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Celery root. How to use celery root. How and when to use celery root

The healthy and tasty celery root is rapidly returning to its former popularity. The existing variety of culinary dishes and traditional medicine recipes is explained by the content of a large amount of vitamins, trace elements, essential oils and amino acids in the vegetable.

Alternative medicine considers celery to be a powerful natural medicine. The root is present in recipes for the treatment of many ailments: high blood pressure, male impotence, blurred vision, low hemoglobin levels, increased work of the sweat glands, insomnia, problems of the digestive tract and genitourinary system. Fell in love with celery root and nutritionists - for an active positive effect on metabolic processes in the body. The developed celery diets in combination with physical exercises contribute to the effective disappearance of extra pounds.

The perfume industry actively uses celery extracts to create fragrances. Celery root vegetables are ideal for juicing. Juice composition: celery root - 1 pc., pear (can be replaced with an apple) - 2 pcs., ginger root (can be replaced with lemon, lime, horseradish) - 2 pcs. Wash and clean all components of the juice. Cut into pieces for easy passage through the chute of the juicer. Squeeze out the juice, pour into glasses. You can add ice cubes if you like.

Fans of first courses will love the soup with celery root. Prepare: large celery root - 1 pc., Leek - 2 pcs., Butter - 3 tbsp., Onion - 1 head, sour cream - 3/4 tbsp., Cream with a fat content of 30% - 1/4 Art., water - 1 l, salt - 1 tsp, black pepper - to taste, chives for decoration. In a 4 liter saucepan, melt the butter and add the chopped leeks and onions. Fry the onion mix for about 15 minutes until golden but not brown. At this time, cut the peeled celery root into slices 2.5 by 1.5 cm with a thickness of up to 1 cm. Add the slices to the pan with onions along with salt and 100 g of water. Cover the contents with a lid and cook for 10-15 minutes until soft. If the water evaporates quickly, add another 100 g of water. Then pour in the remaining water, bring to a boil and cook for another 20 minutes. Let cool slightly, grind the whole mass in a blender to a creamy consistency. An hour before serving, beat sour cream with cream. Pour the soup into small bowls or bowls. Top each serving with a dollop of sour cream and top off with a pinch of green onion and pepper.

You can cook a healthy salad with a root vegetable. Take: juicy celery root - 1 pc., Lemon - 1 pc., Walnut oil - 2 tbsp., Olive oil - 1/4 tbsp., Sugar - 2 tsp., Red wine vinegar - 1 tbsp. l., juicy capers - 1/3 tbsp., parsley - 2-4 sprigs, salt and pepper to taste. Cut the peeled celery into small strips. Drizzle with a tablespoon of lemon juice halfway through cutting. This will prevent darkening of the root. In the second half, also add lemon juice. Mix contents with salt and pepper. Whisk the remaining lemon juice with walnut oil, olive oil, sugar and vinegar. Send the resulting mass with capers and chopped parsley to the celery root. Mix everything. The dish is ready - enjoy the taste.

Celery root pancakes are tasty and beautiful. Ingredients: celery root - 1.2 kg, potato or corn flour - 80 g, olive oil - 30 g, horseradish - 30 g, apples - 230 g, salt and pepper to taste. Prepare applesauce. Peeled and seeded apples pour a small amount of boiling water. Boil until soft. Then puree in a blender. Cool and add grated horseradish. Grate the root, add salt, pepper and flour. Mix everything well. Fry until golden brown. Serve on a plate with applesauce.

The number of fans of the root crop is steadily increasing. Useful properties, memorable taste and recognizable aroma allow the use of celery root in various areas of human life.

In many countries of the world, celery root is considered very useful, but only a few know how to use it at the same time.

The benefits and harms of the plant have been studied for a long time. This culture has been grown in Russia since the beginning of the 18th century, and the healers of that time learned to use the beneficial properties of celery in order to treat the kidneys and get rid of the inflammatory process of the prostate gland. The medicinal properties of the plant could heal wounds. Chefs prepared magnificent dishes with this plant. It was customary to use it as a seasoning, which was prepared for the winter, dried or salted.

Medicinal properties

Celery root and today can be safely used for medical purposes. In modern pharmacology, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, as well as enveloping properties of this versatile plant are valued. For the preparation of medicines, cuttings, leaves, roots and even seeds of the seller are used.

Of great benefit are drugs, which include celery stalks, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which you need to know. Means are used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • pathology of the heart and blood vessels;
  • atherosclerosis and high blood pressure;
  • infectious diseases;
  • with weak immunity;
  • metabolic disease;
  • diseases of the central nervous system, as well as severe stress;
  • ailments of the genitourinary system;
  • with a disease of the digestive system;
  • renal pathologies;
  • hypovitaminosis in both adults and children;
  • in the presence of excess weight, as well as cellulite;
  • processes of suppuration in the gastrointestinal tract.

The benefits of celery have been known since ancient times, but this plant can also cause harm to the body. In no case should you take it for diseases such as:

  • exacerbation of a disease in an elderly person, with a weakened immune system;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer, cholelithiasis and kidney stone disease;
  • with disease and exacerbation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • if the patient has cholecystitis or pancreatitis;
  • when detecting enterocolitis;
  • with thrombophlebitis and varicose veins in the initial stages of the disease;
  • allergy in advanced form;
  • in order to prevent a crisis, with high blood pressure, drugs based on this plant are also strictly forbidden to drink;
  • during pregnancy and lactation period.

When using drugs based on cellera at the time of breastfeeding, milk production may significantly decrease or stop. At the same time, the taste of milk will become specific, which the baby will not like.

Celery juice is also popular, the benefits and harms after drinking which are individual for each.

More effective than any infusion or decoction of a plant, doctors consider freshly squeezed juice from cuttings or leaves of a plant. Such a drug is able to save the patient from bloating and from annoying spastic pains. In diseases such as: gastritis, chronic colitis and ulcers, not only the juice of the seller is used, but also its green part and even rhizomes.

You can cure advanced diseases of the lungs and bronchi, bronchial asthma and the common cold with the help of lettuce from the rhizome and leaves of the plant. In addition, you can drink both juice in its pure form, and with the addition of carrot, freshly squeezed juice. Seller, or rather its juice, perfectly calms the human nervous system, helps men get rid of impotence, and women lose weight, regulate the menstrual cycle and reduce pain during critical days.

In case of heavy menstruation or in the process of uterine bleeding, celery juice should not be consumed, as this can bring additional harm and discomfort.

The juice of this plant, tea prepared on the basis of dry leaves and even its seeds, will help the elderly get rid of constipation very quickly, and the water-salt metabolism will improve significantly. In order not to cause additional harm to one's own health, with an exacerbation of a chronic illness, an elderly person needs to drink it only after the main treatment.

Juice Recipes

To prepare the medicine, it is necessary to mix 2 types of juices together: celery juice and green beans in a ratio of 50/100 ml. To the general composition, you can add the juice of Brussels sprouts in the amount of 150 ml. Such a drug is recommended by experts to use in the presence of diabetes mellitus, with gout, overweight, allergic dermatitis and other skin diseases.

If a person suffers from rheumatism of the joints, it is necessary to take celery and carrot juice in a ratio of 1: 2. For a day you need to drink 30 ml of celery juice and 600 ml of carrot juice.

With all kinds of abscesses, the presence of wounds and ulcerative processes, it is recommended to apply special compresses to those places where pain is felt. The compress is made from pure juice or from the leaves of the plant, mixed with sour cream, which is added in order to significantly improve resorption.

What are the benefits of celery root? Even in the days of the great Casanova, everyone knew what useful properties this product has. At that time, it was considered that it is not only an excellent love potion, but also a wonderful tool for male potency and a longer erection, it has a positive effect on the entire human body. To date, thanks to numerous studies by scientists, it has become known that celery, its rhizomes, stems and even leaves contain androsterone in a fairly high amount. In old age, in a man in the process of using celery root, pressure surges stop.

The root of the plant is great for weight loss salads. There is no need to salt such dishes, because the root itself replaces the salt. For ulcers and those who have obvious problems with the gastrointestinal tract, especially people with gastritis, the use of celery root is strictly contraindicated.

Recipes based on the root of the plant

If a person has one or another allergic reaction, it is necessary to drink celery juice or an infusion based on it, 0.5 tsp each. half an hour before the start of the meal. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 2 tbsp. a well-chopped root of the plant and insist it in 1 glass of cold water for 2 hours. After that, the infusion is separated from the thick and used for medicinal purposes. The benefits and harms of the remedy are individual.

In order to stop the anti-inflammatory process in the presence of dermatitis, it is necessary to use the gruel of the plant's rhizome, which is previously rubbed on a grater.

If a person suffers from gout, polyarthritis or rheumatism, then the rubbed root of the plant must be applied to the sore spot. Crushed leaves or a decoction used as a compress will be no less effective.

Celery stalks

A universal plant, due to its healing properties, can not only prevent the occurrence, but also cure all kinds of diseases:

  • suitable for diseases of the digestive system;
  • copes well with urinary tract problems;
  • excess fluid from the human body is removed faster when it is used;
  • can be used as preventive measures for oncological diseases, it perfectly helps to slow down the growth of tumors;
  • normalizes night sleep.

Like many other medications, celery stalk has both benefits and harms. When using it, there are also contraindications:

  • in no case should it be taken in the presence of varicose veins;
  • during lactation;
  • from 6 months of pregnancy;
  • with thrombophlebitis.

The benefits and harms of this plant are mostly individual, like any other medicinal plant.

Do not abuse the use of drugs based on plant stems.

A stalk of celery is able to have a positive effect not only on human health, but also on its external beauty. But this will only happen if the drug is taken correctly.

The use of celery in traditional medicine

In folk medicine, this plant is used in its entirety, each part of it is used to treat a particular organ or disease as a whole.

To create a diuretic decoction, take 2 tbsp. l. plant seeds and pour them with 1 cup of boiled water. After that, the general composition is boiled over low heat for 30 minutes, filtered and consumed in 2-3 tbsp. l. before eating.

In order for a person to permanently get rid of annoying thrombophlebitis, it is necessary to prepare an ointment based on this plant. To do this, take the crushed leaves and mix them with vegetable or butter until smooth.

If the patient has been tormented by cystitis for a long time, then in this case, you can get rid of the annoying disease with the help of a specially prepared decoction. To do this, take the fresh roots of the plant and cut (1 cup). After that, the crushed roots are placed in a saucepan and 1.5 cups of cold boiled water are poured. Cover the composition tightly with a lid and insist for 4 hours. After that, the broth is filtered and applied 1 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals.

Before proceeding with treatment with celery, it is necessary to consult a specialist, since the benefits and harms of the plant are individual for each.


Dear readers, today I continue talking about celery. There was a very detailed blog post recently about petiole celery. How to choose it correctly, eat it in order to preserve all the useful properties, how useful it is, how to get prettier and build with it, all the recipes were in the article. If you haven't read the article, I invite you to read it.

And today we will talk in more detail about the celery root. After all, he deserves great attention. "Healthy Root" is all about celery. It was used by our ancestors. The roots were also used as a medicine, and the Greeks crowned the winners with wreaths of the tops (petioles).

Even Hippocrates said that celery should be taken not just as food, but as a medicine. Interestingly, celery was originally used not for cooking, but for making fragrant decorations. From Europe, celery came to China, India, America, and it also came to Russia. We have been growing it ever since.

Celery root. Beneficial features.

What is the benefit of celery root?

  • Celery root is rich in vitamins A, which is responsible for skin elasticity, vitamin C, which is responsible for the permeability of our blood vessels and vitamin B. Most of all, celery contains vitamin K, which is necessary for blood clotting processes and which is important for the prevention of osteoporosis. It contributes to the preservation of dense bone tissue.
  • Rich in celery root and minerals: such as magnesium, selenium, potassium, iron, manganese, zinc, phosphorus and some others.
  • Helps with anemia (due to high iron content).
  • Beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Improves metabolic processes in the body.
  • Well tones the body.
  • It is very good to include celery root in the diet for the prevention of oncology.
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • An excellent prophylactic against all colds and viral diseases.
  • Celery root is very useful for men, it is no coincidence that it is called the root of male power.
  • Strengthens immunity.
  • Improves eyesight.
  • It relieves irritability, it is very useful to use celery root for stress.
  • It has a mild diuretic and laxative effect.
  • With regular use of celery root in food, the condition of the skin, hair and nails improves.
  • Great tool for weight loss programs.

Celery root. Application.

Celery root is used for heart diseases, problems with the nervous system, low hemoglobin, joint diseases, gout, for weight loss, for strengthening immunity, restoring male strength, for preventing all cancers, for relieving vascular spasms, for inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary systems, to improve digestion, improve joint mobility, with increased pressure, to improve vision, with excessive sweating.

Celery root. Contraindications.

How to choose celery root?

In appearance, of course. It should be tight, without rot, of course. The size of the celery root, in principle, does not really matter. You should only know that the larger it is, the denser and more rigid it is. Nutritional qualities and all vitamins are preserved.

How to store celery root?

In a dry, cool, dark room. From zero to + 2 degrees. If you bought it from a store, place it in a paper bag and refrigerate. It can be stored there for several days.

How to eat celery root to preserve its beneficial properties?

We eat fresh celery root. This method is the most useful. Wash, dry, clean. You can just gnaw on a celery root, cut it into salads, (rub, cut into cubes, etc.).

Celery root. Calorie content.

There are 21 calories in 100 grams.

Note to the owner:

  • You've peeled the celery root. So that it does not darken, keep it in acidified water.
  • It is very good to add celery root (however, like leaves and seeds) when canning vegetables. Very fragrant and refined.
  • If you still cook the celery root and use heat treatment, cut it smaller - the flavor will be more vivid.

Celery root. Salads. Recipes.

My Favorite Celery Root Salads:

  1. Celery and apple salad: celery root (approximately 150 gr), grate 1 apple. Add a little kefir and, if desired, a little honey.
  2. Celery root itself, fresh apple, walnut, grapes, fat-free yogurt. At the end add a little lemon juice.
  3. You can grate the celery root and add a little to your salad - fresh carrots, celery root, you can add a little garlic for lovers.
  4. Celery root, apple, tomato and greens (parsley, dill), natural yogurt.
  5. Even in a previous article about petiole celery, Saule (a reader of my blog) left a recipe in the comments. I want to voice it here. I found him very interesting.

Peel the middle head of celery root, grate and pour juice from 1.5 lemons, squeeze out after 10 minutes, add 4 tbsp. yogurt, 4 tbsp. chopped parsley, 2 cloves of garlic, 0.5 tsp. dried mint, crushed chili pepper and salt. You can also grate carrots.

Celery root for weight loss.

Don't go to extremes. Losing weight is a process, so be wise. Eat celery itself, you can squeeze juice from the root, but you can drink it no more than 100 ml per day. It is good to prepare salads with celery. See above for the easiest and simplest recipes.

You can make celery soup for weight loss. I gave the first recipe for soup with petiole celery in the article. There are also recommendations on how to drink celery juice for weight loss. Here is another version of this soup for weight loss.

Celery root. Soup for weight loss:

250 grams of celery root (you can also take petiole celery - both together),
400 grams of cabbage
4 medium tomatoes,
2 red bell peppers,
any greens.

Boil water, cut all the vegetables, cook over low heat for 10 minutes, insist. You can eat this soup several times a day.

If you have problems with the figure, I also invite you to read my article. It is still very difficult to hold out on some products, there will be breakdowns, new weight gain and all the problems that go in a circle. I hope that you will find useful tips for yourself on how to lose weight effectively and without health problems.

These are the recipes and tips for today about celery root. Include more often celery root in your diet - you will be healthy, beautiful and slim.

Dear readers, if you want mood, go to my group "Fragrances of Happiness", which I created on VKontakte. Every day I share a lot. Here are poems, and music, and photographs, all the most precious to me. I hope you give yourself moments of joy. Go to the group, you can join it here.

My heartfelt gift for today Barbra Streisand with Il Divo - Evergreen HQ . Star with brilliant musicians Il Divo. I already introduced you to them. The best project, which is included in the Guinness Book of Records. This song once won an Oscar. Such charm, how unusual everything is, I myself listen and just feel overwhelmed ... I hope you too.

I wish you all good health and something as extraordinary as these musicians have. Happiness to all, spring gives us such joy and a new opportunity to look at many things a little differently, which is what I wish for all of us.

Went outside. Can't figure out where this flavor comes from? So the linden blossomed. And it blooms only once a year and for a fairly short time, ...

Rose hip. Who among us does not know about this amazing shrub? Rosehip is just a miracle plant, a healing wild rose. It's just the beginning of the cold season...

In Russia, the cultivation of celery has been considered an extremely important occupation since the beginning of the 18th century. Ancient healers used the beneficial properties of celery in the treatment of kidney diseases, inflammation of the prostate gland, to heal wounds, and cooks used it in the preparation of delicious dishes. Celery was used as a seasoning, harvested for the future: dried and salted.

And in our time, the roots and stalks of celery are considered a storehouse of living vitamins ( C, groups B, E, PP - nicotinic acid, provitamin A, apiin glycoside), mineral trace elements ( iron and zinc, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium), choline, asparagine, carotene, tyrosine, mucus and essential oils.

Root crops contain up to 10, and leaves - up to 30 mg /% essential oils, so it is to them that celery owes its strong aroma and specific taste, stimulating the secretion of gastric juice.

The benefits and harms of celery interested in many lovers of this amazing vegetable.

This article includes a variety of information on how, where and to whom celery can be used. Each medicinal plant has benefits and harms, so when using it, you need to take into account the various properties of celery in accordance with the characteristics of the body and the presence of diseases in which a healthy vegetable can harm health.

Medicinal properties of celery

Modern medicine uses the diuretic, enveloping and anti-inflammatory properties of the plant. Therefore, medicinal preparations are prepared from leaves, petioles, roots and seeds of celery.

It is useful to use preparations from a plant in the presence of:

  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, atherosclerosis and hypertension;
  • infectious diseases;
  • weak immunity;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • diseases of the nervous system and stress;
  • diseases of the genitourinary and digestive systems, kidneys;
  • hypovitaminosis in children and adults;
  • obesity and cellulite;
  • putrefactive processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • poor digestibility of proteins.

You can not use herbal preparations in the presence of:

  • exacerbation of diseases in the elderly and debilitated people;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer and gallstone, nephrolithiasis and gastrointestinal diseases, cholecystitis and pancreatitis,
  • enterocolitis;
  • thrombophlebitis and varicose veins;
  • severe form of allergy;
  • high blood pressure to rule out a crisis;
  • pregnancy and lactation, since breastfeeding may reduce milk production. It becomes a specific taste, which is unlikely to please the baby.
What does celery look like? A photo:

Photo of petiole celery

Celery juice - the benefits and harms

More effective than infusions or decoctions of celery, doctors believe juice from fresh stalks and leaves.

It will eliminate bloating in the abdomen and relieve spastic pains. For ulcers, chronic colitis, juice is used, as well as the green part and roots.

Salad from roots and leaves, juice in its pure form or with carrot juice are treated with congestion of the lungs and bronchi, colds and bronchial asthma. The juice will help to calm the nerves, for men to get rid of impotence, for women to gain a thin waist, regulate the menstrual cycle and reduce pain.

However, in the presence of heavy menstruation and uterine bleeding, the juice of the plant is not consumed - this will be harmful.

Celery juice, dry herb tea and seeds will eliminate constipation in the elderly and improve water-salt metabolism. In order not to cause harm, with an exacerbation of chronic diseases in old age, it can be drunk only after the treatment.

The use of juice for the treatment of diseases ( recipes):

  • mix celery and green bean juices - 50 ml each, carrots - 100 ml, Brussels sprouts - 150 ml and drink from diabetes, gout, obesity, allergic dermatitis, urticaria, other skin diseases;
  • with prostatitis drink juice 1 tbsp. l. before meals, make an enema out of it and rub it into the groin area mixed with onions;
  • from articular rheumatism drink a mixture of celery juice and carrots ( 1:2 ), at a daily rate - 300 ml of celery juice and 600 ml of carrot juice;
  • from abscesses, wounds and ulcers apply a compress of juice or crushed leaves with sour cream to the painful area to improve resorption.

About the benefits of celery juice, video:

Celery root - useful properties and contraindications

Even in the days of Giacomo Casanova, they knew how celery root is useful for a man. He was considered a love potion and a means to strengthen potency, long-term erection. It is now known that it contains, like stems with leaves, androsterone (sex hormone) in large quantities. Therefore, in order to demonstrate invincible strength in sexual exploits, a man needs to use celery of any preparation, especially the root. For an elderly man, it will help get rid of pressure surges and rejuvenate the body with antioxidants.

Root celery is especially necessary in the diet of the male and female population, its beneficial properties are supplemented by salt, therefore salads from it can not be salted which is important when dieting. Since celery roots and herb are rich in salt, it is obtained from them as a source of organic sodium to enhance nutrient absorption.

Ulcers and people with obvious gastrointestinal problems, especially if there is gastritis, celery root is contraindicated.

The use of the root for the treatment of diseases (recipes):

  • from allergies drink half a teaspoon of juice half an hour before meals or infusion: root ( 2 tbsp. l.) are crushed and infused in cold water ( 1 st.) 2 hours and separated from the thick, drink 1/3 tbsp. before meals;
  • from dermatitis use freshly grated slurry of the root to provide an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • from gout, polyarthritis and rheumatism apply a grated root, crushed leaves or a decoction in the form of a compress.

Traditional medicine recipes

The green part, the seeds have an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, therefore it is used for edema. Drugs treat diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract and urolithiasis. The greens are boiled, insisted and the juice is squeezed out of it. Decoctions and infusions are well tolerated by patients, since they have a diuretic effect with low toxicity.

  • For a diuretic seeds are needed 2 tbsp. l.) and boiling water ( 1 st.). Boil over low heat for 30 minutes and drink 2-3 tbsp before meals. l.
  • Infusion from cystitis: roots fresh and chopped ( 1 st. l.) is placed in a pot of cold boiled water ( 1.5 st.) and cover with a lid, stand for 4 hours and separate from the thick. Drink 30 minutes before meals, 1 tbsp. l.
  • From skin diseases boil the seeds 1 tsp) in a glass of water ( 1 minute), insist for half an hour, filter and drink 1 tbsp before meals. l.
  • From painful wounds, ulcers make pain-relieving lotions: crushed leaves ( 1/2 st.) is poured with vinegar ( 1/2 st.), add sea salt ( 1/2 tsp). Moisten the mixture with a napkin and apply to the sore spot.
  • From purulent and long-healing wounds: rub a fresh celery leaf with butter ( unsalted) and applied as a compress.
  • from articular rheumatism: make up a collection of oregano and celery leaves ( for 1 hour), coltsfoot and raspberries ( for 2 hours). Boil 2 tbsp. l. in 2 tbsp. boiling water for 5 minutes and separated from the thick. Drink a hot decoction of ½ tbsp. 3-4 times / day.
  • From thrombophlebitis prepare an ointment: grind the leaves and mix with vegetable or cream oil to the state of sour cream.

Benefits of celery for women

Although celery does not taste like candy, it is low in calories. It contains only 8 calories per 100 grams. It also contains a lot of water, so it can be included in the diet in the complex treatment of obesity or cellulite, as well as to improve visual acuity.

For the sake of weight loss and in hot weather, it is useful to drink an apple juice cocktail on an empty stomach ( 150 ml), carrots ( 10 ml) and celery ( 50 ml). It is good to use celery root for weight loss by squeezing juice out of it ( 1 st. l.) and mixing with honey ( 1 st. l.).

If you eat this mixture to suppress appetite before eating, then the celery diet for 7 days will seem lax ( due to lack of hunger).

Cooking juice from celery and cucumbers, video:

A diet based on celery soup will allow you to lose 5-7 kg of excess ballast. If it is observed for 7 days, soups should be prepared.

Celery soup - recipe for weight loss

Cut into strips celery root (200 g), carrot ( 6 pcs. 100 g each), sweet red and green peppers (1 pc. – only 400 g), green string beans, tomatoes ( 6 pcs.) and greens. Shred cabbage ( small) and bow ( 6 pcs.). Everything is placed in a saucepan and tomato juice is added ( 1.5 l), bring to a boil and boil without a lid and under a lid for 10 minutes at a minimum heat.

For the second option, you will need 3 liters of water, bunches of green celery ( 2-3 stems) and bulbs ( 6 pcs.), cabbage ( small) and tomatoes ( 2 pcs.), sweet bell pepper ( 2 pcs.) and spices. Prepare 15 minutes.

Celery diet 7 days - menu

  1. Soup, fruits of all kinds and varieties, excluding bananas. Liquids: tea and coffee without sugar and milk, still water, fruit drink or cranberry juice for daily use.
  2. Any version of the soup is alternated with green vegetables ( fresh, leafy or canned), excluding green peas, corn and other legumes. For lunch or dinner, add baked potatoes with 1 tsp to vegetables. vegetable oil.
  3. Any version of the soup is alternated with vegetables, excluding potatoes.
  4. Any version of the soup is alternated with vegetables, fruits, bananas and skim milk ( 1 st.).
  5. One of the soup options is complemented with beef ( 300–400 g), distributing 2–3 times, with tomatoes ( fresh or canned).
  6. The second version of the soup is complemented with beef and vegetables, including leafy ones.
  7. The first version of the soup is complemented with natural rice, vegetables and fruit juice.

You can not eat sugar, bread, any fried food, drink alcohol and drink sweet carbonated drinks with food.

For a 7-day diet, you can also cook your own recipe for celery soup for weight loss. Reviews of nutritionists are more positive, they welcome the low calorie content of meals, especially for obesity and cellulite. It has no fat and excess calories, few carbohydrates, so the overall diet also reduces its calorie content.

Since there is a lot of healthy oil in celery seeds, it is widely used by perfumers and pharmacists. At home, you can cook excellent face mask. For this, the seeds 1 tsp) are pounded in a mortar. Mixed with honey 1/2 tsp), raw yolk ( 0,5–1 ), blue clay ( 0.5 tsp).

This mask is applied to the skin of the face and head, rubbed well with massage movements into the hair roots and distributed with a comb through the hair. For dry hair, you can add a little vegetable oil to the mask ( 1 tsp).

How to cook celery root?

The spicy taste of the plant will give the dishes a pleasant aroma and zest. Not everyone knows how to cook celery. There is no limit to the flight of fantasy in accordance with taste preferences.

The root is stewed with vegetables, baked, meatballs are prepared, combined with pineapple, fresh and sour apples, original salad mixes are made, exotic and traditional dishes are prepared.

Leaf celery strengthens the heart muscle, returns a calm and long sleep, relieves gout and rheumatism, as it removes uric acid. It is useful for older people to use it in case of poor digestion, since apiin and limonene have a beneficial effect on peristalsis.

Celery Root Dishes - Recipes

Fried celery.

If there is a piece of boiled meat or poultry, fresh or pickled vegetables, then celery fries fried in vegetable oil is suitable as a side dish. Beautifully cut into thin slices and fried in olive or corn oil. It cooks faster than potatoes, so be careful not to overcook. Lay on a platter on lettuce leaves.

Gherkins with celery.

Cut the fillet of cold boiled or smoked chicken into thin strips for salad ( 300 g). Then small gherkins are cut into strips ( 4–5 ) and celery root ( separately). It can be boiled in advance and cooled or in pieces ( 1 minute) and refrigerate with ice water to retain a crispy taste.

Add chili peppers a piece) and sweet Bulgarian ( red and green - 2 pcs.). Topped with mayonnaise. Dried crunchy bread croutons are placed nearby ( from 2 pieces) or crackers. Sprinkle with herbs on top.

Assorted celery root salad.

Rubbed on a coarse grater ( or special, as for Korean carrots) medium celery root. Then one small beet ( raw), carrots 2 pcs., apples ( simirenka or other sweet and sour variety - 2 pcs.). Shred finely Korean lettuce, julienned lettuce and spinach ( 2 pcs.), cut parsley, celery, dill. All mix and add the juice of the 1st lemon instead of vegetable oil ( or juice of 0.5 lemon and 1 tsp. oils). Sprinkle with herbs on top.

Celery and apple salad

For a simplified version of the salad, you will need grated celery root, small cubes of apples, chopped walnuts ( taste), juice of 1/2 lemon, sea salt ( taste), mayonnaise. Everything is mixed, lemon juice is added and seasoned with a spoonful of mayonnaise.

celeriac puree recipe

Cut and pour boiling water root celery ( 400 g), cook for no more than 15 minutes, beat in a blender with the addition of cream ( 50 g) and raw egg ( 1 PC. if desired) and sea salt to taste.

Roasted Celery with Hollandaise Sauce

Chop a root 1.5 cm long into strips and place in cold water for 30 minutes. Then you should drain and blot with a towel, fry until golden brown in sunflower oil, salt to taste. Serve with hollandaise sauce.

Sauce: butter ( 2–3 tbsp. l.) soften and grind with yolks ( 2–3 pcs.). In warm vegetable broth or broth ( 0.5 st.) add flour ( 1-2 tsp), stir well and pour in a thin stream into a boiling broth ( 1 st.). When thickening, add yolks with butter, cream ( 0.5 st.), salt and bring to a boil. If desired, finely chopped greens are added to the sauce.

Celery fried in batter

The root is boiled in salted water, cut in the transverse direction. flour ( 0.5 st.) mixed with cream ( up to 0.5 st.), pounded yolks ( 2–4 pcs.) and salt, add whipped proteins. If the batter is watery, then add flour. Celery circles are dipped in batter and deep fried ( 1 st. vegetable oil) until golden brown.

In order to fully utilize the beneficial properties of celery, it is necessary to choose a vegetable with a pleasant smell, slightly shiny and with a bright green color of strong leaves when buying. Unripe celery leaves will be soft.

The root should be large, firm and whole. The root is wrapped in foil and stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week. The greens are washed with cold water, put in a cup of water, wrapped in foil and placed in a cold place. This will keep it fresh for 5-7 days.

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The miracle root of celery has been used for the benefit of human health since ancient times. Pay attention to this natural battery of vitamins and minerals. It will charge you with cheerfulness and good mood for a long time. The beneficial properties and uses of celery root should be discussed in more detail.

The magical sedery root: what are its beneficial properties?

Celery root is increasingly making its way into our kitchens. A strange-looking spine not only diversifies the usual menu, but also makes a big contribution to a healthy diet. White aromatic pulp is saturated with vitamins A, B, PP, C, K, minerals, organic acids and healing essential oils, and other active and beneficial substances.

Celery root - an unsightly treasure

People have known about the beneficial properties of celery root for a long time and even endowed it with magical powers. It was eaten in Ancient Greece and Medieval Europe, where it was an indispensable component of a love potion ... According to legend, Cleopatra adored celery, considering it a source of female strength.

No less highly appreciated the benefits of celery for human health and modern traditional medicine. Here is just a short list of the merits of this wonderful root crop:

  • normalizes the work of the heart and blood vessels, heals hypertension;
  • protects against infections and supports immunity;
  • prevents the appearance of atherosclerosis;
  • helps with anemia and anemia;
  • rejuvenates and heals joints, restores their mobility;
  • reduces the risk of cancer;
  • treats diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system;
  • significantly increases potency;
  • restores the nervous system, is an antidepressant;
  • relieves inflammation and pain in gastritis, stomach ulcers;
  • improves metabolism and digestion, relieves flatulence;
  • promotes better digestion of proteins;
  • has a negative calorie content and helps to lose weight.
  • What is the use of celery - video

    How it works

    Hippocrates also described the medicinal qualities of celery. The root of the plant has a high content of dietary fiber - fiber, which has absorbing properties, binds and removes toxins, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

    As a bonus - digestion is normalized. The pathogenic microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is significantly weakened. Celery also has pronounced diuretic properties - the ability to remove uric acid from the body, which will help to painlessly get rid of sand in the kidneys.

    The legendary ability of celery to restore male potency and increase female libido is confirmed by the latest scientific research. Celery root has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the prostate gland and treats prostatitis. In addition, it is a powerful aphrodisiac.

    And thanks to its cleansing and rejuvenating qualities, a delicious root crop renews the body, saturates it with oxygen and energy, vigor and vitality. This is how the flavonoid luteolin works - a wonderful substance that the magic root is rich in.

    Good mood, peace of mind and self-confidence accompany everyone who loves and often uses the miracle root of celery.

    Here it is, an amazing celery root!

    Health Recipes

    In folk medicine, both fresh pulp of celery root and juice, decoctions from it, infusions and tinctures are used.

    Celery Root Juice: Preparation and Use

    The recipe for making celery juice is very simple. You need to choose a fresh juicy root and pass it through a juicer. It is not necessary to filter the resulting juice. You should not throw away the remaining cake, it can be successfully used in various dishes or for medicines.

    Celery juice should only be drunk fresh.

    Freshly squeezed celery juice has antimicrobial, antiseptic, and analgesic properties. It perfectly heals wounds and burns, relieves irritation and inflammation, in particular, it is used for this purpose to treat the eyes. This natural medicine helps well with rheumatism and arthritis, quenches thirst and normalizes the temperature balance, which makes it possible to endure both heat and cold without problems. For preventive purposes, fragrant fresh drink half a cup three times a day, an hour before meals.

    Juice puree will bring even more benefits to your body, in which about half of the “pulp” is left, or rather, fiber. Such a drink should be prepared immediately before use and immediately drunk in small sips. Do not store it for future use in the refrigerator, after a few minutes a significant part of the useful substances will be destroyed in the juice.

    Celery puree is a juice with "pulp"

  • With neurosis and depression. Freshly squeezed celery juice is taken in a tablespoon twice a day, 20 minutes before meals. The tool calms the nervous system and also helps to overcome insomnia.
  • To regulate digestion. For disorders of the digestive tract, constipation or diarrhea, drink three teaspoons before meals.
  • For weight loss. Drink daily vitamin fresh on an empty stomach, instead of a cup of coffee. In half an hour you can have breakfast.
  • Decoctions, infusions and tinctures

    The beneficial properties of the miracle root, together with valuable substances, with proper infusion or brewing, completely pass into the liquid, on the basis of which the medicinal preparation is prepared. In folk medicine, celery root is often infused and combined with other medicinal products.

    Celery decoction will help you lose weight

    With gastritis


  • celery (root) - 40–50 g;
  • water - 1 liter.
  • Cooking.

  • Bring water to a boil.
  • Pour boiling water over the grated root.
  • Wrap and insist from evening until morning.
  • Drink half a glass on an empty stomach, and then twice a day, already a tablespoon, before meals.

    Therapeutic composition for allergies


  • celery root - 80 g;
  • cold water - 0.5 liters.
  • Cooking.

  • Grate the root on a fine grater.
  • Pour in cold boiled water. Insist 5-6 hours.
  • Strain.
  • Take a third cup three times a day, before meals.

    Celery infusion - the basis of many folk medicines

    In the treatment of prostatitis


  • celery root - 2 tablespoons;
  • celery seeds - 1 tablespoon;
  • vodka - 1 liter.
  • Cooking.

  • Grind the root, mix with celery seeds.
  • Fill with vodka.
  • Insist in a dark place for a week.
  • Strain.
  • Take 30 grams twice a day.

    For inflammation of the joints


  • celery (root and leaves) - 1 kg;
  • lemons - 2 pieces;
  • honey - 300 g
  • Cooking

  • Wash the lemons thoroughly, rinse the celery.
  • Twist everything together through a meat grinder, knead.
  • Survive a week in the dark.
  • Squeeze, add honey.
  • Keep refrigerated. Use the mixture in a tablespoon three times a day. The full course of administration includes two doses of the drug.

    For rheumatic pains and gout


  • celery root - 1 tablespoon;
  • water - 0.5 l.
  • Cooking.

  • Peel and chop the root.
  • Fill with hot water.
  • Leave for an hour.
  • Strain.
  • Infusion take a tablespoon three to four times a day before meals. The minimum course of admission is three weeks.

    How to prepare an infusion for the treatment of boils, abscesses, skin inflammations


  • celery root - 0.5 cup;
  • vinegar 9% - 0.5 cups;
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Cooking.

  • Chop up the root.
  • Mix with salt and vinegar.
  • Insist 5-6 hours.
  • After soaking gauze swabs with infusion, apply them to the affected areas of the skin.

    Celery is a friend of children!

    The beneficial effect of celery root on the growing body of a child is invaluable and, unfortunately, underestimated.

    Teach your child to love celery

    It is especially useful to give babies fresh celery or fresh from it in winter and spring in order to replenish the reserves of vitamins in the body and ensure the prevention of infectious diseases. Do not be afraid of allergies, because this miracle root itself is an excellent antihistamine. Children's dosage of drugs should be halved, compared with an adult.

    Contraindications and potential harm

    With certain diseases, you should stop or significantly limit the intake of celery root. So, this root crop is contraindicated

  • with exacerbation of hypertension, diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract;
  • with enterocolitis and colitis;
  • with thrombophlebitis;
  • with severe forms of allergies.
  • You need to be careful and reduce your consumption of celery

  • elderly people and weakened after serious illnesses;
  • with enterocolitis and colitis;
  • with exacerbation of cholecystitis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis.
  • You can not use celery and those who suffer from epileptic seizures - biologically active substances, which are very numerous in this plant, can provoke an increase in the manifestations of the disease.

    During pregnancy

    Play it safe - give up celery during pregnancy and breastfeeding. During these periods, the undoubted benefits of a vitamin root can be crossed out by its harm and side effects.

    Pregnant women celery is contraindicated

    Essential oils of celery are very active, in case of an overdose they can depress the state of the embryo and even, by increasing the tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus, provoke premature birth. The risk increases in the third trimester of pregnancy. Young mothers who are breastfeeding should also beware - the baby may not like the specific taste of celery in milk, and in some cases the baby may experience diathesis. By the way, celery also reduces the production of breast milk.