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What is the harm of soy asparagus. Soy asparagus - what is it? Features of soy asparagus, its differences from natural

Chinese and Korean cuisine has become very popular in the modern world. Soy asparagus is a dish of national Asian cuisine. She managed to fall in love with many fans of this cuisine. What are the properties of this popular product, its calorie content? What does it bring to the body, benefit or harm?

Korean soy asparagus

This product has several names - fuju, fupi, douli yuka. Korean Soy Asparagus is a salad made with dried soy milk froth. It has nothing to do with asparagus. In China and Japan, this dish has been consumed for a very long time. The first mention of it is recorded in the XV century.

Soy milk froth does not have an exquisite taste, but the inhabitants of Asian countries were able to improve its palatability and make it a savory dish. In Japan, soy milk froth is eaten raw., in China it is dried. With the right seasonings, soy milk foam can be given a wonderful taste. Thanks to this, a delicious and full-fledged Asian dish was obtained.

Soy asparagus is made from soybeans. They are crushed and then boiled, at the time of cooking, the foam rises above the milk; it is collected and then hung up. In this form, it becomes fibrous, after which it is dried and it goes on sale.

The product contains a lot of protein in its composition, which is why it is used by vegetarians, as well as athletes. The vegetable protein in soy asparagus is completely absorbed by the body. In addition to protein, it also has a lot of other useful substances:

  • minerals;
  • vitamins;
  • insoluble fibers.

They learned how to prepare natural soy sauce, milk and cheese for vegetarians from it. The product contains a large amount of:

  • gland;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • Selena;
  • phytoestrogens.

Soy asparagus is rich in fiber, which helps to eliminate constipation, improves the functioning of the digestive system. Soy protein and insoluble vegetable fibers help lower blood cholesterol levels. Fatty polyunsaturated acids serve as a prophylactic for the cardiovascular system. Plant estrogens help reduce the risk of breast disease in women.

A high content of amino acids is able to renew the cells of our body, which improves the condition of the skin, muscles and slows down the aging process of the whole organism. If you regularly use asparagus salad in Korean, your hair becomes much better and practically does not fall out. Thanks to phytohormones, soy asparagus is an excellent prophylactic for osteoporosis.

Product calorie content

If we talk about the calorie content of asparagus in Korean, then this figure may differ depending on the type of product. It is purchased in two forms - dried or ready-to-eat. The calorie content of the finished dish is 440 kcal per 100 g:

  • proteins - 45 gr - 180 kcal;
  • fats - 20 gr - 180 kcal;
  • carbohydrates - 20 gr - 80 kcal.

The energy value of ready-made asparagus in Korean, the BJU ratio looks like this:

  • proteins - 41%;
  • fats - 41%%
  • carbohydrates - 18%.

Such an indicator of caloric content will allow you to quickly get enough of the body and not gain extra pounds. The dish began to be often included in the menu of various diets.. If you compare the dish with other protein products, it is immediately noticeable that it has more protein and much fewer calories.

Harm or benefit

Repeatedly conducted research in the field of soy products. Most scientists believe that excessive amounts of soy foods are harmful to health. Soy can negatively affect the condition of the pancreas. The phytoestrogens contained in soy can cause sexual developmental disorders in childhood, and in women lead to disruption of the thyroid gland.

Doctors believe that introducing soy products into your diet should be done with caution. No matter how delicious the Korean asparagus dish turns out, it should be eaten little by little and not every day. Only small portions of such a product can benefit the body.

Not so long ago allowed to be used in the production of GMO soy products Therefore, when buying them, you should always pay attention to this indicator. If you constantly eat products with GMOs, there is a risk of getting cancer.

Asparagus in Korean is very rich in protein, with a high content of amino acids. Soy asparagus has a pleasant taste. Salads and side dishes, snacks are prepared from it, used as an independent dish. If you cook the dish correctly, it will reveal all its valuable properties and make it possible to enjoy a pleasant taste.

Asparagus is a shrub in the asparagus family. This plant is known for its medicinal properties. Asparagus came to us from the Mediterranean region.

The composition of asparagus determines its beneficial properties. Even in ancient Rome, research was carried out on asparagus. It was considered the most valuable food product. This delicacy is now widely known to almost every nation.

Asparagus is an indispensable source of minerals, fiber, and vitamins. In addition to calories, 100 g of asparagus contains 4.6 g of protein, 6 g of carbohydrates and 0.2 g of fat. The culture contains vitamin K, E, C, A, group B, copper, potassium, manganese, selenium. Green asparagus is considered especially rich in vitamins. Asparagus has powerful anti-cancer and antioxidant properties.

It should be noted the low calorie content of asparagus. It is estimated that in one stem 4 kcal. Therefore, in vegetarian nutrition and vegetable diets, the emphasis is on this product. Thanks to its diuretic properties, asparagus helps in getting rid of excess weight, cellulite, makes the skin clean, makes the hair radiant. So, how many calories are in asparagus? The calorie content of asparagus is 20 kcal per 100 g.

Aspartic acid in asparagus plays an important role in metabolism, and coumarins help the cardiovascular system, while preventing the formation of blood clots and severe blood clotting. The saponins in asparagus help with respiratory problems.

Asparagus stimulates the elimination of waste and toxins. Also among the useful properties of the product can be noted tonic and cleansing effect. With the help of asparagus, you can lower blood pressure, improve blood circulation, increase vitality, and reduce allergies.

Soy asparagus: the benefits and calories of asparagus

Soy asparagus is a rather interesting product of Asian cuisine. It has a delicate aroma, pleasant taste, a lot of healing properties. The beneficial properties of soy asparagus have long been discovered by man.

Soy asparagus is delicious on its own and as an ingredient in salads and other Asian dishes. Soy asparagus is often deep-fried and added to a variety of dishes. How many calories are in soy asparagus? The calorie content of soy asparagus is 440 kcal per 100 g.

Dry asparagus is often on sale. It does not lose its beneficial properties in this form. Dry asparagus should be soaked for several hours before cooking. Dried soy asparagus contains 440 calories per 100 grams.

Soy asparagus is made from soybeans and water. In addition to calories, soy asparagus contains many minerals and vitamins. The benefits of soy asparagus are obvious for people with heart and vascular diseases due to a whole complex of polyunsaturated acids. The presence of phytohormones makes asparagus effective in the fight against osteoporosis.

But according to the data, soy asparagus in large quantities can provoke the occurrence of diseases of the pancreas. Therefore, adhere to the rule of the golden mean, that is, you should not abuse this product.

Harm of asparagus

To the use of asparagus, oddly enough, there are contraindications. Many people are highly sensitive to substances found in asparagus. In this regard, individual tolerance should be taken into account.

For example, saponin in asparagus acts as an irritant to the gastric mucosa, so asparagus should be used with caution during exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases. Asparagus is not recommended for prostatitis, articular rheumatism, cystitis.

Asparagus in Korean: what is a “fruit”?

Korean asparagus is a pickled soybean product. During preparation, dried soybeans are soaked in water, boiled, then ground to a puree state. After they are filtered, and soy milk is obtained. When it boils, a film forms. It is removed, twisted and hung. After drying, this film takes on a characteristic appearance and the name fuzhu. By this name it is known in the world. And we got accustomed to the name asparagus in Korean.

Korean asparagus is high in calories. It contains 40% protein, 20% fat. It contains virtually no cholesterol. It also has a unique composition of vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids. Fuju is eaten stewed, boiled, fried, and a salad called Korean asparagus is prepared. There are a lot of her recipes. Fuzhu is soaked in water, marinated with garlic, carrots, peppers and poured with hot oil. The calorie content of asparagus in Korean depends on the method of preparation. But the average calorie content of asparagus in Korean is 105 kcal.

Asparagus calories and weight loss

Due to the low calorie content of asparagus, it is very useful for weight loss. In addition, this product is the best fat burner. Its use allows you to get rid of one and a half kilograms in two days.

The daily diet should include three light snacks and two solid meals. But the number of calories per day should not exceed 900 kcal. In this case, it is necessary to use asparagus. Also, don't forget to get enough water. You should drink up to three liters daily. You can also drink a decoction that was formed after boiling asparagus.

Below we give you some diet recipes from asparagus.

Asparagus and chicken breast salad. The calorie content of asparagus and meat in a salad is 250 kcal. Wash and peel 100 g of asparagus, then cut into pieces. Add a pinch of sugar and salt to boiling water and boil the asparagus until tender. Chicken breast in the amount of 150 g, fry in a dry frying pan on all sides.

Chop lettuce. Cut 50 g strawberries in half. Combine chicken breast with asparagus, add lettuce and strawberries. In a separate bowl, make dressing: mix 1 tbsp. fat-free cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. unsweetened yogurt, crushed zest of one lemon. Dress the salad with dressing.

The next recipe is stewed asparagus. The calorie content of stewed asparagus is 240 kcal. In a frying pan, heat the butter, put chopped asparagus in the amount of 500 g. Stew under a closed lid for 3 minutes. After crushing a clove of garlic, mix it with 2 tsp. vinegar and 50 ml of water and pour into the pan where the asparagus is stewed. Cook for 12 minutes until vegetables are soft. Season with sugar and salt. The dish is ready!

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Any person who has tried natural asparagus will not immediately recognize it on the counter of Korean cuisine. This is not surprising: by their nature, these products are completely different, and if the first is a plant, then the second is a product from soy milk. Accordingly, they will differ significantly. In this article, you will learn how many calories are in Korean asparagus and how it can be used in dietary nutrition.

Korean asparagus calories

What we call asparagus in Korean is significantly different in calories from ordinary vegetable asparagus, which has only 15 kcal per 100 grams. Korean asparagus is made from soy: more specifically, it is the foam that forms on the surface of soy milk when boiled and then dried and stretched. In finished form, this exotic product has 234 kcal per 100 g of weight.

In stores you can find a similar product, not only in a ready-to-eat form, but dried, in packs. In this version, Korean asparagus has a higher calorie content - 440 units per 100 g.

It is also interesting that this product is very harmonious: 40% are proteins, another 40% are carbohydrates, and the remaining 20% ​​are fats. Despite the rather high nutritional value, the product can be included in a low-calorie menu - especially for those people who have given up food of animal origin and need to replace it with vegetable protein.

Knowing how many calories are in Korean asparagus, you can use it as an addition to vegetable salads - it will not only be pleasant to diversify their taste, but will also allow you not to disturb the overall system of light nutrition.

By the way, if ordinary asparagus (15 kcal) is cooked in Korean style, with spices, its calorie content will not increase too much, and it is quite possible to afford it with a low-calorie diet.

Korean Asparagus and Diet

Consider the option of including Korean-style soy asparagus in a weight loss diet based on proper nutrition. This option can be used by anyone who loves asparagus, but at the same time would like to adjust their weight. If you strictly follow the instructions of this diet, you are guaranteed to reduce weight by 1-1.5 kg per week.

The basic principles of the diet are:

  • there should be three main meals per day and 1-2 additional ones;
  • daily you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water - namely water, and not juices, tea and other liquids;
  • it is strictly forbidden to skip breakfast and have dinner later than three hours before bedtime;
  • control the portion size - no more than one full salad plate per reception;
  • for the time of losing weight, you need to remove pastries, white bread, cakes, pastries and, in general, all flour from the diet;
  • give up high-calorie side dishes - potatoes, white rice and pasta, prefer them instead;
  • give up frying, especially breaded, instead, predominantly bake, boil, stew food, cook on a grill or steam;
  • give up sweets - they are too high in calories, and cause jumps in blood sugar levels, which, in turn, provoke a rapid onset of hunger.

By following these simple rules, you can quickly adjust your weight. To make the system more understandable, Here are some examples of dietary options:

  1. Breakfast: half a pack of cottage cheese, a glass of kefir.
  2. Lunch: a small portion of asparagus, a glass of water (if you don’t feel like eating, you can skip this meal).
  3. Dinner: a portion of vegetable soup, salad with seafood.
  4. afternoon tea: an apple, or a pair of kiwi, or half a grapefruit, or an orange.
  5. Dinner: a portion of lean fish, beef or chicken and a vegetable side dish of your choice.

There is a lot of protein in such a diet, which means that fatty tissues will melt before our eyes. Follow the diet for as long as necessary to achieve the desired weight - it is harmless to the body.

The appearance of soy asparagus on the Russian (Soviet) shelves gave rise to a debatable tsunami. Opponents and supporters are fiercely arguing about the benefits (harm) of this food product, appealing not only with convincing arguments, but also with conjectures. However, it is time to restore the balance and separate the wheat from the chaff, that is, the facts from the myths, and try to independently answer the burning question: "Is soy asparagus healthy?" What, in fact, will be discussed in this article.

Soy asparagus. Benefit

The food system of most Asian countries differs significantly from the preferences of the Western population. Soy asparagus in the East, called "fuzhu" is a revered and respected product. The Japanese call it differently - "yuyubu", the same term, by the way, is also used in English-speaking countries. Fuzhu is just a foam that was removed from soy milk, dried and rolled into a tourniquet. The eastern fellow has nothing in common with the asparagus plant, and there are no grounds for comparing them. Another thing is soybean, which is the main raw material for the production of fuju. This plant from the legume family is a real storehouse of protein, trace elements and vitamins. In China, soy products are introduced into the diet almost from infancy, and there are legends about the life expectancy of the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire. However, do not deliberately tie the facts into a tight knot. Nevertheless, soy asparagus, the benefits of which are primarily due to the presence of a huge amount of highly digestible vegetable protein, occupies a leading place in the diet of oriental people. This “substance” is no less delighted among vegetarians, who have found a worthy alternative to animal products.

Phytohormones and lecithin!

Soy asparagus contains phytohormones, which in limited quantities contribute to rejuvenation, prevent breast cancer and osteoporosis. Reasonable use of fuzhu is recommended for almost all women, especially during menopause. Soy asparagus contains lecithin, which is involved in the activity of the cardiovascular system and in fat metabolism. For obese people and hearts, the use of fuzhu will only benefit. And, most importantly - zero cholesterol! Moreover, soy products, including asparagus, lower its blood levels. And this fact is indeed proven by scientists.

Soy asparagus. Compound

If you look closely at this protein concentrate, you can find in it: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A and C, amino acids, 45% protein and only 20% fat. The calorie content of fuju is about 235 kilocalories per 100 grams of dry product. Well, the product is really nutritious, and even there is a barely overcome desire to exclaim: "Soy asparagus - the benefits are obvious!". But first, let's look at the other side of the coin.

Soy asparagus - good or still ...

The above phytohormones, unfortunately, can be harmful and even dangerous. They cause a decrease in thyroid function. Therefore, the use of soy asparagus is highly discouraged for people with endocrinological diseases. Patients of urological departments should also bypass this product - it has been found that oxalic acid salts, which are found in soy, can provoke the formation of stones. And yet the main danger is represented by genetically modified versions of products from this plant. In Russia, the production of soybeans marked "GMO" is prohibited, however, control over the implementation of this provision is very conditional. The harm of genetic engineering products is one of the most pressing issues of our time. There is no direct evidence for this. However, some indirect ones - for example, an unbiased assessment of the state of health of Americans - force us to use common sense and beware just in case.

Soy asparagus - benefits, calories, composition

An interesting product is soy asparagus, its benefits are of interest to many people who love it. There is a Chinese legend, according to which, Qin Shi Huang-di, the first emperor of China, who ruled in 246 BC, demanded that his faithful people get him a rejuvenating elixir. After many unsuccessful attempts, the emperor was offered soy asparagus, which was called "Fu-Zhu", this product was chosen by the emperor as a means of prolonging life. There are still controversial opinions why a soy product is named after plants from the Asparagus family. In fact, soy asparagus is a product of soybeans, which are well soaked, finely ground and washed out of milk from the ground mass. In the process of boiling, a foam appears on the milk, which serves as the raw material for this delicious dish.

Is soy asparagus healthy?

Many are wondering if soy asparagus is healthy, judge for yourself - the soy product is rich in vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium, and, in addition, it is nutritious and tastes good, it is also well absorbed by the body. Soy milk is lactose and cholesterol free, suitable for people who suffer from allergies to the protein found in cow's milk. Also, soy milk contains a complex of polyunsaturated acids - this is good for people prone to cardiovascular diseases. The presence of phytohormones makes it effective for the prevention of osteoporosis. Soy asparagus has a simple composition: water and soybeans. The nutritional value will pleasantly surprise people who follow their figure - per 100 gr. soy product: proteins 45 gr., carbohydrates 20 gr., fats 20 gr. Calorie content 440 kcal, per 100 gr. Can a soy product harm the body? If you observe the measure in use, and do not eat for those who suffer from stomach diseases, then there will be no harm.

Soy asparagus: benefits and more

Cooked soy asparagus is delicious on its own, but it can also be an ingredient that adds interesting flavor to a salad or other dish. For example, vegetables and soy asparagus - its benefits will only increase. In order to prepare one kilogram of salad, we need: 150 gr. dry asparagus (fuji), 200 gr. carrots, 80 ml. rice vinegar, a teaspoon of salt, three cloves of garlic, sesame oil - three tablespoons, seasonings (red, black pepper, etc.) to taste. In itself, dry soy asparagus is interesting, its benefits are not at all lost in “dryness”, but you will have to spend a little effort on it. The dry product must be soaked, this can take up to 6 hours if done in cold water, and up to 2 hours in hot water. When the asparagus is soaked, put it in a colander, rinse a little. The resulting asparagus is cut into pieces of 6 cm in length and put in a saucepan. We take a carrot and rub it on a coarse grater, if you have a food processor, you can use it. Mix carrots with rice vinegar and salt. When you mix the carrots, press a little on them, which will give them a more juicy taste. Twenty minutes carrots should stand to soak. Finely chop the garlic, you can use a press. Pour sesame oil (if there is no sesame oil, vegetable oil will do) into the pan, when the oil is hot, add the garlic and fry for about three minutes. Add carrots, seasonings to the pot with asparagus and pour over everything with hot garlic oil. To make sure everything is well soaked, cover with a lid and shake a few times. We leave for three hours and enjoy a wonderful salad.

Another good roasted asparagus recipe:

Fried soy asparagus (its benefits are not lost) should be well soaked, then we wash it well and cut it into 6 cm pieces. We prepare onions and carrots. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and fry carrots and onions for five minutes. Add asparagus and spices, salt to taste, mix well and simmer for five minutes under the lid. Add the garlic, soy sauce and chopped herbs and close the lid again to infuse the dish with herbs and spices. This dish is best served with steamed rice.

Soy asparagus, also known as fuju, is a popular dish in Korean, Japanese, and Chinese cuisines. It can be purchased in the markets or in specialized departments of supermarkets. The soft original taste of this appetizer is loved by many, and often a salad bowl with soy asparagus adorns a Russian feast. But few people think about how useful this delicious dish is.

What is soy asparagus made from?

In fact, this product has nothing to do with ordinary asparagus that grows in the garden, since soy asparagus is made from soybeans. They are pre-soaked in water, and then ground to a mushy state, and soy milk is squeezed out of this mass. The milk is then boiled and the resulting foam is removed, dried and rolled up with a tourniquet. This dry semi-finished product serves as a raw material for the preparation of fuju. This source of highly digestible vegetable protein has very few calories - only 234 kcal per 100 g of dry product, while it contains 45 g of proteins, 20 g of carbohydrates and fats.

Useful properties of soy asparagus

Soy, from which fuzhu is made, is a very useful plant, rich in essential amino acids, vegetable protein, vitamins and trace elements of iron, potassium and calcium. Soy asparagus is perfectly absorbed by the body, and the milk from which it is made does not contain lactose, which is an allergen, and cholesterol, which clogs blood vessels. Soy milk and fuju also contain a number of polyunsaturated acids that have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and prevent the development of many of its diseases. It is also high in phytohormones that prevent bone loss and osteoporosis. In this regard, there is a risk of deviations in sexual development in the emerging child's body, therefore, children under 10 years of age are not recommended to eat soy asparagus, and adults should use it in moderation, although the harm from it has not been proven. Contraindications for the use of soy asparagus are diseases of the stomach and pancreas.

How to cook soy asparagus

Break dry soy asparagus into pieces of 4-5 cm and put in a deep bowl, cover with cold water and leave for 30 minutes to make it elastic. Lay out the asparagus, squeezing out the water. Cut the onion into thin half rings and fry it in vegetable oil until golden brown. Remove the onion from the pan. In a hot pan, put finely chopped garlic and asparagus in the remaining oil, pour 1-2 tablespoons of soy sauce, add a little finely chopped hot pepper and a little bell pepper, chopped into strips and Korean seasoning "Aji-no-moto" - monosodium glutamate. Simmer, stirring for 5 minutes, put in a bowl and add a little lemon juice, mix. After the asparagus has cooled, you can serve it as a snack.

Korean Asparagus: Recipes. How many calories are in Korean Asparagus?

Korean asparagus is a delicious and beloved dish by many. For salad use soy asparagus or fuju. This product looks like a real vegetable only in appearance, but, nevertheless, it has a wonderful delicate taste.

Soy asparagus is a dietary product. It is not high in calories, but contains a lot of protein and is quite nutritious. Many stores sell ready-made salads, but you can cook such a dish yourself. In addition to salads, other dishes are also prepared from soy semi-finished products: it is boiled, stewed and fried along with vegetables and spices.

On sale you can find dry asparagus in packages of 400 and 500 g. After soaking, approximately 1.5 liters of product are obtained, ready for cooking various dishes.

Korean Asparagus Calories and benefit

The benefits of soy for humans have been known for a long time. It is successfully replaced with meat dishes and used during the diet. Due to the high content of protein and fiber, soy asparagus dishes contribute to the rapid satiety and filling of the stomach. Therefore, among losing weight people, this product is quite popular. 100 g of soy asparagus contains about 440 kcal.

This product is made from specially processed soybeans and water. It also contains many vitamins and minerals. Soy dishes are useful for people suffering from diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The high content of polyunsaturated acids helps restore the health of these organs and strengthen the body as a whole.

But, despite all the benefits of asparagus, it should not be abused. Frequent intake of soy can cause pancreatic dysfunction. It is useful for people who need to limit meat and other animal products or completely eliminate them from the diet.

The product consists of 40% protein, 20% vegetable fats. Soy asparagus contains many amino acids necessary for our body. But there is no cholesterol in it at all.

The calorie content of Korean salads with asparagus is low. On average, there are 105 kcal per 100 g of product. The calorie content, of course, varies, depending on what ingredients the asparagus is mixed with. In this case, the calorie content of the dish can be calculated using a special table.

How to cook asparagus in Korean?

First of all, you need to prepare a dry semi-finished product. It is not advisable to cook it - otherwise it will lose its taste and smell, become soft and unpleasant. It is best to soak soy asparagus in cold, clean water and leave to swell for a while.

If time is short, you can pour boiling water over the product for 1 hour. After that, drain the water, cool the asparagus and squeeze out excess moisture. After that, it can be used to prepare various dishes.

Korean Asparagus: Cooking Recipes


  1. Soy asparagus - 500 g
  2. Refined sunflower oil - 6 tbsp. l.
  3. Garlic - 4 cloves
  4. Salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  5. Soy sauce - 3 tbsp. l.
  6. Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  7. Ground pepper (black and red) - to taste


  • Soak asparagus in cold water overnight, or pour boiling water for 1 hour, as described above.
  • Combine soy sauce with vegetable oil, sugar and salt. Add minced garlic.
  • Season the asparagus with the resulting mixture, add black and red ground pepper. Stir.
  • Infuse in the refrigerator for 12 hours. During this time, the fuju will soak in the marinade and acquire a unique aroma of spices.

Salad with asparagus and carrots


  1. Soy asparagus - 500 g
  2. Garlic - 5 cloves
  3. Carrot - 3 pcs.
  4. Refined oil (sunflower or corn) - 1 tbsp.
  5. Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  6. Vinegar (table or apple) - 5 tbsp. l.
  7. Salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  8. Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  9. Allspice peas - 7 pcs.
  10. ground red pepper - to taste


  • Cut the prepared asparagus into thin strips. Grate the carrots (it is better to use a special Korean carrot grater).
  • In a deep bowl, mix the asparagus, carrots and crushed garlic.
  • Prepare dressing from vegetable oil, sugar and salt. Put the saucepan on a small fire, add red and allspice, spices to taste.
  • When the dressing boils, put the bay leaf into it, pour in the vinegar and immediately remove from heat.
  • Season the asparagus with vegetables with the resulting sauce, mix thoroughly. Infuse asparagus in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours, but the dish will be much tastier and more aromatic if you insist it for 12 hours.

Soy asparagus is a favorite snack for Chinese and Japanese cuisine, as well as sushi fans. It has a special taste and high calorie content. And it can also be useful if it is prepared correctly. But can it be compared with ordinary asparagus?

Features of soy asparagus, its differences from natural

Few people know, but soy asparagus has nothing to do with a vegetable that is harvested from the beds. Natural asparagus is used mainly fresh or canned, has a dense juicy texture and is grown in the ground. Soy is also a by-product of processing soybeans. First, during the production of bean curd, soy milk is separated. In the process of boiling it, a dense film forms on the surface, which is removed by means of a special apparatus. Immediately in production, these films are dried and acquire a form already familiar to the consumer - the same soy asparagus.

In Japan, this product is preferred to be consumed immediately, fresh. For mass sale, asparagus is dried and packaged in bags, and subsequent consumption requires it to be soaked.

Soy asparagus is a highly nutritious and high-calorie food. There are about 440 calories per 100 grams. For comparison, the calorie content of natural asparagus is only 21 units. At the same time, the soy equivalent contains a lot of protein - 45 g, a significant amount of fats and carbohydrates - about 20 g each.

In terms of nutrient content, soy asparagus is significantly inferior to its natural counterpart. It cannot boast of having a large number of useful components, therefore it has negligible real benefits for human health. Without knowing this, many consumers are deceived into believing they are fortifying their diet with this product. But, consider the beneficial qualities of soy asparagus in more detail.

The benefits and harms of soy asparagus

The main positive quality of this product is that it has nothing to do with natural milk, which means that people with lactose intolerance can use it. At the same time, soy asparagus can be called a hypoallergenic food that can replace a number of ingredients in the general diet, for example, in case of intolerance to animal protein. It is worth noting that soy protein in this form is processed faster. Fats are also better absorbed.

Despite its high calorie content, soy asparagus is quickly digested and does not cause the feeling of heaviness in the stomach or bloating, which is typical for heavy meat meals. In the diet, to maintain optimal protein metabolism, the use of such asparagus is also relevant. Since it is a predominantly protein product, a number of essential amino acids can be noted in it, which in turn are important for the optimal functioning of all body systems. First of all, we are talking about the functionality of the central nervous and endocrine.

But the negative impact of this product on the body is also known. Excessive consumption of soy asparagus provokes stomach and intestinal disorders, disrupts metabolism, increases the tendency to be overweight and worsens the process of burning extra pounds. Keeping in mind the high calorie content, we can say that asparagus provokes obesity, and a high percentage of carbohydrates can negatively affect blood pressure, pancreas function, and provoke the development of diabetes, especially if you are genetically prone to this. Of course, what you eat with such food plays an important role here. For example, in combination with a dressing of oil and spices, asparagus becomes even more caloric, and in a hundred grams it turns out to be about 700-1000 calories, which absolutely excludes it from the diet!

Recent studies by doctors have also shown that excessive consumption of soy asparagus can cause the development of oncology in the stomach, pancreas and intestines.

From the foregoing, it is important to note that such a product requires moderate consumption and is not suitable as a constant component of the daily diet.

How to cook soy asparagus

To use dried asparagus in cooking, you first need to soak it. To do this, it is necessary to break the blanks into small pieces and soak in plain water for 2 hours. If necessary, this can be done in milk. Another option is to soak the asparagus without breaking it, but cut it already in a soft state. After it becomes elastic, the asparagus is dipped in boiling water and boiled for five minutes. For 200 grams of dry product, it is necessary to use twice as much liquid for soaking, and then the same amount for cooking. Ready asparagus is thrown into a colander, like pasta, and then used in any dish you like.

It can also be cooked dry. Then the cooking process takes less time, since dry asparagus is cooked for only half an hour. However, this option may adversely affect the taste of an unusual ingredient.

Most often, softened asparagus is used to create quick snacks, spicy or sweet and sour. In its pure form, it is consumed along with soy sauce, wasabi and other seasonings, it is complemented by sushi and Japanese salads. Soy asparagus can be used as a side dish, but then it is recommended to pair it with plenty of fresh vegetables and lean meats.

Korean asparagus salad recipe

To prepare it, you will need: a pound of dry asparagus, 3 large carrots and garlic cloves, 100 ml of vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. l. vinegar and soy sauce, a teaspoon of salt, a tablespoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of red pepper.

While the asparagus is soaking, peel and grate the carrots on a fine grater, crush the garlic with a press. After that, cut the prepared asparagus into circles, sprinkle it with pepper and garlic, mix. After that, heat the oil, pour it over the asparagus and add all the other ingredients. Refrigerate marinated asparagus for 2 hours before serving.

Soy asparagus and weight loss

The high calorie content of the product casts doubt on its use for weight loss, although new fashion trends mislead girls and women, convincing them that soy asparagus is safe for the figure. It is important to note here that its use even in the first half of the day requires a person to be highly physically active in the future, otherwise everything eaten will very quickly be deposited in problem areas.

By itself, asparagus does not affect weight loss in any way, and on the contrary, it can lead to significant weight gain. For this reason, it is worth using it in the diet in the same way as any high-calorie food - it is limited. During the diet, you can add soaked asparagus to fresh vegetable salads, but not more than 100 grams at a time.

You should not combine asparagus with starchy vegetables and cereals, fatty heavy meats and fish.

This product can serve well for those who seek to build muscle mass and are actively engaged in power loads. In this case, asparagus will be an excellent source of carbohydrates to replenish energy and build new cellular connections in muscle tissue. For this effect, it must be consumed in the morning shortly before training. Or in the evening, but only if you follow a strict strength training regimen and make sure that the total number of calories consumed does not exceed the number of calories burned!

Zinaida Rublevskaya
for women's magazine site

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