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How to cook ostrich meat in the oven. Characteristics of the benefits and harms of ostrich meat with a photo, how to properly cook such meat, as well as recipes with it. Features of culinary processing

Ostrich meat, once enjoyed only by the people of Kenya and Namibia, is now available to gourmets all over the world. When in the 90s it turned out that ostriches perfectly tolerate any climatic conditions, even Siberian frosts, ostrich farms began to open everywhere. Now in Russia there are about 100 ostrich farms, whose products are bought not only by wealthy gourmets, but also by restaurants, shops and farms. Exquisite exotic meat is increasingly appearing on the table of Russians, who appreciated its original taste and useful properties.

Ostrich dishes: benefits and features

It has a dark red color on the surface and a cherry tint on the cut, which is due to the presence of a special coloring pigment in it, the concentration of which depends on the age of the bird - the older the ostrich, the darker the meat. The taste of ostrich resembles tender veal and does not lose its softness with any method of preparation. Low-fat ostrich meat, which quickly restores strength after serious illnesses and physical exertion, is rich in protein, contains a purely symbolic amount of cholesterol and a lot of vitamin B 5, nicotinic acid, manganese, phosphorus, iron and potassium, and therefore is valued in dietary, medical and children's cuisine. Ostrich meat is considered leaner than turkey, which until recently occupied the first place in the diet food charts. There are almost 29 g of protein and 4 g of fat per 100 g of ostrich meat, so athletes, healthy lifestyle supporters and dieters are enthusiastic about ostrich meat and try to include it in their diet whenever possible.

Ostrich cooking: subtleties and secrets

Very tender and juicy steaks, goulash, stews, roasts, salads, cold appetizers, fillings for pies and dumplings are obtained from ostrich meat, and delicious soups are cooked on ostrich broth. Ostrich meat instantly absorbs the aroma of other products, spices and spices, so you should not get carried away with too complex dishes with a large number of components - ostrich meat has a unique taste that is good in itself. This meat goes well with all side dishes and sauces, especially vegetables and potatoes, so you will never have a question what to eat ostrich meat with - even in combination with fish and seafood, this delicacy will be eaten with pleasure!

Ostrich meat is divided into three categories: the first group is the thigh, the meat of which is ideal for steaks, the second category is the external muscle fibers from the drumstick, from which chops are prepared, and the third group is the internal muscles of the drumstick for goulash and minced meat. In an ostrich, contrary to established traditions, the delicacy is not the breast, but the thigh, and its upper part is considered softer and more nutritious.

Ostrich meat should not be exposed to high temperatures during the cooking process - this dries the bird and makes it too tough. It should not be kept on fire for a long time, as it cooks very quickly, and this is one of its valuable advantages. If there is a choice, preference should be given to a fresh product that has not been frozen.

Exquisite ostrich meat will surprise guests at a dinner party and decorate the festive table, especially if it is ostrich fillet with spicy crab sauce, ostrich liver stewed in red wine, grilled ostrich in sesame seeds, ostrich skewers in lemon juice or ostrich balls with cheese. Pre-beaten ostrich meat is ideal for carpaccio served with celery, arugula, parmesan and lime. The taste of ostrich meat is especially pronounced with olive oil, citrus juice and red wine, but the taste of the product is best manifested on the grill, especially when seasoned with coriander and nutmeg.

Ostrich recipes seem to be made for unusual experiments in the kitchen!

If earlier this bird was grown exclusively in Namibia and Kenya, now such farms have appeared on the territory of many countries. This became possible after it became clear in the 90s of the last century that ostriches perfectly acclimatize to any weather conditions. The products of such farms are bought by shops and restaurants. After reading this article, you will find out how useful ostrich meat is.

Product Main Features

Outwardly, ostrich meat is practically no different from beef. In this juicy meat of a rich dark red hue, there is practically no fat layer. Therefore, it is classified as a dietary product.

Many of those who are interested in how much ostrich meat costs will be upset to learn that this is a rather expensive product. The price of this delicacy varies from 510 to 800 rubles per kilogram. Its taste is strongly reminiscent of high quality. A characteristic feature of this product is its ability to absorb sauces and spices, which often contain harmful substances that are unacceptable in dietary nutrition.


This product is truly unique. With a calorie content of only 98 calories per 100 grams, it contains a huge amount of saturated fatty acids, vital for the full functioning of the human body.

Ostrich fillet is considered one of the best sources of vitamins PP, E and B. This product contains quite a lot of iron, magnesium, selenium, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. It is also important that selected ostrich meat contains no more than 2% fat. 100 grams of this product contains 22% protein and 32 mg of cholesterol. In addition, there are practically no intramuscular fats in tender and soft ostrich meat.

Features of culinary processing

Before getting an ostrich, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the most important nuances. This product makes incredibly delicious cold appetizers, salads, roasts, stews, goulash and steaks. In order not to spoil the finished dish, it is important not to overdo it with spices. After all, ostrich meat is instantly saturated with the aromas of seasonings and spices. This product goes well with any sauces and side dishes. It can be served with potatoes and other vegetables.

Ostrich is divided into three categories. The first of these includes the thigh, ideal for steaks, the second - the external muscles of the lower leg, from which excellent chops are obtained, the third - the internal muscle fibers of the lower leg, suitable for cooking minced meat and goulash. Surprisingly, in this case, it is not the breast that is considered a delicacy, but the upper part of the thigh. It is this meat that is considered the softest and most nutritious.

In order not to overdry the ostrich meat, it should not be cooked at too high temperatures. This product cooks very quickly, so it should not be subjected to prolonged heat treatment. It is advisable to use fresh meat that has not been previously frozen. This product contains much more useful substances.

Ostrich stew: recipes with quince, pomegranate and spices

To prepare this delicious and very unusual dish, you will need ingredients such as:

  • ostrich meat - 600 grams;
  • sour apple juice - half a glass;
  • white onion - 2-3 pieces;
  • ripe quince - 2 pieces.

In addition, pomegranate seeds, ghee, black pepper, arugula, cilantro, cumin and garlic should be added to the list of products.

Technological process

Ostrich cut into small pieces is fried over low heat for seven minutes. Until the moment when pink juice begins to stand out from it. Well washed and pitted quince is cut into four parts.

Melted butter, pre-fried ostrich meat, large onion rings, chopped herbs, salt, pepper, quince slices and garlic are laid out at the bottom of a deep frying pan for stewing. From above, all this is sprinkled with cumin and poured with apple juice.

In the process of stewing, the meat is soaked with spices, quince and apple juice. The result is an incredibly tender, juicy and tasty dish. Before serving, it is decorated with pomegranate seeds and sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Ostrich meat with brown rice

To prepare this dish, you will need 500 grams of ostrich meat, 120 grams of canned mushroom caps, ½ cup of crushed almonds, ½ cup of beef broth, 250 grams of brown rice and 300 grams of mushroom cream soup.

Diced meat should be stewed in oil for two minutes. After that, it is laid out in pots. Pre-prepared rice, broth, cream soup and mushrooms are also sent there. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, sprinkled with chopped almonds and sent to the oven, heated to 185 degrees. Half an hour later, the dish is ready to eat.

Ostrich meat is not an exotic curiosity for many people. The benefits and harms of this product are still being actively studied, we can say that it has many advantages, since it is dietary.

Ostriches are slaughtered for meat at the age of one, when the bird weighs about 120 kg.

How to choose ostrich meat?

Not every consumer in Russia knows what ostrich meat looks like and how to choose it. This meat does not contain fatty layers, so it belongs to the products recommended for proper nutrition.

Ostrich meat is divided into 3 categories. The first is the thigh, from which delicious steaks are fried, the second is the outer part of the lower leg, suitable for chops, and the third is the inner muscular part of the lower leg, intended for goulash and minced meat.

The upper part of the thigh is considered a delicacy - the most nutritious and tender.

Ostrich meat lovers prefer to buy it in large supermarkets or trusted online stores. The price per kilogram is found from 500 rubles and above. Most often, this product is sold chilled or deep frozen.

How to store?

Like any meat, ostrich meat is a perishable product. It should be stored in a container with ice on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for no more than 5 days. Ostrich meat can be kept in the freezer for up to 6 months.


People who have never eaten this type of meat are wondering what it looks like. In appearance, the product resembles top quality beef tenderloin and has a rich dark red color on the surface and cherry on the cut.

The younger the bird in age, the lighter the color of the meat.

Many experts write about the dietary properties of ostrich meat, who recommend it to people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes and anemia. There is practically no cholesterol in it, so it is useful for those who suffer from excess weight.

The composition of ostrich meat is extremely rich. It contains vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In addition, it has a low calorie content - only 98 kcal per 100 g.

Despite the fact that ostrich meat is often compared with beef in color and taste, it is far superior to it, as it is a more tender and healthy product. Some people are wondering if it can be replaced with pork meat, how much it costs compared to it. Pork is much cheaper than ostrich meat and does not resemble it at all either in color or taste.

Useful properties of ostrich meat

Experts say that this exotic product will soon displace beef from the world market due to its rich composition.

Ostrich meat, the benefits of which have been proven for a long time, has many advantages compared to other types of similar products:

  • low calorie;
  • the content of a large amount of protein;
  • minimum percentage of fat;
  • a small amount of cholesterol.

Poultry meat has a rich vitamin and mineral composition: vitamin B, which has a positive effect on blood vessels, vitamin E, which has a beneficial effect on muscles, vitamin PP, which gives energy, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium, cobalt, phosphorus and nickel.

It is enough to eat only 100 g of an ostrich product in order to replenish the daily requirement of the necessary substances.

This type of meat also has other beneficial properties: the benefit is that it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract and nervous system, normalizes blood pressure and sugar levels, strengthens bones, nails, hair, teeth and has a positive effect on skin condition.

It can be used by people with various diseases, as it is a dietary product that helps the body recover in the postoperative period.

Harm and contraindications

Ostrich meat is contraindicated only if a person has an individual intolerance to the components of the product.

As for harm, it can be obtained with improper preparation. It is important not to overdry the ostrich meat, because it can become tough and lose all its useful qualities, but you need to make sure that the meat is well fried.

It cannot be consumed raw.

People who eat this meat as a dietary product are not recommended to use spices or sauces, as this will not only affect the taste of the bird, but also reduce its usefulness, while increasing the calorie content.

Having bought an ostrich meat in Moscow, you should carefully examine the tenderloin. If it is sold in vacuum packaging, it is necessary to check its integrity.

Gastronomic properties

The gastronomic properties of ostrich meat are quite high. It is easy to cook, but not everyone knows how to do it right. Healthy diet soups that do not contain fat are prepared from it. This product is used in salads, cold and hot appetizers, as well as second courses. In addition, excellent sausages and delicious sausages are obtained from ostrich meat. It is boiled, fried, smoked. Meat is also good for grilling.

Most often, the hip part is taken for various dishes.. You can cook juicy cutlets from ostrich fillet, which melt in your mouth and quickly saturate the body with nutrients.

Ostrich quickly absorbs any spices, so you need to be careful with their choice. Experts advise cooking it easier and faster. It is not recommended to serve complex sauces and side dishes to this meat. Vegetable stew or boiled potatoes are best.

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 3 minutes


On poultry farms, the African ostrich is increasingly being bred. Birds are hardy, have good immunity, easily adapt to severe frosts. In food, they are unpretentious, without water they can do for a long time. Ostriches need fresh air and a clean environment. Adults eat up to 4 kg of juicy and roughage per day. The diet must be supplemented with mineral supplements and vitamins.

An adult weighs 170 kg in farm conditions. In nature, the body weight of a bird is less, up to 150 kg. Meat yield 85%. The young are fed up to a year. At this time, up to 80 kg of raw materials can be obtained from each bird. What are the characteristics of the product? Is ostrich meat as useful as people say about it?

Characteristics of ostrich meat

Outwardly, ostrich meat differs from the meat of other types of poultry. It is red in color, fibrous: more like beef. Inside the fibers are thin fatty layers. In general, the product is lean, dietary. The content of fat, and hence cholesterol, is minimal.

Determine the main characteristics of the product:

  • the amount of fat 1.2%;
  • the volume of cholesterol in 100 g - 30 mg;
  • protein - 22%;
  • 100 g of the product contains manganese - 22 mg;
  • phosphorus - 280 mg;
  • potassium - 320 mg;
  • there is a high content of selenium, cobalt, nickel, calcium;
  • vitamins of group "B";
  • 100 g of the product contains 98 kcal.

There is more protein in ostrich meat than in turkey and chicken, and much less fat. According to the chemical composition, the product is distinguished by a high content of potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Eating meat does not raise blood sugar levels. It is allowed to include in the diet of people with diabetes.

Regular use of ostrich meat will allow you to maintain skin elasticity for a long time, pushing back the boundaries of natural aging. Dietary dishes from this product help to strengthen the skeletal system. 100 g of the product will give a person a daily intake of vitamins and microelements.

Ostrich meat is not prepared quickly, just like veal. It is boiled, baked, fried. It goes well with vegetables.

How to choose meat?

The product most often arrives in the store in a chilled or frozen form. If the meat is frozen, it will be in the package. You can't look at it carefully. Determine the quality according to the description given on the label. Pay attention to the integrity of the package. A chilled and fresh product can be viewed from all sides.

  • Choose meat of uniform red color. There should be no dark or light shades.
  • Muscle fibers are clearly defined. They look rough.
  • Inside the fibers are thin fatty filaments.
  • Too much fat indicates that the bird was heavily fattened. She was in the paddock without walking for a long time. The meat may be juicy, but fatty. As a dietary product, it is not suitable.

It is worth distinguishing the grade of the product. Define 3 categories:

  1. fillet, external and internal muscle of the upper thigh; a piece is often used in its entirety; it is baked in the oven;
  2. upper muscles of the lower thigh; steaks, chops are prepared from it;
  3. lower muscles of the lower thigh, boning; raw materials are suitable for cooking goulash, minced meat.

The meat is used to make soups and salads. It is grilled, simply boiled, served with vegetables, cereals. The product can be marinated first. Wine, wine vinegar, onions, hot spices are often used as a marinade. You have to be careful with the marinade. They dehydrate the product, ostrich meat can lose its juiciness and be tough.

How much time to cook?

In its structure, ostrich meat is similar to veal. The cooking time for these products is similar: it depends on the type of culinary dish. Ideally, ostrich meat is cooked at a temperature of 60 degrees, but often it is not possible to set the temperature on the stove, so they resort to traditional types of heat treatment of the product.

Ostrich meat is usually suitable for everyone, but isolated cases of its intolerance are noted. With the manifestation of allergic reactions, it is removed from the diet. The product is neutral. Allergies may be related to the seasonings or sauces that were used to prepare the dish.

ostrich meat refers to exotic products, although every day it is becoming more popular. Today, in many parts of the world there are farms that grow these birds. A year later, ostriches can be sent for slaughter. This meat is especially popular in Asia and Europe. Most often, meat from the thighs of a bird is presented on store shelves, which has a red color (see photo). In appearance, such a product resembles veal to many. When cutting the legs of a bird, you can get up to 30 kg of meat. This product belongs to the highest category.

Beneficial features

The benefits of ostrich meat lie in its chemical composition. This product is rich in protein, which is important for the normal functioning of the body. Such meat is also distinguished by a small amount of cholesterol. The composition of ostrich meat includes potassium, which not only normalizes blood pressure, but also improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It should also be said that this product is low-calorie, therefore, it can be safely included in your diet without fear for the figure. It is recommended to eat dishes prepared from ostrich meat for people who have heart failure, diabetes, anemia and pressure problems. This product helps to recover faster in the postoperative period, as well as after a serious illness. Improves ostrich meat and the digestive system. The composition of this product includes other vitamins and minerals that have a positive effect on the work of the whole organism.

Use in cooking

Ostrich meat can be used similarly to other poultry options. It is subjected to various heat treatments: fried, boiled, stewed, baked, etc. On the basis of ostrich meat, various first and second courses are prepared, as well as snacks and salads. Also, ostrich fillet can be chopped into minced meat and cutlets, etc. can be prepared from it. A dish of such meat (steaks, medallions) goes well with any side dishes, for example, with cereals, pasta, etc. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and seafood are considered the best addition to ostriches. To diversify the taste of such meat, spices, seasonings, marinades, etc. are used. To preserve the juiciness of the product, it is recommended to cook it at a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees.

Harm of ostrich meat and contraindications

Ostrich meat can cause harm if an individual intolerance to the product is detected.