Repair Design Furniture

Hoya - home care for indoor varieties. Sowing hoya seeds

Curly, with numerous shoots. Its length can be up to 10 meters.


Fleshy, tough, pointed. Dark green, up to 8 cm in length.

Flowers and bloom

Hoya blooms in early June and blooms profusely until the end of July, then resumes flowering in autumn, in September. The flowers are star-shaped and have five petals. They are waxy, collected in dense umbrellas. The color is different: white, pink, red. There are up to 2 cm in diameter.


Flowers emit a strong peculiar honey smell.

Growth rate

Grows up to 45 cm per year.

Life span

This is a perennial plant that lives in a room for a long time, up to 10-15 years.

Home care

Hoya is an easy-to-care plant.


Planted in small pots with good drainage and a mandatory drainage hole. Since this is a liana, which in indoor conditions is often grown as an ampelous plant, then it is better to use a hanging planter.

Transfer after purchase

After purchase, the plant remains in a technological pot for some time, then it is transplanted into a pots, but it should not be much larger than a shipping pot, hoya blooms more abundantly in cramped containers.

In the future, they are transplanted once in 2-3 years in April. This plant should not be transplanted often, because even with the most careful transplanting it starts to hurt.


The basis of the hoya mixture is leafy earth, to which add turf and humus in a ratio of 3: 2: 2, and mixed with a little coarse sand. It is helpful to add orchid soil or sphagnum moss and crushed tree bark. From the purchased soil, the soil for palm trees is best.


In summer, the plant is watered abundantly, but only after the topsoil dries up.

If there is water in the pan, then it must be drained, otherwise the roots will rot.

In winter, watering is significantly reduced. Hoya tolerates underfilling more easily than excess moisture.

Air humidity

Since the plant comes from countries with a humid climate, it also requires high humidity at home.

Hoya should be sprayed regularly, but at the same time do not get on the buds and inflorescences.


At home, hoya grows in well-lit small forests, therefore, at home, it is placed on the southern windowsill, but it still needs to be shaded from direct rays. The lack of color affects flowering, the hoya can shed the buds, or even not collect them at all.

Thermal conditions

In summer, the hoya is quite satisfied with the room temperature typical for this time. In winter, it is useful to lower the temperature to 15 degrees.


Hoya doesn't love too many nutrients... The liana is fed only during the flowering period, once every three weeks with mineral fertilizers and a couple of times during the period with organic ones.


Most often, hoyu is propagated apical cuttings, which are cut into 10-15 cm in length, while it is necessary to ensure that they have several kidneys. They are then rooted in wet peat mixed with sand. The higher the temperature, the faster the rooting takes place. You can also apply pre-plant root treatment.

Hoya reproduces by air layers and leaves with axillary buds, which are also planted in a peat soil mixture and placed in a warm place.


Hoya does not tolerate pruning, it is better not to remove even old peduncles, because flowers will reappear on them. Therefore, only damaged leaves are disposed of.

Diseases and pests. Control methods and treatment

Creeper leaves can be affected various fungi. In this case, the leaves are wiped with a damp cloth and treated with Bordeaux liquid. To prevent such diseases, hoya should be washed in the shower as often as possible.

With excessive watering, leaves can turn yellow, and the surface of the soil can become moldy, while the roots most often begin to rot. Dark spots on the leaves can be the result of sunburn.

Of the pests for hoya, thrips and scale insects are especially dangerous. They rarely infect a plant that is regularly washed in the shower. But if this happens, then the vine must be treated with an insecticide.

    Here are some tips for hoya care:

  • after the appearance of buds, the flower cannot be turned over, it can throw off the buds and not bloom;
  • hoya does not tolerate drafts;
  • the flower can be grown both as ampelous and fixed in a pot on an arch-shaped support;
  • in the spring, it is useful to place the hoyu directly in the pot in a basin with warm water and leave it for several hours so that the entire lump is saturated with moisture through the drainage hole;
  • in winter, the hoya should be placed as far as possible from the batteries and provide the brightest possible lighting.


Below you can see a photo of home care for Hoya Karnosa fleshy tricolor:

Hoya сarnosa Brown
Hoya carnosa

Habitat : India, South China, South Japan Islands, Taiwan, Australia (Queensland) and Fiji Islands.
From the history : first published 1809

Hoya carnosa is a large liana over 5 m long. The leaves are shiny, fleshy, dark green in color. On the surface of the leaf, waxy white streaks. The length of the sheet is about 10cm in length and 5cm in width.
The flower petals are pubescent, from white to pinkish. Corolla is white with a red center. Usually about 24 flowers per inflorescence. Flowers last for about 7-10 days. Possesses a strong aroma, abundantly secretes nectar.
It can be decorated with any decorative supports (lattice, ring, volumetric figures) or in the form of an ampelous plant.

Care Tips:

Temperature : during the period of active growth, the optimum temperature is 17-25 ° C. Withstands extended periods of temperatures just below 10 ° C.
Lighting : prefers bright lighting, but does not like direct rays of the sun, especially midday, which can cause burns on the leaves.
Watering : Abundant from spring to autumn, moderate in winter.
Peculiarities : after the appearance of the first flower buds and during flowering, it is not recommended to touch or rearrange the plant, otherwise the buds and already blossoming flowers will begin to fall off. In dry air, it can be affected by a tick. Also scale insects and mealybugs. Propagated by cuttings, which take root quite easily and quickly, both in water and in the ground, in moss.

Varieties: Numerous cultivated forms of H. carnosa are becoming more common, for example with variegated additions of white, cream, yellow, pink or red. There is also a variegated form with a slightly pubescent underside of the leaves. Some variegated varieties grow more slowly than common carnose, so a slow growth rate should not be taken as evidence of plant depression.

Subspecies and hybrids:
carnosa R. Brown 1810;
carnosa cv. Bicolor;
carnosa cv. Tricolor;
carnosa cv. Tricolor variegata;
carnosa cv. Argentea Picta = carnosa cv. Silver Princess;
carnosa cv. Big One;
carnosa cv. Bold One = carnosa cv. Big One;
carnosa cv. Convovulaceae;
carnosa cv. Cream One;
carnosa cv. Darling One;
carnosa cv. Dimples = carnosa cv. Krinkel-8;
carnosa cv. Divan;
carnosa cv. Exotica;
carnosa cv. Green Exotica = carnosa cv. Rubra;
carnosa cv. Holliana;
carnosa cv. Krimson Princess = carnosa cv. Rubra;
carnosa cv. Krimson Queen;
carnosa cv. Krinkel-8;
carnosa cv. Krinkel-8 variegata;
carnosa cv. Lime Cream;
carnosa cv. Little Leaf;
carnosa cv. Little One;
carnosa cv. Little Star;
carnosa cv. Mandas Compacta;
carnosa cv. Marlea;
carnosa cv. Picta = carnosa cv. Rubra;
carnosa cv. Picta Aurea = carnosa cv. Tricolor;
carnosa cv. Pixie Krinkle;
carnosa cv. Quiesceni = carnosa cv. Snow Ball;
carnosa cv. Rubra;
carnosa cv. Rubra Krimson Princess = carnosa cv. Rubra;
carnosa cv. Silver Princess;
carnosa cv. Snow Ball;
carnosa cv. Snow Fire = carnosa cv. Snow Ball;
carnosa cv. Superba = carnosa cv. Snow Ball;
carnosa cv. Suzi Q;
carnosa cv. Suzie Q = carnosa cv. Suzi Q;
carnosa cv. Sweet One;
carnosa cv. Verna Jeannette = carnosa cv. Silver Princess;
carnosa cv. Wilbur Graves;
carnosa f. compacta;
carnosa f. compacta cv. Crinkle Curl = carnosa cv. Dimples;
carnosa f. compacta cv. Gringle Curl;
carnosa f. compacta cv. Marginalis;
carnosa f. compacta cv. Mauna Loa;
carnosa f. compacta cv. Regalis;
carnosa f. compacta cv. Rubra;
carnosa f. compacta variegata;
carnosa f. compacta variegata cv. Tove = carnosa f. compacta variegata;
carnosa rubra = carnosa cv. Rubra;
carnosa var. Argentea = carnosa cv. Silver Princess;
carnosa var. carnosa = carnosa R. Brown 1810;
carnosa var. compacta;
carnosa var. gushanica W. Xu 1989 = carnosa R. Brown 1810;
carnosa var. japonica Siebold ex Maximowicz 1870 = carnosa R. Brown 1810;
carnosa var. marmorata;
carnosa var. variegata;
carnosa variegata Aurea = carnosa cv. Tricolor.

Video: Flowering hoya carnosa (lat.Hoya carnosa)

Hoyam needs bright lighting, plants can tolerate direct sunlight. However, when kept in the sun during the hottest hours of the summer, the plants may develop burns.
The optimal place for growing is windows with a west or east orientation. When grown on southern windows, in the summer at noon hours, it is desirable to create diffused lighting using translucent fabric or paper (tulle, gauze, tracing paper). On the north window, due to a lack of light, the plant does not bloom.
In the autumn-winter period, the plant is also kept in good lighting, shading is not required. In the spring, with an increase in the level of illumination, they gradually accustom to more light, in order to avoid burns.
The optimum temperature for plant growth and development in summer is 22-25 ° C. The temperature of the content in the autumn-winter period should be at least 16 ° C. The plant is capable of hibernating at 20-22 ° C, however, in this case, less abundant flowering can be expected. Hoya does not like stagnant air - the room with her must be regularly ventilated, in winter this is done carefully, in order to avoid drafts.

From March to October, the hoyi are watered abundantly, with soft, settled water, as the upper layer of the substrate dries up. Since autumn, watering is reduced, it is carried out two to three days after the top layer of the substrate dries up (the earthy clod is not brought to complete drying). Watering can be done with slightly lukewarm water.
Twice a year (in spring and autumn), the whole plant is immersed in water heated to 30-40 ° C for 30-40 minutes, and an earthen lump for 2 hours. This promotes better growth and faster flowering.

Video: My hoya compacta again for his own) Blossoms again!

Air humidity does not play a significant role for hoya, however, it is recommended to spray it in the spring-summer period. Spray carefully, it is advisable not to fall on the flowers with drops.
In the spring-summer (vegetation) period, plants respond well to feeding with complex mineral fertilizers for indoor plants (once every 2-3 weeks).
High light intensity (bright windows in rooms) activates the formation of flower buds. Flowering continues until autumn.
After the buds appear, the hoya should not be budged, so as not to cause shedding of flowers. Supports can be placed under the flower brushes. After the plant has faded, it is necessary to cut off all the longest shoots, leaving short branches on which flowering occurs. Peduncles should also not be removed, since buds - flowers appear on them next year.
Young plants are transplanted annually, as they develop more intensively in more voluminous containers - adult plants are transplanted once every 3 years. The soil is suitable nutritious and easily permeable, slightly acidic and neutral (pH 5.5-7). Hoya grows well in almost any soil, for example, in a garden mixed with sand. Good drainage is essential.
Lot - rooted cutting 12cm high, 14cm in diameter. The first three photos are internet, the rest are lot.

Hoya carnosa - Hoya carnosa

One of the first hoi, collected and distributed due to its decorative effect. She has beautiful oblong-oval glossy leaves, good growth, generous flowering and most importantly: she is very hardy.

Large liana with curly lashes and more than 5 m in length. Fleshy leaves, pointed ends, pale green on the underside, dark green above, without visible veins, except for young leaves, where on the upper surface they can sometimes appear in a dark color; all leaves are chaotically covered with silvery spots. The leaf is about 10 cm long and 5 cm wide.

The flower petals are pubescent, from white to pinkish. Corolla is white with a red center. Abundant flowering. Umbrellas in the shape of a hemisphere. Usually about 24 flowers per inflorescence. The flowers are extremely beautiful, 15 - 18 mm in diameter, the petals are covered with hard hairs. Flowers last for about 7-10 days. Possesses a strong aroma, exudes nectar abundantly.

Flowers develop many times on the same peduncles, so they are not removed.

It can be decorated with any decorative supports (lattice, ring, volumetric figures) or in the form of an ampelous plant.

Easily adapts to cool rooms, unlike most types of hoi. In addition to its hardiness, it is one of the few varieties with clear juice, rather than milky like most species.

Hoya carnosa has several synonyms: Hoya chinensis Traill., Hoya crassifolia Haw., Hoya laurifolia Miq., Hoya picta Hort., Hoya rotundifolia Sieb. and Hoya motoskei Teijsm. & Binn. Of all these synonyms, Hoya motoskei is the only one that continues to exist, and separation from Hoya carnosa seems justified. There are many cultivars of Hoya carnosa.

Here are a few of them with registered patents:
Hoya carnosa var. variegata. cv. Tricolor (Brand = Krimson Queen)... It has creamy white leaf borders, with green in the center.
Hoya carnosa var. picta cv. Rubra (Brand = Krimson Princess)... It has green leaf borders and a creamy yellow center. "var". means varietas (lat.): "variety", in our case - variety, variety.
Hoya carnosa var. variegata cv. Argentia Picta (Brand = Silver Princess)... She has creamy white leaf borders with green in the center, but differs from the above in that the leaves are covered with a whitish "bloom", as if someone painted the leaves white and then wiped off the paint.

And with unregistered names:
"Alba "- our good old Hoya carnosa with pink flowers!
"Bold One"
"Convovulaceae"- cultivar cv. Hoya carnosa variegata with smaller, slightly curved leaves.
"Cream One"- Cultivar Genevieve McDonald, also called "Lime Cream" and "Lime Green".
"Darling One"- Cultivar Genevieve McDonald.
"Dimples" = cv. Krinkle-8.
"Divan"- dwarf Hoya carnosa var. variegata.
"Green Exotica"- When cv. Rubra has lost its variegation, the owner of the Loyce plant has cut off the green parts; rooted them and sold them as cv. "Green Exotica".
"Holliana"- dwarf form Hoya carnosa var. variegata. There is no visible difference between it and cv. Divan.

Temperature: during the period of active growth, the optimum temperature is 17-25 ° C. Can withstand extended periods of temperatures just below 10 ° C.

Lighting: prefers bright lighting, but does not like direct rays of the sun, especially midday, which can cause burns on the leaves.

Watering: abundant from spring to autumn, moderate in winter.

Pests: in dry air, it can be affected by a tick. Also scale insects and mealybugs.

Peculiarities: after the appearance of the first flower buds and during flowering, it is not recommended to touch or rearrange the plant from place to place, otherwise the buds and already blossoming flowers will begin to fall off.
Propagated by cuttings, which take root quite easily and quickly, both in water and in the ground, in moss.