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Cyclamen care and reproduction. Home Cyclamen: Care and Cultivation of Seeds. Vegetative reproduction takes applied only in cases where the tuber has not one growth point

dryakwa, alpine violet) Many are considered a seasonal houseplant as. It usually buy as a gift instead of a bouquet or for yourself to admire beautiful bloom in the autumn-winter months and in early spring. Only the worsages of the cyclameman, to which I and I, be with him, create the necessary conditions During the rest, rejoice in the appearance of new leaves and flowers and carefully seed the seedlings on the tiny pots.

Cyclamen - a perennial tuber plant, two types of which began to be grown as indoor plant. The flowering period falls on the gloomy time of the year, when many people suffer from autumn depression.

Blooming cyclamen - one of the most beautiful indoor plants

Description of cyclamen

Cyclamen.) Related to the family of color. In nature, this plant is distributed in Europe, Asia and Africa. Rod includes several dozen species wild plants. Only part of them became indoor culture.

Leaves. The shape of the leaves resembles a green heart card, which most species and varieties are decorated with silver divorces, strokes and stains. Leaves are collected in a root rosette. After the end of flowering, they dry.

Cyclamen beautiful flowers and leaves

Tubers. The diameter of rounded felled tubers depends on the age of the plant. This is usually 4 - 5 cm, there are adult plants with a tuber's diameter of more than 10 cm. There are kidneys on its surface, of which leaves and color pains grow.

After flowering, the tuber goes into a state of rest.

Cyclamen - ephemeeroid. It grows, blooms, fruits into the cool period of the year, then the vital processes are suspended, the above-ground part dies. People's name cyclamen " pork bread"It happened because of the boars, which fade and eat the tubers in European forests with pleasure.

Cyclamen on French Earth

Flower. A charming flowers towers over the foliage on high durable flowers. They have an original structure. Many people find similarities with a fluttering butterfly.

Floor height from 12 cm (in dwarf grades) up to 30 cm (in large plants). Flowers can be one or more paintings. They are scared, have pestle and stamens.

This cyclaman grew up for several years. Each year from his tuber at the same time raised flowers with flowers of red and pink

Cyclamen care

A place. Indoor cyclamen grow well and bloom if some important conditions for growing them are not disturbed. First of all, it is worth remembering that this plant does not like warmth. It will be comfortable only in cool rooms, on the rapid verandas and loggias. Sunlight should not fall on the flower, although the place is selected light.

In our house, cyclamen feel the best of themselves on a glazed loggia

The soil. The soil must be loose. I mix peat, sand, vermiculitis and sinking compost (sheet). It turns out soil the neutral or weakly acidic reaction.

Watering and spraying. It is dangerous to overcoat the soil, because Excess moisture causes peeling, the bases of leaves and flowers. It is better to pour water into the pallet. When watering and spraying, they try not to fall on the tuber and the above-ground part of the plant. Watering "on the run" often leads to sulfur rot. It is necessary to avoid regular oveurgement of the soil.

Air humidity. Optimal humidity can be saved if you put a wet peat on the pallet. It is convenient to moisten the air spraying from a small sprayer.

Bloom. Fading flowers do not cut. It is better to get out carefully to unscrew or peeling at the base, without damaging growth points.

Once I saw such an unusual bloomon on quite normal cyclame

Podkord. I use only ready-made liquid fertilizers for flowering indoor plants. Dosage during flowering period reducing. Before the period of rest and at the time of rest, the cyclamen does not feather.

Condition of rest. After the end of flowering, it is reduced, and then it is stopped by watering for some time and wait for the full loss of leaves. This means the availability of the plant go to the state of rest. The pot in which the tube is located with the ground is placed in a cool dark place. It can be tilted or put on one side. You should not leave in a hot place so as not to cut the tuber. From time to time I slightly moisturize the soil.

From the middle of the summer, the pot takes and resume watering (not soaking the tuber).

Landing and transplanting. After the appearance of the first leaflets, cyclamen transplanted into a container with fresh soil. I prefer the transshipment of such a plant in a slightly more voluminous pot, allowing you to add a new land. Size Pot must match the tuber. If you take the tank "on the grow", then there will be more foliage, fewer flowers. Little pot is fraught with starvation of the plant.

Cyclamen's pot should not be too spacious

When landing or transplanting, the top of the tuber must be visible. Often they advise to leave one third of its heights from above. According to my observations, it leads to a number of problems and does not strengthen the plant.

Development cyclicity. In the fall, new leaves appear, buds are laid, flowering begins. Winter - a period of lush flowering. From the end of winter until the middle of spring, there is preparation for the rest of the rest (gradual loss of foliage and latling of tubers). Since the end of spring and summer, cyclamen are in a state of sleep, or peace. This graph is conditional, because There are deviations from it from individual hybrids. A variety of growth and flowering stimulants and flowering are influenced on the development cycle, which are often used not only in industrial flower growing, but also in amateur.

The flowering of this cycleman only begins, which is visible by large quantity Budov

Some cultivation problems

1. Holding the tuber, the roots and the base of the cuffs due to the inaccurate watering or too warm Temperature indoor air.

2. The leaves are yellowing, and there are no problems with flowering. It happens when too dry air in warm room. The reason may also become disadvantaged watering or solar place.

3. Blonde bloom can be explained by irregular watering, poor soil or dry and warm air.

4. Flowers have shortened stems in wet or cold rooms. It happens that the weakened plants are so bloom, which suffer from irregular watering or shortage of food.

5. Cyclamen can reset the buds, if you transfer the pot with it from the cold to heat at the time of bookmarks the floweros. Change places with different air temperature is better gradually.

6. The twisted edges of the sheet most often indicate insufficient watering.


Seed method. Seeding is made in autumn or spring. My cyclamen ripen and perfectly spare their own seeds. Often in a pot next to the parent plant appears self-seams. Cyclamen seeds can be purchased in stores.

Cyclamen seeds

When sowing, seeds are placed on the surface of the wet soil at a distance of 3 - 4 cm from each other, slightly pressed them and slightly pour over the air mixture of peat and sand. Capacity are covered with film, glass or transparent plastic And put on the windowsill so that this place is not under the right rays of the sun. It should be cool with air temperature about plus 15 - 17 ° C. The first shoots appear in about a month. Sometimes later.

The first pickup (after the appearance of the first leaves) can not be done if the seedlings do not close each other. Nogwears all this time remain under the ground. As soon as young cyclamen fasten, they need to be seeded according to individual pots so that the upper part of the tuber remains at the surface itself, i.e. Mc must be seen. Lush flowering It usually comes to the second year.

Tubers. Subsidias appear on the maternal club, which can be carefully separated and put in a separate pot. It is important to follow the moisture content of the Earth. Such cyclamen bloom faster. This is a fairly simple option using tubers.

Daughters appear on the club, which are suitable for breeding cyclamen

Another option is to divide the tuber on the part during the rest. Each piece should have a kidney of growth and roots. The dried sections are sprinkled or pushed pharmacy activated carbon.

Diseases and pests

Room cyclamen should not be attached to unpretentious plants. He has a lot of pests. Therefore, the regular inspection of plants is so important.

Beetle-elephant You can learn from the barking leaves. The larvae feed on the tissue of tubers. It is necessary to transplant the plant into a new soil and process it insecticides.

Tripses. Often purchased plants are infected with TRIPS. It is active in warm and wet soil. Traces of Trips work are well noticeable on dismissed leaves. On the upper side of the sheet, a grayish brown shade appears with silver glitter and light spots and points. The edges of the sheet have twisted edges or slightly strung. Flowers are deformed. It is difficult to notice the tripse larvae up to 1 mm long, which first feed on the juice of the plant, then go into the soil. Adult pest has wings, so freely flies from one plant to another. Colorless eggs are on the underside of the sheet. Help biopreparations "Inta-Vir" and "Phytoverm".

Cyclamen Sheets, strongly damaged by TRIPS

Shield Usually notice on a pedalus, leaf cutters or their back side. The pests are washed off with a wet cotton swab or removed with a toothpick, wet wet.

Mite (especially cyclamenite tick) is well visible under the microscope, because the dimensions of the adult pest is 0.1 - 0.3 mm. He usually lives on the bottom of the sheet, but manages to spoil the whole plant. It helps a single use of the drug "Sanmight" (active active ingredient Pyridaben), which affects different ticks in any stage of their development. Its effect enhances "phytodeterm". Five days should be treated with "Akarin" leaves, "tickry" or "oburone". Before processing, we look at the plant in order to find a similar to dust on the bottom of the sheet. In the early stages of reproduction of springs, the processing of each leaf diluted in water is helped by green soap.

Types of cyclamen

It makes no sense to list all types and varieties of cyclamen. Usually they are called on the habitat of the nature in nature. For example, Cyclamen African, Persian, Cyprus, and others. Serious selection began only in the XIX century.

Flowering cyclamen in the store

Two types are massively used in bedroom flowering. This is luxurious cyclamen Persian and european cyclamen. Others interesting views demanding more on the conditions of content. IN lately I see more often on sale European cyclamen than Persian. Most likely, it is justified by the fact that it blooms longer. It is easier for him to organize a shorter rest period.

The low-speed plants are high up to 15 cm high, to the average - 15 - 25 cm, to a large (standard) - 25 - 35 cm. It is worth highlighting a very rare Cyclamen of Kuznetsov, beginning blossom in spring. He is listed in the Red Book.

I would advise everyone to buy in autumn or in winter blooming cyclamen (Better than a few) so that this elegant room plant raised the mood, did not allow and decorate life. We add to this gentle fragrance of some varieties.

Cyclamese flowers raise mood

When buying a flowering cyclameman, we rarely pay attention to the name of the variety or belonging to a certain type. Yes, and sellers can not always be called them. There is a way out of this position. It is necessary to trust the plant and watch it. The cyclaman himself will tell you when one period of its development comes to an end and the next one begins.

Cyclamen must be cool

And yet: Cyclamen loves coolness. He was bad in warmth.

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This is a perennial root plant relates to the family of Mirssinov and distributed in Iran and African countries. The flower has other names - alpine violet or drax. When buying, many do not know how to care for home by cyclamen, and the concern for him has some features. Alpine violet loves good lighting and wet air. This beautiful room flower With red flowers, it becomes more and more often on the shelves of greenhouses, as it is blown in winter, creating a pleasant and joyful atmosphere with his bright petals.

Cyclamen care

Many novice flower flows arise a question - how to care for at home for cyclamen flowers? It is the opinion that this plant is pendingly and demanding, and it is very difficult to take care of it - in the apartment, the mountain plant blooms badly, suffers from incurable diseases. In fact, the other on the contrary - the cyclamen at home is unpretentious, and the problems associated with it often happen due to the ignorance of flower water, how to water, grow, multiply and protect the flower from pests.

Alpine violet has more than 20 species, but two of them are in indoor culture the most popular: Persian cyclamen and European. The life of the plant is concluded in the tubers, because there are all nutrientswho help Dryakwa survive in resting period. The growth and flowering cyclamen falls on the time from October to March, and the rest of the time he rests. Therefore, it is very important to know the nuances proper care per alpine violet: How often watered, much better put, what temperature is needed.

During flowering

During this period, the plant requires a bright lighting room and moderate watering. The flower prefers coolness (12-15 degrees of heat), so the cyclamen in a pot close to batteries or lamps florists are not advised. Alpine violet loves bright, scattered lighting, but not solar - burns may appear on the leaves, and they will begin to yellow. Clean air I. optimum humidity (50%) will help the plant to preserve flowering and a healthy appearance, as well as avoid diseases.

Watering cyclamen should be moderate and regular, water room temperature. When carrying out this procedure, it is desirable not to spray the leaves and tubers, since excessive moisture leads to the rotting of the plant. Optimal option - Gently pour water into the edge pot. European or Persian cyclamen during flowering need to fertilize once in two or three weeks. The feeding should not contain a lot of nitrogen, because it leads to an increase in leaves, not buds and flowers.

After flowering

Behind the cycle of active growth and dissolves (3-4 months) follows the period of rest. At this stage, the cyclamen "resets" flowers and leaves that begin to shut up, and after the next two months die. Throughout this period, it is necessary to gradually cut watering the plants to the minimum - excessive moisture leads to the drinking of the tuber. During peace, the Alpine violet is moved to a cool place with weak lighting.

How to transplant cyclamen

Closer to the end of summer, Alpine violet is preferably translated into fresh soil. This procedure has its own characteristics. Before transplanting cyclamen, it is necessary to prepare the soil, which contains: two parts of peat, sheet and derdy land, one piece of sand. It is necessary to transplant in the vase, so as not to damage the roots. The land is desirable to be treated with a solution of manganese and disappear, since this room plant is easily affected by different pests. The tuber is not completely injured - the roots are at the bottom of the cyclameman - they need a place for growth.

Cyclamen reproduction

This procedure is really realized independently at home, but so that it goes correctly, you should know how the cyclamen is multiplied. There are two ways to seeds or vegetatively (tuber division). Alpine violet is very sensitive to all sorts of interventions, so both breeding process should be carried out carefully. Beginner flowerfall florists advise to buy a mini mix cyclaman and experiment. This kit includes plants with two or three tubers, which will make several reproduction operations.


Vegetative division method is traumatic for the plant, so in room conditions It is rarely applied. Cyclamen's root plant does not give processes - you have to cut the maternal tuber, which threatens at the bottom of the whole flower. For this procedure, old plants are taken, the age of which is several years. In order for the division process to be successful, it is necessary to carry out a number of operations:

  1. Wait until the plant leaves completely dismissed.
  2. Gently remove the tuber from the pot and free from the soil.
  3. Spread the tuber with a clean knife in the center from top to bottom so that each part has root.
  4. Treat fungicides (antifungal chemicals) and let me dry.
  5. Put in different pots.

Cyclamp cultivation of seeds

How to grow this plant from seeds? Very simple. This method of breeding alpine violet is more common and not so complicated as vegetative. To obtain seeds of cyclamen at home, it is necessary to artificially pollinate the plant. To do this, you will need a soft brush, which is gently applied to pollen from one flower to another. After some time, seeds are born. Their cyclamen hides in a small box under the leaves closer to the ground. Get the fruits preferably before the moment when they fall into the ground - ripening occurs before the start of flowering Alpine violet.

SEED Cyclamen seeds are best at the occurrence of spring, after surfaceing them with the drug, accelerating the growth of flowers (for example, "epin"). Place the fruits into sterile fresh land to eliminate the emergence of rot. The first shoots will appear 30-40 days after sowing, with the circumstances suitable for germination and flowering: the temperature is 18-20 degrees above zero, dark space and wet ground.

Cyclamen disease

Alpine violet - gentle home flower, Therefore, it is subject to different diseases. Plant care suggests a person skills and knowledge about how to revive the cyclamen if he began to fade, or what to do if his leaves began to yellow. Rota, wave and ticks are one of the main enemies of the Alpine violet. There are a number of symptoms on which this or that or another cyclamene disease is distinguished.

Yellow leaves

If this happens - the plant lacks light, clean air Or he is hot. When yellowing leaves, the flower should be moved to a brighter room, but not under direct sun rays. Better to give the cyclamen "Raise" fresh airBy putting it on the windowsill at the open window. Another reason for the yellowing of the leaves may be insufficient watering of the plants - the soil should be moistened, but not overdo it. Due to the overaffect of water, the Alpine violet will start rot.

Leaves twist

In the process of damage to the flower by pests or external medium, the cyclamen can be twisted. This negative effect may be caused by several reasons:

  1. The presence of pests (ticks, notes, trips).
  2. Home colors are amazed by bacteria or fungus.
  3. Soil infection or its overjoyment.
  4. High air temperature indoors.

Why not blooms

The slowdown in the growth and flowering cyclamen can be associated with different reasons. One of the main - fusariosis. This disease causes the defeat of alpine violet tissues. In case of fusariosis, the vessels of the plant are filled with toxic substances. This leads to the fact that cyclamen stops blossoming, and the leaves are yellow. The initial defeat is difficult to define an eye, since the cause of the disease is in the soil or seeds. It is advisable to deal with fuzariosis with the help of fungicides (for example, Agat-25K), which are destructive effect on the source of the disease.

One of the few, he pleases us with blossom in winter. How to care for cyclamen at home, after buying, after flowering, in a pot? I want him to bloom as long as possible and more lush, and in general, just bloomed.

Yes, unfortunately, some do not always get blossom from him, so it is immediately recorded in the discharge of naughty and try to rush the pot with a flower to someone from relatives to not water in vain.

So I first got acquainted with cyclamen. Well, in no way he did not want to bloom, in the end, I was so tortured with my courtesies that he began to shut up and soon just died. But not to stop in my rules and at the very first opportunity I have acquired another flower, having previously examined all the information available on it. What I will share now.

  • 1 cyclamen at home
    • 1.1 How to care for cyclamen after purchase
    • 1.2 Circle care at home
    • 1.3 Diseases and Pest Cyclamen
    • 1.4 How to transplant cyclamen
    • 1.5 Reproduction of cyclamen
      • 1.5.1 Circle care, video

Cyclamen at home

Many know the flower under other names, it is called alpine violet or a decay. In nature, there are two types of cyclamen - European and Persian, so here we are in our apartments and grow varieties of the last, more frosty and adapted to household conditions.

Generally B. wildlife Cyclamen grow in Iran and in the east of the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. They meet them sometimes in the Caucasus and the south of Crimea.

The plant is bully, with a circular bulb, round leaves with intricate divorces and fragrant, fragrant, gentle flowers. Coloring from white to violet, including beautiful orange shades.

What he was so loved, his winter blossom. Closer to the fall, the flower begins to wake up, revive, produces fresh leaves, all winter it blooms (someone longer, someone is shorter), and in the spring it begins to "fall asleep" and all summer has peace of rest. Such here winter flowerBy the way, it is very suitable for New Year's gifts, it's nice to get such a miracle blooming when outside the frost window.

How to care for cyclamen after shopping

I want to give advice to those who wish for the first time to have such a flower. Buy it at the very beginning of his flowering, it is the middle of autumn, October-November. So you will know exactly that the flower will begin to bloom, well, and learn color.

Cyclamen plant so that somewhere the third part of the bulb is visible, here I also advise you to pay attention to her condition, it should be smooth, smooth, not swept and wrinkled. At the same time, look, in what condition leaves will not be twisted or yellow. There must be a lot of buds, let them be not disclosed yet.

After you brought a new pet home, it needs to be quickly transplanted into another capacity and other soil. Typically, the flowers in the store are sold in the peat, and this cycle is not quite suitable.

For transplantation, you can take ordinary garden land, you can mix river sand with leaf land or humus, one to two. If suddenly there is no such thing at hand, then buy an ordinary soil for roses.

The pot should not be large, the maximum in diameter for a couple of centimeters is wider than the bulb. This is very important, the flower begins to turn yellow and does not bloom in too much capacity.

At first, it is necessary to pour the soil prepared by the soil, then carefully remove the plant completely with a lump of the ground from the pot and put it, slightly pressing, sprinkle with the soil on top and cut a little. The upper part of the bulbs should be twisted with soil or a little tower. Immediately pour water, at the edges of the tank, so that neither the droplets do not fall on the bulb, nor on the stems, otherwise they will rotate.

Circulant care at home

Now wonder how to care for cyclamen in a pot. It is important to be somewhat like simple rulesBut they need to be strictly observed that the flower felt comfortable:

  • Temperature is probably the most important thing to consider. Cyclamen does not like heat at temperatures above 25 it can get sick and die. For it, it is necessary to withstand + 15-20 degrees.
  • Watering is no less important. It is better to give the soil slightly dry than to pour. You can water the cyclama from the bottom, put into the pallet with water or placing on wet gravel. Water for watering should be distilled during the day or thala, but necessarily room temperature, not cold.
  • Air humidity Flower loves increased, but in no case "bathe" of his pet, do not spray it, otherwise a gray rot, a disease that usually leads to the death of the plant will appear.
  • The lighting of the flower must be scattered, not very bright. In the winter, put it on the south window, and in the summer it is better to remove to the West or North-West. Be sure to be tulle so that the plant is not under right rays.
  • Fertilizers are also mandatory for the entire flowering cycle. Starting from spring, in two weeks, as he fledged, and before autumn, the entire period of rest, fertilizers are not made. During the rest of the time every two weeks, I feed the flower with a complex liquid fertilizer for flowering plants.

Cyclamen diseases and pests

  • They begin to shrust and refuse the leaves and the tuber - it means not everything is in order first with watering. Most likely the flower is an overabundance of moisture. Another reason can be too free for a flower pot.

  • The leaves are yellow and begin to fade in the event that the flower is hot and too dry air. Look, can the straight sun rays fall on it during the day?
  • Too small flowering period says that the flower is not enough nutrition. Check if you regularly make feeding? If so, the reason again can be at elevated temperature. The flower is confused and thinks that it is spring and it's time to fond.
  • Sometimes the flowers appear not above, but under the leaves, it means that you have reduced the temperature too low, the plant is cold. This happens in the case when the flower does not have moisture.
  • Have you suddenly discovered incomprehensible points on the leaves, which gradually become light brown? So the plant is infected with TRIPS. It is necessary to use any insecticide, only splashing is needed several times.
  • If the flowers began to be faded, and on the reverse side you found dusty raid, then the plant was attacked by the cyclamen tick. It also helps the treatment of poison.
  • How to transplant cyclamen

    The transplant is required when it is time to change the substrate in which the flower sits or when the bulb has grown so much that the pot is completely fills. You need to transplant it in the summer when he sleeps.

    Some transplant the flower once a year, I do this painstaking business every two years, the plant at the same time feels great.

    For transplanting you need to pick up a pot more by a diameter of 2 cm, no more. Fresh soil is rambling and the plant is transplanted as after purchase.

    Reproduction of cyclamen

    Immediately I will say - the occupation is ungrateful, it is easier to go and buy a new flower. Seeds are very difficult to multiply and for a long time, firstly, they still need to collect them correctly, while they are still in boxes.

    You can breed the division of the tuber. It is necessary that there are several kidneys on the bulb, so that each deducer gets one or two kidneys with good roots.

    The bulb is simply dried and divided into parts, cuts need to be processed wood ash or activated carbon, drown and disembark on the pots. But very often cut parts begin to rot. I survived two flower out of four cloigned. So think if you should mess around.

    Circulant care, video

    Many are also called alpine violet. Seeing this plant, few people will remain indifferent to his beauty. However, there are even fewer people who are discarding the flower at home.

    It is believed that the content of cyclamen at home is quite difficult. But many flower plants plant develops perfectly, blooms and feels well.


    Cyclamen is a perennial tuber or bulbous plant. The duration of his life is about twenty years. Different kinds Have white, burgundy, purple and pinkish flowers. Motherland Cyclamen are Mediterranean and Middle East. European and Persian varieties received the greatest distribution.

    How to care for cyclamen

    Contrary to the existing judgments, cyclamen - the plant is not too capricious. Exist special requirements to the cultivation of the flower, and the care of the cyclamen at home is not only in timely and proper watering. When choosing a plant in a flower shop, you need to look at its leaves and tubers.

    Green parts of culture should not blame, and tubers need to be taken without kidneys. Typically, plants are sold planted in a peat substrate. Such a soil is completely not suitable for normal development. The plant should be rehabilted into ordinary land. During the transplant, it is necessary to completely remove all the fired roots and peatballs, and put drainage to the bottom of the vason.


    You should not pay attention to strict recommendations and instructions. Each plant requires an individual watering plan, which depends on the conditions of growth. Exercising moisturizing and care for cyclamen at home, you need to adhere to the main rule: you can not pour a pot or override the plant.

    Although the last condition is not as scary for culture. Sad thing that once overflowing the plant, it is possible to provoke its death as a result of roting the roots.

    Lighting and temperature regime

    The flower loves light, but is afraid of sunny straight rays. Better place a pot on the north side of the window. Otherwise, the shading will be required. Circlamp care at home requires knowledge that it should be placed in a cool place. The plant reacts poorly to heat above 14 degrees. Therefore B. winter It is necessary to put a pot closer to the window, and in the summer, on the contrary - away.

    Transplantation and reproduction, special requirements

    Cyclamen should transplant every year in fresh ground, it is recommended in summer. Persian varieties can be multiplied by seeds, European - the division of the bulbs. After the completion of flowering, the plant goes into the state of rest, its leaves are yellow, and the tubers remain naked to the beginning of the summer. At this time, special care for cyclamen at home is needed. Watering should be reduced (it is recommended to add water to the pallet), and after dropping the foliage, the flower is placed in a cool place (cellar, pantry). At the end of the summer, cyclamen transplanted into a new soil and return to the previous place. After the appearance of the first leaflets, watering is renewed in the same mode.

    Cyclamen - a long-term tuber plant, ranked in our latitudes to room flowering plants. However, in nature, this plant is considered wildly from the Mirssin family. Sometimes erroneously cyclamen date to the family of color. Actually is herbate planthaving a thickened root spread throughout the mediterranean coast and the Black Sea, along the northeast coast of Africa, on the territory of the Middle East, along the coast of the Caspian Sea, in Kuban, in Crimea and in the south of Ukraine. The genus cyclamen has more than 60 species of wild plants. Of these, only a little more than 20 species belong to indoor cultures.

    The originality of the colors of this plant is attracting to him every day. large quantity admirers. Any of flowerflower reverends in front of cyclamen. Cyclamen are really beautiful.

    Features of the plant:

    • The leaves of the plant resemble the shape of a bright dark green heart with beautiful silver divorces of various configurations collected into the root rosette.
    • The leaves themselves have a decorative orientation.
    • Depending on the variety, cyclamen flows in different time The year, however, all of them in the heat and after flowering being taken to the tuber.
    • Tubers in cyclamen have a surrendous rounded form different diameter, depending on the age of the plant.
    • Most often, the diameter reaches 4-5 centimeters, but there are instances with a diameter of 15 centimeters.
    • On the surface of the root there are kidneys. Of these, the leaves and flower makes are growing.

    In the period after flowering, the root is always at rest.

    Cyclamen are ephemeroids, that is, we grow, bloom, fruit into the cool period of the year. Than frost-resistant variety cyclamen, the later they begin to bloom.

    Flower characteristic:

    • On high thin, but durable flowers, which rise above the plant foliage.
    • The height of the floral legs reaches 30 centimeters. But there is dwarf varietieswhere the flower make does not exceed 12 centimeters.
    • The flowers themselves are small, can be one or more colors.
    • Color range: from white to brightly purple.
    • Flowers resemble a flock of butterflies circling over the plant.
    • A peculiar structure of flowers really resembles published a flush butterfly, bright and unique.
    • The main parts of the flower are tilted down, and the petals themselves are bent up.
    • All flowers have pestle and stamens, being scarets.

    Cyclamen is good in that the flowering period falls during the cold season, when nature loses paints when many people experience depressive states.

    It is at this time that the room plant cyclamen gives brightness and tenderness, beauty and good mood. The number of flowers on one plant can reach up to 60 units. If there is a cyclaman on the window, then depression is not terrible. Some varieties exuded a thin and gentle aroma that fills the entire room.

    However, grow a flower and wait for his flowering - it's not easy. Grow this plant is difficult, especially from seeds. Only stubborn flowers achieve positive results.

    Sowing seeds are made in autumn or spring.

    The land is needed by the usual - the soil for flowering plants, which can be found in specialized departments. If there is a blooming cyclamen in stock, then you can get your own seeds. This option is the most optimal, since the plant has already been adapted to these conditions during germination. The main thing is not to miss the moment of their full ripening and natural fall into the soil. In another case, you can simply purchase seeds in the trading network.

    Reproduction with seeds:

    • The seeds are placed on a slightly moistened soil, slightly pressed them into the ground and sprinkle on top of the wet peat.
    • The pots are covered with film and placed on the windowsill, where the sun rarely happens, and the air temperature does not exceed + 17 degrees Celsius, but not lower than +10. Shoots will appear in a month.
    • Then the sprouts are transplanted.
    • The first time they do after the appearance of the first leaflets, the second transplant occurs in 2 months.
    • With the first transfer, tubers fall asleep completely earth, and with the second - part of the root leave from above, covering moss.

    The result is such a reproduction of the cyclameman gives only 1-2 years after 1-2 years.

    That is why it is easier to breed this plant and easier by tubers. For this, child thighs are separated carefully from the main root and. There he grows and develops. It is necessary to monitor the moisture content of the Earth, not allowing increased soil moisturizing, its cuts and insulation. Such plants begin to bloom faster.

    Flowers Indoor cyclamen are very sensitive to different care errors. This plant is designed for large cool rooms, a veranda, loggia. Optimum temperature The soil will give a moist peat in which the pot is immersed with a plant. Useful manipulation will be the spraying of the air around the flower.

    Watering plants:

    • But it is impossible to moisten the soil itself. Extra moisture causes the rotting of tubers and leaves.
    • After the flowering period and the full loss of the leaves, the pot with tuber and the earth are transferred to the state of peace.
    • To do this, watering is stopped, put the pot on the side and put in a dark cool place.
    • From the middle of summer, the pot exhibit, the soil is slightly watered.
    • After the appearance of the first leaflets, the cyclamen transplant.

    It should be remembered that sunlight It should not directly fall on the plant, but the location of the flower is preferably bright, with a scattered light.

    Watering cyclamen is better to produce below, pouring water into the pallet. Fluid getting into the plant is fraught with flower death. It is gray rot that is the most dangerous enemy of cyclamen. It is necessary to try to avoid high soil moisture. It is very useful to fertilize plants during flowering and growth. Mineral fertilizers are good for this.

    There are some problems in the cultivation of cyclomens:

    • Holding roots, cherry. This is caused by the carelessness of watering and exorbitantly warm air temperature for this plant.
    • Yellowing leaves along with strong flowers. This is caused by the presence of dry climate, high air temperatures for cyclamen, weak irrigation, exposure to sunlight.
    • A short flowering period is due to improper and irregular watering, poor soil, dry climate.
    • Flowers are "hidden" under the leaves in plants that are in raw conditions, cold room, irregularly water.

    In order not to happen different problems in the cultivation of cyclamen, it is necessary to care. And the timely loosening of the soil will improve the result.

    Plant from pests should be protected. The most dangerous are:

    • Slonik beetle, which bursts the leaves, and the larvae eat it with tubers.
    • Shield, striking leaves.
    • TRIPS appears when overheating and overwriting, leading to a sparrel of leaves.
    • Cyclamen tick, striking buds and leaves.

    That is why it is necessary to periodically inspect the plants, removing the affected parts, processing with soap or tobacco solution.

    The use of keriformicates - Measure Emergency. But with damage to pests, processing insecticides is obligatory, otherwise the plant will die.

    There are a lot of varieties of this beautiful plant. But the most popular among flower flowes are:

    • Cyclamen African. Close-up, with large leaves. Prefers stony soil. Flowers from September to November. Flowers have color from pale pink to dark pink.
    • Cyclamen Balearic. Small representative of the family. Leaves in the inside of the raspberry color. And the flowers have different color: from white to pale pink.
    • Cyclamen Cilician. Small leaves with silver stains. Flowers light pink with a purple spot at the base of the socket. Prefers shadow.
    • Cyclamen Pontic or Colchida. Different with small flowers and foliage without pattern.
    • Cyclamen oblique. It differs from other presence of a dark spot on the leaves, the growth of the roots from the bottom of tubers and large flowers. Flowers have a bright, pink color.
    • Alpine violet is distinguished by love for the shadow and brightness of colors and buds.
    • Cyclamen Cyprus. Flowers have purple spots at the base, white petals themselves. Different with a strong aroma.
    • Cyclamen elegant. It has small sizes Leaf and bright flowers.
    • Greek cyclamen. It has a diverse color of petals with a purple spot at the base. It has the brightest and color combinations.
    • Napolitan or plush cyclamen. Prefers warmth. Often used as garden plant. Leaves are like ivy leaves. Pink flowers.
    • Cyclamen Lebanese. The leaves have yellow specks, and flower petals pink-purple.
    • Cyclamen amazing. It is characterized by leaves with cloths and petals of different tones with purple at the base of the socket.
    • Cyclamen finely color. It has short flowering, small flowers, small leaves. Flowers often have purple color.
    • Cyclamen Turkish. Has not big leaves and large flowers. Flowers can be lilac, purple, red, but always at the base have a chocolate spot. Leaves are always glossy.
    • Persian cyclamen. Dark leaves With marble pattern combined with flowers of different shades: from pink to red.
    • European cyclamen. Large plant with large leaves and high large colors. It blooms in contrast to many types of cyclamen not in the fall, and in the period from June to August. The color of petals ranges from white to carmine.
    • Cyclamen Somali. Small variety with pink flowers.

    There are still many types of cyclamen, but they are less common in flower flowes as indoor cultures. There is a unique appearance of this plant - Cyclamen Kuznetsov. This plant is listed in the Red Book. His uniqueness is that flowering period begins in the spring.

    It is also known from the 15th century that cyclamen is a medicinal plant. However, its independent use can bring more harm than good. This is due to the fact that the juice of the plant leaves, depending on its type, can be poisonous.

    Most often use the juice of tubers in a divided form.

    Infusion or decoction from cyclamen tubers are used to treat:

    • Rudeness.
    • ORVI.
    • For nervous diseases.

    More information can be found from the video.