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Selena Gomez explained to fans why she got so fat. Selena Gomez breast plastic surgery Selena Gomez before and after plastic surgery

Selena Gomez is one of the most popular and beautiful singers of our time. It seems she has everything one can dream of: a brilliant career, stunning looks and crazy success with men. However, there are many sad pages in her life ...

Selena Gomez's life path is not strewn with roses at all. In her life there is a place for a terrible illness, and depression, and betrayal of loved ones ...

  1. The divorce of her parents caused her severe trauma.

Selena Gomez was born on July 22, 1992 to a Mexican father and an Italian-American mother. At the time of Selena's birth, her mother was only 16 years old. When the girl was 5 years old, her parents decided to divorce. For Selena, this was a real shock: after her father left, she began a terrible tantrum, she screamed and called him, and later accused her mother of being the one to blame for the destruction of the family. Subsequently, Selena, of course, was able to forgive and understand her mother and now calls her her best friend. It was her mother who helped Selena make a brilliant career.

  • She was diagnosed with a dangerous disease.
  • In 2013, a number of media outlets announced that Selena was suffering from lupus erythematosus, a dangerous disease in which the body's immune system attacks its own cells, mistaking them for foreign ones. The most typical manifestations of lupus are joint pain, swelling, rash, and fatigue. The cure for the disease has not yet been invented. With aggressive manifestations of the disease, as happened with Gomez, patients are subjected to chemotherapy.

    Selena had to undergo two courses of chemotherapy, which almost brought her to a stroke, and in 2015, due to poor health, she was forced to leave her career for a while and disappear from the field of view of fans and journalists.

  • Selena suffered from depression and panic attacks.

  • They are side effects of lupus. The singer admitted that her self-esteem was terribly low, and before each stage appearance she experienced panic attacks.

    To get rid of psychological problems, the singer had to go to a specialized rehab for two months, where she recovered with the help of psychotherapy and hippotherapy (treatment through horseback riding).

  • Relationship with Justin Bieber brought her suffering
  • Selena met Justin Bieber in 2010, at that time she was 17 years old, and he was 16.

    “When we met, Justin was such a sweet, good boy, I really wanted to protect him”

    At first, everything was perfect: Selena and Justin went on vacation together, dedicated songs to each other and showed the most tender affection. However, Justin soon turned his head to his popularity with fans, and he could not deny himself the pleasure of flirting with beautiful girls. The singer's constant flirting with models and fans aroused Selena's anger and jealousy, and, in the end, in 2014 she announced to her lover about the breakup. However, it is still too early to put an end to their relationship: most recently, the couple got back together. Apparently, Selena is not afraid to step on the same rake a second time.

  • Rumor has it that Justin Bieber cheated on Selena with her best friend Miley Cyrus

  • Rumor has it that immediately after Selena broke up with Justin, when the girl was still very worried about the breakup, Miley Cyrus hurried to take advantage of Bieber's freedom and seduced him. This news brought Selena to a nervous breakdown, and she needed qualified help.

  • Many women see her as a dangerous rival.
  • Selena is a charming girl with a baby face and a slender figure. It is not surprising that men go crazy for her, and women often envy her. For example, rapper The Weeknd, having met Selena, immediately lost his head and forgot about his former lover Bella Hadid, whom he had just broken up with. Bella was very hurt by this and even unfollowed Selena on Instagram.

    It was because of envy that Selena had to break off relations with her two close friends, Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato: both could not forgive the beautiful Latin American for her beauty and success with fans. And the fans of Justin Bieber generally hated Selena with a fierce hatred and even threatened to kill her.

  • One of her close friends was killed
  • Selena's close friend was singer Christina Grimmie. In 2016, a 22-year-old girl was shot three times during an autograph session by an inappropriate fan. Selena was very worried about the tragic death of her friend.

  • She had a kidney transplant.

  • Again, due to lupus, the singer needed a kidney transplant. The donor was Selena's friend, actress Francia Raisa.

    “There are no words to describe how grateful I am to my beautiful friend Francia Raisa. She gave me the greatest gift."

    Singer, actress and model Selena Gomez is a star of the younger generation by the age of 25. The whole world is following her personal life and scandalous stories with Justin Bieber, and sometimes her love affairs interest the public much more than her work. Selena always and in everything gives her all: she is like that on stage, and like that in romantic relationships. The girl herself often said that her life is full of powerful impulses, under the influence of which she always wants global changes.

    One such change happened just recently when Selena Gomez decided to have a breast augmentation surgery. The operation became another reason for discussions in the press, which noticeably pushed the singer into the tops of the most "interesting" celebrities.

    Mammoplasty has really become an intrigue: many still cannot understand whether there was an operation or whether Selena is simply constantly changing her weight category. Problems with the figure of Selena Gomez really happen quite often. She can suddenly gain excess weight, and then abruptly lose it. Her fans are watching these changes. It seems that the bright appearance of the girl will bring a lot of profitable PR for her career.

    How did it all start?

    “I love the cleavage! It is so feminine, beautiful, so emphasizes the natural attractiveness. I know how it suits me,” said Selena Gomez, when her breasts were still quite “childish”.

    The girl did not complex about her forms when she was twenty, she was not afraid to wear revealing dresses that easily betrayed the lack of forms. The girl was still very young, the hopes that her figure would become more feminine with age remained for a long time.

    Small breasts might not be a problem for a teenage girl at the dawn of a singing career, but for a mature girl who is always in the spotlight, performing on stage and acting in videos, it once became a reason for disappointment in herself.

    Selena Gomez has always wanted to be the very best, because by nature she is an avid perfectionist. She managed to become a famous singer, act in films with famous actors, too, but she lacked the help of plastic surgeons to turn into a stunning beauty.

    Then problems with the figure began to appear. Paparazzi and fans tirelessly watched what was happening to her body. It was rumored that the actress was sick and had a tendency to obesity, others noticed that the girl had plumper hips and sagging breasts.

    Someone was sure of her pregnancy, but all these rumors eventually disappeared when Selena Gomez, in just six months, was able to completely restore her figure, become slim and graceful, surprising everyone with her act.

    When was the breast augmentation done?

    According to the assumption, plastic surgeons enlarged Selena Gomez's breasts a couple of years ago. In this case, a small size of implants was chosen.

    Selena has non-standard and slightly “problematic” proportions of the figure: with a small stature and a dense physique, too large a bust size could visually fill her up. The small implants “fit in” perfectly, and it seems that the young singer is very happy about this.

    Now there is a reason to wear your favorite low-cut dresses on stage and on the carpet, and there are no barriers to this anymore. New forms clearly suit her, they are perfectly combined with her thin waist and fragile shoulders.

    What was the result?

    Selena Gomez now has a new addiction - new implants inspired her to wear clothes without underwear, she became more liberated, daring and bold. Even temporary overweight problems could not affect the shape of the breasts. Selena managed to recover after losing weight again.

    She recently had to cancel a tour due to symptoms of a dangerous autoimmune disease. But, according to doctors, Selena was able to cope with lupus, undergo a difficult kidney transplant and get back in shape after rehabilitation.

    What does Selena Gomez look like today?

    Selena is not afraid of difficulties and easily overcomes them thanks to her persistent nature and love for the audience. Problems with weight and small breasts, a serious illness and failures in her personal life are left behind, and now she is in a hurry to new achievements.

    The latest photos of 25-year-old Selena Gomez, in which she is depicted in a swimsuit, caused a very strong reaction from her fans. The star was criticized by haters for having gained excess weight, and some even suspected the noticeably recovered artist of pregnancy. Selena did not remain silent and published an emotional message on her Instagram, which she addressed to all the critics of her appearance.

    To be obsessed with physical perfection, to which all modern women aspire, as if falling into a trap, is a myth about beauty. It is an endless cycle of hopelessness and self-hatred. They try to follow the unthinkable definition of impeccable beauty that is accepted in society. And I choose to take care of myself, because I don't want to prove anything to anyone,

    The reason for the excess weight of the star, most likely, lies in her illness - Selena was diagnosed with lupus erythematosus several years ago. With this diagnosis, weight fluctuations are a fairly common phenomenon. In the fall, the singer underwent a kidney transplant (her close friend Francia Raisa donated to Selena), which she spoke about in detail on her Instagram and even showed the scar left on her body after surgery. Against the backdrop of this story, unfounded criticism and caustic comments from Internet users look especially cruel. Fortunately, there were a lot of those who supported the singer.

    In an effort to always be the most beautiful and look younger than their years, stars often use the services of experienced plastic surgeons. In some cases, the surgeries actually improve the appearance, and the star's career is quickly moving up. The world would never have known anything about Marilyn Monroe and Pamela Anderson, if not for the intervention of plastic surgeons.

    But there are times when the stars do not see the edge of the permissible, thereby changing their appearance beyond recognition. Consider the history of the use of plastic surgery by some famous stars from the show or film industry.

    Madonna before and after plastic surgery

    Singer and film actress Madonna has been holding the title of the real queen of pop music for thirty years in a row. A special role in this was played by high performance and natural talent, as well as her appearance, because at 55, the star looks 35-40 years old at most.

    Of course, this fact becomes a serious topic for numerous conversations about the plastic surgeries performed by the star, but Madonna herself categorically denies all the rumors related to her use of plastic surgeries.

    Botox and cosmetic injections

    If the question of plastic surgery is still open, then neither fans nor experts have any doubts that the star regularly makes appropriate cosmetic injections. To do this, just look at her photos, when in 2008 her wrinkles and nasolabial folds miraculously disappeared.

    American expert in "star" plastic surgery Anthony Yoon claims that the singer made a set of rejuvenation injections. She was injected with Botox to eliminate wrinkles between the eyebrows, as well as fillers made on the basis of hyaluronic acid in order to fill in the nasolabial folds in the cheekbones.

    Madonna went too far with fillers

    Everyone knows that the star was a client of the clinic of the modern Botox injection master Jean-Louis Seb, and, probably, thanks to his skill, her first injections were successful. But, as a result of further transformation, they turned out to be far from perfect, maybe this happened as a result of the choice of a new specialist.

    In the end, like other stars who got too carried away with injections, Madonna overdid it with fillers, which made her face look slightly puffy and wrinkled. This effect is called the “pillow face”, which will be very difficult to get rid of, and will the star be able to overcome himself and find the strength in himself to completely refuse the next beauty injections.

    Megan Fox before and after plastic surgery

    The modern and successful American actress Megan Fox, in order to achieve fame and get on the screens of Hollywood, had to turn from an ordinary pretty and talented girl into a real Hollywood beauty.

    In the process of fighting for popularity and fame, Megan made a bet on the professionalism of plastic surgeons - and was not mistaken.

    When she turned 21, she made a whole series of changes to her face and body, and the results were not long in coming.


    A more successful plastic surgery performed by Megan Fox is breast augmentation. The resulting size fits perfectly with the whole figure. Only a few nuances indicate the operation performed.

    But with the correction of the lips, the young girl obviously went too far. Gradually she increased the size of her lips. As a result, they acquired an unnatural look.

    With the help of rhinoplasty, she lifted the tip of her nose and removed the hump, as a result of which her nose began to look more noble.

    Botox injections

    Receiving constant reproaches addressed to her that her smooth and even forehead was just the result of cosmetic injections, the actress was very indignant, after which she posted a photo shoot on her Internet page called "What can not be done with the forehead after Botox injections."

    Angelina Jolie - before and after plastic surgery

    The famous Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie constantly declares that she has never used plastic surgery, has not done any corrections to her body and does not intend to do anything in the future, although she does not see anything wrong with plastic surgery.

    What plastic surgery did Angelina Jolie have on her body?

    There is almost no doubt that Angelina's lips and eyes are of a natural form, well, perhaps their slight correction, but this is not taken into account. And as for the rest of the body, then there are real disputes about it in the relevant circles.

    Most plastic surgeons claim that this famous actress has had a rhinoplasty. After the operation, the tip of her nose became smaller, the bridge of her nose also became thinner.

    breast augmentation

    This question arose among fans of the actress back in mid-2007. During this period, the actress lost weight, but as a result of this, her breasts did not decrease, but rather increased.

    A well-known person in America and the best plastic surgeon Anthony Yoon noted: "If we are not talking about breastfeeding, then Angelina's breasts have an unnatural volume for her figure, this may indicate some kind of surgical intervention." But some nutritionists cite many facts when a decrease in total body weight does not lead to a decrease in breast volume, these are rather such features of the structure of her body, and not the case with breast implants.

    Removal of mammary glands

    In the late spring of 2013, Angelina Jolie made a sensational announcement that she underwent surgery to completely remove two mammary glands at once, which was caused by a high risk of cancer. After that, she underwent reconstruction and reconstruction of the breast with the help of breast implants.

    The operation itself was carried out in three stages. First, tissue samples were taken for examination near the nipples in order to exclude the possibility of a tumor in this area. Two weeks later, she underwent surgery to remove the breast, and a few months later, she underwent a complete breast reconstruction using breast implants.

    Demi Moore before and after surgery

    The famous actress Demi Moore, despite her age, is considered one of the sexiest and most attractive ladies in Hollywood. As most of her fans have noticed, her beauty does not fade, but rather blooms with renewed vigor.

    And it looks natural, as the actress constantly invests a lot of money in her personal appearance. According to preliminary estimates, Demi Moore's plastic surgeries and all cosmetic procedures are approximately half a million dollars at a time, and several tens of thousands annually.

    What plastic surgery has Demi Moore done for herself?

    It all started with operations to eliminate strabismus, which she did at the beginning of her film career. They were followed by permanent liposuction, rhinoplasty, brow lift, breast augmentation, followed by replacement of implants. Also, in addition to plastic surgery, the actress does Botox injections and chemical peels. In addition, fillers are constantly introduced into the lips, chin area and cheekbones to remove wrinkles and give the desired shape.


    Made rhinoplasty, made appropriate positive adjustments to the appearance actresses. It should be noted that her face got rid of wrinkles, and her nose acquired an elegant and neat shape.

    Also, surgeons have worked hard on her breasts. For the first time, she installed implants for herself before the filming of the film "Striptease". These were silicone balls, which fully corresponded to the plastic fashion of that time.

    Later they were changed to smaller ones and corresponding to the shape of the star. To eliminate postpartum and age-related changes, Demi Moore underwent a breast lift, as a result of which the breasts began to look more attractive and natural.


    During this period, the actress made her first liposuction. It is not known exactly how many times she was performed, but based on her photographs, plastic surgeons concluded that fat deposits were repeatedly pumped out in the abdomen, from the outer and inner thighs, from the knees and back.


    Few people believe that the absence of wrinkles in the 50-year-old actress is just a consequence of her healthy lifestyle and correctly applied perfect makeup. Yes, and Demi Moore herself completely denies about all the operations she underwent on her face, and did not even leave hints about cosmetic injections.

    Victoria Beckham before and after plastic surgery

    The celebrity passion for plastic surgery did not bypass the wife of the famous football player David Beckham, Victoria Beckham, a beautiful woman and an "icon" of style. All her beauty and her appearance, in general, are the merit of plastic surgeons.

    Even before the beginning and flourishing of her popularity, Victoria was a dancer and an aspiring singer. At the height of her popularity, Victoria had an elegant figure and small breasts.

    In 2005, Victoria Beckham becomes a mother for the third time. During this period, she makes the most of her long vacation away from annoying video and camera lenses, the famous star is engaged in a new transformation of her figure, and loses eight to ten kilograms. Rumors quickly spread that Victoria had liposuction of her thighs and abdomen. After that, leading psychologists and nutritionists carefully hinted to her through the media that such a desire for a star to have an impeccable appearance resembles a tendency to anorexia. At this time, Victoria was known for elevating her thinness to a style cult.

    Over time, all the discussions and passions about the state of her figure subsided a bit, the star decides to take the next step - the correction of her breasts. Probably, after her first plastic surgery, Victoria was not satisfied with the size of her breasts, and for the second time she enlarges her breasts by two more sizes.

    Victoria Beckham's breast growth

    In early 2009, the star realized that the "silicone balls" that looked out of the neckline did not benefit her image. After that, Victoria reduces her breasts to the second size. According to information in the Sun newspaper, she underwent the operation in one of the plastic surgery clinics in America.

    In 2010, Victoria decides to completely get rid of silicone implants. The reason for this was her and her husband's desire to have more children. After that, Victoria said that after the operation, her body acquired a natural look, except perhaps for the nails.

    In addition to all this, the celebrity made a chin correction, implants were inserted into the cheekbones, a forehead lift and eyebrows were corrected.

    Experts say that even before her participation in the Space Girls group, Victoria underwent rhinoplasty, reducing the wings of her nose and slightly shortening its tip, while maintaining its snub nose.

    Paris Hilton before and after plastic surgery

    Paris Hilton looks like an angel, but in fact a scandalous person. She can appear in different roles and images. What is the nature of her charm and beauty? Is this look of Paris natural from birth or is it the result of the efforts of plastic surgeons?


    Paris Hilton's first operation was a rhinoplasty of her nose. Many immediately noticed the shape of the nose, which became thinner and changed shape. The socialite did not even try to deny this fact, and in one of the interviews she said that as a result of such a plastic nose correction, she became happier.

    breast augmentation

    Paris Hilton also increased the size of her breasts. After rhinoplasty, this part of her body seemed to the girl not very beautiful. Her father reacted negatively to such an operation, and said that the representative of such a famous family should not look like some kind of "cheap". But the girl did not listen to him and increased her breasts to the 3rd size.

    It is also necessary to pay attention to the interesting fact that the shape of the priests of Paris Hilton has also changed, and began to resemble the outlines of the priests of her friend Kim Kardashian. The pictures, in which this is especially noticeable, literally blew up the Internet, initiating disputes about possible plastic surgeries performed to increase the size of her buttocks.

    In addition, there are a lot of rumors that Paris Hilton made her lips plastic, as a result of which they increased in volume. She could follow her friend - Britney, who also did similar plastic lips. But Paris Hilton's friends claim that she could have had plastic surgery on her lips, as she has long disliked her lip shape.

    Having barely managed to gain worldwide fame as a singer with an amazing voice and the ability to masterfully beautifully get used to the role, as soon as rumors about Selena Gomez and her plastic surgery operations began to appear on the Internet. A beautiful singer appeared in New York and, attracting attention, makes her turn her head after her, all those who are not indifferent with her sinuous figure.

    Barney and Friends "Demi Lovato (left), Barney (center), Selena Gomez (right)"

    Many will agree with me that Selena is very beautiful and has the perfect figure and size. However, it looks like she needs more than she already has. She was born in 1992, the American singer and actress was brought up and raised in Grand Prairie, Texas. In the early 2000s, she first appeared on the children's TV series Barney and Friends. Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato were on this unforgettable show.

    Her popularity began with a role in the television series Wizards of Waverly Place (Wizards of Waverly Place) on Disney Channel, where she took on the lead role of Alex Russo until the end of the series in 2012. In addition to acting, Selena Gomez is a popular singer known for some of the world's hits including Kiss and Tell, Year Without Rain and When Sun Goes Down.

    Being famous usually means more scrutiny and oftentimes, controversy and fan speculation about Selena. She is definitely one of the recent celebrity celebrities who have been gossiped about getting cosmetic surgery to improve their attractiveness. The latest allegation related to Selena Gomez's plastic surgery is gossip that is directed at her having breast implants or breast augmentation surgery .

    Selena Gomez breast augmentation then and now

    The rumors about breast implants began when many people noticed differences in the appearance of Selena Gomez's breasts - her frankness, openness shows that her breasts have almost doubled. Whatever the reason for which she had the operation, she will remain only with her. However, quite a few people began to think that the enlargement, especially of her breasts, was a way to keep herself close to her boyfriend at the time, Justin Bieber. Alas, it didn't work out for her.

    Photo comparison Selena Gomez before and after plastic surgery:

    This analysis reveals all about inflated speculation. Post-op photos show that Selina's breasts are much larger, they appear fuller (this can be seen from the contour of the top of the implant), and they seem to stand high on her chest. This upper regimental fullness is the telltale sign of Selena Gomez's cosmetic breast surgery. Other photos show Selena Gomez's nipples in a bottom position on her chest. This is another confirmation that she has breast implants. Selena Gomez's bra size and cup size went from 34A to 34DD after and it wasn't a pregnancy as some might think and suggest a lot of milk. It was breast surgery.

    According to Dr. Jonathan Schiffren of the WAVE Plastic Surgery Center in Los Angeles, the difference in these two sets of photos can only be attributed to breast augmentation plastic surgery. The doctor adds that based on his impressions of her photos, the possibility that Selena Gomez went under the knife for a pair of silicone implants is even more real. Some fans have posted on the forums that Selena Gomez has fake boobs! There seems to be some truth to this, and you can see evidence of Selena Gomez's cup size. D.D. in the next picture boobs.

    Take a look at Selena Gomez's boobs.

    Selena Gomez enlarged her breasts before and after photo (after)

    Suspicious plastic surgery allegations first arose when Gomez took to the streets of New York City wearing a black tank top without a bra, exposing her nipples. Also, rumors surfaced from her close source that Selena Gomez's plastic surgery was done to help her embellish her Kate Hudson figure.

    Back in 2017, Selena Gomez's nipples were captured through the fabric of a dark dress. In some breast surgeries, the nipple moves into an unnatural position due to movement or a tight implant pocket. Here we see that post-op, Selena's nipple looks completely normal in regards to her boobs. In a dress, probably not usually visible. Some accuse the paparazzi of using a super bright camera flash, but whatever the reason they are here again, Selena Gomez showed her nipples!

    Rumor has it that it was Kim Kardashian who encouraged Gomez to go under the knife before signing her into Barry's camp. Chris Humphreys, Kim's ex-boyfriend, apparently gives advice to Gomez and advice on everything from hair to cosmetic surgery, which Gomez seems to have mastered.

    Of course, there are talks. It is possible that Selena Gomez went for it at the request of her manager Chris, after they really "sang" during fashion week in Paris. However, much has yet to be confirmed, especially on plastic surgery. Most people think that Selena is naturally beautiful. However, if she's getting plastic surgery to make her feel better, then that's her choice.

    Selena Gomez breast implants then and now

    Despite all these rumors about Selena Gomez's breast augmentation, she has yet to make any comments on the matter. We, however, have to agree with the pros here, the Selena Gomez breast rumors are true!

    Nose surgery for Selena Gomez Nose before and after Photos

    The profile or shape of Selena Gomez's nose has changed significantly since then and now. No amount of diet, exercise or weight loss will make your nose thinner. The shape of her nose was round and more bulbous compared to her current nose shape, which is smooth and thin.

    As is the case with other Hollywood celebrities, Selena Gomez's nose surgery has given her a sharper and more graceful look. It's pretty obvious, so we have to state that Selena Gomez's rhinoplasty rumor is true!

    Other rumors about plastic surgery in relation to the face of Selena Gomez - namely her lips. Is there any truth to the rumors about Selena Gomez lip injections or lip fillers? Has Selena Gomez had surgery, cheiloplasty or lip injections? Let's find out!

    As you can see in the pictures that we provided for the example of Selena Gomez Lip injections before and after Photos.

    When the Disney singer was younger, you could see that her upper lip was quite thin in relation to her beautiful round face. These photos show slightly more pronounced lips when Selena smiled. In the photos, you can see that her upper and lower lips are the same size, meaning they are the same. Unlike other celebrities undergoing plastic surgery, Selena Gomez's lips don't look fake. They are well done and still look no less real and natural.

    As a side note, this photo also shows evidence of rhinoplasty, plastic surgery on Selena Gomez's nose. Again, rhinoplasty is easy to spot in photos.

    Another interesting note is the bags under Selena Gomez's eyes that are visible under her eyes in the picture. Before. Selena is still young and the eye bags are not visible in all of her early photos, so this may just be a temporary period. Maybe Selena got up too late the night before. For now, we'll focus on Selena Gomez's rumors.

    Selena Gomez lip injections before and after Photo (after) 2016

    Take another look at Selena's curvy and full lips from 2016. It's easy to see that her upper lips are much thicker now. Selena's nose job seems to stand out perfectly in this picture.