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How to pour a cyclaman to bloom. Cyclamen - Sun Flower. Delivery by subsidiaries

- a perennial plant of the family of color. It is a small bush with foliage of different shades of green. Above foliage flourish bright colors of the most diverse colors.

The birthplace of the occurrence of cyclamen is exactly unknown. Perhaps the first colors appeared in the Cerdery Code, Iran, Greece. It is known that the mention of cyclamen is in ancient sources.

The name itself means "farewell". therefore it would be appropriate to give a flower of cyclamen to a colleague, which plans to change the place of work.

Features of cultivation and care at home

Lovers of cyclamen is important to know that the life of the flower is divided into two periods: a period of flowering and a period of rest.

IMPORTANT! Cyclamen is very sensitive to different. Therefore, when landing, it is necessary to sterilize not only the soil, but also the pot.

In detail about what is the optimal conditions and time for planting cyclames, as well as to send a flower, read in

All manipulations should also be made sterile scissors or knife.

How to water correctly? As for any other plant, watering is one of the important components of the cyclamen life. When, if irrigated is incorrect, the plant may dieSince his root is inclined to shut down.

Main errors allowed by watering:

  • Excessive or insufficient watering.
  • Too cold or warm water.
  • Invalidly selected fertilizers, fertilizer getting on the leaves and stems.
  • Water getting into the upper part of the root.


Water cyclamen with softened water. It does not like cold water very much, so it should be room temperature, or 2 to 3 degrees below. Water must be defended. Some advise the use of cooled boiled water to protect the plant from bacteria, as it is very sensitive to various pests.

How much and when?

Watering must be made with caution. The plant does not tolerate excessive humidity.. In order to determine the time of watering, it is better to focus on the ground (about how the soil should be for a cyclameman and how to cook it yourself, you can learn). It should be slightly moistened. Do not need to dry out.

How often?

During flowering cyclamen watered moreSince at this time it is active, he needs more nutrients. The irrigation frequency is 1 time in 7 - 10 days. Focus on the moisture degree of soil.

Some advise paying attention to the state of the leaves, in order to avoid filling the plant. But this should not be done in three reasons.

  1. Cyclamese leaves lose tremor in case the plant is exhausted by a disadvantage of moisture.
  2. This process occurs because of the excessive moisturizing the root.
  3. Another reason for changing the state of foliage is a plant disease.

If watering is carried out through the upper part of the pot, it is better to use a watering can with a narrow nose. Water should be distributed over the edge of the pot, not falling on the root outlet.

Better water the plant through the pallet. Then it will decide how much moisture is needed. Excess water needs to be merged approximately an hour after irrigation. Otherwise, the soil will replete, and the root can start grew. Then cyclamen will die.

As already mentioned, water should be estimated and not very cold. Best option - water room temperature.

During rest, irrigation procedure does not differ from the flowering period. Only to carry out watering should be much less likely.

IMPORTANT. Do not allow excessive watering of the plant. In order for the cyclamen to be comfortable, you can spray it with a spray gun. It is necessary to do it no more than three times a day, observing caution: water should not accumulate on the root outlet.

Feeding and fertilizer

Cyclamen needs to make various fertilizers. It is better to use a liquid version of the Caliizative fertilizers. They need to be made during watering or after it.

Using dry fertilizers can lead to a plant burn. When using liquid fertilizers, you need to follow so that they do not hit the stalks and leaves, otherwise the burn is inevitable.

In detail how and what to feed cyclamen, we told in.



It happens that in fairness or by ignorance of the owner, the flower is filled, that is, watered it more often than you need. It is easy to determine this: the leaves of the plant are withering, sometimes it completely loses the whole foliage.

In this case, it is not necessary to despair if you need to take the necessary actions, the flower can still be saved.

First of all, the root must be extracted from the soil. Try to accurately wash off the remnants of the earth. Cyclamen roots are very thin and fragile, so it will not be difficult to damage them.

Next, the root should be processed by some fungicide. After processing, it is slightly dried over two to three hours. Then you can land the root into a new pot into sterilized land (about how to properly implement a transplant, you can learn).

Not the most picky plant and do not need to be afraid to start it. When knowledge of his features, attention and compliance with certain rules, the flower will delight you with your bloom for a long time.

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Speaking about the care of cyclamen at home, it is necessary to affect many aspects, on the observance of which the well-being of the plant directly depends. You must pay a lot of time to this flower, as it will not live for a long time without due attention.

In this article we are talking about what kind of cyclamen varieties exist, how not to be mistaken when choosing a flower in the store, and of course, how to raise and care for the cyclamen of the house. Also, from the article, you will learn how to deal with possible diseases and pests, how to transplant and propagate the plant, and in what cases it should be disposed of.

Observing all the rules for the care of the cyclamen, you can raise a beautiful healthy flower that will become a gentle aesthetic decoration of your interior. The occupation is quite labor, but it is worth it.

Cyclamen: Leaves, Flowers, Seeds

Cyclamen - Zimnetswearing plant and this feature subordinated to the whole cycle of its vegetation. In the summer, in the heat cyclamen is at rest, and in the fall comes far away, builds new leaves And K releases buds on long swirling down flowers.

  • Cyclamen floweringfalls on late autumn, winter and spring what does cyclamen Very valuable home plant.
  • Especially often give and get as a gift cyclamen In the period of winter holidays. When buying, choose cyclamen with a variety of young buds that are usually "hiding" under leaves.
  • Cyclamen home leaves Beautiful heart shape, the upper surface is often decorated with interesting "marble" divorces.

Cyclamen flowers have 5 rented petals back color which are usually more intense at the base. Cyclamen flowers Often have a thin sophisticated "paper" aroma.

Home Cyclamen - Growing Features

The root of the cyclame is a flattened roundball tuberukovitsu up to 15 cm in diameter with a single point of growth. Damage it - destroy the bulb. The leaves in the cyclameman are roasting, leathery, heart-shaped, growing on stiffs up to 30 cm long, dark green with a grayish-silver pattern. The original flower shape is similar to the oscillation butterflies - the petals are bent and pointed, sometimes they have a fringe shape, and the color palette is incredibly wide - boiling and white, pink, all shades of red, burgundy and purple. Cyclamen flowers for longer than three months.

There is an opinion that the room cyclamen is a capricious plant. Do not believe! The cyclaman is unpretentious, just in its agrotechnology, as in the agrotechnology of any other plant, there are certain requirements, which will make it easy to cope with its cultivation. So:

  • - in no case keep the blouse of the blurred cyclamen in the refrigerator - after such storage, the bulb will not wake up;
  • - The cyclamen flower does not endure heat and stools, but perfectly lives in a cool room at a temperature, uncomfortable for a person - only 6-12 ºC;
  • - Direct sunlight can cause burns on beautiful cyclame leaves;
  • - Do not instill a cyclamen on the ground tuber: there should be at least one third of the bulbs on the surface;
  • - Cyclamen does not tolerate excess mineral salts in the soil, so be careful with fertilizers;
  • - Cyclamen's pot is needed small to make a layer of soil to the wall to the wall of the soil 2-3 cm.

Cyclamp cultivation of seeds

How to grow cyclamen.

This kind of kind of Persian cyclamen is multiplied by seeds. Saw seeds of cyclameman in February or March, although cyclamen growing at home can be multiplied at any time of the year. On the eve of the landing, soak seeds at 12 o'clock in a pale-pink solution of mangarteau or in epin or zircon preparations prepared in accordance with the instructions.

After that, make the seeds into the earthy mixture for cyclamen, consisting of two parts of the pre-steamed land, one part of the soil type "tulip" or "terra vita" and the half of the river sand for bursting of the soil.

It will be better if you make a groove in the ground with a depth of 1 cm, it's good for it with water and spread the seeds in it after 2-3 cm. Sprinkle the seeds with a layer of soil and cover the tank with glass or film. At a temperature of 18-20 ºC, the seeds germinate in 30-60 days, although there are tight grades that germinate after five or more months!

Landing cyclamen.

When sprouts appeared, remove the shelter and stop the container with them to a more illuminated place, but away from direct sunlight! With the appearance of two real leaves, shoots dive for 2-3 seedlings into one pot, fully covering the tumor soil.

The soil should be loose, such as a mixture of "tulip" or the same mixture in which you sowed seeds. After 6-7 months, you can transplant the crown cycles in the pots with a diameter of 6-7 cm with the same soil.

Landing the cyclameman in this case requires the blocking of tuberukovitsa no more than two thirds of its size so that the growth point towers above the surface of the soil. If the care of the cyclamen at home will be correct, you can see its flowering in a year and a half after seeding.

Home Cyclamen Care

How to care for cyclamen at home.

Cyclamen - a flower that requires bright scattered light and a cool (6-12 ºC) temperature. In addition, it will have to often air the room, but in no case do not arrange drafts in it - it is unacceptable for cyclame.

Frequent spraying will make it possible to make air humidity in the room higher, which very much like the cyclamen, and it can be reduced by a pair of degrees temperature in summer heat.

A plant and feeding of a complex fertilizer for flowering plants are needed, but be careful with the consistency - this plant is better to undermine how to overgrow.

How to water cyclamen.

During the period of active growth, the cyclamen requires regular watering, but try to do so without fanaticism: watering should be sufficient, but not excessive.

To be sure that the plant is enough moisture, use the way of the lower irrigation - put the pot with a cyclamen in the water container and keep in it until the top layer of the soil is blown, then get the pot of water and allow you to drain it with excess .

This method, by the way, will not allow moisture to get on the top of the tuber, where the growth point is located, thereby the risk of reloading the plant will be minimized.

Cyclamen reproduction.

Cyclamen multiplied with a seed way, about which we told in detail in the previous section, and the vegetative - the division of the tuber. But you can only share those clubnevukovitsa, who have not one point of growth, and this happens very rarely. In addition, the process of dividing and rooting a part of the amatery of the amatery often ends in failure, so we can assume that the seed method of breeding cyclamen is the only one of the possible.

Cyclamen after purchase.

How to care for cyclamen immediately after purchase? Sometimes the next day after you brought a purchased cycleman home, it lowers flowers and even leaves. Do not hide in panic - for cyclame, it is quite natural behavior.

  • He needs to get used to your environment, and you try to create him those conditions in which he will be comfortable.
  • The cyclamen flower must occupy the houses the lightest and cool place.
  • Check the substrate, and if it is dry, give the plant to drink using the lower irrigation or watering into the pallet - in these cases the plant will get exactly so much moisture as he is required.

Be sure to spray the plant. Do not feed the cyclamen for two or three months after the purchase - the plants go on sale well and for a long time are filled with fertilizers.

Cyclamen flowering.

Cyclamen flowers either in summer, or in winter, and time, that is, the duration of flowering plants directly depends on how the rules for the care of cyclamen are followed. Recall that the optimal conditions in which cyclamen will bloom long and abundantly, such: a lot of light, but without direct sunlight; The optimal temperature for flowering is not lower than 10 ºC and not higher than 20 ºC. Watering either the bottom or in the pallet so that the moisture does not hit the point of growth, nor on the leaves with flowers. Cut the faded flowers.

Cyclamen transplant

How to transplant cyclamen.

Cyclamen transplant to the new substrate about once every two years if the pot became a bulb too small. It is necessary to do this at the end of the rest period before starting active vegetation. But remember that the cyclamen does not need a spacious pot, it blooms well only in close, when the pot of the ground layer is not thicker 2-3 cm from the bulb to the wall.

For example, for the bulbs of 1-1.5 years old, a pot of 7-8 cm is suitable, and for two-three-year bulbs - with a diameter of 14-15 cm. Put in a new pot for drainage clamzite, a layer of fresh substrate, then a bulb along with an earthen room And roots and add a substrate so much that the tuber is immersed in two-thirds. Mature soil well. The transplanted cyclamen fertilizer will be needed no earlier than in a month.

Cyclamen transplant after purchase.

Cyclameman's transplant after purchase is produced only if it is in the period of rest, which in itself is strange - well, who buys a bulb, buried into the soil?

If you bought a blooming cycleman, wait for it when it wonders and relates, and then, at the very beginning of the growing season, if the bulb will be closely or you want to change the technical plastic pot on the beautiful, transplant the cyclamen in the method described. Or, if the plant feels good in the old pot, better place an ugly pot with a cyclamen in a beautiful porridge.

Cyclamen Prefers cool room (+ 13-16 degrees) with bright lighting. Best for home Cyclamen. Suitable oriental or western windows in the summer and southern winter. Do not put it cyclamen Under the direct sunlight or close to the heat source (battery, fireplace).

Temperature, location and lighting

The cyclamen likes when it is bright lighting around it, but the straight hitting of the rays of the sun is not desirable for him, it is better to hide a flower from them. In winter, a premises are recommended for such a plant where the air is warmed only by 12 degrees, not higher and with good lighting. In summer, for a favorable growth of the flower is quite room temperature.

  • Purple cyclamen does not have a clear rest period, usually do not make wintering for him, but she would not prevent him. This is different from the Alpine violet, which, in turn, after the flowering period (May-June) proceeds to peace and begins to dump the foliage.
  • The best place to grow cyclames - Eastern and Western windows. If the plant is located on the south side, it is important to protect it from direct sunlight. The room where the cyclamen is growing, you need to regularly venture.
  • Hybrids cyclamen Persian - Heat-loving plants, so the temperature is below +10 degrees for them is uncomfortable in the same way as the heat.

Along with cool, cyclamenpreferred relatively humid air, but spraying from the sprayer they are categorically contraindicated. Instead, you can just keep a cache with cyclamen On a tray with wet gravel or not far from the water source.

Air humidity

Cyclamen - a plant that loves increased humidity. During growth, the leaves need to spray. As soon as the cyclaman starts blooming, the spraying is no longer needed. To increase the humidity indicator, you can create a water fog near the plant. You can also put it on the pallet with wet pebbles. In winter, cyclamen must be placed at a high distance from central heating batteries.


Water cyclamen It follows only when the substrate surface is slightly dried. It is better water cyclamen from below, leaving the pot with flower in the container with heat-hot water for 10-15 minutes, and then necessarily merging all the water before installing again cyclamen In Kashpo. Finding on the base of the tuber and cyclame leaves, water can cause a dangerous cyclamen Fungal Disease - Gnill Gnill (Botrytis Cinerea) and rotting plant.

Cyclamen, like orchids, it is easier to suffer the drying of the soil than excess watering, although before the drying it is not worth bringing the plant either. From excess water cyclamen leaves yellowAnd the tuberpensing!

Feed cyclamen A shared fertilizer for home plants during the entire period of active vegetation (from autumn to spring) every 2-3 weeks. Excess fertilizers stimulates an active increase cyclamen leavesBut not the formation of buds.


At the time of flowering you need to water so that the water does not fall on the roots. It is necessary to distribute moisture evenly so that it does not happen overflow or, on the contrary, do not overcover the earthen com. The type of Persian plant during peace should be watered less, but to watch the earth does not dry, the European is equally over the same year.

The soil

It is very important to create aeration of the root system of the cyclame. It is advisable to apply the air-permeable substrate from a large-fiber peat. For the optimal composition of the soil, equal parts of sand, humid and peat, as well as three parts of the leaf land are needed.

Feeding and fertilizer

Full mineral fertilizer, which is applied to flowering plants, or a organic man - this is exactly what a cyclaman must feed every two weeks. It is necessary to start this from the moment of the development of the leaves and continue before it blooms.


The alpine violet transplant is carried out when new leaves appear on it (end of June). With European it is necessary to perform at the beginning of spring (March-April) and to transplant annually.

  • Plant It is advisable to transplant in low capacity and wide enough.
  • Conducting a transplant, it is necessary to take into account one moment, the fact that the roots of the purple cyclameman are fully covered with the earth, and the Persian root system hides in the soil half.
  • Then, while the roots do not carefully watered, it is not necessary to water so often, and then increase moisturizing.

Removal of faded colors and leaves

Faded flowers (like yellowed cyclame leaves) It should be removed, unscrewing the flower from the tuber completely, otherwise the base of the color saw can be started and with time lead to the death of the plant.

  • At the beginning of spring cyclamen flowering Suitable to the end, with time the leaves are yellow and fall. Most home Cyclamen Naturally slow down or complete their annual cycle of vegetation in April-May. At that time cyclamen feeding Stop and gradually reduce watering.
  • Cyclamen's tube In the summer, stored in the ground, in a cool place, only occasionally slightly moisturizing the substrate. It should also be borne in mind that not all cyclamen at homego to summer peace. Some home Cyclamen Never drop leaves, besides blooming actually incessantly.
  • In September cyclamen It comes to life and releases new leaves. At this time, replace the top layer of the substrate fresh or transplant Cyclamen (see below) and soak pot with cyclamen In water, so that the soil is completely wet.

Then completely merge the water from the pot. From that time renew regular watering and feeding cyclamen. If a cyclamen careright, soon the plant will soon release many buds and blooms.

Cyclamen: Why yellow leaves?

Cyclamen leaves yellow Naturally at the end of the growing season when cyclamen Preparing for the period of rest. If home Cyclame Leaves Steel Swimming During Plant BlossomT. cyclamen careMost likely, you need to improve. TO yellowing cyclamen leavesmay have led excessive heat in the room where the plant contains.

Too high temperature knocks up a vegetation cycle cyclamen And artificially brings the rest period. To correct the situation, secure cyclamen The most important conditions: bright light without direct sunlight, cool windowsill and watering with immersion only after easy dryness in the pot in the pot.

Cyclamen: transplantation and reproduction

Cyclamen transplant Conducted at the end of summer when the plant only comes to life after the rest of the rest. Transplant required if cyclamen's tube Filled all the space pot or if it is time to change the substrate (usually, once every 2 years). Lettering young cyclamen rootstransplanted in a slightly larger pot with fresh soil, which is neatly sealing.

  • Sale cyclamen's tube Vrowd to the surface of the soil or slightly above and slightly sprinkle with large sand.
  • Soil for cyclamen Make up, thoroughly mixing large sand with an organic (sheet humus, peat, overwhelming bark, coconut fiber, etc.) in proportion 1: 2. Cyclamen Prefers soil with a weakly acidic reaction.
  • Breed cyclamen by the division of tuber or seeds. but reproduction of indoor cyclamen It may be a difficult task.

Plants are suitable for fissioning the tuber, on whose club there are several growth points (by analogy with potatoes). Part cyclamen tuber With the "eye" cut off with a pure sharp knife and transplanted into a separate pot into a special edge for seedlings. Despite all precautions, separated cyclamen tubers often get down.

For cyclamen breeding seeds With the help of a soft tassel, crumpled flowers several times. Faded cyclamen flowers Do not cut off, but let them dry naturally. Cyclamen seeds Get out of the fetus-boxes shortly before it is ready to reveal, and soak in warm water for a day. Thereafter cyclamen seeds Sightened into the boxes into the soil for seedlings at a high distance from each other, sprinkled by a semi-beacon layer of vermiculite.

The drawer is kept in the dark at a temperature of 17-20 degrees, moisturizing the soil from the spray gun. Right up cyclamen seeds Not at the same time, shoots appear in 4-8 weeks. After the appearance of sprouts, the boxes are exposed. Little plants with 2-3 leaves can already be carefully digging and transplanting into separate pots.

Types of cyclamen

At that time, more often it was possible to meet the European cyclamen or as it was also called, Alpine violet. Nowadays persian his kind is most popular. They are not very different from each other in care, but each must still take into account.

In nature, of course, they are much more, not to mention hybrids derived by breeders. Cyclamen home earlier was considered a winter-flowing flower, After all, it blooms the whole winter period before the onset of spring. Hybrids their appearance marked all-season, the ability to bloom despite the season. It is these flowers that we purchase called the Persian Cyclamen.

It is difficult to say whether their hybridity reflected on the healing properties is unknown, but the fact that the tuber remains as poisonous, it is for sure. Therefore, caution should be taken. The Cyclamen's Large Tuber, even miniature copies diameter have from 8 cm, the giants can distinguish between 30 centimeters.


If you decide to buy not a ready-made plant in a pot, but only his tuber, then ask the seller of his view and age, carefully inspect it. It must have a weighty mass, Be solid and elastic. Look, whether the kidney tuber has, which are located in the upper part of it.

Cyclamen: Home Care

Plant needs good care and competent approach.

Select Place and Lighting

Remember that the home cyclaman does not endure drafts, but also the stagnant air is harmful to him. The plant needs good lighting, it became, the location on the windowsill is exactly what he needed, however, put it better on the unopened windowBut in a regularly ventilated room. It is worth noting that good lighting is required only during the bookmark of buds and blossoms, during the period of rest it is completely without necessary.

This is especially true of the Persian type of cyclameman, whose period is pronounced brightly. He simply resets the foliage at this time and goes into sleep state. European appearance is also needed by rest. Both species are placed in a cool place without bright light.

Many mountain-flower plants advise novice to put the tubers in the refrigerator, pre-separating them from the pot. Of this can not doSince after such an execution a plant will not wake up. On this your care will end. So leave in a pot.


Care at home for cyclamen implies the optimal temperature of the content. On this occasion, I want to stop once again on choosing a window sill as the right place to locate this flower. Because it is unlikely where in the room you can find the temperature to 15 degrees, because cyclamen for a healthy and correct development, this indicator is needed in the range of 6-15 degrees above zero. If the temperature is higher, then flowering will become scarce and short. Therefore, species blooming in the winter, look more presentable.

Moisturizing soil, air, fertilizer

Cyclamen does not like either the convergence, nor the drying of the earth coma. The optimal solution will be watering through the pallet. Since, with the upper watering, water can get to the height of the tuber, which will lead to the platform and the death of the plant.

The same reason does not allow the flower spraying, especially during flowering. However, cyclamen requires high humidity. it can be arranged using a pallet with a wet claywhere the pot is placed with a flower, and it is also easy to put a container filled with water next to it.

If you recently acquired this spectacular culture you need to forget about the fertilizers for 2-4 months, because in the substrate they are more than required. After this time, fertilizer is added twice a month, excluding rest period. Preference gave liquid fertilizers For flowering plants. Do not use complex mineral fertilizer, because it has many mineral salts, which badly affects the flower.


Many flower professionals advise to transplant cyclamen after the rest period, but it is better to leave the flower in a pot for 2 years, when there is no need. She comes when the tuber does not fit in a pot, but it happens, as a rule, it is once every 2 years. After this time and transplant.

When landing should take into account the variety of cyclamen. So, the European view is completely immersed in the ground, while his Persian is collected only by half. For Persian cyclamen, you need a pot even slightly cloth, the distance to the wall does not exceed 2-3 cm. European look go to more spacious. This is caused by the growth of the roots. In the Persian species, they are directed down, and the European fills them with a capacity throughout the volume. Some flower products prefer part of the European Variety Leaf's roots also leave outside.

The land is purchased in the store, there you can buy ready for cyclamen, but you can cook yourself. For this takes:

  1. substrate for cacti.
  2. the container is added in equal proportions of sheet humus and peat.

Drainage is also needed. After planting a flower cycling abundant irrigation is prohibited. You only need to slightly moisten the soil. Watering increases gradually after the appearance of the first sprouts.


The easiest way is the daughter-breeding tuber. For this you only need to separate the young tuber from the maternal and put in a separate container. Everything the remaining methods of breeding cyclamenIn particular, by seeds are not effective. A beginner flower is unlikely to cope with a similar task.


In room conditions, the cultivation of cyclameman can last up to 7 years. After this period, it is already unsuitable for breeding, so you need to buy a new one. The reproduction of cyclamen is a troublesome business. For industrial purposes, it is propagated by seeds. You can do it yourself, dividing the tuber.

Depending on the variety, the duration of the occasion from sowing to flowering can be varied. As a rule, it takes 7-11 months. It is desirable to exercise seed seeds at the end of March. So, in the period of growth, the cyclamen will be able to do without additional backlight, and it will begin to bloom in the middle of the autumn.

To germinate seeds, you need to create appropriate conditions. The air temperature should be around 18 degrees. High humidity and lack of light welcome. So that the crops were in the dark, they are covered with a film of black for three weeks. At a lower temperature, the cyclamen will germinate a little later. If they are above 20 degrees, the germination will be slow. You can begin to dive seedlings after the appearance of 3-4 full-fledged leaves. During the dive, the young tuber is completely poured the earth.

Fighting pests and diseases

Like any other plants living at home, cyclication will not hurt and not subjected to pest attackIf the care is made correctly and carefully. However, you can expect the following troubles:

Tender, unusual and spectacular cyclame flowers grown at home with careful care and care, able to create a joyful atmosphere in the house. Especially we need positive emotions in the winter, when so little sunny days. At this time, most types of cyclamen are in blooming, how to care for which we learned today.


Diseases and pests

Cyclamen is not too attacking infectious diseases and pests. But it can be affected by a cyclamenite tick.

Symptoms will be deformed leaves, blown curves and curved buds. Inhabitant to reveal in the initial stages is not easy. With a strong damage, drugs for the destruction of pests do not always cope with the goal.

These are the main tips on the care of cyclamen, if desired, you can find a more detailed description.

Cyclamen home care

Cyclamen requires bright light, but not straight rays, light must necessarily be scattered, a long arrival under direct sunlight harms buds and leaves, a north window or loggia comes out for the plant.

In most cases, cyclamen are grown at home, it means that you need to carefully consider watering. Cyclamen loves abundant irrigation, and during flowering, watering should be more abundant, but this does not apply to cyclamen that bloom all year round, their watering is usually the same for all seasons.

Requirements for water

Cyclamen prefers a soft, dilated prepared water.

  • Watering should be uniform. It must be remembered that this plant does not like to enter the leaves on the leaves, and even more so on the petals.
  • Watering to carry out either weak, but carefully, so that water does not hit the leaves, or water the immersion method.
  • Watering the immersion method is not complicated, in a basin (or similar capacity), we gain water, defend it, after into the water immersed the pot, it is worth it almost completely, after that we are waiting for, the Earth must flick out, then take out the pot from the water, give water surplum to exit Drainage holes.

Air humidity should be high for all type of cyclame. Care at home is to regularly spray the air around the cyclameman, cover the cyclamen from the droplets before spraying. Also to increase the humidity it is desirable to place a pot on a tray with a wet peat, pebbles or moss.

Cyclamen loves cool premises. The air temperature should not be high, but it is also impossible to lower to low temperatures. So, the ideal temperature for cyclamen will be 12-16 degrees, not lower than above. Temperature 21 degrees and more detail for cyclamen!

Adult felting

Plants should be pushing constantly, with the exception of the rest period. Standard start 3 weeks after buying a plant if you have grown cyclamen yourself, feeding should begin a week after the appearance of sprouts.

Understanding only if the earthen comament is prettily saturated with water. Complex mineral fertilizers are well suited for feeding.

Cyclamen. How to care after flowering.

After flowering, the cyclamen begins the rest period. Often, not knowing the peculiarities of the flowering, cyclamen is thrown away.

  • So, after the cessation of flowering, the flower should be trimmed, the buds are completely cut, also cut the yellowed leaves.
  • Watering should be reduced. By the spring, there will be little cyclamen, but this is normal.
  • In the spring, cyclamen is not watered, and removed into a cooler room, many also put cyclamen on the side.

In this state, the cyclamen will arrive until the middle of the summer. By the middle of the summer it is worth transplanting cyclamen in a separate pot and resume irrigation.

Cyclamen transplant

When transplanting cyclamen, the soil is completely replaced. When transplanting, fired and damaged roots are removed. Dimensions The pot for cyclames is not standard, it is not suitable for it, not very small, not too big pot, choose a pot with a diameter of about 14-15 centimeters. The soil must be prepared and in transplanting are not strongly tamping asthenia.

Difficulties and problems

If your cyclamen turn yellow leaves, but the flowers remain strong and healthy, then the problem lies in dry and warm air, also the cause can be straight sun rays.

If the flowers become soft and begin to rot, then the cyclameman was rejected by the soil. It is very dangerous and often leads to the death of the plant, it is because of this that the plant needs to follow and ensure good drainage.

The cyclamen is also often infected with a cyclamen tower, this disease is characterized by deformed, cough and small leaves. To combat the tower, drugs of agvertin and phytodeter are used, processing is carried out 2 times, with an interval of 10 days.

Cyclamen's rest period

In nature, cyclamen flows in autumn or early spring. After a bunch, peace occurs, the cyclaman gradually turn yellow and die leaves. Home flower also alternates two periods.

  • Many flower products, using tips from flower reference books, try to keep the clubs of an aslended plant in a completely dry ground, placing a pot into the refrigerator.
  • The tuber after such "rest" cannot be woken. Especially dangerous Power for very young plants with small tubers.
  • As soon as you noticed that the plant hung off and began to lose foliage, just cut watering and do not feed it.

But no refrigerators! After a while, the cyclamen will repeat the leaves again.

How to distinguish Persian cyclamen from European cyclame (magenta)

To understand how to care for the cyclamen at home, you need to know what kind of plant belongs to. The timing of flowering, the period of rest and the depth of transplantation differ in C. Purple (European) (Cyclamen Purpurascens) and C. Persian (Cyclamen Persicum).

Symptoms for which the types of cyclamen can be distinguished:

  • Most often, the cyclamen of Persian, spring and summer - purple (European) are sold in the fall and winter blooming. Before the appearance of modern hybrids, Persian cyclamen flowers were larger. But now it is impossible to distinguish two types of cyclamen on the flower.
  • Look at the wrong leave. At c. It is purple, even purple, in c. Persian - green, can be with drawings.
  • Please note how the plant is sitting in a pot. If the tuber performs above the level of soil, it is C. Persian. If it is immersed in the whole whole, it is C. purple.
  • Tuber C. Persian bleached, does not form "kids", the roots are formed only at the bottom.
  • Tuber C. Purple over time grows, forms small subsidiaries. Roots are located all over the surface of the tuber.

Previously, it was customary to consider the name of the type of cycle "Purple" and "European" synonyms, from old benefits it was separated from the Internet. Since 1972, cyclamen purple is considered a more accurate title of the species, and not c. European. Under the name "European cyclamen" there are several European species on sale: c. purple (Cyclamen Purpurascens), c. Received (C. repandum) and c. Plusheval (C. Hederifolium).

How to care for cyclamen at home

Cyclamen at home does not make high temperatures: a cool place on the windowsill or glazed balcony is optimal. At a temperature of + 6 ... + 12 ° C, flowering can last until six months. Prefers multiple light and blooms well even on the northern window. From the straight sun on the leaves may even appear burns. Try to find the lightest cool place in the apartment for cyclames so that the stoves of growing leaves are not pulled out.

Loves loose nutrient soil with a weakly acidic reaction (the finished soil is suitable for violets) and good drainage. The pot should not be too big and deep. Cyclamen need to transplant more often than once every 2-3 years, while the new pot must be slightly more than the previous one.

The depth of landing depends on the characteristics of the root growth of different types:

- W. cyclamen Persian the roots grow exclusively below, so the top of the tuber must be visible above the ground surface;

- W. cyclamen european Roots grow throughout the surface of the tuber, then it can be broken.

In the period of growth, plants need a regular watering (just do not allow moisture stagnation!), While watering better in the pallet or immersion method so that the water does not get on the top of the tuber (can be dried). Frequent spraying does not hurt: cyclamen loves increased air humidity. Supported with comprehensive fertilizers for flowering plants are necessary.

From pests, cyclamen suffers infrequently, but excessive dryness of the air may cause a spider tick.

How to multiply cyclamen

Spread cyclamen by seeds or tuber children. Contrary to prohibitions of authors of reference literature, the flower is also breeding by the division of the tuber, which is effective for the rejuvenation of the planting material. The method is suitable for clubs older than 3-4 years.

  • An adult tuber during peace (usually in February) shall be divided into a sharp knife on the part so that each Delleka had at least one renewal kidney.
  • It is very important to sprinkle the cuts with crowded charcoal and add a few days (a longer drying will illuminate badly on the survival rate).
  • Then parts of the tuber are planted into the soil, drowning on 2/3, carefully watered.

They are rooted for a month at a temperature of + 18ºС. Cyclamen from the dive of the tuber bloom much earlier than from the seeds.

Cyclamen pests and diseases

Cyclamen enemies.

In compliance with the rules for the care of cyclamen neither insects, nor viral or bacterial diseases in your flower threaten, but the incorrect care for the cyclamen at home can lead to the reinforcement of the bulb during chronic mooring of the soil or to the appearance of a paouth tick with insufficient watering.

Correct your mistakes as quickly as possible and do not allow them again, and then there will be no problems with a cyclame, nor with him.

Cyclamen turns yellow.

If you comply with the rules of watering the plant, and the cyclamen flower still turns yellow, it means that it can be just hot. Spray it as often as possible and, if possible, find a cooler place for it, otherwise the cyclameman from the heat can start savoring and flowers. If the leaves began to turn yellow after the cyclaman blews, it means it is simply prepared for the rest period, and your concern is in vain.

Cyclamen does not bloom.

If the cyclaman receives little moisture when watering or if you do not care about the necessary level of air humidity in the room, you can hardly see the cyclame flower. Cyclamen does not bloom and in too warm the room, especially if it is not used to this temperature. Sometimes, over time, the plant gets used to high temperature in the dwelling and, if all other conditions are observed by you, the cyclaman eventually begins to bloom.

Cyclamen after flowering

When the flowering is completed, the cyclaman gradually yellow leaves, which indicates that it is preparing for the rest period. Yellow leaves are better removed, but do not cut, and unscrew until they are separated from the bulbs. Watering is gradually cutting and watering the rest in the ground only occasionally, having rearranged the plant in a shaded place until the cyclamen again appear signs of life.

Types of cyclamen

In culture, two types of cyclamen are grown mainly - Persian and European, as well as their derivatives.

European cyclamen, or alpine violet

- A tuber plant with small leaves and fragrant pink-lilac flowers, but has white, carmine and other colors. In culture since 1607. European cyclamen is much more tolerant to normal home temperature than other species, but also prefers cool air stuffiness.

This species does not have a pronounced rest period, in addition, his tubers sometimes grow daughters, which can be used for breeding. Cyclamen European Cyclamen since the end of spring and almost to winter, perfectly feels in summer on the balcony or in the garden, but under the obligatory protection from sunlight and from penetration into the pot of slugs and raindrops, for which the pot is tightened by a regular kapron stock.

Persian cyclamen, or Dryakva

the most popular in culture than all other types, due to the incredible beauty of their flowers, which, blossoming, as if turned inside out, and grown petals down until the plant drops them without any traces of wilting.

Coloring flowers - pink, dark purple, lilac, white, bright pink, and in most cases a flower yev in another shade.

  • The leaves of the Persian cyclamen are larger and more beautiful than European, they are not inferior in decorative flowers.
  • Recently, dwarf varieties of Persian cyclamen have become very popular, which are much better tolerated room temperature than copies of large varieties.
  • Persian cyclamen blooms from late autumn to early spring, and then comes 9 months of rest period. In culture since 1731.

In addition to the two most popular in the room flower growing, there are also cyclamen African, Koski cyclamen, Cyprus cyclamen, Greek cyclamen, wonderful cyclamen, Cyclamen, small-bedroom, Cyclamen Cylitian and other species that are found mainly in the wild.

Cyclamen is a very beautiful room with very beautiful colors. It gives the dwelling and a comfortable and well-groomed look also what flows in winter and autumn (October-March period), when the greenery lacks. For this reason, many prefer to choose this flower. In the article, we will tell how to water the cyclamen at home, as often and what.

Cyclamen is a room flower breeding with tubers. Flowers are very often bred two grades - it is Persian and European. Persian a little larger than the European fellow. At the same time, even more common in the houses is the Persian cyclaman. Its flowers have all the shades of red and pink, and also there are purple and motley varieties.

Cyclamen is a fairly common indoor plant, as it blooms very beautiful and does it all winter and late autumn. It was when so little greenery circle.

Methods of watering home and garden plants - compare the differences

Garden plants can be watered with more diverse ways. For room plants there are only three irrigation options. To pour houseplants, you can use the three most common options: with a small watering can, using a pallet and watering with immersion.

The first way is the most common. Take a watering can, which has a spoken of enough thin or watering can with a special small hose. She is released around the edge of the pot where the flower is planted, watering the flower circular movements. If you do not wear the nozzle on the watering water where the water will spill in different directions and the soil will remain on the lower sides of the flower. On these leaves, brown spots are subsequently formed. So experienced flowers are recommended to water geranium, balsam, fuchsia, anthurium, azalia, jasmine and indoor maple.

Watering through the pallet - the most optimal option for cyclameman

The third method is immersion. Pots are taken in which flowers are planted and fall into a bucket or other container with a large diameter. Water should not reach the upper edge of about 3-2 centimeters. Flowers are worth the moment until the substrate in plants moisturizes. The most important condition is the fixation of the substrate before watering the plant. Before immersion of the plant in the container, it is necessary to put on a mug of shallow mesh. It is cut in advance with a diameter of a pot in advance. The grids are also made for the plant itself and fix with the use of gum. You can use such watering for fern, orchids, azaleas, camellia and other plants.

For irrigation of garden plants, watering is used with the help of watering, garden watering hose, a special irrigation system. Watering methods are also varied - you can use conventional water, and you can rain.

How to water the various varieties of cyalam

Water with a neutral medium is the best option for watering a plant. Such a characteristic of the water collected after the rain and snow water, as well as river water. The PN level in it is about 7. The water itself will be in this list from the standing sources - a lake or well.

For domestic flowers, the best option is water with a neutral environment. Most often it is assembled after rain or snow water, water from the river.

To mix boiling water and cold water for watering the flower, if the flow water before it was cleaned from chlorine. Water taken out of \u003d -pod Krajan (her big stiffness) is recommended to boil and defend at least 24 hours. Water is thus saturated with oxygen and potassium and magnesium salts fall as precipitate on the bottom of the tank. Water before irrigated is carefully transferred to another container, and the precipitate is left in the used container. Cold drinking water should also be eaten for two days to be released from chlorine.

If the water is too alkaline, then it can be done with a neutral pH in such ways. The first: 0.1 grams of citric acid are added in 1 liter of water; The second: ascorbic acid in the amount of 1/3 tablets is dissolved in 1 liter of water; Three: drops gently add acetic essence into water, without ceasing to check the lactium paper.

Features of watering cyclamen after a transplant and during flowering

Watering flowers, immerse their pots into a larger diameter container. It is important that the water is at the level of the pot of the plant and did not reach 3-2 centimeters.

The flower is transplant immediately after the end of flowering, it is about March. A few weeks before this reduces the amount of water that feed the plant. Clean all the dried leaves and transplant. After the transplant, approximately early summer, the amount of water increases. During the day, it is recommended to produce 2-3 spraying of the flower.

In early September, that is, a month before the start of the flowering period, if the root system fully occupied the pot into which the plant was planted, he was again transplanted into a larger pot on the diameter. Most importantly, with this transplant to deepen the root system. If the transplantation in the autumn period is not required, the flower is simply rearranged into a bright and cool place in the dwelling. Prior to that, pre-obey the top of the root system.

During the flowering period, the Persian cyclamen watered abundantly, but do not overlook the soil. In the period when the plant does not bloom, it is recommended that watering significantly reduce and simply prevent the heat drying in the flower. Water flower must be very careful and try to get water to the top of the tuber and shoot. The plant can start nothing if it happens. Water uses a soft, stunned.

Tip # 1. You can advise pour water for watering first into the pallet, and then she is pouring a flower.

Adding liquid fertilizers: marks analysis, their advantages and disadvantages, as and when to water

All mineral fertilizers are divided into nitrogen, phosphate, potash and complex. Nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus are the main nutrients for indoor plants. Nitrogen fertilizers are used during the period of active growth of the plant for good growth and development of colors and shoots. Potash fertilizers are needed for plant growth. Complex fertilizers are universal for all decratory colors.

When preparing formulations, it is necessary to know that simple and dual superphosphates are poorly dissolved, and nitrogen quality nitrogen fertilizers are divided into amide, ammonium and nitrate. Indoor plants are able to absorb only ammonium shape and all other types with biochemical reactions are carried out to it.

Persian cyclamen is usually watered with liquid fertilizers about once every two weeks. Fertilizers contribute to the proper development of flower and beautiful flowering. Most often use complex mineral fertilizer or fertilizer for flowering plants. It is impossible to fertilize the flower during the rest period.

If the leaves have become light green or yellow, then it is recommended to pour the plant with iron chelates or spray the leaves. Liquid fertilizers for indoor plants are produced by Agrikola , "Pokon", "Garden of Miracles" and Green World. "

Watering by different influences: folk remedies, analysis of methods and recipes

Watering domestic flowers using various folk recipes is applied for quite some time. Read also Article: → ". Among them are the most common ways to feed the flower with a solution with yeast, banana peel, sugar, succinic acid, wood ash and eggshell. Let's analyze the most common of them.

Preparation and application of a solution with yeast

Yeast is quite popular among the flower fertilizer, cooked at home. In this, we all have a familiar product there are a lot of hormones, as well as cytokinins that contribute to the acceleration of the separation of cells. The yeast contains the same auxins, thiamine and vitamins of Group V. Thanks to this, when adding yeast tincture, the flowers are growing faster and develop fully.

Experts have proven that the tincture of their yeast makes the mineralization process of organic substances in colors faster, reproduces nitrogen and phosphorus and increases the activity of microorganisms in the soil. Such feeding can partially replace feeding with mineral fertilizers for a while. The best option for this feeder is about three times a year (immediately after they transplanted, at the beginning of summer and autumn).

Board # 2. For the greatest effect on this procedure, we recommend adding a little eggs that are crushed into powder and wood ash to add to the yeast.

Here is one of the ways how to prepare a nutritious yeast mixture:

  • 10 g. Dry yeast is taken, 3 tbsp. l. Sugar sand.
  • All this is divorced in 10 liters of warm water. If you need a smaller volume, then 1 g of dry yeast, 1 tsp. Sugar and 1 liter of water.

Wood ash for feeding

Wood ash for feeding indoor flowers is also a common option. In the ash, there is phosphorus, iron, sulfur, magnesium, potassium, zinc, calcium. At the same time, potassium and phosphorus are easily accessible in it.

The recipe for liquid feeding such:

  • 3 tbsp. Spoons of ash (approximately 25 g) and dissolved in 1 liter of warm water.
  • The composition must be left for a week, watering flowers is recommended once every two weeks. The ash will benefit fuchsia, geranium, begonia and cyclamen.

Sugar Cyclame

Sugar is an indispensable source of glucose as for plants for animals. In cyclameman, it performs the same functions and contributes to the formation of energy in colors in order to grow. Ideal material in order to stimulate the formation of organic molecules. But it is necessary to feed sugar in the presence of sufficient concentration of carbon dioxide. Effective microorganisms ("EM", Baikal Em - 1, "East Em - 1") can provide such concentration. If this is not done, then in the roots of the flower, rotting and mold

Naturally can be done in this way:

  • 1 tbsp. Sugar spoon on 1 liter of water.
  • Watering with a solution is recommended 1 time in 30 days.

Dried banana peel as fertilizer

Peel from these fruits is a fairly famous feeder for cyclames and other domestic flowers. Most of all contains calcium. The recipe is:

  • We take fresh skin, rinse well with cold water. Envy.
  • When the skin dried at all, it is filled into a coffee grinder and make powder.
  • It is being added to the soil and poured with water about 1 time per month. You can also mix with the ground when transplanting in proportions 1:10.

Adding to the soil of water retention material: advantages and disadvantages

Faced with a high moisture content in the ground. A person who spreads houseplants. Surely thinks about what kind of water retention material and how to do it. Additives are two main species - these are mineral substrates and organic substrates. Mineral substrates provide good soil moisture and do not give crust on it. The main substrates of this group are vermiculitis and agroperlit.

Vermikulitis- mineral from the group of hydroelluded having a layered structure with added molecular intermediate water. This is a strolled mica. Adding it to the soil improves its structure, improves water-physical properties

The main advantages of the vermiculite:

  • Plants are more resistant to lower temperature and lack of water. The flower is less susceptible to various diseases.
  • It is very good as a baking soil. Soil does not crack, it is more dense and the crusts on it also formed less. Seeds germinate faster, as it is a plant growth stimulator.
  • Seedlings after the use of vermiculite is growing faster and ahead of the same proof by about 2.5-3 weeks. Vegetables are growing much faster. The fruits contain more, about 40-45 protein, carotene and other necessary organism of the human substances.
  • It helps to provide the soil from drying out and the plant with it in winter warm.

Perlit - Mountain glass of volcanic origin. The substance arose as a result of the eruption of the volcano, namely, on the edge of the collision of volcanic mass and land. Crumbles on small balls and has a glitter of pearls. Therefore, it has such a name. Perlite is a very effective additive into the soil for its breaking, also helps to improve the air circulation of the soil and exchanging moisture. Organic substrates are mainly used for plants such as eggplants, peppers and tomatoes that require a large amount of moisture.

What an excess of moisture can cause, as in appearance, it is possible to determine the need in watering

Flowers that do not have sufficient experience trying to water the flowers as often as possible. They do it every day and pour out a fairly large amount of water. An excess of moisture in the soil does not flow to the root system oxygen. Soil sweats, the leaves are yellowing, the roots rot. In this case, emergency measures are taken to the plant. He is knocked out of the pot, for a couple of hours we are sled into some tank for grasp the soil and planted in a pot with a good drainage.

If there is little water in the ground, then the leaves of the plant begin to wither and dust even yellow. Then the plant is recommended to water in several techniques for a little bit or place a container with a plant into water. It is necessary to wait until the bubbles disappear on the surface of the water.

  • Remember the flower will be better if you water rarely, but much more often, but small.
  • Water in the pallet should not be stated
  • The degree of moisture of land is best to check the hand.
  • Abundant watering the flower is required during the period of active growth.
  • Plants preferring warm and bright rooms require more moisture

Automatic irrigation systems: marks, advantages and disadvantages analysis

One of the most common atomic watering systems in the market of houseplants is RAIN SMART. The advantages of this system include what can be easily maintained automatically from 1 to 8 plants, it is possible to watering through a pallet, compatible with any capacity, does not require additional maintenance, resistant to disconnecting electricity. To the cons of this systems can be attributed to the fact that it is designed for up to 8 colors, if you have more, you will have to install two or more instruments and a tank of up to 10 liters, so it will be going to calculate how much time you will be missing and when to fill the container instrument.

One of the most common systems of automatic watering of indoor plants during the vacation - the capacity of approximately 10 liters
Ash The content of the main elements in%
Phosphorus Potassium Calcium
Hardwood 3,5 10,0 30,0
Coniferous rocks 2,5 6,0 35,0
Peat 1,2 1,0 20,0
Kizyaka 4,8 11,3 8,5
Solutions of bread crops 4,0-8,0 10,0-20,0 4,0-8,0
Buckwheat straw 2,5 30,0-35,0 18,5
Sunflower stems 2,5 36,0-40,0 18,0-19,0
Shale 1,5-1,5 1,0-1,5 65-80

If you recently purchased cyclamen, it is worth learn how to get ridewiden, feed and water this flower so that it develops well and abundantly bloom. Special attention should be paid to moisturizing. Each plant has its own flowering and recreation schedule - cyclamen is ready to please you with lush inflorescences in the winter. Reveay that the green pet will give you beauty in the cold season, and do our best to create him the most favorable conditions for the life and abundant development of the lush flower cap.

How to water cyclamen in the summer season?

All winter, the hosts rejoiced the bright flowering of cyclamen, dreamed that in the summer, with a long-term lighting day and warm weather, the buds will be twice as much. Warm days came, and the flower froze in development, old flowers were brought, and the new ones are not tied. The flower industry seems that the plant wants to drink or eat, and it begins to irrigate it with a solution of fertilizers. As a result of this departure, the flower loses strength, cares, begins to root.

The secret is that cyclamen lives in its regime: in winter he has a period of activity, and in the summer - the time of rest. As soon as notice that the flower began to produce less buds, resets old leaves, - reduce moisturizing. Very without water, the plant cannot be left, it may die. Support the soil into a slightly wet state (the root can be started from excess fluid). The frequency of irrigation depends on the temperature and humidity of the air in your apartment, in the middle plant there are enough 2 moisturizes per month.

Especially carefully take off to copies, which, as a result of improper departure, the rhizome was covered with cracks. To prevent the appearance of rot into water for watering, add 2 drops of "phytosporin". When irrigated, remember one important rule: an extra moisture for cyclamem is destructive, it is better to have a lot of water to it than to turn the soil in the ground in a swamp. Do not require the impossible flower - all winter he pleased you with bright bloom, now let him relax in front of the next season.

If the air in the apartment is very dry, the decorative fountain or pallet with wet pebbles and moss will help to moisten it at home. The cyclaman does not like drops on the above-ground parts, so it is not necessary to spray it from the sprayer. In the extreme case, you can sprinkle the air around the pot, but so that the fog does not fall on the flower. Do not forget that the plant is now sleeping, you do not need to offer him active nutrition or severe watering. Do not let the soil, it will be enough.

How to water the flower in winter?

Watch the cyclamen at rest. When notice that the bustice began to produce new leaves and buds, gradually increase the amount of watering fluid and reduce the gaps between moisturies. Do not change the care regime, from the abundance of moisture, the plant can be undermined. The frequency of watering depends on the age of the flower. Young bushes have weak roots, they need to water often, but not very abundant. A three-year cyclameman has a strong tuber capable of creating good stocks of water and nutrients, it is possible to moisturize it less often, and the volume of water should be more. It is also necessary to take into account the following conditions:

  • indoor temperature;
  • air humidity;
  • lighting (in the light flower you need more water than in the twilight).

For watering you need to take soft clean water room temperature. It would be nice to use a key, thawa or rain. During the flowering period, watering can be combined with feeding fertilizer for violets. Very good spoke flower on watering with water with phytohormones. But do not overgrow your pet, otherwise it will release a lush greens to the detriment of flowering. Read the instructions, it should be written there, how often it is used and in what proportions to breed the drug. Typically, the feeders are recommended no more than once a month.

Water cyclamen as soon as the upper layer of soil dries off. The moisture drops are adversely acting on the leaves and on the flowers of the plant.

  • It is more convenient to use a small watering can, the spout of which can be carefully moistened to the soil along the walls of the pot. If you have not overcame a flower, moisture will quickly spread throughout the volume of the earth coma. With this method, the tuber also will not suffer from moisture. An hour later, drain the liquid separated from the pallets.
  • You can water the cyclaman immersion pot into the liquid. If this goals use water from the crane, it should be worth not less than a day. Fill the pelvis and put the pot into it so that the liquid does not take a little to the edges of the container. When a wet shine appears on the surface of the soil, saying that the water has heaged the whole soil, you need to remove the flower and give excessive moisture to go through drainage holes.

Do not put several pots into one pelvis and do not use the same water for several plants. Through the fluid infection from the raw bush can go to the other flowers.

All winter cyclamen pleased you with bright inflorescences, and in May burned: the leaves wishes, the buds are not visible. So, the flower is tired, it's time for him to relax. Put a pot into a cool place and go to the watering on the summer mode. Do not worry, in the warm period, many plants will delight you with lush inflorescences, and let the cyclamen relax. In the winter cold, he will again release numerous buds and decorate the room with an abundance of flowers. Do not disturb your pet, let the plant relax and gain strength before the new flowering season.

Inexperienced flower errors

Each flower develops in its graphics. If the cyclamen continues to actively produce buds, reduce watering and feeding. Beginner flowerflowers are sometimes spring cutting floral kidneys to force the flower into the hibernation. It is impossible to do this, from the wrong leaving the plant may die. Watch your green pets - perhaps they will begin to reduce activity not in the spring, but mid-summer.

Cracks on the club can appear in the spring when the flower reserves the nutrients in the underground part before the hibernate. Do not overflow the plant that fell into wounds water can destroy it. It may crack the rhizome if the owners have overwhelmed the flower, and then they began to abundantly water. Moisturize the soil regularly so that there are no sharp drops from the thirst to the abundance of water.

Watering and feeding

In the summer, the flower slept, and the autumn awakened and he really wants to eat. In a short time, he needs to grow missing leaves, form buds and release flowers. Without nutrients it is impossible to do this. The plant pulls food from the soil, and you have to help him.

Cyclamen is grown for beauty in the room, no partners go into food. You can no fear of feeding the flower with chemicals, they will not harm health. Purchase fertilizer fertilizers in the flower shop or other indoor colors. Very well act:

  • "Kemira";
  • "Collapse";
  • "Ideal".

If you are a supporter of environmentally friendly technologies and do not want to use chemistry even for plants that do not go into food, you can use biological feeding. Someone collects bird litter, someone insists the manure of cattle. You can simply collect food waste into the pan, pour them with water and give it. The liquid will elect a lot of useful compounds, and even a small additive to water for watering will help indoor plants get the necessary nutrients.

For indoor flowers do not hit infections and pests, chemicals and folk remedies can be used. If you get a protective chemical in the store, carefully read the instructions - is it permissible for cyclames? The drug can be added to water for watering. If the flower is healthy, for the prevention of the earth, it is possible to handle the onions of the onion husks, garlic or other medicinal herbs. When watering, add the therapeutic agent to the water, and the soil will be disinfected.

Few indoor flowers please the owners with abundant blossom in the winter. If you want to always have blooming plants in the house, set up cyclamen in the apartment. This flower will decorate your dwelling in winter cold. It will not require special care - water the basket on the necessary your pet schedule, and it will thank you with flowers in the winter cold. New Year you will celebrate in the bright colors decorated.

Sleeping summer Flower Greeks called "Cyclamen". Caring for it requires knowledge about the flower itself. It is a beautiful that forms the tuberukovitsa almost the perfect round shape.

It is in the club of cyclameman focusing all the life of the plant. After all, as many as 8 - 9 months. In the year, the cyclamen plant sleeps, completely getting rid of leaves and colors.

In winter, when there are so few bright colors around, and at the same time most plants usually do not bloom, it is cyclamen who will delight lovers of the beautiful. The popularity of this wonderful indoor plant is only increasing. Many people compare cyclamen flowers with wonderful exotic butterflies, which flutter over the heart-shaped dark green leaves.

Flowers of plants curved back, pointed. There is a huge variety of their coloring: white, various shades of red and pink, purple, there are also hybrids with beautiful terry petals. Leaflets are located on slender long stiffs and carry a decorative silver pattern.

Flower houses for quite a long time. It also depends on the variety and high-quality room conditions: the flowering of the plant can begin in the second half of October and lasted as much as the end of the month of March.

How to choose cyclamen

Be sure to pay attention not only to the leaves of the plant, but also the tuber itself. Leaflets should not have any damage, to be any degree sluggish and even a little dried around the edges. On the round club, there must be any signs of rotting, and in no case should be somehow wrinkled. Which in the summer is not interesting to new owners, get it best in the fall, at the beginning of his flowering. It is desirable at the same time that the flower has a huge number of buds.

Cyclamen: Care

Many believe that it will be quite difficult to care for the cyclamen. But it is not at all. The main thing is to know how often water cyclamen. When complying with uncomplicated rules, it will be more than 20 years old to please their lovely blossom.

The most common blunder error is a complete bundle of a round tuber of the plant. This cyclaman does not like. It feels great when 1/3 of the tuber is freely located above the main surface of the soil. Do not love cyclamen and large pots. They bloom in them badly, and sometimes get down.

Cyclamen: Care during flowering

The main condition for leaving the flowering period is the optimal, cool temperature - up to 12 - 15 ° C, but no less than 10 ° C and in no case above 20 ° C. Despite the fact that cyclamen needs a lot of light, take care of the plant from direct sunlight.

For excellent well-being, a regular abundant watering is needed, in which it is necessary to ensure that the water does not fall into the spike zone of the most clubnevukovitsa, flowers and leaves.

Care after the end of periodic flowering

From late spring, cyclamen usually comes a long period of rest. Flowers and leaves fade. Not yet fallen leaves are removed by the usual mechanical way - unscrews carefully or lightly cut off with scissors, trying not to affect the tuber himself. In such a period, it is necessary to significantly reduce watering plants. And it is enough just to not allow drying in the pot of the Earth Koma. It is also recommended to transfer the plant into a cool, shaded place. Remember, cyclamen do not like dry air and high temperature. The appearance of new leaves is the right sign that the plant has already woken up and postponed "hibernation" well.

The transplant of this plant is made at the end of the "sleepy" period and before the start of flowering. With the next transplant, the entire earth comes completely replace. Remove unnecessary reworked roots at the tired plant. 4 weeks after such a procedure, you can proceed to active feeding of the soil.