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The architectural layout is a way to present the project. Production of architectural layouts of buildings and houses

The architectural layout is a volumetric representation of the designed or already built house, a complex of buildings or a whole city. Layouts are a necessary part of the design, with their help, the designer or developer assesses the composition and harmony of the building, and also clearly demonstrates the project to the customer.

Layouts make on a computer that simplifies the process and saves resources. 3D print allows you to quickly and economically imagine a visual layout to the customer. In this article we will look at the features of architectural models and bulk printing.

We create and print architectural layouts of any complexity.

Architectural building layout In 3D models: Benefits

Architectural models - a complex product with a variety of small parts, and when creating them must be considered whole line nuances. Creating a real architectural layout requires some weeks and hundred dollars. But 3D printing significantly reduces the cost of the project. In addition, the creation of models takes several hours, not weeks.

Architectural companies have been using CAD (Computer Aided Design) for many years to create projects. If the studio decides to install a 3D printer, it will not need to make changes to software. Enough to connect the device to the computer.

Three-dimensional models allow architects to work freely, without fearing to make a mistake, and projects are much more accurate than real layouts. Randering 3D models on the printer goes quickly and with significant resource savings. This visualization is visualine and closer to reality than sketches, drawings and digital layouts.

Therefore, 3D printers quickly won recognition in the industry, and more and more studios enjoy them in a wide variety of purposes - up to the print of real objects of urban architecture.

The house printed on a 3D printer Apis Cor.

By the way, in 3D printing buildings, another direction is manifested modern science: Bionics in architecture - layouts, structure of buildings, as well as their form that repeats nature. For example, when creating the lungs and at the same time, the structures of the bones are taken for sample. In April 2014, the Chinese implemented a project of cheap houses printed on a 3D printer. Below in the photo is visible the structure of the walls, made in the example of bone tissue.

Architectural layouts on a 3D printer: Selection of the program

Architectural layouts on a computer are created using a number of programs. One of the best is considered CAD (Computer Aided Design), or rather, her subspecies of ArchiCAD is a program made by Graphisoft specifically for architects. It makes 2D and 3D sketches, models based on sketches with the addition of photorealistic textures, and project visualization. The program simulates not only separate buildings and interiors, but also complexes of urban buildings.

Simulation in ArchiCAD.

Other programs for architects:

  • Revit;
  • AutoCAD Architecture;
  • AutoCAD Civil 3D - more suitable for engineering communications;
  • Chief Architect - better copes with the house design;
  • Rhino3d;
  • Catia;
  • Sketchup - helps with architectural sketches and sketches;
  • 3D Studio Max;
  • SolidWorks - more suitable for engineers.

Frank GEHRY uses Catia in his work

Architectural house layout: Select scale

After planning the model, the next step is to choose a scale that best suits a specific project. This solution is influenced by two factors: area and detail. If you need to show large areas, for example, architectural mocks of cities, set the scale of 1: 500 or 1: 1000. Then the model will not be too large and easily visible.

For a single building, the scale is chosen 1: 200 or 1: 100. On this scale, quite detailed details are obtained, and windows, doors and balconies will be clearly visible. To show only parts of the house, the scale of 1:20 - 1:50 is suitable. The larger the scale, the more details you can distinguish.

We will print evenarchitectural layout Kievbut. In the studio of industrial design Klona.

How to make an architectural layout: at home, district, cities

Creating a model in any program follows in the same principles. Building or complex of buildings are collected from elements: windows, doors, walls, ceilings and floors, and so on. One model contains hundreds and even thousands of elements - the quantity depends on the object of macating and taste of architects. Different designers include various elements in their creation.

Stages of creating a model:

  • constructing sealed solid frames;
  • removal of unnecessary holes;
  • checking topology and calculation of polygons;
  • inverting normal;
  • finding overlapping surfaces;
  • removing moving elements;
  • the smallest printing elements (SPF);
  • strengthening and support;
  • the architectural layout must be hollow;
  • removal of unnecessary geometry.

Creating impenetrable elements and failures

3D printers like when they give models consisting of geometrically correct objects - frames. Elements should not be permeable, for example, the hexagon has all six faces. If he has only five faces, it means that it is an open frame with a hole. Geometry with holes is often printed incorrectly.

When removing holes use a rule: all adjacent triangles have two common vertices. Thus, a solid surface without failures is achieved. They are removed by special applications and manually.

Left - Low polygons, right - high

The surface failures are also due to the conversion of files from one format to another. Sometimes the amount of missed or distorted polygons is so large that you have to align them manually. Software applications are well coped with only external surfacesSo it is important to browse the project itself.

The more simple items, the better. FROM large quantity Frames Easily correct one after another and eliminate all errors. Than less elementsThe harder it is to fix gaps.

Check topology and calculation of polygons

Checking topology and counting polygons are needed to provide high-quality printing. The fewer polygons less size File, and the printer is easier to cope with the task. To make a very smooth model, you can make 10,000 polygons or 2 500. The printed model on the touch will seem equally smooth in both cases.

Most three-dimensional models consist of triangular polygons. Each polygon has three points and normal - an invisible line, perpendicular to the surface of the polygon. They say the printer how to add material.

If the normals look outside, as it should be, the printer will add material outside. If the normals look inside, the result will be the compression of matter. Fortunately, most simulation programs automatically correct all normal.

The coinciding, duplicate surfaces of the surface deliver a bunch of problems. Because of them, the print result becomes unpredictable. For example, two walls make up the angle of the house - it is usually not a problem. But if they have different textures, then the walls of the walls differ from each other. Elements are combined in an unpredictable way, which will affect the print characteristics. Therefore, it should be avoided: correctly combine the plane with the same texture and select high-quality printers.

The same applies to moving elements and points - you need to remove them because they undesirably affect printing.

What is the smallest printed unit for a 3D printer? It depends on the scale and complexity of the project. Usually for carrier elements, the smallest parts are 3-5 mm, for ornaments and subtle components (windows, doors, columns) - 0.5-1 mm. But still, dimensions are individual for each layout.

Strengthening and support

Some layout details require artificial support and strengthen due to their subtlety. Overchard elements may not survive during the extraction process from the printer, polishing and embedding in the model. Integrated support remains inside the layout - adding additional arches and columns, thickening doors and windows. The second way to save the model is the elements that are removed after the finish is completed. For example, the skes of the roofs need to support something, because they are often closed when removing the layout.

How the 3D printer works.

Hollow model and removal of unnecessary geometry

In cases, if it is important to show the appearance of the layout, then to save materials and reduce weight, it will be reasonably removed all the extent inside the model.

The more items, the better - but the extra parts of vain consume material and time to print them. The best architectural layouts have a very simple structure.

Despite the fact that most computer programswhich are performed in 3D modeling, make it possible to realistically present the appearance of your future home, macating houses from paper is still relevant. After all, not all of these programs own. And order an experienced engineer or designer such computer model expensive. In this case, we assign uncomplicated methods of modeling houses from paper and cardboard far faster.

And if you have children from 2 to 10 years, then this work may turn into a fascinating lesson. Moreover, the training and developing effect of this type of activity is hardening hard. Here and accuracy, and motility, and skills to work with instruments and, of course, the development of spatial thinking.

Simple layouts of paper houses and scan for gluing

Make a layout of the house with your own hands is not difficult. The most simple layouts of paper houses are easiest to do from the so-called. Scan, when all of their elements are interconnected by the bending lines and represent a one-piece element as a scheme.

Also, the scan, except for the walls, floor and roof, has additional bending for gluing. On the Internet you can find links to such sweeps. They are enough to print on the printer or, measuring the aspect ratio, draw on sheets of paper or cardboard and get a scanning circuit for modeling.

You can transfer the resulting scan to the colored paper.

On it, with a needle or sewn, you can transfer key points various elements: windows, doors, attachment places extra architectural elements etc. It is necessary to cut them immediately with the help of a stationery knife by placing a piece of tight cardboard or plywood under a sheet.

Separately, the overhead elements are made: windows frames, shutters, door T.P., which you take on ready layout Lastly.

A smooth bend on the lines is easiest to perform by attaching a ruler with a sharp edge. Repeating this procedure in all areas of bend, you will receive a finished scan for gluing.

You can still make a scan, making each design element separately, and connecting them among themselves on the collar fields from the inside scotch. This method is especially interesting when you make a model of a house of thick and solid cardboard.

It is possible to glue the layout using the rapidly grappling adhesives of the type PVA, the stationery silicate, adhesive pencil. It is also possible to produce it with the help of bilateral scotch sold in construction stores.

And we offer video to help:

Making a scan for layout at home with your own hands

Process independent manufacture The scan is no less fascinated than working with their finished samples. To do this, you will need an almost any program to work on the computer. graphic images. CorelDraw or similar to it, processing vector images suitable. In it, with an increase in or reducing the size of the image in the same ratio, lines thickness are changed, and loaded textures. This allows you to get more realistic images. And the library of the texture built into its shell itself is impressive. At the same time, fill in the texture of the scan element, you can get the finished appearance of the main elements of the layout.

The whole process, including the fill of the parts of the scan of the selected texture, applying visual effects and architectural elements, as well as inserting images from the symbol library, takes from 10 minutes to half an hour if the house is not very complex. Print the scan on the color printer and proceed to maquetting.

For sample you can use this, made by us by copying the image to the computer and increasing it to the desired size.

Production of complex paper layouts

The process of manufacturing complex multicomponent layouts of houses is not much different from the above described above. Simply such sweeps are performed for individual elements of compound layouts. On the group photo assembly similar layout is shown separate elements and the order of assembly.

Having mastered uncomplicated paper grade paper simple Domikov, You can create whole paper towns with elements. landscape design, plants, car models and small architectural forms.

Paper Buildings Layouts round shape Make the easiest way, applying to their calculation formula for determining the circumference length (2πR), adding a strip for gluing.

You can also add realistic to your layout, making a simple backlight of the house from the inside.

To do this, you can make the markup of the locations of the LED and the battery, and then install them during the gluing layout.

Such a house can also serve a night lamp, but in this case it is better to use a pulse power supply included in the power grid.

Suitable charger for mobile phone. You can also use an inexpensive Christmas garland:

Simple layouts of houses without sweep

This is, first of all, houses collected by their own hands from paper cylinders. The same layouts are greatly suitable for various small architectural forms on national layouts with landscape.

But also using such equipment, you can create a realistic model, imitating so cute heart of any Russian log house.

To do this, it is necessary for the manufacture of tubes to take a piece of paper with a larger, so that after folding its turns, the annual rings of wood spis are reminded.

And the adjoining of the crowns can be simulated by taking the ends of the tubes with a solid round item of a suitable diameter.

Collect paper logboards from such elements simply. And the intermediate crowns on the facades are output, and for the sample you can take a photo of any real log cab.

Coatings of roofs of house layouts are better made separately, in the form of paper slate sheets, tiled scales or hundred bitumen tiles.

Dear readers, if you have any questions, ask them using the form below. We will be happy to communicate with you;)

Miniature buildings are able to create a complete impression from the future building. Macata workshop "Archline" creates layouts of residential buildings, specialized equipment, military buildings for professional or sectoral exhibitions of Moscow and Russian Federation. Large-scale buildings reproduce projects of blocks of blocks or complexes.

Miniature buildings of buildings

For the presentation of the main technical features And the structural characteristics layout can be performed in several options:

  • Architectural. Aimed at the general awareness of the buyer or customer about the appearance, infrastructure, the main concept of a future residential building;
  • Presentation. Displays the idea of \u200b\u200bthe architects entirely. Projects are thought out to small details: built-in backlight, moving elements;
  • Planning. Most detailed view. Reflects the subtleties of planning decisions of apartments, it is possible to perform with partial or complete placement of furniture, interior decoration;
  • Conceptual. Designed for familiarization with the initial stages of the construction of the construction. Performed in one color decision With a minimum number of small parts.

Buy a layout of a residential building by contacting the company's architectors on the Moscow telephone number +7 495 532 41 34 or leave an application online on the site. Employees will provide full information About the proposed models, payment and delivery methods. The price and terms of the manufacture of the product depends on the degree of detail, the presence of moving parts and elements of the house territories.

The value of the layout depends on the set of factors:

  • sizes and scale
  • number, geometric complexity and degree of detailing objects on the layout
  • the need to use internal or outer illumination, LED indication, remote control
  • dynamic elements
  • collapse
  • manufacturing deadlines, etc.

Approximate prices:

  1. The architectural layout for the show and passing of a town-planning council with a conditional degree of detail is about 200,000 rubles.
  2. Layout cottage village., plant, medium size (for example, 140 per 100 cm.), with an average degree of detail, showing roads, lawns, railways etc. - the average cost of 400,000 rubles. Standard production time - 15-30 business days.
  3. The architectural layout of large sizes (from 150 to 150 cm.) With a high degree of detail - about 600,000 rubles.
  4. Unique layouts for showing "first persons" and participation in international forums (interactive, with all sorts of options and high details) - about 1 million rubles.

Also keep in mind:

  • A margin for an urgent manufacturer from 30 to 100% of the value of the layout.
  • External (lighting over the perimeter of the layout) The backlight increases the cost of approximately 8,000 - 12.000 rubles, and the internal (LEDs inside the buildings) by 15,000 - 25,000 rubles.
  • A protective transparent box of plexiglas costs from 10.000 to 40.000 rubles depending on the size, mold and thickness of the material
  • The transport box required for the delivery of the layout to other cities can be ordered for about 10,000 - 15.000 rubles (ordinary plywood) and 15.000-40.000 rubles (Europeanofra for frequent transportation, with protection of corners and edges with metal, with locks, wheels, handles, etc. d.).
  • Delivery in Moscow and the nearest Moscow region costs from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles. Delivery to the nearest regions is possible by our car by car or transport company In a special protective box.

No matter how detailed and exciting spirit is a layout of a building or terrain, sooner or later Euphoria from what has seen passes, and a natural question arises: how much does it have? Taking the leading position in the field of architectural mettaging, "Studio Model" traditionally leads a transparent price policy that attracts all new customers to us. The cost of making a layout depends on the set of factors. You yourself can decide how much the amount to pay for this sought-after service, to save, and what is not. So, closer to the point!

What components consists of the price of architectural layouts?

  • Material of manufacture. We produce plastic layouts, foam, wood and cardboard. Of course, cardboard products will cost cheaper, but plastic differ in greater durability.
  • Detailing.
    • The most accessible are products with conditional detail. They reflect the exact proportions of the structure, the color gamut is observed, but there is no imitation of reliefs and textures, and simplified doors and windows are made from opaque plastic.
    • Price on house layouts with medium detail Somewhat above, but they already have an imitation of textures and relief coatings, such as tiles, and the imitation of frame structures on the windows of transparent plastic is already worked out.
    • Maximum accurately convey the future design solution allows layout with high detail. Their feature - accurate imitation decorative elements, textures, relief, so the price for similar architectural layouts will be higher.
  • Scale. A budget option Expans the use of scale from 1: 2000 to 1: 500. You can pass the picture more fully using the most popular scale in the range of 1: 1000-1: 250. High level Manufacturing involves a high degree of increase in parts up to scale 1:10, but also the price of making such layouts, of course, will be high enough.
  • Equipment. Depending on what is additionally equipped with a product, such as illumination, landscaped elements, etc., its final cost can change.
  • Production time. In the Studio Model, there are certain deadlines, during which the project usually passes all preparation stages. Layout is needed "for yesterday"? We are ready to "hinder" without prejudice to quality, but you will be prepared for additional spending.

As you can see, the cost of architectural layouts may be the most different. We are ready to discuss with you the financial side and recommend you various options The configuration so that with decent quality you invested in the planned budget. Want to know specifically how much the cottage or restaurant will cost? Call our manager and ask any questions - we will definitely select for you an acceptable collaboration option!