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Forecast of fertile fire. About miracle convergence of fertile fire Moscow time

Convergence Fellow fire - a miracle that happens every year on the eve orthodox Easter In the Jerusalem Temple of the Holy Sepulcher. In 2018, the Light Resurrection of Christ Orthodox Christians celebrate on April 8.

IN Great Saturday From all over the world, tens of thousands of pilgrims flock to the temple of the Holy Sepulcher, to wash his fertile light and get God's blessing.

Not only Orthodox Christians are waiting for the greatest miracle, but also representatives of various denominations.
For many hundreds of years, people try to understand - where the gracious fire comes from. Believers are confident that this is a real miracle - God's gift to people. Scientists with such a statement disagree and try to find an explanation to this phenomenon from a scientific point of view.

Fellow fire
According to many testimonies, both ancient and modern, appearance of gracious light can be observed in the church of the Holy Sepulcher throughout the year, but the most famous and impressive is the wonderful alignment of fertile fire on the Great Saturday, on the eve of the bright Resurrection of Christ.

Throughout the entire time of the existence of Christianity, this wonderful phenomenon is annually observed both by Orthodox Christians and representatives of other Christian religions (Catholics, Armenians, Cops and others), as well as representatives of other non-Christian religions.

About the miracle of the convergence of the gracious fire on the coffin of the Lord is known since ancient times, the fire has a fire a unique feature - He does not burn the first minutes.
The first witness to the fortification of fire was the Apostle Peter - having learned about the resurrection of the Savior, he hurried to the tomb and saw where the body was lying, amazing light. Two thousand years old this light is designed for the coffin by the Lord's gracious fire.

The church of the Merry Coffin was erected by Emperor Konstantin and his mother Tsaritsa Elena in the IV century. And the earliest written references to the image of a fertile fire on the eve of the Resurrection of Christ are dated to the IV century.

The temple of his huge roof covers and Calvary, and the cave, in which the Lord who was shot from the Cross, and the garden, where Maria Magdalene was the first of the people who met his resurrected.

At about noon from the yard of Jerusalem Patriarchate, a procession led by the Patriarch. The procession is included in the temple of the Resurrection, heads to the chapel, erected over the coffin of the Lord, and, by three times, bypassing it, stops before its gates.

All lights in the temple are extinguished. Tens of thousands of people: Arabs, Greeks, Russians, Romanians, Jews, Germans, British - pilgrims from around the world - in tense silence follow the Patriarch.

The Patriarch is exposed, the police carefully searched him and the most coffin of the Lord, looking for at least something that can produce Turkish gendarmes over the Jerusalem over Jerusalem), and in one long falling chiton the charter of the church is incorporated inside.

On the knees before the coffin, he prays God about the sending of the holy fire. Sometimes his prayer lasts long, but there is interesting feature - The fertile fire is only on the prayers of the Orthodox Patriarch.

And suddenly the fiery dew in the form of bluish color balls appears on the marble plate of the coffin. Holy Touching to them with a rut, and she flammifies. This cool fire Patriarch lights a lamp and candles, which then takes out to the temple and transfers to the Armenian Patriarch, and then the people. In the same instant, dozens and hundreds of bluish lights flas out in the air under the dome of the temple.

It is difficult to imagine what kind of education covers a multiple crowd. People shout, sing, the fire is passed from one beam of candles to another, and in a minute - the whole temple on fire.

Miracle or focus
This wonderful phenomenon at different times had a lot of critics who tried to expose and prove the artificial origin of the fire. Among the not consistent advocated and catholic Church. In particular, Pope Gregory IX in 1238 made disagreement about the miraculousness of the fertile fire.

Not understanding the true origin of the fertile fire, some Arabs tried to prove that the fire was allegedly mined with any means, substances and devices, but they do not have direct evidence. At the same time, they did not even witness this miracle.

Modern researchers also tried to explore the nature of this phenomenon. In their opinion, the fire is artificially obtained. Self-burning of chemical mixtures and substances is also possible.

But none of them, nor similar to the advent of a fertile fire, especially with his amazing property - Do not burn in the first minutes of your appearance.
Theological scientists, representatives of various denominations, including the Orthodox Church, have repeatedly stated that the ignition of candles and lampadas in the temple from the alleged "sacred fire" is falsification.

The most famous of the statements in the middle of the last century of Professor of the Leningrad Spiritual Academy of Nikolai Uspensky, who believed that in Kuvuklia fire flashes from a secret hidden lamp, the light of which does not penetrate into the open space of the temple, where all the candles and lamps are extinguished at this time.

At the same time, the Assumption claimed that "the fire, lighting on the coffin of the Lord from the hidden lamp, still there is a sacred fire, obtained from the sacred place."

Russian physics Andrei Volkov, as they claim, a few years ago managed to hold some measurements at the ceremony of convergence of the fertile fire. According to Volkova, a few minutes before the removal of the gracious fire from Kuvuklia, the device fixing the spectrum electromagnetic radiation, sitting in the temple a strange long-wavelength impulse that no longer manifested itself. That is, the electric discharge occurred.

In the meantime, the scientists are trying to find scientific confirmation of this phenomenon, and in contrast to the complete uniformity of the statements of skeptics, the miracle of the harvest fire is annually observed.

The miracle convergence of the gracious fire is available to everyone. It can be seen not only tourists and pilgrims - it happens in the face of the whole world and is regularly broadcast on television and the Internet, on the website of the Jerusalem Orthodox Patriarchate.

Every year, several thousand people present in the church of the Holy Sepulcher see: in Kuvuklia, which was tested and sealed, entered with a bunch of candletes Patriarch, whose clothing were specifically inspected. It came out of it with a burning torch of 33 candles and this is an indisputable fact.
Therefore, the answer to the question where the fertile fire comes from, can only be one answer - this is a miracle, and everything else is just unconfirmed speculation.

And in conclusion - the fear confirms the promise of the Sunday of the Apostles: "I am with you all the days before the condation of the century."

It is believed that when heavenly fire does not come down to the Merrian coffin, it will be a sign of the authorities of the Antichrist and the soon end of the world.

For two thousand years, Christians who meet their main holiday - the Resurrection of Christ (Easter) in the Temple of the Merry Coffin in Jerusalem, are witnessing a miracle of the convergence of the fertile fire.
The Temple of the Merned Coffin is an architectural complex, including Calvary with a place of crucifixion of Jesus Christ, Rotunda - architectural constructions With a huge dome, under which Kuvuklia is located ("Tsarskaya Observation") - a chapel, which is directly over the cave, where the body of Jesus, Kafolikon - the Cathedral Temple of the Jerusalem Patriarch, the underground temple of finding a life-giving cross, the temple of Holy Equal-Apostles Elena, several adhesives - small Temples with their own thrones. In the territory of the church of the Mernel, several acting monasteries are located, it includes many auxiliary premises, galleries, etc.
Although in many ways, both ancient and modern evidence, the appearance of fertile light can be observed in the church of the Mernel of the Lord throughout the year, the most famous and impressive is the wonderful alignment of the gracious fire on the eve orthodox holiday Light Resurrection of Christ, in the Great Saturday. Throughout the time of the existence of Christianity, this wonderful phenomenon is observed every year both Orthodox Christians and representatives of other Christian religions (Catholics, Armenians, Cops, etc.), as well as representatives of other non-Christian religions.
The earliest references to the image of a fertile fire on the Globe of the Lord in Jerusalem on the eve of the Resurrection of Christ are found at the Holy Fathers Grigoria Nissky, Eusevia and Silvia Akvitan and date back to the IV century. According to the evidence of the apostles and the holy fathers, the divine light illuminated the coffin of the Lord soon after the resurrection of Christ; The first witness of the miracle was the Apostle Peter.
One of the most ancient descriptions of the convergence of the fertile fire belongs to Hegumen Daniel, who visited the Holy Tomb in 1106-1107.
Nowadays, the descent of the flavored fire occurs in the Great Sobbot usually between 13 and 15 hours of Jerusalem time.
Approximately a day before the start of the Orthodox Easter begins the church ceremony. To see the miracle of the convergence of the fertile fire, people gather to the coffin of the Lord from the Great Friday; Many remain here immediately after the proceeding course committed in memory of the events of this day. By ten o'clock in the day of the Sabbath, all the candles and lamps in the entire huge architectural complex of the temple are divided into the Great Saturday. In the middle of the body of the lively coffin, a lamp filled with butter, but without fire. Throughout the lodge, the pieces of wool lay out, and the tape is laid around the edges.
Then there is a procedure for checking the kuvukliya for the presence of fire sources, after which the entrance to Kuvuklia is closed by a local kept key (Muslim) and a large wax seal is sealed, representatives of the Jerusalem mayor, Israeli police, etc. put their personal prints.
Both historical and modern practice indicates that there are three groups of participants in the image of fire. First of all - Patriarch of Jerusalem orthodox church Or one of the bishops of the Jerusalem Patriarchate for his blessing. The mandatory participants in the sacrament of the convergence of the fertile fire are the igumen and monks of the laurels of Rev. Savva consecrated. The third group of mandatory participants is local Orthodox Arabs. After 20-30 minutes after the sealing of Kuvuklia, the Arab Orthodox young people with a cry, topper, drummed battle, riding each other breaks into the temple and starts singing and dance. Their exclamations and songs are ancient prayers on arabic about the sense of the gracious fire facing Christ and God's Mother, Georgia Victorious, especially verifiable at the Orthodox East. Their emotional prayers are usually for half an hour.
About 13 o'clock begins directly Litania (in Greek "Prayer Procession") of a fertile fire. Ahead of the procession is marching the chorugvosztsy with 12 korugvami, behind them, the Clicrician-Crusader, at the end of the procession there is an Orthodox patriarch of one of the local Orthodox churches (Jerusalem or Constantinople) accompanied by the Armenian Patriarch and Sacred Personnel.
During the procession, the procession passes all the memorable places in the temple: the sacred grove, where Jesus was devoted to, the place where Christ broke the Roman legionnaires, Calvary, where he was crucified, the stone of anointing, in which the body of Jesus Christ was preparing for burial. Then the procession comes to Kuvuklia and bypasses it three times.
After that, the Orthodox Patriarch stops in front of the entrance to Kuvuklia, it is exposed - they remove the festive rhizes, leaving in one white linen herring (long-to-fet liturgical clothes with narrow sleeves) so that it is clear that he does not bother with himself to the Savior's mortgage cave What could light fire.
Honadwall to the Patriarch of the Patriarch (assistant of the belt - the head of church property) makes a large lamp in which the main fire and 33 candles should flare up in the cave - in the number of years of the Savior's earthly life. Only after that the Patriarch enters Kuvuklia and the crankshaft pray.
After the Patriarch enters Kuvuklia, the entrance is sealing, and the miracle expectation of the gratifying fire begins.
At this time, the light turns off in the temple and the intense wait occurs. All people in the temple are patiently waiting for the Patriarch's exit with fire in their hands. Prayer and rites continue until everyone's expected miracle occurs. IN for different years Waiting lasted from five minutes to several hours.
According to eyewitnesses, after the Patriarch's attendance in Kuvukhloy, first occasionally, and then all the stronger and stronger all the airspace of the temple permeate the light flares, flashes of light. They have bluish color, their brightness and dimensions are growing wave. Here and there is slipping small zippers. When slowing down, it is clearly seen that they proceed from different seats The temple is from the icon hanging over Kuvuklia, from the dome of the temple, from the windows and from other places, and pour everything around the bright light.
A moment later, the whole temple turns out to be joined with lightning and glare, who snatch along its walls and columns down, as far as they flow to the foot of the temple and spread over the area among the pilgrims. At the same time, the lamps are on the sides of the Kuvuklia themselves, then begins to shine and the Kuvuklia itself, and the vertical wide luminous pillar is lowered from the hole in the doss of the temple. At the same time, the cave doors opened, and the Orthodox Patriarch comes out, which blesses the gathered. Patriarch Jerusalemsky conveys the fear of the believers who claim that the fire is absolutely not burning in the first minutes after convergence, regardless of which candle and where he was lit.
Sometimes, according to eyewitnesses, lamps and candles in the hands of praying light on themselves. Most kept in their hands on a few candles (to then attribute them to their temples, distribute close). Each of them is similar to a torch, so soon the whole temple begins to literally shine fire.
Later from the fertile fire lights the lamps throughout Jerusalem. Special flights of fire are delivered to Cyprus and in Greece, from where it is delivered worldwide. Recently, the direct participants in the events began to bring a fertile fire and to Russia.
The fire is transported in special lamps. Everyone will be able to get a particle of fire already in Vnukovo. According to the established tradition, the fertile fire is sent in thousands of temples in Russia, near and far abroad.
The miracle convergence of the gracious fire is available to everyone. It can see not only tourists and pilgrims - it happens in the face of the whole world and is regularly broadcast on television and on the Internet.

Gracious fire will be delivered to all the dioceses of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church / Photo "UNIAN-Religion"

In the Temple of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem today, April 7, the gracious fire, which expected thousands of pilgrims from all over the world, took over the Great Saturday.

According to the UNIAN-Religion correspondent from Jerusalem, the miracle of the harbor of fell fire this year occurred at 14.16 in Kiev.

During the convergence of the fertile fire, prayers were sounded on different languages. Believers welcomed each other "Christ Risen!" - "Verily Risen"!

People instantly passed the fire to everyone who was in the temple, after which he was able to get everyone who wait for the miracle to the temple.

The official Ukrainian delegation led by the management cases by Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich) was witnessed.

"The great miracle of the convergence of the gracious fire on the eve of the Orthodox Easter, in the Temple of the Holy Sepulcher - a sign of great hope, the harbinger of the holiday of the Resurrection of Christ. The heat of the gracious fire warms all of us on this day. A few hours after the miracle of the convergence of the fertile fire, he will fall into Ukraine. And everyone who comes behind him has the opportunity to join the celebration of the Holy Easter in the Holy Sepulcher. Praying in front of fertile fire, sanctifying themselves, everyone can feel the involvement of the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ on the Holy Land - where the coffin of the Lord, Calvary, where the blood of Christ the Savior is spilled, and we are thinking and with faith praying to get spiritual reinforcement and bear your life cross "," Metropolitan Anthony said.

Metropolitan Anthony noted that at a meeting with the Ukrainian delegation, which took place on the eve, the Patriarch of Jerusalem Ferofil III compared the spiritual life of Ukraine with the coffin of the Lord, which "exudes spiritual power thanks to the prayers of believers."

"Patriarch compared the spiritual life of Ukraine with the coffin of Christ the Savior. He said that in Jerusalem is present empty coffinwhere the light of the resurrection has excited. And Ukraine is blessed by many graves, which are filled with saints. Patriarch said that Ukraine is this spiritual light and the fragrance that our Ukrainian people exudes, "said Vladyka Anthony.

In Jerusalem, fell fee down in Jerusalem. See photo report Reuters:

According to the UNIAN-Religion correspondent, the gracious fire in the first minutes of convergence has a low temperature, it is warm, but does not burn and reminds warming sun rays. At the same time, about 9 thousand people are present in the chill chill of the Lord. Believers washped fire, sanctify clothes, but the fire does not happen. Gradually fertile fire heats up, but does not burn.

Gracious fire tonight, about 20.00 will be delivered to Kiev by the official delegation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Representatives of the dioceses will receive a fertile fire in the hall of the official delegations of the Borispol airport.

The meeting of the fertile fire in front of the Assumption Cathedral of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra will take place around 23.00.

For all believers before Easter, a miracle comes - the congument of the fertile fire. This is waiting for the believers of all denominations before every Easter Christ. Every year thousands of pilgrims come to Jerusalem to see this event with the victim. The congument of the fertile fire is carried out on Saturday in the main church - the coffin of the Lord. It is believed to see this event helps to get a blessing from God.

Attributed to graceful fire healing propertiesThat is why it is related to Holy Reverence. The flame helps to treat the ailments and protects against disease. The gracious fire is able to protect a person from the troubles and failures.

Important! During the ceremony, the temple is always protected by the police. Look at the fertile fire comes believers of all nationalities and religion.

When the ceremony will take place in 2018

As Great post And Easter every year have different dates, then the convergence of the fell fire occurs at different times. The great for the believers occurs on the eve of Easter, so in 2018 it will be possible to see a miracle on April 7 on April 7. Usually, the convergence occurs during the lunchtime Moscow time, but no one can say the precise hour.

All believers expect this event from the very early morning. Direct broadcast from Jerusalem usually make several Russian TV channels every year. In 2018, the programs indicated from 13 to 15 hours in Moscow.

Fire particle in Russia

Now it is already known that the particle of the fertile fire will be delivered to Russia thanks to the help of the Foundation of Andrei First Called. It will be brought to Vnukovo Moscow Airport under the control of Vladimir Yakunin, who is a representative of the Foundation and has already flew to Israel. The delegation consisting of clergymen, representatives of state bodies and public figures went after a particle of the fertilized fire.

A unique miracle will be at the airport immediately after Friday prayer. After landing it will be delivered to the Church of Christ the Savior to the Easter Patriarch Savory. Russians living not in the capital should not worry. Particles will be delivered to orthodox churches countrywide. Therefore, to get a gift from fire will be able to everyone. You can find out accurate information from the ministers of temples.

History of fertile fire

The first references to the miracle date back to the IV century. Gregory Nissky, Eusevia and Silvius Akvtina wrote about an amazing event. At the same time, their descriptions are told about earlier cases of convergence of the fertile fire.

According to their data, after Christ is resurrected, the Mernel's Coffin was lit by non-light light. Church historians write that the apostle Peter believed his eyes, as the lighting saw not only he, but also other holy fathers present in the hall. St. John Damascin writes "Peter appeared to the coffin and the light in vain in the coffin of the horrible".

In the "church stories" Eusevia described that the fire angered the lamps when there was not enough lamp oil. It happened after the Patriarch Narcissa ordered to pour water from Siloamov's water lamps.

God gave the world's great sign of the truth of the Orthodox faith - the fertile fire in Jerusalem, who appears from the sky in the church of the Globe of the Lord on the last day Passionate week, Before Easter. The sign of God's grace for the Orthodox Church - the fire for Easter in Jerusalem has appeared during the lifetime of the first apostles.

Every year, thousands of people come to Jerusalem to attend the bright light when the candles are sometimes ourselves. Millions of television viewers throughout the light with a hidden breathing expect God's miracle.

What is a gracious fire

Fertile fire translated from greek Means the Holy Light, which arises above the coffin of the Lord at different times, but invariably his appearance in the passionate Saturday before Easter.

Alignment of the Holy Fire in the Temple of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem

God's light, endured from Kuvuklia before the celebration of Easter, is a symbol of risen for all Christians of Jesus Christ.

The first of the wrong light saw the apostle Peter when he ran into an empty tomb. It was night, but Peter was amazed by a bright radiance emanating from the coffin of Jesus Christ.

The uniqueness of the fertile fire is that in the first minutes after the descent he does not burn.

Many people in Jerusalem at this time are truly facing the fire, taking the grace of the Risen Son of God.

About other wonders in Orthodoxy:

Forecast of fertile fire in Jerusalem

Lord Coffin Temple: History and Modern Style

The territory of the temple of the Globa of the Lord is represented by a whole complex architectural buildingsIn which include:

  • Calvary and place of crucifix;
  • Kuvuklia;
  • Kaffolikon - cathedralintended for Jerusalem patriarchs;
  • temple of finding a life-giving cross, located underground;
  • saint Helena Cathedral;
  • monasteries;
  • galleries.

God's love united various churches on one territory. The Jerusalem Orthodox Church is headed by services in its shrines, Calvary, Kuvuklia and Kafolikon. Order of St. Francisis has the Church of Franciscans and Altar Nails. The Armenian Apostolic Church is dominated in the Saint Helena Cathedral, the Three Marius.

The Ethiopian Church conducts services over the grave of St. Joseph and Altar, located on the western side of Kuvuklia. The wall, enclosing the temple from the whole city, built Sultan Suleiman before the time the Orthodox Christians appeared there. Golgotha \u200b\u200b- Rock, the place of suffering and crucifying Jesus, in those long-standing times was located outside the city walls.

Holy Tomb - a cave in which the Savior was buried is located a few meters from Calvary. Initially there were two cameras in it - the inlet and the burial room itself, in which there was a bed - Arquosoli, the place of ritual burials.

In the fourth century, Elena Elena ordered to cover two shrines with the Basilica, which now wears the name of the church of the Mernel.

Temple of the Thunder of the Lord in Jerusalem

Chapel of Kuvuklia or Translated - the royal fever, "covers" the funeral cave of Jesus. Nowhere else there is no such chapel in the world, Kuvuklia is a unique place on Earth, keeping the memories of the king kings, the Lord of the dominant, which in this place was buried and resurrected.

As in the old days in Kuvuklia, two cameras, in the first one you can see a big bed - Arcosolium, the entrance room is known in the modern world, like an angel's arrival. In the alarm, the angel is stored part of the stone block, which the angel died. It was from this stone that the angel sitting on it turned to his wives, brought to the world to the coffin of the teacher.

Temple of the Coffin of the Lord - modern view Calvary

The history of the harbor

The history of the Church keeps all the information about the descent of the fertile fire for several centuries.

  • The Jerusalem Church according to the testimony described in the leopard, in the fifth century began its Saturday ministry only after the evening light appeared.
  • In the ninth century, according to the testimony of the pilgrim Bernard Mona (867), the appearance of Holy Light is perceived as God's miracle. According to the description of the pilgrim during the morning church ministry, as soon as, by the charter of the church, the "Lord, Pomemui" lamps, located above the coffin, were lit with an angel, without assistance. The Holy Light was passed by the Patriarch Feodosius, known for his piety, through the bishop to all the people who spread fire at their homes.
  • From the tenth-twelve century, much more memories of self-burning candles and lamps over the coffin of the Lord just at the time when the room is completely left by people, they are all standing outside the temple. Emir Jerusalemsky in the tenth century took the fertile fire, which came down from lightning, standing outside the temple, as reported by Metropolitan Caesari harp.
  • According to the testimony of the Byzantine cleric Nikita, who visited Jerusalem in 947, the divine radion appeared after a long prayer. During the service, Archbishop looked several times in the Holy Coffin, but did not find the shine there. After that, he stood a few hours with high arms, following the example of Moses in prayer, Jesus Christ, and only at six o'clock in the evening the divine light began to be visible through the angel's attack.
  • For the first time, the description of the Jerusalem miracle in Russian was made by Igumen Daniel in the twelfth century. According to the testimony of Hegumen at that time, there was still no roof over Kuvuklia. All the people present in the morning ministry stood under the open sky, from where the rain suddenly went, they shone the lightning, illuminating everything around, and had a holy light, from which all the lamps were lit by themselves.
  • In 1420, Irodiakon Zosim, a representative of Sergievsky Posad, wrote about his presence with the invisible ignition of the lamp with a lot of candles standing in the center of the temple.
  • While traveling to Jerusalem in 1708, Ieromona Ippolit was present in the designer of heavenly light, but was outraged by the behavior, according to him, Yeretics Urmen. Most likely, it was Arabs, who currently behave in the temple of the Lord very loud.
  • The Minister of Education Abraham Norov was present in the chapel, standing in the angel's attack in anticipation of a miracle. In 1835, on his memories, all the candles were tested in the premises, only weak lighting across the cracks were taken. The entrance to Kuvuklia did not have the doors, so the minister saw the Armenian bishop, which was the honor of accepting a miracle, stood in prayer before the absolutely clean surface of the coffin. All froze in anxious silence both inside and outside the buildings. Literally in a few minutes, the bright light illuminated the chapel, the metropolitan pulled the flaming bundle of the candles, their 33.
  • Archbishop Gabriel, who worked in Jerusalem in 1967-1968 in the Russian spiritual mission was shared by his impressions. Being directly near the entrance to the angel's attack, after the exit of the Patriarch with the candles of the gracious fire, the Russian archbishop literally "dived" to the coffin and saw the flames on marble. Blue, the heavenly fire literally spread over the entire surface of the coffin, Gabriel became sulking.
Important! In the first minutes of his appearance, the fertile fire does not belong anyone.

Litania of the Holy Light

Every year, B. Good Saturday, the whole Christian world, hopping his breath, expects a miracle of the appearance of a fertile fire. The temple ceremony or litany of the Holy Light begins on Saturday morning. Pilgrimniki, and among Orthodox Christians there are atheists, Muslims, believers of other denominations, from early morning they have a queue.

In the temple, the Lord extends all the candles, the representatives of various churches are strictly followed. After checking the kuvuklia is sealed with a large stamp of keeper keepers, which is a Muslim.

There are three groups of people whose presence is mandatory in the process of preparing for the image of holy fire. The Lord elected to the presence of the appearance of the fertile fire of the Patriarch of the Jerusalem Orthodox Church on the sacrament.

Important! Only the representative of the Orthodox Church can take the Holy Light, and this is not the choice of Orthodoxy himself. This is the choice of God.

Representatives of the Armenian Church in 1959 by agreement with the township included the temple, leaving the Orthodox priesthood behind the doors of the temple. A lot of time, Armenian representatives prayed, but the light did not go. Durable prayers and Orthodox priests. Suddenly, a strong thunder sounded in the temple, standing on the left of the door to the entrance to Kuvukhliya Colon cracked, and there was a fire from there, a dilapidated candle in the Orthodox Patriarch.

Traces of this miracle can be seen to this day.

Footprints of the gracious fire in the temple of the Holy Sepulcher

From that time, there was no need to challenge the right of the Orthodox Church to accept the fertile fire. Representatives of various Christian denominations may be present at the appearance of God's grace - the aid of God's fire. The holy light they take from candles lit by the Jerusalem Orthodox Patriarch.

The second group of people, without the presence of which the miracle of the world's convergence occurs, is a monasticism representing the laurel of St. Sava sanctified. This tradition originates from 614, when 14,000 inkoms died from the hands of Persian conquerors. Currently, 14 inok serve in the Lavra.

Many pilgrims surprise and even outraged the loud-affordable behavior of the Arab Christians. Guys sit the top one on the other and loudly glorify God, dancing. The time of the appearance of this tradition is unknown, but when during the English rule, the Arabs were banned from entering the temple, the fire did not appear until the Arab youth was allowed to fulfill their rituals.

Arab Christians are famous for God

Despite the weather, even on sunny days, from 9 o'clock in the morning, pilgrims can hear sounds, reminiscent of grommets. At some years, at around a noon, the temple and the foundation begins to be illuminated by the heavenly boys, which are precursors of the Descent of the Holy Light.

At this time, the prayers of the Arab youth loudly sound. Close 13.00 Litania begins, during which procession The priesthood led by the Blessed Patriarch Jerusalem three times by Kuvuklia, stopping in front of her entrance.

Patriarch expose to the prison, sometimes there is a demonstrative search, showing that the blessed there is no means to ignite fire.

In the strongest excitement, the Patriarch enters Kuvuklia, inclines his knees and assumes the prayer of petitions to God, from which it depends, whether the Lord raises his people. Air is impregnated with hope and anxiety, and when the excitement reaches his peak, the air permeate frequent glare heavenly color, the bright Holy Light literally breaks out of Kuvuklia, from the clans of the Candle with the Patriarch himself. Fire with fiery streams spreads along the temple and beyond its limits. People rejoice, dancing, sing.

The second case of the temple miracle occurred with a man who, after washing, had disappeared both Les in her eyes, because of them, the man was practically blind.

Bright lightning and holy light caused no harm to one person, did not fall a single hair. This is how the flowing wax from the candles, which is called dew droplets, leaves the trace, it cannot be eaten by any powders.

Representatives of various denominations, having received the fertile fire, are in a hurry to deliver it to their countries.

Forecast of the Holy Fire in the Temple of the Holy Sepulcher