Repair Design Furniture

Princess Charm. The prince-berry is a useful gift of the north. The prince's berry is the second name

Looking into the gardens of modern summer residents, we can see a rich variety of berries of all colors and tastes. But few gardeners can boast of having such a berry as a princess on their plot. Its second name is arctic raspberry (lat. Rubus arcticus), although it can be found not only in the Arctic, but also in Siberia, in the Far East. It also grows in the Tver, Vladimir, Smolensk regions and in Karelia.

The natural habitat for the princess is damp places in coniferous and deciduous forests. It grows along fresh water bodies, on the banks of swamps. It is possible to meet her in the forest less and less. This is due to fires and deforestation.

But even in ancient times, it was not easy to collect a basket of amazing wild berries. She got up on a par with furs and jewelry. The princely children especially liked to feast on the delicacy, hence the name of the berry.


Arctic raspberries, also known as knyazhenika, "raspberry", "polyonika", "mamura", "khokhlyanitsa", "khokhlushka" is a unique plant, a species of the genus Rubus, known for its healing properties, as well as its unique taste and aroma.

From the name "arctic raspberry" you can guess that outwardly this berry resembles the well-known raspberry. The plant is herbaceous, low - its height reaches about half a meter. Unlike ordinary raspberries, the creeping roots of the Arctic go deep into an average of 15-20 centimeters. The leaves are trifoliate, similar to strawberry leaves. The fruits consist of drupes, as in all plants of the Rubus family. The color of the fruits of the princess varies from cherry to bright purple with a blue tint. That is why it is also compared to blackberries.

The main difference between arctic raspberries and their "sisters" is sweet and sour taste with pineapple aroma. It makes the berry truly unique.

Where is it used?

Due to the unique taste, there are many recipes based on the princess. It is good both raw and processed. Jam, jam, compotes, syrups, liqueurs are made from it. It can also be dried or frozen. Arctic raspberry leaves are dried naturally and used as a tea.

In addition to taste, the prince is recommended to be used as a medicine. The presence in its composition of a large amount of vitamin C, glucose, fructose increases the value of the berry. At the same time, the leaves contain phytoncides and ascorbic acid. The scope of the plant is wide.

It is applied:

  • to increase immunity, as well as recovery from illness;
  • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (especially diarrhea);
  • with a disease of the upper respiratory tract;
  • as an antipyretic;
  • as an antiscorbutic;
  • for quick removal of edema and healing of tissues (freshly picked leaves are suitable);
  • when losing weight;

Arctic raspberry is a powerful antioxidant of plant origin that can fight age-related changes in the human body. This explains its wide application in the field of cosmetology. Rejuvenating serums and creams are prepared on the basis of arctic raspberry extract.

The compositions of tonic lotions do not do without it. Fresh arctic raspberry porridge and its juice are used in the treatment of dry and tight skin. Hair that is prone to brittleness and has lost its shine is rinsed with a strained decoction of leaves and flowers of northern raspberries.

In addition, the princess shrub is very beautiful - it can be used for borders of paths and flower beds, in the interior of the garden.

As you can see, the princess is really a unique plant. Not surprisingly, many modern countries have been cultivating Arctic raspberries for many years. Finland is in the lead, whose number of bred varieties is in the first place. Although, it is believed that there are no varieties of princesses in nature. It just comes in different forms in different areas.


Having decided to acquire an unpretentious northern raspberry in his garden plot, gardeners must take into account a number of conditions.

  • Landing method. There are two options for reproduction of the princess: by seeds and by dividing the bush. If the second option is quite simple, then when propagating the plant with seeds, you should know that you can get the first harvest only after three years. The best varieties for planting princesses in the garden are those bred in Sweden: Linda, Anna, Beata and Sofia, as well as the Finnish Aura and Astra.
  • Choice of landing site. Taking into account the conditions of the natural growth of the berry, the place for planting it should also be sufficiently moist, but in a place rich in sunlight and having a shadow.

To achieve sufficient moisture, it is worth making a depression in the ground the size of two bayonets of a shovel, placing drainage, thoroughly fertilized soil and planting a plant.

For unpretentiousness in cultivation and the northern distribution area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe prince is sometimes referred to as arctic raspberries. In addition to this name, you can find such local names for this berry as:

    • raspberry;
    • khokhlushka;
    • glade;
    • mamura;
    • drupe;
    • and others.

The fruit of the plant, a drupe, is very similar in shape to blackberries, and common raspberries. No wonder the words princess and arctic raspberry are often used as synonyms.

And in fact, the appearance of the bushes of this berry is somewhat remotely reminiscent of dwarf raspberry shoots.

Biological characteristic

The common princess belongs to the genus Rubus of the Rosaceae family. Its close relatives are such well-known berry crops as:

  • blackberry;
  • bramble;
  • cloudberry;
  • raspberry;
  • stone berry;
  • and others.

The berry of the prince differs from its relatives in the characteristic smell and taste of pineapple. On this basis, it is easily determined if found in nature.

Our Help! In Latin, the princess is called "Rubus arcticus", which literally means "Arctic Blackberry".


The prince is a herbaceous plant, reaching a height of about thirty centimeters. It has a creeping rhizome, located at an average depth of about twenty centimeters. The leaves of the plant are trifoliate, reminiscent of strawberries, and the berries are prefabricated drupes, like all Rubuses.


Like many other berries of our North, the princess is rich in vitamins, especially there is a lot of vitamin C in it. Due to this property, the princess was used by the northern peoples as an antiscorbutic agent.

Currently, the berries of the princess are widely used in cooking. Desserts and drinks are prepared from them, such as:

  • jam;
  • marmalade and jams;
  • compotes;
  • jelly;
  • juices;
  • liqueurs;
  • tinctures.

As you know, all Rosaceae also use other parts of the plant. Here, the leaves of the princess are suitable for making surrogate tea with a special unique pineapple aroma.

Distribution area

Princess garden comes from the northern territories of our country. Most often it can be found in regions located above the central strip of Russia or in Siberia. The royal berry is also common on the Alaska Peninsula, in the countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula and in Finland.

As for where the princess grows, in this respect the berry is very unpretentious. It can also be found in the undergrowth of mixed forests, in meadows, along the banks of swamps or rivers.

Attention! The prince is a moisture-loving berry, so you need to look for it in damp places.


The timing of flowering and the beginning of ripening of the berries of the princess is very extended in time. For example, flowering begins in mid-May and continues until mid-July.

At the same time, the first berry picking begins in July, which can continue in waves until the end of August.

Interesting! The crops of the princess decrease towards the southern border of its distribution area.

Growing on the site

It is quite natural that recently our tireless summer residents and gardeners have begun to cultivate the princess more and more on their plots. In the conditions of the middle zone and the north of the country, the princess takes root very well.

Those few secrets and subtleties that the princess requires when planting and caring for her will be discussed later in our article.


The princess is propagated by seeds or root offspring. Seed propagation is fraught with difficulties in stratification, but with some skill it succeeds quite well.

You can act in two ways:

  1. Sowing seeds in the snow in seedlings with a further weekly alternation of the place of stay: heat-refrigerator. This process should be carried out within about a month.
  2. Sowing seeds in containers dug in the garden under the trees. It is not worth burying grains in the soil, it is enough just to throw leaf litter. Such seeds will undergo natural stratification, and in the spring you will be able to get friendly shoots, the main thing is to prevent the soil and seeds from drying out.

When propagating by offspring, it is enough to dig out a new outlet from the mother bush and dig in a new place.

Site selection and soil preparation

This stage is one of the most responsible in the cultivation of the princess. On the one hand, we must choose the most illuminated place, on the other hand, it is quite damp, because the arctic raspberry does not tolerate dryness.

This issue can be solved by arranging a bed in a sunny place, deepening it a little. So, the sequence of work is as follows:

  1. We also take out the soil for the future beds on two bayonets of a shovel.
  2. We make drainage from sand and gravel, because excess dampness is also useless.
  3. We fill the bayonet with soil mixture.
  4. We spill the soil well.
  5. We plant a plant.
  6. Mulch the soil with leaf litter. This technique will preserve the lag in the soil, which is very to the taste of the princess.

Thus, our landings will be on a slight decrease relative to the rest of the site, which will create some dampness.

The composition of the soil mixture should be loose in texture and rich in nutrition. Therefore, garden soil is mixed with sand, peat and compost. Be sure to add wood ash to the soil mixture to enrich it with potassium, which is so necessary for all berry crops. Application rate: half a liter per square meter of bed.

Attention! Compost for growing princesses is best prepared on the basis of hay from meadow grasses or leaf litter.

Scheme and landing dates

The planting of new plants is carried out according to the scheme of 30 by 15 centimeters. Narrow 45-centimeter beds are excellent for this, on which the plants are arranged in two lines in a checkerboard pattern.

It is possible to plant a princess in spring and autumn a month and a half before stable frosts, so that the rosettes have time to take root.

Attention! The prince is characterized by weak self-fertility, so it is better to plant several varieties for cross-pollination.


Caring for the princess is small, it is enough to observe the optimal humidity regime. This is achieved by timely watering in dry weather and control over the condition of the mulch.


The berries are harvested in several stages as they ripen. They do this from the end of July and throughout August. It is better to pick berries in the afternoon in dry weather.

A video about growing a princess will help you consolidate the material you read.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

The vegetable garden is a wonderful place, thanks to which people get a wonderful harvest, which they feed on all year round. Each garden is unique in its own way, as each person plants vegetable or berry crops that he likes. And it's very good when gardeners can exchange crops with each other, various tips on growing, and just talk about the development of their plots.

I also have a small garden plot where many different crops grow: raspberries, black currants, gooseberries, cucumbers, carrots, beets and many others. I work in the garden with my grandmother, who recently brought back from her trip to the north an unusual berry called “princess”.

We immediately planted this berry and began to care for it. Therefore, having little experience in growing this crop, this article will focus on the features of proper planting, care and cultivation of berries, as well as important points in the life of a plant, useful fertilizers and harmful diseases that can threaten the "princess".

The prince is a fairly common berry that grows in swamps, around lakes and in glades that are abundantly watered with rain. It usually grows in the northern regions, so it is very difficult to get it, and as for growing it on your site, the situation here is quite complicated, since the plant is demanding and whimsical: it constantly needs to create certain climatic conditions.

Among the people, the princess has a lot of names, since many still cannot solve the riddle of this berry, because both the smell and aroma are a combination of strawberries and pineapple. The princess has the following names: raspberry, khokhlushka, mamutka and many others.

Outwardly, the princess is a small bush, similar to a currant bush. Usually the height of the bush reaches 30-40 centimeters. The plant has amazing leaves, which consist of three parts. Usually the edges of these leaves are serrated. They are widely used in the preparation of tea, which has a positive effect on the human body. The flowering of the princess bushes begins at the end of May and usually lasts no more than a month. After this process, the formation of fruits begins, which are usually ready by the end of summer.

The prince is a plant that is closely associated with forest legends and sayings. It is very popular among gardeners, so breeders are trying to plant it in the southern regions of Russia for subsequent cultivation.

Features of the correct fit

Proper planting of the princess is a long and laborious process that takes a lot of effort, since the princess is a very demanding berry that will not tolerate improper planting. In order to grow princess bushes on your site and not destroy the plants, you must observe the following features of proper planting:

  • Planting dates (The planting dates for the princess usually fall in mid-September or mid-May, since it is at this time that a certain air temperature and humidity are established, the required amount of precipitation falls and the necessary amount of sunlight is provided.);
  • Place (The place for planting the princess should be spacious, well-lit and moist. It is also important to remember to protect the bushes from the wind, as they can die from strong and cold winds. The soil in the selected area should be moist, filled with all the necessary nutrients and minerals .);
  • Soil preparation (It is necessary to prepare the soil for planting princess seedlings in advance by adding important fertilizers to it, including peat, humus, compost, sand and drainage. In addition, it is necessary to dig up the site and remove all weeds that will interfere with the development of the plant.)
  • Preparation of seedlings (Princess seedlings must be chosen neat and healthy. It is necessary to check their roots for rot diseases and leaves that can be damaged by various insects.);
  • Landing (It is necessary to plant seedlings in rows, between which the distance is about 20 centimeters, and between each bush the distance should be about 15 centimeters. Such parameters must be observed so that each seedling has enough space for the growth and development of its root system.).

The main requirements for the care and cultivation of plants

The princess is a very demanding plant. However, if you make the right fit, then caring for it will not be difficult. It is only important to observe the following rules:

  • Watering, loosening and weeding the soil (The princess loves all these procedures. If the air temperature outside is above 25 degrees Celsius, then each person needs to be watered abundantly, otherwise watering is carried out as needed. Moss will save the plant from sunburn, and loosening and weeding the soil must be done constantly.);
  • Fertilizers (All the necessary fertilizers begin to be applied only when the plant is one year old. You can apply any fertilizer, but the princess's favorite fertilizers are nitrogen fertilizers and organic.);
  • Pruning (Pruning for the princess is a sanitary procedure, thanks to which dried and damaged branches and leaves are removed from the plant. This procedure gives an impetus to the growth and development of new shoots. Usually pruning of bushes is carried out in late autumn and early spring.);
  • Prevention from diseases and pests (The princess has a lot of "enemies", including all kinds of diseases and pests that adversely affect the development of the plant. The prince needs to be sprayed abundantly with various fungicides and liquids so that the plant does not die.).

Essential fertilizers, diseases and pests

  • Necessary fertilizers: synthetic, drainage (broken brick, gravel, wood shavings), organic (peat, compost, humus, manure), mineral (potash, phosphorus, nitrogen, boric).
  • Harmful diseases: tobacco necrosis, striped raspberry curl, Brazo mottle, anthracnose.
  • Dangerous pests: ants, earthworms, various caterpillars and other insects.

The benefits and harms of the princess, its use in various fields

The prince is an amazing berry that prefers to grow in various northern parts of Russia. Like all plants, the princess has its pluses and minuses, for which this beautiful berry is valued or disliked. However, it has more pluses than minuses, since the berry contains a large amount of nutrients that are beneficial to the human body.

In medicine, the princess is very popular, because thanks to its use, many patients treat all kinds of diseases, including urolithiasis, the common cold, flu, cardiovascular diseases, diseases associated with the respiratory tract, and many, many others.

In ordinary life, many different sweets are prepared from the princess, including a very sweet jam that smells like a mixture of strawberries and pineapple; syrups, which are usually given to children for the prevention of various diseases; juices, compotes, which are usually stored in cellars; wine, liqueurs, which are especially popular in the production and sale of alcohol.

In pharmaceutics, various useful tablets, syrups, tinctures are made from the princess, which treat kidney failure, gout and many other diseases.

The minus of the princess is that not all people can use it, since in people with a weak body it can cause a severe allergic reaction.

Thus, the princess is a very useful and important berry in any sphere of society, as it mainly has a positive effect on the human body, treats all kinds of diseases and improves immunity.

The princess, or the arctic princess, is a relative of the raspberry and belongs to the genus Rubus, the Pink family. Another name for the plant is arctic or nectar raspberry. Among the people, the princess is called mamura, raspberry, drupe, clearing, noon and khokhlushka. Previously, berries were a real delicacy, village girls went to pick fruits in the forest, then brought them to the master's table. The children of princes were especially fond of the prince, from which the name of the plant came from. In some regions of Russia, a basket of berries was valued on a par with sable fur, hand-embroidered fabrics and handmade jewelry.

Where does it grow

The plant is distributed in the temperate and cold zones of the Northern Hemisphere, in America, Japan, Mongolia, Europe, Siberia, the Urals, the Caucasus, and the Far East. The princess grows in the forest, in meadows, on the banks of rivers and streams, in swamps, in the tundra, in thickets of shrubs and even at an altitude of 1200 meters above sea level. The prince is considered the best berry in the north and is the official flower emblem of the Swedish province of Norrbotten.

What does it look like

The princess is a perennial herbaceous plant, the bush grows up to 30 cm. The roots of the plant are long, creeping and thin, located in the ground at a depth of 15 to 25 cm. The leaves of the princess are trifoliate, green. The flowers are dark pink, bloom in late May. The flowering of the princess lasts 25-35 days. In July, both fruiting and flowering plants are found.

The fruits are juicy multidrupes, sweet with a slight sourness when ripe. The berries are similar in shape and size to raspberries, but the color is more complex. The aroma of a ripe princess is reminiscent of pineapple. The fruits taste similar to strawberries, raspberries and blackberries, only more tasty and fragrant.

The berries ripen in July-August, they must be picked very carefully, since the structure of the fruits is very delicate and they can easily be crushed in the hands. It is better to put the crop in small and wide containers.


There are 100 genera and about 3,000 known species. In Finland, the plant has been cultivated for over 30 years. In this country, most varieties of princesses have been bred. Most often, the bred varieties are hybrids of the princess with other berries of this species - cloudberries and raspberries. The varieties are characterized by high yield, high frost resistance and improved taste. The most popular plant varieties in the world are Hayes and Heya. They are distinguished by bushes that are tall for this species, which grow up to 1 meter in height and bear fruit until mid-October.


The fruits of the princess contain tannins and aromatic substances, vitamin C, glucose, fructose, malic, citric acid, anthocyanins. The leaves contain a lot of phytoncides and ascorbic acid. In 100 g of berries there are 26 kcal. Princess is a strong herbal antioxidant that slows down the aging of the body, cleanses the body of harmful toxins and radicals.

Princess juice quenches thirst well, tones and strengthens the body, which is especially useful after past illnesses, when the body is weakened. An infusion of dried leaves is used to gargle the throat and wash the nasal cavity; the decoction is useful for indigestion. Fresh leaves are a good antiseptic, quickly heal tissues and relieve swelling. They are used as a plaster, applied to bruises, wounds and abrasions. The pulp from the leaves relieves skin allergic reactions.

In cosmetology, berries are used for the skin of the body and face, the extract of the princess is added to nourishing and moisturizing creams. Means prepared on the basis of fruits tone the skin and contribute to its rejuvenation. Masks are made from berries that help with chapping of the skin, relieve inflammation from the face and refresh. Such funds are recommended even for children.


There are no contraindications to eating princess berries, except for individual intolerance. Eating fruits in large quantities is not recommended for exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, due to the high content of vitamin C in them.

Application in medicine

The prince is highly valued in medicine and is successfully used as an antipyretic, antiseptic, antiscorbutic, tonic. Dried fruits and leaves help in the treatment of dyspepsia and diarrhea, strengthen the immune system. Since ancient times, the juice of berries was drunk to bring down the heat, dried leaves of the plant are brewed and drunk as tea to strengthen the immune system. Means prepared on the basis of fruits and leaves treat various diseases:

  • angina pectoris
  • upper respiratory tract diseases
  • bronchial asthma
  • cough
  • tonsillitis
  • avitaminosis
  • gastrointestinal diseases
  • obesity
  • metabolic disease
  • kidney failure
  • urolithiasis disease

Application in cooking

In cooking, berries and young leaves of the princess are used. Fresh berries are served with cream and milk, they are used to make jam, marmalade, jelly, juices, fruit drinks, and are added to pastries as a filling. The prince is used as an aromatic seasoning, added to compotes, kissels, liquors, liqueurs and tinctures. The berry grated with sugar retains its beneficial properties. Fruits go well with other fruits and berries, ice cream and dairy products. Fragrant desserts and pies with berries, Mamurovka jam, gourmet liqueurs and liquors are very popular. The leaves are added to multivitamin decoctions, dried and brewed as an herbal drink.

Semolina pudding with princess


  • 1 liter cream 22%;
  • 3 vanilla pods;
  • 3 art. l. poppy;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 st. l. and 1 glass of sugar;
  • 1 stack semolina;
  • 300 g of princesses;
  • 1 tsp starch.


  1. Soak poppy seeds in water for 30 minutes.
  2. Bring the cream to a boil, cut the vanilla pods lengthwise and remove the seeds, add to the cream.
  3. Reduce heat and add poppy seeds, cook, stirring, 25 minutes.
  4. Add a spoonful of sugar and salt, add semolina and cook until tender.
  5. Remove the mass from the heat and beat with a blender, leave to cool.
  6. Combine the prince with a glass of sugar, cook over low heat.
  7. Mix starch with a little water and add to the berries.
  8. Pour the jam into molds and refrigerate for 20 minutes.
  9. When the mass thickens, put semolina on top and sprinkle with sugar.

Muffins with princess


  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 140 g butter;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 2 tsp citric acid;
  • wheat flour;
  • 0.5 stack. princesses.


  1. Combine sugar with eggs and mix well.
  2. Melt butter and add to egg mixture.
  3. Stir the baking soda with the citric acid and add to the mixture until it foams.
  4. Add flour to the mass until you get a dough that is similar in consistency to very thick sour cream, a spoon should stand in it.
  5. Put the berries in the dough and beat with a blender.
  6. Pour the dough into molds and bake in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.


Knyazhenika is prepared in canned form, ground with sugar, frozen and dried. Harvest for the future and the leaves in dried form.

Drying leaves and fruits

The berries are laid out in one layer on pallets, you can use a layer of thick paper or cloth. They take it outside and put it in the sun, in a place protected from drafts. But at night, raw materials must be brought into the room so that they do not become damp. The drying process takes 7 days, the fruits need to be mixed occasionally. You can slightly dry the princess in the sun and put it in an open and preheated oven to 60 degrees for 4 hours.

The leaves are laid out on a baking sheet in a thin layer and dried in the fresh air under a canopy, periodically turning over. Dried berries and leaves are stored in a dry and dark place for about 3 years.

Freezing Princess

Sort the berries and remove the stalks, rinse gently in water, put on one towel and cover with another on top. When the fruits are dry, you can lay them out in one layer on a baking sheet and put in the freezer. Pack the finished princess in bags and tie tightly. Another way is to freeze the berries in batches in small plastic containers with lids. You can sprinkle the fruit in a container with sugar before freezing.


Cultivation of the princess on the site can be carried out in two ways: by seeds and by dividing the bush. In the first case, the bush will yield a crop only after 3 years. The second growing option is simpler and more convenient. Planting a bush is carried out at the end of April or at the beginning of May and consists of several stages:

  • separate the princess bush (delenka) along with a clod of earth. It is important that he has shoots and roots;
  • prepare a hole, the depth of which should be 2 bayonets of a shovel;
  • disinfect the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • when the soil dries out, place drainage and a mixture of soil, 80 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium salt, compost (1 bucket per 1 m2) and wood ash (0.5 l per 1 m2) at the bottom;
  • plant the delenka to a depth of no more than 5 cm;
  • fill the seedling with earth and compact it well with your hands, water it;
  • mulch the top layer of soil around the bush with sawdust, lay a layer of moss so that the soil does not dry out on hot days.

Landing is best done in the morning or evening. So that the flowers of the princess can be pollinated, two varieties of plants are planted on the site. When planting, the distance between seedlings should be 25 cm, the distance between rows should be 0.8 meters.

Fertilizers are applied in a year, 1 tbsp is added to the water. a spoonful of ash and a solution is poured over a bush. Mineral fertilizers are applied once a season. Bushes aged 2 years and older immediately feed the snow thawing field, with the onset of spring, using complex mineral fertilizers with a nitrogen content. Fertilizer is applied to the soil and dug up.

Sometimes the prince is affected by infections and viruses, the most dangerous of which are the following:

  • mottle Brazo, a viral disease, is transmitted to all types of garden Rubus genus;
  • raspberry striped curl, transmitted from other infected host plants via nematodes. The first signs of infection are spots on the leaves and flowers in a mosaic pattern, which later lead to deformation. The disease is not cured, it is necessary to remove the bushes along with the roots and burn;
  • anthracnose, this disease affects the entire plant, including the roots. The disease manifests itself with white heels on leaves and trunks;
  • tobacco necrosis, a fairly common disease, manifests itself as necrotic spots on the leaves and deformation of the plates, the bush begins to grow poorly.

At the first manifestations of diseases, the affected parts are removed and the plant is treated with fungicides. After working with infected bushes, metal inventory must be ignited and treated with alcohol.

The plant is susceptible to attack by pests, which can be eliminated with a solution of Bordeaux mixture. Processing should be carried out before the appearance of the first leaves on the bushes. Spray only the soil under the bush, but not the plant itself. It is recommended to use insecticides:

  • Karbofos
  • Nitrofen
  • Actellik

It is useful to spray the princess in the fall for prevention after picking berries.

Often the princess is used as an ornamental plant on the site. During the flowering period, the plant looks very beautiful and is simply strewn with small and beautiful flowers. The princess is planted along hedges or borders.

Nature is rich in fruits, fruits, vegetables. One of these gifts is the prince's berry. The fruits are used as a delicacy, medicine. In Russia, they were considered a special, rare dessert, delivered by peasants to princes and boyars. Hence the name. In another way, it is called polyberry, arctic raspberry, stone fruit. Rarely seen in the wild. This is due to fires, industrial deforestation.

Belongs to the Rosaceae family. Crimson flowers. The fruits are red. The weight of one berry is about three grams. The plant reaches a height of thirty centimeters. The taste is sweet, rich, reminiscent of pineapple. Outwardly similar to raspberries or blackberries.


Valued for its rich taste, a large number of useful substances. Contains the following components:

  • citric acid - cleanses of toxins, harmful toxins;
  • essential oils;
  • malic acid - improves metabolism, increases resistance to diseases, positively affects the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • saponins;
  • flavonoids - antibacterial, anti-inflammatory action;
  • fructose - normalization of blood sugar levels;
  • vitamin C - general strengthening effect;
  • tannins - have a positive effect on the intestinal mucosa.

Distribution area

Knyazhenika is a northern berry. It grows in Alaska, Finland, northern Russia, the Far East, and Siberia. It can be found in the tundra, coniferous forests, near rivers, swamps.

Growing on the site

Can be grown in your own yard. To do this, it is necessary to create conditions close to the natural environment. Plant at least two varieties on the site so that the plant can cross-pollinate.

Wild polyanica varieties are not suitable for growing in the garden. Breeders have bred cultivated hybrid varieties from Sweden, North America, which successfully take root, give a good harvest. These varieties include: Anna, Astra, Hayes. Fruit seedlings can be bought in specialized stores or ordered online. The price of one bush is about eight hundred rubles.

Site selection, soil preparation

For planting seedlings choose a sunny place, the earth should be loose. Do not use clayey, dense soil for planting. The soil is fertilized with ash before planting. For disinfection, the soil is watered with potassium permanganate.


It is necessary that the soil is always moist. The soil is loosened, periodically weeded. For good flowering, the bushes are sprinkled with sawdust. In autumn, dead dried leaves and stems are removed.

When to feed

Top dressing is carried out only a year after planting the fruit crop. You need to fertilize the meadow at least twice a summer. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers, ash are used as top dressing, which are bred strictly according to the norm, otherwise there is a risk of crop reduction. To increase the yield, mycorrhizal fungi are added to the soil.

Do you need pruning

It is necessary to remove lignified flower stalks. This is done so that the fruits become larger, juicier. In the spring, before the buds appear, dried, frostbitten branches are removed.


The plant can be propagated by seeds or by dividing the outlet. The second option is common, it allows you to quickly get a crop.

When propagating by seed, planting is done for the winter in a mixture of sand and peat, which is placed in seedling boxes. Seeds are buried one centimeter. In August, the sprouts are transplanted to a permanent place. The first harvest with this method can be obtained three years after planting.

When propagating by dividing the bush in early spring, a part of the plant with strong shoots is separated. Before planting, plants must disinfect the surface of the earth with potassium permanganate.

Prevention, protection against diseases and pests

The princess is susceptible to diseases. For prevention, treatment, the fruit crop must be treated with Bordeaux mixture. It is necessary to spray under the bush of the plant before the start of the growing season. After harvesting, the soil and bushes must be sprinkled with Nitrafen. In summer, the fruit crop is processed as needed.

From pests, the princess can be sprinkled with Karbofos or Actellik.

Harvest, scope

Ripens from July to August. Abundant fruiting begins three years after planting. From one square meter you can get up to 1.5 kilograms. The collected fruits are used fresh, canned, dried or dried. You can dry the strawberries in the open air, in an oven or an electric dryer.

Due to the high content of useful components, the plant is used for medicinal purposes.


Arctic raspberries are popular in cooking. It is used to prepare:

  • jams (the berries are carefully sorted, washed, dried. Then they are poured into boiling syrup from water with sugar, immediately removed from the stove. The jam should be allowed to brew for twelve hours.):
  • marmalade (rubbed, boiled until tender);
  • juice - squeeze through gauze. Store freshly prepared juice in the refrigerator for a short time;
  • fruit drinks;
  • compotes.

Wine is made from berries. To do this, add mashed fruits to the chilled syrup, wait for fermentation. The finished wine is cleaned, poured into separate bottles. Closes tightly with stoppers. Stored in a cool dry place.

The medicine

A tincture is prepared, which is used as an antipyretic or general tonic. Helps to cope with asthma attacks, cough, diseases of the genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract. It is used for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, removes excess fluid. Arctic raspberry restores strength after illness. A tea is brewed from the leaves, which is good for loose stools. A decoction of the plant is used to gargle a sore throat.

Harm of the princess, contraindications

Berries have no contraindications. The exception is intolerance to it. With allergies, redness, itching, rashes on the skin may appear. In case of hives, you should take an antihistamine medicine and consult a doctor.


The princess is a tasty, healthy berry, planting it is simple and easy to care for. Many hybrids have been bred, they are gaining great popularity, they are often planted in the garden. With proper care, following all the rules, you can achieve a good harvest of tasty and very healthy berries.