Repair Design Furniture

Everything ingenious is simple! We make an electric smokehouse with our own hands. Electric smokehouse: types and features Home electric smokehouse

The task of “making a do-it-yourself smoking apparatus” is within the power of even a woman. For this you need:

  • Have the necessary supplies on hand. Buy and prepare everything in advance;
  • Have a clear plan for assembling a smoker (in your head or on paper - there is no difference);
  • Strictly follow the given instructions. A flight of fancy in this case can lead to a waste of time.

The process of assembling an electric smokehouse for a home takes a maximum of one day.

An electric smokehouse consists of two main parts - a body and a heating element. The heating element receives electricity from the network and heats the container with wood chips. From the sawdust comes heat and smoke, due to which the meat is cooked.

Method number 1: classic electric smokehouse

The simplest apparatus for hot smoking meat. Comprises minimum quantity details.

What will be needed?

  • Metal barrel with a lid (for 200-250 liters)
  • 4 wheels to move the barrel
  • Electric stove (heating element)
  • Cable for connecting the stove to the electrical network
  • Thermostat
  • Thermometer
  • Container for wood chips
  • Container for collecting fat during smoking
  • A metal grill on which meat will be fried.

How it works?

The metal barrel is the body of the electric smokehouse. An electric stove is a heat source that heats a homemade smokehouse.

The first step is to separate the heating element from the stove.

As a heater, take a burner from an electric stove

The heating element is installed at the bottom of the barrel and heats the container with wood chips. From the sawdust, the heat rises to the top, warming the meat. The thermostat regulates the temperature inside the case. And the fat from the meat drips into the container allotted for this. As a result, the meat is baked to a crispy crust.

Assembly process:

  1. The barrel is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and grease;
  2. The wheels are attached to the bottom of the barrel. This is done so that the smokehouse is easy to move;
  3. At the bottom of the barrel, 6-7 holes are made for air to enter;
  4. The heating element is installed at the bottom of the barrel and fastened with screws in the center. It is obtained by separation from electric stove. Be sure to leave two wires for power supply from the mains;
  5. The heating element is connected to the thermostat;
  6. The sawdust container is placed 7-8 centimeters above the heating element;
  7. The thermometer is mounted on top of the barrel. The thermometer shows the actual temperature inside the device;
  8. A grill for meat is installed at the very top of the barrel. A little lower is a pan for fat, which will drain there while heating the meat;
  9. From above, the device is closed with a lid, in which it is necessary to make a round hole for smoke to escape. A hollow cylindrical metal element is suitable as a chimney.
  10. It's time to experiment with meat! The electric smoker is ready!

The instructions given are the easiest way to assemble a smoker with your own hands. The device is easy to use, mobile, and, best of all, immortal. Why? And because in the event of a breakdown, any part is easily replaced with a similar one. This is the huge advantage of a do-it-yourself smokehouse, rather than a professional one.

  • Where to find a metal barrel;
  • Original ways of obtaining a heating element;
  • Do-it-yourself homemade smokehouse based on a gas cylinder;
  • What is a container for sawdust made of?
  • How to heat an electric smokehouse.

Where can I find a metal barrel?

A home electric smokehouse will last as long as the quality of the metal barrel. Barrels of 200-250 liters are either from paint, or from oil, or from gasoline. Therefore, you can find them in the area of ​​construction sites or hardware stores.

When the cherished container is found, it must be thoroughly cleaned of internal contents. If there was paint in the barrel, rinse with water and detergent if machine oil - throw firewood to the bottom, set fire to them, and then rinse with water. The finished barrel for hot smoking should be airtight and clean.

Methods for obtaining a heating element

The heating element is also mined by hand. It can be obtained:

  • From electric tiles
  • iron

Household hotplates contain a heating element that is easy to remove. To do this, open the case, remove all the insides and carefully remove desired part. A standard tile is opened with a screwdriver, with which four screws are unscrewed in succession. The heating element must necessarily have two holes for wires. They connect to electrical network.

From iron - original way creating an oil lamp

You heard right! Ordinary iron (than simpler model, the better) is quite suitable for obtaining a heating element. In the case of iron desired element there will be a surface for ironing clothes. Our task is to separate the metal socket from the case.

Disconnect the heating element of the iron

You can check the operation of the heating element using wood chips. They are placed on the heating element, and the wires are connected to the network. After 5 minutes, a characteristic smoke should come from the chips. Smoke indicates a rise in temperature metal surface. This is what we need! The primitive design is ready!

The heating element can be used in any do-it-yourself smokehouse - as based on metal barrel, and on the basis of a gas cylinder.

Home smokehouse based on a gas cylinder

The basis of a high-quality smokehouse for the home is a solid body. It must be airtight, clean and resistant to temperature changes.

The basis for a do-it-yourself smokehouse can be empty gas bottle. Before you use it for its intended purpose, you have to conjure a little. Namely - to cut off the upper part of the cylinder with a handle. To do this, follow the instructions below:

  1. We fill the bottle with fresh water;
  2. We draw a contour along which we will cut;
  3. We cut off the top of the cylinder with a saw or other tool;
  4. Remove the lid, drill a round hole in the center for steam to escape;
  5. We insert a hollow cylindrical metal object into the lid. It will act as a chimney;
  6. Close the smokehouse back with a lid.

The body is ready. Now you can work on the insides. Namely - mounts for a container for sawdust and a bowl for fat. They can be made using ordinary metal circles. To do this, you need to make several recesses in the body, on which these circles will be placed. A container for sawdust is placed on the lower circle, and a bowl for fat, which will stand out from the meat, is placed on the upper circle.

A heating element is installed at the very bottom of the body - a source of heat for meat. You must first make several holes for the wires that will connect it to the electrical network. The network can be either portable or shared. The heating element can be obtained both from an electric stove and separated from an iron (see "methods for obtaining a heating element").

A hot smoked smokehouse based on a gas cylinder is ready! It remains to check how it works. For this you need:

  1. Pour fresh fuel into the sawdust container;
  2. Install a metal mesh on top of the housing. Put pieces of meat on it;
  3. Close the smokehouse with a lid;
  4. Connect to network.
  5. Make a sample of the resulting meat.

The video shows another option for a smokehouse from a gas cylinder:

sawdust container

The sawdust container is the place where the fuel for smoking is placed. It is in it that the burning of wood occurs, the heat from which rises up and warms the meat. Therefore, the device must be made of non-toxic and durable material.

A cast iron pan or bowl is ideal for the role of a container for sawdust. These are in the home headset of every summer resident.

Do-it-yourself sawdust for an electric smokehouse

Fuel for hot smoking plays a huge role. During the operation of the device, sawdust is burned, whose smoke rises to the top and interacts with the meat. On the right sawdust, the meat turns out to be fragrant and fried to the right state.

Smoking lovers agree - there are suitable sawdust, but not so much. This is due to the type of wood from which the fuel is obtained. Sawdust from trees that emit resin during combustion are considered unsuitable.

Sawdust from:

  • birches
  • Alders
  • juniper

The listed varieties of trees during burning saturate the meat with a unique smell.

The owner of the smokehouse can either cut the sawdust with his own hands or buy fuel in the store. Quality sawdust for smoking differ bright color(birch chips - rich beige, alder - bright gray) and a pleasant smell.

Ready-made chip

Do-it-yourself smokehouse is an indispensable device for country house. From now on, you and your family will enjoy delicious, healthy and fragrant home-made meat.

High-quality smoking is impossible without the use of special equipment. Today on the market there are entire lines with smokehouses that work according to different principles. In particular, models with smoke exposure, units with heat treatment, etc. are common. The family of each manufacturer also contains an electric smokehouse, which is easy to use and can be used at home. However, there are also universal devices, the mobility of which allows you to process products both outdoors and indoors.

Main selection criteria

To begin with, the direction of the unit and the products that are planned to be smoked are determined. Majority modern models effectively serve fish, meat products, lard, sausage, etc. Next, the capacity of the products is determined. For example, an electric smokehouse entry level can provide a one-time preparation of 2-3 kg. In more advanced versions, loading up to 10-15 kg is expected. But it is important to consider that volume is directly related to compactness and mobility. That is, a massive structure will be difficult to take on a picnic.

The next important characteristic is the smoking time, which is determined by the power. The most productive models from the segment focused on home use, have a power potential of 500-600 watts. Again, depending on the load volume, such an electric smokehouse can perform its function in 2 minutes, and in 30 minutes - subject to maximum filling.

Hot or cold smoking?

Structural parameters are usually oriented either to one of the types of smoking, or to their combination. Hot processing involves thermal exposure to the product at a temperature of about 90 ° C, and cold smoking is performed at 20-25 ° C. In both cases, the cooking time can vary from a few hours to a week or more. However, an electric smokehouse allows you to speed up this process. This cooking technique is more difficult in technical embodiment, but the result justifies itself. In this design, it is assumed that the chimney can be connected to exhaust system in the kitchen, which allows you to use the unit directly in the apartment.

Still, most models provide only hot smoking. This applies to mobile devices with a classic design. To the benefits it has electric smoking, can be attributed high speed cooking and ease of use. Such installations do not require the installation of special smoke generators and give out the finished product in just a few minutes.

Functional Requirements

The latest models of such equipment are supplied with electronic control with temperature sensors. In some respects, such devices resemble the operation of conventional cookers- the design also provides for a panel with buttons and controls, with which the user configures the equipment. The most complex device is possessed by devices for processing cold smoke. In this case, an electric smokehouse may provide for a separate operation of the chamber or smoke generator. This combination, for example, allows you to use the main chamber as a conventional oven, and the generator for direct smoking. There are other configurations that allow the equipment to operate in different modes.

Additional equipment

Since the organization of the smoking process is a lot of trouble, manufacturers complete the equipment with auxiliary devices. For example, basic sets include trays, bowls, and smoke briquettes. Separate accessory kits are provided for models with smoke generators. For example, a smokehouse for an apartment necessarily requires the connection of special equipment to remove smoke. For this, hoses, pipes and connecting fittings are used.

Manufacturers and prices

The entry level of household electric smokers is well represented in the Greentechs and Muurikka lines. These models differ small size, decent functionality and optimal performance indicators. These are neat devices costing about 4-5 thousand rubles, which are suitable for indoor use. If you need a multifunctional and productive electric smokehouse for your home, then you should contact Anuka products. In this case we are talking about models with smoke generators, which cost within 10 thousand rubles. If you plan to regularly cook products by smoking in large volumes, then units from Kocateq and Landmann will come to the rescue. A feature of such products is the possibility of in-line work with large batches of meat, fish, sausages and sausages. We can say that these are commercial models, but there are no special restrictions for home use. Of course, if the user's home has room for a massive structure, and he is ready to put up with additional energy costs.


The smoking process can be performed different ways. The simplest include the use of conventional metal grills and barbecues, for which you can not do without making a fire. Approximately on the same principles, a smokehouse works for an apartment with electrically powered, but it also has significant differences. Firstly, the absence of the need to perform complex manipulations with firewood and ignition makes it possible to endow such units with modest dimensions. Secondly, almost all owners of such equipment note a high smoking speed, which at the same time does not impair the gastronomic characteristics of the product. And the main advantage of electric smokehouses is the possibility of operation at home - not even on the balcony, but right in the kitchen.

Smokehouse - equipment for cooking meat, lard, fish, sausages by processing hot or cold smoke. Usually, the process is delayed from 4 hours to several days (depending on the method) and it can be reduced only when choosing a unit powered by current. An electric smokehouse cooks semi-finished products 2-3 times faster, the products in it acquire an equal golden color and juiciness.

Device, purpose and use of an electric smokehouse

The device of the electric smoker for heat treatment of the product with smoke is a metal container with a hermetically sealed lid. A sliver is placed at the bottom, which, when heated, smolders and produces smoke. Inside the container, grates for semi-finished products are arranged, as well as a tray for collecting fat. Small models are produced for the apartment, which do not take up much space on working surface kitchen table. They process few products. Also, a household smokehouse is made independently, using improvised means.

Purpose of smoking equipment - fast cooking fish and meat products with the preservation of useful microelements and proteins, especially with the cold processing method.

Units are used at home and in production. professional model has huge advantages, expressed in wide functionality and automatic process control.

Features and Benefits

For a smokehouse with a heating element, certain operating conditions are not created. A home electric container for processing a product with smoke is appreciated by culinary enthusiasts for its simplicity and ease of use on a balcony, loggia or plot. The main condition is free access to a 220 V outlet.

The advantages of a do-it-yourself electric smokehouse include:

  • Durability. Household models are made of stainless steel that resists corrosion;
  • Compact and light weight (up to 5 kg). Having built a small unit or bought it in a store, he can easily fit in a car and prepare fragrant delicacies at their summer cottage;
  • Safety. Using a ceramic electric heater and reliably isolating the wires, the unit is safe to operate;
  • Cooking low-calorie food. Since the products are prepared without adding fat and, on the contrary, they are freed from it when smoked, the food is low-calorie, healthy and tasty;
  • Possibility to be absent during the preparation of the product. Set up your device and go about your business!

By purchasing home appliances in the store, the smoked meat lover gets more benefits, as they have automatic or semi-automatic control modes, as well as the option of temperature control. For those who can install the thermostat and thermometer on their own, do-it-yourself smokehouses are no worse than store-bought models.

Types of electric smokers and a brief description of cold and hot cooking devices

Electric smokehouses are divided into devices with an open heating element and a closed one.

Units with a closed heating element are multifunctional. The wide heating surface allows you to smoke semi-finished products using any raw material, while it is used in smaller quantities than with an open heating element. The price of such equipment is 1.5–2 times higher than its counterpart. Not only a professional, but also an ordinary layman with basic knowledge of electrics can independently make an electric smokehouse with their own hands.

According to the method of cooking smokehouses differ:

  • cold cooking;
  • hot.

The difference is the type of processing. A hot smoked electric smokehouse (45 to 120 ⁰С) cooks products thermally processed, when, with a cold method, food is dehydrated due to a long stay in the smoke at a temperature of 20–45 ⁰С. Do-it-yourself stationary or mobile cold-smoked installation increases the shelf life of delicacies up to 2 weeks.

The cooking time also differs: for the hot method - 2-4 hours, for the cold one - 1-2 days.

Some purchased models can combine 2 modes, and can also be used as an oven.

Do-it-yourself electric smokehouse - simple and fast

Almost anyone can build an electric smokehouse. For example, consider a device for cooking smoke and electric stoves:

Before operating an electric smokehouse, it is recommended that you first check it: determine the quality of the heating element, the concentration of smoke, the absence of ignition of sawdust and the location of the grates relative to the products.

The video below shows an electric smokehouse made from a gas cylinder

Features of cooking meat, fish and sausages

Any product is smoked in an electrical device, but before that, the product must be trained.

  • Fish. It is soaked gutted, in weak brine (for 4 kg of fish - 250 g of salt). Mackerel or horse mackerel is rubbed with salt each separately, wrapped in cling film, pressed with a lid and aged for 1-2 days. Further, the fish is dried for 1–2 hours, cooled, laid out on grates and smoked for 1–3 hours (depending on the size of the fish).
  • Meat. Requires pre-salting. Large pieces are best boiled first, and then smoked. The same goes for homemade sausages. Simmering meat in an electric smoker takes 2-6 hours. You can shorten the time by rubbing pieces of fresh meat with salt.

The product must be kept until fully cooked, since re-smoking is unacceptable. Meat or fish are turned into inedible food.

There are 3 ways to salt products before smoking:

  • Dry;
  • Wet;
  • Mixed.

The first extends the shelf life of the delicacy up to 2 weeks, even with a hot heat treatment method. For lovers of gentle and juicy meat it is recommended to use the second or third method.

Lovers of delicious food will not resist the temptation to try a fragrant piece of smoked meat or fish in a smokehouse. Often such smoking devices are made for home use on one's own.

Features and Benefits

The electric smokehouse is suitable for cooking meat products, fish, sausages and lard. Such designs are used both for home use and for the preparation of smoked products in production. When choosing an electric smokehouse, you should consider for what purposes it will be intended. If it is not planned to take for smoking a large number of products, then a small electric smokehouse is quite suitable, into which you can load up to three kilograms of products. Advanced models are suitable for cooking up to 15 kg of meat, fish, lard or sausages in them. Such structures are often used in small workshops or restaurants. For industrial use choose models that are designed even for 500 kg of products.

When choosing a smokehouse, you should consider its power, since the cooking time of the product will depend on this. For home use, an electronic smokehouse with a potential of 500-600 watts is more suitable. When choosing a large design, it should be borne in mind that more products can be cooked in it, but such models are not mobile, it is difficult to carry them with you on a picnic. If the smokehouse has a heating element, then it does not require the creation certain conditions operation. When installing this design, the main thing is that there is access to a 220 V outlet. These designs are very convenient for home use.

An electric smokehouse has the following advantages:

  • long service life;
  • compactness - the structures are not very heavy (about 5 kg). Such a unit, small in size and weight, can be easily transported with you in a car for going out into the countryside in order to cook aromatic dishes in it;
  • complete security;
  • using such designs, you can get a less high-calorie product, cooking is carried out without adding fat;
  • during cooking, there is no need to be near the smokehouse. After setting up the device, you can go about your business.


When choosing a smokehouse, you should find out which models are suitable for hot smoking and what is the peculiarity of cold smoking. It is necessary to decide which model is suitable for cooking sausages or for bacon in an apartment or private house. When smoking in a hot way, the temperature can be up to + 120-150 degrees, the cooking time is up to several hours. For cold smoking, the cooking process will be much longer. To prepare a dish, it will take not one, but several days. Products are smoked at low temperatures up to +25 degrees. Mini-designs are more suitable for the home, they can cook up to 3 kg of fragrant smoky dishes.

Hot smoking

It is worth considering the benefits of smoking meat or fish in a hot way. At this method dishes are more juicy, as moisture is retained in the products during the smoking process. But having prepared the dish in this way, it should not be stored for a long time. Without the use of preservatives or stabilizers, hot-smoked dishes do not keep for a long time, it is worth eating these products within a few days. Products are smoked at temperatures from +35 to +150 degrees, more often they choose the optimal temperature for cooking +90 degrees. Up to 5 kg are placed in the unit for home smoking at a time at a power of 500–600 watts. If the products are loaded a little, the cooking time is reduced and can be several minutes, and at the maximum load it is worth waiting longer - up to about half an hour.

Cold smoking

With this method of preparation of dishes, their shelf life can be much longer. Cold-smoked dishes can be stored for up to several months. During cooking, the meat is fumigated with low temperatures up to +25 degrees for several hours, for fish it is necessary to increase the processing temperature to +40 degrees. Before fumigating products, they must be well salted. Cold smoked models are usually more complex. They must be connected to the outlet. Cold smoking units are most often non-mobile, but can be equipped with additional features type of liquid smoke generator.

The combined design can be called successful. This model allows you to cook food both hot and cold. You can find models that have a removable power unit. You can take it with you on picnics and cook food on a fire. The two-level model is divided inside by grates on which food is laid out, which allows you to simultaneously cook, for example, meat and vegetables or use other recipes.

Overview of finished products

When choosing a smokehouse, you should look at what models exist, read consumer reviews and choose a more convenient and suitable option specific to each customer. Judging by what buyers say, universal stainless steel models are more suitable for home use, with their help you can cook a variety of dishes at different temperatures. When choosing a model, you should pay direct attention to its volume, how tightly the lid fits the case, and ventilation.

The Hanhi smokehouse received good reviews. The Finnish Hanhi smokehouse is available in 10, 20 and 30 liters. The 20 liter model is equipped with an electric heating element. The material for this model is stainless steel with a thickness of 2 mm, all products have a special tray where fat will be collected. On the cover of the structure there is a thermometer that allows you to adjust the temperature during the operation of the unit. Using a special chimney, you can not be afraid of the smell of smoked meats in the room during the operation of the unit. Although judging by the reviews, the smell of haze in the room is still a little present. Products are smoked in the Finnish Hanhi smokehouse for an hour.

For cold and hot smoking, you can choose the Idyll electric smokehouse. The product looks like a cabinet on which the control panel is installed. The unit stands upright, which allows it to take up little space, no less than a medium-sized refrigerator would take up. The unit works from the network, for this you just need to connect it. The smokehouse has dimensions of 500x600x1300 mm, the weight of the device is 9 kg. At the same time, products weighing 25 kg can be loaded into the unit, up to ten loads can be made in one day. It will take up to 3 hours to cook hot smoked dishes. Using the cold smoking method, it will take 2-3 hours to cook meat products and for fish products– up to 90 minutes.

Which is better?

Use an electric smoker home use not difficult. Such simple design allows you to cook smoked dishes at home. You can cook food both in a finished smokehouse and in a do-it-yourself device.

To make the device last much longer, you should follow the following rules:

  • regularly clean the smokehouse from the remnants of fat, burning and dirt. In this way, you can get rid of extraneous odors and eliminate their spontaneous combustion;
  • it is worth installing the device far from possible sources of ignition, in a place protected from the wind;
  • sawdust is more suitable for fruit and deciduous trees such as cherry or alder. Do not use sawdust conifers, as the smell of resin can spoil the taste of the dish.

How to make yourself?

Making your own smokehouse is not as difficult as it might seem. On the electric smoker you can cook delicious food pretty fast. For fatty foods, the cold smoking method is more suitable, while during the cooking process, the products are fumigated with smoke, and excess smoke flows down. Fish, chicken wings and vegetables are best cooked by hot smoking. At high temperatures, a crust will form on the products, and inside they will remain more juicy.

Although electric smokers are not very expensive, the general interest in them has served to cause their prices to rise. Therefore, it is worth trying to build a smokehouse with your own hands. Often, a refrigerator or electric stove is taken for the base. If there are non-working appliances at home, you can make the device yourself. In order to make a smokehouse from a stove or refrigerator, it is worth drawing a drawing.

Detailed scheme designs will help the novice master to make a homemade device.

To make a device with your own hands, you need the following:

  • remove the device of the cooling system, remove the casing;
  • a hole should be drilled on top of the housing in order to install a chimney pipe. You can connect a chimney to the pipe, then bring it closer to the hood. If you do everything right, you can smoke food indoors without the smell of smoke;
  • an electric stove is placed at the bottom of the case, a pallet is placed on it, where sawdust will slowly smolder;
  • a sheet is installed above the pallet with sawdust, where fat from the products will drain;
  • in order to put or hang food for cooking, you should install a grid or hang hooks.

Homemade design consists of two functional parts: a heating element and a housing. The heating element receives electricity directly from the network and heats up the container where the sawdust, it is from them that heat and smoke will come. Outside the structure, it is worth attaching a thermometer, which will allow you to monitor the temperature during the smoking process.

How to use?

Before placing the products in the smoking unit, it is worth preparing them. If fish is taken for smoking, it should be gutted and soaked in brine, for which they take a glass of salt per 4 kg of fish. Horse mackerel or mackerel is rubbed with salt and wrapped with cling film, pressed on top with a lid and kept for two days. Then the fish is dried for two hours, cooled and laid out on a smoking grate. Fish are smoked from one to three hours, depending on its size.

To cook delicious juicy meat, you should pre-salt the product. If the pieces of meat are large, they should be pre-boiled and then placed in the device. The same method is used when smoking homemade sausages. The meat in the device languishes for 2-6 hours. To reduce the cooking time of meat, it can be rubbed fresh with salt. Any product should be simmered until it is fully cooked, as when re-smoked, the products become inedible.

The idea is simple but effective: the principle of operation of this home-made electric smokehouse is that when the wood is charred by an electric heating element (also made by hand), smoke is generated.

My old friend Alexander was born and raised in the village. From his ancestors, he was given an irrepressible craving for keeping various domestic animals in the courtyard. Despite being busy with his main job, he kept a horse with a foal, two cows with calves, pigs with piglets, a dozen laying hens, several geese and turkeys, rabbits with rabbits, up to 50 broilers and someone else. On a small personal plot all living creatures were located literally on two floors.

But his worries didn't end there. It was necessary not only to grow these living creatures, but also to process the products obtained on their mini-farm and sell their surplus. A particularly profitable business in the perestroika years was and has remained to this day the sale of smoked meats. Smoked products on the market are simply torn off with hands. Even through acquaintances, they are enrolled in a queue for a month ahead for a paycheck.

At first Alexander used traditional method cold smoking. Installed smokehouse wooden cabinet, paved in the ground long chimney and built a pit with a fire. He hangs well-salted blanks in the closet, in the early morning he kindles a fire, lays the burnt coals with raw chruki and goes to work. At lunchtime, he will throw up a chock, in the evening he will add more, at night he will follow the progress of the process. But once, in dry windy weather, a fire broke out from the smokehouse, and part of the yard with a bathhouse burned down! This loss and danger open fire pushed the owner to the idea of ​​getting rid of the fire when smoking.

And he had an idea, to test which he connected in series two electric air heaters - heating elements, put them on a trough made of galvanized sheet and installed this device on bricks under the smoking cabinet.

Then he put raw apple chocks on top of the heaters and plugged the cable into the mains.

The experiment was a success. The heating elements heated up, the pieces of wood began to smoke, the smokehouse started working.

I also found out about such a convenient method of smoking and after a while I decided to make myself a similar yard homemade smokehouse.

Taking Sasha's idea as a basis, he implemented it with his own hands in his own way.

For my smoking cabinet, a box from an old electrical panel with dimensions of 1200x600x250 mm was ideally suited for me.

It has a door and ventilation holes below and under the top cover (photo 1).

The refinement was expressed only in the device of the heck under the padlock, installing support legs and making two pairs of holes for reinforcing bars for hanging hooks with semi-finished meat (photo 2).

Ready cabinet installed on permanent place in the corner of the yard away from the buildings. heating elements enclosed in a special portable case in the form of a trough with legs. The heating elements are connected to the mains with a long cable.

Such a heater (Fig. 1) is convenient to maintain and store between smokings in a dry place on a shelf in the garage.

Making a smoke generator with an electric heater with your own hands is quite simple.

From a rectangular piece sheet metal 1 mm thick bend the trough. Its length must correspond to the dimensions of the heating elements. We cut out two cheek-legs from the same metal and weld them to the trough by electric welding. In the cheeks we drill two holes according to the diameter of the heating elements, and then we cut the vertical grooves into which these heaters are laid.

With the help of copper jumpers we assemble serial circuit connecting heaters to the cable. A positive result of such a connection is that the heating temperature is optimal for slow smoldering of wood in the trough.

In addition, the fins of the heating elements do not allow to lay the chocks tightly (photo 3), which achieves excellent convection of hot air, which is necessary for their smoldering. The power of the heaters must be consistent with the size of the smokehouse and correspond to permissible load home electrical network. In my case, the power of two heaters of 1.5 kW turned out to be optimal.

To protect against accidental contact with electrical contacts, we close all connections with protective boxes, which we attach with screws and nuts to the cheeks of the heater housing.

The third, very important, part of the design is a dripper, which prevents melted fat from getting on the chocks and the hot heater. Wood soaked in grease can ignite.

Let's make a dropper from three rectangular blanks of sheet metal of the same size. Trays should be slightly longer than the width of the cabinet. We connect the dropper into a single whole by spot welding trays with corner triangular ribs in such a way that the upper tray overlaps the edges of the lower ones, and the ribs are inclined towards draining the fat. The sloping fins allow smoke to pass easily and even mix the flow.

The attached drawings will help you understand the simple design of the smokehouse (see Fig. 1-3).

Homemade electric smokehouse - drawings

Drawing 1: The device of a home-made smokehouse and a scheme for smoking products.

1. Wardrobe 2. Door. 3. Cover 4. Constipation assembly. 5. Hinges. 6. Legs 7. Support plates 8. Bar for hanging meat and fish with subsequent smoking 9. Door handle 10. Hook for smoking meat and fish

Drawing 2: Electric smoker heater.

1. Housing-trough1 PC
2. Legs - cheeks2 pcs
3 Protective covers2 pcs
4. Air heating elements2×1.5kw
5. Bolt M5, nuts, washers4 sets
6. TZN spacers in place4 things
7. Jumper ТЗН copper1 PC
8. Nuts M4. mounting washers4 sets
9. Copper radiator2 pcs
10. Screw M4, nuts, washers for fastening the cable2 sets
11. Diselectric rubber in the lid1 PC
12. Cable with plugset

Drawing 3. Smokehouse dripper.