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What years happy for rat. Personal qualities of a man born in the year of the rat. People Born in Rat Year: Compatibility

Rat in life is a cheerful and absolutely happy man surrounding her people respect her and appreciate friendship with her, and she with amazing ease with them. Close people are cozy and good next to this person. She is Mudra, they often turn to her advice for advice, because people tend to believe the rat, telling her about their troubles, revealing their secrets.

This man with his inexhaustible source of ideas, in achieving his goal is ready to work much and hard. It is a pity that sometimes she lacks strength and self-confidence to make these ideas in life. If in the youth of the rat gained a sense of confidence and their own dignity, then she can live their lives easily.

Born under this sign are very observational and love to memorize all the events that occur around it, or with its participation. This year, many world famous writers and journalists were born. Rats in the liking work that provides for communication, it is more collective worker than an individual. If this person learn to avoid the problems of unnecessary problems, then the young generation will be able to teach the cat's old age.

Rat can be a narcissistic egoist, such a person loves to be the center of attention, but in the opposite environment of the office frames can become ordinary pedant. For any opportunity to improve your financial situation, it is enough quickly and tenaciously. These people are reasonably applied to earned funds, they love money, they may even go for meanness for

She likes to take care of his partner and children, she is generous with them, as is tolerant to her parents. But the rat is always not off. Since it cannot be called generous, rather, on the contrary, she will never refuse invitations to a free dinner, will not refuse darm tickets to the movies, even if it is not going to go there.

On her life path, she will have a complete doubt about the people with whom she will create a joint business, but rats, on the contrary, should be held from such people away.

Next year rat 2020!

Rat characteristic

Chinese sign name: Shu

Sign of the Chinese Zodiac: First

Time: 23:00 - 1:00

Western Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Element: Water

Positive features in the rat:

These people are charming and friendly, they are favorable, flexible in communication and just smart, energetic and observed, they have a living imagination, they have a sense of tact.

Negative features at the rat:

Excessively calculating and greedy people, their egoists and excessive ambitions are combined with impulsiveness and children's naivety, love to manipulate people.

Find out what year rats you were born, your relatives, friends, who from this animal ruled the year, and who will manage in the future ...

These are charming and partly confident people, they are given from nature such quality, how to quickly notice new opportunities. Sometimes they have too hastily change their point of view, which looks in the eyes of others like the inconstancy of the rat and its desire to adapt to the situation.

With all the ability of this person, it is clearly and clearly expressing his thoughts, they need to remember that sometimes they are, rude and tactless to the interlocutor, as unrestrained. Gossip and intrigue - the right satellites of rat life.

A woman who was born under this sign is talented and business, with a living mind. Rat Woman is very sociable, she will invite her like a man without a special "rich" and will quickly put him in bed.

It is important for her to look good, she gladly makes purchases, they have a special pleasure to have wholesale purchases, because it saves what it satisfies his leaning nature. She will love not only her family and housing, but also all close relatives, for everyone she will have time, all will pay attention to everything.

Horoscope compatibility signs of the zodiac

A man born in the year of the rat, endowed with a developed imagination, can sometimes be a creator, but more often he is an excellent critic, listening to his advice is very useful.

When is the year of rat?

Rat years: 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008.

The rat is considered an active keeper of the gene pool of mankind; She is a symbol of constant concern, hidden under the mask of external calm.

One of the main reasons for the vital success of people born in the year of rat, lies in their ability to keep both their own and other people's business secrets and personal secrets.

In addition, living the present and its capabilities, they never forget to think about the future and make an inck to any reserves.

In the year of rats make savings for the future; Read good books that will be published; Expect political surprises.

Good year for rats, bulls, dragons, monkeys and pigs; Bad year for tigers, rabbits, horses, goats and roosters; Neutral year for snakes and dogs.

Rat on a horoscope: what kind of man is she?

As a rule, a person has a pleasant appearance, it is endowed with charm and charm, attractive, purposeful, hardworking and neat before pedanticity.

At the same time, the rat is aggressive, and although at first glance it seems calm, balanced and cheerful - do not believe it.

In fact, the man of the year's rat is in constant excitement, she is nervous and restless, easily flows into anger. Its fully can be called the creator of chaos and confusion, in any case, she is a scandalist.

The rat is honest and open, but at the same time willingly sucks in a warm company. He loves the gathering, never trusts anyone, but he doesn't chat about her concerns. Of all, seeks to benefit and profit.

It is constantly driving his charm of the rat, and often abuses them.

Rats can succeed in financial affairs, in politics, become popular artists. They are more willing to work mental, rather than physical. Usually a lot achieved in life.

The rat is charming. This is the first and most important fact that needs to be remembered, partly for this reason so easily fall in love with this particularly energetic and active person born in the year of the rat.

His love is deep, she delays and gives everything - at least for a while.

However, to say that rat is not able to be a bit of non-permanent, it means that to allow the same inaccuracy, which from time to time will slip in the words of the rat.

Meanwhile, it is very difficult not to react to compliments that are inclined to embroider rats.

The rats born in the year are easier than others can charm, their words are like warm, fluid honey: as sweet and as powerful as the strongest wine.

If a person born in the year of rat wants to give his attention, it is impossible to resist, so you will at least not doubt the feelings of your potential partner.

And at the same time, the rat is not inclined to insist on compliance with the formalities, regardless of what you think about this, so if you are too modest, you can be under low pressure from its side.

The rat for you will dominate everything, but do not be surprised if she wants to win in everything and you.

The point is not that this person is unable to recognize the individual beginning for you, just a combat instinct is laid in his nature and forces it to always be first.

You will succeed, if from the very beginning, give you to understand about your feelings. At least after this rat can never say that you did not do this.

The second part of the life of the rat is usually stormy, and the old age is calm as much as possible. But it all depends on whether the rat was born in summer or in winter. If in the summer, then she will have to search for food.

Horoscope rat character

This person has a lot of vital energy, although its most is spent on more routine sides of life, and only small - on those necessary little things that make relations stronger.

Rat on a horoscope is capable of great success, although it is as likely to patient Fiasco. Even the collapse will not break the ever-optimistic rat, which will simply begin all first most likely as confident in itself, as before.

It is not so difficult to understand that the rat is not so difficult, as well as to love it if its qualities correspond to your personal preferences.

Rat on a horoscope is able to ignite the fire of love almost in any other sign, and, of course, it is very romantic.

At the same time, the rat can forget you pretty quickly, as much depends on its life on what is happening in other areas, because for her in days is always too little clock.

It is very important for her to get along with neighbors, but only in order to compare ourselves with them and judge the level of success achieved.

The surrounding often consider the people of the year of the rat overly loving.

However, if there are no purely karmic debt on the love part, the behavior of such people in intimate life is always distinguished by practicality and never go to the detriment of their own interests.

The worst representatives of this year (both men and women) are often ready to break someone else's life for their own pleasure and, alas, they do not disappear by building their own happiness on someone else's misfortune.

The rat quickly tired of the measured and traditional life and prefers changes and a variety wherever possible, including in bed.

Of course, we all know how dangerous it can be today, and this lifestyle really has a number of shortcomings in comparison with more sustainable and permanent relations.

Then, if you rushed your gaze in the direction of the one who was born in the year of the rats you are on the right track, because in this case there will be no changes around you that will not lead to anything.

Sex for the people of the year rat. First, remember that the rats born in the year are large diversity lovers and can create it very easily.

One thing that should endlessly revive your sex life, although do not expect that the numerous roots of the rat will be limited to the bedroom - not at all.

If your rust partner is somewhat typical, then you can expect sex both in a closed room and in nature, in any possible hour of the day or night and probably when you feel the least.

All this you will have, but real difficulties will begin not when the rat will require your sexual attention, and when it stops so.

If this happens, there should be alarm alarm in your head, in response to which you should have time to do something seductive, so that the rat leaves your cage for the other.

All rats, men and women, good sexy appetite, though, as this is an intelligent sign, you must remember that rat appetite can be both mental and physical.

Therefore, fantasy plays an important role in the rat's life, which is true both in sex and in any other sphere of life.

Years of rats and their elements

Time of domination

Jan or Yin

Water Element Rat

A rather pleasant person, because the natural friendliness of the rat is intensified due to the presence of water.

The rat of the elements of the water knows exactly what he wants from life that it is not always possible to say about other fellow elements.

If the subject of its desire is, you will soon be surrounded by a pleasant and a little old-fashioned attention, roses will come into your life and all the richness of the heart of the rat.

The nature of the Element Water is brave and honest (honest as much as an honest man, born in the year of rat).

It will certainly try to make such a strong impression that you lose the soil under your feet and soon find yourself in a position that the rat with her rather arranged is most likely.

Although the water rat requires attention to it, it is probably the easiest way to fall in love, because it has so many positive characteristics that sometimes they seem too good to be true.

In this case, we say that this is a person who is definitely able to succeed, although not to the extent as some other rats. But in the quality of compensation, he received charm and a sense of humor, making life with him an unusually interesting.

Never underestimate the strong intuition of the water rat and its poetic nature, developed stronger than that of ordinary rats.

It would be fair to note that the rat is a healthy temperament and that it does not tolerate fools. If you are ready to offer her yourself without a residue, you can hardly lose something other than your prohibitions. This man should be learn closer.

Rat Element Wood

  • It should be said that the rat is one of the most cute liars in the whole Chinese zoo.
  • All rats are charming and are quite capable of persuading the crow to pick up the cheese from Beak.
  • But what can sometimes cause doubts, so this sincerity is their efforts, because after you turn your back to them, they may well begin to speak the same words to other people.
  • If there are exceptions to this rule, this is a rat of the elements of the tree, more than others are inclined to keep loyalty to one partner (at least not to start a second one). In general, it is much more reliable than most other rats.
  • All rats are generous, and this is especially true in the case when the character is controlled by a tree.
  • However, the generosity of the wooden rat is to take a look in more detail, since it is also able to succeed in the financial sphere. The point is not that she wants to deceive anyone.
  • The emery rat rat chooses very carefully, and in exchange for money or effort wants to get a good price. This means that at the beginning of the relationship it can attract hunt, but since it is only half of the desired, complaints about her behavior usually do not come.
  • Perhaps, in this case, the rat has a slightly less active imagination, but, on the other hand, it is compensated by a great constancy.
  • For many potential partners, this exchange may seem quite reasonable. But I will not mislead you. Wooden rat is active, enterprising, is always ready to be romantic and has no energy reserves for a minute

Rat Earth's Earth

  • It is necessary to understand that all rats are active, sociable and are always on the way to something more. However, if there are exceptions to this rule in the family of rats, they relate to the number of earthen rats, by their nature more cautious and constant.
  • Of course, they are not deprived of the ability to achieve their in life, characteristic of all representatives of the rat clan, although an earthy rat for achieving a welcome target will have to work longer and harder.
  • In addition, the rat of the Earth's Earth will longer enjoy the fruits of the achieved success.
  • As for deeper relations, they may only occur if you often see the rat, and it is so busy with your work, which instantly disappears from this scene.
  • Earth rats are capable of sincerity and give you less likely than other rats.
  • They will be good parents, ready to be happy to create a happy family. Of course, all this does not matter if you do not recognize an earthen rat closer, so I advise you not only to live, but also work with her.
  • So at least you will have the opportunity to talk to it from time to time, and it will be better understood. In general, this is a very positive person who will most likely be nice to see nearby.

Rat Element Metal

  • Regardless of whether we have a deal with a man or a woman, with their character will have to be considered. All rats are able to achieve the desired, but the metal rat is even better, than other varieties of the rat kingdom.
  • Her tongue is suspended very well, and she will not lose on the first date.
  • However, to move it on something other than flirting or a short novel, it will not be so simple, since the rat of the echo the metal loves independence and prefers to be at the helm in any situation.
  • It is inherent in a huge sense of own importance, so from early morning until late evening the metal rat is occupied, she always has another "big project", which must be engaged.
  • At the same time, the rat is capable of achieving material success even after a rather not impressive start.
  • Some will say that the rat is not enough integrity and moral rod, although in relation to it it is not entirely true.
  • It possesses magnetism, so it will be difficult to unlucky, and the ability to live in the forefront of what is happening that it will be sufficient to every potential partner.
  • It is doubtful that you will ever be able to understand the metal rat so deep as you would like, because the nature of this person is constantly changing depending on the circumstances.
  • Rat Element Metal is a good lover, although in the depths of the soul it usually worries something more important, so it will be difficult to bind it to something.
  • It is always important for her to make the impression, it is successful to joke, because the rats are famous for their sense of humor. Metal rats are usually very good and looking sexually. They are charming and active.

Rat Element Fire

  • The main area of \u200b\u200bfire, in this case, is apparently located in the tail of the rat, because its speed and agility lie in almost the limits of understanding.
  • It is a born vehicle seller, and ready, if it is necessary, to convince you to buy her goods in any atmosphere.
  • If the fear of the fire is engaged in finding a partner for living together or just for flirting and her gaze stopped at you, get ready to hear recognition in unearthly love, which no mortal could dream about.
  • You fall in love with it or not, depends in many respects if you plan to buy a new car in the near future!
  • As our grandmothers often say, "the words on the bread are not smeared", and this is exactly the advice to which it is worth listening in this case.
  • However, one should not immediately believe that the fiery rat is superficial. All rats are capable of sincere and strong love and are usually sufficiently successful in order to get the desired one.
  • Mr. Rat Element Fire By nature can be quite jealous, but will not be ready for what you will show the same feelings.
  • The attention of Miss Fire Rat will attract almost any socially significant event, and, to be honest, you need a permanent care.
  • In life, it is always well to know in advance that you will get in the future, but in case of a fiery rat, it is so difficult to look for the barrier from words and numerous bouquets of roses, which, before you decide on a serious relationship with it, you need to think carefully.
  • It is best to pull the time and not to succumb from the first minute of her charm. At least in this case you will have the opportunity to learn the fiery rat better and take a thoughtful solution.
  • The worst fiery rats are not from those who appear in front of you regularly. Such people do not play with your emotions, they pose them as clay!

Once in 12 years of rat comes. In the West, this animal does not like and relate to him with suspicion. Any business is east. Here, the rat is considered clever and brave animals, it is honored and legends about it.

The motto of rats "I manage", and it is she opens a 12-year-old cycle of an eastern horoscope. What brings the year of the rat, what years does this tricky beast be under control? Sign symbolizes the beginning, awakening, spring. Corresponds to the fiery element and the male nature yang.

Rat Color - Black, Her Time - Night, Element - Water, Direction - North.

The year of the rat is quite successful for the start of new cases, great accomplishments and struggle for expanding influence. Success During this period, strong and cunning people who have perseverance, excerpt and good composure are achieved.

This is a great time to invest, the acquisition of real estate, signing long-term contracts.

For married couples, this is the most favorable period for the task of the family course, creating savings and ensuring the future of their children.

The year of the rat will also affect politics and the economy. What years in the political and economic life of society are remembered by radical changes, loud scandals, meaningful events? Of course, under the sign of the rat, especially fiery.

The rats issued in the year, most likely, will not replenish the ranks of world bestsellers. The period is unsuccessful for the end of scientific works, literary works, to complete learning.

Born in the year rat

What years do the world give people who can like everyone? Charming "rodents" are able to find keys to any heart. Moreover, rats are vitally important to love them. They are open, initiatives, possess

And men and women rats are sexy and artistic, and skillfully use it. Rats love society, they have many buddies, although almost no. Their true feelings and problems are deeply inside, see them difficult.

Rats of freedom-loving and talented. The ability to unconvently think, neglecting canons and a tendency to creativity make many excellent musicians, poets and writers. The literary community is rightly proud of such bright representatives of the "rat race" as William Shakespeare and Lion Tolstoy. And the brilliant music of Mozart, Rossini and Tchaikovsky likes almost everyone.

Rats manits their elements, they love water. It can be expressed both in the weekly campaigns to the pool and in the dedication of the profession of the oceanologist or the navigator.

Rats are poorly transferred loneliness, but in marriage is inconsistent. Men strive for new victories on a love front, and women crave fresh bright emotions. But if the practical careful rat will truly fall in love, it becomes generous and selfless. If love is not mutual, it can destroy the rat of life.

Five elements

What is characterized by the year of the rat, what years fall on five different elements, and what are the differences within this sign? Five elements are five elements that impose a print on the fate and character of every person.

Depending on the year of birth, the rat may be the following varieties:

The eastern calendar is alternating animals every 12 years, accompanied by five color elements, which ultimately acquires a picture of the sixty-year-old cycle. The year of the rat is the opening link of this calendar, and it is assumed that no accident. In Russia and in European states, the image of the rat is compared with something bad, something that causes harm. And in the eastern countries, the rat acts as a deity, bringing happiness and material benefit of people.

Characteristics of the personality of people born in the year of the rat

People born this year are Charismatic and charming personality. In general, such people are internally contradictory: for example, they are shepherd and generous. The first impression of a meeting with them makes it clear that they are funny, good-natured, can support any conversation. In any activity, they show excessive activity, and at the expense of a large vital energy, they can even "minimize the mountains."

But if you know the inner world of this person closer, then there is a completely different picture. The fact that they are experiencing inside can be correlated to choleric temperament, namely: anxiety, impatience, impermanence, impassableness and increased excitability. Such people have the ability to make manipulations over people and use them for their benefits. They consider themselves right in everything and demand from the surrounding society (colleagues, relatives, close, etc.) always listen to their opinion, the most commonly rejected by people.

The rats born in the year most often become wonderful speakers or politicians, as they own magnetic abilities, thanks to which they are putting the audience.

What born born in the rat

The year of the rat, what born years of birth:

  • 1900, 1960, 2020 - Metal rat;
  • 1912, 1972, 2032 - Water;
  • 1924, 1984 - Wooden rat;
  • 1936, 1996 - fiery;
  • 1948, 2008 - Earthwood rat.

Famous people born under the Sign of the Rat: Antoine Saint-Exupery, Margaret Mitchell, Konstantin Kryukov, Gerard Depardieu, Jean Reno, Vladimir Vinokur, Gwyneth Paltrow, Andrei Gaidulan, Juliana Moore, Antonio Banderas, Ashley Simpson, Chloe Kardashian, Duyen Johnson, Jean -Lod Van Damme, Scarlet Johansson, Daria Darlanedova, Harry Wales, Villa Haapasalo, Svetlana Permyakova, Katy Perry, Eminem, Mark Zuckerberg, Avril Lavin, Cameron Diaz, Ekaterina Varnava, Maria Kozhevnikova, Cristiano Ronaldo, Pavel Durov, Ilya Mlinnikov, Tina Karol, Lion Tolstoy, Maxim Vitorgan and many others.

Characteristic features of the sign on the elements

Metal rat It differs from others to their zeal and volitional qualities that help to achieve considerable heights seem to be a career or relationship. For no accident, it is called metal, since it is characterized by stiffness and composure in relation to the whole society (a team, close to relatives). But not everything is so bad, as it seems at first glance. A man born under this sign is capable of creating comfort in his house, filling his harmony. If he chooses a person as his life satellite as a satellite, which is much stronger in spirit, then these relationships are doomed to success. Through such relations, the metal rat becomes softer and more loyfully refers to others.

Water rat It has a distinctive intuition, which simplifies her life. It can predict what the outcome will end the case or instantly calculate when it is injected into deception. It is also capable of non-standard thinking, the ability to convince any special efforts in anything else, and is inclined to a high level of intelligence. Sometimes people born this year can sacrifice themselves for the sake of the benefit of other people, which is their negative feature. They are poorly unauthorized, mostly closed and rarely admit others to their circle of trust. Only after the detailed "selection" of candidates for satellites of life, "weighing everything and cons", they will be able to tie their lives with anyone.

Wooden rat It is a creative nature. It has a good imagination, which helps her create masterpieces or perform complex acting roles. She is confident in herself and in what she is doing. But it is in constant search, whether it is an activity or relationship that most often negatively affects her life. It is irrationally disposed of money: can spend all its funds and stay without anything. People born under this sign, extraordinary and fairly complex individuals, their character is able to endure not everyone. On the fact of their uncertainty, they are forced to start several relationships at the same time, so it is difficult for them to create a family and the future as a whole.

The fiery absolutely justifies its name. In her veins, the vital energy boils and boil. Due to this, it is purposefully and with zeal is always achieving what wishes. Emotions sometimes take the top over the mind, so in difficult situations it can serve as a utopia for this sign. The man born this year believes that he has superiority over other people, which ultimately can lead to the breakdown of a career or relationship. Such a person is inconsistent, can easily endure changes, positive or negative. Because of this feature, he has a bad person with a personal life: he is not subject to affection for one particular person.

Earth rat - True workaholic. It is distinguished by its prerequisite and diligence. Any business is suitable with serious intentions and always brings it to the end, which in the future leads almost always to success. The ambitiousness of people born in the year of the earthwood rat, not only helps them, but can also give the opposite result: for example, in relation to other people, they rarely inferior, inconspicuous and do not know how to find points of contact. In relations, these people are stable, can seek their partner for years, as the patient inherent in them.

Rat Year: Women's Characteristics

In the horoscope rat, the characteristic of a woman is as follows: It is excessively sociable, experiencing a constant desire to find new interpersonal contacts. She is unusually charming and haragratic, people attract, as if possesses magnetic abilities. Its ethical norms (competently delivered speech, etc.) entirely and completely crush the society in which it is located.

As many astrology experts say, the rat has a male image, therefore men's rats are often observed with male qualities. She is determined, strong in spirit, has a good willpower. She is ready to go to battle even with the most confused by anyone from men difficulties. Such a woman wants to be independent of a man, and therefore she is trying in every way to be on the same level or better than a man.

Woman rat. It gives much time to your appearance in order not to look in front of the world around. But in turn she loves to criticize others, because of what she has no close friends.

The personal life of this woman is quite favorable. She understands and provides support for her husband, but in return, he should treat condescendingly to its frequent mood shifts and it is always imposing his personal opinion (even when it is not appropriate). The house fills harmony and comfort.

Description of a male rat

Man born under this sign, differs from the others with its cleanliness, hard work, non-standard thinking and, most importantly, he is capable of long patience. Such a man quickly adapts to the conditions that have developed due to certain circumstances. He patient in relation to any pain, as it has a strong spirit.

In addition, he has a well-developed intuition, thanks to which he can predict the result or discern exactly how a person treats him. From the surrounding he hides his feelings, experiences and fear so as not to be in their eyes weak. Therefore, it treats a negative way to criticism. A man-rat, as well as a female rat, has charismatic and attractive appearance.

Male Rat CommunicableDue to what has many friends. They listened to their opinion very rarely, as he is clearly sure that he is completely right. Therefore, if such a man decided to convince or dissuade him will be impartially.

In the personal life of a man-rat manifests cold to his chosen. It is not capable of tenderness, as well as romantic actions, it is also no need to wait. But the family means a lot for him, he is ready to turn the Mountains, just all family members were satisfied. The search for a life companion is difficult for him, since he has sharp mood differences, accompanied by aggressiveness, and this not every woman can withstand.

Positive and negative sides of rats



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\u003e Rat Year

The charming view and charismaticity are distinguishing features of the character of people who were born in the year of the rat.

Rat Year: 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032, 2044.

Year rats what years

Thanks to the table below, you will be able to find out when there will be a year of rat and in what numbers, in the power of which element it will be and what year will be next after the rat.

date Element
January 31, 1900 - February 18, 1901 Metal rat
February 18, 1912 - February 5, 1913 Water rat
February 5, 1924 - January 23, 1925 Wooden rat
January 24, 1936 - February 10, 1937 Fire rat
February 10, 1948 - January 28, 1949 Earth rat
January 28, 1960 - February 14, 1961 Metal rat
February 15, 1972 - February 2, 1973 Water rat
February 2, 1984 - 19 February 1985 Wooden rat
February 19, 1996 - February 6, 1997 Fire rat
February 7, 2008 - January 25, 2009 Earth rat
January 25, 2020 - February 11 2021 Metal rat
February 11, 2032 - January 30, 2033 Water rat
January 30, 2044 - February 16 2045 Wooden rat

Now you know what year the year of the rat and will be able to answer 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032, 2044, someone or what animal on the Eastern calendar.

Rat characteristic

What brings good luck:

  • Happy numbers: 2, 3 and numbers containing them
  • Happy days: 4th and 13th chinese moon month
  • Happy colors: Blue, Golden, Green
  • Happy flowers: Lily, African violet
  • Happy directions: West, North-West and Southwest
  • Happy months: 2nd, 5th and 9th months of the Chinese lunar calendar

What fails:

  • Unfortunate colors: Yellow, brown
  • Unfortunate numbers: 5 and 9
  • Unhappy directions: South and Southeast
  • Unhappy months: 4th, 10th and 12th months of the Chinese lunar calendar

The rat symbolizes the realism and the ability to quickly adapt to new conditions. This is a loving, talented and gifted sign. People born in concrete years are distinguished by an attractive appearance, talent to artistic art, perseverance and the ability to sick.

These are smart and educated personalities, configured to high social and material status. Possess natural magnetism and inner charming. Conquer people with charm, communicability and charming.

However, it is worth noting the shortcomings, because the rat is greedy, nervous and experiencing in small reasons. Born in the fall and winter get used to constantly save and postpone. But spring and summer signs are distinguished by the tendency to excessive spending, frivolousness and ability to live for someone else's account.

Positive traits character

High level adaptation, insight and powerful intuition. Sometimes the rat is surprised, because they manage to scribble on the top there, where no one can cope. These are romance, interesting interlocutors, attractive lovers. They conquer the hearts with charismaticness, eloquence and talents. They are also distinguished by ambitious, high intelligence, meticulousness and perseverance.

Negative character traits

Rat is an incredibly tricky sign, which is why it becomes easily a manipulator. But cynicity and composure deteriorate even more much more. Avenue makes it for a long time to remember the resentment and obliges to take revenge on the offender. At the same time, a person will behave as ruthlessly and uncompromisingly. He loves to gossip and weave intrigue.

If the year fell a year, try to accumulate money, live in economy mode and constantly improve the situation around yourself. You can travel and move, because you will quickly get used in the new conditions. Year allows you to start a large-scale repair or buy real estate. The horoscope motivates to look for a couple and be vigilant, because there are plenty of gossip and intrigued around.

This year won rat, bull, dragon, monkey and pig. An unfavorable period for tiger, rabbit, horses, goats and roosters. But the snake and dog has a neutral situation.

Famous people

The rat has become a birthmark for William Shakespeare, Charlotte Bronte, Prince Charles, Thomas Hardy, George G. Bush Peter I, Gwyneth Paltrow, Cameron Diaz and Lion Tolstoy.

Fellows rating

Rat type Year of birth Characteristic
Wooden rat 1924, 1984, 2044 Independent, confident, virtuous and talented, can work in a team
Fire rat 1936, 1996 Energetic, brave, calm, sincere and friendly with its loved ones, but very demanding
Earth rat 1948, 2008 Kind, honest, flexible, modest, serious, with self-esteem
Golden (metallic) rat 1960, 2020 Smart, talented, hot-tempered, jealous, with a developed sense of self-awareness
Water rat 1912, 1972, 2032 Talkative, insightful, conservative and wise

Year of black (blue) water rat

Characterized by invitation and incredible romanticity. These are emotional and purposeful personalities capable of attracting the attention of any person. It feels the most freely in love, and powerful intuition allows you to guess the desire of the second half.

In terms of career, it does not experience so ambitious messages as the rest of the rats. However, it still manages to achieve the goals. Love and creativity are the main interests. The water rat is distinguished by restrained behavior and the ability to remain cold-blooded in critical situations.

Green Wooden Rat

We have a permanent, devoted and stable person, deprived of stability in a romantic plan. Such a rat is famous for practicality, reliability, prudence and predominance of reason over fantasies. The tendency to romance obeys the enterprise. This is an incredibly devotee and generous friend.

Yellow Rat Year

The characteristic of this sign includes caution, hard work and perseverance. There is ambitiousness, but it is not so much, like other rats of rats. Appreciates your own achievements and everything is achieved at the expense of hardness and perseverance. In priority there will always be family members and related ties. This is a positive person and a reliable partner enjoying life.

A year of white metal rat

The metal indicates that such a rat is distinguished by vulnerability in terms of pride, extreme target, ambitiousness and love for money. The rat dreams to get rich, which pushes it to large projects, workolism and constant self-improvement. This is an active and attractive person seeking to realize himself in society. This is an unpredictable sign, whose deeds are difficult to calculate.

Year of the Red Fire Rat

Among all the rat representatives are the most unpredictable and wayward. It behaves extremely actively in all life spheres, and powerful intuition and enterprise allow us to succeed on a professional field.

These are talented manipulators who know how to achieve the desire and other tricks. There are problems with loyalty to love and the ability to restrain the word. But these are interesting interlocutors and beautiful jokers who know how to brighten the life of others.

Rat compatibility with other signs

We bring to your attention a unique service with which you can check your compatibility on the Eastern calendar:

Rat Bull Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog CabAN

Choose other signs

The overall compatibility of the rat without specifying the floor is below.

Rat and rat.

In love, two rats will be incredibly tender relationship - they will simply swim in love and tenderness! Since all sorts of funny sides of their obvious rivalry are possible, the shades and quarrel should be avoided. Is friendship possible between rats? Undoubtedly yes. But for this they will have to fight with the temptation to make each other even the smallest nasty. They can also be excellent business partners, they will succeed in the form of employees, co-authors.

Rat and bull

For durable and successful, their marriage needs a condition in which his wife will have to be correct and stand on the basis of realism. To improve mutual understanding, the bull will ask the task to cope with its stubbornness, a timely personary and dear, well, and the rat will need to add fun. The soul calm of the rat completely depends on how bull will follow it, because it always needs a sense of personal security. Interesting topics for conversations, conversations and they are absent, so in friendship they will feel not particularly alive. They are not entirely compatible and in business relationships, because the bull is not inherent in the quality of a business person, he is a simple worker, but sometimes he likes to open.

Rat and tiger

Their relationship is completely unpromising, therefore, marriage will be problematic. They have enormous incompatibility of characters and constantly the Tiger will qualify for unquestioning power in the family. They will be problematic relationships in friendship, because the rat is expressed in a strong materialist in relation to the tiger. Well, for business relationships, they are more or less suitable for each other, because both can be honest, both will be able to earn and live gorgeous. But still, in order to avoid any misunderstandings, all their profits must be divided into pressure, divided equally.

Rat and rabbit

From the marriage, these two signs should still be held, because the rabbit will not be able to resist the huge temptation to devour its half (even when it has a huge love for its rat), and in turn they will not at all like such adventures. There can be no such concept between these signs as friendship. For the rat, it will be dangerous to be near the rabbit and in business relationships, so they will not be business partners.

Rat and dragon

For the marriage union, these two characters are very compatible. But even more favorable their marriage will be in the event that the rat, which is crazy in love with the Dragon partner, will be in everything and constantly flatter him. Brave, with a good sense of humor, courageous, strong spirit of the dragon and energetic, tricky and dewing rat in the marriage union will only strengthen their relationship. But the most important thing in their relationship is, of course, a huge carnal population and a lot of important probable sweetness in both spouses. There is also a real friendship between them. In the friendly rats of the rat with a dragon will appreciate and rush each other, so these relationships can easily turn into love. For good business relations, a prerequisite will be the fulfillment of the duties of the head of the dragon and the chief performer of the rat.

Rat and snake

Their marriage relationships will be not quite prosperous, because the snake is inherent in such a quality as mysteriousness, it is probably possible to expect treason from it, which will adversely affect the rat, which such an attitude can deliver a lot of problems, frustration and even tragedy. And only if the snake can categorically refuse infidelity, their marriage will be able to have the right to life. Since both signs love to chat, then their friendship can exist, but she will start and will be held only thanks to it. For interesting business relations, they have a very high potential, although they are interesting only to seem.

Rat and horse

From such a marriage it is better to refuse immediately. At first, even the passion and outbreaks of emotions are possible in this union, but then it comes to a stripping and quarrels, as a result of which the divorce is inevitable. For friendship, these two characters are simply not created. They have completely different interests, so there are no mutual understanding between them. In business relationships, they will always be disliked, disagreements, confrontation, so not to harm each other, they are better not to cooperate.

Rat and goat

In this marriage alliance, they only have pressure. They are inherent in both the same character traits and contradictions. In addition, the goat for his satellite will be very closed. If the rat will be materially ensured, then the goat can be labeled in the fields and be completely satisfied.

Rat and monkey

It is one of the most successful combinations of the marriage union. This pair will have everything perfectly, and they will be entertaining happy.

Rat and rooster

Two related souls, having met once, they will live a soul in the soul. Let and not always their life looks will coincide.

Rat and dog

The alliance between these two people can be so calm, so boring. The smaller the rat will spend time at home, the more they will love each other.

Rat and pig

Very balanced marriage between two people with good mutual understanding. Friendship between such people will be strong, deep and real. Business relationships will be at a high level only when the rat makes himself refuse to deceive the partner.

Select a symbol to always be aware when this year comes.