Repair Design Furniture

How to marinate chicken for air fryer. Airfryer chickens: recipe and cooking tips. How to Marinate Chicken for Airfryer

How many different devices appeared in our kitchen! We now have a personal assistant - a microwave oven, a personal baker - a bread machine, a universal cook - a slow cooker. But the kitchen arsenal would be incomplete without another wonderful device in which it is best to cook meat dishes. We are talking about an air grill - the ideal solution for cooking delicious grilled chicken, some of the popular recipes of which we bring to your attention today. There are many ways to please home gourmets with a delicious and juicy bird for an everyday family dinner or a festive table! We hope that the options we have proposed will please you and become one of your favorite dishes.

Due to the intense rhythm of life, family gatherings today are increasingly postponed until feasts for family holidays. Households are looking forward to the next calendar date to enjoy their favorite dishes - after all, on a normal day there is not always enough free time for culinary delights.

An easy-to-prepare, but very tasty grilled chicken recipe in an air grill, with a golden crust and tender meat, is a great occasion to bring the whole family together. And if you cook the roasted bird in advance, then you will have a great picnic dish - not only hearty, but also quite suitable for serving cold.

Whole marinated poultry


  • - 1 PC. + -
  • Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l. + -
  • - 2-3 cloves + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • 1 small bunch + -
  • Curry - 1 tsp + -
  • Ground paprika - 1 tsp + -
  • - pinch + -
  • - taste + -
  • - taste + -


  • The thawed chicken, without cutting, is cleaned from the remnants of the insides (kidneys, remnants of the lungs, etc. often remain in store carcasses). We will immediately check whether all the feathers are well removed (domestic manufacturers also often sin with this). Rinse the bird thoroughly and pat dry with paper towels.
  • Let's prepare the marinade. We need to mix mayonnaise, salt, pepper, paprika and curry. Squeeze garlic into the mixture (lovers of spicy can take four or five cloves).

If we have a blender at our disposal, the procedure for preparing the marinade is simplified even more. Just put all the above ingredients in a bowl and turn it on for half a minute.

*Advice from Cook

  • Do not be afraid to add sugar - in such an amount it will not affect the taste, and when melted under the influence of temperature in the air grill, it will give a light golden crust!
  • Thoroughly coat the chicken on all sides with the resulting marinade and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. If time permits, it is better to leave to marinate for 6-8 hours, you can from evening to night. The meat will soak in the sauce, acquire a delicious taste and aroma.
  • When the bird has marinated, we will prepare the lemon and greens, with which we will process the carcass from the inside. Cut the citrus into round slices - for a small chicken, two or three circles will be enough. Coarsely chop the parsley and cilantro. We take out the carcass from the refrigerator. Inside we lay greens and circles of lemon - this will make the chicken even juicier and more fragrant.
  • Pour some water into the bottom of the air fryer. Put the carcass on the middle rack. Set a timer for 40-50 minutes depending on the size of the chicken. Cooking temperature - 250-260 degrees. An audible signal will let you know when the dish is ready.

*Advice from Cook
If you install a plate on the lower grill, where the fat will drain, then it is much easier to wash the convection oven. It is better to take heat-resistant dishes.

In order for the crust to acquire a uniform color on all sides, the carcass can be turned over when it is covered with a blush on top.

  • Put the finished baked carcass on a large dish. Before serving the chicken to the table, let it stand for 10-15 minutes. Now sprinkle the fragrant appetizing dish with chopped herbs and you can call the family to take a sample.

By the way, the whole chicken baked in the air grill, the recipe of which we have just tried, belongs to the category of healthy dishes - without excess harmful fat and with the preservation of useful vitamins! Thus, we took care not only of the most delicious treat, but also of the health of our loved ones.

Surely every housewife at least once wondered how to cook an ordinary bird in order to get an unusual dish? How to surprise guests with an original dish from the “you will lick your fingers” category, but at the same time not very costly in terms of finances and time? The answer is simple - grilled chicken in an air grill. The recipes for this dish are distinguished by a huge variety of marinades. Both sweet and spicy, with lemon and garlic, with mayonnaise and even with exotic mixtures, complex and very simple - in a word, for every taste and for any table. But among this variety, I would like to note an option that is somewhat different from the others - this is stuffed chicken.

Stuffed baked bird


  • Chicken - 1 pc. + -
  • Borodino or Riga bread- 300 g + -
  • Nectarine large- 1 PC. + -
  • - 50 g + -
  • Cheese - 100 g + -
  • - 1 tsp + -
  • - 3 tsp + -
  • Let's start preparing the filling. In a blender, finely chop the bread with the cheese, then add the dried garlic and mix everything. Melt the butter and pour it into the bread mixture. Cut the nectarine into small cubes and add it to the bread. Gently mix - no longer in a blender, but with a culinary spatula. These silicone spatulas do not break the ingredients when mixed and are very convenient for culinary needs.
  • We take the chicken out of the refrigerator and stuff it tightly with the resulting composition for the filling. The edges of the cut can be fastened with toothpicks, and can be sewn with culinary thread or secured with special clips.
  • Now you need to make sure that the legs and wings do not burn during baking. We tie the legs together with culinary thread, and fasten the wings to the carcass.
  • We put the prepared chicken in the air grill. Lubricate the carcass with vegetable oil to get a golden crust. We will cook for 40 minutes, set the temperature to 260 degrees. The maximum ventilation speed (if your air fryer allows you to change this setting) will help the bird cook faster. The notification of the completion of baking will be the sound signal of the kitchen gadget.
  • Let the finished dish take a little time to reach, and then put the chicken on a large deep plate, release the legs and wings and leave to stand for 10 minutes.

    Cook's Tip:
    Carefully cut the carcass along the breast. Stuffed poultry is served to the table, as a rule, in portions. On a plate, the dish will look like this: two tablespoons of filling, on top of a piece of chicken with a golden crust up. Garlic sauce will be an ideal companion to the original dish.

    You can not even doubt that juicy and fragrant grilled chicken baked with an original filling in an air grill will help you collect a lot of enthusiastic compliments from your guests! Enjoy your meal!

Airfryer chicken is a simple and very quick cooking option. As you know, chicken is tender, tasty and healthy meat. But the convection oven allows you to cook this product in such a way that it retains as many substances necessary for the body as possible. And there are a lot of recipes.

How to cook in beer?

It's easy to make a fragrant dish in minutes. You will need to take 1 chicken (about 1-1.5 kg), a head of garlic, half a bottle of beer (preferably light), 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise, as well as spices and salt.

To begin with, the chicken is washed, and then rubbed with squeezed garlic, salt and spices. The meat is carefully coated with mayonnaise. Put the carcass on the lowest grate of the air grill. At the same time, beer is poured to the bottom. In total, it takes 40 minutes to prepare the dish. After about 25 minutes, the chicken must be turned over.

in air grill

You can cook a delicious grilled chicken using such a popular unit called an air grill. For this you will need the following products:

  • 1 chicken;
  • a few tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • a small spoonful of curry;
  • a little red pepper (necessarily ground);
  • greens (parsley and dill);
  • salt;
  • half a lemon.

It all starts with the fact that the chicken carcass is washed, and then rubbed well with salt. Inside, you must definitely put a lemon and all the greens. Separately, mayonnaise, pepper and curry are mixed in a bowl. The chicken is spread with this mixture and placed on the grill of the air grill (preferably on the middle one). A plate is placed at the bottom so that the fat flows into it. 45 minutes at high speed, the carcass is cooked at 260 degrees.

Airfryer wings

An excellent option for a picnic snack are those cooked in an air grill. For the dish you will need wings (about 1 kg), 200 grams of mayonnaise, green leek, 3 cloves of garlic, curry (small spoon), a little pepper and salt. Garlic and onion must be very finely chopped and mixed with mayonnaise and all spices. Each wing is coated with this mixture. All of them are placed in a bowl or saucepan, and then put in the refrigerator.

The next morning, all the wings are laid out on a wire rack (middle), and then baked in an air grill until the chicken becomes golden. And now, the dish is ready, and you can enjoy!

Airfryer chicken with apples

An interesting dish for a festive table is obtained if you take a chicken, 3 small apples (sour in taste), and black pepper. First, the lemon is cut into thin slices. Apples are chopped into small pieces. At this time, the chicken is washed, salted and peppered (both inside and out). And only then the carcass must be stuffed with apples and lemon.

In an air grill, such a dish should be fried at medium speed for half an hour. Only at the end, you can turn on the highest speed so that the chicken is fried, and a beautiful and appetizing crust appears.

Indian Airfryer Chicken

Both cold and hot, you can enjoy Indian chicken appetizer. Every housewife has the opportunity to cook it. To do this, chicken breasts are cut into very thin and long strips. In a separate cup, a marinade of honey (0.5 cups), the same amount of lemon juice, a pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg and white pepper is mixed. Also add a few cloves of crushed garlic. This sauce is poured over the chicken and left in the refrigerator overnight.

The meat is laid out in a thin layer on the dish. All this is placed in an air grill and baked. It takes 20 minutes and the dish is ready.

Airfryer rolls

Air grilled chicken can be cooked in a very unusual way - in the form of an original snack. Chicken fillet is marinated in lemon juice, spices and olive oil for about 3-4 hours. Then the meat is cut into strips, which are carefully beaten off.

Separately, the filling for rolls is prepared from chopped walnuts and squeezed garlic. You will need more and cut into strips. As a result, bacon is laid out on chicken pieces, and then another spoonful of filling. Everything is rolled up in the form of a roll and fixed with a toothpick.

Such small rolls are sent to the middle grill of the air grill. It is necessary that the dish is cooked for at least 20 minutes. The temperature is needed at 235 degrees.

Whole airfryer chicken prepared according to various recipes. The different tastes of the dish are given by the marinades used. A whole chicken in an air grill is baked in the same way as cooking in an oven. Chicken in an air grill is baked with streams of hot air - it does not burn, it does not overcook. You can cook chicken in an air grill with a whole carcass or, if the size allows, unrolled like a tapaka chicken. The unfolded grilled chicken is baked faster and more evenly.

The chicken in the air grill turns out juicy, fried, unburnt, if you follow the cooking mode. Poultry fillet is suitable for a dietary table. Golden appetizing fried skin and chicken fat should not be eaten. They performed the function of foil, baking sleeves, dough, keeping chicken meat juicy during baking. Baked-skin fat is not suitable for a healthy diet: high-calorie, hard-to-digest foods harm the body.

Airfryer chicken cooked whole for dieters is a festive dish. Chicken meat is saturated with fat during cooking, increasing the calorie content and cholesterol content. Preference in whole-baked chicken should be given to breast meat as it is less nutritious and saturated with fat.

Below is a recipe for chicken in an air grill, pre-marinated in lemon juice with olive oil, stuffed with garlic. By analogy, chicken is cooked in an air grill with various marinades, mixtures of spices.


  • Chicken - 1 pc.
  • Juice - 1/2 -1 lemon
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Refined olive oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Salt to taste

Airfryer Chicken - Recipe

  1. Wash chicken. If the unfolded carcass fits on the air grill, we make an analog of a tobacco chicken.
  2. We cut the carcass along the breast, cut along the spine from the inside, unfold and flatten, pressing down with palms.
  3. Coat the chicken with a mixture of lemon and olive oil. Let stand 6-8 hours.
  4. Salt. We cut the garlic cloves lengthwise into 2-3 parts and stuff the chicken with them, cutting the skin and the top layer of meat.
  5. Pour a little water into the tray and put it on the bottom of the air grill.
  6. Place the whole chicken on the bottom rack of the air fryer. Spread - on the middle.
  7. Chicken in air grill cooks for 30-50 minutes in two modes: 6 minutes in heating mode at t260C, high fan speed; 30-50 minutes at t205C and medium fan speed until done. In the middle of cooking, when the top of the chicken is browned, turn over and brown from the bottom. Cooking time depends on the weight of the chicken and preparation for cooking: a flattened chicken cooks faster than a whole one. Spread poultry after the heating mode can be cooked at t235C and medium fan speed.
  8. We serve the chicken on the festive table with chopped herbs and vegetable salads.

Unfortunately, not all Russian housewives were able to get acquainted with the air grill. Why "Unfortunately? Because this household appliance is ideal for families with children and where moms (or dads) strive to keep a slim figure.

Features of cooking in an air grill

The device is a kind of convection oven, that is, it provides cooking by exposing it to hot air flows. When working with an air grill, it is not necessary to use fats and vegetable oil. And the ideal tenderness of dishes is achieved by adding ordinary water to the tray. You can also fry, bake, dry and heat in it, in general, do everything for which we use the oven, microwave and fruit dryer.

If your culinary experience is still small, the convection oven will become an indispensable assistant for you. After all, in it the dishes never burn and warm up evenly. In addition, the most familiar products with a new method of preparation will acquire unexpected tastes. As an example - chicken and chicken legs in an air grill, the recipe for the familiar "game" will delight you with new facets of taste.

The secrets of cooking chicken in an air grill

To figure out how to cook chicken in an air grill, you need to find out all the intricacies of working with this device.

  • There is little fat in chicken meat, so it may lose its juiciness during air frying. To prevent this from happening, be sure to add water to the pan during cooking or wrap the meat in foil.
  • A whole chicken can be cooked on the grill, while the water level should not reach the meat. Pieces of poultry should only be cooked in foil to preserve their tenderness.
  • When cooking the whole carcass, select the lowest fan speed, but the temperature should be higher - 235 degrees.
  • To get a perfect golden crust, use a grill and brush the surface with vegetable oil. And for tender meat - put the grill with the carcass on the middle level.
  • If you bake meat with vegetables (for example, potatoes), it is advisable to use a heat-resistant form with the thinnest walls possible. So the food will cook faster.

Easy and Delicious Air Grill Chicken Recipes

These dishes will be an unexpected option for the usual meat, as well as, for example, chicken beshbarmak or chicken noodles. But that doesn't make them any harder to make!

Grilled chicken in air grill

You will need:

  • chicken carcass - 1.5 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • dry mustard - a tablespoon;
  • ginger and coriander - half a teaspoon each;
  • thyme - a teaspoon;
  • black pepper - a couple of pinches;
  • garlic - 5 cloves.


  1. Rinse chicken, pat dry, rub with salt. Leave to salt for 30 minutes.
  2. Cut 4 lemon slices, place them under the skin on the thighs and breast.
  3. Marinate the meat in a mixture of vegetable oil, mustard, aromatic herbs, garlic and black pepper. Rub the carcass well inside and out. Leave to marinate for an hour.
  4. Remove the marinade from the skins, but do not throw them away, but move them inside the carcass.
  5. Place the tray on the bottom of the air fryer, put the low grate. Lay the carcass breast-side up, tuck the wings under the back so that they do not char.
  6. Set the temperature from 220° and the cooking time to 1 hour.

Our recipe is a universal solution to how to cook grilled chicken in an air grill. You can experiment in it with spices in the marinade. You can make the breast more juicy by simply laying a few slices of lard under the skin. In the last 20 minutes of cooking, the chicken must be monitored, as a “person” weighing less can walk faster.

Airfryer in foil

You will need:

  • chicken fillet - according to the number of guests;
  • lemon juice - 3 tablespoons;
  • cognac, soy sauce - 3 tablespoons each;
  • spices: paprika, basil, coriander, black pepper.


  1. Cut the fillet into large pieces. Marinate in a mixture of spices, cognac, lemon juice and soy sauce. Leave for 2 hours.
  2. Wrap the fillet in foil, divide in portions according to the number of guests.
  3. Cook at 260o for 30-40 minutes. Then open the foil and leave the meat to brown for 3 minutes.

You will need:

  • chicken fillet - 500 g;
  • potatoes - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 large head;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • feta cheese - 200 g;
  • your favorite spices.


  1. Cut the fillet into medium-sized pieces.
  2. Peel potatoes, onions and garlic. Cut the potatoes into large slices, onion and garlic - finely.
  3. Mix ingredients, add feta, season with salt and pepper, add spices.
  4. Pour into an ovenproof dish and close the lid.
  5. Set in an air grill at a temperature of 235 °, cook for an hour.

You can serve the dish with chopped herbs and any vegetable salad. The advantage of this recipe is that you can use any poultry meat, as well as veal and lean pork.

Just a little work, and you will find an incredibly tasty and whole chicken in an air grill! Recipes with photos on our website will definitely help you prepare a new, interesting dish.

Airfryer Chicken Recipes Video

And again the chicken - fried, ruddy, amazingly smelling. This bird pleases the eye and delights our taste buds. Most often I cook, but from time to time I do it in an air grill. How to cook a whole chicken in an air grill, I learned by experience. I experimented with both temperature and location (on the upper or lower grill). As a result, I came up with just such an algorithm of work, which I present here.

But this applies to my air grill model. I fully admit that in other models such an algorithm of operation will not be optimal. But the main thing is to start somewhere. If you have an air grill, then you will certainly work out your own method of cooking chicken in an air grill (or perhaps you have already developed it), I will be glad if you share it with us in the comments.

As with cooking in the oven, I marinate the bird first. The marinade can be prepared the same as for baking in the oven. Not so long ago I used this, today I will prepare a marinade from soy sauce, mayonnaise and mustard. And, of course, garlic, spices and black pepper.

Put the garlic squeezed through the garlic press into the mayonnaise. You can take more garlic than what is written in the ingredients, or you can refuse it altogether if you don’t like it.

Add soy sauce and mustard.

We mix. Grilled chicken marinade is ready.

I coat the chicken before cooking, although it is sold already processed.

I sprinkle the chicken with poultry seasoning and ground black pepper inside and out, salt.

We coat the chicken with marinade outside and inside and leave for several hours. I left it overnight.

Now let's get down to baking. I lay foil at the bottom of the aerogrill flask so that fat flows from the chicken onto it. I do this in order to make it easier to put the flask in order. I put a grid on it.

I will start cooking the chicken on the lower grill at a temperature of 150 degrees. I set the cooking time to 1 hour.

I close the flask with a lid, install the program and wait 1 hour.

At the end of the program, our chicken will look something like this. On the top side, it turned out to be quite fried, but on the bottom it remained pale.

I'll take the chicken out. I will install the top grate and expansion ring in the convection oven. I put the chicken on the pale side, close the lid and cook for another 45 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees.

Our airfryer chicken is ready. If you want to get a fried bird than mine, then you can increase the cooking time or the temperature.

Chicken is good both cold and hot. But from the heat of the heat, of course, she is incomparable.