worth making sure that the directed flow of cold air does not fall on the crown of the plant, otherwise the chef will throw off the leaves.

In summer, the optimal temperature for the chefler is from +15 to + 23 ° C, the plant should overwinter in a cool place, at about + 15 ° C.

The soil

Like all representatives of the Araliev family, the cheflera loves a light, drained, fertile soil... You can prepare the planting substrate yourself, for which you need to mix the following ingredients:

  • Sand - 1 tsp
  • Fertile humus - 2 tsp
  • Sod land - 4 hours
  • Leafy ground - 3 tsp

The soil should have a slightly acidic or neutral reaction - pH 6.

From ready-made potting mixes you can use ready-made mixtures "Palm" or "Ficus".

A layer of fine porous expanded clay is laid at the bottom of the pot, which will eliminate stagnation of water at the roots during watering.


Watering is carried out from above, trying to prevent the soil from getting too wet, if the plant stands for a long time in a cup of water, the shefler drops the leaves. Water for irrigation should be at room temperature or slightly warm, well-separated.

Sheflera is a moisture-loving houseplant, so flower care must be careful, especially with regard to watering. Watering is carried out dosed, but often. The soil in the pot must not be allowed to completely dry out. In winter, watering chefs reduce watering, while maintaining high humidity air.


To maintain moisture, the plant can be placed on a pallet filled with moist expanded clay. It is useful to spray the air around the plant from a spray bottle several times a day. Leathery leaves can be wiped off dust with a damp sponge; in summer, the plant will be grateful for a warm shower.

Top dressing

The plant needs regular fertilization, which is especially effective during the period of active growth.

Nutrient compositions are applied at the root 1 time in 10 days, starting in March, the plant is finished fertilizing in October. It is recommended to make top dressing, alternating mineral and organic compounds. It is useful to feed with microelements once a month.

No fertilization is required during winter.


The pot is selected 5 cm larger in diameter.

The grown chefs are transplanted only when the overgrown roots are shown from the drainage hole. It is best to transplant during the spring months, if necessary, you can transfer the plant to a larger pot in the fall.

Do not forget about drainage - expanded clay, gravel or small pieces of foam should be laid on the bottom of the pot.

Diseases and pests

If the care is organized correctly, the plant will do well, producing annual growth. Weakened plants are attacked by pests and infectious diseases can develop.

Scabbard, red spider mite, thrips - these are the main enemies of the room chief. It is very important to notice pests in time in order to prevent leaves from falling off the plant. To get rid of pests, you must apply special insecticides.

Diseases appear on the leaves by the appearance of a variety of spots: dry areas, black or brown weeping surfaces, all this is due to improper care, as a result of which the plant becomes infected with pathogenic microbes and viruses. It is possible to treat diseased plants with the help of fungicides, while at the same time bringing the care of the plant back to normal.


The trunks can be braided.

Usually, in indoor conditions, flower growers grow the following types of shefler:

  • Sh. Radiant (Schefflera actinophylla) - in nature it can grow up to 12 m. The plant has a pronounced tree-like shape, a powerful trunk has a gray-brown color. Oval-pointed leaves are arranged on long reddish petioles, each leaf blade consists of 14-16 separate segments. The leaves are dark green with a malachite tint, have a leathery surface and a bright shine. The cultivar blooms with yellow or scarlet flowers, collected in a brush.
  • S. eight-leafed (Schefflera octophylla) - octopus tree. The variety is named so for its milky-colored hanging petioles. Leaves at a young age are yellowish. Adults are green. Flowers are yellow-green with long stamens.
  • Sh. Treelike (Schefflera arboricola) - found in Australia and New Guinea. A low, graceful plant with many stems and root suckers. Young shoots have a herbaceous color, adult stems eventually acquire brown tint... The leaves consist of 16 green plates. This species includes varieties with yellow leaf markings (Gold Capella).
  • Sh. Palmate (Schefflera digitata) - the natural habitat is located in New Zealand, where sheflera grows to a height of 8 m. The leaf blades are divided into 10 parts, the length of the leaves is up to 35 cm, along the edges are covered with rare denticles.

In indoor conditions, the chefler can be grown in the form of a tree or a bush; plants with intertwined trunks are distinguished by high originality and decorativeness.

How to propagate at home

The rooted cutting can be planted in a separate pot.

Breeding cheflers can be done in several ways:

  1. Sowing seeds - having chosen this method, it should be remembered that propagation of seeds by seeds requires the longest time. Growing seeds is a very painstaking task that requires patience, because an adult beauty will not grow up very soon. If your plant did not have flowers, the seeds did not set, the seed can always be ordered on the Internet or bought from garden centers... The distance between the seeds is two seed lengths. It will take 1-2 picks of seedlings before planting in separate pots.
  2. Cuttings - to obtain new plants, mature shoots are selected, covered with bark... They are cut into pieces with 2 live buds. Large leaves are removed or cut in half. Cuttings are planted in a mixture of sand and peat (1: 1). During the rooting of cuttings, it is useful to maintain high air humidity, for which the container is placed in a greenhouse, which is kept warm in a shady place. After root formation, young plants are planted in separate pots with a diameter of 9-10 cm.
  3. Air layering - reproduction of chefs in this way is possible only if you have a large mature tree with powerful branches. It is necessary to select a branch covered with bark, make a circular incision in the bark at the point of attachment of the leaves, wrap the branch with moss soaked in nutrients or biostimulants. You can reinforce the moss with plastic wrap to keep the moss from drying out. If necessary, moss the moss under the film. After the formation of roots, the branch is cut off, planting in a separate pot.

Schefflera (Schefflera) is a plant that belongs to the Araliaceae family (Araliaseae). Such flowers grow well in the house, and are also characterized by high decorativeness and relative unpretentiousness.

Schefflera is a plant that belongs to the Araliaceae family

A huge number of signs and superstitions are associated with a decorative perennial. Culture can become a flower - a talisman for everyone who was born under the sign of Sagittarius, Aries and Leo. If the leaves fall, it is Bad sign , which can be a harbinger of illness or financial loss.

If the leaves darken or flowers crumble, a large amount has accumulated in the house negative energy... It is impossible to say unequivocally whether such an indoor flower should be grown at home: such a plant brings happiness to someone, and some growers are categorically against such a culture.

Gallery: Scheffler's flower (25 photos)

The magical properties of shefflera (video)

Description of the types and varieties of shefflera

Representatives of this genus are shrubs, lianas and trees, with a height of the aboveground part of up to 2.5 m. The foliage is complex, dissected into lobes. With age, the trunk is bare, and the foliage remains only at the top. Flowering with paniculate or racemose inflorescences. The most unpretentious is the "Plant Mix" variety.

Schefflera variegated

Most Popular variegated forms are represented by the varieties Gerda, Sоfia, Тrinеtte and Gold Сarella. Spots on a green background can be yellowish or white. They differ in leaf size, but all have a very high decorative appeal.

Scheffler's finger

S.digitata is a small shrub-like plant that is ideal for beginner gardeners. The leaves are represented by several lobes, the number of which can be ten. Foliage is elliptical in shape, with very characteristic cusps at the ends.

Scheffler's finger

Schefflera eight-leaf

S. estorhylla - has leaves, in which the number of lobes can vary from five to sixteen. This variety is known to many growers as an octopus tree. Lobes are oval, on an individual petiole. Young foliage often has sparsely jagged or feathery edges. Flowering in November or early December, after which the plant begins to form fruit.

Schefflera woody (tree-like)

S. arboricol is the most common variety in home floriculture. The tree-like Heptapleurum is characterized by an appearance that resembles a liana without branches, as well as a significant amount of growth formed from the root system. The most popular varieties of this variety Variegata with dark green leaves and yellow spots, and Janine with dark green leaves and creamy stripes or spots.

Schefflera woody (tree-like)

Schefflera radiant (star-leaved)

S.astinorhylla is an independent species with a height of the aboveground part of just over ten meters. It has a powerful and erect trunk with a thickening at the base. Leaves on long stalks of red-brown coloration. The leaf plate is green, glossy, with slightly wavy edges. Inflorescences are represented by red flowers.

Schefflera Nora

S.Nora - indoor variety, which has elegant foliage and is characterized by unpretentious care. It has very long and narrow dark green leaves with yellow dots. The edges of the sheet plate have even denticles. The crown is very lush, well leafy.

Schefflera Nora

Scheffler Custer

S. Kasterа is a low-growing and fairly compact variety, which is highly valued by amateur flower growers and is optimal for growing in small apartments. Differs in attractive appearance and unpretentiousness.

Scheffler Louisiana

S.luiziana is one of the most graceful varieties with very decorative and delicate, leathery and shiny leaves... The leaf plate is variegated, with quite numerous splashes of white or yellow color.

Scheffler Custer

Scheffler Gerd

A tree-like variety with very decorative, lush greenery, bright green or yellowish green leaves. For full-fledged cultivation and preservation of all external attractiveness, the plant requires a large amount of diffused lighting, therefore The flower pot should be kept on windows with diffused light.

The main types of shefflers (video)

Breeding shefflers

You can independently propagate a decorative perennial in indoor floriculture in several ways. The culture is easily propagated not only by layering and cuttings, but also by means of seed.

How to properly propagate a plant by cuttings

Cutting is the most convenient way. It is necessary to choose a stiff trunk from which a stalk with at least five leaves is cut using a sharp and clean knife. Before planting, the cutting is kept for several hours in a solution based on the Heteroauxin stimulator. Also, a very good result is given by dusting the cut on the handle with fine charcoal or the preparation "Kornevin". Planting is carried out in small flower pots with drainage holes filled with nutritious soil. All landings must be covered with foil to ensure comfortable microclimatic conditions.

Cutting shefflers is the most convenient way

How a flower reproduces by air layers

This breeding option is more suitable for already experienced amateur flower growers. For this purpose, roots germinate on the stem part. The stalk itself is not trimmed, but only slightly incised. The area of ​​the notch is wrapped in moss, after which it is covered plastic wrap. Do not allow the section of the cut to dry out... Subject to the technology, after about one and a half or two months, you can get a completely ready shoot with a root system. Such a shoot must be cut off from the parent plant and planted in a separate planting container.

Propagation of room sheffler by seeds

Seed propagation of indoor perennials is not carried out too often, since the culture grows in this case for a long time. Seed propagation should be done in January or February. Seeds should be pretreated in a solution based on any phytohormone. Sowing is carried out at a depth of one and a half meters... Subject to the temperature and humidity conditions, as well as regular ventilation, the seedlings grow steadily.

Seed reproduction of shefflers is not carried out too often, since the culture grows in this case for a long time

Shefflera care at home

Taking care of the plant is not too difficult, but in order to prevent leaves from falling off, as well as to maintain an attractive appearance on long years, it is required not only to form the aboveground part correctly and in a timely manner, but also to observe the cultivation technology. It is important to remember that the culture is poisonous, so care must be taken when leaving.

Lighting, humidity and temperature

The culture requires a lot of diffused lighting, so it is better to put the flower pot on the western or eastern windows. Varieties with green leaves are the least whimsical, so they grow well even in partial shade. Variegated varieties need to provide a brighter spot. The tropical plant is very fond of warm and fairly humid air. The optimum temperature for growing will be at the level of 16-22 ° C. It is required to completely eliminate drafts and hot air flows from heating devices.

Soil and flower pot

When choosing a flower pot, you should give preference to stable planting containers with enough drain holes... The soil for growing must necessarily be fertile and slightly acidic, consisting of 10% medium-grained sifted sand, 20% high-quality humus, 30% leaf land and 40% turf land... Also can be purchased already ready soil for the palm tree.

When choosing a flower pot, you should give preference to stable planting containers with a sufficient number of drainage holes.

The soil in the flower pot must be constantly moist., but without waterlogging, which can cause rotting of the root system. Water for irrigation purposes is used clean and separated, at room temperature. In the summer, it is advisable to use additionally the so-called bottom watering. Fertilizing the crop will only be required at the stage of active growing season, in spring and summer. For feeding, complex or organic fertilizers, which are brought in every two weeks.

Flower shaping by pruning

Shaping is best in early spring using a sharp and well-sanitized knife or garden pruner. You need to cut off all old and obsolete leaves., and extra shoots are removed for splendor.

It is best to form shefflers in early spring.

How to care for an umbrella tree in winter

In winter, all care measures are to provide the plant optimal microclimate... Watering should be reduced, but the soil should be moist. Top dressing during this period is completely excluded. If necessary, spraying of the aboveground part is carried out.

Under what conditions does the plant bloom?

As a rule, flowering of an umbrella tree in indoor floriculture is a rather rare phenomenon. To achieve flowering, it is necessary to strictly observe the regime of watering and feeding, and also provide decorative culture the most comfortable indicators of temperature and humidity in the room.

About transplant shefflers after purchase

You need to transplant the acquired plant in mandatory, since purchased soil is completely unsuitable for permanent cultivation. To properly transplant a plant, you will need to prepare a nutritious soil substrate and a flower pot.

Ordinary garden land is not suitable for these purposes. You can use ready-made soil suitable for growing a palm tree, or you can make a planting mixture yourself, based on sod and leafy soil, humus and sand. Drainage in the form of expanded clay must be poured into the bottom of the flower pot. The transplant is carried out by transferring an earthen coma.

Growing difficulties

The most common reason loss of decorativeness - improper care of the plant. In this case, the leaves of a perennial often turn yellow, the plant throws off foliage or buds, dries up or completely dies. In this case, it is possible to save the ornamental culture by adjusting the temperature and humidity indicators, as well as feeding and watering.

Severe blanching or yellowing of foliage, usually noted with insufficient nutrition

Why does the flower turn yellow

Severe blanching or yellowing of foliage is usually noted with insufficient nutrition. Top dressing allows you to solve the problem complex fertilizers three times a month or every ten days. Particular attention is required to be paid to feeding in spring and summer, at the stage of active growth of the umbrella tree.

What to do if a shefflera drops leaves

If the leaves have dropped or fall in a large number, you need to pay attention to the room temperature. Most often, this phenomenon is noted with improper watering, as well as too low or high temperatures, and with the negative impact of drafts.

We determine the reasons why the leaves of shefflers turn black and curl

With too intensive irrigation measures, as well as the use of poor-quality or cold water for irrigation, the root system rots, and the foliage noticeably changes its color. The leaf plates become covered with numerous spots, turn black, and as a result, the perennial dies. To prevent this, it is imperative to ensure sufficient drainage and to loosen the soil in the flower pot frequently.

How to care for a shefflera (video)

Flower diseases and their treatment

For the prevention of spider mite damage, it is required to pay attention to humidifying the air and periodically spray the crown of the settled warm water... Mass destruction will require the mandatory use of modern chemical insecticides. Compliance with the rules of cultivation will preserve the health and attractiveness of the decorative culture for many years.
