Repairs Design Furniture

Interesting swings. Swing for giving with their own hands: Wooden, metal and made of tires. Detailed instructions. Other types of swing do it yourself

It so happened that for many of us, the swings are associated with childhood or wedding, but not necessarily perceived as a mandatory element of the garden. At the same time, many readers of our blog will probably be interested to learn how to make a swing, so undeservedly forgotten, and moreover with their own hands. They can be made in a rustic style using a metal or tree, as a recreation area for the Italian patio, under pergola or children's version of the swing - something from this will have to do.

The swing as the subject of the nucleotop exterior is not so often you can meet at the cottages and near the country houses of our compatriots. We propose to change this situation at root. It will be about the independent manufacture of the garden decor due to the need for a rational approach to spending.

Probably, it is not necessary to mention that on sale such objects of the exterior cost quite expensive. The cost of models in wooden execution in Europe reaches 700-900 euros. In Russia, prices start from 200-300 dollars. You are not so difficult to make them. Work in the garden and outdoors is a useful hobby in every sense.

Traditional English swings

Swing-bezes belong to the traditional decoration of the terrace of classical English at home. This tradition existed in Tsarist Russia, the swing was built on verandas and terraces, as a rule, under the already available canopy. Fastening to the beams of roof overlapping ensured the required reliability without unnecessary investments.

Make a swing from any material available at the cottage for your terrace can be completely with your own hands and without attracting assistants. To do this, do not have to make the basis and canopy, but only to build a reliable mounting to the ceiling and make seats. A woman will cope with such work, only you need to make sure the reliability of roofing overlaps is to ensure that the work is not only easy, but also high quality.

In American cottages such models in the form of shops with textile pillows are found on the outdoor terrace. In Italian Tuscany, peeling wooden seats are very often arranged under a canopy for flowers - pergola, which remotely resemble the Russian gazebo and often acts as a summer kitchen.

Swing-Bed or Swing Bed

Swing-Bed is an alternative shape of terraced larger swings. A similar swinging bed can be built into the garden, under a canopy, a tree canopy or an awning. If you add a baldahin to the design, then in the summer, it is possible to sleep freely on such a swing, enjoying a pleasant night cool. Take advantage of one of the ideas presented in the photo.

Photo, design and drawings swing-beams for terrace and garden

Pergola as a support structure

Separately standing A-shaped designs without canopy

Separately standing A-shaped structures with a canopy (scheme and drawing)

Methods for fastening the elements of the support structure of the swing

Swing in rustic style for wooden estates

If you are the happy owner of a Russian wooden house erected from a bar, be sure to evaluate the swing in rustic style. offers its author models worth about 900 euros. A similar garden decor is manufactured in Russia with family workshop using natural materials.

A wild log is used as a building material when building such swings. When processing the branches are cut and used as brackets for flower stands. We suggest you evaluate your strength and build such a decor yourself. How to make a swing in the garden at the cottage from the girlfriend and do it yourself a photo, we suggest see below.

The installation of richel swings is carried out individually without drawings, using the standard dimensions of such nurses as the base. At all, it is not necessary to remove C Support Corra, as is done in the Gardenland sample. But if you decide to create a copyright swing, you will need a specialized tool for Russian log cabins.

Wooden base coating with protective means will help preserve the appearance of the tree. Specialized paints and varnishes are available in a wide range, most often masters used budget linen impregnation.

Anchor bolts and fastening accessories for the construction of a roof are used to attach individual elements of the swing. We were told about the ladder about the wooden stairs.

The main advantage of a wild log swing is their stability and high strength. The design freely withstands the weight of several adults. How to install such a rustic decor, can be found in the video.

French Textile Chairs or Brazilian Hammock

The French swipes occurred from the traditional Brazilian hammocks Hammock and are usually carried out from dense linen fabric or tarpaulin, accessories and a thick liner cord. The shape of the chair is attached with the help of cords of different lengths. They are attached to a transverse wooden crossbar, which, in turn, is to reliable overlap of the terrace or pergola. To create the base of the seating, the pillow shape is stacked.

Look at how to make a swing in the shape of suspended chairs, shops and benches with your hands photo. Such a functional decor for pergola and terraces will be a favorite entertainment in adults and children.

Textile seats can be used without a canopy, for these purposes, we recommend making a hook on an anchor bolt to which they will be attached as needed. For the types of purposes, portable terraced swings can be used, which in good weather can be installed in the open air without a canopy. With a fairly reliable basis, it may concern and different variations in Swing-Bed.

Playgrounds on a household plot with swings

Baby swings can have different designs and are arranged anywhere in the household site, where the child will play or be near the parents. Make small rocking chairs for a small child on the terrace. Moreover, it is possible to make the flooring in advance with the hook, so that at any time it can be replaced by any other suspension design.

Always consider that grown children love to strongly rock the design, which should be provided when choosing suspensions and bases. If overlaps may not withstand such an effort, use a more suitable model.

Video Construction for Wooden Swing


All the proposed models of the swing can be made with their own hands, and in some cases from the explosive material without any costs. The photo shows the various designs that are pretty simple in self-assembly. Ideas can be applied to arrange a recreation area on a nursery or make your own playground for children.

We go to the cottage to relax and work. We dream to lie down in a hammock, drink a seagull in the fresh air, but there is little child. Its energy requires reasonable use, and in our power to create the right conditions for this. Simple and practical way - buy or build swing do it yourself. So let's talk about what swing come from what and how to build them.

Children's street swings: types

Childing the swing for cottages for giving streets, parents are obliged to check them on absolute security for a child. Consider that manufacturers offer us for our treasures.

First of all, the swing is divided into manufacturing material. They can be wooden, metal and plastic.

Children's wooden swing for cottages They differ in environmental friendliness, durability, simplicity of assembly and beautiful appearance. Wood impregnation with special makeup improves product life.

Metal Swing refer to the most reliable and durable models. They can be wrought, collapsible, welded. It weighs a lot, but it is justified by their strength and stability of the installation.

Plastic Designed for the smallest. Light and bright, they are perfectly suitable for kids under the age of 5, but they fear winter frosts and fade under the sun.

There are swing and design type: suspended and frame.

Frames, of course, preferably for children, because they are highly resistant, they can be freely moved to various parts of the site, they are durable and enough safe in operation.

Suspendedmodels are simple, do not require special skills for assembly. For their arrangement, the carrier of the crossbar is needed, a solid rope and seat board. It is desirable that she had a back.

Swing-chaise lounges Designed for babies under the age of 3 years. They are usually low, with a soft back and a seat in the form of a sun lounger.

All these models can be purchased in stores, but if you decide not to spend money and build baby swings for giving with your own hands, we will help you.


From materials for structures with supports there are two options: metal and wood. Unfortunately, children's metal swings for giving will require special skills from you. If you are not a blacksmith and not a welder, to build a metal frame will be problematic. Yes, and the pipes for the supports will also have to search.

The optimal solution that can be done to any parent, is the construction of wooden swings.

Build wooden swing

The simplest design is children's suspended swings for giving without a frame. Excellent if you have a large tree with a low-lying bitch on your site or next to it. Two ropes thrown through it, built the seat from the primary means - and the swings are ready. As a seating, you can use traditionally favorite tires, children's chair, abandoned skateboard, piece of blackboard, old ice. In general, all that, in your opinion, is suitable for convenient baby riding.

For the structure of frame swings, first decide on the place. It should be located near the house, but away from Beautiful and robust design of the chairs-swing will not leave indifferent not only children, but also adults P-shaped children's street swings with green plantings in vertical racks will provide a shadow and aesthetic design for this simple design.

We got the letter "P".

Tip! For kids, it is better to mount Sidenbe not two ropes, but four. Take for this two lengths for each rope, fold in half, and make the ends in the seat.

If you are confused by this option, you can build a more stable structure, taking four columns for the frame and putting them in the form of a print letter "L". The sequence of work is almost the same, only you will need to dig up four pits, cut into the angle of the top of the pillars, connect them with metal parts. Between the columns, at the bottom, at a height of about 50 cm, the rigid rib should be selected on both sides of the swing. Such a design creates opportunities for creating a real kindergarten corner. Having increased the distance between the columns, you can navigate the long crossbar and add a rope or a ladder for Lazania to swings.

Cottage is a resting place from urban bustle and pressing problems and swing will be his excellent addition. Swings will come to the shower and adults, and children. Country swings can be a place to play with children, the center of the gatherings with friends and a resting place for the whole family. This article will tell about the varieties of swing, how to choose them correctly and how to make them with their own hands.

Classification of swing for giving

Swing for giving can be divided into two types of garden and suspended. Garden swings consist of reference racks, seats and a canopy to protect against the sun and rain. Suspended swings have only seat and suspension, and require special space equipment for installation.

Garden swings can be installed anywhere in the garden or on the veranda. They are portable and stationary. Portable swings can be moved along the garden and remove for the winter. Stationary garden swings are a major building that is set once for the entire service life. Garden swings have a small amplitude of swinging and are intended mainly for a relaxing holiday.


Material for the manufacture of garden swings can be metal or wood. Metal swings are more compact and have a smaller weight. This type of swing is usually portable. The swing from the tree is rarely made by portable due to their greater weight. However, wooden swing will be better fit into the design of any cottage. In addition, they are easier to make it with their own hands, as not required for welding.

Garden swings for giving can be multi-seat and single.

Multi-day swings are calculated for 2-4 people. They are often equipped with a canopy to protect against rain and sun. Such swings will be a great holiday destination for the whole family.


Single garden swings are mainly designed for children and are used for entertainment.

Suspended swings are attached to a stationary fixed support or tree branch. They have a greater amplitude of swinging. Swing this species are designed for outdoor activities with children.


In the class of garden suspended swings there are models and for a relaxing holiday, these are swing-sofas and swing-hammocks. Suspended swings-sofas are mainly installed on the veranda and are attached to the beams of overlapping. Swing-hammocks have a smaller weight and can be used both on the veranda and outdoors, but in this case it is necessary to pre-make a support for a swing.


How to choose a swing for giving

The main thing is to understand which swings are suitable for you and for what purposes they will be used. For family holidays, there will be a great solution to multi-seat garden swings. For individual recreation, suspended swings-hammock are well suited.

Choosing multi-site garden swings. It is important to correctly appreciate how many people will use them, as guests are often available, etc. It is possible that for a large company some swing may not be enough.

Garden swings can be equipped with a canopy to protect against rain and sun. If the swing is installed on the veranda, then the canopy is unlikely necessary. On the contrary, if the swing is installed in the garden or on the open area, for example, in front of the pool, then the swing with the canopy will be in priority.

Swing can be made of wood or metal. Wooden swing perfectly fit into the design of any garden, but they have a lot of weight and difficult to carry them. Wooden swings usually set once for the entire service life. Metal swings are lighter and compact, and they can be easily moved along the garden.


Choosing metal country swings. It is important to pay attention to the diameter of the pipes from which they are made the thick of the pipe, the stronger, more reliable and more stable will swing. For the manufacture of swings, a pipe with a diameter of 30 to 60 mm is used. Such swings can withstand weight up to 300 kg, while their own weight does not exceed 100 kg. These characteristics must be clarified by the seller. The more massive swing, the more stable and more comfortable, but the more difficult to carry them.

When choosing a swing, it will not be superfluous to think about the place of installation. If the swing has direct forms of the carrier support, then a smooth base is required for these swings. Curvilinear supports can be resistantly located both on a flat site and on the grass in the depths of the garden.

Choosing a swing do not forget to ask the acquaintances, most likely someone has already acquired a swing and can tell you about the advantages, shortcomings of specific models and give practical advice.

Swing for outdoor activities with children

For outdoor activities with children, the best choice will be suspended swings. They will bring many bright emotions to both children and adults.

Children's suspended swings are inexpensive, and the choice is huge. If you want to create an individual rustic style style, then hanging swings are easy to make with your own hands from the girlfriend.


By purchasing suspended swings should be remembered for the safety of their use, especially young children. Safety belts must be provided for the smallest and limiters for middle-aged children. When choosing a swing, you must pay attention to the allowable weight. It should be no less than the weight of the child.

The supports for the installation of the swing must be stable and easy to withstand the weight of the swing with the child.

Suspended swing do it yourself

The simplest in the manufacture of hanging swings are swinging from the board. This type of swing is perfect for children of middle and older and adults.

Swing from the board consist of a seat and suspension. For the seat, a 40-50 cm board is well suitable, 15 cm wide and 3-4 cm width. From the board, you must remove all burrs and smooth the edges. At the corners of the board, drill holes for fixing the suspension.


A fat rope or rope is perfect as a suspension. The easiest and most reliable way to fasten the seat to the suspension is to turn the rope through the hole in the board and fix it with a node.

If the swing is designed for adults, a metal cable or chain can be used as a suspension. In this case, it is convenient to use a rhyled bolt for fastening the suspension to the seat.


Another popular sided swing option - a swing made of tires. For the manufacture of swings, the old car tire will be required. The tire is fixed to the suspension in 3-4-points with a rhyled bolt or brackets. You can use a rope or chain as a suspension.


You can use not a whole tire, but cut out the seat seats. The easiest option is the seat in the form of a basket. But in fact, the options are many and limited they are only imagination.


No less simple and interesting option of suspended swings are swing from old chairs. For the manufacture of swings, a chair will be required. The chair saw the legs and fastened to the suspensions.


Making a swing from the chair / chairs is important to make sure that the seat is securely fixed to the suspension. Sometimes additional elements may be required to enhance the design.


Interesting swings can be made of an old skateboard. It will be a swing type of a boat. They can be swinging standing.


Suspended swings for cottages can be made from almost any materials that can be found in the country. Do not be afraid to experiment. It is only important that the swing is safe and easy to use.

Support for suspended swings

For suspended swings, almost any support can be used. The main thing is that it is reliable, durable and withstood the weight of the swings. A tree branch can be used as a support, a special portable support, stationary wooden or metal, overlapping beams if the swing is installed on the covered veranda.

For young children, the most rational use mobile metal support. It can be purchased with swings. Its cost is not high, and problems during installation and in operation will not arise.


Swing for middle-aged children and adults require a stronger support. For swings of this type, in the absence of a durable and large tree nearby, it will be necessary to make a stationary support. The most simple is the P-shaped support. It represents two columns rigidly fixed in the ground and the crossbar to which suspended swings are fixed. Support can be made of wooden bars or metal pipe.


To reliably fasten the support in the ground, two pits are depth 1m, for this purpose it is convenient to use the garden bug. At the bottom of the pits, a layer of rubble is 20 cm thick. The space between the pit walls and the support is filled with cement-sandy solution made in the ratio of 1: 3. A week later, the solution hardens and the support will be ready for use.

Suspended swings to the support must be attached to a rhyle bolt. This is the easiest and most reliable way that will ensure the high amplitude of swinging. It is suitable for both wooden supports and metal.


If the swings are installed on the veranda, they can easily be fixed to the ceiling beam or rafting of the roof using rhy bolts.


Swing for a relaxing holiday

Swing for a relaxing holiday is a garden swing in the form of a sofa for family holidays and a pendant swing-hammock for a secluded rest.

Garden swings are perfectly suitable for holding gatherings with friends and for the rest of the whole family. Garden swing-sofa can be positioned anywhere in the garden or on an open area, but in this case they must be equipped with a canopy to protect against the sun and rain.

Suspended swings-hammock will be a favorite place for those who love privacy. They can be installed on the veranda or in the garden, in this case they will have to be purchased or made support for suspension.

Garden swing from wood with their own hands

Garden swings are most popular. They are the most universal and suitable for both family gatherings and a secluded rest. Garden swings consist of support, sofa and canopy. All elements of swing are made of wood.


For the manufacture of wooden swings for giving, you need a drill, saw on a tree, carbon black (moisture-resistant PVA glue), a planer, a set of drill on a tree.

It is desirable to make garden swings preferably from well-dried wood. So a dry tree does not give a shrinkage and will not lose the form. Seeing sawn timber is very simple. In the summer, it is enough to put them outdoors for two weeks. Sew wood is preferably in the shade under the shelter from the rain.

In the manufacture of garden swings, it is important not to forget to process wood with an antiseptic and cover with protective varnish or paint, while the lacquer must be resistant to moisture and sunlight. The yacht varnish is perfect.

Making support for swing

Stationary support for country swing is most simple and economical in manufacturing. It represents two posts fixed in the ground to a depth of 1 m. For support, two vehicles will be required by cross section from 100x100 mm and 3 m long.


To install a support for swing in the ground, two pits are depth 1.2-1.5 m and a diameter of 30-40 cm. For this purpose, it is convenient to use the garden bug. At the bottom of the pits, the layer of rubble 20 - 50 cm thick and tamper. A section of a wooden bar with a length of 1 m from the other side, which will be underground, is deceived by bituminous mastic and wrap up in the rubberoid to protect against rotting. After that, set supports in the pit and poured with cement mortar. Cement mortar is made in a 1: 3 ratio (cement: sand). A week later, the solution will type strength and you can hang the swing.

The lack of a stationary support for swings is the inability to move the swing on the site and remove them for the winter. For this reason, it is often preferred by the portable type of swing.

The most popular portable design of the support for country swings is two pairs of bars with a cross section from 80x80 mm mounted at an angle and interconnected. In this case, the swings are not fixed to the soil.


The bars are connected to each other in Polesev at an angle of 40-45 degrees. To increase the rigidity of the swing, side crossbar is installed. Between themselves, the supports are connected to the upper horizontal crossbar (beam) and the bottom from the back of the swing. The crossing of the swing is fixed to the rhelel.

When assembling the supports for the swing, it is advisable to use non-tapes, but a glue compound, pulled by bolts. This method of the connection is more durable and reliable, and the swing will serve for a very long time.

Another variant of the support for portable swings is supports of four vertical bars. In this case, something like a gazebo is obtained, in which the swing is suspended. This design will be heavier than the previous one and move it to the site will be very difficult.


An interesting solution of supports for swing is represented in the photo below. Thanks to this form of support, the side racks do not block the overview and swing look more open.


Manufacturers for swing

Garden swings set outdoors are preferably equipped with a canopy that protects you from the scorching heat and rain.

The cannon consists of a frame and flooring. The frame is made of wood. Any roofing materials, polybicarbonate or tissue can be applied as a flooring.

Frames usually make a single and duplex. Single carcass is often used together with fabric flooring. It turns out a lightweight, elegant design, perfectly protecting from the sun and somewhat worse from the rain. Fabric canopy must be removed for the winter. A gate roof of garden swings is used on a swing that is not cleaned for the winter. As a flooring use bitumen tiles.

Single carport is the easiest in manufacture. The frame is collected from bars with a cross section of 20x30 or 30x40 mm, and fasten it to the supports of the swing at an angle of 10-20 degrees. On top of the frame stretch the fabric.


The bartal canopy is made by analogy with a duplex roof. The angle of inclination of the double canopy is usually chosen in the range of 10-20 degrees. On supports and a rigl (the beam to which the swings are suspended) swings set a rafter system from bars or boards. The cutting pin is fixed if sheet flooring is planned or fane if a flexible tile is planned.


For flooring, it is not necessary to apply a professional sheet and sheet iron, it is very hot in the sun and rest on garden swings will not be comfortable.

Making a seat for a swing

Seat for garden swings is made in the form of a bench, only without legs. For the manufacture of the seat, dry planed lumber are used. A bit of a cross section of 30x50 mm for a frame and a bar or boards with a thickness of 20 mm for the seats itself are required.

First make the framework. To do this, connect the bars at an angle of about 100-110 degrees. The best option is to bore the bars in the Poltera with the help of joinery and bolts. After drying the glue on the frame fasten the bars, which will perform the role of the seat, can be fixed with self-draws.


The finished seat of garden swings must be suspended on the frame. A rope or chain can be used for suspension. Preference is worth paying the chain as it is more durable and fails during operation.

For the suspension of the seat on the rigle, you need to install two bolts or brackets. On the seat of the swing, it is also necessary to fix two rim bolts on each side of the seat. One rhyle bolt is fixed to the seat, and the second in the middle of the back. Such a location of the attachments does not allow to tip over the seat during swinging.


Capanese chains are attached to the fixed bolts. The length of the chains is selected based on the desired height of the seat and its tilt. It is convenient to use chains a little longer than required. Fastening the carbine to different links you can change the height and angle of inclination of the seats of the swing.

Ergonomic seat option for garden swings can be made of plywood. Plywood is used with a thickness of 20 - 30 mm for the manufacture of a frame. Bruces of seats are fixed on the frame.


One of the most simple options for the manufacture of the seats for swing is the use of old garden or home furniture. For the seat of garden swings, an old lightweight sofa or armchair, a rattan furniture, a light garden bench fit well.


Seat for garden swings can be made of pallets left after the construction of the house. To do this, cut the pallet into two parts and connect them together at a low angle.


Making a seat for a swing is important not to forget about security. All connections of the seat parts are desirable to sample with joinery glue or moisture-resistant PVA glue. Before the final installation of the seat, it must be protected from moisture with varnish, paint or antiseptic. You can increase the comfort of the swing using foam foam mattresses and pillows.

Garden swings made of metal with their own hands

Garden swings made of metal can be made of the most diverse species due to the strength of the material and the ability to give it almost any form. However, without special bending and welding equipment, it is impossible to make unusual garden swings. However, if you own the welding machine, you can easily make simple, but very reliable swings.


Metal swings can be suspended and garden, portable and stationary. Thanks to the strength of the metal, the swing can be made sufficiently light and at the same time durable - these are their main dignity.

Manufacturing support

With your own hands, it is enough just to make two supports for the swing stationary and portable. Both options are suitable for suspended and for garden swings.

Stationary support for swings is conveniently made from a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm. Two pipes are fixed in the ground with a cement-sandy solution. The pipes from the pipe of the same diameter are welded to the pipes from above. Two brackets for the suspension of swing weld to the rheel.


Portable metal swings are convenient to produce from a square or rectangular pipe. The design of such swing consists of two triangular racks, interconnected by the riglel and cross-line, located at the bottom rear of the swing. Suspension brackets are welded to the rheel.


A carcass is made from a square section of 20x20 mm. Color polybicarbonate is used as roofing material for metal swings. It gives swing an interesting appearance.

Seat manufacture

The seat for metal swings can be made similar to the seed for wooden swings, and may have a metal frame.

For a metal frame, a pipe of a square section of 20x20 mm is used. The frame is made of two segments of the pipe cooked at an angle of 100-110 degrees. To the frame welded the ears to which the chain will be attached. One ear weld to the seat, the second to the back.

Wooden bars fastened to the metal frame, which serve as the basis of the seat and backs.


Made metal swings. It is important not to forget to protect the metal from corrosion. To do this, you must first remove all possible corrosion foci, which are present on the metal, after which the solvent is deguted to the surface and apply primer to the metal. The final stage is the coloring of the swing.

Wooden swing elements need to be covered with an antiseptic for wood.

Regardless of whether you are planning to purchase or make a swing with your own hands, for children or for rest you are moving on the right path. Swing in the country area is not really a replaceable thing. Suspended swings will necessarily like children. Garden swings are more suitable for the elder generation. Swing in the country will definitely become the center of entertainment and the place of collecting the whole family.

Reading time ≈ 10 minutes

How nice after a long working day to sit on a bench. And sometimes more pleasant to relax on the garden swing, which will give lightly swaying and soothing coolness. To buy, unfortunately, this design is not always obtained. After all, the cost of such swing is high, often translated. Therefore, let's talk about how to build garden to enjoy a pleasant relaxing in the fresh air.

Beautiful garden swings in the country

The indisputable advantages of garden swings. Varieties

In the country or in the courtyard of the country house, garden swings are an indispensable landscape design attribute. In addition to the excellent place to rest, they perform many features:

  1. resting on them, you can easily college;
  2. calm the nervous system;
  3. beautiful design helps to transform the entire courtyard;
  4. a comfortable place to work for a laptop or reading books;
  5. they can be laid in the afternoon (especially kids);
  6. suitable for pleasant tea drinking and conversations for a glass of wine;
  7. children help train and develop the vestibular apparatus.

As you can see, the advantages are really huge. Therefore, it is logical that their popularity is so high among the population. The design, in fact, is not very complicated, so even a newcomer in a construction business will be able to build such swings at home.

Another advantage of its own construction is full compliance with your desires. You can decorate it yourself or decorated, choose a special shape and size. The main thing, during the construction to adhere to the instruction, then it will be necessary to work out.

Before you start making a garden swing, you need to consider what they happen. For example, for purpose:

  • for kids;
  • for adults;
  • for the whole family.

Depending on the location, there is:

  • stationary swing;
  • mobile swings. Convenient because you do not need to be attached to a specific place. You can easily and quickly move it to another area.

If we talk about the main materials used, then the swings are:

  • from wood;
  • metal.

The design may also be different.


This option is characterized by simplicity. All you need to create such a swing is the crossbar, high strength rope and seat (it is better to choose with the back).

Suspended garden swings


Often used for children. They are strong and stable and easily moved. So at any time you can move the swing in the shadow or other place you like.

Frame garden swings

Creating on a tree requires the manufacture of the seat. Everything else is easier than simple. After all, it is not necessary to make the framework in this case. After the construction structure, it must be fixed on the tree (make sure that the branch used is durable) or the beam. A rope with a crossed joint is suitable for consolidation, the diameter of which is at least 24 mm (especially for the swings on which children will ride).

You can replace the rope with a chain suspension. So you make the whole design much stronger. So that the links of the chain did not harm the children (fingers can fall into the links) you need to put it in a suitable size of the plastic pipe. Alternatively, you can take a chain canopy with a small caliber. It is worth noting that to install a frame garden swing, you should correctly choose a place on the site, avoiding trees and various kinds of fences.

The right choice of support

Support for swing is not just an element of the design, but its main component. It will depend on her strength to depend on swing and permissible swinging. Most often material that is used for the manufacture of support is wooden bars, metal pipes and corners. For the summer, there is often enough support in the form of the letter A. To do this, build a frame of two supporting elements. Between themselves, they are connected by a transverse beam, which is installed horizontally. Its placement occurs at the level of one third of the post above the ground level.

The crossbar itself, for which the seat is hung, you need to build up to the racks that are vertically. Use bolts for fastening.

Important: Metal swings need to be fixed in the soil. Because in the process of "foot" out of the pipes, it is loosened and turned out of the ground. To prevent this, reference frames create. Alternatively, you can make concreting into the trench.

But for a stronger consolidation of the design of the tree, you need to bury the "legs" of the garden swing to a significant depth (at least one meter). You can also pour with a solution of concrete. But before concreting, it is necessary to make preparatory work. A bitumen mastic is applied to the support so that the "legs" are well soaked. It will keep the wood from the processes of rotting. At the bottom of the pit laid brick.

Video: Garden swing do it yourself from metal

Construction with their own hands of a garden swing made of metal

Metal is a durable material and heavy enough so that the entire design of the garden swing is strong and stable. Such a choice is ideal for the construction of a swing, on which teenagers and adults will ride. Also, the metal base will be more wear-resistant to large loads.

Metal garden swing

Be sure to use the drawing so that the entire installation is performed correctly. Therefore, it is further represented by step-by-step instructions so that you can build garden swings with your own hands from metal (drawings and sizes, photos will be listed below) in your country. Of course, options are selected individually. And in the photo we will show only one of the possible.

Metal Sadden Swing Drawing

The construction of this installation begins with the preparation of materials:

  1. pipes cut in accordance with the necessary dimensions;
  2. burzes and sharp protrusions should be removed using sandpaper.
  1. Form. For this, the support elements must be made at an angle of 45 degrees. Then install the crossbar. It should be strictly perpendicular to the racks themselves. At this stage, use the welding machine to make all the elements as much as possible.
  2. You need to make a deepening to secure support. To fall asleep the sand that needs to be good. Then set the support and pour a concrete solution over it. The whole design is left for at least a week so that the solution is good, and grab.
  3. As soon as the fill dry, you can proceed to the fitting of the seat. Before installing it, you need to privar special hooks using a welding machine. The seat itself hang on ropes (high strength) or on metal beams.
  4. The final stage is to paint all elements of the garden swing. This measure is necessary not only to impart the design of an attractive appearance. Painting it, you will save your creation from rust and corrosion. It is also possible to various decoration for your taste and fantasy.

Previous Garden Metal Swing

If you feel that this option is not under force, you can stop on a simpler instance. In this case, you need to be built in a conventional metal profile (50 mm diameter).

Drawing of a simple model of a metal swing

At the stock (transversely) to attach special metal brackets. To do this, use bearings and welding machine.
Install the seat on the suspension and attach to the design itself. Most often can be found as the stems of the metal or chain.

Simple metal swing

Creating exclusive models looks original and attracts the attention of others. It may be forged products or swings, created from channels, or rather from their cropping. Interestingly looks like a swing, made on their own.

Worn garden swing

Swing from wood

Particularly popular is precisely. After all, the tree is always popular as a building material. To build garden swings with their own trees, as well as from metal. Drawings and sizes, photos from the Internet to help you. Only it is necessary to use suitable projects, then you will get the perfect result, and the photo of the home product is confirmation.

Wooden garden swing do it yourself

These designs have their advantages:

  1. naturalness and environmental friendliness;
  2. presentable and original appearance;
  3. strength (in the case of impregnation with specialized solutions and substances).

Drawing of a garden swing from a tree

The most suitable trees are birch, spruce or pine. For construction, you need:

  • wood post - 2 pcs.;
  • transverse crossbar;
  • rope - about six meters;
  • hooks or suitable suspensions;
  • elements for fastening the design (perfect use of bolts).

If you have a wooden bar, then the construction of a swing on four pillars will be an excellent option. But this design requires some attention and strength.

  1. Initially, you need to make a support. Two parts from BRUSEV should be collected in the form of the letter A, as shown in the photo.
  2. After that, you need to secure the transverse crossbar.
  3. In order for the installation to be the most durable and reliable, you need to use short bars.
  4. From the same BRUSEV or seat. And do not forget about the back for maximum comfort.

Beautiful garden swing

Construction of children's garden swing

The process of building a swing for children is similar to the construction of an adult. Need a detailed design scheme, drawing of sizes and places of elements for fastening. When using drawings for adults, do not forget to optimize it under children.

  1. It is necessary to make racks. They must be the same size.
  2. Setting the racks is carried out at a distance that directly depends on the width of the future seat.
  3. Both traces of the transverse crossbar should be connected.
  4. Special attention should be paid to the reliability of the compounds. To do this, you need to accurately measure the angle under which the elements of the racks that are located vertically will be connected.
  5. It is also necessary to ensure that the transverse crossbar itself is equally removed from the ground level.
  6. Before installing you need to roll out the trench. It creates a special pillow of rubble. There are supports. After installation, everyone is poured with concrete solution.
  7. There is a grinding of the whole design, you also need to round the corners. It is necessary in order to make a swing safe for children.

Children's swing

Your cottage will play new paints when such a swing made in the yard will appear made by its own. It is not only useful, but also incredibly beautiful.

System of fastening elements

There are various fastening systems for garden swings, namely:

  • carabiner - made from such types: with a rectangular cross section (intended for beams) and with a round cross section (for BRUSEV);
  • anchor - the fastening type passes through;
  • brackets and hooks - designed for children's models;
  • clamps are needed for fixing in the case of hanging swing on cables.

Therefore, carefully learn the features of each system. After all, the right choice of fasteners allows you to make a swing not only durable, but also reliable.

Rope swing

The most classic models are swing from rope and logs. This option is considered the easiest for the manufacture. To implement such an idea, you will have enough four holes. As a basis, use a wide log. In the well-done holes need to turn the rope.

Rope garden swing

Using the same ropes, you need to wear a seat board. But you need to be attentive. This option is not entirely stable. To avoid the coups of the seat, make a side of four holes and thread rope in them.

Rope ends need to tighten well and tie with durable nodes. And the swing is ready to use.

Today, garden swings made by their own hands produce a gorgeous and unforgettable impression. It is only a little patience and attention. What will be the swing? Frame made of metal or mobile made of wood? Establish to you, but the swing must be enjoyable. And the most interesting about the independent facilities of the garden swing, see the video that will find below.

Video: Wooden swing

Today there is a huge amount of accessories intended for the garden. One of these are garden swings that will not only become an attractive element of landscape design, but also a very useful design. Children and adults love to swing on the swings, after all, this occupation calms, raises the mood and positively affects human health.

What swing for giving is better?

For the construction of the swing, only 3 types of materials are used - it is wood, metal and plastic. Each person himself decides which one to use in the production of swings for its own garden. To do this, it is necessary to study the advantages and disadvantages of different models.

The main features of a tree swing:

  • practicality and versatility . Wood is a material from which not only the usual single swings can be built, but also cozy sofas with several landing places;
  • environmental purity . The tree has a natural natural origin, so the material is absolutely safe for human health;
  • harmonious combination with landscape . Wood swings perfectly fit into any garden design. This advantage is advantageously distinguished by structures from metal analogues, which require the appropriate design of the entire site;
  • safety . Wood is considered a rather mild material, which significantly reduces the number of injuries. This is especially important if children will swing on the swing;
  • easy mounting . The swing from the tree will be able to do absolutely any person who is a little familiar with construction work;
  • economy . Cash costs will not be large, since the material itself is inexpensive.

Characteristics of metal swings:

  • durability - This is perhaps the main advantage of similar products. Metal is an eternal material that does not rot and disappear;
  • reliability Such swings are indisputable. The material is characterized by hardness and stability;
  • practicality . The metal is not afraid of the impact of negative environmental factors, it is not terrible to him or rains, nor eats, nor ultraviolet;
  • low money costs . If we compare with high quality wood, the metal will cost cheaper;
  • variety of models . Swings made from metal can be collapsible, welded or wrought. Each consumer can always choose the appropriate option for its site;
  • metal swings capable to decorate your original view any plot or garden However, the structures require appropriate stylistic design, otherwise they will look not very harmonious;
  • garden swing metal you can make it yourself But this will require appropriate skills and skills.

Metal swings have many positive characteristics, but they have some drawbacks. For example, the dense structure and hardness of the material is good, but only on the one hand, on the other hand, the possibility of obtaining various blows and injuries is increased at times. In order for the metal does not rust, it is necessary to periodically cover it with a layer of special paint. In addition, many people believe that metal swings are inferior to wooden in their aesthetic features.

Pros and cons of plastic swings

As for plastic swings, experts find more minuses in them than pluses. Such children's swings for giving are distinguished by a low cost and a variety of color gamut. Among the disadvantages can be allocated:

  • plastic structures make all the designer design of the garden plot cheaper;
  • such a swing only kids are suitable, but teenagers and adults will not be able to use them;
  • harmful evaporation is perhaps the most significant minus of the material. In hot weather, plastic heats up and emits toxic substances into the air, which can have a negative impact on the health of children. For this reason, it is better to refuse to abandon plastic structures.

Types of designs of garden swings

In addition to the classification on the material, garden swings can be conditionally divided by the method of fastening the rolling part of the product:

  1. horizontal swings - Such models are probably familiar with each person since childhood. Designs are long crossbars that have a plot point in the middle. In order to run on such a swing, two kids are needed with about the same weight;
  1. swing with vertical suspension Designed for individual use. Among such designs there are many different types: from simple "Tarzanok" to solid original sofas and benches.

They differ swings and at the place of location, and they can be placed either as part of a whole game complex for children, or stand or suspended separately.

Showing fantasy, you can somehow combine these two features, as a result, amazing structures are obtained. For example, there are special popularity today sofas suspended on chains, as well as circular swings resembling gazebos.

An equally important classification is in size:

  • product for the whole family . As a rule, they have a view of a bench with a comfortable high back. On such swings, several people will be able to swing at the same time;
  • baby products With a binding strap fixation. Such swings can be different: include seats and suspension or to have seats in the form of chairs, etc.;
  • portable models Convenient and mobile, you can optionally have it where necessary.

How to make wooden swing do it yourself?

If you wish, the swing from the tree can be made with your own hands. It is necessary to determine the material, design and purpose in advance. In order to decide which appearance will have a product, you can see the photo of a photo of a tree swing.

To work will be required:

  • wooden bars 100x100 or 50x100 mm. Not trouble if the design is massive, but in its strength do not have to doubt;
  • boards required for the construction of seats. The layout of the wooden parts is calculated in accordance with the drawing of the tree swings;
  • chain or durable rope and carbine;
  • mortar made of concrete;
  • nails and selflessness;
  • metal corners.

From the tools you will need a hacksaw, hammer, drill, roulette and screwdriver. After everything is prepared, you can proceed to the main process of work, which consists of the following steps:

  1. Production of carrier support

Initially, the lower frame is built, on which vertical bars are fixed. The dimensions of the bars are installed in accordance with the size of the seating of the future design. All these measurements are fixed in the drawing of a tree swing. The most optimal will be the following dimensions: Depth - 60 cm and length - 180 cm. The frame is mandatory should be a little wider seating, about 50 cm. This condition is necessary for better stability and reliability of the entire design.

After all materials are measured and prepared, you can begin to fasten the bars with metal corners. In the manufacture and installation of garden swings from a tree with their own hands, it is necessary to take into account the type of surface on which the design will be. If the swing is mounted on open soil without asphalt and concrete, then the bars from which the lower frame is made, it is necessary to cover the bitumen. This composition reliably protects wood from rotting.

At the upper points, the lateral supports in the form of an equally chained triangles are connected by the crossbar, to which the seat was suspended by the lower part of the support, the swing platform into pre-prepared pits are installed at an angle to each other, the lateral supports are mounted with concrete mortar, transverse beams are mounted. The ends of the bars are treated with a resin or bitumen varnish of the crossbar fixed with metal corners on the self-drawing between the side "l" - the crossbar is installed with shaped racks and attached to them with large nails through the codes of the support design.

After the frame is ready for it mounted vertical bars, which will play the role of support pillars. Installation is made using self-tapping screws and metal corners. In the end, there will be a pair of triangles, the horizontal crossbar should be consolidated on their vertices.

  1. Making seating

First you need to collect frame from bars. All you need two such frames: one - for seating, the second - for the back. Plywes are attached to these frames or racks - it all depends on what option you fits most. The seat is connected to the back and the corners.

Experts recommend to leave between the seat and the back angle of 120 degrees - it is such a tilt that will be optimal and most convenient for seating. Another element for additional comfort will be armrests, but they are not mandatory.

Seat Design Scheme Seat Fastening Options for Swing Wooden Seat

  1. Fastening

Hooks or brackets are attached to the upper crossbar. Through the holes in them there is a chain or cable. Their length is calculated so that a person sitting on the swing can get to the ground.

After that, the seat is attached. If desired, the design is complemented by an awning. To do this, we should build a frame from BRUSEV, and then pull on it anywithful fabric.

Metal corners are fixed by all joints in the chain mounting chains are screwed up powerful screws Lastly to the crossbar fasten the seat ready-made swing

Wooden seating will be hard, so it is recommended to make a pair of pads on it. For a long operation of such accessories, it is better to make covers that can be updated or removed at any time to clean.

If you have worried about the question of how to make reliable swings from the tree with your own hands, then you already know the answer.

Video instruction

How to make a swing of metal?

Garden swings from metal can be made with their own hands without resorting to the help of specialists. To do this, you will need the following materials:

  • 9 metal pipes with one diameter;
  • 8 corners;
  • two metal arcs with a diameter of 16 mm and a length of 25 cm;
  • 2 wooden elements;
  • a pair of pieces of furniture foam rubber and 2 zippers "zipper";
  • cable.

From the tools you will need a welding machine, as well as paint for metal.

Metal swing do it yourself - scheme diagram of metal swings Fastening the hooks

Stages of making swing:

  1. Preparatory work. This stage is very important, since it is at this moment all the calculations are carried out, and then a drawing of a metal swing is created.
  2. Production of support. Based on the calculations, a drawing is created, which will help make garden swings made of metal with their own hands. Pipes are prepared for welding: the rust is considered with them, the desired length is measured, and on both sides, the chamfer is removed at the place of the joints at the angle of 45 degrees.

Based on the planned diagram of the swing, it is necessary to weld the pipes. When the support is ready, arches are attached to the top, which will then be mounted swing. The design is covered with special paint for metal.

Mounted posts in the ground at the crossbar there are 2 groove bearing, in which the crossbar lies.

We must not forget that the practicality and aesthetic appearance of the future product will depend on the professionalism of the welder. For this reason, you should not start working if you are not sure of your abilities, trust this case to specialists.

  1. Creating seats. The segments of the metal corner are welded along the previously intended scheme of garden swings. Inserts for seats are cut from wooden canvas, and then they are inserted into already ready-made metal rectangles. For seating, you can sew soft mattresses that will be a comfortable addition to the entire design.

Seat Parameters Backless Related Welding Places for Welding Metal Parts Ready Seat Design

  1. Installation of swings on supports. For reliability, either special fasteners should be applied or a solid rope. It is important to high quality rope so that it keeps in one place, it is done with fasteners.

Installation of the seat on a pre-prepared support for the chain on the chain It is important to pay attention to the strength of the fasteners - bolts and chains possible fastening the seat to the main design using a carbine fastening of the seat to the support

  1. Installing design. It is best if the swing will be under a canopy or in a shaded place. Metal design will be stationary, since its weight does not allow moving the swing.

Features of the manufacture of children's swings in the country

When building a construction that is intended for children, some important nuances should be taken into account:

  • swing should be as strong as possible and stable;
  • in no compulsory, the safety belts and special fences must be present for children;
  • in the manufacture of swings, it is necessary to repel from the growth and weight of the child;
  • it is very important that the baby be able to reach her socks to the Earth and get up independently;
  • all materials that were used when creating a design should be environmentally friendly, safe and hygienic.

All these conditions must be taken into account when building children's swings for giving with their own hands, because only in this case you can be completely confident in the safety of your child.

How to make a swing made of tires?

Swing can be made of wood or metal, however, if you want to simplify the task, using conventional materials for this, conventional tires are quite suitable. Conspose such a product on a tree branch or arrange it from any reservoir.

The advantages of this design include simplicity of manufacture, efficiency, as well as new sensations that will feel like each person who will use a similar invention. In addition, for the manufacture of garden swings from the tires, you will not need any drawings and schemes.

Stages of making swing:

  1. First you need to install two columns that can be wooden or metal. It is very important that the pillars are quite reliable to withstand all alleged loads.
  2. In the upper part of the bars, transverse crossbar is mounted, and the bolts with rings in which the rope or chain has been crashed into it.
  3. At the bottom of the rope will be attached directly to the tire itself.

Take the old tire without serious damage. Thoroughly wash the tire inside and outside with a cleaning agent. Get three U-shaped medium diameter bolts Drill six holes (two on the same distance from each other). Bolts Paint the tire of aerosol paint desired shade and let it dry now, place the bolts into the holes and secure it with the inside of the inside, as a result, it will turn out such a design for the top of the swing. You need a durable chain with fasteners to create a reliable design. From the bolts in the tire you need to attach the mounting with the chain on the other hand, connect the chains using one mount. Two ends of a small chain, designed to join the carbine, secure there you can hang a swing in any place convenient for you!

When creating swings from the tire, it is necessary to take into account the mass of each element, since in the case of the use of wooden poles, their strength is important. In general, such a design is more suitable for adults or for older children, but not for kids. For greater reliability, it is recommended that it is still not a rope, but a metal chain.

Now you know how to make garden swings with your own hands, it remains only to choose the most suitable design, materials, and you can proceed to work.