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Why are the dishes beating in the house - is it a bad omen? Why are the dishes in the house beating

Everyone knows that a plate or a cup that breaks by accident promises happiness. But is this always the case? There are many things that dishes in the house break for, so you can't say that a broken bowl will bring good luck.

V popular beliefs there are many nuances by which you can determine what a shattered cup or plate promises. Whether this event will attract happiness, or vice versa, only grief and failure.

Sign about specially broken dishes

If, in a moment of anger, a person breaks a plate or other piece of kitchen utensils on purpose, then he will not see happiness. This is exactly what folk signs say about dishes. According to legends, after this it is worth waiting for a series of financial failures or unexpected financial expenses, which will greatly affect the family budget.

And if a person ignorant of omens, wants to specifically attract good luck and for this purposely breaks a plate, he will also follow reverse effect... Kitchen utensils scattered to pieces will bring happiness only if they were unintentionally broken.

Sign of what the dishes are beating at at the wedding

It is customary to break glasses at a wedding celebration. This promises a happy and rich life, but if you accidentally break a plate or glass at a wedding, the result will be completely different.

If a mother-in-law and mother-in-law have a glass beating during a feast, young people should beware of quarrels and squabbles. If the groom breaks the glass, then this is a warning about possible drunkenness, and the plate cracked in the bride's hands suggests that the marriage may not last long. Fortunately, all these signs can be neutralized. To do this, you need to step on the largest fragment and throw it over your left shoulder. Also there are various conspiracies that protect the young couple from such predictions.

Sign, break dishes for money

If a man accidentally breaks a glass or a cup filled with water, then we can safely talk about what awaits him in financial matters. This sign has long been known to everyone. If a woman accidentally drops a plate on the kitchen floor, and it shatters into pieces, you can also expect cash flow and wealth in the house. Moreover, the smaller the fragments, the faster this happy prediction will come true.

But the cracked plate must be thrown away immediately, as well as the chipped dishes. Keeping such bowls and cups in the house means bringing discord and trouble on yourself and your family members.

The ringing of broken dishes is usually associated with good omens. "Fortunately!" - we console the person who split his favorite cup. "For luck!" - the guests shout, greeting the newlyweds with a shattered plate. At a gypsy wedding, the young people together throw a pot on the stones in order to learn about the strength of the marriage from the shards. On the Jewish groom presses the glass with his heel. And in Italy under New Year old cups, saucers, glasses pound in whole stacks to free up space new luck! But are the beliefs so unambiguously tuned in this regard?

Why are glasses, glasses and glasses beating

Apparently, our ancestors had a useful habit of approaching any business with a soul. Doesn't this explain the whole "encyclopedia of broken dishes", which they left us in signs and sayings? If you believe the ancestors, for a full-fledged prediction, it is not enough to see how another glass or glass with a crash shatters into fragments at your feet. You also need to know whether the vessel was empty or full, crashed by accident or flew into the head of a stinging opponent, fell out of the hands of a respectable businessman or a modest housewife. Every little thing can completely change the meaning of a sign!

What do the signs say if you break a wine glass or glass

A crystal vessel on a long leg, "folded down" during a festive feast, brings joy, success and wealth. And two at once: the one who did not hold it in his hands, and the hero of the occasion. The only exception is a decorated wedding glass, which is accidentally knocked off the table by one of the young people. Here, the signs will not be stingy with evil predictions: they predict squabbles, problems with relatives, and even divorce to newly-made spouses. But an ordinary ordinary wine glass, "blurred" on the floor by accident or on purpose, predicts harmony and harmony for the newlyweds, drives away evil spirits and promises the same amount happy years life together how many pieces will be on the floor. The fragments are also judged on the firstborn of the spouses. Large - a boy will be born, small - a girl.

  • A glass accidentally slipped out of your hand during an ordinary get-together with your girlfriends or at home while washing dishes? The esotericist will immediately realize: you are overwhelmed negative emotions! The subconscious mind is tired of waiting for the owner to deal with the resentment or fears lurking at the bottom of the soul, and began to act independently. By the way, the right decision! In Beijing, for example, there is a special restaurant where visitors can not only eat and drink, but also smash any object from the table against the wall - for the sake of psychological relaxation. Feeling that your nerves are really tense, take a walk to the nearest trash heap with a box of unnecessary glass trifles.

Make wine stain your biggest nuisance

The prediction is considered especially true if there was alcoholic beverage and its splashes settled on your clothes. According to signs, this is a direct sign of mental anguish that you are experiencing or should only be experiencing. And the higher the degree of alcohol, the darker the soul.

  • If the injured vessel was full of water or juice, beliefs suggest: conflict situations happening to you, there is some fault of yours. Control emotions and language.
  • An old, tarnished, chipped vessel in any circumstances breaks to happiness and promises the culprit of its "death" a new thing and great luck. But a new and expensive battle foreshadows conflicts with household members, especially with a soul mate. Who would doubt that…
  • Some see in a thin, crystal-clear glass a symbol of sincerity and purity. It is clear why the destruction of this object is perceived as a sign of loss of trust in relationships, and sometimes a complete break. And the more you believe a bad prediction, the more likely it will come true. In an atmosphere of total suspicion, no feeling will last long.
  • But for lonely, a broken glass without any logic informs about the upcoming ardent romance. And who needs it, this very logic, with such a wonderful prediction ?! Bring yourself to the "combat readiness" and wait for the appearance of the object of future passion.
  • The businessmen were out of luck. "Business sharks" are promised troubles, unplanned expenses, financial losses, unreliable partners and quarrelsome subordinates. In other words, a complete package of troubles. But all the difficulties will be fleeting, will not turn into a collapse for the business, or health problems. Unless the nerves will fray.

Glass or crystal glass

Broken glass is usually a good omen

  • For a long time in Russia it has been considered a good tradition, after a dashing toast, to split a glass on the floor. Perhaps this is an echo of paganism, and the unfortunate little vessel acts as a small "victim" to fate, and possibly a consequence of riotous and drunken merchant feasts in taverns. It is already impossible to establish this now ... and it is not necessary. The main thing is that the injured glass serves as a kind of guarantee: everything good wishes will come true, and each of those present will get their own piece of happiness.
  • It is worse when the glass is accidentally broken by an unmarried girl. Beliefs promise her separation from a young man, and if there is none yet, then sadness and tears.
  • However, this is not the case if the glass breaks while washing the dishes. Here she just informs about the imminent feast - she literally does not want to go to the closet when you have new fun!
  • If the guest is to blame for "damage to property", he cannot avoid a quarrel with the hostess. Of course, it depends on what kind of hostess and what kind of glass. What if you smashed a rare exhibit of the 17th century?
  • Sometimes a stack scattered with glass splashes is considered a sign of imminent loss of health. If this sign came from tavern revelers, there is nothing to be surprised at. How can you feel when from drunk intoxicating drinks the dishes fall out of your hands by themselves?

If a glass breaks accidentally

A broken glass is considered a harbinger of a whole series of failures. To a woman, he broadcasts about the appearance of a rival, who is seriously aiming to take her beloved away from the family. The groom at the wedding warns of future alcohol problems. If a guest breaks the glass, it is believed that he is jealous of the owners: he is downright sleeping and sees how to do nasty things! And if you break the vessel presented to you as a gift, friendship with the donor will crackle at the seams. Only businessmen were lucky, apparently as compensation for bad predictions with a glass. Dropped an empty glass from the table - get ready for the appearance of a new partner, knocked over a full one - wait for a good deal.

You have not the slightest relation to business, but do not want to succumb to the blues about the untimely disappeared dishes? Say: "Where the glass breaks, you live well" and don't worry about the future.

If the glass jar cracks or bursts in your hand

Maybe you have a strong energy?

Mother-in-law at the wedding is best to stay away from thin glass. Signs warn: if the glass itself cracks in the hands of one of them, or, worse, bursts, the young family will be accompanied by strife. They will live in peace with each other - they will quarrel with relatives; They will "build bridges" with their relatives - they will begin to accuse each other of all mortal sins.

If the glass bursts, guests will go around your house for a while. Perhaps this will be due to financial difficulties or an abundance of things that will fall on you, or maybe there simply will not be a worthy reason to get together. It's okay, spend a couple of weeks in peace and quiet. What if you master a new meditation or find yourself an original hobby?

If you break off the leg

The usual signs about a broken-off leg are kept quiet. But one of the wedding fortune-telling invites the bride and groom to simultaneously throw the wine glasses on the ground and see which of them the leg will remain intact. If the groom's glass turned out to be more persistent, the couple will have a son first; lucky bride - a daughter will be born.

Remember once and for all: you cannot keep dishes with chipped handles, cracks and cracks in the house. This is both unaesthetic and unhygienic, and the signs categorically object to unnecessary sentimentality. Followers of the Feng Shui teachings believe that negativity is collected in chips and scratches, which sooner or later will begin to affect your psychological state. And doctors see them as a breeding ground for microbes, because microscopic defects cannot be properly washed out, no matter how hard you try. It is better to get rid of such dishes immediately.

If glasses are constantly beating in the house

Every now and then a dish that shatters into pieces means three things:

  1. Someone from the household would not be bad to stop hovering in the clouds and check coordination.
  2. Too much negativity has accumulated in the apartment, with which it is time to do something. No, we do not invite you to dance with a tambourine, burn cat hair on the flame of a red candle and engage in such nonsense. Better think about what went wrong in relationships with loved ones, and how you can fix the situation.
  3. There really was a negative, but a broken glass or glass took it upon themselves. So, by the way, they argue in Morocco: what crashed, it took the trouble away from home.

But if you yourself are inclined to sort things out with a clash of glasses, you will have to write the complaint to yourself. You personally create an unhealthy atmosphere in your home. Moreover, with each new glass that goes into the garbage bucket, its stocks are only replenished. It's kind of a little burst of hatred and annoyance!

Neutralizing Bad Omens

No sign of true love is terrible!

It seems that there is no such belief for which there would be no "antidote". If you consider yourself one of the suspicious people who cross to the other side of the street when you see black cat and throw salt over your shoulder, it won't hurt to know a couple of methods of neutralization.

  1. Take out the broken dishes during the feast immediately after the guests leave. To be sure, you can bury the fragments, but only farther from home, where neither the playing kids, nor pets will be able to detect them. And try not to cut yourself! Not only does it hurt, it also predicts illness. And what? In the old days, when they did not hear about iodine and green stuff, any cut could turn into infection.
  2. If a glass breaks at a commemoration, the belief requires, without touching the glass with your hands, to sweep the fragments into a newspaper or paper bag, put a treat from the table on top and take the package to the cemetery.
  3. If one of the wedding glasses breaks, break the second immediately. And the glass will burst in the hands of the mother-in-law or the mother-in-law, give the rest of it to the groom. Let him throw it over his left shoulder, and away so that only one crumb remains from the glass troublemaker.
  4. The groom dropped the glass and thus prophesied to himself future binges? The bride should quickly sweep the broken vessel into the scoop, saying: "Accept it does not come true, you, such and such, cannot sleep!"
  5. If in the house more often than usual pots and glasses began to fly to the floor, the ancestors put under the stove or on a half saucer with milk for the Brownie. Perhaps he will get drunk and grow kinder!

An interesting thing these signs! Where it is believed that the glasses fight for happiness, they bring good. Where glass fragments become a cause for excitement and anxiety, and troubles are collected especially willingly. Maybe you should stop worrying about even your most beloved cups, and consider every broken glass a sign of happiness?

Dishes are very important subject in any home. Therefore, there are simply a huge number of signs associated with it. For example, why do dishes break? Fortunately, of course. Probably everyone knows about this. However, this is not always the case. In some situations, broken dishes are a sign of impending trouble.

Why does the dishes break at the wedding

It is believed that at a wedding, dishes break exclusively for happiness.

So, if a plate or a cup scatters into many small fragments, this promises the newlyweds a happy old age. Once upon a time there was a very interesting custom in the villages. The bride, before crossing the threshold of the house of the future husband, had to throw it on the floor. If he broke, this meant that she retained her virginity. If not, then the girl did not save herself. In many areas, on the second day of the wedding, guests began to beat. Similar traditions exist in our time. At a wedding, the groom, and sometimes the groom and the bride together, must break the presented plate of food. According to popular belief, this allows you to leave behind all the failures.

So, don't worry if the dishes break at the wedding. This sign is very good. Although not everywhere they think so. For example, the Scots advise the bride and groom to prepare for different kinds misfortune in the event that the plate touched by the bride breaks to pieces.

Specially broken plates

Of course, in everyday life, dishes beat happiness. However, if the plate was broken in anger, this does not bode well. A series of failures, lack of money and quarrels await you. If a glass, cup or saucer is broken on purpose, but with good intentions (that is, with the words “For luck”), then one can expect a “white strip” in life, all kinds of success and prosperity.

Cracked cups and plates

A plate or a cup that is cracked by itself is not too much. If you notice that this has happened, then you need to prepare for losses and serious troubles. Cracks in the popular understanding are absorbers of energy, and, consequently, good luck and luck. In this case, the answer to the question: "Why are the dishes beating?" obvious - to all sorts of losses.

Why do glass dishes break

If this kind of trouble happened with glass products, this is also not particularly good sign. Knowledgeable people in this case, it is advised to collect all the fragments and throw them out not in the household garbage can, but to take them out directly to the street in trash can... This way you can avoid the troubles that a broken glass cup or glass promises. So, as you can see, the belief “If the dishes break, wait for good luck” is not always true. And with glassware you need to be especially careful.

There are also signs associated with ordinary glasses. Moreover, opinions on this matter are quite contradictory. In some areas, it is believed that a broken glass brings good luck to its owner. There is even a saying: "Where the glass beats, life is good." For example, if such a dish filled with water is dropped from the hands of a businessman, this is good luck in matters related to real estate. But in most cases, such a nuisance that happened to the glass is considered not a very good omen. So, if a woman breaks him, she needs to keep an eye on her fiancé or husband. Perhaps he had a mistress.

What to do with broken dishes

So, the answer to the question of what the dishes are beating to is not as obvious as it might seem at first glance. In any case, you should never use cracked plates, cups, glasses and glasses. The fragments must be immediately collected and thrown away, regardless of whether the object crashed fortunately or in trouble. It is best to wrap them in some unnecessary rag, take them out into the street and throw them out with it. It is believed that in this way all hardships and misfortunes can be removed from the house.

There are an infinite number of folk signs. Someone believes in them unconditionally, someone is skeptical of them. Of course, don't worry too much about your favorite cup suddenly cracking. Most likely, nothing bad will happen. Nature will accept such that they, for the most part, warn of dangers that, if desired, can be prevented. So there is nothing fatal in a dish broken out of place. Well, if an ordinary plate falls and breaks to pieces, you can safely expect prosperity and prosperity. After all, optimism and luck always go hand in hand.

The purpose of the national omen is to warn and protect from trouble. Many teach, but some of them are very positive, pleasing and uplifting.

For the most part, folk signs about broken dishes are just like that. Dishes beating - fortunately... And the larger and more valuable the dishes, the more happiness there will be. And the smaller the pieces - "smithereens" - the better. It seems illogical - the dishes in the house are beating, and we are happy. But folk omen speaks of this, of course, if the dishes are broken by accident.

To break a cup - to acquaintance, a glass - to romantic relationship, and a broken glass vase will attract good luck for as much as 7 years. But there are also dishes that break on purpose - plates and glasses at weddings.

A man looking for a bride, with the help of a plate, can say goodbye to his bachelorhood. The plate must be broken, and the fragments must be carried out of the house and thrown away.

Since ancient times, the Slavs have broken a pot for good luck at a wedding, now a plate. The fragments are collected and counted. Paired fragments - it means that the couple will live in harmony and friendship. One splinter left without a pair - they throw it away, and they shout "bitterly" to the young. It is believed that a kiss destroys all bad things. Paired fragments are collected and stored for a year in the home of the young, and then buried in the field.

On the threshold of the house of the young, a plate is specially broken, symbolizing them future life no quarrels. The smaller the fragments, the better - it means that the young will live together to old age.

Everyone knows perfectly well what the palm of the left hand itches for. But what it itches for left leg or the right heel, few know ...

Sign a pimple on the nose.

Acne on the face tends to always upset us. We are afraid that even a small pimple can ruin the whole appearance ...

In most cases, broken dishes are considered a positive sign and portends happiness, but in practice this is not confirmed in all cases. If the dishes often beat on the same person, this indicates the presence of the evil eye on him. If the damage to the utensils has become more frequent after buying a new home, this is a hint to the owners that they need to make friends with the brownie, leaving him various goodies. In the event that chips form themselves, this is a symbol a large number negative energy in the house that the dishes have absorbed.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under the pillow ..." Read more >>

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    Why do dishes often break?

    If the dishes begin to beat much more often than usual, or chips of unknown origin appear on it, it is necessary to understand in more detail the reasons for such phenomena.

    If kitchen utensils began to be damaged frequently after people started living in a new house, then this is the tricks of the brownie.

    You need to make friends with him. This is quite easy to do: you should leave sweets and milk on the table in the kitchen overnight.

    If among all the members of seven there is one person who constantly breaks dishes, and does this unintentionally, this is Bad sign, which indicates the presence of the evil eye or damage.

    If the dishes burst on their own, this indicates that the apartment has negative and heavy energy. This manifests itself in cases where people often quarrel, there is no mutual understanding and support in the family. The dishes absorb all negative messages, and over time they burst or crack. Thus, the aura in the house is purified.

    Type of kitchen utensils

    An accurate interpretation of the omen is impossible without taking into account the type of dishes and how exactly they were damaged:

    What crashed and how

    Sign value

    Cup on the floor

    The family will soon have positive changes.

    Cup on furniture

    Superstition speaks of the presence of envious people and gossips who are trying in every possible way to ruin a person's reputation and his position in society

    Plate on the floor

    You should expect an invitation to a big celebration or receiving gifts.

    Plate on furniture

    Ahead of a person, unforeseen waste awaits, associated with the approach of a big holiday.

    Transparent plate

    To a quarrel between family members

    Opaque plate

    Sign promises success in all endeavors. For a girl, the fragments of the plate portend an invitation to a romantic date, the young man should expect to grow up the career ladder. Married women you can count on peace and understanding with your husband

    To meeting with old friends, pleasant conversations

    Empty glass

    To a romantic acquaintance that turns into a whirlwind romance

    Glass with a drink

    Man will take on someone else's blame

    Empty glass

    Belief promises a woman a quarrel with a loved one, a man - good luck in all matters, material profit

    Glass with a drink

    Entrepreneurs should expect their businesses to flourish

    Cracked or chipped cup

    To betrayal of one of the spouses. For an unmarried girl, a sign promises an acquaintance with a worthy guy

    Glass cups

    By the beginning of a difficult period in family life... Glass symbolizes the purity of relationships and complete trust that breaks with the dishes. If a glass cup is broken by one of the guests - to a quarrel with the owners of the house.

    For lonely people, a broken circle portends a meeting with their other half.

    Mug of a loved one

    Unfavorable symbol that indicates the presence of a rival

    To stability and prosperity in business

    Soon a large amount will be borrowed from a person

    Ceramic teapot

    For the arrival of relatives from afar

    Baby cup

    A sign speaks of the presence of the evil eye on a child

    Empty salt shaker

    To achieve this goal, you will have to overcome many obstacles.

    Full salt shaker

    To unnecessary worries and worries

    Empty sugar bowl

    To a calm and measured life

    Full sugar bowl

    Big profits, lottery winnings, inheritance

    The dishes are cracked (burst)Cracked cookware is considered a bad sign. He says that soon, in almost all spheres of a person's life, troubles should be expected. Failures at work, in personal life, financial difficulties, health problems can be observed

    Where and when did the dishes break?

    For an accurate interpretation of superstition, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the type of broken kitchen utensils, but also to the place in which it happened:

    Where did the dishes break

    Sign value

    In someone else's house

    To the breakdown of relations with the owners of the home

    In your house (someone else's dishes)

    A sign speaks of the presence of an evil eye or damage

    Breaking a plate at a party means taking away some of the negative energy of the owners of the house.

    At work

    A cracked mug promises an unpleasant conversation or a reprimand from the authorities

    At the door in the hallway

    A symbol that warns of the presence of the evil eye. You should limit communication with unpleasant people and light a candle for health in church.

    Under the table

    To unforeseen waste

    To positive changes in human life

    In the bedroom

    To health problems or other half

    For an accurate interpretation, it is important to pay attention to the circumstances under which the trouble occurred:

    When the dishes are broken

    Interpretation of signs

    On the eve of the New Year, Christmas, Epiphany

    An accidentally broken plate suggests that a person is not in danger of health problems throughout the next year. If an unpleasant incident with the dishes occurred in one of the large church holidays, it bodes well for all family members


    To break a saucer on this day - to unexpected changes in life, improvement of material well-being

    During a quarrel

    To insults, disappointments and omissions

    At the funeral

    If the dishes broke during the funeral, it bodes well and good luck, after the procession - good news from afar.

    At the commemoration

    A sign that speaks of the presence of the soul of the deceased nearby. Do not be afraid - this is an omen that a person will soon find lost thing

    The meaning of signs for people of different sex, age, marital status

    Happy interpretations of superstition:

    • If an unmarried girl breaks the dishes, it means that soon she will receive the coveted marriage proposal.
    • A sign promises a young man rapid career growth and improved material well-being.

    Adverse Interpretations:

    • For a married woman, belief promises a deterioration in relations with her husband. Family idyll can be disrupted due to everyday problems or the appearance of an insidious rival.
    • If a married man breaks a plate, he should expect trouble at work.
    • For elderly people, a sign predicts unforeseen expenses and a deterioration in financial situation.
    • For people in a relationship, breaking a transparent glass dish means losing the trust of the other half, which will not be easy to regain.

    Interpretation by day of the week

    The meaning of superstition can change dramatically depending on which day of the week the kitchenware item crashed:

    • Monday- a person can count on great luck throughout the week.
    • Tuesday- to unexpected news or receipt of monetary profit.
    • Wednesday- a conflict with bosses or business partners is possible, which will lead to a deterioration in material well-being.
    • Thursday- to a series of minor troubles.
    • Friday- a sign promises to receive a pleasant surprise.
    • Saturday- for the arrival of a large number of guests.
    • Sunday- to quarrels and quarrels between family members.

    Wedding rituals

    On the wedding day, the newlyweds are specially given a large plate, which they must break. If the dishes are scattered into small pieces, the marriage promises to be happy and strong. After that, the witness and the witness must collect all the pieces and count. If the number of shards is even, this is an auspicious sign. If not, problems await the family.

    To neutralize the negative meaning of the omen, the newlyweds should throw out one piece and kiss hard. The shard bundle is kept throughout the next year. It will serve as a symbolic talisman against quarrels. A year later, the fragments need to be buried in the ground, since they have already fulfilled their mission and helped to survive the first, most difficult year of family life.

    If the plate is split into two parts or the bride herself accidentally dropped the dishes that she was holding in her hands, this is an unfavorable sign. He says that soon the husband will have a mistress.

    In this case, the bride must find the most big piece a broken plate and strongly step on it. This will help "destroy" the opponent in advance. If the groom's dishes break during the wedding ceremony, this is a sign that he will suffer from alcoholism.

    Other interpretations

    The sign of broken dishes has many other, no less interesting interpretations:

    • If new kitchen utensils have been damaged, this indicates the presence of the evil eye on the person.
    • If a plate of food is broken, this is an extremely negative sign. For a woman, this is a symbol that she can become a widow.
    • If the plate broke at the moment when the wife passed it to her husband, this indicates that the man has a mistress.
    • Broken dishes before childbirth is a positive sign. It foreshadows the easy process of giving birth to a baby.
    • Damaging dishes during pregnancy is a pleasant surprise.
    • If the defect appeared before the departure of the person, he should cancel the trip for a while.

    If the dishes are beating daily, the omen warns of big troubles.

    Why can't you store and eat utensils with defects?

    Broken dishes must not be stored. As soon as there is a trouble with the kitchen utensils, they must be immediately carefully taken out of the house, having checked before that all the far corners of the room for the presence of the smallest parts of the utensils.

    If the dishes are broken late in the evening, take them out in the morning.

    There are many tips on how to glue crockery pieces together or even make decor or decorations out of broken plate pieces. This categorically cannot be done, even if the omen portends good: such objects will cause big quarrels, scandals, clarification of relations over trifles.

    If chips have formed, but the person will continue to store the dishes at home, this will rob him of his luck and well-being. In life, big trouble will immediately begin. In addition, the storage of broken things threatens the development of new or exacerbation of chronic diseases.

    You cannot eat from broken dishes. Eating food from a plate with a defect will lead to poverty and a deterioration in the material well-being of the family. Drinking tea or coffee from a damaged cup on a regular basis can attract loneliness. This meaning of the sign applies not only unmarried girls but also couples.

    What to do to avoid trouble?

    There are several proven methods that will help to neutralize Negative influence superstition:

    • To avoid troubles in your personal life, as well as financial problems, you can throw broken dishes in the trash can. However, it is better to collect the fragments into a clean cloth and take them to the wasteland and leave them there, saying the following words: "As white falls on black, so the bad side will bypass it, it will not happen. Happiness will come to the house, it will happen."
    • If dishes with cracks appear in the house, it is necessary to carry out a ceremony to neutralize the harmful effects of what happened. The utensils must be placed on an empty table without a tablecloth. Then light a candle white, take her in right hand and direct the flame towards the crack so that the molten wax drips onto the damaged area. In this case, the same words are pronounced as in the first case. The plot is read until the wax completely fills the chip.