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Useful properties of ylang ylang. "Ylang-ylang oil: properties, home use and contraindications." The use of aphrodisiac essential oils to awaken sensuality

In the modern, crazy in its speed, world, any person, to one degree or another, faces difficulties in intimate life. These problems can arise for completely ordinary reasons: fatigue, a conflict situation at work or with friends, personal dramas. There can be many reasons, but the result is one - an unsatisfactory intimate life. Everyone experiences it in their own way, but not everyone knows how to restore their libido. This is where aphrodisiac oils can come in handy.

From ancient times, all kinds of recipes for essential oils and perfumes have come down to us. Even in those days, a direct link between smells and sensations was noticed.

Modern scientists have only confirmed the research of the ancients. Science fully agrees with the ancestors: the connection between aroma and attraction is practically proven. Moreover, the "culprit" has already been identified. It turned out to be an aphrodisiac - a component that has an exciting effect on a person. Its influence is caused by the combination of vitamins and minerals.

These substances are usually divided into several different groups that differ in the way they affect human perception.

The most effective are the elements that affect the sense of smell. This is due to the fact that we perceive smells intuitively, and even a light aroma sets in motion the parts of the brain responsible for sexual desire, ease of communication, desire to please, and much more. These instincts are common to both men and women.

The modern perfume industry has developed a whole direction - the production of "attractive odors" based on pheromones.

But back to essential oils. They can truly diversify and bring novelty to the relationship of both sexes. Proper and appropriate use of aphrodisiac essential oils (massage, bathing with aromatic oils, rubbing into the skin) will dilute the gray everyday life of hectic days.

Modern pharmacology produces a lot of different drugs aimed at increasing tone and attraction. But these drugs are purchased only by medical prescription and have multiple side effects.

What is an aphrodisiac?

An alternative to medicines is aromatic oils with aphrodisiacs, which highly support sexual desire.

These funds are available without a prescription, do not carry any side effects.

Aphrodisiac is a herbal preparation that stimulates sexual desire. These essential oils are produced in several ways: cold pressing and hot steam distillation technology. The properties of the resulting substance are not at all affected by the method of processing raw materials. They are directly related to the concentration of the oils they contain.

The mechanism of action is as follows: upon contact with a person, special receptors are activated, and a signal is sent to the brain that provokes the release of active substances into the blood. Their concentration creates euphoria, relieves tension, improves mood, increases sexuality.

There are varieties of male and female oils, but this does not mean at all that only a certain direction should be used to compose exciting compositions and attract the opposite sex. One drop of a male aphrodisiac added to a female one, on the contrary, will spice up the composition and affect the man in a natural way.

The female aphrodisiac added to the male symphony will have the same effect.

Important! When compiling a composition of perfumes or aphrodisiac essential oils, you can mix male and female scents.

Industrial production: what is used?

For the industrial production of perfumes, essential oils and other aphrodisiacs, extracts from many plants are used.

Consider some of them and pay attention to how they affect intimate life:

  1. Orange- relieves stress, fatigue, stiffness. Promotes emancipation and maximum return to mutual caresses. In addition, it removes anxiety, anxiety. Maximizes erection.
  2. Carnation- increases the strength of orgasm, while contributing to a longer duration of intercourse.
  3. Vanilla- thanks to this component, both partners experience a wide variety of sexual desires, feeling them more voluptuous and refined.
  4. Bergamot- magic oil, perfectly relaxing; evokes intimate fantasies.
  5. Ginger- disposes to romance and tenderness. Its aroma creates comfort and originality. It does not cause a storm of passions, but gives tenderness and trepidation to intimacy.
  6. Jasmine essential oil- gives confidence, liberating partners.
  7. Cypress- designed for older men. Helps to increase potency, increases susceptibility to touch.
  8. Lavender A truly feminine scent. It has the ability to relax the nerves, reminds a woman of her charm and originality; helps to get rid of annoying thoughts and insecurity.
  9. Cinnamon- Gives vivacity, vigor, enthusiasm.
  10. Patchouli- a truly indispensable remedy for a chill in a relationship, helps to return the former desire to a partner. It is especially recommended for new parents, relieves tension and fatigue accumulated during the day. Helps to relax, remove complexes, relieves nervous tension. Patchouli oil enhances the susceptibility of erogenous zones.
  11. sandalwood- a real male protector. Enhances sensations when touched, increases potency.
  12. Rose- its oil is known as an aphrodisiac for women. It liberates the most notorious, allowing you to forget about everything. Its vapors fill the space with a delicate aroma that helps both partners to enjoy.
  13. Ylang Ylang- an aphrodisiac, and the most powerful of all the listed means. It excites an irresistible desire, accompanying intimacy with bright colors. Significantly increases male potency and prolongs female orgasm.
  14. Cedar- refreshes and invigorates; awakens desire. But this aphrodisiac is not good for flirting. Cedar is a symbol of a strong family, long relationships, firmness and fidelity.
  15. Clary sage- refined and alluring, warms, envelops with its aroma, helps to move away from negative thoughts.

In addition to aphrodisiacs prepared from plant ingredients, there are essential oils of animal origin. One of these is white musk. This is a specific substance produced by the musk glands of the males of some mammals. But these funds have received limited use due to the cost and the need to kill animals. Therefore, now white musk is produced synthetically. At the same time, it is much more accessible for use in perfumery.

Attention! The most powerful stimulant that increases potency and prolongs orgasm is ylang essential oil.

The use of aphrodisiacs

As noted earlier, the industrial production of aphrodisiacs has become enormous. Many perfume companies offer an extensive range of all kinds of hygienic synthetic shower products, balms and perfumes. Their composition includes a certain percentage of aroma oil. But since all these products are synthetic, they often involve components that adversely affect health. This fact calls to turn to natural aroma products to cheer up and attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Attention! Synthetic drugs can be harmful to health.

Given the feedback from people who practice the use of aphrodisiacs, we note that the correct use of aromas can forever change personal life, make it richer, more diverse, sensual and intense.

The nature of the impact on the psyche

Four groups of aphrodisiacs with floral, citrus, spicy and exotic aromas were experimentally formed, depending on the components used for their production. Oils belonging to the same group can affect the psycho-emotional background in different ways. This quality allows you to create a bouquet of flavors that have the desired effect.

Here is an approximate list of combinations of oils according to the mode of action:

  • relax: ylang-ylang, patchouli;
  • stimulate: rose, ginger, cinnamon, geranium;
  • add energy: bergamot and cloves;
  • improve mood: geranium, bergamot, ylang-ylang;
  • increase libido: vetiver, patchouli, ginger, ylang-ylang, bergamot;
  • remove complexity: ylang-ylang, cinnamon.

Features of Ylang Ylang Oil

Ylang Ylang is a well-known essential oil with aphrodisiac properties. It can help people suffering from erectile dysfunction and frigidity, inability to have prolonged sexual intercourse and other disorders of sexual function. It is indispensable for women who have undergone surgery on the organs of the reproductive system: it will allow them to feel self-confidence and give a sense of desire for a loved one.

To achieve the maximum effect of the oil, you need to take aroma baths, followed by a light massage, use aroma lamps and just relax.

The product goes well with other fragrances. Consider which essential oils ylang-ylang interacts best with:

  • top note- citrus fruits, verbena, lemon balm;
  • middle note- floral aromas;
  • bottom note- patchouli, rosewood, sandalwood, frankincense, juniper.

If you buy this oil, for example, on the anniversary of marriage or another holiday, it will be a good gift for your loved one.

Here are a couple of examples of how to use ylang-ylang oil.

Its bouquet can bring great pleasure in combination with a relaxing massage. To do this, mix 9 ml of this product with 40 ml of olive oil. Rub it in, lightly massaging the skin. This will allow you to achieve complete relaxation of the muscles of the body.

An aroma lamp can be of great help. A candle is placed in its lower part, and water is poured into the upper part with the addition of 4 mg of this wonderful oil in combination with other additives, depending on what goal is set. The charm of an intimate evening will be guaranteed.

Sprinkling white bedding with water, with a few drops of aromatic oil dissolved in it, will add unforgettable shades to intimacy. The main thing is not to overdo it with concentration.

Ylang, as a relaxing remedy, is indispensable for everyday life, allowing you to get away from the vanity of the day.


It is difficult to determine which scent suits who individually. This is always revealed by experience. Therefore, they usually buy several varieties of oils, mix them, in accordance with the nature of the sound, and evaluate the effect obtained.

May you always be accompanied by only consonant notes that create mutual harmony!

Natural vegetable oils have been used by people since ancient times. They are mentioned in Tibetan treatises on medicine, in the Bible. Ayurveda ascribes to many of them the ability not only to improve health, but also to change life itself, attracting love, prosperity, recognition and good mood to a person. This is by no means accidental.

natural essential oil

Natural oil is, one might say, the lymph of a plant, that is, its most important part, containing all the beneficial properties that are attributed to it. A special position among the oils is occupied by an extract from ylang-ylang. The microbiological composition of the oil is not a constant value. It depends on the climatic and weather conditions in which the plant developed. As for this, it grows in places with the most stable climate. The oil from its flowers is squeezed out in the same place where the plants are harvested. For this reason, the properties of the essential oil differ only by serial number according to the duration of the extraction.

The area that nourished the tree of love, youth and beauty with informational content

The plant is native to Asia. In Indonesia, the Philippines or Polynesia, a beautiful tree with large feathery leaves resembling sumac branches is found everywhere. In the tropics, it blooms all year round. The aroma of the graceful sets you in a sublime mood. Ylang Ylang is the tree of love and tenderness.

Travelers, once in the Philippines, note that even the most severe of them become softer and more romantic under the influence of the local air. Returning to the hustle and bustle of big cities with their pragmatism, haste, nervousness and distrust of people towards each other, they retain a peaceful mood and a philosophically benevolent view of the surrounding reality for a long time.

The scent of love and sensuality

The psychological impact of aromas on a person, on his subconscious has been known for a long time. The ability of a plant to awaken tender feelings in people is successfully used by the peoples of the countries of the tropical belt to establish strong associations. Ylang-ylang belongs to the group of aphrodisiac fragrances. Fresh flowers of this plant have long accompanied the wedding night of the newlyweds. Awakening love, sweet aroma enhances attraction and passion. This is how ylang-ylang affects the senses. The smell (which it will be described below), surrounding the bed of the newlyweds, envelops the couple in love, like a veil, separating them from the outside world. It is so different from daytime and everyday smells that for the rest of their lives the association with it keeps the spouses wonderful memories of the first night of love. Thus, the aroma of flowers creates a mood for the whole future life of the couple.

What is the best scent for the lovers' bed? It is a caressing freshness, enveloping sweetness, richness, warmth and spicy aftertaste. This is exactly what ylang ylang essential oil does. The reviews of those who used this fragrance are similar to each other with statements that this is really the strongest aphrodisiac that attracts love. Many people associate its main note with gardenia, jasmine or water lily.

Aramalamps and complementary combinations of oils

How else can you use the aromatic properties of the ylang-ylang plant? The use of oil in aroma lamps is very effective for problems with the cardiovascular system. It has a calming and relaxing effect. In combination with bergamot, grapefruit or lime, it perfectly relieves tension and normalizes blood pressure. Citrus fruits neutralize the sugary sweetness of ylang-ylang. This smell is a harmonious combination with the smells of roses, couscous, mimosa and neroli.

There are combinations of oils called biostimulated. This means that the ingredients in such collections mutually reinforce each other. This is how mint, verbena, conifers, cinnamon and black pepper, complementary to the plant we are considering, manifest themselves. For insomnia, PMS, depression and chronic fatigue, baths should be taken with the addition of a few drops of ylang-ylang, cypress and lemongrass oils. But it should be remembered that without softening, ylang-ylang oil can cause dizziness and nausea.

Extra low grade oils

The aroma of ylang-ylang is one of the main notes in the cult perfume "Poison" by Christian Dior, as well as "Champ Elise" by Gerlein, "Aqua di Gio" by Armani, etc. This perfumery also gives the image of sexuality and femininity.

Oil is produced only from flowers by steam distillation or conventional, followed by evaporation. For 50 liters of water, 100 kg of fresh raw materials are taken. The first distillation process lasts one hour. The result is the most concentrated Ylang Ylang extract oil. The price for it is quite high, because 100 kg of flowers are required to obtain one kilogram of oil. A ml bottle in retail trade costs about 100 rubles. This oil smells sweet, floral, like jasmine or It is widely used in the perfume industry to make luxury cosmetics.

If you are offered woody ylang ylang, then this oil is the lowest quality, the last pressing. It is called canang and is much cheaper than ylang.

Penetrating power of essential oil

Essential oils differ in that they are introduced into the product in very small quantities, and ylang-ylang is an essential oil. Its properties are best manifested when mixed with base oils, alcohol, honey, yogurt and other substances that act as vehicles. The fact is that when applied to the skin, the essential oil does not spread over it, but penetrates exactly to the point of application. In addition, essential oils of the "extra" class are very concentrated and can be harmful if undiluted. To evenly saturate the entire surface, the oil should be diluted. Since it does not dissolve in water, fats and alcohols are used.

Non-verbal effects of aroma on human health, mood and aura

In concentrated form, aroma oils (ylang-ylang in particular) are used for aroma lamps. The smell of this plant deodorizes the room, calms the nervous system, improves mood, helps to get rid of depression, fears and anxiety. It is no secret that aromatherapy is not only an effective way to treat internal problems of the body. Inhalation of volatile ethers can also change a person's life. Ylang-ylang will help to attract love, improve existing relationships.

Essential oil properties begin to show immediately after inhalation. Try an experiment. When you're in a bad mood, go to a fragrance store and ask for a demonstration of ylang ylang. After the first breath, you will forget about the problem that tormented you, or rather, you will see it from a different side. Despondency will quietly disappear, and you will embark on a path that will lead you out of life's impasse. So, penetrating through the brain, the tropical plant ylang-ylang, an essential oil, changes our consciousness. The properties of the complex components included in it can also be used to solve problems with appearance.

Skin care products

If there are inflammations, age spots, a network of small wrinkles on the face, then adding three to five drops of ylang oil to daily care home remedies will help eliminate such problems.

Dry skin care

Ylang-ylang for the face with dry, beginning to fade, the skin is usually mixed with hypoallergenic extra virgin olive oil. For one tablespoon of base oil - 1-2 drops of essential, a quarter of a teaspoon of honey. The prepared emulsion should be heated to a temperature of 40 degrees Celsius, saturate a soft terry cloth with slits for the nostrils with it and put, slightly pressing, on the cleansed and steamed skin of the face. For best results, cover the washcloth with plastic wrap and a thick terry towel.

Lie down like this for twenty minutes. After that, remove the napkins and drive a non-greasy nourishing cream with a tightening effect into the skin with your fingertips. This procedure can be done only if the skin is not prone to rosacea and there is no allergy to honey. If you make such an oil mask twice a week, then the skin will become elastic and smooth, and its color will even out and acquire a natural healthy glow.

Oily skin care

Ylang-ylang for a person with oily or mixed skin types, prone to inflammation, is the best fit. This type of skin is characteristic of a young age. Fatty base oils are not acceptable in this case. Since ylang-ylang is an essential oil that relieves tension, soothes and deodorizes, as well as gives a sexual personality, it should become an integral component of the cosmetic set of young single ladies.

Adding it to caring, cleansing and anti-inflammatory masks will enhance the immune properties of the epidermis and improve overall mood and tone. Dry cosmetic clay should be diluted with a decoction of nettle, verbena, chamomile, red rowan or calendula, and add 1-2 drops of ylang to the clay mash.

Bath emulsion

Ylang Ylang essential oil for all skin types can be used in bath soap emulsions. Such a tool can be prepared independently. Mix 250 g sea 250 g flaxseed meal and 15 drops of ylang oil. Pour 30 g of coniferous concentrate with a glass of boiling water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Let it brew in a warm place for 1-2 hours. Strain, combine with a mixture of salt, flour and butter. Add 250 g of natural Stir well and use for baths - 2-3 tablespoons per procedure. The duration of the bath is 20 minutes. The water temperature is 37-38 degrees.

Hair care

The beneficial properties of ylang-ylang oil for hair are used to improve their appearance, to strengthen the roots and eliminate dandruff. From the East came the fashion for wrapping hair with avocado pulp with the addition of a couple of drops of ylang. This is a really good mask, after which the hair becomes more manageable, shiny and healthy. Ylang-ylang oil can be mixed with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, the resulting concentrate should be diluted with water to a slightly acidic state and rinsed with hair after washing. This is an excellent conditioner. When using it, hair does not become electrified, falls out less and does not split at the ends. Ylang-ylang for hair should be added to oils against split ends and balms that do not require rinsing.

Necessary Precautions

Like any natural vegetable oil, ylang-ylang extract can provoke allergic reactions. Therefore, before use, it is necessary to conduct a test for the reaction of the body. Apply a drop of oil to the inner elbow of the arm, where the skin is especially thin, and wait 12 hours. If redness or itching does not occur, then you can safely add it to your care products.

The aroma of ylang-ylang, being very energetically saturated, requires the right approach to its use. Being a powerful aphrodisiac, it is not appropriate in every situation. Going to visit a family friend, an unmarried girl with her exaggerated sexuality can ruin a friendly meeting and even lose a friend. When applying for a job, you should also carefully choose the fragrance that will become your train, or, as they say, your second garment.

Do not use only the same fragrance for a long time to avoid addiction, and then ylang-ylang, an essential oil whose properties are well studied, will make your life happy.

The healing properties of ylang-ylang essential oil are inherited from the plant of the same name.

Its history goes back to Victorian times.

Then it was often used as the basis for a balm that promotes hair growth.

Today, it is valued for its perfume qualities, but do you know what healing effect ylang-ylang has on human health?

Brief information about ylang-ylang

Today, the smell of the plant is considered one of the most striking and memorable floral aromas.

Ylang Ylang (kananga) is a tree that grows naturally in Indonesia, the Philippines and Burma.

In other countries, it is grown artificially, often for the manufacture of aromatic oils.

Its medicinal properties are best known in the native regions of this culture.

A variety of traditions are associated with this: for example, the Indonesians cover the bed of newlyweds with kananga flowers.

But the inhabitants of the Moluccas for many decades have used ylang-ylang as a cure for colds, viral diseases, skin infections, and even in the treatment of malaria.

To preserve the properties of ylang-ylang essential oils, the extract is obtained in the following ways:

  1. Water distillation with evaporation
  2. Steam distillation

The type of aroma oil is determined not only by the method, but also by the duration of the procedure:

  1. First grade - an hour from the start of the procedure
  2. Second - three hours
  3. Third - six hours

The last is the variety used in household chemicals, since the concentration of the extract in it is the lowest.

The second, respectively, is of greater importance for cosmetology, and the first is considered an "extra" class essential oil.

When choosing an ester, you should pay attention not only to the variety, which determines the cost of the product, but also to its aroma and appearance.

Ylang-ylang oil - light, yellowish, fluid, with a rich, sweet aroma.

Properties of ylang ylang essential oil

Ether is of great importance in many areas of life of modern man.

For medical purposes, it is used for:

  1. Headache relief
  2. Lowering blood pressure
  3. Normalization of the menstrual cycle
  4. Facilitate the onset of menopause
  5. Decreased muscle tone
  6. Adjustment of the sebaceous glands

It has a beneficial effect in gout, encephalomyelitis, rheumatism, arthritis, in the treatment of ulcers and infections of the oral cavity, relieves cough and runny nose, loss of appetite, relieves bloating.

Kananga flowers regulate the work of the sebaceous glands, help get rid of scabies, carbuncles and boils.

The plant extract also has a huge impact on the mental state of a person.

It can relieve stress and relieve a person from feelings of fear, anxiety, worry, anxiety and anger.

The aroma of the tree stimulates self-confidence, improves intuition, surrounds a person with a sense of confidence, calmness and good mood.

Tip: depression, stress, nervous breakdowns and various negative feelings are quickly replaced by a positive one when inhaling the aroma of ylang-ylang.

This supplement is considered one of the most effective antidepressants, in addition, contributing to the deepest relaxation and rest.

It is this factor that determines the ability of fragrant oil to eliminate insomnia, treat obsessive thoughts, irritability and angry states.

It is an effective remedy for relieving the symptoms of asthenic syndrome (uncertainty, anxiety, suspiciousness, tightness).

Advice: it is permissible to use aroma oil in the treatment of children from night fears.

The properties of ylang-ylang essential oil as an aphrodisiac are also known. It actively affects the increase in sexual desire, which, by the way, is the reason for the old Indonesian custom.

Like other aphrodisiacs, cananga tree flower oil enhances the feeling of love, self-confidence, helps to restore the harmony of relationships if they have “cracked”.

Reviews of the properties of ylang-ylang essential oil as an aphrodisiac can be found on many resources, and all of them, as one, testify to the effectiveness of the remedy.

In cosmetology extract:

  1. Removes signs of skin aging and slows down the premature appearance of such processes
  2. Makes skin supple and velvety
  3. Eliminates acne
  4. Treats eczema and dermatitis
  5. Removes irritation
  6. Stops inflammatory processes
  7. Stimulates the regeneration of skin cells
  8. Strengthens hair and nails
  9. Stops hair loss

Contraindications to the use of Kananga flower extract

Using ylang ylang is actually very dangerous.

Few people know that exceeding the dosage causes not only allergic reactions, but also dizziness, pain, and nausea.

You can not use the oil without interruption for more than 3 weeks.

Tip: first use the minimum dose of etherol, gradually increasing it with each subsequent use. The maximum allowed is the amount recommended on the package or by a doctor.

Tests for skin sensitivity to the extract should be carried out even if the product has already been used.

One drop is applied to the area of ​​the skin that is most sensitive to chemicals, often the wrist.

If after a day there is no irritation or discomfort, you can continue to use the oil.

The first signs of irritation indicate that the application should be discontinued.

In no case should you resort to the use of oil in any form in the first months of pregnancy or with a predisposition to lowering blood pressure.

Please note that tingling when applied to the skin is a normal skin reaction to concentrated essential oil.

How to use ylang ylang essential oil to maximize its benefits

The optimal effect can be achieved not only by choosing the right aroma oil, but also by skillfully applying it.

First you need to figure out what result you need, and then, starting from this, choose a way to use it.

The use of ylang-ylang essential oil for hair to achieve the maximum effectiveness of its properties:

  1. Prevention: add up to three drops of etherol to shampoo before bathing procedures. It should be noted that the use of such a shampoo is permissible no more than twice a week.
  2. Massage: to prepare the solution, you need three tablespoons of the base (burdock or jojoba oil), a tablespoon of ylang-ylang aroma oil. The mixture should be rubbed into the scalp with massage movements for 20-30 minutes. After that, it needs to be stretched along the entire length of the hair. After 40 minutes, the solution should be thoroughly washed off with shampoo. Effect: restoration of hair structure, prevention of breakage and split ends, improvement of blood circulation.
  3. Aroma Combing: A few drops of the extract are applied to a wooden comb.
  4. Lotion rinse: add 5 drops of oil and a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to one liter of purified water. The product is thoroughly mixed and applied to clean hair.

Tip: note that you should first mix the lemon juice and kananga extract, since the esters do not dissolve in water, then add the mixture to the water.

To improve health, add up to 7 drops of a mixture of oil with an emulsifier (solvent: milk, cream, sea salt) to the bathroom, or mix 5 drops of etherol with massage oil and apply to the body.

When used to relieve a child of nightmares, 2 drops of ylang-ylang, 2 drops of lavender ether and 3 drops of orange or lemon oil are mixed in an aroma lamp, lighting it 40 minutes before bedtime.

Cananga flower extract can also be enriched with purchased cosmetics.

To do this, take the oil at the rate of 1 drop per 1 ml. basics.

Often it is added to body krama, which improve the condition of the skin and thighs.

One of the most popular is the use of the extract as an aphrodisiac.

To increase sexual desire, sensuality and create a romantic atmosphere, use an aroma lamp (5-7 drops) or apply a few drops directly to the skin.

It is important not to overdo it, as the effect can turn out to be just the opposite, and instead of a hot night in the arms of a loved one, you will have to keep your eyes open because of the seething in the stomach.

Remember the warnings and stay healthy!

The magical flowers of ylang-ylang have attracted attention for many centuries. Why magical? But because they are often used during various ceremonies and rituals, it is generally accepted that they are endowed with some inexplicable magical power that can give happiness, love and bring prosperity to anyone who asks for it from a flower.

In some parts of distant and beautiful Indonesia, to this day there is a tradition that says that during the first wedding night of the newly-made husband and wife, their bed must certainly be completely strewn with these beautiful flowers. Only in this case, the whole life of the newlyweds will be carefree and happy.

An essential oil is made from the ylang-ylang plant, which can be used much more often than fresh flowers, because they tend to fade quickly, and the wonderful heady smell of ylang-ylang essential oil will accompany you whenever you want and where you want. Interestingly, this oil is able to please not only with its aroma, but also surprise with healing properties that anyone can use, regardless of age.

How is ylang ylang essential oil obtained?

Ylang Ylang essential oil can be obtained in two ways: water distillation and steam distillation. Any of these methods, of course, has its advantages, but the steam distillation method is much more effective, because during it oil is obtained, which almost completely retains all its healing properties. The fact is that people are accustomed to using ylang-ylang essential oil for a variety of purposes. Please note that not every ylang-ylang oil can have beneficial properties for humans. Some oils are only made to be used in aromatherapy, for example.

You can only make oil from flowers that were collected in the summer. After the first distillation of flowers, an essential oil of the highest grade is obtained. This oil is often used in the field of perfumery. Exactly three hours after the distillation process has been started, a second grade oil is obtained. After six hours, a third-rate oil is ready, which can be added to inexpensive soaps and lotions to give them a slight floral scent. This oil has absolutely no medicinal properties. All that can be taken from it is only a pleasant smell.

Ylang-ylang essential oil has a bright and even slightly pungent smell. Some people associate it with the holiday spirit, and some people can't stand such a sweet fragrance, so they have to mix it with other essential oils for an incredible cocktail of scents that will bring good emotions and a positive attitude. By its consistency, ylang-ylang essential oil is fluid, watery and light. Its color is golden, which does not distinguish ylang-ylang oil from other essential oils.

Useful properties of ylang-ylang oil

The oil is excellent for people who suffer from nervous disorders, who experience frequent breakdowns due to various stressful situations. Inhaling the pleasant smell of ylang-ylang essential oil, you will immediately feel how your heartbeat and breathing are restored, and the tense atmosphere is no longer so oppressive and depressing. The adaptogenic properties endowed with the essence make it possible to use it as a mild antidepressant drug, which is quite effective and, at the same time, does not harm the body, like purchased drugs with a dubious composition.

Many will be interested in the fact that the oil is a good aphrodisiac. It will be a wonderful erotic stimulant that will help you relax well and get as much pleasure from making love as you have never experienced before. Everyone who used this quality of ylang-ylang oil was amazed at the feeling of bliss and happiness that covered them at the moment of immersion in the boiling lava of passion and orgasm. The oil will help to prolong erections for men, and women will become more sensitive and will be able to feel the real taste of love.

With the help of this oil, you can forever forget about nightmares that could haunt you all night after a hard and stressful day. The smell of ylang-ylang oil will drive out of your life a depressive mood, feelings of nervousness, fear, anxiety and anger. Breathe in its scent and feel the euphoria that overwhelms you, which will take you mentally to the places where you would like to be the most. If you suffer from insomnia, then this oil will also help to solve this problem. Its aroma will drive away insomnia and relieve obsessive bad thoughts that do not want to leave your head. You will finally be able to fully relax normally, and in the morning you will be full of energy, strength and desire to conquer new peaks.

The bioenergetic effect of essential oil is that it is able to attract only positive energy and can create a good atmosphere around you, in every possible way conducive to relaxation, rest and peace of mind.

A few more properties that the essential oil of the most beautiful ylang-ylang flowers has:

Contributes to the normalization of the menstrual cycle in women and helps to make the premenstrual period much easier and less noticeable;

It will noticeably reduce muscle tone, help to relax not only the body, but also the brain;

It has the ability to normalize the process of excretion of sebum by the body;

It helps to lower too high blood pressure, relieve a terrible headache and help you fall asleep.

A big plus is that the oil can also be used by children. Many parents are familiar with the problem of unreasonable childhood fears that constantly haunt the child and prevent him from getting enough sleep, and also cause nightmares, which negatively affects the formation of the baby's psyche and his behavior. If you notice that your child has become more irritable, withdrawn and less talkative, then feel free to resort to the help of ylang-ylang flower essential oil.

Ylang-ylang essential oil - contraindications and possible harm

Please note that this essence is for external use only. You can simply sniff it or mix it into any kind of cosmetics, but you can’t drink this oil.

If you inhale the smell of pure oil, you risk damaging the nasal mucosa, because the essence itself is quite concentrated and has a sharp unpleasant odor. Ylang Ylang oil blends well with other essential oils, so it's good if you add a drop of your favorite oils to ylang ylang oil.

Some people suffer from oil intolerance. If, when adding it to cosmetics and various types of hair products, the skin begins to itch and redness is observed, then immediately stop using the oil and wash off its remnants from the skin.

The oil should not get on the mucous membranes. If it so happened that this happened, then do not panic. Go immediately and flush your mucous membranes with plenty of water without soap or any other means.

For all those who are allergic to flowers or any other plants, it is better to avoid this essential oil and it is strictly forbidden to use it for any purpose. Do not inhale the smell of this oil, because red spots may appear on the body, and the nose will begin to itch and swell. If you have inhaled the smell of oil and signs of an allergy are already beginning to appear, then you need to urgently drink an allergy medication or, even better, seek help from a specialist.

The article mentioned that children are allowed to use the oil. Yes, this is true. But, it is worth noting that children must be older than three years. If a child has not reached this age, and you let him smell the essential oil of ylang-ylang flowers, then he may have a terrible allergy.

Indications and methods of using ylang-ylang oil

This essential oil is often used for cold inhalations. If you have an aromatic pendant, then just drop a drop of oil into it and breathe its scent twice a day for five minutes. This procedure helps to relieve stress, relieve headaches and eliminate nasal congestion.

Ylang-ylang oil is suitable for massage sessions. If you mix it with some fruit oils, you get a wonderful mixture that will make the skin moisturized and tender, relax tense muscles, and the incredible smell can give positive emotions and make, at least for a while, forget about boring and already boring, gray weekdays.

If you love taking bubble baths after a hard day at work, you can add some oil to the water. This will help you relax and drive away bad thoughts. Moreover, after taking such a fragrant bath, the skin will become velvety, tender and acquire a floral scent that will accompany you all day and give a good mood not only to you, but also to those who are close to you.

Benefits of ylang ylang essential oil for hair

Essential oil can be used by those who dream of a chic head of hair, but have been disappointed more than once with expensive products that did not work at all. The oil helps to strengthen the hair follicles. Hair will fall out much less and acquire beauty and shine.

Oil can be added to your existing cosmetics, or you can make your own mask or lotion based on it. Here is a recipe for one good remedy: take a liter of water and add some fresh lemon juice, and then a few drops of ylang-ylang essential oil. Rinse your hair with a ready-made miraculous solution after washing and soon you will see the result, which you will certainly be satisfied with.

Not all properties of this oil have yet been fully studied. It can incredibly affect a person and even replace some medications for you. Many of those who used the oil once will not exchange it for anything else. Enjoy its breathtaking smell and be always healthy and beautiful!

This fragrant and romantic fragrance "captures" immediately and forever. Floral, but not cloying, delicate and noble smell belongs to the flowers of a tropical tree, whose birthplace is Southeast Asia.

He is called in different ways, "The Spirit Tree", "The Crown of the East", "The Flower of Flowers", but in each of his names his "high position" is emphasized. Large and long buds are pale green at first and covered with white hairs. A minimum of 2 weeks must pass for the petals to become a rich yellow color, and the flower begins to exude a sweet, thick aroma that literally envelops the tree within a radius of several meters.

When red-brown spots appear on the inside of the flower, this serves as a signal for collection. Harvested early in the morning, while the flowers still store high concentrations of essential oils.

This oil is a little unusual, its quality and composition is more dependent on distillation. At least 100 compounds are included in the chemical composition. The proportion of esters and phenols is high.

Transparent and clean, it has a slightly yellow color. The aroma is fresh, floral, sweet, slightly fruity but delicate.

Interesting: To get 2 liters of oil, you need to process 100 kg of flowers. The tree is able to bring from 5 to 100 kg of buds. As the tree ages, the oil content decreases.

Intense and powerful ester is non-toxic and non-irritating to the skin. The recommended dose is 1 drop to 31 drops of other essential oils. Overuse can lead to headache and nausea.

The oil blends well with neroli, grapefruit, jasmine, sage, patchouli, lavender, bergamot, lemon, rose, sandalwood and vetiver oils. When combined with orange, bergamot or sandalwood oil, its floral character is a little disguised, for example, if you make a mixture for a person who does not like floral notes.

Medicinal properties of essential oil

  • Antidepressant.
  • Relaxant.
  • Cardiotonic (soft).
  • Antispasmodic.
  • Anti-infectious.
  • Anti-inflammatory.

Ylang Ylang promotes relaxation and calms the central nervous system and regulates the flow of adrenaline. This property is very useful when a person experiences extremely negative emotions such as anger, rage, shock, fear or panic.

Oil is used to reduce high blood pressure. Medicines often have adverse health effects, so essential oil is an easy and natural solution.

In addition, tropical tree oil is useful in cases of low self-esteem, insomnia, tension, high blood pressure and stress. Ylang-ylang soothes and comforts, so it is used to provide quick relief from nervousness, depression, stubbornness. Ayurvedic medicine appreciates the ether of ylang-ylang for its ability to give joy, balance the mind and emotions.

Massage combined with specific essential oils such as ylang ylang, lavender, chamomile has been shown to be very effective in reducing the frequency of epileptic seizures. If the patient feels the approach of another attack, it is enough for him to bring a bottle of oil and inhale the aroma to immediately get a relaxing effect.

Popular application. It moisturizes well, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, strengthens the hair and gives them strength and an attractive healthy look. This is a salvation for damaged tips and skin experiencing inflammation. You can prepare water for rinsing. You will need to dilute 6 drops of ylang-ylang and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice in a liter of water.

Women appreciate ylang ylang for its benefits and help with PMS, insomnia, mood swings, heavy periods or cramps. It is used in difficult and painful periods, for a warming massage on the abdomen and lower back. The best nutritional base for this is omega-three rich evening primrose oil and macadamia nut.

Significant improvement occurs when using ylang-ylang for upper respiratory tract infections, bronchitis and spasmodic cough. Although it is generally accepted that only tea tree oil, eucalyptus and some other plants are effective.

Ylang Ylang pairs well with exotic oils such as vetiver, jasmine and patchouli and can be used as an aphrodisiac in a romantic blend. Helps with impotence and frigidity, people who experience fear and anxiety during sexual contact, blocking excessive nervousness. Ylang helps to reconnect our emotional and sensual experiences.

Essential oil of ylang ylang is good for the skin of the face, and it does not matter what type you have. It moisturizes and nourishes dry dehydrated skin, soothes irritated skin and prevents infections. The essential oil of ylang ylang has amazing properties, which determines its use. Perfectly balances the production of fat by the sebaceous glands, the skin is renewed faster and better retains moisture. Eliminates acne and makes skin clearer.

Ylang can be used along with mandarin, lavender and chamomile oils in infant formula for insomnia, stress or hyperactivity. A light massage with jojoba or sunflower oil will provide the baby with a restful sleep and reduce excitability.

Ylang is good for inflammation in seborrheic eczema. Violation of the production of sebum leads to infection of the cells of the epidermis, resulting in excessive exfoliation of skin scales in the scalp. Ylang relieves irritation and treats infection.


A few added drops to your shampoo or conditioner will help if you suffer from split ends. You can make a hair care mixture with coconut and jojoba oil, apply on your head and leave overnight, making sure to put a towel over your pillowcase.

Dry skin (face cream) For these purposes, calendula, macadamia, sea buckthorn and pomegranate oils are suitable. In 50 ml of base cream or oil, add 2 drops of ylang-ylang and geranium, 3 drops, 2 drops of orange palmarosa.

For hair

Ylang ylang essential oil and its effective use for hair is appreciated by those who lose hair for various reasons. Before applying, comb your hair thoroughly until you feel warm.

For the cardiovascular system

For a healthy and strong heart, ylang-ylang is diffused (2-3 drops) or massaged with 2-3 drops dissolved in an oil base or massage cream.

Reduce pressure

Fragrant oil can gently lower high blood pressure. Place 3 drops of ylang-ylang into the diffuser and the effect will not be long in coming. But be careful, excessive use or high concentrations can cause dizziness, headache and nausea.

  • Avoid in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • It is undesirable to use with low blood pressure.
  • Overuse can cause headaches and nausea.
  • Do not apply to inflamed skin and areas affected by dermatitis.

Ylang Ylang Oil - Therapeutic Uses

Inhalation is the fastest, most effective and convenient way to apply an essential oil to the body. It is also the most suitable method when dealing with a respiratory, mental or any systemic problem.

Try its amazing action. Just 2 drops placed in a diffuser will relieve the symptoms of physical exhaustion, nervousness and anxiety. Ylang Ylang oil reduces panic and symptoms of postpartum depression. Enjoying a sensual aroma brings rapid breathing back to normal, relieves stress, shock and nervous tension.

For indigestion or mild food poisoning, mix 2-3 drops in a tablespoon of any liquid oil and gently massage your belly skin in a clockwise direction.

Gorgeous and delicious oil has many necessary properties for the care of appearance and health.