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Select a stone by name and date of birth. How to choose gemstones by zodiac signs and date of birth

One of the best amulets for a person has long been considered an amulet made from natural minerals. It has already been proven that each stone has its own healing properties and has a beneficial effect on human health. Such amulets are selected according to the zodiac sign, date of birth, name and other characteristics of a person. Esotericists and magicians say that the right stone can change in better side both the man himself and his destiny.

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    How to choose a talisman according to the sign of the zodiac?

    Astrologers say that certain properties of minerals depend on the position of the Sun, Moon and other planets in the zodiac constellations - each stone receives those vibrations from space that are suitable only certain sign Zodiac. They protect their owner from misfortune and illness, becoming a kind of talisman for him. The first correspondence tables of semi-precious and precious minerals zodiac constellations were compiled in the Middle Ages. In the modern world, these tables have been appreciated and finalized by the International Jewelery Association.

    For the correct selection of a stone, you need to pay attention not only to belonging to a particular zodiac sign, but also to the shape. This setting affects the display medicinal properties.


    People belonging to this sign have leadership qualities And strong energy. They can plunge headlong into work, but they lack the patience to bring it to the end, and Aries are also angry and unrestrained. Their violent temper and energy need to be controlled, so the following stone options are suitable for them as an amulet:

    1. 1. Diamond - will help Aries become more diligent and concentrate in order to bring things to the end. An additional benefit will be the property of the stone to inspire determination and confidence in the owner.
    2. 2. Ruby - will pacify the violent temper of Aries, making them kinder, more restrained and generous. This option is ideal for both women and men.
    3. 3. Amethyst - will allow Aries to become more peaceful, relax, relieve excess negativity.
    4. 4. Sapphire - makes the owner more reasonable and wise.
    5. 5. Rock crystal - will add to Aries the missing sensitivity and tact, will allow you to better understand people.
    6. 6. Agate - suitable for young students, teaches them to focus on learning and self-discipline. The best options are red, orange, yellow colors stones.

    Only Aries men are suitable for red and green pomegranate. For married women a green diamond is ideal, for unmarried - zircon or red jasper.


    Personalities born under this sign are very determined, reliable in family life and straight forward. They are very fond of beautiful things and comfort, but they are stubborn. Due to the softness of their character, it is difficult for them to resist other signs, therefore, when choosing talismans for Taurus, it is better to pay attention to the following stones:

    1. 1. Chrysoprase - relieve fears and doubts , will make a person bold and self-confident. The stone, which is worn on the left hand, protects its owner from nervous diseases.
    2. 2. Emerald - gives Taurus wisdom, relieves depression and fills with joy.
    3. 3. Agate - gives the owner prosperity and longevity, enhances the creative qualities of the individual (this applies only light shades), especially useful for women. If the color of agate is black, then it is better for a man to wear it - in this case, the person will be protected from negativity and dark forces and become more confident.
    4. 4. Turquoise - suits purposeful individuals and helps them complete their tasks. Attracts income and helps in risky situations. Ideal for girls as a symbol of true love.
    5. 5. Malachite (light green) - absorbs negativity, protecting its owner from the evil eye and damage. Helps the owner to get rid of resentment and bad thoughts.


    These people are creative and know how to take right decisions. They are endowed with good intelligence, but are very restless and therefore do not bring things to the end. The routine is unacceptable for them - most of all they need communication, but others are sometimes repelled by their fussiness and optionality. In this case, help:

    1. 1. Alexandrite - gives strength, relieves depression and negative energy. By changing color, this mineral indicates the state of health of its owner.
    2. 2. Agate - helps Gemini to control emotions, fills with energy, patience and perseverance, and also protects from envy and anger. This stone is considered the source of longevity.
    3. 3. Beryl - adds positive energy and strength to the owner, inspires confidence, improves mental abilities and protects on the way. It also helps in achieving the goal.
    4. 4. Prehnite - helps to overcome difficulties.
    5. 5. Citrine (lemon yellow) - makes a person more attentive, protects against rash acts, helps in business.
    6. 6. Carnelian - suitable creative people improves health.


    Cancer is an extraordinary, sensitive and vulnerable person, prone to introspection. The following stones are suitable for such individuals:

    1. 1. Emerald - will allow you to control emotions, overcome stiffness, discover hidden talents and improve your financial situation.
    2. 2. Apatite - relieves excessive sensitivity and resentment.
    3. 3. Sodalite - will improve the imagination needed for creative work and help you find a way out of difficult situations.
    4. 4. Moonstone - makes people more confident and sociable.
    5. 5. Yellow chrysoberyl or green quartz (the so-called "cat's eye") - will help achieve career success.

    a lion

    Since childhood, Leos are very confident people who can easily achieve their goals. For their strong character and powerful energy fit:

    1. 1. Ruby - will strengthen and maintain health.
    2. 2. Citrine - inspires calmness in a person and helps to achieve inner balance.
    3. 3. Chrysolite - will help in communication, make Lviv more diplomatic and teach them to listen to the opinions of others.
    4. 4. Heliodor - increases the craving for knowledge, develops organizational skills. For Lionesses, heliodor is the key to happiness and family well-being.
    5. 5. Tourmaline - eliminates fears and dissatisfaction with oneself, helps to find the preferred direction in creativity.


    Representatives of this sign are very fond of the attention of others and are distinguished by exceptional self-confidence. The following stones are suitable for them:

    1. 1. Rhodochrosite - reveals in Virgo organizational skills that they have from birth.
    2. 2. Jasper - will help build relationships with people and make friends.
    3. 3. Chrysolite - will reveal the natural beauty, add femininity and softness.
    4. 4. Jade - will protect the owner from negative influences external environment, will give excitement and bring success to business.
    5. 5. Pearls (pink, yellow) - pacifies, softens the rigidity of character, provides financial well-being.
    6. 6. Onyx - replenishes energy and strength, protects against stress and depression.


    Very unpredictable personalities, which are distinguished by frequent mood changes. To calm the emotions of this sign and make changes in the character will help:

    1. 1. Aquamarine - will provide harmony and balance in life, give confidence and determination, strengthen feelings between lovers.
    2. 2. Tourmaline - develops creative thinking, balances the dark and light energies of the representative of the sign and develops creative abilities.
    3. 3. Opal - strengthens faith in own forces, helps to overcome laziness and concentrate.
    4. 4. Diamond - the best option for Libra, which contributes to obtaining a certain status in society.
    5. 5. Diamond - will help you make important decisions on your own.


    This is very complex personalities who have an extraordinary mind. The best option for pacifying their quick temper and developing positive qualities would be:

    1. 1. Aquamarine - removes temper and helps to establish friendly relations with others.
    2. 2. Pomegranate - develops such qualities as perseverance, willpower, love.
    3. 3. Opal - will help in making the right decisions and concentration.
    4. 4. Aventurine - relieves anger and irritability, improves well-being and mood.


    These people are active life position, do not like conflicts and easily make contact with people, but they are very lazy and temperamental. The following stones are suitable for Sagittarius:

    1. 1. Turquoise - attracts good luck and helps to achieve your goals.
    2. 2. Chrysolite - gives balance and self-control to its owner, teaches tact and self-respect.
    3. 3. Topaz - allows you to cope with excessive perseverance, and also attracts money and keeps youth.


    Representatives of this sign are very hardworking, have an ardent temperament and move towards their intended goal, no matter what. Capricorns are best suited for:

    1. 1. Onyx - helps to gain the respect of colleagues.
    2. 2. Ruby - attracts well-being, love, inspires confidence and enhances positive traits.
    3. 3. Opal - protects from troubles and eliminates the negativity accumulated in the process of communication. Also, this mineral opens the way to self-realization, which is very important for Capricorns.


    Such people always get along well with others, but it is very difficult for them to have close relationships, so they have few close friends. Suitable for Aquarius:

    1. 1. Amethyst - restores energy and strength, removes isolation and fatigue.
    2. 2. Sapphire - develops intuition, helps to find a destiny, gives stamina and wisdom.
    3. 3. Zircon - improves memory, brings inspiration, reveals talents and enhances the craving for knowledge. Also, the stone charges with confidence and optimism, allows you to cope with any difficulties. For single women, this amulet helps to find a life partner.
    4. 4. Citrine - activates and enhances everything best qualities Aquarius.


    Very creative and independent natures who are able to overcome any adversity. They easily adapt to the environment, but are compliant. Best for Pisces:

    1. 1. Amethyst - harmonizes all areas of life and attracts good luck.
    2. 2. Aquamarine is the main amulet for Pisces, which helps in the fight against inconstancy, gives love and prosperity.
    3. 3. Aventurine - enhances perseverance, strengthens willpower, gives joy and a positive outlook on things.

    There may be cases when a person does not like any of the stones indicated for his zodiac sign. Then you need to listen to your intuition and choose an amulet at your discretion, having previously learned the esoteric properties of all minerals. Otherwise, the acquired talisman will become a stumbling block, and not a talisman, because negative qualities of character can also be strengthened.

    Some stones can only be worn with a full and waning moon, others only with a growing one. Each of the natural minerals requires individual care and handling (for example, rock crystal needs to be cleaned once a month from the accumulated negative energy with the help of water and salt).

    Selecting a stone by name

    It has long been known that the name can influence the character and fate of a person - like stones, it has its own energy and characteristics. In order for the personality to develop harmoniously, the amulet is selected according to the table of correspondence of names and stones. It will help a person to cope with a violent temper, and also change fate for the better.

    The table of correspondence of names and stones is given below.

    First letter of the name Women's names and their respective talismans Male names and their respective talismans
    BUT Agatha - heliodor; Alevtina - chrysolite; Ada - blue topaz; Alexandra - "cat's eye"; Alena - jadeite, emerald, jade; Alexandra - aventurine, garnet, alexandrite; Alina - sapphire, rose quartz; Alla - turquoise; Alice - lapis lazuli; Albina - mother of pearl; Anastasia - fluorite, opal, obsidian, chrysoprase; Amalia - topaz; Angela - opal; Anna - citrine, amber, hematite, carnelian; Angelina - turquoise, chrysolite, lapis lazuli; Antonina - rauchtopaz; Arina - tourmaline, chalcedony, diopside Alexander - argillite, alexandrite, chrysoprase, rauchtopaz, turquoise; Abram - sapphire; Anatoly - black agate; Alexey - chrysoprase; Andrey - amethyst, citrine, andalusite, onyx, amber; Arkady - topaz; Anton - amethyst; Artem - turquoise
    B Bronislava - opal; Bella - topaz Bronislav - ruby; Boris - pomegranate
    IN Valeria - agate, amethyst; Valentina - amazonite, olivine, amber, carnelian; Faith - jasper, ruby; Varvara - jet, malachite, ruby; Veronica - tourmaline, sapphire, rose quartz; Vasilisa - pomegranate, rhodolite; Violetta - spinel; Victoria - variscite, coral, azurite Vladimir - carnelian, green jasper, emerald, heliotrope; Victor - corundum, smoky quartz, selenite, olivine; Vadim - zircon; Valery - rhodolite, pomegranate; Vsevolod - blue topaz; Valentine - citrine; Benjamin - onyx; Vasily - aquamarine; Vitaly - emerald; Vladislav - rose quartz; Vyacheslav - sapphire
    G Galina - jade, hyacinth, aventurine; Helena - zircon Gennady - rock crystal; Gabriel - pomegranate; German - malachite; George - amethyst; Gleb - black agate; Gregory - coral
    D Daria - jadeite, diamond, obsidian, citrine; Diana - rock crystal, zircon, golden topaz; Darina - chrysoberyl Denis - jadeite, malachite, aventurine, amber, spinel; Dmitry - agate, lapis lazuli, topaz, aventurine, dioptase; Demyan - chrysolite; Danila - rock crystal
    E Evgenia - beryl, jadeite, rubellite, aventurine; Eva - ruby; Ekaterina - lapis lazuli, rauchtopaz; Evdokia - alexandrite, corundum; Elena - opal, "tiger's eye", jadeite, carnelian; Catherine - pearls; Elizabeth - turquoise, charoite, carnelian, olivine Egor - zircon; Eugene - chrysolite; Elisha - topaz; Efim - tourmaline; Eremey - spinel
    F Zhanna - "hawk's eye"
    W Zoya - emerald; Zinaida - pomegranate
    AND Irina - opal, topaz, coral, pearls; Inna - emerald, jade, garnet, diamond; Isabella - topaz; Yvette - sapphire; Inga - pearl Igor - malachite; Ivan - rose quartz, corundum, moonstone, beryl, amazonite; Ilya - obsidian; Ignat - black agate; Joseph - opal; Hippolyte - chrysolite; Innocent - serpentine
    TO Karina - jasper, eudialyte, chrysolite, quartz; Kira - zircon; Clara - chrysoprase; Carolina - citrine; Claudia - amber; Christina - andalusite, onyx, carnelian; Xenia - chalcedony, blue topaz Klim - pomegranate; Cyril - amethyst; Kuzma - zircon; Constantine - hematite
    L Larisa - turquoise, black agate, aventurine; Lydia - jet, malachite, amethyst; Lily - jasper, rhodonite; Love - lapis lazuli, turquoise, chalcedony; Louise - spinel; Lyudmila - alexandrite, sapphire, white agate Leo - sapphire; Laurel - chrysolite; Luke - rose quartz; Leonid - citrine
    M Marina - mother of pearl, amethyst; Maria - carnelian, pomegranate; Margarita - "tiger's eye", pearls Maxim - emerald; Matvey - sapphire; Makar - pomegranate; Mark - rock crystal; Michael - aquamarine
    H Hope - rose quartz, agate; Natalia - obsidian, malachite, beryl; Nelly - beryl; Nastya - fluorite, malachite; Nina - smoky quartz, jasper, amber; Nonna - coral Nikita - carnelian, pomegranate, citrine, hematite; Nicholas - padparadscha, alexandrite, hyacinth, heliotrope; Nazar - ruby; Nestor - topaz; Nikifor - heliodor; Nahum - emerald
    ABOUT Oksana - chalcedony, chrysolite, citrine; Olga - tourmaline, carnelian; Olesya - aventurine, opal Oleg - topaz, garnet, turquoise, pearls, carnelian
    P Polina - onyx, jade, selenite; Praskovya - amber Peter - rauchtopaz; Pavel - pomegranate, opal, ruby, "bull's eye", blood jasper; Prokhor - olivine; Plato - pomegranate
    R Regina - golden topaz; Rose - citrine; Raisa - moonstone; Rimma - "cat's eye" Robert - sapphire; Roman - moonstone, amethyst, obsidian, agate; Ruslan - opal, aventurine, topaz, onyx; Rodion - rock crystal; Rostislav - citrine
    FROM Svetlana - coral, rock crystal, rhodonite; Sofia - rose quartz, lapis lazuli; Seraphim - spinel; Snezhana - pearls; Stanislav - coral; Sophia - amber; Stella - topaz Semyon - aquamarine; Svyatoslav - pomegranate; Sergey - tourmaline, chalcedony, spinel, lapis lazuli; Samson - zircon; Seraphim - chrysolite
    T Tatyana - jet, rauchtopaz, "tiger's eye"; Taisiya - pomegranate; Tamara - sapphire Timothy - citrine; Taras - rauchtopaz; Timur - amber; Trofim - pomegranate; Tryphon - olivine
    At Ulyana - topaz, rhodolite
    F Faina - quartz Felix - ruby; Philip - opal; Fedor - pomegranate; Foma - malachite
    E Eleanor - ruby; Edita - pomegranate; Emilia - turquoise; Elvira - pearl; Emma - rhodonite; Elsa - heliodor Emil - mother of pearl; Edward - sapphire
    YU Julia - emerald, lapis lazuli, jadeite Yuri - jade; Julian - turquoise
    I Yana - citrine, "cat's eye", jasper Yaroslav - sapphire; Jacob is a chrysolite.

    Choosing an amulet by date of birth

    In ancient times, all jewelry was selected by date of birth. This was necessary in order to help a person get rid of negative character traits and strengthen positive ones. Such an amulet attracted good luck and prosperity in the life of its owner.

    To find out which stone will be the best amulet for a person, you can use the ready-made tables below. In them, each mineral corresponds to certain dates (day, month, year of birth).

    By date of birth.

    By month of birth.

    You can also select a stone according to the time of year (it should be taken into account when a person was born).

    In order for a stone to become a talisman, you need to love it. If the stone that was found in the table does not suit the person according to the sensations or does not like him, then it is better to choose something else.

    By date of birth, you can find for a person not only a talisman, but also suitable flower, tree and totem animal. To do this, you should use the Druid Horoscope, which indicates the meanings of each plant and the magical properties of totems.

    How to understand that the stone is chosen correctly?

    In some cases, it has been noted that correct selection after a while, positive changes occur both in the person himself and in his life:

    • a person does not lose energy and feels good after communicating with any surrounding people;
    • there is a feeling of protection from the evil eye, damage and other witchcraft;
    • immunity is strengthened;
    • intensify positive features character and negative ones are weakened;
    • comes prosperity and success;
    • personal life is improving;
    • sharpens intuition.

    It is worth remembering that positive changes manifest themselves differently for everyone - it depends on the properties of the selected stone. Do not expect great miracles from just one copy. Often you need to pick up not one, but several stones at once - only then the action will intensify, and each amulet will cause positive changes in life. For miracles to happen for sure, you need not only to acquire stones, but also to take an active life position, because "water does not flow under a lying stone."

    Human nature tends to change with age under the pressure of certain life circumstances, in accordance with which preferences change. It is possible that at some point there will be a desire to pick up a new talisman - this is a natural process. Contact with the world of natural minerals allows a person not only to gain well-being, but also to gain useful spiritual knowledge.

Choose your zodiac sign

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

or enter your date of birth:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

In order to choose a suitable stone for yourself, you need to solve a problem with several unknowns. In this case, the main thing is not only to know your zodiac stone, which often depends on the cultural tradition of the country, but also to determine which talents you would like to acquire in the first place. And of course for effective work talisman, the energy inclusion of the stone is especially important, that is, the fine tuning of your psyche to the vibrational wave of the mineral. And then you will work in resonance with the cosmic rhythms passing through the stone, thus strengthening your own abilities. Here, as a rule, the help of a specialist is required.

There are a large number of tables of correspondence of the signs of the Zodiac to one or another precious or semi-precious stones. And of course, all of them have the right to exist, as they reflect the cultural traditions and experience of the people who created them.

In ancient times, each stone was attributed a certain property: diamond - purity and innocence, sapphire - constancy, red ruby ​​- passion, pink ruby ​​- tender love, emerald - hope, topaz - jealousy, turquoise - whim, amethyst - devotion, disgrace - inconstancy, sardonyx - marital happiness, agate - health, chrysoprase - success, hyacinth - patronage, aquamarine - failure.

Stones as amulets or amulets, that is, accumulators of certain, narrowly focused energies, should be used during the period of solving a particular problem that prompted the acquisition of this amulet. From time to time it is necessary to rest from the stone, giving it the opportunity to recover, otherwise the stone's strength may be overused. And, unlike the action of his permanent talisman, a person can get a diametrically opposite result. For each sign of the Zodiac, tables are given that allow you to find your amulet for a temporary solution to certain issues.

A mineral that is a crystal, like a lens, collects certain energies, the energies of the planets, in a focus, and directs them to a given point. He remembers the state environment and stores it in its state bank. But minerals are emotionless, beyond morality. They are the guardians of the heavenly state of harmony, they cannot separate good from evil. Therefore, they act regardless of whose hands they are in and do not turn off at your request.

You need to be able to handle crystals, while you need to know your field, your energies. A consultation with an astrologer will help you deal with this issue. For now, we bring to your attention brief characteristics the most popular mineral stones of your sign

Each person can find for himself the talisman that suits him. Sometimes it is enough just to hold a precious stone in your hands to understand: this is what you need. Sometimes, in order to select a talisman suitable for a horoscope, you have to seriously delve into numerology and astrology, take into account not only the date you were born, but also the month, and the year, and even your name.

So pick up suitable talisman is not as easy a task as it might seem. There are many conflicting recommendations in which advice is given for the same stones: how to wear it without removing it, and bypass the tenth road. How to be and who to believe? What to choose for yourself? Let's try to answer the questions posed in this article.

Exists three main ways pick up a stone talisman by date of birth:

  • by month;
  • by the day of the month of birth;
  • by full date, including day, month and year.

month = sign?

If we analyze information from various sources, it seems that the most common way is to choose a talisman by the number of the month, however, this is not entirely true.

Most often, recommendations are given for the entire month, but this is not so obvious: each zodiac sign corresponds to a certain period, which, although not quite the same as the month, largely overlaps it. For example, Lions are advised to wear amber, and the same gem is advised to people born in August. But after all, this is essentially the same thing - Leo "spread out" for most of August! So if you want to pick up a stone by month, first of all, you need to pay attention to the talismans recommended for your horoscope.

And yet there is some time gap that does not allow you to unambiguously put an equal sign between the stones for the sign of the zodiac and for the month. The same Lions climbed a little on last week July, leaving a small piece of August to Virgos. Therefore, if you want to fully reveal the magical potential of jewelry for your horoscope, you need to pay attention not only to your zodiac sign, but also to the month.

How to choose a stone according to the month of your birth

So, which gem is suitable for the month in which you were born? Or maybe you are choosing a gift for your loved one, and you want it to bring not only joy, but also contribute to the overall improvement of life? By the way, the jewel donated loving person, has tremendous power compared to a trinket just bought for yourself in a store. By giving your beloved a talisman, you will save him (or her) from many troubles. In doing so, pay attention to the following correspondences of stones and months:

  • January: people born in January will suit rock crystal, hyacinth and morion.
  • February: those born in the last month of winter should wear jewelry with sapphires, blue amethysts and apatites.
  • March: those born in March should look at jasper, coral and hematite (bloodstone).
  • April: For those born in April, carnelian, chrysolite and olive are well suited.
  • May: if you were born in May, the right choice there will be agate, blue topaz and tourmaline.
  • June: those born in June can choose jewelry with emeralds, opals or malachite.
  • July: those born in July should pay attention to ruby, onyx and garnet.
  • August: For those born in August, amber, diamond and yellow topaz are great.
  • September: September people are better off choosing jewelry with cat's eye, alexandrite, and emerald.
  • October: If you were born in October, beryl, aquamarine and tourmaline will suit you.
  • November: For those born in November, you can look at labradorite, charoite or opal.
  • December: people born in December should pay attention to moonstone, mother-of-pearl and agate.

How to choose a stone by day of the month

Numerologists have long said that numbers play a huge role in people's lives. And perhaps the most important number for a person is the day of the month in which he was born. More precisely, not the number itself, but its essence - a figure from one to nine, which is obtained by adding the numbers that make up the day of the month. For example, if you were born on the 11th, 20th, or 29th, your number would be a 2. 1 + 1 - it’s clear, two, with 20 questions also doesn’t arise, with 29 it’s a little more difficult: you need to add the digits of the number, and then the digits of the resulting sum: 2 + 9 = 11, 1 + 1 = 2.

With a little practice in arithmetic, you can easily calculate your entity number, after which you can choose the correct gem based on the result:

How to choose a stone by full date of birth

It is known that the more accurate the input data, the better the result. This also applies to the horoscope: if you choose a talisman, the best way you can do this by taking into account the day, month, and year. The principle as a whole is similar to the one with which stones are selected by birthday: you need to add up all the digits of the full date of birth and then add up the digits of the resulting amounts until you get number from one to nine. For example, if you were born on November 27, 1989 (11/27/1989), the calculation would be: 2+7+1+1+1+9+8+9=38, then 3+8=11, and finally 1+1= 2. So your number will be 2.

Choosing stones by date of birth, they take into account even an hour, and sometimes a minute your arrival in this world, and with a detailed analysis of the day and time, they can give advice not only on suitable gems, but also on precious metals, in the frame of which they will most fully reveal their magical potential. In addition, according to the number when the birth of a child is expected, you can choose the right name that will protect him from injuries and illnesses, provide him with good luck in love and a good life filled with bright days.

By the way, not allowed to wear different stones suitable for your zodiac sign, month and birthday - of course, if they do not dissonate with each other in aesthetic and magical properties. Variety is always great, wear more stones, good and different, and they will definitely give you happiness and well-being!

"Golden mean" - the character is so named because he knows how to get along with all the other characters. It will be correct to dominate over the weaker one, and skillfully adapt to the stronger one and even sometimes argue on equal terms. However, he often shows himself to be very conflicted, challenging other leaders and society.

Examples 111

◦ Kim Jong Yr - former ruler North Korea
◦ Bill Gates - CEO of Microsoft Corporation, one of the the richest people peace, philanthropist
◦ Pavel Durov - creator of the social network Vkontakte and its former owner
◦ Artemy Lebedev - founder of design studio number 1 in Russia, public figure, blogger

Energy, charisma - 2

"Energy shortage" - the batteries are only enough to catch the most necessary things. Large groups, audiences and noisy parties are exhausting. Multi-day hikes and monotonous work - there too. But moderate sports, fitness, yoga, well, or at least walking and normal sleep are vital.

Cognition, creativity - 33

"Basic abilities" - with such a potential, if desired, one can master the exact sciences, technology, algorithms or a knowledge system quite deeply. Or follow the path of art and invent novels, music, films. And even just thanks to fantasy, such a person is sometimes able to generate original ideas. But self-realization along this path will require a lot of work and skill development.

Examples 33

◦ Mikhail Bulgakov - Russian classic, writer, playwright, director
◦ Boris Strugatsky - a classic of Soviet science fiction of the 20th century
◦ Vladimir Vernadsky - scientist, philosopher, creator of the noosphere theory

Health, beauty - No

“Low health” - health is weak and it is not worth exposing it to unnecessary stress. fitness, yoga, proper nutrition, prevention - best friends. Such a person should not bet on external data and beauty. It is better to pay attention to other strengths and focus on them in finding yourself.

Logic, intuition - 5

"The makings of logic" - logic is present in a person. If he didn’t master something the first time, then he will definitely figure it out with a calculator and paper. Quantum physics is unlikely to submit to him, but for elementary life tasks it should be enough. The channel of intuition is open, these people make fewer mistakes.

Diligence, skill - 6

“The makings of diligence and skill” - according to the mood, a person can quite well cope with any work that requires the application of diligence, accuracy and process technology. Of course, he will not become a jeweler right away, but whether it is building a house, repairing it or something that does not require super skillful skills, then most likely it will work out. And in the process, he will also be able to hone his skills.

Luck, luck - No

“There are not enough stars from the sky” - you need to achieve everything yourself. At the same time, make many attempts, not expecting sudden success. But you must admit: to achieve honest success with your own work and random success at the behest of fortune are two different things. So look at your other strengths and realize yourself by revealing them. A person will become talented in his subsequent transformations. And in his present life, a difficult fate awaits him.

Call of Duty - 888

"Pravdorub" - for them, the desire to convey themselves and their ideas (of course, "correct" and "kind" from their point of view) to society is often placed above their own or family interests. And, of course, all this is done, ostensibly, for the public good. In general, the social orientation of people of this type can sometimes go off scale. And sometimes, no matter how strange it looks from the outside, such people may experience a period of isolation. Until the moment when they again sharply enter a stormy social life.

Examples 888

◦ Confrontation during World War II between two pairs of chiefs and their commanders:
Stalin-Zhukov vs Hitler-Lindemann - all 888 in the code and the strongest ideology of "truth" behind them
◦ Natalia Vodianova - supermodel, public figure, actress and philanthropist
Man is called to serve the people

memory, mind 99

"Bright head" - any study or work with information is very easy. And this often causes boredom and reluctance. It is easy for such a person to become an erudite and intellectual. But in fact, you should look for a really interesting and deep subject of applying your mind. And the more difficult it is, the greater will be the interest and, accordingly, the result.

Examples 99

◦ Sergey Brin - co-founder of Google, mathematician
◦ David Beckham - soccer player, playmaker known for clever strategy play
◦ Dmitry Medvedev - Prime Minister, founder of the Skolkovo innovation center

Self-esteem - 6

"Inflated" - most often a person inadequately appreciates himself. In addition, positions in the spirit of “I deserve more”, etc. are characteristic. Well, in this case, you must either work to achieve what you deserve, or reduce your ardor. Note that high and inflated self-esteem is the most real incentive to achieve something in life. But most of these people will face a crisis at some point, when they look back from the height of their years and realize that they have not become what they would like to be. And here they either go into a deep depression, or make a leap forward with renewed vigor.

Goal-aspiration - 3

"Unpredictable" - likes to set goals, and then suddenly change them. By the way, achieving a goal is not part of his favorite pastime - it is much more pleasant for him to dream of patronage over the world than to conquer it. Sometimes he tends to overestimate himself, first putting something heavy on his shoulders, and then throwing it halfway.

Spirit - 6

“Higher spirituality” - an example of the purity and high orientation of their thoughts can be a person with 5 numbers in this diagonal. Oddly enough, but there are many examples of businessmen and public figures with this sign. And this suggests that they are doing their job not just for the sake of money, but also for something higher.

Family - 5

The “family man-idealist” presents the family and everything that happens in it as a kind of ideal. Therefore, first he carefully checks his partner for ideality, and then, already in marriage, he tries himself, his partner and family relationships lead to the same ideal. Not always the partner is ready to withstand this.

Body - 3

"Impulsive" - ​​this temperament can adapt to almost any partner: moderate your ardor with a partner whose temperament is lower, and, conversely, be hotter with someone whose temperament is higher. If the partner is temporarily absent, then he can rush into promiscuity. Often this temperament tries to appear very hot in the eyes of the opposite sex.

Stability - 5

"Very stable" - habits and environments do not change much. Trust what he's used to. It may not change the familiar, even if the new is better. What is it: tediousness or predictability? One way or another, some of those around him appreciate it, and some people hate it. But it is believed that such a person can be trusted.

Making money - 2

"Worrying" - the thought of the need to provide for oneself introduces anxiety. On the one hand, if possible, I would be glad not to work at all. On the other hand, if there is a need, then he agrees to work, as long as they pay.

Talent potential - 5

If a person has talent, i.e. it is clearly expressed (you can pay attention to other cells) and the person is working on it, then this figure indicates the potential for the development of this talent.

It is believed that natural semi-precious and gems can protect a person and attract love and well-being into life. Bioenergetics are advised to choose stones according to the signs of the zodiac in order to ensure maximum compatibility of internal vibrations. To achieve a stronger effect, it is better to choose several stones that do not contradict each other in properties.

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How to choose?

You can choose a suitable stone, based on an inner feeling, just take the product in your hands. And you can study which suits you according to the horoscope and pay attention to them.

In addition, you can choose:

  • by year;
  • by month of birth;
  • by day;
  • by full date;
  • by name.

When buying, you should pay attention to the integrity of the stone. It is believed that a cracked or chipped one will work worse, or even harm the owner.

We determine the talisman by the month of birth

When choosing a stone according to the month of birth, it should be remembered that a person born at the beginning of the month has one zodiac sign, and at the end - another. The talisman chosen by the month of birth is quite universal.

  • January - pomegranate, rock crystal, hyacinth and morion;
  • February - amethyst, sapphire, and apatite;
  • March - aquamarine, jasper, coral and hematite (bloodstone);
  • April - diamond, carnelian, chrysolite and olive;
  • May - emerald, agate, blue topaz and tourmaline;
  • June - pearl, emerald, opal or malachite;
  • July - ruby, onyx and pomegranate;
  • August - chrysoprase, amber, diamond and yellow topaz;
  • September - sapphire, cat's eye, alexandrite and emerald;
  • October - opal, beryl, aquamarine and tourmaline;
  • November - citrine, labradorite, charoite, opal;
  • December - blue topaz, moonstone, mother-of-pearl and agate.

Amulet for the day of the month

To pick up a jewel with a stone as targeted as possible, you can calculate the number of birth, as numerologists do. Only the number of the day is taken into account. For example, you were born on January 11, which means that a stone is suitable for “twos” (1 + 1 = 2), born on March 15 - for “sixes” (1 + 5 = 6) and further by analogy. In addition to the traditional numbers from 1 to 9, numerologists single out people born on February 29, they are classified as "zeros" or "quarters".

Talisman by full date of birth

In the case when the choice of a stone by month or birthday seems insufficient, you can calculate the option that matches the full date of birth. The number is calculated by day, month and year. For more accurate results, you can also take into account the time.

The full list of stones according to numerology in the table:

"Unit"Aventurine (gives good spirits), carnelian (attracts love)
"Deuce"Pearls (will reveal inner potential), moonstone (will give self-confidence)
"Troika"Turquoise (improves well-being), chrysolite (calmness, good mood)
"Four"Sapphire (attracts love), jade (will protect from people who can jinx it, and bring good luck)
"Five"Emerald (wisdom), tiger eye (calms and relieves false jealousy)
"Six"Agate (protects from malicious people), diamond (introduces clarity, truth into life)
"Seven"Malachite (keeps cool), ruby ​​(gives energy)
"Eight"Onyx (protects against sudden assassination attempts), pomegranate (friendship and warm feelings)
"Nine"Topaz (takes away trouble on the road), rock crystal (increases the sharpness of the mind, softens passions)
"Zero"Red diamond (strengthens courage, protects against wounds and serious illnesses), jadeite (reveals magical potential), majorite (attracts love and happiness)

Amulets according to the signs of the zodiac

Each zodiac sign has its strengths and weak sides. A well-chosen talisman with a stone or mineral will help to support or weaken them. He will align the biofield, set it in the right way, protect his master and help in business.

Zodiac signStone for all representatives of the zodiac signStones for womenStones for men
AriesDiamond gives strength and good luck for victories, helps to survive moments of weakness, protects from outbursts of anger. It is good to receive a diamond as a gift or by inheritance.Aries women are recommended to wear diamonds, ruby, garnet, amethyst and rauchtopaz.

Pomegranate will help you find love. Amethyst (Aries is better to choose lilac) - will develop intuition. Rauchtopaz will keep love in marriage.

Zircon will save Aries women from depression. White is for the young, yellow is for the mature.

Red jasper will allow you to correctly distribute energy throughout the day, so that you have enough for work and family.

Ruby and pomegranate will allow Aries men to take leadership positions and keep them.

Experts warn that Aries need to carefully choose the setting for the stone, gold and platinum will have a negative impact on energy.

If the Aries man is quick-tempered, an amethyst in a silver frame will help to pacify his temper. This stone will keep the mind clear.

TaurusAn emerald will suit Taurus, it will give wisdom and lead its owner to success, keep love in his heart.Turquoise will help attract love to Taurus women, and green turquoise will improve health and preserve the family hearth.

Cacholong or pearl agate will help pregnant Taurus bear and give birth to a healthy child. Improves the health of mother and baby.

Black agate will help a man realize his hidden potential. It will become a good amulet.

Amazonite will give material well-being, strengthen self-confidence.

Sardonyx (orange or brown onyx) helps in communicating with women. It will help you find the one that will make a couple in marriage.

Zircon will bring to clean water dishonest, retain clarity of thought. It will keep liars from lying, and “truth-mongers” will help to refrain from unnecessary disputes.

TwinsGemini is recommended to wear pearls, it will protect against negative impact ill-wishers, will help to realize in creativity.Women who want communication and attention are advised to wear emerald jewelry.

The tension will be removed by the moonstone. It will soften the mood, attract success.

Pearls can be used as a talisman from envious people. Only a married woman can wear it.

Jasper will help restore faith in love if the Gemini woman is badly burned. The stone will restore confidence and help you find the right partner.

It is vital for Gemini men to take care of their nerves. Alexandrite will help them with this. It is believed that it is best to wear a stone in a ring on the middle finger and remove it at night.

Agate will help attract relative stability, soothe. It is especially recommended to wear agate to creative Gemini, it will give strength to continue the work, and not quit after the first failure.

Beryl is suitable for careerists.

CancerOne of the best options for Cancer - ruby. It helps the representatives of the sign to gain self-confidence. It will increase efficiency and help replenish strength.So that the Cancer woman is not overcome by melancholy, she should acquire a talisman with chalcedony. However, it is not recommended to wear it without removing it.

A pearl in a silver frame will also become a talisman for her.

Amethyst is suitable for creative representatives of the sign. Great gift for a Cancer woman, a turquoise pendant will become.

Agate will help relieve internal tension and give self-confidence. Aventurine will give a good mood, and hematite will give courage.

If a Cancer girl wants to remove obstacles in her path, she can buy chalcedony earrings. The stone will give her courage.

Cancer man is recommended to consider onyx for himself. He will give courage and empower, help fight internal pessimism.

Agate will set you up for success, instill confidence in your abilities, and weaken negative character traits.

Emerald will help overcome natural stiffness and isolation. Get rid of melancholy.

To protect against injustice, Carnelian is suitable for Cancers. It will also bring good luck.

a lionThe essence of Leo is suitable for chrysolite (olivine) - it will improve relations with others. Unleashes talents. Helps to get rid of nightmares and insomnia. It is recommended to wear it in a gold frame."Lionesses" are suitable: gelodor, amber, flint, zircon, yellow and pink sapphires, golden quartz, chrysolite and jasper.

One of the powerful amulets for the representatives of the sign is a gold or copper ring with amber or jasper, it is better to wear it on the index finger.

Silver does not affect lionesses in the best way.

Leaders by nature, Leos can achieve more with less effort if they choose alexandrite. It will give confidence and enhance the ability to lead people.

Carnelian will provide protection from failures, help to reveal hidden abilities.

Chrysolite will make its owner more tolerant of people and more pleasant in communication. The stone will help the Lions to please.

VirgoSapphire will allow Virgo to understand the essence of things more deeply, strengthen willpower and strengthen authority.Virgo will suit chrysoprase, jade. They should be chosen in a frame of silver, gold neutralizes beneficial features stones.

The most powerful will be silver ring with emeralds or sapphires.

Agate will protect her from unpleasant accidents.

Aventurine will give you a good mood.

Jade will allow you to arrange your personal life and improve the health of the Virgo.

For the Virgo man, chrysolite will serve well. Teach tolerance and less categorical. Increase the attractiveness in the eyes of society.

Sapphire will make Virgo less boring, help in mastering new knowledge.

Lapis lazuli will help Virgo in communication with others, and it will also bring good luck.

scalesOpal is suitable for Libra - a stone of hope and fidelity. It will help you live in harmony with yourself and correct mood swings and activity. However, opal is not recommended for those with nerve problems.For Libra, the “stone of friendship” opal is perfect. It will help build relationships with people, drive away anxiety and attract love.

Coral will bring prudence to Libra's life. The stone is able to protect from negative thoughts and actions, protect from envious people.

Lapis lazuli will cheer you up, help you establish contact with people.

The moonstone, diamond, pearl, rock crystal, sapphire, jasper will have a beneficial effect.

Aquamarine will help Libra men stabilize their mood swings. It will help to establish relationships with people and attract interesting personalities to life.

Opal will bring harmony and the desired balance to the world of Libra, help you get less tired and not go to extremes.

Tourmaline stabilizes the mood of Libra men. It will become a good amulet against despondency, will help to believe in yourself and your strengths.

Zircon will set you up for confidence and optimism, incline people to your side.

ScorpionThe best amulet for Scorpio will be topaz, which will help to correct the mood, restore balance and accept correct solution. In addition, the gem will endow its owner with wisdom.Topaz, in white metal, will add optimism to Scorpio. The stone will help develop intuition and protect against other people's influence, preserve youth.

Sapphire will make it easier to perceive reality and let go of the burden of the past. The gem will help smooth out the rigidity of the character, establish contact with people, and cope with outbursts of anger.

Amethyst will help manage emotions, give wisdom, improve memory. As a frame, only silver is suitable for amethyst.

Suitable for Scorpions and pomegranate. He will calm thoughts, give harmony and attract love.

Topaz will help the Scorpio man regain balance and emotional balance. The stone will correct stubbornness and help the owner become wiser.

Beryl is able to force Scorpio to control outbursts of anger. The talisman will protect from rash acts, aim at prudence.

The ruby ​​will serve the Scorpio man well. The stone will increase spiritual and physical strength, protect against depression, and bring good luck. Ruby will help you achieve success in business.

SagittariusTurquoise will bring good luck to Sagittarius. The best setting for her is silver, but by no means gold. Turquoise will help bring successful things to an end, overcome obstacles, increase income.Topaz will make a Sagittarius woman happy. The stone promotes constancy in personal life, improves appearance, promotes the acceleration of metabolism, preserves youth.

Lapis lazuli and turquoise will help the Sagittarius woman find her man. Lapis lazuli will save you from the search for empty ideals, give softness.

Sapphire will give wisdom and restraint, help keep something a secret. Under the influence of the stone, the Sagittarius woman will first think and then say, he will save the hostess from impulsive actions.

Amethyst will help the Sagittarius man to better learn new knowledge. It is worth buying for those who are engaged in intellectual work.

Obsidian will fill with energy and strength, protect from the evil eye and damage.

Zircon will set you up for optimism, give the owner confidence, and help distinguish the truth from lies. The stone is perfect for leaders, will strengthen self-confidence.

CapricornFor Capricorn, the pomegranate will be a good luck charm. It will help you get creative and get through difficult times.For a Capricorn woman, pomegranate is one of the best talismans. He will reveal her femininity and attract her beloved, help free her thoughts from public opinion. Pomegranate gives the hostess a good mood, helps to correctly express feelings.

Unmarried Capricorns will help carnelian. He will calm nervous system keep youth. Gives good luck in love.

Rock crystal will make the hostess open up to the world and stop being afraid of it. The owner of jewelry with crystal will stop looking for a catch, learn to trust. Under the influence of the talisman, she will become softer, and will begin to express emotions more boldly.

Agate will protect against ill-wishers and gossip, help replenish energy. The gem will protect from poverty, make the owner of the jewelry more sexual.

Rauchtopaz will allow you to put your thoughts in order and strengthen logical thinking. The stone will correct excessive egoism, make the Capricorn man less jealous, and help relieve stress.

Onyx contributes to the establishment of relations with people, will make it possible to become more attractive and friendly in the eyes of society. An onyx talisman will protect against dangers, accidents and catastrophes.

Chrysoprase is recommended to Capricorn men as an assistant in achieving business goals. It will give courage and determination to its owner. The stone will strengthen health and teach you how to adapt to commercial life.

AquariusAmethyst will bring happiness to Aquarius. It protects against witchcraft, diseases, helps to keep the brain sober. Amethyst will help Aquarius to concentrate and replenish strength. It will set you up for optimism, give self-confidence, calm the nervous system.Amethyst will help the Aquarius woman to understand others, tune in a positive way and please people. The gem will help those who want to have children.

It is good for a married Aquarius woman to have pearls as a talisman. It will help strengthen love in marriage and preserve family values.

Aquamarine will allow you to better understand people and see their true essence. The gem will save you from unnecessary mistakes.

Amber will give optimism and self-confidence, preserve youth and beauty.

Black agate will become the best talisman to communicate with women. The stone will soften the character and give the attention of the opposite sex. In addition, a talisman with agate will help bring schemers to clean water.

Jade will raise its owner to a new spiritual level. It will give confidence and convince of success, attract money.

Sapphire will help optimists who want to learn new things. The talisman will force its owner to bring things to the end, endow with strength and endurance.

FishesAquamarine gives Pisces courage. It teaches you to take care of yourself and face your fears with courage. A talisman with aquamarine will bring Pisces back from heaven to earth.Pearl agate (cacholong) will attract happiness and love into the life of a Pisces woman. The stone will teach you to trust people and give you self-confidence.

Moonstone activates the feminine, helps to become softer. It is good if a talisman with a moonstone is presented by a loved one.

Aquamarine will push the Pisces man to self-development. Learn to compromise with others. A talisman with aquamarine will allow you to successfully resist intrigues.

Amethyst will quickly restore energy and give the Pisces man the strength to understand the world and his essence.

Pearls will attract financial well-being, activate light selfishness, which will make you take care of yourself.

Photo gallery

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of jewelry, which will later become a talisman, you can study the photo of stones.