Repairs Design Furniture

The remedy for the pawkin tick on the room. How to deal with a spider tick - shopping preparations and folk remedies. Piggy bank of folk recipes

If there are indoor plants in the house, the flower engine periodically has to face pest attacks, one of the most unpleasant and dangerous is the famous web tick. It has very small sizes and is able to allocate a web, thanks to which it can move, as well as protect their clips. Ticks can live on a variety of cultures, as they are omnivores.

Causes of appearance

Flowers are often wondering where this pest comes from. A web tick may appear on houseplants for several reasons.

If at home has appeared new plants, they must be checked - It is not excluded that they are amazed. However, due to the fact that the detection of ticks can cause difficulties due to their small sizes, the inspection is not always effective. Therefore, it is best to organize quarantine such as plants for just over 2 weeks to make sure that there are no pests.

Similar ticks can be in the ground. Infection in this case occurs at the time of transplanting and rejuvenation of plants.It is no exception and purchased Earth - it should also take processing before use.

Many of these animals dwells at the gardens. Accordingly, the danger can represent the placement of plants in the gardens and on the balconies. Also, the ticks can be brought by the wind through the open windows, and most of the room plants are located on the windowsill.

It is impossible not to say about the danger of old flower pots that many flower trees prefer to store in storage rooms. Before use, they need to be processed. Also pests can be closed towards a man's clothing returned from the street.

Signs of lesions of the plant

Experts call the web tick perfect pest. It is able to multiply very quickly, omnivorous and at the same time easily goes in the range if the conditions are not too favorable for life. Masonry left by female and covered web can be found on the walls of tanks, on the leaves below, as well as in the earth itself. Eggs have a smooth shell. They can maintain viability over several years, not dilding due to unfavorable conditions, and simply slowing down their development.

On the infection of the tick indicates Gabitus plants. The main feature is the presence of a thin web, which is located at the bottom of the leaf plate and is a protective barrier for the ticks themselves, as well as for their eggs and larvae.

If the defeat is very strong, the plant will be noticeably shrouded with such a grid that collects dust and excrement of these small animals. but some varieties of the pest practically do not fly a web.

Another sign of infection is eggs, but it should be noted that it is very difficult to see them. The fact is that the diameter of each is less than a millimeter, in addition, they are very bright or even translucent. They are located small groups, from 1 to 3 eggs each, and covered with a protective layer of web, creating the most appropriate conditions for development. For the appearance of larvae takes 3 days.

Such a tick uses plant juice.It can extract it from any place of flower. On the affected area, small bright specks appear, they are best visible on the leaves. This leads to a slowdown in photosynthesis and impaired intercellular structures, respectively, their proper functioning becomes impossible.

These specks are growing over time and lead to the yellowing of the leaves. They dry in small areas, also become sluggish and inelastic.The top of the cobweb is formed from above.

Finally, The last stage can be called the foaming of the leaves. The specks on their surface are connected, the sheet plate dries and falls off. The more pests are on the plant, the faster they are able to destroy it.


To fight pest, you need to know exactly how it looks. Such a tick is a spider-shaped, its caller is usually a length of 0.2 to 1.2 mm. However, some varieties can achieve size 5 mm. The duration of the life cycle of individuals is from 8 to 40 days.Approximately the week is required to develop from the eggs of a viable tick ready for reproduction.

Most often consider the animal itself is difficult, its appearance is identified in appearance and state of the plant.

There are quite a lot of varieties, but not all of them are affected by indoor plants.


These spikes attack agricultural crops, and may well live on indoor plants. Their size is about half a millionth. Both eggs and adults have a yellow-green color. Cultures are eaten under the root. Every year appears for several years.


These pests feed special weakness to roommates. They suffer from them, for example, roses, lemons, orchids and others.Such pliers are very warm-loving, so perfectly multiply at home. The females are brighter than males.


These minor green and yellow pests are capable of reaching 0.4 mm sizes. For reproduction, the most comfortable conditions are heat and increased humidity. From room plants give preference to palm trees and citrus.


The false tick is distinguished by the fact that the plant does not flutter the plant. It is very small, approximately 0.2 mm. Coloring can be red or green. They attack such pests on citrus, orchids and palm trees.


As follows from the name, the pest is a commitment of certain cultures. Most often amazes cyclamen.If they are not found, settled on geranium or gloxy.

Cyclameni web tick is often settled in the greenhouse. The most comfortable conditions for its active development are increased humidity and heat. Very small, able to achieve maximum sizes of 0.2 mm, so considering it quite difficult.

Casting pests in appearance resemble dust.


Such a tick very rarely lives in garden sites, preferring houseplants. It is not too complicated in terms of struggle, as it is usually bad hides their masonry. It may appear mainly on cacti, ficus or citrus.

Cactus flat

Such pliers are still known as the "flat-seller". Does not weave the web, for this reason it is not striking, and with his findings there may be problems. Prefers to eat citrus.


Despite the fact that this pest is recognized as a fan of cereals, it is often possible to meet on home plants. It has long paws and moves pretty quickly, hitting large areas. In apartments prefers to settle on fakes and overromia.

Methods of struggle

The destruction of the cage tick is not a simple matter. It is easily falling in the range under adverse conditions, leaving it very quickly.

There are basic rules for the fight against pest.Consider them in more detail.

The affected plant must be isolated from others. Pot and place where it is, you need to regularly process. The earth is protected by polyethylene during spraying.

If individual flower sections have a too strong concentration of web and pests, it is better to remove them.Also, it is also important to periodically replace the means of processing so that the addictiveness is not formed. Repeated activities are carried out in the deadlines specified in the instruction even if the spin-shaped on the surface is not noticeable.

When the treatment is over, the plant is better to transplant to a new pot. The root system needs to be treated with biopreparations, and the soil is disinfected.

Special means

Chemical preparations require compliance with dosage and multiplicity of application. They are divided into two subgroups consisting of acaricides and insectoacaricides. Experts believe that the most powerful impact will be achieved if the compositions having various active ingredients alternate.

By applying chemicals, it is necessary to take into account that this pest is not insect, therefore there will be no result from the use of insecticides. Consider the most popular drugs.

The Aktellik means is enjoyed with great demand.It acts with the same success both on insects and on the spike-shaped, who are ticks. However, it is very toxic, so when processing houseplants, it is recommended to take them out into the street, for example, on the balcony.

This drug is very effective, so it can be used even with strong infesses. Even exotic types of ticks are destroyed, rarely found in our country.The only disadvantage is that it does not have a negative impact on the eggs, for this reason, it will not be possible to restrict ourselves to them.

Another famous acaricidal drug is "phytodeterm".It differs in much less toxicity than the previous remedy, therefore it can be used even in closed rooms. However, planting plants need to be placed in place, inaccessible for children and animals. It is allowed to use the drug without mask and gloves, the main thing - after spraying, how to wash your hands and wash. Affects the larvae and adult ticks, without killing egg layers.

This drug may have another name - "mite".It should be noted that the maximum efficiency is achieved in the case when the ambient temperature ranges from 22 to 28 degrees. Without this, the impact is significantly reduced.

If you need to destroy not only pests, but also their eggs, You can use the drug "Neon". It is rather toxic, so when using indoors, you must take care of good ventilation. However, experts recommend using the tool repeatedly to destroy all ticks. According to the instructions for applying treatments, there must be at least three, and the interval between them should be from 3 to 5 days.

Simmonait preparation has similar impactwhich destroys not only adult individuals and larvae, but also egg masonry. The main nuance is that it is used only 1 time in 6 months, otherwise the ticks will acquire immunity. Impact occurs only with direct contact, this moment must be taken into account during the processing process, which should be made as thoroughly.

Quite often to get rid of a paustic tick the drug under the name "Aktara". It is very popular in the fight against various varieties of pest insects. However, experts warn that the web tick is not insect, so the tool may be ineffective. At the same time, many flowers positively respond to the experience of the use of poison in this direction.

Folk Methods

You can withdraw the web tick using folk methods. They are safer and can be used without anxiety indoors where children and pets are located. Appeal to homemade means is advisable in the case when the infection just began and the tick has not yet had time to have too strong effect on the plant.

Flowers recommended using medical alcohol in the fight. It is divorced in water in the proportions of 1: 10, after which a small cloth is wetted with a solution, which each plant leaf is processed. This method does not have an impact on egg masonry, but allows you to get rid of adult ticks.

It must be said that this method cannot be used on plants having a thin and sensitive surface: fuchsia, rose or petunia. It is effective in the case when the pest did not have time to postpone the eggs. This remedy will suit, for example, to process ficus or diffenbahia.

Moreover, web tick very much does not like the impact of tobacco smoke. This method cannot be called the most secure for a person, however, in the case when there are smokers in the family, this bad habit can be used for benefit. It is enough to place the plant next to the smoking area.

Toxins and combustion products that are in the composition of tobacco smoke are capable of a negative impact on the tick. However, it is absolutely safe for larvae and eggs.

Very popular to get rid of pests of various types, ordinary shopping soap. Treat them the most convenient plants having large leaves.With the help of soap, a thick foam is whipped, which is applied to the leafy plates and leads to the formation of a dense film that does not allow the messenger to breathe and eat. Foam is left on the flower for 3-5 hours, after which it is neatly washed off in the soul of the non-coil pressure of warm water. After water procedures, the plant immediately needs to be plated with polyethylene, which will prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture.

It must be said that these actions will be destructive for adult pests. This may require additional processing to get rid of eggs.

This method of struggle is considered one of the most common and affordable.

Helps in the fight against a spider tick and garlic.One large head rubs on a grater or shallowly cut, after which it is poured with 3 liters of water. The tincture is prepared within 5 days. After this time, it is focused and used to spray the leaves of the plant. The method is recognized fairly effective, but only at the very beginning of infection, when the number of ticks is not too large.

Prevention measures

The main task of the flower water is continuous monitoring of houseplants. Only in this case it is possible to notice the appearance of pests in time. We must not forget that all new flowers should fall into rooms only after quarantine events, which usually last from 2 to 4 weeks. Also, it is not necessary to process folk remedies.

So, one of the main preventive measures is a regular inspection. The fact is that the pest may appear completely unexpectedly, being listed, for example, through a window or clothing from the street. For inspection, you can use glasses or a magnifying glass.

The lower part of the leaves is credited attentively, it is usually the animals are usually justified. If the plant has dry and unhealthy parts, they should be removed.

It is also very important to comply with a certain microclimate. Ticks most comfortably feel when the air in the house is dry and warm. Especially relevant in winter. Most often, the plants are located on the windowsill, respectively, there are heating radiators, which contributes to the cutting of air.

Maintaining humidity can be organized in several ways. For example, the flower model can arrange a bowl of basins with water or use a special moisturizer. Also, unknown affects the ticks direct sunlight and drafts, therefore, it is necessary to regularly arrange ventilation.

If the room lacks the sun, you can use ultraviolet lamps.

Also perform spraying. They help wash the cobweb, and also deliver a lot of inconveniences. However, it is necessary not to overdo it, because there are also such cultures that do not like moisture, for example, violets.

Monthly should be flushed by the foliage of plants under the jet of water. For this, the earth is covered with a water-mounted film, and the bush himself is poured with water from the shower. The pressure should not be too strong, and the temperature is in the range of 25-35 degrees.

We must not forget that any soil should be disinfected. The most common ways are to freeze and calcinate the oven. These procedures allow you to destroy not only the larvae, but also eggs, even if they initially invisible.

The fight against the spider tick is a very complex and labor cost. It does not always turn out to be effective, and in some cases the plant can just die. Therefore, prevention and detection of the problem in the earliest stages are very important.

The cell tick family has more than 1,200 species and meets everywhere, except Antarctica. The size of an adult male - 0.3-0.45 mm, females - 0.4-0.8 mm. More than other types of pests of garden and agricultural sections are ordinary web tick. It feeds the juice of green plants, leaving after herself a dry essay, braided cobwebs. Philofag refers to the class of spider-shaped, this is not an insect, but an animal.

What does a web tick look like? The shape of his body resembles an ellipse, it is covered with hairs, the back is convex. In the larvae 6 legs, in adults - 8. On thin legs, sharp claws that they cling to the surface of the plants. The color of the larvae from light green to brown, with age they darken. The reproduction occurs with the laying of eggs. In the absence of fertilization of them, males appear, from fertilized masonry - females.

One generation lives from 14 to 30 days, women's individuals have time to postpone 100-150 eggs for this period. From each after 3 days a voracious larva appears. Under adverse conditions, the offspring does not appear 2 weeks. Eggs can lie alive up to 5 years. At each stage of its development from the larvae to an adult individual, spinners are powered by cellular juice. Weakened cultural immunity do not cope with infectious diseases. Following the pest comes gray rot, sage fungus and other diseases.

High temperature (from 27 0) and low humidity - optimal conditions for active breeding of pests. When reducing the light day, they are immersed in the range, the state of the winter hibernation. Hiding in the crews, soil or plants, phytophages expect heat offensive. This ability greatly complicates the fight against them.

Pest on vegetables - how to deal?

The web tick has preferences among vegetable crops, most often he chooses cucumbers, bulk, eggplant, pepper. Especially well phytophages feel in a greenhouse. Here they are protected from bad weather and temperature fluctuations. High reproduction rate in favorable conditions leads to a rapid infection of all vegetables.

The result of the vital activity of the pest becomes:

  • mechanical damage to the back of the leaves;
  • slowdown in the development of wounds;
  • when a spider tick appears on cucumbers, the top tier of the plant turns out to be braided with a web;
  • there is a violation of photosynthesis processes;
  • necrosis develops, the plant is deformed and dries off;
  • cathedrally reduced yield.

Attention. The natural enemy of the phytoseiulus Persimilis web tick is used in greenhouses to destroy pests. The predator feeds exclusively by this species, it is absolutely not dangerous for plants and man.

Prevention - a significant stage of the fight against pest

Fitofagi's fight includes mandatory preventive measures:

  1. After harvesting, it is necessary to remove all the remains of cultures, snatch and remove weeds. It is in them that the pests find asylum for the winter.
  2. Plant landing to perform with an interval between rows.
  3. Conduct the soil recultivation, to remove the upper layer of infected soil and replace it with a new one.
  4. To get rid of a spider tick, wintering in a greenhouse, it is necessary to draw fusion, and all the designs burn the soldering lamp.
  5. Inside the greenhouse, it is recommended to set climatic regime, uncomfortable for pests - humidity 80-90%, temperature up to 25 0.
  6. Regularly carry out acaricidal preparations.

Chemical and Biological Preparations for Plant Processing

The methods of combating a spider tick include the use of primary means and specially designed drugs. The first option is environmentally friendly, but with strong infectious is not effective. At the first signs of the pest appearance, we recommend the treatment of all plants with a soap solution (100 g of household soap on 10 liters of water). Weather husks, garlic and tobacco are used.

The eco-friendly and safe methods for the destruction of phytophagus include the use of a predatory phytosailus tick. It is enough to place 60 individuals on M 2 plot to get rid of eggs, larvae and adult pests. Acarifag is active at a temperature of 20 0 high humidity. After removing all enemies, the predator will die without meals.

Chemical preparations are much more effective in the struggle for the preservation of the crop. A variety of means can destroy the pest at various stages of development.

  • Carbofos - phosphorus substance, insecticide and acaricide. Produced in various form and concentration. The existing substance Malathion is effective against insects and spike-shaped. The duration of protection in the open soil is 10 days, in the greenhouse - up to 7 days. Spraying is performed in the evening with windless weather.
  • Aktellik - a remedy for a spider tick, suitable for use on open and protected soil. The drug relates to insectoacaricides, it does not affect the plant, poisoning only pests. The substance of the intestinal and contact has fumigut properties, destroying phytophages on both sides of the leaves. The duration of exposure is 2-3 weeks.
  • Apollo - an acaricide action is directed to eggs and larvae. This drug is one of the few, which can cope with pests at an early stage of development. The active compound clofenthesin sterilizes adult individuals, preventing reproduction. Apollo refers to the acaricides of contact action, for poisoning of eggs, it is necessary to thoroughly wasting plants with freshly prepared solution. The substance is weakly toxic, safe for people and insects. Protection of the drug is valid for up to 2 months.

Attention. When processing crops, one chemical preparation in pest produces addiction. During the summer season, it is necessary to change the means of destruction.

Types of ticks on indoor plants

Among the diseases of the plant is a special place occupied by a web tick. Phytoophages - stubborn and difficult to be pests, including several types:

  • The ordinary web tick is the species common on the ground and the room. Colonies settle on the bottom side of the leaves, hiding from the sun's rays. Adults are quickly overwhelmed with an infected plant on adjacent flowers.
  • Red tick - indoor plants often suffer from small pest attacks, which settles on Lemon, Balzamin. Soft females with a size of 0.5 mm purple color, males 0.3 mm painted in bright red color.
  • The false web tick is distinguished by miniature sizes of 0.25 mm, the web does not ride. Infection becomes noticeable with a huge number of individuals.
  • Atlantic tick - externally similar to a paw-tick. Propagated with any humidity, prefers palm trees and citrus trees.
  • Cyclamenite tick - striking the edges of the leaves, buds and stems. Not noticeable eye noticeable. Colonies settle on the upper side of the leaves and look like a layer of dust. Pests choose cyclamen, balsamines, chrysanthemums and other tuber plants.
  • The wide web tick - phytophage is very fruit, every 5 days on the leaves appears a new generation. After 2-3 weeks, the plant turns out to be chosen by the web and clusters of ticks, similar to reddish-brown dust. Pest attacks oleander, ficus, cactus, taghetis. In combating it, the preparations of sulfur.
  • Cactus flat tick - to destroy phytophages, it is recommended to use insecticides. Conduct several times with an interval of 7 days.

Where does the web tick on colors come from?

Pests are unpretentious in choosing a habitat, they can be found on various indoor colors:

  • ficus;
  • palm;
  • azalea Sims;
  • rose flower;
  • cipers.

The first signs of infection are yellow dots on the leaves, over time, merging into a large stain. Microscopic segmental in small amounts does not flutter houseplants by web, so noticeably not immediately. Typically, the harm caused by them is written off the lack or oversupply of moisture. Looking pests from the back of the leaves. When individuals are several dozen, they can be noticed.

Attention. If you suspect the appearance of a paw-tick on the ficus, it is worth a simple study. Felt leaf over paper, and then consider the surface with a magnifying glass. Several pests will definitely fall from the plants and will be seen.

How are houseplants infected?

The pest enters plants in various ways:

  1. With an infected room flower. When buying a new plant, it is necessary to carefully examine its leaves. The tick will not be able to notice, and the yellow points on the leaves will make thinking about the health of the plant.
  2. With a soil. Purchased or from the street, the soil can be in itself a danger in the form of a female or larvae of a paustic tick. Poworkoons can be immersed in the range, the state of slow metabolism, under adverse conditions. They come to life with increasing temperature and reduced humidity. After the start of the heating season, the pest begins active life.
  3. Through the open window with the wind. Residents of the first floors are greater than the rest risk their indoor plants with open windows. Adults traveled over long distances with the wind, clinging to the web. The pest can be listed on the balcony, as well as get into the apartment on the clothes of summer houses. It is moving, in search of food, he actively masters new territories. Flower tick, brought with a fresh bouquet, will be a threat to all indoor plants.

Methods for the destruction of pests

After removing dry leaves, the rest are wiping with a napkin moistened in soapy water, on both sides. This allows you to remove adult individuals and part of the larvae. To enhance the effect, the plant along with foam moisture is placed 2 days per polyethylene package. After 48 hours, it is thoroughly washed with a warm shower. The procedure is not disposable, after a week it is repeated.

Attention. Simultaneously with the processing of colors, it is necessary to wash the windowsill (soap or alcohol), window frames, hacking the curtains.

A common method of getting rid of a spider mite - alcohol processing. It should be done carefully, first try on one leaves so that there is no burn. Applied alcohol with a sprayer or cotton disk. Treatment is suitable for ficus, diffenbahia and other plants with dense leaves. Such disinfection is effective for window frames. The impact of ultraviolet lamps is recommended. It is only for the benefits of plants, and ticks always avoid contact with ultraviolet.

Special chemicals

Without the use of chemistry, the pests will not completely remove. Designed for use in closed rooms. The effective method of combating a spider tick is a spraying of chemical compositions and processing of the earth in a pot. Among the recommended tools:


Bio-insecticide on vegetable-based phytodeterm can be used without fear at home. It is recommended for the prevention and destruction of pests on indoor plants. The effect of funds begins 6-7 hours after applying. The period of protective action is 2-3 weeks. An ampoule of the drug (2 ml) it is necessary to start in 1 liter of water, the finished composition of intensively spray infected plants.


The modern acaricidal drug is applied not only in the garden, but also to destroy pests on colors - roses, violets, ficus and others. The tool is proposed in the form of a concentrated emulsion and water-soluble granules. Small packaging in ampoules and bags is convenient when processing home plants. Aktara from a web tick is a system of system action. It penetrates the leaves and fabrics of plants, sucking juice from them, pests receive a dose of poison.

An hour after entering their body, the insecticide phytophages lose the ability to eat and dying during the day. The effect of the drug when introducing in the soil protects the room plants for 2 months. When spraying, use fresh solution. Working with toxic substance, care should be taken - to wear gloves, wash your face and hands after work, change clothes.

Plant Pin

Sticks with an active substance of butoxycarboxy. The remedy for a spider tick on houseplants that does not require spraying. The amount of sticks depends on the diameter of the pot - by 9 cm - 1, by 12 cm - 2, 20 cm - 5-6. They are stuck in the ground at a distance of 2 cm from the plant. During irrigation, the active substance dissolves and falls into the roots of the flower. The effect of the drug is observed in 3-7 days. It will protect 8 weeks from pest. The means of Etisso has similar effect.


Prevent infection with phytophages better than to fight them. Save indoor plants will help simple rules:

  • The active development of the spider tick on lemon, ficus and other indoor plants occurs in dry air conditions. It follows more often to air the room and splash plants with water.
  • Prepared independently or purchased plumbing sterilize in the oven, the moss is treated with boiling water.
  • When processing plants, the windowsill be wiped, where fallen pests can be.
  • It is impossible to put bouquets of cut flowers next to indoor plants.
  • New plants should undergo a quarantine period - stand apart from the other 2-3 weeks after the acquisition. Even if the purchase is made in a specialized store.

Council. Flower pots put in wide pallets with water, which will gradually evaporate, creating humidity, uncomfortable for ticks.

Prevention and combating tick-tick measures are distinguished by an integrated approach. They require accounting for the pest development features. If complete destruction has happened after the first processing, then after 7-10 days it must be repeated. Ticks are resistant to external factors, but with proper perseverance and they can be defeated.

The web pest looks like a small failure with a size of no more than 0.5 mm with oblong body and short legs (see photo). Color can be green in summer and red - in winter. Spider-like inheritant and prolific, multiply quickly, and with unfavorable weather it does not die, but flows into the hibernation.

Type Types:

  • ordinary - striking all plants, but more often found on the dragerate, balsamine, ficus, apple tree and rose;
  • red cobweb tick - loves high humidity and multiplies on the leaves of orchids, roses and lemon;
  • atlantic - dangerous for exotic plants and citrus crops;
  • false pings - not weave sticky cobweb, invisible for humans, but the plants affected by them quickly die;
  • flat tick - represents a danger to all plants, but more often occurs in SENPOLIA, chlorophyteume and cactus;
  • cyclamen - prefers nest on the tubers of pelargonium, cyclames, chrysanthemums and violets;
  • apple (Schlechtendel) Sens only on fruit trees, and houseplants are not terrible;
  • clover -strikes bulbous cultures, orchids and ficuses;
  • wide tick - It is found on citrus, cactus and ficus, leaving a red cings on the leaves.

Home plants attack various types of ticks, and you can get rid of them using multiple treatments. Fully destroy the pest colony is not easy, because it is possible to detect it only when the foliage was covered with brown spots and web.

The pest is powered by plant juice, spoils the composition of the soil, prevents normal photosynthesis. Egg madges are maintained for a long time in the slots of windowsill, flower vases and porridge.

Lifestyle, reproduction, natural enemies, harm to man

Tick \u200b\u200bstreet and homemade multiplies very quickly: one female is able to postpone 250-300 eggs. The lifespan of the pest is only 3 weeks, but during this time the population increases hundreds of times. For most types of ticks, low humidity and high temperature are considered to be optimal for reproduction. For 20 days, the tick passes 5 stages of development - from the egg to an adult individual. Insects do not pose a danger to people and pets.

Pliers on indoor plants

The natural enemy of ticks are phytosayids - predatory arthropods. They are bred artificially and launch into greenhouses, on plants affected by pests. Fitosayids are very sensitive to acaricides, it is possible to use them to combat bypass ticks in only a few weeks after spraying plants by chemicals.

Where does an insect be taken on colors, berries, fruit trees and shrubs?

A web tick appears on an apple tree, plum, pear, cherry and cherry, but more often found in the garden: on cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants. He loves to settle on weeds, such as nettle and swan. Ticks can be observed on ivy, crotone, pepper, onions, strawberries and blueberries, figs, rowan, but in greenhouses and greenhouses conditions for him are more comfortable.

Clamps suffering from a tick:

  • beet;
  • all berry shrubs;
  • fruit trees;
  • flowers;
  • decorative plants;
  • bakhchy;
  • grapes;
  • beans;
  • mulberry.

The spread of the pest contributes to dry summer, greenhouse conditions, rare watering and weeding. Independently, the ticks move very slowly, their spread helps the wind, carrying the cobs for considerable distances.

How to deal with pest on houseplants at home?

A small amount of pests can be derived with the help of the inferior of garlic or onions, decoctions of some medicinal herbs. In prepared liquids, we smear a few cotton tampons and lay them in a pot on top of the soil. The container with the plant is better to cover the transparent package for 3-4 days so that concentrated evaporations faster destroyed insects.

Best ready-made insecticides and acaricides

Ordinary insecticides against ticks are ineffective, because it is not an insect, but a spider-shaped art. You can save a plant from pests if you repeatedly spray it with chemical poison, but for indoor crops it is not the best option. From the web tick you can try the processing of contact action acaricides, strictly observing the precautions. Treat the plant starts as early as possible, alternating various drugs, so as not to cause addiction from pests. The fight against a spider tick lasts not one month, he is able to destroy all the plants in the house.


  • Accility;
  • Carbofos;
  • Fufanon;
  • Actara;
  • Alatar.

For room colors, low-toxic drugs of 4 hazard class (actar, phytodeterm) are chosen. Treatment is carried out in a well-ventilated room in protective clothing and respirator. The soil in the pot is closed with a film, so as not to destroy the root system of the plant. With a strong defeat, several treatments will be required with an interval of 1-2 weeks.

Folk remedies

Pliers, most often affecting homemade plants, are afraid of simple folk agents like a tar soap or ammonia. The most effective medicine from pests is a household soap. It is enough to open it with a soft sponge to carefully treat foam all the leaflers and stems and leave for a couple of hours, after which the remnants of the soap wash off with warm water. Before the procedure, you must thoroughly wipe the windowsills, wash the curtains and tulle, wash the pots with soap solution. The fight against the spider spider tick should be comprehensive.

No less interesting way to combat - processing tobacco, from which a saturated infusion is prepared and a plant is treated. In the means there is a strong unpleasant odor, so this method is more suitable for the garden and the garden. Another healing infusion is prepared from 150 g of garlic and liter of water. Garlic is finely cut, poured with water and insist for several hours. The finished infusion is bred in water at the rate of 5 ml per liter and processed the affected plant. By the same principle, the onion spray is prepared, but it is not necessary to breed it with water.

Decorative cultures with rigid leaves can be wiped with ammonia or ordinary alcohol. Iodine is suitable, hydrogen peroxide or boric acid, but it is necessary to do it very quickly, so as not to burn the leaves. Near the contaminated flower, it is recommended to put a container with a chipidar and cover everything with a film for 2-4 hours. It is worth making a medicinal infusion of dandelion roots in the proportion of 20 g per 1 liter of water and apply it every few hours. The treatment of plants against the insect is carried out regularly before its complete disappearance.

How to get rid of harmful insect on garden plants and in the garden?

You can fight the tick on the summer site as using chemistry ("Aktara, PhyTenerm", which also help from Tsi) and folk remedies. Putting the web will help the systemic preparation, forming an indelible protective film on the surface of the leaves, for example "Apollo" or "Union". Acaricidal funds are more effective, but they need to be used carefully, observing the recommended dosage.

What effective drugs can be sprayed?

Great gardeners deserved biological preparations from ticks: "Phytoverm", "Vertimek", "Akarin", "Oberon", "Krestzit". They are safe and easy to use, do not poison harvest and small toxic for humans. They are bred by water according to the instructions and processed the plant up to 5 times with an interval per week. Young seedlings of cherries can be cured by folk methods, and acaricides will be required for adult plants.

The treatment of fruit trees (apple trees, pears, plums) is carried out before the start of flowering, the chemistry cannot be applied to processing fruiting vegetable crops. Cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes are better splashing herbal influences. Phosphor-based preparations are not used in greenhouses and greenhouses.

Folk ways to get rid of the tick

If there is no desire to speculate vegetables and fruit with chemicals, it is better to use safe, but effective folk remedies. Perfectly copes with the pest of the Nasty of Yarrow. It will take 1 kg of dry raw materials and a bucket of hot water. The mixture insists for about 5 days, after which 2-4 tbsp. l. grated on the soap grater and spray the leaves of the plant.

If leaflets dry, experienced gardeners advise to use the rope of cyclamen tubers, which boil around an hour and filter. You can choose the best tool against the harmful paouth tick yourself, by the method of trial and error. It is important to constantly conduct repeated processing after 1-2 weeks, changing the tool.

What is the difference between the false web tick from the present and how to destroy it?

False cobweb tick

It is important to remember that the false tinger, unlike the usual, prefers the cold and dampness. It quickly multiplies and destroys a huge number of plants. It will be necessary to fight with the help of chemistry, folk methods and biopreparations in relation to it are ineffective. Specialists advise the use of "carboofos" or Bordeaux fluid according to the instructions. It is impossible to choose the best remedy for the web tick - almost any of them the pests sooner or later adapts.

How to treat plants purified from pest?

The patient, strongly affected plant will not be able to save, since the pests exhausted it, and to recover after the disease the flower will not be easy. In this case, there is only one way out - burn it.

Further departure lies in regular humidification of air, removing yellowed and dry leaves. It is important to constantly inspect the plant, paying attention to the inside of the leaves, wipe the dust from them and wipe. It is impossible to use a soap solution for prophylaxis, since it does not allow the plant to breathe. Bought plants are placed separately from the rest and withstand several weeks to make sure that there are no pests.

Imagine the situation: you bought a beautiful room flower in the store, brought him home, carefully examined and saw on the leaves scraps of some cob and a little black dots. What will you do? Most likely, wipe the leaves with a wet sponge, thinking that the plant was simply dusted on the showcase, and continue to rejoice in his wonderful acquisition. And after some time and the newly purchased green pet, and all the flowers standing nearby will cover the tightweight bugs who are keen on it, devouring juicy greens.

Unfortunately, such stories often occur with inexperienced flowers. And only a competent amateur of home plants will immediately understand that the flower is infected with a formidable pest, whose name is a web tick.

In order to begin an effective fight against insects, it is worth meeting him closer.

Description and classification

According to the biological classification, the web tick is a family of spider insects, which includes at least 1300 species. These are very small (no more than 1 mm) ticks with the abdomen in the form of an elongated hemisphere, four pairs of thin translucent legs equipped with tenacious claws, and a pair of thin mustache.

The insect has several life cycles:

  • egg,
  • translucent light green or brown larvae,
  • nymph,
  • adult special, the caller which is painted in orange, red-brown, yellowish or greenish tint.

Domestic and garden plants harm several types of cage ticks:

  1. Ordinary (lat. Tetranychus uurticae). The most common appearance, most often found on the decorative cultures of open and closed soil. It is a polyphag (a multicron insect, the diet of which consists of a large number of plant species).
  2. Red (lat. Tetranychus Cinnabarinus). Damages both decorative and agricultural plants. In the regions with a warm climate, it is capable of living on an open soil, in the north - only in the premises.

Ordinary and red sputum ticks
  1. Atlantic (lat. Tetranychus Atlanticus). The pest of cucumbers living everywhere.
  2. Bean (lat. Tetranychus Phaselus). The main area of \u200b\u200bhabitat is the Far East. It feeds, as a rule, the cultures of the family of legumes.
  3. Turkestan (lat. Tetranychus Turkestani). Polyphaha, eating both vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes) and decorative plants.

Despite the variety of species, methods of combating them are almost identical.

How to deal with a paw-tick

At first, the symptoms of infection with ticks are not obvious: this microscopic insect does not show itself. And only when the colony grows, on the leaves and shoots you can see explicit signs of infection:

  • The most obvious symptom is a silver web, which all the plant is shrouded with strong infection. At first, when the colony is small, the cobweb is almost imperceptible. This fact often comes in a sense of novice flower water, which consider that if there is no web, there is no tick.
  • The tick sucks the nutrients from the plant, piercing the surface of the sheet with a sharp trunk. Around these punctures, the superficial fabric of the leaf plate dies and looks like microscopic light yellow or green dots. Subsequently, the point merge into larger stains.
  • Migrating on the plant, the web tick leaves his excrement. They look like small black grains and are easily separated from the plant.

So, if you notice a web on your green pet, as well as bright and dark microscopic points on both sides of the sheet - it's time to beat the alarm.

The plant, abandoned without help, quickly dies. Micrarms left by tick provoke yellowing and wadering leaves and young shoots. Often, in this stage, pathogens (,), reinforcing disease, are also attached to the attack of ticks. Damaged parts of the plant begin to gradually fall, and then the plant dies completely.

Despite the fact that the web tick is omnivorous, some homemade and greenhouse cultures are especially affected by the pest attack. Among them: roses, sensipolia, streptocarpus, fuchsia, hibiscus, ficuses. Especially insect loves plants with thick fleshy leaves. However, it's never worth relaxing if the food is not enough, the pest will destroy any room flower.

As you can see, the active struggle with the spider tick is the only way to save the green pet. For a successful outcome, it should be started as early as possible at the first signs of the appearance of the aggressor.

Folk ways

People's ways to combat a spider tick are quite a lot and most of them are based on the use of harmless fragile plants. However, their effectiveness is not always high: the insect often does not respond to processing gentle means, continuing to multiply.

[!] The following control tick-tick combating measures are suitable only at the initial stage of infection, in the case when the colony of the pest has not yet grown.

The following recipes are tested by many experienced flowers and are the most efficient:

  • Frequent spraying with cold water. It is known that this insect does not like a large amount of water and low temperature, and therefore does not survive in high humidity conditions.
  • Infusion of Basilica or Borshevik;
  • Close-up leaf juice, mixed with water in proportion 1: 3;
  • Powder dried pyrethrum leaves (Persian chamomile);
  • A solution for washing dishes or household soaps. The detergent substance is dissolved in water before the formation of a thick foam, which is applied to the leaves and shoots for 30 minutes, and then flushed with clean water. To exclude damage to the plant, at first the solution should be tested on one sheet.
  • Zooshampuni pyrethroids. The application is similar to the above described.

Biological methods

In nature, the number of cage ticks is regulated by its natural enemies, the main of which is the predatory phytoseyulus tick (Lat. Phytoseiulus Persimilis). The insect is powered exclusively by a web tick and devours not only adults, but also eggs with larvae, while the phytosayulus is absolutely safe for plants, and for humans.

Of course, at home, it is impossible to use a useful predator, but this method of combating a spider tick is great for large crop farms, greenhouses and greenhouses. Now phytosayulyus can be found on sale, and some sellers even send it by mail.


The most effective and relatively safe indoors are recognized by means based on Aversectin, Abamectin and Clofenthesine (Vermico, PhyTenerm, actor, appolo).

The rest, popular among flower products, preparations (Aktellik, Inta-Vir, confident, spark) on a web tongs practically do not act. And the most widely known chemical - Aktara - to combat this pest is completely useless.

[!] A single application of acaricides - woven time and money.

At the same time, drugs need to alternate, changing the active substance: the web tick is capable of adapting to the poison.

[!] All ascaricides and analogues should be applied strictly according to the instructions and in compliance with safety. If possible, processing should be carried out outdoors using gloves and respirator, and the treated plant must be isolated from children and animals.

To enhance the solution of the solution, you can put a disinfectant plant in a package or wrap a plastic film and leave for the night in a well-ventilated room or on the balcony.

No need to forget that ticks quickly spread on plants, standing next to infected, and on various surfaces around: window frame, windowsill, furniture. To eliminate re-infection, in order to prevent the prevention, all neighboring flowers should be processed, and the items with which the plant has inkredit.

An important addition. As mentioned above ascaricides, and even more so folk remedies, do not act on eggs and larvae underground. Therefore, to increase the efficiency of processing, the top layer of the soil can always be deleted and disposed.

As you can see, it's not easy to fight a spider tick. In order not to apply radical measures, the appearance of a tick is better, if possible, to prevent.


Above, we found out what ways the insect enters the room: through open windows, with an infected plant, during transplantation. Naturally, it is not worth holding windows with closed all year round, but the last two factors can exclude each flower truck:

  • All newly acquired plants must be placed on quarantine: put them apart from those colors that already exist in the house, or, if there is no such possibility, at least to steal a dense paper sheet. After 2-3 weeks, making sure that new cultures are not infected, they can be attached to the existing collection.
  • All the soil taken to transplant (both purchased and assembled independently) is desirable to disinfect. The most sparing way is the margin of land. In addition, the substrate can be calcined in the oven (30 min at a temperature of 80-90 ° C), but in this case all useful bacteria will die.

In addition to the above, the prophylactic measures against the paouth tick include the correct conditions for the maintenance of home plants:

  • High humidity. Raise the level of humidity will help regular spraying of leaves and shoots from a finely dispersed pulverizer, as well as the placement of colors on wide pallets filled with wet pebbles or near the aquarium. It will not be superfluous and the household air humidifier, which is useful not only for plants, but also for humans.
  • Wet cleaning. Plants, like the remaining surfaces in the room, are strongly dusting. Especially a lot of dirt collect instances with large wide leaves. It is known that a large amount of dust is an excellent medium for breeding a spider tick, which is why it is not necessary to neglect regular wet cleaning.
  • Timely watering and water procedures. If the plant is watered on time, and also periodically arrange a warm shower, the web box becomes much more difficult to attack the flower.

This is perhaps all the main prevention. It has nothing complicated in it, but its regular compliance will help prevent the appearance of a dangerous pest.

Fighting a spider tick is a complex, long and laborious. But can you leave without the help of a sick green pet? Arm yourself with modern drugs and patience and after a while you will certainly see the results. And the recovered plant will certainly thank you with your flowering and luxurious thick foliage.

It would seem that the flowers are growing in the room, not in contact with the street, should not be affected by pests, but they get to them. The real problem is a colony of a paouth tick on indoor plants. How to deal? Let's deal with together.

This microscopic pest does not distinguish the naked eye. But the traces of its livelihoods can be seen, focusing on damage applied plants. A fabulous fan of vegetable juice leaves punctures on the leaves, when considering the light, they are clearly visible. Over time, they merge, forming spots, damaged leaves dry. The plant suspends growth, the leaves are pale. A postinka, which produces pest, speaks of a strong population of the plant with ticks. This stage of the defeat requires immediate actions, otherwise the flowers can just die. In order not to miss a danger, they need to be examined regularly. A traces of molds, having a kind of whitish dandruff, as well as silver strips and spots, are also talking about setting up colors with ticks. For his search, it is better to use a magnifying glass, choosing a sunny day. With electrical lighting, the chances of detecting it is small.

Biologists include ticks to the class of spine-shaped arthropods. Such a classification is possible due to the special structure of its body. That is why all insecticides applied from other insects against ticks are powerless. For them, other means are needed. In nature, there are more than 2,000 different types of ticks. They can be found in any corner of the globe.

For indoor plants, the following types are the greatest danger:

  • cleaning mite - absolutely omnivorous, striking up to 200 species of plants;
  • cleaning tick red - specializes in indoor plants and is most dangerous for them;
  • tick cobweb red-legged;
  • clean tongs Cotton Turkestan.

The community of these microscopic arthropods studied not to the end, therefore, it is possible to open and other varieties.

The main food of any representative from the above list is plants juice. Lained room flowers quickly weaken and die. What is the danger of pawless ticks?

They are difficult to detect

The size of an adult individual regardless of the type is no more than 1 mm, and the color - greenish-brown different shades makes it easy to merge with foliage. Only winter females are brightly painted. The tick lives on the outstanding side of the leaves, so his colony is not striking.

They quickly breed

The cycle of reproduction of a tick, called metamorphosis, can last from the month, to the week and depends on the ambient temperature. At a temperature of about 30 degrees, the heat of the larvae overlook the eggs after 3 days, and after a few days they are ready for reproduction. Therefore, the colony of ticks grow very quickly, capturing new territories.

Ease of infection

The pest can be added to the house with bought by plants or other landing materials, with a soil, on the soles of shoes and clothes. Finally, the tick can get into the room through the opened window, listed by the wind, and the number of roles here does not play.

Availability in females bands

If the conditions for development and nutrition becomes unfavorable, female ticks fall into a peculiar stage of rest in which they can be up to 5 years. But more often they are simply arranged for wintering - the light day is shorter than 17 hours does not give them the opportunity to lead an active lifestyle. Winter ticks on the leaves or in the soil pot. They are able to go down to a depth of 20 cm. It will suit any slot - in the windowsill, wall, ceiling, or in the floor. The same female and long-term heat come.

Such features of the life cycle make a struggle with the pest of difficult and long.

What indoor plants are subject to infection

Most of the types of ticks are omnivores, some have their own special preferences, but most of them do not live on the plants of the Gesnery family because of small hairs covering their leaves. They have their own pest, also from the mites family - flat-seller, but it does not apply to the web.

This pest and aloe does not complain, but it will be happy to eat on the juices of other colors:

  • citrus
  • marrantovy;
  • aoid;
  • cutrov.

Often the tick can be detected on the ficus, fuchsia, crotone, balsamines. Special gourmets prefer one species: phalaenopsis tick attacks orchids, and cactus flatwood - cacti. But the favorite target of this insect is roses. Even with an indifferent struggle with small arthropods, a web tick on a rose is revealed again and again. Some flower products, because of this, simply stop growing it.

But still you can cope with this pest.

Chemical preparations against a paustic tick

A lot of means from a spider tick is invented, and they all belong to the class of acaricides or insectoacaricides.

Insecticides of this pest cannot be destroyed, they will not harm it.

Table: Insectoacaricides and acaricides for the destruction of web ticks.

A drugClassFeatures of application
AKTELLIKAkaroinsecticidActs at all stages of development. Hazard class 2. DANGER FOR PETERS. Outdoor processing is recommended
ApolloAcaricide with hormonal actionSterilizes adult individuals, destroying all the others. Hazard class - 4
DemitaAcaricide, active ingredient - FenazakhinLowly toxic, dangerous for fish. Resistance, so only single processing
KarateInsectoacaricideActs at all stages of development. Danger class - 3. dangerous for bees, fish and pets
BitoksibatsillinBiological insectoacaricideSafe intestinal preparation for adult pests
UnionContact acaricidHazard class - 4
NissoranAcaricide hormonal actionSterilizes adult individuals, destroys all the others
OmaithAcaricide contact actionAmazes adults and nymphs. Hazard class - 2
SanmightContact acaricidActs all individuals. A resistance to the drug may develop, so over the season, single processing. Hazard class - 3
SeltelInsectoacaricideActs of individuals of all ages.
TalstarInsectoacaricide from a group of pyreroidsActs at all stages of development. For people little toxic. Dangerous for fish and bees
Flumite.Hormonal AcaricidActs at all stages of development, sterilizing adults. Treatment single. Malotoxic
FufanonInsectoacaricideActs all individuals. 3 class of danger
EnvidorInsectoacaricide, breaks lipid exchangeActs at all stages of development. Hazard class - 3.

First of all, it is necessary to apply Bitoxylin Cyllain, Apollo, Akarin, Flumite, since they are less dangerous for a person.

How to get rid of the spider tick, if the chemical means do not want to apply? There are many people's methods.

Folk remedies

First of all, these are various brazers and infusions.

  • In 1 liter of water, there are 100 dried leaves of alder or 100 g of fresh for half an hour. The blackened decoction for 12 hours is filled and used for spraying.
  • 50 g of leaves or 30 g of dandelion roots pour hot (40 degrees) with water and insist about 3 hours, strain.
  • 100 g of chopped roots of shit is poured a liter of water. Allowed an hour and filter.
  • 20 g of garlic teeth are passed through garlic press and mixed with 1 liter of water. Focusing without insisting, and immediately handle.
  • Finely cut a large bulb, poured 0.5 liters with warm non-rigid water, allowed from 5 to 7 hours under the lid. Use a lesioned solution.
  • Gently wipe the leaves with a medical alcohol with 965 concentration. Special attention should be paid to the processing of the sinuses of the leaves where the tick can hide.
  • If only 2-3 minutes turn on the household UV lamp with the rays of medium length, the tick will be destroyed. You can do it 3-4 times a week.
  • It is possible that the use of acetone mixture and 96% alcohol in the proportion of 1: 2. In this solution, it is better to completely completely dip the plants. Combine processing process with a transplantation, carefully cleaned the roots from the old substrate.

How to handle plants and flowers

The unsystematic struggle with the spider tick will not give the proper effect, on the contrary, it will form a persistent immunity to poison. Therefore, in the fight against such a dangerous pest, it is necessary to observe the sequence, methodologicalness and not forget about some trifles that can reduce all efforts to zero.

What do we have to do?

  • It is necessary to process not only the affected plant, but also all the other flowers standing on this windowsill, and possibly in the whole room.
  • Cut all damaged leaves and destroy.
  • To arrange a shower for plants, you can even wash the leaves with a soap solution and rinse. For those plants with which water procedures are contraindicated, are arranged a steam bath. To do this, they put them in the bath and a quarter of an hour turns on very hot water without closing the drain. But the doors, on the contrary, cover.
  • Carefully disinfect all pallets, you can hold them in boiling water.
  • Treat leaves with a selected drug, wasting the entire surface. Sing them ground in a pot.
  • Polyethylene package on the flower and tie it, creating a closed space. The package is not removed up to 2 days. The plant should not stand in the sun, otherwise it just welds.
  • While the web tick is powered with poisons, carefully treated with alcohol or soap solution. The outside surface pots, windowsills, frames, glass, not missing a single gap. I will not extend the curtains.
  • To completely destroy the tick processing, you need to repeat 2 more times with an interval of 6 days, but not more. Perhaps you have to change the folk remedy or acaricide so that the ticks do not have addiction.

In order not to start the tedious struggle again, it is necessary to carry out prevention measures.

Prevention of appearance

The tick loves dry air and high air temperature. In order not to deliver his pleasure, the flowers need to spray often, and to ventilate the apartment so that it was not too hot.

A good preventive measure can be hot shower every 3 weeks. Many plants calmly carry temperatures up to 45 degrees.

All that is associated with plants and is brought to the house from the outside, should undergo strict control and, if necessary, processing. The new flower is washed in the soul and put on an empty window sill, where he must pass a two-week quarantine. The soil for plants needs steaming, like all the others used to compile the components, including drainage mixtures.

The web tick is a very dangerous and cunning enemy. It can quickly destroy the whole collection of room colors. Therefore, it is necessary to fight it mercilessly, only then can it be defeated.