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Which region does Udmurtia belong to? Izhevsk and other major cities

Was adopted on September 26, 1997. In the dissected silver and blue field of the shield, pincers of alternating colors are depicted with an arrow on top of them; behind the ticks there are two green rowan branches in a cross, having scarlet (red) clusters at the base.

IZHEVSK(in 1984-87 Ustinov), a city in the Russian Federation, the capital of the Republic of Udmurtia, is located on the river. Izh, 40 km from its confluence with the river. Kama, 1129 km from Moscow. A junction of railway lines and highways. The airport. Population 650.7 thousand people (2001). Founded in 1760. City since 1918.

Panorama of Izhevsk.

Economy of Izhevsk

Main industries: ferrous metallurgy (OJSC Izhevsk Foundry Plant, OJSC Izhstal, Udmurtvtormet), metalworking, mechanical engineering (production military equipment, passenger cars, motorcycles, machine tools, equipment for oil industry, electric saws, hunting and sporting guns, washing machines, etc .; enterprises of the State Enterprise Izhevsk Mechanical Plant, FSUE Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant Kupol, OJSC Bummash, Izhevsk Petroleum Engineering Plant, Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant, Izhevsk Motorcycle Plant Axion-Holding, Izhevsk Bearing Plant, "Reduction Plant"); oil production (OJSC "Belkamneft", "Udmurtgeologiya", "Udmurtneft"); chemical (OJSC Izhevsk Plastics Plant), instrument-making (OJSC Izhevsk Radiozavod). The light industry is also developed (a factory of art products - the production of carpets, rugs, scarves with national ornaments, etc.), furniture (JSC "Izhmebel") and food industry.

The building of the Izhmash plant.

History of Izhevsk

Founded as a village at an iron factory on the river. Izh, Count PI Shuvalov in 1760. The village was called Izhevsk Plant (until 1918). In 1774 it was occupied by the troops of E. Pugachev and was badly destroyed. In 1807, an arms factory was created on the basis of an iron factory, which in 1809 was transferred to the War Department. In the middle of the 19th century. private production of hunting weapons is developing, four specialized weapons factories are opening in the city. The city is gradually becoming the largest Russian manufacturer of military, hunting and sporting weapons. At the beginning of the 20th century. in connection with the increased needs of Russia in armament, the Izhevsk plant became one of the largest plants in Russia. During the First World War, production reached 2 thousand barrels per day, to speed up the export of weapons, the village was connected by rail with the Galyany pier on the Kama, the Votkinsk plant and the Agryz station, through which it was connected with Kazan and Yekaterinburg. In 1918 Izhevsk got its modern name. Since 1921 it has been the capital of the Votsk Autonomous Region, since 1932 - the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, since 1990 - the Udmurt Republic.

Science and culture of Izhevsk

Educational and cultural institutions: academies - medical, agricultural; universities - technical, Udmurt State. Higher College of Humanities and Engineering "Aeromech", branch High school privatization and entrepreneurship, a branch of the Moscow University of Consumer Cooperatives. Theaters: Russian and Udmurt dramatic, musical, puppet theaters. Circus. Museums: Museum of History and Culture of the Middle Kama Region, Udmurt Republican Museum fine arts, Museum of Folk Art, National Museum of Udmurtia named after K. Gerda.

UDMURT UNIVERSITY, Izhevsk, founded in 1972 on the basis of the Udmurt Pedagogical Institute (history dates back to 1952). It trains personnel in mathematical, physical, chemical, biological, historical, philological, economic, legal, pedagogical and other specialties. In 1993 St. 3 thousand students.

UDMURT DRAMA THEATER, founded in 1931 in Izhevsk, in 1958-74 a music and drama theater, since 1974 a drama theater.

Architectural monuments of Izhevsk

Architectural monuments: Alexander Nevsky Cathedral (1820-1823), the main building of the ironworks (1809-1844), the Arsenal building (1823-1825).

GLAZOV, a city (since 1780) in the Russian Federation, Udmurtia, on the river. Cap. Railroad station... Population 106.5 thousand people (2002). Industry: mechanical engineering and metalworking, food; furniture factory... Pedagogical Institute.

Eyes. Museum of local lore.

SARAPUL, in Udmurtia, republican subordination, regional center, 66 km south-east of Izhevsk. Located in the Urals, on the Sarapul Upland, on the right bank of the river. Kama (pier). Railway station on the Agryz - Druzhinino line. River port. Population 110.5 thousand people (1992; 21.4 thousand in 1897; 25 thousand in 1926; 42 thousand in 1939; 69 thousand in 1959; 97 thousand in 1970; 106.9 thousand in 1979) ...
Founded at the end of the 16th century. as a wooden fortress in the system of fortifications on the Kama; in 1738 it was assigned to the Osinsky province of the Ufa province; in 1780 the village of S. was transformed into a district town of the Vyatka governorship.
In the second half of the XVIII - early XIX centuries shopping center... By the end of the XIX century. known as a major center of the leather and footwear industry. In 1897, 44 enterprises operated in S., including 20 tanneries, 2 distilleries, 3 soap-making, 6 brick, 2 glue-making, iron foundries, a flax factory, and 2 horse factories. Steamship traffic connected S. with Perm and Kazan, and there was a brisk trade in timber and grain.
Modern S. is the second most important city (after Izhevsk) in Udmurtia. Plants: machine building, radio plant, "Electrobytpribor", electric generator, "Elecond"; Software "Radiotechnics" and power generating; leather and shoe factory; woodworking and Food Industry... Branch of the Izhevsk Mechanical Institute. Theatre of Drama. Museum of local lore. Museum of History and Culture of the Middle Kama Region.
The first plan for the regular building of the city was approved in 1784. In the XIX - early XX centuries. S. - a merchant city with wooden houses, richly decorated with carvings, and 2-3-storey brick houses with architectural details in the spirit of neo-baroque and modern style. Modern construction has been in progress since the 1950s and 1960s. mainly by typical projects.
On the left bank of the Kama, opposite S., in the village of Simonikha, there is a shipyard.

VOTKINSK, a city in the Russian Federation, the Republic of Udmurtia, located in the Kama region, on the river. Votka (Kama river basin), 55 km north-east of Izhevsk. Railroad station. District center. Population 101.4 thousand people (2001). Founded in 1759. City since 1935.
The main branches of industry: mechanical engineering (State Production Association “Votkinskiy Zavod”), instrumentation (JSC “Radiotechnological Equipment Plant”), forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industries, production of building materials. Plants: gas equipment, sawmill, brick. 30 km from Votkinsk on the river. Kama is the Votkinsk hydroelectric power station.
Founded as a settlement during the construction of the Votkinsk ironworks. In the second half of the 19th century. the Votkinsk plant produced agricultural machines, anchors, razors, springs for mechanical watches. In the middle of the 19th century. it was made metal carcass spire of the Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg. By 1870, the second open-hearth furnace in Russia was built in Votkinsk, where steel production began.
Votkinsk is the birthplace of the great Russian composer PI Tchaikovsky (1840-93).

Educational and cultural institutions: a branch of the Izhevsk State Technical University. Museum of local lore. PI Tchaikovsky Estate Museum.

CAN, in Udmurtia, republican subordination, regional center, 93 km south-west of Izhevsk. Located in the Kama region. Railway station on the Kazan - Agryz line. The population is 48.2 thousand people (1992; 2.4 thousand in 1926; 40 thousand in 1979).
Grew up from the village of Syuginsky, which arose in the middle of the 19th century. at a glass factory. City - since 1926. In modern Moscow: glass factory "Light" (works on local quartz sand; production of glassware for chemical industry, glass containers, etc.); factories - tanning extracts (tanning extracts from oak and willow bark), gear, radio components (capacitors); forestry (furniture, sets for panel houses); flax mill; factory "Krasnaya Zvezda" (production of school supplies, skis, children's toys).

Kambarka, a regional center in Udmurtia, 116 km southeast of Izhevsk. Located in the Kama region, on the river. Kambarka (Kama basin); Kambara port - in the village of Kama (9 km from the city). Railway station on the Kazan - Yekaterinburg line. The population is 13.4 thousand people (1992; 12.9 thousand in 1979).
It arose as a settlement during the iron-smelting and iron-making plant built by A.P. Demidov in 1767 (it produced iron casting, high-quality iron). In the XIX century. in the village at the Kambara plant, blacksmith and cooper crafts, the production of tarantulas, carriages and wicker exit boxes were developed. During the Great Patriotic War (1941–45), enterprises and the population evacuated from the west were accommodated in Kazakhstan. In 1945 the settlement was transformed into a city.
In modern Kazakhstan: factories - machine-building (production of diesel locomotives, snow blowers, etc.), "Metallist" (safes, metal cabinets, garden tools), gas equipment; factory - "Kord"; timber processing plant. Museum of the history of the Kambara region (the exposition includes handicrafts, materials on the history of the ironworks, etc.).
Residential, mainly one-story buildings in the first half of the 19th century. was concentrated on the left bank of the pond, small industrial building- on a vast low-lying area built in the 1760s. for an ironworks by a dam (length 1.8 km). In the second half of the XIX century. the right bank of the pond was built up. 1950-60s new residential neighborhoods are being built, contrasting with the former one-story buildings.
The nature of K., located at the junction of taiga, deciduous forest, and forest-steppe, is peculiar. on the territory of the city there is a cranberry swamp (K. is the only place in Udmurtia where small-fruited taiga cranberries grow).

Located in the Urals, between the Kama and Vyatka rivers. Udmurtia is surrounded by 3 regions, as evidenced by an online map with borders:

  • Kirov region - in the north and west;
  • Perm - in the east;
  • Bashkortostan and Tatarstan are in the south.

The climate in the region is moderately continental, which is characterized by average temperatures:

  • In winter, the average temperature is 12 degrees;
  • In summer - +20.

Logistics of Udmurtia - highways passing through the region, railway transport

Logistic transport interchanges are important for economic stability and free movement to any corner of the world. Highways of federal significance pass through the region: М7, Р320, Р321, Р322. Also, many highways have been laid through the region, connecting various municipalities and regions of the republic - there are about 6 thousand km of such highways. They can be examined in detail and selected desired route on the satellite map of Udmurtia.

Air airlines are represented by one airport in the capital of Udmurtia.

The most widely represented are the routes of railway transport. They connect Udmurtia with:

  • Tatarstan and its capital Kazan;
  • The Ural Federal District - Yekaterinburg;
  • Perm and the Perm Territory, etc.

Popular routes: Balezino-Izhevsk-Alnashi, Kazan-Agryz-Yekaterinburg, Kirov-Balezino-Perm, Izhevsk-Votkinsk, Lyukshudya-Kilmez.

Map of the Republic of Udmurtia with cities and villages

A map with districts, large and small settlements shows that about 70% are urbanized settlements, and 30% are agricultural areas. On an area of ​​42 thousand square meters. km is home to just over one and a half million people. The republic has 25 municipal districts with the capital in the city of Izhevsk. Municipalities are united into 5 urban districts with their centers - cities of republican significance:

  • Izhevsk;
  • Eyes;
  • Votkinsk;
  • Mozhga;
  • Sarapul.

In each district there are cities of republican significance, settlements, urban-type settlements, villages, villages. In total, the Republic of Udmurtia has 6 cities and 5 settlements and many villages and villages. So, for example, in the Zavyalovsky municipal district there are 16 villages, 94 villages and 17 repairs.

(Udm. Udmurt Republic) or Udmurtia (Udm. Udmurtia) - a republic within the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, part of the Volga federal district.

According to the Constitution Udmurt Republic, the names "Udmurt Republic" and "Udmurtia" are equivalent. Popular names of the republic - "Republic of Udmurtia", "Spring Land".

Capital - city Izhevsk.

It borders in the west and north with the Kirov region, in the east - with the Perm region, in the south - with Bashkortostan and Tatarstan.

The republic is located in the western part of the Middle Urals approximately between 56 ° 00 "and 58 ° 30" north latitude and 51 ° 15 "and 54 ° 30" east longitude, in the basins of the Kama and Vyatka rivers. The length of the territory from west to east is 180 kilometers, from north to south - 270 kilometers.


It is located in the inland climate zone, which is characterized by hot summers and cold, snowy winters.

The average annual temperature on the territory of the republic ranges from 1.0 to 2.5 ° C. The warmest month of the year is July (+ 17.5-19 ° C), the coldest is January (-14-15 ° C). The maximum temperatures reach + 38-39 ° C. The absolute minimum was recorded on December 31, 1978, when the temperature dropped below -50 ° C. The period with average daily temperatures below 0 ° C lasts 160-175 days, starting in late October and ending in early April.

The average annual rainfall is 500-600 mm. During the warm period (above 0 ° C), 65-75% of the annual precipitation falls. Maximum precipitation occurs in July (62-74 mm), minimum - in February (24-32 mm). Most of all, the north-eastern part of the republic is moistened by precipitation, least of all - the south-west. The growing season lasts about 150 days.

A stable snow cover forms in early to mid November, at the latest in early December. Its maximum height reaches in mid-March, on average - 50-60 cm. The average duration of the snow cover is 160-175 days.


The main resource of the republic's subsoil is oil. The explored commercial oil reserves are approximately 300 million tons, with an annual production of 10 million tons. On the territory of the Udmurt Republic, 619 peat deposits with a total reserve of 204.7 million tons were also identified and recorded.


Located in the MSK time zone - Moscow time, in which the time differs by +4 hours from UTC (UTC + 4). The Prime Minister of Russia V. V. Putin signed the Government Decree No. 166 of March 17, 2010 "On the application of the time of the second time zone in the territory of the Udmurt Republic." Thus, since March 28, 2010 the Udmurt Republic has been living according to Moscow time. For this, the inhabitants of the republic did not switch their clocks to daylight saving time. The settlement of Novy Votkinsk district unofficially lives according to the time zone MSK + 2 (UTC + 6). This is done for the convenience of residents of the village of Novy Udmurt Republic, who travel to the neighboring region to work in the city of Chaikovsky, Perm Territory.


The population of the republic, according to the State Statistics Committee of Russia, is 1,517,969 people. (2013). The population density is 36.09 people / km2 (2013). Urban population - 65 % (2013).

Representatives of more than a hundred nationalities live in the republic. The border regions are characterized by a striped pattern of Udmurt and Russian villages, in the south they add Mari and Chuvash villages, in the area of ​​the Cheptsa River - Tatar (Chepetsk Tatars). Besermians live compactly in the north of the republic. Most of the other peoples live mainly in cities.


A region with developed industry and diversified agricultural production. The republic has the highest concentration of defense enterprises in Russia. The republic has rich oil reserves, in 2006 it produced 10.2 million tons, in 2008 the oil refinery in Izhevsk was brought up to its design capacity. The main industries are mechanical engineering, metalworking, ferrous metallurgy and woodworking, and energy.

Agricultural lands occupy up to 50% of the territory of Udmutria. Livestock breeding is dominated by large cattle and pigs, sheep, poultry. Rye, wheat, buckwheat, barley, oats, millet, peas, corn, sunflower, flax, rapeseed, potatoes, vegetables, and forage crops are grown.


The region operates whole line sanatoriums-preventoria and health-improving complexes, the largest of which are the sanatoriums "Varzi-Yatchi", "Metallurg" (located in Izhevsk) and "Uva". In the 2000s, new active recreation centers appeared - the Chekeril and Nechkino ski centers. In 2010, the children's tuberculosis sanatorium "Yuski" was opened (after a three-year renovation) in the village. Postolsky.

The Udmurt Republic is located in the east of the East European Plain, in the place where this plain gradually turns into the Western Cis-Urals, between the Kama and Vyatka rivers. Udmurtia is located inside the Eurasian continent, far from the seas and oceans. The nearest sea is the Caspian, located from Izhevsk at a distance of almost 1100 km, to the White Sea (near Arkhangelsk) - 1150 km, to the Gulf of Finland (near St. Petersburg) - 1300 km, almost the same to the Barents Sea, to the Azov Sea - 1350 km , to the Black Sea - 1700 km, to the Baltic Sea - 1800 km. At a distance of 1700 km from Izhevsk Severny Arctic Ocean, but it, like the seas listed above, does not saturate the atmosphere with moisture much. Moisture enters the territory of Udmurtia mainly from the Atlantic Ocean, although it is more than 3000 km away. This is due to the prevailing direction of the winds bringing moisture from the Atlantic to the continental parts of Eurasia. Largely due to the moisture in the Atlantic, the climate is formed on the territory of Udmurtia.

The intake of solar radiation ranges from 85 kcal / sq. cm in the north of the republic up to 89 kcal / sq. see in the south.

Previously, Udmurtia was in the third time zone - Volzhsky. Compared to Moscow time in Udmurtia, the time was 1 hour ahead, from Ural time it was 1 hour behind.

But over the past few years, the time has changed so often: either the time zone of Udmurtia - they made the time the same as in Moscow, then they canceled the transition to winter time, then everything was changed back, that now it is difficult to say in what time zone in Udmurtia, and whether the clock hand is spinning counterclockwise.

The geographical position of Udmurtia on the powerful navigable highway - on the Kama, between the Urals and the Volga region, is economically favorable.

The republic occupies 42.1 thousand square meters. km. By the size of the territory of Udmurtia exceeds the territory of Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland and is almost equal to Denmark. The list of countries to which the Udmurt Republic is inferior in terms of territory, we will not give here, otherwise it would take up a lot of space.

Udmurtia is located between the parallels 56 ° 00 "and 58 ° 30" north latitude, meridians 51 ° 15 "and 54 ° 30" east longitude. The northernmost point of Udmurtia is located near the village of Shalashi, Glazovsky district, the southernmost - near the village of Zuevy Klyuchi, Karakulinsky district, western - near the village of Vasyuki, Syumsinsky district, eastern - near the village of Novokreschenskoye, Kambarsky district.

In the west and north, Udmurtia borders on the Kirov region: the western border runs along the Priyat plains from the Kochetlo railway junction to the north, in the direction of the confluence of the Kilmezi and Valy rivers, along the wooded low-lying plains of the Lumpun river basin. Then it goes north through the fields and copses to the Nizhnaya Sada junction of the Gorkovskaya railway, crosses the Cheptsa river and approaches the source of the Vyatka river.

The northern border of the republic runs in a latitudinal direction along the wooded Upper Kama Upland, north of the source of the Vyatka to the east, to the confluence of the Kama and Kampyzep rivers.

The eastern border with the Perm region stretches from north to south along the fields from the sources of the Yus River to the Shnyry junction and the Kama village of Stepanovo, along the Kama. At the village of Povarenki, the border crosses the Kama, where they go to the Bolshaya Piz River.

In the southeast, the republic borders on Bashkiria along the valleys of the Bui and Kama rivers.

In the south, the border of Udmurtia runs along the territory of Tataria along the valleys of the Belaya and Kama rivers, to the village of Zuevy Klyuchi, which is the extreme southern point of Udmurtia, and to the west, the border bypasses the Agryz wedge, near the Golyushurma tract it approaches the Izh River. Further it goes west along the Kama hilly plains to the mouth of the Umyak River, along Vyatka and Lubyanka along the Priyat lowland - again to the Kochetlo junction.

The total length of the borders of the Udmurt Republic is 1800 km, that is, equal to the distance from Moscow to Yekaterinburg.

The outlines of the borders have a rectangle elongated meridionally. The length of the territory from north to south is 320 km, and from west to east - 200 km.

Administratively, Udmurtia is divided into 25 districts. It has 6 cities: Izhevsk, Sarapul, Votkinsk, Kambarka, Glazov, Mozhga. The capital of the republic is Izhevsk.

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Subject of the Russian Federation (AE 1st level)
Udmurt Elkun
Anthem of Udmurtia
The country
Included in - Volga Federal District
- Ural economic region
Administrative center
Chapter Alexander Vladimirovich Brechalov
Prime Minister Semyonov Yaroslav Vladimirovich
Chairman of the State Council Alexey Prasolov
  • GDP per capita

540.1 billion rubles. (2016) (37th)

  • 356.0 thousand rub.
official languages Russian, Udmurt
Population ↘ 1 513 044 people (2018) (31st place)
Density 35.97 people people / km²
Square 42,061 km² (57th place)
Timezone Samara time
ISO 3166-2 code RU-UD
OKATO code 94
RF subject code 18

Official site (Russian)
Audio, photo and video at Wikimedia Commons

Stamp "50 years of the Udmurt ASSR". USSR Post 1970

Udmurtia(Udm. Udmurt Elkun; briefly: Udmurtia) - a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a republic within it. It is part of the Volga Federal District and is part of the Ural Economic Region. It borders on the west and north with, in the east - with, in the south - with and. The capital is a city.


Ancient period

The first permanent settlements of people in the Kama region appeared in 8-6 thousand years BC. The main source for the ancient history of the region is archeology. Currently, several archaeological cultures are known associated with the Permians (the ancestors of the Komi and Udmurts) - Ananyinskaya, Pyanoborskaya, Polovskaya and Chepetskaya. At the turn of the 1-2 millennia AD, the formation of the Udmurt ethnos proper (the old Russian name Udmurts - abnormalities, votyaks).

As part of Russia

By the 16th century, the northern Udmurts became part of the Russian state, and the southern ones were part of the Kazan Khanate. After the conquest of Kazan by Tsar Ivan the Terrible in 1552, the southern Udmurts also entered the Russian state. In 1731, a commission of newly baptized affairs was established for the Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod dioceses, and a mass conversion of the Udmurts to Christianity began.

In 1774-1775, the Udmurts took part in the peasant war under the leadership of Yemelyan Pugachev.

In the second half of the 19th century, there was a rapid development of industrial production, new factories, schools and gymnasiums were opened. In 1899, a through railway line was built -.

In the 18th - early 20th centuries, the Udmurt lands were part of the Vyatka province.

As a state formation, Udmurtia emerged after the October Revolution. In 1918-1919, battles between the Red Army and the White Guards took place on the territory of modern Udmurtia. On November 4, 1920, he signed a decree (according to other sources - a decree) of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR on the formation of a number of new autonomous regions, which, in particular, said:

At a joint meeting of the regional bureau of the RCP (b) and the revolutionary committee, it was decided to declare February 27, 1921 the day of celebration of the formation of the Votsk Autonomous Region.

On December 28, 1934, the USSR Central Executive Committee adopted a resolution "On the transformation of the Udmurt Autonomous Region into the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic."

On March 14, 1937, the II Extraordinary Congress of Soviets of the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic adopted the first constitution of the Udmurt ASSR.

During the Great Patriotic War, about 40 enterprises were evacuated to Udmurtia, and the production of weapons for the front was also established. In the post-war period, many large industrial enterprises- automobile plant, "Izhtyazhbummash" and others.

On June 20, 1958, the Udmurt ASSR was awarded the Order of Lenin, a number of outstanding representatives of the republic were awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, and other high state awards were presented.

In 1970, the republic was awarded the Order of the October Revolution.

And on December 20, 1972, she was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples, in honor of this, the monument "Friendship of Peoples" was opened in the city, which is still the main memorable and visiting card of the capital of the Udmurt Republic.

As part of the Russian Federation

On October 11, 1991, the Supreme Soviet of the Udmurt ASSR adopted a law, according to which the Udmurt ASSR acquired a new name - the Udmurt Republic. The collapse of the USSR caused a deep crisis in the economy of Udmurtia, which especially hit the machine-building industry.

Geographic data

Udmurtia map

The republic is located in the east of the East European Plain (in the Cis-Urals), approximately between 56 ° 00 "and 58 ° 30" north latitude and 51 ° 15 "and 54 ° 30" east longitude, in the basins of the Kama and Vyatka rivers. The length of the territory from west to east is 180 kilometers, from north to south - 270 kilometers.


The territory of Udmurtia is located on the Kama part of the East European Plain, which gradually passes into the Urals. On the plain, high and low areas alternate, indented by numerous river valleys, ravines, ravines. The surface of the republic's territory has a slight slope from east to west and from north to south. The highest point - 332.6 meters, is located in the north-east of the republic on the Verkhnekamsk Upland. The lowest point of the republic is 52 meters, in the southwestern part, almost on the border with the Republic of Tatarstan, in the floodplain of the Vyatka River.


The Udmurt Republic is located in an inland climate zone characterized by hot summers and cold, snowy winters.

The average annual temperature on the territory of the republic ranges from 1.0 to 2.5 ° C. The warmest month of the year is July (+17.5 ... + 19 ° C), the coldest is January (−14 ... −15 ° C). The maximum temperatures reach +38 ... + 39 ° C. The absolute minimum was recorded on December 31, 1978, when the temperature dropped below -50 ° C. The period with average daily temperatures below 0 ° C lasts 160-175 days, starting in late October and ending in early April.

The average annual rainfall is 500-600 mm. During the warm period (above 0 ° C), 65-75% of the annual precipitation falls. Maximum precipitation occurs in July (62-74 mm), minimum - in February (24-32 mm). Most of all, the north-eastern part of the republic is moistened by precipitation, and the south-western part is least of all. The growing season lasts about 150 days.

A stable snow cover forms in early to mid November, at the latest in early December. Its height reaches its maximum value in mid-March, on average - 50-60 cm. The average duration of snow cover is 160-175 days.



The main resource of the republic's subsoil is oil. The explored commercial oil reserves are approximately 300 million tons, with an annual production of 10 million tons. In total, the state balance includes 114 oil fields, 72 of which are under development, and 32 are prepared for industrial development. The largest deposits are Chutyrskoe, Kiengop, Mishkinskoe, Gremikhinskoe, Elnikovskoe, Vyatskoe, Karsovayskoe.

The Udmurt Republic belongs to the Volga-Ural oil and gas province. Oil exploration work on its territory began in 1945, and the first oil fields appeared in 1969. Currently, all large deposits have been developed for decades and are in the stage of declining production.


On the territory of the Udmurt Republic, 619 peat deposits with a total reserve of 204.7 million tons have been identified and recorded. There are 4 main zones of peat extraction:

  • The Cheptsa basin (Yarsky, Glazovsky, Balezinsky, Kezsky, Yukamensky, Debessky, Krasnogorsky, Igrinsky and Sharkansky districts), the largest deposit is Dzyakino;
  • The Kilmezi basin (Seltinsky, Syumsinsky, Vavozhsky and Uvinsky districts), the largest deposits are Nyrdor-Kotya, Orlovskoye, Chibyashur;
  • Prikamskaya invariability (Zavyalovsky, Votkinsky, Sarapulsky, Kiyasovsky, Kambarsky, Karakulinsky districts);
  • Southwestern flat part of the Udmurt Republic, the largest deposit is Karambay-Pychasskoye.


Brown and hard coals were mined in the republic. The main coal-bearing regions are Kazakovsky (in the Alnashsky district) and Kambarsky, the coal-bearing strata of which lie at a depth of 1000-1500 m. Largest deposit- Golyushurminskoe.

Common minerals

In the depths of the republic there are industrial reserves of carbonate rocks (limestone), building sand, sand and gravel mixture, clay for the production of bricks and expanded clay.

At the beginning of 2018, the Territorial Balance of Common Mineral Resources of the Udmurt Republic includes 542 subsoil plots: 458 deposits and 84 occurrences. This is one deposit of molding sand, one deposit of flux limestone and 509 deposits and occurrences of building materials, as well as 5 distributed deposits of peat, 26 deposits and occurrences of sapropel. By types of minerals, the objects of building materials include: 214 objects of sand and gravel mixture, 113 objects of brick clay rocks, 102 objects of building sand, 46 objects of limestone for chemical soil reclamation, 21 objects of expanded clay clay, 15 objects of limestone on building stones, 10 objects of soil sandy-argillaceous materials, 1 object of clay for addition to the silicate mass, 1 object of weakening sands, 1 object of sandstone. Reserves and resources of all deposits and occurrences of OPI (excluding peat and sapropel) as of January 1, 2018 are: for category A + B + C 1 - 491,958.7 thousand m, C 2 - 385733.25 thousand m, P - 133951 , 4 thousand sq. M, off-balance sheet - 399624.4 thousand sq. M.

As of 01.01.2018, the balance of 108 subsoil users includes 161 subsoil plots.


Cheptsa River near Glazov

The territory of Udmurtia belongs to the Kama river basin and has a dense, well-developed river network. The total length of all rivers in the republic is approximately 30 thousand km.

Both the largest rivers of the Udmurt Republic - Kama and Vyatka - have their sources in the north of the republic, but after a few kilometers they leave its territory. Having passed hundreds of kilometers, both rivers return to Udmurtia - in the southeast and southwest, respectively.

Most of the rivers of the Udmurt Republic have a length of up to 10 km - their number exceeds 7000. The number of small rivers (from 10 to 100 km) is 368, and medium (from 100 to 500 km) and large (more than 500 km) - 17. The largest rivers :

The rivers of the Udmurt Republic are dominated by snow supply. The average time for freeze-up is mid to late November, breakup is mid to late April. The high water begins approximately in mid-April and lasts from 1 month (small rivers) to 40-45 days (large rivers). Of the rivers, only the Kama and Vyatka are navigable.

There are more than 600 ponds on the territory of the republic, of which the largest are Izhevsky, Votkinsky, Kambarsky and Pudemsky. From the southeast and south, Udmurtia is washed by the Votkinsk and Nizhnekamsk reservoirs, formed on the Kama river as a result of the construction of hydroelectric dams.

An important role is played by underground water sources, thanks to the large number of which the Udmurt Republic received the unofficial name "Spring Territory". More than 60 million m³ are extracted from them annually for household, drinking, technical and agricultural needs.

Many underground water sources of the Udmurt Republic have mineral qualities and are used in health care facilities and bottled. Most significant mineral springs- Varzi-Yatchinsky (sulphate-calcium waters), Novo-Izhevsky, Kiznersky and Uvinsky (iodine-bromide waters).

Protection of Nature

On the territory of the Udmurt Republic there are created and operate:

  • National Park "Nechkinsky", located on the coast of the Kama River;
  • Sharkan Natural Park (Sharkan District);
  • Natural Park "Ust-Belsk" (Karakulinsky District);
  • State nature reserve "Kokmansky";
  • State natural botanical reserve "Andreevsky pine forest",

and some other reserves and specially protected natural areas and natural monuments.


Until October 26, 2014, the Udmurt Republic was in the MSK time zone - Moscow time, in which the time differed by +4 hours from UTC (UTC + 4). The Prime Minister of Russia V. V. Putin signed the Government Decree No. 166 of March 17, 2010 "On the application of the time of the second time zone in the territory of the Udmurt Republic." Thus, from March 28, 2010 to October 26, 2014, the Udmurt Republic lived by Moscow time.


According to Rosstat, the population of the republic is 1 513 044 people (2018). Population density - 35,97 people / km² (2018). Urban population - 65,81 % (2018).

National composition

Map of the peoples of Udmurtia

Representatives of more than a hundred nationalities live in the republic. The border regions are characterized by a striped pattern of Udmurt and Russian villages, in the south they add Mari and Chuvash villages, in the area of ​​the Cheptsa River - Tatar (Chepetsk Tatars). Besermians live compactly in the north of the republic. Most of the other peoples live mainly in cities.

Dynamics of change national composition population of the Udmurt Republic:

People 1926, % 1939, % 1959, % 1970, % 1979, % 1989, % 2002, % 2010, %
Russians 43,3 55,7 56,8 57,1 58,3 58,9 60,1 62,2
Udmurts 52,3 39,4 35,9 34,2 32,1 30,9 29,3 28,0
Tatars 2,8 3,3 5,3 6,1 6,6 6,9 6,9 6,7

Table notes:

  1. From 1926 to 1939, several regions with a predominance of the Russian population were additionally transferred to the Udmurt ASSR, as a result of which the percentage of Udmurts in subsequent censuses decreased.
  2. For the 1926 census, the percentage of Udmurts (Votyaks) is indicated without taking into account the Besermyans, who were counted as a separate ethnic group.
  3. For the census of 1926 and 2002, the percentage of Tatars is indicated without taking into account the Kryashens, who were counted as a separate ethnic group.


In total for 2017 in the Udmurt Republic - 6 cities (including 5 republican subordination), 10 rural-type settlements and 2119 rural settlements.

Settlements with a population of more than 2 thousand people

1. ↗ 648 213
2. ↘ 97 910
3. ↘ 98 063
4. ↘ 93 628
5. ↘ 49 617
6. ↘ 20 624
7. Uva ↗ 20 553
8. ↘ 14 772
9. ↘ 10 911
10. ↘ 10 477
11. Kizner ↗ 9805
12. Zavyalovo ↗ 9243
13. Malaya Blizzard ↗ 7768
14. Yakshur-Bodya ↘ 7211
15. Sharkan ↘ 6523
16. Yar ↘ 6442
17. Alnashi ↘ 5964
18. New ↘ 5911
19. Debos ↗ 5778
20. Vavozh ↘ 5721
21.Sigaevo ↗ 5659
22. Celts ↘ 5204
23. Shumshi ↘ 5250
24. Hohryaki ↗ 5076
25. Doodle ↘ 4724
26. Krasnogorskoe ↘ 4302
27. Yukamenskoe ↘ 3940
28. Oktyabrsky ↘ 3407
29. Kiyasovo ↘ 3200
30. Grahovo ↘ 3130
31. Pirogovo ↗ 3080
32. Yagul ↗ 3072
33 Pychas ↗ 3056
34. May Day ↗ 2884
35. Pugachevo ↗ 2759
36. Nylga ↗ 2698
37. Varaksino ↘ 2589
38. Zura ↘ 2584
39. Kilmez ↗ 2574
40. Italmas ↗ 2551
41. July ↗ 2336
42. North ↗ 2102
43. Chur ↗ 2100
44. Luga ↗ 2040

Administrative divisions

The administrative-territorial division of the Udmurt Republic is determined by the constitution of the Udmurt Republic.

In total, the Udmurt Republic currently has 5 cities of republican significance and 25 districts. Within the framework of the municipal structure, 5 urban districts and 25 municipal districts are formed within their boundaries.

Urban districts

Urban district Population, people Map
I G. ↗ 646 277

II G. ↘ 98 063

III G. ↘ 97 910

IV Glazov ↘ 93 628

V G. ↘ 49 617

Municipal areas

Municipal district Administrative
1 Alnash district With. Alnashi 896 ↘ 18 789
2 Balezinsky district pos. 2 435 ↘ 31 308
3 Vavozhsky district With. Vavozh 1 679 ↘ 15 478
4 Votkinsk district G. 1 864 ↘ 24 248
5 Glazovsky district G. 2 160 ↘ 16 362
6 Grakhovsky district With. Grahovo 968 ↘ 8301
7 Debessky district With. Debos 1 033 ↘ 12 073
8 Zavyalovsky district With. Zavyalovo 2 203 ↗ 74 680
9 Igrinsky district pos. 2 267 ↘ 36 822
10 Kambarsky district G. 763 ↘ 16 933
11 Karakulinsky district With. Scribble 1 193 ↘ 10 873
12 Kez district pos. 2 321 ↘ 20 421
13 Kizner district pos. Kizner 2 131 ↘ 18 871
14 Kiyasovsky district With. Kiyasovo 821 ↘ 9441
15 Krasnogorsk district With. Krasnogorskoe 1 860 ↘ 9004
16 Malopurginsky district With. Malaya Blizzard 1 223 ↗ 33 661
17 Mozhginsky district G. 1 997 ↘ 26 493
18 Sarapul district With. Sigaevo 1 878 ↗ 24 372
19 Selty district With. Celts 1 884 ↘ 10 457
20 Syums region With. Shumsi 1 790 ↘ 12 343
21 Uvinsky district pos. Uva 2 445 ↗ 38 134
22 Sharkansky district With. Sharkan 1 405 ↘ 18 562
23 Yukamensky district With. Yukamenskoe 1 020 ↘ 8821
24 Yakshur-Bodyinsky district With. Yakshur-Bodya 1 780 ↘ 21 280
25 Yarsk district pos. Yar 1 524 ↘ 13 604

Political structure

The state and legal status of the Udmurt Republic is determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Constitution of the Udmurt Republic.


The supreme legislative and control body is the State Council of the Udmurt Republic, re-elected every five years. The current composition was elected on June 25, 2013, the chairman is Vladimir Petrovich Nevostruev.

Executive power

The executive power in the republic is exercised by the President and the Government of the Udmurt Republic. In 2011, the State Council of the UR adopted amendments to the Constitution, according to which the highest official of the republic will be called the “Head of the Udmurt Republic”. According to the adopted law, the changes came into force in 2014, when Alexander Vasilyevich Solovyov was elected to this position.

The Constitutional Court of the Udmurt Republic is the highest judicial body, but has not yet been formed.

Judicial branch

Judicial power in the republic is exercised by the Supreme Court of the Udmurt Republic, the Arbitration Court of the Udmurt Republic, district courts and justices of the peace.

The prosecutor of the Udmurt Republic and prosecutors subordinate to him supervise the observance of laws. Since 2008, the Prosecutor of the Udmurt Republic has been Sergei Valentinovich Panov.


The Udmurt Republic is a republic with a developed industry and diversified agricultural production. The republic has the highest concentration of defense enterprises in Russia. The republic has rich oil reserves, in 2006 it produced 10.2 million tons, in 2008 the oil refinery in Izhevsk was brought up to its design capacity.


The main industries are mechanical engineering, metalworking, ferrous metallurgy and woodworking. Energy is represented by a complex of thermal power plants in, and, the largest of which is Izhevsk CHPP-2. Metallurgical production is concentrated in Izhevsk, foundry - in Izhevsk and Votkinsk. The production of cars and vans, paper machines, motorcycles, equipment for oil fields, hunting and sports guns, chemical equipment is distinguished. Logging is carried out in the northern and western regions of the republic, timber is produced in the form of lumber, furniture and house-building structures are produced. A significant number of enterprises in the republic are associated with the military-industrial complex of Russia.

OJSC "Izhmash" (formerly "Izhevsk Arms Plant") is the largest manufacturer of small arms in Russia, created back in 1807 by decree of Emperor Alexander I.


Agricultural lands occupy up to 50% of the territory of the republic. Cattle and pigs predominate in animal husbandry, sheep and poultry are raised. Rye, wheat, buckwheat, barley, oats, millet, peas, corn, sunflower, flax, rapeseed, potatoes, vegetables, and forage crops are grown.



Several federal highways pass through the territory of the republic: M7(entrance to Izhevsk and Perm), P320, P321, P322.


Izhevsk Airport

The only airport in the republic is located in the city. Air transportation is carried out by OJSC "Izhavia", which performs regular flights for the transportation of passengers and cargo on 14 air lines.


Railway transport plays a leading role in ensuring interregional ties of the Udmurt Republic. It carries out the bulk of interregional transportation of goods and passengers. The main directions are the following lines: Kazan-Agryz-Yekaterinburg, Kirov-Balezino-Perm, Balezino-Izhevsk-Alnashi, Izhevsk-Votkinsk, Lyukshudya-Kilmez.


Railway station in.

Sports, tourism and recreation

A number of sports are developing in the republic: football, swimming, mountain biking, athletics and others. There are professional clubs in team sports: the Zenit-Izhevsk football club, the Progress mini-football club (Glazov), the University women's handball club, the Izhstal and Progress (Glazov) hockey clubs. The main sports arenas are the Central Republican Stadium "Zenith" and the Ice Sports Palace "Izhstal." "Uva." In the 2000s, new active recreation centers appeared - the Chekeril and Nechkino ski centers. In 2010, the children's tuberculosis sanatorium "Yuski" was opened (after a three-year renovation) in the village. Postolsky. Recently, in Izhevsk, the direction of sports dancing has begun to develop, for example, cheerleading. There are teams of winners and prize-winners of Russian and European competitions in Izhevsk.

The culture


The main educational institutions Udmurtia is located in the capital of the republic. In the 1990s, the number of children studying the Udmurt language as a subject in daytime state and municipal schools increased sharply in the region: from 12062 in 1990 to 31128 in 2001. Izhevsk has 4 state universities, 6 branches of state universities and 5 non-state universities , including Udmurt State University, Izhevsk State Technical University named after MT Kalashnikov, Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy and Izhevsk State Medical Academy.

Since April 1, 2010 the Udmurt Republic has been participating in an experiment on teaching the course "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics" (includes "Fundamentals Orthodox culture"," Fundamentals of Islamic Culture "," Fundamentals of Buddhist Culture "," Fundamentals of Jewish Culture "," Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures ", and" Fundamentals of Secular Ethics ").


  • "Friendship of Peoples"
  • Monument to the gunsmiths
  • Armourers pillar
  • "Eternal flame
  • "Izhik"

Udmurtia in numismatics

In honor of the 450th anniversary of the voluntary entry of Udmurtia into the Russian state, the Bank of Russia on February 1, 2008 issued a set of commemorative coins dedicated to Udmurtia (only the reverse is shown):

  • Gross regional product by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 1998-2016 (Russian) (xls). Rosstat.
  • Gross regional product by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 1998-2016 (Russian) (xls). Rosstat.
  • Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2018. Retrieved July 25, 2018. Archived July 26, 2018.
  • In the constitution of Russia there is only one name - the Udmurt Republic, and according to the Constitution of the Udmurt Republic, the names “Udmurt Republic” and “Udmurtia” are equivalent. Popular names of the republic - "Republic of Udmurtia", "Spring Land".
  • Alexander Strelkov: Udmurt Republic History
  • UDMURT AUTONOMOUS SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC / Ch. ed. A.M. Prokhorov // Tikhohodki - Ulyanovo. - M.: Soviet encyclopedia, 1977. - (Great Soviet encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / chief ed. A. M. Prokhorov; 1969-1978, vol. 26).
  • A. A. Krasnopyorov Udmurtia / chairman. Yu.S. Osipov and others. - Big Russian Encyclopedia (in 35 volumes). - Moscow: Scientific publishing house "Great Russian Encyclopedia", 2017. - T. 33. Uland - Khvatsev. - 798 p. - 35,000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-85270-370-5.
  • Vasilyeva O.I., Dmitriev P.N., Kulikov K.I. and others. History of Udmurtia: XX century / ed. K. I. Kulikova. - Izhevsk: Institute of History, Language and Literature of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2005. - P. 101. - 544 p. - ISBN 5-7691-1649-8.
  • Tuganaev, 2008, p. 85.
  • Anisimova F.M., Vasilieva L.I., Korobeynikova A.S. On the history of the formation of the Udmurt autonomy. - Udmurt Book Publishing House. - 1961 .-- S. 70-72. - 128 p.
  • 85 years of statehood of the Udmurt Republic - history reference
  • The climate of Izhevsk and Udmurtia
  • Udmurtia has more chances to discover new fields
  • Ecological Portal of the Udmurt Republic
  • Federal Law of 03.06.2011 N 107-FZ "On the Calculation of Time", Article 5 (June 3, 2011).
  • Government Decree No. 166 of March 17, 2010 "On the application of the time of the second time zone on the territory of the Udmurt Republic"
  • Federal Law of 03.06.2011 N 107-FZ "On the calculation of time"
  • All-Union Population Census of 1926
  • All-Union Population Census of 1939
  • 1959 All-Union Population Census
  • 1970 All-Union Population Census
  • 1979 All-Union Population Census
  • 1989 All-Union Population Census
  • 2002 All-Russian Population Census
  • Information materials on the final results of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census
  • Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2017 (July 31, 2017). Retrieved July 31, 2017. Archived July 31, 2017.
  • The population of the Russian Federation by municipalities. Table 35. Estimation of the resident population as of January 1, 2012. Retrieved May 31, 2014. Archived May 31, 2014.
  • Uvinskoe municipal district
  • Catalog of the settlements of the Udmurt Republic. Resident population as of January 1, 2012. Retrieved March 24, 2015. Archived March 24, 2015.
  • Catalog of settlements of the Udmurt Republic as of January 1, 2015. Retrieved March 21, 2015. Archived March 21, 2015.
  • Chairman. State Council of the Udmurt Republic. Official site (June 27, 2013). Retrieved June 29, 2013. Archived July 6, 2013.
  • The State Council of Udmurtia has amended the regional constitution to rename the president as the head of the republic. IA "Interfax-Povolzhye" (April 26, 2011). Retrieved October 22, 2012.
  • 26th session of the State Council of Udmurtia: results. TRK "My Udmurtia" (April 26, 2011). Retrieved October 22, 2012. Archived October 23, 2012.
  • Law of the Udmurt Republic "On Amendments to the Constitution of the Udmurt Republic" No. 15-RZ dated May 6, 2011
  • Prosecutor's Office of the Udmurt Republic / Prosecutor of the Udmurt Republic
  • Investments in Udmurtia
  • An oil refinery appeared in Udmurtia. IC "Rusenergy", 22.05.2008
  • History of the Izhevsk Oil Refinery, website of INPZ LLC
  • Air transport of the Udmurt Republic
  • Railway transport- Udmurtia
  • Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the UR
  • "Yuski" give hope, Izvestia of the Udmurt Republic (September 3, 2010). Retrieved April 27, 2011.
  • p. 23
  • Institutions of the social sphere of the municipal formation "city of Izhevsk"
  • Information from the press service of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the implementation of the action plan for approbation in 2009-2011 of the comprehensive training course for educational institutions "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics." 09.12.2009.
  • Literature

    • Baranova O. G., Puzyrev A. N. Abstract of the flora of the Udmurt Republic (vascular plants). - M.-Izhevsk, 2012.
    • Ch. ed. V.V. Tuganaev. Udmurt Republic: encyclopedia. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional .. - Izhevsk: Udmurtia, 2008. - 767 p. - ISBN 978-5-7659-0486-2.


    • Official representation of the Udmurt Republic
    • Official news of the authorities of the Udmurt Republic
    • Legislation of the Udmurt Republic
    • State Council of the Udmurt Republic
    • Heraldry of Udmurtia
    3 silver rubles depicting the Tchaikovsky house in Votkinsk 100 silver rubles depicting the building of the main building of the former Izhevsk arms factory 50 gold rubles with the image of the coat of arms of the Udmurt Republic 10,000 gold rubles with a miniature from the Observational Codex of the 16th century