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Making homemade mayonnaise in a blender without lemon. Homemade mayonnaise that always turns out: a recipe in a blender. Vinegar mayonnaise recipe at home

Mayonnaise is a product that is available in almost every refrigerator. Of course, store-bought mayonnaise is no match for homemade mayonnaise. After all, mayonnaise, prepared at home from fresh eggs, good vegetable oil and mustard, will give odds to any store-bought sauce, because it does not contain any preservatives or stabilizers. Moreover, with the help of an immersion blender, making homemade mayonnaise is as easy as shelling pears.

The ingredients for making homemade mayonnaise with mustard in a blender are in front of you. Please note that the products for cooking must be room temperature.

My blender is BOSCH, 600 W.

Wash the egg thoroughly with detergent, then put it in a bowl of boiling water for a minute, take it out and dry it with a napkin. Carefully crack the egg into the mixing glass, being careful not to break the yolk. We put mustard, sugar and salt.

We put the blender leg in a glass, covering the egg.

Beat the contents at the highest speed until smooth, without lifting the leg from the bottom of the glass.

Continuing to beat - either raising or lowering the blender - pour the vegetable oil into the glass in a thin stream. The contents will begin to thicken right before your eyes.

As soon as the mayonnaise acquires the desired density, add lemon juice and beat until smooth. Taste the resulting sauce. Add salt, pepper, garlic, or other seasonings, as desired, and whisk again.

Homemade mayonnaise with mustard in a blender is very tender and thick. Store the sauce in a tightly closed container, preferably glass, in the refrigerator.

Where I talked about new salad recipes, today I will show recipes for making the most delicious homemade mayonnaise, which will make your dishes, salads a hundred times tastier!

How to make mayonnaise at home is tastier than in the store? Everything is quite easy and simple. You don’t need to have any cooking skills (you just need to be able to use a blender, perform actions step by step and only 🙂).

Well, friends, let's take a look.

Recipe for making mayonnaise at home using a blender

So we will need

  • 160 ml vegetable oil (I don't use olive oil because it's bitter)
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp Sahara
  • 1 tsp mustard
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice (or lime)
  • Egg 1 pc.

Since raw eggs are used in this recipe, I recommend washing them well beforehand and pouring boiling water over them to protect yourself from salmonella. After scalding, you can safely proceed to create a homemade product.

Attention! You can’t use cold eggs, otherwise nothing will work

We will cook using an immersion blender, it will not work with an ordinary mixer, because. the emulsion simply won't whip up as it should. Break the egg into the blender bowl, which must be warm. But since we have already carried out heat treatment, it is already warm with us.

Add salt, sugar and mustard to it. After we added mustard to the blender bowl, we do not touch the lemon juice yet, we begin to churn and gradually add oil. Very slowly, in a thin stream, literally along the wall of the bowl. After adding all the oil, your mass should have turned into a thick mayonnaise.

But do not worry, it remains to add lemon juice, which will dilute it a little, and beat.

Homemade mayonnaise Provencal

A very quick and simple recipe, done in an average of 5 minutes, and the result is the most delicate mayonnaise. To do this, you only need:

  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 lemon juice
  • 300 ml refined vegetable oil, odorless (usually olive oil is not used, but it should work with it)
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 1/2 tsp mustard
  • White or black ground pepper 1/4 tsp

1. In a glass for churning, send the egg and all of the above ingredients.

2. After you need to lower the blender, cover the yolk and rest it on the bottom of the thicket, and Attention! turn on at full power (if there is a turbo) do not move until the emulsion appears. Then you will certainly succeed.

But if suddenly you lifted the blender, moved it at the wrong time and the emulsion did not form, you need to cover the new egg with the blender in another container and pour in the first (not obtained) mixture. Then, without moving, turn on the blender at maximum speed until an emulsion appears.

If you failed again, then it may be the quality of the products you use (eggs or vegetable oil). In this case, it remains to change the ingredients.

Shelf life approximately 3 days

I hope that everything turned out tasty and useful for you! 🙂 How do you like the recipe? Write below in the comments.

Lean mayonnaise without eggs and vinegar

This recipe tastes no different from others, and is as close as possible to the store. Minimum time and maximum taste. Prepare in 2 minutes. You will need:

  • Vegetable or olive oil 120 ml
  • Vegetable milk 60 g
  • 1.5 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • Mustard 1/2 tsp
  • Salt 1/3 tsp
  • White pepper 1/4 tsp

Add milk, butter and all the listed spices to the container - salt, sugar, mustard and pepper. Butter and milk in a ratio of 2:1. Immerse the blender and blend at high speed until emulsified (only about 1 minute). Once a liquid mixture forms, add lemon juice to thicken the mayonnaise. Voila! Everything is very fast and simple, isn't it?

If yours is too thick, don't worry. Add some milk and beat again. If, on the contrary, it turned out to be too liquid, add oil and beat a little longer.

Easy Recipe for Delicious Olive Mayonnaise

This mayonnaise is ideal for any salads, for meat, fish or any other dishes where it is needed.


  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Olive oil 70 ml (not bitter)
  • Vegetable oil 140 ml
  • 0.5 tsp salt without a slide
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 1/2 tsp mustard
  • Lemon juice 1 tbsp

1. Add the egg to the bowl without damaging the yolk, sugar, salt, mustard, lemon juice (you can add either wine or apple cider vinegar, and in extreme cases 9% vinegar), olive oil and vegetable oil. This is the simplicity of this recipe, all the ingredients are added at once in one bowl.

2. It remains only to cover the yolk with a blender and start churning, as usual, at the highest speed. Do everything carefully, do not interfere, do not jerk the blender around, but move smoothly, gradually grabbing the mixture and turning it into mayonnaise (sounds magical 🙂).

Thick and tender mayonnaise will turn out for everyone. Well, very beautiful, agree.

Mixer homemade mayonnaise recipe

This recipe is suitable for those who have a mixer and no blender. Of course, the probability that you succeed in this case is lower. But if you follow strictly the steps, then everyone should succeed. I believe in you! You will succeed!

We will need the following products:

  • Egg yolks 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil 150 g
  • Mustard 1 tbsp
  • 1/3 or 1/2 tsp Sahara
  • 1/3 tsp salt
  • lemon juice 1/2 tbsp

All products must be at room temperature.

1) Put 2 egg yolks in a blender bowl or in a regular bowl; a tablespoon of mustard; 0.5 tbsp lemon juice; 1/3 tsp salt, 0.5 tsp sugar and beat everything with a mixer until smooth (about 1 minute).

2) Next, while stirring, gradually pour in the vegetable oil little by little. Do not rush to immediately plump all the oil, otherwise you will not succeed. Having done everything right, you will see how the mixture will become similar to the usual store-bought mayonnaise.

And in the end, in just 2 minutes, you get a thick, delicious homemade sauce that will completely replace the store-bought one.

I hope you liked the recipes and you found what you were looking for 🙂 I am extremely glad if my recipes turned out to be useful to someone.

Video recipe for making classic homemade mayonnaise

I found a good video, where Alexander will briefly and to the point tell you about the classic recipe for homemade mayonnaise:

Mayonnaise is the most popular sauce that is used to prepare a huge number of dishes. In industrial production, various dyes, emulsifiers, thickeners and other substances are used that adversely affect the activity of the human body. All this is necessary in order for the product to stand on store shelves for a long time and not deteriorate.

The composition of the classic mayonnaise should include only such ingredients: olive oil, yolks, sugar, salt and lemon juice. As you can see, there should not be any “E” in the recipe, and if you look at the packaging, there are too many of them.

Since every day the number of people who monitor their diet is increasing, you can prepare the sauce at home.

There are several different recipes that differ in composition of ingredients and taste. In addition, you can conduct culinary experiments, which will allow you to get the original version.

How to make mayonnaise from yolks?

The most common option, which has been used for a long time. The final product will have a yellowish tint.


  • Yolk - 1 pc.;
  • Mustard - 0.5 tsp;
  • Olive oil - 100 ml;
  • Lemon juice - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Salt, sugar.

Cooking process:

You can whip the mass in a blender, which greatly facilitates the work, but many prefer to use the old method - a whisk. Put the egg, mustard, salt and sugar in a container and beat everything well.

Whisking constantly, pour in the olive oil in a thin stream. An important rule is not to beat too fast or too slow. When the sauce begins to stick to the whisk, it is ready. If you want to get a lighter shade, then add lemon juice or balsamic vinegar.

How to make homemade egg mayonnaise?


  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Vegetable oil - 150 ml;
  • Mustard - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Sugar - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

Cooking process:

Combine all ingredients except oil and start beating. When the mass becomes homogeneous and you notice that it thickens, start adding the oil in small portions. Once you have reached the desired consistency, the sauce is ready.

How to make homemade mayonnaise from milk

For many, this option is considered unusual, but in appearance and taste it will not be inferior to the traditional sauce in any way.


  • Fat milk - 15 ml;
  • Vegetable oil - 270 ml;
  • Mustard - 2.5 teaspoons;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Salt, sugar.

Cooking process:

Milk should not be cold, so take it out of the refrigerator in advance. Add oil to it and beat with a blender, but a mixer is not recommended. Do not stop until the consistency begins to thicken. Then send other ingredients there, and beat for another 5 seconds. As a result, you will see that even without eggs, you get a tasty, and most importantly, healthy mayonnaise.

How to make mayonnaise in a blender from quail eggs?

This option is designed for real gourmets. In addition, quail eggs are very useful. Making sauce from them is also easy.


  • Quail eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil - 140 ml;
  • Mustard - 0.5 tsp;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Black pepper, salt, sugar, herbs.

Cooking process:

This mayonnaise is also made with a blender, but remember that if you do not have it, then a whisk will also work. Mix for 1 min. all ingredients except oil. Continuing to beat, start pouring in the oil. Do this until the sauce becomes thick.

Making lean mayonnaise at home

This option is suitable for use in fasting, and it is also intended for people who want to get rid of excess weight.


  • Vegetable broth - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Starch - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Sugar - 0.5 tsp;
  • Mustard - 0.5 tsp;
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon;
  • Salt.

Cooking process:

To make mayonnaise, divide the broth in two. Put starch in the first half and mix. Bring the other part to a boil and combine with the starchy broth. Stir over low heat until the consistency thickens.

Turn off and leave to cool. As a result, the mixture should resemble jelly. To make mayonnaise, add other ingredients and beat everything well. Whisking constantly, pour in the oil in a thin stream.

mustard powder mayonnaise recipe


  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Mustard powder - 0.5 tsp;
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Vegetable oil - 200 g;
  • Ground pepper, salt.

Cooking process:

Everything needs to be done, as in the previous options, that is, combine all the ingredients except the oil and beat them well with a blender. After a thin stream, pour in the oil and continue to mix until the desired consistency is obtained.

Vinegar mayonnaise recipe at home

If there is no lemon juice, then you can use this option


  • Yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil - 250 ml;
  • Mustard - 1/4 teaspoon;
  • Vinegar - 1 teaspoon;
  • Pepper, salt.

Cooking process:

In a container, put the yolks, mustard, salt and a teaspoon of vinegar. Stir and beat with a blender or whisk until a homogeneous mass is obtained. After that, pour in the oil in a thin stream until you get the desired thick consistency. Other ingredients can be used to improve the taste.

Let's figure out what to do if the mayonnaise does not thicken and with other problems

Each hostess has her own unique secrets to improve the taste and appearance of the sauce.

  • In the recipe, use only fresh ingredients, as this directly affects the taste. It is important that all products are not cold, so take them out of the refrigerator in advance;
  • If the mayonnaise ended up being bitter, then next time it is better to combine olive oil with ordinary sunflower oil, in a ratio of 1:5;
  • If the sauce turned out to be liquid, there is a way out. Density directly depends on the amount of oil used. If you overdo it and the consistency becomes too thick, you just need to add water and mix. You can also use milk;
  • In order for sugar and salt to dissolve quickly, they can be pre-ground in a coffee grinder or crushed in a mortar;
  • It is best to use glassware, as it is environmentally friendly;
  • Let's figure out what to do if the mayonnaise did not work out, because it's a pity to throw away food. If the mass is not whipped, but simply exfoliated, do not worry, there is a way out. Add salt and mustard to it. Put 2 yolks in a container and start beating them slowly, and then start slowly introducing the resulting mayonnaise;
  • To make the sauce spicy, you can add ground pepper, chopped garlic, coriander or ginger. If you put finely chopped greens, then it will acquire a greenish tint and a fresh aroma. Putting olives, mayonnaise acquires Mediterranean notes. You can also use cheese;
  • It is important to know what to do if the mayonnaise turned out to be liquid. You can add salt to the mixture. In some cases, it is enough to leave everything for a while or put it in the refrigerator. You can add some flour if you wish.

Keep in mind that since homemade mayonnaise contains only natural products, it should only be stored in the refrigerator and no more than 4 days.

  1. All ingredients must be at room temperature.
  2. If you cook mayonnaise on the eggs of domestic chickens, then its color will be yellow. Moreover, the fresher the eggs, the richer the color will turn out. Store-bought eggs will make light-colored mayonnaise.
  3. Cook mayonnaise in sunflower oil or a mixture of olive and sunflower oil in a ratio of 1: 1, and preferably 1: 2 or 1: 3. If you use only, especially extra-class (Extra virgin), then the sauce will be bitter.
  4. If you add a little more oil than indicated in the recipe, the mayonnaise will turn out even thicker. In the same way, you can save the sauce in the case when the mass does not thicken when whipped. If you want, on the contrary, to make it thinner, then pour a little water into the sauce.
  5. To diversify the taste of the sauce, you can add dried or chopped fresh garlic, ground black pepper, paprika or chopped dill to it. And the amount of salt can be changed to taste.
  6. Ready-made homemade mayonnaise is stored in a hermetically sealed container for no more than 4-5 days.

4 homemade mayonnaise recipes


The ingredients can be whipped in two ways: blender or mixer. In both cases, the sauce is tasty and fragrant, but both options have their pros and cons.

It is easier to make mayonnaise with a blender because you can use whole eggs. And the sauce prepared with a mixer will be thicker, but you will have to spend time separating the yolks from the proteins.


  • 2 raw eggs;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • ½ teaspoon of sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons of mustard;
  • 250 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice.

Break whole eggs into a tall, not too wide container, such as a jar or a special glass for a blender. Do this carefully so that the yolks do not spread. Add salt, sugar and mustard.

Lower the blender to the bottom and beat the mixture until smooth. Then, moving the blender up and down and continuing to beat the mass, pour in the oil in a thin stream.

When the sauce thickens, add lemon juice and beat the mayonnaise with a blender again.

A quick way to make a thick sauce with whatever you're likely to find in the kitchen. It will come out no worse than mayonnaise with mustard.


  • 2 raw egg yolks;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • ½ teaspoon of sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon of vinegar 9%;
  • 150 ml vegetable oil.


Place the yolks in a tall, narrow bowl. Add salt, sugar and vinegar. Instead of table vinegar, you can use it, then the mayonnaise will be softer.

Pour in the oil and, placing the blender on the bottom of the container and without moving it, beat the mass for about 3 minutes. When the sauce begins to thicken, start moving the blender up and down to mix the ingredients evenly.

The sauce, prepared according to this incredibly simple recipe, turns out to be quite thick and has a delicate creamy taste.


  • 150 ml of milk of any fat content;
  • 300 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 2-3 teaspoons of mustard;
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • ½ teaspoon salt.


Pour milk and butter into a tall narrow container. Blend the mixture with an immersion blender for a few seconds. You should get a thick mass. Add mustard, lemon juice and salt and beat again until smooth.

This non-standard but very tasty sauce is a great option for those who do not want to use raw eggs and vegetable oil.


  • 3 boiled yolks;
  • 2 teaspoons of mustard;
  • 300 g of fat sour cream;
  • ½ teaspoon salt.


Add the mustard to the yolks and mash with a fork until smooth. Add sour cream and salt and mix thoroughly so that no lumps remain.

Mayonnaise has become a favorite ingredient for many housewives. If earlier all salads, borscht, stews were seasoned with real thick sour cream, now for some reason it began to seem tastier and easier to use this particular sauce.

And at present, you will not find any options on store shelves. This product is prepared with olive oil, avocado oil, quail eggs, yolks alone. There are even "light" low-calorie options.

So you can choose whichever you want. However, more and more people began to prepare this sauce at home.

For example, recently I had to prepare a gala dinner for late guests. And at some point I discovered that there was no mayonnaise or sour cream at home. And then a recipe for homemade mayonnaise popped up in my memory, which is prepared in a matter of minutes, and is much more useful than the "chemical" store.

This noble sauce is really easy and simple to prepare at home! The main thing is that all its components are fresh and at room temperature.

Consider the classic version of the preparation of a basic homemade product. It can also be prepared with a conventional whisk for whipping, but it is still recommended to use an immersion blender for the speed of the process.

We will need:

  • Sunflower oil - 150 ml.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, sugar - 0.5 tsp each.


1. Chop and break a fresh egg into a tall container and immediately add salt and sugar.

If you want to get the famous taste of "Provencal", then immediately add 0.5 tsp. ready-made mushy mustard - it will add a touch of bitterness.

2. Immerse the blender into the container and beat the contents thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

3. Continuing to beat the egg mixture, inject the oil in a thin stream until the consistency of the desired density is obtained.

The less sunflower oil to pour, the more liquid the substance will be. Therefore, if you like a rich product, so that the spoon stands, add all the indicated amount of oil.

4. Add lemon juice to the thickened mass and continue beating for about a minute more, so that the juice mixes with the egg-butter mousse until smooth.

5. Transfer the resulting product to a glass, tightly sealed dish and cool.

And let this mayonnaise be stored for only a few days, but you will be sure that no preservatives, stabilizers or artificial colors are mixed there.

In addition, when you cook yourself, you have the freedom of creative expression. And you can add various seasonings, spices and other ingredients that will allow you to achieve incredibly tasty and unusual flavor combinations.

How to make mayonnaise without eggs in a blender

In the absence of heat treatment of eggs, there is always a risk of catching a salmonella bacillus. In this regard, many hostesses do not risk cooking something with raw eggs.

However, it turns out that you can cook a great product without eggs. And what's more, it turns out so tasty that the whole family eats it with pleasure on both cheeks!

Don't believe! Judge for yourself!

We will need:

  • Milk - 150 ml.
  • Sunflower oil - 300 ml.
  • Ready mustard - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - incomplete 1 tsp.


1. In a high container, mix the butter with milk.

Remember that absolutely all ingredients must be at room temperature. If they have just been taken out of the refrigerator, then you may not get the sauce of the desired consistency. Not only that, it can also flake.

2. Gently add salt and lower the mustard mass.

If you like a little creamy-velvety flavor, then a pinch of sugar won't hurt. And it is better to take mustard slightly spicy.

3. Lower the immersion blender almost to the bottom and blend until a smooth emulsion is obtained.

4. Without ceasing to beat, pour in the lemon juice, which right before our eyes will help the mixture thicken to the state we are used to.

The resulting half liter of an amazing and absolutely harmless favorite seasoning additive to dishes can be stored in the refrigerator in a closed jar for almost a week.

Homemade sauce recipe without eggs in 5 minutes

Did you know that vegetarians also love mayonnaise? Yes Yes! You heard right! But the whole secret is that they use a special vegetarian or lean recipe that can even be used in Lent.

In this case, it turns out not quite mayonnaise, but more sauce. To taste, it has more sour notes of lemon.

We will need:

  • Olive oil - 50 ml.
  • Sunflower oil - 50 ml.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Ready mustard - 1 tsp.
  • Sugar, salt - to taste (about a pinch)


1. Mix sunflower and olive oil into a single mixture.

2. Mix the finished mustard with 1 tsp. combined oil and mix thoroughly with a whisk.

3. Slowly introduce part of the oil into this mixture in small portions and beat well so that the mass does not exfoliate.

If you immediately add oil in large quantities, then the emulsion will exfoliate from the very first steps and it will be impossible to fix it!

4. When half of the oil is poured in in small portions, add lemon juice and salt with sugar. Continue whipping.

The emulsion with the introduction of lemon juice will turn slightly white, but not much.

5. Gradually introduce all the remaining oil in small portions, without stopping whisking the contents.

Since the main secret of lean mayonnaise is the methodical whipping of mustard with butter, it can be used even with food restrictions for medical reasons and during diets for weight loss.

It is also worth noting that such a sauce is not too thick. It is more like an emulsion and thickens when stored in the refrigerator.

Cooking mayonnaise in a blender with vinegar

I never would have thought that this delicious seasoning for dishes can be prepared with the addition of vinegar. For some reason, it always seemed that the acid from the egg would definitely “brew”. But once I tried this recipe, now I can confidently say that nothing like this will happen and the taste from a slight sourness will only become richer and piquant.

We will need:

  • Table vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Mustard - a little less than 0.5 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 150 gr.
  • Sugar, salt - to taste.


1. Crack a raw egg into a large bowl. The mass will increase when knocked down, and it is important that there is room for it in the container.

2. Add salt with sugar and mustard to the egg.

3. Beat the egg mixture with a special blender nozzle at the highest speed so that it thickens and becomes a uniform lemon color.

4. Continuing to beat, add a thin stream of sunflower oil. Continue beating until a thick mousse forms.

5. Pour in also a thin stream of vinegar, without ceasing to use a blender.

6. Send the resulting mixture to cool for half an hour so that it thickens. After that, it can be served on the table.

The product is thick and appetizing.

Mayonnaise cooked at home on yolks

The most beautiful and delicate color is obtained if you prepare mayonnaise not from whole eggs, but only from yolks.

We will need:

  • Egg yolk - 2 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil - 120 ml.
  • Sugar, salt, mustard - 0.5 tsp each.


1. Put salt with sugar, mustard and egg yolks in a wide bowl.

2. Beat them well with a whisk attachment at low speed.

3. Without ceasing to beat, pour in half the oil drop by drop, so that the result is a homogeneous egg-butter mixture.

4. Now you can already pour in the rest of the oil in a thin stream, constantly making sure that the mixture has time to bind into a homogeneous consistency.

5. As soon as the required density appears, pour in the lemon juice and mix thoroughly with a mixer at medium speed.

6. Put the finished mass in a tightly closed container and leave to cool.

It is worth remembering that such mayonnaise should be eaten in the first couple of days, until the yolks have deteriorated. And yes, it tastes much better fresh!

Delicious recipe for quail eggs

In recent years, more and more people prefer purchased plastic packaging of their favorite seasoning with the image of quail eggs. And whether they are actually in the composition is a moot point.

But many mothers consider quail eggs much more beneficial for the body of the younger generation. Yes, and the children themselves eat these small "spotted kokushki" with pleasure. Therefore, home cooking with children will become much more fun.

We will need:

  • Quail eggs - 11 pcs.
  • Sugar, salt, mustard - 1/3 tsp each.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp
  • Sunflower oil - 150 ml.
  • Black ground pepper - 0.5 tsp.


1. Break the eggs and place them in the blender bowl. At the same time, make sure that the shells do not get inside.

2. You can immediately add sugar with salt, mustard and lemon juice.

3. Beat the egg mixture at the maximum setting for half a minute. You should get a magnificent mass.

4. Pour in vegetable oil and beat thoroughly until thick.

In order to remove the taste of sunflower, you can cook from a combination of sunflower-olive oil, and the second should contain no more than a quarter of the total volume of oil.

5. Add a pinch of ground pepper and mix at minimum speed.

6. Cool for 30 minutes and you can eat.

Is it true that the taste is slightly different from mayonnaise cooked with chicken eggs?

How to make mayonnaise with dry mustard in a blender

Most of the recipes include ready-made mustard. And if one is not observed in the refrigerator? A good solution would be to use regular dry mustard powder.

We will need:

  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Salt, sugar - 0.5 tsp each.
  • Mustard powder - 1 tsp.
  • Apple cider vinegar - 2 tsp
  • Sunflower oil - 150 ml.
  • Olive oil - 150 ml.


1. Mix both oils in a separate large mug.

2. Break an egg into a blender cup.

3. Put mustard powder with salt and sugar there.

4. Beat on medium speed until foamy.

5. Continuing to beat, pour in the combination of oils in a thin stream.

6. Add apple cider vinegar and beat until thick.

Instead of apple cider vinegar, you can use both wine vinegar and white rice vinegar. But do not abuse it - use it at the rate of a maximum of 1 tsp. for one egg.

7. Transfer to a storage container and refrigerate.

Thanks to the combination of apple cider vinegar and mustard powder, the taste is very close to the industrial "Provencal".

Lean flour mayonnaise

Another interesting recipe was found when I wanted something tasty for the Lenten week. Surprisingly, but the fact is that you can make a great dressing for salads with the help of ... flour!

We will need:

  • Flour - 1 cup.
  • Olive oil - 8 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Ready mustard - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 2 tsp
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 3 cups


1. Pour flour into a saucepan and add 0.5 cups of water.

2. Stir thoroughly to get a homogeneous creamy slurry.

Be sure to see that there are no flour lumps left, otherwise the taste will be irrevocably spoiled

3. Pour in the remaining water, mixing well.

4. Boil the flour mass until the first bubbles, and then remove from the stove and set to cool.

5. Pour oil into the container. Add mustard with sugar, salt and lemon juice.

6. Carefully move and beat until an airy mousse is formed.

7. Without ceasing beating, add in portions to the flour mass.

8. Continue beating until desired consistency.

9. Transfer the resulting lean mayonnaise to a clean bowl and close with a tight lid so that no air enters.

The taste turns out to be quite peculiar, very similar to the American store-bought for vegetarians, but it goes well with vegetables in salads.

How long can homemade mayonnaise be stored

Many people doubt the advisability of storing homemade mayonnaise in refrigerators. Still - after all, the presence of raw egg yolks makes the prepared sauce very perishable.

The best option is to cook, cool and consume immediately.

But what if you have done too much and you can’t eat at once?

According to sanitary standards, it is permissible to store the prepared emulsion in a clean, tightly closed glass container at a temperature of 4 - 7 ° C, with a maximum humidity of 75%.

Even under these conditions, you can store only 3-7 days.

  • The minimum period is recommended if the product contains a large number of eggs.
  • An average period of 5 - 6 days is recommended if sour cream or milk is present in the composition.
  • And the maximum shelf life is valid only for those homemade sauces that do not contain the previous components and are prepared with mustard.

So we have a great and inexpensive alternative to store-bought mayonnaise that we can easily make at home with what we almost always have on hand.

And if you add grated cheese, pickles, garlic or chopped herbs at the last stage of cooking, then this will already be a full-fledged restaurant sauce, which is prepared with such skill by chefs.

Now that you know how to cook this sometimes indispensable product, you can always do it with ease.

Bon appetit and healthy healthy dressings for your culinary creations!