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Dwarf thuja. Tui varieties and their use in landscape design Thuja white

One of the most popular coniferous decorative trees is Tuya. This is an evergreen tree or a shrub that belongs to the family of cypress. This family also includes such widespread coniferous plants as cypress. Young Tui have needle cheese. The needles possess a light green tint. Adults have a scratched foliage, the color is darker. A tree can develop almost up to 100 years.

Most varieties are resistant to frost. Color gamas of the thuu diverse depending on the varieties. For example, a tree is blue, as well as yellowish. There are high three-meter thui, as well as dwarf shrubs.

The greatest popularity in Russia enjoys western Thuja.

Western Thuja: description and varieties

Western Thuja is a view. It can grow up to 20 meters, but in Russia, the Western Tuya rarely grows above 7 meters. Forms Croons are:

  • Spheroid.

A large number of varieties of Western Tui are grown. Among them are such common varieties: Smaragd, Bartant, Danika, Column and others. However, some amateur gardeners look out on horticultural counters less popular, but no less unusual varieties. Below are the most common varieties with photos. Often, gardeners and landscape designers, deciding to plant them, wonder: "What better to put in the country?"

Degrat Spire - grade for lovers

Degrat Spire - Large variety of Western Tui. It has a unique colonum shape, has a narrow and straight crown and is considered the most narrow among colonum species. The height of this culture is up to 3 meters. Degrat Spire is widespread in the West.

This is a tree - perfect option For landscape design and landscaping plots. For example, Degrat Spire will help equip any elevation, even if it is height reaches 5 meters. High, but a thin green wall will not take a lot of space on the plot.

Tuya Western Degroot Spire ("Degrat Spire").

Degrat Spire has such advantages as frost resistance and undemanding for soil conditions. Sress the tree is better in those places that are well illuminated by the solar rays. The shadow makes the crown more loose. Ideal soil for growing this variety is a combination of the following components:

  • Sand;
  • Peat;
  • Leaves.

For watering enough of one bucket of water. Watering regular - once a week. In the spring tree feed. Soil is required to periodically mulch and loose. In the spring period, the tree is covered to avoid burns of sun rays. For the winter period, the crown is required to pull the ribbon so that the wet snow does not damage the crown.

Holmstrup - Beauty from Denmark

Hollestrup is an evergreen shrub. The shape of the crown is coloniary. Adult tree grows up to 4 meters in height. Crown color - rich green. In winter periods, the color of the needle does not change. The needles of shrubs is distinguished by a dense, represents scales.

Thuja Holmstrup (Holmstrup).

This variety is resistant to frosts, shadowless and well tolerate windy weather. Shrub does not require high soil fertility. This shrub is an excellent option for Russia. It is best to plant it in places well lit by sunlight. Either it is worth choosing not too shaded places.

Shrub is an excellent choice for landing by groups or alone. Live hedges are rarely created with Holmstrup.

Fastigiat - valuable grade for experienced gardeners

One of the varieties of narrow-shaped thuu is Fastigiat. This varietal variety was first grown in Germany. Adult tree grows up to 12 meters in height. Grows very quickly. Visually is like a cypress. The wood needles is characterized by soft and pleasant aroma. The bumps are small.

Thuja Western Fastigiata (Fastigiat).

This grade loves the sun and prefers fertile soil. In the spring, young seedlings are desirable to cover so that the spring sun does not damage them. To improve the structure of the soil, it is mounted. For mulching uses bevelled grass. In the winter time, a napnik is used for mulching. The bacnik prevents the reproduction of mice.

With the help of Fastigiats often form living hedges. They are not only beautiful, but also do not occupy a lot of space. The varietal variety is not afraid of decorative haircuts. Designers use a tree in large landscaped compositions, use it in group landings. It is perfectly combined with a variety of colors and shrubs.

Yellow varieties of Tui Western

Essently popular, refresh the landscape, look great in any compositions. Unfortunately, many of them are "capricious". The most common varieties in Russia are described below.

Thuja West Erhlo Ribon - for lovers of yellow varieties of Tui

Hello Ribon - yellow variety Tui. It has small sizes. Crown shape - conical. Adult thua has a height of up to 2 meters. Grows fast enough. Crohn is distinguished by looseness, so it is advisable to stop the tree to give it density to it.

Needles in young trees has orange color, becoming green green. In winter periods, the crown is becoming brown. The solar place where this thuja grows, the brighter the color of the crown.

The grade is distinguished by demanding conditions for cultivation. The soil must be fertile and wet so that the plant pleases with its beauty.

Thuja Yellow Ribbon ("Hello Ribon").

Beautiful gold needle makes this kind of very valuable. In a landscape design, with the help of Tui, Erhlo Ribon form walls that have a rich yellow shade. They are planted into containers, as well as make up with their use of live swelling and memorial walls.

Tuya Golden Gloss - Yellow Balls for Dacha Pots

Golden Globes is distinguished by its slow growth. The shape of the crown of this coniferous culture is a spherical. The height of the adult bush does not exceed 1 meter.

The needles differ with looseness. Regular haircut allows you to achieve density. Earlings of shoots have golden color, inside the crown of the needle has green color. In the autumn period of time, the needle acquires a shade of copper, in a spring again becomes golden. To shrub pleased with golden color, it is recommended to plant it in sunny places or slightly shaded.

Tuya Golden Globe (Golden Glob).

This shrub is not a pipe of high soil fertility, but loves the soil rich soil. In order to avoid ripping branches, the crown is associated for the winter.

Shrubs are applied in landings by groups, they are planted and alone. Also, with the help of them create beautiful living hedges and borders.

The most interesting varieties

There are many other varieties of this culture. These varieties are extremely popular as: Brabant, Smaragd, Danika, Globes. In specialized stores and nurseries there are more unique and less common varieties. Below are the names of the Tui Western varieties and their brief description.

Little Boy - This is a relatively new dwarf spherical grade. Height does not exceed 0.5 meters. Height slow. The needle of such a thuu has an emerald color. Little battle requires high soil fertility. He loves the sun, but not to grow and in half. Such such uses in the creation:

  • Japanese gardens;
  • Live borders.

Hoserie - This is the original variety from Poland. This is another dwarf spherical variety of wood. Chesual needle has dark green. In the fall of the needles acquire a bronze tint. Hosary loves moisture, is not demanding to soil and shadowed. Also, this culture is resistant to frost and is not afraid of winds.

Mirgem - This is another dwarf grade Tui. Adult plant grows up to 80 cm. The needles have a bright yellow color, becoming bronze to the autumn. Plant growth slow. Due to its size, such a thua is the perfect option for mountaineering and plantings in pots.

Question answer

For landing along the fences, such varieties are often used as Hollestrup, Fastigiat, Brabant, Smaragd.

What is the taucia is unpretentious?

Unpretentious many types of this culture. Often choose Brabant, Smaragd, Holmstrup.

How much are the car's seedlings?

The price of one seedling is from 150 rubles and higher.

I am engaged in alpinearia. How are the Tui in the Alpine Hills?

For alpinaries, low-speed varieties are suitable. In Russia, the most popular are the dwarf types of Western Tui. Perfect for the following varieties: Danika, Golden Glob, Woodwardi, Philimormis. All of them have a spherical shape.

Is it possible to use the same in mix bears?

Can. Despite the fact that the mixture involves a wide variety of colors and shades, coniferous successfully apply in mix bears. Tuya has many shades: green, blue and yellow.

Review on video

A brief and clear overview of some outstanding varieties. Information on the video is submitted so that it will be interesting to novice gardeners.

Thuja dwarf is an evergreen coniferous plant, which belongs to the family of cypress. These shrubs have long been in great demand among gardeners, as they have a thick crown, which is of great importance in terms of decorative decoration of household plots, parks or gardens.

This type of coniferous plants, is famous not only due to its appearance, but also the ability to influence human health, because the non-elusive calm walk along the alley seated thai, contributes to the calm of the nerves. Landscape designers relate to the number of basic plants to create a wide variety decorative compositions in the garden.


Why many people give preference to dwarf varieties:

  1. First of all, Thuja is a coniferous plant, which means that it is able to delight the eyes of people with their magnificent green cheese for the extent of the year;
  2. From nature, the Tui can clean the air well. They enrich the ambient with oxygen, due to which this plant is planted on the territory of hospitals, along the alley and parks, where people are constantly walking;
  3. The lowest varieties are great for creating live hedges, which create a good decorative effect, and reduce the permeability of noise from the street;
  4. The plant is unpretentious in terms of care;
  5. Dwarf conifers are quite simply tolerated;
  6. Slowing down the thui on its plot, you can create a lot of interesting decorative options.

The most common varieties

This thuya little variety, It has unusual shape Bowl, with a diameter of no more than one meter. Small fluffy balls, very cool fit into the design of the garden plot, especially if we combine them with other types of plants;

Sustal of low growth with a beautiful branching crown, which looks very good in the composition of the Alpine slide. A feature of this variety is its ability to change coloring depending on the time of year. In the summer, Croon Tui Little The champion stands out for its light brown cheese, and during the winter cold weather - it becomes bronze color;

Character Thuja, diameter about 50 centimeters. It grows very slowly, and reaches its maximum size, only 10 years after the landing. Perfectly combined with stones;

A low thuja that has a spherical crown with yellow-green cheese in the form of small scheels. This variety looks very good in the mountaineering (miniature garden). Growth rates are very slow (grows up to 50-60 centimeters in height only 10 years after disembarking);

Specialists who are engaged in breeding and growing decorative varieties Tui, advise landing dwarf varieties on sites, with poor soil. This must be done so that they do not strive to grow up, and did not lose their familiar shape.

Correct plant selection

To achieve as a better decorative effect, you need to carefully approach the choice of a dwarf car that will grow in the garden. To begin with, experts advise to take into account all the features of the region, and the parameters of the site on which the shrub will be planted (soil and solar lighting).

When choosing a variety of a dwarf teu, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • Endurance to shady places;
  • Resistance to strong freezers;
  • Demand in terms of care;

Before buying a dwarf, it is necessary to pay attention to its appearance. After all, if you buy a plant with defects, in the future it will often hurt and will not be able to perform its main task - decorative decoration of the site.

What should pay attention to when buying a shrub:

  1. The casualties of the root system -the integrity of the earth coma on the root system, ensures the protection of shoots from negative influence Low or high temperatures, as well as many other external factors. In addition, you should pay attention to the degree of development of the same root system. If the roots are chopped, the plant with a high probability does not fit at all;
  2. Roots and trunk - The visual assessment of the state of the seedling consists in assessing its dryness. If the upper layers of the dwarf car will be peeling and peeling, then most likely such a shrub will die;
  3. Crown - Attentive inspection of the crown and trunk will help in a timely manner to determine the presence of any deviations at a seedling (the presence of diseases or pests). It is immediately clear that to buy an unhealthy seedling of the undepair is not from the best, because there is no guarantee that it is successfully attached;

Landing a low grade

For landing a dwarf teu, there are no restrictions about the season, but according to experts, the best period for landing Tui is autumn or early spring. If you follow this advice, the shrub will grow stronger and resistant to environmental impact.

During the landing of the Tui, the root neck must be at the same level with the soil, it cannot be immersed too deeply, but also raise the above soil just as undesirable, it can end the disease of the plant.

If there are plots with stagnant water (rain rainfalls or melting snow), it is necessary to create a kind of drainage to prevent root rotting (at the bottom of the landing jama). To create a high-quality alley from the Tui, the Tui landing distance should be 1-2 meters.

In the case of landing of dwarf tui as a living hedge in one next, it is necessary to observe the distance of about 1 meter (but more accurate measurements, it is necessary to make a finite shrub size).

Growing conditions

  • The positive feature of the dwarf teu is considered to be its ability to take root on any soil: it can be sand, and clay and even turne;
  • Little shrubs feel better in the soil with a fairly good layer of humus, and a weakly acidic reaction;
  • Good growth rates, low shrubs are demonstrated on the sunny or in a shady place. In the shade, they are better not to plant, as the needles will be rare and thua will lose their lush shape and greens;
  • The location of the Tui localization should be selected on the place where the sun will not shine all day. Shrub does not like drought very much;
  • Tuya positively refers to the wet soil. But it is not necessary to plant them in areas with an abundant accumulation of groundwater. In addition, the thuja tolerates drought quite well, and during a long dry period, it is enough to spend 2-3 irrigation a week in the form of sprinkling so that the needles do not lose their decorative beauty;
  • Tui dwarf varieties can be planted as in open sadand in a pot.

Care for shrub

The main ways to care for the dwarf thay are considered timely and clearly organized watering. Within 1 month after disembarking in the ground, you need to water at least 1 time per week, bringing about 10 liters of water. If there is arid weather on the street, the amount of irrigation increases to two.

Maintaining the normal level of soil moisture is one of the main conditions that provides luxurious and lush cron At the Tui. Throughout the first three years after disembarking, it is necessary to regularly loose land near the trunk, but not too deep (no more than 10 centimeters) so as not to damage root systemwhich is located almost on the surface.

For mulching dwarf thu, it is better to use peat or sawdust (a layer of about 6-7 centimeters). To prevent damage to the crown in winter, when heavy snowfalls may occur, it is necessary to bind low shrubs.

When spring warming comes, the young buzzes are best placed in the shadow to reduce the effect of sunlight to avoid burns on the needles.

To trim an adult shrub, advise the use of acute secateurs. Pruning is subject to no more than 1/3 of the plant.

Diseases and possible pests

Thuja rarely suffers from various diseases, unlike other plant species, but in some cases an unexpected yellowing needle may occur. This feature may have several reasons:

  • Violation of the landing rules is an insufficient or reduction dive of the root system into the soil;
  • Burns from frequent influence of sun rays;
  • Beafeit's damage to a fungal disease.

Such a sign does not necessarily mean the disease. Some Tui varieties are able to change the color of their crown depending on the time of year. For example, with the onset of the first winter frosts of the needles, yellow color can acquire, but with the arrival of spring, it becomes green again.

Application of Dwarf Tui in Alpinarians

Alpinarium- It is artificially created landscape compositionthat recreates miniature decorative plot Mountain terrain, that is, the place in which coniferous plants occupy no last place.

For the full creation of miniature alpinaria, it is the small varieties of decorative tui, which differ from their conpact compactness and slow development rates.

06.01.2017 37 060

Tui Western - What kind of winter-hardy varieties give preference?

Thuja Western is often found in landscape design many parks and squares, in the country and panstone Each second owner grows evergreen shrub of the family of cypress. The varieties are distinguished by their diversity, the balls look aesthetic, the dwarf teuy easily fit in vases on the street, fast-growing are always appreciated by gardeners, well, and a blue beauty or with a yellow jewelery, even golden - win-win options for improvement and gardening of the country courtyard.


Thuja Occidientalis Brabant is a high colon-like bush, reaching the length of 4.5 m and the width of 1.5 m. Mature conifers, as a rule, large sizes (up to 20 m). The painting malachite, in the winter season there is a little brown low tide. Brabant is a fast-growing grade, in the year increases in a height of 0.3 m. Frost-resistant shrub with scaly large and green coniferous branches.

Unassuming in care and growing, easily makes trunciation. It can be cultivated on wet and dry lands, but they are better approaching loams with good fertility.

After landing in an open ground, at first it is recommended to cover from bright sunlight in winter and in early spring. The plant is sufficiently shadowed, often planted as a beautiful fence. Also create beautiful compositions on garden sites, in urban squares and parks.

The correct landing of the Brabant suggests the presence of a dug hole in which a mixture of fertile soil (2 parts), river sand (1 part) and peat (1 part) are laying. In addition, it is recommended to make mineral fertilizers and follow the root cake, which after the landing should be in the ground.

A live fence is solid and dense when the distance is observed when landing 50-70 cm. In order for the wall to be beautiful and smooth, it is necessary to squeeze it in March and August.

Block of living hedges from the Tui Western "Brabant" - in the photo Tuya Western Brabant - in the photo


Thuja Occidientalis Smaragd (Thuja Occidientalis Smaragd) is characterized by moderate growth rates and is considered a selected conical shrub. Adult individuals have a height of 2.5-4.5 m, a diameter of 1-1.5 m. Soft sprigs, glossy, not too tightly located. The frost resistance is high, coloring with the onset of winter does not change. When using the Tui Smaragd in the living hedge, it is necessary to take into account that the tops are not closed at the top, so the separation of space is considered conditional.

West Smaragd Marianna - in the photo Tuya Western Smragd - in the photo

Due to slow growth, the frequent procedure is disappearing, which is a big advantage over other varieties. Well grows on drained soils, does not tolerate droughts, so you need to know in the garden to provide beautiful colour And healthy increase.

Plant SMARGAD is preferable in places that are protected from strong winds. When seating on bare sunny plots, it may suffer from temperature changes, it is desirable to take care of young bushes from the sun.

Balls from Tui Western Smaragd - in the photo

The optimal soil acidity for the cultivation of the Tui is 4.5-6 pp. With the close arrangement of groundwater, laying the drainage layer of rubble (brick, pebbles) with a height of 10-15 cm.


Tuja Column (Thuja Occidientalis Columna) is a reprehensive high shrub (3-5 m) strictly coloniary narrow form. Pretty rapidly growing, Roshoba is 13-15 cm per year. Does not lose color in the winter. The needles of scaly, glossy, beautifully overflowing in the sun.

Column - a winter-hard-resistant representative of cypress conifers. To the soil composition, the beauty is not capricious, it feels good in a half. It is suitable for organizing a green fence in the country or an inauding area. In summer, due to insufficiency, moisture can wrap and lose gloss. Perfectly pruning.

Tuya Kamn - in the photo
Tuya Western Column - in the photo

When forming a beautiful hedge, a distance of 60-70 cm between landings is observed. It is necessary to remember that the bright sun spoil the young bushes in the first couple of years. Column is used by gardeners for topium trimming.


Tuja Holmstrup (Thuja Occidientalis Holmstrup) - colonum, has dense process. Twigs are curly, looks unusually beautiful in living fences and in separate artistic garden elements. With the arrival of the winter period, the color does not change.

Tuya Western Holmstrup - in the photo
Tuya Western Holmstrup - in the photo

Frost-resistant thua, without any problems, tolerates the arrangement of the scorched needles. Hollestrup - grows slowly (a one-year increase of up to 12 cm). If cultivated in the hedge, it is recommended to cut every two years.

In places with sufficient lighting, there is a full reflection of the shoots, but also in the halftime, the development does not stop. It is quite unpretentious to moisture, so small waters are not terrible. In the drought loses the tour, recommended wet soils. The requirements for the composition of the soil are similar to, as well as other varieties and varieties of Western conifers.


Thuja Occidientalis Fastigiata is a cypress conifer, characterized by a colonum-shaped crown. The branches are thick, grow compact, painted in juicy shades. Height 5-6 m.

Fastigiators - fast-growing Tui grade, increases 0.3 m per year. The needles of a soft structure with characteristic odchism. It is unpretentious, easily cuts and grows after removing unnecessary twigs.

Tuya Western Fastigiata - in the photo
Tuya Western Fastigiat - in the photo

In its form looks like cypress. Used when creating green fences, as sufficient height and density allow you to get a thick beautiful elevation. Planting preferably on charged drained loams with moderate humidity.


Thuja Occidientalis Sunkist (Thuja Occidientalis Sunkist) is a small coniferous tree (3.5 m) with a characteristic conical crown, where branched branches. Young seedlings are painted in yellow, overflow with a golden chip, over time become lemon yellow, in winter bronze tones are visible. Copies growing in the shade are predominantly green.

Santkist variety - slow-growing, adult bushes (10-12 years old) two-meter height. Frost resistant, to the soil composition of liberal. Suitable for decorating country sites, looks great in alpine Gorka, heterogeneous compositions and as a separate unit.

Tuya Western Sunkist - in the photo
Tuya Western Squirt - in the photo

Regarding the cultivation conditions, attractive to the moisture and fertility of the Earth, when landing needs to use peat crumb, river sand, fertile soil (1: 1: 2). The recommended gap between the bushes is 50-60 cm.


Thuja Occidientalis Wagneri - moderate height (3.5 m), severe and thick, egg-shaped. The twigs are much, grow up, which gives care and peculiar decorativeness.

Gray-green coloring, in the winter period is added reddish-yellow shades. Durable, average, per year adds 8-10 cm. Vagnery - frost-resistant and drought-resistant grade of the Western Tui, grows in the sun and in one-sense, tolerant to the composition of the soil.

The form of the plant is well kept, but in winter it is recommended to tie the shoots to the sword, so that under the weight of snow covers does not break. This species can most often be seen in solitary landings due to decorativeness, but the bushes look profitable in group plantings in the garden.


Tuja Cold of Gold (Thuja Occidientalis Cloth Of Gold) - a cypress representative grows up to 2 m, the crown of shrubs elongated and egg-shaped. Tender needles will grow by needles and scales. Safrana bushes, yellow or yellowish-orange (depending on the conditions of cultivation), in the winter is characterized by copper tump.

Grows slowly and requires special soil conditions. The land must be soft and drained, fertile, have an alkaline reaction. Do not permeate the convergence, plant on the hills, if the spring is water on the plot. Otherwise, the root neck and sensitive roots will be prohibited, which can lead to the death of the plant.

Tuya Western Cold of Gold - In Photo Tuya Western Cloth Of Gold - in the photo

The haircut should be carried out, shortening 1/3 of part of the shoots, no more. Frost-resistant grade CLOT OF GOLD should be stolen for the winter in the first years so that burns are not formed, the colors remained beautiful.

Roughs are beneficial to have small groups in landscape combinations or separate specimens to decorate cottages. Experienced gardeners place plants in planting plants, coniferous species of trees, rocky gardens.


Thuja Occidientalis Globosa Compacta's Thuja Occidientalis Globosa, an adult plant - no more than a meter. The perfect dwarf ball with evergreen cheese will be able to fit in any corner in the country, because it does not take up much space, but very decorating the courtyard.

Chesowing needles, greenish-yellow, thick. The compactness of the Frost-resistant compactness and shadower, which is a certain plus when choosing conifers. Cultivated on moderately damp land and dry, and moisturized loams are suitable. Responsive to feeding mineral and organic fertilizers, It becomes more powerful and rich color.

Tuya Western Compact Globe - In Photo

Grows slowly (4 cm), the crown is multi-rolled and thick. If you do not know what to put in the mountaineering, on the rocky terrace, try to plant a compact globe. You will certainly rejoice in a beautiful ball, which will fit into any composition or will grow singly, decorating the plot.


Thuja Occidientalis Woodwardi is a spherical, with a dense crown (1.5-2.0 m). The width of adult representatives is 1.8-2.0 m. Shoots are flat, do not change the color in the winter.

At the age of ten years, Tuya reaches a height of 0.4 m. Woodwardi - winter-hardy conifer, but when cultivating in the middle strip, in the Urals and in Siberia, additional shelter is needed by young plants, annual shoots can be frozen.

In landings, it looks neatly, many gardeners culture prefer to plant on the lawn. Plants are placed on fertile moistened areas and be sure to feed the ball to not tuck and maintain a dense.

Tuya Western Woodward - in the photo
Western Western Woodwardi, formed in 5 trunks, age 15 years old - in photo

Recommended for landscape design, rocky gardens, soliter landing. Winning looks in plantings from shrubs with a variety of color. Garden paths can also be decorated with data from the car, due to compactness.


Thuja Occidentalis Stolwik (Thuja Occidentalis Stolwik) resembles a Christmas tree, since gentle tiers are thick and wide, to the top more discharged narrow shape. The color of the branches is green, new shoots grow yellow and white. Winter hardy, you can multiply with stalling.

Fruent and wet areas are needed, the location is solar. When growing in shady places, Tui becomes loose and less decorative. When buying should be taken into account, the pill is not too drought-resistant, in the summer in the heat it is recommended to wipe well and spend sprinkle to avoid wiping.

Tuya Western Pill - in the photo
Tuya Western Stolwijk - in the photo

Easily cuts out, in the spring shortened shoots to give a greater density of Tui. Planted in mixlers, Rabata, used in landscaped arrangements of sites and gardens, also have singly.


Thuja Occidentalis Danica (Thuja Occidentalis Danica) - spherical, short swollen color of the twigs grow compacted. A dwarf grade grows slowly (50 mm). The shape of the ball holds almost perfect with early age.

Tuya Western Danica - in the photo Thuja Western Danika, in the foreground - in the photo

Thuja Danika frost resistant and pretty shadowing, multiplied with stalling. Thanks to the compact dimensions, the low-speed ball in the winter is covered in completely snow and is not damaged by sunlight.

Western Tuya Danica in compositions with roses - in the photo

Use for the arrangement of mountaineering, garden tracks, borders, etc. Thuja drought-resistant, but it is preferable to contain on moistened loam. When cultivating in the shade, loses its beautiful spherical outlines, it becomes loose, blends less.

Golden Gl

Thuja Occidentalis Golden Globe) is a low golden dwarf variety (up to 100 cm). The golden yellow color is more present at the ends of the branches, and if you push the bush with your hand, inside you can see a bright green chew. Increases in sizes with slow pace (80-100 mm), the haircut is rarely required. In the spring, if necessary, spending sanitary trimming, removing dry twigs.

Tuya Western Golden Globe - in the photo

Many gardeners are often called Golden Globes "Yellow Ball" or "Yellow Spherical Thuja." Frost-resistant, it grows well on light loams, do not scary heavy snowfalls, since tightly located branches do not give the bustle to fall apart.

The drought resistance of the Tui average, it is recommended to water and spend sprinkling in hot summer days. Golden color is preserved only during cultivation on solar flowers, in the shade of color becomes lighter, and the crown loses the density and becomes loose.

Tui branches Western Golden Gloss - in the photo

Sometimes, with age and in improper care, the twigs begin to grow at a larger distance, lumens appear, it creates a not very neat look. In this case, they make a trimming of the car, shortening shoots on a 1/3 part to give births.


Thuja Occidentalis Teddy (Thuja Occidentalis Teddy) - a ball and dwarf variety, was taken relatively recently, so in many sources it is considered new. Height does not exceed 30-40 cm.

Tuya Western Teddy - in the photo
Tuya Western Teddy - In the photo

For Tui, densely arranged thin sprigs are characterized, which small needles have small needles. The needles in young individuals are needed, while completely not ourselves. Teddy green color, in autumn days - cast bronze.

Thuja "Teddy" in the center - in the photo
Western Thuja "Teddy" - in the photo

Tuy landing is produced on drained fertile lands with a loose structure, since the plants react sharply to compacted soils. The root system is close to the soil surface, branched. Winter-hardy representative, you can cut if necessary. Looks neatly in plantings on the lawn, rocky gardens, when arranging the tracks in the garden.

Thuja is evergreencapable of growing fifty, and then a hundred years. Most species are frost-resistant. Some plants look like shrubs, while others can grow in a height of more than two meters.

Most often, it is used as an addition to the garden or flower bed design. Sometimes such a plant can be separate element In the landscape.

The most common varieties in Russia

For the Russian climate, Western Thuja is most suitable. This plant is suitable for urban conditions.

There are five types of Tui: korean, Western, Giant, Japanese, Sichuan. However, in the Russian climate, only Western, and we will consider it, do not confuse the view and grade! In the article we are talking precisely about varieties of one species tui - Western Tui.

You can highlight the six most common varieties of Western Tui:

  1. Brabant. This variety is used for alive hedges. After all, the height of this thuu reaches 5 meters, and the diameter is 1.5 meters. In one year, Brabant grows on 30 centimeters in height and 15 wide. You can buy in the nursery at any time of the year and any size.
  2. Column. Silhouette is similar to the Crimean Cypress. Height grows up to 7 meters, and in diameter - up to 1.3. Such plants are suitable for the recreation of the Mediterranean style.
  3. Emerald. Also distinguished by persistence to frost and large wind gusts. Height grows up to 5 meters. However, this thua is demanding of the conditions of growth and the growth rate of her slow.
  4. Hollestrup. This is an ideal thuja for lazy gardeners, since it does not require much care. Holmstrup is able to form a dense wall. Taking into account the slow growth rate, in 10 years it can grow 3 meters in height.
  5. Fastigiat. In the middle lane of Russia, the height of this thuu reaches 6 meters. It turns out a good live fence in order to close unsightly landscapes or extinguish around the neighbors.
  6. Vagnery. The maximum height of this tree is 4 meters. Very well tolerate frosts, but does not like snowfall. To land this variety, it is better to choose an open place.

These varieties have a different krona, just below, let's see the classification for such a sign as the crown form.

Classification and form of the Tui

Tyu can be divided into different classes depending on the use in design. It turns out three groups:

  • for decoration, the dwarf thui is used;
  • as a living hedge - more dense and high plants;
  • soliter species are designed to land one or group of such trees.

Differences relate to both plant crowns. They can be:

  1. Pyramidal. Some varieties of trees reach 20 meters in height. Shrubs are not more than two. Such things can be planted both independent elements and in a group with others.
  2. Colon-shaped. This species looks large quantity varieties. Of these, good hedges are 5 meters high.
  3. Kegletoid. Usually low (up to 2 meters) and with dense branches.
  4. Umbrella-shaped. A fairly popular view for small beds, since most varieties are dwarf (up to 1 meter in height).
  5. Spheroid. Thuja such a form is with dense branches. The spherical thuja grows slowly, gradually changing the color.

Important: the main advantage of the spherical species is unpretentious in terms of soil and good tolerance of the shadow.

All types of Tui are suitable for refining land and creating live fences. A variety of forms and paints contributes to the ability to create compositions using only the thui. Bully below are the photos. varieties with a spherical crown.

Valid Tuy

There is a huge amount of varieties spherical Tui.. Among them, there are both the coloring of the season for the season for the season and evergreens. Consider the most interesting.

1. Barbant

Strictly speaking, this variety the crown shape is not spherical, but broadwoman. However, due to the popularity of this species, as well as its compliance with haircut, it is worth mentioning it.

This is the most common view in Russia in Western Europe. It is also called Western Tree Life. This is a multi-tree. Due to the density of the crown, you can create a fence from street noise and urban dust. The age of such plants reaches 800 years.

With the onset of winter Barbant does not change color. It has a cone-shaped crown, direct barrel. Thick and branched branches are located horizontally and arc.

Fact: honors Barbant from wild plants is a rapid growth rate.

The maximum height of the plants of this species is 20 meters, and the width - 4. In one year, the thuu adds 30 centimeters to height and 10 wide.

Barbant - Very unpretentious. It can be placed in the shade or in the sun. He calmly takes both very dry and wet soil. It differs from other varieties of simplicity of the haircut.

It is best to acquire a plant in the nursery, so it will be acclimatized.

Landing does not require special skills - all conifers it is similar. It is necessary to hold the root well, once a year to carry out mulching and constantly glowing. Also in the first year you can water the krona of the car in the evenings. At the same time, water should be 17-30 degrees.

It is impossible to allow soil around the plant with weeds or a lawn. It should be followed by the state of the Earth - so that it does not swam and not compacted after irrigation. The root tree of the tree should not be cable.

Barbant in Landscape Design

This variety looks best in the form of a hedge. Several trees located in the line create a loose green fence. For this, in the early stages it is necessary to form the desired form.

From Barbant, you can make a more dense fence, if you put seedlings closer and several rows.

Brabant can become so designer decision. Thanks to the dense branches, it is easy to cut and give it the necessary shape.

2. Danika

The variety of this Tui was led in Denmark, in 1948. Danika is a slow shrub. For the year it grows on 5 centimeters height and 4 centimeters wide. For 10 years, Diana can grow in a height of no more than 50 centimeters, and the diameter will not exceed 1 meter.

Interesting: This variety is one of the smallest representatives of the spherical Tui.

This shrub can be located both in the dark plot and in the sun. The only difference will be the fact that the Light of Danik becomes brighter and compacted.

For landing, you should choose fertile soil, it is worth paying attention to and sufficient humidity.

Planting this plant is better in spring time. For the summer, the thua will be able to develop the root system and thus will prepare for winter. At the site of the disembarkation should not be groundwater. If there are such, you should compact the soil with the help of rubble. It must be put in the landing pit. It is better to make a layer of 20 centimeters.

Each spring you need to remove dry and damaged branches. At the same time, you can form a crown, make a transplant or trimming. Young bushes better close the burlap for the winter.

Danika in landscape design

Diana is perfectly connected to garden design with other spherical plants. It is important to choose contrast floral bushes. So the greenery of the Tui will become more brighter.

It is organically like this shrub and a group built into a row. It can be as an independent element, and work in a compartment with others, forming a living fence from shrubs.

Such a fence is not an obstacle for prying eyes, but creates a comfort and completes the entire composition.

3. Teddy.

Teddy is a new kind of a dwarf spherical thuly. For 10 years of growth can reach 30 centimeters in height and 40 width. Grows slowly.

This shrub is needle, but not barbed needles. At the autumn time of the year, the color changes with dark green on the bronze.

The plant is influenced by the shadow. This variety of the Tui will be enough couple of hours in the sun per day. However, the soil should not be dry.

You can not flip Teddy, otherwise the needles will quickly grow and lose its shape.

In dry weather, it is necessary to water. Slowing branches should constantly cut.

Interesting: Teddy is the most soft and fluffy grade of the Tui. Although it is considered one of the most capricious.

This variety is more suitable for creating gardens with an emphasis on stone. During design it is worth considering the changes of the color of the needles in different times years - so that this property does not spoil all the idea.

Teddy can be combined with other tones of various shapes, shrubs and flowers. The main condition - must be observed - different levels Location of elements, stone mound, breaking grass, rare flowers. Supplement the overall picture of big boulders of stones. It is possible to use.

For this variety Tui, it is quite permissible to grow in the container. Because of its small sizes and a small system of roots of such a number of soils for Teddy will be enough. This is easy to accommodate on the veranda, the balcony or in the room. Alpine stylistics can be saved. Especially if the design of the Scandinavian apartment. Teddy's green thuja varieties will only add colors and fresh rooms.

4. Globoz

One of the brightest representatives of the spherical Tui is the Globosa variety. This spruce is one of the most popular among the landscape designers of the post-Soviet space. In the first years of Life, Krone has a ball shape without the main trunk.

For 10-15 years, the plant will be formed, so to speak, the leader's escape and only then the fir will acquire the shape of the triangle. Often this variety is attached to the shape of the ball, after it grows. The plant is perfectly a haircut. One feature is its color - blue.

Such a spruce can grow up to two meters in height and three in width. Such a tree can decorate as a small corner of the garden and become central Element Stony garden.

5. Golden Glood

Goleden Glob is a decent representative of his kind. Its dimensions reach around the meter later both in height and in the width of ten years.
It has a yellow color that will have to do with many gardeners. Over time, the needles will acquire a golden color.
Because of its size, such a spruce will perfectly fit into the landscape of small gardens and will be able to please their owners. It often becomes decoration of facades of houses of various office centers. Another advantage is unpretentious and frost resistance.

6. Hozer.

Hoseri is a masterpiece produced by Polish breeders. This thuja is perfect for people who like the texture of the Globosa variety, but because of the dimensions of this ate they were forced to refuse her landing.
Perfect can fit into the composition with any miniature plants. Over the years, she will acquire a pillow shape.
This variety loves the sun's rays very much, so it is better to select the appropriate place.
Often Tui Hoseri planted along the facades of houses and shopping centers.

7. Ringold

Rheingold Another representative of dwarf shrubs. 10 years after the landing of this variety, height will be about meter.

In the first year, there will be a shape of the ball, then it will deteriorate and acquire an oval form. The notableness of this species is its color, which in different seasons will also change the year. So in winter, the thua will be brown, and by the summer will become golden.
Well, it will look in the role of a living bleed or part of the composition on a small area. It is very demanding to wet and fertile soil.

8. Woodwardi

Woodwardii grade is a very popular variety among European gardeners. It has a rich green color, a sufficiently dense form of the crown, also has sufficiently good surgery and relative not good.

The temperature in which there can still exist thuja reaches -40 ° C. Can reach a half-meter in height. In the first years after landing, there will be a shape of a ball, but therefore over time will be pulled out and acquired the form of oval.
It has excellent ionizing and cleansing properties of air, so many Europeans plant this one in the household sections.

9. Tyim Tim

Tyu Tiny Tim was led back in the 60s of the last century. Its height can reach the meter, and the width of the one and a half.
The needles mainly have dark green. A distinctive feature It is that thuja is very slowly growing: at 10 years old it reaches only 30 centimeters. Lovely loves light, but not demanding to soils.
Basically, it is planted on stony rols. You can plant both singly and in the group, in both cases it will look organically.

10. Pilolik

Stolwijk is another representative of dwarf coniferous.
At first, being young, the shrub has the form of the dome, but closer to the decade, when it becomes a height of about one meter, the form acquires the form of an asymmetric cone.

Despite its unusual, very few European landscape designers and gardeners use in their compositions. Everything is the unpredictable form of the crown.

11. Bowling Bol

The name of the Bowling Ball Tuya was not accidental, but because of the ideal symmetric forms.
In the first years after landing, it has a strictly spherical shape, but over the years it is pulled out. The height reaches about 70 centimeters, and in the width to a meter. And still the impression remains that the thuja has the shape of the ball.
This is due to its pomp. Despite the fact that the plant loves sunlight, will be able to reconcile and from the half. In landscape design mainly used in compositions requiring a spherical element.

12. Holmsstrap

Dumosa, or in a different Holmstrup, one of the unique types of Tui with an ovoid crown, which can reach about three meters. Also one of the advantages is that even without regular haircuts, the plant retains right shape Colons. This is definitely a huge plus for gardeners who are busy with less independent plants in their garden. Also among all the representatives of the spherical Tui, Dumosa has the most dense. Basically, such Tui are designed to form a living hedge, but there are also many cases when it is sled in one instance.

13. Hovei.

Tuya Khovoy is a beautiful variety of its kind. In 2-3 years, this thua will still look like a ball then transformed and will have an ovoid shape. By 10 years will be able to achieve a maximum one and a half meters. Among the main features of this Tui is its unpretentiousness, frost resistance, quite slow growth. Also, a haircut is also a good indicator, and the ability to grow on any soil form. This type of thu will be very useful to gardeners who have long wanted to form a hedge or ennoble alpine slides.

14. Little Champion

Thuja Little Champion is a fairly compact representative of the spherical tuy, which reaches the order of one and a half meters in height and meter in width.

A feature of this plant is that it grows quite a long time. At the age of 10, it will have a diameter of twice the least maximum. Also very remarkable is a change of wood color.
In the summer, Tuya will have a green color, and closer to winter will become brown or bronze. These trees are often planted as one by one and groups. You can often see them in pots on terraces or loggias.

15. Little Jem.

Thuja Little Gem is quite popular variety among gardeners, because it has a specific crown form, as well as due to the fact that the diameter of this plant is an order of magnitude higher than the height.
Light green color, which thuja has, summer is replaced by a shade of bronze in winter. Little Gem loves the place where the access of the sun is not limited. Negatively refers to drought, so it is necessary to water in time. Tree is perfect for decorating rocky garden or alpine slide.

16. Little Gyant.

Little Giant (small giant) is a dwarf plant with a sulk crown. The dimensions of this car reaches only 80 centimeters in height and exactly 2 times smaller in the width. As well as the previous Tui, it has a bright green needle color in summer and bronze winter. A feature is slow growth.

because of small sizesThis thuja has great popularity and widespread use. It can be used both in the garden and on the terrace, and on the loggia. The most popular is in Europe.

17. Pumila

Pumila 'is a variety having an egg-shaped crown. The size of this tree Can reach about two meters. Many gardeners often choose this grade instead of Little GEM due to the fact that they are very similar, but Pumila 'grows an order of magnitude more. This quality will be very useful when forming a living hedge. Also, I use one one. The twigs of this tree have the form of a fan, a little curved and not in contact with each other. Enough frost-resistant and unpretentious.

18. Recuva Nana

Recurva Nana has a round shape, a few years after landing.

Later, Krone is formed into a cone. Can reach up to two meters in height. Charm This variety add sprigs that perform all over the perimeter of the crown. The needles has a green color, but it changes from the dark near the trunk, to light on the tips. It has frost resistance also loves the sun, but can grow in the shade. Applies as a hedge, they are also planted along alleys at a distance of several meters, can also become an indispensable element of some composition.

19. Salaspis

Salaspils variety was brought by breeders from Latvia in the 40s of the last century.
It has a dense round shape, it creates a drawing effect, for which it has many gardeners and love. In the age of 30, the maximum growth of this plant is 55 centimeters. This thuu does not change its color throughout the year, he remains bright green.
Due to the fact that the plant has small dimensions, his many people grow it on terraces and loggias. Also perfectly harmonizes in combination with dwarf trees.

20. Trompenburg

Thuja called Trompenburg was removed in the Netherlands.
herv time after landing the crown will have a spherical shape, but then it will begin to pull and the ball will change the oval. This is a dwarf representative of the spherical thu, accordingly, its height reaches only 60 centimeters at 10 years.
It has a yellowish green color, chaotic located all over the perimeter. In winter there is a darkening. It will become an indispensable element of any composition invented by landscape designer. It is better to use a group of such Tui when landing.

Twenty varieties of spherical tuy - there is from what to choose, regardless of ideas and opportunities.

Tuya Western (Latin name Thúja Occidentális) is an evergreen tree of the cypress family. The Motherland Tui is North America, a plant was brought to Europe in the middle of the 16th century by Spanish and Portuguese navigators.

general information

The name "Thuja" in Greek means sacrificing or an inception. The fact is that during the burning of the wood of some breeds of the Tui, a pleasant fragrance is distinguished, so it was used during worship services and sacrifices.

Thuja Western (Occidentális) is a tree with valuable solid and durable wood and high decorative qualities, so it is bred everywhere, pursuing its goals that at gardeners, landscape designers, clergy, carvers on wood and furniture makers are different.

Description: Tui Western grows up to 12-20 meters, has a compact pyramidal or oval crown, and a compact root system. Grows slowly.

The young car has a smooth, red-brown color, over time it becomes gray-brown, in old age begins to peel, separating narrow long strips.

The needles differ from the needles of other evergreen trees - she is a scratch-shaped, in the winter acquires a browned hue. The needles of small sizes are 0.2-0.4 cm, tightly pressed against the branches. Two-3 years old lives, after which he fences with small branches.

Fruits minor cones, measuring 8-12 mm, scaly. In each of the cones are two seeds with yellow wings.

Wood Almost all types of the Tui of a reddish shade, soft, but durable, with a pleasant coniferous aroma, no smallest moves, is resistant to putrid bacteria.

Variety of varieties

In nature, various types of Tui grow, on the basis of which various varieties were launched for landing in gardens and parks. In Russia, Tuya Western is represented by 10-14 winter-hardy varieties. We call some grades of Tui Western, adapted to Russian conditions, and imagine their brief description.

(Occidentalis Brabant) - a tree with a colon-shaped crown and green cheese, raging in winter time. The height is 4-5 meters, the crown diameter is 1.5 meters, per year, the increase in height reaches 30-35 cm, and in width - 15 cm.

Brabant is a frost-resistant grade that does not require complex care. It is possible to plant on solar or shaded places, but it must be protected from strong winds. It takes a haircut well, which allows you to form the necessary form of the crown. Brown bumps, small - within 1 cm, ripen in autumn. The variety is suitable for landing in the alarms and alive hedges.

Sort Smaragd (Occidentalis Smaragd) - a tree with a crown of dense structure and a conical shape. Up to 4.5 meters high. The needles are dark green, in the winter in the winter remains the same.

It grows very slowly, so the frequent haircut is not needed, which greatly facilitates care. Smaragd is a light-lubricant, frost-resistant tree, but it must be protected from severe frosts and drafts.

Column variety (Occidentalis columna) - the tree is characterized by a narrow, compact colonum-shaped crown and a height of about 7 meters, a diameter to one and a half meters. The shoots are horizontal, dense, dark green, the color is almost not changed in the winter.

Growth in height is about 20 cm per year. Poor tolerate drought - care for it implies abundant watering.

Cidentalis Holmstrup (Occidentalis Holmstrup) is low, up to 3.5 meters in height, the crown is a colon-shaped diameter of 1 meter. The needle is green, not changing depending on the season.

It grows slowly - about 12 cm in height and 3-4 cm in width, does not require frequent haircut, and tolerates it well. It grows well on any basis, a resistant to frost and temperature drops, it is possible to plant it on solar or slightly shaded places. All this makes care for Tuy Holmstrup Pretty Light.

Fastigiata variety (Occidentalis Fastigiata) - winter-hardy tree with a colon-shaped crown and compactly pressed against the trunk branches. The needles are soft, green, not changing depending on the season. It has a strong aroma. It grows up to 6 meters in height, with an annual increase of about 30 cm. The bumps are small, brown.

Fastigate care consists in frequent haircuts, irrigation, mulching of the soil of a muster, which over time becomes a fertilizer for it.

Prefers moderately humid suglinic soilIt is allowed to land in a wetlastone, but with a high-quality drainage system.

Sunkist Sunkist (Occidentalis 'Sunkist') - a frost-resistant tree or shrub height of 3-5 meters, with a conical crown with a diameter of 1-2 meters. The branches are thick, lush, the needles are bright, golden, with age becomes lemon yellow, in the winter bronze.

The increase is slow, in 10 years it grows up to two meters in height. Easily tolerate haircut and crown formation. Care is not complicated, but drought suffers badly. With a lack of moisture, mass seminal begins, because of which decorativeness suffers. The lack of light negatively affects the quality and shade of the needles. Suitable for single landing or with other trees and shrubs.

Wagneri variety (Occidentalis Wagneri) - a frost-resistant tree with a dense ovoid crown up to 3.5 meters high and a width of about one and a half meters. Vertical branches, drooping. The needles of gray-green color becomes copper in winter. The increase is medium, the crown shape is well held, so the cropping does not necessarily carry out too often.

Special care is not required, but demanding of the soil, you can plant on an outdoor, bright place. The variety is derived for landing on the alley and in containers.

Claude Gold Crate (Occidentalis Cloth Of Gold) is a frost-resistant shrub height of about two meters and a crown to 1.2 meters in diameter. Krone conical shape, needle needles or scaly, lemon yellow or yellow-orange shades, in winter it becomes copper color.

Greets slowly, care is needed simple. Planting a shrub is better in the bright, protected from winds and drafts, in the shade of the needles fad. It grows well on moderate, alkaline fertile soil. Resistant to droughts, the overvailing tolerates badly. The variety is suitable for landing in the alleys, and in compositions with other shrubs and trees.

For landing and growing in Russia, not only the Thuja Western, but also Thuja Oriental (Thuja Orientalis) - Aurea, the birthplace of which are North-Western regions of China.

Description: Thuja Aurea - most often this tree is 15-20 meters high. However, specimens growing in the wild, whose height reached 35 meters, and the crown diameter is up to 14 meters.

Crown of young trees of a pyramidal shape, in adults it becomes rounded, irregular shape, which is easily corrected by a haircut. Thuja Eastern Aurea is a multi-rolled plant, but can grow and shrub.

Eastern cones are different from the cones of Tui Western. In Tui Aurea, they are juicy, fleshy and green, with kkey-shaped outgrowths. Prowing, they change the color and become brown, seeds are forming, similar to wheat grains.

Tuya Aurea grows well on neutral weakly alkaline and even chalk soil. The first two months care for it consists of waterings that spend every 10 days. If the seedling is good, you can do without watering. Thuja Aurea is a long-liver plant, in favorable conditions can live 1000 years.

All types of Tui - and Western and East are suitable for the formation of living ingredients, alleys, rocky gardens, the Mediterranean landscape. Despite some differences, almost all types of Tui differ in frost resistance, decorativeness and good adaptation in the new locality.


Western Thuja - unpretentious plantwhich is capable of growing on the basis of any type, and in all conditions, but it has its own preferences.

Thuja Western loves bright places, but the shadow preserves the decorativeness of her needles. The tree grows well on dry soil, but it is possible to land and in the area with high levels soil water. In gratitude for caring care and the optimal watering of Thuja Western will grow up a beautiful tree with a beautiful luxurious crown.

We define tremendous cuttings, seeds or seedlings. Since it grows in Tuya very slowly, the easiest way to get ready-made seedlings in the nursery, however, if desired, the whole process of growing the car from the seed to large wood can be carried out independently.

Tui seeds rarely retain all signs of the parental tree, especially for hybrid varieties, and seedlings in garden centers And nurseries are quite expensive. Therefore, it is best to multiply with steels at home - only in this case you can get the desired view with all the varietal signs.

At the same time, you can experiment with seeds - perhaps many new specimens will have excellent decorative qualities and you want to breed them in the future.

Seeds for planting are collected in autumn, in winter the bumps are revealed, and the seeds fall out of them. Sliced \u200b\u200bbumps dried indoors with a temperature not higher than +7 degrees. When the flakes are dried, you can remove seeds and store in a fabric bag. With the first snow, the bags are carried out of the room, put on the ground and poured with snow with a layer of 30 cm - so seeds pass the necessary stratification.

Planting seeds is performed in the spring, in the groove, with a distance of 10-15 cm. Seeds in the thuu small, so they are not close enough - enough 0.5 cm. The grooves for planting are poured with water, and after sowing seeds, they are sprinkled with dry soil, mulch on top Cheese or sawdust.

Water shoots regularly, but in moderate volumes, first of them are diagnosed from strong rays of the sun. Tui western grows for a very long time - in the first year it grows by 4-5 cm, in the next two years by 10-20 cm and 25-40 cm.

Caring for seedlings is to mulch the soil around them peat or sawdust. Prication is carried out three years after sowing, landing at a permanent place is allowed in 4-5 years.

Thuja western from cuttings. The cuttings are cut in the spring in the morning or evening hours, as well as in cloudy weather. The cuttings are better to take from the top side shoots of this year, from a tree aged from 4 to 8 years. The length of the cuttings should be within 10-12 cm.

Cuttings are placed in weak Solution Magnantages for 24 hours. After that, they put a landing into the soil at a depth of 5-6 cm, at a low angle - 20-30 degrees. The cuttings can be planted in containers, pots or in open ground, but under the film, at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other.

Landing of cuttings is carried out in soil from sheet land, Horing and sand, because the thuja Western loves fertile, light soil.

Capacities with cuttings are stored in the basement, and with the arrival of real heat they are transplanted into open ground, preferably along with a lore earth.

Shining in the spring makes it possible to cut the cuttings well in the first year and start growth. Summer shunting is less fruitful - in the first year there appears a callus in such cuttings, but mass rooting occurs only for the second year.

Thuja Western Light Private Plant, she needs 6-7 hours a day, otherwise it will begin to stretch, and the crown will be rare.

Landing seedlings from the nursery. The well for this make more than a pot in which the seedlock is growing. In the well poured hive, slightly humid and the top layer of the Earth, pour water bucket. The seedling is carefully removed from the pot, placed in the well and spread the roots, after which they fall asleep the earth and watered again.

The first time to fertilize the seedling is not necessary, it will prevent its normal adaptation in a new place. In the future, care for a grained seedling should consist of irrigation, soil loosening, weeding and feeding nitroposka.