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What indoor flowers are suitable on the sign of the zodiac. Indoor Flowers for Zodiac Sign Lion

From July 24 to August 23 The sun passes through zodiacal sign of lion. For people born under this sign, as well as having a strong sun in their horoscope, success in creativity and love is especially important, the recognition of their merits and merit is important. Lion flowers invisibly help find a way to happiness in love and recognition of creative achievements. They are important for actors, artists, entrepreneurs, jewelers, pop artists, stock brokers, civil wives.

Balsamin is a herbaceous semi-stabiliar height from 30 to 60 cm. Flowers are red, pink or motley with a long, arc spur, are located in the sinuses of the leaves. With proper care, it can bloom all year round. Copies grown from summer cuttings, on a light windowsill can bloom all winter.

Balzamin is good in the house, where disagreements are taking place between family members, leading to conflicts where quarrels arise due to the rejection of someone else's opinion. This flower frees the atmosphere from the energy of a sharp rejection and neutralizes the energy of the conflict. As a result, the energy in the house becomes softer, and family members do not take disagreements so close to the heart.

In the emotional psychological plan, Balzamin is good for those who have lost interest in life. He develops in person the ability to notice travel light in darkness, can generate interesting ideas. In business contacts, Balzamin helps to measure their personal interests with external circumstances. A person begins to understand how to make an agreement mutually beneficial.

Balzamin's household health is important in that it protects them from heart attacks and from the origin of any forms of rheumatism.

Evergreen semi-stabiliar with shiny leaves. All summer blooms in large funnel-shaped colors, simple or terry, red, pink, white or yellow. Flowers replace each other almost daily. The Chinese rose loves a bright scattered light, but it is well tolerant and half-day. At the end of winter, the plant is cut to increase branches and transplant. Live can hibiscus until 20 years or more. Chinese rose charges the ambient energy atmosphere. It absorbs the energy of depression, and radiates the energy of the creation. The atmosphere itself, as if, makes a person get up and do something. For health, the Chinese Rose is useful in that it stimulates the work of the heart, increases low blood pressure.

This is a tuber-rhizable swamp plant, very moisture. Motherland - South Africa. Leaves are shiny, sweat-shaped, 60-80 cm long. Flower type peculiar. The flower arrow ends with a yellow or white asymmetric socket, in which there are several small tightly sitting flowers. In June-July, Calla reproduce with melting. The optimal temperature is +11 + 18 ° C. Calla can serve as a faithful of happiness for family members. It is also good in the house where the debaters live, painfully reacting that others do not understand them. The energy of the atmosphere, converted by calla, increases immunity against emotional exhaustion and despondency, from misunderstanding by other people. With Calla in the house, people feel happier. Calla strengthens the emotional and mental state of a creative person, protects against premature disappointment in his works, helps to act creative, despite the circumstances. The benefit of the health of Calla brings the body from the emergence of new diseases and from the development of already emerged diseases.

Calla It is impossible to better fit the images creative, constantly looking for inspiration. But Camellia astrologists recommend making people highly dependent on the opinions of others. This flower will fill the atmosphere around the lion with kindness and tranquility, and will also retain the clarity of the mind. Excellent, if sociable lions, in the house of which are constantly many people, will lead Balzamin. He inspires people a benevolence and "extinguishing" conflicts arising between them. Peony, if you believe numerous legends, all evil will take away from person.

The lion flowers on the flower horoscope are very capricious, but at the same time extremely beautiful. So the lions please the surrounding only at their own desire, acting more often at the behest of the heart.

Talisman Trees Lion

Trees, patronizing lions on a horoscope, are endowed with strength and external article. Special influence on the people of this sign is provided - cypress, lords, poplar, kartas.

A wubble on the basis of at least one tree-talisman will give the lion even more self-confidence and charges it by the necessary energy.

Special symbolism for lion is endowed cypress. He protects everyone who is born in the period from 26.07 to 04.08. This beautiful church balances such passionate nature and will not give him mistakes. But for those who are born from 05.08 to 13.08, in the first place calm and measured rhythm of life. And it is the poplar that the time of centuries symbolizes the resistance and reliability that it impresses many lions.

Plants of other signs of the zodiac:

a lion

Compatibility of zodiac signs:

For success in love and work.

The royal lion is endowed with many beautiful plants, most of them beautifully bloom. The king always chooses the best, and the plants of the lion are quite demanding on the conditions of content. Fire Lvom manages the sun itself, so the plants of this sign need good lighting.


Acalifa largest. Family Mokea

The birthplace of this rather rare plant - the tropics of India and America. Akalifa - a long-term evergreen constantly flowering semi-stabbed to 1.5 m high, with drooping branches. The leaves are large, oval, rough to the touch due to short rigid hairs covering the plate on top and bottom. Very original coloring of the leaves - bronze-olive with pink spots. In the period of growth, since the beginning of the spring until late summer, they turn into large bushy plants, some varieties are grown due to flowers combined into beautiful, long and dynamic inflorescences; There are decorative deciduous varieties. In order for these plants to grow well, heat and high humidity are needed. Akalifa needs to be placed on bright light, but not under direct sunlight, in order to get a beautifully painted foliage.

Vital conditions for acalifa - regular watering and high humidity, if not, the plant loses the leaves, it is dehydrated and can dry. In the fall, we need to water less, the soil should remain a little wet. It is necessary to pay attention to night temperatures that should not be descended below 15 ° C. It is also very important and lighting, if the light is missing, the plant is pulled out, does not bloom and loses its painting. Adult plants transplanted in spring and summer in pots with good soil, best of all acidic. If the plants are very large, it is necessary to remove the layer of surface ground in 5 cm and replace it with fresh. In the summer, acalifes feed every 15-20 days; You need a good fertilizer with a balanced nutrient composition. In the fall and in winter, remove faded inflorescences, and if the plant is very large, then half do the new shoots. Dry air contributes to the development of a spider tower on the leaves: they are yellow, fall, the plant loses decorativeness. Therefore, daily acalifa need to spray water temperature, and pots with plants are placed in large, stuffed with wet moss, sawdust or peat. Watering, especially in summer, should be abundant. Acalifa requires a very nutritious land - a mixture of sheet, humus with peat and turf. The dishes are needed spacious, as the plant has a rather large root system; Completely good drainage.

Acalifa multiply with cuttings, for this, sprigs are cut off a length of 12-15 cm with a piece of crust and wood (with a "heel"). The cuttings are planting in sandy ground, they must be in the shade at a temperature of 26 ° C, air and soil should be wet. It is best to do this in January and February.


Calla Ethiopian or Cantnedeshiya. Aoid family. Motherland - South Africa, where it grows on swamps and wet places.

From a small amount of species (8-9) the most decorative Calla Ethiopian, which is distinguished by unusual exotic beauty.
The plant can be successfully grown in the rooms. The leaves and inflorescences are stable in the cut and are widely used in the preparation of bouquets and compositions, giving them extraordinary sophistication and expressiveness. Calla is a herbaceous plant with a shortened above-ground stem and a straw-appliant root. In residential rooms, Cala does not always bloom, and when compliance with the necessary conditions of content: a mandatory rest, (resting period from May to September), regular feeding during growth, cool room.
Flowers: Small, collected in yellow inflorescence, located on a long arrow. Large, tubular, expanding on top, snow-white case; blooming up to 13-25 cm.
Leaves: sweat, 45 cm long, slightly wavy, with long soft pointing, dark green, shiny. On the bottom side of the sheet, the middle veil is highlighted.

Temperature: 10-16 cm during the growth period.
Lighting: Bright enough.
Humidity: high during the period of growth, also during this period is recommended spraying, in summer (during resting period) limited.
Watering: Abundant watering during the growth period.
Undercaming: once every 2 weeks from spring to early summer.
Reproduction: kids in transplantation.
Possible problems: a red cobbler.

Calciolaria hybrid. Family of Norichnikov. Motherland - South America.

It is known about 200 species. In indoor culture, the species is most widespread a hybrid calculation. This is a biennial, grassy, \u200b\u200bvery attractive decorative-flowing room plant, which in the people the name "Magic shoes".
The low-hearted shrub of a compact form, with rounded, torn, light-green gentle leaves and fragrant original colorful flowers. The plant is distinguished by a long flowering period. In the culture there is a variety of forms that differ in the color of flowers: yellow, orange, red, with dots. For good and long flowering, it is necessary to content in sufficiently lit rooms with moderate temperatures. When the flowering period ends, calkesolaria resets the foliage. To combat pests, the plant must be constantly inspecting.

Temperature: Spring 14-16 C, in winter 10-12 s, at a temperature of more than 20 with a plant quickly agitates and strips
Humidity: moderate and increased
Watering: Regular during the year, prevent drying
Undercaming: Once in 2-4 weeks by half-centrified floral fertilizer in spring and summer
Reproduction: seeds, less often with cuttings. In reproduction by seeds, they are sown in a wet, filled to one-third damp land messenium N 7
Valid: TLL

Camellia. Family tea. Motherland: Asia

Camellia received its name by the names of the Moravian Naturalist of the priest G.I.Kamelius, who in the second half of the XVII century. For the first time brought this plant to Europe. Japanese Camellia is one of the most beautiful flowering houseplants. This is an evergreen church or shrub with leathery dark green leaves. Flowers have different degree of terrain: simple, semi-grade and terry, white, pink and red painting with a diameter of 7-9 cm.

The plant is very capricious and perturbily to the temperature, lighting and humidity. From lovers will need great patience and a caring attitude. In the summer, during the relative rest, Camellia is best to touch along with the pot outdoors in the genouter garden. If there is no such possibility, then in the room it needs to create favorable conditions: regularly ventilate the room and constantly maintain high air humidity. It is useful to spend spraying until the plant drops buds. They watered abundantly and evenly, not allowing neither overhangship, nor the mooring of the earth coma. It can lead to the fall of leaves. Camellia does not tolerate lime, so eat soft water, best of all Tluu, snow and necessarily warm. In winter, watering is reduced.
In winter, it is best to contain in a greenhouse at a temperature of 5-7 C. In summer, you can put on an open air, intense from direct sunlight. Replanted after graduation. Before transplanting the plant is cut, the cuttings are used for breeding. Used as a soliter plant.

Temperature: moderate, in winter no more than 12 s
Lighting: good, protect from direct sunlight
Humidity: moderate
Watering: Regular: Neither an excess of moisture, nor the Publishing plant does not endure, in July-August moderate for the investment of floral kidney
Undercaming: all year round, except July-August
Reproduction: seeds, gifts, vaccination and semi-resistive cuttings, which are planted in clean sand or a mixture consisting of equal parts of peat ground and sand, at a temperature of 22-25 C.
Pests: TLL

Family: Marrene
Gardenia Jasmine: This is an evergreen shrub tall up to 180 cm. Stems branched, with brownoped and peeling bark. Leaves up to 8 cm long, short-flower, broad-chain or inversely, islated, to the base are narrowed, all-acy, naked, glossy-shaped.
Flowers in summer. Flowers are single or assembled into low-mounted (3-6 pieces) flavored inflorescences, top or stuffed. Solving a strong pleasant aroma. Coloring at the beginning of blossom bright white, later acquires a yellowish tint. The diameter of the flowers is up to 8 cm. The rooms are built in the main mold with terry flowers.

Prefers bright, sunny, but protected from direct sunlight place. It grows well on the windows of South and South-Western orientation. The plant can be outdoors, but before the start of flowering it should be added to the room. In winter, the garment is contained at a temperature of 16-20s, providing a flow of fresh air. The soil must have ambient temperature or higher.
Lighting - bright light
The soil is kept constantly slightly moist, use soft water temperature for watering. During the formation of flowers, the plant needs high humidity, so the pot is immersed in a wet peat or put on the pallet filled with water.
Air humidity - moderate. In winter and summer, an elevated air humidity is needed, which is created by spraying.
From spring until the end of the summer, floral fertilizers are made at the rate of 20g on 10 liters of water, without lime. At the end of winter, Gardenia must be transplanting and crossed last year's increase by 1/3 length. This will provide better branching of shoots.
Semi-respected cuttings, which are worth taking spring or at the end of summer. The cuttings are rooted in a weak-coated soil under glass. At the plant grown from the cutting need to pinch shoots, then the bush will turn out to be lush and decorative. Phytohormones and lower heating accelerate this process. You can also multiply seeds in the spring.
Plant needs acidic soil. Young gardens are planted in a lightweight mixture of equal parts of sheet, ferrous, coniferous land, rigorous peat and sand. Over time, the soil is heated by adding peat and humus.
Possible difficulties
It often happens that the buds that dense bodies cover and seemingly foreshadowing abundant flowering, cease to develop and fall one after another. To prevent this phenomenon, the plant during bookmark buds needs to provide a favorable temperature regime, constant, without drops. Air temperature in the range of 18-20 gr. Happy and 16-18 grams. At night and especially carefully water it, the room often ventilated. With a sharp decrease in the temperature of Gardenia reset leaves. If the leaves become whiten, it means in the soil there is not enough iron. Therefore, additionally 3-4 times a year in the soil the solutions of trace elements are made.
The most dangerous pests are a web tick, a shrew and a torment Cherver.

An herbaceous semi-stabilizer up to 50-60 cm high, the stems are pretty thick, juicy, the leaves are elongated-elliptical, in some varieties oval, squeezed to the paper. Coloros usually appear in the sinuses of the leaves on the top of the shoots. Flowers are different forms and paintings - simple, semi-gravel and terry, different shades of pink, red, raspberry, salmon-orange. There are also balsamines with pure-white color, colorful (with several shades in the color of the flower), chimerically striped. Almost all varieties of flowers have arcuate spurs. The lowest varieties on average are not exceeded at a height of 30 cm even without quinting.
Window: Balzine surprisingly easily adapts to any type of lighting. It is only necessary to not hit as extremes and do not put it on the scorching sun or in a dark angle. To grow balsamam, any window will suit, you only need to gradually teach the plant to your conditions. If the plant is grown out of the cutter, then there should be no problems. The purchase of the same plant is better to find at least a temporary place with multiple lighting and sufficient humidity and in time we gradually move it to the place that you have prepared for him for permanent residence.
Pot: When landing a cutlery, it is necessary to start with a not too big pot, as the plant, though moisture, it blooms only when the entire land comes are rooted, so the big pot will significantly slow down its growth and flowering. If there are several cuttings, then you can safely put them in a pot of sewing - the balsamines live and bloom and bloom in the 'collective', without gone each other.
Cleaning, trimming: For more compact growing and bunning balsamines, it is necessary to periodically quarrel. You can not do the dwarf varieties. The tailing also stimulates more lush flowering. Regular removal of faded flowers and yellowed leaves also contributes to flowering and prevents the occurrence of diseases and pest appearance.
Soil: When preparing the soil for balsamines, the main thing is not to overdo it with 'fatness', the nutrition of the soil. Otherwise, all the forces of the plant will go into the green mass and flowering will be weak. The soil must be lightweight, with a lot of sand or sandy, but not too poor nutrients. You should not divert with peat and soil breakders - as the plant has large thick stems, and not too small in height, then in too loose land the roots will not be able to provide a plant sufficient sustainability. The approximate mixture looks like this - the hard land, (and / or) sheet earth, humus, peat, sand in the 2: 2: 2: 2 ratio. You can also use a mixture with only the turf or only leaf ground.
Supporting: Balsamines are very responsive to feeding, but the main thing is that they do not reconcile, which will negatively affect the flowering and the general condition of the plant. In winter, plants are in an incomplete period of rest (that is, they do not drop the leaves, the growth is simply suspended), therefore it is not required frequent feeding, it is not necessary to feed 1-2 times a month with potash-phosphoric fertilizers. Closer to the spring you can add nitrogen fertilizers, which have a beneficial effect on the growth of green mass. In summer, the plant can be pumped 3-4 times a month fertilizers for flowering plants.
Diseases and pests:
Rotary and fungal diseases. Despite the fact that Balzamin is an amazingly moisture plant and pour it almost impossible, in winter, when overflow and low air temperature, there is a possibility of the occurrence of various rotors and the appearance of fungal diseases. When signs, it is necessary to immediately carefully remove the plant from the pot, very carefully remove the pumping soil with the roots or rinse with water and transplanted into fresh, lightweight, water and woveflowable soil with lots of drainage. When the mold on the surface appears on the surface of the soil, you can remove the top layer of the Earth and pour fresh, with a lot of sand. If, as a result of rotting, the leaves lost the tour, became sluggish, then the plant is better to shine, as the rot can quickly destroy the plant, almost within a few hours. But at the initial stage, the plant is easily reanimated.
Shield. Balzamin is often susceptible to the 'attack' of the shield. To prevent infection, all new plants in the house are arranged 'Quarantine' - plants are placed in a separate room, and if there is no such possibility, it is in greenhouse or under the package. Usually during the month you can reveal the pests and diseases brought with this plant. In the case of detecting 'tubercles' of the shield, if possible, to remove them with their hands, then the plant spray with any drug to combat the shields 2 times with an interval of 7-10 days.
Cobbled tick. Balzamin is one of the favorite paustic tick. As a rule, its appearance is provoked by dry air and close location with other plants. The main feature of the appearance of a spider tick is barely noticeable tintipers on the leaves of plants. The tick is quite easily derived by a thorough twofold spraying with such drugs as accuters, inensions, agravertin.
Bellenka. With a strong yellow and dedication of the leaves, it is necessary to check the opposite side of the balsamine sheet for the presence of leaps of the whiteflink. The whitefall itself is a tiny white flies dropping out of a bush when shaking. But no adult individuals harm the plant, but their larvae, similar to TRU. Turning the leaf of an infected plant, you can see on the reverse side of the sheet a lot of small insects that distinguish the sweet juice, like the wave. From this, the toss sheet seems sticky. The whiteflink is also excreted, as well as the shield, thoroughly (on both sides of the sheet) twice spraying with such preparations as phytodeterm, accuters, insane, agravertin.

Mimosa shame
This is a beautiful plant, although it is not famous for its appearance, and the interesting property of the leaflets fold when touched during the day (they always develop on the night). This is easy for cultivation and in the care of the plant, in addition, in the summer it pleases with spherical pink inflorescences.
Flowering time: summer.

Lighting: Bright light, speaks well for a certain amount of direct sunlight.
Temperature: Optimum temperature - 20-24c.
Watering: Abundant watering, moderate in winter. Frequent spraying.
Soil: from equal parts of the dermal land, leaf slowing, peat and sand.
Transplant: usually not needed.
People's period: Winter - moderate watering, indoor content with air temperature not lower than 15C.
Reproduction: Mimopa is very easy to multiply by seeds: Shallowly plant seeds in a mixture of equal parts of the earth, peat and sand, the soil should always be wetted, maintain the temperature at 18-21c and ventilate the room.

Gerana Tsarskaya

Family - Geranium. The name of the genus comes from the Greek word pelargos - stork, since the fruits of the plants are similar to the beak of the stork. It is known about 280 species of annual and perennial herbaceous plants, half-workers and shrubs common mainly in South Africa.
Bush is a reprehensive, dense. The leaves are green, slightly wavy, having a brown-reddish rim on the circumference of the sheet. The flowers are diverse and the number of petals of flowers are collected in numerous semi-shaped umbrellas on long alert blooms. There are copper forms suitable mainly for flower beds. All geraniums are easily multiplied with cuttings for almost the entire year. When staring, the cut cutlets first bringe and plant the substrate, holding in a dry state (they rarely and do not spray). Plant is light-chapter. In the summer, a rich watering is needed, in winter - dry content in a cool place.
For the formation, it is necessary to make a trimming, a piece of crest, although geraniums do not like the frequent and severe trimming. Geranium zone possesses phytoncidal properties. Its leaves have a peculiar smell, but not pleasant for any person. Old geranium can be rejuvenated by landing on the "stump", but it is better to resume them, cutting up the top escape to root. Currently, zonal geranium breeds seeds. At the same time, flowering plants can be obtained after 4 months. Every year, in the period of growth, young geraniums must be replant and translated. It is done in the spring before the start of growth. To cultivate geranium, a mixture of turf (clay) sheet, humidier and sand is suitable. Capacity for roots should be small, otherwise replenish the fruitful shoots, but the plant will not bloom. It is possible in hydroponics on ionic substrates. When maintaining under luminescent lamps, geranium blooms continuously (except December - January). It is widely used for breeding in rooms, for internal decoration and external gardening.

Temperature: 0-20 s
Lighting: sufficient, half
Humidity: moderate
Watering: Abundant, limited in winter
Undercaming: Once a week with liquid fertilizer from late spring to early autumn
Reproduction: seeds, stem cuttings in spring
Pests: Mute Cherver and Red Cobbler
Purpose:, potted culture, in "Bottle Gardens", Terrarium, Orangery

Chinese rose
Rose - ROSA. Rosaceae.

It is known about 200 species of barbed evergreen, and leaf falling shrubs with reprehensive or liananoid clinging escapes. Representatives of the genus are common in the moderate and subtropical zones of the northern hemisphere and in the mountainous areas of the tropics. Roses are grown mainly in open ground or greenhouses, and only some are suitable for room culture.
The land mixture is made up of equal parts of the delicate and humus ground with the addition of sand.

Potted roses are low shrubs with weathered stems on which rare spikes are sitting.
The acquired plant is carefully prepared for the terms of the room. Water if the earth is dry, and spray. Make from transparent polyethylene mini-greenhouse, in which the rose will be protected from dry air and temperature difference. Spray and follow, so that the Earth does not swam. After 2-3 weeks begin to "teach" a rose to the dry air of the room, opening and conducting greenhouse first for a few minutes, and then 1 hour and more. After a week, the package is removed.

Under the optimal conditions, the room rose blooms throughout the year every 8 weeks.

Location: Placed on the windowsill of the bright window with a full morning sun. It is necessary to provide light from 16 to 18 hours a day. For highlighting use daylight lamps.

Watering: evenly moderate, not allowing the cutting of the roots and the convergence of the Earth, using water, which is better than the spring or rain. The drying of the earthen koma leads to falling out the leaves.

Air humidity: Frequent spraying.

Temperature: in summer 20-25 s, in winter, 10-15 C. Summer to be taken to the air.

Transplant: Every year in the spring. Do it very carefully, trying not to damage the roots, the earthlings do not destroy, removing only a small amount of land from above. You should not land and transplant the rose in too large vase, since the excess of the Earth can entail its slow down drying, and then zaksing.

Trimming: After the rest period, the rose is cut into half its heights, small shoots are cut out, and the strongest shorten, leaving them from 3 to 6 kidneys. Pruning roses is obligatory: if it is not done, buds and flowers are not formed or there are very few them. The sworded flowers are cut to the first five hundred.

Undercalink: Spring-Summer - 1 time in 10-12 days Mineral and organic fertilizers, winter-autumn - without feeding.

Pests: Web tick.

Reproduction: cuttings, which are taken after flowing from the best, abundantly flowing bushes. For this use young, beginners to unreserved shoots, which are cut into parts with 2-3 kidneys. Cuttings are well rooted under glass in sand or soil. After rooting, they are planted in a small pot, and after the roots will turn the earth to the earth, they roll into larger dishes. So that the plant is not exhausted, the first buds are removed.

All lion plants are most useful for people born under this fiery sign. These plants are needed at home or at work lions to maintain emotional and physical tone, to purify the energy of the atmosphere around them.

A lot of useful properties are concluded in the plants of the lion, but all of them have two unique properties that a person can take advantage of any sign of the zodiac. The lion and the sun manager in astrology are associated with creativity and high feelings, true love. Any plants of this sign can be at home as talismans for successful creativity and happiness in love.

People born in the period 23.07-22.08 are representatives of the astrological sign of the lion. This sign of the zodiac is patronized by the element of the fire. We are talking about wise, volitional and reliable personalities, on which you can always rely. At the same time, lions are waiting for reciprocity from others, need attention and support. An important life aspects for them are self-realization and public recognition. Quite often, the favor of the fortune of the Lion is honored for due and therefore can be accomplished. If representatives of the zodiacal pantheon do not get the desired, they can behave aggressively, capriciously and become passive. Contradictions of character can be balanced with the help of a special astrological talisman.

What is the feature of attributes for astrological signs

Tattoo can be an effective talisman

Zodiacal talisman is a unique subject of force and energy. It differs significantly from classic amulets and facing. In this case, literally all the characteristics related to the carrier of the magic assistant are taken into account: date of birth, patronizing planets and driving elements, german and age, social status, individual features of the individual. In addition, choosing a talisman on the sign of the zodiac is important to listen to intuition. A competently chosen subject of force contributes to strengthening the strengths of the nature and will minimize negative manifestations, it will attract good luck and success, health and prosperity, love and family happiness. And also protects from evil eyes and damage.

Talismans for Lviv

Only natural minerals have a magical force

Natural stones of fiery, warm shades will become an ideal solution for independent and passionate lionic. And the men of this sign will suit precious and semi-precious minerals that contribute to the strengthening of leadership qualities and will help to occupy the desired niche in society.

For women

Bright and noticeable lionesses need permanent protection. As a rule, representatives of the astrological sign often envy, trying to have a negative impact on the part and thereby interfere with the planned plans. It is known about the magical relics of nature and our ancestors have successfully used these resources for personal purposes. Natural stones can protect their owner from any misfortune, the main thing is to choose a suitable natural talisman.

    Amber. For solar lioness, an amber, made of amber, will become a source of longevity, prosperity, vital energy and emotional stability. Amber gifts fearless and confidence, helps to make faithful solutions. Creative parts brings inspiration and contributes to the disclosure of congenital talents. It is advisable to choose catchy shades of amber accessories.

    Garnet.This mysterious stone is considered the most powerful mascot for women born in the constellation Lion. Granate is responsible for the spiritual principle and at the same time gives leadership qualities, strengthens intuition and insight. And also attracts true love. It is advisable to choose rings or rings. Wearing them should be on a nameless finger or maizinz. No less effective pendants and beads with a grenade will be.

    Give preference to red or yellow shades. But the grenade of the green color is absolutely useless for the lioness

    Jasper.This kind of quartz is an ideal magic assistant for disturbing and doubting ladies. Provides a beneficial effect on emotional state and mental health, eliminates bad premonitions and anxiety. It also protects its support from the negative impact of unfriendliers. Jasper ornaments should not be displayed.

    Active impact of Jasper has on Monday, Friday and Saturday indispensable charm for public representatives of the zodiacal pantheon. Give vitality, strengthen the energy field, eliminate depressive moods and fight apathy. Stone protects against evil eyes, damage and slander.

    Careerists and businesswoman worth paying attention to the jewelry with rubies

    Emerald.This is a wonderful charm of damage and the evil eye with healing properties. Helps to heal the illness of the eyes, and also protects against accidents, cuts and injuries. The lionesses are suitable mascots with stones of saturated dark colors.

    Ambitious lioness will necessarily have to taste a good decoration with emerald

    Suitable astrological talisman for middle-aged women. It has harmonizing effects, contributes to the release of hidden potential, attracts success and material well-being.

    Natural diamond is suitable for active and temperamental ladies.

    This solar mineral copes perfectly with Handrea and depressive states, which is why it is recommended to wear in the fall. Accessories with Heliodorus will end up with peace and faith in themselves, giving charisma and charm. An indecisive lady will help accept responsible solutions.

    Beautiful stone, similar to a frozen sunlight, charges positive energy

    Excellent zodiac assistant for young parks. Attracts true love and helps to create a strong family union. Contributes to the establishment of relations with the surrounding people. Promotes the search for yourself and the disclosure of congenital talents. Ensures complexes and emotional stiffness.

    Sardonix is \u200b\u200bused in lithotherapy - treatment with stones

    This nonsense variety of Beryl is suitable for expressive and temperamental signs of the sign. Neutralizes emotional bursts, helps to cope with irritability and quick-tempered. Protects from conflict situations in the professional sphere and love differences. Mineral has a special force in the spring-summer period.

    Decoration with Aquamarine will help calm down

    Nephritis. Jade talismans are struggling with various female illnesses, prevent inflammatory processes and aggravation of chronic pigeons. In addition, the stone is responsible for the home comfort and the fortress of the marriage union. Guards from change and slander. It is desirable that the house there is a small statuette of jade.

    Jade souvenir is better to place in the most prominent place

    Aventurine.Mysterious stone has really magical properties. It will help her hostess to gain harmony in the soul, will save from negative emotions and unreasonable experiences, will strengthen the energy field. In addition, decorations from Aventurine are struggling with skin diseases, allergies, contribute to the strengthening of the hair and preservation of the beauty of the chapels.

What kind of minerals will come to men

The choice of talisman stone for a lion man depends on the date of birth, character, profession, marital status, personal intentions and desires

Charismatic and purposeful lions, of course, need regular energy feeding. Properly chosen natural minerals will become excellent talismans on the sign of the zodiac and for a strong sex.

    Alexandrite.This type of mineral will be a powerful astrological assistant for careerists, businessmen and people who occupy senior positions. Stone attracts success and material stability. Gives self-confidence and strengthens the positive aspects of the nature. Gives diplomatic qualities, flexibility and calculation.

    Carneol.Accessories with this mineral love good luck and protect against vital troubles, professional and love failures. Young representatives of the sign give confidence, ease of learning, promote self-realization and promotion through the career ladder. And Carneol teaches the establishment of useful ties and harmonious relations with others.

    Chrysolite.Universal and most effective amulet for Lviv men. Develops communicative abilities and speakers, bestows wisdom and tolerance for other people. Strengthens congenital talents and intuitive capabilities. Protects against envy and evil eyes.

    Topaz. For middle-aged men, Talisman from Topaz will become an ideal force of force. This stone charges cheerfulness and cheerfulness, gives up a positive worldview and inner freedom. And also loves success and prosperity.

    Tourmaline. The mineral of incredible beauty will help get rid of obsessive thoughts and overcome fears. Provides a beneficial effect on physical health and emotional background. Promotes creative activities, helps to achieve their goals. And also eliminates insomnia.

    Jade. It has a harmonizing effect, it decesses, heals the nervous system. Especially relevant for businessmen and entrepreneurs. People of this field of activity protects from conflicts, financial losses and ill-wishers.

    Rhinestone.Emphases insight and develops extrasensory abilities. It helps to cope with stress, positively affects mental processes and nervous system.

Stones-Talismans by date of birth

From the decade, which is the birthday of the representative of the Sign of Lion, mostly depend on the defining traits of its character. Guided by this principle when choosing an astrological amulet, people pursue the main goal - to minimize negative personal manifestations and strengthen their strengths.

    First decade (07/23-3.08).Saturn rules the early lions, making them with wayward and freedom-loving personalities. In this case, powerful stones and minerals are needed for energy, which will be able to curb the complex nature of the representatives of the zodiacal pantheon. Astrologers recommend paying attention to carnelian, jade, bloody jasper, tiger eye, rhinestone and lunar stone.

    Second decade (4.08-12.08).Intermediate lions patronize Jupiter. We are talking about rather stubborn and powerful people who often try to subordinate to themselves. Such people are suitable for the world-bearing minerals, which are responsible for the spiritual principle: Jadeit, citrines, opal, amber, onyx, cat eye.

    Third decade (13.08-22.08). Late lions, driven by powerful Mars, are the most wise, harmonious, endless, erudite and stable people. For representatives of the third decade, escaped stones are suitable, strengthening leadership qualities and other congenital advantages. According to astrologers, tourmaline, grenades, ruby, sapphires, Alexandrite, Diamond, Zircon, Topaz, Emerald will be the best solution.

Indoor plants and flowers Lion sign

The lions will hear the true connoisseurs of luxurious room colors. As a rule, representatives of the zodiac circle are pleased to care for their favorite plants and consider them a real pride and decoration of the house. Suitable Flora representatives are able to create a favorable atmosphere in the home, as well as can have a positive impact on their owners.

Room Japanese Camellia is not too frequent guest in Russian homes

Contain an exotic beauty at home is quite difficult. After all, this type of Camellia is incredibly whimsical and susceptible to environmental impact. Perhaps that is why Japanese Camellia favors the same difficult and royal lions. A gentle natural talisman will attract good luck and will contribute to the development of creative potential. And also this is the perfect choice for unnecessarily pretentious personalities. Japanese Camellia gives patience and a sense of measure, teach the internal resistance to overcome and calmly respond to the changeability of circumstances. In addition, it will bring harmony and calm in the dwelling, and all of its inhabitants will give a feeling of tact, care and adoption.

Balzamin pleases an eye in a lush color almost all year round

Balsamines have long been popular in Russia and until today do not come out of fashion. These bright and cheerful flowers will give a feeling of comfort and protectedness. Such a floristic talisman gives his owner with inspiration and even creative insight, contributes to the birth of nontrivial ideas, will help successful self-realization. As for the dwelling, this plant can neutralize conflict situations and eliminates the voltage atmosphere.

Wrong care is fraught with rapid loss of decorativeness and cessation of lush flowering Acalifa

This is a suitable mascot for Lviv familymen. Acalifa needs chepillary care, and in response, it will bring the atmosphere of joy and comfort to the dwelling. It is able to give all family members with vital energy, cheerfulness and motivation, faith in a bright future. The sign representatives helps to stabilize the emotional background, develops intuition and strengthens the strengths of the nature. And also an acalifa should be taken note of those personalities that often fall into adventurous situations and are prone to unjustified risk. Such Lviv plant will teach patience and leaning.

By the way, Calla (Zaltenkia) Ethiopian is common in southern Africa

Another representative of the flower world, in need of careful and thorough care. This is the most powerful charm, protecting marriage from change, disagreement and gossip. Calla will introduce mutual understanding, love and happiness to your home of vibration. And this flower will fit overly susceptible lions. Teach them to adequately respond to critical comments, eliminate impulsiveness and syradiability. Such a natural assistant contributes to self-realization and spiritual development, helps to part with the past and gives fearlessness before the future.


Cement box will turn a windy partner for marriage in a devotee and reliable companion of life

The patron triberer can be planted in the yard near the house or in the country area. You can also make an astrological amulet from the wood suitable for your sign.

    Cedar. This tree is a universal natural guard, but it will bring much benefit to the so-called late lions. It teaches representatives of the zodiac circle of consistency and responsibility, is responsible for the spiritual beginning and purity of intentions. Symbolizes family happiness.

    Cypress.The tree has a peaceful and harmonizing effect. Early lions are especially favorable. Eliminates aggressive impulses, emphasizes tolerance and stagnation. Promotes the creation of trust love relationships.

    Poplar.Suitable faith for business and public people. Most of all patronate the lions born in the second decade. Promotes the tying of useful contacts and strengthening friendly relations. Fencing fraudsters, slanders and bankruptcy. And the poplar is developing organizational abilities and strengthens leadership qualities.

Talismans of the animal world

From time immemorial, people believed in the existence of a strong spiritual connection between man and animal peace. For example, the Indians chose names associated with personal tight animals. A live amulet affects our behavior, eliminates unwanted manifestations and reveals the internal potential. And the totems are protected from diseases and vital turmoils, neutralize the negative prompts of enviousness and protect against the evil eye. The Sun patronizes the flaming sign of the lion. Therefore, the statuette or image of this powerful and noble beast will be the best totem mascot for representatives of the zodiacal pantheon.

Ladybug will help impulsive lions to get rid of angry

And a bright and peace-loving ladybug will teach excessively coarse and even aggressive personalities to be more patient, calm and wise. A wonderful talisman for women will be a brooch or pendant in the form of this insect, the men can purchase key chains with God's cow or, for example, a handkerchief with its image.

Proud Bird Eagle will give its owner of prudence and decisiveness, will contribute to the adoption of faithful solutions. Such an amulet is particularly relevant in difficult life situations, it is able to give the entangled and tired lion to the purposefulness, fearless and spiritual forces. In addition, the Totem in the form of an eagle affects intuitive abilities, develops communicative talents, helps to gain recognition and respect for others.

Other astrological symbols

Any zodiacal object or symbol will help lions feel much better. The main condition - the Talisman should like you, only then a quality energy exchange will be between you and your magical assistant.


Gold shades will never come out of fashion

Add suitable shades and colors to your wardrobe or dwelling interior - they will definitely bring good luck. Favorable colors for Lviv, astrologers consider the following:

  • All shades of gold.
  • Scarlet.
  • Purple.
  • The black.
  • Yellow.
  • Brown.


But the photo is shown a black swan

Swan is not a totem mascot for people born in the constellation Lion. However, it is this bird that symbolizes family happiness and well-being. Pictures, figurines, pendants with swans will bring a noticeable benefit to their owner.


Golden Star will help get rich

The star symbolizes success and self-realization, and this is exactly what is needed by ambitious representatives of the fiery sign. The zodiac assistant in the form of a star will help to understand yourself and their own desires, outline a faithful goal. Strengthen the intuitive start, devils good luck and material benefits. It is desirable that the selected symbol is orange, red or yellow shades. The amulets of these colors will have the most effective impact on their owner.

The sun

If the solar decoration with a chain, then the symbol must be at the chest level

The daylight luminaries the natural essence of the Lviv themselves, so such a magic friend will become a universal source of force and energy. Astrologers are recommended to acquire a decoration of a noble metal, preferably of gold, in the form of sunlight or sun. But you should not use such a talisman constantly, otherwise, the lion may be aggravated. It is more correct to wear a sunny charm during a period of creative or professional stupor, as well as in stressful situations.

Antique Things and Family Values

Standards of antiquities and family relics personify the lion's desire for financial stability and independence. The perfect talismans will be gold coins, medals and orders, rigs and pendants with precious stones, rare paintings, figurines and other vintage decor elements. These symbols emphasize the significance of their owner, make it a non-standard thinking and spirit of the Spirit.

Peony and Chrysanthemum

Astrologers advise carrying a luxury flower with them, its dried bud or petals

The symbol of abundance and careless life are peonies. Moreover, this representative of Flora symbolizes power and high social status. Images with peonies, dried buds and petals, jewelry and even tattoos in the form of peonies protect the surrounding and evil eyes. Such symbolism will bring to its owner and material stability will help climb the career staircase or gain recognition in the creative sphere.

Chrysanthemum will give longevity, physical endurance and emotional health, will strengthen the spiritual principle. The beautiful sex will help to avoid female ailments and keep youth. And men will end the courage and wisdom.

Slavic charms by date of birth

The face of an eagle face of the beautiful floor should not be worn. This symbolism enhances and attracts exclusively male energy

The zodiac system of our ancestors is called the napol. Traditionally, it includes 16 periods (tags) and is essential from a modern astrological circle. Each period is patronized by a special deity, therefore there is a special coasting attribute. The current lions belong to two periods of the Slavic horoscope:

  • Blind of Eagle (13.07-4.08).
  • Drawing of the Lyry (4.08-28.08).

People who were born in the troop of the eagle, patronize the domineering clubs of Perun. This deity was most revered by ancient Slavs. The trees are a majestic oak. This gigid has long been considered a powerful source of vital energy.

Eagles with all their natural militancy are distinguished by good nature and devotion. Often they help weak and needy. At the same time, the eagles often are too intrusive and occupy a dominant position. Oddly enough, a congenital feature of representatives of this period is too lazy. Therefore, they constantly have to deal with internal resistance to achieve the desired goals. The defendant of the eagle will endure targets and independence, will help find the golden middleness in relations with others. Suitable amulet materials will be copper, silver or wood (desirable oak).

The defendant of the Fitness is suitable for people who cannot achieve harmony between a cold mind and sensual heart

Born in the drawing of a lyry is emotionally sustainable and open personals. They know how to work hard and fully rest. Fitness is distinguished by reason, take weighted solutions and practically always achieve their own. At the same time, we are talking about hopeless altruists who will disinterestedly help anyone. The assistant deity is Tarh, and the patronage tree is ash.

The lynx parshele is overflowing the best sides of its owner, and also softens negative manifestations. It helps to concentrate on themselves and for their own purposes, protects against dishonest people. And also gives joy and develops positive thinking. Such a coastal symbolism can use both men and women.

How to make a talisman yourself

Sincere faith due to the sacred assistant - the most important condition for the manufacture of a talisman

To date, in stores you can buy almost any charm or talisman. But the purchased subject of force will require special cleaning, because it was seen before you concerned other people. And homemade power items charge your energy already during the manufacturing process. Such amulets have greater sensitivity and efficiency, because they are tuned solely on their owner. It is important to know that astrological talismans should be made only on a growing moon.


Homemade charm can be performed absolutely from any remedies. The main thing is to refrain from using synthetic materials. The most favorable metal for the lion amulete is gold. Or suitable wood (oak, ash, hazel, poplar, cedar, cypress). Also, the successful patrons will serve as a successful basis and suitable dried plants. Paper, threads, ribbons, tissue, buttons favorable for this astrological sign of colors are also suitable.


The best choice for solar lions is the whole palette of the Golden. Gold color has a truly magical effect on the fiery sign. And also suit shades of red, yellow and brown.

The form

A figurine in the form of a lion of golden color will bring good luck to all lions without exception

The shape of the talisman is selected intuitive. Astrologers recommend avoiding excessive geometry and sharp corners. An ideal talisman will be a small figure in the form of a lion. You can also stop your choice on another favorable symbol.

The size

The size of the amulet must be compact, because this thing you will wear it with you. Decorations in the form of suspension and pendants should not be done too massive so that they can be easily hidden under the clothes. However, some sacred items can serve as an decoration of the house, then the size of particular importance does not have.


Metal items can be carried several times a candle flame

Activation of the sacred helper can be made at home. The purchased mascot should be cleaned with a flame of candles, because the lions patronize the fiery element. And the homemade guard is enough just to speak. Power items charge on the growing moon, in the evening and night time.

In order to configure the mascot for yourself, hold it in your hands and talk to him. Ask for help or tell about the cherished desires, tell me about what bothers you, and be sure to thank your char. After - do not part with this thing throughout the week, it should be near you constantly.

Before activation, air the room can be lit incense and include relaxing music. Take care that no one bothered you. And be sure to tune into a positive way, in a bad mood to work with sacral objects meaningless.

How to wear

Rings and rings with natural stones are not afraid of other people's eyes

It is believed that astrological amulets are extremely vulnerable to the effects of someone else's energy. And indeed it is. That is why chaffs in the form of jewelry is the rightmost to wear under the clothes as close to the body. If you chose earrings as an amulet, they should not be too extravagant and catchy. Other talismans can be stored in a wallet or bag, pre-wrapped them into the flap of opaque natural tissue.

But not all accessories are susceptible to the attention of others. For example, rings and rings with natural minerals are an exception. Stones are endowed with natural power and do not respond to energy vibrations from the outside. Moreover, the ring is a closed hoop, that is, a circle. This form personifies the non-stop current of life and also has a magical force.

One way or another, sacral objects should not brag. Remember that such things can not be given or give temporary use. But inherited talismans will serve you faith and truth, just do not forget to make rites of cleansing and activation.

Some charms are not intended for daily wearing, they are used as needed. In the event of achieving the desired effect, the talisman, thank, washed in fresh water and remove the place out of the reach of other people.

Do not hurry with the choice of talisman, examine the opinions of astrologers, listen to intuition and decide on our own goals and expectations. Do not forget that zodiac assistants need proper handling, only then they will work on their owner. If you comply with all the necessary requirements, the sacred subject of power will necessarily contribute to the execution of your cherished desires, will protect against the regulations of envious, bright health, material well-being and love.

Fig, fig, fig tree - these are all the names of the same plant, which we are persistently associated with Mediterranean life. Who at least once tried the fruit of figs, knows what kind of yummy it is. But, apart from a gentle sweet taste, they are also very useful for health. And this is what an interesting detail: it turns out that figs - a completely unpretentious plant. In addition, it can be successfully grown on the plot in the middle lane or in the house - in the container.

Quite often, the cultivation of the seedlings of tomatoes occurs even from the experienced dacities. Someone, all seedlings are elongated and weak, someone - suddenly begins to fall and dies. The thing is that it is difficult to maintain ideal conditions for growing seedlings. Seedlings of any plants need to provide a lot of light, sufficient humidity and optimal temperature. What else do you need to know and abide by the cultivation of tomatoes seedlings in the apartment?

Spring occurs, and the work of the gardeners is added, and with the onset of heat, changes in the garden occur rapidly. On plants, yesterday still sleeping, the kidney swell is already beginning, everything literally comes to life. After a long winter, this can not but rejoice. But together with the garden, his problems come to life - insect pests and disease pathogens. Weevils, blooms, thoughts, cracksosporiosis, maniliosis, pasta, powdery dew - can be listed for a very long time.

Toasts for breakfast with avocado and egg salad - a great start of the day. The egg salad in this recipe acts as a thick sauce, which is seasoned fresh vegetables and shrimps. My egg salad is quite unusual, it is a dietary version of all your favorite snacks - with Feta cheese, Greek yogurt and red caviar. If you have time in the morning, never deny yourself the pleasure to prepare something delicious and useful. You need to start with positive emotions!

Magnificent cheesecakes with poppies and raisins, cooked on this recipe, in my family eat in the blink of an eye. Made sweet, plump, gentle, with an appetizing crust, without excess oil, in a word, just such as mom or grandmother fry in childhood. If the raisins are very sweet, then sugar sand can not be added at all, without sugar, cheesers are better to fit and never bury. Prepare them on a well-preheated pan, lubricated oil, on small heat and without lid!

Cherry tomatoes differ from their major fellows not only by the small size of the berries. For many varieties, Cherry is characterized by a unique sweet taste, which is very different from the classic tomato. One who has never tried such cherry tomatoes, with closed eyes may well decide that it tastes some unusual exotic fruits. In this article, I will talk about five different tomatoes Cherry, who have the sweetest fruits of unusual colors.

Grow annual flowers in the garden and on the balcony I started more than 20 years ago, but I will never forget my first petunia, which I planted on the cottage along the track. A total of decades have passed, but the diva is given, how much the petunias of the past from modern multi-panic hybrids are distinguished! In this article, I propose to trace the story of the transformation of this flower from the hatch into the real queen of annuals, as well as to consider modern varieties of unusual colors.

Salad with spicy chicken, mushrooms, cheese and grapes - fragrant and satisfying. This dish can be served as the main, if you cook a cold dinner. Cheese, nuts, mayonnaise - Caloric products, in combination with spiced fried chicken and mushrooms, it turns out a very nutritious snack, which is refreshing with sour-sweet berries of grapes. Chicken fillet in this recipe marine in a spicy mixture of cinnamon, turmeric and chili powder. If you like food with a light, use burning chili.

The question of how to grow healthy seedlings, all summer houses are concerned about. It seems, and there are no secrets here - the main thing for fast and strong germs to provide them with heat, moisture and light. But in practice, in the conditions of the city apartment or a private house, it is not so simple. Of course, each experienced gardener has its own proven method of growing seedlings. But today we will talk about a relatively new assistant in this matter - the propagator.

The variety of Tomato Sanka is one of the most sought-after in Russia. Why? The answer is simple. He is the first to be fruit in bed. Tomatoes ripen when other varieties have not even been poured. Of course, if you comply with the recommendations on cultivation and make efforts, even a novice crop will receive a rich harvest and joy from the process. And that efforts are not in vain, we advise plant high-quality seeds. For example, such as seeds from TM "Agrouse".

The task of indoor plants in the house - to decorate housing with its own appearance, create a special atmosphere of comfort. For this, we are ready for them to regularly care. Care is not only in time to pour, although it is important. Other conditions must be created: suitable lighting, humidity and air temperature, make the right and timely transplant. For experienced flowerflowers, nothing supernatural about it. But newcomers are often faced with certain difficulties.

Gentle chicken breast pads with champignons to prepare just on this recipe with step-by-step photos. It makes it possible that from chicken breast it is difficult to cook juicy and gentle cutlets, it's not like that! The chicken meat practically does not contain fat, which is why it is dry. But, if you add cream chicken fillet, white bread and mushrooms with onions, it will turn out awesome tasty cutlets who will enjoy both children and adults. In the mushroom season Try to add forest mushrooms to the mince.

The growth period of seedlings is the childhood of the plant. As you know, in childhood it is laid a lot, and maybe everything! And full-fledged complex food is the basis. It is important to follow how your pets develop. If the stems and the leaves are pale green, undeveloped, then there may be insufficient illumination to one of the reasons. For the same reason, the plants can be elongated. But if, in your opinion, the plants are well covered, then it's time to do the seedlings.

Beautiful garden, blooming throughout the season, it is impossible to imagine without perennials. These flowers do not require such attention as annuals, differ in frost resistance, and only sometimes need a small shelter for the winter. Different types of perennials flourish at the same time, and the duration of their flowering can vary from one week to 1.5-2 months. In this article, we propose to remember the most beautiful and unpretentious perennial flowers.

Seeds of bad germination - frequent phenomenon for the Russian market. Normally, the cabbage must be at least 60%. On sachets, seeds often write that the germination is almost 100%, although in practice it is already good if at least 30% of seeds will go out of such packaging. That is why it is so important to choose the proper supplier. In this article, consider the varieties and hybrids of white cabbage, which deservedly received the love of gardeners.