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Happy birthday thought. Congratulations to the elected deputies



I heartily congratulate you on your 50th birthday!

It is gratifying that today you manage to harmoniously combine fruitful scientific, pedagogical and social activities with the responsible work of the rector of PSLU. Largely thanks to your organizational talent, professionalism and creative energy, the quality of vocational education is being improved at PSLU, the material and technical base is being improved, innovative teaching methods are being introduced, modern managerial approaches are being introduced, contacts are being developed with educational institutions and cultural centers of the world.

Your high business and personal qualities command the respect of your colleagues, friends and numerous students.

I am confident that under your leadership the University will continue to develop dynamically and hold the bar as the largest educational, research and humanitarian center in the South of Russia.

Please accept my wishes for good health, inexhaustible energy, happiness, prosperity and further fruitful activities to implement the most important initiatives aimed at supporting science and education!


Head of the city of Pyatigorsk L.N.Travnev

Please accept my most sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your 50th anniversary!

50 years is the age of harmony of physical strength and wisdom. Thanks to your leadership, the Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University is successfully developing, and your energy, dynamism, and rich practical experience make it possible to solve difficult problems, including foreign policy ones.

With all my heart I wish you great success, prosperity, good health, happiness and all the best to you, your family and friends!

I take this opportunity to convey to you the assurances of my highest consideration.

Head of branch

Ministry of Foreign

Affairs of Russia in Mineral water L.S. Filimonov

Dear Alexander Pavlovich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday! With all my heart I wish you good health, inexhaustible energy, optimism, peace, kindness and happiness! Let your most daring plans come true, and good luck always accompanies you in any endeavors. Good luck in your responsible and important work, peace and love to you and your family!


Head of Administration

the city of Pyatigorsk O.N. Bondarenko

Dear Alexander Pavlovich!

Warmly and cordially congratulate you on your birthday!

Please accept my sincere wishes for good health, happiness, material and spiritual well-being, new creative successes.



State Duma

Stavropol Territory M. Afanasov

Dear Alexander Pavlovich!

Warmly and cordially congratulate you on your anniversary. You are an example of wise deeds, creative decisions, selfless service to science, the cause of training highly qualified specialists and educating young people. On your birthday, accept the most sincere wishes of happiness, health, well-being, prosperity and confidence in the future. With all my heart I wish to increase the glorious traditions of the university, implement all undertakings and achieve further success in the development of science and education for the benefit of the Motherland. I sincerely hope that our creative ties and friendship will constantly develop and strengthen.

Rector of the Stavropol State

agricultural university,

Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Universities

Stavropol Territory,

corresponding member of RAAS, professor IN AND. Trukhachev

DearAlexander Pavlovich!

On behalf of the Collegium, the Council of Veterans, the entire staff of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs for the Stavropol Territory and on my behalf, please accept the most sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your 50th birthday!

Anniversary is not only your personal holiday, but also a solemn event for all those who have worked and are working with you.

As a resolute person with a broad outlook, competence and a sense of tact, you deservedly enjoy the respect of colleagues and numerous friends. Let the purposefulness inherent in you in achieving your goals, life wisdom and optimism continue to contribute to success in your professional activities in the future.

With all my heart I wish you good health, family well-being, inexhaustible energy and further fruitful success in the name of the power and prosperity of your native Fatherland!


Chief of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for

Stavropol Territory

police lieutenant general N.V. Goncharov

Dear Alexander Pavlovich!

Please accept the kindest and most heartfelt congratulations on your fiftieth birthday!

Health to you, human happiness and prosperity.


Deputy of the GDSK A.A. Gonochenko

Dear Alexander Pavlovich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!

Please accept my warmest wishes with the beginning of a new stage in your life!

Let your life be filled with pleasant discoveries and changes, happiness, joy, love, good mood and success in the implementation of the planned projects always accompany!


Deputy Head

administration of Pyatigorsk V.V. Karpov

Dear Alexander Pavlovich!

Please accept the warmest and most heartfelt congratulations on your birthday! May your energy, enthusiasm, high human and professional qualities serve the benefit of the inhabitants of your native Stavropol. I wish good luck, success and inspiration to be faithful companions in all your endeavors, and health, happiness and well-being in your daily life.

Chairman of the Committee

State Duma

Stavropol Territory

for social policy I.I. Ulyanchenko


On behalf of the Rosobrazovanie team and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on your 50th birthday and express my sincere gratitude for your fruitful work. Your organizational talent, high professionalism, active public activity, responsiveness and sincerity earned you the deep respect of colleagues and students.

With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness and further creative success.

R leader Rosobrazovanie Nikolay Ivanovich Bulaev

Dear Alexander Pavlovich!

From the staff of the Armavir State Pedagogical University, we congratulate you on your anniversary.

We wish you good health, further success in the leadership of the linguistic university and in scientific and pedagogical activities. Family happiness and good luck.

ASPU Rector A.M. Gatiev

Dear Alexander Pavlovich!

The executive committee of the Stavropol regional branch of the Party " United Russia» Happy birthday to you!

We sincerely wish you new achievements on your chosen path. Your experience and inexhaustible energy are the key to further success in your active multifaceted activities. Good luck in all your endeavors, happiness and prosperity!

May your health and happiness be supplemented by the support of true friends, associates and like-minded people.

Let everything be fine in life

Without grief and adversity

Let everything be light and clear

For many, many years to come!

Head of the executive committee

StrO GDP "United Russia" D.A. Gribennik

Dear Alexander Pavlovich!

Ministry Representative

Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in Rostov-on-Don B.M.Gokzhaev

Dear Alexander Pavlovich!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the occasion of your significant anniversary - your 50th birthday! Your high human qualities, organizational skills, multiplied by the acquired experience and professionalism, serve a prime example exemplary performance of his duty and responsibility for the benefit of the strengthening and prosperity of the Russian state!

I wish you and all your loved ones peace, good health, good spirits, inexhaustible energy, happiness and prosperity!


Deputy of the GDRF

Chairman of the Committee

on budget and taxes Yu.V.Vasiliev

Dear Alexander Pavlovich!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your 50th birthday! A period has come in your life when any goals become achievable, any obstacles are surmountable. Thanks to your abilities, skills, hard work, you conquer the heights of life one after another. And it is no coincidence that you meet your anniversary in the prime of your creative powers. Today you are the rector of one of the best and most prestigious universities in the South of Russia. Such a strong reputation is deserved with your participation, thanks to your talent as a leader, a scientist who knows how to see the future, set up the team to achieve the goal.

On this wonderful day, I sincerely wish you good health, inexhaustible energy, and the achievement of your plans. And let the support of relatives and colleagues always give you confidence and strength for further successful work.

Chairman of the Stavropol

regional office

Association of Lawyers of Russia N.I. Kashurin


Please accept my sincere congratulations on your 50th birthday! For a man, 50 years old is the prime of life, a combination of experience, energy and wisdom. This is the period when certain results are summed up and plans for the future are made. Behind your shoulders is the respect and trust of people - this is the highest appreciation of your many years of professional activity, including as the rector of one of the largest and most prestigious universities in the South of our country. It is impossible to overestimate your contribution to the development of domestic science and higher education. Thanks to your efforts, Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University is implementing advanced educational technologies and the most modern innovative teaching methods, and graduates become real professionals in their field, in demand in many areas of the economy.

With all my heart I wish you good health, good mood, inexhaustible optimism, the implementation of plans and undertakings, further successful activities for the benefit of our beloved Stavropol and all of Russia!

Happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Deputy State Duma of the Russian Federation A.N. Ishchenko

Dear Alexander Pavlovich!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your anniversary and wishes of good health, family happiness, well-being, and success in implementing your plans.

Head of the city of Georgievsk V.I. Gubanov

Dear Alexander Pavlovich!

On behalf of the faculty, students, graduate students and employees of the branch of the Russian State Social University in Pyatigorsk, please accept our heartfelt and sincere congratulations on the occasion of your Golden Jubilee!

your business and personal qualities, responsiveness, warmth, and at the same time, exactingness and integrity in solving problems and tasks have earned you respect from your colleagues and all those who happened to work and communicate with you.

On this wonderful Anniversary, I sincerely wish you good health, well-being and great human happiness, further fruitful activity, success for the benefit of Russian science and education, support and mutual understanding of the team you lead!

Let luck accompany every day of your life, and the soul remains young for many, many years!

Peace and blessings to you and your home!


Branch Director of the Russian

state social

University in Pyatigorsk,

Chairman of the Women's Council of Pyatigorsk

Doctor of History, Professor, Academician of ASO N.A. Babenko

Dear Alexander Pavlovich!

On behalf of the staff of the Yerevan State Linguistic University after Vyacheslav Bryusov and on my own behalf, I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary.

Occupying a responsible position in the education system of the Russian Federation, you have contributed to the strengthening of traditional friendship between our peoples.

Your selfless devotion to the cause, wonderful human qualities and bright professionalism are the guarantee of your new successes.

I join all the kind words that are addressed to you today!

I wish you happiness, kindness and prosperity!

Best wishes,

rector of YSLU prof. Suren Zolyan

Dear Alexander Pavlovich!

The team of OOO 419 Management of the Head of Works congratulates you on your 50th anniversary.

We wish you Siberian health, Caucasian longevity, family well-being, a peaceful sky and new creative success in educating and educating the younger generation for the benefit of the prosperity of our Motherland.

Sincerely ,

Chairman of the Board of Directors

LLC "419 Office of the Head of Works" A. Kirilevich

General manager

LLC "419 Management of the Head of Works" S. Kovalev

Dear Alexander Pavlovich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!

I wish you good health, success in all your endeavors, happiness in the family circle. May all your dreams and plans come true, and for many years to come your activities will be directed to the benefit of Pyatigorsk!

Chief Editor

socio-political newspaper

"Pyatigorskaya Pravda" S.M. Drokin

Dear Alexander Pavlovich!

I heartily congratulate you happy Birthday! PPlease accept my warmest and most sincere wishes for good, well-being and good luck in life! Fruitful success in your work, inexhaustible energy in achieving all your plans! Good health, happiness to you, your family and friends! Warmth and comfort to your family!


Chairman of the Electoral Commission

Stavropol Territory B.B. Dyakonov

Dear Alexander Pavlovich!

It gives me special pleasure to warmly and cordially congratulate you on a wonderful event - your 50th birthday.

V Russian Federation highly appreciate your organizational talent as the head of the key educational and scientific center of education in the South of Russia, which enjoys well-deserved authority in the country and abroad, a prominent scientist, a major public and political figure, a professional high class, a remarkable and talented person, who is characterized by deep decency and fidelity to duty, constant attention to people, modesty and nobility.

You always firmly uphold the ideals of humanism and justice and fulfill with honor the main mission of a person on earth - to bring people light, knowledge, warmth and convey to them the kindness of your generous soul.

I am sure that your firm civic position, optimism in life, faith in people will continue to inspire and help everyone who works next to you.

Good health to you, prosperity, fortitude and creative success on a thorny but wonderful life path.

Be happy and live long!

Representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry

in Rostov-on-Don B.M.Gokzhaev


I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary!

This date is significant first of all for your close friends and associates. It is today that the kindest and warmest words are heard for you as rector of the Pyatigorsk State linguistic university. You show competence and purposefulness, enjoying the well-deserved honor and respect of your colleagues, you make a significant contribution to the development of Russian science, your optimism, energy and consistency deserve the highest praise. Over the years, you have shown yourself to be an extremely decent person and for many you are an indicator of courage and honor.

I wish you further success in your professional life on this significant day. scientific activity, fruitful work, successful implementation of the most daring plans and projects, good health, many years of active, full of success, life and great personal happiness!

Sincerely Your,

Auditor Counting chambers RF V.S. Katrenko


On behalf of the administration, the faculty of the Stavropol Institute named after V.D. Chursina accept the most sincere congratulations on the anniversary! On this wonderful day, we express sincere words thanks for Your noble and hard everyday work for the benefit of countries and regions. Your many years of professional activity is an example for us. We always admire your inexhaustible energy, decency, diligence. Much has been done by you as a teacher and scientist. In your face we see an invaluable personnel potential. High organizational skills, leadership talent cause deep respect. We are confident that your professionalism and dedication will allow you to cope with any tasks!

We wish you, Alexander Pavlovich, further fruitful work, support from friends and associates, health, kindness, well-being, and success in achieving your goals!

WITH respect,

Rector of NOU VPO "Stavropol Institute

named after Chursin" by P.V. Chursin


On behalf of the executive directorate of the project "WHO IS WHO in Russia" we congratulate you on your birthday!

You are definitely a talented individual. The ability to bring your ideas to life, many years of experience in creating a career is a vivid confirmation of this. You have shown yourself as a person whose life credo is to strive and not stop there. Your professionalism and personal qualities cause recognition and deep respect of those who worked with you and are still working with you.

We heartily congratulate you on your birthday! We wish you good health, further prosperity and new victories. May love and prosperity reign in your home.

Directorate of the project "WHO IS WHO in Russia"


On behalf of the administration of the city of Stavropol, I heartily congratulate you on your 50th birthday and express my respect to you as a purposeful leader! Let your experience and professionalism creativity, energy and inexhaustible optimism and continue to help you in your work! Please accept my most sincere wishes for further professional success, fulfillment of cherished wishes, happiness, peace and prosperity!

Chapter the city of Stavropol N.I. Paltsev

Dear Alexander Pavlovich!

The staff of the Stavropol branch of the Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University warmly congratulates you on your glorious anniversary!

“Only a life passed in the service of the broad interests of society is justified,” wrote N.S. Leskov. This is what your life is like!

We are convinced that your bright talent as a leader, true love to the profession, the generosity of the soul and the constant striving for excellence will allow you to continue to serve faithfully Russian education and science.

We wish you, dear Alexander Pavlovich, tripled energy, good luck in exploring new horizons, financial success, happiness and harmony in the family!

With sincere admiration and respect,

Director of the Federation Council of PSLU O.B. Kostyleva

Born to be a leader!

Dear Alexander Pavlovich!This October is special for you - anniversary. We join all the congratulations on the occasion of your 50th birthday! We wish you health, family well-being, success in your scientific and pedagogical activities and new heights in the management of the Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University - a university that opens up the world. Your personal potential, business and human qualities are indisputable. Aiming at great results, positive thinking, teamwork as the basis of the management concept is the key to your great future success for the benefit of our Fatherland.

The editors of the magazine " Male character»
No. 21, 2009

Dear Alexander Pavlovich!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your 50th birthday


We sincerely wish you good health, happiness, great creative achievements in the treasury of the significant contribution of the scientific and educational potential of the university, success in achieving High Quality training of graduates, revealing their talents and abilities, a new discovery of the world, for the glory of the Higher School and for the benefit of Russia!


The president,
Rector of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kabardino-Balkarian
State University them.
HM. Berbekov,
RAO Corresponding Member B.S. Karamurzov

Honorary President,
Twice Hero of the Soviet Union,
Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR,
Member of the Public Chamber under the President of the Russian Federation,
RAS Corresponding Member V.P. Savinykh


The staff of the Institute of CIS countries sincerely congratulate Konstantin Fedorovich on his birthday and wish him good health, happiness, family well-being and success in his political and social activities!






Please accept the most heartfelt congratulations on your birthday! With all my heart I wish you happiness, strength and energy to continue the work you have begun.

May your personal qualities and / fruitful activity strengthen your authority, gain even greater appreciation from colleagues and friends. Good health, happiness, fulfillment of all your desires!

State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation L.K. Sliska











Dear Konstantin Fedorovich!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!

I wish you professional success, good luck and optimism.

May your life always be filled with creative work, understanding and support of friends and like-minded people.

Good health, happiness, kindness and peace to you.

Chairman of the CEC of Russia V.E. Churov


Dear Konstantin!

Happy birthday with all my heart!

We have known each other for a long time and well. I have always appreciated and appreciate your patriotic and civic qualities, your ability to firmly and consistently defend the interests of our compatriots abroad. You are still a young politician, I am convinced that the main thing is ahead of you.

I hope that the friendly relations that have developed between us will continue in the future.

Good luck, health, prosperity and all the best.

Many hugs.

First Deputy Head
in the State Duma
Hero of the Soviet Union A.N. Chilingarov



for the CIS


Dear Konstantin Fedorovich!

Please accept my warmest and most sincere congratulations on your birthday!

Your high professionalism and competence, as well as your sense of responsibility for the work entrusted to you, inspire deep respect from all those who had a chance to work and communicate with you.

I sincerely hope that our joint activities in the Inter-Parliamentary Commission on Cooperation between the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia will be fruitful in the future for the benefit of developing friendship between our peoples.

With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness, new vitality and success in your parliamentary activities.

Sincerely, N.I. Ryzhkov




First Deputy Chairman of the Committee
State Duma of the Federal Assembly
Russian Federation for CIS Affairs
and relations with compatriots

Dear Konstantin Fedorovich!

Accept congratulations on the occasion of your birthday!

I wish you success in your responsible legislative and political activity for the benefit of Russia, good health, happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones.

Chairman of the Committee V.A. Vasiliev

State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

First Vice Chairman
Committee of the State Duma
Commonwealth Office

with compatriots
Zatulin K.F.

Dear Konstantin Fedorovich,

Please accept our sincere congratulations on your birthday!

With all my heart I wish you good health, energy and success in your responsible work for the good of Russia!

May the cause you serve invariably grow stronger, and may life be filled with respect and support from colleagues, warmth and love of relatives and friends!

F. Mukhametshin

Dear Konstantin Fedorovich!

On behalf of the State Duma Committee on Culture, I congratulate you on your birthday!

All your parliamentary activities are aimed at a sincere desire for fair reforms in your native Fatherland. I share the festive atmosphere of this Day and sincerely wish that the coming years and decades will be bright and joyful for you. Good health, great vitality, joy and warmth in the house!

Chairman of the Committee
State Duma for Culture G.P. Ivliev

Dear Konstantin Fedorovich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you good health, happiness and prosperity, good luck in uniting the Slavic brothers! I am sure that the Russian and Ukrainian peoples must certainly be in fraternal relations with each other, which will symbolize Slavic unity, one of Russia's priority goals. May all your plans come true!


Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation,
member of the State Duma Committee on Youth Affairs M.N. Mishchenko

Dear Konstantin Fedorovich!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday!

Let the goals you achieved today become a confident step towards new achievements! I am convinced that your enthusiasm and fortitude are the key to success in the career of a public figure, in creative endeavors, and in communicating with loved ones. I wish you to preserve your gift of a convincing interlocutor, a sane politician, an attentive and sensitive person in a difficult parliamentary environment. May your initiatives always be met with understanding and judged according to their merits, may there be like-minded people and those whom you trust nearby. I sincerely wish you and your family health, prosperity and good luck!


State Duma A.E. Khinshtein

Dear Konstantin Fedorovich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday! With all my heart I wish you inexhaustible energy, health, interesting and fruitful work for the benefit of Russia. Prosperity, joy, kindness to you and your loved ones.


Deputy of the State Duma
Russian Federation A.V. Kuzmina

Dear Konstantin Fedorovich!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!

I wish you success in your responsible legislative work in the State Duma. May your energy, enthusiasm and professional qualities continue to serve the state interests of Russia.

I sincerely wish you and your loved ones good health, happiness and prosperity!


Faction leader
"Fair Russia" N.V. Levichev



I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!




Dear Konstantin Fedorovich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. Please accept my sincere wishes for good health, success and good luck.

May you always be surrounded by the warmth of the hearts of relatives and friends, and may happiness and well-being be constant companions of your life.

V. Volodin

Dear Konstantin Fedorovich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!

On this festive day, accept the wishes of fruitful activity, optimism, well-being, health and happiness!

May good luck, warmth and good mood always accompany you!

Head of Department
international cooperation
Office of the State Duma B.G. Shtokolov


First Vice Chairman
Committee of the State Duma
Federal Assembly of the Russian
Federation for CIS Affairs
and relations with compatriots

Dear Konstantin Fedorovich!

On behalf of the staff of the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States and on my own behalf, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!

I sincerely wish you new successes and achievements in your work as First Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on CIS Affairs and Relations with Compatriots, which is aimed at strengthening the Commonwealth, improving the living conditions of Russian citizens and compatriots in countries near and far abroad.

I am confident that your professionalism, determination and experience will be in demand for many years to come, and our cooperation within the Commonwealth of Independent States will grow stronger and develop.

Good health to you, dear Konstantin Fedorovich, happiness, prosperity and success in your work!


Executive Committee -
CIS Executive Secretary S. Lebedev

Dear Konstantin Fedorovich!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday!

Today is a great opportunity to express gratitude for your selfless work for the benefit of our Motherland. Your whole life is inextricably linked with serving the Fatherland. A strong and courageous person, a prominent statesman and public figure, you are the personification of a real citizen and a man, for whom the concept of “honor” is not an empty phrase, but a moral imperative that is consistent with any of your actions and decisions.

Thanks to your efforts to support our compatriots abroad, Russia's positions in the international arena are being strengthened. I have no doubt that your great personal contribution to the strengthening of friendship between Russia and the Republic of Abkhazia will be duly appreciated by future generations of Russians.

I sincerely wish you, dear Konstantin Fedorovich, health, the realization of all wet plans, good spirits, happiness and prosperity to you and everyone who is close and dear to you. May good luck always accompany you, and support in life will be faithful, sincerely loving and appreciating like-minded people and friends!

With deep respect,

General manager
State Corporation
Russian Technologies S.V. Chemezov





Dear Konstantin Fedorovich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday! You are a person of deep decency and a friendly attitude towards people, a professional of the highest class. (Your high moral qualities, modesty, diligence and responsible attitude to business cause feelings of respect and admiration!

On this beautiful day, I sincerely wish (you) good health for many years, great personal happiness, inexhaustible energy and optimism, goodness and prosperity, success in your many-sided activities.


in the Government of Moscow P.P. Biryukov

Dear Konstantin Fedorovich!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday.

I wish you good health, great personal happiness, success in your work for the benefit of Moscow and the Russian state.

First Deputy Mayor of Moscow
in the Government of Moscow,
Head of the Complex
economic policy and development
city ​​of Moscow Yu.V. Roslyak















Dear Konstantin Fedorovich!

Let me sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and wish you inexhaustible energy, optimism, excellent health, good luck and success always and in everything.

May your experience, energy, enthusiasm serve for the prosperity and strengthening of Russia. Peace and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Best wishes,

The hero of the USSR,
member of the Defense Committee M.Kh. Manarov











Dear Konstantin Fedorovich!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!

I wish you good health, prosperity, success in all your affairs and undertakings.


A.V. logins


Dear Konstantin Fedorovich! On behalf of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Rostov Region and on my own behalf, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! Rich life and professional experience, energy and love for Russia help you to work successfully in a responsible state post. There is no doubt that this will continue to be the case. I sincerely wish you good health, happiness and prosperity!

Legislative Assembly
Rostov region V. Deryabkin







On behalf of the Verkhovna Rada and the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, please accept warm congratulations on your birthday!





People's Assembly - Parliament of the Republic of Abkhazia

First Vice Chairman
Committee of the State Duma
Commonwealth Office
Independent States and Relations
with compatriots
Zatulin K.F.

Dear Konstantin Fedorovich!

I congratulate you on your birthday!

After the anniversary, you have become wiser and more solid for a whole year!

Every time we see with our own eyes, learn about your new deeds, about your loud participation in the development of virgin lands in any field, and you have innumerable fields, we rejoice at your inexhaustible energy, deep and sharp intellect, sparkling humor, physical form!

Always glad to be with you, glad that you are among us!

Wish you fresh ideas and success in any undertakings, health, enjoyment of the beauty of life in all its manifestations!

All Abkhazia is open for you!

Speaker N. Ashuba

City life

On the eve of this holiday, the editorial office of the newspaper "Gallery Chizhov" receives many letters of congratulations to Sergei Viktorovich. We publish some of them in this issue.

S. Neverov, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Secretary of the Presidium General Council Party "United Russia"

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I congratulate you on your birthday! May every day of your life bring only good events, and may good spirits and optimism never leave you. Wealth and good luck.

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Secretary of the Presidium of the General Council of the United Russia Party S. Neverov

NOT. Rogozhkin, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the High Command, the Military Council of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you happiness, good health, kindness and success in your many-sided activities for the benefit of our Fatherland - Russia.

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, General of the Army N.E. Rogozhkin

V.S. Katrenko, Auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday! You fully possess the qualities of a highly effective and successful leader, capable of achieving the most ambitious goals. You managed to reach the top not only in business, but also in politics, gain wide public recognition and respect. Being an active supporter of socially responsible business, you prove yourself in such a noble field as charity, actively implementing socially significant projects. I wish you good health, optimism, well-being, prosperity, and further successful activities for the benefit of Russia.

Sincerely, Auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation V.S. Katrenko

L.G. Ivlev, Deputy Chairman of the CEC of Russia

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my warmest and most sincere congratulations on your birthday! With all my heart I wish you inexhaustible energy and inspiration, optimism and success in all your endeavors for the benefit of our Fatherland! Good health, happiness and prosperity to you!

Sincerely, Deputy Chairman of the CEC of Russia L.G. Ivlev

A.V. Gordeev, Governor of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept the warmest congratulations on your birthday, and with them - sincere wishes of success in your work, good health, happiness, prosperity to you and your loved ones.

Sincerely, Governor of the Voronezh Region A.V. Gordeev

A.V. Gusev, First Deputy Governor of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept the warmest and most sincere congratulations on your birthday! The Voronezh region is lucky that you represent its interests in the supreme legislative body. All Voronezh residents know you as a person who is not only talented and enterprising, but also able to keep his word. And most importantly - your organizational talent, great political experience, authority that has developed over the years, all your efforts are aimed at solving the problems of ordinary Russians and, of course, their fellow countrymen. Veterans and schoolchildren, large families and everyone who needs social protection see your attention, care and responsibility for their destinies. Your efficiency and organizational talent can be envied in a good way. They are based on great patriotism and an undoubted desire to make better life everyone. On your birthday, I wish you, dear Sergey Viktorovich, new ideas and undertakings, reliable and faithful companions in noble work for the good of the country and the region. May your family always be healthy and happy!

First Deputy Governor of the Voronezh Region A.V. Gusev

V.A. Pekhtin, Chairman of the State Duma Commission on Parliamentary Ethics

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday! On this solemn day, I wish you the most important thing - good health and long life! Let warmth, support of friends and colleagues, loved ones and relatives always fill your life, and good luck in all matters!

Chairman of the State Duma Commission on Deputy Ethics V.A. Pehtin

A.M. Makarov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my most sincere and warm congratulations on your birthday! On this joyful day for you and your loved ones, with all my heart I wish you health, inexhaustible energy, peace and prosperity, so that problems avoid you, and good luck, happiness, the attention of friends and the warmth of the hearth are always with you! Let only true friends and reliable colleagues surround you, and love and prosperity reign in the family. May all your plans and hopes come true, and may there always be goodness and joy in the house. May hope, wisdom and patience never leave you, and may the years ahead be just as bright, filled with happy, memorable events!

Sincerely, A.M. Makarov

S.A. Gavrilov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Property Issues

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. At all stages of your biography, you put the interests of the cause above all else and always achieved the desired result. You are distinguished by composure, competence, ability to control the situation, think quickly. Your colleagues especially appreciate your human qualities - adherence to principles, ability to work in a team, to accept only the right decision in difficult situations. Let me wish you good health, vivacity, good luck, the implementation of all plans!

Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Property Issues S.A. Gavrilov

G. Karelova, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Labour, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday! With all my heart I wish you good health, success in your work for the development, prosperity and modernization of Russia. Let your creative ideas come true, and good luck always accompanies you in business. Long life, goodness and happiness to you and your loved ones.

Sincerely, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs G. Karelova

T.V. Yakovleva, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday!
As your colleague at work in the State Duma, I always note your high professionalism, competence, ability to work with full dedication, organizational talent and initiative. I am sure that these qualities will continue to contribute to your fruitful work for the benefit of Russia and the Voronezh region!
Dear Sergey Viktorovich, your rich managerial experience, determination and ability to bring things to the end, to always remain a man of "word and deed" invariably inspire like-minded people to professional achievements, rightfully inspire the trust of voters.
With all my heart I wish you health, happiness and prosperity, loyal and reliable friends, ambitious goals and opportunities to achieve them! Let your activity, life-affirming energy continue to set the tone for the fighting spirit of your team! Good luck in all endeavors!

Sincerely, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Health T. V. Yakovleva

AND ABOUT. Arshba, First Deputy Head of the United Russia faction in the State Duma, head of the intra-factional group

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!

I had a chance to appreciate your hard work, strength and breadth of soul, purposefulness firsthand - during our joint work in the State Duma for 3 convocations. You have established yourself as a confident and ambitious politician who is able to think globally, considering your own success as inseparable from the well-being of the whole society and the whole country.
I congratulate you on your birthday as a reliable like-minded person and as a strong member of the United Russia team, which, I am sure, as a result of joint efforts, new victories await, marked by stable and unchanging leadership, the growth of people's trust and real deeds for the benefit of fellow citizens! Good health, political and professional longevity, loyal and reliable friends, unflagging influence in the region! Let your working days be filled with bright accomplishments, and let your free time consist of pleasant moments in the company of your closest ones!

Sincerely, First Deputy Head of the United Russia faction in the State Duma - Head of the intra-factional group O.I. Arshba

V.S. Timchenko, First Deputy Head of the United Russia faction in the State Duma

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept the warmest and most sincere congratulations on your birthday! I sincerely wish you good health, excellent mood, happiness, good luck, the implementation of all your plans and well-being to you and your loved ones. May this day be filled with joy and warmth of smiles of your friends and relatives!

Sincerely, First Deputy Head of the United Russia faction in the State Duma V.S. Timchenko

R.V. Karmazina, First Deputy Head of the United Russia faction in the State Duma, member of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes, member of the State Duma Commission on Deputy Ethics

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Accept congratulations on your birthday!
Organizational talent, initiative, strategic foresight, the ability to take responsibility for your own management decisions distinguish you as an experienced manager and a strong established politician. Largely thanks to you successfully resolved actual problems Voronezh region, and the State Duma becomes an effective and efficient mechanism for a qualitative change in life in the country.
I congratulate you as a comrade-in-arms and like-minded person, with whom we are connected by three parliamentary convocations and effective joint work in the Committee on Budget and Taxes of the State Duma! Good health and family peace, reliable friends and strong like-minded people, successful starts and stable people's trust! Let your wisdom and activity remain the basis of the country's dynamic development!

Sincerely, First Deputy Head of the United Russia faction in the State Duma, member of the Committee on Budget and Taxes, member of the State Duma Commission on Deputy Ethics R.V. Karmazina

A.N. Khairullin, Deputy of the State Duma, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Agrarian Issues

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On this wonderful day, I wish you a wonderful mood, good health, devoted like-minded people, new successes and victories! May your work continue to give you joy, plans and aspirations are easily implemented, and the supply of energy and strength for new successful undertakings never runs out!

Sincerely, Deputy of the State Duma, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Agrarian Issues A.N. Khairullin

V. Seleznev, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Property Issues

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Happy birthday to you! I sincerely wish that your work for the benefit of the Fatherland will continue to bring you great professional satisfaction and joy. I wish you good health, strength and energy, the implementation of your plans and high achievements in public office.

Sincerely, Valery Seleznev, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Property Issues

A.K. Solovyov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of Russia, Chairman of the Central Black Earth Bank

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! Today you meet him in the prime of his creative powers, multiplied by rich life experience accumulated over the years of work in business, in regional and federal authorities. The people of Voronezh highly appreciate your contribution to the development of the Voronezh region, and pay tribute to your professional and human qualities, which allow you to flawlessly fulfill your deputy duties in the State Duma. I sincerely wish you bold ideas and plans, good health for their implementation, satisfaction from the results obtained, happiness, and success for many years to come!

Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of Russia, Chairman of the Central Black Earth Bank A.K. Solovyov

Yu.O. Isaev, Deputy of the State Duma

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Happy birthday to you! I am convinced that your political talent, tireless activity, enthusiasm and attentive attitude towards others will help to realize all your ideas and plans! I wish you good luck in all your endeavors, happiness and family well-being!

Deputy of the State Duma Yu.O. Isaev

Yu.V. Vasiliev, Member of the Committee on Budget and Taxes, Chairman of the Subcommittee for Interaction with the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I congratulate you on your birthday!
A true deputy is characterized by the ability to achieve goals always and in everything, the ability to work in difficult conditions and reliably defend the interests of the people who delegated him to take care of the welfare of the region in the highest legislative body. During our joint work in the State Duma of the 4th, 5th and 6th convocations, you have repeatedly confirmed the presence of these qualities, and at the same time the ability to become a politician on a national scale. During my joint work with you in the Committee on Budget and Taxes in the fifth convocation of the State Duma, I was personally convinced that you invariably show professionalism and an innovative approach to business. Today, your activity and unique ability to work remain important components of the effective work of the key subcommittees of the Committee on Budget and Taxes of the State Duma. I am sure that the presence of such an experienced and reliable politician in the deputy corps of the Voronezh region means further progressive development of the region and the whole country!
In honor of your birthday, please accept my wishes for health and well-being, promising and profitable undertakings, new victories in creative work, coherence and unity in our team of like-minded people! May there always be opportunities to restore strength for new victories in a warm family circle! And may your creative potential and energy continue to actively contribute to fruitful legislative activity for the benefit of Russia and its citizens!

Sincerely, Member of the Committee on Budget and Taxes, Chairman of the Subcommittee for Interaction with the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Yu. V. Vasiliev

S.V. Zhuravlev, Deputy of the State Duma, Deputy Chairman of the Voronezh Regional Duma Committee for Industry, Transport, Communications

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I heartily congratulate you on your birthday. You can rightfully be called one of the youngest and at the same time successful politicians and leaders of the new formation. Your inexhaustible energy, openness to new projects, high professionalism and determination are the key components of your leadership style and the key to your successful political and social activities. On this festive day, I wish you the support of faithful like-minded people, success in your professional activities, the implementation of all your plans, and political victories! Energy, optimism and good luck! Good health, happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Sincerely, Deputy of the State Duma, Deputy Chairman of the Committee S.V. Zhuravlev

A.A. Zhuravlev, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my congratulations on your birthday!
Over the years, I have had the opportunity to be convinced of the effectiveness of your work. As a strong politician and a true patriot of his city and region - a deputy of the State Duma, proceeding in management decisions solely from the interests of fellow countrymen. As a competent manager who can generate interesting, win-win, socially useful ideas and vividly and convincingly embody them in reality.
It is especially pleasant for me, given the new circumstances, to work shoulder to shoulder with you in the State Duma of the 6th convocation, and I am sure that our rallying of friends and like-minded people will make it possible to represent the region at the federal level even more effectively, contributing to the development and prosperity of the region. I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you health, well-being, family peace, promising undertakings, unity and solidarity in the team! May your creative forces continue to serve the Voronezh region and all of Russia!

Sincerely, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation A.A. Zhuravlev

E. Glubokovskaya, Deputy of the State Duma

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my kindest and warmest congratulations on your birthday! May your life always be filled with inexhaustible energy and optimism, respect and support of colleagues, warmth and love of relatives and friends! I wish you good health, joy, good luck and success in all your endeavors!

E. Glubokovskaya

I.I. Gilmutdinov, Deputy of the State Duma

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my warmest and most sincere congratulations on your birthday! May every new day bring you new successes and achievements! I wish you many interesting, delightful and kind events, the support of reliable and loyal friends, the comfort of a hearth and the love of your loved ones, optimism, good health, peace, prosperity and great human happiness!

Sincerely, Deputy of the State Duma I.I. Gilmutdinov

N.S. Maksimova, Deputy of the State Duma

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my most heartfelt congratulations on your birthday! I wish you good health, inexhaustible energy, optimism, new ideas, creative and professional success. May faith, hope, love never leave you and be a true compass in solving and implementing the tasks you face. Happiness, joy, wonderful spring mood, peace, warmth, prosperity and prosperity!

Deputy of the State Duma N.S. Maksimova

E.A. Fedorov, deputy of the State Duma

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On your birthday, please accept my most sincere congratulations and wishes of good health and happiness! I wish your life to be full of joyful events, its new pages filled with bright meetings, pleasant chores and fruitful deeds! With all my heart I wish you success in your endeavors, firmness in achieving your goals, support and understanding from your loved ones.

Deputy E.A. Fedorov

A. Semennikov, Deputy of the Moscow City Duma

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
From the bottom of my heart I sincerely and sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! You make decisions that affect the fate of millions of people, the future of the whole country! With your work, knowledge, experience and energy, the best traditions of Russian parliamentarism, high service to your people and state continue and develop! I wish you new successes and achievements on your life path, many years of fruitful work for the benefit of our Fatherland. Health, happiness, love of relatives and friends!

Sincerely, Deputy of the Moscow City Duma Alexander Semennikov

I. Makushev, Commander of the 1st Air Force and Air Defense Command, Major General

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the Military Council of the 1 Red Banner Leningrad Air Force and Air Defense Command and on my own behalf, I warmly and cordially congratulate you on the 48th anniversary of your birth!
In your person we see a person of a national scale, a unique capacity for work, an experienced leader who does a lot for the military-patriotic education of citizens, social support and assistance to veterans of war and military service, the revival of the prestige of the Armed Forces, the development of the cultural and historical image of the city of Voronezh.
For all your busyness, being in a high government position, you constantly find time to delve into problematic issues residents of the city. In responsible work, you are helped by authority and competence, deep knowledge of local and regional issues, responsiveness and desire to help people.
Your life path is the path of a firm, strong-willed, courageous person, a talented leader with a great sense of responsibility.
On my birthday, I wish you, dear Sergey Viktorovich, success in serving for the good of the Motherland, good health and longevity, good luck in all your affairs and undertakings, peace and clear skies above your head!

Sincerely, Commander of the 1st Air Force and Air Defense Command, Major General I. Makushev

K. Botashev, commander of the 7000th Guards Aviation Base, Major General

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
The command and personnel of the 7000 Guards Aviation Base warmly and cordially congratulate you on your birthday!
We know and appreciate you as a high-class professional, a reliable comrade, a person with a great sympathetic soul.
You have always been distinguished by diligence and decency, high professionalism, adherence to principles and activity in solving problems of any complexity. Your attention and help to people is always an example for many.
We bring you words of gratitude for your effective assistance rendered to the servicemen of the air base in solving many social issues.
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you good health. Personal happiness, family well-being, kindness and care of loved ones, devotion and loyalty of friends.
May good luck and faith in your own strength always accompany you!

Sincerely, Commander of the 7000th Guards Aviation Base, Major General K. Botashev

A.M. Solodov, chief federal inspector in the Voronezh region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! Our state has always rested on a special category of people for whom serving the Fatherland was a matter of personal honor. You linked your fate with a noble and difficult mission - to serve the state, to work for the benefit of its people. Your daily work, devotion to duty and vocation, professionalism and excellent human qualities deserve the highest recognition, gratitude and respect. I sincerely wish you, Sergey Viktorovich, and your loved ones good health, happiness, success, prosperity and new victories!

Sincerely, Chief Federal Inspector in the Voronezh Region A.M. Solodov

A.N. Sysoev, Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Voronezh Region, Police Lieutenant General

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Voronezh Region and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on your birthday!
Your professional activity requires high responsibility, great dedication, adherence to principles, and the ability to effectively solve problems in difficult socio-economic conditions.
A competent approach to business, high authority and foresight allow you to make informed decisions and successfully implement large-scale projects aimed at improving the well-being of the residents of the city of Voronezh and the Voronezh region.
With special gratitude, I would like to note the attention that you pay to business cooperation and interaction with the internal affairs bodies.
I wish you, Sergey Viktorovich, that every new day brings only good luck, energizes and positive mood. May you be surrounded by devoted friends and associates, ready to support in word and deed, warm the family hearth, filled with warmth, comfort and mutual understanding. Good health, happiness, peace, kindness to you.

Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Voronezh Region, Police Lieutenant General A.N. Sysoev

I.A. Vorontsov, commander of the OMON of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Voronezh Region, police colonel

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
The command and personnel of the mobile special forces detachment of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Voronezh Region cordially congratulate you on your birthday. We express our sincere gratitude to you for the help disinterestedly rendered to ensure the normal functioning of the detachment performing combat missions on the territory of the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation. Your active participation in solving our problems is a direct continuation of the best traditions of charity. We are sincerely grateful to you for the noble activity aimed at maintaining the combat readiness of our unit. We express confidence that in the future your inexhaustible energy and enthusiasm will be directed towards achieving success in the name of Russia's prosperity. We wish you health, family well-being, success in all your endeavors, optimism and long life!

Sincerely, Commander of the OMON of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Voronezh Region, Police Colonel A.I. Vorontsov

Teams of the Main Directorate of the EMERCOM of Russia for the Voronezh Region and the Voronezh Institute of the State Fire Service of the EMERCOM of Russia for the Voronezh Region.

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Every year is significant for any person with bright events, most of which are the result of the work of many years of life. Let unresolved problems fade into the background on your birthday, and only words of congratulations and sincere wishes will take their place! The source of your energy, your optimism does not dry out, your abilities to see prospects ahead and find the strength to achieve them will multiply.
We wish you: cheerfulness, strength, hope, health, patience, dreams and their fulfillment, love, warmth, good luck, joy, prosperity, energy, light, inspiration, smiles, success, kindness, fidelity!

Sincerely, Teams of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Voronezh Region and the Voronezh Institute of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Voronezh Region.

V.A. Astankov, Head of the Regional Public Reception of the Chairman of the United Russia Party

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the public reception of the Chairman of the Party, please accept the most sincere congratulations on your birthday!
As a person on a national scale with managerial experience, you command great respect from the townspeople. Your impeccable service to the interests of the residents of the city and the Voronezh region, high moral principles, purposefulness and great efficiency deserve the deepest recognition.
I wish you good health, well-being, constant good luck in all your endeavors, happiness and joy, love of loved ones.

With sincere respect, Head of the Regional Public Reception of the Chairman of the Party "UNITED RUSSIA" V.A. Astankov

O.V. Sokolova, Head of Media Relations and Administrative Work Department

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I heartily congratulate you on your birthday. I sincerely wish you good health, happiness and well-being, as well as success in your hard parliamentary work aimed at the benefit of the residents of the Voronezh region.

Sincerely yours, Head of the Department for Media Relations and Administrative Work O.V. Sokolova

Yu.A. Beskhmelnitsyn, director of the Federal Post Office of the Voronezh Region, a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday!
Your work in the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Budget and Taxes, your professionalism and ability to work with full dedication make a significant contribution to the development and improvement of Russian legislation.
On your birthday, I sincerely wish you happiness, prosperity and joy, inexhaustible energy to overcome all difficulties and, of course, success in your professional activities.

Yu.A. Beskhmelnitsyn

T.V. Golovacheva, Head of the Health Department of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my congratulations on your birthday! The experience of interaction allowed us to recognize you as a competent politician, an effective leader, high responsibility, a rare sense of purpose, whose professional competence allows you to adequately represent the interests of the region at the federal level. Your indifference and desire to personally change the world for the better have become serious factors in the changes that we are seeing in the healthcare sector of the region. The quality and availability of medical care is growing. Primary health care is being developed, feldsher-obstetric stations, offices of general practitioners, and central district hospitals are being strengthened. An important area of ​​our work has been the development of domestic perinatal medicine, and a serious victory in this regard is the opening of the Regional Perinatal Center. Many problems of regional healthcare are being solved systematically and quickly. This allowed timely and high-quality implementation of the modernization program in 2011. May your healthy ambitions - the sign of a strong leader - continue to contribute to the dynamic development of regional healthcare! And let the gratitude of the people of Voronezh and the sincere, unconditional, unquenchable trust of the people become worthy results for the work!

Sincerely, Head of the Department of Health of the Voronezh Region T.V. Golovacheva

M.A. Severgina, Head of the Civil Registry Office of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Happy birthday to you!
And on this spring and sunny day, accept the wishes of good health, real human happiness, peace of mind, well-being and good luck in all your endeavors. May peace and harmony always reign in your family.
Allow me, along with congratulations, to express my gratitude to you for your responsiveness and attention aimed at supporting the institution of the family, the revival of family traditions, for the benefit of our fellow countrymen.
I have no doubt that your determination, diligence and originality will help you achieve many more professional victories and accomplishments.

Head of the Civil Registry Office of the Voronezh Region M.A. Severgin.

ON THE. Tkalicheva, head of Voronezhstat

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the staff of the Territorial Body of the Federal Service state statistics in the Voronezh region and personally I congratulate you on your birthday!
From the bottom of my heart, accept the most sincere wishes for bright professional success, new victories and achievements, so that every day of the future opens up new prospects, and there are always Good friends and reliable partners. Good health, happiness and good luck in all your endeavors!

With respect and on behalf of colleagues, the head of Voronezhstat N.A. Tkalichev

V.E. Selyanin, Chairman of the Electoral Commission of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the Electoral Commission of the Voronezh Region and myself, I congratulate you on your birthday!
Enormous capacity for work and purposefulness, responsibility, adherence to principles, firmness of character and a reasonable compromise have helped you achieve outstanding success. You have earned deep respect from the people around you, won public recognition and high authority. Behind all the peaks we have taken are invaluable many years of experience, wisdom, and professionalism.
With all my heart I wish you good health, well-being, long happy years life, new business and life prospects.
May there always be a way out in any situation, and may compromises give peace and tranquility to the soul!
Great vital energy for the realization of everything conceived!

Chairman of the Electoral Commission of the Voronezh Region V.E. Selyanin

S.N. Popov, Head of the Department for State Tariff Regulation of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday! I wish you good health, success in your work, inexhaustible optimism in life, personal happiness and well-being. Peace and blessings to you and your loved ones!

Head of the Department S.N. Popov

A.V. Trubnikov, Head of the Department of Roads and Road Activities of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the Voronezh road builders, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you good health for many years to come, great personal happiness, well-being, and success in your legislative activities.

Head of the Department of Automobile Roads and Road Activities of the Voronezh Region A.V. Trubnikov

V.M. Tarasenko, Head of the Department for the Development of Municipalities of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
I sincerely wish you happiness, good health, prosperity, stability, inexhaustible energy, fulfillment of all the most cherished!
Let luck and success accompany everything!

Sincerely, V.M. Tarasenko

S.G. Kalinichenko, Head of the Department of State Technical Supervision of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my most sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your birthday and my best wishes.
With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness, prosperity, perseverance and patience, inexhaustible energy, festive mood, optimism, good luck, fulfillment of hopes and cherished desires.
Be happy, be loved by family and friends. Let mutual understanding, happiness reign in your house, good relations, love and respect!

Sincerely, Head of the Department of State Technical Supervision of the Voronezh Region S.G. Kalinichenko

N.V. Storozhenko, Head of the Department for Ecology and Nature Management of the Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday! Today you are working in a responsible state post. Your professionalism and human qualities allow you to successfully solve the most complex tasks. May the work to which you give your energy and strength bring positive results. Life experience and wisdom will help you reach new heights, and your life will always remain filled with understanding and support of like-minded people, love of relatives and friends.

Head of Department N.V. Storozhenko

V.N. Smolyanov, Head of the Press and QMS Department of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Happy birthday to you! May your life be filled with joy and warmth, may fate be generous with the brightest and kindest events, and the support of loved ones, relatives, friends and colleagues will give strength to implement the most daring projects. With all my heart I wish you good health and prosperity, family prosperity and professional success!

Sincerely, Head of the Department for Press and QMS of the Voronezh Region V.N. Smolyanov

IN AND. Stupin, Head of the Office of Rosprirodnadzor for the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday! With all my heart I wish you good health and support from your relatives and friends. I wish you success in your work, the implementation of all the best, good mood, good spirits, well-being, happiness and love!

Head of the Office of Rosprirodnadzor for the Voronezh Region V.I. Stupin

A.B. Andreev, President of the Association of Employers "Council of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Voronezh Region"

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my congratulations on your birthday! With all my heart I wish you good health, optimism, realization of creative ideas, happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones! May all your affairs be accompanied by good luck and success!

Sincerely, President of the Association of Employers "Council of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Voronezh Region" A.B. Andreev

IN AND. Astana, Deputy Head of the Department of Architecture and Construction Policy

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I sincerely and sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
I wish you good health, prosperity, good spirits and confidence in the future! May your ideas be bold and promising, ideas be creative, decisions be balanced and effective, and may victory and success be the reward for your efforts!

Sincerely, Deputy Head of the Department of Architecture and Construction Policy V.I. Astana

EAT. Karaseva, Leading Consultant, Department of Labor and social development Voronezh region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! Considering that for many years you have been a public figure, a person who has performed a huge amount of work and a range of duties, I sincerely wish you and your loved ones good health, well-being and, as often as possible, have the opportunity to give each other the most important thing - the opportunity to communicate. Thank you for your talent as an organizer, the ability to give joy and be there on the days of celebrations and significant dates in the person of the employees of the Chizhov Gallery. Please accept sincere gratitude for the competence and attitude towards people around Kostyreva I.V., Dmitrieva Tatyana and many, many others are your faithful helpers and associates. Wish you all the best! Be happy!

Leading Consultant of the Department of Labor and Social Development of the Voronezh Region E.M. Karaseva

L.V. Nikitchenko, Chairman of the Advisory Council of public associations at the regional branch of the United Russia Party, Chairman of the Committee on Culture of the Civic Chamber of the Voronezh Region, Chairman of the VRO LLC "Confederation of Business Women of Russia"

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday! A relatively short life path has been passed, but how many concrete Deeds have been implemented in the name of the Fatherland, their small Motherland, fellow Voronezh residents! The experience you have accumulated, your amazing performance and dynamics, your civic stand and human reliability inspire great respect and gratitude. I really want to wish you and your wonderful family that every next day in your life brings a lot of happiness, kindness, joy, health and spring, bright mood! Good luck always, everywhere, in everything!

With deep respect, Chairman of the Advisory Council of public associations at the regional branch of the United Russia Party Chairman of the Committee on Culture of the Civic Chamber of the Voronezh Region, Chairman of the VRO LLC "Confederation of Business Women of Russia", Honored Worker of Culture of Russia L.V. Nikitchenko

S.A. Khodakovsky, Chairman of the Voronezh Regional Council of War and Labor Veterans

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
The Voronezh Regional Council of Veterans (Pensioners) of War, Labor, Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies sincerely congratulates you on your birthday!
In our city, your name is very well known and pronounced with great respect, since your long-term work as a deputy of the State Duma brings tangible results in the development of the country and modern society, the expansion of democracy, and the strengthening of the economic potential of our region.
We express our special gratitude to you for your charitable activities, financial assistance and moral support for the elderly and the disabled, for the well-coordinated work of the Chizhov Gallery team carried out by you.
We look forward to our further mutual cooperation for the benefit of war and labor veterans of our region.
We wish you, dear Sergey Viktorovich, further success in your responsible state activities, good health, long life, family happiness and prosperity!

Chairman of the Regional Council of War and Labor Veterans S.A. Khodakovsky

S.I. Chaplinsky, General Director of Zheldortrans Association

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the All-Russian Industry Association of Railway Transport Employers and on my own behalf, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! On this festive day for you, I wish you good health, success in your responsible work, personal happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones. I am convinced that your deep knowledge, high professionalism and competence will allow you to work fruitfully for the benefit of Russia in the future. May the sincere and comprehensive support of colleagues and friends always be with you.

Sincerely, General Director S.I. Chaplinsky

A.V. Simonenko, head of the Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, police major general

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Happy birthday to you!
Your professionalism, high moral qualities, dedication, have earned you a well-deserved respect. Thanks to your ability to think for the future, perseverance, ability to rally like-minded people to solve the most difficult problems, you successfully defend the interests of Voronezh residents at the legislative level, which clearly demonstrates your sincere concern for fellow countrymen. Your work to support the elderly, socially unprotected categories of citizens, the patriotic education of young people deserves deep gratitude.
I express my sincere gratitude for the constant attention, help and support that you provide to the Institute.
With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness, prosperity and further success in serving the Fatherland!

With gratitude, the head of the Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Police Major General A.V. Simonenko

A.A. Gentlemen, commander of military unit 3734 VV of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
The command and all personnel of the aviation squadron of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia warmly and cordially congratulate you on your birthday!
You grew up in an aviator's family. Following the example of your father - the defender of the Fatherland - you selflessly serve for the good of our Motherland. Professionalism, great capacity for work, responsiveness and desire to help people have earned you well-deserved authority and respect.
We express our appreciation and gratitude for your vital position and cooperation in solving many important issues. We hope that our business and friendly relations will develop and strengthen.
We wish you, dear Sergey Viktorovich, good health and longevity, great personal happiness and prosperity, peace and clear skies above your head!

Sincerely yours, Commander of the military unit 3734 of the Interior Ministry of the Russian Federation A.A. gentlemen

V.A. Suslovets, commander of military unit 7437

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Success does not immediately promise us fate.
And among the tears and wounds, and all sorts of troubles
Sometimes you can't see how it burns in the distance
The fire of all our future victories.
Who is weak in spirit, calls to heaven,
Leaving your ardor and honor for later,
And who is strong - will achieve everything himself
With my blood, sweat and mind.
But you are one of those who are harder than granite,
Who is not afraid of defeat.
And on your birthday we want to wish
Health, happiness and luck.

Commander of military unit 7437 Colonel V.A. Suslovets

L.V. Nekrasov, head of the South-East LU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on transport, police colonel

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On your birthday, please accept the warmest and most cordial congratulations from the leadership and personnel of the South-Eastern LU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on transport!
Today you will hear a lot kind words from colleagues and friends.
Behind your success is daily painstaking work, adherence to principles and diligence, the ability to find an approach to each employee, help find the right solution, support by catch and deed in a difficult situation. This has always been and remains the strongest foundation of your authority.
You skillfully direct the work of the team entrusted to you, while demonstrating organizational skills, professionalism and leadership talent.
We sincerely wish you, Sergey Viktorovich, good health, longevity, inexhaustible energy, success in all your endeavors! Happiness to you and your loved ones! May good luck and success continue to accompany you, and may reliable, loyal friends and employees always be by your side!

Head of the South-Eastern LU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on transport, police colonel L.V. Nekrasov

S. Potapov, Head of the 4th Regional Logistics Center of the FSB of Russia

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the management and employees of the 4th Regional Logistics Center of the FSB of Russia, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
Your high professionalism and outstanding organizational skills, perseverance and determination, firmness of character and nobility of deeds are given to a noble cause - serving the Motherland.
With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness in your personal life, family well-being, as well as endurance, optimism, inexhaustible energy and success in your important and significant activities for our society.
I express my deep gratitude for your assistance in the patriotic education of youth and social support for military personnel, as well as the confidence that our cooperation will develop further.

Sincerely, Head of the 4th RCMTO of the FSB of Russia S. Potapov

S. Zheltoukhov, regiment commander, police colonel

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
The command and personnel of the patrol police regiment of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Voronezh heartily congratulate you on your birthday!
On this solemn day, I would like to wish good health, great personal happiness and prosperity. Let loved ones treat our difficult, but very necessary and noble work with understanding.
I wish you high professional achievements and success in all your endeavors.
Along with the words of congratulations, please accept my sincere gratitude for the assistance and support you provide to the employees of the internal affairs bodies.
Thank you for not disregarding the needs and requirements of people and always taking an active part in solemn and significant events from the life of our unit.

On behalf of the team Commander of the regiment, police colonel S. Zheltoukhov

A.S. Potapov, Rector of the Voronezh State Pedagogical University, V.V. Podkolzin, adviser to the rector

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
We are proud that for many years the staff of our university has constantly felt your attention, help and support. We are impressed by your deep understanding of the importance of pedagogical education, the role of the teacher in the upbringing and education of the younger generation - the future of our country.
Dear Sergey Viktorovich, we wish you, a well-known public and statesman, good health, happiness, well-being in the family, even greater success in your many-sided activities for the benefit of the Voronezh region, our great Russia.

Sincerely, Rector of the Voronezh State Pedagogical University A.S. Potapov, adviser to the rector V.V. Podkolzin

V.R. Petrenko, Rector of the Voronezh State technical university

Dear Sergey Viktorovich! The staff and students of the Voronezh State Technical University wish you a Happy Birthday! Having linked your fate with social and political activities, you have devoted yourself to creation, to solving the pressing problems of the Russian people. We sincerely wish you health, inexhaustible energy, vivacity and optimism, which are so necessary in your complex multifaceted work.

Rector V. R. Petrenko

IN AND. Avdeev, head of the administration of the Anninsky municipal district

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my congratulations on your birthday!
In your person, as the head of the district, I found a reliable comrade-in-arms and like-minded person, who is always ready to provide assistance and support in our endeavors. Your serious work in the State Duma, effective representation of regional interests at the federal level made it possible to solve the most urgent problems of our region: to increase the volume of industrial production, to ensure the stable operation of agricultural enterprises. Gasification is proceeding at a high pace, investment attractiveness and incomes of the population are growing, small business and social infrastructure are developing - a polyclinic has been put into operation, new medical outpatient clinics have been opened in the villages, a new school in Anna, and the construction of a recreational complex is underway. I am sure that in the future your initiative, activity, indifference and active participation in the life of the region's districts will also allow the region and all of Russia to develop dynamically!
Good health, family well-being, peace and understanding, reliable friends and true like-minded people! Happy Birthday!

Sincerely yours, V.I.Avdeev, head of the administration of the Anninsky municipal district

V.V. Pokusaev, head of administration of the Kantemirovskiy municipal district

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
The administration of the Kantemirovskiy municipal district sincerely congratulates you on your birthday!
We sincerely wish you good health, well-being, strength and energy to continue the work you have begun and achieve your goals!
And let the smiles and joy of relatives and friends remain a life-giving and inexhaustible source of this energy!
And may goodness, good health, reliable and faithful friends, well-being and success in all affairs and undertakings for many years be your irreplaceable companions!

Sincerely yours, Head of Administration of the Kantemirovskiy Municipal District V.V. Pokusaev

S.I. Khoroshilov, head of the administration of the Ostrogozhsky municipal district

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Happy birthday to you!
May this day be the birthday of new ideas, dreams and hopes!
I wish you that the warmth of your family and friends, the support of friends and colleagues will give you strength and energy to bring all your ideas and undertakings to life.
Good health, long active life, excellent mood and happiness!

The head of the administration of the Ostrogozhsky municipal district S.I. Khoroshilov

Yu.I. Matuzov, head of the administration of the Buturlinovsky municipal district

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On the occasion of your birthday, please accept the most sincere congratulations and wishes of success in difficult and responsible work, good luck in the implementation of everything planned for the future! I am convinced that your professionalism, great personal potential, purposefulness, ability to find constructive ways to solve the most serious problems will always be a reliable guide in a dynamically changing life. I wish you good health, optimism and prosperity!

The head of the administration of the Buturlinovsky municipal district, Yu.I. Matuzov

S.I. Bychutkin, head of the administration of the Ertilsky municipal district

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! Let your life be filled with respect and support of colleagues, warmth and love of relatives and friends. May creative energy, optimism, love of life and the ability to realize your plans help you solve the most difficult tasks. I wish you health, family harmony and an inexhaustible supply of mental and physical strength.

Sincerely, Head of the Administration of the Ertilsky Municipal District S.I. Bychutkin

I.P. Chukhnov, head of the department of culture of the city of Voronezh

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday!
Over the years of our joint work, many useful and promising projects aimed at the revival and preservation of the cultural heritage of our people have been implemented. This speaks of you as a highly moral person, as a person who is not indifferent to the future of our city.
I wish you not to deviate from this good path in the future, contributing in every way to the accumulation of cultural potential and enlightenment of the young generation of Voronezh residents!
I wish you success, happiness, prosperity!

Head of the Department of Culture of the city of Voronezh Ivan Petrovich Chukhnov

A.I. Kolesnikov, Chairman of the Electoral Commission of the city district of Voronezh

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the Electoral Commission of the city district of Voronezh and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on your birthday! For many years, the people of Voronezh have expressed their confidence in you and delegated you as their representative, first to the city Duma and the regional parliament, and then to the State Duma. And with your consistent and productive work, you always meet their expectations. On this day, let me, Sergey Viktorovich, sincerely wish you health, success in work, family happiness, prosperity! Let your knowledge, experience and determination become a solid basis for new achievements!

chairman of the election commission of the city district of Voronezh A.I. Kolesnikov

S.N. Lukin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Domostroitelny Kombinat, deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma and A.N. Trubetskoy, General Director of OAO Domostroitelny Kombinat, Deputy of the Voronezh City Duma

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday!
Voronezh residents know you not only as a talented leader and successful politician, but also as a person who sincerely strives to make our city and region better. Over the years of work in the State Duma, you have earned the respect, trust and appreciation of the inhabitants of the region.
With your direct participation, many important and progressive bills were adopted aimed at improving the economic and political situation in the Voronezh Region.
We sincerely wish you further success in your noble work for the benefit of our region, support of like-minded people and friends. Health, happiness and prosperity!

Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Domostroitelny Kombinat, deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma S.N. Lukin

General Director of OAO Domostroitelny Kombinat, deputy of the Voronezh City Duma A.N. Trubetskoy

A.P. Shmygalev, deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
May every new day bring joy, keep well-being and give love!
Health, good luck, happiness to you and your loved ones!

Sincerely, Deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma A.P. Shmygalev

A. Chuzhikov, deputy of the regional Duma

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday!
I wish you happiness, good health, well-being, great success in all areas of your activity!

Sincerely, Deputy of the Regional Duma A. Chuzhikov

S.P. Poimanov, deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! Please accept my most sincere wishes for good health, energy, success in your professional and parliamentary activities, the implementation of your plans, and the support of colleagues and friends.

Sincerely, Deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma S.P. Poymanov

A. A. Provotorov, Deputy of the Voronezh City Duma, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Budget, Economics, Planning, Tax Policy and Investments

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday! It is on this day that I would like to say many thanks to fate for the opportunity to communicate with you, an interesting, talented, outstanding person, and wish you the realization of all your plans, further professional growth, good health, family happiness and prosperity!

Director General of OJSC VOMZ, Deputy of the Voronezh City Duma, Vice President of the Regional Public Fund for Support of the All-Russian political party United Russia Alexander Provotorov

A.B. Dubovskoy, Deputy of the Voronezh City Duma, Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee on Budget, Economics, Planning, Tax Policy and Investments

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday! With all my heart I wish you good health, inexhaustible energy, good spirits! May all your plans come true, may they be good decisions and bright victories! I wish that you are always surrounded and supported by loving relatives, true friends, reliable colleagues! Health, happiness, success!

Sincerely, Andrey Dubovskoy, Deputy of the Voronezh City Duma

N.I. Novokshenova, Deputy of the Voronezh City Duma, Deputy Chairman of the Permanent Commission on Education, Culture and Social Support of the Population

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! Your active civic position, professionalism and purposefulness inspire the respect of city residents, colleagues, leaders of all levels of executive and legislative power. I sincerely wish that the accumulated life experience, the support of relatives and friends will help you reach new career heights, bring your plans to life! Health, joy, love and peace of mind to you and your loved ones!

With best wishes, N.I. Novokshenova

A.V. Chernov, Deputy of the Voronezh City Duma, Deputy Chairman of the Health Commission

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! On this significant day, please accept my heartfelt wishes: may all your hopes and aspirations come true, may all the good things that you have already achieved multiply, and may your most cherished dreams and desires come true. I wish that you are always accompanied by good luck and success, that you are surrounded by reliable friends and like-minded people. May you be protected and warmed by the warmth of the hearts of your loved ones! Good health, inexhaustible energy, happiness and prosperity to you.

Sincerely, Deputy of the Voronezh City Duma, Deputy Chairman of the Health Commission A.V. Chernov

A.A. Zhukov, City Duma deputy

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Happy birthday to you!
for relatives to give
Warm smiles
love and kindness.
wonderful moments
lives were
Like roses
In a sunny garden!
Let there be a lot
On this day
smiles and memories
And it will become warmer at heart
From kind words
And wishes!

Deputy, Representative of the City Duma in the authorities of the Russian Federation A.A. Zhukov

IN AND. Smychnikova, Director of the Municipal Budgetary Institution of Culture of the Urban District of Voronezh "Centralized Library System"

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
With all my heart, personally and on behalf of the Municipal Budgetary Institution of Culture of the Voronezh City District "Centralized Library System" I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you further success in your paramount and time-consuming work in one of the most important posts in the country as a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
The past years have convincingly shown that you are a man of words and deeds, that your words never diverge from concrete deeds carried out in the interests of the residents of Voronezh. To a large extent, thanks to your initiative and efficiency, a competent approach, and efforts to attract young people to public life, Voronezh is becoming an attractive modern city.
A visible reflection of your success in the development of Voronezh was the strengthening of the cultural sphere. Thanks to your participation, modernly equipped library premises open their doors for Voronezh residents and guests of the city every day. Hundreds of Voronezh residents annually become participants in competitions and promotions organized by city libraries with your support.
I sincerely congratulate you, dear Sergey Viktorovich, on your birthday and wish you good health, success in your political activities for the benefit of the city of Voronezh and the people of Voronezh!

With deep respect, Director of the Municipal Budgetary Institution of Culture of the Voronezh City District "Centralized Library System" V.I. Smychnikova

S.G. Kazartseva, head of the administration of the Levoberezhny district of the urban district of the city of Voronezh

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On your birthday, please accept my most sincere and heartfelt congratulations!
May this festive day be remembered for a long time by warm meetings with friends, colleagues and serve as an impetus for fruitful work in the professional field.
I wish you good health, well-being, kindness and success in the implementation of your plans!

Head of the administration of the Levoberezhny district of the urban district of the city of Voronezh S. G. Kazartseva

V.D. Artemov, head of the administration of the Leninsky district of the urban district of Voronezh

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the administration of the Leninsky district and on my own behalf, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
I sincerely wish you health, inexhaustible energy and the fulfillment of all your plans.
Let the work bring only positive emotions! May purposefulness, perseverance and good luck accompany you, and may there always be true friends and reliable like-minded people nearby!
Please accept my warmest wishes for family well-being and personal happiness! Peace and blessings to you and your loved ones!

Head of the administration of the Leninsky district of the urban district of the city of Voronezh V.D. Artemov

L.A. Kirpicheva, director of the Voronezh Region Budgetary Institution "Railway CSC "Nadezhda"

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
We know you as a person dedicated to his work. You are a true professional, well-deserved respect, an experienced and enterprising politician. But the most important thing is an open and sincere person with whom it is pleasant not only to work, but also to communicate. This is what many people do who come to the city public reception for your advice and support. I am sure that any problem with which the visitors of our center turn to you will find their solution. You are waiting for a lot of large-scale cases to improve the social situation of our citizens, with which you will do an excellent job. With all my heart I wish you success, support of relatives, relatives and friends, realization of new ideas and plans, good health, happiness and fulfillment of desires!

Sincerely yours, Lyubov Anatolyevna Kirpicheva, Director of the Voronezh Region Budgetary Institution "Railway KTSSON "Nadezhda"

A.A. Golovin, General Director of AiF-Chernozemye

Dear Sergei Viktorovich!
We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! You were born at a wonderful time - in early spring, when the earth is full of vital juices, and everything around is longing for the awakening of the forces of nature, renewal and prosperity! We wish you the same irresistible power in accomplishments, prosperity in all matters, great happiness, good health and a sunny spring mood!
May all your plans come true, all your dreams come true, any business and undertakings be successful. May your loved ones only please you, and the number of your friends is constantly growing.

With great respect and best wishes, AiF-Chernozemye General Director A.I. Golovin

V.V. Dobrovolskaya, Chairman of the SPV SPV

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the members of the Voronezh regional public organization of families of servicemen who died in the Republic of Afghanistan, the North Caucasus and other local conflicts, and on behalf of me personally, I congratulate you on your birthday! We have been cooperating with you for more than one year, and therefore we appreciate not only the high level of organization, sense of responsibility, ability to work with maximum efficiency, but also a balanced, calm style of work that allows you to solve the most difficult questions. Your responsiveness, benevolent and attentive attitude towards people are worthy of respect. I wish you to go only forward in any situation and always feel at your best. Let the inner fire light the torch of vitality and optimism, and let your professionalism give you self-confidence! May your active life position, inexhaustible energy, knowledge and life experience contribute to the further prosperity of our beloved Voronezh Territory for the benefit of its inhabitants. I wish you good health, well-being, good luck, success in your responsible work and simple human happiness to you and your loved ones!

With respect and love, Chairman of the SPV SPV Dobrovolskaya Viktoria Viktorovna

L.D. Shevlyakova, Chairman of the Women's Council, Deputy Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Voronezh Region

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I congratulate you on your birthday! On this beautiful spring day, I send you the warmest, kindest and most sincere wishes of happiness in family life, happiness in children, confidence in the future, good health, prosperity and joy! I wish you the love of loved ones and the recognition of others! And may all the good wishes of today come true!

Chairman of the Women's Council, Deputy Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Voronezh Region L.D. Shevlyakova

M.A. Predko, Chairman of the Voronezh regional branch of the Russian Public Charitable Foundation for Veterans (pensioners) of war, labor and the Armed Forces

Happy birthday to Sergei Viktorovich Chizhov!
Dear Sergey Viktorovich, we sincerely thank you for your attention and care for the older generation. For many, your name is synonymous with hope and help. From many veterans, disabled people and pensioners, please accept the wishes of good health, happiness, kindness and great victories ahead.

Sincerely, Chairman of the Voronezh Regional Branch of the Foundation M.A. Predko

G.S. Reznichenko, Chairman of the Voronezh City Council of Veterans

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
The Voronezh City Council of Veterans of Education warmly and cordially congratulates you on your birthday!
You devote many years and effort to work in the State Duma, distributing budgetary funds, controlling their spending, and making sure that all decisions taken by the Duma are put into practice within the strictly scheduled time frame.
While doing a lot of work in the Duma, you also pay due attention to the residents of Voronezh, respond to the appeals, requests and complaints of your voters.
Teachers, veterans of pedagogical work express their deep gratitude to you for the attention and care that you show to them.
I wish you happiness, well-being and such health that it is enough for the implementation of all your ideas and plans.

Sincerely, Chairman of the Voronezh City Council of Veterans of Education Galina Stepanovna Reznichenko.

THEM. Nepomniachtchi, director of the Voronezh State Opera and Ballet Theater

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Your successful activity in the State Duma is a convincing manifestation of your professional, business and organizational skills. Providing support to our region in social and economic issues, you pay special attention to the sphere of culture, because every person should have full access to art. Thanks to your support, young people have the opportunity to reveal their talent and participate in various creative competitions. I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and wish you never lose heart, go to the end and be happy! Good luck, health and prosperity to your family!

Director of the Voronezh State Opera and Ballet Theater I.M. Nepomniachtchi

I. Verbitsky, conductor of the Voronezh Academic Symphony Orchestra

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I personally and the entire staff of the Voronezh Academic Symphony Orchestra heartily congratulate you on your birthday! It is amazing that in one person such a wide participation in the life of our wonderful city, which is known and felt by almost every Voronezh citizen - politician, author of numerous social projects. The very appearance of the city, thanks to your efforts, is changing day by day for the better.
We are grateful to you for your response and invaluable assistance in the implementation of the largest tour in the history of the Voronezh Orchestra in Europe. And the inhabitants of the city in each issue of the newspaper founded by you could rejoice and be proud of our success, read the admiring reviews of the audience and see the halls in which we performed. Our joint project of public concerts at the Chizhov Gallery Center is no less remarkable - it was gratifying to see how the number of listeners grew with each concert, how people came to the hall long ago to have the opportunity to get in touch with the Beautiful! It was also very pleasant for us to perform in a cozy and friendly atmosphere. Now, when the press and television pay offensively little attention to the propaganda of the classical heritage, this series of concerts has become for many perhaps the first appeal to the treasures of world musical culture.
We wish you good health, success and endless energy in all your multifaceted activities!

Igor Verbitsky, conductor of the Voronezh Academic Symphony Orchestra

Voronezh Russian Folk Choir named after K.I. Masalitinova

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept our sincere congratulations on your birthday.
From the Voronezh Choir
From native fields, steppes
We send to the Deputy
Congratulations friends!

Never to be sad
Let life be more fun.
And to meet and celebrate
Your centenary!

God bless you, strength,
Peace, creative victories!
Glorify our native Voronezh
And live a hundred years.

Sincerely, On behalf of the State Academic Voronezh Russian Folk Choir named after K.I. Masalitinova Artistic director V.N. Pomelnikov Director N.V. Popov

A.V. Shchukin, Chief Physician of the Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
From the bottom of my heart, accept the most sincere congratulations on your birthday! On this significant day, let me express my gratitude to you: having dedicated your life to serving native land, You make a significant contribution to the development of all spheres of life of Voronezh residents - socio-political, socio-economic and spiritual. You have achieved significant success in reviving the moral foundations and strengthening stability in your native land, with your support, good-neighborly relations of our region with other regions are expanding and strengthening - all your activities are focused on the benefit of the inhabitants of the Voronezh region, ensuring a decent, prosperous life and prosperity of the region. May all your undertakings and aspirations be further developed! Let new business be accompanied by good luck! On your birthday, please accept the best wishes for good health, happiness, family well-being, inexhaustible energy and optimism, wisdom and patience, the right decisions and promising projects for the benefit of the Voronezh region and all of Russia!

Chief Physician of the Healthcare Institution of Higher Education "Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1" A.V. Schukin

S.Ya. Shcherbakov, chief physician of BUZ VO VOKOB

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you good health, good spirits and inexhaustible energy! May good luck, good mood and confidence in the future always accompany you, and love and prosperity always reign in your house!

Chief Physician of BUZ VO VOKOB S.Ya. Shcherbakov

T.V. Zhdanova, chief physician of the State Healthcare Institution of the Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Happy birthday to you! I sincerely wish you happiness, good health, prosperity, stability, inexhaustible energy. Let luck and success accompany everything!

chief doctor of VOKB No. 2 T.V. Zhdanov

V.T. Poryadina, Chief Physician, MBUZ GO Voronezh "City Polyclinic No. 10"

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my congratulations on your birthday!
We have long-standing close cooperation with you and with the entire staff of the City Polyclinic No. 10. Ever since your work in the Regional Duma, you have been actively supporting our institution. Together we developed a plan for the construction of a new modern polyclinic in the Leninsky district, the project of which is already undergoing state examination.
Today, already as a deputy of the State Duma, you continue your active work aimed at the development of the Voronezh Territory. Thanks to federal support, we have made significant progress in the development of the medical industry, and federal funding for the modernization of healthcare opens up new prospects for Voronezh, helping to improve the quality of public services.
Accept the wishes of personal and family well-being, and most importantly - health! May you continue to be successful in all your endeavors, and may you have enough free time to relax in the circle of your closest relatives and friends!

Chief Physician of MBUZ GO Voronezh "City Polyclinic No. 10" Poryadina Valentina Tikhonovna

L.B. Dmitrenko, chief physician of MBUZ GO Voronezh "City polyclinic No. 8"

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my congratulations on your birthday!
The Voronezh region, in your person, has found an energetic and active politician who worthily represents the region in the State Duma. In addition, you find time for active work at the regional level, paying great attention to the development of our region. Today, Voronezh healthcare has entered a new stage of development: the material and technical base of healthcare facilities is being replenished, institutions are being overhauled, modern specialized centers are being opened, such as perinatal and cardiac surgery. All these transformations have become possible thanks to the active federal support of the authorities and your personal participation and concern for the life of the region.
In honor of your birthday, please accept the words of gratitude and congratulations from the entire staff of the Voronezh City Polyclinic No. 8. May your activity, purposefulness continue to contribute to the prosperity of our region!

Chief Physician of MBUZ GO Voronezh "City Polyclinic No. 8" Dmitrenko Lyudmila Borisovna

A.Yu. Goncharov, Chief Physician, Semiluk Central District Hospital named after A.V. Goncharov"

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Medical workers of MBUZ "Semiluk CRH named after I.I. A.V. Goncharova" sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! May this beautiful day of yours give vivacity, inspiration! Good luck, happiness, earthly blessings, Good health, luck! Success to you and brilliant undertakings, new achievements to you!

Sincerely, Chief Physician A.Yu. Goncharov

L.I. Anishcheva, Director of the Voronezh State Industrial and Humanitarian College

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
The staff of the Voronezh State Industrial and Humanitarian College congratulates you with a special feeling on your birthday! V last years innovative processes are taking place in Russian society, as a result of which education, as one of the important spheres of life, rises to a different, more high level. Your active work for the benefit of your native region has made the Voronezh Region a participant in numerous comprehensive projects to modernize education. I am convinced that your knowledge and experience will continue to contribute to the solution of the most important state tasks at all levels of government. I want to wish with all my heart that on your life path you will meet only smart and kind people who are ready to be there at the right moment!

Director of GOBU SPO VO "Voronezh State Industrial and Humanitarian College" Anishcheva Lyudmila Ivanovna

The team of GOBU SPO VO "Voronezh Mechanical College"

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
The staff of the Voronezh Mechanical College GOBU SPO VO cordially congratulates you on your birthday.
Health, good luck, prosperity!
So important in any situation
Remain confident in victory
Whatever happens, be yourself
And even if it's hard, don't give up!
And let the support of relatives and friends
Help in every business
May wishes come true soon
May all goals become achievable!

I.A. Didenko, director of GOBU NPO VO "PU No. 12 of Voronezh", Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
I am glad to congratulate you on behalf of the entire staff of Vocational School No. 12 on your birthday!
May kind smiles and heartfelt congratulations accompany you on this day, your whole life will be filled with love, warmth and care of dear people. Let the boundaries of professional achievements expand, opening horizons for new achievements.
You are systematically working to ensure that students and teachers in the Voronezh Region have the opportunity to work and receive education in proper conditions. We are proud to have strong support at the federal and regional levels in your person. Good luck to you, health, happiness and love.

Sincerely, Director of GOBU NPO VO "PU No. 12 of Voronezh", Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation Didenko I.A.

S.N. Tatsenko, director of MBOU "School No. 34"

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept my congratulations on your birthday!
Who better than you, a highly educated person, knows that knowledge is the basis of personal growth. This basis, on which the future success of each person depends, is laid at school.
Today, special attention is paid to the support of education in our region by the state: profile national projects are being implemented, institutions are being modernized, and the salaries of teachers are being raised. Thanks to your personal participation, the material and technical base of our school is replenished, for which I would like to say a few words of gratitude to you on behalf of the entire team.
On your birthday, from me personally, from all teachers of MBOU "School No. 34", students and parents, please accept sincere wishes for professional and personal success, good luck in all your endeavors, peace and prosperity for your family!

Director of MBOU "School No. 34" Tatsenko Sergey Nikolaevich

ON THE. Zibrova, head of the MBDOU "CRR - Kindergarten No. 73"

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Please accept sincere congratulations on your birthday on behalf of the entire staff of the Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 73!
You combine an energetic, purposeful politician, an active public figure and a loving father! Who better than you knows that caring for children is caring for the future of the country as a whole, which is why the support that you provide to preschool educational institutions in Voronezh is so significant and important.
We sincerely thank you for the attention you pay to our kindergarten, and wish you family warmth and comfort. May the high mission of being the father of two children bring you true joy!

Head of MBDOU "CRR - Kindergarten No. 73" Zibrova Nadezhda Alekseevna

E.A. Surkova, head of MBDOU "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 38"

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Your birthday fell on the first spring days, when all nature comes to life from sleep. At this time, I would like to wish you joyful meetings only with the most faithful and grateful people!
The attention you give preschool institutions cities and regions, it is difficult to overestimate - the salary level of teachers is increasing, new kindergartens are being opened and existing kindergartens are being repaired, and those that were once used for other purposes are returned to children, modern educational materials, necessary technical equipment and scientific and methodological base appear. In addition, kindergarten groups for growing schoolchildren are starting to work at schools. Under the careful supervision of professional staff, children grow and develop, and their parents are always calm.
Please accept my warmest congratulations, may all your plans come true!

Head of MBDOU "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 38" Surkova Elena Aleksandrovna

SOUTH. Markelov, director of Children's Art School No. 13

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Administration of Children's Art School No. 13 heartily congratulates you on your birthday! I sincerely wish you good health, family well-being, success in economic and political life country. Expresses deep gratitude to you for the annual support, financial assistance in the development of the material and creative base of the school.

Director of Children's Art School No. 13 Yu.G. Markelov

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Let life give more luck
All plans and desires will come true
Confidence and will help
Successfully complete all undertakings!

Let the vast expanse attract prospects,
Waiting for new victories, achievements
And the path to a dream come true will be easy!
Prosperity, prosperity! Happy Birthday!

Department of the family of women and children in the Leninsky district

V.F. Ukhin, Chairman of the Leninsky District Branch of the Society of the Disabled

Sergei Viktorovich Chizhov is an amazing person!
During his life he has achieved a lot: today he is a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, and he was elected for the third time, the founder of the largest company in our city - the Chizhov Gallery Association, the author of the unique project "Chizhov Gallery Center". And most importantly, Sergei Chizhov reached all these peaks himself: an ordinary boy who grew up in good Soviet times, he made his own way into life. As they say, he made himself! And what is especially commendable - having taken high positions, Sergei Chizhov did not forget his small homeland, did not tear himself away from the roots, and everything he does, he does for the land of Voronezh and for the inhabitants of our region. The vital energy of Sergei Viktorovich can be envied, and therefore there is no doubt that he will not stop there and will continue his creative activity.
I wish him excellent health, longevity and great personal happiness!

Sincerely yours, Leninsky district branch of the society of disabled people, chairman Vladimir Fedorovich Ukhin

A.G. Maltseva, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of Pedagogical Labor of the Central District

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
The Council of Veterans of Pedagogical Labor of the Central District of Voronezh congratulates you on your birthday!
Your remarkable qualities as a leader, fruitful work as a State Duma deputy, fidelity to civic duty, high demands on yourself and others, constant concern for the improvement of your native Voronezh and maintaining a decent standard of living for the older generation earned you the well-deserved respect of Voronezh residents. You care a lot about the elderly, which makes us very happy. We are veteran teachers and we are proud of you. You are a worthy student of our time!
On your birthday, we sincerely wish you good health, well-being, a lot of strength to work for the benefit of our Motherland, and may creative and business success accompany you in everything!

Sincerely, Alexandra G. Maltseva, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of Pedagogical Labor of the Central District.

G.I. Pshenitsyna, veterans of pedagogical labor of the Kominternovsky district, chairman of the regional Council of Veterans of Education

There is no profession without a teacher. We are pedagogical workers, from the first days of our labor activity we live in a circle of people: colleagues, children - our students, their parents. They need us - and in this we find satisfaction in our work, we feel that people need us.
And the years fly by. And now the moment comes when, for a number of reasons, we go on a well-deserved rest. And here many of us experience great stress - health, financial situation, loneliness ...
And how happy our veterans are with any attention to them, how pleasant it is for an elderly person to receive congratulations on his birthday, professional or calendar holiday from those with whom he once worked, and even more so from State Duma deputy Sergei Chizhov. A telephone congratulation or a telegram on his behalf always evokes a feeling of gratitude for not being forgotten about them. Most of the anniversaries of retired teachers in our district were participants holiday events organized with the support of Sergei Chizhov were awarded letters of thanks on his behalf.
For this attention, for responsiveness and warmth, we say to you, dear Sergey Viktorovich, on your birthday, a huge human THANK YOU! I wish you happiness, health, well-being, fulfillment of all your plans and many years of fruitful work for the benefit of our people!

Sincerely, veterans of pedagogical work of the Kominternovsky district, chairman of the regional Council of Veterans of Education Galina Ivanovna Pshenitsyna.

S.V. Parshin, director of the BU VO Levoberezhny KTSSON "Zhemchuzhina"

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On this day, from the bottom of my heart, accept congratulations on your birthday and wishes of health, vigor, family warmth and comfort, active fruitful work, new creative ideas, broad opportunities and promising projects. May the accumulated life experience and wisdom help you reach new heights, your innermost desires and aspirations come true, all the good that is in your life will be preserved and moments of joy, love and optimism will multiply. Your business and organizational skills have made it possible to achieve success in the implementation of various tasks, let the business to which you devote your mental strength, experience and knowledge bring joy and desire for new professional achievements. Your successful work and the ability to maintain partnerships is a confirmation of the truth that success is the privilege of professionals! On behalf of yourself personally and on behalf of the team, accept sincere wishes for success and prosperity, so that impassable obstacles never arise on your life path, so that luck always and everywhere accompanies you and the clear sky shines over your head. I wish you new good deeds and achievements, the embodiment of all ideas in the hard work of reviving a strong and prosperous Russia!

Sincerely yours, director of the BU VO Levoberezhny KTSSON "Zhemchuzhina" S.V. Parshin

THEM. Karpun, Chairman of the Levoberezhnaya Regional Organization of Veterans and Pensioners

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of all veterans of the Levoberezhny District, please accept sincere congratulations on your birthday. Largely thanks to you, many actions and projects initiated by you, in Voronezh - the City of Military Glory, veterans, home front workers, prisoners and widows of fallen soldiers of the Great Patriotic War are honored and remembered. We say thank you for not forgetting the participants in those great battles, working for the benefit of them to have not only material, but also moral support. Your personal qualities are not inferior to professional ones - you are always attentive and responsive, you deeply feel any problem of the older generation. Thank you, may only luck, happiness and prosperity accompany you in life!

Sincerely yours, Igor Mitrofanovich Karpun, Chairman of the Levoberezhnaya Regional Organization of Veterans and Pensioners.

V.E. Pigarev, artistic director of the artistic team

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
The front-line artistic brigade "Soldiers of Victory" congratulates you on your birthday!
You are always full of strength and energy to achieve your goals. Thanks to high professionalism and many years of work experience, you are able to quickly solve even the most complex tasks. In responsible work as a deputy of the State Duma, you are helped by authority and competence, deep knowledge of local and regional issues, responsiveness and desire to help people.
You personify a generation of modern leaders who know how to work competently in a market economy, are constantly in the whirlpool of events and bring new, fresh ideas.
We, your associates and assistants in military-patriotic work with veterans and youth, can confidently say that you can always count on our most ardent support in the implementation of social projects and actions initiated by you.
We sincerely wish you good health, happiness, family well-being, as well as new achievements for the benefit of our Motherland!
Goodness, love, prosperity and peace to you, your family and friends!

Sincerely yours, Vyacheslav Evgenievich Pigarev, artistic director of the artistic team.

Z. Terskikh, member of the Union of Writers "Military Commonwealth"

Dear Sergey Viktorovich, happy birthday to you!

Things don't leave you
Notable achievements!
And always unexpected
The birthday is coming.

Are you wondering... "Really
Another year has flown by?
- "Yes Yes. Gone, in fact.
The people congratulate you again.

Important papers - aside
And let him bring the phone
For you and fun and loud
Words of love from all sides!

The spring wind flutters the flags,
The church chime sounds...
Spring is coming full of courage
It looks like you are bowing!

And I wish you good health
Happy mood...
With warm heart
and with love
Congratulations! Zinaida Terskikh.

N.P. Tarasenko, artistic director and choreographer of the Exemplary Choreographic Ensemble "ROSINKA"

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Thanks to your leadership qualities, you successfully represent the interests of the Voronezh Region in the State Duma, contributing to the development of the region in the economic and social areas. As the initiator of many creative projects of the city, I express my gratitude to you, as they allow young people to reveal their creative potential and decide on the choice of their further professional path. Always remain the same progressive-minded politician, energetic and harmonious personality and responsible citizen of our Motherland! I wish you and your family health, longevity and prosperity!

Sincerely, Artistic Director and Choreographer of the Exemplary Choreographic Ensemble "ROSINKA", Honored Worker of the Russian Federation, Tarasenko Nina Pavlovna

Board of the VOOO "Regional Boxing Federation"

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
The Boxing Federation of the Voronezh Region wishes you a Happy Birthday! Even if you have grown old a little, And the wrinkles around the eyelids have thickened, Age is, by God, a formality. Be young at heart, happiness to you, health, success and prosperity! Thank you for your contribution to the development of boxing for the benefit of the city of Voronezh.

Sincerely, The Board of the VOOO "Regional Boxing Federation"

I.I. Pereslavtseva, Director of the state institution of the Vornezh region "Regional center for social assistance to families and children" Burevestnik "

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
On behalf of the staff of the Burevestnik Regional Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children, I congratulate you on your birthday. I express my deep gratitude for the assistance provided, which is so necessary for the rehabilitation of children who find themselves in a difficult life situation. Your timely help gives children the opportunity to realize their value and significance for the people around them.
I wish you further success in your work, interesting fruitful ideas and opportunities for their implementation, thoughtful decisions and implementation of all projects, long happy years of life surrounded by people who love you.

Director of the state institution of the Vornezh region "Regional center for social assistance to families and children" Burevestnik "Pereslavtseva Irina Ivanovna

The team of the branch of the KUVO "USZN" Leninsky district

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
The branch of the state institution of the Voronezh region "Department of social protection of the population of the Voronezh region" Leninsky district of Voronezh congratulates you on your birthday! For many years we have known you as a sympathetic, caring person. You are equally ready to solve the problems of socially unprotected categories of citizens and to provide real assistance to those who need it at the moment. We sincerely wish you success in your work, reliable associates, true friends, right decisions, good health and great personal happiness!

The team of the branch of the KUVO "USZN" of the Leninsky district Branch manager Martynova N.V.

Semiluk District Palace of Children's Creativity

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
Teachers, parents and pupils of the Semiluk District Palace of Children's Creativity wish you a Happy Birthday!
We sincerely wish you peace, kindness and happiness. We are grateful to you for helping our institution in organizing the educational process.
May good luck accompany you in your parliamentary activities.

Residents of the Kominternovsky district

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! From the rostrum of the State Duma, you have been successfully defending the interests of the Voronezh Region for many years. And in the achievements of Voronezh during this period there is your significant contribution. Many thanks to you also for organizing the work of public receptions, which provide highly qualified consultative assistance and real psychological support to citizens. We sincerely wish that the next year will be associated with new opportunities and the implementation of the most daring plans for you. We wish you to move forward and only forward. And, of course, good health, happiness and prosperity, professional achievements, peace and harmony in the family!

The staff of the furniture salon "Union"

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
The staff of the furniture salon "Union" congratulates you on your birthday! I wish you health, well-being, comfort in the house and happiness in the family!

Financial service of the Association "Gallery Chizhov"

Sergei Viktorovich!
Although we do not sow and do not plow,
We have a different front of work,
Under the guidance of your wise
We are moving right forward.

I'm walking the free path
Which is generally not surprising:
With such a guiding star
Like you, it's a sin not to move.

With heartfelt zeal and passion
We literally pray for you
And therefore your birthday,
Your holiday is the best day for us.

With best wishes, Financial Service of the Association "Gallery Chizhov"


The talent of a politician and active deputy activity, stamina, adherence to principles inherent in you, devotion to our common cause made us a single monolithic team of like-minded people, which ensured victory in the presidential elections.

I am convinced that your professionalism, initiative and responsible deputy in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine will continue to contribute to the progressive development of the state and the creation of a decent level of its citizens.

I wish you health, happiness, inspiration and new achievements.


Victor Yanukovich

print version

Official documents

Patriarchal congratulations to the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation V.I. happy birthday resin / patriarch /

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia congratulated Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation V.I. Resin on his birthday.

Advisor to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia on construction issues, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation V. I. Resin

Dear Vladimir Iosifovich!

I heartily congratulate you on your birthday.

You devoted many years of your life to work for the good of the Fatherland, holding various responsible positions in the capital's Government. Your experience, professionalism and talent as an administrator have been marked by many state awards.

Now you are a deputy of the State Duma and an adviser to the mayor of Moscow, and recently you became an adviser to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia on construction issues. I hope that your efforts in the new field will contribute to the further development of the parish life of the Mother See of the City, the spiritual and moral enlightenment of our compatriots, and the establishment of civil peace and harmony in society.

I wish you good health, vigor, patience, success and God's help in all good deeds and undertakings.

Congratulations from Deputy Viktor Goncharov on May 1 (2013)

No description.



Congratulations to the deputy on his birthday

congratulations to the deputy on his birthday Today:

International Mother Language Day International Mother Language Day, proclaimed by the UNESCO General Conference in November 1999, has been celebrated every year since February 2000 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism. Languages ​​are the most powerful tool for preserving and developing our material and spiritual heritage. According to UNESCO estimates, half of the world's 6,000 languages ​​may soon lose their last native speakers. All steps to promote the spread of mother tongues serve not only to promote linguistic diversity and multilingual education, to develop a fuller acquaintance with linguistic and cultural traditions around the world, but also to strengthen solidarity based on mutual understanding, tolerance and dialogue.

Expected in the coming days: February 22, 2019 across 1 day

International Day in Support of Victims of Crime On February 22, 1990, the Government of England published a Charter for the Victims of Crime. Since then, the whole civilized and democratic world has been celebrating the Day of Support for Victims of Crime. The problem of social rehabilitation of crime victims began to excite the community at the end of the last century. In September 1985, the Seventh United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders adopted the Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power. On November 29, 1985, the UN General Assembly adopted this declaration, for the first time developing universal principles for the support and protection of victims of crime and abuse of power. Now in a number of countries laws have been adopted and are in force aimed at protecting victims of criminal acts, their social rehabilitation, and compensation for material and moral damage. There are up to 200 crime victim assistance programs around the world. From programs to help survivors of sexual assault to municipal services of crime scene cleaners and locksmiths who insert locks and fix burglary front doors for free. Such programs really help people cope with stress, get out of the crisis, and finally, they simply provide material assistance and moral support.

February 23, 2019 across 2 days

Defenders of the Fatherland Day Immediately after the victory of the armed uprising of the Bolsheviks in Petrograd on November 7-8, 1917, the Soviet government had to fight not only with internal enemies who did not want to go into a bright communist tomorrow, but also with external enemies - the 1st World War and military actions were on the territory of Russia. The Soviet government, in order to protect the Soviet state from Kaiser's Germany, began organizing regular armed forces. January 28, 1918 Chairman of the Council People's Commissars V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin) signed a decree "On the organization of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA), and on February 11 the decree "On the organization of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Fleet" - (RKKF). Workers who voluntarily expressed a desire to serve in the ranks of the armed defenders of the Fatherland were accepted into the Red Army and the Red Navy. On February 18, 1918, the Austro-German (there were only 39 German divisions) and Turkish troops, treacherously violating the truce concluded on December 15, 1917, invaded Soviet Russia and proceeded to occupy Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic states. On February 21, German troops captured Minsk. On this day, the Soviet government addressed the people with the appeal "The Socialist Fatherland is in danger!" On February 23, the Day of the Red Army was held in Petrograd under the slogan of defending the socialist Fatherland from the "Kaiser's troops." In Petrograd alone, tens of thousands of volunteers rose up to repulse the enemy. The newly formed units of the Red Army immediately entered the battle against the German troops. It must be said that many historians question the fact of any noticeable victory in these days of 1918. Newspapers of that time do not contain victorious reports. They did not talk about the anniversary of the victory even a year later - in 1919. Such references began to appear only in the early 1920s. Since 1922, February 23 has acquired the character of a great national holiday, as the Birthday of the Red Army. On February 22, 1922, a parade of the troops of the Moscow garrison took place on Red Square, and in the evening - a solemn meeting of the Moscow Council together with representatives of the military units of the Moscow garrison. And since 1923, by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, February 23 was celebrated annually as the Day of the Red Army. Since 1946, the holiday has been called the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. In Ukraine, on the basis of the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated February 23, 1999 No. 202/99, this day is enshrined in the list of professional holidays and memorable dates as Defender of the Fatherland Day.