Repairs Design Furniture

Redevelopment of two studio apartments. Redevelopment of one-bedroom apartment

Redevelopment of the apartment from designers is quite expensive, and even more expensive it is worth purchasing a two-room apartment.

If you settled in an old house, your family is rapidly increasing and there is not enough space at all - it is necessary to seriously think about redevelopment of a one-room apartment in a two-room one.

Of course, this occupation is rather not simple, but to make redevelopment quite real and without the help of professionals.

It must be remembered that there are restrictions on redevelopment.

Ban on redevelopment

The law strictly prohibits and punishes those who are self-confined to make a two-room apartment from 1 bedroom apartment, or rather:

  • it is impossible to increase the kitchen for the area of \u200b\u200bthe account of the toilet;
  • you can not destroy the bearing walls without the knowledge of the housing inspection;
  • it is impossible to increase the toilet at the expense of the kitchen;
  • you can not make a redevelopment if the general communications become unavailable;
  • it is impossible to dismantle the ventilation near the gas plates;
  • it is impossible to transfer to the loggia;
  • it is impossible to carry gas risers;
  • it is impossible to increase the load on the design of the house;
  • it is impossible to redecessing in the emergency houses;
  • it is forbidden to expand the area at the expense of other rooms and premises;
  • disassembly or transfer of openings and partitions.

How and with whom to coordinate the redevelopment of the apartment

Before getting permission from housing services must be prepared

And make some actions:

  • make a sketch for work (go to BTI and take a housing plan and make it the elements that you will be demolished with a red handle, and green - what you want to build);
  • create a project (necessary for serious redevelopment of an apartment, which can be ordered in a construction company).

When everyone has prepared, you can go to the housing inspection of the local administration. But do not forget to take the following documents for redevelopment:

  • documents at housing, which confirm that it really is your property;
  • act of technical condition with the signature of the DEZA;
  • technical certificate from BTI;
  • the consent of family members;
  • statement (the form is issued in the housing inspection).

The inspection will consider the decision on the apartment within 45 days.

When you get permission, act on the planned plan, since the redevelopment of the apartment will be taken with the Commission, which will give an act.

So re-planning will be legal.

How to make redevelopment of one-room apartment in two-room

It is worth starting to think about redeveloping an apartment with an understanding about how much square you have.

One-bedroom housing can be various Square:

  • 32 sq.m;
  • 36 sq.m;
  • 45-55 sq.m;
  • 60 sq.m.

The apartment with 2 windows (one in the kitchen, another in the big room) usually has an area of \u200b\u200b55 square meters.

60 sq.m. He has accommodation with improved planning, where the redevelopment is needed very rarely, because the usual can fully cope with this solution.

Nevertheless, if you wanted to re-post a one-room apartment in a two-room one can do this in several options.

You can simply transfer the kitchen into the dark part of the apartment. Living room with sofa place at the window. It turns out the studio apartment, which is very fashionable today.

Attach the storage room or wardrobe to common Square Apartments, and instead, organize the kitchen.

An excellent option to redecessing the apartment will be the insulation of the loggia and joining it to a large room with glass partitions.

On the loggia you can make a kitchenette, a bedroom, a large dressing room or your own office.

To make the bedroom from the loggia will need to insulate the room.

Install the crate laid between the bars and two layers of the film and insulation. Then the entire system is closed with plasterboard plywood.

Make redevelopment of the loggia in one-room apartment you can combine it with great room And removing low wallIf such a project is allowed in the housing inspection.

If the inspection did not give consent, then simply remove the doors and window Rama on a balcony or loggia. The wall remaining to dismantle in the form of a bedside table.

Good option Reference to one-room apartment with one window, can be carried out using a wall of plasterboard or profiles.

A separate one's own apartment is the dream of most people. But not every person can afford to buy housing to their taste. However, if there is still own shelter, then if there is a desire, it is completely easy to turn it into a cozy comfortable apartment. For example, there are a lot of options for how from one-room made

Coordination of future redevelopment and permits

Before you make a "two-room" from one-room, you need to choose optimal option dividing room. If the elimination of interroom walls are supposed to be eliminated, then permission will be required. To obtain it, contact the authorities of the city or district administration of the appropriate profile.

To find out the technical condition of the building, you will need to make a request to the BTI. In the project documentation at home you need to find a plan own apartment. You can turn it out and display it on it, as from one-room to make a two-room apartment.

The process of registration of permits lasts an average of 6 weeks. In the absence of relevant sanction, it is punished by imposing a fine and the need to restore the primary state of "odnushki".

Basic rules of redevelopment

If you have decided to transform your one-room apartment in "Double", you will need the first thing:

  1. To collect information about the technical condition of the building, so that in the process of retraining its housing, do not disturb the strength of the basic designs of the whole house.
  2. Comply with the entire order and norms of redevelopment to avoid administrative penalties.
  3. Draw up phased plan actions, define time limits, calculate the estimated amount of material costs.
  4. If serious repair work is coming, you should find qualified specialists for their implementation.

Possible restrictions on redevelopment of one-room apartment

If DS seriously thought about how to make a two-room apartment from one-room, remember that there are some restrictions that need to be considered:

  • cannot demolish bearing walls;
  • holding repair work should not affect the normal functioning of utilities (heating, electricity, work fire system etc.);
  • if the kitchen is equipped with a gas stove, it is forbidden to combine it with part of the room;
  • it is prohibited to re-equipment under the kitchen of the corridor, because at the same time sanitary standards are violated.

Designer methods for increasing the useful area of \u200b\u200bone-room apartment

Experienced designers know many ways to make a one-bedroom apartment from one-room. In most cases, redevelopment is actually implemented independently. For example, you can zonate the space by sharing the room into two parts, or combine several functional sections on one area. Options There may be a wide variety.

Decorative niche

The use of a partition from plywood, drywall or chipboard is an excellent option of how to make a two-room apartment from one-room. A framework of metal guides is created, which is trimmed with the selected material. From the inside the construction is filled with a layer then a stationary system is installed or a sliding door.

Shelving shelter or wardrobe for partition

The room with a large area can be divided by half using racks. The degree of their openness will depend on the isolation of the resulting premises. One part can be used as a bedroom, and the other is like a living room. The shelf or cabinets will become an additional storage location for different necessary items.

Wardrobe Partition

You can install the wardrobe in the middle of the room and leave the passage. In addition to the separation function, the wardrobe can be used for storing clothes and things. Moreover this species Furniture can be both one-sided and double-sided. If a set design will reach the ceiling, then it turns out a full-fledged separate room. But since in this case an obstacle arises for the penetration of daylight, one can add the separation structure with a small lumen. It is advisable to remake the wiring, equipping each room with separate lighting devices.

Combining living room and kitchen

This option is the most difficult. If it is permissible, the wall between the room and the kitchen disassembled. Most of the space is discharged for the bedroom, and the remaining area is used as a kitchen-living room.

Using a kitchen as a full-fledged bedroom

An excellent option of how from one-bedroom apartment Make a two-room, is in a separate bedroom. With this method, the former room serves as a living room and kitchen. Space can be divided by partitions or designate the purpose of each of the zones by correct

Takeaway kitchen on the balcony

If one-room apartment has a wide balcony or loggia, you can easily re-equip them in small cuisine. To do this, it will be necessary to warm the balcony, which is pretty simple when installing on it plastic windows. At the same time you can remove balcony door Or completely get rid of the window and the door, setting the army in return. The liberated kitchen becomes a residential bedroom.


  1. The separation into two parts of the one-room apartment allows you to get two small, but full rooms.
  2. The kitchen, if possible, it is best to remake in a bed.
  3. If conditions allow you to preferably use a balcony as a useful functional area.
  4. Combining the kitchen and living room not only creates a certain convenience, but also gives the apartment a very original appearance.

Thus, even having a one-room apartment, you can make accommodation in it as convenient as possible not only for one person, but also for a small family.

People just entering the studio apartment, and have long been living in such real estate, unites the desire to make redevelopment. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe room allows, you can make a comfortable one-bedroom apartment from one-room apartment. It is even important that in each of the zones at least one window, because the room should have a source of natural light, to ventilically ventilate. Reference result will satisfy you if you follow some rules. Below are the main ones.

The cost of repairing one-room apartment

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Redecorating from 7 days.
from 2 500 rubles.
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from 5 500 rubles.
ERRORORMONT. from 30 days.
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Basics and Rules of Redevelopment

Having thought about how from one-room apartment to make a two-room, you should clearly understand that the design, communication of any hydrogenation is calculated based on the strength qualities of the used building materials, details. Making something wrong, you can harm the entire structure, which will lead to irreversible consequences. We recommend contacting this task to us. Our specialists have extensive experience, high level Qualifications.

Returning to what you can and what you can not, I would like to note:

  1. it is strictly forbidden to perform dismantling of external bearing walls, even if there is a partial disassembly;
  2. it is not allowed to expand the bathroom at the expense of the kitchen and vice versa;
  3. categorical prohibition acts on the autopsy ventilation system indoors with installed gas devices;
  4. cannot be transferred heating batteries on the loggia, balcony. No location change is allowed gas pipes, common risers.

You will not get one of the one-room apartment to make a two-room, if it is in a residential building recognized as an emergency. The reason is that it is extremely dangerous. Additionally requires comprehensive redevelopment coordination with profile organizations.

The possibility is allowed:

  • expanding the boundaries of space at the expense of the loggia;
  • transferring gas highways, devices, but only after agreeing with gas supplying organizations. All work is carried out exclusively by their specialists;
  • partial dismantling of inner bearing walls in order to install door openings;
  • constructive change in the structure, type of floor.

Do not know if you can make two-room from one-room apartment? It is possible, but only if you agree on the possibility of deviations from standards present in the project. The project must be legalized, official permission is issued and only after that you can start work.

There are cases when the solution is required to make a one-room apartment from the studio, but more often still, the opposite happens. Modern interiors Suppose the presence of a large free space, a lot of light. The advantage of the apartment in the form of a studio is individual styleThe ability to often change the design by rearranging furniture. As mentioned above, it's unrealistic to make a bedroom from the kitchen in principle. Most often, people share one spacious apartment on the living room and the bedroom. You can do this by building a wall of brick, drywall, glass blocks or competently placed furniture. Not as problematic in terms of the need for legalization, the last three options are.

Is it possible to make a one-room apartment from the studio? Of course, you can. And if you bring professionals to this, it will still be easy. You just need to explain to us what you want, and a group of our specialists in a short time will embody any idea into reality.

Do not know how to make a two-level apartment from one-room apartment? We will tell you and show.

It is possible to do it not in every apartment. The object of real estate must have high ceilings, and even better to have mansard Floorwhich can be used as a second level. With such a task, it is almost impossible to cope on your own, because it takes a possession of certain skills, knowledge. All this is our specialists, and recommend to attract to this case. Alternatively, you can build mezzano with a sleeping place. By carrying out a competent approach to the use of free space, it is possible to make a room 40 m2 to make a two-level.

And how to make two rooms from one-room apartment? One of successful options is the installation of a mobile partition. It will completely separate a certain part of the room, which can be used as a nursery or as a place to relax. The only drawback of this method is the inability to ensure complete sound insulation, but if desired, this problem can be solved.

If you still want to know the ideas, how to make a two-room apartment from a one-room apartment, then pay attention to the possibility of using the loggia (provided it is sufficient width). You will succeed alone, but completely separate room. Applying efforts, from a cold loggia you can make a cozy room or bedroom. Such a layout is very original, it is able to surprise everyone.

Additional options

Even more simple decision how from one-room apartment to make two rooms, is the separation of the room in half light partition (parts of the room can be made different in size). It is usually used for this purpose. metallic profile, plasterboard sheets, and the mineral wool / foam is stacked between them. In the already manufactured design can be mounted door box With the door (they should also be made of lightweight materials). You should not expect residential premises of large sizes, but a place to privacy, there will definitely.

In conclusion I would like to say that if in the future you plan to think about how from the studio to make a one-room apartment, you need to choose accommodation at least with two window passing. Only so you can be sure that there will be no problem with redevelopment. This is not the whole list possible redevelopments. More useful information You will receive by contacting our specialists who knows any business in any business related to construction, repair.

Is it possible to redevelop a one-room apartment in a two-room? Sounds unusual. Immediately the question arises: the magician needs to be invited or not? Nevertheless, to make two different rooms and without a magician, even if your "odnushka" has a small quadrature.

More actual question: Is it really necessary? Because any redevelopment is a very troublesome case, it is worth seeing to make it feasibility. Otherwise, it may turn out the result torn away from reality. For example, you will make two perfectly decorated rooms: living room and bedroom. And I needed a room-office for the work of the parent and a teenager room.

The need to divide one room into two may occur by different circumstances. New family members are born and grow up, and the elderly, as nor sadly, go away. Spouses are bred, or vice versa, a new family is created. Together with the change in the composition of the family, new needs for using the space of the apartment arise. Therefore, the purpose of redevelopment is to effectively organize space, while increasing, and not losing, comfort for tenants.

Where to begin

The ideal solution is to turn to a professional designer. But not everyone is such an option for pocket, so you can try to create an interior yourself. Here are the moments that need to be taken into account:

  • before trying yourself as a designer, work as a journalist. Take an interview with all the inhabitants of the apartment (the cat can be excluded, although Jackson Galaxy will be against). Write down their wishes and suggestions. It will not be superfluous to repeat the interview in time to make sure that you were not expressed not momentary desires. This and the next stages will need to collect the Family Council.
  • now the work of the designer begins. First you need to draw your apartment plan, carefully, as far as possible, observing the proportion. Arm yourself with a roulette and pencil. It is desirable to make a plan on a sheet of format at least A4. If you can make a plan on your computer, take advantage of this.
  • think out what furniture items leave, and from what you plan to get rid of. Or maybe you want to purchase furniture under the order: it will simplify the design process. Furniture that you will use, you need to draw on a separate tight sheet of paper (observe the same scale!) And cut the resulting layouts.
  • examine the rules of location household appliances. So that it has not turned out that the TV will be located next to the heater, and the sofa is near the air conditioner.
  • and most importantly, complex redevelopment, affecting the architecture of the apartment, should be started with obtaining permits. Therefore, make sure to make sure if you really get permission to dismantle or build partitions.

When changing the appearance of the apartment, do not forget about styles and comfort. The apartment must be functional and at the same time please the eye.

To competently distribute the space of the apartment, it is important to analyze who from family members in which room prefers to be most of the day. From what family members live in the apartment will depend much. For example, options for a couple with an elderly parent or for a divorced woman with two children of different sexes will be different.

It seems that with a good fancy redevelopment options can be a lot. In fact, there are two of them:

  • zonate or overcoat the available room;
  • dismantle all or part of partitions between the kitchen, room, hallway, bathroom and pantry (or loggia) and distribute in a new way square meters Between these parts of the apartment.

The first option is a simple separation of the room into two parts with a partition - is economically very profitable. An example of such zoning: A part of the room at the window is used for the nursery, the second part is used as a living room. The disadvantage of this redevelopment method is incomplete achieving its goals. For example, the kitchen space is too large, and the living room is small.

The second option is more costly in terms of time, money and nerves. One only permission to disassemble walls can become an irresistible obstacle. Therefore, you must be 100% sure of the utility of such redevelopment.

Dismantling the walls between the room and the kitchen is a difficult solution for those who have a sensitive smell. Discuss in advance with family members, whether they agree to smells from the kitchen all over the apartment. It will not be superfluous to purchase a powerful exhaust. But even in this case, an elderly person with allergies to some odors (fried fish or marinade) may suffer.

The varieties of the second variant are a huge set. If the kitchen is too long, some of its space can be given the bathroom. Part of the kitchen can be combined with loggia, and at the expense of the second part to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe children's or living room. Too large hallway It can be reduced, and the vacant space is combined with the storeroom and equip the office or bedroom. This room will have to make artificial lighting.

How to zonail the apartment

It is possible to divide the space on the functional zones using partitions, and in other ways. First options without partitions:

  • multi-level;
  • outdoor coating of two or more types: tile, laminate, carpet and others;
  • various ways of lighting;
  • various color gamma parts of the apartment.

The separation of the apartment by partitions is not necessarily architectural delights. Among the abundance of options can be found suitable for your apartment:

  • furniture can help in the separation of space: Bar rack or sofa is perfectly zonied the room. Excellent with the partition function copes the wardrobe, while maintaining the useful space within itself. As a furniture partition, racks often use.
  • convenient to build partitions to use lightweight materials - for example, drywall. Such a partition can be purely decorative, and may become functional. For example, it can consolidate hooks for clothes or equip a niche for the TV.
  • as a partition, you can use the screen. This method of zoning is convenient for its mobility. Shirma is moving away - two rooms. We fold the screen - one.
  • wonderful mobile partitions are sliding doors.
  • you can install aquarium. But this option on an amateur, moreover, implies constant costs of care for this pictorial subject of the interior.
  • it is possible to use podiums and arches.

The interior is what inside

So, you carefully thought out the design of the future "two-room" apartment and got necessary permissions. The case is small - to make a conceived. Redevelopment provides for considerable consumption of funds from family budget, as well as the need to change their solutions and preferences. Therefore, it is especially important to all family members to come to universal consent.

After all, the interior in translation from French means "internal". So, you need to not forget about the inner "heart" of your family: love, mutual understanding and readiness to give up. It will be hurt if the redevelopment process as a joint work is not solid, but will dismiss the family. After all, the purpose of redevelopment is comfort for the family. And if the goal is achieved, the process was not in vain.