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March 21 which holiday is the day of poetry. World Poetry Day - "Souls beautiful impulses." The emergence and development of poetry

World Poetry Day is celebrated on March 21st. In 2020, the holiday takes place for the 21st time. Literary associations, poetry lovers, journalists, editors, critics, translators, teachers, students and graduates of philological educational institutions, people who are passionate about writing poetry take part in the celebrations.

The purpose of the holiday is to introduce people to poetry, to provide an opportunity for young talents to express themselves.

The content of the article

history of the holiday

Poetry Day first appeared in 1938 in the US state of Ohio. It was initiated by the poet Tessa Sweezy Webb. The holiday was held on October 15 - the birthday of the ancient Roman poet Virgil. In 1951, it was celebrated as National Poetry Day by 38 US states and Mexico.

World Poetry Day was officially established by the resolution of the 30th session of the General Conference of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) dated November 15, 1999. The holiday was first held on March 21, 2000. In Russia, it was celebrated in Moscow at the Taganka Theater.

Holiday traditions

Participants of the celebrations give each other rare books, share their impressions of the works, recite poems, and discuss new works.

Thematic evenings are arranged in educational institutions. Students make presentations about the life of literary figures, read rhymed lines from memory.

Radio stations and television broadcast programs about the life and work of poets.

  • There are words in Russian that do not rhyme: desman, lark, frost, embankment, user, wire, torso.
  • In the works of Pushkin there are 22 thousand different words, Lermontov - 15 thousand.
  • In poems about the nature of Russian poets, three trees are most often found: birch, pine and oak.
  • In Russian, verbs with the ending "at" rhyme best. There are 5.5 thousand rhyme options for them.
  • The first poetess is considered to be the Akkadian princess Enheduanna, who lived in the 23rd century BC.
  • The Chinese Emperor Qianlong, who ruled in the 18th century, executed the authors of sad poems.
  • Scientists from the University of Liverpool in the UK have come to the conclusion that reading poetry activates the brain.

On the day of the spring equinox, the world celebrates - world poetry day.
This holiday will be celebrated for the 12th time around the world. In our school, this is only the first time in the framework of the "Week of Children's and Youth Books", but it will definitely not be the last!

Thanks to the competition Poems of own composition"little stars have already lit up. There is an idea to create and publish an almanac of young poets and poetesses ...

From the history
World Poetry Day was established at the 30th session of the UNESCO General Assembly in 1999. The delegates of the assembly decided to celebrate this holiday on March 21 every year.

The first day of poetry on March 21, 2000 was held simultaneously at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris and at the Taganka Theater in Moscow. The initiator of the celebration of this day in Russia was the DOOS (“Voluntary Society for the Protection of Dragonflies”), headed by the poet Konstantin Kedrov. The core of the holiday was the works of the members of the DOOS. Andrei Voznesensky, Elena Katsyuba, Alina Vitukhnovskaya, Mikhail Buznik and Konstantin Kedrov himself read their poems from the stage of the Taganka Theatre. Despite the rather short preparation time, the event received a very wide response, and the Kultura TV channel released a separate TV movie dedicated to this holiday.

Since then, this Day has more than once brought together the poets of our country. Over the years, the celebration of World Poetry Day took place in various art galleries and clubs. The 2nd, 6th and 7th poetry festivals were again held at the Taganka Theater. And the 10th anniversary World Poetry Day was held at the Central House of Writers with the support of the largest literary portals of our country and Not only Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region, but also poets from other regions came to celebrate the 11th World Poetry Day in 2010. In total, more than a thousand people came to the Central House of Writers that evening.

Poet and Nobel Prize in Literature nominee Konstantin Kedrov proposed to UNESCO the idea of ​​celebrating World Poetry Day on the day of the spring equinox 12 years ago, in 2000, and for the first time this holiday was held on the stage of the Taganka Theater with the support of the famous director Yuri Lyubimov.

“Poetry,” the UNESCO decision says, “can be the answer to the most acute and profound spiritual questions of modern man, but for this it is necessary to attract the widest possible public attention to it.”

Moreover, World Poetry Day is intended to give an opportunity to express themselves more widely to small publishing houses, through whose efforts the work of contemporary poets mainly reaches readers, to literary clubs reviving the age-old tradition of a living sounding poetic word.

This Day, according to UNESCO, is intended to serve to create a positive image of poetry in the media as a truly modern art open to people.

It's believed that the oldest verses-hymns were created in the 23rd century BC. The author of the poems is the poetess-priestess En-hedu-ana, about whom it is only known that she was the daughter of the Akkadian king Sargon, who conquered Ur (the territory of Iran). En-hedu-ana wrote about the moon god Nanna and his daughter, the morning star goddess Inanna.

Interesting Facts
March 21 is celebrated:

international puppet day
International Day of Navruz
Youth Day in Tunisia
Tree Day in Italy

March 21 in history:
1999 (13 years old)- After a 478-hour journey, Bertrand PICCART and Brian JONES became the first people to circle the Earth in a hot air balloon.
1990 (22)- Proclaimed the independence of Namibia, 75 years under the rule of South Africa.
1975 (37 years)- A three-thousand-year-old monarchy is overthrown in Ethiopia.

All poets, poetesses
Warm congratulations,
Cool music, inspiration
And we want love!

Well, you, our poet,
Be always with love
Physical education and exercise -
The right path to health!

Let it be easy,
The verse falls on the sheet,
Let your creative fuse
Will last for a lifetime!

In 1999, at the 30th session of the General Conference of UNESCO, it was decided to celebrate (World Poetry Day) every year. The first World Poetry Day was held in Paris, where the headquarters of UNESCO is located.

"Poetry," the UNESCO decision says, "may be the answer to the most acute and profound spiritual questions of modern man, but for this it is necessary to draw the widest possible public attention to it."

Moreover, World Poetry Day is intended to give an opportunity to express themselves more widely to small publishing houses, through whose efforts the work of contemporary poets mainly reaches readers, to literary clubs reviving the age-old tradition of a living sounding poetic word.

This Day, according to UNESCO, is intended to serve to create a positive image of poetry in the media as a truly modern art open to people.

It is believed that the oldest verses-hymns were created in the 23rd century BC. The author of the poems is the poetess-priestess En-hedu-ana, about whom it is only known that she was the daughter of the Akkadian king Sargon, who conquered Ur (the territory of Iran). En-hedu-ana wrote about the moon god Nanna and his daughter, the morning star goddess Inanna.

At present, on this Day all over the world - in institutions of culture, education, creative teams, etc. - various poetry concerts, author's readings, conferences and seminars dedicated to poets and their work, presentations of new poetic literature are held.

In the starry twilight of the night rhymes fly in the sky
And quietly dream of finding their life in the book.
And you bring out sonnets, adding phrases again,
So that there is hope, and joy, and love in them.
Let inspiration shine even on the gloomiest day,
Dispersing the shadow of incomprehensible sadness with its light.
Let hundreds of words fall on paper in a round dance,
And the muse lives with you in the favor of the gods.

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Poetry is a language that is understandable to an inhabitant of any corner of the world. Poetry unites peoples and cultures, helps each person to become closer to each other. Since ancient times, people have expressed their feelings and thoughts in verses and poems, and these thoughts have found their response in the hearts of thousands and millions of other people. At all times, poets were trusted like no one else, because poetry is a reflection of true feelings and emotions. The official World Poetry Day is March 21st.

How did poetry come about?

In Ancient Greece, human speech as a whole, in any of its manifestations (prose, theatrical performances, speeches of politicians and speakers, any philosophical disputes, poems, and so on) was called poetry. However, later it became clear that only the person who can see something new and sublime in the most ordinary and ordinary things is capable of writing poetry. Poets know how to immerse themselves in their own imaginary world and experience any events more than others. Thanks to this, the thoughts that are composed in verses win the attention of thousands of people, carry them along, make them feel what power the poet put into his creations.

When is Poetry Day?

Poetry Day is a rather young holiday. Only in 1999, at the 30th session of the General Conference of UNESCO, the World Poetry Day was proclaimed on March 21st. The first holiday was held in Paris, where the headquarters of UNESCO is located. At the General Conference, it was decided that poetry is an opportunity for a person to get the necessary answers to the most burning questions, and that is why it was decided to make such a holiday global and annual. Thanks to such a bright day, people are introduced to culture, people get to know new authors, gain knowledge and the opportunity to understand themselves, in their inner world through the feelings and thoughts that poetry evokes in our hearts. Various scenarios of the World Poetry Day are changed annually, the program is supplemented, new writers, publishers and awards appear.

history of the holiday

Despite the fact that this day was officially proclaimed only in 1999, the history of the World Poetry Day begins in 1938. It was then that the famous poet Tessa Sweezy Webb took the initiative to create such a day, and the American state of Ohio supported this impulse and proclaimed October 15 as Poetry Day. Why October 15th?

This is the birthday of the famous ancient Roman poet Virgil. Already by 1950, the tradition of celebrating Poetry Day was established in 38 states of America, and in Mexico this day was celebrated as National Poetry Day. This tradition was picked up by other countries of the world, the holiday has not yet been recognized as official, but has already scattered around the world. And only in 1998, at the initiative of Morocco, the UNESCO General Assembly submitted for consideration a proposal to proclaim World Poetry Day. Despite the fact that many countries celebrated Poetry Day before that famous UNESCO conference, in Moscow, Paris, Brussels and some other major cities of the world this day became significant only after 1999.

The first Poetry Day in Moscow was held on March 21, 1999 at the State Literary Museum, in 2000 at the Taganka Theatre, and in 2001 a tradition was born to hold a large-scale two-day poetry festival. Every year the program for celebrating Poetry Day only grows and is updated, the scale of the events being held is huge, so we can safely talk about not only one day, but a whole month of poetry. Not only the capital celebrates this day, festivals, poetry evenings, marathons and so on are held in almost all major cities of Russia. Literary readings and various events in the library are often held on World Poetry Day. According to history, the very first poems were written in the 23rd century BC.

Poetry Day Goals

World Poetry Day is an opportunity to draw the attention of every inhabitant of the planet to the unique feature of poetry, touching the deepest strings of the soul in a person, awakening creative abilities, and answering any spiritual questions. Many find their peace and relaxation in poetry, thanks to the poetic word they learn to understand themselves, their thoughts and emotional experiences. Another important goal of the holiday is an opportunity for young writers and small publishing houses to express themselves. This day is a kind of impetus for the development of not only poetry, but also other types of art, because any creative direction is involved in the events, be it dance or music. It is also worth mentioning another great goal of Poetry Day - this is to encourage linguistic diversity, support "endangered" languages, return to the oral tradition of poetry readings, create a positive image of poetry in the media.

Poetry is truly one of the most ambitious and ingenious achievements of mankind. Almost every person at some point in his life tried to compose poetry, experienced this spiritual impulse, these emotions that cannot be expressed in ordinary words. Psychologists recommend writing poetry to anyone who has ever thought about it, not in the name of fame and worldwide recognition, but in order to streamline their thoughts, to find inner harmony.


World Poetry Day is a rather new holiday, but despite this, it is actively celebrated all over the world, and each country already has its own traditions and rules. On March 21, literary evenings are held without fail, famous authors hold meetings with readers, aspiring writers present their creations, thereby declaring themselves. And congratulations on World Poetry Day are received not only by poets, but also by their readers, publishing houses, newspaper editors, philological faculties and even journalists.

Script writing algorithm

As with any holiday, special scenarios are also compiled for Poetry Day, according to which not only large-scale events are held, but also local ones, for example, on the basis of the school library. But even such a small celebration needs a script for World Poetry Day. In order for the holiday to go off with a bang, you should write a script based on the following brief algorithm:

  1. Decide on the form of the event. It can be: a conversation, an exhibition, a concert, a performance, a competitive program, as well as mixed forms.
  2. The next step is generating ideas. The most important thing in a script is the intention. In order to determine the idea of ​​​​a holiday with maximum accuracy, brainstorm, and a brilliant option will definitely be found.
  3. The division of responsibilities is important; do not try to put everything on the shoulders of one person, in this case, nothing will definitely work out.
  4. Time is the most important resource. In order not to do everything at the last moment, set clear deadlines.

That's all, spend the holiday and enjoy the atmosphere of celebration!

American honors and other traditions

In America, back in 1919, the Yale Group of Young Poets Award was created, which is an annual and very honorary award. It is awarded precisely on March 21, and it is awarded to young American poets, who are the future of national poetry. The decision is made by a specially created commission, which includes experts in their field. Often events in libraries on World Poetry Day take on grandiose proportions.

An unusual tradition exists in China, it is here that poetry evenings are held even in honor of dragon boat festivals. In other countries, exhibitions are held on World Poetry Day.

Traditional events in Russia

In Russia, the Poet literary award has also been approved, which has been operating since 2005. Poetry Day is celebrated in Moscow with the annual international festival "Biennale of Poets". On March 21, the award ceremonies of such honorary awards as the Moscow Account, as well as the poetic Oscar, are held. The Moscow-Transit award is considered quite unusual, the essence of which is to support the interest of Muscovites reading and the literary community in writers who work in the regions. Due to such a busy program, the celebration of World Poetry Day can last at least 10 days.

Poetry and the Internet

The year 2009 was also significant, on the day of the holiday a new competition was presented, which is called the "People's Poet", in addition, the influence of the Internet on the public was tacitly recognized and the "Union of Internet Poets" was established.

It is difficult to imagine human life without poetry. We study poetry at school, read Pushkin avidly, sing songs, compose poetic congratulations for the holidays. Poetry is paint that helps to paint our lives with bright colors. Poetry Day is a holiday that is important not only for poets, but also for readers, because these creations live in the soul of every person from a very early age. Poetry is a reflection of freedom, the power of speech and an integral part of the culture of every nation. Poetry is a language that is understood by every nation of the world. And every state, every people and culture is trying to do everything to protect and encourage the development of poetry and do not forget about poetry as an element of our common cultural vitality.

“Every poem is a veil stretched out on the points of words. These words shine like stars, because of them the poem exists. The opinion of Alexander Blok, the remarkable Russian poet, will certainly coincide with the point of view of anyone who is naturally talented and writes poetry with enthusiasm. Unfortunately, today poetic art does not have its former value - the one that the "music of the soul" acquired in the era of Alexander Pushkin or Anna Akhmatova. However, there is still hope for the revival of past traditions, because Every year on March 21, authors and readers celebrate the holiday, designed to remind the inhabitants of the planet of the existence of the world of beauty.

history of the holiday

March 21, World Poetry Day, was established not so long ago: in 1999, in the capital of France, within the framework of the 30th UN General Assembly. There were also held events dedicated to the newly-made World Poetry Day - World Poetry Day. The main goal of the annual World Poetry Day, first of all, is to introduce modern people to the art of poetry, far from romance and lyrical thinking. After all, it is known that the problem of a dying culture is becoming more acute every year.

In addition, in view of the popularization of market relations, poetry is considered simply unprofitable from a commercial point of view, and therefore - superfluous in the list of areas of human activity. Therefore, society needs World Poetry Day in order to dispel pessimistic delusions.

The holiday of March 21 - World Poetry Day - is a real opportunity to show your creative abilities so that others know about the talent of a nearby, unknown poet.

As part of this wonderful spring holiday, on March 21, thematic events are held where an already accomplished writer can communicate with a novice author, the latter can learn a lot of useful things from a conversation with a more experienced colleague.

Representatives of such organizations as creative clubs, small publishing houses get a chance to offer their services to all those who need to promote poetic developments and become a meeting place for people of art.

Directly in Russia, World Poetry Day is given enough attention. It has already become a tradition to celebrate this holiday with the active support of the Taganka Theatre. A few years ago, celebrations began to take place in other cultural organizations: for example, in the National Center for Contemporary Art. Poetry evenings, where the authors publicly speak with their best works, intellectual competitions on poetic topics - all this has been taking place every year on the holiday of March 21 for more than 10 years.

The emergence and development of poetry

In support of their words, the ancestors of modern Scandinavians told a legend about two magical peoples opposing each other - the Vans and the Ases. When the irreconcilable enemies were tired of endless wars, they concluded a truce, sealing it with the creation of the wise dwarf Kvasir from his own saliva. However, the phenomenal awareness of the man-made creature in all areas of knowledge did not please the two inhabitants - Galar and Fyalar. The tricksters decided to kill the sage, which they did not fail to do. The villains placed the blood of the dead know-it-all in a cauldron, added honey there. The resulting mixture was called the "poetry honey", and anyone who tasted the wonderful drink acquired the talent of a poet ...

Well, what do the scientists say? Experts in the field of historical science attribute the composition of the first poetic work to the priestess En-hedu-an, the daughter of the ruler of the Sumerians. It was a hymn in honor of the gods. Historian Thomas Love Peacock tried to divide the entire period of poetry into several eras. In total, he got four time periods, each of which differed from the previous one in its own way.

According to Peacock, poetry appeared long before the advent of writing. The earliest poetic forms were primitive odes glorifying warriors performing feats, ruling the people, and other outstanding personalities. It was the iron age of poetry. After him came the golden era, the characteristic features of which included praising not the living, but the great ancestors, the figurativeness of the language, the originality of poetic turns, the corresponding level of knowledge of the authors. During this period, the poets Homer, Sophocles, etc.

The Silver Age included the development of two types of poetry: original, with the use of satirical and didactic notes, and imitative, consisting in a kind of processing of varieties of poems of the previous era.

The final stage was the copper age of the art of creating "music of the soul", the end of which was marked by the advent of the dark era of the Middle Ages. After, according to Thomas Love Peacock, poetry only returned to the already passed periods, without making the slightest attempt to give humanity something new.

Poems and modernity

The current society perceives poetic works differently than it was with the society of past centuries. There is less and less meaning in the poems, more and more clearly inappropriate epithets and metaphors, and the idols of young people are increasingly becoming authors who are fluent in writing obscene poetry. But even in the current situation, one cannot say that the “music of the soul” has become obsolete. It is enough to look at large poetic Internet portals such as "", "", etc., to understand: in our country (I think, in the world too) there are many amazing poets, but most of them are unknown to readers printed publications... However, every author "from the people" always has a chance to declare himself at a higher level, to go beyond the network space - though, basically, not without attracting funds. However, here too, exceptions are not uncommon, which cannot but rejoice.

Poetry is an original language, understandable to everyone and everyone, but suitable for explanation only for the elite. Poems are not just rhymed lines built according to a certain rhythm, but an indicator of the level of social culture. Devote the day of March 21 to reading lyrical truths, and you will feel how a symphony of light flows into your heart. And perhaps you will understand how right Rasul Gamzatov was, who wrote the following poem:

“Poetry, you are not a strong servant,
You protected those who were humiliated
You covered everyone who was offended,
I saw the enemy in the powers that be.

Poetry, we are not to face with you
Raise your honest voice behind the strong,
You can't look like a bride
Which self-interest leads to the crown "

We congratulate all connoisseurs of high culture and creativity on March 21, World Poetry Day. Poetry is our cultural past, present and future. Poetry makes us connoisseurs of a kind and polite word, poetry instills in us restraint, respect for people, teaches us to appreciate human feelings and relationships.

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