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Major cities of the Russian plain in brief. East European Plain: Introduction, Relief and Geological Structure

Geographical position of the East European Plain

The physical and geographical name of the Russian Plain is East European. The plain occupies about $ 4 million sq. Km. and is the second largest in the world after the Amazonian lowland. Within Russia, the plain stretches from the coast of the Baltic Sea in the west to the Ural Mountains in the east. In the north, its border starts from the shores of the Barents and White Seas to the shores of the Azov and Caspian Seas in the south. From the northwest, the Russian Plain is bordered by the Scandinavian mountains, in the west and southwest by the mountains of Central Europe and the Carpathians, in the south by the Caucasus mountains and in the east by the Ural Mountains. Within the Crimea, the border of the Russian Plain runs along the northern foot of the Crimean Mountains.

In the rank of a physico-geographical country, the plain was identified by the following characteristics:

  1. The location of the slightly elevated plain on the plate of the ancient East European platform;
  2. Moderate and insufficiently humid climate, which is largely formed under the influence of the Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean;
  3. The flatness of the relief influenced the clearly expressed natural zoning.

Within the plain, there are two unequal parts:

  1. Basement-denudation plain on the Baltic crystalline shield;
  2. The East European Plain proper with bedded erosion-denudation and accumulative relief on the Russian and Scythian plates.

Relief crystal shield is the result of prolonged continental denudation. The tectonic movements of recent times have already had a direct impact on the relief. In the Quaternary period, the territory occupied by the Baltic crystalline shield was the center of glaciation, therefore fresh forms of glacial relief are common here.

Strong cover of platform deposits within actually Of the East European Plain, it lies almost horizontally. As a result, accumulative and stratal-denudation lowlands and uplands were formed. A folded foundation protruding to the surface in some places has formed basement-denudation heights and ridges - Timan Ridge, Donetsk Ridge, etc.

The East European Plain has an average elevation of about $ 170 m above sea level. On the coast of the Caspian Sea, the heights will be the smallest, because the level of the Caspian itself is below the level of the World Ocean by $ 27.6 m. At $ 300 - $ 350 m above sea level, elevations rise, for example, the Podolsk Upland, whose height is $ 471 m.

Settlement of the East European Plain

The Eastern Slavs, according to a number of opinions, were the first to populate Eastern Europe, but this opinion, others believe, is erroneous. In this area for the first time in the $ 30 millennium BC. Cro-Magnons appeared. To some extent, they were similar to modern representatives of the Caucasian race, and over time, their appearance became closer to the characteristic features of a person. These events took place in a harsh winter. By the $ X $ millennium, the climate in Eastern Europe was no longer so harsh, and the first Indo-Europeans gradually began to appear in Southeast Europe. No one can say for sure where they were up to this moment, but it is known that in the east of Europe they firmly settled in the $ VI $ -th millennium BC. e. and occupied a significant part of it.

Remark 1

The settlement of Eastern Europe by the Slavs occurred much later than the appearance of ancient people on it.

The peak of the settlement of the Slavs in Europe is considered $ V $ - $ VI $ centuries. new era and under the pressure of migration in the same period, they are divided into eastern, southern and western.

South Slavs settled in the Balkans and surrounding areas. The tribal community ceases to exist, and the first semblances of states appear.

Settlement takes place at the same time Western Slavs, which had a northwest direction from the Vistula to the Elbe. Some of them, according to archaeological data, ended up in the Baltic states. On the territory of modern Czech Republic in $ VII $ c. the first state appeared.

V Eastern Europe the resettlement of the Slavs took place without major problems. In antiquity, they had a primitive communal system, and later they were clan. Due to the small population of the earth, there was enough for everyone. Within Eastern Europe, the Slavs assimilated with the Finno-Ugric tribes and began to create tribal alliances. These were the first state formations. In connection with the warming of the climate, agriculture, cattle breeding, hunting and fishing are developing. Nature itself walked towards the Slavs. East Slavs gradually became the largest group of Slavic peoples - they are Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians. The East European Plain began to be populated by the Slavs in the early Middle Ages, and by the $ VIII $ c. they already dominated it. On the plain, the Eastern Slavs settled in the vicinity of other peoples, which carried both positive and negative traits... The colonization of the East European Plain by the Slavs took place over half a millennium and proceeded very unevenly. On the initial stage there was land development along the path, which is called " from the Varangians to the Greeks". In a later period, the Slavs advanced to the east, west and southwest.

The colonization of the East European Plain by the Slavs had its own characteristics:

  1. The process proceeded slowly due to the severity of the climate;
  2. Different population densities in the colonized territories. The reason is the same - natural and climatic conditions, soil fertility. Naturally, in the north of the plain there were few people, and in the south of the plain, where conditions were favorable, there were much more immigrants;
  3. Since there was a lot of land, there were no confrontations with other peoples during the resettlement;
  4. Slavs imposed tribute on the neighboring tribes;
  5. Small peoples "merged" with the Slavs, adopting their culture, language, customs, customs, way of life.

Remark 2

In the life of the Slavic people, who settled across the territory of the East European Plain, began new stage associated with the rapid development of the economy, changes in the life system and way of life, the emergence of prerequisites for the formation of statehood.

Contemporary exploration of the East European Plain

After settling and settling the East European Plain Eastern Slavs, with the beginning of the development of the economy, the question arose of its study. Outstanding scientists of the country took part in the study of the plain, including the name of the mineralogist V.M. Severgin.

Studying Baltic in the spring $ 1803 g. V.M. Severgin drew attention to the fact that south-west of Lake Peipsi the terrain becomes very hilly. To test his thoughts, he walked along the $ 24 $ meridian from the mouth of the Gauja River to the Neman River and reached the Bug River, again marking many hills and sandy elevated fields. Similar "fields" were found in the upper reaches of the Ptich and Svisloch rivers. As a result of these works, in the west of the East European Plain, for the first time, an alternation of low-lying areas and elevated "fields" was noted with the correct indication of their directions - from southwest to northeast.

Detailed study Polesie was caused by the reduction of meadow spaces due to the plowing of land on the right bank of the Dnieper. For this purpose, in $ 1873 $, the Western Expedition to drain the swamps was created. At the head of this expedition was the military topographer I. I. Zhilinsky. Researchers covered about $ 100 thousand square kilometers for $ 25 $ summer period. the territory of Polesie, $ 600 $ measurements of heights were carried out, a map of the region was compiled. On the collected materials I.I. Zhilinsky continued the work of A.A. Tillo. The hypsometric map he created showed that Polesie is a vast plain with raised edges. The results of the expedition were $ 300 $ of lakes and $ 500 $ of Polesie rivers on the map with a total length of $ 9,000 km. The geographer G.I. Tanfilyev, who concluded that the drainage of the Polesie bogs would not lead to the shallowing of the Dnieper and P.A. Tutkovsky. He identified and mapped $ 5 $ elevations in the Polesie wetlands, including the Ovruch Ridge, from which the right tributaries of the lower Pripyat originate.

The study Donetsk ridge the young engineer of the Lugansk foundry E.P. Kovalevsky, who found out that in geological terms this ridge is a huge basin. Kovalevsky became the discoverer of Donbass and his first explorer who compiled a geological map of this basin. It was he who recommended to engage in prospecting and exploration of ore deposits here.

In $ 1840, the master of field geology R. Murchison was invited to Russia to study the natural resources of the country. Together with Russian scientists, the site was surveyed the southern coast of the White Sea... In the course of the work carried out, rivers and hills in the central part of the East European Plain were investigated, hypsometric and geological maps of the area were compiled, on which the structural features of the Russian platform were clearly visible.

On the south of the East European Plain the founder of scientific soil science V.V. Dokuchaev. In $ 1883, while studying chernozem, he came to the conclusion that there is a special chernozem-steppe zone on the territory of Eastern Europe. On the card of V.V. Dokuchaev allocates $ 5 for the main natural areas in the plain.

In subsequent years, numerous scientific work according to her research, new scientific discoveries, new maps were drawn.

East European (Russian) Plain- one of the largest plains in the world in terms of area. Among all the plains of our Motherland, only it comes out to two oceans. Russia is located in the central and eastern parts of the plain. It stretches from the coast of the Baltic Sea to the Ural Mountains, from the Barents and White Seas to the Azov and Caspian Seas.

Features of the relief of the Russian Plain

The East European elevated plain consists of elevations with heights of 200-300 m above sea level and lowlands along which large rivers flow. Average height plains - 170 m, and the largest - 479 m - on Bugulma-Belebey Upland in the Urals part. Maximum elevation Timan ridge slightly less (471 m).

According to the peculiarities of the orographic pattern, three stripes are clearly distinguished within the East European Plain: central, northern and southern. Through the central part of the plain runs a strip of alternating large hills and lowlands: Central Russian, Volga, Bugulma-Belebey Uplands and Common Syrt divided Oka-Don lowland and the Low Trans-Volga region, along which the Don and Volga rivers flow, carrying their waters to the south.

To the north of this strip, low plains prevail. Large rivers flow through this territory - Onega, Northern Dvina, Pechora with numerous high-water tributaries.

The southern part of the East European Plain is occupied by lowlands, of which only the Caspian region is located on the territory of Russia.

Climate of the Russian Plain

The climate of the East European Plain is influenced by its position in temperate and high latitudes, as well as neighboring territories ( Western Europe and North Asia) and Atlantic and North Arctic oceans... The climate is moderate in terms of thermal regime and average humidity with increasing continentality to the south and east. Average monthly temperature January varies from - 8 ° in the west to - 11 ° С in the east, July temperatures range from 18 ° to 20 ° С from northwest to southeast.

All year round the East European Plain is dominated by western air transport... Atlantic air brings coolness and rainfall in summer and warmth and rainfall in winter.

Differences in the climate of the East European Plain affect the nature of vegetation and the presence of a fairly pronounced soil-vegetation zoning. Sod-podzolic soils are replaced to the south by more fertile ones - a variety of chernozems. Natural and climatic conditions are favorable for active economic activity and the residence of the population.

For centuries, the Russian plain served as a territory connecting the western and eastern civilizations by trade routes. Historically, two lively trade arteries have run through these lands. The first is known as "the way from the Varangians to the Greeks." According to him, as is known from school history, carried out medieval trade in goods of the peoples of the East and Russia with the states of Western Europe.

The second was the route along the Volga, which made it possible to transport goods by ships to Southern Europe from China, India and Central Asia and in the opposite direction. The first Russian cities were built along the trade routes - Kiev, Smolensk, Rostov. Veliky Novgorod became the northern gateway of the route from the Varangians, protecting the safety of trade.

Now the Russian Plain is still a territory of strategic importance. The capital of the country is located on its lands and Largest cities... The most important administrative centers for the life of the state are concentrated here.

Geographical location of the plain

The East European Plain, or Russian, occupies territories in the east of Europe. In Russia, these are its extreme western lands. In the northwest and west, it is bounded by the Scandinavian Mountains, the Barents and White Seas, the Baltic coast and the Vistula River. In the east and southeast, it is adjacent to the Ural Mountains and the Caucasus. In the south, the plain is bounded by the shores of the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas.

Features of the relief and landscape

The East European Plain is represented by a gentle-flat relief, formed as a result of faults in tectonic rocks. On the basis of relief features, the massif can be divided into three bands: central, southern and northern. The center of the plain consists of extensive highlands and lowlands alternating with each other. The north and south are mostly lowlands with rare low elevations.

The relief, although it is formed in a tectonic way, and insignificant tremors are possible on the territory, there are no tangible earthquakes here.

Natural areas and regions

(The plain has planes with characteristic smooth gradients)

The East European Plain includes all natural zones found on the territory of Russia:

  • Tundra and forest-tundra are represented by the nature of the north of the Kola Peninsula and occupy a small part of the territory, slightly expanding to the east. The vegetation of the tundra, namely, shrubs, mosses and lichens, is replaced by birch forests of the forest-tundra.
  • Taiga, with its pine and spruce forests, occupies the north and center of the plain. On the borders with mixed deciduous forests, the places are often swampy. Typical Eastern European landscape - coniferous and mixed forests and swamps give way to small rivers and lakes.
  • In the forest-steppe zone, you can see alternating hills and lowlands. This area is characterized by oak and ash forests. You can often find birch and aspen forests.
  • The steppe is represented by valleys, where oak forests and groves, alder and elm forests grow on the banks of rivers, and tulips and sage bloom in the fields.
  • Semi-deserts and deserts are located on the Caspian lowland, where the climate is harsh and the soil is saline, but even there you can find vegetation in the form of various varieties of cacti, wormwood and plants that adapt well to a sharp change in daily temperatures.

Rivers and lakes plains

(A river on the flat terrain of the Ryazan region)

The rivers of the "Russian valley" are majestic and slowly carry their waters in one of two directions - to the north or south, to the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, or to the southern inland seas of the mainland. The rivers of the northern direction flow into the Barents, White or Baltic Seas. Rivers of the southern direction - to the Black, Azov or Caspian Seas. The largest river in Europe, the Volga, also “flows lazily” through the lands of the East European Plain.

The Russian plain is a kingdom natural water in all its forms. The glacier, which passed through the plain thousands of years ago, formed many lakes on its territory. There are especially many of them in Karelia. The consequences of the presence of the glacier were the emergence in the North-West of such large lakes as Ladoga, Onega, Pskov-Peipsi reservoir.

Under the layer of earth in the localization of the Russian Plain, reserves of artesian water are stored in the amount of three underground basins of huge volumes and many located at a shallower depth.

Climate of the East European Plain

(Flat terrain with small drops near Pskov)

The Atlantic dictates the weather regime on the Russian Plain. Westerly winds, air masses that move moisture, make summer on the plain warm and humid, winter cold and windy. In the cold season, winds from the Atlantic bring about ten cyclones, contributing to changeable heat and cold. And after all, air masses from the Arctic Ocean also tend to the plain.

Therefore, the climate becomes continental only in the interior of the massif, closer to the south and southeast. The East European Plain has two climatic zones - subarctic and temperate, increasing continentality to the east.

In the north, the East European Plain is washed by the cold waters of the Barents and White Seas, in the south - warm waters Black and Azov seas, in the southeast - by the waters of the world's largest Caspian lake. The western borders of the East European Plain are bordered by the coast of the Baltic Sea and go beyond the borders of our country. The Ural mountains border the plain from the east, and the Caucasian mountains partly from the south.

What forms of relief are most typical for the East European Plain?

The East European Plain is located on the ancient Russian platform, which determined main feature its relief is flatness. But flatness should not be understood as monotony. There are no two places that are alike. In the northwest of the plain, the protrusion of crystalline rocks - the Baltic shield - corresponds to the low Khibiny mountains and the raised hilly plains of Karelia and the Kola Peninsula. The crystalline basement is located close to the surface on the Central Russian Upland and the heights of the Trans-Volga region. And only the Volga Upland was formed on a deeply subsided section of the basement as a result of intensive uplift of the earth's crust in recent times.

Rice. 53. Central Russian Upland

The relief of the entire northern half of the East European Plain was formed under the influence of repeated glaciations. On the Kola Peninsula and in Karelia ("the land of lakes and granite"), the modern appearance of the relief is determined by unusually picturesque glacial forms: moraine ridges overgrown with dense spruce forests, granite cliffs polished by glaciers - "sheep's foreheads", hills covered with golden-brown pine forests. Numerous lakes with intricately indented shores are connected by rapid rapids with sparkling waterfalls. The main elevations of the northern part of the plain - Valdai and Smolensko-Moskovskaya with the Klinsko-Dmitrovskaya ridge - were formed as a result of the accumulation of glacial material.

Rice. 54. Glacial relief

An important natural feature of these places is the steeply cut gorges of river valleys, along the bottom of which rivers wind like crystal ribbons, and on Valdai there are large and small lakes with many islands, as if “swimming” in water. Valdai Lakes, framed by forested hills, like pearls in a precious setting, are scattered throughout the entire territory of the hill. Therefore, it is not surprising that, according to the already established tradition, such a lacustrine-hilly area is often called “Russian Switzerland”.

Rice. 55. Caspian lowland

Between large uplands there are flat low-lying sandy plains with areas of ship pine forests and swampy "dead" places of peat bogs, such as Verkhnevolzhskaya, Meshcherskaya, Oksko-Donskaya, the sand cover of which is formed by powerful streams of melted glacial waters.

The southern half of the Russian Plain, not covered with glaciers, is composed of a layer of loose loess rocks easily eroded by water from the surface. Therefore, the Central Russian and Volga Uplands as a result of active erosion "processing" are dotted with numerous steep ravines and gullies.

The northern and southern margins of the East European Plain were subjected to repeated advances of sea waters on land, resulting in the formation of flat coastal lowlands (for example, the Caspian Lowland) filled with horizontal layers of sedimentary deposits.

What is the difference between the climate of the European part of Russia?

The East European Plain is located in temperate latitudes and has a predominantly moderate continental climate. Its "openness" to the west and north and, accordingly, its exposure to the influence of the Atlantic and Arctic air masses largely predetermined the climatic features. Atlantic air brings the bulk of precipitation to the plain, most of which falls in the warm season, when cyclones come here. The amount of precipitation decreases from 600-800 mm per year in the west to 300-200 mm in the south and southeast. The extreme southeast is distinguished by the greatest aridity of the climate - semi-deserts and deserts dominate in the Caspian lowland.

A characteristic feature of winter weather practically throughout the entire territory of the Russian Plain is constant thaws brought by air masses from the shores of the Atlantic. On such days, icicles hang from the roofs and branches of trees and spring drops ring, although real winter is still in the shade.

Arctic air in winter, and often in summer as a "draft" passes through the entire territory of the East European Plain up to the extreme south. In summer, its invasions are accompanied by cold snaps and droughts. In winter, clear days are established with the strongest frosts that hold the breath.

Due to the alternate, difficult to predict incursions of Atlantic and Arctic air masses on the East European Plain, it is very difficult to make not only long-term and medium-term, but even short-term weather forecasts. A distinctive feature of the climate of the plain is the instability of weather phenomena and the dissimilarity of seasons in different years.

What are the main features of the river system of European Russia?

The territory of the East European Plain is covered with a dense river network. Starting at the Valdai, Smolensk-Moscow and Central Russian heights, the greatest rivers of Europe - the Volga, spread like a fan in all directions, Western Dvina, Dnipro, Don.

True, unlike the eastern regions of Russia, many large rivers of the East European Plain flow to the south (Dnieper, Don, Volga, Ural), and this makes it possible to use their water for irrigation of arid lands. The largest tracts of land with developed irrigation systems are located in the Volga region and the North Caucasus.

Rice. 56. Karelian waterfall

Due to the fact that the upper reaches of many rivers are located on a flat territory close to each other, rivers from historical times have been used for through communication between in different parts huge territory. At first, these were ancient draglines. No wonder the names of the cities here are as follows - Vyshny Volochek, Volokolamsk. Then some rivers connected canals, and already in modern times, a Unified European Deep-Water System was created, thanks to which our capital is connected by waterways with several seas.

Rice. 57. Valdai Lakes

Many reservoirs have been built on large and small rivers to retain and use spring water, so the flow of many rivers is regulated. The Volga and Kama rivers turned into a cascade of reservoirs used for power generation, shipping, irrigation of lands and water supply to numerous cities and industrial centers.

What are the most specific traits modern landscapes of the Russian Plain?

home characteristic feature East European Plain - a well-defined zoning in the distribution of its landscapes. Moreover, it is expressed more fully and clearly than on other plains of the globe.

On the coast of the Barents Sea, occupied by cold, highly waterlogged plains, a tundra zone is located in a narrow strip, giving way to forest-tundra to the south.

The harsh natural conditions do not allow farming in these landscapes. This is a zone of developed reindeer husbandry and hunting and fishing economy. In the areas of mining, where villages and even small cities arose, industrial landscapes became the predominant landscapes. The north of the East European Plain provides the country with coal, oil and gas, iron ores, non-ferrous metals and apatites.

Rice. 58. Natural areas European part of Russia

In the middle zone of the East European Plain, a thousand years ago, typical forest landscapes prevailed - dark coniferous taiga, mixed, and then broad-leaved oak and linden forests. By now, on vast expanses of the plain, forests have been cut down and forest landscapes have turned into le-sopolya - a combination of forests and fields. In the floodplains of many northern rivers, the best pasture and hayfields of Russia are located. Forests are often represented by secondary forests, in which coniferous and broad-leaved species have been replaced by small-leaved ones - birch and aspen.

Rice. 59. Landscapes of natural and economic zones of the East European Plain

The south of the plain is the endless distance of the forest-steppe and steppe stretching beyond the horizon with the most fertile chernozem soils and the most favorable for Agriculture climatic conditions. Here is the main agricultural zone of the country with the most transformed landscapes and the main stock of arable land in Russia. These are the richest iron ore deposits of the Kursk magnetic anomaly, oil and gas of the Volga and Ural regions.


Huge size, variety natural conditions, wealth natural resources, the highest population and high level economic development - distinctive features East European Plain.

The flat character of the territory, a relatively mild climate with enough heat and precipitation, an abundance of water resources and minerals are prerequisites for intensive economic development of the East European Plain.

Questions and tasks

  1. Define distinctive features geographic location European part of Russia. Give it a rating. Show on the map the main geographical objects of the East European Plain - natural and economic; Largest cities.
  2. What do you think are the features that unite the East European Plain with a huge variety of its landscapes?
  3. What is the originality of the Russian Plain as a territory most inhabited by people? How has its appearance changed as a result of the interaction of nature and people?
  4. Do you think that the fact that it is the historical center of the Russian state played a special role in the economic development and development of the Russian Plain?
  5. In the works of which Russian artists, composers, poets, the peculiarities of nature are especially clearly understood and conveyed Central Russia? Give examples.

There are many rivers flowing along the East European Plain.

The largest of them is the Volga. It flows into the Caspian Sea.

Another very large Russian river, the Dnieper, flows into the Black Sea, and the Don, into the Sea of ​​Azov.

Valdai height is marked with yellow paint on the physical map of Russia. There are many lakes and swamps among its hills. On one of the swamps, near the village of Volgino-Verkhovye, there is a small wooden building... Inside it is a well about a meter deep. A strong spring gushes from its viscous bottom, which is considered the source of the Volga.

At first, the Volga flows in a barely noticeable stream. The Volga is gradually becoming wider and wider. Passenger ships and cargo ships - barges go along it.

It's good to sail on a motor ship along the Volga on a fine summer day! How dignified and calm it flows! How beautiful the shores bathed in the bright sun are! Everywhere, wherever you look, endless fields stretch, ripening ears sway under a light breeze, shady forests rustle, meadows covered with lush grass turn green.

This continues for a day, and two, and three ... But as soon as the river turns to the south, everything around changes.

After the city of Samara, on the right bank you can still see forests here and there, but on the left you rarely even see a lonely tree.

When Volgograd is left behind, the dull steppe, scorched by the sun, overgrown with brown, dried grass, stretches endlessly along both banks. The earth cracked from the scorching heat. It rarely rains here.

Since the spring, as the snow melts, there is still enough water. But as soon as summer sets in, the rivers begin to dry up, one after another, the ponds become shallow. Plants cannot live without water.

Farther south, closer to Astrakhan, you will not see even a piece of plowed mail. On both banks, wherever you look, there is only sand and clay. Only unpretentious sheep manage to look for stunted bushes of yellow waste among the sandy hills.

And along these lands, exhausted from heat and thirst, the Volga flows lazily and slowly. She could fill millions of hectares of fields, meadows, orchards and vegetable gardens to drink. But the Volga runs by. It carries its fresh, transparent waters directly to the Caspian Sea.

Think: is it possible to allow the huge lands through which the largest river in Europe flows, remain without water and turn into a barren desert? Of course not!

To use the Volga waters to generate electricity and irrigate fields, meadows, orchards and vegetable gardens, huge dams were built on the great Russian river. Huge reservoirs have formed near the dams.

Huge hydroelectric power plants (hydroelectric power plants for short) have been built next to the dams.

The dams raised the water level of the Volga. It has become much deeper and now does not grow shallow anywhere in the summer. Large cargo and passenger ships can sail along the river. It is much cheaper to transport cargo by river than by rail.

Timber, oil, bread, salt, cars, tractors, agricultural vehicles and many other goods are transported along the Volga.

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