Repairs Design Furniture

30 meters in Cuba. How many boards in Cuba: how to make calculations using various methods. Covered edged board area

When preparing for the construction of a wooden building, houses or buildings will be prudent to first learn the total number of necessary material for the complete completion of the construction of the object. And when the bar is used in the process, its number can be found using special tables with calculations. Or for this you can take advantage of the calculations carried out by independent forces.

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Mathematical model of counting the number of bar in Cuba

The main method of counting the number of bar in the wood cube is a simple formula, for this it is necessary to multiply the area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangular disk, and the diameter itself is calculated by multiplying the height to the width.

To accurately determine the number of bars in a cubic meter of wood, depending on its cross section and length, it is necessary to make calculations:

For example, for the construction of an object, 100 cross-time meters of a 40 mm brand can be needed, which has a length of 3 meters. To do this, first need to know its area diameter: 0.04 m * 0.05 m \u003d 0.002 sq. M. m., it leaves 0.002 square meters. M. Next, it is necessary to multiply this area to the length of the bar: 0.002 * 3 \u003d 0.006 cubic meters. m. - This is the volume of one bar with a diameter 40 by 50 mm. Then we divide 1 cubic meter of wood for the volume of one bar: 1 cubic meter. m. / 0.006 cubic meters. m. \u003d 166 pieces.

Now there is a result, only 166 pieces of bar in 1st (one) cubic meter of wood with a diameter 40 by 50 mm and a long 3 meter. Now everyone can learn about the bar - how many in Cuba there will be pieces of bars. By the same similar formula, it is possible to calculate the number of bar relative to other types of bar having different indicators and diagnostic dimensions.

Counting and completion of the mathematical problem

From the example, you can now calculate that it will take 100 ppm to build an object. * 0.006 cubic meters. m. \u003d 0.6 cubic meters. M. Here is also a result, for the complete completion of the construction of an object for which 100 robes of the bar need to buy 0.6 cubic meters of wood. This figure will be needed to recalculate the cost of the bar, purchased by the piece of product on the cost of one cube of wood.

Table of quantity of bar in Cuba

Timber name Size of the sections of the bar (mm) How many timber (pieces) in Cuba (in 1 cubic meter) The volume of one bar in cubic meters (m3)
Bar 25x50x3000 266 0,0037
Bar 30x40x3000 277 0,0036
Bar 30x50x3000 222 0,0045
Bar 40x40x3000 208 0,0048
Bar 50x50x3000 133 0,0075
Bar 50x70x3000. 95 0,01

Bar and board are one of the most ancient building materials, but it does not lose its relevance today. At the same time, the cost of these sawn timber makes buyers carefully approach the accuracy of counting their required quantity.

Now you can find the necessary tables for calculating the desired number of cubic meters of building materials, but the skillful owner should be able to make a calculation independently.

How much in Cuba 50 to 150 to 6000

As you already, probably understood, the calculation of sawn goods is carried out in cubic meters. At the same time, the Cube Board and Brous may have different overall indicators. Therefore, for accurate purchase, you need to understand the size of this cube for a more accurate calculation. The most common cube of sawnware has dimensions of 50x150x6000 mm.

We consider the desired volume easily and just

Calculate cubic meters of board or bar is very easy. To do this, it is necessary to have elementary knowledge from the geometry that we were told in school. Thus, to determine the desired cube, you need to initially multiply the widths (L), thickness (S) and length (B).

For instance: s boards × l boards x b boards \u003d 50 mm × 150 mm x 6000 mm \u003d 45000 cm / cube.

We remember that the cubic meter is 100,000,000 cm / cm, that is, 100 cm x 100 cm x 100 cm.

1000000 cc / cm: 45000 cm / cm \u003d 22,22 pieces Boards in one Cuba.

How many boards in 1 cube table 6m:

Board size Volume of the 1st board Boards in 1st Cuba in pieces Square meters in 1st Cuba
Board 50x 100x 6000 0.03 m³. 33 pcs. 20 m²
Board 50x 120x 6000 0.036 m³. 27 pcs. 20 m²
Plank 50x 150x 6000 0.045 m³. 22 pcs. 20 m²
Plank 50x 180x 6000 0.054 m³ 18 pcs. 20 m²
Board 50x 200h 6000 0.06 m³ 16 pcs. 20 m²
Board 50x 250x 6000 0.075 m³. 13 pcs. 20 m²

As you can see, calculate the required amount of the 6th meter board is very easy. Now you know how to determine how many meter boards in Cuba. Depending on the size, you simply substitute the desired dimensions into a simple formula and get a ready-made result.

Any construction or repair work with wood requires a painstaking miscalculation of the required amount of this building material. How to calculate how to buy this material, so that the money is superfluous not to spend and have enough for all the intended full? Below is the formula and the rules of the Cubometer Cubeter, which will help even the slightest errors exclude!

What are the sawnasters

What lumber is - perhaps, understands every person. This is already painted on special wood equipment.

The process of preparing sawn timber is always the same:

  1. The forest is brought to the sawmill (round timber, i.e. logs);
  2. The following is the sorting of this primary timber in the subsequent processing directions, as a result, to obtain a building material from the tree of the required size (length) and cross-sectional area (width + thickness).

It should be known that timber and any kind of sawn timber will be measured in cubic meters. According to construction and mathematical standards, the cubic meter is a bulk square, for length, width and height of which one meter is accepted.

To unmistakably determine whether it is enough for wood building materials for a particular construction task, it is necessary to take into account the size of the obtained board of the edged and features of its primary woodworking.

Bar cutting

This is the most popular lumber for construction or repair, which can be different lengths and size of cross-section. If you know these cutting parameters, it is easy to find values \u200b\u200bas how many boards in Cuba.

For example, we received 50 x 150 x 6000 mm boards in an amount of 25 pcs. To calculate how many cubes are, you can use a special table. There are only three graphs, according to the readings of which it is easy to calculate how many boards in one Cuba. Since we have 25 boards, it is easy to find out what kind of cubic meter: divide 25 to the resulting value (how many boards in 1 cube in the table 6 meters).

Planed Bar

Unlike the edged bar, which has a natural humidity, the planed timber is well succeeded. As a result of drying timber, its volumes and weight change slightly (decrease):

  1. If used in construction, unreasonable wooden lumber, then during their drying, the surface can change its shape (twisted or bent the timber).
  2. From how much the building materials weighs, the quality and wear resistance of the structure as a whole will depend.

Another difference between the planed timber from other types of sawn timber is considered a strict pattern in the source sizes: the length of the cross section of the timber must not exceed 2 times in terms of the width size.

Planed Barlock

For construction guests there is a specific pointer, which is distinguished by a timber from Bar. This is the width of the section: if this parameter is more than 100 mm, then we have a bar, and if the width of the section is less (or equal) 100 mm - we are dealing with BR.

Brush edged

The edged bar (by analogy with the edged bar) is a fresh (or without high-quality drying) sawn timber.

The difference between the timber / bar edged or planed is practically conditional, because Change the width of the material by 2 to 3 cm (and therefore change and the status of this material) on the panel can be without problems.

Professionals-builders choose for the target application of the bar, considering only 3 signs:

  1. The breed of wood from which the timber is made;
  2. Drying time of this logboard;
  3. Features of the building structure (weight load), for the construction of which the building material is selected.

Edged board

This is a type of sawn timber with certain dimensions: the width must be 2 times more than the thickness of the section. The carrying capacity of such building materials is less than that of the bar.

Because their purpose is appropriate:

  1. Internal works (floor, roof, walls);
  2. External arrangement (fences, siding, construction of surplus buildings, etc.).

Floor board

On dimensions and intended purpose there are various types of geepar (or clapboard).

To date, the building materials market offers such a variety of lining, which copes perfectly with the trim of any surface:

  1. Parquet - extremely high quality and practical properties of this type of flooring provides internal structure in 3 layers: spruce, wood-fiber from coniferous rocks and decorative from fruit trees, ash, oak.
  2. Terrace - consists of a natural tree + a few polymers. Differs high tolerance to humidity, temperature fluctuations, light.
  3. The floor is normal - it is pure wood material. Pine's lining is used to improve the floor, walls, ceiling coatings in residential premises. The lining from aspen or linden is ideal for the bath, from larch lining are used to arrange street buildings (arbors, terraces, etc.).

In terms of quality, lumber for sex shall be divided into classes:

  1. The highest (or selected) is used only for elite buildings with extremely high wear resistance and reliability;
  2. The first and second apply to the construction of ordinary housing;
  3. The fourth is solely suitable for the supervisory buildings.

How to measure

The calculation of a sufficient amount of sawn timber is a responsible task. To calculate how many pieces it should be bought to perform repair on a specific floor area or wall, a cubic metrar of these sawn timber should be known.

The task is not complicated, but the pedantic, and begins with the calculations on one board:

  1. The width, length and thickness of the lumber unit indicate in millimeters to be translated into meters;
  2. Multiply the obtained values \u200b\u200b(width x length x thick) is a cubic meter of boards / timber.

Now, in order to evaluate how much such boards / bars in Cuba, 1 m 3 is divided into the obtained product of external dimensions of building materials and rounded to the whole value. This will be the desired result.

How many in Cuba boards: timber bar

In order not to spend time on measurements / calculations, you can use the ready-made table. Here, according to the well-known dimensions of the bar, it is easy to calculate how many bar in 1 cube and what volume of one bar.

Timber size (mm) Number of 6 m long bars in 1 m 3 sawn timber Volume 1 timber 6 m long
100 x 100. 16,6 0,06
100 x 150. 11,1 0,09
100 x 200. 8,3 0,12
150 x 150. 7,4 0, 135
150 x 200. 5,5 0,18
150 x 300. 3,7 0,27
200 x 200. 4,1 0,24

How many in 1 cube boards: table board

There is a similar table for boards: Knowing in advance (or measuring its own) source sizes, it is very easy to find out the volume of the unit of this building material and how much of the board is available in Cuba.

Board size (mm) Number of boards 6 m long 1 m 3 sawn timber Volume 1 Board 6 m long (m 3)
25 x 100. 66,6 0,015
25 x 150. 44,4 0,022
25 x 200. 33,3 0,03
40 x 100. 62,5 0,024
40 x 150. 41,6 0,036
40 x 200. 31,2 0,048
50 x 50. 67 0, 015
50 x 100 33,3 0,03
50 x 150. 22,2 0,045
50 x 200. 16,6 0,06
50 x 250. 13,30 0, 075

The formula for calculating the board in Cuba in squares

To calculate the surface area, only two indicators are used: length and width. Consequently, to calculate the desired amount of sawn timber, it is followed by a lumber cube in square, and compare with surface area.

Make it simple: 1 m 3 It is divided into the thickness of the selected unit of building materials.

The formula for calculating the board in Cuba in pieces

To determine how many boards of this size in 1 cubic meter should be:

1 m 3 / Board volume (i.e. length x width x thickness)

The formula for calculating the volume of the board

The volume is a three-dimensional value. To calculate the volume of the board, you should take a product of the width, thickness and lengths. But, the situation is simplified if you take a meter bar or board. In this case, we multiply only the remaining two values: the thickness and width of the section.

How many boards in the cubic meter. Memo developer

In the process of private construction, such as a house, garage or giving probably no builder without lumber. Even if the house is erected from the most fashionable and modern materials, replace part of wooden structures, such as rafters, lag, crates for example on plastic or metal is impossible, or economically unprofitable.

For the construction of a small house or bath, you will probably need a minimum of several cubic meters of lumber of various sizes and sections, ranging from the board and ending with the bar and slats. If the construction is quite large, then the wood account is already on dozens of cubic meters.

On a large-scale construction site, usually the number of certain types of boards or timets has already been made in the estimate and builders there is no need to calculate them or not for construction, but what to do those who build a small house with a limited budget?

If he buys more lumber than you need, where to give the remnants? In order to assist these people in the calculation of sawn timber and their number, we decided to write this article. We proceeded that for small buildings, the counting of sawn timber is made either individually, or in a prayer, therefore, in the tables, the cross-section of boards and bars are specified in the tables, as well as their length. Also indicated the volume of a particular lumber in cubic meters.

This is done so that a person can count the desired number of boards or bars in cubic meters, as in the main mass of the company who sell sawn goods release them in cubic meters. If you buy, for example, the boards pieces in a construction store - there is a final price will be 1.5 - 2 times higher, which is absolutely unprofitable for the buyer.

Additionally, we led data for the so-called non-standard sawn timber, because many firms are carried out by cutting forests in the size of the Customer and these dimensions may differ from the standard (usually it is dictated by issues of savings or constructive features of the erected structure).

Indicating the number of sawn timber In one Cuba, we gave a digit of one-piece boards or bars, so it is more accurate to use the data on the volume of the specific type of sawn timber, multiplying them by quantity.

For private construction, information on the number of boards or bars in one Cuba is very helpful. Buying a few cups of the board you will know how much in this volume of boards, which will also help you recalculate them when receiving, that is, you are not deceived with the amount.

Table of calculating sawn timber


Board size Number of boards in 1 cube Wood volume in 1 chalkboard, cubic meters
25 x 100 x 6000 66 pcs 0.015
25 x 150 x 6000 44 pieces 0.0225
25 x 200 x 6000 33 pcs 0.03
30 x 100 x 6000 55 pieces 0.018
30 x 150 x 6000 37 pieces 0.027
30 x 200 x 6000 27 pieces 0.036
40 x 100 x 6000 41 pieces 0.024
40 x 150 x 6000 27 pieces 0.036
40 x 200 x 6000 20 pieces 0.048
50 x 100 x 6000 33 pcs 0.03
50 x 150 x 6000 22 pieces 0.045
50 x 200 x 6000 16 pieces 0.06
Bruus size Number of timber in 1 cube Wood volume in 1 bars, cubic meters
25 x 50 x 3000 266 pcs 0.00375
30 x 40 x 3000 277 pcs 0.0036
30 x 50 x 3000 222 pcs 0.0045
40 x 40 x 3000 208 pcs 0.0048
50 x 50 x 3000 133 pcs 0.0075
50 x 50 x 6000 66 pcs 0.015
50 x 70 x 3000 95 pcs 0.0105
100 x 100 x 6000 16 pieces 0.06
100 x 150 x 6000 11 pieces 0.09
100 x 200 x 6000 8 pieces 0.12
150 x 150 x 6000 7 pieces 0.135
150 x 200 x 6000 5 pieces 0.18
200 x 200 x 6000 4 things 0.24

The calculation of the cabbage of the boards will depend on the fact that the edged (including the planed) is a board, or non-iron. In the first case, it is easier to calculate the cube, since the lumber has the correct geometric shape of the parallelepiped. The cube of the unedged board is the one that the sides are raw, the ambulance is calculated somewhat differently.

Fortunately, the calculation of the cabin boards is easy. This will help you either table "How many boards in Cuba"or formula. The last option is more reliable and more accurate.

Calculation of cutting cabin

How many boards in Cuba (Table)

From this table, you can find out the answers to such popular questions: how to calculate the cube of boards, how many boards in Cuba, how many square meters of the board in Cuba, how many cubes in one board According to the most popular sizes.

Edged board

Cutting board cutting thickness 50 millimeters

Size (mm) m 2 in 1 m 3 Pieces of boards in 1 m 3
100*6000 20 33 0,03
120*6000 27 0,036
150*6000 22 0,045
180*6000 18 0,054
200*6000 16 0,06
250*6000 13 0,075

Cubature of the cutting board of 40 millimeters

Size (mm) m 2 in 1 m 3 Pieces of boards in 1 m 3 Volume of one board (in "Cubes")
100*6000 25 41 0,024
120*6000 34 0,0288
150*6000 27 0,036
180*6000 23 0,0432
200*6000 20 0,048
250*6000 16 0,06

Cubature of cutting board 32 millimeters

Size (mm) m 2 in 1 m 3 Pieces of boards in 1 m 3 Volume of one board (in "Cubes")
100*6000 31 52 0,0192
120*6000 43 0,023
150*6000 34 0,0288
180*6000 28 0,0346
200*6000 26 0,0384
250*6000 20 0,048

Cubature of a cutting board of 30 millimeters

Size (mm) m 2 in 1 m 3 Pieces of boards in 1 m 3 Volume of one board (in "Cubes")
100*6000 33 55 0,018
120*6000 46 0,0216
150*6000 37 0,027
180*6000 30 0,0324
200*6000 27 0,036
250*6000 22 0,045

Cubature of a cutting board of 25 millimeters

Size (mm) m 2 in 1 m 3 Pieces of boards in 1 m 3 Volume of one board (in "Cubes")
100*6000 40 67 0,015
120*6000 55 0,018
150*6000 44 0,0225
180*6000 37 0,027
200*6000 33 0,03
250*6000 26 0,0375

Cubature of cutting board of 20 millimeters

Size (mm) m 2 in 1 m 3 Pieces of boards in 1 m 3 Volume of one board (in "Cubes")
100*6000 50 83 0,012
120*6000 69 0,0144
150*6000 55 0,018
180*6000 46 0,0216
200*6000 41 0,024
250*6000 33 0,03

where a is the thickness of the board

b - its width

l - her length

Cubature board They calculate in cubic meters, so before calculating the board's cube, all the values \u200b\u200bare transferred from millimeters to meters. For example, take the board "Society" 40 * 200 * 6000: its thickness is 40 mm (0.04 m), width 200 mm (0.02 m), length - 6000 mm (6 m). Now we carry out the calculation of the boards of the boards:

0.04 * 0.2 * 6 \u003d 0.048 m 3

That is, one board "Society" 100 * 6000 has a cubage of 0.048 m 3. To determine, how many boards in the cubee, it remains only to divide 1 to the resulting amount:

1 / 0.048 \u003d 21 Board in 1 m 3.

Calculation of cabbage boards of unedged

The unedged board differs from the edged the fact that it is not processed on the sides, that is, one side has an irregular shape, and it is impossible to indicate the exact width of the boards. Difficulties with the calculation of the cabbage of the unedged boards are associated with the calculation of the cabbage, which is easier to explain on a specific example.

Unedged board

Suppose you need to sew an unedged board with a rectangular structure with dimensions of 5 * 7 meters and a 4 meter high. Board you have a thickness of 50 millimeters (0.05 m).

To begin with, calculates the finishing area. To do this, recall the school) multiply the perimeter of the building (two sides of 5, two sides of 7 - as a result of 24 meters) to a height - 4 meters. We get 96 m 2.

Now the area multiply on the thickness of the material: 96 * 0.05 \u003d 4.8 m 3

It turns out that for the plating the width of each casing element, it practically does not affect the common cub. There are no exact cubic tables for boards of unedged and can not be, because it is unknown, with which part of the log was cut out the board, and what its thickness from both sides, but can be brought soon averaged data on the cabin boards unedged:

Calculation of cabbage boards: what you need to remember

All board producers rounded the numbers to the other side that is beneficial for them. There is an error. In general, a small one, but when it comes to hundreds of cubes or a shortage of plating boards, the question becomes an edge. For example, the volume of one board is 0.018 m 3, and the manufacturer rounded this figure to 0.02 m 3. As a result, instead of the expected 55 boards you will receive only 50. Therefore, always specify this information from the sellers.

We hope our article shed the light to questions about how many boards in Cuba, how to calculate the cabin cube, how many boards in Cuba and how not to get to see when buying lumber.